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A Guide To Student Travel

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Student travel has come a long way since the days of hitchhiking across Europe and calling home once every six months. These days, young travelers are as

likely to keep a daily blog - complete with photos or video - as they once were to drop their parents the occasional postcard. And that’s fantastic, both for

travelers and the folks left at home.


Be Safe Online A Guide To Student Travel 2

And in many ways, it’s easier than ever before. There are apps that let you find a hostel - or even just an

available couch - in unfamiliar cities; that help to circumnavigate language barriers; and currency converters to weigh up whether that bungee jumping offer is a rip-off or a good deal.

So what kind of a traveler are you? An old-school backpacker who shies away from technology? Someone content to occasionally check in at an internet cafe? Or are you fully loaded with smartphone and tablet, arranging tweet-ups with

fellow travelers between Instagramming your exploits and running a travel blog?

First-time travelers far from home might want to use technology as a safety net, if only to pacify worried parents. If you’re a more seasoned globetrotter, you may want to go with the flow instead of turning to an app for every question. Conversely, the longer you’re away the more likely you’ll need to earn a living or at least manage your money, in which case a laptop or tablet could help keep you afloat.

Whatever your digital preference, there’ll

always be forces beyond your control - bad weather, unreliable transportation, tummy bugs. But when it comes to your devices there are basic precautions that can make your trip safer, richer and generally more fun.

Most of all, you may never get this chance again so just get out there and enjoy it.

IntroductionIt’s that first taste of independence that students dream about and their parents envy: the gap year, the year out, the fantasy trip, the extended break before university or career - call it what you want, we’re traveling the world like never before.

Charlie Sanchez is an AVG senior content specialist. He manages the blog platform and writes a number of blogs, including community and student pieces.

Pack itCables and chargers Get at least one universal adaptor, and possibly a power converter. Pack extra batteries, memory cards/sticks and keep thee things, along with your cables and chargers, in your hand luggage. Don’t risk losing them if your checked bags end up on the other side of the world.

Protection Consider locks or other discreet protection for your hardware, and other gear that might be useful depending on your destination, such as a case to protect from sand damage or a solar charger.

SIM card If you’re going to pick up a SIM card in your host country, do you know if it will be compatible with your phone? Do you know where to get one and how you can pay for it?

Troubleshoot regularly Keep tabs on what might be hitchhiking in your devices, including any USB drives, by doing regular checks for spyware, viruses and malicious software.

Backup You know it’s essential to make copies of your passport, itineraries, confirmations, reference numbers, emergency numbers (such as for your credit card company or the local embassy) and insurance information (and you did insure any expensive equipment you’re taking, right?) But whether you decide to cut down on the paperwork by storing these on an app such as Evernote, or you’re extra cautious by doubling up, just be sure you can get to that information.

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Kit & Caboodle Cloud services Remote computing using a shared network. Instead of individual hardware to store and give access to a user’s data, software and computation, cloud services provide the same capabilities from a remote location, accessible from anywhere.

Social media storage Storing and accessing things such as images, messaging and other shared content using social networks (i.e. Facebook, Tumblr, Flickr).

Portable hard drives Portable hard drives, such as USB flash drives, to store data (content, photos, music, etc.) or web browsers for use on desktop computers, laptops, mobiles and other hardware.

Call plan Mobile service providers can tailor coverage plans to the user’s needs, but long-term travelers will find it more economical and reliable to buy SIM cards for use in their current location.

Security checks Passcode or password protect any device and take care when using portable hard drives, which can become corrupted if not protected with software, such as antivirus tools, and checked regularly.

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Dedicated apps Stay connected with Skype or Apple’s FaceTime or apps for Twitter, Facebook and other social sites. Mobile banking apps allow you to manage money. Technology such as Onavo (for iPhone) streams data through a cloud-based compression service for those on a limited data plan.

Key: Cellphone Smartphone Tablet Laptop Desktop

How to make tech work for you while traveling

Hold on! Remember that sex ed lesson about all the nasty things you could catch from your

partner’s previous partners if you fail to use protection? Well the same applies here. You may trust your friend, but who knows where their devices have been or what viruses they’re carrying. Play it safe by uploading to an online photo-sharing site, but don’t even think about swapping USBs.

That’s as sexy as the digital safety advice gets, but the rest is as important and easy to follow. Before you go,

let your credit card company know which countries you’ll be visiting. Do a device health check: run a virus test; clear sensitive data, such as banking information, credit card details and social site passwords; install safeguards, such as AVG anti-virus software and firewalls. Also backup and store anything you don’t want to lose.

Passcode protect and insure your devices, and take steps to limit the damage, such as preloading software to track them if they go missing. Also turn off Bluetooth and data roaming.

Make sure WiFi hotspots are encrypted and you aren’t on a fraudulent network, especially if asked for payment. Never use an open browser and when leaving a WiFi or internet cafe session, clear your history.

Be extra cautious if you’re using public computers. A portable internet browser, such as Google Chrome or Firefox portable, helps but try to avoid online banking or other transactions where key-logging software could strip your details and your funds. Using two-step authentication, either through a card reader or an app, provides further protection.

Beware of pop-up ads - you might need to force shutdown to fend off malware - and never download or open anything that looks too good to be true. Free ringtones or wallpaper? More like free access to your personal information. Proceed with caution.

And, as with travel generally, pay attention. If you’re Skyping, using FaceTime or even updating your Facebook status, be careful what you say and the details you divulge. Remember, you can never be too careful about who else may be in on the conversation.

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Tech edThere’s something intoxicating about blazing trails in new places, making friends and bonding through shared experiences. Together you’re scaling the heights of Machu Picchu and surviving the lows of too much tequila. Now things are starting to get really intimate: you’re swapping memory sticks.

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Currency: Real First Language: Portuguese Average high: 86F Average low: 65F Timezone: EST +1 Don’t miss: Hang gliding over mountains, sea and the Christ the Redeemer statue.Download speed (in mbps): 7.12

Currency: Australian Dollar First Language: English Average high: 79F Average low: 47F Timezone: EST +14 Don’t miss: Bondi beach for surfing, sunbathing or grabbing a drink and people-watching.Download speed (in mbps): 12.77

Currency: Rand First Languages: Afrikaans, EnglishAverage high: 78F Average low: 47F Timezone: EST +6 Don’t miss: Take a cable car up to Table Mountain, then walk the trails (or, if you’re brave, abseil) back down to the city.Download speed (in mbps): 3.84

Currency: Baht First Language: Thai Average high : 94F Average low: 70FTimezone: EST +11 Don’t miss: A day-long canal trip upriver to take in traditional Thai rural life. Download speed (in mbps): 1.24





City guideWhat to do abroad, how to pay for it and the best time to phone home

If you’re going low-tech, you can still keep in touch by picking up a SIM card or an old cellphone in your host

country. Checking in via Skype at an internet cafe will please your family, keep you in the loop and help smooth the way when you’re running low on money.

You may be eager to keep a running commentary on all the sights, sounds and souls you encounter, in which case a smartphone, tablet or laptop will be your most loyal companion. A sturdy case and lock are good investments, but don’t advertise that you’re carrying expensive

equipment or you, and it, may be targets. Also be sure to regularly upload your photographs in case you lose your device or camera.

What about making technology work for you? Have a knack for sniffing out a compelling tale off the beaten track? You could tell it on your own or another travel blog, but it’s possible a paying publication might be interested. The same goes for high-quality photos. In any case, avoid being exploitative or culturally insensitive. If you go to Cambodia’s Killing Fields, don’t be that

guy who scrawls their name in a cellblock and, worse, uploads a photo of it. Some experiences are best not shared with the rest of the world.

That said, sharing is one of the fundamentals of traveling, which is where apps and social media come in handy. Crowdsource advice, arrange to meet up or keep things compact with digital travel guides and other resources. You can overdo it, though, and there’s still a lot to be said for just letting your curiosity lead you. If you get lost, so what? Isn’t that why you went traveling in the first place?

Share itForeign travel usually has one of two effects: you either disappear into the experience, or you want to share every single aspect, possibly as soon as it happens. Unlike previous generations you have that choice - but remember your parents will worry, so don’t go too far off the radar.

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If you’re eager to stay connected and share your adventures, there are more opportunities than ever

Travelers’ apps WhatsApp Everybody’s favorite, WhatsApp, enables you to text with others who’ve downloaded it, for free no matter where you are. Available for most smartphones.

Free Zone Free Zone locates all the free WiFi zones nearby and can connect you.

Around Me Want a pizza but all you can see is dim sum? You may be out of luck but if it’s there, Apple’s Around Me will help you find it. Ditto for lots of things, including hotels, bars, supermarkets, gas stations and parking.

Trip Splitter Fight the freeloader! Trip Splitter, which is free, breaks down who owes what.

Translator Is your high-school Spanglish failing you? Try Better Translator Pro (for Android) or Word Lens (for Apple).

XE CurrencyDon’t get caught out treating your krona like dollars. XE Currency is free and accurate to the minute.

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GoStill trying to make up your mind about what kind of experience would best

suit you? A trawl through the countless travel blogs and websites dedicated to overseas volunteering or living abroad may help clarify things, and most people

who have been traveling will be more than happy to talk about it, so draw on their expertize. Most of all, just get out there and find out for yourself.

What are you waiting for? Go!

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