Superman Genesis


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  • 7/31/2019 Superman Genesis




    Krypton, twice the size of earth, is a dark green tented planet

    with massive cities visible from its atmosphere. On one side of

    the planet sits the, red sun, Rao while the moon Wegthor

    counters the other. Kryptons surface is made of high rise

    buildings, enormous statues of former leaders. The vast

    countryside depicts breathtaking mountain ranges; crystal clear

    lakes surrounded by lushes meadows. The more prominent cities

    include Argo City, Kryptonopolis and the planets capital



    The busy city is made of countless skyscrapers and busy streets.At the cities center lies the Council Temple.


    The temple is made of high ceilings, statues honoring previous

    leaders of the science council.


    In the middle of the large room sits a massive table. The walls

    resemble famous Kryptonian art passed down from generations. Atthe table, members of the council sit for an emergency meeting.

    JAX-UR, one of the leading scientific minds of Krypton, wears

    the dark red cloak representing his place in the Science

    Council. The cloak also sports a center chest piece of an

    altered Superman logo. Jax-Ur is bald with an eye patch.

    Jax-Ur: It is my strong recommendation we activate the Krypto

    Genesis Protocol while there is still time.

    KOR-TE, an out spoken council member, quickly counters the

    recommendation: I was under the impression that project had

    been placed in remission.

    Jax-Ur: And I was under the impression we are trying to save

    our home. Releasing the selected elements into Kryptons core

    can reverse the degeneration.


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    Kor-Te: Or immediately kill us all! Just as your brilliant mind

    nearly destroyed Wegthor!

    Jax-Ur standing in frustration: We have no other choice! If we

    do not act now everything will be lost!

    A booming voice comes from the tables head: Silence!

    Everyones attention is turned toward, the science council

    leader, JOR-EL. The leader dawns a black cloak with the same

    altered Superman logo chest piece. The final piece of his

    uniform is a crimson red cape indicating his place as Kryptons


    Jor-El: Fighting will gain us no ground toward a solution. We

    are paying the price for years of unwise decisions affecting our

    planets well being. I will not have its final doom be at thehand of another such decision. We will continue on the current

    course with construction of the Excelsior transports to save has

    many lives as possible. I will not stand by and have an entire

    culture destroyed.

    A menacing voice comes from the other end of the table. Who are

    you to decide our fate?

    The entire council turns toward a man wearing a Krypton military

    uniform GENERAL ZOD. Zod has the look of a powerful leader. His

    uniform is a black suit showing off the altered sliver Superman

    logo. Each shoulder shows off 5 stars representing his high

    ranking in the Krypton military.

    Zod: Government elected you may be but I will not forfeit the

    right to save my home. For millennia Krypton as been at the

    forefront of technological advancement. Our planet as been at

    the very center of gaining peace in the galaxy.

    Zod stands from the table as a dozen, armed, Black Zero soldiers

    enter leveling guns at Jor-El.

    Zod: I will not allow you to destroy that.

    Jor-El stands meeting Zods challenge as his personal secret

    service, Red Shard soldiers, storm the room along with taking

    post among the balcony.


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    Jor-El: General you of all should know mutiny will gain

    nothing. As Government elected Council Leader I exercise my

    right to relieve you of your ranking along with banishment to

    the Phantom Zone.

    Jax-Ur looks on, with a glaring face, as Red Shard personnelbind the hands of Zod and his men.

    Zod: This is an unwise decisionleader. You will one day pay

    for this crime of genocide.


    The home of Jor-El sits high above Kandors sky line. The

    beautiful structure was constructed by the most talented

    artisans of Krypton.


    Jor-Els wife LARA sits rocking tiny baby KAL-EL. Jor-El enters

    giving his family a loving hug.

    Lara: How did the meeting go? Is the council becoming more


    Jor-El taking baby Kal-El into his arms: Its taking time but

    there are certain members who will never concede.

    Lara: Jax-Ur?

    Jor-El: And Zod. He attempted a mutiny with his Black Zero


    Lara gasps in fear of her husbands life.

    Jor-El: Dont worry I had Red Shard on standby. I am not nave

    to think my authority will not be tested in these times.

    Lara has fear for husbands life along with their own. She goes

    to a couch and sits in obvious distress.

    Lara: When do we have to leave?

    Jor-El sits next to her: Soon, maybe a month.


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    Lara is terrified of leaving her home planet: Is there truly no

    other way Jor-El? Is there not something that can be done other

    than abandoning everything we know?

    Jor-El: I wish there were but I have to do what I feel is

    right. I must do what is best for the Kryptonian culture. TheExcelsior transports will save millions of lives giving us the

    chance to rebuild Krypton on a new planet.

    Jor-El turns his attention to his sleeping baby: So that one

    day our son may lead us into a world far beyond what we know


    Jor-El pulls Laras tearful face where he can see her: Lara I

    will not allow anything to happen to usI promise.


    Deep in the bellows of a mountain ravine lies the Phantom Zone.

    Guarding the area are layers of sacred hooded warriors who have

    sworn to preventing Kryptons greatest threats from escaping



    A battalion of Black Zero soldiers along with hover tanks close

    in to invade. Jax-Ur exits one of the tanks looking out on the

    legendary dungeon of evil. After several moments he makes eye

    contact with the Black Zero battalion leader.

    Jax-Ur: You may commence.

    The battalion leader gestures toward the hover tanks. The lines

    of tanks rotate their cannons toward their target and fire

    numerous blasts destroying the entrance gate.


    Guards scatter from the massive explosions. The Black Zerobattalion and hover tanks charge the entrance storming through

    its remains. They are met by reinforcement guards who begin

    firing on the battalion. Black Zero soldiers, being a highly

    advanced combat unit, mow down the resistance with little



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    The battalion storms through the large halls killing everything

    in their way. After several moments they arrive at the Phantom

    Zone entrance. Soldiers mount explosives creating a massive



    In the dark smoky room lie dozens body chambers containing the

    galaxies most dangerous criminals.

    Black Zero Agent: What is this place?

    Jax-Ur: The tombs of torture. Its my design actually. I

    created a sedative to place the prisoner into a dream state.

    This dream state controls the minds thoughts toward punishmentand suffering. No physical harm is provoked but the mind is

    obliterated into agony.

    Jax-Ur makes his way to the chamber occupied by Zod. He

    manipulates several controls causing the chambers door to open

    bring Zod back to a conscious state. Zod awakens in a fury

    grabbing the throat of a Black Zero agent.

    Jax Ur: Not exactly the welcome I was expecting General.

    Zod reorients himself to the situation and releases the soldier

    Zod: What do you want?

    Jax Ur: Not everyone believes mutiny is a dead end. We have a

    common goal General. Its time we combine our resources.


    Ocean water begins to boil as sea creatures float to the

    surface. Eruptions begin blowing through the waters surface.

    CUT TO:

    The oceans floor begins to separate creating large canyons

    revealing the unstable core.

    CUT TO:


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    Massive tidal waves form, destroying cities along the waters


    CUT TO:

    Multiple earth quakes shake the planet as volcanoes erupt.



    The protective bunker surrounds a glass globe at the center.

    Inside the globe lies the radiating Oracle Crystal. Jor-El and

    JUL-US meditate at the ancient artifact. Jul-Us is a veteran

    council advisor who acts as Jor-Els mentor.

    Jor-EL: If the prophecies are true this is the key to Kryptons


    Jul-Us: It can only be one man who demonstrates courage and

    compassion that will better the universe.

    Jor-El: Do you believe this man lives?

    Jul-Us: Careful you do not assume the identity of the Oracles

    destined protector. I believe Kryptons savior will be revealed

    soon enough.

    Jor-El: Forgive me but the burden of my choice ways heavy onthe heart.

    Jul-Us: That is understood Jor-El but look to your son. One day

    he will remove such uncertainty taking our culture far beyond

    the reaches of this galaxy.

    The chambers door slides open. Entering is a Red Shard agent.

    Red Shard Agent: Your presence is requested in the surveillance

    room sir.


    Jor-El along with council members and Kryptons leading

    scientist watch as Kryptons core emits massive amounts of

    unstable energy.


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    Scientist: The cores degeneration has accelerated much faster

    than expected. This is only the beginning. The tectonic plates

    will continue shifting until they are just crumbs.

    The nervous scientist turns to look Jor-EL in the eye: Theres

    nothing we can do at this point. Were out of time.


    Black Zero soldiers load into a Krypton warship.


    Jax-Ur and Zod monitor a computer that reveals the unstable core.

    Jax-Ur slams his fist against the consol: Its too late! Were


    Zod grinds his teeth with intensifying anger: Jor-El will pay.


    Panic and fear are in the air as Kryptonians quickly make their

    way onto the massive ship. The ground shaking quakes continue,

    slowly destroying Kandor.


    Captain RUL-AR stands at the head of the ship as crew membersscamper through pre-flight sequences.

    Rul-Ar: Do we have the Science Council on board?

    Crew member: Yes sir they are.

    Rul-Ar: Prepare for departure.

    Crew member: Many of the cities inhabitants are not onboard


    Rul-Ar: Theres no time. We must leave now with the Council.

    The massive ships engines power up as it separates from the

    loading dock.

    CUT TO:

    Jor-El secures Lara and baby Kal-El in their private room.


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    CUT TO:

    As the Excelsior begins making its way into Kryptons sky a

    massive explosion destroys Kandor. The shockwave hits the

    Excelsior causing large amounts of turbulence throughout its



    The crew braces from the impact. A crew member notices another

    ship on radar.

    Crew member: Captain were picking up another ship closing in.

    Rul-Ar: Is it another Excelsior?

    Crew member manipulates the controls: No sir, its a Class 5

    warship. ItsGeneral Zods.

    A chill runs down the Captains spine.

    Rul-Ar: I thought he was banished. Can you hail them?

    Communication officer: They are jamming our signal.


    Zod looks on at the Excelsior ship.

    Zod: That is Jor-Els ship. Prepare for boarding. I want to

    make sure he dies at my hand.

    Black Zero Soldier: Shall we take out their engines?

    Zod: We shall.

    The warship fires several shots crippling the Excelsiors



    The blasts cause power surges throughout the ship as lights

    flicker on and off. Jor-El grabs Lara and baby Kal-El bracing

    the impact. Jor-El reaches for his communicator.

    Jor-El: Captain whats going on?!


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    Rul-Ar: Its Zods warship! Hes taken out our engines! Were

    dead in the water.

    Jor-Els heart sinks realizing Zod is coming for revenge and

    will surely destroy them. Jor-El grabs Lara.

    Jor-El: We have to get to the pod room now!

    CUT TO:

    A massive explosion breaches the Excelsior hull. Black Zero

    soldiers, led by Zod, file in killing every Kryptonian in site.

    CUT TO:

    Jor-El and Lara race down the halls with baby Kal-El. They reach

    the pod room.


    At the back of the room sit rows of emergency escape pods. A

    control center is in the rooms center.

    Lara: What are we doing?!

    The emergency alarm goes off SECURITY BREACH MAIN HULL!


    Jor-El: Its Zod.

    Jor-El rushes his family to one of the pods.

    Jor-El: Kal-El is the future of our race. The only way we can

    save him is to get him away from here.

    Lara in tears holds her crying baby tight: I cant leave my


    Jor-El: Its the only way Lara! We have no choice!

    Lara knows her husband is right. She hugs her baby boy tightly

    and kisses his forehead handing him to Jor-El. Kryptons

    terrified leader does the same and wraps him the crimson cape.

    He places Kal-El in a pod along with a silver square container.

    They run over to the control panel and begin the launch process.

    The entrance door explodes as Black Zero soldiers barge in.


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    Jor-El pulls a gun from his belt countering with several shots.

    One of the Agents lands a shot to Lara killing her.

    Jor-El watches his wife collapse to the floor dead: Lara!

    Jor-El quickly hits the launch button ejecting Kal-Els pod.

    Jor-El finds himself surrounded by several agents.


    Jor-El is escorted down the blasted hallways into the Council



    Jor-El enters to find all council members held prisoner. Zod and

    Jax-Ur emerge from the crowd.

    Zod: So here we are Jor-El. We stand at the extinction of our

    race. Krypton is nothing more than a mere after thought in the

    galaxy. Is that a heavy burden?

    Jor-El: It is your burden Zod. The Kryptonian bloodshed today

    is by your hand not mine.

    Zod walks over to the helpless Jor-El slamming him against the

    wall: An entire civilization placed its trust in you as well

    as my own. If there is to be a single Kryptonian living in the

    universe it will not be you.

    Zod rams a dagger into Jor-Els gut. Kryptons powerful leader

    falls to the ground dead. Zod turns to face the shocked room.

    Zod: Kill them all.

    Shots are fired as the entire Science Council is executed.

    Zod walks over to Jax-Ur: I hold you personally responsible for

    your contribution in Kryptons destruction.

    Jax-Ur: Wait you cant

    Zod pulls out a pistol killing Jax-Ur on the spot.

    CUT TO:


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    Zod and his men return to the breached area in the Excelsiors

    hull transporting back to the warship.


    Black Zero Soldier: Were picking up a small escape pod leaving

    the Excelsior. A faint life form is on board.

    Zod: Jor-Els son.

    Black Zero Soldier: Shall we go after it?

    Zod: In time. Bring the Eradicator online and destroy that

    ship. Jor-Els greatest creation will be the death of his


    An opening at the ships bow reveals the Eradicator cannon. The

    cannon fires a single shot destroying the Excelsior. The

    warship then speeds off into the vastness of space as Krypton



    Kal-Els pod races through never ending space toward a destiny

    of greatness.


    The pod quickly approaches and begins entering the atmosphere.



    A midnight shift tech, ADAM, notices an object entering Earths

    atmosphere on the radar.

    Adam: Hey Jerry come look at this.

    JERRY is off at another screen playing X-box listening to an I-

    pod. Adam walks over hitting him in the arm.

    Jerry: Yeah, whats up?

    Adam: Weve got an incoming object over Kansas.

    Jerry walks over to the radar: Its probably just a stray

    meteor from the shower earlier. Its nothing.


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    A young JONATHAN KENT with his wife MARTHA KENT having dinner.

    Jonathan: I dont know Martha it just seems like good help is

    hard to come by these days. Why did I get into farming in the

    first place?

    Martha: Because you love it. Youre a third generation farmer.

    Not like you had much choice.

    Jonathan: The thing is those first two generations had a lot of

    help. Between my eight cousins and six brothers the load seemed

    a little lighter.

    Martha: Like Ive told you before youre gonna have to ask. Man

    power isnt going to fall out of the sky.

    A large crash shakes the house causing lights to dim in and out.

    Martha: What was that?

    Jonathan looks out the window to see a burning object in his

    field: I dont know.

    Martha and Jonathan rush outside to the object.

    Jonathan It must be some kind of meteor?

    Martha takes a closer look to see a baby moving inside: Theres

    a baby in there!

    Jonathan: A baby?!

    Jonathan looks up at the sky and back to the pod: How the heck

    does a baby? Huh?

    Martha: Its trapped! We need to get it out!

    Jonathan: Hold on, Ill grab something.

    Jonathan runs to his shed. Martha notices the control panel

    flashing. She manipulates the controls and the pods door

    pressure releases and opens. The babys cry can now be heard.


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    She takes the child into her arms loving it. Jonathan returns

    with a crow bar.

    Jonathan: How did you?

    Martha: Look at him. Hes beautiful.

    Jonathan takes a closer look at the baby: Does he have a name


    Martha: Hes not a dog.

    Jonathan: Well he just fell out of the sky in a spaceship.

    Nothing is out of the question at this point.

    Martha: Hes freezing we need to get him inside.


    Martha raps baby Kal-El in a warm blanket cuddling him like a


    Jonathan in a panic: I cant believe this. A baby fell out of

    the sky. I mean how does this happen? Who do you even call in a

    situation like this?

    Martha in a calming tone: Jonathan we dont call anyone. Weve

    been trying so long to have a child and now we do. He was sent

    here for a reason.

    Jonathan calms himself taking a closer look at the now sleeping

    baby: I thought it was a giant bird that delivered babies not

    the Enterprise.

    Martha: Well name him Clark after your dad.

    Jonathan smiles accepting the baby as his son: Welcome to the

    family Clark Kent.



    Martha: JONATHAN!!!

    The startled husband comes running into Clarks baby room to

    find his terrified wife.


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    Jonathan: What is it?

    Martha: I cant find Clark. I laid him down just five minutes

    ago and hes gone!

    Jonathan: Just calm down well find him. He couldnt have gone


    The frantic parents search their home and make their way outside.


    Martha and Jonathan storm through their front door to find, off

    in the distance, baby Clark walking. Martha rushes over

    embracing Clark into her arms. While Martha is relieved to find

    her son, Jonathan as a stunning realization.

    Jonathan: He was walking.

    After a moment the comment sinks into her thoughts: Ive never

    seen him crawl.

    Jonathan: Hes couldnt be over six months old. Babies dont

    walk that soon. Much less crawl out of their bed and make it two

    hundred feet down a drive way.

    Martha and Jonathans eyes look upon their son slowly realizinghe is no ordinary child.



    Jonathan is fixing the roof of a tall grain bin. While focused

    on his work he does not notice the young Clark behind him. Clark

    quietly sneaks up behind his dad to scare him. Clark grabs on to

    his fathers back screaming. This startles Jonathan and in a

    reflexive reaction throws Clark off the edge. Clark is yelling

    for his life as he falls to his death.

    Jonathan realizing what hes done: Clark!! No!!

    Just before Jonathan as to watch his son die Clark comes to a

    complete halt in mid air. Jonathan is stunned at what he has


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    witnessed. Clark slowly opens his tightly closed eyes to find

    himself suspended above the ground. He begins levitating back to

    the bins roof where his father is speechless.

    Jonathan: Thats different.

    Clark: Im flying

    Jonathan: How long have you been doing this?


    The small family sits around the dinner table eating. Jonathan

    and Clark are unusually quite. Martha takes notice.

    Martha: So what did yall do all day?

    Clark: Fix the grain bin.

    Martha: Oh did daddy let you help?

    Clark: Um Yeah a little bit.

    Martha: Tell me you didnt let him on the roof?

    Jonathan no longer able to keep a secret: Tell mom what you did


    Clark has a suspicious look on his face: I flew

    Martha: Ah that sounds fun! Where did you go?

    Clark: To the bin roof.

    Martha notices neither are smiling and have a unchanging serious

    look. Youre not serious are you?

    Their facial expressions are stone.

    Jonathan: He really flew Martha. I didnt know he was on the

    roof when I was working. He tried to scare me and I accidentlyknocked him off but he never hit the ground.


    Martha: Are you sure he flew? I mean people dont fly.


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    Jonathan: Martha I know what I saw. It all makes sense. He

    walked before six months, was sprinting at two, hears and sees

    everything. He as abilities that I cant explain.

    Martha: What do we do?

    Jonathan: Home school. If he pulls something like this at

    school well lose him. The government would stick him in a lab

    forever. We must protect him. No doubt hes from another world

    but this world is his home now.



    Larry: I would like to welcome tonights special guest Mr. Lex

    Luthor. How are ya Lex?

    Sitting across from Larry, Lex Luthor has the appearance of an

    esteemed world leader. The classic bald head, cynical eyes, and

    a square jaw.

    Lex: Doing well Larry, thanks for having me.

    Larry: You are a well traveled man. Where was your last trip?

    Lex: Business has limited my down time lately but I did take a

    trip to New Zealand a month ago. Great beaches and the foods not

    bad either.

    Larry: Speaking of business, I think it goes without saying

    that LexCorps continuous growth in foreign policy and

    stimulation of the nations economy has placed you as a front

    runner in next years Presidential election. Even to the point

    of being considered as the first world leader one day. Are you

    up for such a task?

    Lex has kidding laugh: When you place it in those terms Im not

    sure anyone is.

    Larry: Well it would be a big job and youre the first to bring

    serious discussion to the topic. Its a legitimate possibility.

    Lex: The world is getting smaller Larry. What use to be a week

    away is an hour away and what use to be a day away is at our

    fingertips. The days of dividing each nation are quickly coming


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    to an end which means the world will need someone to lead her.

    If there is a man capable of carrying such a task I believe its


    Larry: You have been given the title as most powerful man in

    the universe. What in the world does a man do to acquire such adescription?

    Lex: Peace, Its the only idea all nations can agree on. War is

    expensive, pain is expensive but peace brings about hope. Hope

    brings congruity. Congruity brings money.

    Larry: Can you bring peace to this planet?

    Lex:I have the ability to not only bring peace to this planet

    but the entire universe.


    Cars fill the fast pace roads with people migrating over the

    sidewalks. Massive skyscrapers feel the skyline. One skyscraper

    is identified by having a large world globe atop its roof. This

    is the headquarters of the worldwide media outlet The Daily



    The busy sidewalk meets the large stone steps leading to thebuildings entrance. Tons of people cycle through the doors. One

    particular young lady LOIS LANE wearing a fitting business suit

    with a leather carrying bag scurries up the steps through the



    The lobby, equally as busy, has a smaller scale of the iconic

    globe at its center. Lois makes her way through the crowd to

    the elevators. The elevator is packed with the door quickly


    Lois: Hold that door!

    A gentleman stops the door and Lois squeezes in.

    Lois: Thanks


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    Nearly three dozen desks fill the open floor. At the rear of the

    floor is a large office. On the glass door reads Editor in



    Dozens of major world newspaper headlines cover the walls. Perry

    sits at his desk on the phone.

    Perry: What do you mean its a non media event?! Do they not

    want their cancer saving drug on the front page?

    Perry listens to the phones reply

    Perry: I dont care if their president doesnt read the

    newspaper! Tell him the Daily Planet will be on sight with

    cameras rolling!

    Perry slams down the phone and storms out of his office onto the

    main floor.


    Perry: Wheres Ron?

    RON TROUPEs voice comes from the water fountain: Over here


    Perry: Get to Ricon and dont comeback until you have an

    interview with the president.

    Ron: Charles Aiken from Ricon?

    Perry annoyed with the question: Do you need a flashcard?

    The clumsy JIMMY OLSEN stands from his desk: You want me to go

    too chief?

    Perry gives Jimmy a dumbfounded look and returns to his office.

    Troupe hurries to the elevator. He jumps in as soon as the doors

    open while Lois exits. Lois pauses taking her first look at

    ciaos that comes with the worlds largest media provider. While

    feeling overwhelmed she composes herself and begins looking for


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    someone in charge. She walks up on several people working at a


    Lois: Hi Im new. Can you tell me

    The group does not acknowledge Loiss presence. Realizing this

    she turns away.

    CUT TO:

    Jimmy notices Lois and is immediately mesmerized at her beauty.

    He rushes over to her.

    Jimmy: Hi Im Jimmy Olsen. Are you new?

    Jimmy extends out his hand and Lois shakes it.

    Lois taken back by the rambunctious greeting: Hi yes, yes todayis my first day. Im Lois Lane.

    Jimmy: Great to meet you Lois. Let me take your bag and show

    you around.

    Jimmy awkwardly takes Loiss bag and begins the tour.

    Jimmy: This is the main floor where a lot of the writing and

    editing happens.

    Lois: Do you write?

    Jimmy: Oh no maybe someday. I do photography. Do you wanna see

    my work?

    Lois: Umm yeah sure.

    A well built man STEVE LOMBARD walks over putting his arm around

    Jimmy. Dont scare the young lady off on her first day.

    Lombard takes Loiss hand kissing it. Steve Lombard a pleasure

    to meet you Miss

    Lois: Lois Lane

    Lombard gives a sleazy smile: Miss Lane.

    Perry opens the door to his office: Lombard, Olsen youre not

    paid to drool. Get back to work.


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    Perry points at Lois: Are you Lindsey Lane?

    Lois: Lois Lane sir

    Perry: Come into my office.


    Perry closes the door behind his new employee: Take a seat.

    The nervous Lois does so while Perry sits behind his large desk.

    Perry: Ok Miss Lane Ive got one rule no sucking up. Short

    skirts, long legs, and v-necks dont fly in this office. All I

    ask for is dedication. Some places ask for your best. Here you

    are to be the best. The Daily Planet did not become what it is

    with peppermint amateurs. Youre expected to be a professional

    to the capital letter. I dont do the hiring but I can do the

    firing. Any questions?

    Lois taken back by the intense welcome: No sir I think Ive got



    A large John Deere tractor is plowing through a field.


    An older, early 50s, Jonathan Kent is driving and notices an

    approaching muddy area.

    Jonathan: Doesnt look too bad.

    He drops the tractor into a lower gear and continues on his path

    attempting to go through it. The tractor begins to bog down

    leaving Jonathan trapped.

    Jonathan frustrated attempts several times to free himself but

    fails: I saw that going differently.


    A small town resembling the complete opposite of Metropolis.



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    Clark, now in his mid twenties, sits at the bar surrounded by

    other customers. Clark now wears black framed glasses. Next to

    him sits LANA LANG, a beautiful young lady Clarks age.

    Clark: Mom is totally against it but its been dads dream


    Lana laughs: Im gonna have to be on your moms side. I mean

    does he really need an airplane. Your dad doesnt need another

    toy that could kill him.

    Clark laughs: Maybe so but if the man wants to fly I say let

    him. Its not like he can do that without plane.

    Lana: If you say so.

    The waitress MRS. WATSON walks up: Any room for dessert?

    Lana: Ive eaten enough to last a week.

    Watson laughs: What about you Mr. Kent?

    Clark: Thanks but Ill pass.

    Watson takes Lanas left hand: Clark when are you gonna put a

    ring on this finger.

    The two embarrassed by the comment.

    Clark: Ummmm?

    Watson: Come on Clark shes beautiful, youre both in your mid

    twenties, out of school, and been together for years. Lanas

    dont come around every day you know.

    Lana laughs trying to break the awkwardness.

    Clarks phone beeps. He opens it reading the message.

    Clark: Its my dad. Him and his tractor lost another fight with


    Lana shakes her head: And he thinks he can handle a plane.

    Clark pays for their meal.



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    Clark: Ill take you home and then go help him.

    Lana: Why does your dad always call you for this kind of stuff?

    He cant call anyone else.

    Clark: Yeah you know its kind of a bond I guess. He thinks I

    have the special touch.


    Clarks truck pulls into Lanas drive way.


    Clark puts the truck in park.

    Clark: Lana back there at the diner with Mrs. Watson. II dont

    want you to think Im afraid.

    Lana has a puzzled look: Afraid of what?

    Clark: Commitment or a future with you. Its just right now

    Lana puts her hand over Clarks mouth: Clark dont worry about

    what she said or anybody for that matter. Theres no pressure on

    you or me right now. Im certainly not going anywhere. I will

    always be for you watching you do great things.

    Clark gives a reassuring smile leaning in for a kiss: Forever?

    Lana leans in to meet him: Forever

    Lana opens the passenger door: Pick you up in the morning.

    Clark surprised at the comment: Pick me up?

    Lana laughs: Yes at your house.


    Clarks truck pulls up to the trapped tractor. Jonathan standsoutside its cab.

    Clark: You know I hate doing this.

    Jonathan: Well it didnt look so deep from a far. Did I mess up

    your lunch with Lana?


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    Clark walks up to the muds edge: You actually saved us. Ms.

    Watson was interrogating me on why Lana and I arent married.

    Jonathan: In that case youre welcome.

    Clark grabs the front of the tractor: Hold on tight.

    As if pulling a leaf from a limb Clark pulls the five tone

    tractor from the thick mud onto dry soil.

    Jonathan: That never gets old.


    A black tented SUV drives through the large front gate. Inside

    the gate lies a vast high tech facility. The campus is made of

    multiple futuristic buildings. The SUV pulls up to one of the

    large structures. Lex Luthor, along with several body guards,

    exit the vehicle and enter the building.


    A man wearing a headset SANDERS runs up to Luthor.

    Sanders: Mr. Luthor Im sorry to bother you but youre needed

    in the Steel room.

    Luthor surprised at the comment: The Steel room?

    Sanders: Its Admiral Chen.


    An elevator door opens at the rooms rear. Luthor and Parker

    exit into a highly advanced bunker. Dozens of radar screens,

    viewing monitors, communication equipment, and satellite

    controls make up the interior.

    Luthor: What problems is our favorite Admiral Chen causing


    An elderly gentleman CAPTAIN MIXON turns toward Luthor: Hes

    leading his fleet toward the eastern seaboard of the United


    Luthor shaking his head: Chinese always flexing their muscles.

    Open up the com channel.


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    A communication officer manipulates a control panel. Admiral

    Chen appears on the large viewing screen at the rooms center.

    Luthor: Admiral, so nice to see you again.

    Chen speaks with a Chinese accent: Lex Luthor, I am afraid you

    are too late. Washington is already within range of our

    missiles. Its destruction is immanent.

    Luthor: Chen I suggest you turn your yacht club around before I

    interpret this voyage as an act of war against America.

    Chen: Your attempts at intimidation are no use. We do not fear

    your long range missiles.

    Luthor: Who said anything about long range?

    Chen: Do not toy with me. Our radars detect no barriers.

    Luthor smiles: Then my technology is working. Admiral there are

    currently half a dozen combat subs surrounding your fleet. If

    thats not enough a stealth bomber hangs at the edge of our

    atmosphere ready to turn you into nothing more than a rubber

    duck in a bath tub. I suggest you consider my warning.

    Chen looks out the window to find the combat subs surface

    revealing large cannons pointed at him.

    Luthor notices the fear in Chens eyes: Its your move Admiral.

    You can turn around and be a war hero or be solely responsible

    for the destruction of your nation. Make your choice.

    A cold chill runs down the Admirals spine as sweet accumulates

    on his brow: I will allow you victory today Luthor but tomorrow

    will reveal a different result.

    The screen goes black.

    Luthor: Everybody promises a bad tomorrow.

    Luthor turns toward the room of stunned on lookers: And thats

    how world peace is made.

    Luthor heads back toward the elevator he arrived in. Captain

    Mixon accompanies him.


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    Mixon: You make it look easy Lex.

    Luthor: It is easy when Ive got the biggest gun in the fight.

    Mixon: After your all ruling comments on King youre gonna need

    the biggest gun. Politicians are going to eat you alive.

    Luthor: Im not interested in politics Frank. Anyone can say

    what theyre going to do. I choose to talk with action.

    Mixon: Just play the game Lex. You can walk away with the

    election next year.

    Luthor: President? I dont want to be the 45th of anything. I

    choose to be the first on a new path.

    The elevator door opens and Luthor steps off while Mixon stays


    Luthor: I want the world.

    Elevator door closes



    Lois sits at her, perfectly organized, desk diligently working

    at her laptop. Jimmy pops in startling Lois.

    Jimmy: Settling in ok?

    Lois regaining her composure manages a smile: Yeah I am so far,


    Jimmy: Fantastic! Did you see the spread of exotic African

    frogs on the front page of the Geographic section? Very


    Lois: I did, it was a great picture. You must have worked

    really hard on it.

    Jimmy bowing out his chest: Well you know photography its a

    tough gig but I enjoy the challenge.

    Jimmy notices Loiss open laptop: What are you working on?


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    Lois: Its a piece on Lex Luthor possibly running for President

    next year. Im kind of a political geek. My dad always had it on

    TV. I guess I picked it up from him.

    Jimmy: Wow, the Chief usually doesnt give out articles like

    this to new writers.

    Lois: He doesnt know Im writing it. I just want him to see

    what I can do.

    Perry: Lois!

    Lois, caught off guard by the voice, stands from her chair: Yes


    Perry: I need you to get to MFD. Theyre getting five new

    rescue Dalmatians today. I want a 300 word article in tomorrowslocal section.

    Jimmy: I can tag along Chief. A picture would beef up the


    Perry rolls his eyes: Sure

    You can almost see smoke coming from Loiss ears for having to

    cover such a silly story with an over obsessed photographer.


    The small family enjoys a relaxing night. Martha sits on the

    porch swing with Jonathan who sips on coffee. Clark sits on

    porch steps picking at his guitar.

    Martha: You have managed to get that stupid tractor stuck six

    times in the past month. Have you forgotten how to drive?

    Clark: He never learned.

    Jonathan: Easy son or Ill put you on it.

    Martha: What time are you and Lana leaving tomorrow?

    Clark: First thing in the morning. Hopefully we can beat the

    traffic and make descent time.


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    Jonathan: I havent been to Metropolis in years. Its a lot

    different than here. Busy streets, horns, people, pavement a

    whole new world.

    Martha: Will you let him enjoy his birthday Jonathan. I think

    he can handle it.

    Clark: Thats what Im saying. I would think turning 26 would

    grant a little freedom.

    Jonathan: Were not trying to hold you prisoner its just

    youve always been on a farm. You never even went to college.

    Clark: Hey it may have been an online journalism degree but it


    The three share in a laugh. Martha stands from the swing.

    Martha: Its been a long today so Im gonna hit the sack.

    Martha kisses her husband and son: Good night.

    Clark and Jonathan lean against the porch railing looking up at

    the vast sky of stars.

    Jonathan: You know Clark Im really proud of you. I think

    youre the best son any father could ask for but dont ever feel

    that this is all you can be.

    Clark: What do you mean?

    Jonathan: I see what you do Clark with the glasses and never

    using your powers. Do you ever wonder where it is you truly came

    from? Who your real parents are or who you really are?

    Clark: I try not to because it doesnt matter. Wherever or

    whoever I came from abandoned me. I sometimes wonder why I was

    not good enough. The truth is Im glad I wasnt. This is my

    home, this farm, this house, and this town is where I belong.

    Jonathan: Just dont ever feel that your mom and I are holding

    you back. Youre not bound to anything.

    Clark: All I know is Im in love with Lana while you and mom

    are the greatest parents a son could have. This may not be the

    life I was meant to live but its the one I want to live.


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    Clark and Lana ride down the highway in a red sports car

    convertible having the time of their life. The warm air blowing

    throw their hair, music blaring with the open road as their


    INT: CAR

    Clark has to yell over the wind: So this is why you had to pick

    me up! Its really awesome your dad let us borrow the car!

    Lana: Its your birthday! I guess he could finally make an


    Clark: Where do you wanna go first when we get there?!

    Lana: Its your big day you pick!

    Clark: Im feeling Main Street!

    Clark speeds on down the highway


    Clark and Lana walk down busy Main Street taking in all the

    sites. They walk past popular music studios, store windows with

    the latest fashions, billboards sporting huge celebrities, all

    the media outlets one of the countrys largest cities has tooffer. They walk next to a large stone building Bank of

    Metropolis. The two stand in awe at the colossal structure.

    Lana: The Smallville Bank looks at a piggy bank compared to


    Clark: Tell me about it. Think its got an ATM inside?

    Lana gives Clark a dumbfounded look: Umm yeah maybe one or a


    Clark: Good I need cash.

    The two enter the building



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    The massive lobby is constructed of marble walls with lines

    coming from over twenty tellers. All the amities of a large bank

    are present with a large crystal chandelier hanging from the

    ceiling. Clark and Lana walk over to an available ATM.

    CUT TO:

    Large suspicious men cover each exit slamming doors tying them

    in chains. This catches peoples attention but no one reacts.

    CUT TO:

    The head bank robber KEMP, with short black hair and olive

    complexion, pulls a gun from his leather jacket firing a shot in

    the air. The gunshot quickly gets everyones attention. Nearly

    thirty other people including several bank tellers draw guns.

    CUT TO:

    Clark and Lana realize their harmless day trip as now become a

    dangerous situation.

    CUT TO:

    The room is in a frenzy has over a hundred customers run for

    their life. The head robber fires off another shot.

    Kemp: Everybody shut up!

    The room freezes falling silent.

    Kemp: Im going to need everyone in the center of the room now!

    Clark, Lana, and everyone else follow the command huddling at

    the rooms center.

    Kemp: Sit in a circle facing the outside. Anyone make a move

    and they die. Hand over all your iphones, ipads, ipods, and any

    other electronic devices.

    Several men walk around the circle with bags as the hostages

    place phones in them.

    Kemp: We are going to clean out this bank and you all are

    collateral. This is quite simple. The police will be here in


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    less than ten minutes. Keep your mouths shut and youll be free

    by lunch. Trying to be a hero will only get you a tombstone.

    CUT TO:

    Lanas face on the verge of tears.

    Clark takes her hand: Im not going to let anything happen to

    you. I promise.


    Dozens of police cars rush onto the scene. Police Commissioner

    WILLIAM HENDERSON exits from his car and turns toward another

    cop Lieutenant DAN TURPIN. The two walk toward the perimeters


    Henderson: Whats the situation?

    Turpin: Kemp is at it again sir.

    Henderson: Again? Its the 4th bank in a month. What does it

    look like in there?

    Turpin: Weve counted twenty four armed men but there could be

    more. Not sure on a hostage number but being the time of day

    its well over a hundred. Snipers are on the rooftops of

    neighboring buildings with SWAT on the way.

    Henderson: Tell SWAT to double time it. We have to catch him

    this time dead or alive.


    Kemp and several of his men carry empty duffle bags into the

    fully loaded vault. Kemp looks at the millions of dollars

    stacked inside.

    Kemp forms a sleazy smile: This is why we live boys. Take it


    The men begin filling the bags.

    INT: CAR


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    Jimmy: I graduated from New York State three years ago but I

    didnt know what I wanted. I didnt feel like the world was

    ready for what Jimmy Olsen had to offer.

    Lois in the passenger seat bored into submission from Jimmys


    They turn onto Main Street. Shocked by the mass crowd and police

    cars, Jimmy slams on breaks.

    Jimmy: Come on now we have to take the freeway.

    Lois: Whats going on? Thats the Bank of Metropolis.

    Jimmy begins to turn onto a side street.

    Lois: What are you doing? Stop the car.

    Jimmy: We cant go through Lois this is the only way around.

    Lois: Jimmy someone is robbing the Bank of Metropolis and

    youre still thinking about those stupid dogs.

    Jimmy: Thats what Chief wanted.

    Lois opens her door: I know what the Chief wants but I didnt

    spend three summers at a Presidents camp brown nosing Ivy

    League Preps to report on Dalmatians.

    Lois gets out of the car making her way through the crowd. Jimmy

    reluctant to follow ponders in the car for a moment and then

    follows Lois.


    Kemp walks over to one of the armed henchmen.

    Kemp: Its bag time.

    The man nods at the other armed henchmen and they begin covering

    each hostages head with sacks. The hostages scream in terror. A

    henchman gets to Lana.

    Henchman: We got a jewel over here!

    The henchman touches Lanas face and she pulls away.

    Henchman: Whats the matter baby? You dont like me.


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    Clark gives the henchman a menacing look.

    Henchman: Whats the matter four eyes? This your woman?

    Clark: Take your money and leave us alone.

    The henchmen back hands Clark knocking off his glasses.

    Henchman: Did you say something?!

    Kemp: Max! I told you to bag them thats all.

    Max regains his composure bagging both Lana and Clark.


    A SWAT team begins penetrating the banks ventilation system.


    Turpin: SWATs in. As soon as theyre in position theyll set up

    a video feed.

    Henderson: They better make it fast.

    Captain MAGGIE SAWYER walks up to the two men: Have we tried


    Henderson hands her the megaphone: Youre the expert.

    CUT TO:

    Sawyer at the perimeters front speaks into the megaphone: Mr.

    Kemp this is Captain Sawyer. You are surrounded by police. We

    encourage you to release the hostages and surrender. We can work

    something out.


    Kemp: That Sawyer woman just doesnt get it.

    Kemp grabs a random bagged hostage taking them to the doors


    Kemp: I dont know what youre trying to say but Im not going

    anywhere. Ive got a small army and about a 150 innocent people

    in here. You really want a war?


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    Sawyer: Nobody is going to war. Lets just talk.

    Kemp: You wanna talk? Ok Ill give you something to talk about!

    Kemp lifts a strand of a dozen grenades. Everyones eyes widen

    realizing the stakes just went up.

    Henderson: This just became an act of terror. Get bomb squad.

    Kemp walks back to the lobbys center tossing the terrified

    hostage back to circle.

    Kemp: Theyre going to play by my rules.

    CUT TO:

    SWAT members slowly make their way through vent lines. One SWAT

    member gains a visual on the lobby. He lowers his scope on thehostages.

    SWAT member speaks softly into his headset: Ive got a visual

    on hostages.

    CUT TO:

    Turpin hearing the news: SWAT has a visual on the hostages.

    Turpin, Henderson, and Sawyer scamper to the SWAT vans cameras.

    They see the large circle of hooded hostages and a room filledwith armed men.

    Sawyer: He wasnt kidding about a small army.

    Henderson: SWAT will never get be able to take them all at

    once. Its a shootout in the making.

    Turpin: Weve got to rethink this.


    Men continue to fill duffle bags with hundred dollar bills. Kemp

    enters becoming in patient.

    Kemp: Are we not done yet?

    Man: Theres a lot of money here and theres only 3 of us.


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    Kemp: Well there are more gun barrels pointed this way so hurry



    The inpatient Kemp enters. Ok whos the lucky one! Max wheres

    that jewel?

    Max: Over here boss.

    The two walk over to Lana removing her sack.

    Kemp: Such a waste. We could have gone places.

    Kemp pulls Lana to her feet by her hair. Lana screams in terror.

    Lana: No! Clark help!

    Max puts his gun barrel to Clarks covered head: Move and you


    CUT TO:

    Kemp takes Lana to the front door in front of the police.

    Kemp: Is this real enough for you!

    CUT TO:

    Henderson, Turpin, and Sawyer look on.

    Henderson: Please do not do this.

    CUT TO:

    Max holding a metal pipe swings it towards Clarks head. Clark

    throws up his hand catching the pipe just before hitting him.

    Clark slowly turns his covered head toward the wide eyed Max.

    Clark pulls the bag from his head.

    Clark: I can see you.

    CUT TO:

    Max goes flying into the glass door beside Kemp and Lana. Before

    Kemp can move Clark is standing between him and Lana.

    Clark: I told you to leave her alone.


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    Kemp raises his gun at Clark: Are you giving orders now?!

    Kemp pulls the trigger. Clarks face flinches to the side

    causing the bullet to ricochet. Clark levels his angered eyes

    back at Kemp. He quickly fires off the entire clip in his gun

    with each bullet falling to the ground.

    Kemp: What the

    Clark lifts Kemp into the air by the throat: You should have

    stayed home today.

    Clark throws Kemp into the banks wall. The rest of the men

    level their guns at Clark firing away. As before the bullets

    helplessly fall to the ground. Faster than a speeding bullet,

    Clark flies across the room leveling eight of the men.

    CUT TO:

    SWAT member in ventilation shaft looking through scope.

    SWAT: Are you seeing this?

    CUT TO:

    Henderson, Sawyer, and Turpin watch from inside the video truck.

    Sawyer: Is something wrong with the camera?

    Turpin: I dont think so


    Clark takes on a group of the bank robbers beating them to a

    pulp. The robbers are unable to land a single blow due to

    Clarks superhuman speed and strength.

    CUT TO:

    Several men fire their guns in the direction of the massive

    chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

    CUT TO:

    Debris falls in the area of Lana who is running away. Just

    before reaching safety a large piece of ceiling strikes her in

    the head knocking her to the ground unconscious.


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    CUT TO:

    The chandelier begins to crack and falls toward the helpless

    hostages. Clark speeds over catching the falling object in

    midair. The men are in astonishment. Clark tosses it at the men

    knocking a hole in the banks wall.

    CUT TO:

    Henderson speaking into a com: Ok SWAT you are a go repeat

    youre a go!

    CUT TO:

    SWAT members drop into the fight taking down the armed men.

    Several SWAT members enter the money vault but are gunned down

    by a group of robbers. One of the men in the vault walks intothe lobby area revealing the strand of grenades.

    Man: No one leaves alive!

    With a single pull the man removes each of the grenades clips.

    SWAT members freeze realizing they are out of time. In less than

    the blink of an eye, Clark darts over to the man taking the

    grenades bolting into the vault. The massive vault door slams

    behind him. After a moment the grenades explode but smoke is all

    that escapes the vault. SWAT members creep up to the door

    pulling it open. Clark slowly emerges from the smoke and fire.

    His clothes shredded and burned from the explosion. Clark leans

    against the wall and after a moment he collapses to the ground.

    SWAT members slowly proceed with caution.

    One member feels for a pulse: Hes alive.

    Another SWAT member speaks into his com: Weve got a hostage in

    the vault unconscious with possible burns and lung damage,

    requesting medical assistance.

    Henderson, Sawyer, and Turpin rush into the vault looking at the

    injured man.

    Turpin: How can a man survive something like that?

    Henderson: Im gonna make a call.



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    A phone rings. An officer answers the phone.

    Officer: Captain its for you

    CAPTAIN WHITAKERS appearance is that of a war veteran.

    Whitaker takes the phone: Whitaker here

    Whitaker listens closely for a moment shocked at what he is

    hearing: He did what?

    Whitaker listens for a moment longer: Transport it by chopper

    and well handle the rest.

    Whitaker hangs up the phone and turns to the officer: Prep the

    deck weve got a package coming in.

    Officer: Yes sir


    A Metropolis Police Chopper hovers over the massive deck as it

    slowly descends onto the landing pad. Armed guards stand at

    attention as a medical staff rushes up to receive the package.

    The choppers doors open to see Clark securely strapped to a


    Whitaker walks up to one of the Metropolis medical officers: Is

    he conscious?

    Medical Officer: Hes been in and out. Nothing is piercing his

    skin so intravenous drugs are out.

    Whitaker: Nothing pierces his skin?

    Medical Officer: We tried every gauge known and its like

    trying to push through steel.

    The medical officer hands Whitaker a briefcase. Heres the

    footage. I think youll see my point.

    Whitaker takes the briefcase: Im sure I will.




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    Perry comes out of his office heading toward Loiss desk.

    Perry: Lois, your deadline as moved up. Im gonna need the fire

    department piece in an hour.

    Perry notices Loiss surprised look.

    Perry: The rescue Dalmatians I told you to cover three hours


    Lois: Right, I remember. Umm Jimmy and I got a little

    sidetracked by the Bank of Metropolis robbery. Roads were closed

    for hours.

    Perry raises his voice so the whole floor can hear:

    Sidetracked! When I give you a story to do I expect it done! If

    roads are closed you find away to turn your car into a plane andfly! There are no excuses Miss. Lane!

    Lois terrified: I do have a story chief.

    Perry: About what, how many times they play Lady Gaga between

    the 10 oclock and 11 o clock hour?!

    Lois: No, we were on site. Jimmy got great pictures and I

    grabbed several interviews.

    Lois hits the print button on her computer and hands Perry a

    stack of papers. Its all right here. Just read it.

    Perry takes a look at several photos and skims through the

    notes. He pauses for a moment as his anger begins to slowly


    Perry: Thousand word article at the end of the day.

    Perry tosses the material back on Loiss desk and walks away.

    Lois finally lets out a large sigh realizing she escaped

    journalism death.


    Clark sits in the small room. The room consists of two chairs

    and table. On the table sits an untouched glass of water. Clark

    still wears the battered and burned clothing from the explosion

    but his body shows no resemblance. Across from Clark a wall


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    monitor is replaying footage of Clark taking down the bank


    CUT TO:

    Outside the interrogation room Whitaker watches Clark through

    the other side of the monitor. Another officer stands at

    Whitakers side.

    Whitaker: How is he?

    Officer: He hasnt moved. All he does is stair at the monitor.

    Do you want me to call Luthor?

    Whitaker: Not yet. I want to talk to this guy.

    As Whitaker turns away the monitor quickly flickers and returns

    to normal.


    A door opens and enters Whitaker. Clark makes eye contact with

    the former war hero. After a moment Whitaker looks at the

    monitor replaying footage.

    Whitaker: You do that often?

    Clark makes no response at the question. Whitaker makes his way

    to the chair across from Clark.

    Whitaker: Ill have to admit Ive watched that over a dozen

    times trying to wrap my head around it all. I keep thinking its

    some kind of computerized image or camera trick. Those bank

    robbers never stood a chance.

    Clark continues to show no emotion staring back.

    Whitaker (continued): You got a name son?

    Clarks face is stone with no response.

    Whitaker: Since we cant get a blood sample, your prints are

    negative, and you dont seem talkative Ill just call you John

    for now. So where are you from John?

    Clark: I dont know.


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    Whitaker: Thats what I figured youd say.

    Whitaker looks back at the monitor footage then back at Clark.

    Whitaker: So tell me. Why did you wait so long to intervene?

    Its obvious you could have stopped them before they ever drew

    their first gun. Is it that girl? What does she mean to you?

    Clark: Shes nobody. I didnt want to see people get hurt.

    Whitaker: Well you accomplished that. There were no fatalities

    and several were admitted to the hospital but theyll live.

    Truth is John I served in all four branches of the military.

    Ive been knee dip in the worst places this world can offer. In

    those places Ive witnessed men perform extraordinary fetes

    bordering on unexplainable but never in my life have I seen a

    man do what you did. Theres no material on this earth capableof deflecting that kind of gunfire. No human has that kind of

    speed, strength, or ability to fly. I dont know who you are or

    where youre from but I do want to know what you are here for?

    Clark stares deep into Whitakers eyes unwilling to reveal what

    he knows of his past.

    Clark: Just let me live.

    The entire room shakes as lights flicker. Clark and Whitaker

    both brace themselves.

    Whitaker reaches for his com: Whats going on up there?

    Only static returns from the com. Concerned, Whitaker heads

    toward the door. He exits into a control room.


    Whitaker: Did we hit something?

    Control officer: I dont know but the entire network is down.

    Must have been some kind of power surge.

    As he finishes that statement the wall explodes. Smoke and

    debris feel the room as Black Zero Agents enter.



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    Clark feels the explosion shake the room.


    Laser fire has ensued as four Black Zero Agents begin killing

    everyone inside. Whitaker as taken cover while returning fire

    but it is to no prevail.

    CUT TO:

    Clark opens the interrogation room door. A Black Zero Agent

    spots him.

    Agent: Hes over there.

    The four agents level their weapons at the room unloading on it.

    After the entire room is in flames they seize fire and look for

    the body. As they approach the blaze Clark emerges from the

    debris punching out the closest Agent. The other three draw

    electric staffs. Clark is at a standoff. Whitaker emerges from a

    crouched position firing on the Agents. Taking advantage of the

    moment Clark lands another punch to an Agent dropping him. Clark

    is struck in the head by a staff and then receives a punch to

    the face. Clark stumbles back. The Agent swings another punch

    that Clark blocks and lands a punch into the agents gut followed

    by a knee to the face. Clark looks over to see Whitaker

    violently taking a beating. Clark intervenes by throwing the

    Agent through a wall.

    Clark sees that Whitaker is barely alive: Let me help you.

    Clark attempts to move Whitaker but he stops him: Its too late

    for me. Go, this world will need your help.

    Another explosion is felt from somewhere in the ship as Whitaker

    takes his final breath. Clark makes his way into the ships hall.


    Water is beginning to fill the battered hallway. Using x-ray

    vision he sees the ship is crawling with Black Zero Agents that

    are led by a man he does not recognize. Clark flies through the

    ships side and soars high into the sky.



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    Zod, with a battalion of Agents, enter the control room. Zod

    scans the debris noticing four woozy agents. Zod angered grabs

    the closest agent by the throat.

    Zod: Where is he?

    The Agent still beaten: I dont know where he went. He escaped.

    Zod: You are supposed to be the pinnacle of military combat yet

    a scared orphan overpowered four of you!

    Agent gasping for air: Hes something else. Ive never seen

    strength like his.

    Zod becomes overwhelmed with anger chocking out the Agent and

    throwing him to the ground.

    Zod: Get back to the ship and destroy this worthless vessel.


    Zods massive warship hovers above the damaged aircraft carrier.

    The ships cannon fires a single blast destroying the aircraft

    carrier leaving nothing behind.


    Zod watches with enraged eyes as the naval ship goes up in

    flames. Zod turns to one of the agents at a console.

    Zod: What is the highest populated city on this planet?

    The agent manipulates the controls: A city called New York. We

    can be there in less than one click.

    Zod: Chart its course, time to make our presence known.


    A normal busy day presides over the city. As people roam the

    streets a thunderous noise shakes the massive skyscrapers. The

    curious people look to the sky to see Zods Warship casting its

    shadow among the street. Some people run as others are

    mesmerized by the large ship.



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    Zod looks out amongst the city.

    Zod: Pathetic, these people consider themselves superior

    beings. Activate the Eradicator, nothing lives.

    An Agent manipulates a console. The Eradicator Cannon emerges

    from the ships bow. The cannon fires a single discharge

    creating a massive mushroom cloud explosion that rips through

    the entire city of New York. In only a few moments New York City

    is nothing more than a massive flame.

    Zod watches with cenacle eyes: This is only the beginning.


    Its normal business as usual on a beautiful day in Washington.


    The President is in a meeting with his chief of staff discussing

    foreign policy.

    Chief of Staff member 1: The Chinese are becoming more

    aggressive by the day. Lex Luthor was able to diverge the most

    recent act but I fear their day is coming.

    President: What kind of forces do we have in place?

    Luthor confidently speaks up:Mr. President I can assure youChina, nor any country for that matter, imposes any threat to

    the United States. The blockades set up around our coasts are

    impenetrable. We are by far the safest piece of land in the


    An Intelligence Officer, frantically, storms into the room.

    Intelligence Officer: New York has been destroyed.

    President taken back by the comment: Excuse me?

    Intelligence Officer: New York City was wiped off the map half

    an hour ago.

    Luthor: Some kind of WMD?


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    Intelligence Officer: At this time we have no idea. Our

    satellites and radars are clean. It had to have come from within

    the city.

    A thunderous explosion shakes the earth beneath them. Everyone

    in the room ducks for cover as the extreme vibration shakes theroom.

    Chief of Staff member 2: What was that?

    Secret Service Agents storm the room surrounding the President.

    SSA 1: We have a security threat Mr. President.

    President: What kind of threat?

    Secret Service get the President to his feet.

    SSA 1: Not sure sir but we are initiating Independence


    A powerful explosion blows through the oval offices wall.

    Through the smoke filled entrance Zod along with a dozen armed

    Black Zero Agents enter the once secured office.

    Zod: Your primitive protocols no longer serve purpose.

    Secret Service immediately draw their weapons.

    Zod takes notice: Save your strength it will do you no good.

    President: Who are you and how did you get in here?

    Zod: I am General Dru-Zod formerly of Krypton. How I obtained

    entrance into the safest place in the world is what separates my

    abilities from yours.

    President: Then what do you want General?

    Zod: Living among you is the last living Kryptonian other than

    what you see before you. He is the son of Jor-El the one

    responsible for our planets destruction. Jor-El found death by

    way of my hand and I will do the same to his son Kal-El.

    President: I can assure you General we have no reports

    indicating arrival of any outside life. We have satellites

    orbiting in our atmosphere and


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    Zod becomes angered getting closer to the President: I have no

    use for your worthless machines! Kal-El is here on your planet!

    Zod regains his composure: The people of this nation refer to

    you as their leader. They place much faith in your ability to do

    what is in their best interest.

    Zod gets closer to the President: Tell me, do you have the

    peoples best interest?

    President: I love this country and will stop at nothing to save


    Zod: I am giving you twenty four earth hours to deliver Kal-El

    to me alive. Failure to comply with that request will align you

    with the same fate as Krypton.

    Luthor speaks out: Are you threatening us now?! Do you have any

    idea who youre dealing with?

    Zod turns toward Luthor: I see your arrogance Earthling but

    more than that I feel your fear! You will obey my commands

    without flaw.

    President: General we cannot negotiate within the terms you

    have set.

    Zod turns back toward the President becoming outraged grabbinghim bay the collar: Once I knew a man unwilling to adapt to

    survive. If you are truly the leader of these people I suggest

    you find Kal-El before your planet is destroyed. As already seen

    your cities can be obliterated at will. Do not make the same

    mistake as the ones before you. I will spread my message to the

    world so that everyone will know their fate lies in your hands.


    Clark comes barreling in from the sky landing in the front yard.

    Clarks powerful landing leaves a miniature crater. Startled by

    the ruckus Martha and Jonathan come running out of their house.

    They find an exhausted beat up Clark barely able to stand. They

    both run over to their son each taking him under the arm.

    Martha: Clark honey what happened to you?


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    Clark shakes his head still in disbelief: I dont know.

    Jonathan: Wheres Lana?

    Clark: We got separated in Metropolis. After the robbery I was

    taken to a ship.

    Martha: What ship?

    Clark: Just get me inside and Ill explain everything.


    Clark sits on the couch covered in a warm blanket holding a cup.

    Martha and Jonathan sit up close facing Clark. Jonathans face

    is in shock while Martha fights to hold back tears.

    Jonathan: Do you know if they were after you?

    Clark: It sure felt that way.

    Martha: I always feared a day like this would come. Clark Im

    so sorry this happened to you. We should have

    Clark: Theres nothing you could have done. We all knew one day

    my past would catch up with me.

    Over his mothers shoulder Clark catches a glimpse of the TV.

    The screen reads EMERGENCY BROADCAST. The screen turns to theoval office with General Zod sitting at the Presidents desk as

    the President stands up beside him. Clark recognizes the Black

    Zero Agents standing at Zods side.

    Clark: Thats them.

    Jonathan: Thats what?

    Clark: The TV. Thats who came after me on the ship.

    Jonathan and Martha turn to face the TV.

    Zod: Citizens of Earth. I am General Zod formerly of Krypton. I

    come to you with a message. For years you have been laying home

    to one of the last remaining Kryptonians in the universe. His

    name is Kal-El. I make the peaceful request of bringing him to

    me at your Presidents palace. Failure to meet this request in

    twenty four hours will result in the extinction of this planet.


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    Kal-El if you are listening the fate of this world lies in your

    hands just has your father once held Kryptons. I look forward

    to our meeting.

    Jonathan: You dont think hes referring to you?

    Clark: What was my name before Clark?

    Martha: I dont know? There was no identification or anything

    from your ship.

    Clark turns to his father: Do still remember where you buried


    Jonathan: Its still under the barn.


    The barn floor has a door pulled open with a stair case leading

    down. Clark and his parents stand at the top of the stairs

    pointing flashlights down the dark descent.

    Jonathan: I havent been down there since the day I built it.

    It took me six months and nearly twelve tons of cement, but I

    didnt want anyone or anything finding it if you know what I


    Clark: After todays events I think I might.

    Martha: Are you sure you dont want us to go with you?

    Clark: I can do it. Its my past anyway.

    Jonathan: Its straight down the steps on your left. The door

    is like what they use for bank vaults so atleast youre


    Clark: Yeah thanks

    Clark makes his way down the dark stare case and arrives at thevaulted door. He begins to turn the air locked wheel. The nearly

    ancient wheel has rusted causing him to requiring all his

    strength to break the seal. The heavy door slowly opens to a

    loud creek.



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    Clark points his flashlight into the vault catching a glimpse at

    a small pod-like ship. To finally lay eyes on what brought him

    to earth is a surreal moment for Clark. He makes his way closer

    to the pod. He notices control panel and glazes over it with his

    hand. The panel automatically comes to life with flashing lights

    as if rebooting itself. Clark blindly manipulates several the

    controls which unlocks the pods cockpit allowing him to see


    INT: POD

    A touch screen control panel lights up. The blue tented controls

    light up the vault to the point of not needing a flash light.

    Clark scans the pods inside noticing a crimson red cloth

    wrapped around a silver box. He pulls the cloth off the box. He

    studies the box for a moment noticing an encryption pad. Clarktouches the pad causing the causing it to flash green and the

    box pops open. Clark finishes opening the box to find the Oracle

    Crystal. Clark pulls the crystal from the box. The Crystal bolts

    from Clarks hand suspending itself in midair. It begins to

    brightly glow until the entire room is engulfed. In a quick

    flash an energy blast fires through the vault with stars

    flashing around him. After a moment the intense flashing ceases

    and a figure wearing a white cloak with an altered Superman logo

    chest piece, and a crimson red cape Jor-El stands before him.

    Clark is startled yet feels a sense of peace at this man he has

    never seen before. Jor-El walks over to Clark.

    Jor-El Kal-El if you are receiving this message I have been

    dead for many years. I am your father Jor-El. You are from the

    planet Krypton. A once peaceful world taken over by greed and

    careless actions leading to its destruction. In order to make

    certain you avoided such fate your mother and I placed you in a

    transport pod allowing you to escape to earth. Even though it is

    not your home live as one of them Kal-El, to discover where your

    strength and powers are needed. Always hold in your heart the

    pride of your special heritage. They can be great people, Kal-

    El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way.

    For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent

    them you my only son. Before you lies the Oracle Crystal,

    sacred among all Krypton. For generations, has a rightful soul


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    waited to receive its gift. Kal-El, make its power your own

    as you will see my life through your eyes. Good bye my son.

    A tear runs down Clarks cheek as he reaches toward his father.

    His hand moves through the holographic image as Jor-El slowly

    fades away. The Oracle Crystal begins emitting blue energy wavesencircling Clark. The waves begin conforming to Clarks arms

    creating sleeves that spread over his legs, trunk, chest, and

    finally his entire body. The once folded crimson cloth begins

    coming to life as it unfolds and attaches itself to Clarks

    back. A glowing center piece on Clarks chest begins to dim

    revealing a red graphic S with a yellow background and red

    triangle border. The Crystals bright light reveals Clark in the

    Superman suit for the first time. Clarks eyes reveal amazement

    has he scans over the suit feeling a power he has never known


    Clark slowly makes his way back up the steps.


    Eagerly waiting their sons return they catch their first

    glimpse of Clarks new look.

    They both remain speechless for a moment stunned.

    Martha: Oh Clark.

    Jonathan: I dont remember seeing that before.

    Both parents touch Clarks new suit has to never seeing such


    Clark: I now know what I must do with my life. I no longer bare

    a curse but a gift.

    Martha: What did you find?

    Clark: Everything I have ever known was in preparation for thismoment. I was not abandoned but sent here for a purpose of good.

    It is time I fulfill that purpose.

    Jonathan: What are you going to do?

    Clark: Im going to Washington to end this.


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    Extreme tension feels the room as government leaders sit at the

    large meeting table.

    Defense Secretary Hanson: The idea of a preeminent attack on

    that ship is suicide. We cannot risk the Presidents safety!

    Captain Mixon: Safety! His safety is already compromised along

    with everyone on this planet.

    Vice President Tucker: What about the demand? Is there any

    intel on this Kal-Els whereabouts or existence for that


    Captain Mixon: Were tearing apart every database, satellite

    record, and rock weve got. The FBI, CIA, and NASA are hard at

    work but we dont know what this so called inhabitor even looks


    Defense Secretary Hanson: I believe I have someone who can help

    with that, Commissioner Henderson.

    Henderson perks up feeling overwhelmed by his current company:

    Yesterday we had an encounter with a potential supernatural

    being during an attempted robbery at the Bank of Metropolis.This man took down twenty one armed bank robbers and withstood a

    bomb explosion. He demonstrated flying capabilities, super human

    strength, he could outrun a bullet.

    VP Tucker: Is this guy some kind of super man? Where is he now?

    Henderson: He was transported to Captain Whitakers aircraft

    carrier for further surveillance

    Henderson does not finish the statement

    VP Tucker: And?

    Defense Secretary Hanson: Whitakers ship went missing just

    before New York was decimated. Best guess this Kal-El guy

    escaped from Zod on that ship so now Earth is basically a ransom

    for Kal-El to turn himself in.


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    Captain Mixon: So were doomed. Either way we go to war but if

    we throw the first punch well do so over the head of our

    nations leader.

    From a large viewing screen the President chimes in: Gentlemen

    this is not a matter of safety but survival. We are at the mercyof an extraterrestrial terrorist. All options are on the table.

    Defense Secretary Hanson: Mr. Luthor what is your suggestion?

    Luthors face appears on a large viewing screen opposite the


    Luthor: Our current situation makes military strategy and

    standard protocols obsolete. We are at the mercy of an unknown

    enemy whose true power is yet to be seen. The one card we still

    have is they are equally as blind to our counter measures. Weuse the element of surprise with a full scale attack. Use all

    available assets.

    Defense Secretary Hanson: If we launch an attack you are

    willing to make the President, White House staff, and yourself

    war casualties?

    President chimes in before Luthor: The answer is yes. This

    country has never given into terrorists demands and were not

    going to start on my watch. When I took office I swore to do

    what is in the best interest of this country. Paying with my

    life to save not only this country but mankind is cheap price


    The room falls silent for a moment.

    Luthor: Colonel Wilson, have satellites been able to provide

    any intel on the ships infrastructure?

    Wilson is high ranking marine officer with salt and pepper hair

    and go-t to match. Wilson manipulates a control displaying

    thermal photos on a viewing screen.

    Wilson: Thermal readings indicate a large energy source at the

    ships bow. Some sort of weapon maybe. We also counted over a

    dozen energy pulses atop the ship which we believe to be

    torrents of some kind.


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    Defense Secretary Hanson: Any idea about fighter aircraft or is

    it a single vessel?

    Wilson: Were not picking up on any additional aircraft within

    the vessel but they could still exist. Overall the energy

    signatures are off the chart with code weve never seen before.It might as well be a foreign language. The only thing we are

    sure of is this is some kind of warship with no shortage of


    Defense Secretary Hanson: What kind of strategy do we have?

    Luthor: Three aircraft carriers are seventy miles off the

    eastern seaboard along with six combat subs. Bolling Air Force

    Base is on standby with F-22 squadrons ready for launch. Colonel

    Wilson will lead a team to breach the ship and take over inside.

    Captain Mixon: What about an evacuation plan for Washington?

    There are over half a million people in the city.

    Wilson: Thats DCPDs game. An evacuation is currently under

    way but the sheer scale makes it unlikely the entire city will

    be reached.

    Luthor: An unfortunate loss but one that cannot stop us. I vote

    to begin pre-op preparations.

    The room again falls silent realizing the worlds fait lies in

    their decision.

    Wilson: I second that.

    President: Begin preparation and may God be with us.


    Perry sits at his TV watching a live news broadcast.

    News Reporter: We are live from just outside the Whitehouse. As

    you can see a massive ship, of some kind, has been hovering over

    the Whitehouse for nearly thirteen hours. No word yet on the

    ships origin nor if we have made contact

    Perry stands from his chair exiting his office.



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    Perry finds the floor silent with eyes glued to TVs.

    Perry: Wheres Troupe?

    Jimmy takes his gaze from the TV for a moment.

    Jimmy: He left an hour ago chief.

    Perry: What about Lombard?

    Jimmy: Gone too.

    Perry: Do we have anyone left?!

    Perrys eyes meet Lois

    Perry: Lois get to Washington now. If E.T. is dangling over the

    Whitehouse I want our cameras taping it.

    Lois immediately begins packing her bag: Im on it.

    Perry: Im sending Jimmy with you as punishment for that last

    stunt you pulled.

    Lois pauses and looks up to see Jimmy smiling at her.


    Zod scans through holographic images of Krypton. He pans through

    various cities and mountainsides. After several turns he arrivesat an image of himself with his wife and daughter. Zod

    reminisces for a moment before his face turns to anger.


    Zod storms onto the bridge.

    Zod: Any activity?

    Agent: No sir.

    Zod looks at the city of Washington through the viewing glass.

    Zod: I grow bored of this waiting. Release Alpha Squadron.

    Lets see if that produces results.



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    Black Zero Agents scurry to Kryptonian fighter jets. The jets

    sport curved wings on each side having the appearance of a

    birds wings during a speed dive. Each jet sports guns on the

    wings. Opposite the jets are stealth hover tanks. Each tank

    carries a large ion cannon with two twin engines on the back.


    Lois and Jimmy arrive in a Daily Planet news van. They dip and

    dodge the terrified crowds running for their lives. They exit

    the van and begin setting up for a broadcast.

    Jimmy: Chief wants a live broadcast before five.

    Lois: I know I know just set it up.

    Lois makes her way closer to the Whitehouse getting a betterlook at the ship through Jimmys camera.


    The loading bay hatch slowly opens as a squadron of the fighter

    jets and hover tanks pour out. The tanks quickly make their way

    to the ground. One drops near Lois and Jimmys position. The

    terrified media crowd scampers for cover as the tank begins

    blasting the area.



    Radar Officer: Captain Mixon we have attacks on Washington!

    Theyve got tanks and fighter jets tearing the city apart!

    Mixon: Scramble the F-22s and subs. Contact Bolling and tell

    Colonel Wilson to commence that attack.


    A young officer sprints into an airplane hangar.


    Young Officer: Colonel! Colonel Wilson! Message from Captain

    Mixon Washington is under attack.


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    Wilson turns toward a flight crew loading weapons onto a

    futuristic cargo plane that has LexCorp written on its side.

    Mission is go people! Load em up!

    CUT TO:

    Squadrons F-22s begin taking off the runway.

    EXT: SKY

    A determined Clark flies through the air at exhilarating speed.


    Kryptonian jets sore through the sky firing a plethora of

    missiles and gun fire taking down buildings and streets.


    The Whitehouse staff has taken cover deep below ground. The

    bunker is a room full of communication equipment, armory, bullet

    proof glass. The President continues to stay surrounded by

    Secret Service.

    A staff member frantically enters the room: They have begun an

    attack on Washington!

    President: An attack! It hasnt been twenty four hours yet.

    What can we do?

    Luthor: Theres nothing we can do other than wait for counter

    measures to arrive.

    Secret Service Agent: We should be safe. This bunker can

    withstand a lot of firepower.

    President: Man made firepower.


    Along the planes hull are twenty, one man, pods. The men are

    wearing advanced reinforced combat armor with jet packs.

    Wilson: The F-22s are to draw any fire. Once were over the

    warship we eject the pods, breach the ships hull, and kill

    anything that dont bleed red!


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    F-22s approach the cities skyline. From the distance the

    pilots spot the smoke and destruction.

    Squadron Leader: Squadron leaders check in.

    Freedom 7: Freedom 7 online.

    Freedom 12: Freedom 12 powered up.

    Freedom 3: Freedom 3 clocked in.

    Squadron Le