Strategic Brand Management HU


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HAJVERY UNIVERSITY (Faculty of Management Studies)

Course Title Strategic Brand Management

Course Code

Program MBA

Semester Fall 2011

Credit Hours 03

Duration 15 Weeks + Finial Exam Week

Pre requisites (if any) Principles Marketing

Resource Person G.Ahmad Rana, E-mail

Course Objectives

More and more firms of all types have come to the realization that one of the most valuable assets they have is the brand names associated with their products or services. Despite this recognition, very little attention has been paid to the subject in management education, especially in MBA programs. The following statement suggests the severity of the problem.

"The MBA should stand for 'Murderer of Brand Assets'"

Larry Light

Marketing Consultant &

Chairman of the Coalition for Brand Equity

To address this oversight, Strategic Brand Management is an advanced MBA elective that addresses important branding decisions faced by an organization. Its basic objectives are: 1) to increase understanding of the important issues in planning and evaluating brand strategies; 2) to provide the appropriate theories, models, and other tools to make better branding decisions; and 3) to provide a forum for students to apply these principles. Particular emphasis is placed in the course on understanding psychological principles at the customer level that will improve managerial decision-making with respect to brands. One aim of the course is to make these concepts relevant for any type of organization (public or private, large or small, etc.).

Course Requirements and Evaluations

Course Outline: Brand ManagementMG 585 Fall 2010

1. Adequate preparation for, regular attendance of, and full participation and involvement in the 30 class sessions. At the end of each class, you will fill out a simple “key learnings” form that will highlight the most useful concept from that class. These learnings will be assembled and distributed towards the end of the term. There may also be several informal group exercises along the way.

2. Brand audit project. In Strategic Brand Management, you form a "brand management team" with 4 other students to conduct the brand audit course project. Your brand team will write up several progress reports and a final report as part of the project. The final report will be due during the final week of classes.

Brand Audit Project

Students will form brand management teams to work on this project. Your assignment is to take a brand and conduct a brand audit. Every team must study a different brand, and brands are assigned on a "first come, first serve" basis. Once you have formed your groups, send me an e-mail with your brand and team members, and I will confirm whether or not the brand is available. The formal requirements for the brand audit project are three progress reports and a final paper, as follows:

1. Progress Reports. The first group progress report is due at the beginning of the fourth class. All that you need to include with this report is the names of your team members and the brand you have chosen to study. The second group progress report is due at the beginning of the eighth class. This report should sketch your preliminary vision of a “mental map” for the brand in terms of the key brand associations. The third and final group progress report is due at the beginning of the twelfth class. This report should outline your preliminary depiction of the brand hierarchy for the brand. I will not provide any formal feedback on these progress reports – they basically function as mileposts – unless I feel it is critical to your moving forward.

2. Final Report. The final report is due at the beginning of the class session in which you present. The final report profiles the sources of brand equity and provides recommendations concerning how to build and manage equity for the chosen brand. After summarizing current and desired brand knowledge structures, you should outline creative and relevant directions for management of your chosen brand, providing justification where appropriate with course concepts. Your presentation should be a top-line summary of the key points.

RECOMMENDED BOOKS:Kevin Lane Keller, Strategic Brand Management, Prentice-Hall, 3rd Edition, 2007


Lectures: 50%Case: 25%Handouts/Readings: 25%

Course Outline: Brand ManagementMG 585 Fall 2010

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA:a) Assignments 10%b) Final Project Report 20%c) Case study 20%d) Midterm 20%e) Final term 30%

Total 100%

STRUCTURE: Keeping the above objectives in mind, this course is structured so as to emphasize continuous assessment, high interaction and

participation, and case analysis. The sessions will include a lecture component, supported with a case analysis component, scenario building, situational analysis etc.

Discussions within teams and sharing conclusions with the whole class, with the specific aim of encouraging debate will be a key focus of this course.

It is therefore important for you to prepare for classes by reading the chapters, handouts & cases provided in the course pack before class, and participate within the classroom, not only in order to score well, but also to take away useful knowledge or skills from this course.

CLASS PARTICIPATION Positive, healthy and constructive class participation will be monitored for each class. Proactively and vocally participating in

the discussions the way in which concepts are carried forward will constitute to good class participation. Quality rather than quantity will be graded.

SUBMISSIONS: All submissions are due at the start of each class, in accordance to the format uploaded on the online group. Late submissions

will not be accepted. All submissions have to be turned in physically and not via emails.

PERSONAL ETHICS It is expected that both the stakeholders (teacher and students) will adhere to decorum of professional and ethical conduct. Cheating, plagiarism (submitting the language, ideas, thought or work of another as one’s own) or otherwise indulging in un-

fair means to obtain a grade under false pretences will result in severe disciplinary action which may even lead to removal from the course.

Course Outline: Brand ManagementMG 585 Fall 2010

GROUP/TEAMS: (Tentative: Subject to class strength) Groups of Five (5) members per group will be formulated by the resource person. All participants will work in their respective

groups throughout the semester. All group members are expected to put in equal efforts. If a group feels that a particular member of the group is not

participating equally, it is the responsibility of the remaining members to bring this to the knowledge of the resource person immediately. Failure to identify “free riders” in a group will ultimately effect the overall group performance.

All groups will maintain a Group Activity report. The format of the group activity report shall be uploaded for easy access. This will be a part of the annexure for each deliverable.

Summary of Class Lectures

1. Course Introduction

2. Brands & Brand Management

3. Concept of Brand Equity

4. Brand Positioning and Values

5. Choosing Elements to Build Brand Equity

6. Designing Marketing Programs to Build Brand Equity

7. Integrating Marketing Communications to Build Brand Equity

8. Leveraging Secondary Brand Knowledge to Build Brand Equity

9. Developing a Brand Equity Measurement & Management System

10.Measuring Sources of Brand Equity: Capturing Consumer Mindset

11.Measuring Outcomes of Brand Equity: Capturing Market Performance

12.Designing and Implementing Branding Strategies

13.Introducing and Naming New Products and Brand Extensions

14.Managing Brands Over Time

15.Managing Brands Over Geographical Boundaries and Market Segments

Course Outline: Brand ManagementMG 585 Fall 2010

16.Strong Brands

Course Outline: Brand ManagementMG 585 Fall 2010
