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A portfolio for Success at School's consideration.

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    Roxy Watsons Portfolio For your consideration

    Page 2 4. Confident People Do These 10 Things Differently Page 5 10.14 Things That May Be Making You Unhappy Page 11 14.. Five Apps To Improve Your Skills Page 15 17 Dream, Girl Documentary Is Inspiring Young Girls To Become Leaders

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    Confident People Do These 10 Things Differently We look at 10 things that confident people do differently so you can too

    We all have our own unique characteristics that make us who we are. Everyone has both

    positive and negative personality traits and that is what makes us human. But how we

    carry ourselves reveals a lot about our character and it also determines the way others see

    us, too. If you are feeling like you need a little confidence boost, read the following list of

    13 things, some of which(or all) truly confident people do in a different manner than

    people who lack faith in themselves. It will give you the opportunity to view things from

    a different angle or even ideas on how to improve your own confidence.

    Fear Fear lies in every persons mind. It is something we need in order to grow and we can

    grow only by overcoming our fears and not letting them dictate our decisions in life. The

    people who have strong faith in themselves understand that, and they dont let their fears

    deprive them from what they truly want to achieve.

    Difficulties Highly confident people are usually really ambitious. They dont let difficulties get in the

    way to their goals. That is why they handle their problems with creativity, a strong

    mindset and, they do not quit easily and rarely lose their time in complaints about their

    setbacks simply because they are too busy working on the solutions.


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    It has always been easy to come up with an excuse for something you simply dont want

    to do or havent been committed enough to do it. You wont see highly confident people

    sitting around and complaining about the traffic on the way to work, or their lack of free

    time to take care of themselves. They understand that if you dont like where you are

    right now, you can change it by working on your attitude and the way you respond to a

    problem. Complaining and excuses wont get you far.

    The comfort zone Many of us catch ourselves being stuck in a place that is commonly known as the

    comfort zone. It is a tricky place to be because it may make you feel at ease and

    comfortable, but in reality it doesnt help you evolve in any way. Really confident people

    are individuals who love to upgrade themselves on higher and higher levels and they

    know that falling in the trap of your comfort can stop your growth. That is why they are

    cautious not to fall into it and are always challenging themselves to DO more in order to

    BECOME more.

    Pleasing everyone People with high confidence know that in life they are going to meet people that they

    might not get along with. And they are fine with that. Understanding that you cannot

    please everyone you meet can save you some time and headaches. Confident people

    prefer keeping their focus on the strong relationships in their life and expressing gratitude

    for what they already have.

    Negativity Highly confident people handle other peoples negativity in a different way than others.

    They simply dont focus their mind on it for too long. When they are given negative

    feedback or hateful comments, they try to understand where the persons opinion is

    coming from and respect it, but they never concentrate on it for too much time. Confident

    people understand that there arent two people on the planet who agree on every single

    topic and appreciate the diversity in opinions and viewpoints.

    Control obsession

    Truly confident people understand that sometimes in life things dont work out the way

    we wanted them to. That doesnt necessarily mean that life is awful. Confident people

    chose to keep their attention on the positive aspects in situations like this because they

    may not always have control over the circumstances, but always do over their attitude

    towards them.


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    People with genuine confidence believe in the uniqueness of all individuals. They love to

    see the diversity of people. That is why they dont compare themselves to anyone.

    Comparison is unresourceful because two people can never be 100% alike. Each person

    has his own personal traits- positive and negative. Of course, there are people who

    confident people look up to and find inspiring but they know that aiming to be better than

    who you were yesterday is a more resourceful place to come from in order to improve

    rather than constant comparison.

    Blind faith Highly confident people dont accept blindly everything they read or hear. They prefer to

    double-check the information for themselves.

    Failing? It is an important thing to understand that failing is not necessarily a bad thing. Confident

    people believe in that because they believe in second chances. Everybody deserves to be

    better than they were before. They also believe that failing is an inevitable part of life

    through which people can evolve only if they are cautious enough to realise the lessons

    life has given them.

    By aiming to think like a confident person and deal with situations as they would you will

    eventually become confident. For more information read Confidence: Build Unbreakable,

    Unstoppable, Powerful Confidence: Boost Your Self-Confidence.

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    14 Things That May Be Making You Unhappy Getting to the root of why you are unhappy is the key to battling it. These 14 simple things may be the cause

    Unhappiness comes in many shapes and sizes. From feelings of discontent, to lack of joy,

    to feeling like a black cloud is hanging over your head. Whilst unhappiness is sometimes

    an indication of mental diseases such as depression it is often just a result of your lifestyle

    choices, the way you behave, the things you do or your thought process.

    It is important to identify exactly what these triggers are in order to avoid them. That

    being said, here are the most common causes of unhappiness that you may be contending


    1. Worrying

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    Worrying sits at the top of the list because it is both a huge contributor to unhappiness

    and an extremely popular activity. Write down all of your worries on paper, cross off

    the ones you can do nothing about and set goals for those you can. This will tackle your

    worries head on and you can watch them float away!

    2. Youre surrounded by toxic people

    To varying extents, were all influenced by the people around us. If the people

    surrounding us are positive, inspiring and uplifting, then we tend to feel positive, inspired

    and elevated. On the other hand, if the people around us are negative and downbeat, then

    we tend to feel just that.

    3. You hold grudges

    Holding a grudge has about the same logic as drinking poison and waiting for the other

    person to die. You are harming yourself by carrying all of that negative energy. Let the

    bitterness go for your own benefit.

    4. You constantly compare yourself to others

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    Constantly comparing ourselves to other people has the potential to make us feel

    inadequate, worthless and depressed. But life is not a race. As such, theres no need to

    worry about what everyone else is doing because what everyone else is doing isnt

    relevant to us. Instead, its better to just go through life at our own pace, and focus on

    living the best existence we can.

    5. You hold on to a perceived idea of control

    At times, people seem to believe that they stepped straight out of a superhero comic book.

    They believe that they can control everything very well and things will just turn out

    exactly what they planned. What a burden to carry! You would certainly need supermans

    strength to pick up that weight. However, the reality is that we dont have the ability to

    control anything else other than ourselves. Once you make peace with this, you find the

    pressure is off and you can start to enjoy the scenery of the journey, instead of plotting

    the impossibility.

    6. Youre working so hard to make a living that youre forgetting to make a life

    Making money is important, but neglecting your relationships, your interests and your

    health just to make some extra bucks is a recipe for unhappiness particularly if youre

    not even passionate about your job to begin with.

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    7. You focus on what you havent got instead of what you have got

    You can always have more than what you have, so if youre constantly pining over what

    you havent got, then youre making it very hard for yourself to be happy. Instead, focus

    on everything you have got, and be grateful for it.

    8. You are lonely

    We are naturally social creatures and nurturing relationships makes up a large part of life.

    If you find yourself alone and depressed on a Saturday night, make an effort to change it.

    Finding friendships will certainly improve your enthusiasm for what each day brings.

    How do you find good friends? Seek out social settings with people who share similar

    interests and beliefs to build a common foundation and launch a great relationship.

    9. You dont live a healthy lifestyle

    Youll meet few happy people who dont eat well, exercise frequently, or make it their

    business to get a good nights sleep. Its almost a law of nature.

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    10. You havent discovered your purpose

    So many people have subscribed to the lie that their life purpose is to make it to the

    weekend. No wonder there are so many miserable clock punchers in the world! Instead of

    existing, find a way to start living! Find your passion and purpose and pursue them,

    despite the fact that it may turn the mundane inside out and terrify you. Discovering your

    part in the story is one of the best pieces in lifes adventure!

    11. Youre stuck in the past

    Many people become the product of their pasts. They are the causalities of regret, sorrow,

    what ifs, and hindsight vision. While we can all learn from our past, staying there is not

    practical to living in the present. The past cant be changed or relived. To constantly

    dwell on it does not create an emotionally healthy outlook.

    12. You abuse drugs or alcohol

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    Alcohol is a depressant, and taking drugs to make you happy is the human equivalent of a

    dog chasing its tale.

    13. You dont learn from your mistakes

    If you dont learn from your mistakes at work, in your personal life and with regards to

    your health, then youre going to keep repeating them which of course is another recipe

    for unhappiness. So if something in your life didnt turn out the way youd have liked it

    to, take the time to analyse where you went wrong and work out what you can do

    differently next time so that the outcome isnt the same as before.

    14. You dont think you deserve happiness

    Some people have the warped idea that they dont deserve happiness. They may have

    guilt about their past and feel they should be punished, or just dont feel that they are

    worthy of such an emotion. Happiness is something everyone should experience. If you

    dont feel you are worthy of it, it is time for a re-adjustment of perspective. Give yourself

    permission to find your happy place.

    Recognising what is making you unhappy is the first step to achieving happiness. If you

    answered yes to any of these, why not try and break the patterns? Then, when having

    done so, we recommend reading The 18 Rules of Happiness: How to Be Happy.

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    Five Apps To Improve Your Skills These five smart apps will improve your memory, maths, English and communication skills and much more


    With almost every skill practise makes perfect. The more you work at something, the

    better you will become. However sometimes it is hard to constantly make time to work on

    your skill and you may not have the resources.

    Take maths for example, few people carry around compasses, paper and pen ready to

    practise their angles anytime, anywhere. However with an app, you can! Apps are all the

    resources need just waiting in your pocket to perfect your desired skills.

    1. OmmWriter

    Skill improvement: English and writing

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    OmmWriter is for when you want to go into zen writing mode and just put words on

    paper (er, screen). No formatting, no distractions, all writing. The program goes full

    screen so the only thing you can focus on is writing. In addition to that, it has a series of

    calming backgrounds and hypnotic soundtracks that put you in the mood to write.

    The right writing environment can make all the difference sometimes and OmmWriter

    provides just that. Its perfect for those looking to expand their English and writing skills

    on the go and get some story-telling done. Costing just 2.99 this iPad app is a must have.

    2. Pure Math Practice and Improve Your Math Skills

    Skill improvement: Maths

    This is the Education App in more than 20 countries, it helps you to practise and improve

    your maths skills. No matter if its addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, we

    guarantee you hours of practice. And every time you play its a different experience.

    Questions are always random. With its increasing difficulty, Pure Math is suitable for all

    ages from kids to students and even parents. Pure practice and learning, they store your

    progress, so you can continue where you left. The faster you are in answering the

    questions, the more points you get. Game Center is even integrated so you can compare

    you score to your friends and even challenge them to see whos doing better in Maths.

    3. Pencil Sketch

    Skill improvement: Art and drawing

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    An easy-to-use app to make you an artist by creating pencil sketch of your photos! You

    can pick a picture from your album or capture one from your camera to generate the

    sketch. Both black-white and colourful sketch results can be easily created by JUST one

    button click. Saving images can be done quickly by a single touch of a button. Sharing

    pics are also supported. There are two styles included in the app: Sketch and Doodle.

    Sketch style creates more accurate results with smooth edges and curves, which is very

    good for human portrait photos. Doodle style is suitable for objects and nature views,

    since it is more casual style with lower accuracy on edges and curves. Did we mention

    its completely free and incredibly fun? Download it now.

    4. Memory Trainer

    Skill improvement: Memory

    It has been recently scientifically proven that regular mental exercise can greatly improve

    your memory.This app is designed to improve your working memory, focus and

    concentration skills. It will help you to choose your favourite brain workout session and

    will help to track your progress based on the session.

    Spend at least 15 minutes of your day, playing this game to improve your memory in a

    wondrous manner. Its no wonder it has been downloaded nearly 10 million times! Oh,

    and its completely free.

    5. Elevate Brain Training

    Skill improvement: All of the above!

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    Elevate is a brain training program designed to improve focus, speaking skills, processing

    speed, memory, math skills, and more. Each person is provided with his or her own

    personalised training program that adjusts over time to maximise results.

    The more you train with Elevate, the more youll improve critical cognitive skills that are

    proven to boost productivity, earning power, and self-confidence. Users who train at least

    4 times per week have reported dramatic gains and increased confidence.

    It includes 20+ games for critical cognitive skills like focus, memory, processing, math,

    precision, and comprehension, detailed performance tracking, personalised daily

    workouts that include the skills you need most, adaptive difficulty progression to ensure

    your experience is challenging and a workout calendar to help you track your streaks and

    stay motivated. It will improve all your skills at once and is completely free!

    We hope you have enjoyed this list and we would love any suggestions you may have!

    Comment below, and happy skill building.

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    Dream, Girl Documentary Is Inspiring Young Girls To Become Leaders This inspiring documentary needs YOUR help

    We know the names of male CEOs and entrepreneurs, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark

    Zuckerberg. But what about female bosses? What is their story? What do their lives look


    Dream, Girl will showcase the empowering stories of women-run companies and the

    founders whose ambition and dedication drive them. It will examine their journey, their

    struggles, and discover what makes them successful. It will talk to investors and cultural

    experts about why women are worth investing in, and learn why there has never been a

    more exciting and promising time for female-run businesses.

    Erin Bagwell, director, editor and motion graphics animator, Mary Perrino, director of

    photography and colourist, Sara Waber, 1st camera operator and Kat Lazo, assistant

    director 2nd camera operator are the team behind the documentary.

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    Why Is Dream, Girls Important? As a statistic in the trailer reveals 92% of young girls believe anyone can be a leader, but

    only 21% of them believe they have the confidence to be one. It is essential these young

    girls are taught what it takes to be leaders, they are after all the future.

    Not only that, female founders are changing the modern economic and cultural landscape.

    They are starting over 1200 new businesses a day, which makes them the fastest growing

    sector of our new economy. Women-run businesses are taking over their male


    However, sadly we never hear about women success stories. Instead women are talked

    about as if they are sidekicks and objects. This documentary shall give women

    everywhere the celebration they deserve and inspire the next generation to follow in their


    Whats It About?

    The film takes a closer look at why it is now the exciting time in history to be a business

    women. It shall tackle gender roles, and sexism, elements that have in the past and still do

    hold back women in their careers. It will include clips with investors and industry

    pioneers to learn why its important to back female-founded companies. All of which will

    empower women in the workplace.

    So far the documentary already has a very amazing cast including Crista Freeman & Jess

    Eddy of the premium ice cream brand Phin & Phebes, Christen Brandt from global

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    education advocates Shes the First, and Mariama Mounir Camara-Petrolawicz from the

    leading African handmade fabric & print company Mariama Fashion Production.

    More inspiring and successful women also feature in trailer and 4-6 more female founders

    from a variety of diverse companies in tech, fashion, nonprofit, advertising, and other

    industries will appear in the finished product.

    They Need Your Help! However, the team need your help! Filming a documentary is expensive and hard work.

    They need money for the production process, including interviewing 4-6 CEOs, 2

    investors in the startup community and 2 cultural experts. Theyll need two camera

    operators, a lighting expert, and on location audio engineer alongside transportation and

    equipment expenses. Then in post production, theyll need money for post production.

    Including colour correction, motion graphics, audio mixing and engineering and


    The girls are using Kickstart to raise the $50,000 they need. So far they have nearly

    $50,000 pledged by 628 people and they have just five days to meet their $57,000.

    Click here to pledge.

    Weve pledged as we cannot wait for this inspiring and potentially life changing

    documentary to be aired, we are counting down the days!
