St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan  · Web viewHere is a picture of Mrs Hay and Miss...


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Class: Primary 2 Teacher: Mrs Hay / Miss McPartlinCheck-in Message:Good Morning Primary 2! How are you feeling today! We hope you had a great Monday.Here is a picture of Mrs Hay and Miss McPartlin to say ‘HELLO!’ and wish you all a happy Tuesday! We miss you all very much! We have some special guests in our photographs with us? Can you remember their names?

We hope you are enjoying the topic of Fairytales this term and are enjoying your home learning tasks! Today is Tuesday 26th May 2020. We are approaching a new month very soon. Does anyone know which month it will be? Why not have a listen to the Months of the Year song to give you a clue! (hint: we are in May now)

Curricular Learning Intention Learning Activities Toolkit resources Online resources

St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan


Health and Wellbeing – Morning Exercise

We are learning to take part in different exercises to keep us fit, healthy and ready to learn.

Good morning P2! Today why not follow Miss McArthur’s deck of cards fitness challenge? All you need is a deck of cards and some space to complete the exercise. Follow the link in the online resources section to see how to complete the exercise challenge.

Challenge Why not make up your own challenge for each card? Mrs Hay’s challenge is as follows: Complete each exercise for 30 seconds. You could time yourself using a timer or phone. If you pick up a card with: Clubs - do 5 burpees Diamonds - do 4 star jumps Spades - do 5 Fireman Sam Climbs (climb the rope)Hearts - do 10 squats

Miss McArthur’s Deck of Cards Challenge

If you not have a deck of cards, follow this link which provides you with a shuffle of cards to complete each exercise.

Literacy We are learning to revise the correct formation of our letters.

Warm UpToday, we are going to revise the formation of the letters in our sentences.Today, you will need a

Whiteboard and penAlphabet sheet in yellow jotterLiteracy Jotter

Letter formation Practice

St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan

We are learning to use the correct vocabulary to design a map.

dice. If you do not have a dice, follow the instructions to make one of your own. You will need a piece of paper, scissors and glue to make a dice.Think about some of the letters that you may find a bit difficult to write. Each number on your dice will represent that letter. For example: 1 – h2- p3- m4 - t5 - q6 – jEach time the dice lands on a number, practice writing that letter 4 times. Make sure you are forming this letter neatly and correctly. Remember to start forming this letter from the correct place.

MainIf you are in Mrs Casserly’s Literacy group, please complete a task from your red RWI jotters and ditty books.

RWI jotters and ditty booksMrs Casserly’s P2 Plan on our website

Hansel and Gretel Story on St Francis Website under Primary 2 and 2/1

Dice Creation (If you don’t have one)

1. Draw 2. Cut3. Stick together 4. Now you are ready to


St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan

I am learning to select relevantinformation, organise thesein a logical sequence anduse words which will beinteresting and useful for others

This week our Fairytale story is ‘Hansel and Gretel’. Can you describe this story to someone at home? Have another look at the powerpoint to remind you of the story we read yesterday. Try reading this again to help you with today’s tasks. Hansel and Gretel used pebbles and then bread to make their own way back home. Today your task is to draw and design a map. When drawing your map, you must first think of a starting point and finishing point. A good starting point may be your house. You can be as creative as you want. Your map could be outside or inside. Think about what you might see on your way to your finish point, what might you come across? How will you get from the start to finish? Underneath your map, write a description of how you will get from the starting point to the finishing point. Remember

Resources Map Example to help you

Description Example to help you

St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan

Spelling and Reading

We are learning to sound out words with spelling and reading them.

We are learning to choose a story to read or listen to for enjoyment.

to write in sentences with capital letters and full stops.To challenge yourself, can you try to use compass vocabulary? North, South East and West?

Have a look at Mrs Hay’s example of a map and description. This was from Mrs Hay’s house to get to the local shop to get some milk and a chocolate bar!

PlenaryCollect your spelling grids from your updated learning pack. Choose a few words to read and write from your spelling grids. Can you use them in sentences of your own? Once you can spell and read them, colour in the brick.

Story Time and SnackThere are lots of lovely stories being read by the St Francis staff on our school twitter page. Why not choose one and listen along whilst

Updated Learning Packs – Spelling Grids

Updated Learning PacksOxford Owl Instructions

Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson

Oxford Owl Website

St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan

you enjoy your snack today. Miss McArthur has read ‘Monkey Puzzle’ by one of our favourite authors, Julia Donaldson.If you would like to do some more reading, follow the instructions in your learning packs to access the Oxford Owl Website. From here, you can access free e-books to read at home. You can find the level you have been working on in class.

Numeracy We are learning to order and sequence numbers within the range of 1-100.

We are learning to develop our awareness of how money is used and can recognise and use a range of coins.

Warm UpToday, can you use the helicopter rescue game to get warmed up? Today, choose to focus on the numbers in-between game. You can select your own number range to work within. For example: find the number between 43 and 45 = 44. You can use your 100-square grid in your Maths learning pack to help you.

Main activity:Today we challenge you to make your own money game.I have included an example of how I made a very simple money board game. You will need 2 players,

Blue Numeracy Jotter

Whiteboard and penBlue Maths Jotter

Topmarks Helicopter Rescue

Money Game Example

St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan

We are learning to apply our knowledge of counting, ordering, sequencing, addition and subtraction when solving problems.

counters, a dice and some coins or notes.

Roll the dice and then move your counter that many spaces. What did you land on? Whatever amount you landed on collect that money from the ‘bank’ (a pot of money ready for you and your partner to pick up during the game)Once you get to the finish line, count how much money you have altogether.How much money do you have at the end of the game? Who has the most money? Who has the least money?

Also, there is a Money task for you to complete on Sumdog.Challenge TaskYou could challenge yourself by adding in higher money totals to your board such as £5 £10. Have a think about what you could spend with that money? What would you want to buy first?


Sumdog Log-in Details

Blue Numeracy JotterUpdated Learning Packs – Numeracy Grid

Miss McPartlin and Mrs Hay look at Sumdog each day to see how you are getting along with the tasks we set. If you can, try to use this a couple of times a week so that we can see your learning.Sumdog website:

St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan

Look in your updated learning packs to find your Numeracy grid. (example on this page) Choose one activity to complete from this grid. You can write your ideas in your Numeracy jotter. Colour in the brick once you have completed your chosen activity.

Updated Learning Packs Numeracy Grids

STEM / Topic I can sort living things into groups and habitats and explain my decisions.

I can use the internet to

Starter: We have been learning about the story of Hansel and Gretel in our topic learning. This story took place in a forest. Lots of animals live in the forest which Hansel and Gretel might have seen. A habitat is the word used to describe where an animal lives.Have a look at the ‘Animal Habitats’ powerpoint provided in the resource section of our St Francis Website. Look at the picture of the forest on page 1. Do you recognise any of the animals that live there? Where about in the

Jotter Pen / pencils Internet

Forest Animal Habitat Song:

Animal Habitat PowerpointPrimary 2 and 2/1 Resources

St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan

carry out research into a Forest Habitat.

forest do you think they live? Main During our Fairytale story of Hansel and Gretel this week there would have been lots of different animals living in the forest where the house was. We would like you to use the Internet to research different animals that live in a Forest habitat. Write down the names or draw some of the animals you discover. Can you draw a forest habitat with some animals inside?Challenge: Can you find out one interesting fact about one of your forest animals and write one sentence about it?

Forest Habitat Drawing

We are learning new strategies to help us feel calm and relaxed.

Use some of the shapes you know to create your own sweets. Fill a piece of paper with circles, triangles and squares. Challenge yourself by drawing some of the 3D shapes we have looked at this year too! Use crayons or felt-tip pens to decorate each of the shapes to create colourful looking sweets.

St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan

What would you call them? How would they taste? (If you have chalk and space outside on the ground, you could draw your sweeties there. If it is a nice day, you could enjoy this task outdoors. 😊Mindfulness Activity

Mindfulness Activity

Reading / Story to finish

We are learning to listen to a story and describe a setting in the story.

Oxford Owl Website

Follow the instructions in your learning packs to access the Oxford Owl Website. From here, you can access free e-books to read at home. You can find the level you have been working on in class.

Oxford Owl Instructions in Updated Learning Packs

Oxford Owl Website

Oxford Owl Instructions in Updated Learning PacksInstructions also on St Francis Website under Primary 2 and 2/1 Resources

St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan

St.Francis’ Primary School Daily Learning Plan
