Student Sample #1: Topic: Caffeine - · beverages include pop, energy drinks, tea, ......


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Student Sample #1:

Topic: Caffeine

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 2 of 111

May 1, 2015

English 101

Section 44

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Table of Contents

Summary 3

Text book section 6

Advice column 9

Diagram 11

Medical record 13

Annotated bibliography 17

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The Effects of Caffeine on the Body

Dear Reader,

Caffeine is a popular drug that is used by people all around the world. In fact, according

to the Food and Drug Administration (2007), “ninety percent of people in the world use caffeine

in one form or another” and “in the U.S., 80 percent of adults consume caffeine every day”

(para. 01). Pietrangelo (2014) explains how “Caffeine is a naturally occurring substance found

in many plants, including coffee beans and tea leaves” and how “Caffeine can also be man-

made, and it is added to many of our foods and drinks” (para. 01). Most of these caffeinated

beverages include pop, energy drinks, tea, and of course coffee. People most often drink

beverages with caffeine because of the effects caffeine gives. The main effect people are after

when they drink a caffeinated beverage is the feeling of energy. While this is one big effect that

caffeine gives, there are many others as well. In fact, Caffeine has many different effects on

many different parts of the human body.

Many of the effects caffeine gives affect the brain. Dr. Chawla (2013) even describes

how “caffeine is the most widely used psychoactive substance and has sometimes been

considered a drug of abuse” (para. 01). Caffeine is a psychoactive substance because of how it

replaces adenosine in the brain. As Reilly (2014) puts it, “caffeine, however, is a stealthy

impersonator. It’s the same size and shape as adenosine, and when you sip your morning joe,

your adenosine receptors can’t tell the difference” (para. 3). As caffeine is consumed and

replaces the adenosine, Stromberg (2013) states that “the most notable change is that brain

cells grow more adenosine receptors, which is the brain’s attempt to maintain equilibrium in

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the face of a constant onslaught of caffeine” (para. 10). This ultimately leads to caffeine

becoming addicting. Since caffeine is addictive, many other of the effects it gives come from

withdrawal from caffeine.

While caffeine can be addicting to the brain, it affects more than just the central

nervous system. Hanes (2015) even states that “while caffeine’s effects are regulated by the

brain, it also affects many other organ systems throughout the body” (para. 01). It has many

more effects on the whole body than people would expect. These effects are usually safe when

caffeine is taken in moderation. However, when caffeine is taken in high amounts over a long

period of time, the effects it gives can be harmful as well.

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Chawla, J. (2013, August 12). Neurologic Effects of Caffeine. Retrieved April 24, 2015, from

FDA. (2007). Medicines in my Home: Caffeine and Your Body. Retrieved April 6, 2015, from

Hanes, T. (2015, January 28). Does Caffeine Affect Other Organ Systems Besides the Nervous

System? Retrieved April 27, 2015, from


Pietrangelo, A. (2014, October 22). 17 Effects of Caffeine on the Body. Retrieved March 31,

2015, from

Reilly, L. (2014, February 4). How Does Caffeine Work? Retrieved March 31, 2015, from

Stromberg, J. (2013, August 9). This Is How Your Brain Becomes Addicted to Caffeine.

Retrieved March 31, 2015, from


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Caffeine is a stimulant that will make

people feel more energetic, but does

not actually provide them with any

energy or nutritional value. Caffeine

works by mimicking the chemical

adenosine. Adenosine accumulates

in the brain as a by-product of neuron

activity. Therefore, when the brain is awake and consciously active,

more adenosine appears throughout the day. As this chemical

appears, it attaches to brain receptors and slows down brain

activity. This slowing down of the brain receptors gives off the

sensation of drowsiness and needing sleep. Therefore, people feel

more tired as more adenosine collects in the brain the longer

they’ve been awake. This process, however, can be interrupted

with the consumption of caffeine. Caffeine and adenosine appear

so similar to the human body that it can’t tell the difference

between the two. Therefore, caffeine replaces the adenosine by

attaching to the brain receptors instead. Since the caffeine doesn’t

Adenosine- A neurotransmitter in the brain that serves a role in sleep initiation. (Peters, 2013)

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give off the feeling of tiredness to the receptors that the adenosine

does, this allows the person who consumes the caffeine to feel

more awake and full of energy than they really should. However,

if one were to consistently consume high amounts of caffeine on a

daily basis, the body would change and adapt to this by growing

more adenosine receptors to be available. Since the brain would

grow more adenosine receptors, more receptors would be

available for adenosine to attach to. This would require someone

to consume more caffeine in order to get the same effects of

feeling more awake and energetic. Therefore, this same concept

would also mean that the person would feel more tired than usual

if they didn’t consume any caffeine. This is one of the ways how

people can become dependent on the effects that caffeine gives.

Fig. 20-19: Caffeine and

Adenosine molecules.

(Courtesy of

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Chawla, J. (2013, August 12). Neurologic Effects of Caffeine. Retrieved April 24, 2015, from

Miller, B., O'Connor, H., Orr, R., Ruell, P., Cheng, H., & Chow, C. (2014). Combined caffeine and

carbohydrate ingestion: effects on nocturnal sleep and exercise performance in

athletes. European Journal Of Applied Physiology, 114(12), 2529-2537.


Peters, B. (2013, September 3). Definition of Adenosine. Retrieved April 24, 2015, from

Reilly, L. (2014, February 4). How Does Caffeine Work? Retrieved March 31, 2015, from

Stromberg, J. (2013, August 9). This Is How Your Brain Becomes Addicted to Caffeine.

Retrieved March 31, 2015, from


University of Delaware. (n.d.). Effects of Caffeine. Retrieved April 24, 2015, from

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Ask Dr. Richard Q: I am an avid coffee drinker and lately I have been

trying to quit. I usually have about three to five cups of

coffee a day because I work a lot and it helps keep me

feeling energetic during the day. I want to quit, but

every time I stop drinking coffee I get massive

headaches and become extremely irritable. I become

so irritable with everyone that even my coworkers

notice. Also the headaches I get are so unbearable that

I can only last about two days before I start drinking

coffee again. Feeling sleepy throughout the day hasn’t

been much of a problem as I thought it would be. It’s

just the headaches and irritability that gets me. I don’t

understand why. Is there anything I can do to get rid of

or even ease these withdrawal symptoms I’ve been


A: First of all, I would like to say that these symptoms

you are having are completely normal and actually very

common with people who try and quit drinking coffee.

The reason why you are having these symptoms is

because coffee is very high in caffeine and your body

has adapted to your daily high intake of caffeine. There

is nothing you can do to get rid of these symptoms. You

will have them for the first few days after you quit

drinking coffee. Fortunately, they will get better after a

few day and should altogether disappear within a few

weeks. There are, however, a few ways you could ease

these symptoms. I would recommend gradually giving

up drinking coffee rather than doing it all in one day.

You could drink two cups a day for a couple days and

work your way down. I would also recommend drinking

lots of water. This would especially help with the

headaches you are experiencing. Other than that I

would recommend getting plenty of rest and the

symptoms eventually will go away. Good luck!

Photo courtesy of

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Caffeine Informer Staff. (2015). Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms: Top Ten. Retrieved April 24,

2015, from

Maisto, S., Galizio, M., & Connors, G. (2010). Caffeine. In Drug Use and Abuse (6th ed.). Cengage


Rakow, B. (2012, January 21). How to Write an Advice Column. Retrieved April 24, 2015, from

WiseGEEK. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2015, from


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Depression/Anxiety: Caffeine

can make depression/anxiety

worse and more noticeable,

especially through withdrawal.

Headaches: Withdrawal

symptoms from

caffeine may include

severe headaches.

Glaucoma: Caffeine

increases pressure in the

eye which can lead to

glaucoma or make the

symptoms worse.

Heart Disease: Caffeine causes


heartbeats which

in the long term

can lead to heart


Worsens Diabetes:

Caffeine will affect the way that

the body uses sugar. This can

have a negative impact on

people with diabetes.

Muscle Tremors: High

doses of caffeine in a short

time can cause muscle

tremors and twitches. Over

a longer period of time

caffeine can cause muscles

to ache because of



Caffeine will flush out

calcium through urine

resulting in weaker

bones. Over longer

periods of time this

can lead to


High Blood Pressure: Caffeine makes blood

pressure and pulse rise

temporarily, but too much

caffeine over a long time

can lead to chronic high

blood pressure.

Dehydration: Caffeine is a

diuretic, so it causes the body to

release water. Therefore, too

much caffeine can lead to


Diarrhea: High doses of caffeine can

cause diarrhea and may lead to Irritable

bowel syndrome.

Heartburn: Since

caffeine tends to rise

the level of acid in the

stomach, it can lead

to an upset stomach

and heartburn

While caffeine is safe to drink for

most people, it can still have unsafe

effects if not taken in moderation.

Picture by John Illingworth

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Bodeeb, J. (2014, January 18). Long-Term Effects of Caffeine. Retrieved April 24, 2015, from

Chawla, J. (2013, August 12). Neurologic Effects of Caffeine . Retrieved April 24, 2015, from

Illingworth, J. (n.d.). University of Leeds Faculty of Biological Sciences. Retrieved April 24, 2015,


Pietrangelo, A. (2014, October 22). 17 Effects of Caffeine on the Body. Retrieved March 31,

2015, from

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Antidepressants: Selecting one that's right for you. (2014, November 25). Retrieved April 24,

2015, from


Bodeeb, J. (2014, January 18). Long-Term Effects of Caffeine. Retrieved April 24, 2015, from

High blood pressure (hypertension). (2014, January 31). Retrieved April 24, 2015, from


Morelli, J. (2014, May 30). High Blood Pressure Medications List and Side Effects. Retrieved

April 24, 2015, from


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Annotated Bibliography

Pietrangelo, A. (2014, October 22). 17 Effects of Caffeine on the Body. Retrieved March 31, 2015, from

This is a well put together and informative source that gives much information on how caffeine effects the body. It gives an overview on how caffeine makes an impact on many of the human body’s different systems. It covers the effects on the central nervous system, reproductive system, skeletal system and many more. This source also has a diagram of the human body which contains facts of the effects of caffeine that are attached to the appropriate area of the body.

This is a very useful resource that should be used. It contains very good information about exactly what my topic is about.

Reilly, L. (2014, February 4). How Does Caffeine Work? Retrieved March 31, 2015, from

This is a very in depth article that gets into the science of how the caffeine actually works. It mostly talks about how the caffeine affects the brain and explains how it does it. This article explains how coffee keeps people feeling awake and energetic while using terminology such as adenosines, neurotransmitters, and dopamine.

This is another very useful article to be used. It will help me plenty when writing crots more focused on a scientific and in-depth view of my topic.

Stromberg, J. (2013, August 9). This Is How Your Brain Becomes Addicted to Caffeine. Retrieved March 31, 2015, from

This article focuses on explaining why caffeine is addictive. It is another very scientific article. It talks about the brain receptors and adenosine and how they react to a continuous intake of caffeine. It also explains how caffeine is a stimulant and refers to it as a drug. It also provides information on withdrawal from usage of caffeine.

This article is useful. I should use it when I talk about how coffee is addictive and possibly when talking about why this is important because of how many people consume caffeine on a regular basis.

FDA. (2007). Medicines in my Home: Caffeine and Your Body. Retrieved April 6, 2015, from

This article is written by the Federal Drug Administration and gives basic facts about caffeine. It also gives stats about caffeine use in the United States. It contains a lot of info about the effects of caffeine. It also has a list of many caffeinated beverages and the amount of caffeine in each beverage.

This should be a useful article because of the fact that it is written by the Federal Drug Administration. That means that this source is reliable. Also the stats of caffeine in the U.S. would be helpful in backing up the research I find. It would also be helpful for a certain crot. The list of caffeinated beverages may also be helpful for a crot as well.

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Gunja, N., & Brown, J. (2011, November 15). Energy drinks: Health risks and toxicity. Retrieved April 6, 2015, from

This article describes the dangers of highly caffeinated energy drinks specifically in Australia. It covers an experiment that took place with these drinks in Australia and gives the results of what they found in this experiment.

This article may not be the best for my project as far as I’m concerned so far. The study takes place in Australia, which doesn’t mean that I couldn’t use it, but at the same time it would be far better to find one that takes place in the United States. Furthermore, this article is from 2011 and it’s possible that these energy drinks could have changed since then. This is probably a source that I will not end up using.

Benn, B. (2015, March 16). The Truth about Caffeine! Retrieved April 7, 2015, from

This article gives a good overview of how caffeine would affect someone’s overall health. It includes information about how much caffeine one should take, how it affects the metabolism, and about the energy it gives. It also has a brief section about caffeine addiction.

This article seems somewhat useful. It gives a lot of basic information and doesn’t really go too much in depth with anything. However, this article is from a product site so I will not use it.

Miller, B., O'Connor, H., Orr, R., Ruell, P., Cheng, H., & Chow, C. (2014). Combined caffeine and carbohydrate ingestion: effects on nocturnal sleep and exercise performance in athletes. European Journal Of Applied Physiology, 114(12), 2529-2537. doi:10.1007/s00421-014-2973-z

This is a very long and very scientific source. It is set up like a basic experiment paper with an abstract, hypothesis and results and so on. It is very complicated but it is from the libraries database so it is a reliable resource

This is a very scientific source that could potentially be very helpful for a crot that talks about caffeine impacts on athletes or sleep. I should use it because it is a source from the library’s database.

Sheps, S. (2014, August 5). Caffeine: How does it affect blood pressure? Retrieved April 8, 2015, from

This source gives information on how caffeine affects blood pressure. It talks about how some people will be affected in comparison to others and how much caffeine will do what. This is written by a doctor of the mayo clinic so it gives accurate information.

This is a useful source. It is written in a way that is easy to understand. It is also written by a doctor so it is very credible. This should be useful for a crot that emphasizes on the effects of caffeine on blood pressure.

Maisto, S., Galizio, M., & Connors, G. (2010). Caffeine. In Drug Use and Abuse (6th ed.). Cengage Learning.

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This source comes from a book. It is a book about drugs but has a chapter on caffeine. It compares the effects of caffeine to other drugs. It has a lot of information on the withdrawal symptoms and addiction of caffeine

This is a reliable source because it comes from a textbook. I will probably use this source in my project for a potential crot that talks about caffeine addiction and withdrawal.

Hanes, T. (2015, January 28). Does Caffeine Affect Other Organ Systems Besides the Nervous System? Retrieved April 27, 2015, from

This article explains how caffeine affects more than just the brain. This article goes into description of how caffeine plays a role in different systems such as the cardiovascular system, urinary tract, and the gastrointestinal tract.

This article provides very useful information for my project. It is a source that I should definitely use in one of my crots because of the information it provides.

Peters, B. (2013, September 3). Definition of Adenosine. Retrieved April 24, 2015, from

This source provides an in depth definition and explanation of adenosine. It is written by Brandon Peters who is an M.D. and expert on sleep and the body. This article or definition he gives doesn’t include much about caffeine but still mentions it.

This is a very good explanation of caffeine and comes from a reliable source. There is not much information about caffeine here, but adenosine is greatly associated with caffeine so it is very helpful.

Chawla, J. (2013, August 12). Neurologic Effects of Caffeine. Retrieved April 24, 2015, from

This article mainly focuses on the neurologic effects of caffeine on the human body. It however also gives much more information about the effects of caffeine. It talks about withdrawal symptoms, its role on headaches and much more. This article is also written by a doctor and edited by many others.

This article is very reliable and provides a lot of helpful information. It contains a lot of the neurologic effects which I have already read much about, but it also has a lot of other information that I will use.

Caffeine Informer Staff. (2015). Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms: Top Ten. Retrieved April 24, 2015, from

This article talks specifically about withdrawal from caffeine. It emphasizes mainly on the symptoms of withdrawal from caffeine. It also goes into the science of why these symptoms happen and also further explains how to ease or avoid them. This article takes a serious view to withdrawal of caffeine.

This article looks very helpful. I will plan to use this for a crot that focuses on the withdrawal effects of caffeine. It gives scientific information in a way that is easy to understand. It is also set up in a list format that makes it even more helpful.

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University of Delaware. (n.d.). Effects of Caffeine. Retrieved April 24, 2015, from

This is an informational article that talks about how caffeine is metabolized. It is very scientific and explains caffeine as the molecule. It also compares the molecule of caffeine to the molecule of adenosine and explains how similar they are.

This article is short but reliable and informational. It is from a college website so it should have very accurate information. It also shows diagrams of the molecules of caffeine and adenosine which I could use in a crot.

Bodeeb, J. (2014, January 18). Long-Term Effects of Caffeine. Retrieved April 24, 2015, from

This article explains the long-term effects of caffeine. It talks about many examples of the long-term effects of caffeine such as dehydration, depression, anxiety, and addiction. It also explains why caffeine causes these effects. This article seems very useful. It is also written in a way that is easy to understand. This article explains each effect separately which makes it easier to understand them. This would be a useful source for a crot.

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Student Sample #2:

Topic: Schultz


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The Story of Two Iconic American Athletes


April 30, 2015

Mark and David Schultz

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Table of Contents

Summary/Background………………………………………………… 3

Personal Invitation………………………………………………………6

Photos with Captions…………………………………………...…….…8

Police Report………………………………..…………………………13

Eulogy……………………………...…………………………………. 16

Annotated Bibliography………………….…………………………… 18

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Winning the Olympics and standing on the podium with red, white, and blue around your

neck along with a gold medal is an honor for the United States of America. Something that

makes it even more special is to have your brother right by your side, winning as well. Family is

something that has true value in the sport of wrestling. Everywhere you go you see teams with

brothers, who are the reason behind each other’s success, pushing each day to become a better

wrestler and person. Dave and Mark Schultz are iconic American athletes who have left a lasting

impact on the sport of wrestling.

Mark and Dave Schultz are highly recognized as two of the most successful brothers in

American sports history. According to Blauvelt and Dodd (1997), Dave “won seven world-level

medals, including the 1984 Olympic gold at 163 pounds” (para. 3). Winning on the world level

alone is an accomplishment, but to take home ten medals is a feat that very few wrestlers have

done. Dave Schultz was not only an amazing wrestler but also a great person. He was always

looking to help others become better at the sport of wrestling and always giving back to the

sport, helping coach so others could see success. Palmer (2006), described him as “one of the all-

time greats. Not just because he was an NCAA champion or an Olympic gold medalist… but

because of his genuine good nature and generous spirit” (para. 1). Dave Schultz is a good

example of why it’s not always the things you do on the mat or on the field that make you


Mark Schultz is also known as a great in the sport of wrestling. Winning the 1984

Olympics alongside his brother, Mark finally made his name known. According to the National

Wrestling Hall of Fame (2015), Mark had three NCAA titles, made two appearances in the

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Olympics, and won four national titles, with two gold medals at Worlds and a Pan American

gold medal. Mark showed great technique on the wrestling mat that aided in his success.

The accomplishments that Mark and Dave Schultz have under their belts landed them

into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in Stillwater, Oklahoma, both as distinguished

members, meaning they have “achieved extraordinary success in national and/or international


Dave and Mark both lived on the estate of Foxcatcher Farms, which acted as the training

grounds of the US Olympic team. Both were paid to live there by passionate wrestling fanatic,

John du Pont who owned the estate. Du Pont recognized the skills of the Schultz brothers early

and knew them living at the estate could provide great success for the two of them. The

relationship between du Pont and Dave Schultz would quickly turn on the afternoon of January

26, 1996. Palmer (2006) explains the event that occurred on that day: “Dave was working on the

radio in his Toyota Tercel in front of his house at du Pont’s estate when he (du Pont) pulled up to

the 36-year-old wrestler/coaches care and fired a shot through the back window of the station

wagon” (para. 7). For no apparent reason, the man who had provided everything for the Schultz

family ended Dave’s life.

The tragedy hit the wrestling world by storm, losing an icon of the sport. The unanswered

reasoning left Mark and the rest of his family confused. Mark no longer had a brother to win

national, world, or Olympic titles with. Though Dave Schultz is no longer alive, his legacy lives

on. Clubs, facilities, and tournaments all highlight how the Schultz name has given remembrance

to a man who wasn’t only a great athlete, but also a genuine person.

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Blauvelt, H., & Dodd, M. (1996, Jan 29). Dave schultz: Many medals, much admired. USA

TODAY (Pre-1997 Fulltext) Retrieved from

National Wrestling Hall of Fame. (2015). Honoree: Mark Schultz. Retrieved from

Palmer, M. (2006, Jan 26). The Life and Legacy of Dave Schultz, Chapter 1: The Day Wrestling

Died. InterMat Wrestle. Retrieved from


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February 12, 1982

Dear Mark and Dave Schultz:

The du Pont family and Foxcatcher Farms is pleased to extend an invitation to you to become a

member of Team Foxcatcher wrestling club. Your outstanding performances cited by Brown and

Prioleau explain the amazing feats of winning California High School State Championships,

NCAA, and a World title throughout your wrestling careers (2010). As I can see you are at the

next level. But how would it feel to win at the Olympic level? Not just win, but dominate?

Team Foxcatcher is the future of Freestyle wrestling in America. Foxcatcher Farms sits on 1,000

acres in Newtown Square, PA. Recently, there have been major editions to our state of the art

facilities, including a brand new wrestling gym just a short walk away from housing that would be

provided. Speace (2014) shares the du Pont family’s tradition of success as they have produced

some 32,000 awards in various sports since 1910.

The goal of Team Foxcatcher is to house and support the best wrestlers in America. When you

become a member of the team, all expenses will be paid for: housing, food, gear, and travel to and

from the most prestigious National and International tournaments. Along with expenses,

Foxcatcher Farms will recruit the most outstanding athletes in the world to train and live on the

farms to maximize success in Freestyle wrestling.

As a member of Team Foxcatcher, you will not only represent the du Pont family, but also your

country. The coach himself, John du Pont, describes the perfect view of Team Foxcatcher. As said

by Stern (2015), he believes that “America needs to get back to what it was.” Our country is lacking

in success on the international level and it is time for change.

Here at Foxcatcher Farms, we case dreams of Olympic Gold. We want to be the best in the world

and not stop until we achieve greatness. With the success you have shown in the past, we believe

you have the right tools to achieve the Foxcatcher Farms mission.


John E. du Pont

John E. du Pont, Owner

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Brown, G. & Prioleau, C. (2010, February 22). Paly green. Olympic gold. Fade to black. The

Viking: Palo Alto High School News. Retrieved from

Speace, D. (2014, November 13). John E du Pont video Foxcatcher Farms – 1988 [Video File].

Retrieved from

Stern, Marlow. (2015, January 14). My Surreal Time on ‘Foxcatcher’ Farm: John du Pont’s

Beautiful, Dark, Twisted Fantasy. The Daily Beast. Retrieved from


Photo in Header

Retrieved from

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Mark (left) and Dave Schultz (right) were training partners throughout their lives, creating more

than just a brotherly bond. Training partner’s day in and day out, Mark and Dave went to war,

pushing each other until the wrestling occasionally turned into fist fighting inside of the practice

room. As said by Harts (2014), “Many saw them as the steel that sharpened steel.”

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Dave and Mark training in the place where it all started, Palo Alto, California. As brothers and

training partners, Mark and Dave did everything together. Palmer (2006) explains how as a

freshman in college, Dave went to Oklahoma while Mark still had another year of high school.

When it came time for Mark to choose a college, they again would be separated as he chose

UCLA. After only a year at UCLA, Mark transferred to the University of Oklahoma so he could

continue doing what he loved, with his brother.

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Nothing but smiles as the two brothers share their 1984 Olympic gold medals with each other. In

1984 did they not only become wrestling hero’s, but also American athlete hero’s; Papadatos

(2015) says that the brothers became the first siblings in U.S. History to win Olympic gold in the

same year.

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Dave and Mark raise each others’ hands in a photo shoot after winning gold for the United States

in the 1984 Summer Olympics. Winning a gold medal was special, but winning with your best

friend and brother right by your side makes it that much more special. A lifelong dream had

finally been accomplished.

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Harts, C. (2014, Nov 13). The Schultz Brothers: The Beginning. MMA Latest. Retrieved from

Palmer, M. (2006, Jan 26). The Life and Legacy of Dave Schultz, Chapter 1: The Day Wrestling

Died. InterMat Wrestle. Retrieved from


Papadatos, M. (2015, January 25). Remembering Dave Schultz: A tribune to a wrestling legend.

Digital Journal. Retrieved from


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Newtown Township Police


Newtown Square, PA

Case Number: 192843

Date: January 26, 1996

Reporting Officer: Newtown Square Police Department & SWAT

Prepared By: CPL Stevens

Incident Type: Murder/Standoff

Address of Occurrence: Foxcatcher Farm, Goshen Rd. Newtown

Square, PA 19073


Nancy Schultz: Wife of the victim, Dave Schultz.

Patrick Goodale: Private consultant of du Pont

Evidence/Weapons Used:

Long barreled .44 Magnum Pistol

Shell casings fired from du Pont’s Pistol

Footprints (du Pont’s size 9 Nike)

According to Witness and Law Enforcement Official reports: On

January 26, 1996 at approximately 2:15 pm John Eleuthère du Pont

was driving his Lincoln Town Car around the estate of Foxcatcher

farms with his private consultant Patrick Goodale. The pair

drove until arriving at the residence of Dave Schultz where he

was outside working on the radio of his Toyota Tercel. du Pont

then approached the back of Dave Schultz vehicle, pointing the

gun first at Patrick Goodale in the passenger seat before firing

a shot with his .44 magnum pistol, hitting Dave in the elbow.

After hearing a gunshot, Dave’s wife Nancy, ran from the kitchen

before hearing a second gunshot, hitting Dave in the stomach, as

she reached the front door of their home. Nancy screamed, “John,

Stop!” to du Pont, but he fired a third shot hitting Dave in the

back as he lied on the ground. du Pont then pointed the .44

magnum at Nancy, who ran inside to call 911. Patrick Goodale

then exited the vehicle, running to Dave Schultz assistance as

John du Pont drove off towards his mansion.

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Law Enforcement arrived on the scene of Foxcatcher Farms around

2:30 pm, responding to Nancy Schultz 911 call. They found Dave

Schultz lying face down next to his Toyota Tercel, with 3

gunshot wounds. Life squad rushed Dave Schultz to the hospital

as soon as they arrived.

When police arrived, du Pont was nowhere to be found when

Newtown Square Police arrived, so a search was set out on the

estate of Foxcatcher Farms. du Pont was finally located, locked

inside the library of his mansion, fully equipped with food and

water. Around 75 officers and SWAT surrounded the suspect. Law

Enforcement turned off the boilers that supplied heat to the

mansion, located outside. The rest of the estate was evacuated.

du Pont stayed in contact with Law Enforcement by phone, with at

least 12 calls back and forth. Then, around 48 hours after the

murder of Dave Schultz, John du Pont exited the residence in

attempts to fix the boilers, located near the greenhouse. Law

Enforcement took action approaching du Pont ordering him to

surrender. When he threatened to run back inside, Law

Enforcement tackled him, handcuffed, and took John E. du Pont

into custody.

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Schultz, M., & Thomas, D. (2014). Foxcatcher: The True Story of My Brother’s Murder, John du

Pont’s Madness, and the Quest for Olympic Gold. New York, NY: Dutton.

Scott, Graham G. (2005). Homicide by the rich and famous: a century of prominent killers.

Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

Vigoda, R. & Ordine B. (1997, January 29). Du Pont Witness Describes Showdown Security

Expert Patrick Goodale Said He And John Du Pont Squared Off At Gunpoint After David

Schultz Was Shot. Retrieved from


Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 38 of 111

David L. Schultz

June 6, 1959 – January 26, 1996

David L. Schultz, a devoted father and 1984 Olympic champion was killed January 26, 1996 in

Newtown Square, PA. He died at the young age of 36.

Dave’s youth is best described by Brown and Priouleau (2010), which started in Palo Alto,

California. One thing was clear from a young age: wrestling was his thing. Finding the Palo Alto

High School wrestling room was something Dave did himself, as his brother Mark followed in his

footsteps. In high school, Dave won the 1977 California High School State championship, the first

major win of his wrestling career. From that day on Dave would only see success on the wrestling


From college on, Dave would only continue to win the most prestigious tournaments around the

United States and World. A few of his major accomplishments are told by USA Wrestling (1996), as

he won an NCAA title for the University of Oklahoma, a 1983 World championship, and the next

year winning the 1984 Olympics.

Not only was Dave an amazing competitor, but also an amazing coach. He was always looking to

the sport that had given him so much. USA Wrestling (1996) tells how Dave helped develop athletes

at the University of Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and Stanford before heading to Foxcatcher Farms to

train and help coach for the 1996 Olympic Games.

Aside from wrestling, Dave was an amazing person who was praised by people from all around the

world for his positive, upbeat attitude. Longtime friend and training partner, Kurt Angle, describes

Dave through USA Wrestling (2006), like this: “He cared about everyone, and always put people

first, no matter who you were. He even learned six or seven languages so that he could speak to

different athletes.”

Palmer (2006) says his wife, Nancy and their children Alexander, 9, and Danielle, 6, survive Dave

Schultz. His father, Philip G. Schultz, his mother, Dorothy Jearl St. Germain, and his brothers and

sister, Mark, Seanna, and Michael also survive him.

Dave’s legacy will forever continue on through his family and the wrestling community. May he rest

in Peace.

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Brown, G. & Prioleau, C. (2010, February 22). Paly green. Olympic gold. Fade to black. The

Viking: Palo Alto High School News. Retrieved from

Palmer, M. (2006, Jan 26). The Life and Legacy of Dave Schultz, Chapter 1: The Day Wrestling

Died. InterMat Wrestle. Retrieved from


USA Wrestling. (1996). Tribune to David Schultz. The Washington Post. Retrieved from


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Annotated Bibliography

Blauvelt, H., & Dodd, M. (1996, Jan 29). Dave schultz: Many medals, much admired. USA

TODAY (Pre-1997 Fulltext) Retrieved from

This source is useful because it provides insight from just days after Dave Schultz died.

Although it is from 1996, it gives great information about Dave’s life, accomplishments, and

the horrific day when he lost his life. It is in the form of a newspaper article and gives me

many options for different crots I could use. One that comes to mind is an obituary or a

eulogy because it acts as a tribute to all of his accomplishments and the amazing life he


Brown, G. & Prioleau, C. (2010, February 22). Paly green. Olympic gold. Fade to black. The

Viking: Palo Alto High School News. Retrieved from

Another online newspaper article, this source has good personal information about Mark

and Dave Schultz from the town they were born and raised in. This article goes through the

blood, sweat, and tears that both brothers went through during their journey to Olympic

gold. Not only does it do that, but also gives information about each stage of their lives:

youth, high school, college, and beyond. One concern I have is that the source comes from

the high school they attended, possibly having some bias and losing credibility. I do like this

source for the facts it contains, making it very useful in many stages of my research project

such as a sports card, newspaper article, or really anything that involves their lives.

Harts, C. (2014, Nov 13). The Schultz Brothers: The Beginning. MMA Latest. Retrieved from

This source has a lot of valuable information, but the reason I really like it is because of the

images it has. It has vintage images of Dave and Mark Schultz together, which is something

I’ve been looking for in my research process. The images project the love the brothers had

for each other and just seeing the pictures you can see the bond they had. The source also

has good information too: it’s the full package. Once again I do have some concerns about

the source, because it is not scholarly. Aside from that, I think this source will give a lot of

use in my project with both the images and information included. It would be perfect for a

news article, or even just citing the pictures to add graphics in my final piece.

National Wrestling Hall of Fame. (2015). Honoree: Mark Schultz. Retrieved from

The National Wrestling Hall of Fame provides good athletic information about inductees

and their wrestling careers. It comes directly from the place where the award was given,

knowing a lot of information about why the wrestler deserved the award. A good example of

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 41 of 111

a crot that could be used for this source is a Hall of Fame inductee speech for either brother

given to an audience of wrestling greats, boosters, and supporters of the people who

inducted them.

O’Neill, A. (2015, February 22). Foxcatcher: The crazy du Pont next door. CNN. Retrieved from

Of all the sources I found regarding du Pont this is one of my favorite. Like the book I

found, it describes him and his life with just the information I am looking for. One reason I

especially like this is because it gives me a lot of information I can use for the invitation I

am writing to Mark Schultz from du Pont, recruiting him to come to Foxcatcher Farms to

train for wrestling. Another reason I like it is because it has a reputable source, coming from

CNN and not some blog. It has a great photo, with a lot of information so this is a source I

will use for sure.

Palmer, M. (2006, Jan 26). The Life and Legacy of Dave Schultz, Chapter 1: The Day Wrestling

Died. InterMat Wrestle. Retrieved from


When it comes to wrestling, InterMat is one of the go to sources from results, articles, to

anything wrestling related. In this piece done by Intermat, it is everything you need to know

about Dave Schultz. In this tribune, Palmer talks about his wrestling career, his personal life,

the man who murdered him, and the legacy he left after his death. This source is very

valuable to my project because I can use it in multiple crots and genres, such as the eulogy

or a documentation and time of events when Dave was murdered. I think this source will

add a lot of punch to my project because it was written before the movie Foxcatcher was

even made, providing information based on facts to what actually happen, rather than

following the movie.

Palmer, M. (2015, Jan 2). Mark Schultz: ‘I may have tweeted out of anger’, yet still criticizes

Foxcatcher. Denver, CO: Retrieved from:


Another source written by author, Mark Palmer. Palmer is a credible wrestling writer as he

has written for nearly every wrestling website, magazine, and documented all around the

world. Although Palmer is a credible writer, I am skeptical about the source it is coming

from. The Examiner is powered by independent contributors, but is also enhanced by

viewpoint, possibly making this source bias. The reason I even put this source down is

because there are fantastic quotes from Mark Schultz himself, criticizing the movie about

his life. He knows the facts behind the story and he wants the viewers to know what the

truth was, like the book he wrote.

Papadatos, M. (2015, January 25). Remembering Dave Schultz: A tribune to a wrestling legend.

Digital Journal. Retrieved from


Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 42 of 111

This is another source that provides really good photos of the Schultz brothers, something I

have been looking for in my research process. There is a photo of the brothers together after

a hike or some type of workout that just by looking at shows the bond they had together.

Another photo shows the brothers with President Ronald Reagan and first lady Nancy

Reagan that I really like. This photo is significant because they were obviously amazing

athletes if they got the opportunity to meet the President from their accomplishments at the

Olympics. The source of the photos was provided to the Digital Journal from Mark Schultz,

so the source is very credible.

Roberston, E. (2013, November 6). The Power + Pain of Olympian Mark Schultz. OZY.

Retrieved from


This source taught me a lot about the relationship that the Schultz brothers had and that is

why I am including it in my annotated bibliography. In the article, Mark talks about times

spent with his brother and how the murder changed his whole attitude. He goes through

different experiences like the quest to Olympic gold to times on the farm while training for

the next game. It also provides a pretty good background about their lives that I have been

looking for. I really like the way this article talks about the relationship though, because it

completely makes you put into perspective how close the brothers really were. The source

might not be the best, but I really like this article and that’s why I kept it.

Schultz, M., & Thomas, D. (2014). Foxcatcher: The True Story of My Brother’s Murder, John du

Pont’s Madness, and the Quest for Olympic Gold. New York, NY: Dutton.

Written by the man himself, Mark Schultz goes into the complete story that changed the

wrestling world forever. This book was written before the movie was released so it is what

really happened, with no Hollywood additions to it. The reason this source will provide

good information to my MRP is because it has a lot of meaning to it. Mark Schultz wanted

to document his life story so that’s exactly what he did by writing this book. A movie can be

a good base of information, but once you’ve read a book that also has a movie, nothing can

take away from the true story. I could use this for any crot, especially a biography or

anything involving Mark’s training or accomplishments.

Schultz, M. (2014, November 17). The real ‘Foxcatcher’: Brother remembers wrestler’s murder

[Interview by A. Cohen]. Retrieved from

This personal interview with Mark Schultz is a very good piece of information as it is a

credible source. I really like interviews because information doesn’t get any more accurate

than the facts coming from the person who went through or witnessed the things that

happened more than the person being interviewed. This interview talks about the dark nature

of Foxcatcher farms and the personal accounts that Mark had with du Pont and the other

wrestlers on the team. The inductor of the interview is from California, where the Schultz

brothers are from so he obviously has interest in what Mark wants to share.

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Scott, Graham G. (2005). Homicide by the rich and famous: a century of prominent killers.

Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

This book is a great resource for my background information about John E. du Pont, the

man responsible for killing Dave Schultz. It involves a lot of information about the case,

trial, conviction, and untold details about du Pont that may not otherwise be shared in the

movie or book Foxcatcher. It is a good source because it has factual and very interesting

information that has no bias. What I like best about this source is it involves details about

John du Ponts life before the murder, involving more besides the time when he knew the

Schultz brothers. Information from this source is seen in my Police Report crot that goes

into details about what happened the night Dave was murdered.

Speace, D. (2014, November 13). John E du Pont video Foxcatcher Farms – 1988 [Video File].

Retrieved from

I never thought I would cite a video in with my project but this is probably one of the most

genuine sources I have come across. David Space filmed it in 1988 and the video goes

through a tour of Foxcatcher Farms and has exclusive video footage of John du Pont. Also

including interviews with John du Pont, it is interesting to hear words directly from him and

the other wrestlers on the farm. I really like this source because it is raw footage, something

that is kind of hard to encounter when it is that old. The vintage nature of this video really

gives you a good feel of how well the wrestlers were treated at Foxcatcher farms and how

nice the facilities were. It is from a very reputable author who has filmed many

documentaries with good reviews.

Stern, Marlow. (2015, January 14). My Surreal Time on ‘Foxcatcher’ Farm: John du Pont’s

Beautiful, Dark, Twisted Fantasy. The Daily Beast. Retrieved from


Something I had been searching for in my research was another testimony from a wrestler

besides Schultz that trained and lived on Foxcatcher farms. This source examines Michael

DiCandilo who trained on the same team as both Mark and Dave, as well as du Pont. It is

nice to hear they craziness of du Pont from another wrestler who competed as well.

DiCandilo also talks about flaws presented in the movie, something that has come up a few

times throughout my research. This is also a great source for my invitation because he

describes how du Pont invited him to Foxcatcher, providing me with a good basis. The

source is good coming from a person who was on the training grounds, but the presenter of

the source is not credible.

USA Wrestling. (1996). Tribune to David Schultz. The Washington Post. Retrieved from

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Vigoda, R. & Ordine B. (1997, January 29). Du Pont Witness Describes Showdown Security

Expert Patrick Goodale Said He And John Du Pont Squared Off At Gunpoint After David

Schultz Was Shot. Retrieved from


Another good source for my Police report, this article goes through the events that took

place on January 26, 1996 through the eyes of a man who saw it all happen: Patrick

Goodale. He describes from his point of view, as he was with John du Pont in the car as he

shot Dave Schultz three times. Although this source is older (1997) the date is relevant

because it was only about a year after the events took place. It is factual, coming from

someone who saw it all happened. It gives a good, factual foundation in addition to the book

I used for the Police Report, adding personal information about the murder.

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Student Sample #3:

Topic: Foster Care


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Timeline of Acts That Have

Improved the Foster Care




ENGLISH 101 – 04

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 47 of 111

Table of Contents

MRP Summary: Foster Care and the Timelines of Acts and


p. 3

Foster Care Timeline

p. 7

Child abuse prevention and treatment act of 1974

p. 8

Implementation of the Adoption Assistance and Child

Welfare Act of 1980

p. 9


p. 10

Reasons why the Fostering Connections to Success and

Increasing Adoptions Act was implemented in 2008

p. 12

Annotated Bibliography p. 14

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MRP Summary: Foster Care and the Timelines of Acts and Milestones

Kids are being placed into foster care all around the country. Foster care is a system that

gives children a place to call home when they have been forced to leave their own homes. The

reasons that kids have to leave their homes usually has to do with the loss of parents or other

reasons that make their parents unable to care for the children. The foster care system in America

has a timeline of Acts and milestones that have improved the system. These Acts and milestones

start at the finding of the Children’s Aid Society. In the middle of the timeline, the Abandoned

Infant Assistance Act is found and most recently the foster care system has been affected by the

Affordable Care Act.

The first important thing that happened in the foster care system was when the Children’s

Aid Society was founded. According to The Children’s Aid Society (n.d.), “The Children’s Aid

Society was founded in 1853 by Charles Loring Brace and a group of social reformers”

(paragraph 1). The society of people caused a big change in what was happening to children

without homes. In the same article, it explains that in 1853, the only social services that were

available for kids was orphan asylums and almshouses (The Children’s Aid Society, n.d.).

Because these were the only options that were available for the poor and homeless children, the

Children’s Aid Society was what created new ways to provide safer homes that we still have

today for children in foster care.

In the late 1980’s, the Abandoned Infants Assistance Act was brought about to try and

decrease the number of babies that were being abandoned in hospitals by parents. The

Department of Health and Human Services (n.d.), explains that the Abandoned Infants

Assistance Act had been put into place to make sure that the babies and small children that are

being abandoned have a place to go. It also talks about how part of the Act is having money put

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 49 of 111

away to perform multiple tasks when it comes to placing abandoned infants. Before this Act was

put into place, the number of infants that were left at the hospital after being born was relatively

high. Since this Act, the numbers have dropped because of the plans that are put in place for the


The most recent Act that people probably don’t think about affecting foster care but it

actually does is the Affordable Care Act. It affects foster care because it gives the kids who grow

out of foster care the chance to afford health insurance. According to the “Health Reform For

Children” article, the White House (n.d.), says that the Act “Makes mandatory the current state

option to extend Medicaid coverage up to age 26” because “Children aging out of the foster care

system face many challenges, including finding quality, affordable health insurance” (p.1).

Children that are able to afford health insurance will be able to better take care of themselves

when they are no longer able to stay in the foster care system.

Overall the foster care system hasn’t always been what it is today. The Acts and the

milestones that the foster care system have experienced have made the system what it is today.

Because of the Children’s Aid Society, foster care is more than orphan asylums and almshouses.

The Abandoned Infants Assistance Act has decreased the number of infants that are abandoned

in hospitals and increased the amount of money that can be used for infants that are left

abandoned. Another Act called the Affordable Care Act has made an improvement in the foster

care system through providing to children who have aged out of the foster care system. Through

these Acts and milestones in the foster care system, people can see improvements in it. These

Acts and milestones however are only a portion of the impacts that the foster care system has


Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 50 of 111


Children’s Aid Society. (n.d.). Making the Difference The Children’s Aid Society. Retrieved


Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.

Retrieved from


The White House. (n.d.). The Affordable Care Act Gives Parents Greater Control Over Their

Children’s Health Care. Retrieved From

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 51 of 111

Finding of the

Children’s Aid


The Child Abuse

Prevention and

Treatment Act

Keeping Children

and Families Safe


Abandoned Infants

Assistance Act


Assistance and

Child Welfare Act

Fostering Connections

to Success and

Increased Adoptions

Affordable Care Act

1853 1980

1974 2008





Children’s Aid Society. (n.d.). Making the Difference The Children’s Aid Society. Retrieved From

Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. Retrieved from

The White House. (n.d.). The Affordable Care Act Gives Parents Greater Control Over Their Children’s Health Care. Retrieved From

National Association of Social Workers. (2003). Keeping Children And Families Safe Act of 2003 (S. 342 and H.R. 14). Retrieved From

Voices for Children. (2010). Federal Foster Care Law. Received From

Stein, T. J. (1991). Child welfare and the law. New York: Longman.

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 52 of 111




According to Stein (1991), the act provides “financial assistance for demonstration

programs for the prevention, identification, and treatment of child abuse and neglect

and to establish a National Center on Child Abuse as a means to disseminate

information regarding state efforts to prevent and treat child maltreatment” (p.43).

Cicchetti & Cohen (1995), says that the Act has created many programs that not only

require the reporting of information on child abuse cases. It also makes the reporting

a lot easier and more accessible for people to do.




Did you:

☐ Report suspected instances of child abuse

☐ Investigate reported instances (and take action if abuse was found)

☐ Records that were kept confidential

☐ Educate public on child abuse or neglect

☐ Kept the reporter anonymous


Stein, T. J. (1991). Child welfare and the law. New York: Longman.

Cicchetti, D., & Cohen, D. J. (1995). Developmental

psychopathology. New York: Wiley.

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 53 of 111

Implementation of the

Adoption Assistance

and Child Welfare Act

of 1980

Kalli McGrath

The foster care system has

been impacted by only a

few different Acts. One of

them being the Adoption

and Assistance Child

Welfare Act of 1980.

According to Myers (2008),

“Child abuse reporting laws

and enhanced awareness of

child abuse produced an

increase in intervention. By

the late 1970s, the rising

number of children in long-

term foster care set off

alarm bells in Congress,

resulting in passage of the

Adoption Assistance and

Child Welfare Act of 1980


required states to make

"reasonable efforts" to

avoid removing children

from maltreating parents.

When removal was

necessary, reasonable efforts

were required to reunite

families” (p.11).

When the act was

implemented, the number of

children who were being put

into foster care decreased

and the number of family

reunifications increased.

The Act not only helps Kids

who have been removed

from their homes in fact

according to Stein, T.J.

(1991), “Approximately one-

third of the children in

substitute care are placed

voluntarily by their parents”


This shows that funds need

to be available to kids who

are voluntarily placed into

these foster care homes. The

Adoption Assistance and

The Adoption Assistance

and Child Welfare Act of

1980 does exactly that. It

provides support to kids

who no longer had financial

support coming from their

parents. What is great about

the Act is it allows

reunification of parents and

kids if the parent requests to

do so after they are better

off to support their kids.


Myers. (2008). A Short History

of Child Protection in America.

Retrieved From




Stein, T. J. (1991). Child welfare

and the law. New York:


Foster Care Times Sunday, February 8th. 1981

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 54 of 111



WHEN Jan 1st, 2003 At 6:30 PM


Minnesota State University

117 Centennial Student Union

Mankato, MN 56001

CSU Ballroom

WHAT Educating the public on the new Keeping

Children and Families Safe Act.

Free Admissions!

Free Refreshments and Snacks!

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 55 of 111

Come to the meeting and learn about

the Keeping Children and Families

Safe Act!

Here are a Few Reasons why the Funding is Important

for the Implementation of the Act According to

National Association of Social Workers (2003).

Creating programs that make reporting accessible

Skill improvement in Caseworkers

Recruiting of new Caseworkers

Implementing protocols

Updating Technology

Improving training

Education of the public

Learn more about the Act and why it was implemented at

our Informational meeting.


National Association of Social Workers. (2003). Keeping Children And Families Safe Act of

2003 (S. 342 and H.R. 14). Retrieved From

Cicchetti, D., & Cohen, D. J. (1995). Developmental psychopathology. New York: Wiley.

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Annotated Bibliography

Children’s Aid Society. (n.d.). Making the Difference The Children’s Aid Society. Retrieved


This website has information about the Children’s Aid Society. The information is along

the lines of when it was founded, and why it was founded. The article talks about Charles

Loring Brace. The topics that it covers are who he was as a person and why he joined

with a group of reformers to create the Children’s Aid Society.

I am going to use this in the summary or my Crot #1. I will use this information to talk

about the Children’s Aid Society and why it was the first significant event that happened

to the foster care system.

Cicchetti, D., & Cohen, D. J. (1995). Developmental psychopathology. New York: Wiley.

This book has information on the Child abuse prevention and treatment act of 1974. The

main information that it brings up talks about how programs have been implemented so

that any assumption of child abuse or neglect can be reported. This is mainly the only

part in the book that I found that talks about this particular Act.

I could see myself using it to talk about the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act. I

would want to cite what the author wrote in the book because I like the way that they

worded this part. I want to implement this because I think it is great that there has been

programs that are now implemented because of this act.

Department of Health and Human Services. (2003). The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment

Act Including Adoption Opportunities & The Abandoned Infants Assistance Act

Retrieved From

This PDF talks a lot about what the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act affected

including other Acts. I think that this is a reliable source I just don’t think that I want to

use it because I have so many other sources that talk about the same thing.

Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.

Retrieved From


This piece of information is an overview on what the Abandoned Infants Assistance Act

is. Talking about the reasons that the Act was implemented. Some of the reasons that it

was implemented include to prevent the abandonment of infants, address issues that

infants are facing when they are abandoned and having money to recruit people that can

help foster abandoned infants. The rest of the article talks about the money that is now set

aside for situations that involve infants being abandoned in hospitals.

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This information is used in my Crot #1 to give an example of an Act that was put into

place towards the middle of my timeline. I also would like to use this source as some sort

of public notice and include the information that it includes as to what this Act is going to

affect the foster care system.

Emam. (2014). The Affordable Care Act and Youth Aging Out of Foster Care: New

Opportunities and Strategies for Action. Retrieved From



This PDF has a lot of credible information in it. I like that it talks about what the

Affordable Care Act and why it was implemented along with when it was implemented.

The information that aims towards the information that I am including in my MRP is the

part about youth aging out of the foster care system.

I might use this information however I do have another source that I liked just as much

that I already used for my MRP Summary.

GovTrack. (2004). Text of the Abandoned Infants Assistance Act of 1988. Retrieved From

This is the Bill for the Abandoned Infants Assistance Act of 1988. In the Bill, It shows

information about things that have been observed. The information is important because

these are the reasons that the Act has been implemented. That is exactly what the Bill

goes into next. It talks about the reasons for why the Act is being implemented. Lastly,

this information about the Abandoned Infants Assistance Act of 1988 talks about certain

guidelines that must be followed by the states.

I think that the information from this source is credible because it comes from a viable

website. I believe that the information that comes from the source could be used in a crot

of mine but I am not sure if I am going to use this source or another to explain the

Abandoned Infants Assistance Act of 1988.

Myers. (2008). A Short History of Child Protection in America. Retrieved From


This is a great source for a crot in my MRP. It talks about why the Act was implemented

emphasizing on the fact that kids were being taken from their homes too regularly

because parents were being seen as unfit. Where with the Act implemented, a more

extravagant investigation takes place before kids are taken from home. The Act also

makes sure that there are programs in place to make sure that parents are able to reunite

with their kids if at all possible.

I want to use this source in my news article about the Adoption Assistance and Child

Welfare Act of 1980. I think this source is a good one to cite into the article.

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NA (n.d.). Foster Care Timeline. Retrieved From


This is the source for the timeline that has the different Acts and milestones that have

impacted that foster care system. The data on here has been checked by me through other

credible sources.

I will use this format to create a similar timeline as one of my crots. I will not include all

of these Acts and milestones but I think that it is a good source to see how to best set up a


National Association of Social Workers. (2003). Keeping Children And Families Safe Act of

2003 (S. 342 and H.R. 14). Retrieved From

This Article talks about the Keeping Children and Families Safe Act of 2003. The

information that it talks about are an overview of the Act, information about what makes

people eligible for the funds that are available because of the Act, and lastly it talks about

what the funds are used for.

I think that this information would be nice to use for a crot. I am thinking that I want to

use it for some sort of pamphlet or insert that would educate people about what the funds

are used for. I think this would be important because people don’t always understand the

impact of these kinds of Acts unless they know why the funds exist.

National Child Abuse and Neglect Training and Publications Project. (2014). The Child Abuse

Prevention and Treatment Act: 40 years of safeguarding America’s children. Retrieved


This PDF Includes information on how the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act

has been successful the last 40 years. The PDF talks about how the Act has been

responded to from the people in America. It talks about how people have been debating

whether or not the government should have a role or say in children protection.

I am not sure if I will include this information into any of my crots. I like a different

source on the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act that I think I want to use in one

of my crots. I think it is a credible source though.

Stein, T. J. (1991). Child welfare and the law. New York: Longman.

This book is a good source. It includes information about the Adoption Assistance and

Child Welfare Act of 1980 and the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1974.

The information in the book about the Adoption Assistance Child Welfare Act includes

information like what the foster care system was like before the implementation of the

Act. It also included the objectives of the act including why the Act improved the foster

care system. The information about the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act is

brief but it goes into how states will be able to qualify for assistance from the

government. The steps are clear and precise.

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Overall I think that this book is a great source to use. I think that I will use the

information for both of the Acts. The information on the Adoption Assistance will make

a good news article just because there is a good amount of information that proves that

the Act has improved the foster care system. The Child Abuse Prevention information is

brief but I think it would be interesting to make a pamphlet or something informing areas

on how to receive help with federal finds when it comes to child abuse cases.

The White House. (n.d.). The Affordable Care Act Gives Parents Greater Control Over Their

Children’s Health Care. Retrieved From

This PDF is mostly about information that is not related to my topic however under the

headline “Coverage for Children Aging out of Foster Care”, it talks about kids in the

foster care system now being able to better afford health care coverage because of the

Affordable Care Act.

I am using this in Crot #1 to talk about how this is the most recent Act that has had an

impact on improving the foster care system.

US Department of Health and Human Services. (2012). John H. Chafee Foster Care

Independence Program. Retrieved From:

This article talks about the Foster Care Independence Program that was founded by John

H. Chafee. It includes information that tells us that the program improves the outcome for

kids that are “aging out” of the foster care system. Things like education, employment,

financial management, housing, emotional support and helping foster kids get involved

with adults that care about older youth in the foster care system.

Although I think that this information is credible, I don’t think that I have a crot that I

want to put this information on. I think that it is more important to create crots that talk

about Acts that have done similar things that this program does.

US Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). The Child Abuse Prevention and

Treatment Act. Retrieved From

This PDF includes quite a bit of information on the Child Abuse Prevention and

Treatment Act. It talks about the original Act and how it has been tweaked throughout the

years. Including the latest reauthorization in 2010. In the part where it talks about why

the Act was reauthorized, the PDF gives off a bunch of statistics that include the number

of children that had been found to be abused in the year of 2008. The numbers and

statistics are quite shocking.

I am not sure that I will use this information mainly because I think that I want to focus

more on the information that relate to the Act in 1974. I feel this way because I think that

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it is important to include information on the original reasons of the implementation of the


Voices for Children. (2010). Federal Foster Care Law. Received From http://www.voices-

This information is about the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions

Act. The article is a nice overview of what the Act was put in place to do. It was put in

place in 2008 to create support for family connections, aid for youth in transition,

adoption assistance, greater health care services, access to education, workforce

development, and tribal access to funds.

I am thinking of using this in my flyer crot to overview the topics that are talked about in

the article. I think that this will be a good source to cite information from because of the

way that it is set up.

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Student Sample #4:

Topic: Capuchin


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Capuchin Monkeys Are they good pets?

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Table of Contents Letter from Capuchin Pet Fund 2-4

Police Report 5-6

Nutritional Shopping List 7-8

Journal of a Capuchin Owner 9-10

Annotated Bibliography 11-13

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Letter from Capuchin Pet Fund Capuchin Pet Fund

One Capuchin Lane

Mankato, MN 56001



Potential Capuchin Owner

Mankato, MN 56001

Dear Potential Capuchin Owner:

The capuchin is a wonderful animal to have as a companion. This is not only because they are

very intelligent and adorable, but also because they exhibit tendencies that make them similar to us as

humans! In an experiment conducted by Venkat Lakshminarayanan and Laurie Santos (2008), it was

found that capuchins will share food with individuals who needed it more than them, exhibiting a

“prosocial” (fancy word for collaborative) tendency that was previously thought to be found only in

humans (Lakshminarayanan & Santos 2008, page 4). Not only will capuchins help animals of their own

kind, but they will go out of their way to help humans as well; who wouldn’t want this quality in a pet?

Lindsey Drayton wrote a paper with Laurie Santos (2014) on capuchin monkeys and discussed human

behaviors that are found in other animals. Specifically, helping another individual based on the

realization of their goals. In their experiment, the experimenter would try to reach something, and see if

the monkey would help. “We found that capuchins reliably helped by providing the experimenter’s goal

object” (p. #1). In fact, these monkeys would go out of their way to help the experimenter (Drayton &

Santos 2014). This means that capuchin monkeys are very cooperative as a species in general, but just

imagine how helpful they can be as a trained pet. Their innate helpfulness can be attributed to their

habitat, because according to Diane Jukofsky (2002), “Capuchin monkeys usually live in large groups (10-

35 individuals) within the forest” (Jukofsky 2002, page 1). Jukofsky (2002) also goes on to discuss how

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capuchins are easy to train, and also very clever. “Because of this, they are used to help people who are

quadriplegics in many developed countries” (Jukofsky 2002, page 1). This, combined with the other

studies discussed above, leads us to the desire these amazing animals as pets. But is it possible that

capuchins might not be the right choice in a pet for you? This is a good question; however, it does not

have a simple answer. There is much research to be done before someone can make the commitment to

own an animal as independent and clever minded as a capuchin monkey. I urge you to do as much

research as possible before making the decision to get a capuchin monkey as your pet. The purpose of

this multi-genre research project is to present through multiple forms of communication both the

positives and the negatives involved with owning a capuchin monkey as a pet. As with any decision, it is

best to be as informed as possible before taking the next step. We don’t want to see any monkeys being

given up because their owners weren’t properly informed before deciding to own one!


Capuchin Pet Fund

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Drayton, L. A., & Santos, L. R. (2014). Capuchins. Animal Cognition, 17(3), 689.

Jukofsky, D. (2002). Encyclopedia of Rainforests. Connecticut: Oryx Press.

Lakshminarayanan, V. R., & Santos, L. R. (2008). Capuchin monkeys are sensitive to others' welfare.

Current Biology, 18(21), R999-R1000. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2008.08.057

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POLICE REPORT Case No: _ _9008977_ __ Date: ____4/14/15___________________

Reporting Officer: ___Marcus Johnson______ Prepared By: ___Marcus Johnson________

Incident: _Capuchin monkey bites its veterinarian.___ __________________________________________




Detail of Event:

On Tuesday, April 14, 2015, a veterinarian (Dr. Samuel Tanner) at the local zoo entered the capuchin monkey exhibit

wearing his lab coat to conduct a routine physical exam of Larry and Mandy, the two capuchin monkeys residing at

the zoo. Upon entering the exhibit, Dr. Tanner noticed that the monkeys were exhibiting some behaviors that

indicated fear; the capuchins were making noises known as “chucks” and attempting to escape from their

examinations. Dr. Tanner decided to come back later when the monkeys had had time to calm down, but Larry was

attempting to open the lock on the cage. Dr. Tanner had read in a government document titled “Enrichment for

nonhuman primates: capuchin monkeys,” that capuchins are particularly interested in trying to open locks and

latches (Abee, 2005). Dr. Tanner tried to move Larry out of the way, which frightened the monkey, so he bit the

veterinarian on the arm.

Actions Taken:

Dr. Tanner, an experienced veterinarian and expert in capuchin monkey behavior, knew that it was his own fault for

trying to restrain the monkey, so he remained calm and Larry ran away to Mandy, giving Dr. Tanner time to open the

locked door and leave the enclosure. He also stated that Larry has recently reached sexual maturity, which can cause

some monkeys to become aggressive according to Maryann Mott, an author for National Geographic Magazine

(Mott, 2003). Dr. Tanner came back later in the day without his lab coat and was able to conduct the physical

examination without any problems


After all of the facts were presented, it was determined that Larry was acting out of self-defense. In the government

document Dr. Tanner had read, it stated that, “Monkeys normally give chucks when strangers or people associated

with capture, such as veterinarians, appear” (Abee, 2005). This explains why the monkeys were acting fearful; Dr.

Tanner had mistakenly left his lab coat on when entering their habitat. Mandy and Larry immediately recognized him

as a veterinarian and became afraid. Dr. Tanner received minor injuries and will not be pressing charges.

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Abee, C. R., Baker, K., Bayne, K. A. L., Brent, L., Butler, T. M., Fite, J. A., Fragaszy, D. M. (. M., French, J. A., Schuler, A. M., & National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare. (2005). Enrichment for nonhuman primates. [Bethesda, Md.] : Washington, DC: [Dept. of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare].

Mott, M. (2003). The perils of keeping monkeys as pets. National Geographic. Retrieved from

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 71 of 111


Lizards Leaves

Coati (member of the Raccoon family) Corn

Fruits Roots



Flower Buds



Bird eggs

Capuchins eat a variety of foods and, like humans, they like some more than others. According to Susan

Perry, founder of the Lomas Barbudal Monkey Project, “Meat is a rare and highly valued item in the

capuchin diet” (Perry 2008, p. 54). So when shopping for your capuchin, remember to keep in mind that

meat might be a nice treat for your furry friend. Another thing to think about when feeding your

capuchin is how much of each type of food they eat in the wild, because it is best for their health to

keep this consistent when in captivity. Mauro Galetti and Fernando Pedroni discuss the specific

distribution of food in the capuchin diet in their article in the Journal of Tropical Ecology. They

concluded that the capuchin’s diet is distributed as follows: “53.9% fruit pulp, 16.0% seeds, 11.1%

flowers, 6.3% leaves and new shoots, 1.5% roots and 13.9% corn from plantations surrounding the

forest” (Galetti 1994, p. 1).

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Galetti, G., & Pedroni, F. (1994). Seasonal diet of capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) in a semi deciduous

forest in south-east Brazil. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 10, 27-39. doi:


Perry, S., & Manson, J. H. (2008). Manipulative monkeys: The capuchins of Lomas Barbudal. Cambridge,

Mass.: Harvard University Press.

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Journal of a Capuchin Owner

April 3, 2015,

It has been great having a monkey around. Leonard has been very entertaining to us and

surprisingly helpful! Today while we were watching some TV, the remote fell and bounced

under the couch. I was really struggling to reach it and Leonard seemed to notice. He came over

to the couch and stuck his long skinny arms under it, easily grabbing the remote. He handed it to

me and then sat patiently. I could tell by his body language that he was expecting a treat for

doing something good, so of course I gave him one. I remember reading about this behavior in a

paper written by Lindsey Drayton and Laurie Santos a few months ago. They said that capuchins

will help humans, “but their actions stem from self-interest” (Drayton 2014, p. 1). This explains

why I had to give Leonard a treat for helping me! Nonetheless, it was a great day to have a

capuchin monkey as a pet.

April 6, 2015,

Today we learned a lesson when it comes to giving Leonard nuts to eat. I found a study led by

Dorothy Fragaszy, a leading expert on capuchin monkeys, that discussed the use of tools by

capuchins to crack open nuts. Apparently they will use just about any hard surface as an anvil

when they are opening nuts. “In addition to observing male and female capuchin monkeys using

stones to pound open nuts on stone ‘anvils,’ we surveyed the surrounding area and found

physical evidence that monkeys cracked nuts on rock outcrops, boulders, and logs” (Fragaszy

2004, p. 1). I only wish I had found this paper earlier! We decided to give Leonard some walnuts

as a treat, which we haven’t done before. I figured it would be ok to let Leonard open the nuts

himself, which I’m now realizing was a terrible idea; Leonard went outside, grabbed a sizeable

rock (considering how small he is), brought it back inside, and proceeded to smash the nut with

the rock on our brand new coffee table. The wood is now completely ruined and we are going to

have to get a new one! I am hesitant to even give Leonard any type of nut ever again, but I know

if I do, I’m going to make sure I open it for him beforehand. Who knows? I might even try to

teach him how to use a proper nut cracker. After all, he is a very smart monkey!


Drayton, L. A., & Santos, L. R. (2014). Capuchins. Animal Cognition, 17(3), 689.

Fragaszy, D. (2004). Wild capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) use anvils and stone pounding tools.

American Journal of Primatology, 64, 359-366. doi: 10.1002/ajp.20085

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Annotated Bibliography

Abee, C. R., Baker, K., Bayne, K. A. L., Brent, L., Butler, T. M., Fite, J. A., Fragaszy, D. M. (. M., French, J. A., Schuler, A. M., & National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare. (2005). Enrichment for nonhuman primates. [Bethesda, Md.] : Washington, DC: [Dept. of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare].

This is a government document that gives a very comprehensive overview on capuchins. It will

provide me with a lot of background information on the species, and give me information about

their behavior. I will use information from this source about fearful behavior in monkeys in my

police report (crot #2). This source also contains information about capuchin habitat, which I will

use in multiple crots as well.

Ankel-Simons, F. (2010). Subfamily Cebinae Capuchin monkeys. In Primate Anatomy: an Introduction

(pp. 106-107). Retrieved from

This chapter of the book (which is about primates in general) focuses specifically on capuchin

monkeys. Since the book is just an introduction, it briefly overviews many aspects of the

capuchin monkey. This overview includes their anatomy and physical appearance, along with

their eating habits, habitats, communication and sexual behavior. This source will be used to

build my knowledge about the capuchin monkey.

Drayton, L. A., & Santos, L. R. (2014). Capuchins. Animal Cognition, 17(3), 689.

In this paper, the authors present the findings of a few experiments done with chimpanzees and

capuchin monkeys. Chimpanzees, being the closest relatives to humans, are used as a point of

comparison to the capuchins, who are not as closely related to humans. The experiments found

that capuchins will help hand tools to someone, but their actions stem from self-interest, unlike

chimpanzees who help because they recognize the need of another individual.

I will use this source in my letter from the Capuchin Pet fund (crot #1) along with other crots to

show the helpfulness of capuchins and their similarity to humans.

Fragaszy, D. (2004). Wild capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) use anvils and stone pounding tools.

American Journal of Primatology, 64, 359-366. doi: 10.1002/ajp.20085

This article discusses the use of rocks and anvils as tools to crack open nuts. This is a behavior

that capuchins perform as a means to get food. I plan on using this article as a reference in the

journal from a capuchin pet owner. It will help display some negative aspects of having a

capuchin monkey as a pet, as this nut cracking behavior can be destructive in a domesticated


Galetti, G., & Pedroni, F. (1994). Seasonal diet of capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) in a semi deciduous

forest in south-east Brazil. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 10, 27-39. doi:


This article discusses the diet of capuchins in a specific area (south-east Brazil). I will use this in

my shopping list (crot #3) to give some information about the diets of capuchins. This source

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 75 of 111

only studies the capuchins of this particular area, so I will have to draw information from at least

one other source in order to make sure this crot is accurate.

Gron, K. J. (2009). Primate Factsheets: Tufted capuchin (Cebus paella) Behavior. National Primate

Research Center. Retrieved from>

This article provides an extremely extensive overview on capuchin monkeys and also goes into

many specific details regarding their behavior. It also has a few good pictures that would help

me show what capuchins look like if I need to use them. I will mostly use this source for general


Hirsch, B. T. (2002). Social monitoring and vigilance behavior in brown capuchin monkeys (Cebus paella).

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 52(6) pp 458-464

This is an article that discusses vigilant behavior of capuchin monkeys, specifically when being

threatened by a predator. In other words, the researcher was trying to observe how capuchins

use social monitoring to warn and protect themselves from predators. As a pet, capuchins don’t

need to worry about predators, so this source, while it is scholarly, will not be useful to me in my


Izawa, K., & Mizuno, A. (1977). Palm-fruit cracking behavior of wild black-capped capuchin (Cebus

paella). Primates 18(4) pp 773-792

This is an article that provides information about fruit and nut cracking behavior in capuchins, as

well as general feeding habits of the monkeys. It is very old (1977) so it could possibly be out of

date, however, capuchins have not changed much in the last forty years, so this information will

still be helpful to me to increase my knowledge on the topic.

Janson, C. (1985). Aggressive competition and individual food consumption in wild brown capuchin

monkeys (Cebus paella). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 18(2) pp 125-138

This article discusses competition between capuchins for food in the wild. Since the focus of my

project is on having a capuchin as a pet, having a crot that includes competition for resources

would not fit in with the unity of the project. However, there is some other information in the

article regarding food consumption without aggression, which will further my knowledge of my


Jones, B. (1989). Cebus capucinus [Mounted skin]. Unknown.

This is an image of a stuffed capuchin holding a fruit. I will use this in my letter from the

Capuchin Pet Fund (crot #1) to show the recipients of the letter what a capuchin monkey looks


Jukofsky, D. (2002). Encyclopedia of Rainforests. Connecticut: Oryx Press.

This source gives a brief overview on the habitat of capuchins along with some other general

information about them. I will use this in my letter from the Capuchin Pet fund (crot #1) in order

to introduce the topic of the project to the reader, and also give some information about their


Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 76 of 111

Lakshminarayanan, V. R., & Santos, L. R. (2008). Capuchin monkeys are sensitive to others’ welfare.

Current Biology 18(21), R999-R1000. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2008.08.057

This source outlines an experiment designed to figure out if capuchins would give food to one

another and how generous they would be. The findings show that capuchins are more generous

than chimpanzees, because when presented with a large prize and a small prize (big

marshmallow or small piece of celery) the capuchins would give away the big prize more often

than not.

I will use this source in my letter from the Capuchin Pet fund (crot #1) along with other crots to

show the helpfulness of capuchins and their tendency to not be selfish.

Mott, M. (2003). The perils of keeping monkeys as pets. National Geographic. Retrieved from

This source discusses some of the “perils” that would come along with owning a monkey as a

pet. I will use this in my police report (crot #2) to illustrate some reasons why a monkey would

become aggressive or possibly harm someone with whom they are familiar.

Perry, S., & Manson, J. H. (2008). Manipulative monkeys: The capuchins of Lomas Barbudal. Cambridge,

Mass.: Harvard University Press.

This source gives a lot of information about capuchins, including their personality, which is good

to know when considering having one for a pet. I will use information about the capuchin diet

from this source in my shopping list (crot #3). It also talks about the importance of social

activities for capuchins. This isn’t talked about in great detail in many other sources, so it will be

very helpful in multiple crots.

Visalberghi, E. & Fragaszy, D. (1995). The behaviour of capuchin monkeys, Cebus paella, with novel food:

the role of social context. Animal Behaviour 49(4) pp 1089-1095

This is another source that discusses the role groups play in capuchin behavior, which is not

useful to me. However, this article briefly touches on the importance of familiar food in the

capuchin diet, as they are less likely to eat something with which they are unfamiliar. Therefore

this source is useful to me for background information and will help me in my nutritional

shopping list, (crot #3).

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Student Sample #5:

Topic: Woodstock

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English 101.04




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Table of Contents

Genre Title Page Number

Summary: Woodstock 2

Memorandum: Woodstock Ventures INC. 6

Poster: Original Woodstock Ticket 7

Newspaper Article: Daily News 8

Dialogue: Conversation of Two Stoners 10

Letter: Letter to Walt Disney 11

Annotated Bibliography 13

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Woodstock was an extremely large music festival that took place in 1969 from August

15th to the 18th. It was held on Max Yasgur's 600-acre dairy farm outside of Bethel, New York.

Music festivals were becoming very popular in 1969, and Woodstock was by far the largest with

nearly 500,000 people attending over the four days. Woodstock began through the efforts of

Michael Lang, John Roberts, Artie Kornfeld, and Joel Rosenman. Those four individuals

contributed to the idea, planning, and culture that was Woodstock. Later on it was known for

being a gathering of hippies and stoners.

Woodstock helped to create a culture, or even counterculture, that has stood in place

throughout the years. Woodstock was advertised as "Three Days of Peace and Music". It was

seen as a symbol for the counterculture of the 1960's. Music was used to bring together a group

of individuals to express the culture/counterculture of Woodstock. The Music Festival

movement began in 1969, and they were becoming quite popular even before Woodstock.

As music festivals were becoming more popular, it got many people interested in the idea

of large gatherings of people listening to music that they all enjoyed. Browne (2014), a writer

for Rolling Stone, writes about Michael Lang, a promoter who was so inspired by the music

festival "Monterey", that he started promoting music festivals himself. He started off promoting

smaller-scale festivals, but then came up with the idea for Woodstock (Browne, 2014, para 10).

Because of the great amounts of rainfall during the month of July workers were unable to

complete construction for the fence that was meant to keep out non-ticketholders. This caused

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 81 of 111

Lang and his colleagues to make the festival free to everyone. It was not just the free tickets that

caused the massive amounts of people to attend, it was the lineup of musicians and bands that

included Jimi Hendrix, Richie Havens, Paul Butterfield Blues Band, and many more. Browne

(2014) explains that Jimi Hendrix's version of the "Star-Spangled Banner" was the climax of the

festival. Because of Woodstock's popularity and recognition, it was seen as an event that

portrayed the entire counterculture of the 1960's.

The 1960's came with a culture of individuals and groups rebelling against the

establishment. America's increasing involvement in Vietnam, racial unrest in the US, and

conformity caused a lot of the youth in America to reject the ways of life and create their own

counterculture. This culture was characterized as hippies, stoners, and freaks. Appleyard

(1994), a writer for The Independent, describes them as "...wide-eyed, bombed-out hippies" (para

2). He explains of an experience he had with an attendee of Woodstock, "The face of the freak

still haunts me. It was a face possessed of inane sweetness and narcotic innocence, the type of

incense against which the world rebels" (Appleyard, 1994, para 8). Woodstock was described as

a peaceful city and later an entire country of the "Woodstock Nation". It was a time of

spirituality, drug use, individuals wearing brightly colored clothes with long hair, and the idea of

freedom. All these ideas of Woodstock and the 1960's seemed to bring together the people

through music.

Woodstock created a connection between music and the culture of the 1960's. Cole

(2009), of Smith College, writes about Woodstock, "It's also an opportunity to think about the

ways in which rock music, or any form of music, can create a sense of collective purpose" (para

3). The attendants of Woodstock created a bond between each other by withstanding the rain

and mud, and taking in the freedom and the music. Potter (2007), a writer for Weatherwise,

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 82 of 111

describes, "Somehow the downpours and deep mud seemed to create a common bond among

those present" (p. 14). Imagine hundreds of thousands of people basking in the music of the 60's,

dancing in the rain and the mud. That was enough to bring together an entire culture of the


Woodstock was an event that expressed a culture that would be maintained through time.

It was an enormous music festival consisting of almost 500,000 people gathering to listen many

popular musicians and bands. It helped personify the culture of hippies, stoners, and freaks. The

festival was able to bring together all of those hippies and were able to bond through the music.

This culture that came together was an important one in history because it was able to be

maintained through mockery and ridicule.

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 83 of 111


Appleyard, B. (1994, August). Freaks inherited the earth. The Independent, 3, Retrieved from

Browne, D. (2014, June). The birth of the rock fest. Rolling Stone, 1210, 34-38. Retrieved from

Cole, K. (2009). Forty years later, the significance of woodstock. Smith College, Retrieved from

Potter, S. (2012, August). August 15-18, 1969: Woodstock. Weatherwise, 60(4), 14-15.

Retrieved from

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 84 of 111


Woodstock Ventures, INC. To: Michael Lang

From: John Roberts

Subject: Festival Venue

Date: 6/24/1969

It has come to my attention that the residents of Woodstock, New York are not very interested in

the idea of a large music festival held in their city. They shot down the idea almost immediately.

I have noticed that you are looking into other venues to hold this festival, but with no progress as

of now. I will be leading the search for new venue now with the help of Mr. Rosenman. We feel

that this change will be more beneficial to the progression with the festival.

I believe that we have found a great venue that meet our standards. The Mills Industrial Park in

Wallkill, New York. It covers 300 acres and will be within our budget to lease for the time

being. As long as there is no resistance from the town and its residence, I believe this is the spot

to hold our festival. It is perfect to hold the vast amounts of people we are expecting to attend.

We will need a lot of security to keep peace throughout the weekend. I have heard rumors from

Tony Scalafini (2009) that the type of crowds that attend these festivals like to be very open with

their actions. Whether that is indulging in illegal drugs, or strolling about in the nude while

engaging in sexual activities. Whatever the circumstance, we need to make sure there are

enough officers to maintain order.


Graff, G. (2009, July). Woodstock at 40: promoter michael lang interviewed. Billboard, 1-6.

Retrieved from


Sclafani, T. (2009, August 10). Debunking woodstock: what really happened?. Today.

Retrieved from


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Sick and tired of the man bringing you down?

Need a place to escape from America's turmoil?

Come rock out to Three Days of Peace and Music

Location: Bethel, NY

Date: August 15-18

Time: Gates open 10:00 a.m.


Graff, G. (2009, July). Woodstock at 40: promoter michael lang interviewed. Billboard, 1-6.

Retrieved from


Potter, S. (2012, August). August 15-18, 1969: woodstock. Weatherwise, 60(4), 14-15.

Retrieved from

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 86 of 111

Newspaper Article

Sunday, August 24, 1969

Daily News

Woodstock Turns On America to Drugs

Parents all across the East Coast feared for their children’s lives last week during the large music

festival known as Woodstock. Many of our nation’s youth traveled to New York to listen to

their favorite bands play live. Although it rained throughout much of the weekend these kids

were in oddly “high” spirits. Torrential rains were not enough to stop these kids from having the

time of their lives, and also putting themselves in great danger. It appears that many attending

the concert were consuming large amounts of illegal substances. Marijuana and LSD was taken

freely and often by the youth at the festival. Many are aware of the increasing drug use in the

past few years, but now it seems that more and more young adults are getting turned on to drugs

than ever before. If the Woodstock Music and Art Festival is any indication on how our nation’s

youth, then we are in a lot of trouble. Two festival attendees, Rex Weiner and Deanne Stillman

(1979), discussed how they were turned on to marijuana in the crowd, "We all felt deliciously

anti-establishment. Anyway, the grass was cut with acid so I experienced a high I have never

since reached on grass" (p.108). It appears that marijuana was not the only drug these two were

hooked on.


Stillman,D., Weiner, R. (1979). Woodstock census: The nationwide survey of the sixties

generation. New York, NY: The Viking Press.

Worth, R. (2009). Illegal drugs: Condon or incarcerate. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 87 of 111


[Discussion Between Two Stoned Hippies at Woodstock]

[Saturday, August 16. 3:13 pm]

Hippie 1: Man, Santana was far out.

Hippie 2: Yeah, but that dude behind us was being such a drag. I could barely pay attention to

the music because he was so loud.

H1: Hey man, don't bogart that doobie.

H2: Why are you always raggin' me man? (Passes joint).

H1: This is some great grass man. Probably the best we've had all weekend. Who did you say

you got it from?

H2: Some girl over by the Quill concert. She was so fine, and she just gave it to me for free,

didn't even ask for money.

H1: That's so bad ("awesome") man! Did you get her name?

H2: No, she was worried about the fuzz, so she just split. I didn't really get a chance.

H1: Hey that's still pretty groovy...

H1: Man, Santana was far out.

H2: You just said that.

H1: When?

H2: Like two minutes ago. Are you alright?

H1: Hey man, don't bogart that doobie.

H2: Yeah, I think you’re done with this grass man, you're starting to freak me out.

H1: Stop acting like my mom. I came here to get away from authority man. Do you work for

the government or something?

H2: Yes. I'm Richard Nixon and I'm her to smoke all of your dope.

(Both laugh uncontrollably for 15 minutes)

H1: Man, Santana was far out...


Schowalter, D, F. (2000). Remembering the dangers of rock and roll: Toward a historical

narrative of the rock festival. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 17, 86-102.

doi: 10.1080/15295030009388377

Stillman,D., Weiner, R. (1979). Woodstock census: The nationwide survey of the sixties

generation. New York, NY: The Viking Press.

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 88 of 111


Jane Doe

1234 Main St.

Kingston, NY 12401

September 2, 1969

Mr. Walt Disney

3111 World Dr.

Orlando, FL. Walt Disney World 32830

Dear Mr. Disney,

I am one of many parents that are outraged by what you have done to our children. My son came

home today from this thing called Woodstock, and now I have a hard time recognizing who he

is. I have not seen my son in two weeks. I have been worried day and night wondering what

may have happened to him. Then he just shows up out of the blue like nothing was wrong. I

suppose you have heard all of those horrible things happening at Woodstock. Going to that

music festival seemed to have loosened some screws in his head. He doesn't listen to me

anymore. He claims that "he doesn't take s*** from the man". His clothes are ripped and dirty,

his hair is long and filthy, and he smells like marijuana all the time. That is an illegal substance!

Why would you do this to him? He had such a bright future, but now he is a hippie that is out of


You are probably wondering what you did to upset all of us parents. We believe our kids were

brainwashed into becoming hippies by watching your movies. Disney contains heavy amounts

of anti-establishment in its messaging. By reaching our children young they have been doomed

from the start. An upset father, Douglas Brode (2004), told me that your films teach our kids to

question authority, and rebel against anything that may repress their youthful freedom. I have

been letting my little boy watch those movies without any knowledge of this subliminal

messaging. The angry mob of parents and I will do everything in our power to put you behind

bars. You have brainwashed an entire nation's youth into becoming hippie freaks. I hope you

are frightened Mr. Disney because there is nothing scarier than a pissed off mother, and you have

plenty of them waiting to see you.

Sincerely Yours,

Angry Mother

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 89 of 111


Brode, D. (2004). From walt to Woodstock: How Disney created the counterculture. Austin,

TX: University of Texas Press

Issit, M. (2009). Hippies: A guide to an american subculture. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 90 of 111

Annotated Bibliography

Appleyard, B. (1994, August). Freaks inherited the earth. The Independent, 3, Retrieved from

The author focuses on more of the negative effects of Woodstock. He looks a lot into the

”hippie" aspect of the festival, and how the culture that Woodstock created is a one time

movement that cannot be recreated. He believes that the idea, or movement, that

Woodstock created was all an illusion to those naive and careless ”freaks".

I liked the different perspective this article gave me about Woodstock. Most other

sources are giving me a lot of positives on the festival, and this was a good change of

pace to look on the other end of the spectrum. The article was mostly opinion based, but

since it gives different look into Woodstock I feel comfortable using this source in my


Baughman, J. S. et al. (2001). Hippies and their music: Woodstock. American Decades, 7,

Retrieved from

This article looked at Woodstock as a symbol for a peaceful, free-loving, drug-taking

hippie youth. They were actually peaceful youth until harder times hit America after

Woodstock. The author discusses how Woodstock was organized well but then seemed

to become a disaster, and finally emerged as the legendary music festival known today.

An interesting fact I took from this article is that there were no arrests made for fighting

over the four days. The only arrests made were ones dealing with hard drugs. The police

did not even bother arresting people for marijuana since it was so prevalent.

I do not intend to use this research in my project. Most of what I read was reiterating a

lot of the research I have already completed. However, I would feel comfortable using

this research in an academic piece of writing.

Bell, J. S. (2014, May). The 7 tools of dialogue. Writer's Digest. Retrieved from

Brode, D. (2004). From walt to Woodstock: How Disney created the counterculture. Austin, TX:

University of Texas Press

This book tries to persuade the reader that Walt Disney was responsible for creating the

counterculture of the 1960’s. The author suggests that by watching Disney’s movies and

television caused a transformation in the youth of the 1960’s. They became a much more

rebellious youth that had been seen in the past.

I really liked the information I gained from this book. I thought it was very interesting

that there is a connection between Walt Disney and Woodstock. I would have never

thought of making that connection before starting to research this topic.

Browne, D. (2014, June). The birth of the rock fest. Rolling Stone, 1210, 34-38. Retrieved from

This article gave me great insight into how music festivals came to be. The author

discusses the growing popularity of rock concerts were too much for the venues to hold

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 91 of 111

anymore. The concerts were better off outside. This set the stage for a transformation

from the "rock concert" to a festival with thousands of people in attendance. Within the

creation of the Music Festival the author also recognizes Woodstock as the one that made


This article may be useful in one of my crots, but it contains a lot of general knowledge

and background information that would not be very interesting to the reader. This article

may also be useful in keeping up with the unity of my project, and how Woodstock

helped to shape an entire culture.

Cole, K. (2009). Forty years later, the significance of woodstock. Smith College, Retrieved from

This article takes a look into the 40th anniversary of Woodstock. The author looks close

at the impact that Woodstock had on rock music, and the culture of the 1960's. The

article discusses the significance of Woodstock, and how there was a large connection

between the rock music and the counterculture of 1969. The article then looks at what

the 40th anniversary means. If individuals will feel nostalgic or cynical towards


This article was a great source of information. It gave me more insight into how

Woodstock was portrayed in the public's eye. I would like to use this source in my

project because it gives me a variety of options to use for a crot. I like that the article

focuses a lot on the culture of the 1960's, and it's relation to Woodstock.

Gair, C. (2007). The American Counterculture. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK: Edinburgh University


The section I read from this book talked a lot about Woodstock's counterculture to United

States politics. Violence never broke out in the crowd of about 500,000 people in

attendance, which surprises many people. This book gives more images of the "hippie"

aspect of Woodstock. The love-making, communal bathing, yoga and meditation, and

more of an everybody love everybody type of living.

I do not agree with what some of this book had to tell me. I definitely agree with the idea

of Woodstock creating a counterculture in 1969 and throughout the 70's. In doing a lot of

research I have found that Woodstock was not just a place with a bunch of naked hippies

running around as this book portrays. There was really no type of order, but the 500,000

attendants seemed to keep it as civil as they could.

Graff, G. (2009, July). Woodstock at 40: promoter michael lang interviewed. Billboard, 1-6.

Retrieved from


This is an interview with Woodstock's promoter Michael Lang. He talks about the idea

for Woodstock, and his relationship with Joel Rosenman and John Roberts, the financers

of the festival. He was much different than the straight edge businessman that Rosenman

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 92 of 111

and Roberts were. Lang also talks about the different performances, and his take on the

"nation" that Woodstock began.

I really liked the perspective this article gave. It is incredibly useful to be able to take a

look into what the promoter of Woodstock thought about the whole process of creating

this rock festival. While this interview doesn't really fit into the unity of my project, it

will give me some good information I can use in one of my crots.

Issit, M. (2009). Hippies: A guide to an american subculture. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

This book was great for insight into how the hippie culture came to be in the United

States. It describes how the culture began in neighborhoods with cheap housing and a

mixture of races living together in a community. The author describes what they wore,

where they liked to hang out, and the drugs they used. Hippies were not a part of the

mainstream culture, and steps were taken to converge the two cultures. Many people

were all for this new culture of hippies, but many more were also very opposed to it.

I like what the author includes in this book, and I gained a lot of information about

hippies in the 1960's. The author uses names of real stores, streets, and concert halls

where hippies usually flocked. This made me more interested in this piece of research. I

intend to fit this research into a crot.

Potter, S. (2012, August). August 15-18, 1969: woodstock. Weatherwise, 60(4), 14-15.

Retrieved from This article was one of the first that I encountered while researching. It gave me a lot of

great background info to start out with. Using this article I was able to expand my

research with the new knowledge I had just gained about Woodstock. The article

explained how Woodstock began, where and when the festival was held, and the

treacherous amounts of rain that loomed over the festival for a few days.

I liked this piece of research and intend to use it in at least one of my crots. It gives great

general information about Woodstock, and also explains how the attendants came

together in celebration even though the conditions were not ideal. This would be a great

article to use in a crot involving a dialogue between Woodstock attendants.

Schowalter, D, F,. (2000). Remembering the dangers of rock and roll: Toward a historical

narrative of the rock festival. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 17, 86-102. doi:


This article looks more at the film Woodstock, from director Michael Wadleigh. It

describes scenes in the movie that show the mass of people smoking marijuana, drinking

alcohol, and dancing to the music. A lot of the film is dedicated to the actions of the

people attending, but much of the rest of the film reflects on the music, and the many

notable artists that performed. The film also depicts what a rock festival like Woodstock

can do to a large crowd of young adults. Attendants spoke out against establishment, and

many other sensitive topics they did not believe in.

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 93 of 111

I do not see myself using this piece of research in my project. I am not too trusting of

how the film depicts Woodstock as a whole. It seems that it sheds a negative light on the

festival, and it contradicts much of my previous research.

Sclafani, T. (2009, August 10). Debunking woodstock: what really happened?. Today. Retrieved



This article was good because it gave two different perspectives of the people that

attended Woodstock. The author recounts individuals having very different experiences

at Woodstock. He also looks at some of the mysteries and myths that occurred during the

festival. One individual remembers the festival as full of music and community. On the

other end of the spectrum another individual remembers there being a lot of drugs,

puking, and drinking. One myth was revealed to be just that. The stories of a lot of

naked people running around all weekend seem to be untrue.

This article gave me plenty of new information and personal experiences taken from

Woodstock. The experiences taken from this article will be great to use for a letter home

from an attendant at Woodstock. Since there were mostly college-aged people attending

Woodstock, I would imagine that a letter home would include some sort of contention as

to why parents should have little or no worries.

Sisario, B. (2001, November 2). John P. Roberts, a producer of woodstock and its revivals. The

New York Times. Retrieved from


The article takes a look into the life of John Roberts, one of the promoters for

Woodstock, after he had passed away from cancer. The article gave good background

info into Roberts and his life. It also contains a lot of information into how Woodstock

was thought of and created.

Although this article contains a lot of information into the creation of Woodstock, it is

knowledge that it very general and I would not feel very using in any of my crots. The

information found in this article can easily be found on Wikipedia, or many other sites. I

would rather use information that is interesting to me, and will be new to the reader.

Stillman,D., Weiner, R. (1979). Woodstock census: The nationwide survey of the sixties

generation. New York, NY: The Viking Press.

This is easily the best piece of research I have encountered so far. It is an interesting

book that gives personal encounters of individuals that grew up in the 60's. What is so

cool about this book is the original quotes the authors included from the survey they

conducted. This gives great information of personal encounters from people at

Woodstock, or in the 60's in general.

The book is exactly what I am looking for to help with the unity of my project. It goes

over the culture and counterculture, drug use in the 1960's, and even the "Woodstock

Nation" as a whole. I intend to use this research in more than one of my crots, and I

would recommend the book to anyone that is researching Woodstock.

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 94 of 111

Ward, E. (2014). The woodstock music and art fair. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from


This article contains mostly general information about Woodstock. It contains the

creators, location, how many people showed up, and the more memorable performers.

After reading a bit further I found information that was somewhat new, but it was still

mostly general information. The only new piece of information I received from this

article was the riot at a Woodstock revival festival in 1999.

I do not intend to use this article for my project. It contains too much general information

that is not quite interesting enough for a reader. Up to this point in my research I have

already learned much of what this article contains. For this reason I intend to toss this

article from my research.

Worth, R. (2009). Illegal drugs: Condon or incarcerate. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish

The passages that I read from this book informed me of many different drugs that were

freely taken at Woodstock. It was a part of that culture to openly use those drugs. Drugs

were a way for many people to escape from all of the negative events that were occurring

at the time. Some drugs like LSD were being openly endorsed by scholars. They

believed it was a way to reach enlightenment. This certainly was one of the causes to the

rise of drug use in the 1960's.

I am definitely going to use the information from this book in a crot. I think that one of

the most interesting aspects of Woodstock. To me, Woodstock was just an illustration for

all the drug use of the 1960's. It seems crazy to me that so many people could openly use

illegal substances and have little or no consequences.

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Student Sample #6:

Topic: Masters Golf


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The 1986 Masters Golf


Eng. 101.04

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The Masters Golf Tournament

2604 Washington Road

Augusta, Georgia 30904

Join us at Augusta National for The Masters

Founded in 1930 by legendary amateur golfer Bobby Jones,

Augusta National is the home of The Masters golf tournament. The

tournament was first played in 1934, and has been played at

Augusta National each year since then. Augusta is considered by

most as the nicest, and by everybody as the most prestigious golf

course in the world. It is extremely exclusive, with only 111 members

and includes the likes of Bill Gates, Condoleezza Rice, and Warren


The Masters is one of golf’s four “majors”, grouped with the

British Open, the U.S. Open, and the PGA Championship. The

tournament consists of four 18 hole rounds, with a cut after two

rounds. The field size is generally around 100 players and is cut to

50 after day two. There are 19 ways to qualify for the Masters, such

as being in the top 50 of the world golf rankings, or being a past

champion. It is one of the most difficult golf tournaments to get into

known to man.

The winner of the Masters receives the coveted Green Jacket

as well as a lifetime invitation to play in the event. While most golf

tournaments award a trophy to the winner, the Masters winner

literally receives a jacket that is green in color. To most people, that

sounds stupid and not nearly as cool as a big shiny trophy. But those

that truly know the significance of the Masters and the Green Jacket

would want nothing more than to put it on one day.





























Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 99 of 111


Shain. J. (2011, April). 25 years later, Jack Nicklaus’ final triumph at Masters burns vivid. Retrieved from


Mather, V. (2015, April). Qualifying Rules Keeps Masters Field Small and Distinctive. Retrieved from


Strege, J. (2015, April). 111 Rich and Powerful Members of Augusta National. Retrieved from

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 100 of 111

Overview of the 1986 Masters

(Assignment One)

Jack Nicklaus is the greatest golfer in the world. (Sorry, Tiger Woods lovers.) Jack won

his first of 20 majors in 1962, the first year he turned pro. He holds the record for most major

wins in golf. And, he did all of this with inferior equipment to what today’s players have. Jack

was using wooden headed clubs and steel irons that could pass for butter knives they were so

thin. That is what makes him so special. So why am I doing a project on just one tournament

that he won? Simply put, it was the greatest moment in golf history.

Prior to the 1986 Masters, Tom McCollister (1986) wrote “Nicklaus is gone, done. He just

doesn’t have the game anymore. It’s rusted from lack of use. He’s 46, and nobody that old wins

the Masters” (para.2). McCollister was right. No one that old wins the Masters. At the time, the

oldest winner of the Masters was 40. Jack also hadn’t won a major since 1980. Why would he win

it now? Because he’s the greatest of all time, that’s why. Jack Nicklaus won the 1986 Masters,

storming from behind on the final 9 holes of the contest to win the event by one measly shot

over fellow competitor Greg Norman. He finished strong, and his last 4 holes were one of the

greatest 4 hole stretches in golf history. He went eagle-birdie-birdie-par to win by one. To sum

up the atmosphere of the moment, as written by Rick Reilly (2014) "The noise was deafening,"

said Nicklaus. "I couldn't hear anything. I mean, nothing! I wasn't trying to think about the leader

board. All I knew was that I was putting the ball on the green and making birdies and I was going

to keep on doing it." (p.1).

It didn’t hurt that every golf fan loved Jack. He was a class act, humble, and well-spoken

man that happened to be extremely successful in the game of golf. If you ask any golf fan that

was alive and able to comprehend what was going about the 1986 Masters, their faces will

immediately light up. Some might even shed a tear. Shain (2011) wrote “For those who cared

even the slightest about golf, they remember where they were when the Golden Bear charged

one more time, winning his sixth green jacket at age 46. "It was basically a miracle happening in

front of our eyes," recalled Ernie Els, then a 16-year-old who had to talk his parents into staying

up past his bedtime in South Africa."To be the best and then for many years not be the best –

and then come out of the woodwork and show guys that, 'Hey, I'm the best out here.' That was

quite something."” (Para.3). My project will describe the acute details of Jack’s week at Augusta

in 1986 and will explain why this is the one of the greatest events in golf history. Reilly (2014)

said “Jack Nicklaus, a 46-year-old antique, had won his 20th major golf championship, his first

green jacket in 11 years, his sixth over three decades and all in this, the 50th, and arguably the

best, Masters” (p.1).

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 101 of 111


Reilly,Rick. (2014,Oct). Day of Glory for a Golden Oldie: Jack Nicklaus Wins the 1986 Masters. Retrieved



Babineau, Jeff. (2011, April). 1986 Masters: “Nobody that old wins the Masters”. Retrieved from

Shain. J. 2011, April). 25 years later, Jack Nicklaus’ final triumph at Masters burns vivid. Retrieved from


Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 102 of 111

Student Sample MGRP Projects: Page 103 of 111


Furlong, R. (2011, March). Jack Nicklaus and the 1986 Masters: a look back 25 years. Retrieved from


ESPN Classic. (n.d.). Battle Lines- 1986 Masters [Video file]. Retrieved from

Boyette, J. (2012, February) Nicklaus: “I Kind of Enjoyed the Last Ten Holes’. Retrieved from

Babineau, J. (2014, June). A Sunday no one will forget. Retrieved from


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Svrluga, B. (2011, April). Remembering Jack Nicklaus’s stirring 1986 Masters victory. Retrieved from


Boyette, J. (2011, March). The 1986 Masters: How Jack Nicklaus Roared Back to Win. Retrieved from




Seitz, N. (1996, April) The 1986 Masters: The Best finish ever.

Golf Digest, 47, 146.

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 106 of 111

This is the scorecard of Jack Nicklaus’s historic final round in the 1986 Masters Golf tournament. This was

the official scorecard that his scores were recorded on that day in April. His score was a 7 under par 65, which was

the lowest score of the day. On the 15th hole, Jack made an eagle 3, and this was the point at which

according to Alex Dimond, (2011) “Everyone sensed that suddenly everything had changed” (Para. 26). He

proceeded to birdie the following two holes, including the par 3 16th which was one of the most memorable

shots in Masters History. Phil Sandlin (2013) wrote “Nicklaus hit 5-iron right at the flag, and as he

stooped to remove his tee, his son said, "Be right." "It is," Nicklaus said” (para.6). This exchange

between Jack’s son, his caddie for the tournament, and Jack has gone down in golf lore. To have the

confidence to call your shot like that is truly incredible. The tournament as a whole is very significant

because according to Tim McDonald (2008) “The Masters is ranked the most prestigious sporting event

in the United States.” (para.1). The score of 65 included 7 birdies, one eagle, 2 bogeys, and 8 pars. This

was Jack’s final major tournament win, the 18th of his career, and an all-time record.

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 107 of 111


Dimond, A. (2011, April). The Golden Bear comes out of hibernation. Retrieved from

Reilly, R. (2014, Oct). Day of Glory for a Golden Oldie: Jack Nicklaus Wins the 1986 Masters. Retrieved from

Harig, B. (2011, April). Rekindling Jack Nicklaus’ Glory. Retrieved from

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 108 of 111

Annotated Bibliography

Babineau, J. (2011, April). 1986 Masters: “Nobody that old wins the Masters”. Retrieved from

This article doesn’t have a lot of information, but it provided a great quote that I am going to

open my first crot with. The article is basically about what Tom McCollister said about Nicklaus

before the tournament began, along with the conversation they had after the he had won.

There was no hard feelings from Nicklaus, and while many think he used it as motivation, he

claims that it had no impact on his play.

Babineau, J. (2014, June). A Sunday no one will forget. Retrieved from


This is a very good source. There is a lot of information and It is from a very reputable site. Fox

sports had a one on one interview with Jack and this article talks about that interview and what

went on. Obviously Jack know’s more about that week than anybody so it is really good

information and an excellent source. He recalls a lot of very small details and they could be very

helpful for my project.

Reilly, R. (2014, Oct). Day of Glory for a Golden Oldie: Jack Nicklaus Wins the 1986 Masters. Retrieved



This article is recalling one of the 60 greatest moments in sports history. It has great

information, but is pretty repetitive for what I have learned in my other sources. There is a lot of

information, but it is basically just an overview of the whole event. There isn’t a lot of little

details that I am looking for, however there is some information about the other players in the

tournament and what happened to them so that is helpful.

Svrluga, B. (2011, April). Remembering Jack Nicklaus’s stirring 1986 Masters victory. Retrieved from


This article is very scholarly, but pretty short and not much great additional information. I

probably won’t use this one much, but there is some interesting stuff about the broadcasters

that called the round on television, which is pretty cool. So if I need some of that stuff, this

article would be ok.

Jenkins, D. (1986, June). The Greatest Masters. Retrieved from

I really like this article. It is short, however It has one excellent analogy in it that I definitely want

to use in my project. So while it is not super long, there are some interesting tidbits that I can

definitely use in my project so use this source.

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 109 of 111

Harig, B. (2011, April). Rekindling Jack Nicklaus’ Glory. Retrieved from

This is a blog, but It’s from ESPN so it is ok. This has some great information including some

interviews with other players that were there that week talking about Jack. There are some

great quotes and I will be able to use those for sure. There is also a lot of other information in

this source so it is all around one of the best ones that I have.

Boyette, J. (2012, February) Nicklaus: “I Kind of Enjoyed the Last Ten Holes’. Retrieved from

This article comes from which is managed by the Masters committee so definitely

reputable. It has some interesting information in it about what the scores were in different parts

of the final round so that is something that the other sources didn’t include. The other

information is just ok, so use it sparingly. I have lots of general information in these sources so

probably don’t use the general stuff from this one.

Seitz, N. (1996, April) The 1986 Masters: The Best finish ever. Golf Digest, 47, 146.

This is a very good magazine source with good information. This is very helpful because it was

written at the time that the Masters happened. Therefore, it has specific first-hand accounts of

what went on that week and how it happened.

ESPN Classic. (n.d.). Battle Lines- 1986 Masters [Video file]. Retrieved from

This Video showed me what really happened on the back nine of the final round of the 1986

Masters. Not only did it show me the amazing magic that Jack created, but it also showed me

what some of the other players did and the shots that they hit. It set a little bit more context as

to why it was such an amazing win and gave me more background about foreign greats such as

Greg Norman and Seve Ballesteros.

Boyette, J. (2014, March). 1934: A Look at how the Masters Began. Retrieved from

This article gave me great history of the Masters tournament and how it began. It told me all

about Bobby Jones and how he built his dream course with the help of course architect Allister

Mackenzie. He played in the inaugural event in 1934 and Sam Snead put Augusta on the map in

1935 with his double eagle. It helped me write the flyer crot because it had a lot of background

about the Masters in general, not just specific tournaments.

Strege, J. (2015, April). 111 Rich and Powerful Members of Augusta National. Retrieved from

This source gave me information about the members of Augusta National. I wasn’t sure how

many people were members at Augusta and I didn’t know that there were so many famous

people. This article just proves how exclusive Augusta is and it adds prestige to the tournament.

Student Samples Final MGRPs: Page 110 of 111

Shain. J. (2011, April). 25 years later, Jack Nicklaus’ final triumph at Masters burns vivid. Retrieved from


This article had some great quotes to go into my assignment number one. It talked all about

how vividly everyone remembered that weekend and how no one could take their eyes of the

T.V. when Jack was making his back nine charge. It really proved the significance of my project,

making it evident that this wasn’t just another golf tournament, it was truly something special.

Mather, V. (2015, April). Qualifying Rules Keeps Masters Field Small and Distinctive. Retrieved from


This was a good article about today’s masters field and how hard it is to get into the field. It

gives nice comparisons between the Masters field versus an average sized PGA field. It shows

that the size is really small and how picky Augusta is about letting people use the facilities. It is

from the NY Times, so we know that it is a reputable source so this is a very good source.

Nickalus, J. (2015, January). Facts and Figures. Retrieved from


This source was directly from Nicklaus’s personal website. I used this source to see what his past

wins were and such. It is the home to all of the statistics that you could imagine about Jack’s

career so whenever I needed a date or a tournament, I just came to this site. There are also

interesting tidbits about his records and achievements so there is quite a bit of information


Furlong, R. (2011, March). Jack Nicklaus and the 1986 Masters: a look back 25 years. Retrieved from


This article basically walks through the tournament and says what happens. Not only with Jack,

but with the other players as well. It also references some interviews with Jack which is nice

because I have never really had this before. The interviews kind of gave me a new perspective

on the week as a whole. Based on the interviews, I think Jack knew he could win it along. Tom

Watson sure did. Tom Kite didn’t but he choked anyways. Jack seemed frustrated after his play

in round one and two even though that was some of the better golf than he had been playing. I

think he must of found something that week to give him a boost from how he had been playing.

It wasn’t all just a remarkable story.

Kupelian, V. (2015, April). Great voices at CBS have made Historic Calls. Retrieved from


I found this article on the official website of the Masters. This talks about famous calls that have

been made by reporters over the times at the Masters. Verne Lundquist is talked about when he

called Jack’s putt at 17. While there isn’t a ton of information in here about the 1986 Masters It

is still a good source because the website is obviously very reputable and there is some

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important information. Everybody remembers when Verne yelled “Yes Sir!” So, I felt it necessary

to reference it in my project.

Boyette, J. (2011, March). The 1986 Masters: How Jack Nicklaus Roared Back to Win. Retrieved from





This is an E-book and probably one of my best sources. It is a book written by a publisher for the

local Augusta newspaper, and it is strictly about the 1986 Masters. While some of it is cut out,

there is still a plethora of good information so I used this book quite a bit for the news article


Dimond, A. (2011, April). The Golden Bear comes out of hibernation. Retrieved from

This article didn’t have much information that I used but I did use one quote from this article so I

put it in my bibliography.
