Sử dụng jail coder để build ứng dụng trên máy iphone thật



Sử dụng jail coder để build ứng dụng trên máy iphone thật

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build ng dng trn my iphone tht, lp trnh vin phi mua ti khon Apple Developer gi99 USD(Apple quy nh iu ny).

Jail Codergip bn build ng dng trn my iphone tht mkhng phi tn 99 USD.

Trc khi lm bi lab ny, c mt s lu sau:

1 Download Jail Coder tihttp://khoapham.vn/nhatnghe/iphone/JailCoder.app.zip

2 Tt xCode hoc cc iOS Simulator no ang chy trn my

3 ng nhin bn phi c 1 ch iphone. Ch : iPhone ca bn phi c h iu hnh c version ln hn hoc bng th mi buid ng dng trn my tht c.

4 iPhone phi c kt ni vo my tnh bng cable.

Bt u nh

B1:Khi ngJail Coder.

ClickGuided Patch

B2:ClickGot it

B3:ClickCertificate Root

B4:ClickPatch My XCode

B5:ClickBack To Main Menu

B6:ClickQuick xCode Patch

B7:ClickYes I am

B8:Quay li giao din ban u, clickPatch My Project

B9:M project bn mun buid, tm file.xcodeproj

- Ko file.xcodeprojvo trong Drop here your project

B10:Double click file.xcodeproj m ng dng bng xCode.

-Deploy Target:Chn version ca ios cn buid (phi nh hn hoc bng vi version ca my tht)

-Thanh buid:Chn Device lNew(Hoc tn my iphone bn ang gn vo my tnh)

Build v xem kt qu ngay trn my iphone tht.

__________________PHM TRNG NG KHOA

T VN MIN PH:Lp trnh iOS,Lp trnh Android,Lp trnh PHP,Joomla,Wordpress


About me:khoapham.vn


Vui lng gi tin nhn nu lc ti khng nghe my c.

JailCoder.app/Contents/Info.plist BuildMachineOSBuild 11E53 CFBundleDevelopmentRegion en CFBundleExecutable JailCoder CFBundleIconFile icon.icns CFBundleIdentifier com.oneiros.JailCoder CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0 CFBundleName JailCoder CFBundlePackageType APPL CFBundleShortVersionString 1.2.1 CFBundleSignature ???? CFBundleVersion 1 DTCompiler DTPlatformBuild 4G182 DTPlatformVersion GM DTSDKBuild 12C37 DTSDKName macosx10.8 DTXcode 0450 DTXcodeBuild 4G182 LSApplicationCategoryType public.app-category.developer-tools LSMinimumSystemVersion 10.5 NSHumanReadableCopyright NSJavaNeeded NO NSJavaPath JailCoder.jar NSJavaRoot Contents/Resources/Java NSMainNibFile MainMenu NSPrincipalClass NSApplication





JailCoder.app/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/Credits.rtfDeveloper and Designer:Lorenzo Valente (aka Oneiros)http://www.facebook.com/lorenzo.valente

Web Designer:Vincenzo OrsiniGiordano Cardillo


JailCoder.app/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings/* Localization.strings (English) JailCoder

Created by Lorenzo Valente on 15/12/11. Copyright (c) 2011 Universit Degli Studi Del Molise. All rights reserved.*/

"CLOSING_XCODE" = "Closing Xcode...";"CLOSING_XCODE_ERROR" = "Can't close Xcode!";

"PATCHING" = "Patching...";"PATCHED" = "Patched!";"UNPATCHING" = "Unpatching...";"UNPATCHED" = "Unpatched!";

"ERROR" = "Error";

"QUICK_XCODE_PATCH_TITLE" = "Xcode patch";"QUICK_XCODE_PATCH_CONFIRM" = "Yes I am";"QUICK_XCODE_PATCH_CANCEL" = "No wait";"QUICK_XCODE_PATCH_TEXT" = "It is recommended to follow the guided patch if this is the first time you are running this app\nAre you sure you want to patch Xcode?";

"XCODE_UNPATCH_TITLE" = "Xcode unpatch";"XCODE_UNPATCH_CONFIRM" = "Yes I am";"XCODE_UNPATCH_CANCEL" = "No wait";"XCODE_UNPATCH_TEXT" = "Every modified file will be restored in its original state and you won't be able to run your iOs apps on your iDevice\nAre you sure you want to restore Xcode?";

"DROP" = "Drop here\nyour project!";


JailCoder.app/Contents/Resources/Entitlements.txt#!/usr/bin/env python

import sysimport struct

if len(sys.argv) != 3:print "Usage: %s appname dest_file.xcent" % sys.argv[0]sys.exit(-1)

APPNAME = sys.argv[1]DEST = sys.argv[2]

if not DEST.endswith('.xml') and not DEST.endswith('.xcent'):print "Dest must be .xml (for ldid) or .xcent (for codesign)"sys.exit(-1)

entitlements = """

application-identifier %s get-task-allow


f = open(DEST,'w')if DEST.endswith('.xcent'):f.write("\xfa\xde\x71\x71")f.write(struct.pack('>L', len(entitlements) + 8))f.write(entitlements)f.close()


JailCoder.app/Contents/Resources/iPhone Developer.cer

JailCoder.app/Contents/Resources/iPhone Developer.p12


JailCoder.app/Contents/Resources/it.lproj/Credits.rtfSviluppatore e Designer:Lorenzo Valente (Oneiros)http://www.facebook.com/lorenzo.valente

Designer del sito:Vincenzo OrsiniGiordano Cardillo


JailCoder.app/Contents/Resources/it.lproj/Localizable.strings/* Localization.strings (Italiano) JailCoder

Created by Lorenzo Valente on 15/12/11. Copyright (c) 2011 Universit Degli Studi Del Molise. All rights reserved.*/

"CLOSING_XCODE" = "Chiudo Xcode...";"CLOSING_XCODE_ERROR" = "Xcode non si chiude!";

"PATCHING" = "Applico la patch...";"PATCHED" = "Finito!";"UNPATCHING" = "Rimuovo la patch...";"UNPATCHED" = "Finito!";

"ERROR" = "Errore";

"QUICK_XCODE_PATCH_TITLE" = "Patch di Xcode";"QUICK_XCODE_PATCH_CONFIRM" = "Si sono sicuro";"QUICK_XCODE_PATCH_CANCEL" = "No aspetta";"QUICK_XCODE_PATCH_TEXT" = "Se la prima volta che avvii quest'applicazione altamente consigliato seguire la procedura guidata.\nSei sicuro di voler applicare la patch veloce su Xcode?";

"XCODE_UNPATCH_TITLE" = "Ripristino di Xcode";"XCODE_UNPATCH_CONFIRM" = "Si sono sicuro";"XCODE_UNPATCH_CANCEL" = "No aspetta";"XCODE_UNPATCH_TEXT" = "Tutti i file di Xcode modificati precedentemente tramite questo programma verranno ripristinati alla loro forma originale e non sar pi possibile eseguire le tue app iOs sui tuoi iDevice.\nSei sicuro di voler ripristinare Xcode?";

"DROP" = "Trascina qui\nil tuo progetto!";


JailCoder.app/Contents/Resources/JailCoder Core




/* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */50524F424C454D533F /* ShellScript */ = {isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;buildActionMask = 2147483647;files = ();inputPaths = ();outputPaths = ();runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;shellPath = /bin/sh;shellScript = "export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Library/JailCoder/codesign_allocate\nif [ \"${PLATFORM_NAME}\" == \"iphoneos\" ]; then\n/Library/JailCoder/Entitlements/Entitlements.py \"my.company.${PROJECT_NAME}\" \"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}.xcent\";\ncodesign -f -s \"iPhone Developer\" --entitlements \"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}.xcent\" \"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/\"\nfi";};/* End PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */
