State of the City Address



State of the City Address. October 17, 2012. 2007. Adopted Balanced Budget. Property Tax Down Sales Tax Stagnant Room Tax Growing Slowly. Continue to provide Services and, Programs, and Facilities. 27% Reduction in Staff $3 million reduction in Personnel and Other Expenses. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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State of the City Address

October 17, 2012

Adopted Balanced Budget

Property Tax DownSales Tax StagnantRoom Tax Growing Slowly

27% Reduction in Staff $3 million reduction in Personnel and Other Expenses

Continue to provide Services and, Programs, and Facilities

VWR Leaving Town


18.5% of Brisbane

General Fund

Assembly Member Hill Speaks Out

Recycling Business License


City signed contracts with all employees

RDA Dissolution and Impacts

Pension Reform
