Starting the Day and or transition time Breathing Learning Objective: Breathing is an essential part...


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Starting the Dayand or transition time


Learning Objective: Breathing is an essential part of life. Today we will

practice the steps to deep breathing.

• What are we going to do?


• definition: the act of inhaling and exhaling air in respiration.

• Inhaling: taking air in• Exhaling: releasing air out• Respiration: to inhale and exhale air for the

purpose of maintaining life.

• Everyone knows how to take a breath. Tell your partner to inhale and exhale. Now take turns with your partner and inhale and exhale but this time take your time and breathe in slowly.

• This is called deep breathing. Today we’re going to practice on how to take deep breathes.

Why is it important to know how to breathe?

• It helps you to focus and be mindful.• It helps you with learning; in school, home,

homework, with life situations, etc.• It helps you to pay attention.• It can help you to maintain calm.• It helps to think and concentrate.

Breathing• Steps to deep breathing:

– Step 1: sit up and make yourself feel comfortable.– Step 2: put your hands on your lap. – Step 3: you can close your eyes or look down.– Step 4: now take a breathe in through your nose. Take air in

until you fill your lungs– Step 5: slowly release the air until you feel all the air out lungs.

(If you open your mouth pretend that you’re fogging a mirror). – Step 6: Repeat 2-3 times and listen to your breathing as it goes

in and out, focus for a 1 minute or 2 and relax. Keep a clear mind.

– Step 7: Think positive thoughts. Ex. I will have a great day, I open my mind to learn today, I gave great friends, etc.

– Step 8: Open your eyes and enjoy your day!!!

• Guided Practice• Everyone relax and sit up straight.• Clear your mind • Take a few slow breathes• Focus on your breathe• Ready• Begin• Breathe in air through your nose, fill your lungs slowly and hold• Slowing breathe out allowing all the air out of your belly and

lungs.• Repeat for 3-5 minutes •

Independent practice

• Now lets try the steps by yourself. • Take time to practice this breathing exercise at the

beginning of the your day and any other time you feel you need to relax.

• What did we learn and practice today?

• Why is this important?

• Have a great and relaxed day!!!!

