ST. PATRICK PARISH Phone: 978 Sisters. 978 A Multicultural


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Liturgical Celebrations!!

Weekend Masses!!

Saturday !4:00 PM! ! English Upstairs!6:00 PM! ! Spanish Upstairs! !7:30 PM! ! Neo�Catechumenal�Upstairs!!


8:30 AM! ! Spanish Upstairs!10:00 AM! English Upstairs!10:00 AM! Burmese Chapel!11:30 AM! Spanish Upstairs!11:30 AM! Cambodian Chapel!6:00 PM! ! Vietnamese Chapel!!

Daily Masses Downstairs!!

7:30 AM! ! English!! ! ! ! ! ! ! Monday�Saturday!6:30 PM! ! Spanish!! ! ! ! ! ! ! Monday�Friday!7:15 PM! ! Vietnamese!! ! ! ! ! ! ! Tuesday & Thursday!


Adoration to the Blessed

Sacrament !


Tuesdays & 1st Friday of the Month!

! 8�10 AM & 4� 6:30PM!

282 Suffolk St. Lowell, MA 01854!

Phone: 978�459�0561!

Fax: 978�446�0266!

Sisters. 978�454�9697!!

A Multicultural Community!

Sunday, October 5, 2014!


Please call Sister Martha Gil, mss 978!454!9697� to schedule an interview!


Religious Education !Saturdays from 9:45AM to 11:45AM�

Office Hours: Tuesday and Friday ! 4:00PM to 7:00PM. (REC Baseman)�Inf. Sr. Maury Puello, mss � Coordinator of Religious Education�

978!459!0561 or 978!454!9697�!

Rite of Cristian Initiation (RCIA)!Communion & Confirmation � Youth and Adults!

Inf. Sr. Maury Puello, mss � Coordinator of Religious Education�!!

Marriage!Call 978!459!0561 for an initial interview at least six months in advance!


Reconciliation!Thirty (30) minutes prior to Mass, or by appointment�

!Sweet Sixteen/Quinceañera Mass!

Call 978!459!0561 for an interview at least three months in advance. �

Parish Staff!!Rev. Paul Ouellette, OMI�Rev. Daniel Crahen, OMI�Rev. Tuan Pham, OMI�Rev. Michael O´Hara, OMI�Rev. Mr. An Peter Ros, Deacon�Sr. Maury Puello, mss�Sr. Martha Gil, mss�Sr. Milagros Delgado, mss�Eliana Morales, Office Manager!Norma Diaz, Admin. Assistant!!

Office Hours!Monday � Friday 8:00am to 3:00 pm�

Other times by appointment only�

Saturday October 4, 2014!! 7:30 AM! In Memory of…! Requested by!! ! Maria! Bac Thom!

! ! Giuse Vu Duc Ha! Chi Van´s Fam.!! ! Maria Ma Thu Hao! A person!! ! Vincente Vu Ba Vien! Thien�Xuyen!! ! Anton Vu Ba Nghi! Thien�Xuyen!! ! Maria Hoang thi Bach Tuyet! Anh Minh!! ! Daminh Phan Van Dang! Minh�Lien!! ! Daminh Phan Van Sinh! Minh�Lien!! ! Anton Nguyen Hong Hoa! Vien�Hong!! ! Augustino Nguyen Ba Thap! Thien�Xuyen!! ! For all souls! Lien Nguyen!! 4:00 PM! English!! 6:00 PM! In mem. Carlos Alicea! Req. Olga Hernandez!Sunday October 5, 2014 !! 8:30AM! Special Int. Norma Diaz, on her Birthday Req. Family! ! 10:00AM! English!! 11:30AM! In mem. Luis Ferran ! Req. Norma Sanchez!! ! In mem. Jossie castro! Req. Damaris Lopez & Fam.! !Monday October 6 , 2014!! 7:30AM! In mem. Giuse Vu Duc Ha! Req. Chi Van´s Fam.!! ! For all souls! Req. Lien Nguyen!! 6:30PM! In mem. Maria T. Restrepo! Req. Luz M. Naranjo! !Tuesday October 7 , 2014 !! 7:30AM! For all souls! Req. Lien Nguyen!! ! In mem. Maria Ma. Thu Hao! Req. A person!! 6:30PM! Sebastian Cardona´s health ! Req. Alicia Morales! 7:15PM!! For Christians in Iraq who are persecuted! Req. Minh!Lien�� � In mem. Daminh Dao van Dang & �� � Maria Truong� Req. Minh!Lien!Wednesday October 8 , 2014 !! 7:30AM! In mem. Maria Hoang Thi Bach Tuyet� Req. Anh Minh�� � For all souls� Req. A person!! 6:30PM! Spanish! !Thursday October 9, 2014 !! 7:30AM! Thanksgiving ! Req. Minh�Lien!! ! For all souls� Req. Lien Nguyen!! 6:30PM! In mem. Laura A de Hurtado ! Req. Luz M. Naranjo! 7:15PM!! In mem. Anton Nguyen Hong Hoa! Req. Vien�Hong!! ! For all souls! Req. Lien Nguyen! !Friday October 10, 2014 !! 7:30AM! In mem. Maria Hoang Thi Bach Tuyet! Req. Anh Minh!! ! For all souls! Req. Lien Nguyen!

! 6:30PM! Spanish!Saturday October 11, 2014!! 7:30 AM! In Memory of…! Requested by!! ! Giuse Vu Duc Ha! Chi Van´s Fam.!! ! Maria Hoang Thi Bach Tuyet! Anh Minh!! ! Maria Ma Thu Hao! A person!! ! Anton Nguyen Hong Hoa! Vien�Hong!! ! Vicente Nguyen Tien Kim! A person!! ! Maria Hoang Thi Voc! A person!! ! Maria Nguyen Thi Hue! A person!! ! Anton Nguyen Hong Hoa! A person!! ! Vicente Nguyen Duy Thanh! A person!! ! !

! ! Special Intention! Chi Nguyet!! ! For all souls! Lien Nguyen!! 4:00 PM! English!! 6:00 PM! In mem. Carlos Alicea! Req. Olga Hernandez!Sunday October 12, 2014 !! 8:30AM! Spanish! ! 10:00AM! English!! 11:30AM! In mem. Victor Giron ! Req. Juan J. Giron! !

! ! Special Int. David Brady! Req. Alicia Morales!

Readings for the week of !October 5, 2014!


Jesus said to them, "Did you never read in the Scriptures: The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone...? Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit." ! Mt 21:42ab, 43�!

Sunday: !! ! ! ! Is 5:1�7/Phil 4:6�9/Mt 21:33�43!Monday: ! ! ! ! Gal 1:6�12/Lk 10:25�37!Tuesday: ! ! ! ! Gal 1:13�24/Lk 10:38�42!Wednesday: ! ! Gal 2:1�2, 7�14/Lk 11:1�4!Thursday:! ! ! Gal 3:1�5/Lk 11:5�13!Friday: ! ! ! ! Gal 3:7�14/Lk 11:15�26!Saturday:! ! ! ! Gal 3:22�29/Lk 11:27�28!Sunday: !! ! ! ! Is 25:6�10a/Phil 4:12�14, 19�20/!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Mt 22:1�14 or 22:1�10!



Sunday Sept. 28, 2014! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !$2,922.50!(2o) Capital Campaign!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $1,265.00!!

God Bless Your Generosity!

Remember that the sick list will be updated each month, will be a new list. Thank you for your cooperation and under-standing.!

Let Us Pray For…!Mary Driscoll�� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Lucy Leahey�Shirley Schoofer� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Therese Farrell�Sarah Purcell� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Carol Costa�Louise Langlois�� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Jackie Sanhein�

SVDP! Please call Tel 978�459�0561 option 8, leave your name and phone number where you can be contacted

you. The days that SVDP works is !Wednesdays 6:00 pm every other weeks. !

Schedule of October. Wednesday 8 & 22 !

Prayer: Almighty and eternal God, you are the ever lasting health of those who believe in you. Hear us for your sick serv-ant ________ for whom we implore the aid of your tender mercy, that being restored to bodily health, they may give

thanks to you in your church. Through Christ our Lord.�

Respect Life Sunday!


27th Sunday in !Ordinary Time!

�There are few things more hurtful than a love that is rejected. Early on, we learn rejection; you've waited all year

to work up the nerve to ask that cute girl to the big dance, only to have her tell you that she's already going with someone else. You date someone for months, even years, and dare to dream that this might be forever, only to have your heart broken as you go your separate ways. The one who vowed to love you until death decides that he or she doesn't want to wait that long. Yes, it hurts, but do you stop loving?!!

Jesus' parable in today's Gospel reading from Matthew tells of a very generous vineyard owner who gave his tenants everything they would ever need to survive. And how did they repay him? By killing not only the servants who went to the field to help, but also the owner's son. Clearly, Jesus was again foretelling of God's gifts to us and our rejection of his love, of his early messengers, and the rejection of his Son. God so loved us that he would give us Jesus Christ; not even our rejection, however, staves off God's love. It is enduring, clear, and for all times.!!

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us that even in the face of the greatest moral evil�the rejection, persecution and death of Christ�God brought by his grace the greatest of goods: the glorification of Christ and our redemption (CCC 312). Throughout our lives, time and again we will suffer rejection and the pains of unrequited love. To be truly in communion with God, the love in our hearts for each other must never diminish; it is a flame that cannot be extinguished.!

St. Patrick Parish!Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)!!






The RCIA is for adults who seek to become Catholic Christians. Those baptized, adult Catholics who have not had any religious for-mation and seed to complete the Sacraments of Initiation are also welcome in this process. Saturday 4:30 to 6:45pm�For more infor-mation contact Sister Maury Puello 978�454�9697.!

BVM Sodality news!!

Sodality Brunch will be in the Church Hall at 11:00am , October 12, 2014!

Cost is $20.00 per person. Inf. contact Andrea or Maureen for tickets!

Merrimack Valley Project!YES on Question #4!

After so much hard work by community groups, labor unions, temples and churches (including hundreds of signatures from St. Patrick’s), Question #4 [Earned Sick Time] will be on the ballot Nov. 4th.!!

A “yes” vote will:!• allow all workers in our state to earn up to 40 hours of sick time per year, to take care of their own health or the health of their families.!• protect workers from being fired if they need to stay home sick or need to care for a sick family member.!!Starting this weekend, the RaiseUp Massachusetts campaign and Merrimack Valley Project are asking supporters to fill out a “PLEDGE TO VOTE” postcard. Complete it and drop it in the collection basket. You’ll receive it in the mail shortly before Election Day, as a helpful reminder. Your vote is needed!!!Also, to make your voice heard, you must be registered to vote. The deadline is October 15th. Registration Forms (in English and Spanish) are available at the rear of the church. Fill out the form and drop it in the collection basket, and our parish will deliver them to City Hall for you.!� � ! � � � � � � � � � �

Paul Gaudet!MVP Coordinator for St. Patrick’s!!


Inform all those working in a parish ministry (readers, Eucharistic ministers, choir, ushers, Group Coordinators, etc. to stop in the office to fill the CORI required by the Archdiocese. Please Bring your ID. And if you do not have done the CAP is very important, for more information call the parish office or contact Sister Maury Puello.�


Saturday October 11! ! ! ! !

!! ! CCD Classes!(children help other children)!


Saturday October 18! ! ! ! ! !! ! CCD Classes!!!

Saturday October 25! ! ! ! ! !! ! CCD Classes!(Rosary for Mission around the World)!



(CAP in Spanish !12:00�3:00pm)!

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