Step by step print screens of my front cover pp


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Step by step print screens of my FRONT COVER

The first thing I did when creating my front cover on Photoshop was to open the image and place it on my document where I wanted it to be. I made sure I positioned the image central to the page and in the best place it could be for a front cover.

The next step after adding the image was to create the masthead. I used ERAS BOLD ITC font and was sure I wanted it to be a warm pink colour as this complemented the main image well and represented the female pop genre well.

After adding the masthead I realised that it looks quite plain and did not stand as well as I expected it to so I used effects to add stroke and drop shadow which definitely made the masthead stand out more.

The next step was to add my main cover line. I first added the artists name as this had to stand out the most and I again made sure I made the front bold and dark to ensure the artists name stood out well.

After adding the artists name for my main cover line, I next added a short introduction into the article and emphasised the feminine elements of the article by using the familiar warm pink colour again.

My next step was to add a barcode as this is a typical convention of all magazines so I made sure that this would be obvious on my front cover.

My next step was to add my next cover line, I again used the warm pink font but added drop shadow and stoke again to make sure it stood out.

I have now added the next part of my cover line in a different front and again added the effects stroke and drop shadow for emphasis.

I have now added the next stage of the cover line, again reinforcing the pink feminine colours and the special effects for emphasis.

I next added the final stage of the cover line, in black and a more serif font which reinforces the feminine article again but adds sophistication with the black colour choice.

I have now added the first stage final cover line, I used a sophisticated serif front in black and made it bold for emphasis.

I have now added the next stage in the same font choice but made it smaller as it is more of an introduction into the article and needs less emphasis.

I have added the final stage of the cover line in a bold sans serif font and in the feminine warm pink colour to reinforce the female edge on the article and appeal to the target audience.

I have added some more brief introduction to the first cover line in the warm pink feminine but bold font.

I have now added the website address of the magazine at the top of the page in a basic but bold serif font.

I have now added the issue number of the magazine at the top of the page in a basic but bold serif font.

I have changed the position of the barcode to make the layout look better.

I have added the price of the magazine in bold font.

My final stage of the making of the front cover was to add the date of the issue, this has completed my magazine and so this is the final product.