Supplier & Supplier Sites Interface&Conversion



Supplier & Supplier Sites Interface&Conversion

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Supplier & Supplier Sites Interface/ConversionOpen Interface method

Application: Payables

Tables used:



HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS (cf organization_id) ,

GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS (cf code_combination_id)



  Step 1: Check for vendors that already exist


  Step 2: Entering supplier / employee by classifying accordingly

For entering employee as supplier

INSERT INTO ap_suppliers_int            (vendor_name, segment1, vendor_interface_id, vendor_type_lookup_code, employee_id            )     VALUES ('VENDOR2', --NAME OF VENDOR             'V02',     --SUPPLIER NUMBER             21,        -- UNIQUE SUPPLIER INTERFACE RECORD,             'Employee',--LOOKUP_CODE             234        -- PERSON_ID OF EMPLOYEE            );

For entering supplier (who is not an employee)

INSERT INTO ap_suppliers_int

            (vendor_name, segment1, vendor_interface_id, vendor_type_lookup_code            )     VALUES ('VENDOR2', --NAME OF VENDOR             'V02',     --SUPPLIER NUMBER             21,        -- UNIQUE SUPPLIER INTERFACE RECORD,

             'Supply'   --LOOKUP_CODE            );

Submit request Supplier Open Interface Import

  Step 3: Query to retrieve vendor id

SELECT po.vendor_id, po.vendor_name, po.segment1  FROM po_vendors po, ap_suppliers_int supp WHERE supp.segment1 = po.segment1

Step 4: Entering the site information and account information for suppliers

INSERT INTO ap_supplier_sites_int            (vendor_interface_id, vendor_site_code, vendor_id, org_id, address_line1, address_line2, address_line3, city, state, zip,             country,             accts_pay_code_combination_id, --LIABILITY ACCOUNT             prepay_code_combination_id   -- PREPAYMENT ACCOUNT

            )     VALUES (21, 'VENDOR23', 16044, 141, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 123456,             NULL, 1418, 1419            );

Submit request Supplier Sites Open Interface Import

After importing the suppliers you can check Supplier master.

Navigation: Suppliers > Entry

Click on Sites button

A sample interface script is given below:

DECLARE   --Cursor 1 which retieves data from header table to insert into receiving header table   p_header_id                    NUMBER;   p_counter                      NUMBER         := 0;   p_header_error                 NUMBER         := 0;   p_line_error                   NUMBER         := 0;   p_header_sequence              NUMBER;   p_org_id                       NUMBER;   p_message                      VARCHAR2 (200);   p_count                        NUMBER         := 0;   p_pay_code_combination_id      NUMBER         := 1074;   p_prepay_code_combination_id   NUMBER         := 1075;   l_country                      VARCHAR2 (2);

    CURSOR c2   IS

      SELECT   vendor_name, vendor_type_lookup_code, site, country, address1, address2, address3, city, state, pin, liability_account_id          FROM xx_vendor_sites_others_b         WHERE flag IS NULL      ORDER BY vendor_name;    FUNCTION get_country_code (p_country IN VARCHAR2)      RETURN VARCHAR2   IS   BEGIN      SELECT territory_code        INTO l_country        FROM fnd_territories_vl       WHERE territory_short_name = INITCAP (p_country);       RETURN l_country;   EXCEPTION      WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND      THEN         l_country := 'IN';   END;BEGIN   FOR c2_rec IN c2   LOOP      BEGIN         SELECT COUNT (*)           INTO p_count           FROM ap_suppliers_int          WHERE vendor_name = c2_rec.vendor_name;      END;

       IF p_count = 0      THEN         BEGIN            INSERT INTO ap_suppliers_int                        (vendor_interface_id, vendor_name, vendor_name_alt, segment1, summary_flag, enabled_flag,

                         vendor_type_lookup_code, one_time_flag, ship_to_location_id, bill_to_location_id, terms_id, set_of_books_id,                         always_take_disc_flag, pay_date_basis_lookup_code, pay_group_lookup_code, payment_priority,                         hold_all_payments_flag, hold_future_payments_flag, start_date_active, payment_method_lookup_code,                         terms_date_basis, qty_rcv_tolerance, qty_rcv_exception_code, enforce_ship_to_location_code,                         days_early_receipt_allowed, days_late_receipt_allowed, receipt_days_exception_code, receiving_routing_id,                         allow_substitute_receipts_flag, allow_unordered_receipts_flag, bank_charge_bearer, match_option, allow_awt_flag                        )                 VALUES (ap_suppliers_int_s.NEXTVAL, UPPER (c2_rec.vendor_name), UPPER (c2_rec.vendor_name), c2_rec.segment1, 'N', 'Y',                         c2_rec.vendor_type_lookup_code, 'Sub-Contractor', 'N', 142, 142, 10000,                         1001, 'N', 'DISCOUNT', 'HIGH PRIORITY',                         99, 'N', 'N', '15-AUG-2005',                         'CHECK', 'Invoice', 10, 'WARNING',                         'NONE', 2, 5, 'WARNING',                         1, 'N', 'Y', 'I', 'R', ''                        );

             /*            UPDATE XX_VENDOR_SITES_OTHERS_B            SET FLAG='Y'            WHERE VENDOR_NAME=C2_REC.VENDOR_NAME;            */


             SELECT ap_suppliers_int_s.CURRVAL              INTO p_header_sequence              FROM DUAL;         EXCEPTION            WHEN OTHERS            THEN               ROLLBACK;               p_message := SUBSTR (SQLERRM,                                    1,                                    200                                   );

                UPDATE xx_vendor_sites_others_b                  SET flag = 'N',                      error_message = p_message                WHERE vendor_name = c2_rec.vendor_name AND vendor_type_lookup_code = c2_rec.vendor_type_lookup_code AND site =;

                COMMIT;               p_header_error := 1;         END;

      END IF;       BEGIN         SELECT code_combination_id           INTO p_pay_code_combination_id           FROM gl_code_combinations          WHERE segment1 || '.' || segment2 || '.' || segment3 || '.' || segment4 = c2_rec.lia_account_code;

          SELECT code_combination_id           INTO p_prepay_code_combination_id           FROM gl_code_combinations          WHERE segment1 || '.' || segment2 || '.' || segment3 || '.' || segment4 = c2_rec.advances_account_code;

          BEGIN            l_country := get_country_code (;         EXCEPTION            WHEN OTHERS            THEN               l_country := 'IN';         END;

          INSERT INTO ap_supplier_sites_int                     (vendor_interface_id, vendor_site_code, payment_method_lookup_code, terms_date_basis, accts_pay_code_combination_id,                      prepay_code_combination_id, pay_group_lookup_code, payment_priority, terms_id, pay_date_basis_lookup_code, org_id,                      purchasing_site_flag, rfq_only_site_flag, pay_site_flag, attention_ar_flag, allow_awt_flag, address_line1,                      address_line2, address_line3, city, country, state, zip, address_lines_alt, ship_to_location_id,                      bill_to_location_id                     )              VALUES (ap_suppliers_int_s.CURRVAL,, 'SITE1', 'CHECK', 'Invoice',                      c2_rec.liability_account_id, p_prepay_code_combination_id, 'SUPPLIER', 'HIGH PRIORITY', 99, 10000,                      'DISCOUNT', 82, 'Y', 'N', 'Y', 'N',                      'N', c2_rec.address1, c2_rec.address2, c2_rec.address3,, l_country, c2_rec.state,,                      c2_rec.contact_phones, 142, 142                     );

          UPDATE xx_vendor_sites_others_b            SET flag = 'Y'          WHERE vendor_name = c2_rec.vendor_name AND vendor_type_lookup_code = c2_rec.vendor_type_lookup_code AND site =;          COMMIT;      EXCEPTION         WHEN OTHERS         THEN            ROLLBACK;            p_message := SUBSTR (SQLERRM,

                                 1,                                 200                                );

             UPDATE xx_vendor_sites_others_b               SET flag = 'N',                   error_message = p_message             WHERE vendor_name = c2_rec.vendor_name AND vendor_type_lookup_code = c2_rec.vendor_type_lookup_code AND site =;             COMMIT;      END;   END LOOP;EXCEPTION   WHEN OTHERS   THEN      ROLLBACK;END;

 COMMIT ; DECLARE   --Cursor 1 which retieves data from header table to insert into receiving header table   p_header_id                    NUMBER;   p_counter                      NUMBER         := 0;   p_header_error                 NUMBER         := 0;   p_line_error                   NUMBER         := 0;   p_header_sequence              NUMBER;   p_org_id                       NUMBER;   p_message                      VARCHAR2 (200);   p_count                        NUMBER         := 0;   p_pay_code_combination_id      NUMBER         := 1074;   p_prepay_code_combination_id   NUMBER         := 1075;   l_country                      VARCHAR2 (2);   ln_req_id                      NUMBER;   -- Concurrent request parameters   lb_flag                        BOOLEAN;   lv_dev_phase                   VARCHAR2 (30);   lv_dev_status                  VARCHAR2 (30);   lv_phase                       VARCHAR2 (30);   lv_message                     VARCHAR2 (240);

    CURSOR c2   IS

      SELECT   vendor_name, vendor_type_lookup_code, site, country, address1, address2, address3, city, state, pin, liability_account_id          FROM xx_vendor_sites_others_b         WHERE flag IS NULL      ORDER BY vendor_name;    FUNCTION get_country_code (p_country IN VARCHAR2)      RETURN VARCHAR2   IS   BEGIN

      SELECT territory_code        INTO l_country        FROM fnd_territories_vl       WHERE territory_short_name = INITCAP (p_country);       RETURN l_country;   EXCEPTION      WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND      THEN         l_country := 'IN';   END;BEGIN   FOR c2_rec IN c2   LOOP      BEGIN         SELECT COUNT (*)           INTO p_count           FROM ap_suppliers_int          WHERE vendor_name = c2_rec.vendor_name;      END;

       IF p_count = 0      THEN         BEGIN            INSERT INTO ap_suppliers_int                        (vendor_interface_id, vendor_name, vendor_name_alt, segment1, summary_flag, enabled_flag,                         vendor_type_lookup_code, one_time_flag, ship_to_location_id, bill_to_location_id, terms_id, set_of_books_id,                         always_take_disc_flag, pay_date_basis_lookup_code, pay_group_lookup_code, payment_priority,                         hold_all_payments_flag, hold_future_payments_flag, start_date_active, payment_method_lookup_code,                         terms_date_basis, qty_rcv_tolerance, qty_rcv_exception_code, enforce_ship_to_location_code,                         days_early_receipt_allowed, days_late_receipt_allowed, receipt_days_exception_code, receiving_routing_id,                         allow_substitute_receipts_flag, allow_unordered_receipts_flag, bank_charge_bearer, match_option, allow_awt_flag                        )                 VALUES (ap_suppliers_int_s.NEXTVAL, UPPER (c2_rec.vendor_name), UPPER (c2_rec.vendor_name), c2_rec.segment1, 'N', 'Y',                         c2_rec.vendor_type_lookup_code, 'Sub-Contractor', 'N', 142, 142, 10000,                         1001, 'N', 'DISCOUNT', 'HIGH PRIORITY',                         99, 'N', 'N', '15-AUG-2005',                         'CHECK', 'Invoice', 10, 'WARNING',                         'NONE', 2, 5, 'WARNING',                         1, 'N', 'Y', 'I', 'R', ''                        );



             SET FLAG='Y'             WHERE VENDOR_NAME=C2_REC.VENDOR_NAME;             */            COMMIT;

             SELECT ap_suppliers_int_s.CURRVAL              INTO p_header_sequence              FROM DUAL;         EXCEPTION            WHEN OTHERS            THEN               ROLLBACK;               p_message := SUBSTR (SQLERRM,                                    1,                                    200                                   );

                UPDATE xx_vendor_sites_others_b                  SET flag = 'N',                      error_message = p_message                WHERE vendor_name = c2_rec.vendor_name AND vendor_type_lookup_code = c2_rec.vendor_type_lookup_code AND site =;

                COMMIT;               p_header_error := 1;         END;      END IF;       BEGIN         SELECT code_combination_id           INTO p_pay_code_combination_id           FROM gl_code_combinations          WHERE segment1 || '.' || segment2 || '.' || segment3 || '.' || segment4 = c2_rec.lia_account_code;

          SELECT code_combination_id           INTO p_prepay_code_combination_id           FROM gl_code_combinations          WHERE segment1 || '.' || segment2 || '.' || segment3 || '.' || segment4 = c2_rec.advances_account_code;

          BEGIN            l_country := get_country_code (;         EXCEPTION            WHEN OTHERS            THEN               l_country := 'IN';         END;

          INSERT INTO ap_supplier_sites_int

                     (vendor_interface_id, vendor_site_code, payment_method_lookup_code, terms_date_basis, accts_pay_code_combination_id,                      prepay_code_combination_id, pay_group_lookup_code, payment_priority, terms_id, pay_date_basis_lookup_code, org_id,                      purchasing_site_flag, rfq_only_site_flag, pay_site_flag, attention_ar_flag, allow_awt_flag, address_line1,                      address_line2, address_line3, city, country, state, zip, address_lines_alt, ship_to_location_id,                      bill_to_location_id                     )              VALUES (ap_suppliers_int_s.CURRVAL,, 'SITE1', 'CHECK', 'Invoice',                      c2_rec.liability_account_id, p_prepay_code_combination_id, 'SUPPLIER', 'HIGH PRIORITY', 99, 10000,                      'DISCOUNT', 82, 'Y', 'N', 'Y', 'N',                      'N', c2_rec.address1, c2_rec.address2, c2_rec.address3,, l_country, c2_rec.state,,                      c2_rec.contact_phones, 142, 142                     );

          UPDATE xx_vendor_sites_others_b            SET flag = 'Y'          WHERE vendor_name = c2_rec.vendor_name AND vendor_type_lookup_code = c2_rec.vendor_type_lookup_code AND site =;          COMMIT;      EXCEPTION         WHEN OTHERS         THEN            ROLLBACK;            p_message := SUBSTR (SQLERRM,                                 1,                                 200                                );

             UPDATE xx_vendor_sites_others_b               SET flag = 'N',                   error_message = p_message             WHERE vendor_name = c2_rec.vendor_name AND vendor_type_lookup_code = c2_rec.vendor_type_lookup_code AND site =;             COMMIT;      END;   END LOOP;    -- Initialize APPS   fnd_global.apps_initialize (user_id                       => 12691,                               resp_id                       => 50293,                               resp_appl_id                  => 200                              );

    -- Submit Supplier Import program   BEGIN      ln_req_id :=         fnd_request.submit_request (application                   => 'SQLAP',

                                     program                       => 'APXSUIMP',                                     argument1                     => 'ALL',                                     argument2                     => 1000,                                     argument3                     => 'N',                                     argument4                     => 'N',                                     argument5                     => 'N',                                     argument6                     => '-99'                                    );      COMMIT;

       IF ln_req_id = 0      THEN         -- Error while submitting Supplier import         fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'Error while submitting Supplier

Import. ' || SQLERRM);         RETURN;      ELSE         lb_flag :=            fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request (request_id                    => ln_req_id,                                             INTERVAL                      => 5,                                             phase                         => lv_phase,                                             status                        => lv_status1,                                             dev_phase                     => lv_dev_phase,                                             dev_status                    => lv_dev_status,                                             MESSAGE                       => lv_message                                            );

          IF lv_dev_phase = 'COMPLETE' AND lv_dev_status = 'NORMAL'         THEN            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'Supplier Import program

completed successfully' || ln_req_id);         ELSE            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'Error while running Supplier Import program');            ROLLBACK;         END IF;      END IF;   END;

    -- Submit Supplier Sites Import program   BEGIN      ln_req_id :=         fnd_request.submit_request (application                   => 'SQLAP',                                     program                       => 'APXSSIMP',                                     argument1                     => 'NEW',                                     argument2                     => 1000,

                                     argument3                     => 'N',                                     argument4                     => 'N',                                     argument5                     => 'N',                                     argument6                     => '-99'                                    );      COMMIT;

       IF ln_req_id = 0      THEN         -- Error while submitting Supplier sites import         fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'Error while submitting Supplier

sites Import. ' || SQLERRM);         RETURN;      ELSE         lb_flag :=            fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request (request_id                    => ln_req_id,                                             INTERVAL                      => 5,                                             phase                         => lv_phase,                                             status                        => lv_status1,                                             dev_phase                     => lv_dev_phase,                                             dev_status                    => lv_dev_status,                                             MESSAGE                       => lv_message                                            );

          IF lv_dev_phase = 'COMPLETE' AND lv_dev_status = 'NORMAL'         THEN            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'Supplier sites Import program

completed successfully' || ln_req_id);         ELSE            fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'Error while running Supplier sites Import program');            ROLLBACK;         END IF;      END IF;   END;EXCEPTION   WHEN OTHERS   THEN      ROLLBACK;END;

Application Programming Interface (API) method

You can also use an API for importing suppliers and their corresponding sites

Function Vendor Vendor Sites

Create a record ap_vendors_pkg.insert_row ap_vendor_sites_pkg.insert_row

Update a record ap_vendors_pkg.update_row ap_vendor_sites_pkg.update_row

A sample script using the API is given below. This script is used for updating supplier sites. You can use the other API’s in a similar way.

DECLARE   CURSOR c_vendorsites (v_vendor_site_id NUMBER)   IS      SELECT pvsa.*, pvsa.ROWID        FROM po_vendor_sites_all pvsa       WHERE 1 = 1 AND pvsa.vendor_site_id = v_vendor_site_id;    v_date             DATE;   v_itemkey          VARCHAR2 (100);   v_vendor_site_id   NUMBER;   v_user_id          NUMBER;   v_resp_id          NUMBER;BEGIN   v_user_id := fnd_profile.VALUE ('USER_ID');   v_resp_id := fnd_profile.VALUE ('RESP_ID');   v_vendor_site_id := 1034;   fnd_global.apps_initialize (user_id                       => v_user_id,                               resp_id                       => v_resp_id,                               resp_appl_id                  => 200                              );

    FOR v_site IN c_vendorsites (v_vendor_site_id)   LOOP      ap_vendor_sites_pkg.update_row (x_rowid                       => v_site.ROWID,                                      x_vendor_site_id              => v_site.vendor_site_id,                                      x_last_update_date            => v_site.last_update_date,                                      x_last_updated_by             => v_site.last_updated_by,                                      x_vendor_id                   => v_site.vendor_id,                                      x_vendor_site_code            => v_site.vendor_site_code,                                      x_last_update_login           => v_site.last_update_login,                                      x_creation_date               => v_site.creation_date,                                      x_created_by                  => v_site.created_by,                                      x_purchasing_site_flag        => v_site.purchasing_site_flag,                                      x_rfq_only_site_flag          => v_site.rfq_only_site_flag,                                      x_pay_site_flag               => v_site.pay_site_flag,

                                      x_attention_ar_flag           => v_site.attention_ar_flag,                                      x_address_line1               => v_site.address_line1,                                      x_address_line2               => v_site.address_line2,                                      x_address_line3               => v_site.address_line3,                                      x_city                        =>,                                      x_state                       => v_site.state,                                      x_zip                         =>,                                      x_province                    => v_site.province,                                      x_country                     =>,                                      x_area_code                   => v_site.area_code,                                      x_phone                       =>,                                      x_customer_num                => v_site.customer_num,                                      x_ship_to_location_id         => v_site.ship_to_location_id,                                      x_bill_to_location_id         => v_site.bill_to_location_id,                                      x_ship_via_lookup_code        => v_site.ship_via_lookup_code,                                      x_freight_terms_lookup_code   => v_site.freight_terms_lookup_code,                                      x_fob_lookup_code             => v_site.fob_lookup_code,                                      x_inactive_date               => v_date,                                      --v_Site.inactive_date,                                      x_fax                         => v_site.fax,                                      x_fax_area_code               => v_site.fax_area_code,                                      x_telex                       => v_site.telex,                                      x_payment_method_lookup_code  => v_site.payment_method_lookup_code,                                      x_bank_account_name           => v_site.bank_account_name,                                      x_bank_account_num            => v_site.bank_account_num,                                      x_bank_num                    => v_site.bank_num,                                      x_bank_account_type           => v_site.bank_account_type,                                      x_terms_date_basis            => v_site.terms_date_basis,                                      x_current_catalog_num         => v_site.current_catalog_num,

                                      x_vat_code                    => v_site.vat_code,                                      x_distribution_set_id         => v_site.distribution_set_id,                                      x_accts_pay_ccid              => v_site.accts_pay_code_combination_id,                                      x_future_dated_payment_ccid   => v_site.future_dated_payment_ccid,                                      x_prepay_code_combination_id  => v_site.prepay_code_combination_id,                                      x_pay_group_lookup_code       => v_site.pay_group_lookup_code,                                      x_payment_priority            => v_site.payment_priority,                                      x_terms_id                    => v_site.terms_id,                                      x_invoice_amount_limit        => v_site.invoice_amount_limit,                                      x_pay_date_basis_lookup_code  => v_site.pay_date_basis_lookup_code,                                      x_always_take_disc_flag       => v_site.always_take_disc_flag,                                      x_invoice_currency_code       => v_site.invoice_currency_code,                                      x_payment_currency_code       => v_site.payment_currency_code,                                      x_hold_all_payments_flag      => v_site.hold_all_payments_flag,                                      x_hold_future_payments_flag   => v_site.hold_future_payments_flag,                                      x_hold_reason                 => v_site.hold_reason,                                      x_hold_unmatched_invoices_flag => v_site.hold_unmatched_invoices_flag,                                      x_match_option                => v_site.match_option,                                      x_create_debit_memo_flag      => v_site.create_debit_memo_flag,                                      x_exclusive_payment_flag      => v_site.exclusive_payment_flag,                                      x_tax_reporting_site_flag     => v_site.tax_reporting_site_flag,                                      x_attribute_category          => v_site.attribute_category,                                      x_attribute1                  => v_site.attribute1,                                      x_attribute2                  => v_site.attribute2,                                      x_attribute3                  => v_site.attribute3,                                      x_attribute4                  => v_site.attribute4,                                      x_attribute5                  => v_site.attribute5,                                      x_attribute6                  => v_site.attribute6,

                                      x_attribute7                  => v_site.attribute7,                                      x_attribute8                  => v_site.attribute8,                                      x_attribute9                  => v_site.attribute9,                                      x_attribute10                 => v_site.attribute10,                                      x_attribute11                 => v_site.attribute11,                                      x_attribute12                 => v_site.attribute12,                                      x_attribute13                 => v_site.attribute13,                                      x_attribute14                 => v_site.attribute14,                                      x_attribute15                 => v_site.attribute15,                                      x_validation_number           => v_site.validation_number,                                      x_exclude_freight_from_disc   => v_site.exclude_freight_from_discount,                                      x_vat_registration_num        => v_site.vat_registration_num,                                      x_offset_tax_flag             => v_site.offset_tax_flag,                                      x_check_digits                => v_site.check_digits,                                      x_bank_number                 => v_site.bank_number,                                      x_address_line4               => v_site.address_line4,                                      x_county                      => v_site.county,                                      x_address_style               => v_site.address_style,                                      x_language                    => v_site.LANGUAGE,                                      x_allow_awt_flag              => v_site.allow_awt_flag,                                      x_awt_group_id                => v_site.awt_group_id,                                      x_pay_on_code                 => v_site.pay_on_code,                                      x_default_pay_site_id         => v_site.default_pay_site_id,                                      x_pay_on_receipt_summary_code => v_site.pay_on_receipt_summary_code,                                      x_bank_branch_type            => v_site.bank_branch_type,                                      x_edi_id_number               => v_site.edi_id_number,                                      x_edi_payment_method          => v_site.edi_payment_method,                                      x_edi_payment_format          => v_site.edi_payment_format,

                                      x_edi_remittance_method       => v_site.edi_remittance_method,                                      x_edi_remittance_instruction  => v_site.edi_remittance_instruction,                                      x_edi_transaction_handling    => v_site.edi_transaction_handling,                                      x_auto_tax_calc_flag          => v_site.auto_tax_calc_flag,                                      x_auto_tax_calc_override      => v_site.auto_tax_calc_override,                                      x_amount_includes_tax_flag    => v_site.amount_includes_tax_flag,                                      x_ap_tax_rounding_rule        => v_site.ap_tax_rounding_rule,                                      x_vendor_site_code_alt        => v_site.vendor_site_code_alt,                                      x_address_lines_alt           => v_site.address_lines_alt,                                      x_global_attribute_category   => v_site.global_attribute_category,                                      x_global_attribute1           => v_site.global_attribute1,                                      x_global_attribute2           => v_site.global_attribute2,                                      x_global_attribute3           => v_site.global_attribute3,                                      x_global_attribute4           => v_site.global_attribute4,                                      x_global_attribute5           => v_site.global_attribute5,                                      x_global_attribute6           => v_site.global_attribute6,                                      x_global_attribute7           => v_site.global_attribute7,                                      x_global_attribute8           => v_site.global_attribute8,                                      x_global_attribute9           => v_site.global_attribute9,                                      x_global_attribute10          => v_site.global_attribute10,                                      x_global_attribute11          => v_site.global_attribute11,                                      x_global_attribute12          => v_site.global_attribute12,                                      x_global_attribute13          => v_site.global_attribute13,                                      x_global_attribute14          => v_site.global_attribute14,                                      x_global_attribute15          => v_site.global_attribute15,                                      x_global_attribute16          => v_site.global_attribute16,                                      x_global_attribute17          => v_site.global_attribute17,                                      x_global_attribute18          => v_site.global_attribute18,

                                      x_global_attribute19          => v_site.global_attribute19,                                      x_global_attribute20          => v_site.global_attribute20,                                      x_bank_charge_bearer          => v_site.bank_charge_bearer,                                      x_ece_tp_location_code        => v_site.ece_tp_location_code,                                      x_pcard_site_flag             => v_site.pcard_site_flag,                                      x_country_of_origin_code      => v_site.country_of_origin_code,                                      x_calling_sequence            => NULL,                                      x_shipping_location_id        => NULL,                                      --v_Site.shipping_location_id, -- do not update shipping location information                                      x_supplier_notif_method       => v_site.supplier_notif_method,                                      x_email_address               => v_site.email_address,                                      x_remittance_email            => v_site.remittance_email,                                      x_primary_pay_site_flag       => v_site.primary_pay_site_flag,                                      x_shipping_control            => v_site.shipping_control,                                      x_gapless_inv_num_flag        => v_site.gapless_inv_num_flag,                                      x_selling_company_identifier  => v_site.selling_company_identifier,                                      x_duns_number                 => v_site.duns_number,                                      x_tolerance_id                => v_site.tolerance_id                                     );   END LOOP;    COMMIT;END;
