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~ . WORLD EDUCAnON SERIES AmericanAssociolion of Collegiate Fleg<:tt<US and Admissions 01f"""s

Stanley Wellington


Officom of !he Aaoriman 1983-M

Pr.sideni--Leo ~ Sweeney, DiredDr of Admissions IUid Registnu; Univeniity of Mis­souri-Kansas City, Kansas Oty, MO 64110.

President-Elect-~ E. Thomas, Regislnl<. Calomdo State University, Fort ColliN, co 80523.

Past President-Kenneth H. Bogard, Regis~n~<, Miami University, Oxford. OH 45056.

Vu:e President lor Mmi•sions IUid FiNtndal Aids-]'ad: H. Shirley, Director of Admi&­sions IUid Regis~=; University of Newda-R.eno, Reno, N1/,1!9557.

Vu:e Pr.sident lor Data Management and Resem<h-Brucr T. Shutt Assodate Va President lor Student Affairs and Regis~n~<. University of Georgia, Alhens, GA 30602.

Va Presidenl lor 1ntemalional Education-!Carlene N. Dickey, Assodate Dean of Gmduate StudieS IUid Research, Stanford University, Stanford, CA ~.

VIce President lor lle<:ord> IUid Registnmon-Jolm F. ColliN, Jt., Registnu; University of Maine at Orono, Orono, ME 04469.

Vice President lor Regional Assoc:iations-G D. Bowker. Dean, Academic Serv­ices, University of Nelm!slca-l.lnaJln. Lincoln, NE 68588.

Secretary-ll'easurer--Cliff Gillespie, Dean of Admissions, lle<:ord> and Information Systems, Middle Tennessee State Univeniity, Murfreesboro, 1N 37132.

Executive Director-~ Douglas Conner; Associate Executive Director-Hazel E. Benn; Assistant ~ Director-Laurine D. Robinson; ACCRAO, One Dupont Cin:le, NW, Wasllirlgtml. DC 20036.

Managing Editrn; World Education Series-Lucy McDezmott; AssL Edilor-Henrianne 1<.. Wakefield; Editcrial AssL-Jane Mckel; ACCRAO, One Dupont Cin:le, NW, Washington. DC 20036.


Vice President lor lntemational Edtiadion-l<arlene N. Dickey (title lllld address above~

World Education Series Committee-Alan M. Margolis (Chairperson), Registrar, Queens College, Flushing. NY 11367; Lee Olristensen. Regis~n~<. Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg. KS 66762; Betty Gom!tt, Assistant Director of Admissions, University of T.,.....Dallas, Ricluudson. TX 75080; Andrew ~ Hein. Assistant Dean. Graduate SchooL University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455; Gloria Nathan­son. Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Relations with Schools, Univ=ity of caiilornia-Los Angela, Los Angeles, CA 90024; E. £usene OliveJ; Direc1or. Univer9ity Office of School IUid College Relations, Univeniity of Dlinois, Champaign n. 61820; )ames R. Vllillancourt. Dean of Enrollment Services, Old Do­minion University, Norfolk. VA 23508; Robert D. Barendsen (a o[fit:W), Spedalist on Eduadion in Far Eastern Countriei, U.S. Department of Education, Washington. DC 2ll2ll2l Adeline C. O'Connell (a o[fit:W), Senior Program Offu:er. Student Support SeM0es Division. U.S. Information Agt=y-ECAIAS, Washington. DC 20547.

Commi- ClahpelsODB: AC:CRAO!AJD Project-E. Eugene Oliver. Direclor. Univeniity Office of Schoollllld

College Relations. University of Illinois, Olampaign. n. 61820.

Admissions, Ewlustionlllld Plaoemen!-Martha Renaud. ~ Placement Servicrs Division. Institute of 1ntemalional Educatiort New Ymk. NY 10017.

Intemational Student Research-Robert 1<.. llnlsheaJ: Assistant Director of Admissions, University of Houston Central Campus, Houston, TX 77004.

Study Abroad by United States Students-Thomas Roberts, Assodate Direclor, Beaver College Center for Education Abroad. Glenside, PA 19038. '

• I


-- -~--------


A Study of the Educational System of Colombia and a Guide to the Academic Placement of Students from

Colombia in Educational Institutions of the United States

Stanley Wellington, Ph. D. /r~lematiollal Creder~tials Evaluator

George Maso11 U11iversity


A Service or the International Education Activities Group o( the American Association of Collegiate Regislrars and Admissions Orricers

Placement Recommendations Approved by the National Council on the Ev-.lluation

of Foreign Educational Credenlials

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Wellington, Stanley. Colombia, a study of the educational system of Colombia and a guide to the academic

placement of students from Colombia in educational institutions in the United States.

(World education series) Bibliography' p. Includes index. I. Education-Columbia. 2. School management and organization-Colom·

bia. 3. Universities and colleges-Colombia-Dire.:tories. 4. School grade place­ment-Uniled States. 5. School credits-United States. 6. College credits­United States. I. Title. II. Series. LA566.W45 1984 370'.9861 84-6144 ISBN ().910054-80-0

Publication olthe World Education Series Is lunded by grants from the Director­ate for Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States lnlormation Agency.


Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

Map of Colombia ................................................. viii

Chapter One. Introduction and Primary Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Brief Overview of lhe Educational Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

The School Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Frequency of Reform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Preschool and Primary Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Chapter Two. Secondary and Non-Formal Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Secondary Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Secondary Curriculums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Current Curriculums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Basic Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Advanced Secondary Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Curriculums Prior to 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Grading at Secondary Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Current System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Grading Prior to 1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Examinations and Promolion/Both Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Documents-Current and Pre-1974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Non-Formal/Vocational Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 SENA ........................................................ 26

Chapter Three. Higher Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 The System i~ General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Decree No. 80 of 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Undergraduate Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Admission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 El Exame11 de Estado (fhe Stale Examination) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Measurement of Crcditffrnnsrer Credit Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Grading!Ex~minations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Undergraduate Degrees and Diplomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Sample Documents, Level 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Three-Year Degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Diplomas-Pre-1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Formacidn lulenuedia Profesio,al (Intermediate Professiortal Studies)n..evel I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Fon11acid11 Tto•o/d~i'"? (fechnological Studies)/Levcl 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Ttr11dlogo EspenaiiZJJdo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Fonuacidu Uuiversitaria (University Studies)flcvel 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 The Traditional COlombian University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 University Types and Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51


Graduate Educalion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 £specinlista (Specialist) Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Magister (Master's) Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Doctor (Doctoral) Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Chapter Four. Guidelines and Placement Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . 65 Special Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Colombian Degrees and Diplomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Grading Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Military and Police Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Transfer of Credits from Colombian Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Placement Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Appendix A. Colombian Institutions of Higher Education . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Appendix B. Most Recent Reforms of Colombian Secondary Education ............................................ 122

Appendix C. Curriculum, Experimental BaclJillerato en Aries, (Secondary School Program in the Arts), by Grade ................. 123

Appendix D. Seminary Education .................................. 124

Glossary ......................................................... 126

Useful References ................................................ 130

Index ............................................................ 131


1.1. Chari of the Colombian Educational System, 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2. Primary School Curriculum, by Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1. Curriculum, Cicio Bdsico (Basic Cycle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.2. Curriculum, Bachilleralo Acadbnico o Cldsico, Cicio Vocacional (Academic or Classical Education, Advanced Secondary Cycle) ........................... :. . . . . . . . . . . . to

2.3. Curriculum, Bachillerato Pedag6gico or Fonnaci6n Normalisla, Cicio Vocacional (Pedagogical or Teacher Training, Advanced Secondary Cycle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II

2.4. Curriculum, Bachillerato Industrial, Cicio Vocacional (Industrial Education, Advanced Secondary Cycle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II

2.5. Curriculum, Bachilleralo Comercial, Cicio Vocacional (Commercial Education, Advanced Secondary Cycle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


2.6. Curriculum, Bachillerato Agrop«uario, Cicio Vocacio,ull (General Agricullure, Advanced Secondary Cycle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.7. Curriculum, Bacl1illtrato Promoci6n Social, Cicio Vocacional (Social Studies Education, Advanced Secondary Cycle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.8. Suggested Equivalencies Between Grading Systems of Colombian Secondary Schools and U.S. High Schools, 1974-Present . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.9. Suggested Equivalencies Between Grading Systems of Colombian Secondary Schools and U.S. High Schools, 1934-74 .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. 17

2.10. The Bncllillrr Diplomas (Secondary School Diplomas) Offered in Colombia, Past and Present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.1. List of Subjects and lime Required for Each on El Exame11 de £stmlo Cfhe State Examination) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.2. Comparison of Grading Systems Used by Institutions of Higher Education in Colombia and the United States . . . . . . . . 34

3.3. Business Adminislration Curriculum, Formaci611 Intermedin Pmfcsioual (lntennediate Professional Studies), Level I . . . . . . . 45

3.4. Business Administration Curriculum, Formnci6n Tenw16gica Cfechnological Studies), Level 2 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. 47

3.5. Nursing Curriculum, Formaci611 Tecu61ogo, Level 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.6. Enrollment at Universidad Nacional de Colombia by Famltad and by School, 1982 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 50

3.7. Chemistry Curriculum, School of Chemistry, Facultad of Sciences, Universidad Nadonal de Colombia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

3.8. Economics Curriculum, School of Economics, Facultad of Social and Economic Sciences, Universidad del Valle, 1981 53

3.9. Business Administration Curriculum, School of Business Administration, facullad of Economic Sciences and Administration, 1\mtifida Universidad Javeriana, 1981-83 55

3.10. Electronic Engineering Curriculum, Facultad of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad javeriana, 1981-83 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

3.11. Nursing Curriculum, Famltad of Nursing, Pontificia Universidad javeriana, 1981-83 . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. 57

3.12. Graduate Programs, Pontificia Universidad javeriana, 1983 58

3.13. Curriculum, Magister e'1 Extwsi6n Jm'" Desarrollo Rural (Master's of Rural Development Extension), Pontificia Universidad Javeriana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

3.14. Curriculum, Magister eu Administraci611 Educacionnl (Master's in Educational Administration), Universidad del Valle . . . . . . . . . . 61

D. I. Curriculum, Cicio I, Filos6{ico (Philosophy, Cycle I) of the Major Seminaries in Colombia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124


1. Cerlifirodo a/ Quiuto Grado d~ E~rse,;a,za Primaria (Certificate of Completion of Grade 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1. Baclril/er Acadb11ico (Academic Secondary Diploma or Title) from a Public Secondary School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.2. Bacllilltr Acadlmico from a Private Secondary School . . . . . . . . . 20

2.3. Maestra (Secondary School Diploma in Teacher Training) . . . . . 21

2.4. Maestro Superior (Secondary School Diploma in "leacher Training) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.5. Exl"'''" e11 Mrol11ica (Expert in Mechanics) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.6. Baclliller 1k11ico l11d11strial (Technical Industrial Diploma), Specialization in Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.7. Bachilltr from a Diversified High School (IN EM) . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.8. Secondary School Transcript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2.9. Transcript of the Sixth, or Final. Year of Secondary School . . . 25

2.10. Apprenticeship Certi/icale Issued by SENA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

7.ll. Certificodo de Aptitud Pro{esio11nl de-/CAP (Certificate of Professional Aptitude in-) (Bartending and Waiting on Tables), Issued by SENA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.1. Ttcnico Profesional lntermrdio en lngenieria ludustrial (Intermediate Professional Technician in Industrial Engineering) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.2. Tocniro Prafrsimral lutermtdio en Administraci6n y Fiuanws (Intermediate Professional Technician in Administration and Finance) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.3. Trcn61ogo en Administraci6n dr Empresas {Tl.~hnologist in Business Administration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.4. Titulo de Quimico, Univcrsidad Nacional de Colombia . . . . . . . . 41

3.5. Diploma de lugeniero Mocdnico, Universidad de los Andes . . . . . 41

3.6. Liceuciado en Cienrias de Ia Educaci611, Esptcializado en Biologfa y Q11fmica, La Universidad Pedag6gica Nacional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

3.7. Licenciado en Ciencias de Ia £,i11raci6n, £specialidad Ciencias Sociales, La Universidad Santiago de Cali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

3.8. Magister en Administmci6n Ed11rocionaJ, Universidad del Valle . . 62



Writing this book has been a challenge and a privilege. Contrast characterizes Colombian education as it does all other aspects of Colombian society. I trust, therefore, that anything in this volume that deviates from readers' impres­sions of Colombian education may be explained by the discrepancy between that which is generally reported and that which actually occurs. AI the same time, I take lull responsibility lor any errors that may appear in the following pages.

Many dedicated educators in the United Stales and Colombia contributed lo the development of this volume, and working with them has been an enriching experience. To joseph P. Capobianco, author of the World Educa­tion Series (WE5) volume, Italy, who has been a painstaking but delighllul monitor, I am deeply grateful for his skillful guidance. I owe a similar debt to Lucy McDermotl, WES managing edilor, and her assistant, Henrianne Wakefield. I am also grateful to the following persons for their advice, as­sistance and support: Karlene N. Dickey, Alton 5. Donnelly, James 5. Frey, G. James HaaS, Gary Hoover, Alan Margolis, M. Mobin Shorish, and Kitty M. Villa.

In Colombia I want to thank the many educators who gave generously of their time in interviews, preparing research material, responding to enqui­ries, and reviewing sections of the draft. I especially wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Jairo Caicedo C., Jefe Relaciones Internacionales, In­stiluto Colombiano para el Fomento de Ia Educaci6n Superior; Dr. Margoth Supulveda Nii\o; Dr. Pedro Polo U., Decano Academico, Pontificia Univer­sidad Javeriana; Dr. Francisco Genecco-Calvo, Fulbright Commission; Dr. Luis Alberto Maldonado 5., Director del Departamento de Admisiones e lnlorma­ci6n Profesional, Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Director Fernando Vil­legas-Angel. Secretariado Permanente del Episcopado Colombiano; Dr. Rodollo Uribe Uribe; lng. Hortensio Castro 0.; Sra. Maria de las Angeles Chamorro; Prof. Myriam Murillo Gasper; and Srta. laura Olga Montoya Montero. Their spirit of cooperation truly indicated their deep concern for Colombian education.

At my own institution I wish to express special appreciation to France J. Pruilt, Director of lnternalional Programs and Services at George Mason University, who encouraged this assignment and gave unqualified support throughout the production of the book. Other members of the George Mason community to whom I would like to express my gratitude include Ali-Asghar Aghbar, jose Angel Bulill, Martha 5. Daza and Hamdesa Tuso.

Finally, I wish to thank my wile, Simin 5. Wellington, lor her patience and assistance throughout this project.








) Chapter One

Introduction and Primary Education

Offidal Name: RepUblica de Colombia (Republic of Colombia).

location and Size: 439,737 square miles (I, 138,914 sq. km.), located on the northwest comer of South America. Colombia is bordered on the north by the Caribbean Sea, on the east by Venezuela and Brazil, on the south by Brazil, PerU, and Ecuador, and the west by EoJador, the Pacific Orean, Panama, and the Caribbean.

Govemmenl: Dernocracy.

Legislative Body: Congress (bicameral), consisting of a Senate and a Chamber of Representatives. The Senate has 112 members, the Chamber 199 members.

Loc11l Governmer1l: 22 departments, the Distrilo EspcciaiiD.E. (Special District) of BogotA, 3 inttiJdmcias and 5 romisarfas, under appointed governors and admin­istrators. 1

fupulation: 28,776.CXXI (1980 est.)

Main Ethnic Gro1.1ps: 60% mixed European and Indian descent, 20% Caucasian, 14% mulatto, 4% African, and 2% Indian.

Language: Spanish is the official language.

Religion: Over 95% of the population is Roman Catholic.

Largest Cities: The estimated populations of the four largest cities were as follows in 1979: Bogota, capital. 4,324,000; Medellin, 1,589,000; Cali, 1,382,000; Barranquilla, 891,000.

leading Industries: Agriculture (bananas, cassava, cattle, coffee, com, colton, potatoes, wheat); mining (coal, emeralds, gold, iron, natural gas, oil, platinum, silver); man­ufacturing (chemicals, steel. textiles).

SouRCf:: Hammond Almanac, 14th ed., s.v. ·colombia·; and Concise Columbia Erz· cycloptdia, 1983 ed., s.v. "'Colombia.•

I. lnteru/trlcias a.nd comisarias (subdt:!IL,;ations) are political subdivisions that do not qualify as states because of low population density.

Table 1. 1. Chart of the Colombian Educational Syatem, 1983

Preschool Years of Colombian Education




1 2 3 4 5

· !1H21 ·!31 ·!41-!51

C CettJncarJO Bl Quinto Grado de Em:snanza Primaria

B Bachlller diploma


T?l Tilcnico Prolesionsl lntermedio (4·5 sem. program)

T Tecn6/ogo (4· 7 sem. program)

Basic Sec. Cycle

6 7 8 9

[1] ·[2] ·[3] ·[4]

TS Tecn6/ogo Especielizado; program BPPI'D"Bd and scheduled to begin lunelionlng In 1984

L Ucenciado or comparable first unive~ degree

I lngeniefl) degree M M(Kijco degree MC Medico Cirujano degree E Especialista MA Magistsr degree D Doctor degree

Experimental program since 1978 Ages 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Advanced Sec. Cycle

10 ,

Academic! Classical (5]· [6]

• Arts'

(5]. [6]

• Commercial [5]· [6]

• Gen. Agriculture

[5]· [6]

• Industrial [5]. [6]

• Pedagogy/

Tead'ler Training (5] ·(6]

• Social Studies

(5] ·161

• 16 17

Higher Education

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Formaci6n lnteTmecJia ProfesionBl

Level 1 [1]·[2]

Formaci6n TecnoJ6gica Level 2

[1]·[2]·[3]. [1]·[2] T TS

Formacidn Ufflversitaria Levei3


(1 1·[2]·[3]·(4]· [5]· [6]· [7J I MC

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Graduate Education

Formsct6n Avanzada o de Postgrado

l.evel4 (1]·[2]· [3]·(4]


(1]·[2]· [3]-[4] MA 0


Brief Overview of the Educational Structure

The Ministerio de Educad6n Nacional (Ministry o( National Education) is the major administrative authority in Colombia for all levels of education. The Ministry exercises control over public and private (both secular and parochial) schools, including the large and innuential school system of the Roman Catholic Church excepl for those institutions engagt..>d in the training of religious personnel. This aulhority exlends from the President to the Minister of Education and through him to the deparlamtutos (states), the IP/Imicil'ios (municipal districts), and the decentralized institutes such as the lnstiluto Colombiano pam el Fomento de Ia Educaci6n Superiur/ICFES (Colombian lnstilule for the Promotion of Higher Education).

Each of the 2.1 states in I he country, and Bogota, the Distrilo Especial/D. E. (special district), has a S«ll!lnrio dr £ducacio11 (St.'Cretary of Education). The Secretaries of Education, who are appointed by the Covemor of each slate, administer education in their jurisdictions in accordance with lhe standards cslablished by the Ministry.

The stale legislatures are responsible for eslablishing new schools under their jurisdiclions and for providing funding to enable them to function properly. In every other aspect, the educational system is the responsibility of the Minislry of National Education. This includes the determination of types o£ curriculums, minimum course requirements, the school calendar (except for university-level inslitutions), qualifications for teachers, etc. The Ministry also inspecls all public and private schools for compliance with national laws and decrees.

The School Calendar

There are two school calendars in Colombia, designated Calendars A and B. Calendar A is used by most of the country. The area where Calendar B is used includes the departaml!ntos (stales) of Valle, Cauca, and Narifio, and the Comisarfa of Putumayo. 2

Institutions at every level from primary lhrough higher non-university education operate on one o£ lhese two calendars which, like most olher aspccls of education, are mandated by the Ministry of National Education. The primary and secondary schools are in session five days a week (Monday through Friday), 198 days a year. Both calendars allow a week's vacation at Easter in addition to the regular vacation periods cited below. The calendars are as follows:

Calendar A: The first semester begins February I and ends June 15, with a vacation period from June 16 to July 15. The second semester begins july 16 and ends November 30, with vacation during December and january.

2. Decree 1902 of t%9.


Calendar B: The fo~t semester begins September I and ends December 15, wilh vacation horn that date until January 15. The second semester begins January 15 and ends June 30, wilh vacation during July and Augusl.

Frequency of Reform

During I he past century, Colombia has experienced almost constant reform of its educational syst~m. This has been particularly true during the past thirty years, as the demand for educalion at all social and economic levels has steadily increased.

As with most aspects of education in Colombia, reform is the responsibility of the Ministry of National Education. The Ministry has the power to issue decrelos (decrees) and ll?soluciones (resolutions), which are the legal foundation of the educational Structure. Thus, it will be noted throughout this volume thai every educational function operates under an official governmental de· cree or resolution. Also, il will be noted lhat certain aspects of one level of education may be operaling under a decree or resolulion different from that of another aspect, a symptom of the frequent and overlapping reforms, some of which are allowed to lapse into disuse.

In fact, despite the various reforms, the basic structure remains unchanged, especially in primary and secondary educalion. But if the structure is un­changed, there is £!vidence of progress in elements of the system. At the secondary level it consists of a broader curriculum. At the higher education level, it is reflected in the greater stress placed upon the importance of technological education. Also, more graduate programs are being imple­mented.

For more information on the most recent refonn of secondary education, see Appendix B and Chapter Two. For a discussion of higher education, see Chapter Three:

Preschool and Primary Education

Children may enter kindergarten Uardin infant it) as early as age 4 and continue through age 6. Most kindergartens are private in Colombia.

The majority of the primary schools are free public institutions operated by the state governments with assistance from the Ministry of National Educa­tion. Most private schools are Roman Catholic. Children may enter the five· year public primary schools at age 6, although most enter at 7.

Self-contained classrooms are the rule. Ordinarily, teachers spend approx­imately 6 hours a day, made up of two sessions, with their students. Each session consists of three 45-minute class periods with a 45-minute break between the two sessions. In a situation where a school is overcrowded and it is necessary lo hav(! two shifts, the school day is divided into two parts. The students will still attend six class periods of 45 minutes each. The first of such shifts often begins at 6:50A.M. and ends at 12:40 P.M.; the second begins at


12:50 and ends at 6:35 P.M. Double shifts are not unusual in many areas of Colombia. AI the end of the firsl lerm~ partial examinations are conducted; final examinations are held upon complelion of the second term. Students passing all subjects move on to the next grade without additional require­ments. Those who fail in one or two subjects are required to pass subsequent examinations in order to quali£y in those subjects before they can be pro­moted to the next grade. Students who (ail three or more subjects must repeat the grade level.

The primary school curriculum, including the number o( subjects at each grade l(!vel, time spent on each subject, and the lopics to be covered, is specified in detail by the Ministry o( National Education. See Table 1.2 (or the current primary school curriculum.

Tabla 1.2. Primary School Curriculum, by Grade

Hours per Week Subjects Grado: 2 3 4 5

Aesthetic and Manual Training 3 3 3 3 3 Mathamatlcs 5 5 5 5 5 Natural Sdence 3 3 4 4 5 Physical Educalion 3 3 3 3 3 Religlous and Moral Training 3 3 3 3 3 Social Sludias 4 4 5 5 5 Spanish 9 9 7 7 B

Totals 30 30 30 30 30

So.n>c<: Oecrue 1710 of 1963. and Resolution 2308 of 1971.

The grading system in primary schools is on a scale o( I to 5, with 3 as the lowest passing grade. These grades are somelimes wrillen as 10 to 50, or in letros (descriptive terrns). For example, see Document I, a Certificado a/ Q11into Grado de Enserianzn Prinwrw (certilicate ol completion o( grade 5), lhe lasl year o( primary school. Document I shows the filth year drm (subjects); intensidad l10raria (hours per week); promedia mimero (final average grade in numbers); and pro,edio ltlras (final average grade in descriptive terms). The certificate or completion or grade 5 is lhe sole requiremenl ror entrance lo secondary school.


:;·~~ ~;J;I. .. ,.




ln tutcrilot, Dirtctor Ill r ProltSor Ill Ul vrado QJiruo dt Ia ConctntraciOn Oittrilll

Br:l tU1& ZOftl 80

Cl'flifiCI!n •• tl lhaiMO ' ''-----------------------

(1.11'10 'r .oao diP IIIII tl lAo ltctiwo dt 1•18 lot HIYdiot corresponditnltt 11 Quinto Grado

dt Enttl\arua Prna••• con lu ti9Uiftlttl utificiC.IGftl'l t inltat•dld boraria:

AREA - , ....... lttrM h ... -[due ae-on rtligios•, mot II I ~. ca&U'O eoro ........ ,.. I " tru cinco

L-111 • .. , cua\ro claco

E1hod;o, loo<;ot" I ..., cuatro eoro

Citnci~t.naturafts I 4' cua&ro cloco

EdvuciOn ntihu y "'""''' I ..., cuatro cero•On filiu ) 45 cua\ra claco c ..... '10 cinco cera

E•Dtdido tn 809Qti, O.E., I lOS 'z& J dias dtl .,, dtHo,.ieabre .. 191~ Oa'rtctor

F411o P •. Rodricues C. Nc .• :d:wn. ap.'~,;i;liC;do::,:-=----- Prolnor,

,: ·:,. . .. , .. ; . . ,.izzz£ML•.".; ,, ·. · Fiil'ml • c.c.,I91692Sl_.d_,..:;!"£&- -- • VFiu~oa ~'/-l.c.r4Zr.Z~)Q

'f.... •· • ---. • Saa\a Rosa 01 v Nola· L,...., ,;,iftU"e~Pe~o•• umnudD 110 n.cun- ••• avt•al•ndu ••PD Df'C ... to N•c•nn•l NliaiHo UOl df' 01Citmbrt ll dt 1M2 dtl MinialfllO dt Ed11Uc.IOll.

No. 1. Ceniflcado al Quinto Grado de Enseilanu PritrN.rY (Cerlificale of Comple· lion of Grade 5).

Chapter Two

Secondary and Non-Formal Education

Secondary Education

There are two terms used to refer to secondary education in Colombia. The most familiar is educaciOtr media (middle education); the olher is educaciO" secundnria (secondary education). Both terms refer to years VI through XI of Colombian secondary school education. In this volume, the term ·secondary education• will be used to refer to all education which follows primary school and precedes higher education. Secondary school is six years in length.

Students enter secondary school directly upon successful completion of five years of primary school, usually at age 12. The certificate of completion of grade 5 is the sole requirement for admission to public secondary schools. Most private schools administer their own entrance examination, upon which admission and placement is based.

The secondary schools are generally called colegios (·colleges·), allhough the terms liceo or instituto may be used as well, particularly by private schools. Included among the public schools are the lnstitrdos Nacionales de E11se11auzn Media Diwrsifiruda/INEM (literally, national institutions of diversified educa­tioo; commonly called ucomprehensive secondary schools"). Because the INEM system was established in \969, these schools are discussed in the section on secondary education prior to 1974. They are, however, an impor· tanl part ol the current public secondary system.

The six-year programs of secondary schools represent the traditional route to university education in Colombia. Mosl private secondary schools oHer a curriculum that emphasizes lhe &driller Acadbuico o Cldsico (academic or classicel secondary school diploma), all hough since 1974 under Decree 080 all secondary schools by law are required to offer at least one other curriculum besides that leading to the academic diploma. The public secondary schools, which in general serve the lower income strata of the population, offer a more diverse curriculum that leads to all types of higher education, or to employ­ment. Allhough the Bachiller (of any type) is considered the basic requirement for entrance to institutions of higher education in Colombia, applicants must also pass the official entrance examinalion, fJ Exametr de Estado (The State Examination) in order to be accepted. See Chapter Three ior a discussion of this exam.



Secondary Curriculums

Current Curriculums

Allhough the educational system has beon reformed frequently during the last century, the basic structure of secondary education remains much the same: a four-year cycle followed by a two-year cycle. Upon completion of the second cycle, the student receives a diploma, the Baclliller (the term may be used as the designation for a diploma or for a person who has received such a diploma). The legal and practical value of the Bad•iller remains the same as before the most recent reforms.

All of the secondary programs that lead to a &chiller are called Bacl!illtralo programs. Since January 22, 1974, secondary education in Colombia has been operating on the following two cycles: I) Cic/o &!sico (basic cycle; also called "basic common cycle"), the first four years of secondary school or Bacllillernlo years VI through IX; and 2) Cicio Vocacioual (literally, vocational cycle; also called "advanced secondary cycle"), Bacl•illernlo years X and XI. Nolo that tho term ·vocational cycle'" as it is used in lhis instance denoles the U.S. idea of •choice of career- rather than that of lower technical education.

Basic Cycle

During the first two years of the Cicio Bdsiro (basic cycle), years VI and VII, all students receive the same fundamental academic education. In addition, each student spends 5 hours per week in ·vocational exploration· chosen from four areas: agricultural, commercial, industrial, and social studies education. Dur­ing the last two years of the basic cycle. years VIII and IX, in addition to the four areas mentioned above, there are two other areas from which students may select a certain number of hours per week for ·vocational initiation·: the academic and pedagogy curriculums. See Table 2.1 for the basic cycle curricu­lum. This structure allows students to inove easily among the vocational initialion areas.

Table 2.1. Curriculum, Cicio &aslco (Baste Cycle)

Section A: Common Academic Sub)ecta Hours per Week


Aesthetic Education Foreign Languages Mathematics Natural Science Physical Education Religious Education Social Sclenca Spanish Language & Uleralure

Subtolal Vocational Exploralion-Selecled from

lhe following areas: Commercial,

.2 2 4 4 5 5 4 4 2 2 2 2 6 6 5 5

30 30

2 3 4 4 2 2 4 4


2 3 4 4 2 2 4 4


General Agriculture, Industrial, Social Studios

Tolals __§ 35

__§ 35 35·38 35·38

Section B: Vocatlonallnltlatlon Curriculum by Areaa-Yeara VIII, IX

Hours per Week Areas Years: VIII IX

Academlcf Sacond Foreign Language 5 5 Eloc~ves:

Health Education (Human Anatomy/ Physiology) 5

Vocational Worl<shop __§ Totals tO 10

Commercial Accoun~ng 5 Stenography 4 3 Typing ...§ ..1

Tolals 10 10 General Agricullure

Agricultural Exploration 4 4 Animal Sclenca 4 4 Rural Construction ..1 ..1

Totals 10 10 Industrial

Eleclricily 5 Metal Mechanics 5 Technical Drawing 5 Wood Construction __§

Totals 10 10 Pedagogyt

Agricullural Techniques or Crafts 2 Methods & Techniques of Teaching 2 2 ObseMllion of Student Teaching 3 Sociology of Education & Communily

Projecl 3 Student Teaching 3 Techniques & Foundations of Educa-

tion 4 4 Worl<shop ol Educational Skills ..1

Totals 13 12 Social Studies

Basic Studies of Administration 2 Communication Techniques 4 Community Development 4 Dressmaking & Sawing 4 Human Biology & Health ...§ ~

Totals 10 14

So.JRCE: ResoluUon 130, January 23, 1978, and Resolution 4785, July 9, 1974. "Depending upon area selected. See Section B ol this table.

tOuring the last two )U1B of the baste cyde. the academic: and pedagogy curriculums aru added to lhe other lour to increase the 8f88S offered for vocational initiation to sb:, as opposed to lour lor vocational -ation.


Advanced Secondary Cycle

The Cicio Vocacionll/ (literally, vocational cycle; more aptly translated •ad­vanced secondary cycle•; sometimes called Ensendnza Media Diversificada, as in Documenl2.7) consists of the lasllwo years of secondary school, years X and XL Currently, il is considered a two-year specialization program, allhough of the various programs offered the Bac/oi/lerato Acadbnico o Cldsico (academic or classical program) remains the standard. Appendix B describes proposed reforms of Decree 1419 of 1978, which is still in the planning stage and for which as yet only one curriculum, the Bachillerato en Aries, has been devel­oped.

The secondary programs currently offered are listed below. All of the programs require 35 class hours per week, except pedagogy, which requires 39, and all of the programs lead to the Bac/oi/ler (diploma) in the specialization studied. The curriculums for all of lhe current programs are shown in Tables 2.2-2.7. The programs are as follows: 1. Bachi/lerato Acadtmico o Cldsico (secondary program of academic or classical education; popularly called ·general secondary education•). The two pro­grams are identical. except that a classical BaciJiiJerato program will almost always offer Latin as a second language, and students in the program will be

Tabla 2.2. Curriculum, Bschlllerato Academtco o CIAslco, Cicio Vocaclonsl (Academic or Classical Education, Advanced Secondary Cycle)/

1\vo Specializations

Science Speclallzsllon Humanities Specialization

Subjecls hpw Subjecls hpw Years X XI Years X XI

Aesthstic Education 2 Aesthetic Education 2 Biology 5 4 Art 4 Earth Scienca 3 Economics 4 Foreign languages 2 2 Economic, Social & Ganaral Chemistry 6 Political lnstituUons Mathematics 6 6 of 20th Csnt. 4 Organic Chemistry 4 Foreign Languages 3 3 Philosphy 2 2 Foreign Language (2nd) 4 4 Physical Education 2 2 lnlro. to Psych. & Physics 5 5 Sociology 4 Religious Education 2 2 Language & Ut. Wkshp. 4 4 Social Sdenca 2 Mathematics 3 3 Spanish & Uterature ..l ..l Natural Sclenca 2

Totals 35 35 Philosophy 2 2 Physical Education 2 2 Religious'Education 2 2 Social Science 2 2 Spanish & UIOfsture ..l ..l

Totals 35 35

5oJRcE: - 130, Janualy 23, 1978.


encouraged to take it. Note that one type of institution, the minor seminaries of lhc Roman Catholic Church, almost always grants lhe Bac/Jil/rr Cl<fsico. The minor seminaries are secondary-level inslilutions, regulated by the Ministry of National Education, with the same program as that offered by lhe general secondary schools. Graduates may apply lo any instilution of higher educa­tion including the major seminaries. Seminary education is discussed in Appendix D.

2. Bacllillerato Petlagdgico or FormnciOn Nomralisln (secondary program in ped­agogy or teacher training). These are identical programs.

3. Baclrilleralo Industrial (secondary program of industrial education).

4. Baclrilleralo Comercial (sl~ondary program of commercial education).

5. Baclrilleralo AgroJ'ffUario (secondary program in gener&~l agriculture).

6. &cl1illtrato til PramociOtl Social (secondary program in social studies).

7. Bacliillemto en Aries (secondary program in the arts). Experimental program (since 1978); offered in only two schools a\ presenl. See Appendix B for a discussion or Decn.~ 1419, and Appendix C (or the arts curriculum.

Table 2.3. Curriculum, Bachl/lerato PeclagOglco or FormsciOn NormaiJsta, Cicio VocBIIonal (Pedagogical or Teacher Training, Advanced Secondary Cycle[

Subjects hpw Subjects hpw Years X XI Years X XI

Aesthetic Educ. (Music, History & Philosophy of Dance, Theater) 2 2 Education 3 3

Aeslhatic, Moral & Mathemalics 3 3 Religious Educ. Methodology of Teaching 2 1

Anthropology 2 Physical Education 2 2 Behavior & Health 2 2 Physics 3 3 Chemistry 3 3 Sociology of Education 4 Educational Spanish 4 4

Administration 2 Student Teaching ...§ ...§ Educational Psychology 3 Totals 39 39 Foreign Language (alec.) 3 3

ScuocE: Resolution 4785. July 9, 1974.

Table 2.4. Currlcutum, Bachllfersto lnduslrlal, Cicio Vocaclonal (Industrial Edu­cation, Advanced Secondary Cycle)!Four Speclaltzatlons

Core Cumculum Common to all Four SpecializaUons

Subjects hpw

Foreign languages PhiloSOphy

Year X

2 2


2 2 (ronliiJued)


Physical Education Religious Education Spanish & Uteralura

Construclioo SpecialiZation

Subjects Years

Architectural Drawing Mathematics Physics Social Science Theory Worl<shop


hpw X XI

5 5 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 4

..1 ..1 35 35

Industrial Chemistry Specialization

Subjects hpw Years X XI

Chemical Analysis 5 General Chemistry 6 Industrial Chemistry 5 4 Mathematics 6 3 Organic Chemistry 5 Physics 5 5 Social Science _g _g

Totals 35 35

SouRCe: Resolution 130, January 23, 1978.


2 2 2 2 3 3

Electricity and Electronics Specializallon

Subjects hpw Years X XI

Aesthetic Education 2 Electric & Electronic

Drawing 3 3 Electronic & Electric

Theory 3 3 Electronic & Electric

Wkshp. tO 10 Mathematics 3 3 Physics 3 3 Social Science _g_

Totals 35 35

Metal Mechanics Speciellzallon

Sub)ecls hpw Years X XI

Aesthetic Education 2 Mathematics 3 3 Metal Mechanics

Wkshp. 10 10 Physics 3 3 Social Science 2 Technlca~Mechanical

Drawing 3 3 Theory ol Metal

Mechanics ..l ..l Totals 35 35

Tabla 2.5. Curriculum, Bachlllerato Cometclal, Cicio Vocaclonal (Commercial Education, Advanced Secondary Cycle)ll\ivo Spaclellzatlona

Cora Curriculum Common to Both SpecialiZations

Subjects hpw Subjects hpw Years X XI Years X XI

Foreign Languages 2 2 Physical Educetion 2 2 Mathematics 3 3 Religious Education 2 2 Natural Science 3 3 Sp.anlsh & Ulerature 3 3


Accounting Specialization Secretarial Specialization

Subjects hpw Subjects hpw Years X XI Years X

Accounting 5 5 Accounting 3 Aesthetic EdtJCStion 2 Aeslhetic Education 2 Business Law 5 Commercial English Commercial Practice 6 Commercial Practice Economics 4 Editing 2 Office Management 2 Law 3 Philosophy 2 2 Office Management 5 Social Sclenoe 2 Social Science 2 Statistics __§_ Statistics

Totals 35 35 Stenography 3 Typing

Totals 35

SouRCE: Resoi~Jtion 130, January 23, 1978.

Table 2.6. Curriculum, Sachlllerato Agropecuarlo, Cicio Vocaclonal (General Agriculture, Advanced Secondary Cycle)

Subjecls hpw Subjects hpw Years X XI Years X

Aesthetic Ed'-'cation 2 2 Philosophy 2 Agricullural Exploration 5 5 Physical Education 2 Animal Sci. Exploration 5 5 Religious Education 2 Foreign Languagas 2 2 Rural Construction 3 Mathematics 3 3 Rural Dovel. Programs 3 Natural Science 3 3 Spanish & Uterature .1

Totals 35

8o.JRce: Resolution 130, January 23, 1978.


2 2 6

2 3

_2_ 35


2 2 2 3 3

.1 35

Table 2.7. Curriculum, Sachlllerato Promoclon Social, Cicio Vocaclonal (Social Studies Education, Advanced Secondary Cycle)

Subjects hpw Subjects hpw Years X XI Years X XI

Aesthetic Education 2 l Natural Science 3 3 Adull Education 3 Nutrition 3 3 Education lor Commu- Philosophy 2 2

nity Dovel. 5 Physical Education 2 2 Field Practice B Recreation 3 Foreign Languages 2 2 Social Science 2 2 Health Education 3 Spanish & Uteralure ...!! .1 lntro. to Psych. & Totals 35 35

Sociology 5 Mathematics 3 3

SouRCe: Resob.Jiion 130, January 23, 1978.



Curriculums Prior to 1974

Secondary education in Colombia prior to 1974 was offered through four curriculums. The program consisted of a four-year Cicio Bdsico (basic cycle), years VI-IX, followed by a two-year Cicio Seg11ndo (second cycle), years X-XL Although the terminology has changed slightly, the system was basically the same as the current system. The curriculums offered were lhe following:

1. &cllillerato Aradtmico o Cldsico (academic or classical secondary program; popularly called "general secondary c>ducalion').

2. Nonr1al education (teacher training).

3. Vocational or technical education.

4. The lnslit11los Naciouales dt Euseriarrza Mt'dia Dir~rsificadallNEM (I he ·diver­sified secondary schools"). These schools are also part of the current system.

Academic or Classical Program. The academic program, then as now, prepared students to enter a university or other inslitutions of higher educa­tion. Students who satisfactorily completed the second cycle received the diploma Badri/ltr Acad~mico o C/dsico, which admitted them to all Colombian institutions of higher education upon successful completion of an entrance exam. (See Documents 2.1 and 2.2 and their description under •Documents­Current and Pre-1974.")

Normal Education. The purpose of normal education was to lrain sludents as elemenlary school teachers. The curriculum for the basic cycle was the same as lhat of lhe academic Bacllillemto program. The second cycle involved spedalization and was made up of four five-month periods called quimester. The diploma or title, called either Maestro( a), Maeslro(a) Superior, or Nonrrnlisln Sul'erior (all meaning "teacher•), qualified these secondary school graduates to teach in elementary schools and allowed them to apply for entrance to Colombian inslilutions of higher education. Acceptance to these institutions, however, was dependent upon successful completion of the entrance exam.

Vocational or Technical Education. This curriculum included three spe­dalizations-commercial, industrial, and agricultural-all discussed below.

• Commercial Education. Commercial education on the secondary level was de· signed to teach business techniqu..-s that would allow students to undertake administratiYe activities at intermediate levels in banking, business, industry, and public administration.

A student who finished the four-year basic cycle of the secondary commercial curriculum (nine ye01rs of education) and who worked one year in a business which attested to the student's efficiency was granted the diploma or title of Experlo (expert).

The second cycle, years X-XI, required two additional years of commerciill studies. The Biuhilltt lktrico CoJ1J£TCio.l (commercial technical diploma) was con­ferred upon successful completion of lhc second cycle. Holders of lhis diploma could apply for admission lo any Colombian institution of higher education. To be accepted, however, it was also necessary to pass an entrance exam (see Chapter Three for a discussion of higher education entrance exams.).

• Industrial Education. The objl"ctivc of industrial eduCillion, which was offered in schools called lnstitutos 1knicos lndustrio.les (technical industrial institutes), was to


provide students with the nt.>cessary skills to work cffectiwly in industry. This progrilm included specializations such as cabinetwork, drafting, electricity, foundry work, mechanics, shocmaking, tailoring, etc.

The diploma E.xJJtrlo was granted upon completion of the first cycle of four years' length (a total of nine years of education). See Document 2.5.

The length of the second cycle of industrial education was changed from two )'ears to thn.~ years in 1966 by Decree 718. This change meant that the &chiller 1k11ico lndustrUJI (technical industrial diploma) was granted at the end of a total of 12 years of education. Students holding such a diploma wen:- eligible to apply for admission to all Colombian institutions of higher education. t-lowcvcr, in order to be admitted, they had to pass iln entrance exam. (See Chapter Three for a discus· sion of higher education entrance t..oxams.)

• Agricultural Education. The first cycle of secondary education in general agri· culture was offered in E.scuelas VocarioMits Agrirolas (vocational schools of agri· culture). Located in the rural regions, these schools offert."d a four·year basic cycle that was essentially the same as that for the academic or classical program, but which also included some technical subjects such as cattle breeding and dairy operation.

The second cycle. which was lengthened from two to thrt.>e years in 1966 by Decree 718, was offered in l11slitulos Tt'cniros Agro11t'C11arios (technical schools of general agriculture). Admission to the second cycle was based upon completion of the basic cycle. The three--year second cycle curriculum integrah..>d academic or classical education subjects with agricultural subjects, including animal science and the cultivation of crops. The Bachilltr 1ecr1ifo Agricola (technical agricultural diploma}, awarded for successful completion of the secondar)' program and repre­senting 12 years of study, qualified the student to apply for <1dmission to all Colombian institutions of higher education. An entrance exam was also required. (See Chapter Three for a discussion of entrance exams for institutions of higher education.)

The INEM Syslem. The lnstitutos Naciomllrs de £,St',ianZII Ml'ilia DiversrJicada (lilerally, national institutes of diversified education, but generally translated as ·comprehensive secondary schools'") introduced a new concept in curricu· lums to Colombia. Although the plan of studies al INEM institutions has undergone various changes since the inception of the system as an experi· ment in 1969, the institutes now operate under Resolution 130 of 1978 that established the current curriculum for the public and private secondary schools. This means that the schools operate on the four·year Cicio Bdsico (basic cycle) and the two-year Cicio Vocacionnl (advanced secondary cycle) leading to the Bac/Jil/tr. The curriculum offered is the same as that of the current system and is shown in Tables 2.2·2.7. See Document 2.7 lor a Baclriller issued by an INEM and the section on •oocuments-Current and Pre-1974" lor a description of the document.

When the INEM system was established as a pilot project in 1969, the Ministry of National Education defined the new type of school as an institute under a unified administration offering an academic program and various vocational programs.' Prior to that time, a variety of subject areas had existed

1. Ministerio de Educaci6n Nacional, Pvlltica Educativa Naci0111ll. Suit del Educador No. 2 (Bogotoi: Ministerio de Educaci6n Nacional, 1975), p. 108.


at the secondary le>el, but each had been administered and directed at a separate type of school. The INEM schools concentrated all of the different specializations (modlilidades) under one establishment. Many of the ideas embodied in the curriculum introduced in Resolulion 130 of 1978 ~ere de­rived from the experimental curriculum of the IN EM system.

The comprehensi•e secondary schools are highly regarded in Colombia because of their excellent facilities and high salary standard for teachers. The first of the IN EM schools were opened in 1970, one in each of I he following cities: Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Bucaramanga, Barranquilla, CUcuta, Pasta, and Santa Marta. Since that time approximately a dozen more have been opened in cities all over Colombia. Half of the cost of the IN EM system was borne by the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development, and half by the Colombian government. Assistance in training personnel has been provided by the United States Agency for International Development.

Grading at the Secondary Level

Current System

Since 1974, secondaty school grades have been awarded on a scale of I to 10 (highest), with 6 as the lowest passing grade. Grades of 10 are rare, and an overall average of 10 is nonexistent. This would suggest that 10 is an A+, and that 9 is a very good grade indeed.

As wilh all comparisons of grading syslems between different cultures, equating the two accurately is extremely difficult, if not impossible. The use of the suggested grade equivalencies between Colombian secondary schools and U.S. high scho(Jls offered here should be tempered with judgement.

Admissions officers should also be aware that Colombian grades typically are reported as whole numbers with decimal subdivisions in tenths, e.g., 8 (oc/10), 8.0 (oc/ro-wu), 80 (ochtnla), 8.4 (oc/w-cualro), 84 (oc/rtnla y Cllalro). Grades with decimal subdivisions represent quality in between two whole numbers and this should be taken into account when transcripts are being evaluated.

Because the concept of aD grade, i.e., a passing but unsatisfactory grade, does not exist in the Colombian system, a D equivalent has not been included in the suggested gmde equivalencies in Tables 2.8 and 2.9.

Under the current system, it is required that all grades in Baclrillernto programs be entered on transcripts as yearly grades. One-semester courses, of course, are excluded from this regulation. The yearly grade is based on the average of the two semester grades, which are determined as follows: lsi quarter, 40%; 2nd quarter, 40%; final exam at end of semester, 20%. See Documents 2.8 and 2.9 in the section ·oocuments-Currenl and Pre-1974 .. for a transcript and a discussion of the grades shown. Documenl 2.9 is a transcript of the sixth or final year.

Report cards are issued at the end of each quarter. Numerical grades are given for each subject, along with comments from teachers.


Tabla 2.8. Suggested Equivalencies Between Grading Systems o1 Colombian Secondary Schools and U.S. High Schools, 1974-Presen1

Colombian System 9.5-10.0 8.5·9.4 7.5-8.4 6.0·7.4 1.0-5.9

superior (seldom aHained) excellent good satisfactory, pass fail

U.S. Equivalent

A+ A B c F


So..IRcc; Based on oonwrsalions with officials of secondary schools in BogotA, Cali, Palmira. and Popaya•.

Grading Prior to 1974

The grading system, established by Decree 1598 in 1934, was used until 1974. Based on a scale ol 1 to 5 (highest), the minimum passing grade was 3. Semester grades were based on an average of the following: attendance and puncluality (15%); dasswork, homework, assignments, research, and con­sullation (50%); parlidpation in group aclivilies (10%); and the exam at the end of the semester (25%). For suggested equivalence between the pre-1974 grading system and that olthe United States, see Table 2.9.

Table 2.9. Suggeeted Equivalencies Between Grading Syatomo o1 Colombian Secondary Schools and U.S. High Schools, 1934-74

Colombian Sysrem 5 muy biro (very good) 4 bitn (good) 3 regular (satisfaclory) 2 mal (bad) I muy mal (very bad)

U.S. Equivalent

A excellenllvery good Bgood C satisfaclury F failure

SouRCE: Based on the frequency ol assigning of Colombian grades as detannined in interviews with officials al secondary schools In BogotA, Cali, Palmira, and Popay.1n.

Examinations and Promotion/Both Systems

Final examinations are given at the end of each semester and count approx­imately 20% ol each semester's grade. These exams are two hours long and are given at lhe rate ol one per day lor five days. They cover only material from the preceding semester, except when the work is of a cumulative nature, as in mathematics.

The student is allowed two chances, len days apart, to retake the final exam in any single subject in which an average grade below 6 or (60%) is received. Passing either of lhese second-chance exams means passing the course. Failure on both allempts means failure in the course and, at the very least, the student must repeat the subject the following year. At the most, the second·


ary school has the power to make the student repeat the entire year. II a student finishes the year with grades that average out below 6 in the

current system (below 3 in the old) in two subjects, one make-up exam is allowed in each subject. Passing both exams results in promotion. Passing one and failing one results in yet another make·up exam in the failed subject. Again, passing is tewarded by promotion; failure results in either repealing the failed course the following year, or repeating the entire year in all subjects.

Earning an average grade below 6 (3 in the old system) in three subjects means repeating the entire year.

Documents-Current and Pre-1974

Students who suctesslully complete the six-year secondary school program receive a Baclliller (diploma) that, along wilh the passing of a national enlrance examination, admils them to Colombian universilies or other institutions of higher education. Allhough there have been various reforms and changes in the educational system during the past 20 years, the Bachiller still represents, in most cases, the same quality and number of years of education as prior to the reform. The &chiller Acadhnico o Cldsico (academic or classical secondary school diploma) has remained virtually unchanged throughout the reforms. In general, most of the changes in the educational system have involved increasing the number and types of specializations offered, and making them available to a broader spectrum ol the population. The &chiller diplomas ollered currently and prior to 1974 are listed in Table 2.10.

The &chiller Acadtmico and the /JDclziller Pedag6gico may be earned by taking an official validation (validoci611) examination offered by the Servicio Nacional de Pruebas (National Testing Service). Ollered only in these two fields, the Baclriller earned in this manner is, according to Decree 80, the equivalent of any other ollicially recognized &chiller.

The IJDclziller, as previously stated, denotes both a diploma and a person who has completed a /JDclzillrrato program (secondary school). Recalling this, admissions officers will note on the sample documents shown in this section that the phrase titulo de &chiller (title ol"bachelor") appears on several olthe documents. In these instances, Bochiller refers to the person upon whom the title was conferred.

Document 2.1 is an example of a Bach iller Acodb11ico from a public secondary school, and Documenl 2.2 is the same lype of documenl from a private secondary school. Both documents have the seal olthe Republic ol Colombia and a mention olthe ollice olthe Mayor ol BogoM at the lop ol the page. Underneath, the name ol the secondary school is given, followed by a statement that the document is issued under a certain decree or resolution of the Ministry of National ·Education. Both documents then state that the student has satisfactorily compleled the academic curriculum and has passed all required examinations. Below are the signatures olthe Rector (principal) ol the school, and of various other officials. The only difference in the two documents is the omission of the word ocadtmico on Document 2.2. The document is, however, a &chiller Aaulbnico, and such a format for one of


Tobie 2.10. The Bach/1/er Diplomas (Secondary School Diplomas) Offered In Colombia, Past and Present

Btulrilitr (Diplomas) Translation

Pre- and Posl-1974

&chiller Arodh11iml Barhiller Cl4siro

Academic Diplomaf Classical Diploma•

Currenl Diplomas !Since 1974)

&uhilltr til Arlt"S (sine~ 1978)' Bachillrr A.~ro;n-uan·o Bachilltr Comercitll Bachilltr Industrial Haclrilltr 1\"lagtigifo BachiiltT en Prom01."i6n Social

Bochilltr 1~nriro Industrial Badrilltr 1knito Agricola Bachilltr Tkniro Comrrrial Marstro(a), Maestnl(a) Suptridr,

Nmmalisfa Supt'rior

Diploma in Art Diploma in General Agriculture Diploma in Commercial Studies Diploma in Industrial Studies Diploma in 1\.>dagogy Diploma in So<ial Studie!>

Pre-1974 Diplomas

Tl>chnical Industrial Diploma Tt.>chnical Agricultural Diploma Tl>chnical Commerdal Diploma Primar}' School Teacher Diploma

·r~ rwo diplomas are considered interchangeable.


tExpefimental. The first dass is expected to be graduated in 1984. Two specializations are offered: Btllas Arlt'S (fine arU), and Arks AlliicodQ (applied arts). See Appcndill C for the curriculum.

lhcse documents is nol unusual. [)(Xuments 2.3 and 2.4 are secondary school diplomas in teacher training

awarded under the pre-1974 system. Document 2.3 was issued in 1967 by the Pedagogical Institute, which the documcnl states lo be an Annex to the National Pedagogical University. lmmedialely below this information, the document slates I hat the stud en I has compleled all o( I he curriculum required in order to be awarded lhc titulo de Mnestra (diploma or title o( teacher, which in lhis case is a woman since the word ends in an ·a·). The signatures on the documenl include those of a delegate (rom lhe Ministry o( National Educa­lion, and various officials o( lhe universily and lhe inslilute. Document 2.4 is also a secondary school teacher lraining diploma. II was issued by the Na­tion~l Nonnal School for Young Men of Paslo and stales I hat the sludenl who was awarded lhe diploma successfully passed all the education officially required (or leacher training sludents and has been awarded the titulo de Maesrm Su1~erior (title o( teacher, in this case a man since Maestro ends in ·o•). The document is signed by the Rtclor and Secretary of the school and by lhe Governor of the slate and the Secretary of Education.

Document 2.5 represents a rirulo de £xperto eu Mrcd11ica (title o( expert in mechanics) issued under the old system by the Don Bosco Center, operating under Resolution 3235 of September 20, 1963, of lhe Ministry of National Education. II stales that the student, having satisfactorily completed second­ary industrial education and passed the required exams in accord with Decree

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No. 2.3. MHstr• (Secondary School Diploma in Teacher Tr•ining).


la €smtln J}ormal J}arlonal br llaronrs br flarg t'll IPiniD

.. I ..... , ...... - ........ 1111 ..... ftololl .... , ..... _ ........ - ....... , ...... ••

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No. 2.4. M•eslro Superior (Secondary School Diploma lnT .. • ... •:-•h ... e._r .. rr..,al, ... n.,gJ.._ ____ _

-£1 enuo Dn Bosco -- ... .-- .................... ... __ .....n. _ _........_ ...... __

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StP'Itmtrtc n DC 1031. k contlm' c1 dbsiD Dc

J!acblller trtcnico 1rtbuetrial £n Ia fti)<Ciallbab lie

.mecanica '--+. '-.r.;:.+- Ck.:.:-...: -

.. .....,_... • a ~-~~~P ........ c--.~

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Stptlcmbrc u ~ UP.99. LC' conflt:tt d dm1o k

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-·---·-·-·-­....,.. &1# -- •• ~ ..... ~ .

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2433 of Seplember II, 1959, has been granled lhis tillc. II is signed by lhe Rtclor and Secrelary of I he school. and by lhe Chiefs of I he Technical and lnduslrial Sec lions oflhe Minislry. This lille was gran led upon complelion of the basic cycle of education and represenls nine years of education.

Documenl2.6 is a Bacllil/er recniro lndllslria/ (lechnical induslrial &ell iller) of lhe old syslem, also issued by lhe Don Bosco Cenler, bul operaling under Resolution 3874 of November 14, 1968. II slales lhallhe sludenl has success­fully completed secondary industrial education, with a specializalion in me­chanics. II also stales lhat the student has passed the required exams under Decree 2433 of Seplember II. 1959, lo earn lhis secondary diploma. Like Documenl 2.5, il is signed by various oHicials of the Ministry of Nalional Educalion and of lhe school, and \\'35 awarded in Bogota on November 30, 1968.

Documenl 2.7 is a sample Baclriller (rom an lnstituto Nacional de Ense1ianzn Media Diversifirada/INEM (comprehensive high school) named "Jorge Isaacs: in Cali. Nole lhe place Jell for lhe specializalion (modalidatl) lo be wrillen in. This document dales from 1969, lhe year these experimental schools were opened; such documents are still being awarded under the current system. The document has places for the signatures of the Secretary of Education and school officials. It also has a place for the date of issue, place of registration, page number oflhe registralion book, lhe number oflhe diploma, and lhe date and year of issue.

"' " ~r ll: r-. . r .. . • ........ !=.l .. a,;;,!_ •• ~~~ ~ rn t .. r r I' ..

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No. 2.7. B..chiller from a Diversified High §(hool (INEM).

~ CCCI~ l ,,0.. {!llrrt:O, C.I"'

ACTt'ltDA.:l!D CCCI"IIOa~TICio:l II ------CCIUIUCT.-. Gtr!EM.L, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• JttCI./I.Ait.

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Document 2.8a and b is the front and reverse side of a secondary school transcript. Admissions officers should note carefully that this transcript hum the Colegio de Boyaca in Tunja was issued during the period when the pre-1974 and the post-1974 grading systems overlapped (1972-73-74). It shows subjects (asignaluras), class hours (H.S. or Jwras semana) per week, and grades (calificaciollts) received for the third, fourth, and fifth years of secondary school. The third (tercem) year and fourth (cuarlo) year grades are on lhe old syslem, while I hose of I he fiflh (qui11lo) year are on I he new syslem. It should also be noled lhal in lhe lhird year lhe sludenl failed algebra (1.40) and English (2.63). The reverse side of lhe documenl shows lhallhe sludenllook make-up exams in algebra and English following lhese failures and !hen passed algebra wilh a 4.1 and English wilh a 3.5. The remaining informalion indicates that the document was registered as Document--of January 22, 1973. It was signed by lhe Rector and Secrelary of lhe school, and was notarized.

Documenl 2.9 is a transcript of lhe sixth, or final, year of secondary school. It was issued in 1982. Nole I he various melhods of wriling grades by compar­ing Documenls 2.8 and 2.9.

Documents 2.10 and 2.11 arc included in the SL"Ciion on Non-FormaV Vocational Education in this chapter.

I! -I

Ill U;: r 11 :


i No. 2.9. Transcript of the Sheth, or Final, Year of Secondary School.


Non-FonnaiNocational Education


The Servido Nadonal de AprendizajeiSENA (National Apprenticeship Serv­ice) has been operating in Colombia since 1957. A non-academic vocational training progtam, SENA is directed toward youths between the ages of 14 and 20. Neilher secondary nor postsecondary education, this innovalive program provides training to help workers perform more effectively on the job. To enroll. the sludent must be employed and have an equivalent of five years' elemenrary educalion, even lhough the program is non-academic.

The types of programs to be offered is determined through studies of the business community and its need for lrained workers. A SENA program rarely is more than three years in length and is usually alternated equally with on-the-job training. SEN A's facilities, equipment, and teachers are considered to be excellent.

As previously stated, the programs offered by SENA are in general non­academic and are vocationally oriented. For example, see Document 2.10, an Apprenticeship Certificate issued by SENA. This document states that the National Apprenticeship Service/SENA certifies that the apprentice is able to perform the trade of opemdor mdquiuas llerramirntos (machine tool operator). The courses passed include manual adjustment, mechanical adjustment,

No. 1.10. Apprenticeship Certific.ale Issued by SENA.

~ j ~ I



basic lathe, speciollathe, basic milling, gear milling, and metal rectifying. The modo de formaci~l' (mode of training) is aprmdiwje (apprenticeship), the hours spent in training 2640. The document is signed by the regional manager, the assistant manager of operations, and the Director and the St..~retary of the center. There is a register number and a code.

The most important certificote offered by SENA is the Ctrlificado de Aplilud Profesionai/CAP (certificate of professional aptitude). To qualify lor the CAP, apprentices must have completed basic secondary education (9 years). Docu· ment 2.11 is an example of a CAP issued to a Barmmr·Mrsero (bartender· waiter). The dm1s apruh1das (approved areas of study) include the following: trcnologfa prdctica de romrdores .II cociun (practical technology of the dining room and kitchen); enologfa IJt/Jid~s y licorrs (the art of making drinks and liqueurs); idiomas (languages); l>elllas (sales); cull/Ira general (general culture); and elica y desarrollo llumauo (ethics and human development).

The CAP. when followed by two years of employment supervised by SENA, leads to a certificate awarded by ICFES, the Certificado de Equimlmcia dtl Grado de Bachiller (the certificate of equivalence of the Bachiller diploma). The certificate of equivalence gives entry to Levels I and 2 of higher educa­tion. The norms governing the awarding of the certificate of equivalence are defined by Decree 80 ol1980.

Decree 80 stales categorically that the certHicate of equivalence does not reach the caliber of the lladriller. It also stalt..~ that it is different from the Bach iller conferred upon students who have passed the examrn de mlidaciOn 1iel Baclrillerato (examination by validation showing completion of secondary

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No. 2.11. Certitic.Jdo de Aplitud Prolesion•l de-l CAP (Certifitate of Professional Aptilude In-) fBarlending ind Wailing on Tables), Issued by SENA.


school), which is said by Decree 80 lo be lhe equivalenl ol lhe ordinary Baclrilltr.

SENA is funded by a 2% payroll lax on induslrial firms employing 10 or more workers and having capilal equaling $2,500 U.S. II is linked wilh bolh lhe privale seclor and lhe governmenl lhrough ils Nalional Board ol Direc­lors. Aside from lhe payroll lax, SENA receives funding from lhe sale ol goods manufactured at lhc institutions, from fines resulting from labor code violations, from contracts with public and private groups or businesses for implemenling specialized programs benelilling lhem direclly, and from a .5% levy on salaries and wages paid by government agencies for specific acceler­ated training programs.

The broad base ol funding lor SENA elicils guidance from many seclors ol the rommunily. Also, the SENA programs are constanlly being evaluated and revised lo meel lhe changing needs ol lhe people and lhe economy.

Wilh hcadquarlers in Bogol<l, and regional ollices in each ol lhe 23 slales, SENA has plans lor increasing ils regional services. Olher plans include lhe following: lhe developmenl ol !raining programs lor lhe unemployed; as­sistance for businesses and industries in order lhat they might meet the slandard required lor !heir employees lo participale in SENA programs; and added programs of study, including those pertaining to tourism, hole) man­agemenl, food processing. mechanized agricuhure, and middle and high level lechnical !raining.

Chapter Three

Higher Education

The System in General

For mosl of its history, Colombia's system of higher education has been dominated by tradilional style universities modeled on lhose the Spanish settlers had known in Europe. The first Colombian university, Sanlo Tomas, was founded in the city of Bogota in 1573 with the colonization of Nueva Granada, a large area which included what is now Colombia, Venezuela, Panam.ii, and Ecuador. Sanlo Tomas was followed by the Pontificia Univer­sidad javeriana in 1622, and the Colegio Mayor de Nuestra SeTiora del Rosario in 1653.

Until fairly recently, higher education was offered almost entirely by tradi­tional universities, which served a small and select group of the population. Gradually over the last half cenlury the number of universities has grown, and in the last 20 years has almost tripled. In 1983 there were 113 university­level inslilulions as opposed to 40 institulions legally approved to award degrees in 1973. 1

The newer universities have in some cases emulated models other than the traditional universities, and more government control has been exercised over institutions of higher education, including universities, in recent years. Of even more importance has been the establishment of other types of instilutions of higher education, most of which are directed toward tech­nological and practical training. These changes have come about in response to the increasing and unrelenting demand for education by all sectors of Colombian society.

Reforms of higher education in Colombia are carried out by the lnstiluto Colombiano para el Fomento de Ia Educaci6n Superior/ICFES (Colombian lnsti1ute for the Promotion of Higher Education). This agency, created by Decree 3638 of 1964, is charged with regulating and inspecting all matters related to higher education.

Decree No. 80 of 1980

The most important and far reaching o( the reforms of recent years was the issuing of El Decreto Extraordinario No. 80 (hereafter called Decree 80) by the

I. Ralph M. l-lenderson, Colombia: A Guide to tluo Academic Plaummt of Studt11t5 from Colombia in [ducational lnstitutious in tht Um"ted States, World Education Series (Wash­ington, D.C.: American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, 1974), pp. 8-9.


Minislry ol Nalional Educalion on july 22, 1980. The decree broughl signifi­cant change to lhe higher education system and gave legality to certain standards already in existence.

The slaled objectives ol Decree 80, which renect lhe continuing social and educational change in Colombia, are selecHvely summarized as follows: to use educalion lo bring aboul a more jusl sociely able lo participale in lhe international community with dignity; to make higher education accessible to all Colombians who meel lhe legal requiremenls; lo bring lhose (rom lhe economically marginal urban and rural areas, as well as the indigenous population, into th~ system; to assist institutions and programs in meeting minimum academic. scientific, and administrative standards; to contribute to lhe developmenl o( preceding educalional levels; lo promole lhe scienlilic and pedagogical education of researchers and teachers; and to facilitate the transference of students from one type of educational program or institution to another.

The Mosl Significanl Relonns ol Decree 80

Decree 80 bolh changed and defined many aspecls ol lhe syslem ol higher education. The refocm which may have the greatest impact is that which officially eslablished lour levels or higher education. The lour levels, which will be discussed in separale sections in lhis chapler, are lhe following: I. Fomuzci6n lntermedia Prvfesionni!FIP (inlermediale professional sludies); 2. Formacion Tocnol6gica!Ff (lechnological sludies); 3. Formacidu UniversitariaiFU (university level studies); 4. Fortnncion Amnmda o de fbslgrado (graduale sludies).

Anolher relonn o( Decree 80 lhal may have importanl consequences il fully implemented is a new official unit of measure for coursework completed. It is called Unidad dt lAbor Acndfmico/ULA (unil ol academic work). ULAs will be discussed laler in lhis chapler under "Credil Syslems. •

Other important aspects of Decree 80 deal wilh admission to instilulions of higher educalion. The various articles pertaining to admission are discussed below under •Admission ."

Undergraduate Education


All students who wish to enter an institution of higher education must hold a &ell iller (secondary school diploma). They musl also pass £1 £:ramen de Estado (The Slale Examination), which is discussed below under a separale heading.

Resolution 2746 of Decree 80 deals wilh admission to higher education. Article I slales lh~l a &chiller in any ol lhe modalidndes (specializalions) eslabllshed by Decree 1419 o( 1978 is required lor enlry lo any o( lhe lhree undergraduale lev~ls ol higher educalion. II also slales lhal lhe Norma/isla


S11perior and Maestm Superiar (teacher training diplomas on the secondary level or title~) arc equivalent to the Bacllillrr for admission purposes.

Arter stalillg that all higher education institutions require the Baclriller for entry, Article 2 then singles out two secondary level diplomas for special mention. These are the Cerlificado de Equimlencia del Grado de Baclriller (certificate of equivalenc• of the Bachi/ler diploma) and the Bacl•iller conferred upon those who pass the exameu d~ tralidaci6n del Bachilltrato (validation exam­ination showing completion of secondary school) of the Servicio Nacional de Pruebas (National Testing Service) of ICFES. Article 2 says that the certificate of equivalence is sufficient only fur entry to the first and second levels of higher education, f""ormaci011 l11trrmedia Profrsional (inlermedialc professional studies) and FormaciOn Trr:no/Ogica (technological studies). II then stales that the certificate of equivalence not only is not t..>qual to a Bachiller but that it is •dif{erenl· {rom the Bacltiller obtained upon passing the examination by validation. lrt summary, there are two types of Baclliller, that a\\-arded upon the successful completion of secondary school and that awarded upon pass­ing the rxamm de lllllidaci6n. Both types of Bachiller give equal access to all levels of higher education. The certiricate of l't{Uivalence, on the other hand, is precisely whilt its name suggests, a title which for legal purposes in Colombia is the equivalent of completion of secondary school.

Both the certificate of equivalence and the examination by validation are discussed in Chapter 2, the former under ·Non-FormalNocational Educa­tion,"" and the latter under ·oocuments-Current and Pre-1974."

Admission Prior to 1980. Before Decree 80, as now, it was necessary to have a Baclriller in order to apply for entry to most institutions of higher education. But at that time the requirement was policy sci by the individual universities, not national Jaw. Decree 80 legalized this long-term practice.

The stude11t also had to pass an entrance examination, but the type of examination depended upon the individual university. Some universities administered The State Examination (discussed in the next section) of the Servicio Nacional de Pruebas (National'lbsting Service) of ICFES, while others gave their own examination. Some institutions required both. It may be that some non-urtiversity inslilutions of higher education fl.~uired ncilher, but this would have been uncommon.

li/ Examen de Estado (The Slale Examinalion)

Under Decree 2343 of 1980, El Examm dt• E:slado (The State Examination) is required for entry to any level or type of higher education institution in Colombia. The State Examination is prepared by ICFES and administered through the Servicio Nacional de Pruebas (National lesting Service). Each institution must require a minimum grnde on the examination and weight the results in accordance with the academic requirements of the corresponding program. In other words, the results of these exams are independently interpreled by each institution which then makes its selection based on quotas.


In addition to the official requirements set by Decree 80, inslitutions of higher education may have other entry requirements of their own. These might include, besides examinations, consideration of the student's second­ary record, and an interview. However, institutions of higher education are required to explain their system of admission to ICFES, indicating the respec­tive weight assigned to The State Examinalion and the other examinations they require, and their relalivc importance.

Anyone applying to an institulion of higher education must verify before registering that The State Examination was passed at the minimum grade required by the respective university.

The State Examination is an objective test of aptitude and general knowl­edge. Sec Table 3. I for subjects, number of questions, and time allowed for each question on the exam.

Table 3.1. Llat of Subjects and Tlme Required lor Each on fl fxamen de fslado (The State Exemlnellon)

Number of Tlme Session Am a Test Questions Hrs. Mins.

First Sciences Biology 65 Chemistry 50 Physics _50 !

Total Session 165 3

Second Language Verbal Aptitude 82 15 Spanish & Uterature 60

Elective" 45 Total Sessiont 3

Third Mathematics Math Aptitude 37 Mathematical Theory Including Geometry 37

Social Geography 40 Sciences History 46 15

Behavior & Health 34 Total Session 194 3 15

5oJRce: ICFE5-Servicio Nacional de Pruebas (BogotA, February 1983~

"Electives may vary aa:ording lo f~eld of study.

tTotal depends upon field of study.

Measurement of Credit!I'ransfer Credit Practices

Before Decree 80, all Colombian inslitutions of higher education measured coursework completion in credit hours and number of years of sludy. Since Decree 80, all inslilutions arc required to measure coursework in Unidadts de LAbor Academica!ULAs (units of academic work). An ULA is defined as I hour of class time plus 2 hours of practical application plus 3 hours of independent academic work, either theoretical or practical, under direct supervision. ULAs


have been used to establish minimum levels of higher education as follows:

Tille or Degree

1krrico ProfrsiorUJIIutrrmrdio (inlenncdiate professional h."Chnician)

Tenr61oso (technologist)

Tenr61ogo EsprrialiZJUlo (specialized technologist; program ex­pected to begin functioning in 1984.)

Licmciado or comparable first univer· sity degree such as a titulo dr (title of), Irrgtniero (engineer), or l::corromista (economist), etc.

Espteinlista (specialist; post-Liwrciado or other first degret!)

Magister (master's degree)



curriculum standards for lhe four

Minimum Number of ULAs Required

1400, broken down as follows: 20.30% in science; 60-70% in supervised prac­tice; at least 10% in the humanities.

2100, broken down as follows: 30-40% in sdence; 50-60% in supervised prac­tice; at least IS% in the humanities.

900, in addition to the 2100 r~uired for the Tffn6logo.

3200. The kind of ULAs required for programs leading to the Uarrciado or a comparable degree depends upon the individual program and university. The thesis may account for as little as 2.5% or as much as 10% of the re­quired 3200 ULAs. 2

600, of which 50% must be in practical areas.

800, of which 30% must be in re­search.

1600, which may include ULAs pre­viously earned in a master's program; 40% must be earned through indepen­dent research and work.

From looking at curriculums from all types of inslilutions of higher educa­tion, as well as at transcripls, it would appear that the Colombian schools have been slow to adopt the ULA system. Only one curriculum in this volume shows ULAs as a measurement of credit (sec Table 3.4). Because so little information on ULAs was available from individual institutions, credit hours have been used where necessary in this volume. Nevertheless, under Decree 80, the use of ULAs conlinues to be required.

Transfer Credit Praclices. The acceptance of lransfer credit by Colombian inslilutions of higher education depends upon several things: the program into which the studenl wishes to transfer, its number of openings, and lhe student's qualifications for that program. The student's credits will be evalu­ated on a course-by-course basis with lhe amount of credit allowed depen­dent upon the individual university and program.

Students from Level 1 of higher educ~tlion, Formaci6u l11termetlia Pmfesimrall FIP (intermediate professional studies), are eli~ible only for transfer into

2. Decree 80.


programs ol Level 2, Fomraci~u Tmw16gim/IT (technologicol studies). Also, it is possible that FIP students accepted as transfer students into Ff programs in selective institutions will be granted reduced transfer credil.

Students who complete part or all of an Ff program offered at a university might possibly transfer into a technological program within the same univer­sity or some olher university and work toward a first university degree.

If the Tecudlogo EsJii'CialiZJJdo (technological specialist) program is approved by ICFES (see later section ol this chapter), IT graduates apparently will be accepted into the new program almost automatically. The Iitle ol Tecrr~logo'«ialiZJJdo is planned to be equivalent to a five-year first degree.

Students do not appear to transfer casually from one university to another in Colombia, nor is credil granted automatically. Perhaps the fact that Decree 80 lists as one of its objectives the fadlitation of student transfer from one type of educational program or institution to another is indicative that any kind of transfer is fairly uncommon.


Grading. Practically all grading systems in Colombian higher education are based on a scale ol 0.00 to 5.00 with 3.00 the lowest passing grade. Grades arc recorded as whole numbers and decimal subdivisions, and the highest and lowest grades are practically never used.

Every student n:."Ceives a numerical grade for each subject each semester. These grades are the result of a weighted average of several tests, homework, papers, and a final examination.

Even though the grading system in undergraduate programs of all institu· lions of higher cdu.cation are uniform by law, the grnde average varies some­what with the {ac111tad (college or school) in most universities. 3 These dif· ferences may be attributed to differences in traditions of the facllltad rather than to the grading system. No statistical analysis has been done to deter· mine just how wide the variations might be. See Table 3.2 lor suggested grade equivalendes between the Colombian and U.S. systems of higher education.

Table 3.2. Comparison of Grading Systems Used by Institutions of Higher E~ucatlon In Colombia and the United States

Colombian System U.S. Equivalent

4.60-5.00 extremely high, very rarely anained A+

4.!10-4.59 excellent A 3.50-3.~ good B 3.00-3.49 sulticienl. average C 0.00-2.~ lailure F

3. The Sp<mish term facullad for farulty in this sense will be usc..'<! throughout this volume.


Examinations. Examinations are held at the end of every semester in every subject. A student who makes a grade below 3.00 must take a re-examination (exameu tlt•IUJbilitacidn). Most Colombian schools do not include the first failing grade in their determination of a student's average. On some transcripts the failure may be listed without special identification in a later term or year with the grade obtained on the re-examination. Some universities (e.g., Univer­sidad de los Andes, Universidad Nacional de Colombia) enter on the Iran­script the yearly grade average (promnlio) and the overall grade average (pnlllh'Ciio geueral decalificaciones) upon completion of the total degree program.

Ran kings among students are not made public, with the exception of those in the highest places at some schools. These students may be given a Malricula de Honor (honor scholarship) or Exmci611 de Matricula (tuition waiver) for the next semesler.

Undergraduate Degrees and Diplomas

The degn.>es and lilies awarded in each of the levels of higher education under Decree 80 are discussed below.

Levell Awards. Formaci6n lntermedia Pnlfl'Siouai!FIP (intermediiiiC professional studies) offers the titulo 1lt Tt'Cnico Proftsiotral /IJitrmedio eu __JfPI (inter­mediate professional technician in --)· Level 1 studies arc discussed in a separate section under •formaciOn lnlrnnnlia Profi-sional (Intermediate Profes­sional Sludies)/Level I. •

Documenl3.1 shows a sample diploma thai would be awarded to a student who had earned the title of lrcnico Profesiouallutermedio til luxenierfa Industrial (induslrial engineering). The diploma is from lhe Cenlro Colombiano de


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No. J.1. recnico Profeslon~llntetmedio en lngenlerldlndustrl~l (lnlermedlale Pro· fesslonal Technician in lnduslria.l Engineering).



)lrpD!!!ira ., ~

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Glrnlro Qlolombiauo br ~lllullioa 1Jrolnionalra -~--·~···- .. ·-

l!cwfirrr d IUW. k:

lhaira )Jndn-..1 ~ m

!Jiminielrucidn U ~inanue ~

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No. 3.2. Tecnico Ptolesion~llntermedio en Adminlslr.Jddn y Rn.Jnz.Js (lnlermediate Professional Technidan in Adminislralion and Finance).

' I H l r 1 . ~


h !j I • I I·" ~·i

.~~1: f: ··~ • :ll ! .. ~ ~~~ j . j! M • .. .:1 .,i

No. 3.3. Tecndlogo en Adminislrad6n de Empreu.s CTechnologlsl In Business Admlnislration).


• !J: j d . a• J~

h ji


Estudios Profesionales (Colombian Center of Professional Studies) in the Departamento (slate) del Valle del Cauca. The program was aprobado (ap· proved) by Resolution 1538 of February 14, 1979, by I he Ministry of National Education. AI the bottom of the page are places for the signatures of lhe Rector, the Dean, and the Secretary of the school, as well as for the Secretary of Education of the stale.

Document 3.2 is the same kind of document from the same school. How­ever, the program is approved under a different resolution, 2023 of December 16, 1982, by ICFFS. This title is in Administmci611 y F;,rmrzns (administration and finance).

Level 2 Awards. Formnri~ll TeCJJol6gira!Ff (technological studies) offers the titulo de Ter116logo e11 __ (technologist in __ ). The only FT lilie in Appendix A thai deviates from this terminology is lhal of lhe Regfllte e11 Fannada (registered pharmacist) at the Univcrsidad de Antioquia. Level 2 studies arc discussed in a separate section under ·Fomraci6rr Tecrrol6gica."

Documenl3.3 is a sample Level 2 diploma from La Escuela de Adminislra­ci6n de Empresas (The School of Business Administration), in Cali. Like all orficial higher education documents, it is authorized in the name or the Republic of Colombia and by authority of the Ministry of National Education. It slates that the titulo tie Tecn61ogo en Admiuislracid11 de £mpre5i15 (technologist in business administration) is conferred, and a space is left for the name of the student. Below the place for the sludent's name, it is stated that the signatures of the officials and the stamp (se/lo) of the institution are proof of I he dale and place of issue, which is Santiago de Cali, Departamento del Valle del Cauca. There are places for the signatures of the Rector and General Secretary of the school, and for the Secretary of Education of the stale. In lhe right-hand comer below is a place for the dale the diploma is lo be added, for legal purposes, lo I he "Book of Diplomas· of Cali, with a place for the page and the dale.

Level 3 Degrees. The degrees of formaci611 Uuiversitaria (universily level studies) are somewhat more complicated than those of Levels I and 2. The t'irsl universily degrees in Colombia are the Lianciado and comparable de­grees thai renect the field in which they were received, such as Fisico (phys­icist), lngeniero (engineer), or Medico. Most of these first degrees that name the field are lilies and would be preceded by the term titulo de (Iitie of ). (See Documenl 3.4.) However, some first universily degrees are preceded by other tenns such as dil'lomado eu (diploma holder in ), or Maestro til (master of some form of the arts). In some cases, only the name of the Iitie received is given (see Document 3.5).

The Licenciado may be or two types: It may be a degree in education with a specialization in teaching a specific subject, usually at the secondary level, or it may be a degree in a non-teaching profession. Documents 3.6 and 3.7 are examples or a Uctuciado in education (educational sciences in this case), the former with a specialization in biology and chemistry, the Iauer in the social sciences. Both are teaching degrees. A person who holds a Licenciado in biology and chemistry would be a "specialist• or "professional" in lhal field.


II should be noled I hal while I he Liceuciado and comparable firs I degrees are considered equivalent programs of study, the number of semesters of study required for each degree may vary hom institution to institution. For exam­ple, the titulo de Qufmico may be 8 semesters in length at some universities and 10 in olhers.

Also, il should be remembered I hal some lerms, parlicularly titulo de __ , are uSL~ at various levels of education (see Chapter Two).

Prior lo 1980, lhe firsl degree usually was four years in lenglh, allhuugh there were some three-year degrees (discussed under -rhree-Year Degrees'" in this section) and some that required more than four years. Since 1980, university-level instilutions award a number of degrees of four to five, and in a few cases six, years' length. However, lhe most common university degree is the four-year Licenciado. II is the standard against which all other degrees of four or more years' duration are measured.

There are some first degrees lhat are peculiar to an individual university. For CJ<ample, lhe Universidad Nacional de Colombia/UNC (National Univer· sily of Colombia) offers a 12-semesler program in medicine lhal leads lo a Doctor er1 Medicina.

That institulion also has a tO-semester program in veterinary medicine that leads lo a Doctor en Medicina y \'ettrillaria, and a 9·semesler program in dentistry lhalleads loa Doctor en Odontologia. For specific degrees awarded by each inslilution of higher educalion, consul! Appendix A.

Degrees considered comparable to the (our·year Ucencindo (or legal pur~ poses and for admission lo graduale sehoul include lhe following:

AbogaJo (lawyer)

Administrador de Comercio E.rle'rior (foreign trade specialist)

Adrninislrrulor de £ml'rt'SI15 (business administrator)

Administrador de HvtelerUJ y Turismo (hotel and tourism manager)

Mministrador Marftimo (maritime administrator)

Administrador PUblico (public administrator)

Agrotogo!Agrirota (agricultural specialist)

AgnJnomo (agronomist)

Anlropdtogo (anthroj>ologist)

Arquittclo (architect)

&cteri6logo {bacteriologist)

&cleri61ogo y l.aOOralorista Clinica (clinial bacteriologist)

Bibliott'f61ogo (librarian)

Bidlogo (biologist)

Bi61ogo Marino (marine biologist}

Com11nicador SocWI (public relations specialist)

Corrtador NbliCIJ (public accountant)

Diplomado et1 &•lias Arlts (diploma holder, fine arts)

Diplomado nr Citt~cins Fbliticas (diploma holder, political science)

Diplomado til Comt>rcio /tllt'rnacional (diploma holder, foreign trade)

Dip/amado in £studios Di1rlomdticos e llllemaciorrales (diploma holder, diplomacy and international studies)

Diplomado rn Filosofia y Utras (diploma holder, philosophy and letters)


DiJI/omodo t'll lnglts (diploma holder, English)

Diplomatlo t'll Lttros (diploma holder, letters)

o;,,fomado til Trulog{Q (lhL'Oiogian)

Dil'«tor de Banda (band din:.-ctor)

Dih'Ctor de Coms (choral director)

Dih'Ctor de Orquf'Stll (orchestra conductor)

Disniador Grdfiro (graphic designer)

DiSf>tiallor Industrial (industrial designer)

Dortor fll Mrdicina (physician)

Dr. tn Mtdici11a y Vt•leritwria (veterinarian)

Dr. m Odo11tologfa (dentist)

Enmomisto (economist)

[n[ennera (nurse)

Estad(sfica (statistician)

Fa,..mactutiro (pharmacist)

FiMsofo (philosopher)

Fil6sofo o Diplomado n1 Filosofia y Utras (philosopher and diploma holder, philosophy and letters)

Fls.ico (physicist)

Fis.iotempeula (physical therapist)

f"ot~oaudiOiogo (phonoaudiologist)

G<ollogo (geologiSI)

Gt'OI«IIdlogo (groh.-chnologist)

Gemlle Hotelero y •le 1i~rismo (hotel k tourism manager)

liistoriador (historian)

lngeniem (engineer)

Mae:-tm nt Art~ Pldsticas (master of plilstic arts)

Maestro en &-flas Aries (master of fine arts)

Maestro e11 Cmfmica (master of ceramics)

Maestro t'll CtmtposiciO" MusU:al (master of musical composition)

Motstro t'll Educaci611 Musirol (master of musical education)

Marstro en MUsica (master of music)

Maestro t'll Pi11turo (master of painting)

Mottmdlico (mathematician)

MNiro (physician)

Mfdiro Cirujano (surgeon)

Mt'dim Ve1t•ri1Wrio (veterinarian)

MMico Veterinario y Zoohnrislo (vetl'rinarian and animal science specialist)

Microbi61ogo (microbiologist)

Dcwn6grofo Fisico (physical oceanographer)

Odont61ogo (dentist)

a,,tomttra (optometrist)

Pniftsiotwl en Cit11cias Administratil'CJS (specialisl in administrative sciences)

Prnft'Siotull en £studios RLiixiosas (spt..>eialist in religious studies)

PnifNionDI e11 Edurocidn familiar y Social (professional in social and family education)

Pro(tsional rn filoso{fa y l..ttras (specialisl in philosophy and letters)

Prcfesimral rn l...n.gtuJs ModmlllS (specialist in modern languages)

Prof=r (professor)

PsircSiogo (psychologist)

Qufmico (chemist)

Qufmiro y Famraduliro (chemist and pharmacist)

Stroidor Social (social worker)

Soci61ogo (sociologist)

1rologo (theologian)



Terapeula ()ciiJJtJcional (occupational therapist)

TralJtJjador Social (social worker)


Veteri11ari(l y Zooter11ista (veterinarian and animal sdence specialist)

ZootocnisttJ (animal science specialist)


Document 3.4 is a sample diploma lrom the Universidad Nacional de Colom­bia/UNC (National University ol Colombia) that confers upon the student the titulo de Qulmiro (chemist). This title is a first university degree. Below the title is a place lor the name ol the student. It is then stated that the respective stamps and signatures below, which include those of the Dean and Secretary of the Facultad of Science, lhe Rtctor of Nalional Universily, and various other school officials, as well as the Minister of National Education, are witness to the I act that the diploma was awarded on May 4, 1973. Note in !he right-hand corner that the diploma was rcgislered on a certain page of the •Book of Diplomas: August 31, 1978.

Document 3.5 is a first degree awarded by a private university, Universidad de los Andes (University ol the Andes), in Bogota. The document states that the student, having complied with the academic requirements of the univer­sily (•ha cumplido cotJ los requisitos arodbuicos rxigidos por Ia UPJit-ersidad·), has been preserlled the diploma of hrgtnirro Mtcthrico (mechanical engineer) by the Governing Council and the Reel or ol the university, through the authority vested in them. The document is signed and stamped by the various officials ol the school and by the Mayor ol Bogotil. It is registered on p. 33, Book I.

Document 3.6 is a Liceucindo. It was awarded by La Universidad Pedag6gica Nacional (The National Pedagogical University) and stales that the student, having pas:;ed the required studies, has been awarded the Liceuciado en Cieucins de la EdurociOu, EspecialiZAdo ttl Biologfa y Qufmica (Liceucindo in educa­tional sciences with a specialization in biology and chemistry). This diploma was awarded in Bogota, June 19, 1974, and is signed and stamped by the usual olficials ol the school, and by the Mayor ol Bogota. It has been regis­tered on p. 9 ol the "Book ol Diplomas.·

Document 3.7 is a Liceuciado awarded in lhe same field (educational sci­ences) as Document 3.6 but by a dillerent school and with a dillerenl spe­cialization. This document was awarded by the Universidad Santiago de Cali (the University ol Santiago ol Cali), a private university, by the Fncullad ol Educational Sciences (with the program approved by Resolution 8983 ol November 7, 1974). The student's specialization is Cieurins Sociales (social sciences). Under the place lelt lor the student's name, it is stated that the signatures of the school's Dean, Rector, and General Secretary, and of the state's Governor and Secrelary of Education are witness lo lhe fact that the diploma was granted in Santiago de Cali, Valley ol Cauca, june 9, 1978.


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No. 3.4. ritulo de Qulmlco, Unhershb:d Naclonal de Colombia.



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lngrnlrrd B!rranlro

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No. 3.5. Dlplotn1 de lngenlero Mednlco, Unfversid1.d de los Andet.


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No. 3.6. Licenciildo en Cienclu de Ia Educt~ci6n, Esped.llizado en Blologfa y Qulmia, Universidad Pedag6glca Naclonal.

t. Rop<lb/lu de Coloml>l.t

, __ _ Ia Un/venldod Sanllago de Call f"•ClA.TAD Dll COVCU.S 011!. LA [0UC:ACIOI'ol

.................. lSI] ........ ' .. 1114

(;0Nf"IOOC IE.L T<'l\A.O Dll


(!!frnrillll ~Prinlro

No. 3.7. Llcendado en Clencias de 1.1 Eduaci6n, Especialidad Ciead.u Sociales, La Universldad So~ntiago de Cali.


Three-Year Degrees

At the present time the only Colombian Lict'llciall/m programs (those leading to the Liceuciado) or less than eight semesters are lhrcc scvcn·scmcstcr pro­grams offered by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. The three programs lead lo Licmcindos in Tempia rfellLrr.~•wje (speech therapy); Tcra1•in Fisit·n (phys­ical therapy); and Tempin Ocupaciorral (occupational therapy).

Students who hold a three-year degree (old or new system) arc not admissi­ble to master's degree programs at Colombian universilies under the present system. Under the old system lhey were admissible to the university where the first degree was granted in the same field of study in which the degree was ~arned.

Among the three·year university degrees offered in Colombia before 1980 were the following, listed with the universities that awarded I hem. 4

Universidad Nacional de ColombiaiUNC (National University of Colombia)

Colegio Mayor de San Buenavt.>ntura (Higher College of San Buenaventura)~

Universidad Tecnol6gica de los llanos Orientales (Technological University of the Eastern Uanos)6


Licrncia1lo til lm~tosligaci611 FoiHOrim (folklore im•cstigtdion)

Marstro de CaJiil/a {chapel mastL'r)

Esta,lfstico (statistician)

Licruciodo t'IJ Fil~ia (philosophy)

Uct'lll.'iotlo t'n Enfmneria (nursing)

The following diploma programs were offered before 1980 in Colombia, usually by non-university institutions or higher education or •other instHu­tions of higher education, • as they were dassified by ICFES. Universities that offered any or the three programs leading to one or the titles are listed below under the individual descriptions or lhe programs.

• Perito-2-4 Semesters: These programs usually were offered in non·uni­versity institutions of higher education in such fields as accounting, secre­tarial work, design, etc. Most of the non-university higher educational institutions were private, and it was possible to enter at least one of these inslitulions (no longer in existence) after only 10 years of education. The entrance requirements for most of lhese schools were the Baclrillt'r (second· ary school diploma), the passing of an entrance exam, and an interview. A very few of these programs were oHered in universities, one or which was the Universidad Pedag6gica Nacional (National Pedagogical University), in

4. Dirrctorio dr Unillf'rsidades Colombio11as. ICI-'ES, Bogota. 1970·77. 5. This institution i!i not (,'tlrrently li5ted in the Difl'Ciorio. 6. Thisthree·year degree is now a Ttrn6logo t"ll Enfemrfria, a title granted at Lcvel2 of

high~r education.


Bogot~. This university offered a 4-semester program leading to the Prrilo rn Limitados Visuales (working wilh those with visual handicaps). The pro­gram was offered during the day (diurno) and in the evening (11octurno).

• Experto-4-5 Semesters: These programs were offered in both non-univer­sity inslitutions or higher education and in universities, both public and priv.Jte. To enter one of lhe programs, which covered a wide range of subjects, I he studenl had lo have a Baclriller and pass an enlrance exam and an interview. In 1977, the universities offering the Experlo, and the areas or study in which it was offered, were the following:

Fundaci6n Universidad de Bogotci •Jorge Tadeo Lozano• (Universily Foundation •Jorge Tl!deo Lozano• of Bogotci)~l) E.rptrto til Distlio Grdfico (graphic design), daytime program, 5 semesters; 2) E:rptrto til Dihujo Arquitrrt6niro y Dtrorari6n (archilectural design and decoration), daytime, 5 ~mesters.

Univcrsidild Pedag6gica Nacional (National Pedagogical University)-!) f.xptrlo til

E.ducaddn dt Ninos E.rcrpcionales (educiltion of exceptional children), daytime and evening, 5 semesters; 2) Experto til £ducaci011 Pre·Escolar (preschool education), daytime and evening, 4 semesters; 3) E:q~trto til PrdagogiD Musical (leaching music), daytime and evening, 4 semesters.

Colegio Mayor de Cultura Femenina de Antioquia (Higher College of Feminine Culture or Antioquia)-E.rptrto ('11 OrimtaciOt~ Famili4r (family orientation}, daytime, 4 se· mesters.

Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Medellfn (National University of Colombia­Medellfn)-E.tJitrlo Fon.osltll (fore-stry L>xpert), daytime, 4 semesters.

• Tecnico-6 Semeslers (one 7-semester evening program): These programs were offered both in non-university institutions or higher education and in universities. Among the universities offering lhis diploma in 1977, and the areas of study in which it was offered, were the following:

Puntificia Universidad Javeriana (Pontifical University or Javeriana), in 8ogot3-l) Jkniro Superior m Dibujo ArquitrrlOniro (higher technician in architectural design), daytime, 6 semesters; 2) 1k11ico Suptrior 1:"11 Arlt Publidlario (public relations), daytime, 6 semesters.

Universidad del Valle, in Cali- I) 1k11ico t'n l.ilboratorio Qufmico (chemical laboratory technician), daytime, 6 semesters; 2) lkniro tn l..aboratorio Mtdico (medical laboratory technician), daytime, 6 semesters; 3) f.11jtrmtra General {generai nurse), daytime, 6 semesters; 4) 1«rliro fll Admi11islraci611 de £ml1rf"SQS (bu~iness administration), evening, 7 semesters; 5) Top6grafo (topographer).

Centro de Educaci6n Superior del Norte del Valle, in Cartago--1) lk11iro Suptrior e11 Co,llabilidad (accounting), daytime and evening, 6 semesters; 2) Tk11iro 1:"11 Administra­cidlf Agrollt'Cuario (agricultural administration), daytirne, 6 semesters.

Colegio Mayor de Cultura Feme nina de- Anlioquia, in Medellrn-TtnrOiogo rn Admin­islraci6n Turlslica (tourist administration technician), daytime, 6 semesters.

Universidad Surcolombiana, in Florencia-1) 1k11ico 1:"11 EJucaci611 Pre-Escolar (preschool education), evening, 6 semesters; 2) £11{rnnt:•m Gt'lleral (general nurse), evening, 6 semesters.

•' ~


Fonnacion lntennedia Profesional (Intermediate Professional Studies)/Level 1


Programs in f"'omrncidu lntenuedia Profesional/PIP (intennediale professional studies), Level I o( higher educalion studies, are usually (our or five se­mesters in length. Many FIP programs are offered in the evening (uocturno), others during the day (diumo), and still others are offered at both limes. Occasionally, an evening program will be spread out over a longer period of rime than a daytime program, even though if will consist of the same number of class hours.

FIP programs are offered by public and private institutions. They cover a broad range of subjects including agriculture, art & design, business admin­istration, telecommunications & electronics, etc.

The names of these schools also vary widely, although eight of the nine public FIP institutions have iusrituto (institute) as part of their names. Among the 65 private FIP institulions are acadtmias (academies), asociaciones (associa­tions), ceutros (centers), corporacionts (corporations), /11ndacioues (foundations), escuelas (schools), roltgios ("'colleges, • a term usually associated with second­ary education), institutos, etc. In other words, there is no all-encompassing term for the institutions which offer Formacidu lutcrmtdia Profesioual programs. Also, even though FIP studies usually are offered in institutions devoted solely to this type of education, there are some exceptions; a few FIP pro­grams are offered in institutions devoted to FormaciOn Ttclwldxim (tech­nological studies), Level 2 of higher education, and a few are offered in universities, Level 3. For these exceptions, see Appendix A, St.~lions II, Ill.

For a curriculum in business administration at a private institution orfering Fonrracidrr lrrtemrtdia Profesimral, see Table 3.3. Although no credit hours were available with this curriculum, according to Decree 80 anyone completing the program must have earned 1400 ULAs (discussed earlier in this chapter).

Table 3.3. Business Administration Curriculum, FormactOn lntermedla Prole­slonal (Intermediate Professional Studies~ Level 1

First Semester

Accounting I Administration I Economics Labor Law Mathematics I Methodology

Fourth Semester

Cost Accounting II Financial Analysis Industrial Relations Marl<eling Project

Second Semester

Accounting II Admlnlsuation II Commercial law Mathematics II Microeconomics Statistics I

Fihh Semester


Third Semester

Administration Ill Cost Accounting I Finance Malhematics Industrial Psychology Statistics II Tax Law

Marketing Research Production Salaries Administration Electives

SoJRc:e: Centro Colomblano de Estudios Prcfesionales (Cali. 1983).


The lille or diploma awarded upon successful complelion of an FIP pro­gram is lhat of I«nico Proftsimllll lutennrdio rn FIP (intennediale professional technician in ). This litle will appear on all diplomas from Fll' programs regardless of lhe 1ype of inslilulion al which lhe program was offered. For examples of documents from an FIP program, see Docu­ments 3.1 and 3.2. The documents arc from the same institution. One lille is in industrial engineering, the other in administration and finance. On each document, the number and date of lhe Resolution of Approval conferred upon lhe individual program by lhe Minislry of Nalional Educalion appears under the instilution's name.

Graduates of a program of intermediate professional studies have two options: they may enter a program of f'ormafidn 1i'CIIOI6gica1Ff (technological studies; discussed in lhe nexl section) in any inslilulion offering such a program, including some universities, or they may go to work. Credit £rom the FIP program cannot be transferred to other universily programs.

See Seclion I. Appendix A, for an alphabelical lisling of all inslilulions offering Fll' programs exclusively. As noled above, a few FIP programs will also be found among the institutions listed in Sections II and Ill.

Anolher poinllo be noled in Seclion I of Appendix A is I he recenl eslablish­ment of five or six public FIP institutions in remote rural areas. These institu­tions evidenlly are so new that lhey are not listed in lhe Dirrctorio of 1981. It would appear from this action that the Colombian government is atlempling to use Level 1 of higher education to achieve one of the stated objectives of Decree 80: to bring the population of the economically marginal urban and rural areas, as well as the indigenous population, into the system.

Formacion Tecnologica (Technological Sludies)fLevel 2

Programs in formacion Tenw/Ogica/FT (lechnological sludies), offered in public and private institutions, are usually six semesters in length, sometimes seven; there is one five-semester and one four-semester program (see Appendix A). The programs lead lo lhe lille of Tecnologo "" __ (lechnologisl in --l·

Among lhe public and privale inslilulions offering lechnological sludies listed in Appendix A, none has the term fomracio, TfCIIol6gica in its name. They are called inslilnlos (inslilules), polilecnicos (polylechnics), corpomciones (corporalions), colegios (colleges), elc. In addilion, Ff programs are offered in some universities. There is no problem in recognizing credenlials from such institutions, however, because almosl all display lhe terms tflulo de TecnOiogo en __ (lechnologisl in __ ). For an example, see Documenl 3.3 in lhe earlier section on ·undergraduate Degrees and Diplomas•; this is a diploma from a privale institution on which il is stated that the title or lechnologist in business administration is conferred rte roufitre t?l tftulo de Tecn61ogo e11 Admiu­istraci6u de Em11resas•).

Among the FT programs offered are those in architecture, business, com­puter science, economics, engineering.. and nursing. For curriculums in busi-


ness administration and nursing, see Tables 3.4 and 3.5, respeclively. Note in Table 3.4 that a thesis is required (or the business administration program; none is shown in the nursing program. Note also in Table 3.4 the use of ULAs as a means o( measuring coursework compleh..>d. All students are R"qUired to spend one year in obligatory work after completing the program. This year o(

work is not recorded on a sludent's transcript. After the year of obligatory work, graduates o( an FT program may transfer

to a university and work toward a first university degree in a technological field, or they may enter the job market. A program especially designed as further study for FT graduates is awaiting approval by ICFES. For a descrip­lion o( the proposed program, see the next section, .. Tt'Cn6logo Espt·dalizado ...

See Section II of Appendix A for an alphabetical listing of institutions offering Formaci611 Trwol6gica/FT. Also, see Section Ill for university-level institutions that offer FT programs. In Section III such programs arc clearly identified.

Tabla 3.4. Buslneaa Admlnls1ratlon Curriculum, FormaciOn TecnoiOglca (Tech-nologlcal Studies~ Level 2

Subject hpw ULAs Subject hpw UlAs

First Semester Second Semester

Communication Commercial Law 4 76 Techniques 2 23 Eoology 2 36

Economics I 4 67 Economics II 3 62 Fundamental General Aooountlng II 4 59

Malhemalics 4 67 General Admin. II 4 63 General Accounting I 4 6t Industrial Psychology 3 60 General Administration I 4 65 Research Methods 3 42 Fourth Semester

Cost Aooounting II 4 55 Third Semester Decision Statistics 4 64 Cost Accounting I 4 58 Personnel Descriptive Statistics 4 73 Administration 4 56 Lebar Law 3 60 Production Admin. 4 55 Process & Techniques Public Administration 4 58

ol Production 4 58 Sociology 2 50 Sixth Semester

Tax Law 3 46 Administration Auditing 3 51 Business Worl<shop 5 66

Filth Semester Credit & Collection 3 39 Admin. Accounting 4 55 Financial Analysis 4 63 Data Processing 3 44 Marl<eling Research 4 56 Financial Mathematics 3 45 Professk>nal Elhics _, _ll! Marl<eting 4 63 t2t 1902 Organizational Thesis 198

Develop. 2 24 Total 2100 Sataries Administration "4 62

SouRCE: Cotporacitln Esruela de AdministraciOn de Empresas (EAE). Cali, 1983.


Table 3.5. Nursing Curriculum, Forrnaclon Tacnologo (Technological Studies)

Subjects Credits Subjects Credits

First Semester Second Semester

Chemistry 4 Anatomy I 4 Ecology 4 Anthropology 3 General Psychology 4 Biology!BiochemJNutrition 8 Introduction to Nursing I 4 English 2 Oral & Written Expression 3 Uterary Appreciation 2 Technical English ..1 Nursing II (Basics) 6

22 Philosophy __!

Third Semester 26

Anatomy II 3 Fourth Semester Microbiology/Parasitology 5 Art Appreciation 2 Nursing Ill (Mad. & Surg.): Developmental

Theory 3 Psychology 4 Prectioe 7 Nursing IV (Mad. & Surg.): Physiology ..!! Theory 3

23 Practice 8 Philosophy I

Fifth Semester Pharmacology 4 Administration (Theory) 3 Professional Ethics ..1 Integral Coursa (Bio- 25

statistics/Epidemiology/ Resaarch) 6 Sixth Semester

Nursing V (Psychiatry/ Family Health 4 Manta! Health) 9 Nursing VII (MatemaU

Nursing VI (Mgmt. lnlant) 18 Operating Rm.) ..!! 22

23 Total: 151

Savanth Semester

Nursing VIII (Nursing Services! Administration) Theory 4 Practice __§


SwRCE: lnstihlto de Ciencias de Ia Safud!CES (Medellin, Colombia, 1981).

Tecrrdlogo Esp<ciafiwdo

A two-year program leading to a degree of Tecn6logo EstJCChrliznclo (tech­nological specialist) was expected to begin operation in Colombia in 1984. This program, if approved, will follow the three-year program of Formacid11 TfCirofdgica (technological studies), described above, and the title awarded will be comparable Ia a first university degree. (This degree should not be con­fused with the graduate-level Espteiafisla degree discussed under "Graduate


Education• in the last section of this chapter.) Three institutes are scheduled to offer the program, one in Cali, and two in

Medellin. Among other options, students who complete the program will be eligible to study toward a master's degree.'

Formaci6n Universitaria (University Studiesl!Level 3

University education has been called Formaci6n U,1iversilaria since Decree 80 established it as the third level of higher education in 1980. Despite the change in nomenclature, the universities continue to hold a prestigious posi­tion among Colombia's institutions of higher education. As previously stated, some universities trace their beginnings to the colonization of the continent, and for centuries were the only form of higher education in Colombia. Because of this heritage, traditions, especially among the older institutions, arc strong, and change comes slowly.

Nevertheless, because of public demand for education at all levels, change is taking place in all of higher education including the universities. Although the universities still retain and value autonomy as a hallowed tradition, under Decree 80 few important dedsions are left entirely to their discretion. For example, curriculums devised by the universilies are subject to ICFES ap­proval. Also, no school or department may be established without first obtaining a license from ICFES. However, in their day-to-day operations, the universities still enjoy considerable autonomy.

The Traditional Colombian University

One of the important characteristics of the traditional Colombian university is the importance of the {aCIIItad (literally, 'faculty'; actually, in U.S. terms a school or college within a universityl. Within the Colombian facultad, there can be cscutlas (schools), which in turn may be divided into ,fepartamenlos (departments). How the facultnd is divided would appear to be a matter of form rather than substance. What should be noted is the prominent role of the facultad within the university. The facllltad, while not an autonomous entity, does have a certain existence quite independenl of the university. All courses are taken within one facultad, and its teaching staff and students ohen identify more closely with the facultad than with the university itself.

Another characteristic of the traditional universities is a program of studies directed toward specific professions such as engineering, law, and medicine. (See Table 3.6 for enrollment figures for the various fawltades and schools at Universidad Nacional de Colombia.j Curriculums tend to be rigid and spe­cialized with few liberal arts courses, or electives. University administrators are said to believe that there is lillie need for electives because of the large body of basic, specific knowledge all students must master. A thesis is an important part of all programs (see discussion below).

7. Visit with officials of the Corporaci6n Escuela de Adminislraci6n de Empresasl EAE, Cali, 1983.


The Thesis. Although almost all university facullades require a thesis (lrahajo de grado or lesis de grado) in all degree programs, a few praclically­oriented programs may not. The thesis is regarded as the culmination of a student's university career, and must represent original research. h may be either theoretical or practical in nature.

Table 3.6. Enrollment at Unlversldad Naclonal de Colombia by Facullad and by School, 1982

Facultades!Schools Enrollmenl Facullades/Schools Enrollment

Agronomy' 637 law' 673

Arts Medicine

Architecture 895 Medicine 1,689 Conserva1ory 69 Nutrttion/Oietetics 196 Fine Arts 393 Occupalional Therapy 85 Industrial Design 204 Physical Therapy 186

Total 1,561 Speech Therapy 135

Dentislry' 950 Total 2,291

Economic Sciences Nursing• 615

Accounting 784 Sciences

Business Administration 680 Biology 446 Economics 887 Chemlslry 426

Total 2,351 Geology 419 Mathematics 137

Engineering Pharmacy 661 Agricultural 217 Physics 139 Chemical 854 Statistics 144 Civil 759 Ucenciaturas: Electrical 937 Biology I 74 Mechanical 920 Chemistry 1 46 Syslems 513 Mathematics • 28

TOial 4,100 Physics 1 __ 5

Humanities and Social Science Tala I 2,524

A~lhropology 269 Veterinary Medicine and

Education 195 Animal Science

Foreign Languages 478 Animal Sdenca 301 Philosophy 228 Velerinary Medicine 802 Potilical Science 241 Total 1,103 Psychology 350 Social Wor1< 457 Grand Total 19,299

Sociology 276 Tolal 2,494

So.JRCE: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Departamento de Registro y Matricula, ma~ 13 de 1 982.

• Facultades in whid"llhere are no subdivisions: enrollment is laciJtad total.

!Programs laadlng 10 tho teachUlg degrae In tho field.


In the third or fourth year of study, the student chooses a thesis topic and makes initial contact with a director (thesis advisor). The topic must be ap­proved and reported to the dean of the student faculty at least six months before the thesis is defended. The final draft must be submitted for review at least one month prior to its defense.

A majorHy of shJden\s work at least six months on the thesis, and many devote more than a year to its completion. (The number of ULAs awarded for the thesis may be as low as 2% or as high as 10%, the maximum allowt..-d loward lhc degree.) The avernge lenglh ollhc lhcsis is generally alleasl 200 pages.

The thesis must be defended bt!fore a committee composed of three to rive faculty members and the director of the thesis, presided over by the dean. Aller successfully defending lhe lhesis, lhc sludcnl is granlcd a degree.

University 1fpes and Slruclure

Although most universities or university-level inslilutions have the word 1mhttrsidad as part of their name, quile a few do not. There are university-level institutions called escuelas (schools), urridndrs (units), colegios (colleges), rorporaciones (corporations), frmdaciont's (foundations), and institutos (in­slilules). See Appendix A, Seclion Ill. lor a complclc alpha helical lisling of university-level institulions.

Colombian universities may be grouped into two overall classifications: public and private. The public institutions may be further divided inlo the following categories, based principatlly on source of funding: national (uacio­nal); slate or sectiortal (drparlamrntal); and municipal (municipal). Brief descrip­tions of three institutions, two public and one private, along wilh course curriculums and dc)cuments, will show them to be more alike than different.

A National University. An example of a national university is the Univer­sidad Nacional de Colombia/UNC (National University of Colombia), in Bogola. Eslablished in 1826 as lhe Universidad de Bogola, lhc name was changed by Law 66 in 1967. The main campus is localed in Bogolil, bul I here are also campuses in Medellrn, Manizales, and Palmira, the first with three schools, and the latter two with one school each.

A large university wilh a diverse student body, National University (aces frequent student slrikes. These strikes often last for monlhs on end, almost totally disrupting the academic functions o( the university. The Bogota cam­pus is the most frequent location of these strikes, but at times other of the campuses are also affected.

Organized on the traditional lines discussed above, each facultnd contains at least one school. The administrative head is the Reclor, assisted by various boards and councils.

Most programs at UNC operate on a 14- lo 16·week semester, and lead to a Ucrnciado or comparable first university degree after 8 or 10 semesters of study. (See the section ori "'Undergraduate Degrees and Diplomas" earlier in lhis chapler.) A complele lisling of UNC degree programs. degrees awarded,


Table 3.7. Chemistry Curriculum, School ol Chemistry, Facullad ol Sciences, Unlversldad Naclonal de Colombia

T ==Theory P= Practice SUbjecls hpw Subjecls hpw

First Semester Second Semester

Biology 5-T EKparlmenlal Physics I 2·P Biology Lab 4·P General Chemistry II 4-T Differential Calct.llus 7·T General Chemlslry Lab II 6-P General Chemistry I 4·T General Miaoblology 3-T General Chemistry Lab I 6-P Gen. Microbiology Lab 3·P Physics I 5-T Integral Calculus 7-T

Third Semester Physics II 5-T

Basic Analyt. Chemislry 3·T Fourth Semester Basic Analyt. Chemlslry Lab 3·P Fundamenlal Melhods & Differential Equations 5-T Measurement I 4-P Ekparlmenlal Physics II 2·P Gaseous Uquid & Solid Fundamental Theory 4·P Syslems 4-P Inorganic Chemislry I 4·T Inorganic Chemistry lab 4·P Physlcs Ill 5-T Numerical Calculus 4-T

Aflh Semester Physlcs Lab Ill 2·P Structural Inorganic Chern. 4-T

Electrochemistry & KineUcs 4·T Slructural Organic Chem. 4·T Fundamenlal Melhods &

Measurement 11 4·P Sixth Semester lnslrumenlal & Analyt. Industrial Anatysis 4-P

Chemlslry I 4·T Instrumental & Anatyl. Instrumental & Analyt. Chemislry II 4·T

Chemlslry Lab 1 4·P Instrumental & Anaty1. Organic Chemlslry Lab 6-P Chemislry Lab II 4-P Organic Reaction & Organic Analysis Lab I g.p

Mechanism I 4·T Organic Reaction &

Seventh Semester Mechanism II 4·T

Analysls Elements & Project Eighlh Semosler in Applied Ch$mlslry 6·P Agrlcullural Chemislry 4·T

Chemislry Technology I 4·T Agrlcullural Chemislry Lab 4·P Chemislry Technology Lab I 4·P Applied Physlco-Chemlslry Descriptive & Dynamic Lab 4·P

Biochemlslry 4·T Biochemislry Lab 4·P Industrial Organic Chemistry 4·T Chemical Technology II 4·T Organic Analysl~ Lab II 6·P Chemical Technology Lab II 4·P

Ninth Semester lntro. lo Quantum Chemistry 3·T

Organic Synlhesis Lab 8·P Tenth Semester Elective I 4 Seminar I·T Elective II 4 Elective V 4 Elective Ill 4 Work on Thesis Elective IV 4 Work on Thesis

5o.JRCE: Universid.Qd Nadonal de Colombia. El Consejo Supe1ior Universitario. Acuerdo No. 215 de 1979 (22 de novietnbfe~ Acta 45.


and the duration of study for each is shown in Appendix A. See Table 3.7 for the curriculum in chemistry in the Facullad of Sciences at

UN C. Note the work on the lhesis in the ninth and tenth semeslcrs. Note also lhallhe firs I eleclive is offered in I he ninrh semesler, and lhallhe emphasis on the major subject is almost complete.

Document 3.4, a Hfulo de Qulmiro (chemist), represents a first university degree in chemisrry from UNC.

A Slale Universily. The Universidad del Valle in Cali is a slale universily established in 1945. The operation and organization of all state universities are governed by Decree 277 of 1958 which grants administrative autonomy and legalily. Decree 277 cslablished a syslem similar lo lhal of lhe Nalional University of Colornbia, with differences only in form, not concept.

The function of all governing bodies of the state universities is patterned on lhose of UNC, wilh lhe Reclor lhe highesl execulive aulhorily.

Table 3.8 shows the economics curriculum in the School of Economics of the Facultad of Social and Economic Sciences, Universidad del Valle. Note that this is a four·year program. Note also the elective in the sixth and seventh semesters, and lhe two electives in the eighth semesler. Although the work on the thesis does not show in the curriculum, it can be assumed that a thesis would have been required. The program leads to the litulo de Ecmwmista (economisl).

Table 3.8. Economics Curriculum, School ot Economics, Facultad of Social and Economic Sciences, Unlversldad del Valle, 1981

T=Theory P~Precllce

Subjecls hpw Subjects hpw

Arst Semester T p Second Semester T p

English I 5 Calculus I 4 2 Fundamental English II 5

Mathematics I 4 2 lntro. to Colombian History ol Social Economics II 4

Though I 3 lntro. to Social Science 3 lntro. to Colombian Principles of Econ. II 3 2

Economics I 4

Principles of Fourth Semester

Economics I 3 2 Linear Algebra I 4 Macroeconomics I 3 2

Third Semester Marxisl Theory ol Business Law 3 Economics II 4 Calculus II 4 2 Microeconomics II 3 2 Marxist Theory ol Slallslics I 3 2

Economics I 4 Mlaoeconomics I 3 2 Sheth Semester

Sociological Theory 3 Descriptive Economics 4 Econometrics I 3 2

Fifth Semester International Economics 4 Fiscal Economics & Monetary Policy &

Polley 4 Theory 4 (couli•wed)


General Accounting 3 1 Elective Microeconomics Ill 3 2 Operational Research 3 Eighlh Semester

Statistics II 3 2 Colombian Economics 3

Sevenlh Semeslar Economic Development

II 4 Econometrics II 3 2 Economic Systems 4 Economic Development I 4 Elective History of Colombian Elective

Economics 3 2 Project Evaluation 4 Elective ( 1)

SwRce: Universidad del Valle. Conseio DirectM:I, ResoluciOn 030, Marzo 18 de 1981.

A Private University. PuntiHcia Universidad Javeriana (Pontifical University of Javeriana), in Bogota, is a Roman Catholic institution founded and directed by the Society of Jesus. Offidally inaugurated as an academy in 1623, the school was closed in 1767 when the Jesuits were banished from the domain of Charles Ill. The university reopened in 1930. The largest Roman Calholic institution in Colombia, Javeriana has a total enrollment of 14,148, of which 1,138 are enrolled at a branch campus (seccioual) in Cali. A summer course is offered from mid-June to mid-July.

As in the national and state schools, the highest ruling authority on the campus is the Rtclor, who is assisted by various coundls. The school has 16 facllllades, which offer 34 programs. The facultades are organized into divisions called de1mlanrenlos (deparlmenls.)

Most of the university's funding comes from registration fees paid by students. A small portion is derived from the university's own revenue, and less than 1% comes from outside sources.

Tables 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11 show curriculums at Javeriana in business admin­istration, electronic engineering, and nursing, respectively.

The five-year program in business adminstration leads to the lille Admiuistrador de Empwsas (business administrator). Note the electives begin· ning in the sixth semester and continuing through the ninth. Note also that the tenth semester is devoted to practical training and the thesis.

The curriculum in electronic engineering, also five years in length, leads to the title luge,iero ElectrOnicv (electronics engineer).

The curriculum in nursing shown in Table 3.11 is four years in length. It leads to the title of IO.rfennero(a) (nurse). No thesis is shown on this program but il is possible !hal one was required.

Sample documents were not available from Javeriana, so Document 3.5 from another private university, the Universidad de los Andes, in Bogota, has been substituted. This diploma in mechanical engineering is a first university degree.


Tabla 3.9. Business Administration Curriculum, School of Business Administration, faculfad of Economic Sciences and Administration, PontHicla

Unlversldad Javerlana, 1981-83

Subjects Credits Subjects Credits

First Semester Second Semester

General Economics 3 Adminlslration Theories 3 Introduction to Business Mathematics II 4

Administration 3 Microeconomics 3 Mathematics I 4 Polillcal Science 2 Psychology 3 Religious Sciences I 2 Research Methodology I 3 Research Methodology II 2 Statistics I ..1 Statistics 11 ..1

Total 19 Total 19

Third Semester Fourth Semester

General Accounting I 3 General Accounting II 3 Management Theory & Money & Banking 3

Practice 4 Operation Research 3 Mathematics Ill 3 Organization: Its Structure & Microeconomics 3 Function 4 Principles of Business law 2 Religious Sciences II 2 Statistics Ill ..1 Sociology ..1

Total 18 Total 18

Fihh Semester Sixth Semester

Cost Accounting 3 Commercial Law I 2 International Commerce 3 Human Resources I 3 Labor Law 2 Marl<ellng I 4 legal Environment ol Research ProJect I 3

Business 3 Systems Analysis 11 4 Operational Management I 4 Electiw I ..1 Systems Analysis I ~ Tolal 19

Total 19 Eighth Semester

Seventh Semester Finance II 3 Commercial Law II 2 Operational Management II 4 Finance I 3 Organizational Development 3 Human Resources II 3 Religious Sciences Ill 2 Management 3 Research Project II 3 Markeling II 4 Tax Law 2 Elective II ..1 Elective Iii ..1

T01al 18 T01al 20

Ninth Semester Tenth Semesler

Colombian Economics: Practtcal Training•

Operational Management Ill 4 Thesis"

Polillcs ol Business 3 (cmrli1111ed)


Relallon Between Business & Stale 3

Religious Sciences IV 2 Thesis Research 2 Elective IV .J!

Total 17

SouRCE: Ponlificla untwrsldad Jawrlana, Ca18Jogo General, r9Sr-83 (Bogcd, D.E., Colombia~ 'Credits unspecified In unNersity catalog.

Table 3.10. Electronic Engineering Curriculum, Facultad of Engineering, PQntlllcla Unlvereldad Javerfana, 1981-83

Subjects Credi!S Subjec!S Credits

First Semester Second Semester

Calculus I 4 Calculus II 4 Design 3 Introduction to a Introduction 10 Engineering 2 Programming Language 3 Physics I 4 Unear Algebra 3 Elective (Religious Sciences) ..l Material & Workshop 3

Total 15 Physics II 4

Third Semester Elective (Humanities) ..l

Tolal 19 Calculus Ill 3 Physics Ill 4 Fourth Semester Theory ol Differential Devices 4

Equa!lons 3 Electric Circuli Analysis II 3 Elec!ric Circuli Analysis I 3 Eiectromagnelic Theory 3 Elective (Humani!ies) 2 Electronics I 3 Elective (Religious Sciences) ..l Mathematical Methods In

Total 17 Engineering ....:! Fifth Semester

To! a I 16

Electric Circuit Analysis Ill 3 Sixth Semester

Electronics II 3 Dynamics Systems Analysis 3 Electronics Lab I 3 Electronics Ill 3 Fields & Waves Theory 3 Electronics Lab II 3 Probability & Process 3 Electrotechnics 3 Special Methods of Signal Theory Analysis 3

Computation ....:! Elective (Religious Sciences) ..l Total 18 Total 17

SeYonth Semester Eighth Semester

Communication Systems 3 Administration I 3 Electrical Pulses 3 Digital Computers 3 Eiec!ronlcs Lab Ill 3 Electronic Controls 3 Logical Circui!S 3 Electronics Lab IV 3 Propagation of Waves 3 lnduslrlal Electronics 3


Seminar ..1 Technical Elective .1 Total 17 Total 18

Ninth Semester Tenth Semester

Administration II 3 Professional legislation 2 Professional Ethics 2 Thesis 6 Technical Electives 12 Technical Electives _§

Total 17 Total 14

Grand Total 168

5o.JRCE: Ponllfida Unlversldad Jawriana. Catltlogo General, 1981-83 (Bogota, D.E., Cok>mbia).

Table 3.11, Nursing Curriculum, Fscultsd of Nursing, PoniHicla Unlveraldad Javerlana, 1981-83


Subject Credits Subjact Credits

First Semester

Science Courses: Biology, Math, Organic Chemistry 14

lntroducUon to Nursing Profession 2

Philosophy ..1 Total 18

Third Semester

Developmental Psychology 4 lntnxlucUon to Nursing Care

in Health Sector 5 Physiology 4 Religion II 2 Sociology & Culture _1

Total 18

Fifth Semester

Nursing Care in the Medical-Surgical Sector II 7

Pharmacology 4 Physiopathology II 3 Research Principles Applied

to Epidemiology _1

Seventh Semester

Administration of Nursing

Total 17

Care Services & Teaching 15 Nursing Care in Mental

Health & Psychiatry _§ Total 21

Second Semester

Anatomy 3 Basis of Nursing Care 3 General Psychology 3 General Sociology 3 Methods of Teaching 3 Religion I 2 Research Methodology ..1

Total 19

Fourth Semester

Microbiology 5 Nursing Care In the Medical-

Surgical Saclor I 6 Physiopathology I 4 Religion Ill 2 Social Psychology ..1

Total 19

Sixth Semester

Maternal Child Nursing Cam 12 Professional Ethics 2 Research Dimension in

Nursing ~

Total 17

Eighth Semester

Oesjgn of Nursing Curriculum 3 Nursing Care in the Rural

Areas _! Total 11

Grand Total 140

SooAcE: Pontilicia Universidad Javeriana, CstMogo General. 1981.8J (Bogota. D.E .. Colombia).


Graduate Education

Under Decree 80, the fourlh level of higher education is called Formacid11 Awnznda o de HJstgrado (graduate studies). Although the advancement ol graduate education is nol mentioned specifically among the stated objectives ol Decree 80 (see "Decree No. 80 ol 1980" earlier in this chapter), certain ol the objectives would appear to require more and better graduate programs. For example, one objective is lo "'promote the scienlific and pedagogical educa· tion of researchers and teachers," a task generally accomplished at the gradu· ate level.

Historically, the term poslgmdo has had a broad and somewhat vague meaning in Colombia. Thus, any course of study taken after the first univer­sity degree (a Lice11ciado or a comparable first university degree) was consid­ered a graduate program. This included diploma courses in various fields of study, among lhem teacher training, short courses or extension courses, seminars for executives, and, of course, programs leading to advanced de· grees. Under Decree 80, ICFES seems to be trying to define the status ol graduate education more clearly.

Three types of graduate programs are offered in Colombia: £specialista (specialist); Magister, Magister Scieutine, Maestrfn, or Master (various forms used lor the master's degree); and the Doctor (doctoral). Despite the various types of programs offered, relatively few universities offer graduate programs, and only one, the Pontificta Universidad Javeriana in Bogotc\, oflers a Doctor degree. See Table 3.12 for all of the graduate programs offered at Javeriana. See Appendi• A for graduate programs offered by the individual universities.

Table 3.12. Graduate Programs, Pontlftcta Untveraldad Javertana, 1983

fspec/atisla (Specialist) Programs

Focultad of Dentistry

Endodontics Orthodontics Periodonttcs Stomatology

Facullad of Law (Legal and Socio-Economic Sciences)

Family Law Labor Law


35 35 35 35

15 15

Facultad of Medicine

Anesthesiology General Surgery Gyneco-Obslellics Internal Medicine Neurology Opthalmology Orthopedics &

Traumatology Otorhinolaryngology Pathology Pediatrics Psychiatry Radiology

Years 2 3 3 3 3 3

4 3 3 3 3 3


Magister (Master's) Programs

Facultad ol lntordisciplinary Facuftad of Philosophy and Studies Credits leHers Credits

Economics 30 Hislory 30 Educational Research & literature 30

Technology 30 Philosophy 30 Health Administration 30 Political Science 30 FacuJtad of Science

Population & Demography 30 Biology 30 Microbiology 30

Facultad of Law (Legal and Nutrition 30 Socio-Economic Sciences)

CommerclaJ Securities 30 Facultad of Theology

Insurance 30 Theology 30

Facuftad of Philosophy

Philosophy 30

Doctor (Doctoral) Programs

Facultad of Caoon law• Facultad of Philosophy and

Canonic law 45 letters

Facultad ol Philosophy History 80 literature 80

Philosophy 80 Philosophy 80

Facultad of Thaology

Theology 70

So.JRCE: Office ol Inter-Institutional Relations. Pontiflcia Uniwlrsidad Jal.oeriana (Bogota, February, 1983~

"To enter th1s fac!lltad, Ills usually necessary to be a priest or law school graduate.

Admission to Graduate Programs. The basic requiremenl (or entry to Especialistn (specialist) or Maxisler (master's) programs is either lhe Licrnciado or a comparable first university degree, depending upon the program and field. An entrance examination is a common second requirement. Also, preference is usually shown to !hose applying to a program offered by the same university that awarded I he sludent's first degree. Studenls who wish to do graduale $tudy in a field different from that of the first degree may be required to lake some prCR"qUisile courses. The Magister is normally required for entry loa Doctor program, although occasionally a student will be admit­ted immediately following lhe first degree.

Grading. For a description of grading systems in institutions of higher education, see the section on undergraduate ·crading!Examinations• earlier in this chapter. Most institutions offering graduate programs use lhe same grading scale at the grad~ate level that they use at the undergraduate level, although lhere are a few exceptions. However, the minimum passing grade is much higher at lhe graduate level, 3.5 or higher.


Especialista (Specialisl) Programs

Especialista (specialist) programs are usually offered in practical or applied disciplines such as medicine and dentistry. These programs are oflen one year in length, although there are exceptions, especially in the field of medi­cine, where programs may require up to four years for completion (up to one· half of such programs may be devoted to a period of residency in a hospital). Most of the specialist programs offered at Universidad Pontificia Javeriana are in medical fields. (See Table 3.12.)

Despite the fact that specialist programs frequently are associated with medical or health fields, they are offered in other fields of study including business administration, chemistry, education, engineering, and law. In keep­ing with their practical orientation, specialisl programs usually do not require any research or a thesis. In some institutions or facultades, some courses may be applied toward either a specialist or a master's program. The title awarded in all specialist programs is that of Especialista.

The following Es,,ecialista programs in medicine include postgraduate clinical experience which in the United States would lead to board certifica­tion: Aneslesin y Reanimacidn; Anestesiologfa; Anestesiologfa, Rrnuimncidu y Cuidado lultnsitJO; Cardiologfa; Cirugfn; Cirugia Cardiomusculnr; Cirugfa Grneml; Cir11gfa lufanlil; Cirugfa Pedi6trica; Cimgia Pldstica; Cirugfa Tortfxica; Dermnlologia; Ercdoscopia DiKestil'O; Gaslroeulerologia; Giuecologia; Giuecologla y Obstelricia; Gineco-Obstelricia; Gimxo-Obstelricia y Patologia; Hematologia; Mediciua ffsica y Reltabilitacidu; Medicina lr~trma; Nefmlogfa; Ne1mtologfa; Neurocirugfa; Neurologfa; Neumologfa; Oftalmologfa; Ortoprdia; Ortopedia y Traumatologia; Otor­riuolaringologfa; ftltologfa; 1\Jtologfa lnfecciosn; Petlialria; Psiquialria; Rntlil)(liag­"6slico; Rndiologia; Rndiotm1pia; Rrlrabi/ilaci6n; Urologla.

In denlistry and nursing, EstJfCialista programs that include postgraduate clinical experience are oHered in I he following areas: Denlistry-Estomatologfa Pedidlrica, Odonlopediatria Clfnica, Ortodoncia Pmlt'ntim (Estomatolo.~fa f\•diti­trica), and Patologfn Oral (Estomatolo.~fa). Nursing-E11{ermerin Cardiores,,iratoria, and Enfermerfn fll Salud Metria!. 8

Magister (Master's) Programs

Programs leading Ia the Magister, Magisltr Scimliae, Maeslria, or Master (all terms for the milster's degree) require a minimum of two years for comple­tion. The principal difference between the specialist programs and those leading to the master's is an emphasis on research in the latter. See Tables 3.13 and 3.14 for curriculums of master's programs at two universities. Table 3.13 shows the curriculum leading to the Magister en Extensi611 para Drsarrollo Rural

8. lnrormalion supplied by Mary Jane Ewarl. State Education Departmenl, lhe Uni· versily of the SI&Jh! of New York, A lOOny, New York.


Table 3.13. Curriculum, Magister en Ertensl6n para Desanolto Rural (Master's of Rural Development Extension~ PontHicla Unlversldad Javerlana

Semester Semester Subjects Credits Subjects Credits

First Semester Second Semester

Human Ecology 3 Rural Administration 3 Methods in Social Research 3 Aural Economics 3 Rural Sociology 3 Aural Education in Extension 3 Social Statistics __.:l Social Communication __.:l

Total 12 Total t2

Third Semester Fourth Semester

Community Development 3 Master's Thesis 6 Electives• 2 Seminar on Thesis __!

Grand Total Total 6 36

SwRCE: Pontirlda UnMusidad Jawriana, Facutrad of Interdisciplinary Studies (Bogot6. February, 1983(

"EtecliYes: Ecologlcal Deveklpment, Environmental Economics, Environmenlal Planning, Geography ot Rivurs, Group Dynamics. Mass Madia, Social Anthropology.

Table 3.14. Curriculum, Magister en Admlnlstracl6n Educaclonal (Master's In Educational Administration~ Unlversldad del Valle

Trimester Subjects Credits Subjects

Administrative Practices 3 Political Science Comparative Educational Principles of Admin.

Admin. 3 Social & Economic Devel. Curriculum 2 Sociology ol Education Educational Admin. I 3 Educational Admin. II 3 Thesis

Educational Finance 3 Seminar I

Educational Planning 3 Seminar II

Educational Statistics 2 Seminar Ill

Educational Supervision 2 Seminar IV

Group Dynamics 2 Grand Total

Methodology ol Scienlilic Research 2

SwRCE: Division of Education. Universiclad del Valle, Cali. 1982.

Trimester Credits

2 2 2 2


_1_ 48


(master's in rural development extension) offered by Pontificia Univcrsidad faveriana, in Bogota. Note in Table 3.t3 that such a degree would come out of the Faculta,l or Interdisciplinary Studies, an innovative concept lhat allows Javeriana to ofrer combinations of programs to form master's degrees. (See Appendix A lor the master's degrees offered by javeriana.) Table 3.t4 shows a curriculum leading to the Magister e11 Administracidtl Educacioual {master's in educational administration) from the Universidad del Valle, in Cali. Note that the difference in the number of credits can be explained by the fact that one school is on a semesler system, the other on a trimester system.

Master's degree candidates must maintain at least a 3.5 (B) grade average in all graduate courses while in the program, and must write and defend a thesis before the master's degree is awarded. Note the thesis in Tables 3.13 and 3.14. See also Documenl 3.8, a Magister e" AdmitJistracidu Educaciomd (educational administration) from the Universidad del Valle. The document is signed by the Rector, Dean, Secretary, and department head of the university.

l:•ll•publlco do <rotornbto y tn •u nom•rt

Co tlnh,ersidad del Valle ~•nficr' c1 titulo acadimico de

fiRagi!ltrr rn .Mmini!ltractnn 1E~urnrinnul u

No. 3.8. Magister en Administracl6n Educ.adonal, Universidad del V..lle.


Doctor (Doctoral) Programs

Allhe presenllime, lhe only universily offering lhe Doctor (docloral) degree is the PontHicia Universidad Javeriana. (See Table 3.12 for graduate programs offered by ]averiana.)

The docloral programs al Javeriana are designed individually in keeping with the student's aims and prior education; the length of the program varies. However, in order to earn a doctoral degree, the student usually musl spend four years in study afler the first university degree, and h'o'O years afler the Magister.

Doctoral candidates, who are being prepared to carry out original research, must meCt two sets of requirements. They must first, after successfully completing graduate courses and seminars, show a working knowledge of lhe principles of doing primary research. This includes lhe following: I) demonstrable knowledge of basic statistical methods, and 2) competence in one foreign language (usually English, French, or German). Second, candi­dates must demonstrate competence in the research related to the disserlation by defending it before the graduate faculty. The comprehensive examination for the doctoral is entirely oral.


The Role of the National Council on the Evaluation of Foreign Educational Credentials

The placement recommendalionsthat follow have been approved by the National Coun­dl on the Evaluation of Foreign Educational Credentials. In order that these recom­mendations may be of maximum use to admissions officen, the foUowing information on the development of the tenninology used in stating the recommendations, along with instructions for their use, is offered by the Council and the World Education Series Committee.

The recommendations deal with aU levels of formal education in roughly chrono­logical order up through the highest degree conferred. Recommendations, as developed through discussion and consensus in the Coundl, are not directives. Rather, they are general guidelines to help admissions officers determine the admissibility and appro­priate level of placement of students hom the country under study.

The recommendations should be applied Oexlbly rather than literally. Before apply­ing the recommendations, admissions officers should read the supporting pages in the text and take into account their own institutional policies and practices. For example, a recommendation may be stated as follows: " ... may be considered for up to 30 semester hours of transfer credit. .. "The implication is that the U.S. institution may consider giving less than or as much as one year of transfer credit, the decision to be based on various facto~the currentness of the applicant's transfer study, applicability of the study to the U.S. curriculum, quality of grades, and the receiving institution's own policies regarding transfer credit. Similarly, the recommendation " ... may be considered for freshman admission" indicates possible eligibility only; it is not a recommendation that the candidate be admitted. Although consideration for admission at the same level may be recommended for holders of two different kinds of diplomas, use of identical phrasing in the recommendation does not mean that the two diplomas are identical in nature, quality, or in the quantity of education they represent.

In most cases, the Council will not have attempted to make judgments about the quality of individual schools or types of educational programs within the system under study. Quality clues are provided by the author and must be inferred from a careful reading of the text.

Certain phrases used repeatedly in the recommendations have acquired, within Council usage, specific meanings. For example, "through a course-by-course analysis" means that in deaUng with transfer credit, each course taken at the foreign institulion is to be judged on an individual basis for its transferability to the receiving institution. Another phrase "where technical training is considered appropriate preparation" suggests that the curricuJum followed by the candidate is specialized, and this word­ing is often a hint that within the foreign syslem the candidale's educational place­men! options are limited to certain curri~lu~s. H~wever, w!'ile the <:;"~nci1 is _!WBJ! of the educational policies of the country under study, the Coundl's policies are not necessarily set in conformity with that country's policies. Rather, the recommenda-tions refled U.S. philosophy and structure of education. .

ln voting on individual recommendations, Council decisions are made by simple majority. Although consislency among volumes Is sought, some differences in philos­ophy and practice may occur from volume to volume.

Chapter Four

Guidelines and Placement Recommendations

Special Considerations

Colombian Degrees and Diplomas

The higher education degrees and diplomas currently offered in Colombia under Decree 80 are discussed in detail in Chapter Three under "Under­graduate Degrees and Diploma~ and "Graduate Education: Those degrees and diplomas awarded before 1980 are discussed in Chapter Three under 'Three-Year Degrees"' and "Diplomas-Pre-1980."

Any points of confusion that might arise in regard to terminology usually, but not always, involve the older awards. For example, the title ExJierfo was used at both the secondary and the higher education levels in the old system. The secondary Experlo, which represents nine years of education, is described in Chapter Two under "Curriculums Prior to 1974" and "Documents-Cur­rent and Pre-1974.· (Also, see Document 2.5.) The Ex,..rto at the higher education level is described in Chapter Three under "Diplomas-Pre-1980."

Even the generic term titulo de __ (title of __ ) may be somewhat confusing because it appears on documents at all levels of education. Another instance in which usage may be confusing is in regard to the tenns Maestro( a) and Maestm(a) su,..rior, which under the old system were secondary school diplomas in teacher training. These titles are discussed in Chapter Two. (Also see Documents 2.3 and 2.4.) The term Maestro is used in the current system for higher education degrees in the arts that are equivalent to the Licenciado (first university degree). These degrees, which are included in the list of degrees or titles considered equivalent to the Licenciado (see Chapter Three), include the following: Maestro ell Artes Pldsticas (master of plastic arts); Maestro en Bellas Artes (master of fine arts); Maestro en Cerdmica (master of ceramics); Maestro til Composici611 Musical (master of musical composition); Maestro en Educaci6n Musical (master of music education); and Maestro en Pinlura (master of painting).

Another point of confusion may involve the term Doctor. Prior to 1980 it was common lor universities to offer first degrees that led to a title of Doctor. This was particularly true in law, medicine, and dentistry. One school, Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Seriora del Rosario, offered an eight-semester degree in

1. Only three first degrees of less than four years' length arc offered in Colombia at the present lime. See "Three· Year Degrees in Chapter Three.•


philosophy that led to the Doctor en fitoso{fa. Any Doctor degree offered before 1980 probably is a first university degree that would be considered equivalent to the current eight-semester Lice"ciado or a comparable first university de­gree.

Also, in one university the Doctor degree is still awarded for programs that actually are first degrees. The Universidad Nacional de ColombiaiUNC (Na· tional University of Colombia) offers the following programs: a 12-semester program in medicine that leads to a Doctor eu Medicitta; a to-semester program in velerinary medicine leading to a Doctor er1 Medicina y Velerinaria; and a 9-semester program in dentistry that leads to a Doctor en Odontologla.

At the present time, the only degr~e offered in Colombia thai is considered comparable to the Ph.D. is the Doctor offered by Pontificia Universidad javeriana (Pontifical University of javeriana), in Bogota.

Grading Systems

Grading systems in Colombian educational institutions are all mandated by the Ministry of National Education. Grades are usually reported as whole numbers wilh decimal subdivisions. Admissions officers should be aware that the concept of a 0, a passing but unsatisfactory grade, is nonexistent in the Colombian system. It should also be noted that the highest and lowest grades at both the secondary and higher education levels rarely are given.

Grading at the secondary level is based on a scale of 1.0 to 10.0, with 6.0 the lowest passing grade. The suggested L'qUivalencies between U.S. and Colom· bian systems at the secondary level are described in the section on "'Grading at the Secondary Level" in Chapter Two. The grading system prior to 1974 is also described in that section.

At the higher education level, the grading scale is 0.00 to 5.00 with 3.00 the lowest passing grade. See the section on "Grading/Examinations· in Chapter Three for a discussion of grading at the higher education level.

Military and Police Training

Military and police training in Colombia is offered by university-level institu· tions. Their requirements for admission are the same as those for the univer­sities, with the addition of a physical fitness standard.

The three military inslitutions are the following: Escuela Militar de Avia­ci6n "Marco Fidel Suarez• (Military Aviation School "Marco Fidel Suarez"), in Cali; Escuela Militar de Cadetes (Military Cadet School), in Bogota; and Escuela Naval de Cadetes "Aimirante jose Prudencio Padilla" (Naval Cadet School "Admiral jose Prudencio Padilla"), on the Island of Manzanillo. These instilutions grant first university degrees in economics, engineering, mar­itime administration, naval engineering, and oceanography.

Police training is offered at the Escuela de Cadetes de Policfa "General Santander" (Police Cadet School "General Santander"), in Bogota. Two pro-

• '



r •


grams are offered: an 11-semester program in police administration, leading to a Licenciado e11 £studios Policiales, and an 8-semester program in police studies leadir1g to the title Administrador Pvlicial.

For lndividua' descriptions of mHHary and police training schools, see Section Ill of Appendix A. Also, see the list of degrees considered comparable to the 8-semester Licenciada in Chapter Three.

Transfer of Credils from Colombian Inslilulions

Undergraduate programs in Colombian universities and other inslitutions of higher education usually consist of more credit hours per semester than similar progri3ms of study in the United States. No more than 30 semester hours of transfer credit should be granted in the United States for one year of study in Colombia with each course awarded credil on an individual basis.

Graduate programs in Colombian universities resemble those of the United States, and credit is awarded in a similar manner.

Placement Recommendations

Educalional Bac:kground or Sludenls from Colombia

A. Secondary Credentials

I. Completed Cicio Bdsico (basic cycle) of secondary education. (pp. 8-9)

2. Holds a Certificado de A''lil11d Profe· sio,wliCAP (certificilte of profes­sional aptitude). {p. 27)

3. Holds a Certificado de Equivatmcia del Grado de Bachilltr (certificate of equivalence lo the Baclrilltr di· ptoma). (pp. 27-28, 3t)

4. Holds a diploma of Expnto (expert) from a secondary level commercial, industrial, ol' technical school. (pp. 14, 15, ]9, 22, 23)

5. Holds a &driller (secondary school) diploma obtiiined either on comple­tion of secondary school or by pass-

Placemenl Recommendations for U.S. Admissions Officers

May be placed in grade 10 of second­ary school.

Primarily a vocational qualification. Placement should be based on other credentials.

Primarily a vocational qualification. Placement should be based on other credentials. •

May be placed in gr~Jde 10 of second· ary school.

May be considered for freshman ad­mission. Consideration should be given to the relevance of the student's

"fur legal pu~ in Colombia, this certificate represents the completion of the equivalent of secondary school.


ing the e:rtJmetl 1fe IltllidtJridu del Bachirterato (validation exam). (pp. 7, )()-11, 18-19, 30, 31)

6. Holds a Maestro(tJ), Maestro(tJ) Supe· rior, or NonruJiista Superior diploma. (pp. 14, 30-31, 65)

B. Undergraduate Credentials

academic preparation to the proposed program of study in the United Stales.

May be considered for freshman ad· mission. Consideration should be given to the relevance of the student's academic preparation to the proposed program of study in the United States.

Students who have completed some roursework for any of the programs listed below may be considered for undergraduate admission with up to a maximum of 30 semester hours of transfer credit for each year, determined through a course· by-course analysis. When length of the program is cited, it refers to the standard length of the program when pursued fulltime. Actual period of allendance may V<~ry.

1. Holds a diploma of Tknico Profe­sional lntm11edio e11-from a 4- or S­semester program. (pp. 35-37, 45, 46)

2. Holds a diploma of TroWiogo (in· eluding the Rcgmte in Pharmacy) from a 4· to 7·semester program. (pp. 37, 46-48)

3. Holds a postsecondary diploma of Prrito (2-4 semesters), Ex11trlo (4·5 semesters), or Trc11ico (6 semesters). (pp. 43-44)

4. Holds one of the following 6-se­mester degrees: Estadfstico, Maestro de Capilla, Lice11riado en Eufermerla, Lie. e" Filosofia, Lie. l'lr lm~tigadOn Folkl6dca. (p. 43)

5. Holds one of the following 7-se­mester l..icenciado degrees: TertJJria dtl l...mguaje, Tmlpia Flsiro, or Tl'Tl1pia Ocupa6ow>l. (p. 43)

6. Holds an 8-semester Licenciado; or a first university degree including the Maestro en Aries Pltfsticas, Maestro en Btllas Aries, Maestro til Cerdmica, Maestro en Com110SiciOn Mrtsical, Maestro e11 Educaci611 Musical, Maeslro err Pir1trtra; or a comparable degree from a program of 8 or more se­mesters' duration. (pp. 37-40, 65)

May be considered for undergraduate admission with transfer credit deter­mined through a course·by-course analysis.

May be considered for undergraduate admission with transfer credit deter­mined through a course-by-course analysis.

May be considered for undergraduate admission with transfer credit deter­mined through a course-by-course analysis.

May be considered for undergraduate admission with transfer credit deter· mined through a course·by·course analysis.

May be considered for undergraduate admission with transfer credit deter­mined through a course-by-course analysis.

May be considered for graduate admis· sion.




7. Uolds a first university d{'grce in del\lislry, mt'dicine, pharmacy, or velerinary medicine, including lhe following: Dr. m MMiri1Ul, Dr. tr1

MrdirilltJ y Vettrilwria, Dr. rn Odoll­tologla, Mntico, MMico Vt'lcrinario, Mtdiro Vtteriuario y Zool«nista, Me­dicu y Cimj•rno, QdpntcSiogu, Qufmim Farmaduliro, Vrtrri11ario y ffi,locnisla. (pp. 38·40, 66)

C. Graduate Credentials (pp. 58·63)

1. l-lolds a diploma of £s1JfXialistn from a clinical training program in den· listry, medicine, nursing, veterinary medidne, or other clinically-based prQgrams.

2. Holds a diploma of Esptrialisla from a program which is not clinically­based.

3. Holds a degree of Magislrr. Magislrr Scir11tiar, Mats/ria, or Maslrr.

4. f-loJds D graduaJe-JeyeJ DocJor de­grt.-e.

D. S~mlnary Education (pp. 124-125)

1. Completed a 3-year program (I-Cid11 filos6firo) from a major seminary.

2. Completed a 4-year program (11-Cirlo Ti·oMgi('(J) from a major seminary.

May be considered fo have the firsl professional degrt.'t! in lhc field; may be considered for graduate admission.

May be considered to haw completed a specialized clinical training program.

May be considered for graduate admis· sion with transfer credit determined through a course-by-course analysis. May be considered to have a degree comparable to a master's degree in the u.s. May be considered lo have a degree comparable to an earned doctorate in lhe same field in the U.S.

May be considered for undergraduate admission with transfer credit deter· mined through a course-by-course analysis. May be considered to have a degree comparo1ble to a Mast~r of Divinity in the U.S.

Appendix A

Colombian Institutions of Higher Education

The following list of institutions of higher education, recognized by the Instituto Colombiano para el Fomento de Ia Educaci6n Superior/ICFES (Co­lombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education), has been divided into the following three sections according to programs offered:

I. Formad6n Jntermedia Profesionai!FlP (intermediate professional stud­ies), Level 1 of higher education under Decree 80.

II. Formad6n Tecno/6gica/FT (technological studies), Level 2 under Decree 80.

Ill. Fom1aa"6n Universitaria (university level studies), Level 3 under Decree 80. In this appendix, the institutions that offer Formaci611 At,anzada o dt Postgrado (graduate studies), Level 4 of higher education under Decree 80, have been listed in Section Ill.

In each section the name of the institution is listed alphabetically wilh, when available, the address, telephone number, enrollment figures for 1981-82, and the status (public or private) of each institution. In Section Ill, the date of founding, the length of the programs, and the diploma, degree, or title awarded, are also given. In Sections I and II, the length of all programs and the diploma awarded are given at the beginning of the section.

The information in Appendix A was taken from the following sources: Instilulo Colom· biano para el Fomento de Ia Educad6n Superior/ICFES, Dirrctorio d~ Ia Educaci6n Suptriortn Colombia, J98J, Divisi6n de Recursos BibliogrcHicos (Bogota, D. E.: Divisi6n de Publicaciones del ICFES), 1981; ICFF..S, Estadlsticas de Ia Educaci6n Supr?rior, 1982, Divisi6n d(! lnformaci6n Estadistica (Bogota, D. E.: Divisi6n de Publicaciones del ICFES), 1982; ICFES, '"lislado de Universidad y Programas, Modalidad de I:.Onnad6n Avanzada; Oivisi6n de Postgrado, 1983, ICFES. (Xerox)



1. Intermediate Professional Studies (formad6n lntermedia Profesional)

length o( Program: 4·5 semesters. Title Awarded: Tknico PnJfi-sional lntermt'lUo t•nffPI (intennediate pro(cssional technician in).

lnslitution Enrollment/Stalus

Ac-ademia de Dibujo Profesional. Avenida 2 Norte No 7-67, Oficinas A~·c 9 SM/pri\-ale .Norte, No 6-100, Cali. Tel: 601237, 671720, 68878-1.

Academia Supt>rior de Aries. Calle 0 No 7lHO, Medellin. Tel: 488750, 8851privale -13-\851.

Asocia66n Colombi.ana de Rl"creaciOn, Avenida 32 No 17·.30, BogotA. Tel: -ISipri\-alt! :Z45J0.17, 2698506.

Asociaci6n para l.a Ensel'lanza (ASPAEN), Calle 69 No 11·.36, Bogota. 1el: 231/pri~-atc

:Z496846, 213395-1.

Centro Colombiano de Estudios Prof~ionales, Avenida 2 Norte No 7-67 y 1626/pri\-ale Calle 13 Norte No 6N-07, Cali. Tel: 684315, 611R33.

Centro Colombo Andino, Avl•nida 19 No 3-16, Ofkina 214, BogotA. Tel: 612/pri\-ate tll277'l8, 2&14006.

Centro de Carreras f'rofesionales lntermedias, A\'t'nida -Ia No 15-88, 369/pri,-atc CUcuta. Tel: 25149.

Centro de Comercio Exterior (CENTROCOMf:X), C.dle 40A No n-14, 151/pri,-ate lk>goi.A. Tel: 2,157809.

Centro de Educoci6n lntennedia Pn1fcsional (CEDINPRO), Calle J6 No 527/primte ~37, llogol.i. Tclo 23200J9.

Centro de E.<;tudios Artfstioos y Tknicos (CEAKI), Calle 71 No S.SO. 114/primte fk,gota. Tel: 2350321.

Centro de Estudios Dirigidos (CEO), Calle 21 Norte Nu 4N-49, Versallt-'S 281/private Ave 6 Norte No 22-46, Cali. Tel: 641255, 601603.

Ceotro de lnvestigaci6n Pocencia y C<msultorfa Administrativa (CIOCA), 2071/primte CaUe 18 No S.75, Bogota. Tel: 2840905, 2830J64, 2840925.

Cer'l!ro latino·Frands (CENlAF), Carrt'ra 16 No 3.1·80, OOdnas Calle JJA 42/privale No 15-46, Bogotii. Tel: 2453806, 2450875, 2457322.

Cerllro Regional de Educx16n Superior (CRF.S), A~·e 5 Norte No 22N·27, 394/pri,"iltt! Cali. Tel: 631400, 685397.

Cer'llro Superior de Administroci6n Industrial, C.JIIe 14 Nnrtc Nu 6-26 y 644/primte (atn'ra No 8-49, Cali. Tel: 6..11142. 641816, 801984.

Certtro Superior Profesional, Carre-ra -1 No 13·23, lpiales. Tel: 2645. ISUipri\-ate

Certtro lCcniro Arquitcct6nioo, Calle II No IS.54, ~rdrd. Tel: 4-1612. 137/pri\"ilte

Certtro Temol6gioo de lngenierfa TL?.til (Cin, Calle 4C No 37-50, Cali. Tel: 81lpri,-ate 5B2291.

Cerdro Universitario de Administraci6n (CE!NDA), Carrera 13 No 45--67 273Jpri,-ate Piso 2 y Calle 55 No ID-81 Piso J, Bogota. Tel: 2459139, 2698626, 23.57318.

Centro Uni,·ersitario de Admini.straciOn (CENDA). Cali. 292/prh-ate

Centro Universitario de Nuestra Seliora de las Mem.'lles. Calle 73 No 207/prh-ate 11·92, BosotA. Telo 2357239.

Centro Uni\·ersitario Nacional de Administraci6n }" llot.eleria (CUN), Calle 48Jipri\"ilte 51 No 5-37, BogotA. Tel: 2-15101 L


Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Senora, Carrera 24 No 18-16, Maniz.ales. Tel: 32576, J03J7, 31975.

Colegjo Miguel Camacho f\>rea, Ave 3 Norte No 44·100, Cali. Tel: 682510.

Colegio Seminario lnstituto Maria Goretli, Plazuela Santiago, Pasto. Tel: 2894, 2314, 4915.

Colcgjo l'em61ogo Uni~rsitario (UNITEC).. Bogol6. 5« Corporoci6n de Educaci6n Superior lnterml'dia Profesional (UNITEC), BogotA.

Corporaci6n de Educaci6n Superior del Trabajo, Calle 20 No 5-30, BogotA. Tel: 28-l8012, 28-12-103.

Corporad.6n de Educad6n Superior lntennedia Profesional (UNITEC). &sol•.

Corpor.ri6n Educativa Centro Colombo-Andino. BogotA.

Corporoci6n Educativa del litoral. Escucla de Administraci6n y Mer· cadot~nia, Carrera 53 No 82-114, Barranquilla. Tel: 353501.

Corporaci6n Educativa lnstituto de Educaci6n Empresarial (IDEE), A\"c 1 Norte No 3-27, Cali. Tel: 684722, 611735.

•corporaci6n Educativa Superior de C6rdoba (CF.SCO), Carrera 3 No 29-26, Montt!ria. Tel: 4071, 3935, 2-167.

Corporaci6n lnstiluto de Aries y Ciencias, Calle 58 Gmeras S4 y 58, Barranquilla. T~l: 322052.

Corporaci6n lnstituto d~ Pedagogla lnfanril {INPI), Calle 67 No 5-11 y Calle 65 No 5-50, BogotA. Tel: 2493146, 2110928, 2495-475.

Corpora.:16n lnslitulu Superior de Educaci6n Social (ISES), Calle 3JA No 14·29, BogotA. Tel: 2-15443-1.

Corporaci6n lntemacional para el Desarrollo Educativo {CIDE), Carrera 3 No 7-l-69ni, Bogota. Tel: 2-199900, 2490968.

Corporaci6n Universitaria Santa Fi! de Bogot.i, Carrera 17 No 33·32, BogotA. Tel: 2453073, 2B50963.

Escuela Columbiana de Carreras lntennedias, Carrera 7 No 5)-30, BogotA. Tel: 2499965.

Escuela tolombiana de Hotelerfa y Turismo (ECOTET), Carrera 19 No 100-49, Bas< ...

Escuela de Administraci6n y Mercadotecnia del Quindlo, Ave Boli\-a.r No J.ll, A.nnenia. Tel: 47809, 49397.

Escuela de Arte y Disel'lo de Arquitl'dura e lngeniertJ, Carrera 15 No 34-00, BogotA. Tel: 2455968.

Escuela de Aries y Letras, Ave Caracas No 75-59, BogotA. Tel: 24Bnl8, 24Bnl9, 259209-1, 2592115.

Escuela de Cienrias Eron6micas y Administrali\-as (ECEA), Carrera 8 No 45-41, BogotA. Tel: 24558JI.

Escuela de Disei\os Industriales (ACADITEC), Calle 50 No 14-71Y76, &soiA. Tel• 2482856, 2355251.

Escuela Superior de Administraci6n AgrOCknica y Pedag6gica (ESATEP). CaUe 66 No 11·28, BogotA. Tel: 2480119.

Escuela Superior de Ventas y Mercadoternia, Ave 2 Norte No 7-67, Cali. Tel: 6BS784, 688730.

"Univel'\ity ~l'l institution offering FIP program.

























Escuela Superior Profesional de Carreras lntermedias (INPAHU~ BogotA. Stt Fundaci6n Escuela Superior Profesional (INPAHU). BogotA.

Fundaci6n Escuela Superior Prof'esional (INPAiiU), Ave 39 No 15-58, Bogotl. T•l' 24~2. 2855314, 2857085.

Fundaci6n lnstituto de Enseflanza Profesional (INESPRO). Carrera 6 No 41-38, Bogoti. T•l' 2856992, 285319'1.

Fundaci6n lnstituto de lnwsligacilln de Ia Expresi6n Colombiana (IDEQ, CaiTf'ra 9 No 11·36, Chia. Tel: 985l3-425.

Fundaci6n lnteramericana lknica (AT), BogotA.

Fundaci6n para el DesarroUo de las Ciencia.!l de Ia Comunicaci6n ~I (FUN DEMOS). Calle 61 No 38-62 y 4-06, Bogota. Tel: 2496024, 211069-t.

lnstituto Colombiano de Telecomunicaciones y Electr6nlca, Carrera 7 No 44-76, BogotA. Tel: 2852048, 2858285.

lnstituto de Administraci6n y Finanzas (IAF). Carrera 7 No 23-15, Pereira. Tel: 49CDJ, 37848.

lnstitulo de Administraci6n y Finanzas de Cartagena (IAFIQ. Calle Santa Teresa No 32·25, Cartagena. Tel: 41748.

lnstituto de Artes, Carrera 42 No 50A·I2, MedeiHn. Tel: 395492, 393947.

lnstituto de Carreras lntermedias (lOCI), Cali.

lnstitulo de Ciencias Sociale-s, Carrera 7A No 23-74, Cali. Tel: 701415, 811671.

Instituto de Educaci6n lntermedia rrofesional de Roldi!nillo, Roldanillo.

lnslitulo de Educaci6n lntennedia rrofesional de S<ln Juan del Cesar, Apartado A~reo 438, San Juan del Ce5ar.

lnstituto de Enseli.anza Profesional (INESPRO), Bogotoi. Su r1.1ndacilm lnstltuto de Ensei\anza Prof'esional (INESPRO), BogotA.

lnstituto de lnrorporaci6n Universilaria (INUNIVERSITAS). Calle 82 No 11-41 y 12·15, Carrera 13 No 83-21. BogotA. Tel: 2.J668.16.

lnstituto de J>Nagogl'a lnfantil (INPI), BogotA. S<t Corporaci6n lnslilulo de !Wagogia lnf•ntil (INPI), Bogol.l.

lnstituto Grancolombiano de Carreras lntennedias (CIDE), Calle 42 No 21·28, Bucaramanga. Tel: 56662, 57822.

lnstitulo Meyer, CaUe 17 No 10-16 Piso 2, Carrera 13 No 62-40, Carrera 9 No 23-35, BogotA. Tel: 2814215, 2814395, 2489168, 2833902.

lnstituto Nacional de CaparitacWn Empresarial (INCE), Urbanizaci6n ACOPI, Manzana 15 Menga, Cali.

lnstituto Narional de Formaci6n lntermedia Profesional de San Andrk, San Andrk.

lnstituto Superior de Carreras l!rnkas (INSlJTEC), Ave 39 No IJ-49, Bogot.!. T•k 2859405, 285'l063.

Jnstituto Superior de Educ:aci6n Social (ISES). BogotA. StY CorporaciDn lnstituto Superior de Edu006n Social (ISES), BogotA.

lnstituto Tknico Agricola (ITA), Buga.

lnstituto Tkniro Central, Calle 13 No 16-74, Bogota. Tel: 2416028, 282n26.

lnstituto l!mico Nadonal de Comerrio ·sim6n Rodriguez,• Carrera ID Bis No 49-20, Cali. Tel: 411218, 411179.

lnstitulo Tknico Profesional •Julio Duque Baena: Bogot,.

lnstituto 1knioo Superior Univ~rsitario (UNIVF.RSITEC). Calle 71A No 5-47, BogotA. Tel: 2493603.


























lnstituto TernoJ6giro de EduC'ilci6n Superior (rffiCS), Carrera 25 No 5-80, Cali. Tel: 531553, 586070, 511502.

lnstituto Tolimense de Funnacilln lnlennedia Profesional (ITFIP}, Espinal.

Taller Cinco Centro de Oisei\o, BogotA.

Unid.xl de Carreras lnlmnedias del Cauca (UCICA). Carrera 7 No 6-10 (Oficinas) y Canera 7 No 5-61 (Aulas), 1\>pay;in.

Unidad de Carreras lnlermedias de Sevilla (UOS), Sevilla.








II. Technological Studies IFormacion Tecno/6gical

Length of Program: 4·7 seml'Sters. Title A .... orded: Tem6!ogt' t'll (technologist in).

Institution Enrollment/Status

Centro de Investigaciones y Planeamiento Administrativo (CEIPA). 1059/private Medellin.

Centro de Investigaciones y Rern:"acit'm Dirigida (CIRDI), Calle 69 No 7·77, 6&'private Bogota. Tel: 2494.508.

Centro Universitario del Norte del Valle, Calle 10 No J.-95, Apartado 235/private Aeroo 18, Cartago. Tel: 5237.

"Colegio Mayor de Antioquia, Calle 65 No 78 Robledo, Apartado Mrro 57&'public 5177, Medellin. Tel: 344335.

Colegio Mayor de Cullura de Bolh'ilr, CaUe de La Fadorfa, No 36-101, BOO/public Cartagena. Tel: 44060. 42484, 42486.

Colegio Mayor de Cuhura Popular del Cauca, Calle 5 No 4·3J, lbpayan. 61/public Tel: )109.

"Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Calle 28 No 6-02, Bogota. Tel: 2456737, 1572/public 23402.57.

"C<Jiegio Mayor de Nuestra Seil.ora del Rosario, Calle 14 No 6-25, Bogota. 2917/private Tel: 2820088, 2410367.

C<Jrponci6n Centro Educocional de C6mputos y Sistemu 3t!G'private (CEO€SISTEMAS). Calle 49 No 4J..52, Apartado A~reo 223. Medellin. Tel: JC)2256, 396739, 390872.

Corporaci6n de Educ.aci6n del Norte de Tolima (COREDUCACION), ISO'private Hond.a.

Corporaci6n Educativa Centro Superior de Cali, Calle 14 Norte No 6-26 y 287/private Cane{a 6 No 8-4.9, Apartado Mteo 5J86, Cali. Tel: 641518, 641816, 631142. 801984.

CorporaciOn Educati\:a F.scuela Superior de Mercad01ccnia (ESUMER), 457/privatc Calle 76 No 80-196 Carretcra al Mar, Medellfn. Tel: 347816, 342188, 344259.

Corporaci6n Educativa lnslituto de Educaci6n Empresarial (IDEE).. Ave I 431/pri,"iile Norte No J.-27, Cali. Tf'l: 6f!.ln2, 611735.

Corpoml=i6n Escuela de Adminislraci6n de Empi'1"Siis (EAE), Calle 2A No 505/private 24C·9:i, Apartado A~rro 2144, Cali. Tel: 588107.

Corporad6n Esruela Tributaria de Colombia, Calle 55 No 41-10, Apartado 4261private A~reo 4800, Medellfn. Tel: 399500, 399089.

"Corpor~6n Universitaria d(' lbagul! (CORUNIVERSITARIA), lbJgut'-. 651/private

"Unive~ity lewl institution offering FT program.


Fundacilln F..scuela Columbiana de Mercadotecnia, Calle 50 No 40-39, Apartado At! reo 4983, Medellin. Tel: 399720, 393827.

"Fundacilln lnslituto de Ciencias de Ia Salud (Cf.S), Trans\·ersal Superior X Calle 10 Varianle Las Palmas, Apartado A~reo 0549591, Medellin. Tel: 4625()1, 410073.

Fund11Ci6n fblitkniro Grancolombiano, Calle 57 Carrera 3 Esle. Apartado Al!rro 90853, BogotA. Tel: 2570860, 2562891.

"Fundaci6n Uni\-ersidad Central, Carrera 16 No 24-45, Bogol.i. Tel: Dtl966, 2415181, 2346229, 2838309.

"Fundaci6n Universidad Escuela de AdministradOn y Finanzas y The· nologfas (EAHT). Carrera 49 No 7-50, Apartado Al!reo 3300, Medellin. Tel: 550500, 552891.

"Fundaci6n Universidad de BogotA •jorge Tadro Lozano; Calle 23 No 4--t7, Apartado Al!reo 34185, Bogotj. Tel: Conm. 2412287, 204932, 2434934, 2834'750130.

"F1.mdaci6n Universidad de Bogoti •jorge Tadoo Lozano· -Cartagena, Carrera 4 No J8..40, Apartado Al!rro 1310, Cartagena. Tel: 42314, 42417.

"fundaci6n Universidad de Ia Sabana, Calle 70 No 11·79, BogotA. Tel: 2496846, 2494507, 2-190385, 2496862, 2-196830.

"Fundaci6n Universtdad del Norte, kt 5 Carretera a Pto. Colombia, Apartado l\JStal 0809, Bammquilla. Tel: Conm. smo. 46741.

"lnstituto de Ciencias de Ia Salud, MedeiHn. 5« Fundaci6n lnstituto de Ciencias de Ia Salud (CES), Medellin.

lnsliluto lblitkniro de Electn1nica y Comunicaciones (IPEC), Transversal 49 No 105-84, Bogot~. Tel: 253J2n, 25J2065.

lnslituto Suprrior de Ciencias Sociales y Eron6mico Familial'f'S (ICSEF), Calle 34 No 6-56, BogotA. Tel: 245-1696.

lnslitulo Superior de Educaci6n Rural (ISER). Apartado Mn'O 1031, Pamplona. Tel: 1597.

Institute Superior de Historia d~ Colombia, C;:mera 9 No 9·52, Bogota. Tel: 2825316, 2825356.

lnstituto Tkniro Superior •r.tsrual Bravo; Carretera al Volador Robledo, Medellin. Tel: 341014, 345082.

"lnstituto Tkniro Universitario de Cundinamarca (ITUC), Apartado A~reo 3033, Fusagasu~. Tel: 2144.

"lnstituto Tkniro Uni\'f"rsitario de Cundinamarrn (ITUC), Carrera 15 Calle 16, Girardot. Tel: 6205.

"Institute Tkniro Universitario de Cundinamarca (ITUC), Calle 6 No 9-80, Uba!~. Tel: 3055, J056.

lnstituto Tecnol6giro de Administraci6n y Economia (ITA E), Calle 35 No 9-81, Apartado A~roo 2147, Burnram.anga. Tel: 27145.

Jnstituto Tttnol6gico de Eltttn'mica y Comunicadones (ITEC). BogotA.

lnstitulo Tecnol6gico Santandercano (ITS), Calle 10 No 21!rn, Ap.:utado AC!reo 899, Bucaramanga. Tel: 55148, 58366.

rblitknico Colombiano "Jaime lsaza Cadavid, • Ave Las Vegas Calle 10, Apartado A~reo 4932, El J\1blado, MOOellln. Tel: 460920.

"Uni'lt'rsity le\·el institution offering FT program.
























F\Jiitknico Colombiano '"jaime Cadavid,'" Rionegm.

"Universidad Aut6noma del Caribe. Carrera 46 No 88-26, Ap.utado At!orro 50826, Barranquilla. Tel: 350826, 355804.

• Uniwrsidad Cat61ic.a de Maniz.ales, Carrera 2J No 60-63 Zona 4, Aparlado A~reo 357, Maniz.ales. Tel: 51412, 53121, 55470.

"Uni,·ersidad de Antioquia, Ciudild Uni,·ersitaria, Ap<~rtado A~rro 1226, Mt'dellfn. Tel: 330599, 334141.

"Universidad de C6rdob.1, Carret('ra a Ceret~ Km 5, Apartado At!-reo 35-1, Monteria. Tel: st99, -1600, 3278, Conm. 3381.

"Universidad del Cauca. Calle 5 No 4·70, 1\lpa)'.i!n. Tel: 1893. 3020. ·II 15.

"Universidad del Quindlo, Carrera 15 Calle 12, Apartado A~rco 460, Armenia. Tel: 49341. 41501.

"Universidad del Tolima, Santa lielena, Apartado A~rro 546, lb.lgul!. Tel: J25-t4, 34219, 34224, 32733.

"Universidad del Valle, Barrio San Bernardo, Apartado A~reo 2188, Cali. Tel: 3911.rfl, 392.310, 391-486.

"Universidad de Sucre. Calle 19 No 22·58, Apartadu Al-rt'll 406, Sincelejo.

"Universidad [)jstrital '"Francisco J~ de Caldas, • Carrl'ra Sa No 4()..78, Apartado Mrco 8668, Bogot.a. Tel: 2457088, 2450440.

"Universidad Francisco de f'.!.ula Santander-Bochalema, Bochalema (N. deS.).

"Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Avenida Gran Colombia No 12E·96, CUruta. Tel: 21371, 40072, 44253.

"Universidad Francisco de f'.!.ula Santander, Ocana, Tel: 3344, 2222, 2271.

"Universidad Industrial de Santandt!r, Ciudad Univt.'rsitaria, Apanado A~rro 678, Bucaramanga. Tel: Conm. 56141--49.

"Uni'li'rsidad Nacional de Colombla·Medellin, Autopista Robledo Car· relera al Mar, MedeUin. Tel: 300540, 300111.

"Universidoid f\mlificia Bolivariana, Calle 52 No 40-88. Apartado Al-reo 1178. Medellin. Tel: 497199 Conm. 430300.

"Universidad Social Ca!6lica de l.a Salle, Calle II No 1--47, Rogoli\. Tel: 2346137, 2830900, 2825696.

"Univt"rsidad Surrolomtriana, Calle 9 Nu 7·82, Apartadu Al-reo 385, Neiva. Tel: m66, 1nn.

"Universidad Tecnol6gica del Choc6 "Diego Luis C6rdob.1," Carrera 2 No 25--22, Apartado Al-reo 22, Quibd6. Tel: 735, 589.

"Universidad Tecnol6gica de los l..hnos Orientales, Kil6mt!lm II Vi.a Puerto l.dpez, Apartado Al-rro 2621, Villavicencio. Tel: 3449, 6200, 3484, 6828, J'l09.

"Universidad Tecnol6gica de Pereira, Apa.rtado A~reo 97, l"'erelra. Tel: 32781, 349.14.

"Uni\-crsily level institution offering FT program.

























Ill. University level Sludies (fonnacidn Universitarla) and Graduale Study (fonnacidn Av.mzada o de l'uslgrado)

This section also includes the founding dates for the public (oficUJirs) and private (no oficiales) universities and other institutions of higher education and further identifies each university by type: national (narionaf), stale (dq~t~rtamental), or municipal (mrmici~l). Information on the stntus of each university (e.g., publidnational, or private) is given in parentheses following the background information. Branch campuses (Stl"cionnles) and their programs follow the listing of the main campus; the names of the branch cam­puses are nol boldfaced.

Undergraduate level programs are alphabetized in English with lhe specific degree or title awarded given in Spanish. Graduate level programs of ESJJtCialisra, Maestrfa, and Doctor are listed alphabetically in Spanish with the degree or title a\•,rarded noted in lhe heading. The length of undergraduate programs is given in semesters. Degrees and titles are abbreviated as follows: Doctor err, Dr. err.; lngerriero, lng.; Licer~ciado err, Lie. en.; 1fcnico Pro{tsional lrrtmnedio, TPI; Ttm6logo en, Tgo. en. NA indicates informalion was not available.

An asterisk (•) beside a program points to a technological studies {IT} program; the dagger (t) to an intermediate professional studies {fiP) program. The double dagger (t) indicates that the program was not accepting new students in 1980 and probably will be cancelled; the number sign(#) shows that the program is 4 semesters in length, after which the student must transfer to another institution to complete the program of sludy. The section mark (§) points loa 3-semester program that enables students with the title of Tocrr6logo to earn a Licenciado. The parallels symbol {I) indicates the program is taken by correspondence.

Centro Universitario Militar Nueva Granada Calle 81 Carrera 38, Bogota. Tel: 2507923. Enrollment: 1641. (public)

Undergraduate Program of Study Length

Medicine 12

Colegio Mayor de Anlioquia

litle Awarded


Calle 65 No. 78 Robledo, Apartado Aereo 5177, Medellin. Tel: 344335. Established 1945. Enrollment: 578. (public)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Architectural Drafting & Engineering Technology•

Bacteriology & Clinical Laboratory Bilingual Secretarial Technology' Social Welfare Tl>chnulogy• Tourism Administration




B 6 6 6

Tille Awarded

Tgo. en Delinnmte de Arquitecturo t hrgtnitria

BactrriOiugo y I..Dborotorisra C/iniro Tgo. err Secretariado Bili11gaie NA Tgo. en AdministmciJn 1i1rfstira


Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca Calle 28 No. f>.02, Bogota. Tel: 2456737, 2340257. Established 1945. Enrollment: 1572. (public)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Architectural Drafting & Engineering Technology•

Bacteriology & Clinical Laboratory Commercial Bilingual Education

Technology• Social Worq



8 6


Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Sefiora del Rosario Calle 14 No. 0-25, Bogota. Tel: 2820088, 2410367. Established 1653. Enrollment: 2375. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study Length

Business Administration 10 Economics 10 Law 10 Medicine 10 Nursing 8 Occupational Therapy 8 Philosophy & Lellers 8

Phonoaudiology 8 Physical Therapy 8 Translation & Interpretation 8



Title AWilrdcd.

Tgo. tn Dtlineanlt tit Arquitectum t lngtnierln

BarleriOioga !I Lnboralorisla Clf11irn Tgt1. t'll Comerrio e lfliomtiS

Title Awarded

AtfmilliSiratlor de [mJirt'Sil5


AbogtJdo MMiro E11jnmero Tera1~euta Dt·uiJOcioual Fil6sofo o Diplomlldo t'll FiiiJSOfia y

Utras Fo11ooudiOiogo f"isioterol~tlllo

Tgo. en TraducciOr1 or Tgo. til

lnlt•ryrn•tocidn ConSffutiva ylo Sinndtd11ca

Specialist Programs of Study. Title Awarded-ESIIf(ialisM ill ... Aflmirristraci{m dt Em· presas; Aneslrsiologln; CardiologiD; Cir11gln Cnrdiomuscular; Cimgia Gtntral; Cimgln Plds­lica: Cirugla Tordxica; Dtrecho Administratil'O; Dtrtcho Comercial; Dert'ciJo FinariCiero; Ckm:ho ProctstJI; DtM"ho Tributario; Economla y Comen·iDUUJcidn lntenwcicmnl; FirumZJls Prit1r1dos; Gintrolog(Jl; Marketillg; Mrdicina Flsica y Rtlwbilitacidn; Mnlicina lntema; Neu­rocirugfa; Nturologfa; Ortopedia; Otorritwlarinxologfa; Patologfa; Ptdiatrla; Psiquialrla; Radiologw; Urologw.

Colegi.o Odontol6glco Colombiano Bogota. Stt Fundaci6n Odontolltgico Colombiano, Bogota.

Colegio Tecnol6gico Univenilario (UNITEC) Bogota. Stt Corporaci6n dt.> Educaci6n Superior Intennedia Profesional (UNITEC), Bogota.


Corporaci6n Aul6noma de Ocddente Apartado A~reo 2790, Cali. Tel: 585060, 511653. Enrollment 1519. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study length

Economics Electrical Engineering Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering

12 12 12 12

Title Awarded

f.ronomista lng. Ellrtrico llzg. Industrial lng. Mmtnicv


Corporaci6n Aut6noma Universltaria de Manizales Apartado A~reo 441, Manizales. Tel: 25807. Enrollment: 181. (private)

Undergraduate Program of Study Length

Dentistry 10

Corporad6n de Educaci6n Superior de Boyac.i Tunja. Enrollment: 80. (private) No further information available.

Title Awarded


Corporad6n de Estudios Superiores Unlversidad lndependiente de Colombia '"Antonio Naril'm'"

Calle 20 Sur No. 13-61, Bogota. Tel: 2394198. Enrollment: 104:2. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting, Public Business Administration Education: Chemistry & Biology

Dance & Theatre Mathematics & Physics Social Sciences


10 10 8 8 8 8

Degree or Title Awarded

Contatlor Nbliro Adrni11islrador de EmJ'n>5ll5 Lie. en Quimica y Biolngla Lie. ~n DaPizaS y Ttalro Lie. tPI Mattmdtiras y ffsira Lie. m Cin1rias Socinles

Corporaci6n Educaliva Mayor del Desanollo •sim6n Boliwr'" Calle 68 No. 54-82, Apartado At>reo 15595, Barranquilla. Tel: 329178. Established 1972. Enrollment: 33n. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study Length Degree or Title Awarded

Economics 10 £comnPiisla


Education: Sociill Sciences Law Social Work Sociology

9 10 8


Lie. e11 Ciencias Socia Its Abogado 1raOOjador Social Soci61ogo

Corporacl6n EducatiVil Superior de C6rdoba (CESCO) Carrero 3 No. 29-26, Monteria. Tel: 4071, 3935, 2467. l:nrollmenl: 513. (private)

Undergraduate Programs nf Study Length ·ntle Awarded


Business Administrationt Educational Administrationt Languagest

5 5 5

10 5

TPI m Adminislmri011 de EmJ'I'l'S05 TPI en AJnri11islrad6n Educaliru TPI ~''' ldioma~

Law A hog ado Social Work t TPirr1 Trahljo Social

Corporad6n Escuela de Ciencias de Ia Salud de Ia Sociedad de Cirugfa de Bogota Calle 10 No. 18-75 Piso 2. Bogota. Tel: 27757Frl. 2475413, 2775716. Eslablished 1976. Enrollment: 221. (private)

Undergraduate Program of Study Length lille Awarded

Nursing 8 Et~jrm1ua

Corporaci6n lnslitulo Caldas Calle 48 No. 39·2.34, Apilrtado A~n..oo 1642, Bucammanga. Tel: 75161,75111. Eslablished 1955. Enrollment: 2012. (privilte)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting. Public Education: Preschool Educational

Technology• Finandill Admini!itration Law


II 6


Title Awarded

Co11tador Plibliro 1'go. en (ducacidn Prt·tseolar

Admi11istrador dr EmJlffSUS Abvgado

Corporaci6n lnslilulo Colombiano de F.studios Superiores de lncolda UCESU Carrera 9a. No. 949, Piso 2, Cali. Tel: 791723, 821093, 871989, 821748. Enrollment: llS. (private)

Undergraduate Program of Study Length litle Awarded

Business Administration 10 Administrador dr Emprrsas


Corporad6n lnstiluto Docenle de Ia Cooperaliw para el Fomento de Ia Educaci6n Superior ICOOFESI

CarrE"ra 9a. No. 19-03, Apartado A~reo 868, Manizall.-s. Telo 27450, 26988, 32682, 22558. ESiablishl'<l 1972. Enrollment: 1942. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting, Public Economics Law Psychology


II 10 II 10

Tille Awarded

Conltldor PUblico Ecorromista Al>ogodo Psilrllogo

Corporaci6n Melropolilana p.ara Ia Educaci6n Superior Carrera 42F No. 758·169, Apartado ACreo 50576, Barranquilla. Telo 353757, 350120. Established 1973. Enrollment: 3092. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study Length Tille Awarded

Bacteriology 8 Bacttridlogo Medicine 12 MMico y Cirujarw Nursing 8 Er~femrero

Nutrition & Dietelics 8 Nutricionista y Dietista Philosophy & letters 8 Profesor til Filosofia y l...e/ras Psychology 10 Psidllogo Social Work 8 Trah1jador Social

Corporaci6n Tecnol6gica de Bolfv.u Cilrrera 21 No. 25-92, Aparlado Aereo 13n, Cartagena. Te1o 40975, 47429. Established 1970. Enrollment: 1200. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Economics Electrical Engineering Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering

Corporad6n Unicosla


10 10 10 10

Title A .... -arded

Eamomista lng. C.ltclrico lng. Indusrrial lng. Mt'Cdnico

Carreras 54 y 58 Calle 58, Apartado Aereo 50.366, Barranquilla. Te1o 328540 al328544. Established 1966. Enrollment: 4076. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Architecture Business Administration Civil Engineering


10 10 10

Degree or Tille Awarded

Arq11ilrcto Admir~islmdor de Emprt'Sas lng. Civil


Economics Education:

Educational Administrationt Educ.!lional Psycholugy Mathematics &: Physics Modern Languages Orientation &: Counselingt Physical Education



8 8 8 8 8 8



NA Lie c'll Psieclllt'lla,!(og/11 Lie. e11 Matemdticas y Fisica Lie. l'll Lt-11guM Motlemn:; Lie. ru OrimtaciOu y Co11~jen"a Lie. err [ducaciJrt Fisica Atvsmlo

Corporaci6n Universidad AutOnoma del Caribe Barranquilla. Set> Universidad AutUnoma del Caribe, Barranquilla.

Corporaci6n Universidad de Medellin Medellin. Set Universidad de Medellin, Medellin.

Corporaci6n Universidad La Gran Colombia Bogota. 5« Universidad La Gran Colombia, Bogota.

Corporaci6n Uni\,.ersidad Libre de Colombia Carrera 6 No. 8..()6, BogoM. Tel: 2344883, 2344884. Estabi;shed 1955. Enrollment: 5410. (privatl!)

Undergraduate Programs of Study Length

Accounting, Public 10 Education: Biological Scienct.'S 8

Chemistry 8 Languages 8 Mathematics 8 Physics 8 Social Sciences 8

Industrial Enginl't'ringj 10 Law 10-12 Metallurgical Engineering 10

Degrt.'c or Title Awarded

Coutador Prlb/ic'O Lie. t'll Cieucias Biol6~icas Lie. en Quimim Lie. ru ldiomaf. Lie. en Malt·mdticas Lie. m Fisica l.ic. t'Pl Cimcias Socia Irs Ju.~. IndJtstrial A bog ado lt•S· Metal1irgiro

Snxionales (Branch Campuses)

Corporaci6n Universidad Libre de Colombia·Barranquilla Calle 66 No. 50-52, Bam;mquilla.

· Tel: 369088. Enrollment: 2363.


Undergraduate Program of Study lenglh Title Awarded

law 10 Alugado

Corporad6n Universidad Librc de Colombia-Cali Ave 2 No. IJN-147, Apartado A~reo 1040, Cali. Tel: 686571. Enrollment: 4222.

Undergr<~duate Programs of Study length Title Awarded


Accounting, Public Business Administration law

10 10

10-12 10

Contndor Pliblko Admini!.'lrodor dt EmJIT'l"$tlS

A box ado Medicine Mn:liro

Corporaci6n Universidad Libre de Colombia·CUcuta Ave 4a. No. 13-50, CUcuta. Tel: 235ll, 23723, 21004. Enrollment: 1079.

Undergraduatl' Programs of Study

Accounting, Public law


10 10-12

Title Awarded

Contador PUblico Ab<>gado

Corporaci6n Universidad l.ibre de Colombia·Pereira Carrera 7 No. 40-03, Apartado Al>reo 1330, Pereira. Tel: 377tx., 34218, 34217. Enrollment: 1759.

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Economics law


10 10·12

Tille Awarded

EconomisltJ Ah.1gado

Corporaci6n Universidad Libre de Colombia-Socorro Calle 16 No. 14-08, Socorro. Tel: 2240. Enrollment: 388.

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Education: Philology & Languages Physics &: Mathematics Social Sciences


8 8 8

Corporaci6n Universidad Plloto de Colombia

Degree Awarded

Lie. m FilologftJ r ldiomas Lie. tn Fisiro y Matrmdticas Lie. m Cimcias Socialrs

Carrera 9 No. 45A·44, Apartado Aerco 053658, Bogota. Tel: 2458498, 2457398, 2459036. Eslablished 1962. Enrollment: 2061. (private)


Undergraduate Programs of Study

Architecture Economics Systems Engineering


10 10 10

Title Awarded

Arquitrcto Eco11omista l11g. de Sistemas

Corporaci6n Universilaria Aul6noma de Bucaramanga tUNA B) Bucaramanga. Enrollment: 2098. (private) No ru rther infonnation available.

Corporaci6n Unlversitaria de lbague CCORUNIVERSITARIA) lbagu~.

Enrollment: 651. (private)

Undergraduate Programs o( Srudy

Accounting Technology• Financial Administration Industrial Technology• Market & Safes Techofogy•


6 10 6 6

Title Awarded

Tgo. e11 Corztabilidad Admi11istrador de fi11mrdera Tgo. en Tect~ologfa lrrduslrial Tgo. rrr Mermdo y Vr11tas

Escuela Columbiana de Ingenlerla •Julio Garavito" Carrera 6 No. 118.60, Apartado Aereo 14520, Bogota. Tel: 2133978, 2134650. Established 1972. Enrollment: 866. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Civil Engineering EINtrical Engineering


10 10

Title Awarded

hrg. Civil lr~g. Elti'lricista

EKuela de Admlnistraci6n de Negocios lEAN) Callen No. 9·7L Apartado Aen..>o 100888~ Bogota. Tel: 2112932. Established 1968. Enrollment: 1507. (private)

Undergraduate Program of Study Length Title Awarded

Business Administration 10 Admittistrador de Emprrsas

EKuela de Cadetes de Policia .,General Santander­Autopista Sur, Calle 42, Bogot.i. Tel: 2.105801, 2305711. Established 1940. Enrollment: 506. (publidnalional)

Undergraduate Programs of Sludy

lblice Administration Police Studies


II 8

Degree or litle A,.,urdetl

Lie. til £studios 1\Jiiciales Administrador Pvlicinl



E&cuela de lngenieria de Anlioquia Calle 25 Sur No. 42·73, Apartado A~reo 7516, MedeiHn. Tel: 764539, 76431>0. Enrollment: 148. (private)

Undergraduate Program of Study Length Title Awarded

Civil Engineering 10 lng. Civil

EKuela Milllar de Aviaci6n •Marco Fidel Su.irezn Carrera Sa. No. 58-67, Cali. Tel: 491021, 49tn7, 491716. F.stablished 1960. Enrollment: 370. (publidnational)

Undergraduate Program of Study Length Title Awarded


Aeronautic Administration 8 Mministrador Armndutica

Escuela Militar de Cadetes Calle 81 Carrera 38, BogaL!. Tel: 2406080. Enrollment: 551. (publidnalional)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Economics Civil Engineering


10 10

Title Awarded

Economisla Ing. Cit,il

Escuela Naval de Cadeles .. Aimirante Jose Prudencio Padilla"' Isla de Manzanillo, Cartagena. Tel: 20978, 22133. Established 1822. Enrollmenl: 397. (publidnational)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Maritime Administration Naval Engineering Physical Oceanography


10 10 10

litle Awardl"d

Adminislrrulor Marftimo l11g. Naval Ocear~6grafo Fisico

EsC'Uela Superior de Administracl6n PUblica (ESAP) Diagonal 40 No. 46A-37, Apart•do Mreo 29745, Bogota. Tel: 2699406, 2699306. Established 1958. Enrollment: n7. (publidnational)

Undergraduate Program of Study Length Title Awarded

Administrative &: Political Sciences 10 Administrador PUblico


Specialisl Programs of Study. lilies Awarded-Esptrialista nr ... .Admir1istraridn dt Ia PltJntaci611 UrborUJ y RLgional; Admir1istrari6n PUblica; Firumzas PUblicas; Pmyrrtos dt Dtsarrol/o.

Fundaci6n Colesio de £studios Superiores de Administraci6n (CESA) Diagonal 35 No. 5-41, BogotA. Tel' 2453908, 2326060. Established 1974. Enrollmenl 241. (privale)

Undergraduale Program of Study length

Business Adminislralion 9

Tille Awarded

Admir~istra,1or dr.> Empm;as

Fundaci6n ColegJo Odonlol6gico Columbiana CaUe 13 No 4-38, Apartado Mreo 34196, BogotA. Tel, 3421375. Established 1974. Enrollment 2732. (private)

Undergraduate Program of Study length Tille Awarded

Dentislry 10 Odont61ogo

Fundaci6n Educ.teional Aut6noma de Colombia (FEAC) Carrera 5 No. 11·•0, Apartado A~rco 1998, Bogota. Tel' 2421847, 2423781, 2343179, 2832638. Established 1971. Enrollment: 2834. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Economics Industrial Engineering Law Syslems Engineering


10 10 10 10

Fundacl6n Educacional lnteramericana Diagonal 47 No. 15-50, BogotA.

Title Awarded

Eamomista lng. Industrial Al>ogado lng. dt Sislmras

Tek 2853830, 2698328, 2452239. Established 1970. Enrollmenl: 53n. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study length Title Awarded

Architecture II Arquittcto Civil Engineering 12 lng. Civil Economics 10 Eamomista ln~ustrial Engineering 12 lng. Industrial Law 10 Abogado Psychology 10 PsicOiogo


Funclaci6n Escuela Columbiana de Medicina Calle 134 No. 13-81, BogotA. Tel: 2581749. Enrollment: 416. (private)

Undergraduate Program of Study Length

Medicine 12


Title Awarded


Specialist Program of Study. Title Awarded-£siif(iDiista til ... Psiquintrfa.

Fundaci6n Escuela de Medirina "'Juan N."' Ave Flores de los Andes, Suba Km. 3, BogotA. Tel: 25-13085, 25-13540, 2543550, 2545612. Established 1972. Enrollment: 1219. (private)

Undergr.~duate Program of Study Length Title Awarded

Medicine 12 Mid ito

Fundacilln lnstiluto de Ciencias de Ia Salud (CES) Transversal Superior X Calle 10 Variante Las Palmas,

Arartado A~reo 054591, MedeiUn. Tel: -162504, 510073. Enrollment: 733. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Dentistry Medicine Nursing Technology•


10 12 6

Title Av.arded

Odont6logo MMicv Tgo. m En{tm1niJJ

Specialist Programs of Study. Title Awarded-Es,xcialista til ... Odo11topediatria Cllnica; Ortodotlcia Prrvmtivo (Estomatologia Pt?dUUrica).

Fundaci6n lnslituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tec11ologfas .. Konrad Lorenz• BogotA. Enrollment: 60. (privale)

Fundaci6n Universidad Aut6noma de Colombia (FEAO BogotA. Str fundaci6n Educacional Aut6noma de Colombia (FEAC), Bogot.i.

Fundaci6n Universidad Central Carrera 16 No. 24-45, BogotA. Tel: 2341966, 2415181, 2346229, 2838309. Enr(JIImenl: 4816. (privale)



Undergraduate Programs of Study

Actounting, Public Advertising &: Commerctalization

"technology• Business Administration E('()nomics


10 6

10 10

Title Awardl'd

Corrtador Pliblim Tgo. rn Publicidad y

Comt>rcializnridn Adminislrodor dt £m,rrsas £conomista


Master's Program of Study. Title Awan.lcd-Magi~ft'r e11 Ciirrfias fiwmcieras y dr Sisttmas.

fundad6n Unh•ersidad Escuela de AdministraciOn y finanzas y Tecnologfas (EAFIT)

Carrera 49 No. 7·50, Apartado A~reo 3300, Medellin. Tel: 550500. 552891. Established 1960. Enrollment: 2942. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting, Public Business Administration Pnxiuction Engineering Systems Engineering


10 J()-12

10 II

Title Aw.:arded

Conlador Prilllico Admi11istrodor de £mprrsas lng. de Pnrduccidn lrrg. de Sisttmns

Specialist Programs of Study. Title Awarded-£s1'ecialista t'll •.. Afinrirristraci6n Agroprcuaria; f.conomin; Finarrzas; lnstitucionts Financieras; MercadM; Mtrcadro lntt>ma· cioJUJJ; Relacionts ludustrialts; Sistmws de lll{omUJCi6n Adminislroliw.

Milsler's Program of Study. Title A\\o-arded-Maxisftr til ... AdministraciOrr; Matrm4ticos Al'licadas.

Fundad6n Uni"Jersidad de Amtriu Calle 71 No. 13-47, Bogota. Tel: 2578901, 2485405, 2359012. Established 1952. Enrollment: 2300. (private)

U1.1dergraduate Programs o£ Study

Atchitecture Chemical Engineering Ec:onomics Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering ~lroleum Engineering


10 10 10 10 10 10

Title Awarded

Arquittcto lng. Qufmicv Economista Ing. lnd11strial Ing. M«dncio lng. de PetrVIrvs

Fundaci6n Universidad de Bogota "Jorge Tadnt loz..ano• Calle 23 Nn. 4-47, Apartado A£-reo 34185, Bogota. Tel: Conm. 2412287, 2434932, 2434934, 2834750130. Established 1954. Enrollment: 6631. (private)


Undergraduate Programs of Study Lenglh Title Awarded

Accounting. Public 8-\0 Gmtador PUblico Advertising Technology• 6 T go. tn Publicidtld Agricultural Administration 6 Tgo. rn Administracid11

Technology• Agroptcuoria Agrology II Agnll"llo Architectural, Decorative & 5 T go. en IJn:'oracidn y Oihujo

Advertising Design Thchnology• Arquitf('l011iro Architectural Drafting and 5 Tgo. en Dtlinnmlt dt Arquilertura

Engint"ering Technology' e lngtnitrin Business Administration 8-\0 Administrador de Empresas Data Processing Technology• 6 Tgo. rn SisttmatiZSJtidn de Datos Diplomatic & International Studies 8 Diplomado m Esludios

Diplomdticos t lnlrrnndonnlrs Economics 8-10 Eamomista Fine Arts 8 Diplomsulo t•1 Btllas Arlts Food Engineering 10 lrrg. de Alinrentos Geographical Engineering II l11g. Grografo Graphic Design Technology• 5 Tgo. en Distlio Grdfico Industrial Design 10 Oistnador Industrial International Commerce 9 Diplomado en Comercio

lntnna!'ional Marine Biology 10 BiiJiogo Marino Marketing Technology• 6 Tgo. en Mercadottenia Social Communication 8 ComuniCtJdor Social

SterionJJI (Branch Campus)

Fundaci6n Universidad de Bogat.ii •Jorge Tadeo Lozano· -Cartagena Carrera 4 No. 38-40, Apartado A~reo 1310, Cartagena. Tel: 42314, 424\7. Enrollment: 806.

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Architecture Foreign Trade Administration Tourism Administration


Fundad6n Unlvenldad de Ia Sabana Calle 70 No. 11·79, BogOI~.


10 1().12


Tel: 2496846, 2494507, 2490385, 2496862, 2496830. Enrollment: 1959. (private)

Title Awarded

Arquitedo Mministrador de Comercio Exterior Tgo. tn Mminislracidn de

Emprrsos Turfsficns-


.. '


Undergraduate Programs of Study Length Degree or 1itle Awardl>d

Business Administration 8 Admiuislmdor de EmJm'Stl5 Education:

Educatiunal Administration & 8 Lie. t'll Adminislralidu .11

Supervision SuJitn'isidll Educalim EducaliiJnal Psychology 8 Lie. t'll Psicologfu Ed11calil'fl Social Sciences 8 Lie. f'll Cimcias Social~

Fine Arts Teaching Technology• 6 Tgo. t'll Eust1ianza dr las Ekllas Aries

Plastic Arts Technology• 6 Tgo. t'll Arlt"S Pldsticas Preschool Educational Tt>Chnology• 4 r:'i("o. r11 Edncacidn Prr·I"Sl.VIllr Social Communication 8 Co11nmiaulor Social

Fund.ci6n Universidad del Norte Km. 5 Carretera a Pto. Colombia, Apartado fbstal 0809, Barranquilla. Tol' Conm. 57720, 46741. Eslablished 1965. Enrollment: 2898. (private)

Undergrolduate Programs of Study lcnglh

Business Administration 10 Civil Engineering 10 Electrical Engineering' 4 Industrial Engineering 10 Mechanital Engineering 10 Medicine 12 Nursing T«hnology• 6 Pediatric Nursing 8 Psychology 10 Systems &: Computation

Engineering' 4

Fun€1ad6n Universidad fle Adminislrad6n y Flnanzas y Tecnologias (EAFIT)


Title Awarded

Administrador 1ft EmJirt"SdS

"'S· Ci11i/

lug. lmlu$lrial 111.~. M«dnico Mldiro Tgo. t'll E11jermerfu NA Psic61ogo

Stt l=undaci6n Univcrsidad Escuela de Administraci6n y i=ihanzas y Tecnologfas (EAFIT), Medellfn.

Fundaci6n Universidad lncca de Colombia Bog(Jta. Sre Universidad INCCA de Colombia, Bogota.

Fundadfln Universidad .San Martin BogoM. Enrollment: 200. (private)



lnstlluto Colombiano de Esludios Superiores de lncolda UCESI) Cali. 5« CorporadOn lnstiluto Colombiano de Estudios SuperiorL>s

de lncolda (ICES!), Cali.

lnslilulo Colombo Venezolano UCOLVEN) Carrera 84 No. 33A-1, Apartado ACrc-o FfTl, Medellfn. Tel: 432269, 433928. Enrollment: 124. (private)

Undergraduate Program of Study

Education: Thrology

lnslitulo de Ciencias de Ia Salud Medellin.

Length Title Awarded

8 Di,Jiomado ro Trologia

Srt Fundact6n lnstitulo de Ciendas de Ia Salud (CF.S), Medellin.

lnstitulo de Educaci6n Familiar y Social •Nina Reyes de Valenzuel.t~• Calle 72 No. 11-41, Bogota. Tel: 2494959, 2523226. Enrollment: 184. (private)

Undergrilduate Programs of Study

Education: Preschool Education Family & Social Education

lnslilulo Mariano Calle 18 No. 34-104, Pasto. Tel: 3616. Established 1967. Enrollment: 857. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting. Public Education:

Commerce &. Accounting Home Economics

Modern languages (Spanish­English)

Philosophy & Theology Social Sdences



8 8



8 8


8 8 8

Degr(Oe or Title Awarded

Lie. n1 EdurodOn Preo£'5('0/nr ProfesiotuJf rn Educaci6n IQmiliar y


Degree or 1itle Awardl>d

Cotrtador PUblico

lie. ttl Comtrcio y Conradurfl1 Lie. en Citncias Ecom.fmiro

FamiliJJrrs Lie. en J..euguas MoJmUJs

IEsr•>~iol·lnsllsJ Lie. en Filosofla y Trolosta Lie. ,.,, Cimcias Socia ItS E11[nmtnt


lnsliluto Tecnico Universitario de Cundinamarca (ITUC) Apartado Aereo 3033, Apartado fbslal JOI. Fusagasugci. Telo 2144. Establish<-d 1%9. Enrollment: 723. (publidstate)

Undergraduate Programs o( Study

Agricultural Technology• Animal Srience Technology• Education:

Educational Administration Mathematics & Physics Ph)'SiCII;I Education

Financial Administration Technology•


6 6

9 9 8


Degree or Title Awarded

Tgo. en l'mducciOtJ Agricola Txo. ftl Produccidn A11imnl

Lie. en Admi11islrnri6n £durolioo Lie. en Malmtdticas y Hsica Lie. ftl Educaci011 fisica Tgo. en Administracidn Financirra

lnslituto Tecnico Universitario de Cundinamarca {ITUC) Carrl!ra 15 Calle 16, Girardot. Telo 6205. Established 1972. Enrollment: 290. (public/state)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Educalior.: Biology & Chemistry Social Sciences

Nursing Tt.-chnology•


9 9 6

Degree or Title Awarded

Lie. en Biologill y Q11lmica Lie. ePJ CimcitJs Sociales l"go. t'IJ Euftnurrlsl

lnsiHuto Tl!cnico Universilario de Cundinamarca IITUCI Calle 6 No. 9·80, Ubat~. Tel: 3055, 3056. Established 1971. Enrollment: 297. (publidstale)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Educatior.: Mathernatics & Physics Modern Languages (Spanish·

English) Financial Administration Technology~


9 9


Degree or Title Awarded

Lie. en Matnndticas y risiro Lie. fll LftJSlltJS Modrrnas

(ES11tJ'"iol-lug/tsJ Tso. ru Adminislmci6n financitm

lnstiluto Universitario de E(onomia Sodal y Cooperativismo UNDESCO) Avenida Caracas No. 37-63, Apartado A~rt.'O 13673, Bogot.i. Tek 2453217, 2455216, 232Sl74. Established 1958. Enrollment: 1364. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Business Administration Economics


10 10

Degree or Title AY.-arded

Adminislrador dt f.mJITt'SaS Erouomista


Education: Educational Administration





lie. rn Adminislrari6n Edncalit'll


Secriorwlrs (Branch Campuses)

lnstituto Universitario de Eronomfa Social y Cooperativismo (INDESCO) Calle 9A No. 12-CJ9 Barrio Colombia, Barrancabermeja. Tel: 4120. Enrollment: 409.

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Business Administration Economics


10 10

Title Awarded

Administrodor de Empresas Economista

lnstituto Universitario de Economla Social y Cooperalivismo (INDESCO) Carrera 33 Calle 30, Bucaramanga. Tel: 55404, 54229. Enrollment: 2096.

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Business Administration Economics Education: Educational

Administration Sociology


10 10 8


Degree or Title A\',:arded

AdministrQJor dt Empr1.'511s Erorwmista Lie. err Atlminislracil1n Educatiroa


lnstitulo Universitario de Economia Social y Cooperalivismo (INDESCO) Carrera 42 No. 49-59, Medellin. Tel: 399625, 398371. Enrollment: 2198.

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Pusiness Administration Economics Education: Educational


Ponlificla Unlversidad javeriana Carrera 7o. No. 40-62, Bogota.


10 10 8

Tel: 2322040, 2455021. Established 1623. Enrollment: 8907. (pri\ote)

Undergraduate Programs o£ Study

Accounting, Public Architecture 6acteriology Piolog}'


10 10 8 8

Degn.oe or Title Awarded

Admi11istrador de EmJ'rf'SllS Ecmtomista Lie. en Administracidrt EdurtJiil'fl

Degrc-c or Title A'l.rarded

Contador Nblico Arquitn:to Bnclrri6logo Biologo


Business Administration 10 Admiuistmdor ,te [ml'ft'SllS Civil Engineering 10 Ins. Cit•il Dentistry 10 Odont61ogo Economics 10 EomomisttJ Education: Biology 8 Lie. m Bi,,lo,~fa

Chemistry 8 Lie t'FI Quimica Mathematics 8 Lie. m MtJtemdtims Modern Limguages 8 Lie. en Lmguas Modrrrws Philology & Literature 8 Lie. m Filologia y Liltratum Philosphy 8 lie. rn Filoso{fa Philosophy & Letters 8 Lie. t'll Filvsofia yl..ttras Physics 8 Lie. t'll Fisica Physics & Mathematics 8 Lie. t'IJ Fisim y Matcrmftim~ Social Sciences 8 Lie. rn Citneias SocialtS Spanish Philology 8 Lie. til Filologia ESJitHiola Theology 8 Lie. ttl Trologla

Electronic Engineering 10 lug. Eltclnluiro Industrial Design 10 DiSttiador Industrial Industrial Engineering 10 l11g. Industrial Law 10 A/loga,lo library Science 8 Bibliolm'llogo Mathematics 8 Mottmdtieo Medicine 12 MMiro Nursing 8 E11{trmm Nutrition & Dietetics 8 Nutrieionista y Dielista Philosophy 8 Fi16sofo Philosophy & letters 8 Dip/amado tw rilnso{la !I Utros Psychology 10 Psirologo Religious Studies 8 Proftsional en [studios Rt"'igioscs Social Communication 8 CcmJwJirodor Social Theology 8 Tn!logo

••specialist Programs of Study. 1itle Awarded-Esprda/isltJ tn ... Admi11islrocidn dr StJ/ud; Anrstrsiologfa; Ciruglil Gtntral; Ot"ll'CIIIJ Comneial; Dt"ll'CIJO dt Fllmilia; Der«ho lAborol; En.dodoncia; Estomatologfo; Ginf"(O·Obsttlricia; Mrdiei11a lnltrna; Ntumologla; Ntllrocirugfa; NturologltJ; Oftalmologfo; OrtodotJcia; OrtOJ'editJ y TraumGtologfa; OtorrinolaringologftJ; Potologlil; 1\'dWtrftJ; ~ricdo,1ci11; Psiquialrfa; RJuliologftJ; RJulioteropW .

.. Master's Programs of Study. Title Awarded-Magistrr en ... Aflministrocit.l11 de Salud; AlimerJiocidrJ y; Biologla; CtPJtrolrs Hidrotlktrieas; Dtrtcho Cllmf'fciai·Seguros; Derocho Commiili·Socitdadts; Drsnrrollo Rural; E.omomftJ; Eduraci6'1 ComJJrJmda; Estudios Politicos; FilosofltJ y Utras (filosofla, Historia. LiltrtJIIIfDJ; lm~tstigacidn y Tecnologla Educatit•as; Mirrobiologla; Pobloei6n.; Rrstauroci6n dt MorwmtrJtos Arquittrt6nicos; Plantaei6n Urbdna y RLgioru:JI; Trologla .

.. Doctoral Programs of Study. Tille Awarded-Doctor eu ... Dell'Cho CatJOniro; Filosofla; FilosofltJ y Lttras (filosofla, Historia, Liltroturo); £studios Polftiros; Trologla.

••Sources for these programs include ICFES (1983), and the f\mtificia Universidad Javeriana (1983).


Stcciotwl (Branch Campus)

Pontificia Universidad Javcriana·Cali Carrera 29 No. 6-60, Apartildo Aereo 8264, Cali. Tel: 682030. Enrollment: 1138.

Undergraduate Programs of Study Length

Accounting, Public Industrial Engineering

Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca Carrera 26 No. JO.SS. Tului1. Tel: 4375, 4337, 2202. Established 1971. Enrollment: 1092. (public/municipal)

10 10

Undergraduate Programs of Study Length

Accounting, Public Business Administration Education: Physical Education

Social Sdenccs law

Universidad Aul6noma del Caribe

10 10 10 9


Title A'A<1rded

Couttulor PUblico lng. lmlustrial

Degree or Title Awarded

Conta1IOr PUblico Administmdor dr Emi'J'f'SIJS Lie. tn f.ducaci6n flsicrJ Lie. rn Cimcias SociJJirs Al>ogado

Carrera 46 No. 88-26, Apartado Aereo 50826, Barranquilla. Tel: 350826, 355804. Established 1%7. Enrollment: 6104. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting, Public Architecture Business Administration Hotel & Tourism Administration Social Communication Sociology Textile Design Technology•


10 10 10 10 8

10 6 Auf6noma Laflnoamericana

1itlc Awarded

Contador Plibliro Arquitecto Administrador dt Empn>sas Admi11istrador HoJtltrW y Turismo Comunicador Socinl Social ago Tgo. en Distiio 1htil

Carrera 55 No. 49-51, Apartado A~reo 3455, MedeiUn. Tel: 313224 a 36, 423239. Established 1966. Enrollment: 2419. {private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting, Public Economics Education: History & Philosophy

Philosophy & l-listory Industrial Engineering


10 10 8 8


Degree or 1itlc AWilrded

Cot1ltuior Prlblim frorwmisltJ Lie. m Historin y Fiiosofia Lie. en Filosofin c HistoriLJ l11g. lndustrinl


Law Sociology

Universidad Cat6lica de Manizales

10 8

Abogado Soei6logo

Carrera 23 No. 60-63, Zona 4, Apartado A~reo 357, Mani:talt!S. Tel: 51412, 53121. 55470. Established 1954. Enrollment: 1152. (private)

Undergraduate Progrnms of Study U!ngth Degree or Title A\'i'ilrded


Architectural Drafting Technology• Bacteriology &: CliniCill Laboratory Education:

6 8

T8o. fn Delitreante 1lt Arquitf'flura BacteriJiogo y Ulburatorista Cli11iro

Educational Administration Orientation & Counseling Religious Studies


8 8 8 8

Lie. t'IJ Admirristraci611 EJucativa Lie. n1 OritrJiacilln y Co11stjerin Lie. r11 Ciencias R£1igiosns Fonoo11di6logo

Universidad Cat61ica Popular del Risaralda Calle 20 No. 3-65, Apartado Aereo 2435, Pereira. Tel: 46524. Established 1976. Enrollment: 547. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Business Administration Industrial Economics

Universidad de Antioquia


10-11 II

litle Awarded

AdmirJistrador de Emprt'SQS ECOIIOI/Iista lndustriJJI

Ciudad Universitaria, Apartado A~reo 1226, MedeiUn. Tel: 330599, 334141. Established 1801. Enrollment: 15,732. (public/state)

Undergraduate Programs of Study U!ngth Degree or litle Awarded

Accounting, Public 10 Conlador Prfblico Animal Science 10 Zootrcr~isla

Anthropology 8 ArJirolldlogo Bacteriology &: Clinical Laboratorr 8 Bacleri01ogo y Llboratorisla Clfnico Biology 8 Bi61ogu Business Administration 10 Admi11istrador de [mprt"SDS Chemical Engineering 10 lng. Qufmico Chemistrr 8 Qufmico Communication Sciences 8 Comu11icador Social Dentistry 10 OdoniOiogo Economics 10 E::mnomista Eduealion:

Agriculture &. Animal Science 8 Lie. en Agm1~«uarios Biblical Studies 8 Lie. en £studios Blblicos Biology-Chemistry 8 Lie. en BioloKla y Qufmiea


Business Teaching 8 Lie. m Doctncia Comtrcial Electrotechnics 8 lir. t11 Eltctrotn-nia English-Spanish 8 Lie. en lrrglts-Cnstellano French Literature 8 lie. en Frrmcls-Littralura

History & Geography 8 Lie. en HisloriJJ y Grografia tiistory·Philosophy 8 Lie. rn Historia-Filosofla Industrial Mechanics 8 lie. e11 Mtcd11iro Industrial Mathematics-Physics 8 Lie. rn Matemdticas-Ffsica Musical Education 8 Lie. n1 Educ:nci6n Musil.l21 Physical Education 8 Lie. rn Educaci6n Ffsica Plastic Arts 8 lie. en Aries Pldsticos School Administration 8 Lie. en AdministrQci6PI Escolar Spanish Language·Lileralure 8 lie. en Castellano-Literatum

Electrical Engineering 10 lng. Elktriro Electronic Engineering 10 lng. ElectnSnim

English 8 Diplomodo til lnglk Food Technology• 6 Tgo. de Alim~nlos History 10 HistoriJUJor Industrial Engineering 10 lng. Industrial law & l\Jiitical Science 10 Abogado library Science 8 Bibliottrologo Mathematics 8 Mattm4tiro Mechanical Engineering 10 lng. Mecdniro Medidne 14 Midicv Metallurgical Engineering 10 lng. Mrtallirgico Nursing 8 Enfcrmt.'ro Nulrition & Dietetics 8 N11lricionista y Dittista Pharmacy 10 Quimicv Farma«uta Pharmaceutical Technology• 6 &grnte rn Fam111cia Philosophy & lellon; 10 Profrsionol n1 Filoso(ia y I.Ltras Physics 8 Fisico Plasttc Arts 8 MIU'Siro en Artts Pl4stirus Sanitary Engineering 10 lng. &mitario Social Work 8 Tmbajador Social Sociology 8 Socidlogo Veterinary Medicine 10 MMiro Veteriuorio

Specialisl Programs of Sludy. Title Awarded-£speciolisft2 en ... Administraci6tJ dt Altncidn Mldiro y Hospitalario; Anolomia fblollfsiol; Anrsttsia y Reanimaci6n; Cirugia GttJeral; Cirugfa lnfanlil; Cirugfa Pldslica; Dtrmalologla; Endoscopia Digtsliva; Epidmriologia; Medicino Ffsica y R£hobililaci6n; Mtdicino lnlerM; Nefrologia; NturocirugfD; Obstelricia y GinecologfD; Oftalmologla; Ortopnlill y Traumatologta; OtorrirJOiaringologfa; PtdiotrftJ; Plonificaci6u dt lo Solud; Polltica Econ6miro; Psiquiolria; RodiologftJ; Radiottra11itJ; UrologltJ.

Master's Programs of Sludy. 1illco Awarded-Magister en ... Mministraci6n EducatilJO; Bioqulmiro; DocenritJ y Ttrt~ologla EdurutilJO; FamiJlrologfa: Ffsica; Fisiologfa; lrnlt'Sfigacidn Sorio·Educati11t2; lnvestigacidn Psicopedag6gica; Microbiologfa Mtdica; Morfologlo; Orimtocidtl y ConSt>jtrla; Jbrasilologfil; Salud Pribliro.


Universidad de Caldas Calle 65 No. 26-10, Apilrlado ACn.•u 275, Mani:tales. Tel' 51712. 54961, Conm. 55240. Established 19U Enrollment: 3743. (publidnational)

Undergraduate Programs of Study length Degree or litle Awarded

Agronomy 10 Agnfnomo Education: Biology &. Chemistry 8 Lie. m Riologia !I Qufmica

Chemistry &. Biology 8 Lie. e11 Quimim !I Hiolo:~ia 1-iislory &. Geography 8 Lie. rr1 HisloritJ y Geo:<raflll Modern languages 8 Lie. m Ll'11grurs M£Jtimras

l-lome Economics 8 Eco1wmisto •lt>l #-Iogar Law 10 Medicine 12 Mrdin1 Musical Education 8 Maestro m EduCQcidll Musind Nursing 8 Enfrrmem Philosophy &. Letters 8 Dil'lomadt' I'll FiltJStifiJJ .'1 Utras Plastic Arts 8 Maesln1 t'tl Artrs Pldsticas Social Work 8 Trabajador Sor:ial Veterinary Medicine 10 Mfdin1 Vt•ferinnrio


Specialist Programs o( Study. Tille Award~-Esp«ialista en ... Anatomfa fbto/Ogica; Alleslesiologia; CirugiiJ General; Cirugfa lblidtrira; Cirugia Pl6stira; Dtrmatologill; Gas­lroenterologla; Ginecologfa y Obsttlricia; Medici11a lllltma; Oftalmologla; Oto­rrillolaringologia; FWiatria; Psiquiotrfa.

Master's Programs of Study. Title Awarded-MoestrW erJ ... Dem·ho Administralivo; Filosofill y Cicndns Jurldicas.

Universidad de Cartagena Carrera 6 No. J6.100 Calle de l;a Universidad, Apartadn Aforeo 2086, Cartagena. Tel' 47121, 40185. Established 1774. Enrollmenl: 4223. (publidstate)

Undergraduale Programs o£ Study

Accounting, Public Business Administration Chemistry & Pharmacy Civil Engineering Dentistry Economics Law Medicine Nursing Social Work


10 10 10 10 10 9

10 14 8 8

litle Awarded

Contador PUbliro AdmirJistrador de [mJrresas Q11imiro f-imnaceuta I"S· Ci11il Odon/Oiogo Economista Al~.1gado

Mtdico Cimjano Enferrnem Trobajador Social

Specialist Programs o£ Study. litle Awarded-f.SJit'rialislo t"PI ••• AtlmirJistraciliPJ 1ft' Em· prrsas; Anestesiolugfa; CirugiD Gtnrrol; Ginrro-Obsteln.cia; Mnlicir111 lntrmo; Neurocirugin; OjJolmnlogiD; Orlopr.'tlio; Olorrinnlorbrgologln; Polologfo Oro/ (Eslm,nlologiJI); i+llinlrlo; RndiologitJ; Urologia.


Universidad de COrdoba Carretera a Cere!~ Km. 5, Apartado At'!reo 354, Monteria. Tel: 8-199, 4600, 3278, Conm. 3381. Established 1962. Enrollment: 2893. (publidnalional)

Undergraduate Progrnms of Study

Agronomy Education: Biology &: Chemistry

Chemistry & Biology Mathematics & Physics Social Sciences

Nursing Technology• Veterinary Medidne &: Animal


Univer&idad del AIMntico


10 10 10 10 10 6


Degree or Title Awarded

Agnbwmo Lie. trz Biologla y Qufmiro l..ic. til Quimi(Q y Biologia Lie. til Matem4ticas y Ffsic11 Lie. ttl Cit>ncins Sa:ialrs Tgo. t'tl E11[nmerla Mtdico Vettrinario y Zooi1Xr1ista

Carrera 43 No. 50-53, Apartado Aerco 1890, Barranquilla. Tel: 313513, 315633. Established 1941. Enrollment: 8798. (publidstate)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting. Public Architecture Business Administration Chemical Engint.-ering Chemistry & Pharmacy Economics Education:

Biology &: Chemistry Languages Mathematics Musical Education Social & Economic Sciences

Law Nutrition & Dietetics Painting

Universidad del Cauca Calle 5 No. 4-70, lbp•)~n.


10 10 10 10 10 10

8 8 8 8 8

10 8


Tel: 1893, 3020, 4115. Established 1964. Enrollment: 2859. {publidnational)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting, Public Anthropology Civil Engineering Education:



10 8



Degree or Title AwardL>d

Contador Plibliro Arq11itecto Adminislrodor dt EmJirt'SOS lng. Quimiro Qufmico y Farmacl11lico Ecotwmislo

Lie. I'll Biologla y Q11imico Uc. ttl ldiomas lie. en Malemdlicas lie. t'1l Educacidn Musical Uc. m Ciencias Soda Its Abogado Nutricionisla y Ditlista Maeslro e11 Pinlum

Degree or Title Av.'lrded

Conlttdor flrjb/iro AnlroJidloxo lng. Cil1il

Uc. tn Biolflgia


Mathematics Modem Languages (Spanish &

English) Modern Languages (Spanish &

French) Social Sciences (Grography) Social Sciences (H.istury)

EII!'Ctronic Engineering & Telecommunications

Gcotcchnology• Law Medicine Music Nursing Technology• Philosophy Plastic Arts Spanish Language & Literature

10 10


10 10 10

6 8

14 8 6 8 8 8


Lie. m Mal~rmfticas

lie. m Unguas Modernas ( Espruiol y lllglls)

Lie. m Ung11as Modc·rnas (Espmiol e Fmuet's)

Lie. m Ciencias Sociales (Gtografia) Lie. m Cimeias Sociales (llistoria) l11g. f./('(triridad y

Tt/rcomllniraciotll"!' Grotewdlogo AhJSOdCI MNiiw Ma~trv cr1 M1isiro Tgo. trJ Eufermn-{!1 fi/6s<fo MatSiro tn Aries Pfdstirns Pruf&~r l'IJ Liltralum y Lt.'r1gua


Specialist Programs or Study. Title Awarded-f.spt•rialista t''' ... Cirugfa; GitJeco­Obstetricia y Patologfa; Htmatolog{a; Jugmirr{a Civil-VIas; Mn1icinn lnlerna; Patologia; 1\'llialria.

Master's Programs or Sludy. Title Award<.>d-Mngisltr rr• ... E.lrctn'mica y Te/f'('Omllniro­ciatrts; lngmitrla Cii,ii-VfDs; Telenuflicn.

Universidad de los Andes Carrera 1 Este No. 18A-l0, Apartado Al>reo 4976, Bogota. Tel: 2437474. Esiablished 1949. Enrollment: 4212. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study length Title Awardro

Anlhropology 8 Anlrop6logo Architecture 10 Arquilcrlo Bacteriology 8 Barltri61ogo Uiology 8 Bi61ogo Business Administration 10 Admirrislnlilor dt [mllrt.'StiS Civil Engineering 10 lng. Cillil Economics 10 fronomislo Elt."Ctrical Engineering 10 l11g. El&triro Industrial Engineering 10 l11g. Iuduslriol Law 10 Al1ogodo Mathematics 8 Mntrmdtieo Mechanical ~ngineering 10 l11g. Meofniro Microbiology 8 Microbi6logo Modern Languages 8 Pro{tsioual f"PJ U11guas Philosophy &. Letters 8 DiJIIomado en Filosoffn y Lttras Physics 9 Ffsico Politir.ll Science 8 Diplomado t'll Cir11eias Fblltieas Psychology 10 Psirologo


Systems & Computation Engineering



lng. Sistnnas y Com1'11taeiJn

Specialist Programs of Study. Title Awarded-Espl'finlista en ... rkrnJro Comaciol y Empresas Tran$rl0ciot~alrs; Dt'r«l10 de Familia; Dt'r«llo PUblico y Uomtmico; Plarrifieacitm y Admirrislracidrr del DesarnJIIo Rt'giorral.

Master's Programs of Study. Title Awarded-Magi$ltr rn ... Administmeidtr; Biologfa; Citncia l\Piitirn; Eronomia: lngttritriD Cil'il; ln:~miaiJJ dt Sistnnas y ComJ'IIIaei611; IngillitrW Ellrtrirn; Ingrniuia lndustrinl; lngrnieria Mrohrirn; Ungiiistiro AJ'Iicada; MntmuJtiros; MiervbiologfD; Plarzeaci6tr y Mmirristraci6n del Desarrollo Regiorral.

Unlversld~d del Quindfo Carrera IS Calle 12, Apartado A~reo 460, Annenia. Tel: 49341, 41501. Established 1%1. Enrollment: 4828. (publidstale)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting, Public Civil Engineering Education:

Biology & Chemistry Educillional Psychology Educational Technology Linguistics &. Literature Mathematics Modem Languages Physics Social Sciences

Electrical Engineering' Industrial Engineerinf! Mechanical Engineering' Medicine Topogrilphical Technology•

Universidad del Tolima


10 10

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 4 4 4

NA 6

Santa Helena, Apartado Al!reo 546, lbagut'.

Degree or Title Awarded

Gmtador Pribliro Ing. Cil'il

lie. en Biologfa y Qufmica Lie. en PsiroJ~t.'flagogW lie. tn Ttcrwlogla [ducatizra Lie. til Lingiiistiro y Littmlum Lie. en Mattmdtiras Lie. en LLnguas ModtrnJJS Lie. til Ffsiea Lie. m CimeitJs Socia Its

NA Tgo. en TOJJOSroflll

Tel: 32544, 34219, 34224, 32733. Established 1945. Enrollment: 4082. (publidstate)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Agronomy Engineering Architectural Drafting Technology•

Business Administration Education:

Biology &. Chemistry Mathemillics &. Physics


10 6


8 8

Degree or Title Awarded

lng. AgrOnomo Tgo. en Dibujo Arquife'('fdnico y dt

l11gn1ieritJ Administrador dt EP11J'rt511S

Lie. t'll Biologfa y Qufmica Lie. en Matemdticas y fisiea


Social Sciences (History &: Geography)

Spanish-English Eleclrical Engineering• Forestry Engineering Industrial Engineering• Mechanical Engineering# Topographicill Technology• Veterinary Medicine & Animill


Universidad del Valle


8 4

10 4 4 6


Lie. til Cimcills Soriolts

Lie. til EsJitlliol-lnglh>

lng. FoTPStal

TgrJ. til 101'rJXrofW MMiro Vrtrri11ario y Zootoc11ista

Barrio San Bernardo, Apartado A~reo 2188, Cali. Tel: 392207, 392310, 391486. Eslablished 1945. Enrollment: 7061. (publidstate)

Undergraduate Programs o£ Study Lenglh Degree or Title Awarded

Accounting, Public 10 Ccmtador PUblico Agricultural Engineering 10 lng. Agricola Architecture 12 Arquitedo Biology 8 Bi61ogo Business Administration II Mmi11istrador de [IIIJ'rt'SDS


Business Administration 6 Tgo. en Admi11istmdor dt Eml'rPSas Technology'

Chemical Engineering 10 lng. Q11fmico Chemistry 8 Qulmiro Chemistry Technology• 6 Tgo. til Quimim Civil Engineering 10 lng. Cit•il Dentistry 8 Odo11t6logo Education:

Animal Sciences 8 lie. til Cimcias Agroprnmrias (locatrd in Ruga)

Biology-Chemistry 8-10 lie. til Biologla·Quimim Electricily &: Eleclronics 8 NA literature 8 Lie. til Littmlura Mathematics 8 Lie. en Matemdticas Mathematics-Physics 8-10 Lie. en Mattmdt:m~·Fisim Modern languages 8 Lie. til Unguas MOtltrniiS

Philosophy 8-10 Lie. en Filosofia Physical Education &: Health 8 Lie. t11 £ducaci611 Ffsica .If Solud

Electrical Engineering 10 lng. Eltclricisla General Economics 8 E.co1wmista History 8 Hisloriador Industrial Engineering 10 lng. l11duslrial leiters 8 Diplom11do t'll Lrlros Mathematics 8 Mattmdlico Medical laboratory Tl'Chnology• 6 Tgo. til L:lboratorio Mhlico Medicine 14 Mhliro Cirujano M~sical Education 8 Marstro til Edurocitm Musical Nursing 8 f.n{enuero Nursing (by distancet 5 NA


Nursing Technology• 6 Tgo. tn Ellfrrnrtrfa Philosophy 8 Fil6sofo Physics 8 Ffsiro Physiotherapy 8 Fisi,Jtrraptuta Psychology 8 Psicdlogo Sanitary Engineering 12 lug. Sonitario Social Communication 8 Com&micrldor SocitJI Social Work 8 Trabajador Socinl Sociology 10 SociJiogo Statistics 10 NA Topography Technology' 6 NA

Specialist Programs of Study. 1illc Awarded-ESJitCiolista en ... AnrslrsitJiogfn; Cimgfa Gt11eral; Dtrmatologla; GinffOiogfa y Obstttricin; Mtdici'UJ Flsica y RLI!abilitacidn; Mrdicina l11ttrruJ; Nturocirugla; Oftalmologla; Ortopedia y TraurriQiologla; Otorrinolnriugologla; lb­tologla; lbtologla y l.Aboratorio Clfnico; Prdiatrla; Psiquiatrla; Rndiodingm,slico; RPdiottrapia; Urologla.

Master's Programs of Study. Title Awarded-Magister m ... Administmci611 de Salud; Adnrinistraci6n Educacional; Administnzci6n lndllstrUJI; Bioqufmica; Cirrrcins-Ffsial; Cim­ciJls-MafnntJiicas; Cimcins-Quimico; Enfrrmerin Cllnico; Enfmntrin PsiquiAtrico y Salud Mt11tal; Formacologia; Fisiologfo; lngtnitrla lndustrinl y dt Sisltnras; Lingl1istica y Espmlol; Mierobiologla; Morfologla; Salud Pribliro.

Univenidad de Medellin Carrera 87 No. 30-65 Los Alpes Bel~n. Apartado A~reo 1983, Medellin. Tel: 383886, 381252, 383906, 316586. Esoablished 1954. Enrollment: 5102. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study Lenglh Degree or Tille Awarded

Aa:ounting, Public 11 Contador PUblico Administrative Sciences 10 ProftsiOIUJI til Cirneias


Civil Engineering 10 lng. Cilril Education:

Educational Administration 8 Lie. til Admi11istroci611 Educolit~ Mathematic~ 8 Lie. tn Matrmtftirns Spanish literature 8 Lie. tn Es~1ioi-Littratura

Industrial Economics 10 Eamomi!>ta Industrial law 10 A!logado Statistics 10 Estadistico

Unlvenidad de Narhlo Carrera 25 No. 18-109, Apartado A~reo 505-626, Paste. Tel: 5652, 5654, 4937, 1652, 1653. Eslablished 1%7. Enrollment: 3992. (publidstate)

Undergraduate Programs of Study Lenglh Degree or Title Awarded

Agronomy Engineering 10 Jng. Agnh1omo





Animal Sciences 10 Zdott'fnista

Civil Engineering 10 lug. Cit1il Economics 10-12 Eror10mista Education:

Chemistry & Biology 8 Lie. tn Qufmica y Biolosfa Modem Languages 10 l.ic. eu Lenguas Modtnws Philosophy &. Letters 8-10 Uc. tn Filosofio y Utms Physics &: Mathematics 8-10 Lie. tu Ffsica y Matrmdtiras Plastic Arts 8-10 Lie. tn Artrs Pltfsliras

Social Sciences 10 Lie. en Citr1cUls Socialrs Law 10 Arogado Plastic Arts 8-10 Maestm tn Arlt'S Pldsticas

Universidad de Pamplona Carrera 4 No. 4-38, Pamplona. Tel' 2%0, 9701. Eslablished 1960. Enrollment: 2089. (public/state)

Undergraduate Programs of Study Length Degree Awarded

Education: Biology & Chemistry 8 Lie. m Biologfa y Q•,fmica Chemistry & Biology 8 Lie. en Qufmica y Riologla Educational Administration & 8 Lie. en Admi11istraridn y

Planning Planramittllo Edurotil'o Educational Psychology 8 Lie. en Psicopedagogfa

English-French 8 Lie. n1 Inglts-franek linguistics & Literature 8 Lie. tn li11giilstiro y Litemt11ra Mathematics & Physics 8 Lie. tn Maltmdtiras y Ffsica Orientation & Counseling 8 Lie. tn Orientari6n y Constjrrla Physical Education 8 Lie. tn bluraci6n Ffsica Physics & Mathematics 8 Lie. tn ffsica y Mattmdliros

Social Sciences (History- 8 Lie. en Cimdas Soeiales Geography, Geography-History)

Universidad de San Buenavenlura Calle 73 No. 10-45, Apartado A~reo 53746, Bogot.1. Tek 2354942, 2352922. Eslablished 1715. Enrollment: 1531. {private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Education: Educational Administration Preschool Education Primary Education

rhilosophy Theology


8 8 9 8 8

Degree or Title A\varded

Lie. tn Admir~i51raci6n £durutit10 Lir. til Eduauidr1 Prt-csrolar Lir. rn £d11rari611 Primaria Fill!sofo 1Miogo



Stccitmalts (Bromch Campuses)

Universidad de San Duenaventura-Cali Carrera Sa. No. 9-02, Cali. Tel: 781511. 892594. Enrollment: 1873.

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting, Public Economics Education:

History-Philosophy Mathematics- Physics Preschool Education Primary Education Religious Studies Spanish-Literature



10 10

10 10 10 10 9

10 10

Universidad de San Buenaventura-Medellfn Medellin. Tel: 411856, 427024. Enrollment: 1300.

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Education: Agricultural Technology§ Cost & Auditing Technology§

Dala Systems§ Educational Administration Electronics Technology§ Industrial PnXt.'sscs§ Industrial Supervision§ Industrial Technology§ Mechanical Technology§ Preschool Education

Psychology Sociology

Univenidad de Santo TomJs Carrera 9 No. 51·23, BogotA.


3 3

3 8 3 3 3 3 3 8

10 10

Degree or Title Awarded

Contodor PUbliro fronomisto

Lie. rn Histori.o y Filosofia Lie. m Matmuftieas-Fisica Lie. n1 Edueaeidn fu-escolar Lie. tn Educaci611 Primaria Lie. ttl Cieneias IMigiosas Lie. e11 f.spariol y Liten:Jtura Abogado

Degree or Title Awarded

Lie. en Tecnologia Agroprcuaria Lie. en Tecnologfa de Costos y

Auditorfo Lie. m SistematizaciOn de Datos Lie. en Administracidn Educotiva Lie. en Ternologia Electr6Piiea Lie. en Procesos Industriales Lie. en Supen,isidn Industrial Lie. til Tcnwlogia Industrial Lie. tn Temologia Mecdnica Lie. tn Educaei611 Pre-tseolar Psirologo Socidlogo

Tel: 2480482, 2483641. Conm. 2357192, 2357312. Established 1580. Enrollment: 6019. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting. Public Civil Engineering Economics


10 10 10

Degree or Title Awarded

Cor1tador PUblico lng. Civil Uorwmista


Education: Philosophy & Letters Law Philosophy & Religion

Psychology Sociology

8 Ill 8

10 Ill

Lie. til Filosofia y Lttros Arogado Proft'50r en filoso{ia y Cimcias

RLiigiosas Psicdlogo SodtJiogo


Specialist l'rograms of Study. Title Awardcd-f.sprrinlista ttl ... Dtrn:ho dt Familin; Derrrho dt> lrlltgraciOn.

Master's Programs of Study. Title Avaarded-Magistu t'll ... AdminislraciOn Comt>rcial; Administrod{m dr Ia Gmstmrrit.hJ; Admi11istraciQn dt Sistemas; AdmiuistraciOn Eciucalitlf1; Administraci611 Fitwnrina; AdministraciOtJ 11 Planruci6n SocilJI; AuditorfrJ dr Sistemas dt' Computari6n; Disetio y Etraluaci6n dr Pro~·rtus dt." Desarrollo SociommOmico; Filt>Stifia LatimJamrricatw; hwtstigacic)n .II Doarrcia Unir~t.•rsitarin; Planeaci6n y Dt'Sarmllo; PsiCtJ/cJgia Clft~ira; Psicologia Familiar.

Strrional (Branch Campus)

Universidad de Santo Tom.1s-Bucaramanga Carrera 19 No. 9-50, Bucaramanga. Tel' 32342, 31383, 32343, 32351. 32853. Enrollment: 2548.

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting, Public Architecture Economics Law


10 10 10 10

Tille Awarded

Cot~lodor PUblico Arqllilf'riO Erouomista AOOgaclo

Master's Programs of Study. Tille Awarded-Magister tn ... Administraci611 Educalitlll; Control Fina,.citro; lrwestigacW" y Douncia Unilrersitaria; Rrlacio11es Industriales.

Universidad de Sucre Calle 19 No. 22-58, Aparlildo ACrro 406, Sincelejo. Enrnllment: J.W. (publidstate)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Agricultural Engineering Agricultuml Production

Technology• Education: Mathematics


10 6


Degree or Title Awarded

lng. Agricola Tgo. tn Producri611 Agrop«uaria

Lie. en Matemdticas

Universidad Distrital •francisco )~ de Caldas"' Carrera Sa. No. 40..78, Apartado A£-reo 8668, Bogut.i. Td' 2457088, 2450440. Eslablishcd 1948. Enrollment 3239. (publidmunidpal)


Undergraduate Programs of Study

Cadastral & Geodesic Engineering Education: Biology

Chemistry Mathematics Physics Social Sciences

Electronic Engineering Forestry Engineering Industrial Engineering Systems Engineering Topography Technology•


10 8 8 8 8 8

10 10 10 10 6


Degree or Title Awarded

lng. Oltastral y Grodesla Lie. nr Biolog£n Lie. m Q11fmica Uc. ~~~ MatenuJti(QS Lie. t1r Fisica tic. nr Ciencias Socia Its "'8· Eleclnhrico hrg. FortStal lng. lnd11strinl lng. de Sistt'mas Tgo. ttl ToiX'grafla

Universldad Escuela Superior de Administrad6n y Finanzas y Tecnologias

Medellfn. 5« Fundaci6n Universidad Escuela de Administroci6n y

Finanzas y Tecnologras (EAFin. Medellrn.

Universidad Experimenlal de Ia Guajira Calle 26 C.urera 6, Apartado A~reo 172, Riohacha. Enrollment: 332. (publidstate)

Undergraduate Programs of Study length Title Av.ardcd

Business Administration 10 Administrador dr Emw-esas Edemado de Colombia Calle 12 No. 1·17 Este, Apartado Aereo 034141. BogotA. Tel' 2826066. 2839261, 2415038. Esloblished 1886. Enrollment: 6833. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study lcnglh Degrt>e or Title Awarded

Accounting, Public 10 Co11tador Plihliro Business Administration 10 Admi11istrador dr EmJirt'SilS Economics 10 Umwmista Education: Education &. Psychology 9 Lie. m Ptdago:~£a y Psicolng{a

Social Sciences 9 Lie. m Cimcias Socinlcs Law 10 A bog ado Social Communication 8 Conumiaulor Social Social Work 8 Tralltljador Social Tourism &. Hotel Management 10 Grmde Hottlrro y de TI~rismo

Specialist Programs of Study. Title A\'o'i1rded-Es1Jt('inlista tn ... Cit•,cias Prrralf"S; Crimi­nologla; Ckrrcho Admir~islmtiw; Dtrrclzo Comtrcial; Dnrrho dt familia; Dertdw IAboral.


Master's Programs of Study. Title A.,.,;uded-Magistrr rn ... AJfministraci611 y S1111tn'i· sil.i11 EJrmJiiiJrJ; Firrnnzns-Si51rmn5 y Citncins Cmrtnblr:;; Orir1Jiaci6n y Asesoria EducatirJrJ; Polftica Social.

Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Avenida Gran Colombia No. 12E-%, Clrcuta. Tel: 21371, 40072, 4425). Eslabl;shL>d 1962. Enrollment: 3265. (public/stale)

Undergraduate Programs of Study Length

Accounting, Public 10 Agronomy 10 Architectural Drafting & 6

Engineering Technology• Business Administration 10 Chemical Engineerinrf 4 Chemical Technology• 6 Civil Engineering 10 Civil Works Technology• 6 Economics• 4 Education:

Animal Scienref§ 3 Archileclural Drafting & 3

Enginecringf§ Biology & Chemistry 10 Civil Workst§ 3 Electromechanicst§ 3 Engineering Laboratoryt§ 3 Mathematics & Physics 10

Electrical Engineering• 4 Electromechanical Technology• 6 Mechanical Engineering 10 Mining Tt."Chnology• 6 Nursing Technologr" 6

Degrt!f or Title A ..... arded

Cmrtador PUlllico llrg. Agni11omo 1go. Drlirr,•rwle dr Arquittctura r

Ingeninin Mminislrador de Emprrsns


'"8· Cil'il Tgo. rn Obras Cilli/r:;

NA Lie. Delirletmtr de Arquitrctura r

lugenirria Lie. til Biologfa y Quimica Lie. en Obras Ci11ilts Lie. m Electromrohrica tic. en U:rboralorio de lngt:nirritJ Lie. en Matrm41icas y Ffsicu NA Txo. tn Efrctromrcdllica lug. Mrcd11ico NA Tgo. ~n Err[trmrrfa

SmioMies (Branch Campuses)

Uni\·ersidad Frandsco de Paula Santander-I:Jochalema Bochalema (N. de 5.). Established 1962. Enrollment: 101.

Undergraduate Programs of Study Length

Animal Science Technology• 6

Universidad Frandsco de Paula Santander·Ocana Ocafia. Tel: 3344, 2222, 2271. Enrollment: 236.

Title A.,.,.;]rded


Undergraduate Programs of Study

Agricultural Production Technology•

Education: Mathematics &. Physics

Universidad INCCA de Colombia


Length Degree or Title Awarded

6 Tgo. en Producci£111 Asropecuaria

8 Uc. en Matnruflicas y Fisiro

Carrera 13 No. 24-15, Apartado A~reo 14817, Bogota. Tel: 2347078, 2347552. Established 1955. Enrollment: 7607. (private)

Undergraduate Programs or Study Length Degree or litle Awarded

Agricultural Economics II Erotromista Agran·o Business Economics 12 Economista de Empll'Sils Education:

Biology &: Chemislr)' 9 Lie ''' Biologla y Quimiro Educational Administration 9 Lie. n1 AJministraciOrr Educath10 Instructional Communication & 9 NA

Technology Mathematics & Physics 9 Lie. en Matrm.dticas y Hsica Philology & Languages 9 Lie. n1 f-'ilologitJ e ldioma5 Preschool Education 9 Lie. ill Eduazci6n Prt-tSi'olar

Food Engineering II lng. de Alimtntos Industrial Engineering II Ing. lnduslrWI Law 10 Arogado Mechanical Engineering 12 lng. Mrcdnico Psychology 10 Psimlogo Systems Engineering 12 lug. de Sistrmas

Universidad Industrial de Santander Ciudad Universililria, Aparlildo A~reo 678, Bucaramanga. Tel: Conm. 56141-49. Establisht.>d 1947. Enrollment: 4831. (publidslale)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Architectural Drafting & Engineering Technology•

Bacteriology & Clinic-al Laboratory Chemical Engineering Chemistry Civil Engineering Education:

Biology Chemistry Design§ Electromechanics§



8 10 10 10

10 10 3 3

Degree or Title Awardt-d

Tgo. Dtlineanlc de Arquilcduro e lngroiffla

Bactrridlogo y IAborotorisltJ Clfniro lng. Qufmico Qufmico lng. Civil

Uc. "' BiologfD Uc. rn Qufmiro Uc. en Dibujo Lie. t'tl t.:.lrctromt'CdnictJ


Electronics§ J Lie en El«lnSniOJ Languages 10 Lie. e11 ldiomas Mathematics 10 Lie. fll Matemdliros Physics 10 Lie. en Fisica Topography &. Construction§ J Lie. m To~rafia y Conslrucci(m

Hlectrical Enginl't'ring 10 lng. Elktrico Industrial Engineering 10 lrrg. ltrdustrinl Mechanical Enginel!ring 10 lng. Mecdnico Medicine 12 Mldico Metllllurgiclll Enginet:!ring 10 lrrg. Metalli'}liCV Nursing 8 Cnftmrero Nutrition & Dietetics 8 Nutricionista y Dietista Petrolt>um Engineering 10 ltrg. de f\•tn1kos Physiotherapy 8 Fi$iotera11!'uta Social Service 8 Sf!n,idor Soc:ial Systems Engineering 10 l11g. de Si$lema~

Specialist Programs of Study. Title Awarded-(SJ'fria/ista en . . Am~stesiolo:Jfa; Git~ocologia y Obstetrifia; Mtdicinn lrrtema; A2tologla.

Master's Programs of Study. Title Awarded-Magister en ... Fisiro. l11grnitria Meta­hirgiro; lugenitrin Quimica.

Universidad }averiana Hogola. Set Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogot.i.

Universidad la Gran Colombia Carrera 6 No. 13-40, Bogota. Tel: 2.344446, 2826346. Established 1951. Enrollment: 7406. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting. Public Architectur~

Civil Engineering Economics Education:

Linquistics & Literature Mathematics &. Physics Philosophy & History Spanish-English Spanish-French



10-11 II 12 10

8-9 8 8

8-9 8-9


Degree or Title Awarded

Contador P'IJblico Arquitocto lng. Cirri/ Uvrwmisla

Lie. t'11 u,gii{slica y Litemtura Lie. en Matemdticas y ffsica Lie. t11 Filosofia e Historin Uc. tn Espanol-lnglls Lir. tn £sp1rloi-Fnmcls Arogado

Specialist Program of Study. Title Awarded-Es11tYialista t'n ... lArt'fho!Oral.


Serrionol (Branch Campus)

Universidad La Gran Colombia-Armenia Carrera 17 No. 22-34, Armenia. Tel: 49795. Enrollment 891.

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Economics Law

Univenldad Libre.


10 HI-ll

Title Awarded

Economisla Abogodo

5« Corporaci6n Universidad Libre de Colombia.

Universldad Nac:ional de Colombia (UNC) Ciudad Universilaria, Bogota. Tel: 2699111,2691700, 2691411. Established 1826. Enrollment: 18,470. (publidnational)

Undergraduate Programs of Study length Degree or 1itle Awarded

Accounting. Public 10 Cmrtador PUblico Agricultural Engineering 10 lng. Agrfrola Agronomy 10 lng. Agrdnvmo Animal Science 10 Zooltnrista Anthropology 8 lie. nr Anlropologia Architecture 10 Arquittdo Band Direction 8 Diroctor dt &rula Biology 10 Bi61ogo Business Administration 10 Adminislrador dt Empresas Ceramics 10 Motslro trr Ctramica Chemical Engineering 10 l11g. Qufmiro Chemistry 10 Qufmiro Choral &:: Wind Instruments 8 Lie. rn Currdas y Vit'llfo Choral Direction 8 Director dt Coros Civil Engineering 10 lng. Ciuil Dentistry 9 Dr. tn Odontolosta Economics 10 Economisla Education:

Biology 8 Lie. r11 Biologfa Chemistry 8 Lie. t'll Qufmicu Mathematics 8 Lie. tn Matrmdfiazs Pedagogy & Educational 8 Lie. t'n I.Wagogfa y Administraci611

Administration EducolinJ Physics 8 Lie. ru Ffsica Social Studies 8 Lie. r" SocWies

Electrical Enginl't'ring 10 lng. [ltctricista English & French 8 Lie. t'll FilcJingia r ldiomas-

Esprrinlidod e11 .•.

English or French & Classical 8 Lie. fll Filologla y ldiomns-Languages Esperisllidlld fll .


Engraving 10 Maestro en Btl/as Arlrs-Esp«ialidad GraiJado

Ethnomusicology B Lie. m Elr1omu!>icologia Geology 10 Grologo Graphic Design B Lie. er1 Diserio Grdfiro Industrial Design 10 Disdwdor Industrial Law 10 Al>ogodo Mathematics 10 Matemdtico Mechanical Engineering 10 Ing. Mrcduico Medidne 12 Dr. e11 Medicirw Musical Composition 12 Maestro e11 Composiei611 Musical Music Teaching B Lie. en ~dagogla Musical Nursing B E11[errnero Nutrition & Dietetics B Lie. en Nutn'eiOn y Dietilica Occupational Therapy 7 Lie. eu Tera11W Ocupaeiotwl Orchestra Direction 10 Dirrctor de Orquesta Organ B Lie. e11 Orgauo Painting 10 Maestro m Bellas Aries-

EsptcUIIidad Pir!lura Percussion B Lie. e11 fhcusidu Pharmacy 10 Qufmieo fannae~utieo Philosophy B Lie. e11 Filosofia Physical Therapy 7 Lie. en Terapia ffsica Physics 10 ffsiro Piano B Lie. eu Piarw Psychology 10 Psicdlogo Sculpture 10 Marstro e11 Bellas Arlrs-

Especialidatl Escultura Singing B Lie. et1 Cauto Social Work B Lie. e11 Trabojo Social Sociology B Lie. e11 Sociologla Spanish & Classical Languages 8 Lie. e11 Filologla e ldiomas-

Esperialidad fll ... Spanish & French or English B Lie. en filologla e ldiomas-

Especialidnd en .. Speech Therapy 7 Lie. e11 Terapia drl Lmguaje St<~tislics 10 Estadlstiru Systems Engineering 10 l11g. de Siste11ws Veterinary Mcdidne 10 Dr. e11 Mrdieina y Vrlerinaria

Spedalist Programs of Study. Title Awarded-Especialista er1 ... Anestesiologla; Cie11cias Perwles y Penite11ciarias; Cirugla Gt'lleral; Cirugla Pldstica; Den•clro I.Aboral y Seguridad Social; Dtnnatologla; En[en11rria Cardiorespiratorla y Renill; E11[nmerla e11 Salud Mt'lltal; Estonwtologla Pedi.dtrica; Ginecologla y Obstetriria; Medieina lnlerrw; Neurocirugfa; Neu· rologla; Oftalmologia; Ortodoneia; Ortopt'dia; Otorrinolari11gologfa; Patologla; Patologla Ill[«· ciosa; Pedintriil; Psiquiatriil; Rndiologla; Rrhahilitaci6n; ReunwtologftJ; Urologla.

Master's Programs of Study. Title Awarded-Magister nr ... Administrari611 en Enfer­merla; Biologln Marina; Botdnica y FisiologitJ Vegrlal; Cienciils Agrarias (ICA-UN ·rEC.); Dtsarrollo Rural; Economla; Educaci611 en Enfermerla; Entomologla; Estadlstiea; Far­macologla; Filosofia; Ffsiro; Fito~tologla; Genltica Humana; Gtntticn y Mejoramimto; lnge­nirrlo. Civii-Ambiental, E.strJICIIIras, Geotecniil, Hidrdulicn, Sa11itaria, Transportes y VIas;


Ingenierfa de SisletnJJs; lngenierla Elktrica-Fblencia Elil'lrica; Matem4tiros; Medicina Ve­terinnrUJ Prevefltiva; Microbiologfa; Nutrici(j11 A11inUJI; Patologla Animal; Ptriodoncia; Pro­ducciOn Agrlrola; Prod11crWn A"imal; Qufmiro; Sistem4tica (Botdnica y Zoolog/JJ), Suelos.

StrrionJJles (Branches Campuses)

Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Manizales Carrera 27 No. 64..(,(), Apartado Aereo 127, Manizales. Tel' 54189, 54190. Enrollment: 2193.

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Architecture Business Administration Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Industrial Engineering


II 10 10 10 10 10

Universidad Nacional de Colombia-MedelUn Autopista Robledo Carretera al Mar, Medellin. Tel' 300540, 300111. Enrollment: 4814.

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Adminislralive Engineering Agricultural Economics Agricultural Engineering Agronomy Animal Science Architecture Arts Building Construction Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Forestry Engineering Forestry Technology-. Geological Engineering History lnd)Jstrial Engineering Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Mining & Metallurgical Engineering


10 10 10 10 10 11 8

II 10 II 10 10 6

10 10 10 10 10 10

Title Awarded

Arquitecto Administrador de Empresas lng. Quimico lng. Ciuil l11g. Elr!drico lng. Industrial

Degree or Title Alvarded

lng. Administrador Ettmomista Agricola lng. Agricola lng. AgnSnomo ZoottoJista Arq11iteclo Lie. en Aries Arquitecto Cotlslnlctor de Edificios Jng. Quimico lng. Ciuil lng. Eleclrin"sta Ing. Forestal Tgo. forestal lng. Grologo Historiador lng. Industrial Matenuflico lng. Mrolt1ico Ing. de Minas y MetalursW


Petroleum Engineering 10 l11g. de 1\•lrtilr•os

Master's Programs of Study. Tille A\\-arded-Magisler tn . . lngt'llitria Sm1ilaria; Mattmlfticas; Pla11i{icad611 Flsica UrRma.

Uni\'ersit.lad Nacional de Colombia·Palmira C.ufera 32, Palmira. Enrollment: 879.

Undcrgr~duatc Programs of Study

Agriculli.Jral Engineering Agronomy Animal Science

Uniw-ersidad Pedag6gica Nacional


10 10 10

Title Aw<~rded

/11g. Agricola lllg. A~rVII0/110 Zootrc11ista

Call~ n No. 11·86, Apartado Aeroo 5JO.W, Bogota. Tel: 2352488, 2492853. E.<tablished 1955. Enndlment: 4415. (

Underg~dualc Programs of Study Length Degree Ah·arded

Education: Biology 8 Lie. m Biolllgfd Biology & Chemistry 8 Lie. m Biologia y Qufmica Chemistry 8 Lie. t'll Qufmiro Educational Administration 8 Lie. en Administrocidn Edueatim Electricity 8 Lie. rn El«lrieillad Electronics 8 Lie. ru Eit'ChU11ica Englisll B Lie. t'll Inglis French 8 Lie. r11. frnncfs Geogr<.tphy 8 Lie. t'n Grografla Gymn<tstics 8 Lie. fll Gimnasia History 8 Lie. til Historia Mathematics B Lie. en Malt'mdliros Mathematics & Physics 8 Lie. m Matemdticas y ffsim Mechanics 8 Lie. en Mn:rlnica Philowphy 8 Lie. en fif054.Jfia Physicoll Education B Lif. en Educaci6n fisiro PhysiC" 8 lie. m Ffsi01 Preschool Education 8 lie. en Educaei6n fu-escolar Psychology & Pedagogy 8 Uc. en PsicologU. y lbWgogU. Recrealion 8 Lie. m &creaci6n Social Sciences 8 lie. m Ciencias SociDitS Socioeconomics 8 Lie. rn Socio-EemrornftJ Spanish 8 Lie. rn Espniol Spanish & Languages B Lie. til Espa1iol y Lr11guas Sports B Lie. rn Drporlt>S Teaching Music B Lie. en PfdagogftJ Musical


Technical Drawing 8 Lie. til Dibujo Tlcnito

Master's Programs of Study. Title Awarded-Magister en EducaciOn con tSJifC'ialidad t11 ••• Admi11istracit111 Edurotiva; Docerrcia; Flsica: ltnrestigaridn Educalim y Aru11isis Cu­rricular; lrwestigacUSn Socio-Edurotiva; Matmuflicos; Oritnlari011 y A.srsoria f.srolar; Salud.

Universidad Pedag6gica y Tecnol6gica de Colombia Carrctcra Ccnlri11 del Norte, Tunja. Tel: 2173-77. Established 1953. Enrollment: 5086. (publidnational)

Undergraduate Programs of Study length Degree or Title Awarded

Agricultural Engineering 10 ltrg. Agnhwmo Business Administration 9-11 Mminislrodor de EmJ'resas Economics 9-11 Eronomista Education:

Biology & Chemistry 8 Lie. nr Biologbl y Qufmicll Chemistry & Biology 8 Lie. nr Qufmim y Biologia Educational Psychology 8 Lie. rn PsiroJitdagogla Mathematics & Physics 8 Lie. en Materrufticas y Ffsiro Modem Languages & Spanish 8 Lie. en ldiotn~~s Modtrnos y


Physical Educatiorl 8 Lie. en fducaci6r~ Flsica Physics & Mathematics 8 Lie. eu Fisica y Matrouflicus Preschool Education 8 Lie. eu Educaci611 Ptl'·escolar Social Studies 8-11 Lie. e11 Cieucias Sociales Spanish Philology &: French or 8 Lie. en Filologfa [sJIQliola y Franck

English o Inglis Electromechanical Er'lginecring 10 NA Metallurgical Engineering 10 lng. Metahlrgico Nursing 8 Enfermero Transport & Road Erlgineering 10 lng. de TransJIOrlrs y Vias

Master's Programs of Study. 1ille Ah"arded-Magister en . . llistoria; OrieutacitSn y Co11stjeriJJ Escolar.

Str:rionales (Branch Campuses)

Universidad Pedag6gica y Tecnol6gica de Colombia-Chinquinquir~. Calle 18 No. IG-37, Chiquinquira. Tel: 598. Enrollment: 163. No further in(onflation available.

Uni\'ersidad Pedag6gica y Tecnol6gica de Colombia-Duilama Carrera 18 Calle 23. Duilama. Tel: 2181, 2889. Enrollment: 270.


Undergraduate Programs of Study Lenglh Degree AwardN.

Agricultural Administration 10 NA Education:

Industrial &lucation II Lie. en Educad611 ltulustrial Mathematics & Statistics 8 NA

Electroml'Chanical EnginL-ering 10 NA Hotel & Tourism Administration 10 NA Industrial Administration 10 NA

Universidad Pt:'dag6gica y Tecnol6gica de Colombia-Sogamoso Calle II No. IQ-61, Sogamoso. Telo JIJ77, 3670. Enrollment 505.

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting, Public Geological Engineering Industrial Engineering Mining Engineering

Univef5idad Pontiflcia Bolivariana


10 10 10 10

Title Awarded

Co11tador Pliblico NA NA lng. de Minas

Calle 52, No. 4()..88, Apartado Al!reo 1178, MN.ellfn. Telo 497199 Conm. 430300. Eslablished 1936. Enrollment 4605. (pri,:ale)

Undergraduate Programs of Study Length Degree or 1ille Awarded

Architecture & Urban Planning 10 Arquitrcto y Urhmista Business Administration 6 Tgo. m Admit~istracidn de

Technology• £mpmas Chemical Engineering 10 lng. Qufmiro Education:

Education & Religious Studies 8 Lie. rn Ed11caci6n y Cirrrcias Rrligioslzs

Languages 8 Lie. rrr Idionws Mathematics & Physics 8 Lie. en MatemtJtiros y Fisim


Mathematics & Statistics 8 Lie. trl Malemdticas y Estadfstica Social Sciences 8 Lie. en Cieneias Soeiales

Electrkal Engineering 10 l11g. Elktrim Electronic Enginl'Cring 10 lng. £leclrd11ico Graphic Design 10 Diseriador Grdfiro Industrial Design 10 Diseruzdor Industrial Law 10 Abvgado


Mechanical Engineering Medicine Philosophy & Lellers Social Communication Social Work Sociology Theology

10 11 8 8 8 8


lng. M«4niro Medico


Diplomodo rn Filosofla y Ll!lras Com1micrulor Social 1taWjador Socilll SociDiogo Ttlllogo

Specialist Programs of Study. Title Awarded.-l:sptrialista en ... Am:·strsiologia, Rta· nimaci6n y Cui.dJldo lnlmsioo; CXrtdw Civii·Comtrrial; IJtn'Cho l.nWral; Derrcho I'Ubliro; Mrdicina lnttnlll; Ortoptdia y Troumalologfa.

Uniwnidad Popular del Cesar Calle 16 No. 4-100, Apartado Mreo 590, Valledupar. Telo 3293, 4144, 2296. Enrollment: 584. (publiclnational)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting, Public Business Administration Education: Mathematics & Physics

Universidad Sanliago de Cali


10 10 8

Carrera 5 No. 7-25, Apartado A~reo 4102, Cali. Telo 701261, 891693. Established 1958. Enrollment 5455. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study Length

Accounting, Public 10 Business Administration 10 Education:

Biology & Chemistry 10 Languages & Uterature 9 Mathematics 9 Social Sciences 9

law 10

Degree or Title Awarded

Contadur PUblico Administrador de Empresas Lie. tn Matem4tico.s y Fisica

Degree or Title Awarded

Conlatlor PUblico Adminislrador d~ Empresas

Lie. ~n Biologla y Qulmica Uc. tn Litnatura t ldiomJJS lie. m Mottmdtials Lie. tn Cirncins Sociales A bog ado

Master's Programs of Study. Tille Awarded-Magister e11 ... Crirninologla, Ci~ncias Penates y Penilenciarias.

Univenidad Sanlo Tom.b Bogota. See Universidad de Sanlo TomAs, Bogota.


Universidad Social Cat6lica de La S.alle Calle II No. J-.17. llogot~. Tel: 2346137, 2830900, 2825696. Established 196-1. Enrollment~ 7357. (private)

Undergraduate Programs of Study Length Degree or Title Awarded

Accounting. Public 10 Conlt~•lor Plibliro Agricultural Administration 6 Tgo. trl Administraci011

Technology• Agroprcuaria Animal &iencl! 10 NA Architecture 10 Arquitecto Business Admillistration 10 Admir~istradar dt EmJire5a5 Civil Engineeri11g 10 lng. Civil Economics 10 [ronomista Education:

Chemistry & Biology 8 Lie. ,." Q11imica y Biofogfa

Mathematics & Physics 8 Lit'. m Mah•mdticas y Hsit:a Modem L.anguagt.>s 8 Lie. m LLrrg11as Modtmns Religious Studies 8 Lie til £studios R£1igiosos

Library Science 8 Bibliottc6fogo y Archivista Optometry 10 OptOmtlra Philosophy & letters 8 Pnl[tsiomll eu Filosof'ia y Letms Social Work 8 Trabljador Social Statistics 9 Estodfstica Veterinary Medicine 10 NA


Master's Programs of Study. Title Awarded-Magisttrrn ... Administrocid11 J,• Empresas; Doetncia Ur~ihtrsitaria; Filasofia y Utras. Surcolombi.ana Carrera 16 No. 13-20, Apartado At?reo 192, Florencia. Tel: 818, 824, 865. Established 1968. Enrollmen•: 2193. (publidnalional)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Accounting, l't.!blic Animal Science Education:

Linguistics &: Literature Mathematics &. Physics Social ScienCes

Universidi!d Surcolombiana


10 10

10 10 10

Calle 9 No. 7-82, Apartado Al!reo 385. Neiva. Tel: 2n66. 2n77. Established 1968. Enrollment: 1950. (publidnational)

Undergraduat~ Programs of Study Length

Accounting, 1\iblic 10

Degree or Title Awarded

Coutador PUblico l.t'!Oitcllista

Uc. en Ur1giHsliro y LitemlrmJ Lie. er1 MotenWticas y Ffsica Lie. en SocUJies

Degree or Title Awarded

Contador PUblico


Agrirultural Engineering Business Administration Education:

Educational Administration Linguistics &: Literature Mathematics & Physics Physical Education

Nursing Technology• Preschool Education Technology•

10 10

10 9 9 8 6 6


NA Administrador de Emprrsas

Lie. en Admi11istracW" Educatiua Lie. nr UnglilstiaJ y liltralura Lie. nr MattmAticas y Flsiro Lie. m blurociOn Fisica Tgo. en EnfmnnliJ Tgo. en £ducaci6n Prr-tSCtJiar

Universldad Tecnol6glca del Choc6 •oJego Luis C6rdoba• Carrera 2 No. 25-22, Apartado Aereo 22, Quibd6. Tel: 735, 589. EsJablished 1968. Enrollment: 1975. (publidnational)

Undergraduate Programs of Study Lenglh Degree or Title AY.<~rded

Animal Science Technology• 7 Tgo. Agroptcuorio Business Administration 7 Tgo. Admi11istroci611 de EmlltrSOS

Technology• Gvil Works Technology• 7 Tgo. Ohms Civilts Education:

Chemistry & Biology 9 Lie. n• Qufmiar y BiologiJJ Educational Psychology &. 9 Lie. m Admir~islracidtz y

Administration Pltmromietzlo EducaliliO Languagt.>s 9 Lie. ttl ldiomas Mathematics & Physics 9 Lie. ttl Matroufliros y fisicu Social Scie11ces 9 Lie. ttl Cit11eias Socialts

Fishing Technology• 6 Tgo. lh<jutro Social Work 9 Trahljador Social

Untvrrstdad Tecnol6gtca del Magdalen• San Pedro Alejandrino, Apartado A~reo 731, Santa Marta. Eslablished 1871. Enrollment: 1510. (publidstate)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Agricultural Administration Tedmology­

Agricullural Economics Agronomy Engineering Education:

Biology & Chemistry Math('matics &. Physics Social Sci('nces

fishing Engineering



10 10

10 10 10 10

Degree or Title Awarded

Tgo. en Administracidn Asropteuarill

EcotJomista Agricola h1g. AgnStwmo

Lie. rn BiologiJJ y Quimica Lie. en MalemdtiCRS y fisica Lit'. en Cit•,eias Sociales l11g. 1\>squero


Universldad Tecnol6gica de los Llanos Orientales Kil6metro 11 Via Puerto LOpez. Apartado A~reo 2621, Villavicencio. Tel: 3449, 6200. 3484, 6828, 3909. Eslablished 1974. Enrollment: 836. (publidnational)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Agronomy Education:

Agriculture Mathematics &: Physics

Nursing Technology• Veterinary &: Animal Science

Universidad Tecnol6gica de Pereira Apartado Aereo 97, Pereira. Tel: 32781, 34944. Eslablished 1958. Enrollment: 3258. (publidnatiunal)

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Chemical Tt.>ehnology• Education:

Chemical Technology§ Electrical Technology§ Industrial Technology§ Mathematics &: Physics Mechanical Technology§ Music Plastic Arts



8 8 6




3 3 3 8 3 8 8

Degree or Title Awarded


Lie. e11 Cimcills AgroJlf'CUaritls Lie. til MalemAiicas y flsica Tgo. ttl Enfenlltrla Vettrinario y Zooltwista

Degree or Title Awarded

Tgo. Qufmico

Lie. en Tocnolosla Qutmiea Lie. en Tocnologfa Elklrica Lie. ~" Tocnolog/4 lndustritll tn MatemAiicas y Ffsiea Lie. en Tl'Cnologla Mm1nica NA NA


Social Scien(Cs (History-Geography)

8 Lie. m CinlciDs Socialts (Hisloria­G<ogmfwl

Spanish &: Audiovisual Communication

Ell"Ctrical Engineering Electrical Technology• Industrial Engineering Industrial Technology• Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Technology• Medidne


10 6

10 6

10 6


Lie. ro Espc11iol y Comunicaci6n A u.Jiovisual

Ius. Eleclricista Tgo. Elktriro lug. Industrial Tgo. Industrial lng. Mtofnico Tgo. Merdnico NA

Master's Programs of Study. Title Awarded-Magister ftl ... Administrnd611 Erom.lmica y financitra; IIIVtSiigaciOII O,Jt'ralirn y Estadlslica.

Appendix B

Most Recent Reforms of Colombian Secondary Education, July 17, 1978

Colombian secondary education has experienced fn.-qucnl reforms during the last century. The most recent, Decree 1419 of July 17, 1978, is presented here in briefest outline. The proposed curriculums are still in a developmental stage. Only one pro­gram, the Bachillerato en Artrs (Sl'COndary school program in the arts) has been imple· mented-and that as an experimental program in two schools. (See Appendix C for the arts curriculum.)

According to the Ministry of National Education, the oulline given here is th£' complete system. Students who hold any Bachilltr (secondary school diploma) from the new system will be eligible to enter any institution oi higher educaHon in Colombia in similar fields of study. Under lhe decree there will be three types of Barhillnato programs:

I. B«hillerato rn Ar1~ (arts); 2. Bachilltrolo en Cimcias (sciences); 3. Bachillenzto ru Trcnologia (technology).

The modolitladts (specializations) of each of lhe lhree Bochilltralo programs are as follows: • Bachilleralo en Aries: I) Aries AJrlirodns (applied arts); 2) Brita!' Aries (fine arts).

• Bachilltralo til Citndas: I) Ciencias ll11manas (humanities); 2) Ciencias Maltmdlicas (mathematical sciences); 3) Citncias Natumlts (natural sciences).

• Bachilltrato en Tec11ologfa: I) Agro1•tcuaria (general agriculture); 2) Comercial (commercial); 3) Eduau:i1.h1 Hsiro y R«nnd6n (physical education and recreation); 4) Industrial (industrial); 5) Pedag6gica (pedagogy); 6) Promoci6n dt Ia Comurridad (community services); 7) Solud y Nutrid6rr (health and nutrition).


Appendix C

Curticulum, Experimental Bachillerato en Artes, (Secondary School Program in the Arts), by Grade

Hours per Week Subjetts Grade: Vi VII VIII IX X XI Total

American Geogruphy• 2 2 American History• 2 2 Biology 3 3 3 9 Characrer 3 3 3 2 12 Chemistry 3 3 6 Classical Techniques 9 9 9 9 9 9 54 Colo111bian Gl"Ography 2 3 5 Colo01bian History 2 3 5 French 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Grammar of Music 2 2 2 6 History of Art l-listory of Ballet 2 f-fistory of Dance 3 Uistory of Music 2 Improvisation I Math~matics 5 5 5 5 3 3 26 National Folklore 2 2 4 Natural Science 3 3 fbs dt Dtur 2 3 5 Phil<=phy 3 3 6 Physics 3 J 6 Piano I I I 6 Religion 3 3 3 2 13 Spanish 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 Theoty of Folklore 2 Univ~rsal Geography 2 2 4 Univ~rsal History _1... _1... 4

Total 38 38 38 41 38 38

Sou~tcE: lnstitulo Colombiano de Ballet Cloisiro (Cali, February, 1983). •History and gL-ography of lAtin America.

Appendix 0

Seminary Educalion

Colombia's Roman Catholic seminaries fall into two bro.1d rntegories: minor seminaries at the secondnry school level, and major seminaries at the university level. The minor seminaries admit students directly from elementary school, and their six·)'ear program, including the grading system, is n.>gulated. like that of any other Colombian secondary school by the Ministry of National Education. Graduates of minor scminaries receive the Bachillt'T Cl45ico (academic or classical secondary school diploma). Graduates of lhe minor seminaries may apply to study at any institution of higher education, including the major seminarit..>s. (Sec Chapter Two for a description of the Bacllillerato program leading to the &chillrr Cldsico.)

The major seminaries are not rcgulated by the Ministry of National Education and therefore do not grant the Licrtrciado or any of the other degrees granted by Colombian universities. The major seminarit.., n.-quire a secondary school diploma (any Bachilltr) ror admission.

The seven-year program at the mnjor seminaries is divided into two cycles. Cycle 1-the first three yenrs-is devotl>d to preparatory study, prindpally philosophy. For a curriculum of Cycle l, also known as Cicio Filos6firo (the philosophy cycle), see Table D. I.

Upon successful completion of Cycle I, the student is av.'3rded a certificate that will show the grades e<~med. At that point, a student may decide to continue study at the seminary by entering Cycle II, a four-year program called the Cicio Trol~Jsiro (the theology cycle), or may transfer to other university level institutions, public or private. Transfer credits are determined by an analysis of courses.

Those who complete the second cycle usually enter the service of the church as priests. Those who are not ordained receive a certificate stating that the program was successfully completed and showing the grades received.

Tabla D.t. Curriculum, Cicio I, Fllos6flco (Philosophy, Cycle IJ oltho Major Seminaries In Colombia

Subjects hpw Subjects hpw

First Semester Sooond Semester

Christian Education I 5 Cathechlsm 2 History ol Selvalion I 3 Christian Education II 2 !ntro. to Philosophy 4 Epistemology 3 Latin I 3 General Psychology 3 Methodology 2 Hist. of Ancient Philosophy 2 Music & Singing 2 His!. of Salvation II 2 Spanish ~ Latin II 3

Total 22 Logic & Philosophy of tho 3 Language




Third Semester Music & Singing ..l Biblical Melhodology I 3 Total 22 Evaluation Psychology 3 General Sociology 2 Fourth Semester

Hist. of Medieval Philosophy 3 Biblical Methodology II 3 latin Ill 3 Cullural Anthropology 2 Music & Singing 2 Hist. of Modern Philosophy 3 Natural Theology 3 Latin IV 3 Philosophical Anthropology ..1 latin American Affairs 2

Total 22 Metaphysics 4 Music & Singing 2

Fifth Semester Social & Religious Psych. ..1 Biblical Methodology Ill 3 Total 22 Ethics 4 Hisl. of Contemporary 3 Sixth Semester

Philosophy Biblical Methodology IV 3 latin V 3 Greek 3 Mass Media 2 Hisl. & Philosophy ol Art 2 Modern Language I 3 Hisl. of Latin American 3 Theodicy & Philosophy ol Philosophy

Religion ....1 Mass Media 2 Total 22 Modem Language II 3

Philosophy ol History 2 Philosophical Synthesis 4

Total 22

Scuna: Plan de Estudio. Colecci6n Seminarios 1. Comisi6n Episoopal de Seminarios y Vocadones, Conlerencia Episoopal de ColOmbia, Bogo!O, 1982.

Abogado agrop«wJria

alinrentos alumrw apellido a~m:Wdo archioo dm> auxiliar


Baclrillrr Acadtmiro Baclrillrr Agropt'('Wlrio &chilltr m Arlt'S &clriller ctdsiro

Baclriller Comtrcial Baclriller lr~d11strial Baclrillrr lhlagOgico

&chiller m Pnmu~i6n Social

BachiJier Tfnriru

Bachiller 1ibriro Agrfcola

&chiller l«niru Comercial


biblioterologfa bien, fmeno


""'"" mstella11o rertifiou:lo Cicio Bdsico

Cicio Fiiosd{ico

Cicio Tro16gico



lawyer. general agriculture including both the cultivation of crops and ht.">Stock rilising. food. student surnilme; family name. passing; approved. file. subject; areil of study. assistant.

person who has sucress{ully completed Badrillerato studies; Sl'Condary school diplnma. academic secondary school diploma. agricultural secondary school diploma. secondary school diploma in art. classicill secondary school diplom<l; considered almost identical to the academic diploma. commercial secondary school diploma. industrial secondary school diploma. S{'('ondary school diploma in pedagogy. secondary school diploma in social studies. St.>condary school diploma in technical studies. secondary school diploma in technical agriculture. technical commercial secondary school diploma. secondary school program leading to the Bachilln: library science. well; good.

grade. field or study; major; degree program. the Spanish language. certificate. basic cycle; first 4 yrs of secondary education program (yr!l VI-IX). philosophy cycle o£ Roman Catholic major seminaries. theology cyde of Roman Catholic major seminaries.


Cicio VOOJcional

Cirujarw dmladarw fllk,~iil

nnuerciu exlerior nmtaduria cur:.o

tlerrt'ftl tlc'IJtJrle tltn'CIIO tl~rmllo tlillujo rlisnio Doctor

[I £xamen de [statio

t'ml'n"!>>l e"fmneria ensnianza rscuFia rscutlas l'tX'acionnlrs agrlcolas u,lf("ia/isla

examt'" dt• grado

examm dt• lutbililacirJn exctlrotc E:f'~rlo

ExencitS11 rle Matric11la


{«lUI fannacidn


advanced st:'<undary cycle under new system; ·vocational· denotes cart.>er choice, notJm,·er tf'("hnical education. surgeon. dtizcn; ust..>ti as form tlf address. generally a private st..>condary school; may also be a postSt.>condllry institution. lnternat\onal trade. accounting. course.

decree. sports. right; );nv.

devclopnuml. drawing; drafting. design. holder (Jf fl(l(for degree.

refers to o1lltypes of ptlst--clementary educo11ion, usually yrs VI-XI. colloquial Iitle for students v.:ho complete rt-quired cour54.'work. but not the thesis ilnd/or comprehensive exams, and thus have not bet..'n awartled the l.ict'llciado; this lilll' has no legal or offidill significance in Colomhio1. national uni\·ersity entrnm·c examination. business; enterprise. nursing. teaching. school. vocational ilgrirultural schools. specialist; title given for gmduah_ ... Jevel program of spt.>ctaliz.ation. oral defense of tht..'Sis rt-quirt-d for graduate degrt>cs (Magister, Doctor). make-up examination. excellent. at Sf'("OOdary level, a diploma or title granted under the pr('-1974 system at end of first cycle (9 yrs of t..-ducillion) of the industrial Bachilltralo program; at postsecondary l~vcl. a 2·yr diploma program offl'rcd prior to 1980. tuition waiver.

basic division of traditional Colombian university; college or school within a university. date. level of ocademic studies; training.


FomwciOn An:mzada o dt RJstgrado

Fonnaci6n lrlltrmtdia ProfrsioTUII

Fomracic'itJ Tocnoldgica

formnci011 UnilJtTSilaria

iJioma instituto

lnstituto Colombiano para d Fomento de Ia Educaci6n Superior (ICFES)

lnslitut~ Nacionalts de f.duroci6n Media Dronsifiazda (INEM)

intensidtJd horaria

jardfn in[a11til




Maestro, Maestro Supcrior, NormJJiisla Superior

Magister, Magisltr Scitnliae, Maestrfil, or Masltr


Matrfcula de Honor Mhlico muy bitn muy null

nacimiento nino Mmbre nola



plsimo promrdif1 promtdio gmtral dt rolifU'tJciotlts promedio mimero prruhls de los r.xdmenes dt estado


graduate study; level 4 of higher education studies under Decree 80. inlennediate prof~ssional studies; Level 1 of higher t..>ducation studies under Decree 80. technological studies; Level 2 of higher education studies under Decree 80. University·level studies; Level 3 of higher education studies under Decree BO.

language. institute; common term for educational institutions at all levels. Colombian Institute for the Promotion of 1-figher Education. comprehensive secondary schools.

hours per week.


first uni"·ersily dL>gree; holder of such a degree. basic full-length undergraduate program. term used to designate a secondary school, generally prh-ale.

teacher; pre-1974 diploma a\\Cirded for completion of secondary education in a normal (teacher training) school. master's degree.

bad; poor; in some grading systems a failing grade. honor scholarship. medic-al doctor. very good. very bad; poor.

birth. child. name, first name, gi"·en name. grade, mark.


title awarded for complelion of 2· to 4· seme-ster program offered at postsecondary level prior to 1980. terrible. grade average. ovcrnll gradt> average. final grade average. national entrance examinations.




Strrttario de £drw1cir.111 Servido Nacional de Aprendizaje

(SENA) Scrvidu Nacional de


1kr1iro Profesiorwl l111trmrdio (TPI) TrcmJiogo Tcnr6logo £s,)f(L1/izmlo

tesis de srado Titulo

trahajo de grado

UnidadtS de lAbor Acadlmira (ULAs)



average, satisfactory.

secretarr of education. Nationa Apprenticeship Service.

National Testing Service.

technical; technician; 6- to 7-semester program offered at postsecondary level prior to 1980. intermL>diatc professional technician. t~hnologist. specialized technologist (program leading to this title not yet approved by ICFES at time of publication of this volume). thesis. title or diploma; a generic term used at all education levels. thesis.

'"units of academic work"'; under Decree 80, the official unit of measure for coursework complel~ at postsecondary level.

animal science.

Useful References

Ahhough a great deal of information about Colombian education l').ists, most of it is in Spanish and is difficult to obtain. The information avail.ilble in English is l!ilher out of date or of limitl-d use to interested persons. The following selected list includes publications that will be most helpful to admissions officers.

A. Works Available in English

Low-Maus, Rodoifo. Compmdium of lhe Colombian [ducalior1al System. Bugot.i: Editorial Andes, 1971.

Renner, Richard R. Educalion for 11 Nw Colombia. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govern­ment Printing Office, 19'71.

Wellington, Stanley. "'Educational Reform and Innovation: A Study of the New Comprehensive Secondary School in Cali, Colombia.,. Ph.D. dissertation, Univer­sity of Illinois, 1976.

B. Works Available Only in Spomish

Boh6rquez-Casallas, luis Antonio. Lo ElJ(Jiucilln EdllCOiinJ t'n Colombia. Bogota: Cul­tural Colombiana, lTDA, 1956.

Guerra, luis Alejandm. Ltgisliu'i6n Esrolar ColomlliJJtlil. 2a ed. Bogota: Volunlad, 1971.

lnstituto Colombiano para el Fomento de Ia Educaci6n Superior. f)ill'(lorio dt' Ia EdumciOn Suprrior £'11 Colombia, 1981. Divisi6n de Rl'CUrsos Bibliogrfificos. Boguta, D. E.: Divisi6n de Publicaciones deiiCFES, 1981.

lnstiluto Colombia no para el Fomenlo de Ia Educ-aci6n Superior, (ed.). Rrforma dt Ia Educaci6n F\Jsi-StcundarUJ: Compilacitbr Ltgislathu. 2a l~. Bogota: DivisiOn de Pu­blicaciones dol ICFES, 1982.

Minislerio de Educaci6n Nacional. lrrslitulos Nadonalt'S dt• EducatiOn Media Strir DiuulgaliliJJ 2. lJogot<i: Publicaci6n de Ia SecciOn de DocumentactOn y Difusi6n del ICCE, 1970.

Munoz-Delgado, Juan Jacobo. •La Refonna de Ia Educaci6n Media, Decrelo 080 de 1974.· Bogota: Ministerio de Educaci(ln Nacional, 1974. (Mimeographed)


OCililtmios, 45 Admi11istrador dr Comen.·io Exterior, 38 Admi11islmdor dr Em1m'Sas, 38, 54. Sn•

also business administrntion Admi11islr01ior de llolflnla y Turismo, 38 AJmi11islrador Maritima, 38 Admi1ristrador lblicWI, 67 admission: to secondary, 5,7; to

tertiary, 30--32, 59 advanced secondary cycle. Stt-

vocational cycle agriculture, secondary, II, 13, 15, 19 architecture, 38, 44, 46 arts, secondary, 10-11, 122-123;

tertiary, 38, 39, 50, 65 asociac-imrrs, 45

Bodrilltr, 8, 18, 19, 30, 31, 65. Set also specific &rclritlerrs

Baclrillrr Aca,ftmico o Cldsico, 7, 14, 18-19, 20

Bachilltr Agrolll'Olario, 19 Bodrilltr Cl6sim, 10, 124 Bochilltr rrr Promoci6tr S«iol, 19 Baclrilltr hrduslrial, 19 Bachi/1" Fblag6gico, 18, 19 Bochilltr 1tc11iro Agrirolo 15, 19 Bachillrr lkniro CoTMrcial, 14, 19 Bochilfrr 1k11it'IJ l11dustrial, 15, 19, 22, 23 Boclrillerato, 8, 16. 5« also specific

&drillerato programs Boclrilltralo AcadlmiCI.J o Cl6siro, 10-11,

14, 18-19, 20 Bachitlrralo Agropt'C'uario, It, 13, 14, IS Bachillrralo Comtrcial, II, 12-13, 14 Bachillrralo tn Arlrs, 10, 122, 123 Bachillrrato rn Cirncins, 122 Bacllillmlo t'tJ Promtri611 Socinl, II, 13 Bochilltralo ftJ Trc11ologla, 122 BachillmJio lndustrinl, 11-12. 14-15 Baclrillrrato IWag,jgico. Str teacher

training basic common cycle. Stt basic cycle basic 9'clc, 8-9, 67; vocational

l>xploration, 8-9; vocationill inrtialion, 8-9

business administrotion, JB; 46-47, 55-56, 60; Level I, 44, 45; Level 2, 37, 46, 47


calendar, 3-4 CAP, 26, 27, 67 Centro Colombiano de Estudins

Pro!esionales, 35, 36, 37, 45, 71 Centro de Educ:aci6n Superior del

Norte del Valle, 44 ctnlros, 45 Crrtificado al Qui11lo Grado dt [nsdrallzn

PrmrarisJ, 5, 6 Crrti(icodo dt' At'lil11d Profrsio110l. Sn·

CAP Ctrtificado de Equimlmdtt cltl Gmdo 1le

Bachillrr, 27, 28, 31, 67 certificate of ettuivalence. Ser Crrtif.icado

dt f.quhraltnCJil del Grado dr Barl11lltr certificate of professional aptitude, 26,

27, 67 chemistry, 39, 40, 41, 50, 52, 53, 60 Cicio Bdsico. Srt basic cycle Cicio Filosdfico, 69, 124 Cicio Sesundo, 14 Cicio Teo/dgiru, 69, 124 Cicio Vocacio11al. $no vocational cycle Colegio de Boyad, 24, 25 Colegiu Mayor de Cullura Femcnina

de Antiuquia, 44 Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Senora del

Rosario, 29, 65-66 Colegio Mayor de San Buenavcntura,

43 rolrgios, 7, 45, 46, 51 Colombia: map. viii; background, I, 3,

29 Colombian Institute for the Promotion

of Higher Education. Sn.• ICFES

commercial education, secund<~ry, 8, 12-13, 14

comprehensive secondary schools, 7, 15-16, 23

computer science, 46

Corporaci6n Escuela de Administraci6n. de Empresas, 36, 37, 75

corporaciom.'S, 45, 46, 51

credits, 124; transfer, 33-34, 67; ULAs, 32-33. Str ai54.J Plocement Recommendntions

curriculums, primary, 5; secondary, 8-9, 10-13, 14-15, 123; tertiary, 45, 47, 48, 49


Decree 080, 7 Decroe 80, 27-28, 29-JO, 48. 49, 58;

admission to higher education, 30, 31; UlAs, 30, 32

Decree 1419 of 1978, 10, 122 dtci?IOS, 4 degrees, 37-43, 65 dentistry, 38, 39, 58, 60, 65, 66, 68, 69 dCJitlrlamcutos, wilhin universities, 49,

54 Diplomado rn, 37, 38-39 Diplonrado t11 Comtrcio lnterwuimzal, 38 Diplomado tn E.'>ludios Diplonufticos e

lrdemariowzles, 38 Diplomildo en Trologia, 39 diplomas, 35--ll; three~year, 43 diploma programs, graduate. 58 Director dt, 39 Distr1ador Grdfiro, 39 Disn"iildor Industrial, 39 diversified secondary schools. Sre

IN EM Doclor, 58, 59, 63, 69; first university

degroe, 65-66; UlAs, 33 doctoral degree. Stt Doctor Doctor tn FilosofiD, 65-66 Doctor ill Mt1licina, 66, 69 Doctor ttl Medicinn y Vtlninnria, 66, 69 Doctor e11 Odomologfu, 66, 69 documents, secondary, 18-27; tertiary,

40-42 .

Don Bosco Center, 19, 22, 23

economics, 39, 50, 53, 59, 66 Eronomisla, 39, 53 education, 60, 62. Sa also teacher

training educational structure, 2, 3 educaci6r1 mn1ia. See sl"Cond;uy

education educaci6n S«undario. See secondary

education El Decreto Extraordinario No. 80. Ste

Decroe 80 El E~amm de F..stado. See State

Examin;~tion, The Enfennero(tJ), 54. Ste also nursing Ell{tnPlero(a) Ger1eral, 44 engint.>cring, 39, 46, 49, 50, 54, 60, 66;

curriculum, electronic engineering, 56-57; mechanical engineering diploma, 40, 41; Level 2 awara, 37

Er1stfitmza Media Dil~trsificntlt1. Ste vocational cycle

Escuela Militar de Aviaci6n •Marco Fidel SUarez," 66, 86


Escuela Militar de Cadetes, 66, 86 Escuela Naval de Cadetes •Aimirante J~ Prudencio Padilla, • 66, 86

Escuela de Cadetes de Polida '"'General Santander, • 66-67, 85

escurlas, 45, 51 escuelas, within facultad, 49 E..<;er~tlt15 Vocaciontdf.'S Agrlcolas, IS Espt'riJJiisttJ. Set specialist programs E.stadfstico, 43, 68 aam~n de habilitacidr1, 35 e~ame11 de zllllidaci(m del Bacllifltralo. Sn­

validation examination examinations, secondary, 14, 15,

17-18, 31-32, 35 Exenci6r1 de Matrlcula, 35 Exrlt'rto: secondary, 14, 15, 19-20, 22,

44, 65, 67; tertiary, 44, 65, 68 E.rtJtTio t'n. Dibujo Arquilect611ico y

Dtcoran611, 44 E~pcrto en Disnio Grdfiro, 44 Extmo e11 Educaci611 de Nirios

E.rctpeionJJits, 44 E~llfrlo e11 Educacidn Prr-Escolar, 44 Ex'l't'Tto forestal, 44 EXIIf.'rto til Orimtaci611 Familinr, 44 Experlo f'll fhlagogfa Musirol, 44 E~tlfrlo trl Mroft~ica, 19, 22

facultad, 49, SO, 51, 53, 54, 58-59, 62 FilOsofo o Ditrlomado en Fil,~ia y Lttras,

39 FIP. 5« intennediate professional

studies fisioteraptulo, 39 folklore investigation, 43, 68 fonoaudi61ogo, 39 Formaci611 Az1emzada ode Postgrado. Stt

university eduC<ltion formaci6r1 h1lennrdia ProfesionJJI. Stt

inlennediate professional studies Fom1Jlci6n Nomwlista. Set teacher

training ftJnnaci6" Tecno16giro. Set technological

studies fonnaci6n U11it't'rsitaria. Ste university

t.>ducation fT. Stt technological studies FU. Stt university education Fundad6n Universidad de Bogot:i

•Jorge Tadeo Lozano," 44 {lmdaciones, 51


Gmmte llotelero y Turismo, 39 grading: r,rimary, 5; 54.-"Condary, 16-17;

sugges ed equivalencies to U.S. high schools, 17; tertiary, 34, 59, 62, 66; suuestcd equivalencies to u.s. ter11ary institutions, 34

graduate education, 30, 58-61; admission, 59; grading, 34, 59; progrilms, 58-59; types, 58

higher education, levels of. $no specific levels

humanities, secondary, 10, 122

ICFES. 3, 29. 31 industrial Nucation, secondary, 8,

ll-12. 14-15. 23 INEM. 7, 15-16, 23 Ingrniero Eledrdnico, 54 inslitulo, 7, 45, 46, 51 Instituto Colombiano de Ballet Clasico,

123 lnslilulo Colombiano para el Fomento

de Ia Educaci6n Superior. Sre JCFES lnstilulo Nadonal de Enseiianza Media

Diversificada '"Jorge Isaacs," 23 lnstilulos Nacionalcs de Enscf'mnza

Media Diversificada. See JNEM lnslilutos 1knicos Agropn;uarios, 15 l11stihdos 'Rcniros lmlustrialtS, 14-15 Intermediate professional studit>s, 30;

institutions, 46, 71-74; Level 1 &Wilrds, 35, 36, 37, 71; programs, 45; transfer to, 33-34, 46. See also Appendix A

International B<mk of Reconstruction and De\·elopment, 16

jtJrdfn infantil. Sre preschoolt>ducation

kindergarten. 5« preschool education

La Escut!la de Administraci6n de Empresas. Sa Corp>raci6n Escuela de Administraci6n de Empresas

language, 32, 39 La Universidad Pedag6gka Nacional,

40, 42 law. 38. 49. 58, 59, 60, 65 Law 66, 51 Licmciado, 37-38, 53, 65; three-year

degrees, 43, 68; Matstro e-quivalent. 65, 68; sample documents, 40, 41, 42; ULAs, 33

Licenciado m Cimcins dr Ia Educaci6n,

£spcrialilllllil til Biologla y Qufmica, 40, 42

Licenciado en E.nfennfria, 43, 68 Liwrciatlo til £.studios Policialts, 67 Liccncia1IO tn Filoso{fa, 43, 68 Liwrciatlo til lm't"Stigaci611 foll.:/tlrica, 43,

68 licro, 7

Motstrfa, 69. Set als1.1 master's degrees Maestro(a), 19, 65, 68. 5re also tt:'achl'r Matstro 1lt Capilla, 43, 68 Maestro I'll Artes Pldstiros, 39, 65, 68 Matstro m Bellas Artrs, 39, 65, 68 Maestro en Cerdmica, 39, 65, 68 Matstro til Composicicln Musical, 39, 65,

68 Maestro til £ducacidn Musical, 39, 65, 68 Matslro en Pinlura, 39, 65, 68 Maestro SJ1ptrior, 19, 21, 30, 31. 65, 68.

See also teacher Magisltr, 69. Set also master's degrees Magisttr m Administraci6n Educacional,

61. 62 Magister rn E:rttnsi6n 1Jara Dtsarmllo

Rural, 61, 62 Magisltr Scitnliae, 69. St·c also master's

degrees maritime administrntion, 66 Master, 69. Set alw master's degrees master's degrees, 58. 59, 61-62, 69;

ULAs, 33 mathematics, 32, 39 Mafrlcula de 1-lot1or, 35 medicine, 38, 39, 49, 58, 60, 65, 66, 68,

69 Mhlico, 39, 69 Mhlko Cimjarro, 39, 69 Mhliro Veltrinario, 39, 69 M61ico Veterinario y Zoolemisla, 39, 69 Microbiologla, 39 military t-ducation, 66 Minlstcrio de Educaci6n Nacional. Stt

Ministry of Nationill Education Ministry of National Education, 3, 4,

ll. 15. 29-30. 66. 124 modalidatl, 23, 122 music, 39, 44

National Apprenticeship Service. Set SENA

national institutions of diversified education, 7, 15-16, 23

National Normal School for Young Men of Pasto, 19, 21



National Pedagogical Universily. Sn Universidad Nacional PedagOgica

naval enginl"ering. 66 non-formal education. &t vocalionaV

technical education Normal education. See teacher training Nonrwlista Superior, 30-31, 68. Set also

teacher nursing_, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 54, 68, 69;

£specwli;;ta programs, 60; fT curriculum, 48; FU curriculum, 57

Ocerm(Jgrafo flsiro, 39 oceanography, 39, 66 Odon16logo, 39, 69 Optomelro, 39

Perito, 43-44, 68 Prrilo nz Limitados Visuales, 44 pharmacy, 37, 39, 68 philosophy, 39, 43, 59, 65-66, 68, 124 Placement Recommendations, 65-69 police training. 66-67 politimir:os, 46 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 29,

44, 61, 62, 63, 66; curriculums, 55-57, 61, 94-95, 96; graduate programs, 58-59

postgrado, 58. Stt also grnduate education

preschool education, 4 primary education, 3, 4-5, 6 private education, 3, 4, 7, 18, 20, 43,

45, 54 Pro{tSiotUJI en Ciencias Admi11istratitlllS, 39 PnJ:ional fll EducaciOn familiar y Social,

Proftsionnl trl EstuditJS Rrligiosns, 39 Profesiorwl ~"" filoso[fsl y l.Ltras, 39 Proftsimwl trr Lrnguas Modt>nlilS, 39 promnlio, 35 1•romedio gt11tml dt calificnrionts, 35 Psirologo, 39

Qufmico, 39, 40, 41 Qu/mico y Farmaciutico, 39

re-examinations, 35 reforms, 4, 29-30, 122 Reyerrte t"n Fannacin, 37, 68 rt'SO/uciont'S, 4 Resolution 13 of 1978, 15-16


Roman Catholic Church, 3, 4, 10-11, 54, 124

secondary t.>ducation, 7-28, 122; admission, 7; calendar, 3; credits, 67-68; curriculums, 8-9, 10-13, 14-15; cycles, S-13, 14; doeuments, 18-25, 26, 27; examinations, 17-18; grading, 16-17, 24-25, 66; Placement Recommendations, 67-68; SENA, 26-28

Secretary of Education, 3 seminary education: major, 69, 124;

minor, 11}-11, 69, 124-125 SENA, 26-28; rertificales offered,

26-28, 31 Servicio Nocional de Aprendizaje, 5N

SENA Servicio Nacional de Pruebas, 18, 30 Sm•idor Socinl, 39 social scienres, 32, 39, 40, 42 social studies, secondary, 8, 13 specialist programs, 58, 59. 60, 68, 69;

ULAs. 33 State Examination, The, 7, 31-32

leacher, 14, 19, 21, 30, 65, 68 teacher training, II, 14, 18, 19, 21, 37,

40, 42, 44; graduate programs, 58 technological studies, 30, 32, 33,

15-n; mslitutions, 46; Level 2 awards, 36, 37; programs, 46-47, 48; transfer to, 34, 47. SA' also Appendix A

'Rrniro, 44, 68 Tkniro rn Administn1Ci611 Agroptmario,

44 Tkt1iro en Administraci6n de Empresas, 44 1k11ico til Admi11istraci611 Thrlstiro, 44 ltc11iro t'll blu(ll{'i611 Prt-Est..llar, 44 1k11ico e11 l..nboratorio Mfdiro, 44 1k11ico eu l.Jlboralorio Qufmico, 44 1kniro Superior en Arlt Publidtario, 44 'Rrniro Superior tn Colltabilidiul, 44 1b:niro Sul'erior en Dibujo Arquitrct6niro,

44 1k11iro Pro(rsimwl lntrrmt'dio, 68, 71;

ULAs. il Ttnr61ogo, 32, 36, 37, 46, 68, 75; ULAs,

33 T«~~6logo Esprrializado, 34, 48-49;

ULAs, 33 Trologo, 39 Tempin dellLnguajt, 43, 68


TrraJ'iJJ Hsica, 43, 68 TrmJ'i.a Ocupnciounl. 43, 68 tertiary educalio~, 29-66; admission.

30-31. 32; curnculums, 45, 47, 48, 49; ~aminations, 34; grading.. 34, 59, 66; institutions of, 70-121; levels of, 30, 70. 5« also specific levels of higher c:aducation

lrsis de grado. See thesis theology. 49. 124 thesis, 49, 50-51 titles, 32, 37, 43-44, 65; comparabl~ to

four-year Li«nciado, 38-40; FIP, 46 titulo dr. 5t"t titles tlhdo dr Bachillrr, 18 TopOgraf{l, 44 TPI, 35. 71 Trabajador Sodal, 40 trabajo 1fe grado. See thesis transcripts, secondary, 16, 24-25, 35 transfer, beh"'een institutions, 33-34,

47 transfer cn.>dits, 33-34, 67

ULAs, 30, 32-33 UNC. 5t"t Universidad Nacional de

Colombia Unidtul dr Lilh1r Amdlmico. Stt ULAs unidadrs, 51 units of academic work. 5ff ULAs Universidad de Antioquia, 37 Universidad de los Andes, 40, 41 Universidad del Valle, 44, 53, 61, 62

Universidad de Santo TomAs, 29 Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 38,

40, 41, 43, 49. 50. 51-52, 66 Universidad Nacional de Colombia­

Medcllin, 44 Universidad Pedag6gica Nacional, 19,

21, 40. 42. 43~ Universidad S.:.ntiago de Cali, 40, 42 Universidad Surcolombiana, 44 Universidad lt.>rnol6gica de los Llanos

Orientales, 43 university t.-ducation, 29, 30-35, 37-42,

43-44, 49-63; admission, 30-31; credit, 32-34, 68-69; degrees! diplomas, 35-44; documents, samples, :tO· 41~ 42; examinati_ons, 31-32, 35, g.-admg, 34. 59, 62, graduate programs, 58-63; mstitutions of, 78-121; organization of, 49; thesis, 50; types or institutions, 51-57; undergraduate curriculums, 45, 49

university level studies, 30, 37, 49. See also umvcrsity education; Appendix A

U.S. Agency for International Developmt'nt, 16

validation t.'Xamination, 18, 27-28, 31, 67-68

veterinary medicine, 38, 40, 66, 68, 69 vocational cycle, 8, 9, 10-13, 14-15 vocational/technical education, 14-15;

SENA. 26-28

Zooltnzista, 40, 69



The Council is an interassociational group that serves as a forum for developing consen· sus on the evaluation and recognition of certificates, diplomas, and degrees awarded throughout the world. II also assists in establishing priorities for research and publica­tion of country, regiottal, or topical studies. One of ils main purposes is lo reviev.· and modify admissions and placement recommendations drafted by World Education Series authors or others who might ask for such revi_ew. (The practices followed in fulfilling this purpo~ are explained on page 64.)

Chairperson-Gary Hoover, Director, Foreign Student Admissions, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA 95211.

Vice Chairperson!Secretary-Karlene Dickey, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Resean:h, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305.

MEMBER ORGANil':ATIONS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIVES' American Associ· ation of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers-Chairperson of World Edu­cation Series CoJ!lrniUee, Alan Margolis, Registrar, Queens College, City University of New York, Flushing. NY 11367; G. James Haas, Associate Director of Admissions, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN 47405; Kitty Villa, Acting Assistant Director, International Office, The Universily of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712. American Association of Community and Junior Colleges-Philip J. Gannon, President, Lansing Community CoUege, Lansing, MI 48901. American Council on Education­Joan Schwartz, Senior Program Associate, Office on Educational Credil and Cre­dentials, American Council on Education, Washington, DC 20036. College Entrance Examination Board-Sanford C. Jameson, Director, Office of International Education, College Entrance £xamination Board, Washington, DC 20036. Council of Graduate Schools-Andrew J. Hein, Assistant Dean, The Graduate School, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Institute of International Education -Martha Renaud, Manager, Placement Services Division, Institute of International Education, New Ybrk, NY 10017. National Association for Foreign Student Affairs -James Frey. Executive Director, Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc., Milwaukee, WI 53217; David Homer, Director, Office of International Students and Scholars, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, Ml 48824·1035; Joann Stedman, Director, Office of International Student SeJVires, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027.

OBSERVER ORGANIZATIONS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIVES' USIA-Joseph Bruns, Chief, Student Support Services Division, Office of Academic

Programs, USIA, Washington, DC 20547. AID-Hattie Jarmon, Education Specialist, Office of International Training, U.S. De­

partment of State/AID, Washington, OC 20523. USOE-Robert Barendsen, Specialist on Education in Far Eastern Countries, U.S.

Department of Edt.tcation, Washington, OC 20202. State of New York Education Department-Mary Jane Ewart, Associate in Comparative

Education, State Education Department, The University of the State of New York, Albany, NY 12230.


I ,I


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