Stable Nitrogen Isotopes of Plankton and Benthos Reflect a …


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J. Great Lakes Res. 33 (Special Issue 3):27–41Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res., 2007

Stable Nitrogen Isotopes of Plankton and Benthos Reflect a Landscape-level Influence on Great Lakes Coastal Ecosystems

Gregory S. Peterson*, Michael E. Sierszen, Peder M. Yurista, and John R. Kelly

U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyOffice of Research and Development1

National Health and Environmental Effects Research LaboratoryMid-Continent Ecology Division

6201 Congdon BoulevardDuluth, Minnesota 55804

ABSTRACT. As populations and human activities increase in coastal watersheds, an understanding ofthe connections of aquatic ecosystems to the adjacent terrestrial landscape is necessary to identify, moni-tor, and protect vulnerable coastal habitats. This study investigates the relationships between land-usepatterns and δ 15N values of aquatic organisms in coastal ecosystems, across a defined watershed gradi-ent for the U.S. portion of the Great Lakes shoreline. δ 15N measured in plankton and benthic inverte-brates reflects a range of basin wide land-use gradients and demonstrates a strong connection betweenwatershed-based anthropogenic activities and exposure in aquatic biota. For example, benthos δ 15N val-ues range over 12‰ across sites in our study, but regression analyses suggest that over 50% of the vari-ability is explained by the regional landscape. Further, multiple taxa at comparable trophic positionshowed similar patterns in relation to watershed-scale land use. Our results suggest that within thecoastal environment, the expression of landscape in aquatic biota is stronger in habitats such as embay-ments and wetlands than open nearshore. These results support the use of δ 15N in Great Lakes coastalbiota as an exposure indicator of watershed-scale N loading.

INDEX WORDS: Great Lakes, coastal habitat, stable nitrogen isotope, landscape disturbance gradi-ent, plankton, benthos.


As populations and human activities increase incoastal watersheds around the Great Lakes, there isa need to develop an understanding of the connec-tions of aquatic ecosystems to the adjacent terres-trial landscape (Krieger et al. 1992, Edsall andCharlton 1997, Goforth and Carman 2005). Thisunderstanding is critical to the development ofstressor-response relationships, which ultimatelyform the basis for management strategies protectingvulnerable coastal habitats. In addition, there is arenewed emphasis to include coastal components inGreat Lakes-wide monitoring programs (Neilson etal. 2003, Niemi et al. 2004, Mackey and Goforth2005). Ideally, these monitoring approaches wouldnot only report on aquatic conditions, but also linkthose conditions to factors in watersheds that may

*Corresponding author. E-mail:


contribute to the conditions. In freshwater ecology,there is a strong history of studies connectingstreams with their watershed character, and smalllakes with their local and regional landscape set-ting. To date, local- and regional-scale studies (Mc-Clelland et al. 1997, Valiela and Bowen 2002,Wigand et al. 2003) have defined how the characterof coastal watersheds influences nutrient loading toecosystems of marine coastal estuaries. However,this relationship has yet to be defined for GreatLakes coastal ecosystems. Further, the linkage be-tween coastal ecosystems, including differentcoastal habitats and their adjacent contributinglandscape has not been previously established at thescale of the Great Lakes basin.

Among the potential impacts of increased anthro-pogenic activity in coastal watersheds is the alter-ation of nutrient dynamics. Conversion of naturalvegetation to agricultural and urban land can lead toincreased nutrient input to coastal waters (Vitousek

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et al. 1997, Howarth et al. 2002). Increased nutrientloads can lead to eutrophication, degradation ofhabitat, and alteration of food webs and biologicalcommunity structure (Smith et al. 1999, Valiela andBowen 2002, Sierszen et al. 2006a). Methods to de-tect anthropogenic loading are needed, to identifysusceptible habitats and provide early warning ofincipient effects to Great Lakes coastal aquaticecosystems.

Stable isotope analyses are commonly used toolsin studies of aquatic ecosystems to examine food-web relationships and energy pathways (VanderZanden and Rasmussen 1999, Post 2002). Stableisotopes of nitrogen (δ15N) have also been used toidentify anthropogenic contributions in nitrogenloads to aquatic systems, thereby establishing link-ages between landscape and aquatic ecosystems(McClelland and Valiela 1998). In addition, δ15Nhas been proposed as a tool to indicate incipient ef-fects of increased nutrient loading (Carmichael etal. 2004).

In this study we used an analysis of U.S. water-sheds across the Great Lakes basin (Danz et al.2005) to establish a population of sites across a gra-dient of potential anthropogenic stressors. This ap-proach (detailed in Methods) provides a simpleframework to evaluate whether δ15N measured inorganisms from coastal waters could confirm theconnection to the adjacent landscape character. Iso-topic signatures are likely to be more meaningfulthan water quality measures (which can have hightemporal variability in dynamic coastal waters), be-cause they integrate exposure over time. Further,while water quality parameters indicate the poten-tial for exposure, isotopic signatures can verify as-similation of nitrogen into biological tissues.Previous studies have demonstrated that δ15N mea-sured in aquatic organisms reflects some of themajor human activities (agriculture and develop-ment, population growth, and wastewater), thatoccur in contributing watersheds (McClelland et al.1997, Cabana and Rasmussen 1996, McKinney etal. 2002, Cole et al. 2004). Since δ15N can demon-strate food web incorporation of watershed N, weanticipate that δ15N would serve as an “exposureindicator” that establishes relationships betweencoastal receiving systems and watersheds across theGreat Lakes.

The objective of this paper is to investigate rela-tionships between land use patterns and δ15N iso-tope values in coastal ecosystems, across a definedwatershed gradient for U.S. Great Lakes shorelines.We explore several aspects of that relationship:

1. Stable nitrogen isotope signatures (δ15N) inselected organisms, relative to four differentlandscape metrics;

2. Variation in δ15N among several differentbiological components (planktonic and ben-thic macroinvertebrates), again in relationto the landscape character; and

3. Variation across the landscape gradient inδ15N among different ecosystems that rep-resent differing degrees of hydrologic con-nection to the landscape (coastal wetlands,embayments, and open nearshore waters).


Study Design and Site Selection

This study examines stable nitrogen isotope datafrom samples collected from 2002 to 2004 duringrelated studies of two different coastal habitats.These habitats consisted of 1) open or “high en-ergy” shorelines, and 2) closed or semi-enclosedshorelines, hereafter referred to as open nearshoreand embayments, respectively. In addition, datafrom a third class of coastal habitat, wetlands, areevaluated for comparison. Sites within each of thesehabitats (Fig. 1) were randomly chosen from amonga Great Lakes basin-wide population of possiblesites, representing a gradient of natural conditionsand human impacts in the adjacent terrestrial water-shed (see Land-use PC Gradients below). Selectionof sites along this gradient was further refined to in-clude sites from within each of the Great Lakes.

For both open nearshore and embayment sites,sampling locations corresponded to specific pointsalong a grid path developed to describe each systemcomprehensively. In 2002 and 2003, we collectedsamples from 30 open nearshore sites. Sampleswere collected from late Jul to early Sept in 2002,and mid-Jun to early Aug in 2003. At each site,samples were collected along a transect perpendicu-lar to shore at stations corresponding to depths ofapproximately 5, 10, and 20 m. In 2004, sampleswere collected from 15 embayment sites from mid-July to late Aug. Embayments were defined asshoreline indentations where the distance from thebay mouth to the inner shoreline was greater thanthe distance across the mouth. Samples were col-lected at ≤ 15 m depths within each embayment, aswell as from corresponding depths along the shore-line outside the bay mouth. Within embayments,benthic samples were collected at each of up tothree unique substrate locations as identified by

Great Lakes Coastal Biota δδ 15N Reflect Landscape 29

acoustic seabed classification (QTC IMPACT; Coastal wetlands weresampled for stable isotopes from mid-Jul to lateAug in 2002 to 2004 at 22 sites. For each wetland,sampling stations consisted of three to five transectswhich were chosen to spatially represent the entirewetland and its vegetated habitats.

Land-use PC Gradients

We compared our δ15N data to four gradients inwatershed character across the U.S. Great Lakesbasin using integrated measures of landscape-levelanthropogenic stress defined by Danz et al. (2005).Briefly, GIS data on over 200 environmental vari-ables compiled into seven stressor categories weresummarized for 762 shoreline segments and associ-ated drainage-shed units (segment-sheds) that com-

prise the U.S. portion of the basin. Principal com-ponents (PC) analysis was then used to develop anaggregate measure within each stress category. Theresulting PC scores reflect levels of anthropogenicstress, which are described below for each of thestress categories used in our study. All sampledsites were assigned the PC score of their corre-sponding segment-shed for landscape metric-iso-tope regression analyses.

Our exploratory study was to establish a linkageto landscape at the coarse scales of the availableGIS data and we focused on composite PC scores ofmajor stressor categories as the landscape metrics,rather than search for an underlying specific vari-able or mechanism by which one might, for exam-ple, begin to develop a watershed “loading” model.We followed the general site selection approach ofDanz et al. (2005), but added sites to ensure a con-

FIG. 1. Map showing sampling locations for each coastal habitat relative to AC1 gradient.The AC1 gradient represents a relative measure of agricultural activity in segment-sheds (Danzet al. 2005, 2007). Higher levels of activity are shown as darker shades (Black = highestactivity).

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tinuous representation across the range of values inthe agriculture stressor category (see below). Danzet al. (2005) originally defined seven categories ofstressors and later examined five of these categoriesin more detail (Danz et al. 2007). We restricted ouranalyses to the first PC (representing the highestpercent of overall variance explained in each cate-gory) of four landscape categories. Our study usedthe PC scores and range originally generated byDanz et al. (2005), not the subsequent transformed,standardized scaling of Danz et al. (2007).

A brief description of each of the four land-usePC gradients used in our study is listed below. De-tails on individual data sources are in Appendix 1of Danz et al. (2007).

1. Agriculture (labeled AC1)—21 variables charac-teristic of the major types of stresses associatedwith agricultural activities, including nutrientrunoff, fertilizers, pesticide application, and ero-sion. Agricultural land cover per se was in-cluded in the land cover category describedbelow. The AC1 gradient was used as the pri-mary gradient across which the sites were dis-tributed. Analyses of Danz et al. (2007) showthat this PC is structured by a set of related vari-ables including N, P, K fertilizer use and/or ex-port as well as erosion potential, and it thusroughly represents nutrient loading potential,from low to high.

2. Land cover (labeled LC1)—23 land use/landcover variables derived primarily from the Na-tional Land Cover Dataset and also from theNatural Resources Inventory. This PC rangesfrom primarily forested (high scores) to primar-ily agricultural and urbanized landscapes (lowscores).

3. Human population (labeled PD1)—14 variablesrepresenting human population density, roaddensity, developed land, and wetlands convertedto developed areas. This PC correlated with a setof factors: population density, amount of roads,and the relative area of developed land.

4. Point source pollution (labeled PS1)—79 vari-ables representing point sources of pollution, in-cluding mines, power plant emissions, andfacilities with permitted wastewater dischargesfrom the National Pollutant Elimination Dis-charge System. This PC reflected overall dis-charge of a wide range of chemical pollutantsfrom point sources in wastewater.

With respect to our analyses, note that while PCswithin each of the four gradient categories listedabove are independent of each other, there are somestrong correlations among gradients. Among thefour PC gradients we used in this study the highestcorrelation (across 762 sites) was between AC1 andLC1 (r2 = 0.84) (Danz et al. 2007).

Macroinvertebrate Sample Collection

At each open nearshore and embayment samplingstation, multiple benthic samples were collected toensure adequate numbers of different types of or-ganisms. Amphipods, chironomids, Hexageniamayflies, mussels, and other invertebrates were re-moved from sediments, rinsed with 1N HCl anddeionized (DI) water, sorted by organism type, andfrozen. For open nearshore sites, paired t-tests re-vealed that, within taxa, δ15N from 5 and 10 mdepth stations were not different. Therefore δ15Nvalues for these stations were combined for eachtaxon and are reported as a mean for the site. Like-wise, within embayments, δ15N values within taxafrom different sampling locations (bottom types)were very similar (s.e. ≤ 0.8‰). Therefore, δ15Nvalues were combined and reported as means, bytaxa for; 1) all stations within an embayment, and2) all stations outside each embayment.

Macroinvertebrates were collected at multiplewetland sampling stations using sweep nets. Mater-ial obtained from a 3–5 m area was collected on a253 µm sieve, transferred to storage containers, andfrozen. In the laboratory, amphipods were removedfrom thawed samples, rinsed with 1N HCl and DIwater, and dried at 60°C. δ15N data from individualwetland stations were combined and reported as amean for each wetland.

Plankton Sample Collection

Plankton samples were collected at opennearshore and embayment sites (< 20 m depth) byhorizontal net tow using an 80 µm mesh, 0.2 m di-ameter net. A cable depressor was used to facilitatedepth control. The net was towed at approximately5 knots for 2–4 minutes, and undulated betweennear bottom and near surface to encompass the ma-jority of the water column. In the open nearshore,plankton tows were conducted along the depth con-tour corresponding to each of the fixed stationdepths, passing through the station at the midpointof the tow. In embayments, plankton tows wereconducted along a transect roughly centered in the

Great Lakes Coastal Biota δδ 15N Reflect Landscape 31

embayment. Two size fractions of plankton were extracted from each plankton sample using a253 µm sieve; a > 253 µm (large) and 80–253 µm(small) fraction. All visible debris was removedfrom samples. Samples were rinsed with 1N HClfollowed by DI water, and frozen.

Wetland plankton samples were collected by hor-izontal net tows as well, but using a larger 0.5 m di-ameter (80 µm mesh) net, and towed at muchslower speeds. Tows of approximately 100 m wereconducted in areas adjacent to each transect whichwere free of vegetation. Samples were passedthrough a coarse (1 mm) sieve to remove any de-bris, collected on 50 µm Nitex filters, rinsed with1N HCl followed by DI water, and frozen. In thelaboratory, plankton samples were picked under adissecting scope to remove detritus prior to analy-sis.

Stable Isotope Sample Processing and Analysis

All samples were oven-dried at 60°C and groundto a homogeneous powder. Samples were analyzedfor nitrogen isotopes using a Carlo-Erba NC2500elemental analyzer interfaced with a MicromassIsochrome isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Isotoperatios are expressed as δ values, with units of parts-per-thousand (‰) deviations from the ratios foundin atmospheric N. Isotopic standards were used tocorrect for instrument drift. Samples enriched withthe heavier isotope (15N) have δ values that are rel-atively more positive. Replicate analysis over thecourse of this study typically differed by less than0.2‰.

Data Constraints and Manipulation

Comparisons are limited to data collected in ≤ 15m depth, unless specified otherwise. This re-striction is because δ15N of Lake Superior benthosis relatively constant in shallow zones (< 20 mdepth) but increases significantly beyond that depth(Sierszen et al. 2006b). As a result, our 2004 em-bayment sampling was restricted to ≤ 15 m to con-trol depth-related variability from our data. Thisdepth effect was not observed in plankton data forLake Superior or in plankton or benthos data fromthe other Great Lakes. However, as a precaution,and for general compatibility among data sets, wechose to use ≤ 15m depth data for our analyses.

For statistical comparisons and to simplify fig-ures we combined data sets where appropriate. Forexample, to examine relationships between land use

and δ15N in biota in the general nearshore environ-ment, we combined data from the 2002–2003 opennearshore studies with the 2004 embayment data.This combined nearshore population, hereafter re-ferred to as “nearshore combined,” provides greaterstatistical power to examine differences amonggroups of organisms and between different indica-tors of land use.

Statistical Analysis

Linear regression (Systat, v. 11.0) was used toevaluate strength and significance of relationships(r2; p value; s.e.) between δ15N of biota and variousPC gradients reflected in our sites. To determinewhether δ15N values of 1) different benthic inverte-brates or plankton size fractions, 2) biota from dif-ferent coastal systems, or 3) biota collected indifferent years, were different in their relationshipto individual PC gradients, we used analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA; Systat v.11.0) to test for sig-nificant differences between slopes and interceptsof their respective regression lines (high F ratio,low P value). Paired t-tests were used (α = 0.05) tocompare population means between δ15N of biotawithin and outside embayments, as well as betweenmeans of biota collected at open nearshore sites ad-jacent to tributary inputs and those without nearbytributary input.


Patterns Among Taxa

δ15N of biota from the nearshore combined dataincreased linearly with increasing AC1 landscapegradient (Fig. 2a–e). We used AC1 as a representa-tive land-use indicator for these comparisons, butsimilar comparisons were made with each of thefour land-use indicators. All biota exhibited similarpatterns; however, some subtle differences were ob-served among taxa. Both size fractions of plankton(Fig. 2a) showed a similar and highly significant (p < 0.0001) relationship to AC1, with the largerfraction consistently about 1‰ more enriched in15N than the smaller fraction (intercepts signifi-cantly different; p = 0.02). Amphipods, chirono-mids, and mayflies (Hexagenia spp.) also exhibitedhighly significant relationships and relatively strongcorrelations with AC1 (Fig. 2b–d). Zebra mussels(Dreissena spp.) were found only at sites in theupper (i.e., more disturbed) portion of the AC1 gra-dient (Fig. 2e), and as a result, show a weaker rela-tionship to AC1 (r2 = 0.19; p = 0.03). Dreissena

32 Peterson et al.

did, however, exhibit a stronger relationship withLC1 (p = 0.0007), possibly because Dreissenaspanned a greater range of LC1 than it did for AC1(data not shown).

Amphipods and chironomids were the most com-mon and abundant invertebrates captured among

sites; however, no single benthic taxon was found atall sites. This limited the comparisons we couldmake among benthic taxa because of reduced sam-ple size or land-use indicator range. To facilitatestatistical comparisons among land-use gradientsand habitats using benthic invertebrate δ15N data,we combined data for amphipods and chironomidsto calculate a “mean” benthos δ15N. To justify thisaction, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was per-formed on benthic invertebrate regression data inembayments and open nearshore. These analysesshowed that for δ15N relationship to AC1 (as wellas the other landscape indicators), intercept was notsignificantly different between amphipods and chi-ronomids, nor was there a significant interactionterm for the slopes. Therefore, these two data setswere combined for comparisons among land-usegradients as well as between embayments and opennearshore systems. Hexagenia was excluded fromthe mean benthos calculations due to small samplesize.

The slopes for small and large size fractionplankton were also statistically indistinguishableacross all of the land-use indicators. Consequently,to simplify figures and discussion, we used onlyone fraction for further comparisons. We chose thesmall fraction because particle size was more con-sistently defined at the upper and lower end by oursize-fractionation procedures.

Patterns Among Land-use Indicators

We used benthos and small plankton nearshorecombined data to evaluate the relationships of δ15Nto the ag-chem (AC1), land cover (LC1), popula-tion density (PD1), and point source (PS1) land-useindicators (Fig. 3a–d). Due to the independent andsomewhat arbitrary scaling of these four land-usegradients, comparisons of slope and interceptamong these gradients are not meaningful. How-ever, comparisons of the strength of the relationshipcan be made. Both plankton and benthos δ15N ex-hibit highly significant relationships to AC1 andLC1 with relatively strong correlations (r2 > 0.45).For the PD1 gradient, both plankton and benthosagain exhibited highly significant relationships;however, the correlation was considerably strongerfor plankton (r2 = 0.45) than for benthos (r2 =0.233). Relationship with PS1 was significant forplankton, but not for benthos, although both plank-ton and benthos showed poor correlations (r2 = 0.18and 0.07 respectively).

FIG. 2. Relationship of mean δδ15N with AC1gradient for a) small (thin line, r2 = 0.46; p <0.0001; S.E. = 2.23) and large (thick line, r2 =0.47; p < 0.0001; S.E. = 2.10) plankton fractions,b) amphipods (r2 = 0.62; p < 0.0001; S.E. = 2.38),c) chironomids (r2 = 0.51; p < 0.0001; S.E. =2.20), d) Hexagenia mayflies (r2 = 0.60; p =0.0054; S.E. = 2.42), and e) Dreissenid mussels (r2

= 0.19; p = 0.0332; S.E. = 2.02). Dashed linesindicate 95% confidence intervals.

Great Lakes Coastal Biota δδ 15N Reflect Landscape 33

Importance of Habitat Type

To examine whether embayments are uniquenearshore systems, we analyzed embayments andopen nearshore systems separately. Further, forcomparison to another coastal system (with poten-tially even greater terrestrial connectivity), we alsoincluded data from Great Lakes coastal wetlands.Highly significant relationships with the AC1 gra-dient were observed for both plankton (80–253 µm)and benthos δ15N for all three habitat types (Figs.4a,b). However, correlations (r2) for both planktonand benthos relationships were higher in wetlandsand embayments than in open nearshore sites, eventhough the open nearshore sample size was larger.In addition, slopes of the plankton regressions weresteeper, suggesting greater sensitivity to changes inland-use for embayments (p = 0.05) and (to a lesserextent) for wetlands than for open nearshore sites.Slope for benthos δ15N in embayments versus AC1was not significantly different from that of opennearshore; however, the wetlands regression wassomewhat steeper than either embayment or opennearshore regressions.

For a more direct evaluation of the influence ofterrestrial systems on embayments relative to othernearshore zones, we also compared plankton andbenthos samples from within embayments withthose collected along adjacent shorelines outsidethe embayment mouth. δ15N data inside relative tooutside embayments, paired by site (Fig. 5), show asignificant trend of enrichment of 15N within em-bayments for both plankton (p = 0.03) and benthos(p < 0.01). The most enriched sites were enclosedharbors with relatively narrow connections to theopen lake. However, biota from other embaymentsalso were enriched in 15N, though to a lesser de-gree. This pattern of 15N enrichment of planktonand benthos within embayments relative to outside,is also reflected in higher intercept values versusAC1 (data not shown) within embayments (plank-ton β0 = 4.79; benthos β0 = 5.85) relative to outside(plankton β0 = 3.54; benthos β0 = 4.81). Since theslopes are similar, the net result is an approximate1‰ upward shift of the δ15N regression line (i.e.,15N enrichment) for both plankton (p = 0.09) andbenthos (p = 0.24) within embayments relative tooutside.

To test whether the influence of landscape couldbe detected in deeper nearshore regions, we com-pared the strength of relationships between land-useindicators and δ15N of biota from different depthstrata. We examined the relationship of plankton

FIG. 3. Relationship of 80–253 µm plankton(open circles) and benthos (filled circles) meanδδ 15N for different land-use indicator gradients; a)AC1, b) LC1, c) PD1, and d) PS1. Regression sta-tistics are as follows for a) AC1: plankton r2 =0.46, p < 0.0001, S.E. = 2.23; benthos r2 = 0.55, p < 0.0001, S.E. = 2.25, b) LC1: plankton r2 =0.47, p < 0.0001, S.E. = 2.22; benthos r2 = 0.46,p < 0.0001, S.E. = 2.48, c) PD1: plankton r2 =0.45, p < 0.0001, S.E. = 2.27; benthos r2 = 0.23, p < 0.0014, S.E. = 2.95, and d) PS1: plankton r2 =0.19, p < 0.0025, S.E. = 2.75; benthos r2 = 0.08, p < 0.080, S.E. = 3.24.

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and benthos δ15N to AC1, for 0–15 m, as well as15–30 m depth stations outside embayments and atopen nearshore sites. There were no samples takenat depths greater than 15 m inside embayments forcomparison. As with the 0–15 m data, we obtainedhighly significant relationships for 15–30 m opennearshore plankton and benthos. However, subtledifferences were observed. The p-values for ben-thos and plankton relationships outside embay-ments were nearly two and three orders ofmagnitude larger, respectively, at 15–30 m depthsthan at 0–15 m depths (Fig. 6) indicating somewhatweaker relationships with landscape at greaterdepths. Correlations for plankton relationships out-side embayments reflect this trend as well, with55% of the variation in δ15N explained by AC1 at15–30 m, compared with 73% at 0–15 m. Propor-tion of variance in δ15N explained by AC1 did notdecrease with depth for benthos outside embay-ments or for benthos or plankton from opennearshore sites. The fit of regressions for planktonand benthos was lower in the open nearshore thanat embayment sites for both depth zones (Fig. 6),further supporting the differences betweennearshore systems described above.

Importance of tributary input in the opennearshore was also evaluated using data from the2002/2003 nearshore study. As part of the study de-sign, plankton and benthic invertebrates were col-lected from similar depths offshore of tributaries

FIG. 4. Comparison of relationship with AC1gradient between embayments, open nearshore,and coastal wetland habitats for a) plankton (80-253 µm) and b) benthos mean δδ 15N. Legend sym-bols apply to both figures. Regression equationsfor the relationships are: open nearshore planktonδδ 15N = 0.45(AC1) + 4.10 (r2 = 0.35; p = 0.0004;S.E. = 2.21), embayment plankton δδ 15N =0.82(AC1) + 4.79 (r2 = 0.72; p < 0.0001; S.E. =2.04), and wetlands plankton δδ 15N = 0.55(AC1) +5.09 (r2 = 0.69; p = 0.0031; S.E. = 1.65). Regres-sion equations for the benthos relationships are:open nearshore benthos δδ15N = 0.69(AC1) + 5.63(r2 = 0.47; p = 0.0002; S.E. = 2.50), embaymentbenthos δδ 15N = 0.69(AC1) + 5.63 (r2 = 0.66; p = < 0.0001; S.E. = 2.01), and wetlands benthosδδ 15N = 0.88(AC1) + 5.71 (r2 = 0.82; p = < 0.0001;S.E. = 1.59).

FIG. 5. Comparison of δδ 15N for plankton andbenthos from paired samples inside and outsideembayment sites at similar depths. The dashed linerepresents a 1:1 relationship.

Great Lakes Coastal Biota δδ 15N Reflect Landscape 35

and from an adjacent shoreline, 4–6 km from thetributary. Paired site comparison revealed no signif-icant difference in nitrogen isotope signatures be-tween the two zones (Fig. 7).


Our data indicate that δ15N of biota in GreatLakes coastal habitats strongly reflect landscape-scale attributes, and that δ15N of biota may serve asan exposure indicator of landscape-scale distur-bance. However, inferring specific N sources thatcontribute to elevated δ15N in coastal biota is diffi-cult. Individual watersheds may contain a variety ofdifferent N sources which contribute to the N loadto coastal systems. Wastewater, for example, is typ-ically enriched in δ15N (Bedard-Haughn et al.2003), and should be detectable through coastalecosystems. A number of studies have related in-creased wastewater or sewage loading to increasedδ15N of groundwater and biota in marine, estuarine,

and freshwater systems (Cole et al. 2004, McClel-land et al. 1997, McClelland and Valiela 1998, Ca-bana and Rasmussen 1996). In contrast, inorganicfertilizer has low δ15N due to the fixation of atmos-pheric nitrogen during manufacture (Kendall 1998).Yet, studies have reported both poor correlation(Chang et al. 2002) and increases in δ15N in aquaticsystems with increasing percent of watershed agri-culture (Harrington et al. 1998, Mayer et al. 2002,Fry et al. 2003). These contrasting results suggestthat the isotopic ratio of land-derived N enteringaquatic coastal systems is influenced not only bythe relative contributions from different sources,but also by biogeochemical transformations occur-ring in situ and in landscapes as N moves from ter-restrial to aquatic systems (Bedard-Haughn et al.2003, Kendall 1998). Denitrification in particularcan have strong isotopic effects, potentially increas-ing δ15N from values typically measured for inor-ganic fertilizer (–3 to +3‰) to values resemblingthose of manure or septic tank effluent (+10 to

FIG. 6. Plankton and benthos δδ15N regression statistics (r2 and p-value) for rela-tionships with the AC1 land-use gradient for embayment (within and outside) andopen nearshore habitats at 0–15 m and 15–30 m depths. * = p ≤ 0.05; ** = p ≤0.01; *** = p ≤ 0.001.

36 Peterson et al.

+20‰) (Krietler and Browning 1983, Kendall1998). Therefore, elevated δ15N measured incoastal biota may reflect one or more 15N-enrichedsources, or result from enrichment of N via trans-formations occurring in the watershed. Watersheds,in turn, do not process N uniformly, and denitrifica-tion can vary considerably. Fry et al. (2003) sug-gested that watershed δ15N increased withincreasing anthropogenic inputs, but varied withdenitrification rates. Thus, watersheds may act asintegrators of multiple N sources and alter δ15Nthrough biogeochemical transformation processes,making it difficult to detect δ15N patterns associ-ated with specific N sources or land uses.

Given the difficulty in relating δ15N in coastalbiota to specific watershed sources, other metricsmay be useful in establishing the link between land-scape and coastal ecosystems. Our study used sev-eral different aggregate land-use indices developedfor the Great Lakes basin (Danz et al. 2005, 2007)that have been shown to predict nutrient concentra-tions (e.g., total nitrogen) in Great Lakes coastalwetlands (Trebitz et al. 2007, Morrice et al. 2007).While not all of the individual variables in these in-dices directly relate to N sources (Appendix 1,Danz et al. 2007), the overall indices representclasses of anthropogenic activities that can influ-ence N loading to coastal systems. Using thesebasin-wide indices, our results suggest that δ15Nmeasured in benthic and planktonic organisms re-flects land-use patterns that incorporate a variety of

anthropogenic stressor variables which directly orindirectly relate to N loading. We found that of thefour land-use indices we examined, plankton andbenthic invertebrate δ15N related most strongly toland-use patterns reflected in the AC1 index, whichincorporates variables primarily related to agricul-ture, such as fertilizer and livestock waste applica-tion or export. δ15N also showed strongrelationships to the LC1 index which is comprisedof variables describing the proportion of surfacearea occupied by different anthropogenic land-usesor vegetative classes, and to a lesser extent, to thePD1 index which includes human population vari-ables such as wetland loss, amount of urbanization,and population density. Interestingly, much weakerrelationships were observed with the PS1 index,which is dominated by variables related to waste-water discharges. This may be due to differences inthe types (e.g., sewage treatment versus industrialwastewater discharges) and relative locations in thewatershed of point-sources. Alternatively, the weakcorrelation with this metric may reflect a small con-tribution of wastewater relative to the volume ofnon-point source influenced input to these systems.As indicated previously, some correlations occuramong the different land-use indicators (Danz et al.2005), and further refinement (related to N loading)may improve correlations; however, these resultssuggest that δ15N in Great Lakes biota reflects sev-eral broad classes of watershed-scale land use. Sim-ilarly, Vander Zanden et al. (2005) found thatelevated δ15N in primary producers was linked toboth agricultural and urban landscapes surroundinglakes; however, they also reported that riparianbuffer zones were better predictors of biota δ15Nthan watershed-scale land use in those smaller sys-tems. Thus, gradients in δ15N may be present at dif-ferent scales in different systems, and vary inimportance depending upon the spatial scale ofanalysis. Analysis at finer scales of watershed char-acterization (e.g., Vander Zanden et al. 2005, Lakeet al. 2001) and specific mechanisms within GreatLakes landscapes is a logical step for further evalu-ations of individual watersheds and their coastal re-ceiving water systems.

This linkage of aquatic biota with their adjacentwatershed characteristics must be accounted for toevaluate δ15N relationships among biota that in-habit different geographical regions. For example,nitrogen stable isotope ratios are often used to indi-cate trophic position within food-webs because theδ15N of the consumer is typically enriched 3–4‰relative to its diet (Minagawa and Wada 1984,

FIG. 7. Comparison of δδ15N values at opennearshore sites with and without tributary inputfor plankton, amphipods, and chironomids.Dashed line indicates 1:1 relationship.

Great Lakes Coastal Biota δδ 15N Reflect Landscape 37

Peterson and Fry 1987). Absolute measure oftrophic position, however, requires that δ15N ofconsumers be interpreted relative to that of an ap-propriate baseline (Vander Zanden and Rasmussen1999, Post 2002). Our data indicate that food-webbase δ15N values throughout the Great Lakes basinexhibit considerable spatial variability, which is in-fluenced by regional land-use patterns. For exam-ple, benthos δ15N values range over 12‰ acrosssites in our study, but regression analyses suggestthat over 50% of the variability is explained by theregional landscape.

To evaluate the importance of taxonomy in theserelationships of biota and land use, we comparedseveral species of benthic invertebrate and two sizeclasses of plankton. Taxonomic groups at compara-ble trophic positions were similar in their δ15N re-sponses to land-use indicators. While the fourgroups of benthic invertebrates analyzed were notan exhaustive list of all the species captured in oursamples, they represent the only larger-bodied in-vertebrates common enough to compare acrosssites. Oligochaetes were also quite common, butdifficulty in obtaining a debris-free sample withenough mass for isotopic analysis precluded theiruse in this study. Benthic community analysis doneon replicate ponar samples (G.S. Peterson, U.S. En-vironmental Protection Agency, Mid-ContinentEcology Division, 2005) indicate that amphipodscollected from embayments, open nearshore sites (≤ 15 m depth), and wetlands were primarily Gam-marus spp. and Hyalella spp. Diporeia spp. was oc-casionally found at embayment and open nearshoresites in Lakes Superior and Michigan. Taxonomicinformation on chironomids collected from embay-ments and open nearshore habitats was not avail-able. The similarities in functional group andtrophic position among these taxa suggest that theirδ15N patterns should not be significantly differentwithin a given habitat, and our data indicate thatamphipods, chironomids, and potentially other de-tritivores such as Hexagenia should provide similarδ15N information.

The responses of small and large plankton werealso similar for all four land-use indicators; how-ever, an enrichment of approximately 1‰ was con-sistently observed in the larger size fraction. Thisappears to reflect the relative trophic position of thetwo fractions. Analysis of voucher samples showsthat the large fraction was dominated by cladocer-ans and adult copepods, while the small fractionwas generally a mixture of phytoplankton and cope-pod nauplii. The slight δ15N enrichment (less than a

full trophic level) reflected differences in the taxo-nomic composition of the two size fractions. Thissame pattern of enrichment is also seen in the ben-thos, which was 15N-enriched relative to plankton,reflecting the dietary importance of sedimentedplankton to detritivorous benthos.

In addition to taxonomic differences we exploredrelationships between land-use patterns and δ15N inbiota from different coastal habitats. Coastal habi-tats may differ from each other in their connectivityto the adjacent landscape, and may vary in theirvulnerability to, and expression of, watershed dis-turbance. For example, embayments (including har-bors) may inhibit mixing of land-derived nutrientinputs with offshore waters, effectively concentrat-ing and potentially magnifying nutrient impacts,relative to other nearshore habitats. Coastal wet-lands may represent an even greater level of isola-tion from the open lake. We hypothesize that thesethree coastal habitats, from open nearshore to em-bayments to wetlands, represent a continuum in de-gree of connection to terrestrial landscape. In ourstudy, δ15N in biota from all coastal systems exam-ined (open nearshore, embayments, and wetlands)had significant relationships to watershed scaleland-use gradients. However, some had strongercorrelations than others. Plankton and benthos inembayments and wetlands had stronger relation-ships (higher r2 and lower S.E. values) with AC1than did biota from open nearshore. Plankton werealso more sensitive to changes in land use in em-bayments than in open nearshore, based on theslope of the regressions. These results suggest thatcoastal habitat can influence exposure to land-de-rived N, and consequently, the expression in aquaticbiota.

While differences in the landscape linkage wereobserved across habitats, distinctions or patternswithin habitats were inconsistent and more ambigu-ous, or not detectable in our study. In the opennearshore there were apparent differences in thestrength of relationship to landscape between plank-ton and benthos; however these differences werenot observed in the embayment data set (Fig. 6).Perhaps open nearshore is a unique environment inthis respect. Likewise, relationships with landscapeat different depth strata showed a somewhatstronger relationship at shallower depths (planktononly) outside embayments. This depth pattern wasnot observed in the open nearshore. Similarly, whilebiota inside embayments were often enriched in15N, attempts to distinguish specific characteristicswhich related to differences in enrichment were

38 Peterson et al.

largely unsuccessful. Some of the more enrichedsites were identified as harbors with comparativelylittle connection to the open lake. These sites repre-sent an extreme in embayment morphology. Em-bayment morphology is not easily quantified andthe wide range of morphological characteristics en-compassed by our sites made it difficult to furtherrefine or identify relationships among embayments.Measures such as the ratio of embayment size towatershed area, and degree of enclosure, were ex-plored to try to explain the variability among sites,but none were significant. Therefore, we were un-able to define embayment characteristics based onpatterns of δ15N. Further, it is not clear whethersimilarity in δ15N of organisms within and immedi-ately outside an embayment is due to the embay-ment being similar to the open nearshore zone, ordue to influence of the embayment outside itsmouth. Declining strength of landscape-δ15N rela-tionships with depth outside embayments, but not inthe open nearshore habitats, suggests the latter.

Likewise, our study detected no significant dif-ferences between δ15N in biota from opennearshore zones with and without tributary input.These data suggest that tributary influence on δ15Nof biota is not distinguishable within opennearshore habitats. Related studies at these sitesusing high-resolution towed sensors (CTD, fluores-cence, transmissometer) suggest that tributary sig-nals are widely dispersed and distributed alongopen shorelines (Yurista and Kelly 2007). These re-sults indicate that isotope ratios of Great Lakesopen nearshore biota may reflect larger regionalprocesses with greater influence than that of indi-vidual watersheds. We were not able to make acomparable analysis among embayments, as all em-bayment sites had some tributary input. Efforts toquantify tributary flow relative to embayment vol-ume did not yield significant relationships withδ15N of biota.

Temporal dynamics can also influence the δ15Nof aquatic biota and contribute to variability in theδ15N relationship with landscape. Nitrogen isotoperatios in organisms that have rapid growth and iso-tope turnover rates, such as plankton, may vary sea-sonally (Wainright and Fry 1994, O’Reilly andHecky 2002). Seston δ15N values at two offshoresites in Lake Michigan varied approximately 3‰and 6‰ respectively, over a temporal period fromApr through Sept (McCusker et al. 1999). δ15N waselevated in spring, lower through the summermonths, and elevated again in mid to late Sept.Leggett et al. (2000) reported similar patterns of

15N-enrichment during spring and autumn in plank-ton from Lake Ontario. Seasonal variability, in turn,may vary among species and trophic levels (Kidd etal. 1999, Pruell et al. 2006). Yoshioka et al. (1994)found considerable seasonal variation in the δ15N ofplankton, but little temporal variation in benthos.While the potential for a seasonal effect exists inour data, we attempted to minimize this by sam-pling within a relatively narrow seasonal window.Our sample collection from multiple habitat typesacross the U.S. Great Lakes shoreline required sam-pling over 3 years. Samples across all years werecollected between mid-Jun and early Sept; however,the majority of sites (over 75%) were sampledwithin less than a 5 week period from 24 Jul to 29Aug. Furthermore, we sampled sites within yearsfrom south to north to follow the latitudinal pro-gression of seasonal change. It is difficult to di-rectly address temporal variability in our databecause of the complications with land use and ge-ography; however, given our sampling design, vari-ability in our δ15N relationships due to seasonaleffects is likely minimized. We also attempted toanalyze the interannual variation in our planktonand benthos δ15N relationships with AC1 usingANCOVA and found no significant differencesamong years. We caution against sampling overmore broad temporal periods, and against samplingduring spring or fall when δ15N of Great Lakeslower food-web biota appears to be more dynamic(McCusker et al. 1999, Leggett et al. 2000). Whiletemporal effects may contribute to some scatter inthese data, the observed strength of δ15N relation-ships to Great Lakes basin land-use indicators isperhaps even more compelling given the potentialinclusion of temporal variation. Analysis at reducedgeographic scales or across smaller gradients, how-ever, may be more limited by these and othersources of error.


Our results show a strong correlation betweenδ15N in biological tissue from Great Lakes coastalwaters and several landscape metrics which broadlycharacterize the adjacent watershed. In particular,δ15N was shown to strongly reflect a land-use met-ric related to agricultural fertilizer and livestockwaste application and export (AC1), as well as ametric describing watershed land cover (LC1). Wealso demonstrate that δ15N measured in different bi-ological components within a given trophic positionhave consistent values and show similar patterns

Great Lakes Coastal Biota δδ 15N Reflect Landscape 39

and sensitivity relative to watershed-scale land use.Our results suggest that coastal habitats such as em-bayments and wetlands may express a stronger con-nection to land use in aquatic biota than the opennearshore environment. Therefore, these habitatsmay be at higher risk of pollution, and may repre-sent effective monitoring locations for detection ofincipient effects. Overall, our results suggest thatδ15N of coastal biota reflects anthropogenic activityin Great Lakes watersheds and functions as an ex-posure indicator of watershed-scale N loading. Assuch, δ15N may serve as a useful local measure bywhich to gauge and confirm land use influence onreceiving waters.


Assistance in the field and laboratory was pro-vided by Captain Sam Miller of the R/V Lake Ex-plorer, Mario Picinich, Lee Anderson, Tim Corry,Steve Skolasinski, Charlie Butterworth, EvanSlocum, Jon Van Alstine, Matthew Able, and AnneCotter. We thank Ted Angradi and Cathleen Wigandand the journal reviewers for their highly construc-tive and critical manuscript reviews. This experi-mental design was made possible with help fromcollaborators with the Great Lakes EnvironmentalIndicator project, funded by the U.S. EPA Agree-ment EPA/R-8286750. The information in this doc-ument was wholly funded by U.S. EPA and hasbeen approved for publication after review byagency’s National Health and Environmental Ef-fects Research Laboratory. Approval does not sig-nify that the contents reflect the views of theagency, nor does mention of trade names or com-mercial products constitute endorsement or recom-mendation for use.

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Submitted: 28 September 2006Accepted: 14 September 2007Editorial handling: Gerald J. Niemi
