Subject: FW: Input for the study session of September 27th


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Subject: FW: Input for the study session of September 27th

-----Original Message----- From: Gordon Tannura [] Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 7:52 PM To: City Manager Subject: Input for the study session of September 27th Dear Pacifica City Council members, I understand that you will be holding a study session regarding sea level rise on September 27th, and as I will be unable to attend, I wanted to share my input regarding efforts that should be made to secure the safety and well-being of our community. I am a resident of Sharp Park, and have resided here for over 34 years. During that time, I have enjoyed many aspects of the local neighborhood and oceanside - the beach, pier, promenade and levee where I and my dogs often exercise and marvel at the natural beauty. I am also a golfer and enjoy playing the Sharp Park Golf course regularly, and relish its beauty, challenge, and historic value. I know from the time that I have spent at the golf course and its facilities that it provides great recreational and social opportunities for the many, many diverse citizens that live and visit our city. It is truly an asset for Pacifica. I feel it is important that the City adopt a strategy that maintains the integrity of these valuable resources, and not exercise a “measured retreat” for this area. Rather, all efforts should be made to retain our coastline, including improvement through reconstruction or reinforcement of current seawalls, and with particular attention to the levee which borders the golf course. Surely, should those efforts not be made, not only will the golf course and Beach Boulevard be severely and perhaps irreparably damaged, but also the property of homeowners (and new hotel owners?) nearby (i.e., in West Sharp Park and West Fairway Park). Thank you for gathering input from the community. Gordon Tannura 637 Brighton Road Pacifica, CA


Subject: FW: Please save Sharp Park Golf Course

From: Paul Hirano [] Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2016 12:15 PM To: City Manager Cc: Subject: Please save Sharp Park Golf Course I hope that those responsible consider how many lives will be negatively impacted by the demise of the Sharp Park Golf Course. I play there regularly and am a proud member of their long standing and prestigious golf club. I have had the pleasure of meeting folks from all walks of life and have made quite a few new friends through my association with the golf course. I can’t even fathom that there is even the slightest consideration to remove the seawall and let whole neighborhoods become inundated….let alone the golf course and the many species of wildlife that call Sharp Park home. Regards, Paul Hirano Proud Sharp Park Golf Club Member

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Subject: FW: Sea Wall and Sharp Park

-----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 11:49 AM To: Cc: City Manager; Subject: Sea Wall and Sharp Park Dear Council Members I moved to Pacifica in 1982 and still remember, how the ocean can wreak havoc. There were photos in the Tribune of kids boogie boarding on the 16th fairway. There were people in canoes paddling around on the 14th fairway. These are two areas of the golf course that are NOT supposed to be under water. So let's assume for the moment that we don't care about the golf course. What about the nearby homes? The entire area of west Sharp Park and west Fairway park are protected by the sea wall. Businesses along Palmetto are protected by the sea wall. It's all fine and good to give the land back to the sea, all natural and free. But what about people who have build homes and lives just out of the sea's reach? Are they to be put in harms way by letting the sea wall fail? I wonder if the pundits of sea wall collapse would feel differently if they had homes and loved ones in the area surrounding the golf course. And what of the golf course? It was designed by one of the great golf course architects, Dr. Alistar McKenzie. It's a gem of a course and is an affordable place for people of all ages and colors to play the day away. Go our there on any day and you'll see men, women, boys and girls having a ball. And of course there's the San Francisco Garter Snake and the Red Legged Frog. The frog, by all accounts thrives because of the golf course. It seems to me that golf course management has done an excellent job in protecting both species with fences, signage, pesticide-free turf support, and monitoring when the horse stable pond can be pumped so precious frog eggs are kept moist. So let's keep the sea wall. It is a safe place for people to take a stroll. It's a connecting point between the pier and GGNRA's Mori Point. It provides safety for the golf course and surrounding communities. It just makes sense. Sincerely, Thomas H Adams Jr. 668 Alta Vista Drive Pacifica, CA 94044 650-359-3989


Subject: FW: Pacifica city council

From: [] Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 4:15 PM To: City Manager Subject: Pacifica city council i am writing to let the council know that the sea wall is very important to the sharp park golf course it should be maintain for the better of all PCIFICA . I am a senior and have lived in pacifica from 1960, and i play golf 3 times a week at Sharp Park golf course if i could not play golf it would a a big loss to me and my golfing buddys. I p;lay three times a week with 8 of my friends who live in pacifica also. The city of Pacifica should make sure that the sea wall is kept up for the well being of all Pacifica Warren Miller 1001 Rainier Ave Pacifica Ca.94044

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Subject: FW: Sharp Park sea wall.

-----Original Message----- From: Dave Wisnia [] Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2016 4:31 PM To: City Manager Cc: Butch Larroche Subject: Sharp Park sea wall. I can't see why removing the sea wall would be anything short of a bad idea. The neighboring community would be subject to flooding and have very little protection from storms or sea level rising. The public land of the golf course has never fully recovered from previous flooding and would be devastated if left exposed to the wrath of the ocean tides. The endangered species that have made a home in the sea wall protected area would succumb to the salt water intrusion. As a long time member of Sharp Park Golf Club and a 50 year resident of the San Mateo Peninsula I ask that you use all means necessary to protect life and property in the Sharp Park/Pacifica communities. It may be expensive to achieve but I suspect it will cost many times more if left unchecked. Sincerely concerned citizen David Wisnia 2399 Valleywood Dr San Bruno, Ca. 94066 Sent from my iPad


Subject: FW: Pacifica City Council

From: Bob Newman [] Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 1:47 PM To: City Manager Cc:; Subject: Pacifica City Council Dear members of the Pacifica City Council, My name is Robert Newman and I am a Pacifica resident. I live in Park Pacifica at 1140 Oddstad Blvd. and I am a registered voter. I am a frequent dog walker and a beach fisherman that walks the sea wall maybe a hundred days a year. I am also a member at Sharp Park Golf Club and have played approximately 70 rounds of golf there this year alone. That means that sea wall directly affects my life about 1 out of every 2 days. I believe the sea wall must be maintained for many reasons. Sharp Park golf course will potentially be lost without the sea wall protecting it. The neighborhoods that adjoin Sharp Park, both North & South will be unprotected against flooding. Sharp Park Golf Course was under attack in previous years from environmental (anti-golf) groups. They wanted the course to be closed saying that the wetlands on the property were the last strong holds of the endangered Red Legged Frog & California Garter Snake. Adjustments were made, environment concerns were met, and the course lives on in harmony with these endangered animals. I believe neglect of the wall will change this freshwater refuge into a salt marsh killing these same animals. Then there are the local High Schools that have boys & girls golf teams that practice and play their home matches at Sharp Park. Are you just going to just shut down yet another high school sport? What about all the local fund raiser golf tournaments that are held there year after year to raise Thousands for good causes? There are so many reasons to keep the wall intact. Dear members, this is a no brainer. Maintain and maybe even improve the seawall the protects the interests of Pacifica.Please keep the wall. Sincerely, Bob Newman Pacifica resident

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Subject: FW: September 27 City Council Meeting

From: [] Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 1:47 PM To: City Manager Subject: September 27 City Counsil Meeting Dear Commissioners, Unfortunately I will be out of town on the evening of the meeting, but I am writing to add my voice to the opposition to destroying the sea wall. I have been playing golf at our beloved Sharp Park Golf Course for over 50 years and there is no better meeting place to make friends with people of all different backgrounds (minorities, women, blue collar workers, and yes even some wealthy). Sharp Park is the realization of the American dream: A melting pot! Please take a careful look at who is behind this proposal. This is the same group, The Center for Biological Diversity, that has tried through multiple law suits to shut down Sharp Park Golf Course claiming that the Course was destroying the habitat for the Red Legged Frog and San Francisco Garter Snake. Every decision made by lower courts all of the way through the appeals process to higher courts denied these claims determining that this was nothing more than a frivolous effort with no Scientific proof . This group continues their campaign because in many cases, even though they lose, they are awarded money "for bringing this environmental question to our attention." Many other cities are in the process of constructing sea walls, e.g. Palo Alto, to prevent flooding if we were to have a dramatic rise in sea level (which has been predicted by some scientific experts). Not maintaining, and even worse, tearing down the sea wall would not only have a catastrophic impact upon the Golf Course, but also would threaten all of the properties within reach of the ocean's waves. Even though it is the council's duty to hear all views, please exercise reason and help protect the people who live in Pacifica and those who love to visit the beautiful City and contribute through their patronage at the golf course and surrounding business.

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From: ROBERT A FONTES <>Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 5:59 PMTo: City ManagerCc: rharrisjr1@gmail.comSubject: Sharp Park Golf Course Sea Wall

Dear Pacifica City Council, I am a 59+ year resident of Pacifica, have played golf for over 60 years, and have a Pacifica resident golf card with SF Park & Rec. It is ridiculous to think the City would support tearing down the seawall- for one thing, it would endanger the proposed new library in west Sharp Park as well as homes in the vicinity. The golf course is a valuable asset to our City and to the whole Bay Area and brings in much needed tax revenue. The golf course is a source of recreation to many City golfers as well as those from nearby areas, and the local high schools practice and play their matches here. Steps are being taken to protect the frog and snake which wouldn't be there if the course and sea wall had not been built. Reports say they are thriving. I have attended several SF Supervisor meetings to protest these same people trying to close our golf course. There are many wonderful hiking trails in our City but only one golf course. If you hike up to Mori Point, as I often do, you will see that most of the area of the lower 14 holes is already wetlands. Many of the people who propose this disaster are not from our City and may never be back. I could go on but you can see that I oppose flooding our beautiful golf course. Robert Fontes 1138 Barcelona Dr.

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Subject: FW: Sea Level Rise study session September 27

From: Stan Zeavin [] Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 5:40 PM To: Sue Digre (Contact); Karen Ervin; Mike O'Neill; Mary Ann Nihart (Contact); John Keener; Tinfow, Lorie; Wehrmeister, Tina; Ocampo, Van; Hilary Papendick; Dave Pine; Don Horsley; Deborah Hirst; Michael Barber Cc:; Deirdre Martin Subject: Sea Level Rise study session September 27 Honorable Mayor, Council and Staff, On Tuesday you will be holding a study session about sea level rise. Since we are on vacation we are unable to attend and respectfully ask that you consider the following. A recent Tribune article re-emphasized how much confusion, misinformation and fear surround the topic of managed retreat. The old military connotation of failure and abandonment seems firmly planted in many peoples' minds. The idea of any retreat from the today’s coast no matter how considered, "managed," and careful appears to be a threat for those people whose homes are most immediately at risk. Unfortunately, in time everything west of the highway will indeed be under water. In fact, my house at 50' above present sea level will eventually be under about 100' of water. It's almost a certainty, but not today or tomorrow. We have time to think about this. To stop the global warming that drives sea level rise will require either a technological miracle or a rejection of our example of wasteful consumption by every third world country that currently aspires to our US standard of living. Without drastic steps to reduce greenhouse gases, SLR is inevitable. NASA reports that last year was the hottest on record. Many scientists see indications that warming and resultant SLR are happening increasingly faster than previously predicted. The big question for which there is currently no answer is how soon. People need to look beyond the present to a very uncertain future for Pacifica. Approaching the reality of SLR will take compassion and thoughtful courage. The challenge is real and it is serious. To Stan and to me managed retreat means planning and finding reasonable measures that can be taken over time both in the near and far future. How do we protect those folks who moved to the coast having no idea that their homes would ever be threatened? How do we best help them AND the city as SLR progresses? How do we ensure that the city does not go bankrupt fighting an impossible battle with the sea? People are rightfully afraid of property values dropping. That will happen, so what can be done? Eventually no insurance companies will insure against flooding or damage caused by the sea, and no government, at any level, will be able to afford to help. With over 4000 miles of shoreline in the U.S. (not including Alaska and


Hawaii), federal money that is available currently for armoring and sand nourishment (temporary solutions at best) will disappear under the weight of the country's need. Folks need time to internalize those realities, but they cannot be ignored. So what do we do in Pacifica? What can we save and for how long? Where will the money come from to continue to raise walls and add rock revetments? Will we tax ourselves to rebuild higher and higher walls and add sand to moderate the energy of storms against the walls? How will we compete with the rest of entire coastline of the US for federal funds? At what point will insurance companies decide flood protection is unprofitable? What is our best investment against the risks to come? What kind of a gamble is reasonable for Pacifica to make against the risk? What will be most cost effective in the future? (The Army Corps of Engineers preliminary cost/benefit analysis is a good place to start.) Luckily we do not have to answer these questions immediately. In fact we cannot know what the answers may be. We can only look calmly at all the possible options that may be useful in the future. What is possible today will eventually become impossible if SLR continues to rise as predicted. Managed retreat is one option. It’s far better than unmanaged retreat. It will become necessity in the future. Rather than a slow rout and huge losses caused by the ocean, how can we find ways to help people move back out of harm's way? Everyone needs time to come to terms with future realities, and we can protect our coast for a while longer, but we MUST plan a response. Unfortunately, SLR is happening progressively faster and faster. None of us over 50 may be seriously affected, but our children and grandchildren will need to be prepared for an entirely different future. What we plan today may not work, and we need to consider as many options as possible and allow for possibilities no one has yet imagined. We can buy time with walls but that will be at the expense of our beaches and tourists. At present we can only begin to understand the conflicts and complexities we will need to face. We can work toward flexibility. We can look honestly at all the questions. No humans on earth have ever before faced the kind of choices we will have to make, and. people worldwide face the same problems. What will be the legacy of our generation? How do you think the city should respond to SLR? Respectfully submitted, Margaret Goodale Stan Zeavin

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Subject: FW: Pacifica's sea wall

From: [] Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 1:53 PM To: City Manager Subject: Pacifica's sea wall I am writing as a resident of pacifica since 1986. I am asking our City Council to do everything possible to maintain and keep repaired the west Sharp Park area sea wall for residents and businesses now and for future generations. To not maintain the sea wall would spell doom for that area, homes, families , businesses, sharp park golf course. I care because I use the golf course, walk the levee all the time and patronize businesses on Palmetto. This is really important to Pacificans and I don't know if I would want to stay in the town if the sea wall is not maintained . Quality of life in this town would be lost forever as a result of we lose our precious levee and our wonderful historical golf course and restaurant . Please vote for continued and future maintenance - save our levee, save our golf course, save the Palmetto corridor for current residents and for our grandchildren and their children. Sincerely Mrs Susan Macaulay 929 Oddstsd Blvd Pacifica Ca 94044

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From: Wayne Allen Cameron <>Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 5:35 PMTo: City ManagerCc: 'Butch Larroche'Subject: Pacifica City Council Study Session on Sea Level RiseAttachments: 1copy a.pdf

Pacifica City Council Members,

Please open that attached to read my letter

WA Cameron, Pacifica Resident

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From: Petersen Barbara <>Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 9:28 AMTo: City ManagerSubject: Sea level rise study session

Dear Council Members, As a 62 year Pacifica resident and a 40 year Sharp Park resident I urge you to continue to protect the Sharp Park seawall and the business and residences in west Sharp Park and west Fairway Park. It is a vital Pacifica neighborhood and business community which requires your support in this matter. Consider the Palmetto streetscape plans, the future “downtown” plan, the numerous recreational opportunities of the seawall, pier and golf course and you will see the obvious choice is to protect this area with a managed plan, NOT a retreat. Sincerely, Barbara Petersen, 201 Lunetta Ave., Pacifica


From: Laurie Fox <>Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 9:53 AMTo: City ManagerCc: lavillasenor744Subject: Pacifica Sea Wall

Dear members of the Pacifica City Council, My name is Laurie Fox and I am a Pacifica resident. I live in Park Pacifica at 1159 Mason Dr. and I am a registered voter. I am a member of Sharp Park Business Women’s Golf Club and play almost every Sunday, weather permitting. I also enjoy walking the levy that is connected to the beautiful trails and walkway that the National Park Service built. I have spent many days standing out there watching our beautiful whales that have been visiting us now for a few years. This wall maintains so much beauty of our city and to stop maintaining it makes absolutely no sense. Sharp Park golf course will potentially be lost without the sea wall protecting it. The neighborhoods that adjoin Sharp Park, both North & South will be unprotected against flooding. These are people’s homes. Sharp Park Golf Course was under attack in previous years from environmental (anti-golf) groups. They wanted the course to be closed saying that the wetlands on the property were the last strong holds of the endangered Red Legged Frog & California Garter Snake. Adjustments were made, environment concerns were met, and the course lives on in harmony with these endangered animals. As a community we truly care about our city and the livelihood of nature and our neighbors. I believe neglect of the wall will change this freshwater refuge into a salt marsh killing these same animals which makes no sense at all. Then there are the local High Schools that have boys & girl’s golf teams that practice and play their home matches at Sharp Park. My son enjoyed 4 years of golfing at Sharp Park with Terra Nova High School golf team. He had his first job there selling hot dogs at Sharp Park. They are wonderful with the community and the youth. Are you just going to just shut down yet another high school sport? What about all the local fund raiser golf tournaments that are held there year after year to raise thousands of dollars for good causes? Dear members, please continue to maintain and maybe even improve the seawall that protects the interests of Pacifica and its residents. Please keep the wall. Sincerely, Laurie Fox Pacifica resident


From: Butch Larroche <>Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 7:53 AMTo: City ManagerSubject: Sea Wall

My name is Mike Goodnol & I have lived in this town my whole life I have put on more than 15 golf tournaments at Sharp Park.

I have raised over 100,000.00 for Bridge for Kids ( kids that are infected with aids). I have raised money for both little leagues in town , and recently raised close to 10,000.00 for my brother in law who was dying of cancer if not for the golf course and there staff this would not have happened. Also when I did put on these golf tournaments people from as far as Idaho came to play hotels were used. People stayed for the weekend which brought money into Pacifica. Some of the people that played in the tournaments that never played at Sharp Park were amazed at how beautiful the course is. They called it a poor mans Pebble Beach. To not save the sea wall would be a travesty to the people of Pacifica. Thanks, Mike Goodnol

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Subject: FW: SEA WALL

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From: Richard Harris <>Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 9:46 AMTo: Tinfow, LorieCc: Digre, Sue; O'Neill, Mike; Nihart, Mary Ann; Keener, John; Ervin, Karen; Lisa Villasenor;

'Butch Larroche';; 'Perkins, Brian (Speier)'; 'Hilary Papendick'; Pacifica Chamber of Commerce; Coffey, Sarah

Subject: Sharp Park / City Council SLR Study Session, Sept. 27 / Attachments: Letters to Pac.CityCouncil re Sharp Pk SLR mtg.9.27.16 (00003420x9CE40).DOCX

Follow Up Flag: Follow upFlag Status: Flagged

Pacifica City Manager Lori Tinfow – This is to request that City Staff’s compendium of the Sept. 27 sea level rise “study session” – to be presented to City Council at its next meeting on October 10 – include the San Francisco Public Golf Alliance’s August 24, 2016 letter ( ), which I mailed and forwarded to you by e-mail on August 31 (see below). Additionally, I request that you your “study session” summary, report the letters and e-mails sent to you by persons unable to attend the Sept. 27 meeting. I have received copies of 9 e-mails and a letter addressed to the City Council (copies attached, above), specifically requesting that the Sharp Park Sea Wall be maintained, repaired and improved, for the protection of the golf course, the freshwater wetlands, the surrounding Fairway Park and West Sharp Park neighborhoods, and the Sharp Park clubhouse, bar and restaurant, which is one of the largest employers in the West Sharp Park district. During the discussion leaders’ summaries of the discussion Tuesday night (Sept. 27), I the point was made several times about protecting existing architecture, businesses, and infrastructure west of Highway One. The Sharp Park Golf Course, with its historic architecture, infrastructure, and business operations, should of course be included within the general categories of existing architecture, businesses, and infrastructure. But to avoid any ambiguity on this point, and in view of our previously-sent August 24 letter and the above-attached Sharp Park letters and e-mails, this is to request that your report make explicit that Sharp Park Golf Course is one of those existing properties to be protected. Thank you. Richard Harris San Francisco Public Golf Alliance Phone: (415) 290-5718 From: Richard Harris [] Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 5:39 PM To:;;; Mary Ann Nihart; 'John Keener'; Cc: 'Perkins, Brian (Speier)'; 'Kevin Mullin';; 'Ginsburg, Phil (REC)'; 'Paul Slavin'; Pacifica Chamber of Commerce; Lisa Villasenor; 'Jeffrey W. Volosing';;; Bo Links Subject: City of Pacifica.Sea Level Rise.Study Sessions/ San Francisco Public Golf Alliance Supports Maintaining and Repairing the Sharp Park and Beach Blvd. Sea Walls


1. SF Public Golf Alliance letter to City of Pacifica, 8.24.16:

2. SF Public Golf Alliance letter to Coastal Sediment Management Workgroup, 2.8.16:

3. SF Public Golf Alliance letter to Coastal Sediment Management Workgroup, 2.19.16:

Lori Tinfow, City of Pacifica City Manager Pacifica City Council In the City of Pacifica’s upcoming study sessions on sea level rise and shoreline defenses, we think it important that the city be familiar with the very substantial federal and state administrative and judicial proceedings that have already taken place at Sharp Park, and which have agreed upon the importance of maintaining and repairing the sea walls at Sharp Park, for the protection of freshwater wetlands, endangered species, and the reasonably-priced and historic public golf recreation there. For this purpose, we have sent you a hard copy of a detailed and thoroughly documented letter, dated August 24, with exhibits, which you likely received today. Linked above at No. 1 is an electronic copy of our August 24 letter. Nos 2 and 3 above are links to our Feb. 8 and 19, 2016 letters to the Coastal Sediment Management Workgroup, which letters contain yet more extensive history and documentation of the issues at Sharp Park. If you have any questions about these letters, or if you need additional hard copies and/or further documentation, please let us know. Best Regards. Richard Harris San Francisco Public Golf Alliance 415-290-5718

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