Stress management seminar


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Tracy Fitzgerald:

Helping Your Manage Your Wellness


Stress is a fact of everyday life.

The Stress Response

The stress response is a biological

response mediated by the sympathetic

part of the nervous system.

The Relaxation Response

The relaxation response brings the

increased activity of the stress response

back to a balanced state.

Physical SymptomsSweaty palms

Muscle tension

Nausea, dizziness or butterflies in the stomach

Frequent colds

Shallow breathing

Light headedness

Mental SymptomsMemory problems

Inability or difficulty concentrating

Poor judgement

Seeing only the negative

Anxious, racing or ruminating thoughts

Constant worrying

Emotional SymptomsMoodiness

Irritability or short-tempered

Agitation, inability to relax

Feeling overwhelmed

Sense of loneliness or isolation

Depression or general unhappiness

Behavioural SymptomsEating more or less

Sleeping too much or too little

Isolating yourself from others

Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities

Using alcohol, cigarettes or drugs to relax

Nervous habit, e.g. nail biting, pacing

Stress Management Tips

Stress management tips are tools

you can use on a daily basis to build

your resilience to stress.

Tip No 1: Breathing

Abdominal breathing techniques soothe the nervous system and encourage health benefits, such as reduced blood pressure.

Deliberately slowing to a relaxed breathing pattern seems to calm the body.

Tip No 2: Go for a Walk

Studies show that even a 10 minute walk

immediately boosts brain chemistry

to increase happiness.

Tip No 3: Journaling

Journaling, or keeping a diary is an ancient tradition, one that dates back to at least 10th century Japan.

Journaling helps clarify your thoughts and feelings, reduce stress and helps solve problems more effectively.

Tip No 4: Play Some Music

Music can have a great effect on our brains in a great variety of ways.

Listening to music can relieve depression and increase self-esteem ratings in elderly people.

Making music can reduce burnout and improve mood among nursing students.

Tip No 5: Try Smiling Studies show that the muscles used when

smiling stimulate your brain into making you relaxed and also releases more endorphins and serotonin (feel good hormones).

So the old adage “just grin and bear it,” may be good advice in difficult situations.

Tip No 6: Get a Good StretchTaking just 15 minutes out of your day to

stretch can be very therapeutic.

A good stretch releases tension in the shoulder, neck and arms.

After a nice stretch, you should find yourself more productive and alert.

Tip No 7: Practice Affirmations “An affirmation is self-talk in its highest


An affirmation is a positive statement that something is already happening.

It’s not happening tomorrow or in the future, but right now.”

– Susan Jeffers, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

I respect and accept myself unconditionally.

Tip No 8: Take a Bath Bathing helps lower blood pressure and

provides an excellent respite from your busy routine.

Your body will relax and your mind has a chance to wander, leaving the stress of the day behind.

Bathing also helps you get a good nights sleep!

Tip No 9: Gratitude

Research is showing that practising gratitude has many health benefits

Gratitude makes us happier, helps us feel more positive and helps us sleep better.

Find 5 things to be grateful for every day for at least a week and feel your mood soar!

Tip No 10: MeditationA meditation practice can take five

minutes or an hour and can get rid of a whole days worth of stress.

Meditation takes practice so be patient with yourself while learning a new skill!

Guided meditations are an easy way of training the mind to let go for a short while and stop the internal chatter.

About My BusinessMy main focus is to help people manage

their stress.

This stress can be caused by physical, mental, or emotional problems.

I use Indian head massage and Reiki and I teach Wellness and Massage workshops.

About My Business I offer a confidential service.

I have a treatment room in Castlebar and I offer a home visit service covering a 30 mile radius from Castlebar.

Client care and well-being is at the centre of my service – if I feel a client would be better served by a service I don’t provide, I will refer them on.

The Benefits of Holistic TherapiesRelieve muscle tension

Slow down and deepen breathing

Slow down the heart and pulse rate

Reduce blood pressure

Reduce stress and anxiety

Improve concentration

Increase feelings of well-being

Promote rest, relaxation and sleep

Indian Head Massage Demo Indian Head Massage is a relaxing stress

management tool, designed to target the areas where stress is held the most.

An Indian Head Massage works on the upper back, upper arms, neck and head.

I work through your clothes and no oils are used.

I hope you found it useful.

Best wishes,

Tracy Fitzgerald
