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A. Application Information


Applicant: Martin County Property Owner: Martin County Agent for the Applicant: C. Calvert Montgomery & Associates, Inc. Fred Jette County Project Coordinator: Peter Walden, Senior Planner Growth Management Director: Nicki van Vonno, AICP Project Number: P164-002 Application Type and Number: D009 201600291 Report Number: 2017_0728_P164-002_Staff_Report_Final Application Received: 09/02/2016 Transmitted: 09/07/2016 Staff Report Issued: 11/18/2016 Joint Workshop: 12/15/2016 Resubmittal Received: 02/20/2017 Transmitted: 02/20/2017 Staff Report Issued: 04/27/2017 Joint Workshop: 05/04/2017 Transmitted: 06/21/2017 Date of Report: 07/31/2017 B. Project description and analysis Request for a Major Development Final Site Plan approval for renovations and additions to Phipps Park. The park is a conservation and campground area located just east of the St. Lucie Locks adjacent to the Okeechobee Waterway and the Florida Turnpike. Phipps Park is accessed via Locks Road, which connects to Kanner Highway one quater mile west of the Florida Turnpike. The park is approximately 67.26 acres and is operated and maintained by the Martin County Parks and Recreation Department. Included in this application is a request for Public Facilities exemption. The existing zoning on the property is PS, Public Servicing District, a category “C” district that is compatible with the Recreational Future Land Use designation. The property is in the Primary Urban Services District. Phipps Park currently operates 60 RV and 11 primative campsites. A caretakers’ home, pavilions, bathhouse, boardwalks, boat ramp, playground and storm water treatment area (STA) are also part of the parks facilities.

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The proposed renovation project will provide water and sewer to the park and eliminate all of the existing septic tanks. Electrical service, sanitary sewer and potable water, along with concrete pads for parking will be provided to the RV sites and WiFi service will be available throughout the park. Paving of the interior roads and walking paths, and upgraded accessibility for ADA compliance is proposed. New facilities are proposed including; a new checkin store and caretaker facility, play grounds, expansion of shower and laundry facilities and picnic areas. The existing canal shoreline is eroded and requires stabilization. The plan to restore the canal banks includes re-grading and rip-rap installation. Two new day docks are proposed that will link to a paved sidewalk and fitness trail. Storm water detention areas and drainage improvements will add to the existing environmental benefits of the onsite Storm water treatment area (STA). C. Staff recommendation The specific findings and conclusion of each review agency related to this request are identified in Sections F through T of this report. The current review status for each agency is as follows:

Section Division or Department Reviewer Phone Assessment F Comprehensive Plan Peter Walden 219-4923 Comply F ARDP Samantha Lovelady 288-5664 N/A G Development Review Peter Walden 219-4923 Comply H Urban Design Santiago Abasolo 288-5485 N/A H Community Redevelopment Santiago Abasolo 288-5485 N/A I Property Management Colleen Holmes 288-5794 N/A J Environmental Shawn Mccarthy 288-5508 Comply J Landscaping Karen Sjoholm 288-5909 Comply K Transportation Stephanie Piche 288-5476 Comply L County Surveyor Michael O’Brien 288-5418 N/A M Engineering Michelle Cullum 223-7945 Comply N Addressing Emily Kohler 288-5692 Comply N Electronic File Submission Emily Kohler 288-5692 Comply O Water and Wastewater James Christ 320-3034 Comply O Wellfields James Christ 320-3034 Comply P Fire Prevention Doug Killane 288-5633 N/A P Emergency Management Doug Wouters 219-4941 N/A Q ADA Judy Lamb 221-1396 Comply R Health Department Todd Reinhold 221-4090 N/A R School Board Kimberly Everman 219-1200 N/A S County Attorney Krista Storey 288-5443 Comply T Adequate Public Facilities Peter Walden 219-4923 Comply

Staff has reviewed this application for a final site plan of a major or planned unit development, for compliance with the applicable goals, objectives and policies of the Martin County Comprehensive Growth Management Plan, the Martin County Land Development Regulations and the code. The staff determination is that this application is in compliance with these laws, ordinances and policies, standards and criteria. Staff recommends approval of this application for this major development order, final site plan, subject to any conditions as identified in this report.

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D. Review Board action This application meets the threshold requirements for processing as a major development. As such, a review of this application is required by the Local Planning Agency (LPA) and final action by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). Both the LPA and the BCC meetings must be public hearings. MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR, ARTICLE 10 E. Location and site information Parcel number(s) and address: 55-38-41-000-017-0001.1-90000 2175 SW Locks Rd 55-38-41-000-021-0001.1-10000 No Address 55-38-41-000-028-0003.1-20000 No Address Existing Zoning: PS, Public Service Future land use: FLU-IC, Future Land Use Inst. Pub. Conservation Future land use: FLU-IR, Future Land Use Institutional Recreation Census tract: Not Applicable Commission district: 4 Community redevelopment area: Not Applicable Municipal service taxing unit: District 4 Planning area: South Mid Storm surge zone: Not Available Taxing district: Not Available Traffic analysis zone: 40

Location Map

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Site Plan of Developed Area

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Zoning District: PS, Public Service District Adjacent zoning Districts: To the North; Okeechobee Waterway, then PS Public Service District To the South; Planned Unit Development- Residential (PUD-R), A-1 Small farms district R3-A Liberal Multiple-family District To the East; Florida’s Turnpike, State road right-of-way To the West; PS, Public Service District

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Future Land Use Designation: Public Recreation District Adjacent land uses: To the North; Public Conservation and Agricultural Ranchette To the South; Residential Estate Density up to two units per acre To the East; Florida’s Turnpike To the West; Public Conservation F. Determination of compliance with Comprehensive Growth Management Plan requirements -

Growth Management Department Findings of Compliance: The Martin County Comprehensive Growth Management Plan, Goal 4.1, Objective 4.1A., Policy 4.1.A.1., states: 'The County's existing Land Development Regulations shall be revised to conform to all guidelines and standards contained in this Plan and will: (1) Regulate the use of land and water consistent with this element and FLUM, while ensuring land use compatibility and providing open space;

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(2) Regulate the subdivision of land; (3) Protect environmentally sensitive lands, and incorporate minimum landscape standards; (4) Regulate areas subject to seasonal and periodic flooding and provide for drainage and stormwater management; (5) Regulate signage; (6) Ensure safe and convenient on-site traffic flow and parking needs; (7) Protect potable water wellfields and aquifer recharge areas; (8) Protect endangered and threatened species and species of special concern and their habitats as defined in the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission's official list or as determined as regionally significant by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council; (9) Ensure that any development orders and permits issued do not result in a level of service (LOS) below the base level of service standards adopted in the Capital Improvements Element;. (10) Include provisions for the transfer of development rights to: (a) Protect environmentally sensitive areas and/or historic resources and; (b) Specify those receiving zones within the Primary Urban Service District that can accept additional density and where in-fill development allows for new development and redevelopment of previously underused portions of the Primary Urban Service District. Staff has reviewed this application and finds that that it complies with the LDR, as detailed within this report. Staff recommends approval of this development application as consistent with the guidelines and standards of the applicable Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, as implemented in the LDR. Staff has reviewed this application and finds that it complies with the LDR, as detailed within this report. Staff recommends approval of this development application as consistent with the guidelines and standards of the applicable Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, as implemented in the LDR. G. Determination of compliance with land use, site design standards, zoning, and procedural

requirements - Growth Management Department Findings of Compliance: The Growth Management Department Development Review Division staff has reviewed the application and finds it in compliance with the applicable regulations. There are no unresolved land use, site design standards, zoning or procedural requirement issues associated with this application. Aditional Information: Item #1: Option 1 Other Agency Permits The applicant has elected 'Option 1' regarding Agency permit submittal for review for consistency. No final site plan shall be approved until all applicable local, state, and federal approved permits are submitted and reviewed by the County Administrator. If an application is made to any permitting agency for a modification to a permit that was required to be issued prior to final site plan approval, the application for the permit modification must be submitted concurrently to Martin County. MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR §10.9.A (2016) All applicable federal, state and local permits have been received and are on file. H. Determination of compliance with the urban design and community redevelopment requirements

– Community Development Department

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N/A The project is not in the General Commercial, Limited Commercial, Commercial Office/Residential or Waterfront Commercial Future Land Use designations. It is also more than 600 feet from a minor collector street. Therefore, the project is exempt from Commercial Design regulations pursuant to Section 4.871.B. Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2002). I. Determination of compliance with the property management requirements – Engineering

Department N/A No dedication of additional right of way is required or proposed by the Applicant pursuant to the Roadway Classifications set forth in Section 4.843.B, Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla., (2010) which includes Table 4.19.1 that lists the minimum right of way requirements. Therefore, the Applicant is not required to submit due diligence materials for review by the Martin County Real Property Division. J. Determination of compliance with environmental and landscaping requirements - Growth

Management Department Environmental Findings of Compliance: The Growth Management Department Environmental Division staff has reviewed the application and finds it in compliance with the applicable Land Development Regulations. Landscape Findings of Compliance: The Growth Management Department staff has reviewed the application and finds it in compliance with the applicable Land Development Regulations regarding landscaping. The applicant has proposed redevelopment of an existing park site to renovate and modernize existing facilities and amenities. The applicant has submitted landscape plans that provide 61.9 acres of open space/landscape area which equates to 92.04% of the development area to document compliance with Section 4.663.A.1., Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013). Pursuant to this regulation a minimum of 20% of the total development area shall be landscaped. The applicant has submitted landscape plans that provide for preservation and planting the equivalent of 395 trees to document compliance with Section 4.663.A.3.b. Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013). Pursuant to this regulation a minimum of 1 tree shall be established for each 2500 sq. ft. of the total development area. The total area of the development site is 988,397 sq. ft. which requires the planting of 395 trees. The applicant has proposed the preservation and planting of trees equivalent to the 395 trees required. Though not classified as protected trees, the applicant also proposes to preserve and/or relocate additional sabal palms as possible. Landscaped bufferyards are required between differing land uses and along certain transportation corridors. It is the intent of the code to encourage the preservation of existing vegetation for use in buffers as opposed to clearing and replanting designed landscapes. Section 4.663.B., Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013).

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Surrounding land use on the south is residential. So in accordance with Section 4.663.B.1.a, Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013) a Type 2 buffer is required. Section 4.663B.9.a. allows this buffer to be reduced by ½ when it is separated by an existing ROW a minimum of 60 feet in width; there is an existing 65 ft. ROW between the park site and residential land use. The applicant is proposing to provide 1/2 of a type 2 buffer to demonstrate compliance with Section 4.663.B.1.a and 4.663.B.9.a. Existing vegetation is being preserved and will be supplemented in the field if necessary to provide sufficient opacity. Section 4.666.E. Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2013) requires that development activity preserve at least ten percent of the total number of protected trees on the site unless it can be shown that the property would be precluded of reasonable use if the trees are not removed. To meet this requirement, of the 62 protected trees on site the applicant has submitted Landscape and Construction Plans to provide for preservation of 44 existing oak and pine trees within the proposed landscape buffer and other site areas. This project includes installation of riprap for shoreline hardening along 1800 lf of the existing shoreline. The project plans have documented the existence of severe erosion and an NSSP permit application has been submitted. Section 4.5.C.11 Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2011) requires that 25% of the shoreline be replanted with native vegetation; to demonstrate compliance the applicant has proposed to establish 11,250 sq. ft. of restoration plantings for the 45,000 sq. ft. of shoreline protection zone to be hardened. Alterations cannot be made to the plans after final site plan approval. Any alteration may require an application to amend the affected approved plans. The applicant is cautioned to consider the placement of utilities and any underground or above ground site improvement that could cause a conflict with the landscaping and possibly cause a change or amendment. As-built landscape plans submitted prior to the release of a certificate of occupancy will be checked against the approved drawings. Inconsistencies may block the issuance of the certificate of occupancy and cause the applicant to begin the application process for a change or an amendment to the development order. Additional Information: Location of the buffer has now been shown on the site plan and landscape plan. However, evaluation of this buffer will be needed to verify sufficient vegetation is present to meet the screening criteria included in Section 4.663.B.6.b, LDR, Martin County, FL (2013). K. Determination of compliance with transportation requirements - Engineering Department N/A Findings of Compliance: The Traffic Division of the Engineering Department finds this application in compliance. Compliance with Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance: This application satisfies the Adequate Public Facilities Standard; it is exempt as it is construction of a facility identified in the CIE of the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan, or the adopted Martin County Capital Improvement Program. [Martin County, Fla., LDR Article 5, Division 2, Section 5.32.B.3.g) (2009)]

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L. Determination of compliance with county surveyor - Engineering Department N/A The applicant has indicated that there are no proposed changes to the project boundary as part of the current application. Therefore, The Engineering Department was not required to review this application for consistency with the Martin County Codes for survey requirements contained in Article 4 of the Land Development Regulations. MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR §10.1.F M. Determination of compliance with engineering, storm water and flood management requirements

- Engineering Department Findings of Compliance: The application was reviewed for compliance with the following Divisions of the Land Development Regulations. Staff's finding is summarized after each:

1. Division 8- Excavation, Fill, and Mining: The applicant demonstrated in the Engineer's Opinion of Probable Excavation, Fill, and Hauling that excavation of 22,500 cubic yards is proposed and the proposed development will only require 8,500 cubic yards of fill; therefore, the hauling of 14,000 cubic yards of material from the site is being approved with this Development Order. The applicant demonstrated compliance with Division 8.

2. Division 9- Stormwater Management: Phipps Park falls within the boundaries of the Tropical Farms Stormwater Retrofit Project. The applicant has demonstrated that the proposed improvements include water quality treatment and attenuation prior to discharging into the existing Tropical Farms Stormwater Retrofit STA. The applicant is proposing dry detention areas, exfiltration trenches, and perimeter berms to meet Martin County Design Standards; therefore, the required attenuation and water quality treatment is in compliance with Division 9.

3. Division 10 - Flood Protection: The proposed improvements for this project do not fall within a Special Flood Hazard Area; therefore, compliance with Division 10 is not applicable.

4. Division 14 - Parking and Loading: The applicant demonstrated compliance with the parking requirements set forth in Division 14.

5. Division 19- Roadway Design: The applicant demonstrated that the proposed drive aisle for Phipps Park meets Martin County Design Standards for a Local Road. The proposed design meets the requirements in Division 19.

Compliance with Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance: This project will provide the proposed development sufficient services based upon the adopted LOS for stormwater management facilities. Additional Information: Information #1: This project anticipates the hauling of material from the site, which is subject to payment of $0.21 per cubic yard. The payment must be made within sixy (60) calendar days of the project approval. The engineer of record shall certify the amount of material hauled from the site to the Engineering Department on a regular basis but no more than three months. The engineer of record shall prepare a certified annual report that includes a record drawing, signed and sealed by a Florida registered engineer and/or land surveyor. The record drawing shall contain sufficient information to document that all requirements of the permit have been met and shall include cross sections of the excavation or fill and a

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drawing that locates the extent of the excavation or fill and the distance to all property lines. Within 30 days of the completion of the hauling, the engineer of record shall certify that the material was excavated in substantial conformance with the approved plans and specifications. The following certification statement must also appear on the certification report: I hereby notify Martin County of the completion of all excavation and filling of the project and certify that it was performed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications, including, but not limited to, all area and quantities of vegetated littoral and upland buffer zones, all excavation and fill material quantities, excavation depths, and natural resources protection. N. Determination of compliance with addressing and electronic file submittal requirements – Growth

Management and Information Technology Departments Addressing Findings of Compliance: The application has been reviewed for compliance with Division 17, Addressing, of the Martin County Land Development Regulations. Staff finds that the proposed site plan / plat complies with applicable addressing regulations. This park has an existing address that meets all Land Development Regulations in Article 4, Division 17, Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2016). Electronic File Submittal Findings of Compliance: The Information Services Department staff has reviewed the electronic file submittal and finds it in compliance with the applicable county requirements. Both AutoCAD site plan and boundary survey were received and found to be in compliance with Section 10.2.B.5, Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2016) Both AutoCAD site plan and boundary survey were in State Plane coordinates and found to be in compliance with Section 10.2.B.5, Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2016) The AutoCAD boundary survey was received and found to be in compliance with Section 10.2.B.5, Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2016) O. Determination of compliance with utilities requirements - Utilities Department Water and Wastewater Service Findings of Compliance: This development application has been reviewed for compliance with applicable statutes and ordinances and the reviewer finds it in compliance with Martin County's requirements for water and wastewater level of service. [Martin County, Fla., LDR, Article 4, Division 6 and 7, (2016)] Wellfield and Groundwater Protection Findings of Compliance: The application has been reviewed for compliance under the Wellfield Protection Program. The reviewer finds the application in compliance with the Wellfield Protection and Groundwater Protection Ordinances. [Martin County, Fla., LDR, Article 4, Division 5] (2016)

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P. Determination of compliance with fire prevention and emergency management requirements –

Fire Rescue Department Fire Prevention Findings of Compliance: The Fire Prevention Bureau finds this submittal to be in compliance with the applicable provisions governing construction and life safety standards. This occupancy shall comply with all applicable provisions of governing codes whether implied or not in this review, in addition to all previous requirements of prior reviews. Additional Information: Information #1: The AHJ shall have the authority to: Require fire department access be provided to gated subdivisions or developments through the use of an approved device or system [NFPA 1, Chapter 18, Section 2.2.2]. Requires an access box(es) to be installed in an accessible location where access to or within a structure or area is difficult because of security. [NFPA 1, Chapter 18, Section 2.2.1]. Martin County Fire Rescue utilizes and required the Knox access system. You may contact to order the Knox system. Q. Determination of compliance with Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements - General

Services Department Findings of Compliance: The General Services Department staff has reviewed the application and finds it in compliance with the applicable Americans with Disability Act requirements. (2014 FBC, FIFTH EDITION\ACCESSIBILITY) Additional Information: 9/26/2016 - Per ADA-ABA Accessibility Guidelines. a) Needs to show Accessible boat slip at both docks. They need to be 40' long with every 10' having a 60"access. (ABA F235.2 and ADA 1003.2.1) b) Two Accessible tent spaces and four Accessible camper sites required. (ABA F244.2) c) At least one of the RV parking spaces needs to be 20' wide. Second RV parking space ok to be no narrower than 16'. (ADA 1012.2) d) Where is boat ramp that is going to renovated? Boarding piers at boat launches shall provide clear pier space 60' wide niminum and extend full length of boarding pier. Every 10' maximum, needs to

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have at least one contiunuous clear opening 60" wide minimum. (ABA F235.3 and ADA 1003.3.2) 2/21/2017 - Accessible boat slips shown on both boat docks, two accessible tent spaces and 4 accessible camper sites shown on revised site plan. Boatramp not shown on revised site plan. 4/27/2017 - Confirmed with Fred Jette, one of the 4 RV parking spaces is marked with 20' width. R. Determination of compliance with Martin County Health Department and Martin County School

Board Martin County Health Department Additional Information: Information #1: Phipps Park is a Department of Health regulated Recreational Vehicle Park under Chapter 64E-15 FAC. Per 64E-15 any changes to the park must be reviewed and approved by FL-DOH Martin County. If changes are made to the layout or sizing of the RV spaces per 64E-15.002(3) Recreational Vehicle Parks. The minimum size and location of each recreational vehicle space constructed or developed after the effective date of this rule shall be as follows: (a) Each recreational vehicle space shall contain a minimum of 1200 square feet. (b) The density shall not exceed 25 recreational vehicle units per acre of gross site. (c) Each tent space shall contain a minimum of 500 square feet. (d) Each recreational vehicle space shall be clearly identified If any septic tanks remain on site, they must be abandoned per Chapter 64E-6 FAC. If you have any questions please call Todd Reinhold or Nick Clifton with this office at (772) 221-4090. S. Determination of compliance with legal requirements - County Attorney's Office Review ongoing T. Determination of compliance with the adequate public facilities requirements - responsible

departments The review for compliance with the standards for a Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities Exemption for development demonstrates that no additional impacts on public facilities were created in accordance with Section 5.32.B., LDR, Martin County, Fla. (2016). Exempted development will be treated as committed development for which the County assures concurrency.

As a Public Facility included in the Capital Improvements Program, this project is exempt from adequate public facilities compliance.


Standards for certificate of public facility exemption. The following shall be exempt from the requirements of this article.

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5.32.B.3.g. Public facilities in CIE. Construction of facilities identified in the CIE of the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan, or the adopted Martin County Capital Improvement Program.

U. Post-approval requirements Approval of the development order is conditioned upon the applicant’s submittal of all required documents, executed where appropriate, to the Growth Management Department (GMD), including unpaid fees, within sixty (60) days of the final action granting approval. Item #1: Post Approval Requirements List: After approval the applicant will receive a letter and a Post Approval Requirements List that identifies the documents and fees required. The applicant will return the Post Approval Requirements List along with the required documents in a packet with the documents arranged in the order shown on the list. Item #2: Post Approval Fees: The applicant is required to pay all remaining fees when submitting the post approval packet. If an extension is granted, the fees must be paid within 60 days from the date of the development order. Checks should be made payable to Martin County Board of County Commissioners. Item #3: Post Approval Impact Fees: Impact fees must be paid after the development order has been approved. Submit a check made payable to Martin County Board of County Commissioners within 60 days of project approval. Item #4: Recording Costs: The applicant is responsible for all recording costs. The Growth Management Department will calculate the recording costs and contact the applicant with the payment amount required. Checks should be made payable to the Martin County Clerk of Court. Item #5: One (1) copy of the recorded warranty deed if a property title transfer has occurred since the site plan approval. If there has not been a property title transfer since the approval, provide a letter stating that no title transfer has occurred. Item #6: Original and one (1) copy of the current Unity of Title in standard County format if a property title transfer has occurred since the site plan approval. If there has not been a property title transfer since the approval, provide a letter stating so that no transfer has occurred.

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Item #7: Ten (10) 24" x 36" copies of the approved construction plans signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record licensed in the State of Florida. Fold to 8 by 12 inches. Item #8: Ten (10) copies 24" x 36" of the approved site plan and one (1) reduced copy 8 1/2" x 11". Item #9: Original approved site plan on Mylar or other plastic, stable material. Item #10: Ten (10) 24" x 36" copies of the approved landscape plan signed and sealed by a landscape architect licensed in the State of Florida. Item #11: One (1) digital copy of site plan in AutoCAD 2010 - 2014 drawing format (.dwg). The digital version of the site plan must match the hardcopy version as submitted. Item #12: Original of the construction schedule. Item #13: Two (2) originals of the Cost Estimate, on the County format which is available on the Martin County website, signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record licensed in the State of Florida. Item #14: Original of the Engineer's Design Certification, on the County format which is available on the Martin County website, signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record licensed in the State of Florida. Item #15: A hauling fee of $0.21 per cubic yard of material being hauled from the site in the amount of $2,940.00 shall be paid within sixty (60) calendar days of the project approval. Item #16: Original and one (1) copy or two (2) copies of the executed and signed Water and Wastewater Service Agreement with Martin County Regional Utilities and one (1) copy of the payment receipt for Capital Facility Charge (CFC) and engineering and recording fees. V. Local, State, and Federal Permits

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Approval of the development order is conditioned upon the applicant's submittal of all required applicable Local, State, and Federal Permits, to the Growth Management Department (GMD), prior to the commencement of any construction. An additional review fee will be required for Martin County to verify that the permits are consistent with the approved development order. Item #1: ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS The following permits must be submitted prior to scheduling the Pre-Construction meeting:

1. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) listed species permit or plan (gopher tortoise).

Item #2: WATER AND WASTEWATER The applicant must provide a copy of all required Department of Environmental Protection permits prior to scheduling the Pre-Construction meeting. W. Fees Public advertising fees for the development order will be determined and billed subsequent to the public hearing. Fees for this application are calculated as follows: Fee type: Fee amount: Fee payment: Balance: Application review fees: $9,127.00 $9,127.00 $0.00 Advertising fees*: TBD Recording fees**: TBD Mandatory impact fees: TBD Non-mandatory impact fees: TBD * Advertising fees will be determined once the ads have been placed and billed to the County. ** Recording fees will be identified on the post approval checklist. X. General application information Applicant: Martin County Kevin Landry 2401 SE Monterey Rd Stuart, FL 34996 772-221-1376 Agent: C. Calvert Montgomery & Associates, Inc. Fred Jette P. O. Box 92 Stuart, FL 34995

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772-287--3636 Engineer: C. Calvert Montgomery & Associates, Inc. Scott T Montgomery, Pe Po Box 92 Stuart, FL 34994 772-287-3636 Y. Acronyms ADA ............. Americans with Disability Act AHJ .............. Authority Having Jurisdiction ARDP ........... Active Residential Development Preference BCC.............. Board of County Commissioners CGMP .......... Comprehensive Growth Management Plan CIE ............... Capital Improvements Element CIP ............... Capital Improvements Plan FACBC ........ Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction FDEP ............ Florida Department of Environmental Protection FDOT ........... Florida Department of Transportation LDR.............. Land Development Regulations LPA .............. Local Planning Agency MCC ............. Martin County Code MCHD.......... Martin County Health Department NFPA ........... National Fire Protection Association SFWMD ....... South Florida Water Management District W/WWSA .... Water/Waste Water Service Agreement Z. Attachments