St Joseph's Regional College Newsletter 26th October 2012



Weekly Newsletter

Citation preview


th October 2012

What’s on Week 4

Term 4 2012

P.O. Box 231 College Drive

PORT MACQUARIE 2444 Ph: 02 5525 4100

Fax: 02 5525 4199

SUNDAY 30 th Sunday of Ordinary Time Mass Times: St. Agnes’ Port Macquarie Our Lady of Lourdes Wauchope Saturday Vigil – 6.00pm Saturday Vigil – 6.00pm Sunday – 7.30am, 9.00am & 6.00pm Sunday 7.30am Telegraph Point – Thursday Night 6.00pm Beechwood – 9.00am 1st & 3rd Laurieton – Saturday Vigil 5.30pm, Sunday – 7.30am Kendall – 9.00am Mass (1st Saturday month 10.00am Mass Comboyne) Long Flat – 9.00am 2nd & 4th Sunday MONDAY, 29th October (Day 6)

- HSC Modern History (am) German Beginners (pm) Staff Briefing 8.30am Leadership Team Meeting Period 1 SAPSS Jazz band in Performing Arts Centre from 4.00pm – 6.00pm

TUESDAY, 30th October (Day 7)

- HSC Geography (pm) Sport day for Year 7-10 SAPSS Leadership Team Meeting period 4 Homework Hub for Seniors till 5.00pm SAPSS Concert Band 4.00pm – 5.00pm

WEDNESDAY, 31st October (Day 8)

- HSC PD/H/PE (am) Junior Percussion Ensemble 8.00am – 8.45am in PAC College Assembly St Agnes’ Hostel Choir Tour periods 5 – 7 Senior Percussion Ensemble 1.05pm – 1.45pm in C1 Admin Team Meeting period 6 Dramarama in PAC 3.30pm

THURSDAY, 1st November (Day 9)

- HSC History Ext (am) Textiles & Design (pm) Meeting in morning PC Homework Hub for Seniors till 5.00pm

FRIDAY, 2nd November (Day 10)

- HSC Physics (am) Legal Studies (pm) Year 9 Volleyball in Hall 7.30am Concert Band in PAC 7.45am – 8.45am Extended Transition 8.30am – 1250pm Year 11 Reflection Day Year 10 Motivational Speaker Period 2 Year 7-10 Meetings in morning PC Pastoral Team Meeting period 4 Boys Volleyball training after school in hall

DATES TO REMEMBER: Friday 16th November Year 7 2013 Orientation Day Saturday 17th November Year 12 Graduation Dinner Wednesday 5th December – Monday 10th December Year 7-10 Exams Tuesday 11th December Year 7-9 Exams & Year 10 PC Day Wednesday 5th December – Friday 14th December HSC Assessment Tasks Wednesday 12th December – Friday 14th December Pupil Free Days Monday 17th December Year 10 Award Presentations Monday 17th December Christmas Mass and Exam Feedback Lessons Thursday 20th December Year 7-9 Awards – Last day for students

“The Truth will set you free”

Be the


THE MONTH OF THE ‘HOLY SOULS’ In the secular world, November is the month of the Melbourne Cup, the mo-vember fundraiser, when end of year exams take place, preparations for Christmas begin and so on. In our Catholic tradition, it is also the month of the ’Holy Souls’, when we especially remember and pray for our relatives and friends who have pre-deceased us. 2nd November is All Souls Day, a day when the Universal Church recalls and prays for all the dead. As we have loved our family and friends in life, we do not forget them in death. We as Christians do not believe that death is the end, but the beginning of a new mode of existence in eternal life where we find our ultimate fulfilment. Human beings, no matter how good they may be as people are not perfect. We are all sinners to some extent and are in need of repentance. In the Catholic tradition, it is our belief that we need forgiveness and temporary purification before the eternal reward of heaven. So it is ‘a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead’ that they may be forgiven their faults and enjoy eternal life. It is our hope that all our loved ones REST in PEACE.

Mr Jim O’Brien Coordinating Principal


ONLY FOR TODAY Pope John XXIII was an influential religious and world leader until his death in 1963. Here is his advice about how to live a better life, one day at a time. 1. Only for today, I will seek to live the livelong day positively without wishing to solve the problems of my life all at once. 2. Only for today, I will take the greatest care of my appearance: I will dress modestly; I will not raise my voice; I will be courteous in my behaviour; I will not criticise anyone; I will not claim to improve or to discipline anyone except myself. 3. Only for today, I will be happy in the certainty that I was created to be happy, not only in the other world but also in this one. 4. Only for today, I will adapt to circumstances, without requiring all circumstances to be adapted to my own wishes. 5. Only for today, I will devote 10 minutes of my time to some good reading, remembering that just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so good reading is necessary to the life of the soul. 6. Only for today, I will do one good deed and not tell anyone about it. 7. Only for today, I will do at least one thing I do not like doing; and if my feelings are hurt, I will make sure that no one notices. 8. Only for today, I will make a plan for myself: I may not follow it to the letter, but I will make it. And I will be on guard against two evils: hastiness and indecision.

9. Only for today, I will firmly believe, despite appearances, that the good Providence (of God) cares for me as no one else who exists in this world. 10. Only for today, I will have no fears. In particular, I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful and to believe in goodness. Indeed, for 12 hours I can certainly do what might cause me consternation were I to believe I had to do it all my life. Although the Pope over 50 years ago gave this advice it would still most certainly be a wonderful guideline “Only for Today” right now in 2012 for St Joseph’s Regional College community. If we took some time to reflect on these points today it will bring a better tomorrow for all those around us, as well as ourselves. I really liked this when I found it and I thought other parents may as well. It is a way in this year of grace that we can bring the grace of God alive in our community.

“May the spirit of the Lord be with you”“May the spirit of the Lord be with you”“May the spirit of the Lord be with you”“May the spirit of the Lord be with you” Mrs Anne O’Brien Principal



Year Tasks this week. IC = in class task; HI = Han d in task

7-8 Nil

9 Music (HI)

10 Food Tech, Geography (IC), History (IC), Art (HI) Monday: Maths

11 Nil


In conjunction with the Duke of Edinburgh program and St Paul’s High School. Positions are available for SJRC students to do a 9 day trip to New Zealand in January 2014. Including: a 3 day hike of the Milford Track, Overnight cruise, Gondola ride, Zip-lining, Jet Boating, Luge rides and Canyoning. Cost would be approximately $2,500.00. If enough expressions of interests are received, an information night will be held in Week 4. Please note that this trip is only available for students who would be enrolled in Year 10 or above in 2014. Email with your child’s name if you would be interested in receiving more information about this trip.


Monday Marion Pallot Tuesday Viccy Tickle Wednesday Help Please! Thursday Julie Davis-Chaplin Friday Stephanie Pepper


Lost something.... a hat, your PE gear or Netbook? We now have an online 'Lost Property' register that should help you to relocate your item. Go to the Moodle website and click on the icon in the Quicklinks box and Mrs Avery might be able to assist you. Note to parents: You don’t need to be logged on to access the lost property link, just go to and register your child’s lost items.


HARDER PROBABILITY You have three bags, each containing two marbles. Bag A contains two white marbles, Bag B contains two black marbles, and Bag C contains one white marble and one black marble. You pick a random bag and take out one marble. It is a white marble. What is the probability that the remaining marble from the same bag is also white? Answer for last week 14527


The following excerpt is from an article on the World Organisation of the Scout Movement website:

When the SCOUTS app for iPhone was launched in 2011, developers willing to volunteer and develop a similar application for the Android were invited to contact World Scouting. What makes the new Android application remarkable is that it has been completely dsigned by a 14 year-old Scout Patrol/Team Leader, Phillip Nickl, of the Seal Patrol in the 1st Port Macquarie Sea Scouts, and he doesn’t even own his own Andriod phone yet! However, one would be quite wrong to this that Phillip spends all of his spare time coding at his computer – far from it! Phillip is an active member of the Scout Youth Councils of both the North Coast Region State and New South Wales showing his commitment to Scouting. He is also part of the NSW Youth Environment Team and the Australia National Geocaching Team. Little wonder then that he has recently achieved Scouts Australia’s highest award for the Scout age section, the Australian Scout Medallion.

To install the free SCOUTS for Android app visit the Google Play store and search for SCOUTS. Congratulations Phillip – a great achievement.


Congratulations to Lauren Bartie (Year 8) on her success at this

year’s Port Macquarie Rotary Essay Writing Competition final,

held at Westport Club on Tuesday evening.

Amongst some impressive competition, Lauren managed to

receive a bronze award for her research into the issue of

Australia’s current refugee policy, the judges commenting on the

detailed and extensive nature of Lauren’s investigation, her ability

to both present her findings in a highly compelling form and to

posit solutions to a pressing and complex issue, as well as her

quietly confident and persuasive oratory skills.

Ms Brigitte Rieger

English Coordinator


St Agnes Primary School Port Macquarie will stage its annual

School Fair on Saturday 3rd November at the school in Boronia Street from 9.00am to 2.00pm.

Featuring: Raffles, Garage Sale, Santa Photos, Mums and Bubs Stall, Plant Stall, Cake Stall, Craft Stall, Baskets of Gifts, Books, Lolly Shop, Cappuccino Club, BBQs, Kids Zone which includes jumping castle

and games.

There is a whole host of entertainment which culminates in a parachute jump lottery at 12.30pm followed by the drawing of the major raffle, with 1st prize a voucher for $1000 from Port Central.

Spend a special day on Saturday 3rd November at the St Agnes School Fair, Boronia Street, Port

Macquarie from 9.00am.


Friday 26th October, 4.00pm – 7.00pm

Pastoral Activities Centre (just above KFC) Halloween Movie Night – Starting at 4.30pm

For all youth over 13 years old “Only you can make the difference”

For further details contact Peter on 6584 9970 or 0429 658 404


PARENT LIBRARY Our College Library houses numerous titles which have been purchased or donated for use by parents. The Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Parent Assembly has kindly donated many of these, and this week, we present a review of one of them. Please contact Library staff if you would like to borrow this, or indeed any of the forthcoming reviewed titles. “Queen bees & wannabes” by Rosalind Wiseman is subtitled “Helping your daughter survive cliques, gossip, boyfriends and the new realities of Girl World”. When first published, this book fundamentally changed the way adults look at girls’ friendships and conflicts. Covering topics as diverse as role playing, power plays, boys, texting and instant messaging, fake apologies and so forth, parents of girls in particular will find much to interest them in this book. Contact Library staff to arrange to borrow this item. BOOK RETURN As Year 11 have sat their Preliminary course examinations, and Year 12 students are currently undertaking their HSC examinations, they have been reminded about their obligations with regard to text-book return. Specifically, each senior student has been issued with a list of their current loans. Year 11 students have been advised which of their textbooks need to be returned, and which can be retained into 2013. They have also been advised that failure to return items will result in being billed for the replacement cost by end of Week 4, term 4. Year 12 students need to have returned all their items by the date of their last exam. They will be billed at the end of the HSC exam period for any unreturned items. BELONGING BBQ Last Friday, All Year 11 students were involved in a special “Belonging” BBQ and awareness day. All HSC English students explore the concept of “Belonging” as their Area of Study, and the Library has accumulated many resources to assist in this study. After a delicious BBQ lunch, students came into the Library to explore the resources available, and to learn how to access some electronic resources. We have created a LibGuide specifically for

this purpose, and it can be found at Special thanks to Mr Craig Buesnel and the boys in his group for cooking the lunch, and to Mr Greg Hollis who ‘dished it up” Stay up to date with what’s happening….“Like” us at St Joseph’s Regional College Library, on FaceBook . Or Follow us on Twitter – @sjrcexchange Karen Bale Teacher Librarian



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Wednesday 14th November



Creative Arts NewsCreative Arts NewsCreative Arts NewsCreative Arts News

Congratulations to our HSC Music

Students who undertook their examinations on


May you reap the rewards of all

your hard work and effort.

CAREERS ALERT All Year 11 and 12 parents are encouraged to ensure that they have subscribed to their free service as all careers information is distributed this way. Follow the link below and follow the prompts to sign up. MOODLE – CAREERS Always updated with important documents for work experience and university information. Parents can access this information via your child’s login.

YEAR 8, 9 and 10 – TAX FILE NUMBERS Tax file number forms are processed by Mrs Tinsey every Friday. New forms are now available from the office.

UPCOMING EVENTS 23rd October Senior Schools Day at Southern Cross University

UNI CONNECT A forum to connect regional secondary students with university students across Australia.

How to find us: Search Facebook Pages for Uni Connect and ‘like’ the page to start asking questions.

How to use the page: • If you have a broad question write it directly onto the wall and someone will get back to you

• If you have a specific question about a university or degree go to the not titled “Meet the Uni Connect Team’ which is pinned to the top of the wall and search for someone currently studying at the university or doing the degree you are interested in, then write the question on the wall starting off with the name of the Uni Connect Team Member you are addressing the question to.

• Keep an eye on the notes section for university tips, interview tips, application tips, FAQ and more.

CAREER TOOLS We are trialling a new Careers communication system called Career Tools. We have sent out some group emails recently and ask that you are patient as we learn to operate this new system. Please open any links contained in the emails in Adobe Reader. Any feedback would be appreciated. If you have a child in Year 10 or 12 and you didn’t receive a careers email please contact Michelle in the office to update your details. SOUTHERN CROSS UNIVERSITY SENIOR SCHOOL’S DAY On October 23rd, Year 11 students will have the opportunity to attend Senior School’s Day at Southern Cross University (Coffs Harbour Campus). This is a day where students can access a lot of information regarding transitioning from school to University, costs, living away from home, along with course specific information


Once again this year we are compiling a Yearbook for St Agnes’

Parish Secondary Schools. This family of schools incorporates

St Paul’s High School, St Joseph’s Regional College, MacKillop

Senior College and Newman Senior Technical College. This year

the yearbook will be in full colour

We are inviting the parents of our students who wish to advertise in

this Yearbook or to sponsor a page, to complete the form below and return it with a cheque made

payable to MACKILLOP SENIOR COLLEGE to the campus office of your choice, by Friday 16th

November. Please include business card or relevant artwork or email information to .

�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I/We are interested in advertising and/or sponsoring a page in the School Yearbook for 2012. CONTACT NAME:_____________________________________________________________ BUSINESS NAME: ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ PHONE:___________________________________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________________________________________________ The options and prices for this year are as follows: 1. STANDARD BUSINESS CARD (incl GST) $50 2. ENLARGED ADVERTISEMENT (19cm x 5.5cm)(incl GST) $85 3. HALF-A-PAGE ADVERTISEMENT (incl GST) $250 4. FULL PAGE ADVERTISEMENT (incl GST) $500 5. FULL PAGE COLOUR ADVERTISEMENT (on inside cover) (incl GST) $600

Donations of any amount are also gratefully accepted.



Year 8 will be doing elective sport for four weeks in fourth term, beginning in week 5. Students will be asked to make selections in week 4 using our sports selections program. The link to the program is available on the front page of the sports website or at the student tab (sport) in Moodle. It is first in best dressed - once the elective is full it will not allow anyone else to choose it.

Electives open on Tuesday the 30th of October (week 4) at 6am and close on Thursday afternoon 3:15pm. Students who do not choose a sport will be put into any remaining places.

There is no cost for any of the electives as it is covered by the yearly year 8 sport fee.

Any questions please see Mr. Cannon.

Choices available are as follows

Sport Description Max


Beach Walking

Various venues around Port Macquarie. Joggers and Hat. 25

Dive Towers Wauchope Pool. Swimmers and Towel. 25

Fishing Various venues around the Hastings River foreshore. Must have your own rod and reel. Bait provided.


Indoor Games School Hall. Joggers. 30

Oval Games School Oval. Joggers and Hat. Touch, Oz Tag, Basketball, Cricket 25

Skating Port Macquarie Skate Park. Must have your own helmet and deck. 20

T20 Cricket Wauchope Synthetic. 25

Tennis Westport Tennis Club. 25





2012 Regional College NSWCCC Athletics Results R = New School

Record Name

Age Place/Event Time/Height/Distance Old School Record

Ebony Burke 14 Girls 5th 90m Hurdles 16.90s R No Record Recorded

Hayley Corbet 15 Girls 7th 90m Hurdles 18.28s R No Record Recorded

Dominique Dobson 14 Girls 16th 200m

6th Int 4x100m Relay



Riley Eichmann 14 Girls 13th 200m

16th 100m

16th 400m

6th Int 4x100m Relay





Nathan Gilder 14 Boys 13th 200m 25.44s John Hennessy 16 Boys 4th Shot Put 11.15m Katie Hickling 15 Girls 7th High Jump 1.40m Eliza Hopwood 14 Girls 6th Int 4x100m Relay 53.67s Logan Kuhn 12 Boys 11th 1500m 5.51.39s Naomi Langley 12 Girls 13th 100m 14.63s

Taylor LoMonaco 14 Girls 2nd Discus 3rd Javelin 28.50m R 22.44m Taylor LoMonaco 27.10m (2012)

Alana Macrow-


16 Girls 3rd High Jump 1.45m

Dylan Marchingo 13 Boys 6th 200m

10th 100m

4th 400m




Madi Roberts 17+ Girls 6th 800m

4th 1500m

2.41.88s R

5.16.26s R

Madi Roberts 2.45.63s (2012)

Madi Roberts 5.17.11s (2012)

Gabrielle Staunton 13 Girls 19th 400m 1.16.22s

Eleanor Wright 15 Girls 10th 200m

14th 100m

10th 400m

6th Int 4x100m Relay






Olivia Ustariz

Well Done!!






Week 4 1st Nov - Diocesan Softball - Tweed Heads (not entered) Week 5 6th Nov - Diocesan Tennis - Lismore Week 6 12th Nov - Diocesan Baseball Trials - Coffs Harbour

2012 DIOCESAN GYMNASTICS Last Friday, a small contingent of Regional students participated in the Diocesan Gymnastics competition at Coffs Harbour. The competition this year was very strong, particularly in the novice girls, as the intermediate section was removed. The students performed very well and they had the opportunity to participate in a workshop involving synchronised routines on each of the various apparatus. Congratulations to Nathan Ross who was 3rd in the advanced boys. Sarah Degenaars participated in her second competition and performed credibly, Georgia Hickling and Emily Nardella also did very well competing in their first Diocesan Gymnastics competition.


Below you will find a proforma for a student Absence Note. This is the preferred method for parents to notify the College of their child’s absences. �------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PARENTS / GUARDIANS EXPLANATION FOR PUPIL’S ABSENCE PUPIL’S NAME _______________________________________Year__________ PC ________ DATE(S) OF ABSENCE _________________________________________________________ REASON FOR ABSENCE ________________________________________________________ PARENT / GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ________________________________ DATE _________ *Failure to have an absence explained within 7 days of returning to school MUST, BY LAW, be recorded and reported as UNEXPLAINED ABSENCE.