St. Veronica Church23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time SEPTEMBER 6, 2009 St. Veronica Church 434 Alida Way,...


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23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


St. Veronica Church 434 Alida Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080

Phone: 650-588-1455 Fax: 650-588-1481

How to Reach Us:

Rev. Charles Puthota, Ph.D., Pastor

Rev. Linh Nguyen, Parochial Vicar

Rev. Joe Previtali, Parochial Vicar

Deacon Roger Beaudry

Deacon Joseph LeBlanc

St. Veronica Rectory: 588-1455 / Fax 588-1481

Office Hours: Monday to Friday

8:30AM to 4:30 PM

Administrative Assistant: Gail Andrews

Events Reservations: Rita Buscher 869-4939

Parish Manager: Sandy Kearney

Religious Education Office 871-5607

Coordinator: Michele Evans

Music Director: Christopher Lindstrom

(209) 952-0209

St. Veronica School: 589-3909

Principal: Teri Pallitto

Vice Principal: Janet Burke

Mass Schedule

Saturday Evening: 5:00PM

Sundays: 6:45, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00AM,

and 12:30PM

Eve of Holy Days: 5:30PM

Holy Days: 6:30, 8:30AM, & 6:30PM

Monday—Friday: 6:30 & 8:30AM


Saturdays: 4:00—5:00PM

Liturgy of the Hours

Monday—Saturday: Morning Prayer at 6:00AM

Eucharistic Adoration

Monday—Friday: 9:00AM—9:00PM

Sunday: 1:30 PM—9:00PM


Sacrament of Baptism

Baptismal Preparation classes are held once a month. Call the Parish Office 588-1455

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

Classes start in October and end on Pentecost. Call the Parish Office to register 588-1455

Religious Education: 871-5607

Coordinator: Michele Evans Catechetical instructions (1st to 8th grades)

Confirmation Classes: 588-1455

Mass Intent ions WEEK of September 6 , 2009

Sun 9/06 6:45 † Paul & Bruce Navarret 8:00 † Paul & Verena Broussard 9:30 † Amedio Bonanno 11:00 † Sean Nathan Crespo 12:30 People of St. Veronica Mon 9/07 6:30 No Mass—Holiday. 8:30 † Larry Campbell Tue 9/08 6:30 † Angeline Pace 8:30 † Inocencio Riel, Sr. Wed 9/09 6:30 † Dennis Celli 8:30 † Eulalia Rego Thu 9/10 6:30 Sacred Heart of Jesus 8:30 † Clementina & Sebastiano Nieri Fri 9/11 6:30 † Mariano Bueno 8:30 † Ray Fraschieri, Sr. Sat 9/12 8:30 † Bill Applegate, Sr. 5:00 † Maria de la Luz & Lopez de Gomez

Please say a Prayer

for our many sick, homebound

and hospitalized parishioners

who are unable to attend Mass.

Welcome New Parishioners! Please fill this out and return it to the parish rectory,

or simply drop it in the collection basket.

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Updating Current Parish Registration

Send Sunday Envelopes

Moving / Please remove from mailing list.

Please call me.

Last Week’s Church Support Breakdown

Day Mass Time 1st Collection 2nd Collec t io n Totals :

Saturday 5:00 PM 1,007.50 356.00 1,363.50

Sunday 6:45 AM 725.35 292.00 1,017.35

8:00 AM 1,006.00 1,77.35 1,183.35

9:30 AM 1,436.00 554.00 1,990.00

11:00 AM 1,610.00 364.00 1,974.00

12:30 PM 1,046.00 366.00 1,412.00

Total 6,830.85 2,109.35 8,940.20

Your Stewardship is greatly appreciated. Working together makes a difference.

From Pastor’s Desk

As we continue to grow in our faith and service, we realize that we have the responsibility of providing basic facilities for our community to fulfill its mission and purpose. The buildings and grounds of our parish are necessary for us to pray, study, play, serve, socialize, and to get to know one another as indi-viduals and families, as school and community. As you know well, the Parish Center is an important facility in our parish. The Center is used to host various spiritual, edu-cational, social, cultural, festival and sports events. The Men’s Club have recently helped refurbish the flooring of the center at a cost of about $13,000. This involved the professional work of sanding down, painting, and other related jobs, resulting in an elegantly shining floor. My special thanks go to Chris Krol, Mike Martin, Ivan Sequeira, David Collins, among others, for taking the lead in getting this fine work done. Congratulations, Men’s Club! Your help is much appreciated. We have other projects looming in the future. We are in the process of turning, in the next few weeks/months, the old con-vent into an Administration Building where meeting places and all the parish offices will be located. The Church basement will be used as a place of storage, as we are not allowed to use it for meetings. The asphalt pavement of the whole property is an-other project we cannot delay too long. The School after 50 years of excellent service will need more space and facilities. We forge ahead as a faith-filled community, strengthened by the love and care we have for each other. I seek your goodwill and collaboration in continuing to build up St. Veronica parish as a special place where the values and vision of the Kingdom of God are demonstrated on a daily basis.

Your Friend, Father Charles Puthota



Every Wednesday

Falcon Hall

Doors open at 6:30 PM

Games begin at 7:00 PM

Religious Education Program

The Religious Education Program starts October 3, 2009. Registration forms are available in the Parish Office.

Share your time and talents with our children! Want to teach? Got faith? We are looking for catechists to help our children on the journey of faith. Wednesday or Saturday classes. Classes are 1 hour and 15 minutes. Just give a little time to change a life!" Please contact Michele Evans at 871-5607 or


Catholic Charismatic Renewal of San Francisco presents The 2009 Holy Spirit Conference

Theme: It is Mercy I Desire Matt 9:13

Riordan High School 175 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco

Friday, September 18th Mass of Healing at 7:00 PM Saturday & Sunday doors open at 8:00 AM

Speakers in English, Spanish, Vietnamese

Programs for all Youth Speakers include: Bishop William Justice of San Francisco, Bob Canton from Stockton, Fr. Peter Sanders from Monterey, Samia Zumout from Sacramento, Dominic Berardino from Los Angeles & Fr. Minh Bui from Orange County

Caritas in Veritate Commentary—Part V

Continuing to unfold the Church’s understanding of human development, Pope Benedict seeks to set forth what might be called a “Christian environmentalism.” In so doing, he seeks to avoid two extremes. On the one hand, there are those secular environmentalists who place nature above the human person and do not recognize that God has entrusted creation to man for man’s own sake. On the other hand, there are those who deny any need to be careful in our stewardship of creation. These others see nature as a machine, which can be exploited at the whims of the licentiousness of human beings. The Pope, rather, calls for a God-centered ecology that recognizes the “grammar” of creation. In his view, nature has an inherent order that must be respected and discovered. Nature, the Pope says, is given to man as a gift by God. In addition to respect for the earth, this God-centered ecology also includes “human ecology,” which respects the order found in human nature. This ecology is even more important than care for the earth because it deals with the dignity of the human person. Human ecology respects the natural order inherent to human beings, which is the basis for morality. “If there is a lack of respect for the right to life and to a natural death, if human conception, gestation and birth are made artificial, if human embryos are sacrificed to research, the conscience of society ends up losing the concept of human ecology and, along with it, that of environment ecology.” True human ecology, Benedict teaches, can be achieved only when human beings recognize their true nature. Because man is made in the image of God, and God is a Trinity of Persons in perfect Unity, man can only be fulfilled in relation with God and with others. This is the focus of Benedict’s understanding of the metaphysics of society. Man is meant for communion and he forms societies like the family, schools, churches, organizations, polities, etc., based on that call to communion. All of this flows from the “book of nature” which “takes in not only the environment but also life, sexuality, marriage, the family, social relations: in a word, integral human development.” Rev. Joe Previtali

St. Veronica Choir Recruiting

The Children’s Angel Choir will be start-

ing up again.

All children of the parish (grade 1 and

older) are welcome to join. Practice is on

Thursday afternoons in the Church from 3:15—4:15

PM. The first session will begin on September 10th.

Come and join in on the fun!

Adult Choir

Come, raise your voice and Sing To the Lord by join-

ing the St. Veronica Choir. If you sing Happy Birthday,

or sing in the shower, you CAN sing. New members

are always welcome. Practices are held at 7PM every

Thursday starting on September 10th. If you wish to

participate for Seasonal celebrations you are most

welcome too.

Please contact either Christopher Lindstrom at 209-

601-0619 or Sandy Kearney at 650-888-3340 for more


Join us on a Pilgrimage To…

The Holy Land

With Spiritual Director: Fr. Charles Puthota, Ph.D.

with Arrangements by 206 Tours

November 8-17, 2009 $3,149 per person from

San Francisco, CA YOUR TRIP INCLUDES: � Round-trip air from San Francisco - Tel Aviv � Airport taxes, security fees & fuel surcharges Included � 8 nights at first class hotels in Israel (or similar) ~ 1 night: Mercure Suites, Bat Yam ~ 2 nights: Golden Crown, Nazareth ~ 5 nights: Moriah Classic or Grand Court Hotel, Jerusalem � Transfers as per itinerary � Breakfast and Dinner daily � Assistance of local guide � Sightseeing & admissions fees as per itinerary � Catholic Priest as Spiritual Director � Mass daily & spiritual activities � Luggage handling (1 piece per person) � Flight bag & portfolio of all travel documents Not Included: Lunches, Beverages with dinners, Travel insurance op-tional at $165-$225 Tips to your guide & driver ($ 7-9 per day). Items of a personal nature. For more information or to book contact 206 Tours :

Rinda & Cara &,

800-206-8687 For a flyer contact Nita Ricotta at (650) 873-6049.

“Showdown at the SV Corral” The 2009 Parish Festival is Coming!!!

September 25, 26, 27


Saturday September 26th Send in your reservations

Classic Car Show

Family Fun • Games Rides • Entertainment Prizes • Raffle

Please help make this the best festival ever! Support our booths

Cash donations appreciated Other donations can be brought to the school or rectory.

For more information contact:

Terrie Aquino at:

Saddle Up & Enjoy the Fun!
