Star Wars - Galaxy of intrigue



is a hardcover supplement to the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition Core Rulebook by Wizards of the Coast. This supplement gives players and Gamemasters everything they need to run games and play characters in a galaxy of intrigue. This book provides new options and gear for nobles and other sly-minded characters, as well as a host of adventure hooks and campaign seeds that can be used to inject elements of intrigue into campaigns of all eras. It also includes rules for running skill challenges.

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Alien Spe


Home PlanetAttribute DicDEXTERITY KNOWLEDGEMECHANICAPERCEPTIONSTRENGTH 1TECHNICAL Special AbiliVision: Bithmicroscopic Perception scentimeters ahis, the Bith uffer a pena

more than 20han 40 m

Scent: Bith hgiving thempertaining tometers. Manual Dexoverall Dexteperformanceurgery, fine

motor skills sMove: 5/8 Size: 1.5-1.75Source: UltimAlien AntholoRaces (pages26), Galaxy o


t: Clak’Dor Vce: 12D 1D/3D E 2D/6D

AL 2D/5D N 2D/5D 1D/2D 2D/5D ities:

h have theobjects, g

skills involviaway. Howe have becomalty of -1D fo0 meters aw

meters undhave well-de

m +1D to o actions a

xterity: Althoerity scores, e of fine mot tool operatisuch as blast

5 meters tall mate Alien ogy (page 6s 22-24), Th

of Intrigue (pa


e ability tgiving theming objects ever, as a come extremelor any visuaway and cander any ceveloped sen

Perception and people

ough the B they do gaitor skills - picion, etc. - buter and dodg

Anthology (61), Galaxy Ghreats of theages 10-11)

to focus om a +1D

less than onsequence ly myopic. T

al-based actionnot see mocircumstancenses of sme skills wh within thr

Bith have loin +1D to tcking pockeut not to groge.

(pages 23-25Guide 4: Ali Galaxy (pa

on to 30 of he on

ore es. ell, en


ow he

ets, oss

5), en


D HAtDKNMPESTTESpDeBluscootthovSpInthClStLiligblwthdionStRemensuta


Home Planetttribute DiceEXTERITY 2NOWLEDGE

MECHANICALERCEPTIONTRENGTH 3ECHNICAL 1pecial Skillsexterity Skillslind Fightingse this skill ombat skills therwise ren

he Defel to uvercome anypecial Abilitienvisibility: Dehe sneak skillaws: The trength+2D dight Blind: Dght, and the linds the Def

which block hem to see,ifficulty of anne level. tory Factorseputation: D

most of the ncountered, upernatural baking advanta

: Af’El e: 12D

2D/4D E 1D/3D L 1D/3D

N 2D/4D D/4D+1

1D/3D s: s:

g: Time to u instead of when deprivndered blinduse its sensey blindness pes:

efel receive all.

claws of damage.

Defels eyes cpresence offel. Defel canout all oth

, but if a Dny task invol

s: Defels are co

galaxy - th they are beings. Mostage of this p

use: one routheir brawl

ved of their d. Blind figh

es of smell apenalties.

a +3D bonu

the Defel

can only detf any other lin wear speci

her light waDefel loses lving sight is

onsidered to herefore, wh often thot Defel in theerception.

nd. Defel caling or melesight visors ohting teache

and hearing t

us when usin

l can infli

ect ultravioleght effectiveial sight viso

aves, allowinits visor, th

s increased b

be a myth bhen they arought to be galaxy enjo

an ee or es to



et ely rs

ng he by

by re be oy

Overconfidence: Most Defel are comfortable knowing that, if they wish to hide, no one will be able to spot them. They often ignore surveillance equipment and characters who might have special perception abilities when they should not. Move: 10/13 Size: 1.1-1.5 meters tall Source: Ultimate Alien Anthology (pages 44-45), Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races (pages 33-34), The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook (pages 140-141), Dark Force Rising Sourcebook (page 86), Galaxy of Intrigue (pages 11-12) Elomin Home Planet: Elom Attribute Dice: 12D DEXTERITY 2D/4D KNOWLEDGE 1D+2/3D+2 MECHANICAL 2D/4D PERCEPTION 2D/4D STRENGTH 1D/3D TECHNICAL 2D+1/4D Move: 10/12 Size: 1.6-1.9 meters Source: Alien Encounters (page 41), The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook (pages 142-143), Heir to the Empire Sourcebook (page 96), Ultimate Alien Anthology (page 54), Alien Anthology (pages 71-72), Galaxy of Intrigue (page 133)

Fosh Home Planet: Unknown Attribute Dice: 12D DEXTERITY 3D/4D+2 KNOWLEDGE 2D/4D MECHANICAL 1D/3D+1 PERCEPTION 2D+2/4D+2 STRENGTH 1D+1/3D+1 TECHNICAL 1D+2/3D+2 Special Abilities: Deceptive: A Fosh can reroll any con check, but must keep the second result, even if it is worse. Healing Glands: Fosh can exude a powerful fluid from their tear ducts that can aid in the healing process for most species. A dose of healing tears has the same effect of using a medpac, and grants a +1D bonus to the first aid roll. After producing a dose of healing tears, the Fosh feels drained, suffering a -1D penalty to all skill uses until he rests for an hour. Story Factors: Hidden: Most Fosh prefer to stay on their homeworld. Thus, as their population is small, they have a reputation for being secretive. Move: 10/11 Size: 1.3 meters on average Source: Galaxy of Intrigue (pages 12-13) Givin Home Planet: Yag’Dhul Attribute Dice: 12D DEXTERITY 1D/3D KNOWLEDGE 2D/4D MECHANICAL 2D+2/4D+2 PERCEPTION 1D/3D STRENGTH 1D+1/3D TECHNICAL 3D/5D

SM+inmVvhsGvdthInthcRkhMSSGo GHADKMPSTSEs+wth

Special AbiliMathematica+2D when ncluding astrmost “simpleVacuum Provacuum suit wharsh elementamina rolls

Givin to survivacuum, it difficulty levhereafter. ncreased Cohree times

consume orRoughly, a kilograms of healthy. Move: 8/10 Size: 1.7-2 mSource: UltimGalaxy Guideof Intrigue (p


+3D to theirwide open ahem. In crow

ities: al Aptitude:

using skillsrogation. Th

e” equations otection: Ewhich will pnts. Add +2

s when resisve for 24 stamust make

vel increasi

onsumption:the food a

r they loseGivin mus

food over a

eters tall mate Alien e 4: Alien Raages 13-14)

t: Antar 4 ce: 12D 1D+2/4D+2E 1D/3D

AL 1D/2D N 2D/5D 2D+1/4D+11D/3D ities: itivity: Becaradiation e

r search skilareas of up wded areas,

Givin receivs involving ey can autom (gamemastevery Givin

protect it from2D to a Givinsting such exndard hours

e an Easy ng by one

: Givin musa normal He the abovst consumea 24 hour per

Anthology (aces (pages


use Gotals emissions, thll when hun to 10 kilom such as tow

ve a bonus mathematic

matically solers option.)

has builtm a vacuum n’s Strength xtremes. Fors in a compleroll, with t

e every ho

st eat at leaHuman wouve protectioe about niriod to rema

(pages 65-6644-46), Gala

are unusuahey receive

nting targets meters arounwns and citie

of cs, lve

-in or or

r a ete he


ast uld on. ne ain

6), axy

ally a in nd es,


he bonus droess than onadiation, theecause theadiation stati

Mood Detectiof others, Goonus when ther characterception chis Perceptio

or the rest of olls Misses +/-3D 2-oll Beats Dif-7/1D 8-ast Initiativeadiation stanitiative againo their abilityf others. tory Factorsroid Hate: missions prpecial senserception-ba

meters of a dreputation: Being overly species are ssign modifie

Move: 10/15 ize: 1.8-2.1 mource: Ultimlien Anthololien Races ourcebook ourcebook (

ops to +1Dne kilometerey suffer a eir senses c. on: By readiotals receive engaging iters. The Goheck and adn skills whe that encounDifficulty By-5/-2D 1/fficulty By/B14/2D 15

e: Gotals whatic receive nst non-Gotay to read the

s: Gotals disl

oduced by ses. They ased skill rroid. Because of tsensitive to muncomfortaers as appro

meters mate Alien Aogy (pages (pages 46-4(pages 144-page 89), Ga

, and the rar. In areas -1D penal

are overw

ing the aurae a positivein interactivotals makesds the followen making o

nter: y/Penalty: /-1D

Bonus: 5+/3D

ho are not s a +1D wal opponent

e emotions a

ike droids droids overeceive a

rolls when

the Gotal’s moods and fable dealingopriate.

Anthology (p76-77), Gala

48), The Th-145), Dark alaxy of Intrig

ange drops twith intens

lty to searcwhelmed b

as and moode or negativve skills wits a moderawing bonus topposed rol

suffering fromwhen rollints. This is duand intention

because thrwhelm the

-1D to awithin thre

reputation afeelings, otheg with them

pages 67-68axy Guide

hrawn TrilogForce Risin

gue (page 14

to se ch by

ds ve th te to lls

m ng ue ns

he eir all ee

as er


8), 4: gy ng 4)

Herglic Home Planet: Giju Attribute Dice: 12D DEXTERITY 1D/3D KNOWLEDGE 1D/3D MECHANICAL 1D/4D PERCEPTION 1D+2/3D+2 STRENGTH 3D/5D TECHNICAL 1D+1/4D+1 Special Abilities: Natural Body Armor: The thick layer of blubber beneath the outer skin of a Herglic provides +1D against physical attacks. It gives no bonus to energy attacks. Story Factors: Gambling Frenzy: Herglics, when exposed to games of chance, find themselves irresistibly drawn to them. A Herglic who passes by a gambling game must make a Moderate willpower check to resist the powerful urge to play. They may be granted a bonus to their roll if it is critical or life-threatening for them to play. Move: 6/8 Size: 1.7-1.9 meters Source: Alien Encounters (pages 68-69), Lords of the Expanse Sector Guide (pages 13-15), Player’s Guide to Tapani (pages 41-42), The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook (pages 145-146), Dark Force Rising Sourcebook (pages 91-92), Ultimate Alien Anthology (pages 70-71), Alien Anthology (pages 77-78), Galaxy of Intrigue (pages 15-16)

Mrlssi Home Planet: Mrlsst Attribute Dice: 12D DEXTERITY 1D+2/2D+1 KNOWLEDGE 3D/4D+2 MECHANICAL 3D/5D PERCEPTION 1D+1/3D STRENGTH 1D/1D+2 TECHNICAL 2D/4D Special Abilities: Teaching Ability: The vast majority of Mrlssi are scholars and should have the scholar skill and a specialization. Mrlssi can advance all specializations of the scholar skill at half the normal Character Point cost. Story Factors: Enslavement: The Mrlssi were subjucated by Imperial forces. During that time, many Mrlssi left their planet and most continue roaming the space lanes. Some are refugees, but most are curious scholars. Move: 5/8 Size: 0.3-0.5 meters tall Source: Alien Encounters (page 97), Lords of the Expanse Sector Guide (pages 15-16), Player’s Guide to Tapani (42-43), Ultimate Alien Anthology (pages 100-101), Alien Anthology (page 89), Galaxy of Intrigue (pages 16-17)




Home PlanetAttribute DicDEXTERITY KNOWLEDGEMECHANICAPERCEPTIONSTRENGTH 1TECHNICAL Special AbiliSkill Bonus: ANeimoidian cn either the bMove: 10/12 Size: 1.9 metSource: UltimGalaxy of Intr

Nyrianaan Home PlanetAttribute DicDEXTERITY 2KNOWLEDGEMECHANICAPERCEPTIONSTRENGTH 2TECHNICAL Special AbiliSurvivors: Atcharacters gurvival skill. 


t: Neimoidiace: 12D 1D/3D+2 E 1D+2/4D+

AL 1D+1/4D N 2D/4D+2 1D/3D+1 1D+1/4D ities: At the time ocharacters gabargain or co

ters mate Alien Arigue (pages

t: Nyriaan ce: 12D 2D/4D E 2D+1/4D+

AL 2D/4D N 1D+2/3D+2D/4D 2D/4D ities: t character get 1D for



of character ain 2D for evon skills.

Anthology (p 17-18)



creation onevery pip p

creation onvery 1D plac

pages 106-10

nly, Nyrianaplaced in t

nly, ed


an he

LococoMSiSo Pa


ow-Light Visonditions, aolor and deta

Move: 10/12 ize: 1.4-1.65 ource: Galax


Home Planetttribute DiceEXTERITY 1NOWLEDGE


Move: 7/10 ize: 1.2-1.8 mource: Alienlien Antholopage 131)

sion: Nyrianand retain tail under the

meters xy of Intrigue

: Lowick e: 10D

1D/4D E 1D+2/4D+L 2D/4D

N 2D/4D+2 D/4D

1D / 4D

meters n Encountegy (pages 11

aan gain 2Dthe ability tese condition

e (page 144)


ers (page 119-120), Gala

D in low-lighto distinguisns.

16), Ultimataxy of Intrigu

ht sh

te ue

Umbaran Home Planet: Umbara Attribute Dice: 12D DEXTERITY 2D/4D KNOWLEDGE 2D/4D+1 MECHANICAL 2D/4D PERCEPTION 2STRENGTH 1D

D+2/4D+2 +1/3D+1

ans can

: Umabarans gain 2D in low-light

right light

bonus to

situations where a character’s

ters (male), 1.5-1.8 meters (female) ,


rist Blaster d wrist blaster

t blaster

0 2, R

ecial alloys mask the wrist blaster

art Shooter art shooter

s: dart shooter

y: 1, F

10 by toxin;

gy (page

nare Gun ssian Corodex Snare


s: thalassian snare gun

0 (black market)

amage al contact, the target

anizations (pages 81/83), Gundark’s Fantastic Technology (pages 72-73), Galaxy of Intrigue (page 64)

TECHNICAL 2D/4D Special Abilities: Darkvision: Umbarsee in the dark up to 20 meters. Darkvision is black and white only but otherwise functions as normal light. Low-Light Visionconditions, and retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. Light Sensitivity: Abrupt exposure to b(such as sunlight) blinds Umbarans for 1 round. In addition, they suffer a –1 penalty while operating in bright light without protective eyewear. Perceptive: Umbaran gain a +2 Perception against con and bargain rolls. Story Factors: Influence: In reputation can be a factor, Umabarans gain a +2 bonus to con, bargain, persuasion, investigation and intimidation rolls. Move: 10/12 Size: 1.7-2 meSource: Ultimate Alien Anthology (pages 175-176)The Clone Wars Campaign Guide (page 160), Galaxy of Intrigue (pages 18-19)

W WType: ConcealeScale: Character Skill: Blaster: wrisAmmo: 1 Cost: 1,50Availability:Range: 3-5/10/20 Damage: 3D+2 Game Notes: Spfrom weapon sensors, detecting it with a sensor scan requires a Very Difficult sensors roll. Source: Galaxy of Intrigue (page 64) DModel: Typical dScale: Character Skill: Missile weaponAmmo: 30 (per clip) Cost: 350 AvailabilitFire Rate: 4 Range: 2-4/8/Damage: Varies normally 2D-6D stun or normal damage Source: Gundark’s Fantastic Technolo17), Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook (page 118), Galaxy of Intrigue (page 64) SModel: ThalaType: Ranged personal restraint weScale: Character Skill: Missile weaponAmmo: 6 Cost: 1,20Availability: 3, F or X Range: 5-10/25/50 Damage: 2D stun dGame Notes: Upon initiindividual must make an opposed Strength roll to avoid entanglement; the snare has a beginning Strength of 3D. Failure to do so results in entanglement. The snare’s Strength increases by +1D for each additional round as the filaments continue to constrict and harden. The filaments cause no physical damage. A special formulated dissolving agent degrades the filaments. Source: Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Org

Xerrol Nightstinger

Model: Xerrol Nightstinger Type: Sniper blaster rifle Scale: Character

ol: 1D 150/450

is weapon fires invisible blaster zes customized gas canisters

0 each, and must be replaced after 5

vailability: 2, F auses short-term memory loss and

eason. When a creature ot, it must make an Easy stamina


vailability: 2, F tentially causing a stroke in a

chuba is derived from rg, a small amphibious creature

vailability: 3, R line gem which is

Each round that a creature Devaronian blood-poison, it must

vailability: 4, X rksh poison is a deadly substance

ir undercover n themselves in case they are

ngoosh Essence

vailability: 3, R eature ingests quongoosh

an Easy stamina roll. If the t suffers a cumulative -1D penalty


vailability: 4, X Also known as Dragon's Breath or

agent comes in powder massive breakdown in organic

Skill: Blaster: blaster rifle Ammo: 5 Cost: 1,500 Availability: 2, R Fire ContrRange: 2-50/Damage: 4D Game Notes: Thbolts, however is utilithat cost 1,00shots. Source: Arms and Equipment Guide (page 19), Galaxy of Intrigue (page 64) Bundar Root Type: Mind affecting plant AGame Notes: Caffects a victim's ability to ringests bundar roroll every round or suffer a -2D penalty to all actions for that round. The poison attacks each round until cured with a successful Moderate first aid roll. Source: Galaxy of Intrigue (page 65) Chuba PType: Debilitating poison AGame Notes: Pocreature that ingests it, glands of the gofound on swampy planets. When a creature ingests chuba poison, it must make a Moderate stamina roll or suffer a -1D penalty to all actions for 1D hours. If the roll fails by 10 or more, the victim remains in this condition until it receives extended

treatment (three separate and successful Difficult first aid rolls, one per hour). Source: Galaxy of Intrigue (page 65) Devaronian Blood PoisonType: Paralyzing stone AGame Notes: A rare crystalpoisonous on contact. is in contact with make an Easy stamina roll. If the roll fails, the target is wracked with pain, can move only at half its Move score, and suffers a cumulative -1D penalty to all actions. If the accumulated penalties bring the target’s Dexterity score to zero, it is immobilized. The poison remains in effect until treated with a successful Difficult first aid roll. Source: Galaxy of Intrigue (page 65) Irksh Poison Type: Yuuzhan Vong suicide poison AGame Notes: Icreated by the Yuuzhan Vong for theagents to use ocaptured. When a creature ingests irksh poison, it must make a Moderate stamina roll or take 8D damage. If the stamina roll is successful, it takes only 4D damage. The poison attacks each round until cured with a successful Very Difficult first aid roll. Source: Galaxy of Intrigue (page 65) QuoType: Blinding poison AGame Notes: When a cressence, it must makeroll fails, the targeto Perception. The poison continues attacking each round until it brings the creature’s Perception score to zero, rendering it blind. The poison remains in effect until cured with a successful Moderate first aid roll. Source: Galaxy of Intrigue (page 65) TrihexaType: Biological weapon AGame Notes:Hex, this potent biologicalform and causesmaterial. Each round that a creature is in contact with trihexalon, it must make a Very Difficult


tamina roll

oll is succesGM’s discretdisintegrationwith the poisSource: Gala

or take 10Dssful, it taketion a Killen of the limon.

axy of Intrigu

D damage. Is only 5D d

ed result mmb which su

ue (page 65)

If the staminamage. At t

may inflict tuffered conta

na he he act

E ATySkCoAvGem++hoincoSo Ea

TySkCoAvRaG+betraevSo FlMTyScSkCoAv


Antitoxin Paatch ype: Immunkill: First aidost: 25 vailability: 1ame Notes: mits a low d3D stamina 2D against iours. Wear

ncurs a -1 ponsecutive dource: Galax

arbud Com

ype: Earpieckill: Commuost: 200 vailability: 2ange: 50 kiloame Notes: 2D bonus toe programansmission ven clicks orource: Galax

lash SupprModel: Merr-S

ype: Firearmcale: Charackill: Blaster rost: 1,200 vailability: 2

ne system boooster adhesiive patch d

1 Applied neaar the stomaach, the patcch dose of antittoxin, giving the wearer a bonus againnst ingestedd poisons, annd inhaled poising antitoxipip penalty

day of use. xy of Intrigue


ce comlink unication

2 ometers ove The earbud o hide to co

mmed to when the w

r grinds his texy of Intrigue

esor/SilencSonn NonSon

m noise/flashcter repair: modi

2, R

sons. A patcin patches to all actio

e (page 66)

rland or up t comlink givnceal its preinitiate or

wearer toucheeth. e (page 66)

cer nic Silencer

h suppresor


ch lasts for 2continuous

ons for eac

to low orbit ves the weareesence. It ca receive hes his ear o

24 sly ch

er an

a or

GocfiSSE( HTSCAGhthewwbinS PTCAGsc(VecedVoS RTSSCARGTmstow

Game Notesof a firearm, checks to disired slugthro

Source: RuSpecForce Equipment Gpage 66)

Holo ConveType: HologrSkill: Con Cost: 3,000 Availability: Game Notesholoprojectorhe user’s im

even alter thwith 10 differwardrobe, thbonus for ndividual. Source: Gala

Panic Ring Type: PersonCost: 300 Availability: Game Notesizes, includi

contains a clocating the

Very Difficuemergency continually benforcementdesignated gVery Difficult or more activSource: Gala

RedirectionType: BlasterScale: CharaSkill: Blaster Cost: 500 Availability: Range: 3-10/2Game NotesTibanna gas must be preniper must o hit is incr

which ignites

: Absorbs th imposing a scern the souower. les of EngHandbook Guide (page

erter raphic comm

2 s: The smalr to modify t

mage and sohe user’s gerent personahe holo conthe user

axy of Intrigu

nal emergenc

2 : Available ing a large orconcealed de hidden actult search signal has

broadcasts a t, personal group. Chang communica

vates the panaxy of Intrigu

n Crystal r bolt redireccter

4, R 20/40 s: A redirec

and has a seset at the hit it with a eased by +s the gas an

he sound and -3D penaltyund or spot t

gagement –(page 62)

e 38), Galax

munication m

l device is the outgoing

ound are disender and sae, completenverter grantto imperso

ue (page 66)

cy signaler

in a variety rnamental ridistress signtivation butt

roll). Tha 100 km

preset signasecurity o

ging this sigations roll, annic ring. ue (page 66)

ction device

ction crystal small blastindesired firin blaster bolt3D due to i

nd directs th

d muzzle flaash y to Perceptiothe flash of t

– The Reb), Arms anxy of Intrig


attached tog signal so thsguised. It cpecies. Prese with rotatits a +2D co

onate anoth

of shapes anng, this devi

nal transmittton requireshe encryptm range anal to local laor any othnal requiresnd failure by

is filled wng tube whing angle. Tt (the difficuits small sizehe blaster b

on he

bel nd ue

o a hat an set ng on


nd ice ter

s a ed nd aw her s a y 5

ith ch he

ulty e), olt

thmdewdacrdauswthreminSo Sh

TySkCoAvGge2 a poMexpecocaStSo SuMTySkCoAv

hough the crmust be mad

evice’s rangwho set up t

amage is tharystal can oamage. Xerrsed with the

weapon’s invihe enemy aedirection c

minuscule nvestigation rource: Galax

hield Cage

ype: Ray shikill: Securityost: 10,000 vailability: 3ame Notes:enerator usemeters in di

power supower genera

Multiple shielxpand the ermeable, aommunicateage must matrength of 7Dource: Galax

urveillanceModel: Dalab

ype: Personakill: Sensorsost: 450 vailability: 3

rystal’s firingde for the re and the bthe device, at of the orionly handle rol Nightstine redirectionisible bolt ints to the shocrystal is dfragments, roll to noticexy of Intrigue

eld trap y

3, F : A shield ced to trap a tiameter, whi

pply to operators after 2 ld cages cashielded a

allowing thee verbally. Anake an oppoD to break ouxy of Intrigue

e Detector ar Micro-Eleal surveillanc


g tube. A neredirected bblaster skill o

with a -3D ginal blaster a bolt of

nger rifles arn crystal, whto a visible oot’s origin. Odestroyed,

requiring e and identifye (page 67)

cage is a potarget. It’s a lich must be rate and dr hours of coan be linkedarea. The e target to nyone confinsed roll agai

ut. e (page 67)

ctronics SDSc

ew attack roolt, using thof the perso penalty. Thr bolt, but thup to 5D+

re sometimehich turns thone, confusinOnce hit, thleaving on

a Hero

e detector


ortable shielarge flat dis connected trains portabontinuous usd together tshield is abreathe an

ned within thinst the cage

oll he on he he +2 es he ng he nly oic

ld k, to le e. to

air nd he e’s


Game Notes: The SDS-rea with

Model: Culcanis MicroInstruments Tagger Type: Remote surveillance tracking tool

es: The business end of the tagger is a nsponder dart. The tagger stylus

page 87), Galaxy

odel: Zzip Personality Series ChaumScanner 5 ctor

dard model), 4, R (luxury

detect any chemical or biological toxins.



sors roll is required for normal use. is 5 meters within a 60-degree

Device acts as a Perception check

lo recording scrambler ost: 3,400

its a cy wave that scrambles all video,

c recordings within a 4-meter

ype: Euphoria narcotic

it instantly dispels ght be feeling, and grants

bonus for 1 hour. In addition,

632 scans an aa sensors skill of 5D. For an additional 175 credits, the optional noise inhibitor (NI-632) blocks aural receptors by blanketing a 10-meter diameter area with sonic disturbances to match the frequency of the sensors detected. Source: Galladinium’s (pages 59-60), Arms and

Fantastic Technology Equipments Guide (page

89), Galaxy of Intrigue (page 67) Tagger

Cost: 250 Availability: 3, F Game Notsmall (5 mm) trahas a small amount of pressurized gas to silently propel the transponder up to 5 meters. Once attached to its target, the device broadcasts an intermittent (once every 5 minutes) signal which can be picked up 1.2 kilometers away. Dart operates up to 40 standard hours. Source: Galladinium’s Fantastic Technology (page 62), Arms and Equipment Guide (of Intrigue (page 67) Toxin Detector MType: Poison deteCost: 6,540 Availability: 3, F (stanversion) Game Notes: The food scanner itself has a 4D search toIf specially programmed with the owner’s unique biochemistry (allergies and the like), its skill goes to 7D. It produces a distinctive rhythmic vibration (detectable only by the wearer) when it detects a toxic substance. The wearer may make a Moderate cultures roll to seem inconspicuous when rejecting the poisoned food or drink. Source: Cracken’s Rebel Field Operatives (page 34), Galaxy of Intrigue (page

Veridicator Model: Saldalith MVeridicator 200Type: Response analysis device Skill: Sensors: personal sensors Cost: 4,000 Availability: 4, R Game Notes: An Easy senDetection range scanning arc. (4D+2) when rolled to detect possible falsehood. If target is aware of possible scans, the target can make a willpower roll to control natural biorhythms and disguise a lie. Source: Galladinium’s Fantastic Technology (page 37), Arms and Equipment Guide (page 91), Galaxy of Intrigue (page 67) Vid-Vox Scrambler Type: Video/audio/hoCAvailability: 3, F or R Game Notes: The small handheld device emlow-frequenaudio, and holographiradius area, but leaves the actual conversation unaffected. Anyone using scanners to eavesdrop on protected targets must make a Heroic sensors or communications roll to pick up only fragments of images or scattered words and phrases. A scrambler can operate continuously for one week on a single power cell, or it can be connected to a generator or other permanent power source. Source: Galaxy of Intrigue (page 67) Nyriaan Spice Model: Mire nettle fungus spice TAvailability: 3, R Game Notes: When imbibed, any weariness the user mia +2D stamina Force- sensitive characters who are exposed to Nyriaan spice gain a +2D bonus to control and sense when using the Farseeing power. When the effect of Nyriaan spice wears off, users lapse into near catatonia, resulting in a -2D penalty to Knowledge and Perception for 4 hours. Source: Galaxy of Intrigue (page 142)

Starships PTV-2100 Incarcerator Craft: Kuat Drive Yards PTV-2100 Incarcerator

neral ra: Rise of the Empire


g: Incarcerator 150/+15

pital ship piloting 3D, capital ship gunnery 4D+1

illion (used)


rs , 2 left, 2 right, 1 back

l ship gunnery 2

ere: 6-30/70/150 km

ght, 1 back

ter ery

nge: 1-5/10/15 0/15 km

e to its focus in repelling boarding r and all its nearby allies

gainst starships about

-24 Sleuth Scout Vessel

Craft: Incom Corporation A-24 Sleuth Affiliation: General Era: Old Republic Type: Scout Ship

rts: A-24 Sleuth h droid may serve as a co-pilot)

etric tons

kup: x10


ons (fire-linked)

gunnery 2D+1

nge: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km

y Cracken (page 81), Galaxy ters (page 111), Galaxy if

ffiliation: New Republic Republic

Affiliation: GeEType: Prisoner transport veScale: Capital Length: 320 meters Skill: Capital ship pilotinCrew: 250, gunners: 36, skeletonCrew Skill: Cagunnery 4D, starship Passengers: 1,500 (prisoners) Cargo Capacity: 5,500 metric tons Consumables: 1 year Cost: 4.5 million credits (new), 1.8 mHyperdrive Multiplier: x3 Hyperdrive Backup: x12 Nav Computer: Yes Space: 3 Hull: 5D+1 Sensors: Passive: 20/0D Scan: 30/1Search: 45/2DFocus: 4/3DWeapons: 6 TurbolaseFire Arc: 1 frontCrew: 4 Skill: CapitaFire Control: 2D+Space Range: 3-15/35/75 AtmosphDamage: 5D 6 Laser Cannons Fire Arc: 1 front, 2 left, 2 riCrew: 2 Scale: StarfighSkill: Starship gunnFire Control: 3D Space RaAtmosphere: 1-5/1Damage: 2D+2 Game Notes: Duactions, the Incarceratogain a +1D damage bonus ato dock with it. Source: Galaxy of Intrigue (page 58)


Scale: Starfighter Length: 14 meters Skill: Space transpoCrew: 1 (AstromecPassengers: 1 Cargo Capacity: 2 mConsumables: 3 months Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1 Hyperdrive BacNav Computer: Yes Maneuverability: 2D Space: 8 Atmosphere: 350; 1,000 kmHull: 3D+2 Shields: 2D Sensors: Passive: 20/0D Scan: 35/1D Search: 40/2DFocus: 2/3DWeapons: 2 Laser CannFire Arc: Front Skill: StarshipFire Control:Space Range: 1-3/12/25 Atmosphere RaDamage: 5D Source: Wanted bGuide 10 – Bounty HunIntrigue (pages 58-59) Ferret Craft: Republic Engineering Corporation Ferret-class Reconnaissance Vessel AEra: NewType: Stealth spyship Scale: Starfighter

Length: 28 meters Skill: Space transports Crew: 3 Crew Skill: Astrogation 5D, sensors 5D

etric tons s

t available for sale (890,000 credits for

D rive)

0/4D +2

sensor difficulties



nge: 100-200/800/1.5 km

n’s Threat Dossier (page 83),

ffiliation: New Republic



gation 5D, space transports 4D,

ic tons

Consumables: 5 months Cost: Not available for sale Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1 Hyperdrive Backup: x10


0/3D +2

ensor difficulties



nge: 100-200/800/1.5 km

n’s Threat Dossier (page 84),

ate Spy Ship

Craft: Modified Sabaoth Frigate Affiliation: Cavik Toth (Sabaoth Mercenary) Era: Old Republic Type: Scout vessel

iloting: Sabaoth Frigate

Cargo Capacity: 2 mConsumables: 3 monthCost: Nogovernment sale) Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1 Hyperdrive Backup: x8 Nav Computer: Yes Maneuverability: 2Space: 10 (5 using baffled dHull: 2D Sensors: Passive: 50/1D Scan: 100/3D Search: 20Focus: 6/4DStealth: +5D to Weapons: 2 Missile LauncFire Arc: Front Skill: Starship gunnery Fire Control:Space Range: 1-2/8/15 Atmosphere RaDamage: 7D Source: CrackeGalaxy of Intrigue (page 59) Prowler Craft: Republic Engineering Corporation Prowler-class Reconnaissance VesselAEra: New Type: Long term spy ship Scale: Starfighter Length: 48 meters Skill: Space transpoCrew: 6 Crew Skill: Astrosensors 5D Cargo Capacity: 3 metr

Nav Computer: Yes Maneuverability: 1D Space: 5 (2 using baffled drHull: 3D Sensors: Passive: 100/1D Scan: 125/2D Search: 15Focus: 5/4DStealth: +3D to sWeapons: 2 Missile LauncFire Arc: Front Skill: Starship gunnery Fire Control:Space Range: 1-2/8/15Atmosphere RaDamage: 7D Source: CrackeGalaxy of Intrigue (page 60) Sabaoth Frig

Scale: Capital Length: 275 meters Skill: Capital ship p

Crew: 100, gunners: XX rogation 5D+2, capital ship piloting

elds 5D+1, communications

plier: x3

/2D+1 D+2

+2 sor difficulties

D to communications to tap


ere Range: 100-200/800/1.5 km

ue (page 59)


obquet Corona

Craft: Mobquet Corona Limited Type: Luxury speeder Scale: Speeder Length: 10 meters

ry speeder

lsorlift operation 3D

ll ers


0 kmh

and the Corporate Sector 07), Galaxy of Intrigue

Craft: SoroSuub JG-8 Luxury Speeder Type: Luxury speeder Scale: Speeder Length: 6.2 meters



Range: Ground level-1 meter w), 12,500 (used)

450 kmh

uide (page 76), e 71)

Crew Skill: Ast5D, capital ship shi5D+2, sensors 6D, starship gunnery 4D+2 Passengers: 450 Cargo Capacity: 1,200 metric tons Consumables: 1 year Cost: Not available for sale Hyperdrive MultiHyperdrive Backup: x18 Nav Computer: Yes Space: 5 Maneuverability: 1D+2 Hull: 2D Shields: 2D Sensors: Passive: 90/1D+1 Scan: 150Search: 200/3Focus: 6/4DStealth: +2D to senComm Scanner: +2into transmissions Weapons: 4 Heavy Laser Cannons Fire Arc: 2 left, 2 right Crew: 1 Scale: StarfigSkill: Starship gunnery Space Range: 1-2/8/15 AtmosphDamage: 6D Source: Galaxy of Intrig


Skill: Repulsorlift operation: luxuCrew: 1 Crew Skill: RepuPassengers: 6 Cargo Capacity: 225 kilograms Cover: FuAltitude Range: Ground level-0.5 metCost: 27,599 (neManeuverability: 1D Move: 80; 23Body Strength: 3D Source: Han SoloSourcebook (pages 106-1(page 71) JG-8 Luxury Speeder

Skill: Repulsorlift operation: landspeedCrew: 1 Passengers: 1 Cargo Capacity: 50 Cover: 1/2 Altitude Cost: 45,000 (neManeuverability: 0D Move: 150; Body Strength: 2D+2 Source: Arms and Equipment GGalaxy of Intrigue (pag

Droids 5-BT Threat Analysis Droid

ype: Arakyd Industries 5-BT Threat Analysis Droid 3D+1

lasters 4D


+2 mming/repair 3D+2, security


s package (+2 to all search rolls) e in the dark up to 30

(+1D to search for poisons)

r unit (+2D to languages) witch is

(worn by the owner, id detects a threat).

(page 72)

R-1100 Slicer Droid

+2 ages 4D

ramming 5D, security 7D+1

ith data probe fingers

ores low-lighting penalties) 0-


ent: Security kit, sensor pack, video .

trigue (pages 72-73)

ation 3D-4 Administrative



5D+1, persuasion 5D+1

ming/repair 3D+1

(2 Kg of extra space available for

an record ack up to 5 minutes

ransLang II Comm odule with over three illion languages ocabulator

and Equipment

es 53-54), Galaxy of )

TDEXTERITYBKNOWLEDGE 1D+2 Alien species 2D+1, languages 2D+2, tactics 3D MECHANICAL 1D Sensors 3D+PERCEPTION 3D Con 4D+1, search 4D+2, sneak 3D+2 STRENGTH 1D+2 TECHNICAL 2DComputer progra3D+1 Equipped With: -Repulsorlift unit -Instrument appendage -Tool a-Vocabulator -Improved sensor-Infrared vision (can semeters) -Toxin sensor -Surveillance detector (+1D to search for eavesdropping devices) -Translato-Locked access (the droid's shut-down ssecured or internally located) Move: 10 (hovering) Size: 0.2 meter diameter Cost: 17,490 Equipment: Warning bracelet vibrates when the droSource: Galaxy of Intrigue NR-1100 Slicer Droid Type: New Republic Research & Development NDEXTERITY 3D Blaster 3D+1, dodge 4D KNOWLEDGE 2DBureaucracy 4D, languMECHANICAL 2DSensors 3D PERCEPTION 2D+2 Search 3D+2, investigation 4D+2, sneak 5D+2STRENGTH 1D TECHNICAL 3D+2 Computer programming/ repair 7D, droid prog

Equipped With:-Repulsorlift engine -Two manipulator arms w-Scomp-link computer port -Internal comlink -Infrared sensors (ign-Self-destruct system (5D/4D/3D, blast radius:1/2/3) Move: 10 (hoverinSize: 1.2 meters tall Cost: 16,340 Equipmrecorder, blaster (4D)Source: Galaxy of In 3D-4 Administrative Droid Type: Genetech CorporDroid DKNOWLEDGE 3D Business 4D+1, cultures 5D, languages 8D+2 MECHPERCEPTION 4DBargain 4D+2, conSTRENGTH 1D TECHNICAL 2D Computer programEquipped With: -Comlink -Internal storage storage or upgrades) -Recording unit (cand play bof audio footage) -Tmm-VMove: 10 Size: 1.7 meters Cost: 5,500 – 7,320Source: ArmsGuide (pagIntrigue (page 73



M4 Messag


version only)Internal spoanges: 0-5/10

Move: 30 Size: 0.3 metCost: 2,000, 4Source: Galla24), Arms Adventure Jopages 73-74)

FIII FootmaType: Tac-SpDEXTERITY 3Brawling parail cannon 5


e Droid

Galactica M41D

E 1D AL 1D N 1D 1D 1D

With: projector/redrive unit wi (+2D phys orting blaste0/20, military

ters tall 4,000 (militaradinium’s Faand Equipm

ournal 14 (pa)

an Droid pec Corporat3D+2 rry 4D+2, bl5D, running 4E 2D languages 3D

AL 2D operation 3D N 3D+1 ch 5D+1 3D+2 +1, climbing2D

4 Message D

ecorder ith 4-meter flical, +1D en

er (3D+1 sy version onl

ry version) antastic Tecment Guideage 249), Gal

tion FIII Foot

aster 4D+2,4D+2

D, tactics 4D

g/jumping 6D


light ceiling nergy, milita

stun damagly)

hnology (pae (page 62laxy of Intrig

tman Droid

dodge 5D+





age 2), ue



omputer precurity 3D+1quipped Wi

Humanoid bonfrared sensmproved sennternal encry

Vocabulator Translator unDurasteel pla

Move: 10 ize: 1.85 metost: 35,630 quipment: 2ource: Galax

attle Legioype: Baktoidegionnaire EXTERITY 3laster 3D+2,NOWLEDGE


Finger bladesHumanoid boGyroscopic salling prone)

rogramming/1 ith: ody (2 arms,sors (ignoresnsor packageypted comlin

nit (+3D to laating (+2D ph

ters tall

2 miniaturizexy of Intrigue

onnaire d Combat A

3D dodge 3D+

E 3D L 1D

N 2D

D 2D ith: s (STR+2D) ody (2 arms,

izers (tabil +

/repair 4D,

2 legs, head low-lightinge (+2D to senk

anguages) hysical, +1D

ed rail cannoe (page 74)

Automata BL

1, melee com

2 legs, head+2D to Dexter

first aid 4D

d) g penalties) earch)

D energy)

ons (6D)

L-Series Batt

mbat 4D+1

d) rity to preven




-Infrared sensors (ignores low-lighting penalties)


90 t: Assault blaster (5D+2), medpac (in

y of Intrigue (page 75)



N 1D

ine (fire-linked damage 5D) re-linked stun damage 7D)

rs (1D damage plus

ell (+1 to resist damage) g)

to Lianna (page 31), Galaxy of

RD-39B Assassin Droid ype: Corporate Sector Authority MRD-39B ssassin Droid




r (3D damage) laws (STR+2D damage)

(+2D to climbing) ting penalties)



, 3 (climbing)

0,270 208)

-Improved sensor package (+2D to search) -Internal comlink -Quadanium plating (+1D to resist damage) -Internal storage (1kg) -Vocabulator -Silence-bubble generator (4D to counter pickups) Move: 10 Size: 1.7 meters tall Cost: 15,0Equipmeninternal storage). Source: Galax B4J4 Security DType: Blujay B4J4 Sentry DBlaster 5D KNOWLEDGE 1D MECHANICAL 1DPERCEPTIOSearch 2D STRENGTH 2D TECHNICAL 1D Equipped With: -Repulsorlift eng-2 heavy blasters -2 stun blasters (fi-2 grapple-cable shooteentangle) -Vocabulator -Internal comlink -Plasteel shMove: 15 (flyinSize: 1 meter tall Cost: 25,340 Source: Mission Intrigue (page 75)

MTADEXTERITY 5D Blaster 6D, dodge 6D+1, melee combat 5D+2 KNOWLEDGE 1MECHANICAL 1DPERCEPTION 2D Search 4D, sneak 4STRENGTH 2D+2 Climbing/jumping TECHNICAL 2D Security 3D+1 Equipped With: -Integrated blaste-2 vibrodagger c-4 climbing claws -Infrared sensors (ignores low-ligh-Improved sensor package (+2D to search-Internal comlink -Self-destruct system (5D/4D/3D, blast radius: 1/2/3) Move: 6 (walking)Size: 1.2 meters tall Cost: 2Source: Galaxy of Intrigue (page

Chlovi Cat CCreatures LTPDPSSSDMSS P


Lluma Type: BiolumPlanet of OriDEXTERITY 2PERCEPTIONSearch 4D+2STRENGTH 6Special AbiliDarkvision: LMove: 12 Size: Large Source: Gala


Type: Semi-sPlanet of OriDEXTERITY 3PERCEPTIONSTRENGTH 3Climbing/jumSpecial AbiliBite: Does STDarkvision: PMove: 12 Size: 1.1 metSource: Gala

The above tehttp://www.r

minescent heigin: Nyriaan2D+2 N 3D 2 6D ities: Lluma ignore

axy of Intrigu

sentient ampigin: Nyriaan3D N 3D 3D

mping 6D ities: TR+1 damagPherin ignore

ters axy of Intrigu

ext blocks

erd animal n

e low-lighting

ue (page 140)

phibian n

ge. e low-lighting

ue (pages 140

were convertom/forums

g penalties.


g penalties.


ted by the c


ommunity a

ype: Biolumlanet of OrigEXTERITY 4ERCEPTIONneak 6D+2 TRENGTH 2rawling 3D, cpecial Abilitite: Does STRlaws: Do STRarkvision: enalties.

Move: 12 ize: 1 meter ource: Galax

at the Ranco

minescent amgin: Nyriaan

4D N 4D

D+1 climbing/jumties: R+2 damageR+1 damageChlovi ca

tall at the shxy of Intrigue

or Pit Forum

mphibian predn

mping 3D

e. e.

ats ignore

houdlers e (page 141)



