Statements of Plenty



Statements of Plenty

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Course prosperity in 30 days

Author: Doll Geigel

Publisher: Arcanum BOOKS

Collection: The Art of Being Happy


The purpose of this course is to get you to know that the only thing you need in life is to keep

the connection with God in you, the only source of all your happiness, prosperity and money.

Money is not the key to happiness. Who seeks satisfaction in money, in a beautiful body,

persons or things will never be happy, because happiness can never find out about us.

Many people get a goal in life to make a lot of money and manage to build huge and strong

financial structures, because they have learned to manage money and acquire management

skills that lead them to act very effectively in the movement of your money.

This is very nice; however, if you work without a higher purpose in life, which is what gives true

satisfaction, you will feel empty and you can not really enjoy his money or a pleasant life. The

money then instead of being a means to live happily, will become a problem, because always

the fear of losing prevail.

No one will have enough money to ensure you will not be afraid to lose it or he is missing.

There is no such thing as economic security. The only thing that gives us security is the

recognition that we are superior beings, gifted, powerful and not dependent on outside

sources for our money, but God in us is our Source of all supply, and that this provision is

always abundant, unlimited , and it never ends. Who recognizes this, you always know who

has money.

Who has little money, she is always struggling or striving to have more, and always afraid of

not having enough. Always feel a great discomfort because he thinks there is not enough to

meet your needs.

Those who have much money and awareness of scarcity, also afraid to miss them. They think

they can come circumstances beyond their control, they are afraid of competition, fear of not

making wise investments or fear of being robbed. Whoever puts his trust in money, no matter

if you have a lot or a little, you always have fear.

Whoever puts his trust in God, know your supply is always available and is unlimited.

It is important to be alert to the feelings of rejection toward money, because they keep the

money away. Many people believe that money is evil, or separating, or that is not spiritual and

takes us away from God, or creates problems, or is dirty. These thoughts keep the poor

spiritual and material and should be cleaned with positive affirmations about money:

- The money is a gift from God.

- Money is the energy of love of God manifested.

- The money gives us an opportunity to share.

- The will of God for me is that I have plenty of money.

The use of the Declarations of abundance you will experience the peace of God in you, thinking

of replacing your selfish mistake by thinking of God in you.


1. Open your mind to prosperity. He says: "I open my mind to Prosperity". Daily make this

statement mindful whenever you.

2. Clear your mind of all thoughts error, limitation and scarcity with abundance statements.

3. fully forgive your past. Loose and let go of all the old to make room for the new, wonderful,

that the Universe has for you. Declare your forgiveness daily.

4. Be in the highest thought, which is the Thought of God in you, you declare with daily use of

this book. Use a statement a day for 30 days. Then you use them according to your needs.

5. Recognizes that any conflict brings its equivalent in seeds of success and prosperity.

6. Recognize that everything you can imagine and believe it can achieve.

7. Love yourself unconditionally. You recognize that you are a wonderful person, with the

talents and skills to be a successful person and a lot of money.

8. Forgive your father, your mother and your brothers. Family relations must resolve with

forgiveness. From this you can not escape, if you want to be happy and prosper.

9. Be generous with your time and money, disponiéndote to serve you the way is indicated by

your intuition.

10. Lift up your hearts in praise, Love and thanksgiving for all the blessings you have and

everything that walks well in your life. What's not neat and perfect let God in you. Invests the

great power of your creative thinking in what you want in your life. What we do not want to

hand it over and do not give thought. Remember that God in you makes perfect everything

that concerns to you, if you give it really.

11. Celebrate life, relax and breathe when you make statements abundance. These will return

the miracles of abundance that is yours by right of consciousness.

12. Keep your body healthy and young learning to properly handle it with healthy nutrition,

relaxation, exercise, massage, Reiki therapy, conscious connected breathing, and others.

1 TO 30 DAYS


Pleasantly prosperous

Pleasantly prosperous.

Spiritual Life is the Way to God. Anyone who takes the path of God, full of divine beauty and

demonstrates an appreciation for all that is beautiful and pleasant.

However, that God lacks nothing; therefore God who walks to celebrate life and enjoy the

pleasure, but without any sense of guilt or need.

God wants everyone who will live and flourish pleasantly serve.


I am Love

The only thing that heals you is Love. Do not look outside yourself, as there is nothing. This is

the only thing you have to learn.

Look at the love of God in you and see everywhere. Love is within you. Admit it, and so will

heal and prosper.

I am love because I am one with God.

I am my own source of love.

I do not need anything or anyone besides me to feel totally loved and full of joy.

The love that generates my Christ self is a magnet for love people who are attracted to me

without any effort on my part, because I am worthy of that love me.

I deserve love of everybody, because I am the perfect Son of God.

I am Love.


I am a magnet for money

Be definite with the Universe. You recognize what you want for you in your heart. Visualize

and keep that vision of your being.

Reafírmate in divine power in you. Listen to what your intuition tells you. Take action and says:

"I am a money magnet."

Remember that all divine idea by God Himself comes financed.


I breathe God

Remember that with each breath you are inspired by God and you are filled with the grace of

His Holy Spirit.

On each exhale you give him the Holy Spirit of God in you your mistakes to be corrected. This

way you are transformed in Grace and all your mistakes and the consequences thereof, are


Day 5

I totally connected with God

God in you is the most wise Essence which created, sustains and moves all that is and exists.

He recognizes the presence of God in you, in all your brothers and in all things, and be



- ALL THAT GOD HAS is mine.



Here and now, I abandon myself in the arms of my father


He lives and feel God in yourself and in your breath. You are inspired by God with every breath

and every exhalation is a step to abandon God, leaving all your selfish tendencies.

Once and forever be still, loose and let go all that does not allow you to be happy.

Stop being you and let God do you.


Something wonderful is happening!

Always live as on the eve of Reyes when you were a child.

Always expect the best. Wait at every moment a gift from God.

Your father always has for you the best and most perfect. Wait for him here and now.

Something wonderful is happening in my life here and now!


I live as I want from the Love of God

Live as you want loving siempre¡

Learn to live happily, as you want.

Learn to live well, giving you the good life, and God will return your kindness in abundance.

Living well means living thinking good about yourself and others. This will take you to a life

class as you deserve.

It is only to transform your life by transforming your mind.

Day 9

I always smile

Experience the adventure of living with God.

Who lives God always finds reasons to smile and joyfully sing Psalm of Praise and Thanksgiving


Whoever has God lacks nothing; everything has forever because his heart is filled with eternal

treasures. Always smile.

Day 10

I live here and now

God in me, here and now, is attracting me to her Divine Plan. Divine activity that attracts me

moves me, here and now, all the money I need, my perfect job, my ideal partner and health for

my body, and I moved the people, the city and the nation that I agree SANTO me right now.

I want to live here and now in the presence of God, without the guilt of the past or fear of the


Here and now the power of God is active in me, working to create in me and all mankind a

happy life, a life of total well-being.

DAY 11

I am one with God

I am one with God. Everything that God has is mine. All that God is, is me.

God is life, wisdom, activity and the provision of my being; therefore to express what I want in

my life I do not need anything or anyone on Earth. God is my abundant supply, I shall not want,

everything I have. God encouraged me spiritually, saw me and offered me my perfect home

and abundant life forever, and the power to manifest on the physical plane.




- ALL THAT GOD HAS is mine.


Day 12

God is my destiny

Here and now I lost all desire of people and things to put my heart in eternal values.

I want to live continually in the Presence of God. Infinity is infinity of God builds my being. God

is infinite and is one. God is present in my individual being; therefore my BE covers the Infinite

and the Infinite everything is included.

I am one with the Infinite, and I am in harmony with it. Everything is mine. I am infinitely


What is mine by right of conscience I never lose. Nothing can quitárseme, nothing can

añadírseme, because I am one with God and all that is mine is God

God is my destiny.

DAY 13

The money is good and clean

The money is a gift from God. Money is the loving power of God manifested in my life to make

it pleasant and happy.

God wants me to have a lot of money and I feel happy and innocent as a child, circulating it to

create wealth for me and for all mankind.

DAY 14

I'm a reflection of God

God manifest in my LIGHT for all people who come into my life.

In my walk through life, I extend to each other in love, peace, joy and abundance.

I show abundance in all areas of my life is a reflection of God in me.

DAY 15

Here and now I will give my life completely to God

Surrender to God!

Always sees God with the sole purpose to experience Him.

Then let Him work in you. Quit wishing this or that right to live Nirvana, that state of

consciousness where you stop being only God to manifest.

The total detachment from material things is inner freedom, and it is in that state of

consciousness that the abundance of the Kingdom manifests.

DAY 16

I am the joy of God manifested

Here and now I choose:

- Creator be the predominant force in my life.

- Be true to myself.

- Fill my world with joy.

- BE joy of God manifested.

I am the joy of God made manifest.

DAY 17

Here and now I choose to be true to myself

Fidelity is yourself.

Get up now. Here and now is your time to start being true to yourself. Creates for you a happy

life. Living with optimism, with health and abundance.

You deserve the best. Your moment of enlightenment came. Lighting is a recognition, not a


It recognizes the wonderful being who you are and begins here and now to be true to yourself.

Lighten and let God shine on you.

I Am I faithful to God in me.

DAY 18

In my house there Abundance

In this house there are plenty.

My house is always plentiful money. My coffers are full. In my house there are plenty because

it is totally filled with God.

God in my travels throughout my selfish personality, and my selfish tendencies of envy, hatred,

resentment, jealousy, all my grievances and conflicts are going in my life right now SANTO.

My selfish tendencies are replaced by the characteristics of the living God, Confidence,

Patience, Kindness, compassion, humility, tolerance, understanding, and open mind. My house

is filled with abundance of God in me.

DAY 19

I am my own route

Follow the higher purpose of your life and manifest ALWAYS plenty of money.

Remember you are in the world just to give a real service, working for your own welfare and

happiness of all mankind.

Display begins for you a life of total well-being, abundance of spiritual, mental and material

goods. A life of inner peace doing what you want to do, following your deepest longings, and

still your own route with lots of money.

Money is the symbol of our state of consciousness. Raise your awareness of God and will

create the money you need to be your own route.

I am my own path.

DAY 20

I guarantee my God Abundance, Health, Safety and perfect Life forever

All that is is God, the substance of LOVE. When the substance of God materializes, manifesting

on the physical plane, does not change his divine nature. The recognition that God is the

principle that governs everything, and God is the only substance and the only Law, dissolve all

appearances, the world calls: tight money, illness, fear, conflict, death and sin.

OK appearance, without judging, seeing beyond it, keeping in mind the highest, is the secret of


DAY 21

I am manifested God's Abundance

The natural state of the universe is abundance.

God is love and is everything. He created you in His image and likeness and gave you

everything he is and has. Therefore, your natural state is also abundance.

SANTO recognized at this moment your divine essence and nature, saying:


- I am one with God, My Father.

- Everything that God, my Father, hath is mine.


DAY 22

Here and now I'm ready to forgive

Here and now I want to forgive, because I recognize that binds hatred and forgiveness frees

me inside.

I renounce all resentments and grievances that have kept so far.

I forgive everyone and wish you all, without exception, plenty of money and mental, spiritual

and material goods.


The only thing that gives us total happiness is forgiveness. It should be small stock to forgive,

knowing always forgive for our own good, because hate ties and forgiveness that leads us to

live love, frees us from within.

And be happy is to be free, why it is that forgiveness is the key to happiness and prosperity.

- I forgive WORLDWIDE totalmene.

- I forgive all experiences of my past fully.

- I forgive myself fully.


DAY 23

My generosity increases my Abundance

Being generous is sharing all my goods without seeing some poor and others rich. So, here and

now, because the universe is abundant and richness of God belongs to all equally. Therefore,

all my brothers are equally rich.

I give up, here and now, all thoughts of limitation and scarcity for me and my brothers,

recognizing that the abundance of our Father is infinite and has no limits, and that has given us

everything in the moment of our creation.

Now I open my heart to give and receive the abundance of the universe.

DAY 24

I have something wonderful to offer the world!

You have something wonderful to offer the world, a unique talent that God has given you to

give expression and here and now is the time to do it.

God has given you this talent with the sole purpose of giving a true service expressing. In the

world countless people waiting for the expression of your talent and willing to pay whatever

you want for your service.

Do not keep doing what you would not do expecting to have money to do what you love.

Begins here and now doing what fills you with joy and gladness, that is precisely what will

produce all the money you want.

I have something wonderful to offer the world!

DAY 25

God is the source and substance of all my money, my supply of money has no limits

God is the Source and Substance of all my money; therefore I do not need money, but open up

to the presence of God in me that I guarantee abundance of love, joy, peace, holy

relationships, a pleasant life and all the money I need to live happily here and now, doing

exactly I want to fulfill the will of God, that is mine.

God's plan includes plenty of money for me. God is the Source and Substance of all my money;

therefore, my supply of money has no limits.

DAY 26

The money is a gift from God

God in you wants you to have plenty of money and you give it away so you can shape the ideas

that He gives you. Every idea that God gives you is funded by Himself; therefore, your only

need is to keep your connection with God in you.

Those who walk in the ways of love, once purified of selfish personalities, are guaranteed in

their lives PLENTY of spiritual, mental and material goods.

DAY 27

God's plan for me is manifested in my life here and now

Visualize your life totally neat and perfect as you really want, always living the peace of God.

Visualize pleasantly of enjoying all the wonderful opportunities that life gives you instant by

instant, with an abundance of spiritual, mental and material goods. Accept Sort Plan and God's

perfect for you and reafírmate in with the following statement:

"God's Plan Is for me in my life here and now. Thank God for me because I know this, its

equivalent, or better, manifest in my life here and now. "

It is important to see and feel your being and manifested and get in attitude of love, praise and


DAY 28

I am rich and successful daughter of a rich universe. Here and now I dare to thrive

Until now you have lived a life of limitation and scarcity, conflicts and diseases that have not

recognized this simple but powerful truth.

You are the Daughter of Fortune and luck. As soon install this thought in your mind,

transforming your thinking mistake, miracles begin to happen in your life.

DAY 29

I open my mind to Prosperity

Your prosperity depends solely on God in you.

You do not depend on anyone but you, or any event or situation for your prosperity.

Everyone recognizes that you have manifested in your life are with you to prosper, but to you

it may seem otherwise. Make today an exercise silently bless each and everyone that you are

in today, and all the events that occur in your life today. This simple practice opens your mind

to prosperity. Repeat often during the day:

"I open my mind to prosperity."

DAY 30

What is rightfully mine awareness me nothing and nobody can take it away

Nothing and no one can take away what God has for you. No person, no circumstance or event

can withhold or take away your mental, spiritual and material goods. Your income in the form

of money can not be limited by anything or anyone, because God in you is the only source of

all your abundance.

Keep your connection with God in you, stay in the Creative Thought of God in you, and you will

create for you a new happy world.


Prayer to open our mind to unexpected sources of income:

I, __________, deeply and firmly recognize that money is the power of God at work in the

physical world, and that God is who I am is the Source of all welfare provision and money.

I, __________, I am convinced that the universe is abundant and that my supply ALWAYS is

infinite and overflowing, and it gets me through numerous channels.

My provision is so abundant that I, __________, I always know that very often come to me the

gifts of the Universe surprises from unexpected sources. I, __________, alive with the joy of

child waiting on the eve of Kings, always hoping for the best, the most beautiful, the most

orderly and more perfect for me in abundance.

I, __________, I am entitled to miracles.

I, __________, always expect miracles in my life TOTAL.

A vast improvement comes to me in the form of money here and now.

I, __________, I am richly prosper in all areas of my life with overflowing being.

Countless channels open for me in the here and now financial order. Large amounts of money

come to me here and now for my well-being, all my loved ones, the welfare of all humanity

and all generations of all time, for which I raise my heart in praise and action thank my Father-

Mother God, Source of all my supply.

I see great economic, successful and vibrant for me here and now health.

I, __________, complaint for me my portion of the universe, manifested in the divine plan for

me, and I affirm, bless and thank him for it.

I, __________, voluntarily, with deep joy and great generosity, 10 100 share of all the money

that comes to me with loved ones and those who nourish me spiritually and inspire me with

their words and testimonies of life.

Here and now I, __________, I open my mind to prosperity, which is mine by right of

consciousness, and I get in a receptive attitude for all the abundance of well-being that the

universe has for me here and now.

With my Father-Mother God in Whom I, __________, I am my source of prosperity, for your

unconditional love, your peace, your joy and wellness ABUNDANT LIFE FOREVER. AMEN.

Doll Géigel
