St. Trinity Evangelical THE TRINITY TIMES Lutheran Church · 9/9/2014 · St. Trinity Lutheran...


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Church Office: 248-625-4644 or Mark Koenig 248-627-7417 or

Richard Trudelle 248-885-0830

Worship Broadcast Clarkston CATV 10 Sunday 2:00 p.m. & Thursday 9:00 p.m. Waterford CATV 10

Sunday 12:30 p.m. & Tuesday 2:30 p.m.

St. Trinity Lutheran Church News Supplement is a weekly publication of St. Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church (Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod), and is produced by the office staff.

Sunday Worship Starting September 11:

8:15 a.m. & 11:00 am

Saturday Worship: 6:00 p.m.

Adult Bible Classes:

9:45 a.m.

Cry Room Available During

Worship & Adult Bible Classes

Church Summer Office Hours:

Mon., Tues., Wed.

9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Thursday and Friday

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Telephone: (248) 625-4644

Fax: (248) 625-2093




D.C.E. Emeritus:

Richard Schempf


Mona Bowmaster

Choir Directors:

Pam Boadway

Church Secretary:

Gretchen Goolsby

St. Trinity Preschool Director:

Julie Schultz

Telephone: (248) 620-6154


3 Year Old Preschool (Tu.-Th.)

4 Year Old Preschool (M-W-F)

9:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

7925 Sashabaw Rd. Clarkston, MI


September 4, 2016

Welcome to St. Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church

Welcome to worship at St. Trinity! We’re glad you joined us at the start of this new, busy week. As we celebrate Labor Day tomorrow, and go back to our jobs and school this week, let us thank God for giving us occupations at home, work or school to make our lives full and meaningful.


Pastor Jon Reusch Leading Us in Worship This Weekend

Please join us on Sunday, September 11th as we celebrate God’s love for our church family. We will start with our Early Worship Service at 8:15 am, then Sunday School & Bible Studies at 9:45 am, then Late Worship Service at 11:00.

Celebration festivities will start immediately following the late Worship Service. We ask that you bring a guest or two and signup in the Narthex. Bring a dish to pass (salad, dessert or potato dish) and come and enjoy the day! We are planning a pig roast and old fashioned games like sack races and water ballon toss. Everyone is welcome to come and join the fun. Prayerfully consider who you might invite to share in the celebration!

September Worship Service Times

Saturday Nights 6:00 pm

Sunday, September 4th at 9:00 am only

Sunday, September 11, 18, & 25 at 8:15 & 11:00 am

Page 2 St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Clarkston

Serving the Lord this Week


Sept. 3-4 Sat. 6:00 pm John Ehlke Sun. 9:00 am Richard Karstensen

Sept. 10-11 Sat. 6:00 pm Dave Hahn Sun. 8:15 am Mark Koenig Sun. 11:00 am Lou DeMonaco


Sept. 04 Sun 9:00 Dale Ludwig, Skip Schultz Eric & Austin Kindsvater Ernie Schwarz

Sept. 11 Sun 8:15 Kirk Costello, Capt. Jeff Feldmeyer, Amy Costello Nancie McHugh

VIDEO Sept. 04 Al Lozano

Sept. 11 John Schorsch


SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH 9:00 Blended Worship Service w/HC 10:15 Bible Studies/Sunday School 6:30 AA Meeting

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH Church Office Closed for Labor Day


Announcements Deadline 9:30 Men’s & Women’s Bible Study 1:00 Quilters 6:30 Elders’ Meeting


THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH 10-11:00 Preschool Orientation for 3 yr. olds 6:00 Bell Choir


October Newsletter Deadline 10-11:00 Preschool Orientation for 4 yr. olds

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH 6:00 Blended Worship Service

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH CELEBRATION SUNDAY 8:15 Praise Worship Service 9:45 Bible Studies/Sunday School 11:00 Traditional Worship Service 12:00 Celebration Festivities 6:30 AA Meeting

In Luke 12:21, Jesus predicted disappointment for those who are not “rich toward God.” Have you wondered what it means to be “rich toward God”? Certainly, we are rich toward God when we see everything as a gift from Him. Those who are rich toward God are givers rather than takers. By grace, we freely receive, and we freely give. Through faith, we are empowered to express God’s love and are being rich toward Him as we love our neighbors.


Sept. 3-4 Sat. 6:00 pm Zander Newbill Sun. 9:00 am TBD

Sept. 10-11 Sat. 6:00 pm Lexi Ferguson Sun. 8:15 am Sam Griswold Sun. 11:00 am Halle Charbonneau


Sept. 04 9:00 am Dave & CJ Hahn

Sept. 11 8:15 am Richard & Marsha Karstensen 11:00 am Mary Lou Schell


Sept. 3-4 Sat. 6:00 pm Judy Orler Sun. 9:00 am Dale Ludwig Richard Trudelle Sept. 17-18 Sat. 6:00 pm TBD Sun. 8:15 am TBD Sun. 11:00 am TBD


2016 2015

SATURDAY - 6:00 PM - 27 43

SUNDAY - 9:00 AM - 95 91

SUNDAY - 11:00 AM - N/A N/A TOTAL 122 134

Deacon Bill Storm

Leading Worship

This Weekend

MON-TUES-WED 9:00 am—4:30 pm

THURSDAY 9:00 am—1:00 pm



If you know a child that is 3 or 4 yrs. old and looking for a preschool, please have the parents contact Julie Schultz, the Preschool Director at (248)620-6154 or (248)622-9114. Our preschool is a state licensed k in d er g ar te n r e a d i ne s s program for children ages 3-5.

Page 3 St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Clarkston

Today’s flowers have been

placed on the altar to the Glory of God &

in celebration of Donna Costello’s 87th birthday & in

Thankfulness for her loving family


Flowers may be taken home after service on Sunday or can be picked up on Monday morning. Please ask

someone from Altar Circle to assist in getting your flowers.

See CJ or Dave Hahn, Sue Ludwig, Julie or Jason Schultz or

Jeanne Saunders

St. Trinity received memorials in memory of

Marlene Engel By Anna Lewandowski

Jim Nielsen, Will Remus & Cathy Pfiester

St. Trinity received a memorial

in memory of Leona Stelmach

By Skip & Elaine Schultz




Stamps will be sold NEXT SUNDAY. Come and save!

Look for the table in the Narthex.

Cost of Ministry for 2016 As of 7/31/2016

Offering Collected = $ 215,106.89

Actual Expenses = $222,294.94

SHORT - $ 7,188.05

When we fall short of planned expenses our part of God’s mission is not getting done.

J.O.Y. Group (Just Older Youth)

The J.O.Y. group meets again on Thursday, September 15 at noon for a potluck and fellowship. Please join us and bring a dish to pass & a place setting for FUN, FOOD, & FELLOWSHIP.

BIBLE SALE Engage in devotional Christ-centered reading and study with Bibles from Concordia Publishing House. Whether you are looking to purchase your child’s first Bible or update your study Bible, CPH has something for everyone. A sign up sheet listing

all Bibles offered at a sale price is displayed in the narthex. LAST DAY TO ORDER IS SEPTEMBER 25. After September 25, Gretchen will contact you and let you know your total cost with shipping costs as they will be calculated on our total order based on the total cost of our order. You can also visit

MEN’S STEAK COOKOUT Tuesday, September 20

The annual Men’s Steak Cookout will be on Tuesday, September 20th at 6:00 pm. The cost is $16 per person for steak or if you prefer, fish. A sign-up sheet is available in the Narthex. You many bring a salad or dessert to pass. For information, contact Ed Salter at


Sept. 16-19 Addison Oaks County Park Host: Ramig’s Phone: 248.852.6309

Oct. 7-9 Myer’s Lake UMC Campground Host: McDowell’s Phone: 248.889.2802

Nov. 5 2017 Planning Potluck McDowell’s House Phone: 248.889.2802

BENEFITTING MEALS ON WHEELS AND HELD BY Independence Township Senior Community Center Friends

Friday, September 9th 4:30-7:00 pm at Bartsch Hall

6000 Clarkston Road $9.00 per person, $5.00 children under 12

All you can eat spaghetti with salad, garlic bread and dessert

Page 4 St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Clarkston

Publication Deadlines: Weekly Church Announcements

For Sept. 11—Tues., Sept. 6@9 am

Prayer Page for Worship Bulletin Wednesdays at noon

October Newsletter

Friday, September 9

Sunday Morning Bible Classes & Sunday School 10:15-11:00 am

Bible Classes during the Week

Weeknight Bible Classes

YOUTH CONFIRMATION CLASS The Elders will be discussing Confirmation classes at the next Elders meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 6. Confirmation details will be announced after this meeting. RETIRED MEN’S BIBLE STUDY Topic is “Life of Jesus: Passion”. Leader: Karl Schneider. Meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 9:30am-11:00 am. This class resumes on Sept. 6th. LADIES BIBLE CLASS Meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 9:30-11:00am and are currently doing a study of “Job”. Next class is September 6th. WOMEN’S BIBLE CLASS We have begun a 6-session journey on “Learning to Trust God” (John Ortberg). We meet the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month at 9:30 am. Next class Sept. 14th.

MEN’S BIBLE STUDY Meets Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm in the Family Life classrooms from October—April. Join us in October when we continue our study of Luther’s Small Catechism.

LADIES’ LIFELIGHT BIBLE CLASS Meets Tuesday evenings from mid-September to mid-June at 7:00 pm in the FLC classrooms. Please join us.

SMALL GROUP BIBLE STUDIES Meets at members homes the 4th Friday of the month from 7-9 pm. We are now doing the study, “Crazy Love”.

QUILT MAKERS The St. Trinity quilting group make quilts for Lutheran World Relief and American Veterans. We meet every Tuesday from 1-3 pm. We meet again on Sept. 6th. See Annette Ashley for more information.

KNITTING GROUP The knitting group meets September -May. Currently they are regrouping and planning their schedule for this year. We will have more information soon. For questions, speak with Carol Koenig or Judy Spresney.

Other Fellowship Opportunities

GOSPEL OF MATTHEW BIBLE STUDY meets in the FLC classrooms every Sunday morning. Please join us.


“Faith in Action” is led by Mark Koenig & Alan Hahn. We resume on Sunday, Sept. 18 with Andy Stanley’s program, “5 Things God Uses to Grow Your Faith.”

The Book of Hebrews is led by Phyllis Solmen and meets in the L-Room September through May.

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL Grades Preschool through 5th Grade. During the summer we meet in the Fellowship Hall at 10:15 am. Topic this week: “The Saints in Heaven”.

JUNIOR HIGH BIBLE STUDY Grades 6th–8th grade. Meets in the Fellowship Hall throughout the school year.

SENIOR HIGH BIBLE STUDY Grades 9th-12th. Meets in the “Grace Haven” room.

Youth & Family Life Activities

Family Fun & Fellowship—every 1st Friday of the month in the gym and FLC classrooms at 7pm. Next Date: Oct. 7. Celebration Sunday—September 11 at noon. Pig roast, sack races & water toss. Campers to Addison Oaks Park—Sept. 16-19 Family Fun & Fellowship—Friday, Oct. 7 at 7:00 pm. Meet in the Gym & FLC. Trunk or Treat/Fall Festival—Friday, October 21 at 7:00 pm

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mission Statement: “To involve the youth of St. Trinity in the full life of God’s church with focus on sharing the Gospel Message, Fellowship with one another, & encouraging a servant heart.”

St. Trinity Rental House

The St. Trinity rental house will be vacant and available to rent by the end of September-October 1st. If you know of someone looking to rent a 3 bedroom house, have them call the church office or email Kathy Feldmeyer at


If you enjoy coffee on Sunday mornings, please consider

volunteering to prepare the coffee and clean up after services. It really doesn’t require much time at all and volunteers sign up for a month at a time. We still need a volunteer for September. There is a sign-up sheet near the coffee area or call the church office.


The summer is at an end, and back to school shopping season is upon us. Please buy some extra school supplies for your shoeboxes. The boxes will be available late September or early October. This year we have enough boxes, but we will gladly accept any sturdy shoeboxes for next year’s drive. Please bring them to the office, and I will gladly hold them for later use. If you have any questions about this project, please call Sharon Gehrke at (248)620-2011.
