Summarised Consolidated Financial Results, 30 June 2013


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Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF)summarised consolidated fi nancial results

for the year ended 30 June 2013

Contents Page

Invitation from the chairman 1

How to participate in the annual general meeting 4

Location of the annual general meeting 9

Notice of annual general meeting 10

Brief biographies of nominees 12

Notes to notice of annual general meeting 13

Our board of directors 14

Executive summary 17

Summarised financial information 20

Statements of financial position 21

Income statements 21

Statements of comprehensive income 22

Statements of changes in equity 22

Statements of cash flows 23

Form of proxy 25

Holder information 28

Shareholder communication

Our shareholders are important to us and to ensure they are well informed, we would like to maintain open lines of communication. With over 214 000 shareholders who speak various languages we constantly strive to find better ways to communicate with our shareholders. It is for this reason that we are exploring communicating with our shareholders in their language of choice. To do so, we would like to encourage our shareholders to inform us in which of the 11 official languages they would prefer us to potentially communicate with them.

SMS the key word “Inzalo”, your holder reference number or identity number and language preference to 32545. (SMS are charged at R1,00 per SMS). Your holder reference number is the ten digit number with a “C” as indicated on the envelope.

We would also like to encourage our shareholders to inform Computershare should any of your contact details change. By ensuring that Computershare has your correct contact and banking details, you can be assured that you will receive all communication and future dividend payments.

Should you wish to receive communication in electronic form please provide Computershare with your email address.

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group

1Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) Summarised Consolidated Financial Results 2013

Dear shareholder(s)

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the company’s 2013 annual general meeting (AGM). This year, the meeting will be held on Saturday, 16 November 2013 at 10:00 in The Glass House, Turbine Hall, 65 Ntemi Piliso Street, Newtown, Johannesburg. Shareholders are also invited to attend a presentation on the basic principles of interpreting fi nancial statements that will start at 09:00 in The Glass House.

The AGM is an important event on the Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) calendar and the role that you as the shareholder play is essential to its success. It is an opportunity to constructively engage with one another. Investors will be updated on the company’s performance for the fi nancial year and have a chance to ask questions and to vote on the items of business.

The Companies Act, No 71 of 2008, requires that a quorum of all shareholders who are entitled to vote, be present, either in person or by proxy, in order for a shareholders’ meeting to be held. Should the requisite number of shareholders not be present or submit Forms of Proxies, voting on the items of business will not take place on that day. The AGM will then be postponed and take place exactly one week from the scheduled date of this AGM.

As shareholders, you have a right to vote on matters that concern your investment and, as such, I encourage you to either attend the AGM in person, through iMeeting or submit your Form of Proxy. Details on how to participate in the AGM are included in this report. The Form of Proxy is attached to this report. Alternatively you may register your proxy electronically through iProxy or vote using your cellphone.

The board recommends that you vote in favour of all the items of business.

I look forward to hosting you at the AGM and thank you for your ongoing interest in Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF).

Yours sincerely

Khungeka NjobeChairman of the board

Invitation from the chairman14 October 2013


Kha Vhafaramikovhe

Ndi nga dakalofulu musi ndi tshi vha ramba mut anganoni gut

e wa nwaha (AGM) wa Khamphani wa 2013. Nan waha, mut


u ˆd o vha nga mugivhela, dzi 16 L

ˆ ara 2013 nga iri ya vhut

ahe (10:00) ngeyi The Glass House, Turbine Hall, 65 Ntemi Piliso Street,

Newtown, Johannesburg. Vhafaramikovhe vha khou dovha hafhu vha rambiwa u dzhenela t halutshedzo ya nga ha ndeme ya

n divha dza u fhindulela zwit


amennde zwa masheleni ine ya

ˆd o thoma nga 09:00 kha The Glass House.

Sa vhafaramikovhe, vha na pfanelo dza u khetha kha mafhungo a kwamaho mbulungelo dzavho, ndi ngazwo ndi tshi vha t ut

uwedza uri vha dzhenele AGM nga tsha vhukoma mut

anganoni kana vha rumele fomo ya u vha imela. Zwidodombedzwa nga

ha uri vha nga shela hani mulenzhe kha AGM zwo katelwa kha muvhigo wa nwaha. Fomo ya u vha imela yo nambatedzwa kha hoyu muvhigo wa nwaha. Vhanga kha

ˆd i tou nwalisa fomo yavho ya u imelwakha inthanete nga kha iProxy kana vha khethe vha

tshi khou shumisa lut ingo thendeleki.

Bodo i themendela uri vha khethe vha tshi khou tikedza zwitenwa zwot

he zwa bindu.

Ndi khou lavhelela u vha swielela ngei kha AGM nahone ndi khou livhuwa dzangalelo ˆ l avho

ˆ l i sa khauwi kha Sasol Inzalo Public

Limited (RF).

Wavho a fulufhedzeaho

Khungeka Njobe

Mudzulatshidulo wa Bodo

(Beng)Monga dishere ya ratehang

Ke motlotlo haholo ho le memela kopanong e akaretsang ya selemo le selemo ya Khampani ya 2013 (AGM). Selemong sena kopano e tla tshwarwa ka Moqebelo, wa la 16 Pudungwana 2013 ka 10:00 hoseng mane The Glass House, Turbine Hall, 65 Ntemi Piliso Street, Newtown, Johannesburg. Beng ba dishere ba boela ba mengwa le ho ba teng kopanong eo ho tla beng ho nehelwana ka metheo ya bohlokwa ya ho manolla ditatemente tsa ditjhelete e tla qala ka 09:00 hona moo The Glass House.

Jwalo ka beng ba dishere, le na le tokelo ya ho vouta ditabeng tse amanang le matsete a lona, mme ho le jwalo, ke le kgothaletsa ho ba teng ho AGM ka seqo sa lona, ka iMeeting kapa o romele foromo ya hao ya ho vouta empa o se teng kopanong. Dintlha tse mabapi le ka moo o ka bang le seabo ho AGM di kenyelleditswe raporotong ena ya selemo le selemo. Foromo ya ho Vouta o se kopanong e hoketswe raporotong ena ya selemo le selemo. Ho seng jwalo o ka ngodisa voutu ya hao o se kopanong ka mokgwa wa elektroniki ka iProxy kapa o voute o sebedisa selfounu ya hao.

Boto e kgothaletsa hore le voute le tshehetse dintho tsohle tse amanang le kgwebo.

Ke se ke lebelletse ho tla le amohela ho AGM mme ke leboha le kgahleho e tswelang pele eo le nang le yona ho Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF).

Wa lona ka boikokobetso

Khungeka NjobeModulasetulo wa Boto

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group Invitation from the chairman continued

3Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) Summarised Consolidated Financial Results 2013

Eka n’winyi (vinyi) va tixere

Ma rhambiwa leswaku mi va kona eka nhlengeletano ya lembe na lembe ya 2013 ya Khamphani (AGM). Nhlengeletano ya lembe leri yi ta va kona hi Mugqivela hi ti16 Hukuri 2013 hi awara ya 10:00 eThe Glass House, Turbine Hall, 65 Ntemi Piliso Street, Newtown, Johannesburg. Vinyi va tixere va tlhela va rhambiwa nakambe ku enghenela nhlengeletano ya ximfumo yo dyondzisa hi milawu ya masungulo ya ku twisisa switatimendhe swa timali leyi nga ta sungula hi awara ya 09:00 eThe Glass House.

Tanihi vinyi va tixere, mi na mfanelo yo vhota etimhakeni leti khumbaka vuvekisi bya n’wina, kutani ndza mi khutaza leswaku loko swi koteka mi va kona eka AGM hi xiviri kumbe eka iMeeting kumbe mi nyiketa fomo ya proxy ya n’wina. Vuxokoxoko hi mayelana na leswaku mi nga enghenela njhani AGM byi katsiwile eka xiviko xa lembe. Fomo ya Proxy na yona yi khomanisiwile eka xiviko xa lembe. Hi tlhelo rin’wana u nga rhijisitara proxy ya wena hi ku tirhisa endlelo ra xilekitironiki hi ku tirhisa iProxy kumbe u vhota hi ku tirhisa xitirhisiwa lexi khomekaka (mobile device).

Huvo yi bumabumela leswaku mi vhota hi ndlela leyi kombisaka ku fambisana na timhaka hinkwato ta bindzu.

Ndzi na ku tshemba ka leswaku hi ta vonana eka AGM no tsakela ku mi khensa eka ntsakelo wa n’wina lowu yaka emahlweni wa bindzu ra Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF).

La tshembekeke

Khungeka NjobeMutshamaxitulu wa Huvo

Mnikazi wamasheya (Banikazi bamasheya) Abathandekayo

Kuyinjabulo enkulu ukukumemela emhlanganweni kawonk’uwonke weNkampani wonyaka ka-2013 (phecelezi iAGM). Kulo nyaka, umhlangano uzobanjwa ngoMgqibelo, mhlaka 16 Novemba 2013 ngehora 10:00 e-The Glass House, Turbine Hall, 65 Ntemi Piliso Street, Newtown, eGoli. Abanikazi bamasheya bayamenywa futhi ukuba babe khona enkulumweni emayelana nezimiso eziyisisekelo zokuchaza izitatimende zezimali ezoqala ngehora 09:00 e-The Glass House.

Njengabanikazi bamasheya, ninelungelo lokuvota ezindabeni ezithinta utshalomali lwenu. Nginikhuthaza ukuba nibe khona ngokwesiqu kwi-AGM, ngokusebenzisa i-iMeeting noma nithumele ifomu lenu le-proxy. Imininingwane yendlela yokubamba iqhaza ku-AGM ifakiwe kulo mbiko wonyaka. IFomu le-Proxy nalo lifakiwe kulo mbiko wonyaka. Kungenjalo, ungase ubhalise i-proxy yakho nge-iProxy noma uvote ngokusebenzisa umshini wakho wezokuxhumana ngocingo.

IBhodi litusa ukuba uvote ngokuvumelana nazo zonke izimiso zebhizinisi.

Siyothokoza ukuba nawe ku-AGM futhi siyakubonga ngokuhlala unogqozi ngeSasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF).


Khungeka NjobeUSihlalo weBhodi


The annual general meeting (AGM) is an important event on the Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) calendar.

Your participation is important. The AGM provides an update for investors on performance for the fi nancial year and offers an opportunity for you to ask questions and vote on the items of business.

Important information on how you can participate in the AGM:

RegistrationShareholders attending the AGM must register at the registration desk in the reception of The Glass House, Turbine Hall. Signage will be in place within The Turbine Hall to direct you to the venue. In order to attend or participate in the AGM, you must present reasonable satisfactory personal identifi cation. The company will accept a valid original South African identity document, a valid original driver’s licence or a valid original passport as satisfactory means of personal identifi cation.

Shareholders should be inside The Glass House, Turbine Hall by 09:00. The morning’s proceedings will begin with a presentation on the basic principles of interpreting fi nancial statements. The meeting will then commence at 10:00 with a presentation of the Sasol Limited fi nancial results for the year ended 30 June 2013 and a short information session, informing shareholders of the translation services and the electronic voting process to be used at the meeting.Please note that the registration desk, at which shareholders will register to vote, will close at 09:45.

Shareholder queriesA shareholder information stand will be available in the foyer at the meeting.

Electronic participation through teleconferencingShareholders entitled to attend and vote at the meeting, or proxies of such shareholders, may participate in the meeting by electronic means. Should a shareholder wish to participate in the meeting by teleconference, the shareholder concerned should advise the company thereof by Friday, 8 November 2013. The notice must be addressed to Computershare with contact details as well as full details of the shareholder’s shares in Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF). Proof of identity, in the form of certifi ed copies of identity documents will be required, as well as written confi rmation from Computershare of the shareholders’ shareholding. Upon receipt of the required information, the shareholders concerned will be provided with a secure code and instructions to access the

teleconference during the AGM. Shareholders must note that participation in this way will be at the expense of the shareholders who wish to utilise the facility.

iMeetingShareholders may participate in the annual general meeting anywhere from a remote desktop. Attendees will be able to view the proceedings of the annual general meeting, ask the speaker questions and vote on the resolutions.

iProxyShareholders may also use an online proxy voting facility to complete their forms of proxy. This online proxy is free of charge and is available on the internet. To make use of the online proxy, shareholders are required to register for the service, via the website At this site, shareholders will also be able to view a demonstration of the online proxy voting process.

SMS votingShareholders may use cellphones to complete their forms of proxy. Shareholders will also be able to view a demonstration of the sms voting process on the website

Shareholders can contact the information helpline on 0800 000 222 for assistance with any of the options listed above.

How to participate in the annual general meeting scheduled for 16 November 2013

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group

5Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) Summarised Consolidated Financial Results 2013

Ndˆila ya u shela mulenzhe kha mut

angano gut

e wa n’ waha

U d in’ walisa

Vhafaramikovhe vhane vha khou dzhenela mut angano

gut e wa n’ waha (AGM) wa 2013 vha tea u

ˆd in’ walisa

resepusheni ya The Glass House, Turbine Hall. Hu ˆd o

vhewa tswayo The Turbine Hall u itela u vha sumbedza hune mut

angano wa khou farelwa hone. Muthu mun’ we na

mun’ we u tea u sumbedza ˆ l in’ walo

ˆ l a tsumbavhun


ˆ l i fushaho a saathu u dzhenela kana u shela mulenzhe kha AGM. Ri sa khou angaredza, khampani i

ˆd o t


ˆ l in’ walo

ˆ l avhun


ˆ l a vhukuma

ˆ l a Afrika Tshipembe,

ˆ l aisentsi

ya u reila ya vhukuma kana phasipoto ya vhukuma sa tsumbavhun


Mbudziso dza vhafaramikovheTshitende tsha u n

etshedza vhafaramikovhe mafhungo tshi

ˆd o vha tshi kha foya mut


U shela mulenzhe nga zwa el ekit


Nga kha thel ekhonfarentsi

Vhafaramikovhe vhare na pfanelo ya u dzhenela na u khetha mut

anganoni, kana vhare na thendelo dza

vhafaramikovhe, vha ˆd o tendelwa u shela mulenzhe

mut anganoni nga nyambedzano ya zwa e

ˆ l ekit


Arali mufaramikovhe a tshi khou t o

ˆd a u shela mulenzhe

kha mut angano nga kha the

ˆ l ekhonfarentsi, mufaramikovhe

onoyo u tea u ˆd ivhadza khamphani hu saathu u swika

Lavhut anu, 8 L

ara 2013. Nothisi i tea u livhiswa kha mun’

waleli murathisi (Computershare) na zwidodombedzwa zwa vhukwamani zwo teaho khathihi na tshiimo tshire tshone tsha mufaramikovhe kha mikovhe yawe dzo n

ˆ etshedzwaho nga khamphani. Khophi dza basa dzo sethifaiwaho dzi

ˆd o t


ˆd ea sa khwat


ya tsumbavhun e, khathihi na khwat

hisedzo yo tou

n’ walwaho u bva kha mun’ waleli murathisi zwi tshi khou khwat

hisedza vhuimo ha mufaramikovhe kha

mikovhe yawe. Musi ho no wanala vhut anzi vhu t


ˆd eaho,

mufaramikovhe u ˆd o n

etshedzwa khoudu yo tsireledzeaho

na ndaela dza u kona u dzhena kha nyambedzano ya e

ˆ l ekit

ˆhironiki nga tshifhinga tsha mut

angano gut

e wa

n’ waha. Vhafaramikovhe vha tea u dzhiela nzhele zwauri mbadelo dza nyambedzano nga kha e

ˆ l ekit

ˆhironiki dzi

ˆd o badelwa nga mufaramikovhe ane a khou takalela u shumisa tshishumiswa tshenetsho.

iMeeting/Mut angano wa inthanete

Vhafaramikovhe vha nga kha ˆd i dzhenela mut


gut e wa n’ waha nga kha khomphutha dzi re na vhut


na khomphutha dza khampani dzo vhewaho vhuponi ho

itelwaho u vhona mut angano. Vhane vha

ˆd o dzhenelela

nga iyi nˆd ila vha

ˆd o kona u vhona zwine zwa khou itea kha

mut angano gut

e thwii, vha vhudzisa zwiambi mbudziso

nahone vha kona u khetha na kha tsheo dza mut angano.

U itela u shumisa iMeeting mufaramikovhe u tea u

ˆd in’ walisela tshumelo iyi, nga kha Kha saithi iyi, vhafarakomivhe vha

ˆd o kona u vhona tsumbo ya

maitele a mut angano wa iMeeting.

iProxyVhafaramikovhe vhanga dovha hafhu vha shumisa tshishumiswa tsha thendelo ya u khetha kha inthanete. Hei thendelo ya kha inthanete ndi ya mahala. U itela u shumisa thendelo ya kha inthanete, vhafaramikovhe vha tea u

ˆd in’ walisela u shumisa tshumelo, kha Kha saithi iyi vhafaramikovhe navhone vha

ˆd o kona u vhona tsumbo yau khetha nga vhathu vho

n ewaho thendelo ya u khetha kha inthanethe.

U voutha nga SMS Vhafaramikovhe vha nga shumisa t


u ˆd adza fomo dzavho dza thendelo ya u khetha.

Vhafaramikovhe vha ˆd o dovha hafhu vha kona u vhona

tsumbo yau khetha nga vhathu vho nˆ ewaho thendelo

ya u khetha nga kha SMS kha Kana vhafaramikovhe vha nga kwama lut

ingo lwashu lwa kha

0800 000 222 u itela u wana thuso.


Ngodiso Beng ba dishere ba tla beng ba kenetse AGM (kopano e akaretsang ya selemo le selemo) ba tshwanetse ho ingodisa tafoleng e tla be e le sebakeng sa kamohelo ya baeti mane The Glass House, Turbine Hall. Ho tla ba le matshwao a ho bontshang sebaka seo o lokelang ho ya ho sona ha o se o le ka haraThe Turbine Hall. Pele o ka kena kapa hona ho nka karolo ho AGM, o tshwanetse ho hlahisa boitsebiso ba hao bo tla re kgotsofatsa. Khampani e tla amohela tokomane ya boitsebiso e sebetsang ya Afrika Borwa, laesense ya ho kganna e sebetsang kapa phasepoto e sebetsang jwalo ka mokgwa o kgotsofatsang wa boitsebiso.

Dipotso tseo beng ba dishere ba ka bang le tsonaHo tla ba le sebaka se fanang ka tlhahisoleseding ho beng ba dishere ka ntle feela le moo kopano e tla tshwarelwa teng.

Ho nka karolo ka mokgwa wa elektroniki:

Ka mohala Beng ba dishere ba nang le tokelo ya ho kenela le ho vouta kopanong, kapa ba voutang ba se teng kopanong (proxy), ba tla ba le tokelo ya ho nka karolo kopanong ka ho hokahana ka mokgwa wa mohala. Ha ho ka etseha hore monga dishere a batle ho nka karolo kopanong ka mokgwa wa mohala, yena o tla tshwanela ho tsebisa khampani ka hoo ho eso fete la 8 Pudungwana 2013. Tsebiso e lokela ho romelwa ho Computershare ka dintlha tse tshwanetseng tsa moo ho ka iteangwang le yena ekasitana le dintlha tse felletseng tsa ho ba monga dishere, le dishere tse ntshitsweng ka tsona ke Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF). Ho tla hlokeha bopaki ba boitsebiso, ka mokgwa wa dikhopi tse tiiseditsweng, ekasitana le tiisetso e ngotsweng ho tswa ho Computershare bontshang bopaki ba ho ba monga dishere. Ha ho se ho fumanwe tlhahisoleseding, beng ba dishere ba amehang ba tla fuwa khoutu e sireleditsweng le ditaelo tsa ho kgona ho hokahana ka mohala ka nako ya AGM. Beng ba dishere ba lokela ho ela hloko hore ho kgona ho hokahana ka mohala ho tla lefellwa ke bona beng ba dishere ba batlang ho sebedisa tshebeletso ena.

iMeetingBeng ba dishere hape ba ka kenela kopano e akaretsang ya selemo le selemo ka ho hokahana ka khompyutha le inthanete (iMeeting) ba le sebakeng se seng se hole le moo. Ba kenetseng kopano eo ba tla kgona ho bona tsamaiso ya kopano e akaretsang ya selemo le selemo ka

ho otloloha, mme ba botse le sebui dipotso ba be ba voute diqetong tse nkuwang. Bakeng sa ho sebedisa iMeeting inthaneteng, beng ba dishere ba lokela ho ingodisa bakeng sa tshebeletso, ka webosaete Webosaeteng ena , beng ba dishere hape ba tla kgona le ho bona tshupiso ya tshebetso ya ho iMeeting inthaneteng.

iProxyBeng ba dishere ba ka sebedisa hape le sebaka sa ho vouta o se kopanong ka ho tlatsa diforomo tsa bona tsa ho etsa jwalo (iProxy). Ho vouta hona o se kopanong ke mahala mme ho fumaneha ho inthanete. Bakeng sa ho sebedisa ho vouta hona ka inthanete, beng ba dishere ba lokela ho ingodisa bakeng sa tshebeletso, ka webosaete ena Webosaeteng ena, beng ba dishere hape ba tla kgona le ho bona tshupiso ya tshebetso ya ho vouta ka inthanete o se kopanong.

Ho vouta ka SMSBeng ba dishere ba ka sebedisa diselfounu tsa bona ho tlatsa diforomo tsa bona tsa ho vouta ba se teng kopanong. Beng ba dishere hape ba tla kgona ho bona tshupiso ya tshebetso ya ho vouta ka SMS webosaeteng ya Ho seng jwalo beng ba dishere ba ka iteanya le ba thuso ya tlhahisetso leseding ho 0800 000 222 ho fumana thuso.

Ka moo o lokelang ho nka karolo ka teng kopanong e akaretsang ya selemo le selemo

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group How to participate continued

7Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) Summarised Consolidated Financial Results 2013

NtsarisoVinyi va tixere lava enghenelaka AGM va komberiwa ku titsarisa eka desika ra ntsariso ekamarini ra vuamukelo ra The Glass House, Turbine Hall. Ku ta vekiwa swiletelo endzeni ka The Turbine Hall ku mi letela ku ya eka ndhawu ya nhlengeletano. Munhu un’wana na un’wana loyi a enghenelaka kumbe a vaka xiphemu xa AGM, u ta komberiwa ku nyiketa vutitivisi bya yena lebyi amukelekaka loko a nga si pfumeleriwa ku va xiphemu xa nhlengeletano. Khamphani yi ta amukela pasi ra Afrika Dzonga, layisense yo chayela leyi nga heleriwangiki hi nkarhi kumbe pasipoto tanihi matsalwa yo titivisa.

Swivutiso swa vinyi va tixereKu ta va na ndhawu ya mahungu ya vinyi va tixere leyi kumekaka ekamarini ra vuamukelo bya laha nhlengeletano yi nga ta khomeriwa kona.

Ku enghenela ka xilekitironiki:

Hi ku tirhisa switirhisiwa swa vhidiyo na tiqingho (teleconferencing)Vinyi va tixere lava pfumeleriwaka ku enghenela no vhota eka nhlengeletano, kumbe ti-proxy ta vona tanihi vinyi va tixere, va ta pfumeleriwa ku va xiphemu xa nhlengeletano hi ku tirhisa mbulavurisano wa xilekitironiki. Loko n’winyi wa tixere a tsakela ku enghenela nhlengeletano hi ku tirhisa riqingho, u fanele ku tivisa khamphani hi ku tsakela loku ka yena hi Ravuntlhanu wa ti8 Hukuri 2013. Xitiviso xi fanele ku rhumeriwa eka matsalana wa ndzhuriso laha xi faneleke ku katsa na vuxokoxoko bya vutihlanganisi na xiyimo xa n’winyi wa tixere eka tixere leti humesiweke hi khamphani. Ku ta laveka vumbhoni bya vutitivisi lebyi faneleke ku katsa na tikhopi ta mapasi leti tiyisisiweke, xikan’we na vumbhoni lebyi tsariweke byo huma eka matsalana wa ndzhuriso loyi a tiyisisaka xiyimo xa n’winyi wa tixere. Endzhaku ko amukeriwa ka mahungu lama lavekaka, vinyi va tixere lava khumbekaka va ta nyikiwa khodi leyi hlayisekeke na swiletelo leswaku va kota ku fi kelela mbulavurisano wa xilekitironiki hi nkarhi wa AGM. Vinyi va tixere va fanele ku tsundzuka leswaku va fanele ku hakelela mbulavurisano wa xilekitironiki loko va tsakela ku tirhisa xitirhisiwa lexi.

iMeetingVinyi va tixere nakambe va nga enghenela nhlengeletano ya lembe na lembe hi ku tirhisa khompyutara va ri ekule na ndhawu leyi nhlengeletano yi khomeriwaka eka yona. Lava enghenelaka hi ndlela leyi, va ta kota ku vona mafambiselo ya nhlengeletano, ku vutisa xipikara swivutiso no vhotela swiboho leswi tekiweke. Vinyi va

tixere va fanele ku titsarisela vukorhokeri bya online iMeeting leswaku va ta kota ku byi tirhisa, hi ku tirhisa webusayiti ya Eka webusayiti leyi, vinyi va tixere nakambe va ta kota ku vona xikombiso xa endlelo ra online iMeeting.

iProxyVinyi va tixere va nga tlhela va kota ku tirhisa xitirhisiwa xo vhota hi proxy ya inthanete ku tata tifomo ta vona ta proxy. Proxy leyi ya inthanete i ya mahala naswona ya kumeka eka inthanete. Ku kota ku tirhisa proxy ya inthanete, vinyi va tixere va komberiwa ku titsarisa leswaku va kuma vukorhokeri lebyi, hi ku tirhisa webusayiti ya Eka webusayiti leyi, vinyi va tixere va ta tlhela va kota ku vona xikombiso xo vhota hi ku tirhisa endlelo ra proxy ya inthanete.

Ku vhota hi SMSVinyi va tixere va nga tirhisa tiselefoni ku tata tifomo ta vona ta proxy. Vinyi va tixere nakambe va ta kota ku vona xikombiso xa endlelo ro vhota hi ku tirhisa selefoni eka webusayiti ya Kasi hi le tlhelo rin’wana vinyi va tixere va nga fonela riqingho ra mahungu eka 0800 000 222 loko va lava ku pfuniwa.

Xana u nga enghenela njhani nhlengeletano ya lembe na lembe


Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group How to participate continued

Ukubhalisa Abanikazi bamasheya abeza ku-AGM (umhlangano wonyaka) kufanele babhalise edeskini lokubhalisa lapho kungenwa khona reception e-Glass House, Turbine Hall. Kuzoba nezimpawu ngaphakathi e-Turbine Hall zokubaqondisa ukuya kule ndawo. Ngaphambi kokuba uze kumbe ubambe iqhaza ku-AGM, kufanele uveze ubufakazi obukuchaza ngendlela eyenelisayo. Inkampani izokwamukela incwadi kamazisi esemthethweni yaseNingizimu Afrika, ilayisensi yokushayela esemthethweni noma ipasipoti esemthethweni, njengendlela eyenelisayo yemininingwane echaza muntu.

Imibuzo yabanikazi bamasheya Kuzoba nesitendi esinabantu abanikezela ngolwazi lwabanikazi bamasheya ngalapho kungenelwa khona emhlanganweni.

Ukubamba iqhaza ngokusebenzisa izinto ucingo:Abanikazi bamasheya abanelungelo lokuba khona nokuvota emhlanganweni noma abameli balabo banikazi bamasheya, bayoba nelungelo lokubamba iqhaza emhlanganweni ngokuxhumana ngokusebenzisa ucingo. Uma umnikazi wamasheya efi sa ukubamba iqhaza emhlanganweni ngokusebenzisa ucingo, lowo mnikazi wamasheya kufanele azise inkampani ngaleso sifi so sakhe kungakedluli uLwesihlanu, Novemba 8, 2013. Isaziso kumele siqondiswe kunobhala uComputershare sibe nemininingwane efanele yokukuthinta kanye nemininingwane ephelele yelungelo lomnikazi wamasheya kulawo masheya akhishwe yi Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF). Kuzofuneka ubufakazi bemininingwane ekuchazayo, okungamakhophi aqinisekisiwe encwadi kamazisi, kanye nesiqinisekiso esibhaliwe esivela kuComputershare kwezinto eziqinisekisa ukuthi umnikazi wamasheya unelungelo kulawo masheya. Lapho seyitho lakele imininingwane edingekayo, abanikazi bamasheya abathintekayo bazonikwa ikhodi ephephile kanye nemiyalo yokuxhumana ngocingo ukuze bakwazi ukubamba iqhaza ku-AGM. Abanikazi bamasheya kumele bazi ukuthi ukubamba iqhaza ku-AGM ngocingo kuzokwenziwa ngezindleko zabanikazi bamasheya abafi sa ukusebenzisa lelo lungiselelo.

I-iMeetingAbanikazi bamasheya bangase futhi babe khona emhlanganweni wonyaka kawonk’uwonke ngokubheka kukhompyutha bekude kube ngathi bakhona ngokoqobo. Labo abakhona bazokwazi ukubona izinto eziqhubekayo bukhoma emhlanganweni wonyaka kawonk’uwonke,

babuze isikhulumi imibuzo futhi bavotele izinqumo ezithathwayo. Ukuze basebenzise i-iMeeting ku-inthanethi, abanikazi bamasheya kudingeka babhalisele, ku-website Kule website, abanikazi bamasheya bazokwazi nokubona umboniso wenqubo ye-iMeeting ku-inthanethi.

I-iProxyAbanikazi bamasheya bangase futhi basebenzise ilungiselelo lokuvota nge-proxy ku-inthanethi ukuze bagcwalise amafomu abo ama-proxy. Le proxy eku-inthanethi itholakala mahhala. Ukuze basebenzise i-proxy ku-inthanethi, abanikazi bamasheya kudingeka babhalisele, ku-website Kule website, abanikazi bamasheya bazokwazi nokubona umboniso wenqubo yokuvota nge-proxy ku-inthanethi.

Ukuvota nge-SMSAbanikazi bamasheya bangase basebenzise omakhalekhukhwini babo ukugcwalisa amafomu abo ama-proxy. Abanikazi bamasheya bazokwazi nokubona umboniso wenqubo yokuvota nge-sms ku-website Ngaphandle kwalokho, abanikazi bamasheya bangase bathinte labo abanikeza ulwazi ocingweni oluthi 0800 000 222 ukuze banikezwe usizo.

Indlela yokubamba iqhaza emhlanganweni wonyaka kawonk’uwonke

9Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) Summarised Consolidated Financial Results 2013

Location of the annual general meeting

The Glass House, Turbine Hall GPS Co-ordinates: 65 Ntemi Piliso Street S26.203367Newtown, Johannesburg, South Africa E28.034900

M1 North, Johannesburg

1. Head west on De Villiers Graaff Motorway

2. Take exit for M2 toward Durban/City

3. Take exit for Village Road toward Selby

4. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Hall Street/Anderson Street

5. Turn left onto Ntemi Piliso Street

6. Keep right to stay on Ntemi Piliso Street

OR Tambo International Airport

1. Head southwest on OR Tambo Airport Road

2. Turn left toward Exit 46

3. Take exit 46 on the right to merge onto R24 toward Johannesburg

4. Take the exit to stay on R24

5. Continue onto Broadway Extension

6. Turn right onto Kitchener Avenue

7. Continue onto Bezuidenhout Street

8. Continue onto Market Street

9. Continue onto Interchange

10. Continue onto Commissioner Street

11. Turn right onto Ntemi Piliso Street

Empire Road, Johannesburg

1. Head east on Empire Road toward Jan Smuts Avenue

2. Slight right onto Jan Smuts Avenue

3. Continue onto Bertha Street

4. Continue onto Nelson Mandela Bridge

5. Continue onto Ntemi Piliso Street

6. Turn left onto Pritchard Street

7. Take the 1st right onto Diagonal Street

8. Take the 1st right onto President Street

9. Take the 1st right onto Ntemi Piliso Street


Notice of annual general meeting

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF)Registration Number 2007/030646/06(“Sasol Inzalo” or the “company”)

This document is important and requires your immediate attention.

This document is addressed to all the holders of the Sasol Inzalo ordinary shares (the shareholders) and to any persons who are not shareholders but who are entitled to exercise any voting rights in relation to the resolutions to be proposed at the annual general meeting (collectively the “holders” or “you”) as at the record date of 1 November 2013.

Section 63(1) of the Companies Act, No 71 of 2008, requires that meeting participants provide satisfactory identifi cation. The company will accept presentation of a valid original South African identity document, a valid original driver’s licence or a valid original passport.

If you are in any doubt as to what action you should take arising from this document, please immediately consult your broker, banker, attorney, accountant or other appropriate professional advisor.

Action required:If you are unable to attend the annual general meeting and wish to be represented there at, you must complete and return the attached Form of Proxy in accordance with the instructions therein and lodge it with Computershare, whose details are contained on page 28. You may also complete the Form of Proxy online through the iProxy facility. You may appoint one person as a proxy or more persons concurrently as proxies, and you may appoint more than one proxy to exercise voting rights attached to different securities held by you. Note that a proxy need not be a person entitled to vote at the annual general meeting.

You or your proxy/ies, may participate in all or a part of the annual general meeting by electronic means. For this purpose, you are advised that a teleconference facility will be available, at your cost, for the duration of the annual general meeting. You may also participate in the annual general meeting through the iMeeting facility.

Should you wish to participate in the meeting by teleconference, you should advise the company thereof by Friday, 8 November 2013. The notice must be addressed to Computershare with relevant contact details as well as full details of your title to shares issued by the company. Proof of identity, in the form of certifi ed copies of identity documents will be required, as well as written confi rmation from Computershare confi rming your title to the shares.

You will then be provided with a secure code and instructions to access the electronic communication during the annual general meeting.

NOTICE is hereby given that the 6th annual general meeting of Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) (“the company”) will be held on Saturday, 16 November 2013 at 10:00 at The Glass House, Turbine Hall, 65 Ntemi Piliso Street, Newtown, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Presentation of the director’s report, report of the audit committee and the audited annual fi nancial statements for the fi nancial year ended 30 June 2013A summarised version of the annual fi nancial statements for the year ended 30 June 2013 is attached to this notice. The full annual fi nancial statements of the company for the fi nancial year ended 30 June 2013 can be obtained from the Sasol website at

Consideration of the following resolutions and, if deemed fi t, passing the resolutions with or without modifi cation and as set out more fully in this notice:

Ordinary ResolutionsOrdinary Resolution Number 1Appointment of auditor

To vote on the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc to act as the independent auditor of the company until the next annual general meeting.

The change in independent auditor is being made pursuant to a decision by the Sasol Limited audit committee to implement an auditor rotation policy. KPMG Inc (or its predecessor(s)) has been Sasol’s auditor since its listing on the JSE in 1979. PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc was selected for nomination following a rigorous commercial process, which entailed invitations to audit fi rms that possess the capacity to conduct the Sasol group audit, based on criteria set by the audit committee. These criteria comply with all the regulatory requirements applicable to the company.

Ordinary Resolution Numbers 2 to 4Re-election of retiring directors

Ms Dawn Mokhobo1, Ms Charlotte Mokoena, Ms Thandeka Zondi and Ms Thalita Boikhutso retire as directors of the company in accordance with Article 11.3.2 of the company’s existing Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI). Being eligible for re-election as a director of the company in terms of Article of the company’s existing MOI, Ms Charlotte Mokoena, Ms Thandeka Zondi and Ms Thalita Boikhutso offered themselves for re-election by the shareholders. The biographies of all directors referred to above are contained in this notice on pages 14 to 16.

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group

1 Ms Dawn Mokhobo retires by rotation and has not made herself available for re-election.

11Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) Summarised Consolidated Financial Results 2013

Accordingly, shareholders are requested to consider and, if deemed fi t, to re-elect the directors by way of passing the separate ordinary resolution set out below:

Ordinary Resolution Number 2Re-election of Ms Charlotte Mokoena as a director of the company.

Ordinary Resolution Number 3Re-election of Ms Thandeka Zondi as a director of the company.

Ordinary Resolution Number 4Re-election of Ms Thalita Boikhutso as a director of the company.

Ordinary Resolution Numbers 5 to 9Election as directors

Pursuant to Ms Dawn Mokhobo’s resignation from the board and due to the fact that she will not make herself available for re-election, a single vacancy on the board has arisen. The board of directors has accepted nominations of the following individuals:

Ms Xoliswa Silango, Ms Cathrine Ninky Shuenyane, Mr Siphesihle Shelembe, Ms Kedibone Rose Mooi and Mr Matsobane Matlwa. The biographies of these individuals are attached to this notice on page 12.

Holders are requested to consider for election and, if deemed fi t, elect as directors of the company, each by way of separate vote, the following persons nominated by the board of directors of the company.

Ordinary Resolution Number 5Election of Ms Xoliswa Silango as a director of the company.

Ordinary Resolution Number 6Election of Ms Cathrine Ninky Shuenyane as a director of the company.

Ordinary Resolution Number 7 Election of Mr Siphesihle Shelembe as a director of the company.

Ordinary Resolution Number 8Election of Ms Kedibone Rose Mooi as a director of the company.

Ordinary Resolution Number 9Election of Mr Matsobane Matlwa as a director of the company.

Ordinary Resolution Numbers 10 to 13Election of the audit committee

To elect, each by way of separate vote, Dr Siphokazi Koyana, Ms Charlotte Mokoena, Ms Nonkululeko Manyika and Ms Thandeka Zondi as members of the audit committee of the company. They have been nominated in terms of section 94(2) of the Companies Act, No 71 of 2008, as amended (the Act) by the board of the company’s audit committee. The biographies of the members standing for election are attached to this notice on pages 14 to 16.

The board has reviewed the proposed composition of the audit committee against the requirements of the Act and the Regulations under the Act and has confi rmed that if all the individuals referred to above are elected, the committee will comply with the relevant requirements, and have the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to enable it to perform its duties in terms of the Act.

Ordinary Resolution Number 10Election of Dr Siphokazi Koyana as a member of the company’s audit committee.

Ordinary Resolution Number 11Election of Ms Charlotte Mokoena as a member of the company’s audit committee.

Ordinary Resolution Number 12Election of Ms Nonkululeko Manyika as a member of the company’s audit committee.

Ordinary Resolution Number 13Election of Ms Thandeka Zondi as a member of the company’s audit committee.

By order of the board

Sasol Group Services (Pty) Ltd Company Secretary

19 September 2013


Brief biographies of nominees

Ms Xoliswa SilangoBA, Post-graduate Diploma (Supply Chain Management), Professional Certifi cate (CIO practice), MBA

Ms Silango is currently a director of strategy, development and execution with Niwanati Commercial Enterprise. She started her career at Eskom in 2005 and has signifi cant experience in the corporate sector. Ms Silango achieved a 5% cost saving on Eskom contract implementation, which saw the fi rst black women-owned energy company to meet “Time, scope and quality” parameters and has created positive investor confi dence.

Ms Cathrine Ninky ShuenyaneBA, BA Honours (Psychology), MA Research Psychology

Ms Shuenyane is the founder and managing director of CNZ Marketing Solutions, a company specialising in social and marketing research consulting services, as well as renewable energy products. She started her career as Research and Statistics Lecturer at the University of the Western Cape’s Psychology Department and has worked at Roots Research Africa, KLA, Botswana National Productivity Centre, the National Gambling Board of South Africa. She was division research manager at The Coca-Cola Company (Southern and East Africa Division), before venturing into the entrepreneurship space.

Ms Shuenyane is profi cient in 9 of the 11 South African offi cial languages. She has worked across various markets across Africa and has extensive project management experience and consumer behaviour insight.

Mr Siphesihle Shelembe BCom (Acc)(Summa Cum Laude), CTA, CA(SA)

Mr Shelembe recently worked for Rand Merchant Bank in its Investment Banking Division. He worked on mezzanine fi nance transactions worth over half a billion rand with the Principal Investments team. He previously worked for Standard Bank in its Project Finance and Private Equity divisions and completed his articles with Standard Bank during which time he worked in various divisions within the group, such as Group Finance, Corporate Finance as well as Leverage Finance. During his articles he was seconded to the Standard Bank London offi ce.

Ms Kedibone Rose MooiDiploma (Marketing Management)(Public Relations)(Business Management), MBA, Post-graduate qualifi cation in Executive Coaching.

Ms Mooi is an ICF accredited executive coach in the USA with over 12 years’ experience in Business consulting with a focus on sustainable results. An entrepreneur and founder of a business and people development consulting fi rm, Ms Mooi is a published author and transformational speaker. She was previously the deputy chairman and chief executive offi cer of Civirelo water, a civil engineering project management company and entity of the City of Tshwane and a trustee of a Prosperity medical fund. Ms Mooi was the initiator and custodian of a University bursary fund linked to the CSI programme at Civirelo and for over 10 years conducted a self-leadership programme at various universities in South Africa.

Mr Matsobane MatlwaHons B.Compt, CTA, MBA, MCOM (Tax), CA(SA)

Mr Matlwa is a chartered accountant who is the chief executive offi cer of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), where he serves on a number of SAICA board sub-committees, including the Exco, the audit and risk, strategy and the IT governance committees. He previously held senior positions at the South African Revenue Services and at Absa Bank Limited. He was an audit partner at Ernst & Young. Among others, he is involved in the Thuthuka Bursary Fund and serves on the board of the Australian-based Global Accounting Alliance.

He is currently a member of the Council of International Federation of Accountants, the Institute of Directors and the SAICA Advisory Council. During his career he has amassed a broad range of experience from the disciplines of fi nance, auditing, taxation and general management. He also serves on the board of the JD Group Limited and is a member of the JD Group audit committee.

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group

13Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) Summarised Consolidated Financial Results 2013

1. In the event that a holder is unable to attend the annual general meeting in person, the holder is entitled to appoint one or more proxies to attend, participate in and vote at the annual general meeting in the place of the holder. A proxy is not required to be a holder of the company.

2. A proxy may be appointed by completing the form attached hereto marked Form of Proxy.

3. Before any person may attend or participate in the annual general meeting, the person must present reasonably satisfactory personal identifi cation. Without limiting the generality thereof, the company will accept the following as satisfactory means of personal identifi cation: a valid original South African identity document, a valid original driver’s licence or a valid original passport.

4. A polled vote must be held on any particular matter to be voted on at an annual general meeting if a demand for such a vote is made by at least fi ve persons having the right to vote on that matter, either as a shareholder or a proxy representing a shareholder or a person who is, or persons who together are, entitled, as a shareholder or proxy representing a shareholder, to exercise at least 10% of the voting rights entitled to be voted on that matter.

5. In terms of the company’s existing Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) suffi cient persons must be present at the annual general meeting to exercise, in aggregate, at least 25% of all of the voting rights that are entitled to be exercised, provided that if the company has more than two shareholders, at least three holders must be present at the annual general meeting. Holders adopted a new MOI on 1 December 2012, which when accepted by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC), will reduce this percentage to 0.05%.

6. It is recorded that, in accordance with section 63(6) of the Act, if voting on a particular matter is by polling, a holder or a proxy for a holder has the number of votes determined in accordance with the voting rights associated with the securities held by that holder.

7. Documentary evidence establishing the authority of a person attending the annual general meeting on behalf of a holder in a representative capacity, or signing the Form of Proxy in a representative capacity, (for example, a certifi ed copy of a duly passed directors’ resolution in the case of a holder which is a company, a certifi ed copy of a duly passed members’ resolution in the case of a holder which is a close corporation and a certifi ed copy of a duly passed trustees’ resolution in the case of a holder who/which is/are trustee(s) of a trust) must be presented to the person presiding at the annual general meeting or attached to the Form of Proxy (as the case may be), and shall thereafter be retained by the company.

Notes to notice of annual general meeting


Our board of directors

Thalita BoikhutsoBA (Hons), MA, Certified Diamond Valuator

Independent non-executive director2009: Appointed to the BoardMember of social and ethics committee

Executive chairman of Alona Group, an investment, utilities and services company and founder and president of Premier Events Group. She is also a non-executive director of Tsebo Outsourcing Group, Tsebo Holdings and Operations and Sebata Group of Companies.

Previously group Chief Executive of Maxima Global Consulting and a director at KPMG Inc.

Vuyiswa DooBA (Hons), MSc (Econ)

Independent non-executive director2009: Appointed to the Board

The founder of Entabeni Consulting CC that specialises in Organisational Development, Human Resource Management, planning and policy research and formulation. Entabeni’s clients are, among others, Orion Telecommunications and the Department of Labour.

Previously a member of Council of the University of Cape Town, chosen by the Appointments Committee (2003 to 2004): appointed by the Minister (2004 to 2008) and appointed by the Minister again for 2008 to 2012. She currently serves on the following boards, Wola Nani, South African Institute for Entrepreneurship and Action Volunteers Africa. She previously worked for Morse Consulting, the South African Marine Corporation Limited and London Borough of Redbridge. As of March 2013, she has joined the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation in the position of Human Resources Manager.

Aisha HaroonBCom

Independent non-executive director2008: Appointed to the Board

Director of Bambananni Holdings (Pty) Ltd, an investment house, pursuing a wide portfolio of investments in different sectors.

Siphokazi KoyanaBA (Afro-American studies), MA (African Studies) PhD ( English Literature)

Independent non-executive director2009: Appointed to the BoardMember of audit committee

Director of Siyazithanda Projects, a research consultancy she established more than a decade ago, and of Aspigon Training Solutions, a Skills Development and Training Consultancy. As a published academic, she worked at the English Departments of Rhodes, Pretoria, and Wits Universities, as well as in tertiary institutions in the USA.

Previously on the advisory board of the Transnet Foundation and is currently a non-executive board member of the Shanduka Group.

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group

15Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) Summarised Consolidated Financial Results 2013

Nonkululeko ManyikaBCom, BCom (Hons), CA(SA)

Independent non-executive director2012: Appointed to the Board

Chief executive officer of the Association for the Advancement of Black Accountants of South Africa (ABASA); board member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Previously worked for Standard Bank Corporate Investment Banking, ABSA Capital and Deloitte.

Louisa MogudiBA, MA

Independent non-executive director2010: Appointed to the BoardMember of social and ethics committee

Director at Search Specifics a global firm focusing on executive search. She also promotes various international leadership programmes and participates in the delivery, monitoring and evaluation.

Director of the South African National Space Agency (SANSA); and chairman of the sub-committee: Social and Ethics, Remuneration and Human Resources.

Charlotte MokoenaBSocSc, BA (Hons), Exec Programme (IMD & Michigan Business school), Post-graduate diploma (Leicester)

Independent non-executive director2010: Appointed to the BoardMember of audit committee

Currently executive responsible for Human Resources at Tongaat Hulett Limited. Previously managing executive: Customer Experience Management at Telkom, managing executive: Telkom Global Services, previously the chief executive officer: Telkom Management Services, chief of Human Resources for Telkom South Africa Limited; member of the executive committee; previously the group executive: Human Resources and group executive: Centre of Learning for Telkom South Africa Limited. Also worked for Coca-Cola Company Africa Group as Group Organisational capability manager.

Director at I’sago Group Holding and 141 Witkoppen.

Dawn MokhoboBA

Independent non-executive director2008: Appointed to the Board

Chairman of African International Advisors; Kwanda Capital Investments and Wesizwe Platinum Limited; chairman and founder of the Dawn Mokhobo Colon Cancer Foundation Trust; executive deputy chairman of Partnership Investments (Pty) Ltd; director of Altron Allied Electro Corporation Limited, Bravura Consulting (Pty) Ltd; Elatizest Investments (Pty) Ltd, Engen Limited, Gidani (Pty) Ltd, Magatar Mining SM1, Scinta South Africa (Pty) Ltd and Urban Kraal.

Ms Mokhobo will step down as director at the annual general meeting.


Khungeka NjobeBSc (Hons), MSc

Independent non-executive director2008: Appointed to the Board

Recently appointed the chairman of the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA). Previously managing director for Aveng Water; past group executive of CSIR responsible for research and development outcomes including (intellectual property management and technology transfer); human capital (including HCD); strategic communications and stakeholder relations; previously director of CSIR Water, Environment and Forestry Technology and for CSIR Natural Resources and the Environment operating units.

Past member of the board of governors of the World Water Council; chairman of South African Weather Service; member of National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI) in South Africa and member of Safcol board of directors.

Lungisile NtsebezaBA, BA (Hons), MA, PhD

Independent non-executive director2009: Appointed to the BoardMember of social and ethics committee

Professor and director of the Centre for African Studies at the University of Cape Town. Holder of two Research Chairs: the AC Jordan Chair of African Studies and the National Research Foundation (NRF) Research Chair in Land Reform and Democracy in South Africa.

Thandeka ZondiBCom, BCom (Hons), CA(SA)

Independent non-executive director2010: Appointed to the BoardChairman of audit committee

Business executive for Auditor General in Cape Town; member of the South African Institute for Chartered Accountants (SAICA); past executive assistant to the Chief Executive of Long Term Savings and Chairman of Old Mutual South Africa; senior consultant at Deloitte Consulting and audit manager at Deloitte.

A past treasurer and current board member of ABASA (The Association for the Advancement of black Accountants of SA) and an international fellow of the government accountability office programme.

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group Our board of directors continued

17Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) Summarised Consolidated Financial Results 2013

Executive summary

Issue price


The black public (the Sasol Inzalo shareholders) bought

ordinary shares in this company

R18,30 for each of the first 100 ordinary shares and

R36,60 for every Sasol Inzalo Ordinary share


Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF)


3 R366,00 per share

Sasol and the banks lent money to Sasol Inzalo Public Funding (Pty) Ltd (RF) to buy

shares in Sasol Limited

Sasol Inzalo Public Funding

(Pty) Ltd (RF)


Sasol Limited

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) bought ordinary shares in Sasol Inzalo Public Funding (Pty) Ltd (RF)

Sasol Inzalo Public Funding (Pty) Ltd (RF) bought 16 085 199 Preferred Ordinary shares in Sasol


The structure of the transaction

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group

Performance for the fi nancial yearIn 2008, Sasol made Sasol Preferred Ordinary shares available so that the Black public could invest in Sasol through Sasol Inzalo. Sasol Inzalo bought Sasol Preferred Ordinary shares which were paid for partly by payment received from the black public for the Sasol Inzalo Ordinary shares (R371 million) and partly by the funding which Sasol Inzalo obtained from Sasol and the banks (R5 556 million).

* (Refer to the funding terms contained on page 29 of the full Annual Financial Statements that can be obtained from the Sasol website at



Income statementThe income of the group is made up of dividends received from Sasol Limited of R389 million (2012: R372 million), at a rate of R24,20 per share per annum. The dividends received from Sasol Limited comprised a fi nal dividend receivedon 3 October 2012 of R189 million for the 2012 fi nancial year and an interim dividend received on 2 April 2013 of R200 million for the 2013 fi nancial year.

Expenses of the group are made up of the following items:

• Agency fee payable to the Standard Bank of Southern Africa of R1 million (2012: R1 million);

• Audit fees of R131 862 (2012: R196 898); and

• Finance expenses comprising interest on the long-term debt of R562 million (2012: R644 million).

The group recorded a net loss of R174 million (2012: R273 million). The net loss for 2013 is lower than that of 2012 due to lower fi nance expenses.

In 2012 the fi nance expenses for the C and D preference shares were increased by 10% since inception of the transaction as a result of the abolition of Secondary Tax on Companies. The arrear accumulated preference dividends on the class C and D preference shares have been increased by 10% due to the fact that these accumulated preference dividends were never paid to the class C and D preference shareholders. This indicates the reason for the decrease in fi nance expenses for 2013.

Statement of fi nancial positionThe investment of the 16 085 199 Sasol Preferred Ordinary shares was revalued at the closing market price of R431,54 (2012: R342,40) per Sasol Limited ordinary share as at 30 June 2013, to a value of R6 942 million (2012: R5 508 million) in line with the group’s accounting policy on the investment in Sasol Limited.

The value of the investment in Sasol Limited is R1 055 million higher (2012: R379 million lower) than the cost price of R5 887 million. A deferred tax liability to the value of R196 million (2012: R71 million (deferred tax asset)) is recognised relating to the revaluation. The net balance on the investment fair value reserve amounts to R859 million (2012: R308 million negative).

The balance of the long-term and short-term debt amounts to R6 882 million (2012: R6 677 million). In terms of the fi nancing agreement entered into with the preference share funders, 50% of the A Preference shares will be redeemed over the fi nancial years 2009 to 2019. The balance of the A, B, C and D Preferences shares will be redeemed in full at the end of the empowerment period1 out of the proceeds from the sale of the Sasol Preferred Ordinary shares.

The negative shareholders’ equity of R80 million (2012: R1 073 million) consists of an accumulated loss of R1 310 million (2012: R1 136 million), a positive fair value reserve of R859 million (2012: R308 million negative) and share capital of R371 million.

4,6% Finance income 12,7% Finance costs





389 372 (562) (644)

36,3% Loss for year 25,9% Cash fl ow fromoperations





(174) (273) 141 112

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group Executive summary continued

1. A period of ten years commencing on 8 September 2008.

19Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) Summarised Consolidated Financial Results 2013

Cash fl ow managementThe group generated suffi cient cash from dividends received on the investment in Sasol Limited to fund operating activities, fi nance expenses on the A and B preference shares and to repay long-term debt during the year as contained on page 29 of the full Annual Financial Statements that can be obtained from the Sasol website at Cash retained from operating activities amounted to R141 million (2012: R112 million). The increase in cash retained from operating activities is mainly due to a higher dividend received from Sasol Limited.

Subsequent eventsThere has not been any item, transaction or event between 30 June 2013 and the date of this report that could signifi cantly affect the operations of the group.

Appointment and resignation of directorsMr BL Sibiya resigned as chairman of the board on 10 October 2012 and as director on 1 December 2012. Ms N Manyika was appointed as a director on 1 December 2012.

Declaration of ordinary dividend95% of the dividend income received from Sasol Limited will be used to pay the interest to the banks for the loans and to pay its taxes and running expenses. Sasol Inzalo shareholders may be paid up to 5% of the dividends should Sasol Inzalo meet the requirements of the solvency and liquidity test.

The board of directors have not declared a dividend for the year ended 30 June 2013.

Khungeka Njobe Thandeka ZondiDirector Director

19 September 2013


Related party transactions The group, in the ordinary course of business, entered into various transactions on an arm’s length basis at market rates with related parties.

Independent audit by the auditorsThese summarised consolidated financial results for the year ended 30 June 2013 have been derived from the audited consolidated annual financial statements of Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) for the year ended 30 June 2013, on which the auditors, KPMG Inc, have expressed an unmodified audit opinion. The annual financial statements which have been summarised in this report and the auditor’s report are available for inspection at the registered office of the company.

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group

Preparer of the summarised consolidated fi nancial resultsMs D Sinivasan CA(SA), general manager fi nance: group consolidation at Sasol Group Services (Pty) Ltd, is responsible for this set of summarised consolidated fi nancial results and has supervised the preparation thereof in conjunction with Mr T Honiball, senior manager fi nance: reporting, Sasol Group Services (Pty) Ltd.

The summarised consolidated financial results are not the group’s statutory accounts and do not contain sufficient information to allow for a complete understanding of the results and state of affairs of the group, as would be provided by the detailed annual financial statements.

In our attempt to contain costs, yet still provide information, the full set of consolidated annual financial statements can be obtained from the Sasol website at Should you wish to obtain a hard copy of the consolidated annual financial statements, please contact Computershare. Refer to their contact details on page 28.

Basis of preparationThe summarised consolidated financial results for the year ended 30 June 2013 have been prepared in accordance with the framework concepts and the recognition and measurement requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the presentation and disclosure requirements of International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Reporting applied to year end reporting, as well as the requirements of the Companies Act, 2008, as amended.

The summarised consolidated financial results do not include all the disclosure required for complete annual financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS.

These summarised consolidated financial results have been prepared in accordance with the historic cost convention except that available-for-sale financial assets are stated at fair value.

The summarised consolidated financial results are presented in South African rand, which is Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF)’s functional and presentation currency.

The summarised consolidated financial results are the responsibility of the directors. The directors take full responsibility for the preparation of the summarised consolidated financial results and that the financial information has been correctly derived from the underlying audited consolidated annual financial statements.

Summarised financial information for the year ended 30 June 2013

21Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) Summarised Consolidated Financial Results 2013

Statements of financial positionat 30 June

Group Group Company Company 2013 2012 2013 2012

Rm Rm Rm Rm

AssetsInvestment in subsidiary 371 371Investment in security 6 942 5 508 – –Deferred tax asset – 71 – –

Non-current assets 6 942 5 579 371 371

Other receivable – 6 – –Cash 56 19 – –

Current assets 56 25 – –

Total assets 6 998 5 604 371 371

Equity and liabilitiesShareholders' (defi cit)/equity (80) (1 073) 371 371

Long-term debt 6 715 6 516 – –Deferred tax liability 196 – – –

Non-current liabilities 6 911 6 516 – –

Short-term debt 167 161 – –

Current liability 167 161 – –

Total equity and liabilities 6 998 5 604 371 371

Income statementsfor the year ended 30 June

Group Group Company Company 2013 2012 2013 2012

Rm Rm Rm Rm

Other expenses (1) (1) – –

Operating loss (1) (1) – –Finance income 389 372 – –Finance costs (562) (644) – –

Loss before tax (174) (273) – –Taxation * * – –

Loss for year (174) (273) – –

* Nominal amount.

The financial statements are presented on a summarised consolidated basis


Statements of changes in equityfor the year ended 30 June

Statements of comprehensive incomefor the year ended 30 June

Group Group Company Company 2013 2012 2013 2012

Rm Rm Rm Rm

Loss for year (174) (273) – –Other comprehensive income/(loss), net of taxItems that can be subsequently reclassifi ed to the income statement 1 167 (170) – –

Investment available-for-sale 1 434 (218) – –Tax on other comprehensive income/(loss) (267) 48 – –

Total comprehensive income/(loss) 993 (443) – –

Group Company

Share capital Investment Total Share capital Totaland share fair value Accumulated shareholders’ and share shareholders’ premium reserve loss defi cit premium equity

Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm

Balance at 30 June 2011 371 (138) (863) (630) 371 371Total comprehensive loss for year – (170) (273) (443) – –

Balance at 30 June 2012 371 (308) (1 136) (1 073) 371 371Total comprehensive income for year – 1 167 (174) 993 – –

Balance at 30 June 2013 371 859 (1 310) (80) 371 371

23Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) Summarised Consolidated Financial Results 2013

Statements of cash flowsfor the year ended 30 June

Group Group Company Company 2013 2012 2013 2012

Rm Rm Rm Rm

Cash utilised in operating activities (1) (1) – –Finance income received 395 366 – –Finance expenses paid (253) (253) – –

Cash retained from operating activities 141 112 – –

Repayment of long-term debt (104) (95) – –

Cash effect of financing activities (104) (95) – –

Increase in cash 37 17 – –

Cash at end of year 56 19 – – at beginning of year 19 2 – –

Increase in cash 37 17 – –

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group


Form of proxy

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) Identity Number/Registration NumberRegistration Number 2007/030646/06(“Sasol Inzalo” or the “company”)

For use at the 6th annual general meeting of members of Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) to be held on Saturday, 16 November 2013 at 10:00 at The Glass House, Turbine Hall, 65 Ntemi Piliso Street, Newtown, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Please mark this block with an “X” if you have nominated another person to vote on your behalfI/We (full names in BLOCK letters)

of (address)

being a holder/holders of the company holding [Insert number of shares] of the shares in the company,

hereby appoint:1. (full names in BLOCK letters)

of (address in block letters) or failing him/her

2. (full names in BLOCK letters)

of (address in BLOCK letters) or failing him/her

3. the chairman of the meeting,as my/our proxy to attend, speak at and vote (whether by polling or by show of hands) for me/us and on my/our behalf at the annual general meeting of the company to be held at The Glass House, Turbine Hall, 65 Ntemi Piliso Street, Newtown, Johannesburg, on Saturday, 16 November 2013 at 10:00 and at any adjournment(s) thereof, and to vote or abstain from voting on the resolutions to be proposed at such annual general meeting as follows:

Use a black pen. Mark with an X inside the boxes as shown in this example X

Number of votes (insert):

For Against Abstain

1. Ordinary Resolution Number 1The appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc

2. Ordinary Resolution Numbers 2 to 4To elect, each by way of separate vote, the following persons as directors, who retire in terms of article 11.3.2 of the company’s existing memorandum of incorporation, and who are eligible and offered themselves for re-election

2.1 Ms Charlotte Mokoena

2.2 Ms Thandeka Zondi

2.3 Ms Thalita Boikhutso

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group

Use a black pen. Mark with an X inside the boxes as shown in this example X

Number of votes (insert):

For Against Abstain

3. Ordinary Resolution Numbers 5 to 9To elect, each by way of separate vote, the following persons as directors

3.1 Ms Xoliswa Silango

3.2 Ms Cathrine Ninky Shuenyane

3.3 Mr Siphesihle Shelembe

3.4 Ms Kedibone Rose Mooi

3.5 Mr Matsobane Matlwa

4. Ordinary Resolution Numbers 10 to 13To elect, each by way of separate vote, the member of the audit committee

4.1 Dr Siphokazi Koyana

4.2 Ms Charlotte Mokoena

4.3 Ms Nonkululeko Manyika

4.4 Ms Thandeka Zondi

Each member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint one or more proxies to attend, speak and, on a poll, vote in his stead. A proxy need not be a holder of the company.

Please indicate with an “X” in the appropriate spaces above how you wish your votes to be cast.

If you return this Form of Proxy duly signed without any specifi c directions indicated with an “X” in the appropriate spaces above, the appointed proxy will be entitled to vote or abstain as he/she thinks fi t in his/her discretion.

A proxy may not delegate his/her authority to act on your behalf to another person.

Please note that this Form of Proxy will lapse and cease to be of force and effect immediately after the annual general meeting of the company to be held in The Glass House, Turbine Hall, 65 Ntemi Piliso Street, Newtown, Johannesburg, on Saturday, 16 November 2013 at 10:00 or if adjourned, immediately after any adjournment(s) thereof.

Please refer to the Notes on page 27.

Signed at on 2013

Signature Name in block letters

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group Form of proxy continued

27Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) Summarised Consolidated Financial Results 2013

Notes to Form of proxy

1. Each holder may attend the annual general meeting in person. A holder entitled to attend, participate in and speak and vote at the annual general meeting is entitled to appoint one or more individuals as proxy/ies to attend, participate in and speak and vote at the annual general meeting on behalf of and in the place of the holder.

2. An individual appointed as a proxy need not also be a holder of the company.

3. The proxy appointment must be in writing, dated and signed by the holder.

4. The form appointing the proxy must be delivered to Computershare. Shareholders are encouraged to deliver the Form of Proxy (in order to enable the company to process same, and to the extent that it is not contrary to the provisions of the Act) not less than 48 hours prior to the annual general meeting, before the proxy exercises any rights of the holder entitled to vote at the annual general meeting.

Forms of Proxy can be posted or hand delivered to the following address:

Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd 70 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2001 Republic of South Africa PO Box 61051, Marshalltown, 2107 Republic of South Africa

5. The appointment of one or more proxies in accordance with the Form of Proxy to which these Notes are attached will lapse and cease to be of force and effect immediately after the annual general meeting of the company to be held in The Glass House, Turbine Hall, 65 Ntemi Piliso Street, Newtown, Johannesburg, on Saturday, 16 November 2013 at 10:00 or any adjournment(s) thereof, unless it is revoked earlier in accordance with paragraphs 6 and 7 below.

6. A holder may revoke the proxy appointment by: (i) cancelling it in writing, or making a later inconsistent appointment of a proxy; and (ii) delivering a copy of the revocation instrument to the proxy/ies and to Computershare, to be received before the replacement proxy exercises any rights of the holder at the annual general meeting of the company to be held at The Glass House, Turbine Hall, 65 Ntemi Piliso Street, Newtown, Johannesburg, on Saturday, 16 November 2013 at 10:00 or any adjournment(s) thereof.

7. The revocation of a proxy appointment constitutes a complete and fi nal cancellation of the proxy’s/ proxies’ authority to act on behalf of the holder as of the later of: (i) the date stated in the revocation instrument, if any; or (ii) the date on which the revocation instrument was delivered as required in paragraph 6 (ii).

8. If the instrument appointing a proxy or proxies has been delivered to the company in accordance with paragraph 4, then, until that appointment lapses in accordance with paragraph 5, any notice that is required by the Act or the company’s memorandum of incorporation to be delivered by the company to the holder must be delivered by the company to:

8.1. the holder; or

8.2. the proxy or proxies, if the holder has: (i) directed the company to do so, in writing; and (ii) paid any reasonable fee charged by the company for doing so.

9. Any insertions, deletions, alterations or corrections made to the Form of Proxy must be initialled by the signatory/ies. Any insertion, deletion, alteration or correction made to the Form of Proxy not complying with the aforegoing will be deemed not to have been validly effected.

10. A holder may appoint one person as proxy/two or more persons concurrently as proxies, and may appoint more than one proxy to exercise voting rights attached to different securities held by the holder.

11. The person whose name stands fi rst on the Form of Proxy and who is present at the annual general meeting will be entitled to act as proxy to the exclusion of those whose names follow. In the event that no names are indicated, the proxy shall be exercised by the chairman of the annual general meeting.

12. A holder’s instructions to the proxy must be indicated by the insertion of an “X” or the relevant number of votes exercisable by that holder in the appropriate box provided. An “X” in the appropriate box indicates the maximum number of votes exercisable by that holder. Failure to comply with the above or to provide any voting instructions will be deemed to authorise the proxy to vote or to abstain from voting at the annual general meeting as he/she/it deems fi t in his/her discretion.

13. When there are joint holders of shares, any one holder may sign the Form of Proxy, and the vote of the senior holder (for which purpose seniority will be determined by the order in which the names of the holders appear in the company’s securities register) who tenders a vote (whether in person or by proxy) will be accepted to the exclusion of the vote(s) of the other joint holders.

14. The completion and lodging of this Form of Proxy will not preclude the holder who appoints one or more proxy/ies from attending the annual general meeting and speaking and voting in person thereat to the exclusion of any proxy/ies appointed in terms of the Form of Proxy should such holder wish to do so. The appointment of any proxy/ies is suspended at any time and to the extent that the holder chooses to act directly and in person in the exercise of any rights as a holder.


Holder information

We have reserved 0800 000 222 as our information helpline.

The inbound telephone helpline will enable holders to obtain information regarding the meeting, how to participate and to provide assistance with completion of the Form of Proxy.

Holders may also send an e-mail to:

Transfer secretaryComputershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd70 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2001Republic of South AfricaPO Box 61051, Marshalltown, 2107Republic of South AfricaInformation helpline 0800 000 222Telefax +27 (0) 11 688 5238

Company registration number2007/030646/06

AddressesBusiness address and registered offi ce1 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank, 2196Republic of South Africa

Postal addressPO Box 5486, Johannesburg, 2000Republic of South Africa

Sasol Inzalo Public Limited (RF) group

