STAAR Alt 2 Training February 2015. Training does not take the place of reading the test...


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STAAR Alt 2 TrainingFebruary 2015


Training does not take the

place of reading the

test administrator


O All sections of the manual must be read and followed carefully.

O All test preparations and administration procedures must be followed exactly.


What is STAAR Alt 2?O An assessment based on alternate academic

standards designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities

O A standardized paper-based assessment administered individually to each eligible student

O The individual student responses are transcribed by the test administrator into a TestNav online transcription form.

STAAR Alt 2 TestsGrade Subjects Assessed

Grade 3 Math and Reading

Grade 4 Math, Reading, and Writing

Grade 5 Math, Reading, and Science

Grade 6 Math and Reading

Grade 7 Math, Reading, and Writing

Grade 8 Math, Reading, Science, and Social Studies

EOC Alg. I, Eng. I, Eng. II, Bio., & U.S. History

Important DatesO Preview Window: Jan. 23rd – Feb. 6th

O Test administrators may be allowed access to secure testing materials for purposes of applying accommodations

O Test Administration Window: Feb. 9th – 27th

O Student scores must entered online by Mar. 2nd

O Materials Return: March 6th

Who can administer STAAR Alt 2?

O The test administrator should be:

O The student’s teacher for the subject being tested

O Must have a high level of familiarity with the student so that testing accommodations can be prepared appropriately and the student’s typical response modes can be understood

Test Administrator RolesO Maintain security of test materials while in their possession

O Preparing test materials for each administration

O Implementing test administration processes and procedures as stated in the manual

O Transcribing student responses into TestNav

O Returning test materials to the campus coordinator

What is a test administrator assistant?

O The test administrator assist can provide assistance including:

O Preparing allowable accommodations as directed

O Manipulating test materials during the test session

O Translating or signing information for the student

O Managing student behavior

STAAR Alt 2 Test SecurityO Test security involves accounting for all secure materials and

confidential student information before, during, and after the test administration.

O STAAR Alt 2 standardized test administration materials are considered secure, which includes:

O Test administration manuals

O Student test booklets

O Scoring documents

O Photocopies of secure test materials, if needed

STAAR Alt 2 Test SecurityO Test administrator for STAAR Alt 2 must be aware

that they are viewing secure content and that discussing the content of the test is strictly prohibited.

O Test administrators are required to sign the bottom section of the test administrator’s oath


Testing Irregularities

O Each person participating in the Texas student assessment program is responsible for reporting any violation or suspected violation of test security or confidentiality.

O Campus staff should notify their CTC if they witness an irregularity or suspect one occurred.

Test Administration ProcessO Preview Test Materials

O Plan and Prepare Accommodations

O Consider Timing Options

O Administer the Assessment

O Repeating the Presentation Instructions

Previewing Test MaterialsO Once test administrators have been trained and have signed their

oath, they need to preview the STAAR Alt 2 test materials to become familiar with the test and to prepare any necessary accommodations.

O Test materials (test administrator manuals and student booklets) are considered secure and the campus coordinator must check them to the test administrator using a preview materials control form

O Test administrators must be given at least one of the following during the preview period:O Test administrator manualO Student test bookletO Scoring document

Previewing Test MaterialsO Test administrators may preview the test material upon receipt and

inventory at the campus.

O Accommodations should be prepared during the preview window.

O Testing materials should be checked out during the preview period only when needed by the test administrator to become familiar with the test and prepare accommodations.

O At the end of each day, all materials, including photocopied pages from the student booklet, must be returned to the campus test coordinator.

Preview Materials Control Form

Previewing Test MaterialsO The test administrator should use the time to:

O Preview the “Guidelines for STAAR Alternate 2 Test Administrator Instructions” and “Scoring” sections of the manual

O Practice reading the script and following the presentation instructions for actual questions WHILE maintaining the secure content

O Review the “Scoring Instructions” for actual questions and plan teacher assistance for specific questions

O Preview the student booklet to plan and prepare accommodations for any student that may need an accommodation according to the guidelines in the “Accommodations” section of the manual

O At no time during the preview period should anyone who is not a trained test administrator have access to test materials.


O The accommodations must:

O maintain the integrity of the assessment,

O avoid leading to or providing the student a direct answer,

O be used routinely in instruction,

O reflect the student’s learning styles, and

O allow a student to respond using a mode that is appropriate for the student

Plan and Prepare Accommodations

Accommodations InformationO The test administrator must present the accommodations uniformly so

that the correct answer is not emphasized over the other answer choices.

O Routinely used accommodations for positioning and behavioral supports can be provided for any student to ensure that the student can physically access the stimuli provided and maintain focus throughout the testing session.

O It is appropriate to add language that encourages the student to stay on task.

O It is NOT appropriate to add language about the content of the question19

Assistive TechnologyO AT that is documented in the student’s IEP and is used routinely

in instruction may be used to provide the student access to the assessment

O The use of technology should be primarily for communicating an answer by the student or presenting answer choices by the test administrator

O Following are instances where a device would not be allowed:O Tablets or computer with Internet access that cannot be turned offO Inputting answer choices into a device that has stored memory that

cannot be erased

Photocopying Guidelines (pg. 23-24)

O The stimuli provided in the student booklet may need to be altered in some way to allow access for students.

O The student booklet cannot be disassembled.

Photocopying Guidelines (pg. 23-24)

O The following guidelines must be followed when photocopying the student booklet:

O Maintain test security and confidentiality

O Photocopying must be done by a trained test administrator who has signed an oath

O If a mathematics test is photocopied but not enlarged, the copier must be set to copy at 100% and the scaling option set to “no scaling” or “zero” to ensure that graphics result in the intended measurement

O The memory on the copier must be cleared after photocopying secure student booklets

O All photocopied pages of the test questions need to be returned with the non-scorable shipment after testing

Consider Timing OptionsO STAAR Alternate 2 is an untimed assessment and may take as long

as necessary to be completed within the testing window. Some timing options include:

O administering the assessment at a time that is most appropriate for an individual student

O allowing breaks, as necessary

O administering the test over several days with several sessions per day

O administering the test over several days, one session each day23

Test ScheduleO A test schedule MUST be submitted by the test administrator to the CTC prior

to the start of the testing window.

O The schedule should include the following information:O Test DatesO Grade level/Subjects AssessedO Students to be tested

Administer the AssessmentO All assessments must be administered within the testing window. Individual student

administrations may be started or stopped at any time within the testing window.

O The test does not have to be given in one session if the student is not able to maintain stamina or focus.

O Test items must be administered in the order they appear in the student booklet.

O The test is designed in clusters of four items that build on one another and assess a targeted essence statement.

O If the test is not administered in one session, TEA recommends that the test be stopped between clusters.

O At no time may a student go back to previously answered items, including after an administration has been stopped and resumed for an emergency.


Administer the AssessmentO Each test is individually administered.

O Students are not expected to read, write, or manipulate the test booklet.

O The test administrator is given directions to present the item, specifically what to direct the student to, and what to communicate to the student.


Administer the AssessmentO During a STAAR Alt 2 testing session, each question is

presented to the student using instructions that are outlined in the secure “Test Administrator Instructions” section of the manual.

O The instructions are standardized and must be adhered to as written to ensure a valid assessment.

O When italicized words (present, direct, and communicate) are indicated, the test administrator should refer to the secure “Test Administrator Instructions” section of the manual for guidance. 27

Administer the AssessmentPresenting the Test Questions

O The presentation of the test question and testing materials as they are first introduced should be appropriate based on methods that have been successful during instruction and are documented in the student’s IEP.

O Introduce the stimuli with needed accommodations

O Options may include:O Pairing with like tactile symbols or objectsO Highlighting, coloring, or enlargingO Pointing and gesturing


Administer the AssessmentDirect Students to the Stimulus

O After the initial presentation, the student will need to be directed to certain parts of the stimulus as the instructions are communicated.

O Focus the student on certain parts of the stimulus

O Options may include:O Alerting orally or through signingO Pointing to, highlighting or covering up sections until

addressedO Guiding the student’s hand to specific places in the stimuli 29

Administer the AssessmentCommunicate

O Text printed in bold in the test administrator instructions must be communicated to the student exactly as written.

O Options may include:O Stating, signing, or translating into another languageO Providing in written formO Pairing with tactile or picture symbols

O The word “find” for the last bullet in the test administrator instructions can be replaced withO Show meO Point toO TouchO Tell me 30

Administer the AssessmentCommunicate

O The “find” statement can also be reconstructed into a question, but the same words have to be used

O For example, “Find the circle on the house” can become “Where is the circle on the house?”

O The information in the “communicate” text cannot be paraphrased, simplified or shortened.


Repeating the Presentation Instructions

O Students can be directed back to the stimulus any time if the student loses focus.

O Students can be provided verbal encouragement to stay focused.

O Students can request to have information repeated but not defined or paraphrased.

O If the student is distracted during the presentation, the test administrator can repeat sections of the presentation instructions without a student request up until the answer choices and “find” statement are given.


Repeating the Presentation Instructions

O Once the answer choices and “find” statement are given, the test administrator must wait for the student to respond.

O If no response is given after a reasonable wait time, the answer choices and “find” statement can be repeated once.

O Once an answer is given, the test administrator must follow the scoring instructions to determine how to proceed. 33

Administer the AssessmentO Presenting Reading Passages

O Test administrators have the option of starting a reading passage over and repeating the text from earlier questions in a cluster if they feel that the student needs to hear the previous sections

O Options includeO Turning back to previous questions in the cluster and read the

selections for the student from the test administrator manual without the student looking at the text

O Photocopying previous sections of the text to combine with the next section of the passage 34

Administer the AssessmentO Returning to Previous Questions

O Students cannot request to go back to previous test questions in the student booklet and change their answer after the question has been scored and the student has moved to the next item.


Administer the AssessmentO Scoring Instructions

O An asterisk (*) next to a section on the stimulus image or a boxed answer indicates the correct answer

O The test administrator must refer to the scoring instructions for each question to determine how to proceed once the student has responded to the “find” statement

O Each question has a unique set of scoring instructions

O During testing, the test administrator should not place the manual in the student’s line of sight because the correct answer is indicated.


Recording the Student Responses

O A STAAR Alt 2 scoring document is provided for recording the student’s score for each question and applied accommodations

O Once the assessment is completed and information is recorded, the test administrator will enter the scoring information into an online transcription form in TestNav

O After the scoring information has been entered, the scoring document should be returned to the campus coordinator 37

Recording student responses

O The test administrator records the student’s responses on the STAAR Alternate 2 Scoring Document based on scoring information provided for each item.


Student Response ModesO Every student should be given an opportunity to

respond using a mode that is appropriate for him or her

O The student may respond using his or her primary mode of communication, or any other mode of communication appropriate at the time of testing

O The critical issue is not how the student responds but that the student clearly communicates the preferred answer choice to the test administrator

Texas Assessment Management System Tasks:Test Administrators

O Transcribe student responses into TestNav

O Submit tests to be scored

O Enter accommodations information


Transcribe Student Responses into TestNav

O After student authorizations have been printed, student responses can be added into TestNav.

O The test administrator will log in to TestNav using the student’s authorization ticket and transcribe student responses.

O A student’s transcribed responses are automatically scored when the Final Submit button is clicked at the end of the test. It is not necessary to make a selection in the Score Code menu for student responses to be scored.

O A designated area for entering test scores into TestNav will be identified


Steps to TranscribeO Use the student

authorizations provided to you by the campus test coordinator to access TestNav.


Steps to TranscribeO In a new browser window, type the TestNav URL from the student authorization into

the address bar and press the Enter key. You should now see the TestNav Login screen. If you do not, check that you have entered the URL exactly as printed.

O Using the information found on the student authorization, type the username and test code in the Username and Test Code fields and log in.


Steps to TranscribeO After logging in, you

should now see a screen with the appropriate grade, subject, and form number.

O If you do not, check that you have entered the username and test code exactly as printed. O Make sure the

student’s name appears in the top right corner of the screen.


Steps to TranscribeO Each screen will

have one question.

O On the screen for each question, enter the student response by selecting the appropriate bubble.


Steps to TranscribeO Click the Next button to navigate to the next question.

Continue entering the student’s scores until you reach the last question.

O On the last question, click the Next button to go to the Section Review screen. Make sure that scores for every test question have been transcribed.

O Click the Continue to Test Overview button to go to the Test Overview screen.


Steps to Transcribe


O On the Test Overview screen, click the Submit and Exit Test button. Select “I am finished with this test and I want to submit my final answers” in the pop-up box then click the Final Submit button to submit student responses and exit TestNav.

Steps to Transcribe

O Once you have exited TestNav, verify with your campus test coordinator that the students are in “Completed” status.

DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division 48

Enter Accommodations Information

O Additionally, test administrators or other campus personnel will complete the accommodations information for each assessment after the student responses have been transcribed.


Enter Accommodations InformationO If a student was provided accommodations,

the accommodations must be indicated in the accommodations drop-down menus on the Student Test Details screen.

O On the Student Test Details screen, indicate the accommodations that were used during the assessment by selecting “Yes” from the drop-down menu next to the accommodation.

O If an accommodation was not used, the field should be left in the “No” position.

O You will only be able to indicate the accommodations that were used during the assessment after the student’s responses have been submitted through TestNav.


Return Test Materials to the Campus Coordinator

O After each test session, the test administrator must return all test materials to the campus coordinator. As appropriate, test materials will be redistributed before the next test session.

O Return the following materials to your campus coordinator:

O STAAR Alternate 2 Test Administrator Manuals, student booklets, STAAR Alternate 2 Scoring Documents, photocopies of secure test materials, if needed.

O Any accompanying pictures, objects, textured materials, or instructional tools do not need to be returned.

O Your campus coordinator will verify that you have returned all test materials assigned to you, as recorded on the STAAR Alternate 2 Materials Control Form, and will then initial the “In” box.


Materials (continued)O Return non-scorable materials:

O student test booklets grouped by grade for grades 3–8

O student test booklets grouped by course for EOC assessments

O secure Alternate 2 test administrator manuals

O photocopies of secure test materials, if any were created

O Pack STAAR Alternate 2 materials either by campus or by district. If you are packing by campus, be sure that all the materials for a single campus are grouped together and packed in the box before adding materials from another campus.

O Do not mix STAAR Alternate 2 materials with STAAR or TELPAS materials in the same shipment. 52

Test ResultsO Score reports will include the individual performance level

ratings of students, scale scores, and number of questions answered correctly within each reporting category for each of the assessed grades and content areas.

O Score reports are due in district:

• 5/20/2015 (Grades 3 – 8)

• 6/5/2015 (EOC)

Resources• Educator Guide for STAAR A and STAAR Alternate 2

• User’s Guide for the Texas Assessment Management System

• 2015 District and Campus Coordinator Manual

• STAAR Alternate 2 Test Administrator Manuals

• STAAR Alternate 2 Sample Items

• STAAR Alternate 2 Administration Participation Collection (broadcast e-mail)

• STAAR Alternate 2 Medical Exception Eligibility Requirements

• STAAR Alternate 2 No Authentic Academic Response Eligibility Requirements

• Texas Education Agency:
