Summary Math Class Smart Textbook Chapter II



Grade 8 Non-Verbal Communication Week 7 19. 10 Odt

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1. Comparing and Ordering Numbers ( Exercise textbook page 25)

> means greater than (8 is grater than 6) < means smaller than (7 is smaller than 9 )

Compare the numbers 37, 51, 49 . (Exercise textbook page 28)

Which number is the greatest ? ( We say the number 51 is the greatest) Which number is the smallest ? ( We say the number 37 is the smallest )

2.Ordering Numbers(Exercise textbook page 28)

Ari, Min and Rita took part in a competition to see who can fold the most paper aeroplanes .

Ari folded 39Min folded 37 Rita folded 59

Rita folded the greatest number of aeroplanes. We can say Rita folded the most paper aeroplanes Ari folded the smallest number of aeroplanes. We can say that Ari folded the least paper aeroplanes.

3. Arrange numbers in order(Exercise textbook page 30)

If we have the numbers : 37, 29, 72 , 45. Let's arrange them in order from the smallest to the greatest : 29, 37, 45, 72Let's arrange them in order from the greatest to the smallest : 72, 45, 37, 29

4. More than and less than(Exercise textbook page 33)

What number is 1 more than 43? Answer: Number 44. What number is 1 less than 43 ? Answer: Number 42 .

What number is 10 more than 22? Answer: Number 32What number is 10 less than 22? Answer: Number 12

5. Counting on and back (Exercise textbook page 37)

When we count on in ones we count like this : 1 ,2 ,3, 4, 5,6 .When we count on in twos we count like this: 1,3,5,7,9,11...

When we count on in tens we count like this: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 .

When we count back in ones we count like this: ... 6,5,4,3,2,1 When we count back in twos we count like this: ...11, 9, 7,5,3,1

6.Even and odd numbers (Exercise textbook page 39,40)

Number pattern Double number = the double of number 1 is 2, the double of number 2 is 4 etc. When a number has the digits 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 in the digits place we say that the number is even . An even number is always a double

When a number has the digits 1, 3,5, 7 or 9 in the ones place we say that the number is odd.

7. Rounding numbers to the nearest ten (Exercise textbook page 43,44)

When we round a two-digit number to the nearest ten we look at the digit in the tens placeIf the digit is smaller than > 5 , we round it to the smaller ten

Example 41, 42, 43, 44 round to the smaller ten is 40

If the digit is 5 or greater than < 5 we round it to the bigger 10 Example 45, 46, 47 , 48, 49 round to the bigger ten is 50