Study on the impact of Electro- Smog on the human organism


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Bergbau, Chemie, Energie

Study on the impact of Electro-Smog on the human organism using the memon® technology

while driving a vehicle. Testing Period: 02 Feb 2007 to 28 Apr 2007

(calendar week 6 to calendar week 17 of 2007) The study was conducted in cooperation with:

• IG BCE, Industrie Gewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie, Energie,


• Shell Deutschland Schmierstoff GmbH, Hamburg

• ACE, Automobile Club Europe, Berlin

• Petra Lazarus, Labor für Pleomorphie, Bad Reichenhall

• Engelbert Hammerschmidt, Humanenergetiker und Therapeut,


• Anita Schröer, Präventionsberatin, Hildesheim

• memon® Umwelttechnologie GmbH, Rosenheim

Increased pollution as a result of growing electro- smog in automobiles According to recent studies in the automobile industry, traffic security could be increased through technical progress. Even though the number of accidents taking place in the same period of time has increased, traffic deaths not only decreased but the number of people injured as a result also steadily decreased over the last years. Electronically driven systems are increasingly taking over important tasks and thus assist drivers in managing dangerous situations. Also, vehicle comfort is constantly upgraded and many functions are nowadays easily operated electronically. As positive as this evolution may be for vehicle safety it also poses further effects to be considered. With the increase of electrical installations, the values of the electro–smog have increase as well – following the principle of where electric current flows or is being used or where electric voltage is created electro-smog grows. These artificially generated waves and fields strain the organism which is more frequently noticed, particularly of people travelling a lot by car. Typical complaints such as state of tenseness, concentration weakness or tumid mucous membranes usually appear during or after long drives. Prolonged exposure to a tangle of electro-magnetic waves inevitably results in a high exposure of the organism to electro–smog. The electro-static charge caused by the rolling and frictional properties of the vehicle additionally aggravates the problems. Electro-Smog in cars is a hazard that is often underestimated. Effects on health Several studies and investigations have proven the partially considerable risks of electro-smog. How health is effected by electro-smog is a controversially disputed subject until today. Legislation includes regulations strictly dealing with the thermal effects on the organism. Therefore, research is mostly done in the fields of physical parameters such as intensity, frequency or radiation and field oscillation. Although the a-thermal effect of fields on the organism is known and verified today, it has not yet been sufficiently researched. However, exactly this effect is suspected to have a very much quicker and – as not depending on the intensity of the field - a more lasting impact on the organism. It has been proven that elementary sequences in the organism are losing balance. Fields which are partially still under the physical limit of provability do already show symptoms. Thus e.g. the blood count is being strongly modified under this influence. The skin and cell resistance decreases measurably and the energy line in the meridians is been considerably disturbed. These changes result in permanent body stress which may support the development of diseases and which finally accounts for the primary harmfulness of electro-smog. Development and design of the study The trade union IG BCE in Hannover is among others engaged in occupational safety and health protection at work for the benefit of its members. As an innovative and open-minded organisation this union is always in search of new offers maybe yet unknown to members. Due to the associated union section of the professional drivers the subject

“Impact of Electro-Smog on the Frequent Drivers” has been the focus of attention for several times. Because of the cooperation with a therapist from Hildesheim the initiators of this study learned about the memon® technology. As the effects of the memon® technology reach beyond the known and today feasible physical measuring methods, a way to present the effects of memon® in a verifiable form has been searched in many conversations. In consequence volunteers who wanted to participate as test people in the planned study were searched by means of an appeal in the trade union magazine “Aussenspiegel”. On February 2nd, 2007 the objective and the performing of the study was presented and the measurements on the test people began. Structure of the test Prior to the start of the test the test people were examined objectively through two different processes. Petra Lazarus from Bad Reichenhall is a Registered German Practitioner and she leads her own laboratory for pleomorphy and has already published some books on the subjects of body stress and health. She took on the examinations via vital blood diagnosis according to Prof. Dr. Enderlein. The qualified therapist and well known book author Engelbert Hammerschmidt from Dietmannsdorf in Lower Austria trains among others therapists in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and in the i-health System. He was responsible for the measuring of the test people with the computer supported Meridian Diagnostic-System i-Health. Those initial examinations served as diagnosis of the energy distribution in the meridians and of the personal regulation capability. Likewise, the general physical condition in the vegetative range as well as the degree of energetic strain was supposed to be documented. After these initial tests memon® Transformers were installed in the test people’s individual cars. In order to create consistent circumstances for all participants and to prevent the influence of electro-smog pollution of the living environment, the cell phones, the living space and, if available, the private wireless DECT phone systems in the apartments of the test people were additionally equipped. Objective Examination by Vital Blood Diagnosis – Da rk Field Microscopy The Dark Field Microscopy is an optical method for the analysis of objects, which lie - due to their small size - far below the perception limit of the human eye and which are, for that reason, not or insufficiently perceptible without technical support. It involves a special variation of light microscopy, by which – with the aid of specially equipped microscopes - in particular transparent objects or objects poor in contrast can be tested without previous colouring. The fact that without the necessity of colouring living objects can be observed as well is of particular advantage for some special applications. At 09:00 a.m. on Feb. 2nd, 2007 blood was taken from three test persons with empty stomach and microscopically analysed. Subsequently the test persons went on a car journey for about 50 minutes in their own cars. On return the second blood sample was taken and analyzed. Meanwhile the cars of the test persons were equipped with a transformer to eliminate the harmful effect of the arising electro-smog. After that the testing persons drove the same distance once again and returned once more for another blood sample.

Evaluation of the Vital Blood Diagnosis

The pictures show the typical changes through electric and magnetic fields such as electromagnetic fields. It is known that the erythrocytes (red corpuscles) begin to stick together under the influence of e-smog fields as consequence and symptom of the vegetative stress. It is termed “roll of coins” or cluster formation. Due to this adherence the oxygen receptivity of the red corpuscles is restricted considerably. At the same time the cluster formation is reduced in its mobility. The combination of reduced receptivity and the lack of oxygen transport lead to a mutual intensification of the problem.

Test Person A

Measurement before

the drive

Test Person A Measurement after the drive without vehicle-transformer

Test Person A Measurement after the drive with vehicle-transformer

Relatively free corpuscles, slightly sticking

large agglutination, languid activity

Detached corpuscles, good activity of the symbionts

Test Person B Measurement before the drive

Test Person B Measurement after the drive without vehicle-transformer

Test Person B Measurement after the drive with vehicle-transformer

slightly sticking corpuscles Considerable agglutination, languid activity

well detached corpuscles, only occasional sticking

Test Person C Measurement before the drive

Test Person C Measurement after the drive without vehicle-transformer

Test Person C Measurement after the drive with vehicle-transformer

Harmonic blood count cluster formation well visible

Optimum receptivity and movement of the cell

The different improvement of the individual test persons is particularly interesting to observe. In this matter the restriction of the regulation capability in the organism is well recognizable. The lower the total strain of the test persons at the first measurement, the faster the organism responds to the use of memon®. Persons more afflicted show less first reaction. Objective Test of the meridian measurement by i-hea lth-system The i-health-system enables the testing of the energy balance of human beings. It provides an overview of the energy distribution in the energy tracts (meridian) of the body. This energy state process gives the therapist an insight into the specific organic functions of the body. Based on the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) knowledge of “recognizing diseases, before they appear” the skin resistance is measured on 24 acupuncture points. Those measure results are saved, evaluated and are applied in regulatory medicine as a base for all healing and therapy processes. The tree test persons underwent, besides the blood analysis, also those meridian measurements with the therapy system i-health. The comparison measurements took place after the car journey with and without transformer. Test Person A after 45 minutes driving without memon® Transformer. Overall state of all meridians

Test Person A after 45 minutes driving with memon® Transformer. Overall state of all meridians

Significant deficit on the circulatory meridian Strain is not measurable anymore

Test Person B after 45 minutes driving without memon® Transformer. Overall state of all meridians

Test Person B after 45 minutes driving with memon® Transformer. Overall state of all meridians

Clear deficit in the whole energy system Clear improvement in the whole area

Test Person B after 45 minutes driving without memon® Transformer. Energy distribution Meta-Analysis

Test Person B after 45 minutes driving with memon® Transformer. Energy distribution Meta-Analysis

Bad balance of the energy distribution Significant balance and strength in all values

Absolute improvement according Harmony Index 38,9%

Test Person A after 45 minutes driving without memon® Transformer. Energy distribution Meta-Analysis

Test Person A after 45 minutes driving with memon® Transformer. Energy distribution Meta-Analysis

Clear imbalance in the energy distribution Very good improvement in the “left-right” comparison. Absolute improvement according Harmony Index 40,02%

The measurements with the i-health system also show that the reaction to memon® depends on the regulation ability of each test person. The more an organism is strained, the less significant is the improvement. Consequently this means that the higher the strain of the organism the slower it reacts to the balancing. Therefore, the long-term use of memon® is necessary particularly for strained people in order to re-establish the natural regulation ability for the medium term.

Test Person C after 45 minutes driving without memon® Transformer. Overall state of all meridians

Test Person C after 45 minutes driving with memon® Transformer. Overall state of all meridians

Good overall state, deficit in the circulatory meridian No strain is recognisable

Test Person C after 45 minutes driving without memon® Transformer. Energy distribution Meta-Analysis

Test Person C after 45 minutes driving with memon® Transformer. Energy distribution Meta-Analysis

Relative balance in the system No derivation of the target status

absolute improvement according Harmony Index 80%

Subjective test For the documentation of the subjectively observed sensitivities during or after a longer car journey the test persons were given a questionnaire on their feelings and problems. The 14 most known “driver symptoms” such as tenseness, headache and fatigue were at choice. The filled in forms built the basis for the documentation of the alterations during the testing period. A second questionnaire was given to the testing persons after their car journeys. Those forms were filled in during the study and sent to memon® weekly. Unfortunately some testing persons could not send in the questionnaire completely and regularly every week. For that reason the test person’s value of the previous week was evaluated as unaltered when questionnaires were missing. That way a nonetheless complete and convincing documentation of the process could be produced. In total 86.5% of all possible questionnaires had been sent in by the test persons and were evaluated.

Subjective results

1. General strains

Here the test persons’ disorders are evaluated according to frequency and intensity

Test person 1

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

Improvement 23%

Test person 2

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

Improvement 27%

Test person 3

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

Improvement 38%

Test person 4

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

Improvement 35%

Test person 5

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

Improvement 43%

Test person 6

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

Improvement 38%

Test person 7

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

Improvement 42%

Test person 8

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

Improvement 100%

Test person 9

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

Improvement 100%

Test person 10

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

Improvement 41%

The evaluation shows a clear decrease in both intensity and frequency of the symptoms. Disorders that were considered as strong decreased during the study by 72.5%. Statements indicating a complete lack of complaints while driving have with 54% more than doubled during the test. In total the average values improved by 48.7%.

2. Symptomatic

Here the test persons’ symptoms are evaluated according to the frequency of intensity, shown according to the kind of disorder

Tumid mucous membrane


Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏


Improvement 47%

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏



Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏


Improvement 59%

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

General stress sensation


Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏


Improvement 62%

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

Eye irritation


Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏


Improvement 48%

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

Concentration disorder


Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏


Improvement 62%

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏



Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏


Improvement 55%

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏



Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏


Improvement 73%

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

Lack of Energy


Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏


Improvement 71%

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏



Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏


Improvement 52%

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏



Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏


Improvement 65%

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏



Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏


Improvement 40%

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

Memory gaps


Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏


Improvement 50%

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏



Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏


Improvement 57%

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

Sleep by seconds


Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏


Improvement 60%

Strong ❏

Medium ❏

Low ❏

None ❏

The evaluation shows a considerable decrease of all symptoms during the study time. In the mean value the problems were reduced by 57% during the car journeys. Particularly significant are the improvements of headaches with 73% and lack of energy with 71% and even on the lowest value (vertigo) the decrease still reached 40%. Especially remarkable is the decrease of the symptomatic, because herewith the direct link between electro-smog and sensitivities disorders can be deduced.

3. Changes of the symptomatic during the test perio d

Test Person 1 Start End Test Person 2 Start End

Tumid mucous membrane

Low Low Tumid mucous membrane

Low Low

Tenseness Medium Medium Tenseness Strong Medium

General stress sensation

Low Low General stress sensation

Medium Low

Eye irritation Medium Low Eye irritation Low Low

Concentration disorder

Low Low Concentration disorder

Medium Low

Irritation Low Low Irritation Medium Low

Headache Low Medium Headache Low Low

Lack of Energy Medium Low Lack of Energy Medium Low

Nervousness Low Low Nervousness Medium Low

Restlessness Low Low Restlessness Medium Low

Vertigo Low Low Vertigo Medium Low

Memory gaps Medium Low Memory gaps Low Low

Fatigue Medium Low Fatigue Medium Low

Sleep by seconds

Low Low Sleep by seconds

Low Low

Test Person 3 Start End Test Person 4 Start End

Tumid mucous membrane

Low None Tumid mucous membrane

Low Low

Tenseness Strong Strong Tenseness Strong Low

General stress sensation

Medium Medium General stress sensation

Medium Low

Eye irritation Medium Medium Eye irritation Medium Low

Concentration disorder

Medium Medium Concentration disorder

Medium Low

Irritation None None Irritation Medium Low

Headache Low Low Headache Low Low

Lack of Energy Strong Medium Lack of Energy Strong Low

Nervousness Medium Medium Nervousness Medium Low

Restlessness Medium Medium Restlessness Medium Low

Vertigo Medium Medium Vertigo Low Low

Memory gaps Low None Memory gaps Low Low

Fatigue Strong Medium Fatigue Strong Medium

Sleep by seconds

Low None Sleep by seconds

Medium Low

Test Person 5 Start End Test Person 6 Start End

Tumid mucous membrane

Medium None Tumid mucous membrane

Medium Strong

Tenseness Strong Medium Tenseness Strong Low

General stress sensation

Medium Low General stress sensation

Strong Low

Eye irritation Low Low Eye irritation Strong Strong

Concentration disorder

Low Low Concentration disorder

Medium Low

Irritation Medium Medium Irritation Medium Low

Headache Low Strong Headache Strong Low

Lack of Energy Low Low Lack of Energy Low None

Nervousness Low Low Nervousness Medium None

Restlessness Medium Low Restlessness Medium None

Vertigo Low Low Vertigo Low None

Memory gaps Low Low

Memory gaps Low


Fatigue Medium Low Fatigue Medium Low

Sleep by seconds

Low Low

Sleep by seconds



Test Person 7 Start End Test Person 8 Start End

Tumid mucous membrane

Low Low Tumid mucous membrane

None None

Tenseness Strong Low Tenseness Medium None

General stress sensation

Medium Low General stress sensation

None None

Eye irritation Low Low Eye irritation Strong None

Concentration disorder

Low Low Concentration disorder

Medium None

Irritation Low Low Irritation None None

Headache Low Low Headache Low None

Lack of Energy Low Low Lack of Energy Medium None

Nervousness Low Low Nervousness None None

Restlessness Low Low Restlessness None None

Vertigo Medium Low Vertigo Medium None

Memory gaps Low Low Memory gaps None None

Fatigue Strong Medium Fatigue Strong None

Sleep by seconds

Low Low Sleep by seconds

Strong None

Test Person 9 Start End Test Person 10 Start End

Tumid mucous membrane

None None Tumid mucous membrane

Medium Medium

Tenseness Medium None Tenseness Medium Low

General stress sensation

None None General stress sensation

Medium Medium

Eye irritation None None Eye irritation Medium Low

Concentration disorder

None None Concentration disorder

Medium Low

Irritation None None Irritation Medium Low

Headache None None Headache Low Low

Lack of Energy None None Lack of Energy Medium Low

Nervousness None None Nervousness Medium Low

Restlessness None None Restlessness Medium Low

Vertigo None None Vertigo Low Low

Memory gaps None None Memory gaps Medium Low

Fatigue Medium None Fatigue Medium Medium

Sleep by seconds

None None Sleep by seconds

Low Low

Conclusion By the objective measurements as well as by the subjective questionnaires of the test persons it could be documented that the strain on the organism and sensitivities disorders can be significantly reduced by the use of memon® technology. The Vital Blood Diagnosis shows clearly the dissolving of the corpuscle cluster formation back to free movement in the blood plasma. The free floating is absolutely necessary for the unobstructed absorbing and transport of oxygen in the blood. This improvement was effectuated without intervening on the technical processes of the vehicles. Neither kind nor intensity nor frequency of the individual radiation sources in the vehicles was modified. Consequently the improvement is inevitably the result of the use of the memon® technology. The examination by bio resonance i-Health showed considerable improvement in both the area of the regulation capacity and the energy distribution. On the energy distribution an increase of the Harmony Index by an average of 1.43 points or 52.5% could be proven. The regulation capacity shows a clear strengthening of the meridians. All vitality parameters approached to the optimum values. Even with less strained or strongly strained persons the improvements were evident. Considering additionally the fact that the test persons’ second car journey (with memon®) at the start of the test on February 2nd as a stress factor should have lead to a further worsening of the condition, the balancing effect of memon® is verified. The questioning of the test persons showed a clear reduction of the familiar “drivers’ symptoms”. Both the individual mentions and the strength of the symptoms decreased during the testing period. In that way disorders that were considered as strong were

reduced by 72.5% during the test period. At the end of the study 54% of the test persons reported no disorders at all. During the study the intensity and frequency of the disorders improved by 64.7% on average. In the evaluation of the single symptomatic disorders the trend is equally clear. The decrease is 57% on average. The highest value (headache) showed a decrease of 73% and on the lowest value (vertigo) 40%. Consequently this study proves that the use of memon® technology reduces harmful effects of electro-smog and thus the strain on the organism considerably.
