Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in ... vegetables... · Strengthening Value...


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1Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

Shayequa Zeenat Ali

Sandeep Dixit

R S Sidhu

Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture


technical PaPer no. 2

2 Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture


Centers for International Projects Trust


The paddy-wheat monoculture induced a decelerating agricultural trend in Punjab which has been felt in the form of stagnation in output, deteriorating productivity, environmental degradation, declining farm incomes, de-peasantization and suicides by farmers. Shifting away from rice and wheat which are the most water intensive crops of the state and devoting more area under fruits and vegetables will help in increasing farm incomes, overall agricultural output and conserving water resources. In spite of increasing area under cultivation, production and consumption of fruits and vegetables Punjab faces many challenges which hinder the shift away from rice-wheat monoculture towards high value crops. Fruits and vegetables being highly perishable in nature require cold storage, special processing, transportation and marketing infrastructure. These have a bearing on the volatility of supply and hence prices of end products affecting the various stakeholders involved in the value chain. In light of the discussion above an in-depth analysis of issues affecting value chains of fruits and vegetables in Punjab is presented in this paper.

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This product is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under Cooperative Agreement AID-386-A-12-00001. The contents of this report are the sole responsibility of CIPT and do not necessarily reflect views of USAID or the U.S. Government.

Centers for International Projects Trust acknowledge the support of the IDRC to carry out this work under the project (No. 106591-001) titled Improving food and livelihood security in Punjab through water-energy-agriculture management under climate change and variability.

3Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

1. Agricultural economy of PunjabBeing the cradle of the Green Revolution, Punjab achieved

a very high rate of growth in agricultural sector in the

decade and a half since the mid-1960s. The state continued

to occupy the first rank in per capita income among the

major states until 1992-93. In 1993-94, Maharashtra

displaced Punjab’s position and became the highest

income state among the major Indian states. Currently

Punjab is behind major states like Haryana, Maharashtra,

Madhya Pradesh, Kerala and Tamil Nadu in per capita

income (GOP, 2014) and actually ranks 13th among all

the states. Agriculture, which accounts for a major share

of the primary sector is the main source of livelihood to

the rural population which comprises about 2/3rd of

total population of Punjab. It has strong linkage with

rural non-farm sector and creates indirect employment

for a large number of skilled and semi-skilled workers

for repair and maintenance of farm machinery, and

marketing of inputs and agricultural produce, etc. The

changes in Punjab’s rank in per capita income among

major states and its relative position vis-à-vis the all India

average is explained by the behaviour of growth rates of the

state domestic product. The share of the primary sector in

the net state domestic product (NSDP) has been declining

(Figure 1).

In the primary sector, the share of agriculture increased

marginally till the 1970s but has since been continuously on

the decline (Human Development Report, Punjab, 2004).

Recent trends in sector-wise state income of Punjab shows

that agriculture has been presenting diminishing shares to

the primary sector (Figure 2). There’s been a slight increase

in the proportion of livestock and forestry and logging sub-

sectors. Contribution of fishing and mining and quarrying

remain negligible over time. The diminishing share of

agriculture within the state, which is the source of earning

for majority of its population, has a bearing upon the per

capita income.

The green revolution brought significant changes in the

cropping pattern of Punjab. The cropping pattern in the

state at selected points over time given in the Figures

3, 4, 5 and 6 shows the establishment of paddy-wheat

monoculture in the state over time. Area under rice

has increased by leaps and bounds over the last three

decades or so. Rice, occupied only 17.49 per cent of the

gross cropped area in 1980-81. Acreage under the crop

increased to over 26.86 per cent in 1990-91 and then rose

further to around 32.89 per cent in 2000-01. In 2012-13 the

area under rice covered 36.2 per cent of the gross cropped

area. Wheat has consistently occupied about 42 to 45 per

cent of the gross cropped area over the last three decades

or so. The increase in wheat cultivation has been at the cost

of gram, rapeseed and mustard, while that of rice has been

obtained by shifting the area from maize, groundnut, millets

and cotton (Singh et al, 2012).

The proportionate area under cotton in 1980-81 was 9.6

per cent of gross cropped area and increased to 9.34 per

cent in 1990-91. After mid 1990s the area under cotton

has been adversely affected due to inclement weather and

pest attack, its share in GCA went down to 5.97 per cent in

2000-01. With introduction of Bt varieties area under cotton

started increasing (Singh et al, 2012). It accounted for 6.11

Figure 1. Recent trends in sectoral composition of GSDP in Punjab (in percentage)

Figure 2. Recent trends in composition of primary sector in Punjab (in percentage)

4 Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

percent in 2012-13. Area under potato has remained on

the lower side but has gradually increased. Proportion of

area under sugarcane fluctuated between 1 to 1.5 per cent

approximately. Respective share of pulses and oilseeds in

GCA has recorded a sharp decline from 5.04 and 3.52 per

cent in 1980-81 to 0.82 and 0.65 per cent respectively in

2012-13. From 1980-81 to 2012-13, area under fruits have

increased from 0.94 to 1.55 per cent and from 0.43 to 0.97

per cent for vegetables. Although negligible, it is noteworthy

that the area under high value crops have increased in

Punjab and can be seen as a discreet move towards


It can be concluded that imbalance in favour of two main

cereals viz. rice and wheat in the cropping pattern has

further sharpened despite all efforts on diversification of

state agriculture. This happened because of better relative

profitability of these crops with minimum production and

marketing risk as compared to other crops (singh et al,


The paddy-wheat monoculture induced decelerating

agricultural trend in Punjab. Effective procurement and

relatively more remunerative minimum support prices

for the two crops also incentivise farmers to stick to this

cropping pattern (Chand, 2003). All of this is leading to

over-mechanisation and intensive use of inputs. Excessive

use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, decline in water

table and increase in water logging, soil salinity, pollution

etc. became the major problems in the state (Gill and Gill,

1990) the various consequences of which were felt in the

form of:

Figure 3. Cropping pattern in Punjab in proportion to GCA, 1980-81

Figure 4. Cropping pattern in Punjab in proportion to GCA, 1990-91

Figure 5. Cropping pattern in Punjab in proportion to GCA, 2000-01

Figure 6. Cropping pattern in Punjab in proportion to GCA, 2012-13

5Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

(i) Stagnation in output- The impact of technology

has slowed down in Punjab mainly due to soil

fatigue resulting from over-use of ground water and

leading to decline in fertiliser-use efficiency (Kumar

and Singh, 2010). Cropping intensity in the state

was 190 in the year 2012-13 (GOP, 2015). So, in

spite of intensive agricultural practices, the output of

crops is not increasing at the high rate it used to.

(ii) Declining productivity- The yield of rice-wheat

cropping system is input based and the use of

modern inputs in the Indo-Gangetic plains have

already been used at a high level and exhausted.

The organic sources of nutrients such as legumes

are declining as they have been almost completely

replaced by rice and wheat, over time. Therefore,

further scope of increasing rice and wheat yield with

further expansion of modern inputs and area seems

remote (Kumar et al, 2000).

(iii) environmental degradation- The intensive

monoculture of wheat and paddy had a pernicious

impact on the natural resource base of the state.

Mekkonen and Hoekstra (2011) calculated the

global water footprints for various crops. That for

wheat and rice were calculated to be 1087 Gm3 per

year and 992 Gm3 per year respectively and the

same for vegetables was 300 Gm3 per ton, roots

and tubers, 400 Gm3 per ton and fruits, 1000 Gm3

per ton. A relatively large total water footprint as a

result of crop production is observed in the Indus

river basin (117 Gm3 per year) and the Ganges river

basin (108 Gm3 per year). The two basins together

account for 25% of the blue water footprint related

to global crop production where mostly rice-wheat

monoculture is practised (Chapagain and Hoekstra,


(iv) Declining farmers’ incomes- Falling income added

to the difficulties of poor cultivators who do not have

enough cushion for adjustment (Eswaran and Kotwal,

2002). The size of marginal holdings makes them non-

viable given the present technology of production in

Punjab. When cost of production continues to increase

while productivity stagnates in case of major crops,

majority of the cultivators find themselves in a cash-

strapped position.

(v) De-peasantization and suicides by farmers- The

capital intensive mode of production, propagated

by green revolution and employed for mostly rice

and wheat turned out to be non-viable for the small

peasantry and hence they are being involuntarily

manoeuvred towards shifting away from farming. The

strain of debt trap was so strong that of the total farmer

suicides in Punjab from 2000-2008, majority were

small and marginal farmers operating less than 2 ha of

land (Singh and Bhogal, 2014)

Punjab needs to be pulled out of this crisis. High value

crops are one such alternative. Increasing area under

high value crops will not only help in increasing the farm

incomes and overall agricultural output in Punjab but

will also help in conserving water resources by shifting

area away from rice and wheat which are the most water

intensive crops of the state.

1.1 Fruits and vegetables scenario in Punjab

Like acreage, production of fruits and vegetables has also

increased gradually over the last few years. During 2000-

Figure 7: Recent trends in production of fruits and vegetables in Punjab (in Lakh tonnes)

6 Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

01, 28.17 lakh tonnes of fruits and vegetables were

produced in Punjab and the production increased to

54.34 lakh tonnes in 2013-14 (Figure 7).

Punjab has made significant contributions to India’s

traditional agricultural exports (rice, wheat and cotton). It

has remained an export-surplus state by being a major

exporter in rice and wheat crops. Increased area and

production under horticultural crops may also put Punjab

in a stronger position in terms of horticultural exports.

Table 1 shows that over 2005-06 to 2009-10 export of

fruits and vegetables from Punjab has increased from

770 to 1038 quintals. Punjab’s percentage contribution

to India’s total exports of fresh fruits and vegetables

has been fluctuating over the same period. It was 3.3

per cent in 2005-06 and declined to 0.2 per cent in the

next year, where as it kept increasing over the next

two years. The percentage contribution again dropped

back to its 2005-06 level in 2009-10. Given that area

and production of fruits and vegetables have been

increasing steadily, Punjab has the potential to increase

its contribution towards the economy by way of exports.

The Government of Punjab had proposed to shift

towards value-added, water light crops such as fruit and

vegetables for ‘Second Push in Punjab Agriculture and

Allied Sectors’ (Johl, 1986). The programme aims to

create a voluntary shift in the cropping pattern, introduce

income/employment-generating, productivity oriented

programmes directly benefiting the farmers of Punjab

and safeguard the valuable and scarce resources of

land, water and environment from further deterioration.

Increasing population, income, and urbanization, which

are changing diets along with the use of food crops

for biofuels, have contributed to increased food prices

(Human Development Report, Punjab, 2004). In order

to improve the life and quality of perishable products

grown in Punjab, the state government has established

a separate corporation namely, the Punjab Agri. Export

Corporation (PAGREXCO) with Punjab Mandi Board and

Punjab Agro Industries Corporation. The PAGREXCO

is dedicatedly promoting export of fruits and vegetables

outside the country and also to the distant markets

within the country in order to help the farmers realize

better returns for their produce.

As consumer demands related to safety, quality,

convenience, and organic and processed foods

increase, the gap between farm and consumer prices

is widening. Supermarkets are emerging as a major

stakeholder in food retailing (Singh and Singla, 2010).

Collectively, these changes contribute to a paradigm

shift in the way food is produced, processed and sold.

In particular, the increased demand for safe, higher

value and differentiated agricultural products has

created opportunities for farmers and agribusiness

entrepreneurs to transform commodities into products

that are demanded by consumers. This change in food

retailing has led to greater involvement of the private

sector in agriculture and a focus on developing and

improving agriculture value chains (AVCs) in terms of

quality, productivity, efficiency, and depth (ADB, 2012). In

spite of increasing area under cultivation, production and

consumption of fruits and vegetables in Punjab, there

are many challenges which hinder the shift away from

rice wheat monoculture towards value added crops. In

light of the discussion above an in-depth analysis of the

issues affecting value chains of fruits and vegetables in

Punjab is required.

2. What are value chains?The sequence of steps and participants involved in

the process from production to delivery of a product to

market is called a value chain (Webber, 2007). A value

chain is not identical to a supply chain. A value chain

is about linkages generating value for the consumer.

A supply chain is about processes of moving and

Table 1: Export of fresh fruits and vegetables, 2005-06 to 2009-10 (in Quintals)

Year Export of fresh fruits and vegetables from Punjab

Export of fresh fruits and vegetables from India

Percentage contribution of Punjab to India’s Fresh fruits and vegetables exports

2005-06 770 23576 3.3

2006-07 429 209722 0.2

2007-08 1057 23393 4.5

2008-09 2118 32888 6.4

2009-10 1038 31639 3.3

Source: Statistical Abstracts of Punjab, various issues and NAARM, Hyderabad

7Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

transforming commodities into products from producers

to consumers. In commercial agriculture, the supply-

chain focus is on producers and competitive advantage

is derived from processes that improve efficiency and

reduce costs. Farmers are generally isolated from

consumers and products are “pushed” into the market

place and move in a single transaction through the

supply chain.

While a value chain is about generating value for

the consumer, a supply chain is about logistics. The

productivity, efficiency and depth of agricultural value

chains (AVC) are important elements driving commercial

agriculture and agribusiness. The premise for adopting a

value chain approach is that higher financial returns can

be realized through value-enhancing inputs than simply

through supply chains. An AVC approach involves a shift

in focus from producers to consumers. The competitive

advantage in value chains is derived from inputs to

supply chains that create value, as perceived by the

consumer and result in backward and equitable flow of

value (ADB, 2012).

The main advantages accruing to stakeholders of an

effective value chain comprise being able to reduce

the cost of doing business; increase revenues and

bargaining power; improve access to technology,

information, and capital; and, by doing so, innovate

production and marketing processes to gain higher value

and provide better quality to customers.

2.1 Traditional and modern value chains of high value crops in Punjab

For the purpose of the study a survey was conducted

for fifty farmers in order to map out traditional and

modern value chains of high value crops (HVCs) in

Punjab. Figure 8 outlines the traditional value chain

of HVC in Punjab. Players involved in this model are

agents (commission agents), auctioneers, wholesalers,

traditional retailer of all types (family run stores,

roadside shops, pavement shops and cart vendors)

apart from farmers and customers. Agents and

wholesalers are traders in HVC value chain. Farmers

are the cultivators of produce and source of fruits and

vegetables. Fruit and vegetable farmers in Punjab are

mostly small by land holding, yield volume of crop and

are highly fragmented across geographical areas. In

this traditional model, farmers sell their products to the

customers mostly through various intermediate partners

who pocket almost the entire price share in the market.

The end product is mostly fresh and perishable catering

to rural markets.

2.1.1 Salient features of a traditional fruits and

vegetables value chain

(i) The traditional value chain is basically just a

marketing channel because value addition at any

stage is negligible.

(ii) On production front, most of the farmers growing

high-value crops face input-related problems

such as quality seeds, pest control materials and

fertilisers. More than 57 per cent of the fruit growers

were facing the problems of supply of spurious

seedlings. Farmers faced the problem of shortage of

labour force during peak season (Sidhu et al, 2008).

(iii) The farmers growing fruits and vegetables face

problems in having access to the information related

to cultivation of these crops.

(iv) Storage of fruits and vegetables is a problem due

to their perishability. Traditional chains do not have

much value addition and majority of the farmers

usually do not have access to cold storages or

processing units.

Figure 8: Traditional value chain of high value crops









Commission Agents


Cart Vendors

8 Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

(v) Transportation from villages and hinterlands to far

off urban centres is difficult for small and marginal

farmers. Owing to relatively smaller volumes of their

produce, transportation cost usually becomes high

and erodes the overall profitability of the crops.

(vi) Traditional value chains do not have facilities like

grading and packaging of produce which add

tremendous value to a product. Farmers said that

they had to bear large grading and packing costs

while selling the produce in the urban market.

Farmers could sell only meager quantity to retailers

due to high packing and transportation cost.

(vii) Large farmers were reluctant to go for direct sale to

ultimate consumers due to shortage of manpower

and longer time required for marketing of the

produce in this manner. Middlemen play a major

role in these traditional chains because they handle

activities like assembling of produce in bulk from

various small farmers, weighing and transportation.

Hence, they have the ability to pocket a high market


(viii) On marketing front, lack of market information was

reported as the major problem confronted by fruit

and vegetable growers of the study area. The price

in the market abruptly changes with the arrivals in

the market. Whenever there is glut in the market,

the prices comes down and farmers find it very

difficult to sell their produce at remunerative prices

in the market. Small farmers are most severely hit

followed by medium and large farmers during such

situation. Therefore, most of the fruit growers had to

sell their orchards to the pre harvest contractors.

(ix) Credit facilities were also found to be unsatisfactory.

Crop insurance was not available.

In the modern value chain (Figure 9) the main players

are farmers, organized retailers, and customers. Here

the farmers are mainly contract farmers or those that are

leased land for farming.

Farmers’ produce is accumulated in consolidation

centres or by commission agents. Value is added in each

step in the form of storage for sale at a time when prices

are better for processing. Supply of produce, either in

fresh or processed form, is steady throughout the year

in the modern value chain because of existence of cold

chains. Products are either transported to hubs inside

the city or sold to customers through retailers in mandis

or super markets. Some produce especially fresh is also

sold to domestic consumers through wholesalers, who in

turn, sell it to vendors from whom consumers buy.

2.1.2 Salient features of a modern fruits and

vegetables value chain

(i) The chain is more organised with little role for the

commission agents. Retail sale is mostly done

through retail stores owned mostly by corporates.

The customer base is mostly urban. It caters to the

market in the state, other states and also exports.

(ii) The end products here undergo at least a minimum

Figure 9: Modern value chain of high value crops

Consolidation Centres

Commission Agents

Hub Outside City

Hub Inside City

Whole- sellers

Cart Vendors

Retail Urban Mandis or Retail Chains


e Fa
















in P


b or


er s





9Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

level of processing. This adds value to the product

and requires a sophisticated system of delivery

which includes storage facilities like warehouses,

cold storage units, processing units, packaging

services, laboratory testing facilities, market

intelligence, transportation etc. Storage receipts are

linked to credit too.

(iii) The modern value chains ensure that post-harvest

losses are minimum and thereby improve farm

incomes, create food security and alleviate poverty.

(iv) These value chains also create employment at

each stage of value addition.

(v) Farmers associated with retail chains or contracting

agencies have access to technology, best quality

inputs, grading facilities, weighment of produce

before sale to agent, weather insurance and a

guaranteed market.

Contract farming is definitely an element that adds to the

value of a traditional value chain and aids in scaling up

operations. However, it has its pros and cons which are

presented in Table 2.

2.2 Important elements of fruit and vegetable value chains in Punjab

There are various elements in a value chain for

fruits and vegetables which could create an enabling

environment for the stakeholders to function and their

absence could obstruct the flow of products from the

producer to the consumer (Table 3).

Table 2: Advantages and disadvantages of modern agricultural value chains

Advantages Disadvantages

Increased employment in modern retailer outlets and in their dedicated supply chains

Higher investments are necessary for some crops and infrastructural development of modern value chains.

Improvement in food quality as farmers follow good agricultural practices (GAP) and consumers receive better value foods

If and when traditional wholesale markets are superseded by modern distribution sector the former may become cheap clearing houses for low quality produce.

Modern distribution outlets now focus on leaner supply chains to attract all types of consumers bringing down consumer retail prices

Grading of agricultural produce which is very important in modern value chains is difficult and markets in developing regions are still not very adept at it.

General development of agri-business farms to supply the modern distribution sector and export markets

There is a danger of small and marginal farmers being squeezed out of the value chains due to their inability to produce sufficient amounts of required quality

There is transfer of technology from contracting agencies to farmers which aid in improving their technological knowhow.

Contract farmers often have grievances against contracting agencies with regards to transparency or the lack thereof. Also there is a risk of crop failure after high investments in non-traditional crops.

Source: Cadilhon et al, 2006

Table 3. Important functions and enablers for effective value chains

Functions Enablers

Integration It is important for the producer, commission agents, processors, those involved in storage, financers, insurance agents, transport agencies, wholesalers, retailers, corporate and government bodies to be in sync with each other.

Value Addition Processors and Packaging are the two most important elements that add value to high value crops.

Infrastructural Development Pack houses, cold chains, processing plants, transport agencies and markets for disposal of products.

Market Development Mandis, pack houses and export zones

Research and Development and Extension

State and Central Universities, corporate and government organisations with R & D wings, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, extension agents.

10 Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

Some important issues affecting the proper functioning

of in agricultural value chain are discussed below

2.2.1 integration

Apparently 95 per cent of the sale of fresh produce

happens through traditional value chains (Pandey et al,

2010). Different stakeholders of the value chain namely,

farmers, wholesalers, processors, retailers, etc work

more or less in isolation. The concepts of collaborative

demand forecasting and production planning in the

backend with information sharing is missing in these

value chains causing many inefficiencies in the system.

Even regulated markets do little to integrate various

stakeholders. A commodity moving from one state to

another attracts mandi fee every time it enters a new

regulated market. Various studies show that farmers get

only 35-40 per cent of the retail price paid by consumers

and rest is retained by the middlemen.

2.2.2 Post harvest losses

The post harvest loss in fruits and vegetables is around

40 per cent due to lack of proper storage, handling and

processing facilities and lack of marketing channels

(Pachouri, 2012). The huge losses are also due to the

poor handling of perishable commodities which usually

pass through six to seven middlemen before they reach

the final consumer (Gandhi and Namboodiri, 2006;

Pandey et al 2010). For instance, in the year 2004, 8.5

per cent (about 6 lakh tonnes) of the mustard crop in

Punjab was lost due to poor post-harvest management

bringing down the actual output from 68.5 lakh tonnes

to 62 lakh tonnes (MRPC, 2004). Hodges, Buzby and

Bennet (2011) compare losses accrued due to traditional

post harvest practices to modern or mechanised ones,

and conclude that larger losses are incurred in less

developed value chains (Figure 10). Moreover, the

products of the traditional post-harvest chain cater to the

demands of a small retailer. Only modern or mechanised

post harvest chains have the capacity to provide enough

produce to large retailers.

2.2.3 Processing and value addition

Despite being the leading agrarian state of country,

Punjab is way behind in food processing/value addition

industry. The agro industry leans more heavily towards

grain processing like rice milling, flour mills, oil mills

and cotton ginning. Processing houses set up by

PAGREXCO for export in the state can handle 20 MTs

per hour Citrus fruits & 10 MTs per hour of other fruits

& vegetables, the plants are designed to process “C” &

“D” grade Kinnows (of odd size and shape) & debitter

their juice. These processing houses have the capacity

to extract juices of other fruits & vegetables such as,

tomato, carrots, pomegranate, papaya, guava, pears,

pumpkins, melons, gourds, mangoes, litchis, amla, aloe

vera. Specific processed products that are produced

from horticulture sector in state include tomato paste,

potato chips, juices, jams, chutney, pickles, murabbas,

frozen vegetables, etc. Moreover, a particular variety of

fruit or vegetable which is excellent to eat fresh (table

purpose) is not necessarily good for processing. For

instance in case of tomatoes, Punjab Ratta variety is

good for processing and Pusa Rohini for long distance

transport due to its longer shelf life. Due to climatic

Figure 10: Traditional versus mechanized post-harvest chain

Source: (Hodges, Buzby, and Bennett, 2011)

Cutting, handling


Manual threshing


Sun drying3-5%

Open storage5-10%

Village milling20-30%

Small retailer

Crop ConsumptionQuality loss resulting in 10-30% loss in value

Weight losses in traditional post-harvest chain

Weight losses in mechanized post-harvest chain

Combind harvesting


Machine threshing


Mechanical drying1-2%

Sealed storage


Commercial milling5-30%

Large retailers

11Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

conditions, the fruits and vegetables production in state

is characterized by short harvesting seasons and high

productivity. Hence the viability of processing plants

handling only one type or variety of fruits/vegetables

becomes limited and ultimately becomes uneconomical.

Punjab Agro Juices Limited (PAJL) was established in

2006 with aim to add value to horticultural crops and

provide opportunity to farmers for selling their produce at

competitive basis.

2.2.4 cold chains

An important requirement for strengthening value

chains for fruits and vegetables is that of cold storages.

The fruits and vegetables being highly perishable need

storage under controlled conditions to losses and

enhance the farmers’ gains. Therefore, cold storages

are of utmost importance for efficient functioning of fruit

and vegetable value chains. Punjab has a capacity of

12,52,295 MT of cold storage, out of which 96.7 per cent

are privately owned and the rest by co-operatives. Out

of all these cold storages, 89.2 per cent of the space

is exclusively for potatoes, 9.9 per cent under multi-

purpose category and the negligible remainder of 0.8

per cent is for milk (Agmarknet, GOI). This sheds light on

the fact that the cold storage facilities are not equitably

distributed for fruits and vegetables other than potatoes.

2.2.5 Pack-houses

In 2012, Punjab Agri Export Corporation Limited

(PAGREXO) commissioned projects to set up five

pack-houses for grading, sorting, packaging agricultural

and horticultural products in the state and for providing

facilities for distant marketing and export of fruits and

vegetables. Each pack-house was to be spread over

half an acre and would act as collection centre for

fruits and vegetables. They were to be located in Fruits

& Vegetables growing clusters like Patiala, Sangrur,

Ludhiana, Ropar etc, having facilities like washing-

waxing-grading-packing, pre-cooling & cold storage. The

government also established a permanent perishable

cargo centre at Guru Ramdas Jee International Airport,

Amritsar for storage of fruits and vegetables while

export. It would have mechanical grading and sorting

line, pre-cooling chamber, cold storage, a reefer van

and a pick-up van. The sites for the location of fruit and

vegetable pack house centres was identified based

on the progressive growers in the area, area under

cultivation, potential for increase in area under fruits

and vegetables, access to markets and efforts made

towards distant marketing and exports. The farmers in

these locations were already marketing their produce

in the neighbouring market yards or supplying to the

retail chains located close to the growing areas but

because of lack of proper transport arrangements, they

were unable to sell their produce to the distant markets

(Business Standard, November 2012).

2.2.6 transportation

Nakro and Khiki (2006) found that produce in form of

fresh vegetables was sold by majority of the growers

to the wholesale dealers in the nearby towns\cities

as it was the easiest and quickest method of disposal

of highly perishable produce mainly because of the

problems related to storage, marketing and transport.

The estimated transportation cost of fruits and vegetable

crops as per the study was between 18-28 per cent of

the total input cost, which was quite high.

2.2.7 research and development

In order to push diversification in agriculture sector,

Punjab must focus on research & development,

extension & trainingservices, post-harvest management,

distribution & marketing channels. The National

Horticulture Mission does the same and its major

objective is to double the production & productivity of

horticulture crops. There is an end-to-end approach

under mission covering production, post harvest

management, processing and marketing to assure

appropriate returns to growers/producers; Promote

Research and Development (R&D) of technologies for

production, post-harvest management and processing

in potential belts/clusters; Enhance acreage, coverage,

and productivity in potential belts clusters. To achieve

the objectives and goals of NHM, Strategy and Road

Map has been prepared for next 3 years (Ministry of

Agriculture, 2013).

2.2.8 extension services

The delivery of technology package generated by the

University/Institute to the farmers is basic to improve

the rate of adoption of technology and productivity of

agriculture. Demonstrations should be arranged at

farmers’ fields to convince them about the useful-needs

of new technology so that they may adopt the same.

For this purpose, a well planned programme should be

prepared and necessary funds provided. The extension

services in the crop sector including horticulture have

not kept pace with the knowledge needs of the farmers

(GOP, 2013). Extension services are also provided by

private companies but their major objective is to promote

their own products. Thus Public-Private-Partnership

(PPP) in the delivery of services should be promoted for

12 Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

convergence and sharing of resources.

The State Department of Horticulture as well as

extension services of Punjab Agricultural University

play lead role in dissemination of research findings

and recommendations among the farming community

of Punjab, who quickly respond through adoption of

the same. District level camps are organized both in

Kharif and Rabi season by department where experts/

scientists educate the field staff as well as progressive

farmers about the latest scientific crop production/

management technologies.There are 20 Krishi Vigyan

Kendras (KVK) in Punjab. Farm literature of PAU is being

sold from KVKs for the benefit of farmers. The monthly

magazines such as Progressive Farming (English),

Changi Kheti (Punjabi), Package of Practices in respect

of Kharif and Rabi vegetables and fruit crops.

2.2.9 investment

Investment in horticultural development in Punjab is

taking place from private and government sources. For

instance, the Punjab Enabling Environment Project

under the leadership of USAID, will develop and

implement a set of activities that will result in significant

policy reforms, capacity building of sector associations,

and investments in Punjab to support the government,

private sector and civil society organizations in

improving livestock, dairy and horticulture value chains.

The Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National

Horticulture Mission (NHM) is being implemented in 16

districts on a Mission mode approach to address all the

issues related to holistic development of Horticulture

in the State since 2005-06. The programme in the

State of Punjab is being implemented by the State

Horticulture Development Society through District

Mission Committees involving farmers, Societies, NGOs,

Grower Associations, SHGs, State institutions etc. The

districts covered under the programme include Firozpur,

Bhatinda, Muktasar, Amritsar, Hoshiarpur, Gurdaspur,

Kapurthala, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Patiala , Fatehgarh

Sahib, Taran Taran, Faridkot, Nawasahar, Sangrur and

SAS Nagar Mohali. The focus crops identified under the

programme includes Citrus, Guava, Ber, Pear, Grapes,

Litchi, Flowers, Spices and Aromatic plants. During

2005-06 to 2011-12 an amount of Rs. 186.21 crore was

released to Punjab from the centre and the state had

reported an expenditure of Rs. 180.03 crores till March

2012. An allocation of Rs. 74 crore was approved by

including GOI share of Rs. 62.9 crore for Annual Action

Plan 2012-13. Funds to the tune of 57.9 crore was

released during the same fiscal year out of which an

expenditure of Rs. 42.09 crore was reported. Hence,

expenditure on horticulture has shown an increasing

trend (Table 4).

2.2.10 Market development

Domestic: The Punjab State Agricultural Marketing

Board is the nodal agency in charge of controlling and

supervising the purchase, sale, storage and processing

of agricultural produce and the establishment of markets

for agricultural produce in the state. There are 145

Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMC) in

Punjab with 139 Principal Yards and 275 Sub Market

Yards attached to them. In addition, about 1600

purchase centres for Wheat in Rabi and 1514 centres

for Paddy in Kharif season are operational to facilitate

marketing of these produces. The farmers of Punjab

do not have to cover more than 7-8 km distance for

the sale of their produce. There are about 90 markets

for marketing of Fruits and Vegetables in the state, out

of which about 20-22 are relatively large. Ludhiana,

Jalandhar, Hoshiarpur, Amritsar and Gurudaspur are

Table 4: Year wise details of outlay, funds released and expenditure under NHM in Punjab

Year Outlay Release Expenditure

2005-06 60.74 28.69 6.97

2006-07 59.74 11.59 17.75

2007-08 68.54 24.10 17.14

2008-09 78.02 14.12 25.48

2009-10 38.54 25.78 36.09

2010-11 42.50 35.00 37.03

2011-12 46.75 47.02 39.57

2012-13 62.90 57.90 42.09

Source: National Horticulture Mission, 2013, Ministry of Agriculture

13Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

the major markets for fruits and vegetables. Punjab also

introduced concept of Apni Mandi in line of the “Saturday

Market” prevalent in UK and USA. “Apni Mandis” is

designated market where farmers/ growers sell their

produce especially fruits & vegetables directly to the

consumers. With the elimination of middleman, the net

profit is shared by the producers and the consumers.

Besides this consumers also get fresh items of produce

which they want. Currently there are 76 Apni Mandis

functional in the state.

Export: With a view of promoting agricultural exports

from the country and remunerative returns to the

farming community in a sustained manner, the concept

of the agri export zones (AEZ) was floated in 2001

by GOI. These zones have been set up for end to

end development for export of specific products

from a geographically contiguous area. The Central

Government has sanctioned 60 AEZs comprising about

40 agricultural commodities, spread across 20 states in

the country.

Punjab’s farmers are exporting vegetables with a

GlobalGap certification, a declaration of better produce

and a promise of higher profit. The certificate is an

acknowledgment of a good agricultural technique and

has so far been given to four to five Punjab farmers, with

some other aspirants in queue (Indian Express, March,

2014). It is important in light of the rejections faced

by Indian export consignments of agriculture produce

and processed food by the US and the European

Union (EU) (Tribune India, 2003). The reasons cited

varied from presence of pesticide residues in grapes

beyond permissible levels under the EU food laws to

the presence of non-permissible artificial colour. In the

case of the US, it was ethnic foods such as pickles and

preservatives, ayurvedic supplements and tonics that

were rejected on account of bad labelling, unexplained

process of manufacture and presence of unknown or

unapproved substances in the products. Corporate

houses like FieldFresh, some Namdhari farmers and

a group of potato farmers in Jalandhar, too, have the

Global Gap certification.

2.3 Contract farming and value chains

A major subset of value chain development work is

concerned with ways of linking producers to companies,

and hence into the value chains. The great bulk of

agricultural value chains involve sales to companies

from independent farmers. Such arrangements

frequently involve contract farming in which the

farmer undertakes to supply agreed quantities of their

produce, based on the quality standards and delivery

requirements of the purchaser, often at a price that is

established in advance.

Contract farming is a written commitment or an

agreement made between the farmer and the buyer for

cultivation and sale of specific quality, quantity, grade,

and variety of commodity at predetermined price (FAO,


Contract farming involves agricultural production being

carried out on the basis of an ‘agreement’ between the

buyer and farm producers. Sometimes it involves the

buyer specifying the quality required and the price, with

the farmer agreeing to deliver at a future date. More

commonly, however, contracts outline conditions for

the production of farm products and for their delivery

to the buyer’s premises. Companies often also agree

to support the farmer through input supply, land

preparation, extension advice and transporting produce

to their premises.

2.3.1 Findings from survey of contract farmers

For the purpose of this study’s objective to map

traditional and modern value chains in Punjab focussed

group discussions were held with traditional and contract

farmers in Ludhiana, Patiala and Sangrur districts. There

are various ways in which contract farming affected the

farmers and other stakeholders in the value chain and

they are listed below (Table 5).

Although contract farming helped developing the value

chain it was not without its problems. These issues lead

to ruffles in the chain between various stakeholders

which need to be ironed out if the fruits and vegetable

value chains are to function smoothly. Some of the

grievances cited by farmers and contracting agencies

during the focussed group discussions conducted by

CIPT are mentioned below:

(i) Farmers felt that agents favoured their own kith and

kin when giving out contracts or inputs.

(ii) The agreements apparently had a lack of

transparency in them.

(iii) Both firms and farmers breached contracts when

market conditions provided arbitrage opportunities.

Firms rejected more contracted produce on

quality grounds when market prices dipped below

contracted prices and farmers engaged in side-

14 Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

Table 5: Contract farming and its impact on various stake-holders

Particulars Impact on stake-holders

Access to inputs The agreement includes supply of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, credit, farm machinery, technical advice, extension etc., or may involve only the supply of hybrid seeds and marketing of produce. This reduces the risk of non-availability of raw material

Supply of products across the chain and finally to the end consumer

Contract farmers ensure steady supply of products, be it to the wholesaler, processer, retailer or consumer

Impact on Prices Steady supply of goods reduces volatility of prices

Impact on quality of products Since farmers are supplied with quality inputs, the products are of good quality too.

Access to information New technological knowhow, information about market and findings from research and development are imparted to the farmers by the contracting agencies

Product differentiation Contracting agencies provide inputs and facilities to cultivate varieties which are for table as well as processing purposes.

Access to infrastructure Contracting agencies often provide facilities like grading of produce, lab testing and an assured market which the farmer may have not been able to afford on his / her own.

Access to credit and insurance Farmers are often tied up with credit and weather insurance agencies with the help of their contracting agencies.

selling in open markets when market prices rose

higher than contract prices.

(iv) Fear of crop failure and the absence of crop

insurance was another factor due to which farmers

did not want to grow high value crops. There was

also a general feeling that weather insurance

agencies does not provide a fair assessment of the

weather risk and thereby the farmers do not get a

remuneration of the premium invested.

2.3.2 case Studies of Field Fresh and Pepsico

Corporates like Field Fresh and Pepsico have made

their presence felt in Punjab by investing in fruits and

vegetables in case of the former and specifically potato

in case of the latter. Contract farming not only aims

at following global/good agricultural practices GAP

but gives importance to things like traceability which

increases the reliability of the end product. A lot of

the produce is exported due the presence of contract

farmers and their better practices.

Executives from Pepsico India and Fieldfresh foods

private limited were also interviewed. Pepsico India

has a “360 degree farmer connect program” in potato

which apparently transformed the lives of small and

marginal farmers across India. In Punjab they contract

out to a large farmer base for producing potato chips.

They have an assured buy back of produce at pre-

agreed prices, which insulated farmers from open

market fluctuations. They supply high quality planting

material, including its proprietary advanced seed

varieties. They offer advanced plant protection program

and technical knowhow developed in collaboration with

leading agri-input companies like Dupont, Bayer and

BASF. They also provide soft loans to farmers through

national level tie-up with the State Bank of India facilitate

weather insurance in partnership with leading insurance

companies to protect farmer incomes.

For fresh vegetables, FieldFresh Foods has an

Agriculture Centre of Excellence (ACE) at Ladhowal in

Punjab, which is one of the largest agricultural R & D

facilities of its kind and is spread over 300 acres with

a state of the art protected and open field cultivation

for value added vegetables. At ACE, the advanced

technologies and agricultural best practices are

showcased to partner farmers in order to help them in

enhancing their agricultural productivity and farm income

in an environmentally sustainable manner. FieldFresh

Foods also has a new product development farm in

Karad, Maharashtra. FieldFresh Foods is engaged with

over 4000 partner farmers across 5000 acres in Punjab

& Maharashtra, who are Global GAP compliant and

grow vegetables for export to Europe. This has enabled

15Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

FieldFresh Foods to become the largest Indian exporter

of fresh baby corn with a 15% share of the UK retail

market. In addition, FieldFresh Foods is also growing

and exporting fresh sweet corn, chilies, herbs, sugar

snaps & snow peas.

3. The way forwardIncreasing area and productivity of fruits and vegetables

is not the answer to Punjab’s diversification and thereby

value chain issues. Unless all farmers are a part of a

modern value chain structure, there will always be a

disconnect between the various stake-holders involved

in the movement of produce from the farm gate to the

consumer. Farmers must have proper conditions for

farming. For that they must have incentives to move

away from the rice-wheat cropping pattern in the form of

price support, proper inputs like adequate labour at the

right time, good quality seeds, fertilisers and pesticides,

credit for mechanisation if need be etc. If middle men

are present in the chain, they should act as facilitators

to add value to the produce by way of consolidation,

wholesale activities, processing, storage, packaging

and transportation. They should add value as opposed

to pocketing majority of the margin without providing

any services. Focusing primarily on production, with

less emphasis on the role of traders, processors,

and retailers, restricts opportunities for value-adding

activities and development of a value chain.

As many marginal groups are directly involved in farming,

support for improving the participation of small producers

in value chains by providing access to inputs, information,

and technology would be useful. Additional skills and

expertise required for high-value markets need to be

developed. Small and marginal farmers are generally

capital starved and cannot make major investment in land

improvement and modern inputs. Contract farming can fill

up this gap by providing the farmers with quality inputs,

technical guidance and management skills. Although

the company deals only with the contract crop, the

farmer’s overall management skills may improve, thereby

helping him to raise the yields of both contract and non-

contract crops. From the standpoint of corporate bodies,

contracting reduces the supply risk, while the farmers

enter into contractual arrangements with companies in

order to minimize price risks.

Infrastructure forms the skeletal framework of the body

of a value chain. Access to credit is a key requirement

for all participants in a value chain. Road and market

infrastructure are important, as they provide critical

linkages for connections and transactions between

value chain participants apart from the other rural

functions they perform that indirectly support value chain

development. Government and private agencies should

provide lab testing and grading facilities. These two

activities add tremendous value to products. Extension

services empower farmers by providing them with

knowledge about the latest technologies and inputs.

Also, finance and insurance are very important for the

smooth functioning of a value chain.

Access to timely market information, such as prices,

is essential for a functioning value chain. This helps

participants in the chain, such as producers, to

respond to changes in market prices and improves

their negotiating power with traders and processors. An

understanding of market demands and requirements is

necessary to take advantage of market opportunities.

Value chains require constant innovation and technology

inputs to become and remain competitive. Therefore

research and development is an area that needs

immediate attention.

Transparency between farmers and contracting agencies

is very important so that a steady supply is maintained in

the market. Investing on different farmers every cropping

season is wasteful for the contracting agency and hence

a good rapport between the two is important. To facilitate

increased private sector engagement, greater clarity is

needed between the evolving and expected roles of the

public and private sectors.

This study is a work in progress and subsequently

results, conclusions and policy implications will be


16 Strengthening Value Chains for Fruits and Vegetables in Punjab: Alternative for Faster Growth in Agriculture

about the authors

Shayequa Zeenat Ali is Research Associate, Centers for International Projects Trust, New Delhi, email:

Sandeep Dixit is Program Manager, Centers for International Projects Trust, New Delhi, email:

R. S. Sidhu is Director, Extension Education, PAU, Ludhiana, e-mail:

Centers for International Projects Trust910-911, Pragati Towers, Rajendra PlaceNew Delhi - 110008T: +91-11-4056 5989W:

contact Us

Photo credits: Centers for International Projects Trust and Columbia Water Center

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