STAR History Grade06-08 2007


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  • 8/9/2019 STAR History Grade06-08 2007


    C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T G r a d e

    8Released Test Questions Histoy-Socil Scinc

    Introduction - Grade 6 8 History-Social ScienceThe ollowing released test questions are taken rom the Grade 6 8 History-Social Science Standards Test.

    The test is administered to students in grade 8, covering the standards or grades 6, 7, and 8. This test is one othe California Standards Tests administered as part of the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program

    under policies set by the State Board o Education.

    All questions on the Caliornia Standards Tests are evaluated by committees o content experts, including

    teachers and administrators, to ensure their appropriateness or measuring the Caliornia academic content and

    skills standards in Grade 6 8 History-Social Science. In addition to content, all items are reviewed and

    approved to ensure their adherence to the principles o airness and to ensure no bias exists with respect to

    characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, and language.

    This document contains released test questions rom the Caliornia Standards Test orms in 2003, 2004, 2005,

    and 2006. First on the pages that ollow are lists o the standards assessed on the Grade 6 8 History-SocialScience Test. Next are released test questions. Following the questions is a table that gives the correct answer

    or each question, the content and skills (where applicable) standard that each question is measuring, and the

    year each question last appeared on the test.

    The ollowing table lists each reporting cluster, the number o items that appear on the exam, and the number

    o released test questions that appear in this document.




    1. World History and Geography: Ancient Civilizations 16 15

    2. Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages 14 15

    3. Renaissance/Reormation 10 11

    4. U.S. Constitution and the Early Republic 22 21

    5. Civil War and Its Atermath 13 13

    TOTAL 75 75

    In selecting test questions or release, three criteria are used: (1) the questions adequately cover a selection othe academic content standards assessed on the Grade 6 8 History-Social Science Test; (2) the questions

    demonstrate a range o diiculty; and (3) the questions present a variety o ways standards can be assessed.

    These released test questions do not relect all o the ways the standards may be assessed. Released test

    questions will not appear on uture tests.

    For more inormation about the Caliornia Standards Tests, visit the Caliornia Department o Educations

    Web site at

    This is a sample o Caliornia Standards Test questions. This is NOT an operational test orm. Test scores cannot be projected

    based on perormance on released test questions. Copyright 2007 Caliornia Department o Education.

  • 8/9/2019 STAR History Grade06-08 2007


    G r a d e C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T

    8 Released Test QuestionsHistoy-Socil Scinc

    rePOrTING CLUSTer : Wol Histoy n Gogphy: ancint Civiliztions

    The ollowing seven Caliornia content standards (indicated by bold type) are included in Reporting Cluster 1

    and are represented in this booklet by 15 test questions. These questions represent only some ways in which

    these standards may be assessed on the Grade 6 8 Caliornia History-Social Science Standards Test.


    Wol Histoy n Gogphy: ancint Civiliztions (G 6)

    WH6. Stunts scib wht is known though chologicl stuis of th lyphysicl n cultul vlopmnt of humnkin fom th Plolithic to thgicultul volution.

    WH6.1.1. Describe the hunter-gatherer societies, including the development of tools and the useof fire.

    WH6.1.2. Identify the locations of human communities that populated the major regions of theworld and describe how humans adapted to a variety of environments.

    WH6.1.3. Discuss the climatic changes and human modifications of the physical environment thatgave rise to the domestication of plants and animals and new sources of clothing andshelter.

    WH6. Stunts nlyz th gogphic, politicl, conomic, ligious, n socilstuctus of th ly civiliztions of Msopotmi, egypt, n Kush.

    WH6.2.1. Locate and describe the major river systems and discuss the physical settings thatsupported permanent settlement and early civilizations.

    WH6.2.2. Trace the development of agricultural techniques that permitted the production ofeconomic surplus and the emergence of cities as centers of culture and power.

    WH6.2.3. Understand the relationship between religion and the social and political order inMesopotamia and Egypt.

    WH6.2.4. Know the significance of Hammurabis Code.

    WH6.2.5. Discuss the main features of Egyptian art and architecture.

    WH6.2.6. Describe the role of Egyptian trade in the eastern Mediterranean and Nile valley.

    WH6.2.7. Understand the significance of Queen Hatshepsut and Ramses the Great.

    WH6.2.8. Identify the location of the Kush civilization and describe its political, commercial, andcultural relations with Egypt.

    WH6.2.9. Trace the evolution of language and its written forms.

    WH6.3 Stunts nlyz th gogphic, politicl, conomic, ligious, n socilstuctus of th ancint Hbws.

    WH6.3.1. Describe the origins and significance of Judaism as the first monotheistic religion basedon the concept of one God who sets down moral laws for humanity.

    WH6.3.2. Identify the sources of the ethical teachings and central beliefs of Judaism (the HebrewBible, the Commentaries): belief in God, observance of law, practice of the concepts ofrighteousness and justice, and importance of study; and describe how the ideas of theHebrew traditions are reflected in the moral and ethical traditions of Western civilization.

    WH6.3.3. Explain the significance of Abraham, Moses, Naomi, Ruth, David, and Yohanan benZaccai in the development of the Jewish religion.

    This is a sample o Caliornia Standards Test questions. This is NOT an operational test orm. Test scores cannot be projected

    based on perormance on released test questions. Copyright 2007 Caliornia Department o Education.

  • 8/9/2019 STAR History Grade06-08 2007


    C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T G r a d e

    8Released Test Questions Histoy-Socil Scinc

    WH6.3.4. Discuss the locations of the settlements and movements of Hebrew peoples, includingthe Exodus and their movement to and from Egypt, and outline the significance of theExodus to the Jewish and other people.

    WH6.3.5. Discuss how Judaism survived and developed despite the continuing dispersion of

    much of the Jewish population from Jerusalem and the rest of Israel after thedestruction of the second Temple in A.D. 70.

    WH6.4 Stunts nlyz th gogphic, politicl, conomic, ligious, n socilstuctus of th ly civiliztion of ancint Gc.

    WH6.4.1. Discuss the connections between geography and the development of city-states in theregion of the Aegean Sea, including patterns of trade and commerce among Greekcity-states and within the wider Mediterranean region.

    WH6.4.2. Trace the transition from tyranny and oligarchy to early democratic forms of governmentand back to dictatorship in ancient Greece, including the significance of the invention ofthe idea of citizenship (e.g., from Pericles Funeral Oration).

    WH6.4.3. State the key differences between Athenian, or direct, democracy and representativedemocracy.

    WH6.4.4. Explain the significance of Greek mythology to the everyday life of people in the regionand how Greek literature continues to permeate our literature and language today,drawing from Greek mythology and epics, such as Homers Iliadand Odyssey, and fromAesops Fables.

    WH6.4.5. Outline the founding, expansion, and political organization of the Persian Empire.

    WH6.4.6. Compare and contrast life in Athens and Sparta, with emphasis on their roles in thePersian and Peloponnesian Wars.

    WH6.4.7. Trace the rise of Alexander the Great and the spread of Greek culture eastward andinto Egypt.

    WH6.4.8. Describe the enduring contributions of important Greek figures in the arts and sciences(e.g., Hypatia, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, Thucydides).

    WH6.5 Stunts nlyz th gogphic, politicl, conomic, ligious, n socilstuctus of th ly civiliztions of Ini.

    WH6.5.1. Locate and describe the major river system and discuss the physical setting thatsupported the rise of this civilization.

    WH6.5.2. Discuss the significance of the Aryan invasions.

    WH6.5.3. Explain the major beliefs and practices of Brahmanism in India and how they evolvedinto early Hinduism.

    WH6.5.4. Outline the social structure of the caste system.

    WH6.5.5. Know the life and moral teachings of Buddha and how Buddhism spread in India,Ceylon, and Central Asia.

    WH6.5.6. Describe the growth of the Maurya empire and the political and moral achievements ofthe emperor Asoka.

    WH6.5.7. Discuss important aesthetic and intellectual traditions (e.g., Sanskrit literature, includingthe Bhagavad Gita; medicine; metallurgy; and mathematics, including Hindu-Arabicnumerals and the zero).

    WH6.6 Stunts nlyz th gogphic, politicl, conomic, ligious, n socilstuctus of th ly civiliztions of Chin.

    WH6.6.1. Locate and describe the origins of Chinese civilization in the Huang-He Valley duringthe Shang Dynasty.


    This is a sample o Caliornia Standards Test questions. This is NOT an operational test orm. Test scores cannot be projected

    based on perormance on released test questions. Copyright 2007 Caliornia Department o Education.

  • 8/9/2019 STAR History Grade06-08 2007


    G r a d e C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T

    8 Released Test QuestionsHistoy-Socil Scinc

    WH6.6.2. Explain the geographic features of China that made governance and the spread of ideasand goods difficult and served to isolate the country from the rest of the world.

    WH6.6.3. Know about the life of Confucius and the fundamental teachings of Confucianism andTaoism.

    WH6.6.4. Identify the political and cultural problems prevalent in the time of Confucius and how hesought to solve them.

    WH6.6.5. List the policies and achievements of the emperor Shi Huangdi in unifying northernChina under the Qin Dynasty.

    WH6.6.6. Detail the political contributions of the Han Dynasty to the development of the imperialbureaucratic state and the expansion of the empire.

    WH6.6.7. Cite the significance of the trans-Eurasian silk roads in the period of the Han Dynastyand Roman Empire and their locations.

    WH6.6.8. Describe the diffusion of Buddhism northward to China during the Han Dynasty.

    WH6.7 Stunts nlyz th gogphic, politicl, conomic, ligious, n socilstuctus uing th vlopmnt of rom.

    WH6.7.1. Identify the location and describe the rise of the Roman Republic, including theimportance of such mythical and historical figures as Aeneas, Romulus and Remus,Cincinnatus, Julius Caesar, and Cicero.

    WH6.7.2. Describe the government of the Roman Republic and its significance (e.g., writtenconstitution and tripartite government, checks and balances, civic duty).

    WH6.7.3. Identify the location of and the political and geographic reasons for the growth of Romanterritories and expansion of the empire, including how the empire fostered economicgrowth through the use of currency and trade routes.

    WH6.7.4. Discuss the influence of Julius Caesar and Augustus in Romes transition from republicto empire.

    WH6.7.5. Trace the migration of Jews around the Mediterranean region and the effects of their

    conflict with the Romans, including the Romans restrictions on their right to live inJerusalem.

    WH6.7.6. Note the origins of Christianity in the Jewish Messianic prophecies, the life andteachings of Jesus of Nazareth as described in the New Testament, and the contributionof St. Paul the Apostle to the definition and spread of Christian beliefs (e.g., belief in theTrinity, resurrection, salvation).

    WH6.7.7. Describe the circumstances that led to the spread of Christianity in Europe and otherRoman territories.

    WH6.7.8. Discuss the legacies of Roman art and architecture, technology and science, literature,language, and law.


    This is a sample o Caliornia Standards Test questions. This is NOT an operational test orm. Test scores cannot be projected

    based on perormance on released test questions. Copyright 2007 Caliornia Department o Education.

  • 8/9/2019 STAR History Grade06-08 2007


    C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T G r a d e

    8Released Test Questions Histoy-Socil Scinc

    rePOrTING CLUSTer : Lt antiquity n th Mil ags

    The ollowing seven Caliornia content standards (indicated by bold type) are included in Reporting Cluster 2

    and are represented in this booklet by 15 test questions. These questions represent only some ways in which

    these standards may be assessed on the Grade 6 8 Caliornia History-Social Science Standards Test.


    Lt antiquity n th Mil ags (G 7)

    WH7. Stunts nlyz th cuss n ffcts of th vst xpnsion n ultimtisintgtion of th romn empi.

    WH7.1.1. Study the early strengths and lasting contributions of Rome (e.g., significance of Romancitizenship; rights under Roman law; Roman art, architecture, engineering, andphilosophy; preservation and transmission of Christianity) and its ultimate internalweaknesses (e.g., rise of autonomous military powers within the empire, undermining of

    citizenship by the growth of corruption and slavery, lack of education, and distribution ofnews).

    WH7.1.2. Discuss the geographic borders of the empire at its height and the factors thatthreatened its territorial cohesion.

    WH7.1.3. Describe the establishment by Constantine of the new capital in Constantinople and thedevelopment of the Byzantine Empire, with an emphasis on the consequences of thedevelopment of two distinct European civilizations, Eastern Orthodox and RomanCatholic, and their two distinct views on church-state relations.

    WH7. Stunts nlyz th gogphic, politicl, conomic, ligious, n socilstuctus of civiliztions of Islm in th Mil ags.

    WH7.2.1. Identify the physical features and describe the climate of the Arabian peninsula, itsrelationship to surrounding bodies of land and water, and nomadic and sedentary waysof life.

    WH7.2.2. Trace the origins of Islam and the life and teachings of Muhammad, including Islamicteachings on the connection with Judaism and Christianity.

    WH7.2.3. Explain the significance of the Quran and the Sunnah as the primary sources of Islamicbeliefs, practice, and law, and their influence in Muslims daily life.

    WH7.2.4. Discuss the expansion of Muslim rule through military conquests and treaties,emphasizing the cultural blending within Muslim civilization and the spread andacceptance of Islam and the Arabic language.

    WH7.2.5. Describe the growth of cities and the establishment of trade routes among Asia, Africa,and Europe, the products and inventions that traveled along these routes (e.g., spices,textiles, paper, steel, new crops), and the role of merchants in Arab society.

    WH7.2.6. Understand the intellectual exchanges among Muslim scholars of Eurasia and Africaand the contributions Muslim scholars made to later civilizations in the areas of science,geography, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, art, and literature.

    WH7.3 Stunts nlyz th gogphic, politicl, conomic, ligious, n socilstuctus of th civiliztions of Chin in th Mil ags.

    WH7.3.1. Describe the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty and reasons for the spreadof Buddhism in Tang China, Korea, and Japan.


    This is a sample o Caliornia Standards Test questions. This is NOT an operational test orm. Test scores cannot be projected

    based on perormance on released test questions. Copyright 2007 Caliornia Department o Education.

  • 8/9/2019 STAR History Grade06-08 2007


    G r a d e C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T

    8 Released Test QuestionsHistoy-Socil Scinc

    WH7.3.2. Describe agricultural, technological, and commercial developments during the Tang andSung periods.

    WH7.3.3. Analyze the influences of Confucianism and changes in Confucian thought during theSung and Mongol periods.

    WH7.3.4. Understand the importance of both overland trade and maritime expeditions betweenChina and other civilizations in the Mongol Ascendancy and Ming Dynasty.

    WH7.3.5. Trace the historic influence of such discoveries as tea, the manufacture of paper,wood-block printing, the compass, and gunpowder.

    WH7.3.6. Describe the development of the imperial state and the scholar-official class.

    WH7.4 Stunts nlyz th gogphic, politicl, conomic, ligious, n socilstuctus of th sub-Shn civiliztions of Ghn n Mli in Mivl afic.

    WH7.4.1. Study the Niger River and the relationship of vegetation zones of forest, savannah, anddesert to trade in gold, salt, food, and slaves; and the growth of the Ghana and Maliempires.

    WH7.4.2. Analyze the importance of family, labor specialization, and regional commerce in the

    development of states and cities in West Africa.

    WH7.4.3. Describe the role of the trans-Saharan caravan trade in the changing religious andcultural characteristics of West Africa and the influence of Islamic beliefs, ethics, andlaw.

    WH7.4.4. Trace the growth of the Arabic language in government, trade, and Islamic scholarshipin West Africa.

    WH7.4.5. Describe the importance of written and oral traditions in the transmission of Africanhistory and culture.

    WH7.5 Stunts nlyz th gogphic, politicl, conomic, ligious, n socilstuctus of th civiliztions of Mivl Jpn.

    WH7.5.1. Describe the significance of Japans proximity to China and Korea and the intellectual,

    linguistic, religious, and philosophical influence of those countries on Japan.

    WH7.5.2. Discuss the reign of Prince Shotoku of Japan and the characteristics of Japanesesociety and family life during his reign.

    WH7.5.3. Describe the values, social customs, and traditions prescribed by the lord-vassal systemconsisting of shogun, daimyo, and samuraiand the lasting influence of the warrior codein the twentieth century.

    WH7.5.4. Trace the development of distinctive forms of Japanese Buddhism.

    WH7.5.5. Study the ninth and tenth centuries golden age of literature, art, and drama and itslasting effects on culture today, including Murasaki Shikibus Tale of Genji.

    WH7.5.6. Analyze the rise of a military society in the late twelfth century and the role of thesamurai in that society.

    WH7.6 Stunts nlyz th gogphic, politicl, conomic, ligious, n socilstuctus of th civiliztions of Mivl euop.

    WH7.6.1. Study the geography of the Europe and the Eurasian land mass, including its location,topography, waterways, vegetation, and climate and their relationship to ways of life inMedieval Europe.

    WH7.6.2. Describe the spread of Christianity north of the Alps and the roles played by the earlychurch and by monasteries in its diffusion after the fall of the western half of the RomanEmpire.


    This is a sample o Caliornia Standards Test questions. This is NOT an operational test orm. Test scores cannot be projected

    based on perormance on released test questions. Copyright 2007 Caliornia Department o Education.

  • 8/9/2019 STAR History Grade06-08 2007


    C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T G r a d e

    8Released Test Questions Histoy-Socil Scinc

    WH7.6.3. Understand the development of feudalism, its role in the medieval European economy,the way in which it was influenced by physical geography (the role of the manor and thegrowth of towns), and how feudal relationships provided the foundation of political order.

    WH7.6.4. Demonstrate an understanding of the conflict and cooperation between the Papacy and

    European monarchs (e.g., Charlemagne, Gregory VII, Emperor Henry IV).WH7.6.5. Know the significance of developments in medieval English legal and constitutional

    practices and their importance in the r ise of modern democratic thought andrepresentative institutions (e.g., Magna Carta, parliament, development of habeascorpus, an independent judiciary in England).

    WH7.6.6. Discuss the causes and course of the religious Crusades and their effects on theChristian, Muslim, and Jewish populations in Europe, with emphasis on the increasingcontact by Europeans with cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean world.

    WH7.6.7. Map the spread of the bubonic plague from Central Asia to China, the Middle East, andEurope and describe its impact on global population.

    WH7.6.8. Understand the importance of the Catholic church as a political, intellectual, andaesthetic institution (e.g., founding of universities, political and spiritual roles of the

    clergy, creation of monastic and mendicant religious orders, preservation of the Latinlanguage and religious texts, St. Thomas Aquinass synthesis of classical philosophywith Christian theology, and the concept of natural law).

    WH7.6.9. Know the history of the decline of Muslim rule in the Iberian Peninsula that culminatedin the Reconquista and the rise of Spanish and Portuguese kingdoms.

    WH7.7 Stunts comp n contst th gogphic, politicl, conomic, ligious, nsocil stuctus of th Msomicn n ann civiliztions.

    WH7.7.1. Study the locations, landforms, and climates of Mexico, Central America, and SouthAmerica and their effects on Mayan, Aztec, and Incan economies, trade, anddevelopment of urban societies.

    WH7.7.2. Study the roles of people in each society, including class structures, family life, warfare,religious beliefs and practices, and slavery.

    WH7.7.3. Explain how and where each empire arose and how the Aztec and Incan empires weredefeated by the Spanish.

    WH7.7.4. Describe the artistic and oral traditions and architecture in the three civilizations.

    WH7.7.5. Describe the Meso-American achievements in astronomy and mathematics, includingthe development of the calendar and the Meso-American knowledge of seasonalchanges to the civilizations agricultural systems.


    This is a sample o Caliornia Standards Test questions. This is NOT an operational test orm. Test scores cannot be projected

    based on perormance on released test questions. Copyright 2007 Caliornia Department o Education.

  • 8/9/2019 STAR History Grade06-08 2007


    G r a d e C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T

    8 Released Test QuestionsHistoy-Socil Scinc

    rePOrTING CLUSTer 3: rnissnc/rfomtion

    The ollowing our Caliornia content standards (indicated by bold type) are included in Reporting Cluster 3

    and are represented in this booklet by 11 test questions. These questions represent only some ways in which

    these standards may be assessed on the Grade 6 8 Caliornia History-Social Science Standards Test.


    rnissnc/rfomtion (G 7)

    WH7.8 Stunts nlyz th oigins, ccomplishmnts, n gogphic iffusion of thrnissnc.

    WH7.8.1. Describe the way in which the revival of classical learning and the arts fostered a newinterest in humanism (i.e., a balance between intellect and religious faith).

    WH7.8.2. Explain the importance of Florence in the early stages of the Renaissance and thegrowth of independent trading cities (e.g., Venice), with emphasis on the cities

    importance in the spread of Renaissance ideas.

    WH7.8.3. Understand the effects of the reopening of the ancient Silk Road between Europe andChina, including Marco Polos travels and the location of his routes.

    WH7.8.4. Describe the growth and effects of new ways of disseminating information (e.g., theability to manufacture paper, translation of the Bible into the vernacular, printing).

    WH7.8.5. Detail advances made in literature, the arts, science, mathematics, cartography,engineering, and the understanding of human anatomy and astronomy (e.g., by DanteAlighieri, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo di Buonarroti Simoni, Johann Gutenberg,William Shakespeare).

    WH7.9 Stunts nlyz th histoicl vlopmnts of th rfomtion.

    WH7.9.1. List the causes for the internal turmoil in and weakening of the Catholic church (e.g., tax

    policies, selling of indulgences).

    WH7.9.2. Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the major figures during theReformation (e.g., Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, William Tyndale).

    WH7.9.3. Explain Protestants new practices of church self-government and the influence of thosepractices on the development of democratic practices and ideas of federalism.

    WH7.9.4. Identify and locate the European regions that remained Catholic and those that becameProtestant and explain how the division affected the distribution of religions in the NewWorld.

    WH7.9.5. Analyze how the Counter-Reformation revitalized the Catholic church and the forcesthat fostered the movement (e.g., St. Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuits, the Council ofTrent).

    WH7.9.6. Understand the institution and impact of missionaries on Christianity and the diffusion ofChristianity from Europe to other parts of the world in the medieval and early modernperiods; locate missions on a world map.

    WH7.9.7. Describe the Golden Age of cooperation between Jews and Muslims in medieval Spainthat promoted creativity in art, literature, and science, including how that cooperationwas terminated by the religious persecution of individuals and groups (e.g., the SpanishInquisition and the expulsion of Jews and Muslims from Spain in 1492).

    WH7.0 Stunts nlyz th histoicl vlopmnts of th Scintific rvolution n itslsting ffct on ligious, politicl, n cultul institutions.


    This is a sample o Caliornia Standards Test questions. This is NOT an operational test orm. Test scores cannot be projected

    based on perormance on released test questions. Copyright 2007 Caliornia Department o Education.

  • 8/9/2019 STAR History Grade06-08 2007


    C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T G r a d e

    8Released Test Questions Histoy-Socil Scinc

    WH7.10.1. Discuss the roots of the Scientific Revolution (e.g., Greek rationalism; Jewish, Christian,and Muslim science; Renaissance humanism; new knowledge from global exploration).

    WH7.10.2. Understand the significance of the new scientific theories (e.g., those of Copernicus,Galileo, Kepler, Newton) and the significance of new inventions (e.g., the telescope,

    microscope, thermometer, barometer).WH7.10.3. Understand the scientific method advanced by Bacon and Descartes, the influence of

    new scientific rationalism on the growth of democratic ideas, and the coexistence ofscience with traditional religious beliefs.

    WH7. Stunts nlyz politicl n conomic chng in th sixtnth, svntnth,n ightnth cntuis (th ag of explotion, th enlightnmnt, n th agof rson).

    WH7.11.1. Know the great voyages of discovery, the locations of the routes, and the influence ofcartography in the development of a new European worldview.

    WH7.11.2. Discuss the exchanges of plants, animals, technology, culture, and ideas amongEurope, Africa, Asia, and the Americas in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and themajor economic and social effects on each continent.

    WH7.11.3. Examine the origins of modern capitalism; the influence of mercantilism and cottageindustry; the elements and importance of a market economy in seventeenth-centuryEurope; the changing international trading and marketing patterns, including theirlocations on a world map; and the influence of explorers and map makers.

    WH7.11.4. Explain how the main ideas of the Enlightenment can be traced back to suchmovements as the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution and tothe Greeks, Romans, and Christianity.

    WH7.11.5. Describe how democratic thought and institutions were influenced by Enlightenmentthinkers (e.g., John Locke, Charles-Louis Montesquieu, American founders).

    WH7.11.6. Discuss how the principles in the Magna Carta were embodied in such documents asthe English Bill of Rights and the American Declaration of Independence.


    This is a sample o Caliornia Standards Test questions. This is NOT an operational test orm. Test scores cannot be projected

    based on perormance on released test questions. Copyright 2007 Caliornia Department o Education.

  • 8/9/2019 STAR History Grade06-08 2007


    G r a d e C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T

    8 Released Test QuestionsHistoy-Socil Scinc

    rePOrTING CLUSTer 4: U.S. Constitution n th ely rpublic

    The ollowing eight Caliornia content standards (indicated by bold type) are included in Reporting Cluster 4

    and are represented in this booklet by 21 test questions. These questions represent only some ways in which

    these standards may be assessed on the Grade 6 8 Caliornia History-Social Science Standards Test.


    U.S. Constitution n th ely rpublic (G 8)

    US8. Stunts unstn th mjo vnts pcing th founing of th ntion nlt thi significnc to th vlopmnt of amicn constitutionlmoccy.

    US8.1.1. Describe the relationship between the moral and political ideas of the Great Awakeningand the development of revolutionary fervor.

    US8.1.2. Analyze the philosophy of government expressed in the Declaration of Independence,

    with an emphasis on government as a means of securing individual rights (e.g., keyphrases such as all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator withcertain unalienable Rights).

    US8.1.3. Analyze how the American Revolution affected other nations, especially France.

    US8.1.4. Describe the nations blend of civic republicanism, classical liberal principles, andEnglish parliamentary traditions.

    US8. Stunts nlyz th politicl pincipls unlying th U.S. Constitution ncomp th numt n impli pows of th fl govnmnt.

    US8.2.1. Discuss the significance of the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and theMayflower Compact.

    US8.2.2. Analyze the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution and the success of each in

    implementing the ideals of the Declaration of Independence.US8.2.3. Evaluate the major debates that occurred during the development of the Constitution

    and their ultimate resolutions in such areas as shared power among institutions, dividedstate-federal power, slavery, the rights of individuals and states (later addressed by theaddition of the Bill of Rights), and the status of American Indian nations under thecommerce clause.

    US8.2.4. Describe the political philosophy underpinning the Constitution as specified in theFederalist Papers(authored by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay) andthe role of such leaders as Madison, George Washington, Roger Sherman, GouverneurMorris, and James Wilson in the writing and ratification of the Constitution.

    US8.2.5. Understand the significance of Jeffersons Statute for Religious Freedom as aforerunner of the First Amendment and the origins, purpose, and differing views of the

    founding fathers on the issue of the separation of church and state.US8.2.6. Enumerate the powers of government set forth in the Constitution and the fundamental

    liberties ensured by the Bill of Rights.

    US8.2.7. Describe the principles of federalism, dual sovereignty, separation of powers, checksand balances, the nature and purpose of majority rule, and the ways in which theAmerican idea of constitutionalism preserves individual rights.

    US8.3 Stunts unstn th fountion of th amicn politicl systm n thwys in which citizns pticipt in it.


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    US8.3.1. Analyze the principles and concepts codified in state constitutions between 1777 and1781 that created the context out of which American political institutions and ideasdeveloped.

    US8.3.2. Explain how the ordinances of 1785 and 1787 privatized national resources and

    transferred federally owned lands into private holdings, townships, and states.US8.3.3. Enumerate the advantages of a common market among the states as foreseen in and

    protected by the Constitutions clauses on interstate commerce, common coinage, andfull-faith and credit.

    US8.3.4. Understand how the conflicts between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamiltonresulted in the emergence of two political parties (e.g., view of foreign policy, Alien andSedition Acts, economic policy, National Bank, funding and assumption of therevolutionary debt).

    US8.3.5. Know the significance of domestic resistance movements and ways in which the centralgovernment responded to such movements (e.g., Shays Rebellion, the WhiskeyRebellion).

    US8.3.6. Describe the basic law-making process and how the Constitution provides numerous

    opportunities for citizens to participate in the political process and to monitor andinfluence government (e.g., function of elections, political parties, interest groups).

    US8.3.7. Understand the functions and responsibilities of a free press.

    US8.4 Stunts nlyz th spitions n ils of th popl of th nw ntion.

    US8.4.1. Describe the countrys physical landscapes, political divisions, and territorial expansionduring the terms of the first four presidents.

    US8.4.2. Explain the policy significance of famous speeches (e.g., Washingtons FarewellAddress, Jeffersons 1801 Inaugural Address, John Q. Adamss Fourth of July 1821Address).

    US8.4.3. Analyze the rise of capitalism and the economic problems and conflicts thataccompanied it (e.g., Jacksons opposition to the National Bank; early decisions of the

    U.S. Supreme Court that reinforced the sanctity of contracts and a capitalist economicsystem of law).

    US8.4.4. Discuss daily life, including traditions in art, music, and literature, of early nationalAmerica (e.g., through writings by Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper).

    US8.5 Stunts nlyz U.S. foign policy in th ly rpublic.

    US8.5.1. Understand the political and economic causes and consequences of the War of 1812and know the major battles, leaders, and events that led to a final peace.

    US8.5.2. Know the changing boundaries of the United States and describe the relationships thecountry had with its neighbors (current Mexico and Canada) and Europe, including theinfluence of the Monroe Doctrine, and how those relationships influenced westwardexpansion and the Mexican-American War.

    US8.5.3. Outline the major treaties with American Indian nations during the administrations of thefirst four presidents and the varying outcomes of those treaties.

    US8.6 Stunts nlyz th ivgnt pths of th amicn popl fom 800 to thmi-800s n th chllngs thy fc, with mphsis on th Nothst.

    US8.6.1. Discuss the influence of industrialization and technological developments on the region,including human modification of the landscape and how physical geography shapedhuman actions (e.g., growth of cities, deforestation, farming, mineral extraction).

    US8.6.2. Outline the physical obstacles to and the economic and political factors involved inbuilding a network of roads, canals, and railroads (e.g., Henry Clays American System).

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    US8.6.3. List the reasons for the wave of immigration from Northern Europe to the United Statesand describe the growth in the number, size, and spatial arrangements of cities (e.g.,Irish immigrants and the Great Irish Famine).

    US8.6.4. Study the lives of black Americans who gained freedom in the North and founded

    schools and churches to advance their r ights and communities.US8.6.5. Trace the development of the American education system from its earliest roots,

    including the roles of religious and private schools and Horace Manns campaign forfree public education and its assimilating role in American culture.

    US8.6.6. Examine the womens suffrage movement (e.g., biographies, writings, and speeches ofElizabeth Cady Stanton, Margaret Fuller, Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony).

    US8.6.7. Identify common themes in American art as well as transcendentalism and individualism(e.g., writings about and by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, HermanMelville, Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow).

    US8.7 Stunts nlyz th ivgnt pths of th amicn popl in th South fom800 to th mi-800s n th chllngs thy fc.

    US8.7.1. Describe the development of the agrarian economy in the South, identify the locationsof the cotton-producing states, and discuss the significance of cotton and the cotton gin.

    US8.7.2. Trace the origins and development of slavery; its effects on black Americans and on theregions political, social, religious, economic, and cultural development; and identify thestrategies that were tried to both overturn and preserve it (e.g., through the writings andhistorical documents on Nat Turner, Denmark Vesey).

    US8.7.3. Examine the characteristics of white Southern society and how the physicalenvironment influenced events and conditions prior to the Civil War.

    US8.7.4. Compare the lives of and opportunities for free blacks in the North with those of freeblacks in the South.

    US8.8 Stunts nlyz th ivgnt pths of th amicn popl in th Wst fom800 to th mi-800s n th chllngs thy fc.

    US8.8.1. Discuss the election of Andrew Jackson as president in 1828, the importance ofJacksonian democracy, and his actions as president (e.g., the spoils system, veto of theNational Bank, policy of Indian removal, opposition to the Supreme Court).

    US8.8.2. Describe the purpose, challenges, and economic incentives associated with westwardexpansion, including the concept of Manifest Destiny (e.g., the Lewis and Clarkexpedition, accounts of the removal of Indians, the Cherokees Trail of Tears,settlement of the Great Plains) and the territorial acquisitions that spanned numerousdecades.

    US8.8.3. Describe the role of pioneer women and the new status that western women achieved(e.g., Laura Ingalls Wilder, Annie Bidwell; slave women gaining freedom in the West;Wyoming granting suffrage to women in 1869).

    US8.8.4. Examine the importance of the great rivers and the struggle over water rights.

    US8.8.5. Discuss Mexican settlements and their locations, cultural traditions, attitudes towardslavery, land-grant system, and economies.

    US8.8.6. Describe the Texas War for Independence and the Mexican-American War, includingterritorial settlements, the aftermath of the wars, and the effects the wars had on thelives of Americans, including Mexican Americans today.

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    rePOrTING CLUSTer 5: Civil W n Its aftmth

    The ollowing our Caliornia content standards (indicated by bold type) are included in Reporting Cluster 5

    and are represented in this booklet by 13 test questions. These questions represent only some ways in which

    these standards may be assessed on the Grade 6 8 Caliornia History-Social Science Standards Test.


    Civil W n Its aftmth (G 8)

    US8.9 Stunts nlyz th ly n sty ttmpts to bolish slvy n to lizth ils of th dcltion of Inpnnc.

    US8.9.1. Describe the leaders of the movement (e.g., John Quincy Adams and his proposedconstitutional amendment, John Brown and the armed resistance, Harriet Tubman andthe Underground Railroad, Benjamin Franklin, Theodore Weld, William Lloyd Garrison,Frederick Douglass).

    US8.9.2. Discuss the abolition of slavery in early state constitutions.

    US8.9.3. Describe the significance of the Northwest Ordinance in education and in the banning ofslavery in new states north of the Ohio River.

    US8.9.4. Discuss the importance of the slavery issue as raised by the annexation of Texas andCalifornias admission to the union as a free state under the Compromise of 1850.

    US8.9.5. Analyze the significance of the States Rights Doctrine, the Missouri Compromise(1820), the Wilmot Proviso (1846), the Compromise of 1850, Henry Clays role in theMissouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850, the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854),the Dred Scottv. Sandforddecision (1857), and the Lincoln-Douglas debates (1858).

    US8.9.6. Describe the lives of free blacks and the laws that limited their freedom and economicopportunities.

    US8.0 Stunts nlyz th multipl cuss, ky vnts n complx consquncs of thCivil W.

    US8.10.1. Compare the conflicting interpretations of state and federal authority as emphasized inthe speeches and writings of statesmen such as Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun.

    US8.10.2. Trace the boundaries constituting the North and the South, the geographical differencesbetween the two regions, and the differences between agrarians and industrialists.

    US8.10.3. Identify the constitutional issues posed by the doctrine of nullification and secessionand the earliest origins of that doctrine.

    US8.10.4. Discuss Abraham Lincolns presidency and his significant writings and speeches andtheir relationship to the Declaration of Independence, such as his House Dividedspeech (1858), Gettysburg Address (1863), Emancipation Proclamation (1863), andinaugural addresses (1861 and 1865).

    US8.10.5. Study the views and lives of leaders (e.g., Ulysses S. Grant, Jefferson Davis, Robert E.Lee) and soldiers on both sides of the war, including those of black soldiers andregiments.

    US8.10.6. Describe critical developments and events in the war, including the major battles,geographical advantages and obstacles, technological advances, and General Leessurrender at Appomattox.

    US8.10.7. Explain how the war affected combatants, civilians, the physical environment, and futurewarfare.


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    8 Released Test QuestionsHistoy-Socil Scinc

    US8. Stunts nlyz th chct n lsting consquncs of rconstuction.

    US8.11.1. List the original aims of Reconstruction and describe its effects on the political andsocial structures of different regions.

    US8.11.2. Identify the push-pull factors in the movement of former slaves to the cities in the Northand to the West and their differing experiences in those regions (e.g., the experiences ofBuffalo Soldiers).

    US8.11.3. Understand the effects of the Freedmens Bureau and the restrictions placed on therights and opportunities of freedmen, including racial segregation and Jim Crow laws.

    US8.11.4. Trace the rise of the Ku Klux Klan and describe the Klans effects.

    US8.11.5. Understand the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitutionand analyze their connection to Reconstruction.

    US8. Stunts nlyz th tnsfomtion of th amicn conomy n th chngingsocil n politicl conitions in th Unit Stts in spons to th Inustilrvolution.

    US8.12.1. Trace patterns of agricultural and industrial development as they relate to climate, use of

    natural resources, markets, and trade and locate such development on a map.

    US8.12.2. Identify the reasons for the development of federal Indian policy and the wars withAmerican Indians and their relationship to agricultural development andindustrialization.

    US8.12.3. Explain how states and the federal government encouraged business expansionthrough tariffs, banking, land grants, and subsidies.

    US8.12.4. Discuss entrepreneurs, industrialists, and bankers in politics, commerce, and industry(e.g., Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Leland Stanford).

    US8.12.5. Examine the location and effects of urbanization, renewed immigration, andindustrialization (e.g., the effects on social fabric of cities, wealth and economicopportunity, the conservation movement).

    US8.12.6. Discuss child labor, working conditions, and laissez-faire policies toward big businessand examine the labor movement, including its leaders (e.g., Samuel Gompers), itsdemand for collective bargaining, and its strikes and protests over labor conditions.

    US8.12.7. Identify the new sources of large-scale immigration and the contributions of immigrantsto the building of cities and the economy; explain the ways in which new social andeconomic patterns encouraged assimilation of newcomers into the mainstream amidstgrowing cultural diversity; and discuss the new wave of nativism.

    US8.12.8. Identify the characteristics and impact of Grangerism and Populism.

    US8.12.9. Name the significant inventors and their inventions and identify how they improved thequality of life (e.g., Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Orville and Wilbur Wright).


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    C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T G r a d e

    8Released Test Questions Histoy-Socil Scinc


    Histoy n Socil Scinc anlysis Skills (G 6 8)

    Chronological and Spatial Thinking

    CS1. Students explain how major events are related to one another in time.

    CS2. Students construct various time lines of key events, people, and periods of the historicalera they are studying.

    CS3. Students use a variety of maps and documents to identify physical and cultural featuresof neighborhoods, cities, states, and countries and to explain the historical migration ofpeople, expansion and disintegration of empires, and the growth of economic systems.

    Research, Evidence, and Point of View

    HR1. Students frame questions that can be answered by historical study and research.

    HR2. Students distinguish fact from opinion in historical narratives and stories.

    HR3. Students distinguish relevant from irrelevant information, essential from incidental

    information, and verifiable from unverifiable information in historical narratives andstories.

    HR4. Students assess the credibility of primary and secondary sources and draw soundconclusions about them.

    HR5. Students detect the different historical points of view on historical events and determinethe context in which the historical statements were made (the questions asked, sourcesused, authors perspectives).

    Historical Interpretation

    HI1. Students explain the central issues and problems from the past, placing people andevents in a matrix of time and place.

    HI2. Students understand and distinguish cause, effect, sequence, and correlation in

    historical events, including the long- and short-term causal relations.

    HI3. Students explain the sources of historical continuity and how the combination of ideasand events explains the emergence of new patterns.

    HI4. Students recognize the role of chance, oversight, and error in history.

    HI5. Students recognize that interpretations of history are subject to change as newinformation is uncovered.

    HI6. Students interpret basic indicators of economic performance and conduct cost-benefitanalyses of economic and political issues.

    At least twenty-ive percent o the content questions must include an element o the skills standards.


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    G r a d e C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T

    8 Released Test QuestionsHistoy-Socil Scinc

    1 Why did Stone Age people practice slash-and-hburn agriculture?

    A to ulll spiritual belies

    B to make irrigation easier

    C to drive away wild animals

    D to clear land or arming


    2 Which developmentmost enabled early peopleshto orm permanent settlements?

    A advances in agricultural production

    B the creation o democratic government

    C the spread o monotheism

    D advances in written language


    3 Hammurabis Code o ancient Mesopotamianhsociety was important because it

    A listed the laws and the corresponding


    B explained how government ocials were


    C established a single currency or use across

    the empire.

    D described how to perorm ormal religious



    4 The art and architecture o ancient Egypt werehdesigned to emphasize the

    A value o the arts in daily lie.

    B role o the individual as an artist.

    C idea o beauty as seen by the artist.

    D religious idea o eternal lie.


    5hIt is visible from great distances. It is areminder to all who see it of the wealthand power of the leader of the people whobuilt it and of his glory and greatness as agod here on the Earth.

    The speaker in the passage above is reerring

    to the

    A Greek tyrant and the Parthenon.

    B Egyptian pharaoh and his pyramid.

    C Assyrian king and his lighthouse.D Hebrew king and the Temple.


    6 Cuneiorm and hieroglyphics were importanthachievements in the development o

    A written language.

    B religious belies.

    C agricultural production.

    D representative government.


    7 Jewish scripture says that Gods laws werehdelivered to the ancient Hebrews by

    A Abraham.

    B Solomon.

    C Moses.

    D David.



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    8Released Test Questions Histoy-Socil Scinc

    8 Greeces mountainous terrain and its series ohsmall islands inuenced the ancient Greeks to


    A a political system based on independentcity-states.

    B a culture that was uniorm throughout its vast


    C an economic system based on mining

    precious metals.

    D a society completely isolated rom other



    9The legacy o ancient Greek myths and

    hepics, such as theIliad, continues to providepeople withA accurate descriptions o historical events.

    B heroic gures and great adventures.

    C real lie stories about everyday people.

    D objective studies o ancient civilizations.


    10hatlas a collection of maps

    herculean very powerful

    labyrinth a maze

    olympian majestic, honored

    All o these words used in the English language

    today originated in myths o the

    A Chinese.

    B Romans.

    C Greeks.

    D Egyptians.


    11 How did the rise to power and reign ohAlexandermost aect Greece?

    A He established a peaceul relationship with the

    Persian Empire.

    B He strengthened greatly the concept o

    democratic rule.

    C He made Macedonia into the intellectual

    center o the Hellenistic world.

    D He ended the power o the city-states and

    established a unied nation.



    A B C DArabian

    Sea ofBengal

    Indian Ocean






    Which letter on the map above is the location o

    the Indus River Valley and the early civilization

    it supported?

    A location A

    B location B

    C location C

    D location D



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    13 The Chinese people turned to the teachings ohConucius because his ideas were thought to


    A uniy the Chinese against oreign enemies.

    B restore order in China.

    C stop the Chinese people rom converting

    to Islam.

    D create democratic institutions.


    14 What was the main contribution o EmperorhShi Huangdi to China?

    A He unied most o China under onegovernment.

    B He established a public education system in


    C He required citizens to use the Mongol


    D He encouraged acceptance o the Hindu



    15 The origins o checks and balances in theh U.S. political system can be traced to theA French monarchy.

    B Roman Republic.

    C Greek aristocracy.

    D Aztec Empire.


    16 The wars with Carthage (264146 B.C.) gavehthe Roman Empire control o

    A North Arica.

    B Asia Minor.

    C Northern Europe.

    D the Middle East.


    17 The Mediterranean Worldh




    E632-661 A.D.

    661-733 A.D.

    The map above represents the military

    conquests associated with the spread o what

    major world religion?

    A Christianity

    B Judaism

    C Islam

    D Hinduism


    18 Which shows the importance the Mongolshplaced on improving trade contacts with other


    A the conquest o Constantinople

    B the establishment o caravan routes

    C the construction o large merchant feets

    D the creation o a national currency



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    C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T G r a d e

    8Released Test Questions Histoy-Socil Scinc

    19 Which o these describes how paper washintroduced into medieval Europe?

    A The Chinese introduced it to the Arabs, who

    passed it on to Europeans.

    B The Swedes bought it rom Russians, who

    learned about it rom Indians.

    C The Turks learned to make it and sold the

    process to Europeans.

    D The Arabs learned about paper making rom

    the Japanese and taught Europeans.


    20 How did the location o cities in the WesthArican empires o Ghana and Mali inuencetheir growth?

    A Their location in river valleys allowed or

    extensive arming.

    B Their coastal location made the cities major

    ports or maritime trade.

    C Their location on major trade routes allowed

    them to prosper economically.

    D Their mountainous location made the cities

    easily deensible.


    21 Trans-Saharan Contactsh





    Mediterranean Sea



    In Salah





    The contacts between civilizations shown in the

    map above wereprimarily made by

    A explorers who were mapping Central Arica.

    B traders who crossed the Sahara desert into

    West Arica.

    C Christian missionaries rom the Middle East.

    D barbarians migrating rom North Arica.


    22 Endurance, cunning, physical strength, andh courage were the ideal characteristics oA Conucian ocials.

    B Buddhist priests.

    C Japanese samurai.

    D Hindu governors.


    23 In medieval Europe, law and order werehmaintained by the

    A legions.

    B merchants.

    C nobility.

    D sers.



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    G r a d e C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T

    8 Released Test QuestionsHistoy-Socil Scinc

    24 During medieval times, which o these groupshwas legally tied to the land?

    A sers

    B knights

    C parish priests

    D minor nobility


    25 During the medieval period in Europe, thehpolitical power o the kings and great nobles

    was oten constrained by the actions o

    A elected parliaments.

    B high Church ocials.

    C the growing middle class.

    D organized groups o sers.


    26 Use the timeline to complete the ollowinghstatement.

    16791215 1295 16881400 1500 1600

    Magna Carta Habeas Corpus Act

    Model Parliament GloriousRevolution

    The timeline shows events related to the

    A confict between the Pope and the Holy

    Roman Emperor.

    B Catholic Churchs expansion o infuence in


    C evolution towards constitutional government

    in England.

    D establishment o an absolute monarchy in



    27 How did the Crusades aect the economies ohCentral and Western Europe?

    A Gold and silver brought back by crusaders

    caused monetary infation.

    B The Crusades led to a decline in the

    production o crats and ood crops.

    C Cloth and spices brought back by crusaders

    led to greater interest in trade.

    D The Crusades limited access to luxury goods

    rom China and India.



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    C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T G r a d e

    8Released Test Questions Histoy-Socil Scinc

    28 Use the map to answer the ollowing question.hAncient Civilizations








    Which o the areas on the map was the center

    o Inca civilization?

    A J

    B K

    C L

    D M


    29hDecline of Estimated Native Population

    of Central Mexico


    2824201612841500 1540 1580 1620


    What was themain cause o the population

    change shown on the chart above?

    A the migration o several culture groups to

    North America

    B losses due to Spanish military actions

    against native peoples

    C starvation resulting rom declining

    agricultural production

    D the introduction o disease by contact with



    30 The Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations eachhdeveloped

    A powerul seaaring traditions.

    B monotheistic religious systems.

    C democratic governments.

    D complex architectural structures.


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    G r a d e C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T

    8 Released Test QuestionsHistoy-Socil Scinc

    31 The stories rom Marco Polos travelshencouraged Europeans to

    A journey to Asia in search o wealth.

    B abandon the eudal land system.

    C launch the Crusades against Muslims.

    D isolate themselves rom oreigners.


    32 Which o these isnot a characteristic ohRenaissance painting?

    A subject matter limited to Christian themes

    B realistic portrait painting

    C settings refecting the world o the artists

    D paintings showing depth and perspective



    atist, chitect, mthemticin Studied ntomy to dw moe

    elistic humn figues

    Pinted mul depicting the lstmeeting of Jesus nd his disciples

    Pinted the potit known sMon Lis

    The inormation in the chart above best

    describes which o these individuals o the


    A Raphael

    B MichelangeloC da Vinci

    D Botticelli


    34 The poems and plays o which person arehrepresentative o the English Renaissance?

    A Johann Gutenberg

    B William Shakespeare

    C Dante Alighieri

    D Miguel de Cervantes


    35 England became a Protestant country duringhthe Reormation when its

    A king declared himsel head o the Church o


    B people demanded the adoption o Lutheran


    C priests opposed reorms implemented by the


    D armies were exposed to Calvinist belies while

    in France.


    36 What was the Spanish Inquisition (14781834)?hA a system designed to establish new colonies

    in the Americas

    B the exchange o goods between Spain and

    Central and South America

    C the religious court established to nd and

    punish heretics

    D a military campaign to drive the Muslim

    armies out o Spain


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    C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T G r a d e

    8Released Test Questions Histoy-Socil Scinc

    37 The fndings o Galileo and Newton werehsignifcant because, rom their time on,

    scientifc thought was based upon

    A traditional ways o thinking.

    B the ideas o the classic philosophers.

    C the authority o the Church.

    D observation and experimentation.


    38 The systematic collection and articulation ohnatural laws, such as gravity and motion, was

    done by

    A Galileo.

    B Isaac Newton.

    C Kepler.

    D van Leeuwenhoek.


    39 The Triangle Trade and ColumbianhExchange are terms used to describe the

    movement o goods between Western Europe,

    West Arica, and

    A Central Asia.

    B the Americas.

    C Australia.

    D the Middle East.



    Ides of John Locke

    rules eceive the ight to govenfom the people.

    Unjust ules cn be foced fompowe.

    Based on the quotation above, which orm o

    government would John Lockemost oppose?

    A republic

    B dictatorship

    C representative democracyD constitutional monarchy


    41 What were both the Magna Carta and thehEnglish Bill o Rights designed to do?

    A limit the power o the monarch

    B provide or religious reedom

    C accept the theory o divine right

    D give commoners the right to vote


    42 The Great Awakening o the mid-1700s aectedhthe British colonies by

    A decreasing the power and prestige o radical

    religious gures.

    B encouraging greater religious enthusiasm and

    political independence.

    C encouraging strict obedience and respect or

    governmental authorities.

    D discouraging individual ree will in spiritual

    and political matters.



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    43 One goal o the Declaration o Independencehwas to

    A establish a new monarchy or the independent


    B convince the British Parliament to prevent the

    start o war.

    C explain why the colonists elt the need to be

    ree rom British rule.

    D outline an economic system to raise money or

    the revolution.


    44 In designing the legislative branch, the writersho the Constitution mainly based their ideason the

    A French Estates General.

    B Congress o Vienna.

    C Council o Trent.

    D English Parliament.


    45 Use the excerpt to answer the ollowinghquestion.

    The powers not delegated to the UnitedStates by the Constitution, nor prohibitedby it to the states, are reserved to thestates respectively, or to the people.

    Tenth Amendment tothe U.S. Constitution

    The Tenth Amendment was added to the

    Constitution to resolve which o the ollowing

    topics o debate surrounding the development

    o the Constitution?

    A division o powers among branches o


    B the annexation o new lands into the


    C balance between national and state

    government power

    D the representation o states in the legislative



    46 Which o these Founders avored a stronghnational government and a loose interpretation

    o the United States Constitution?

    A George Mason

    B Patrick Henry

    C Roger Williams

    D Alexander Hamilton



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    47 Which o these parts o the United StateshConstitution contains undamental liberties o

    American citizens?

    A Preamble

    B Article I, Section 8 Enumerated Powers

    C Article III Judicial Branch

    D Amendments 110 Bill o Rights


    48 Which o these groups most likely supportedhthe political ideas and policies o Alexander


    A small armers

    B tobacco planters

    C business owners

    D rontier settlers


    49 Which o the ollowing acquisitions securedhcontrol o North Americas longest river, added

    substantially to the Native American, Spanish,

    and French populations o the country, and

    essentially doubled the size o the United States?

    A purchase o Alaska

    B Gadsden Purchase

    C Louisiana Purchase

    D purchase o Florida


    50 In his Farewell Address, George Washingtonhurged the American people to

    A limit a president to two terms in oce.

    B value and maintain a sense o national unity.

    C create a deensive alliance with European


    D establish more eective political parties.


    51 Conict with Mexico became highly likelyhollowing the granting o statehood to

    A Texas.

    B Missouri.

    C Arizona.

    D Louisiana.


    52 What was the purpose o the Monroe Doctrineh(1823)?

    A to open Canada to American settlers

    B to prevent European expansion in the


    C to acquire Florida or the United States

    D to end the United States alliance with Great



    53 Which statementbest describes the locationho actories in New England during the early


    A They needed to be close to coal deposits.

    B They were located next to rivers.

    C They were located in isolated areas.

    D They needed to be close to railroads.


    54 During the 1800s, the movement o largehnumbers o immigrants rom many dierent

    countries into large American cities resulted in

    the rapid growth o

    A eective public health programs.

    B ethnic neighborhoods.

    C public parks and recreation areas.

    D plentiul and aordable public housing.



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    55 What agricultural invention, designed tohincrease production, had the eect o

    increasing the number o slaves needed or

    labor in the Deep South?

    A the wheat reaper

    B the cotton gin

    C the steel plow

    D the rice mill


    56 The slave-based agricultural system in thehSouth encouraged the development o

    A economic sel-reliance.

    B a rigid social class system.

    C an urban middle class.

    D small independent businesses.


    57 Prior to the Civil War, which group had thehmost political power in the South?

    A plantation owners

    B cattle ranchers

    C urban merchants

    D religious ocials


    58hGo west, young man, and grow up with

    the country.

    Horace GreeleyHints Toward Reform

    Greeleys quotation is associated with which

    o these?

    A Farmers Alliance

    B Populist Party

    C Maniest Destiny

    D Temperance movement


    59 By the mid-1800s, Caliornia was being settledhmostly by people in search o

    A jobs in industrial cities.

    B wealth rom the discovery o gold.

    C animal pelts or the ur trade.

    D trade with American Indians.CSH00542


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    hTexas has been absorbed into the Unionin the inevitable fulfillment of the generallaw which is rolling our populationwestward.

    Democratic Review, 1845

    The quotation above describes the

    nineteenth-century American belie in

    A the Social Contract.

    B Maniest Destiny.

    C isolationism.

    D the Monroe Doctrine.


    61 The Indian Removal Act (1830) relocatedhthousands o Cherokees rom Georgia to Indian

    Territory or the purpose o

    A making the land available or white miners

    and armers.

    B allowing the Cherokee their reedom romU.S. control.

    C obeying the Supreme Courts order to move

    the Cherokee.

    D creating a wilderness area or use by white

    ur trappers.


    62 While the American colonies were fghting ahrevolution against England and orming a new

    nation, New Spain was establishing new

    settlements in Caliornia using what type osystem?

    A plantation

    B actory

    C mission

    D capitalist


    63 Who was themost important leader o thehUnderground Railroad?

    A Harriet Tubman

    B William Lloyd Garrison

    C Phillis Wheatley

    D Sarah Grimk


    64 The main goal o abolitionists like WilliamhLloyd Garrison was to

    A allow all women the right to vote.

    B establish tax-supported schools.

    C stop individuals rom drinking alcoholic


    D end slavery immediately.



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    hUnited States in 1850










    Which area on the map above was admitted as

    a state as a result o the Compromise o 1850?

    A 1

    B 2

    C 3

    D 4


    66 What led the newspapers to speak o BleedinghKansas in 1856?

    A ghting between pro-slavery and anti-slavery


    B attacks on job-seeking Irish immigrants

    C confict between cattle ranchers and armers

    D reaction to the U.S. Supreme Court rulingagainst Dred Scott


    67 States rights played a major role in all o thehollowing except the

    A Kentucky and Virginia Resolves.

    B Missouri Compromise.

    C Nullication Crisis.

    D Monroe Doctrine.


    68 Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg Address ishsimilar to the Declaration o Independence in

    that both documents

    A include descriptions o laws which should be


    B emphasize the need or eective government.

    C support the ideals o sel-government and

    human rights.

    D justiy the need or economic change.


    69 What was the frst major goal o PresidenthAbraham Lincolns administration?

    A to destroy the institution o slavery

    B to maintain the unity o the country

    C to expand the power o state governments

    D to industrialize the economy



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    70 What is one reason that the Union strategy orhdeeating the South included a naval blockade

    o Southern ports?

    A to cut the South o rom its supply lines inthe countries o Latin America

    B to stop Southern attempts to establish slave

    plantations in Cuba and Mexico

    C to prevent Southern eorts to sell cotton in

    Europe in exchange or war supplies

    D to deprive the South o shing and whaling as

    a primary source o ood


    71 One goal o postCivil War Congressionalh Reconstruction was toA repay Conederate war debts.

    B ensure civil rights or ormer slaves.

    C preserve the plantation system.

    D rebuild the Southern naval system.


    72 During Reconstruction, the Freedmens BureauhA relocated many ormer slaves to the North.

    B created a system or tenant arming.

    C gave orty acres and a mule to ormer slaves.

    D established schools or ormer slaves.


    73 The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to thehConstitution o the United States were intended

    to solve problems relating to

    A government organization.

    B civil rights.

    C checks and balances.

    D rapid economic change.



    Attention Workingmen!

    MASS-MEETINGTO-NIGHT, at 7:30 oclock,

    AT THE

    HAYMARKET, Randolph St. Bet Desplaines and Halsted.

    Good Speakers will be present to denounce the latest atrocious actof the police shooting of our fellow workmen yesterday afternoon.

    Workingmen Arm Yourselves and Appear in Full Force!


    The above poster suggests that 19th-century

    industrialization was oten accompanied by

    A labor strie.

    B arm protests.

    C technological progress.

    D political stability.


    75 A large percentage o the immigrants who camehto the United States during the late 19th and

    early 20th centuries settled in large cities


    A most o them had lived in cities in their


    B there were ewer and ewer arms in the

    United States.

    C the growing industries were usually locatedin cities.

    D the government encouraged immigrants to

    settle in big cities.



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    G r a d e C A L I F O R N I A S TA N DA R D S T E S T

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    Question Number Correct Answer Standard Skills Year o Test

    D WH6.1.3 2005

    A WH6.1.3 HI 2 2006

    A WH6.2.4 2005

    D WH6.2.5 2003

    B WH6.2.5 HR 2 2003

    A WH6.2.9 2006

    C WH6.3.3 2006

    A WH6.4.1 HI 1 2004

    B WH6.4.4 2003

    C WH6.4.4 HI 3 2004

    D WH6.4.7 HI 2 2006

    C WH6.5.1 CS 3 2004

    B WH6.6.4 2005A WH6.6.5 2006

    B WH6.7.8 2005

    A WH7.1.2 2004

    C WH7.2.4 CS 3 2006

    B WH7.3.4 2004

    A WH7.3.5 HI 2 2003

    C WH7.4.2 2005

    B WH7.4.3 HI 2 2006

    C WH7.5.3 2006

    CWH7.6.3 2003

    A WH7.6.3 2003

    B WH7.6.4 HI 1 2003

    C WH.7.6.5 2005

    C WH7.6.6 2004

    D WH7.7.1 CS 3 2003

    D WH7.7.3 2005

    D WH7.7.4 2004

    A WH7.8.3 2006

    A WH7.8.5 2003

    C WH7.8.5 2004

    B WH7.8.5 2006

    A WH7.9.4 2006

    C WH7.9.7 2004

    D WH7.10.2 CS 2 2003

    B WH7.10.2 2005

    B WH7.11.2 2006

    B WH7.11.5 HR 4 2006


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    based on perormance on released test questions. Copyright 2007 Caliornia Department o Education.

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    Question Number Correct Answer Standard Skills Year o Test

    41 A WH7.11.6 2004

    42 B US8.1.1 HI 2 2003


    US8.1.2 200644 D US8.1.4 2005

    45 C US8.2.3 2005

    46 D US8.2.4 2004

    47 D US8.2.6 2003

    48 C US8.3.4 2005

    49 C US8.4.1 2006

    50 B US8.4.2 2004

    51 A US8.5.2 CS 1 2003

    52 B US8.5.2 2006

    53 B US8.6.1 2006

    54 B US8.6.3 2005

    55 B US8.7.1 HI 2 2004

    56 B US8.7.2 2005

    57 A US8.7.3 2006

    58 C US8.8.2 2003

    59 B US8.8.2 HI 1 2003

    60 B US8.8.2 HR 4 2004

    61 A US8.8.2 2005

    62 C US8.8.5 2005

    63 A US8.9.1 2003

    64 D US8.9.1 2005

    65 D US8.9.4 CS 3 2004

    66 A US8.9.5 2004

    67 D US8.9.5 2004

    68 C US8.10.4 2003

    69 B US8.10.4 2006

    70 C US8.10.6 2005

    71 B US8.11.1 2004

    72 D US8.11.3 2004

    73 B US8.11.5 2005

    74 A US8.12.5 HI 1 2003

    75 C US8.12.7 HI 1 2003
