Sutton WestCoast - Whistler Summer Newsletter


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8/6/2019 Sutton WestCoast - Whistler Summer Newsletter 1/2

 Summer 2011

Whistler Newsletter 

July 2011

Summer is finally here…at least that’s what the calendar says. After a fantastic winter 

with many epic snow days and a cool non-existent spring, theanticipation of some summer sunshine and warmth is awelcoming thought. But when? It seems we get two days of summer then six days of fall. I guess that's life on the WestCoast!

Although our spring and summer weather hasn't been stellar, atleast our local real estate market has continued to show signs of growth and stability compared to the past two years. 2011 Year to Date sales (Jan-June) total 258 compared to 214 for the sametime last year and 168 for 2009. See left for the past 5 years.

The leader in property sales has been Townhouses, at 75 YTD. Single Family

Chalets totaled 44, Unrestricted Condos 43, Restricted/Hotel Use Condos 38,Strata Duplexes 5, Vacant Land 7, Quartershares 36.

Sales Statistics

2011 258 Sales2010 214 Sales2009 168 Sales2008 317 Sales2007 450 Sales

Sales by Property Type

So far this year the number of sales has been

relatively consistent month to month rangingfrom a low of 33 in January to a high of 50 inMarch, with a monthly average of 43.

Residential townhomes have been the mostpopular property type with buyers. The mostactive price range for Whistler buyers has

 been between $350,000 to $900,000. Next inline are higher-end townhomes and singlefamily chalets in the $1.1M to $1.8M range.One key focus for   buyers is properties that areexempt of the HST.

A Stable Market andSummer Sunshine in the


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Buying Trends… 

The buying trends of the past

several years are the same trends

driving today’s market. Lifestyle,

recreation and principal residence

are the key reasons for buying.

The majority of buyers continue to

 be from the Metro Vancouver area

with a limited number of buyers

from the Western USA and Asia.

In general, listing inventory for most property types remains high

compared to the number of sales.

Buyers should continue to have a good selection of properties… 

The “Rule of Thumb” (Active

Listings versus Sales Ratio) for 

determining a Seller’s or Buyer’s

market, indicates we are still in a

Buyer’s market for most property

types. As a result, buyers should

continue to have a good selection of 

properties. And as we have seen

over the past several years, buyers

will continue to look for motivated

sellers, properties that meet their needs and offer good value for their 

investments. *

(Disclosure: In our endeavors to provide information to past and current clients, we periodically send real estate related information such as this. However,should you not wish to receive future mai lings, please let us know and we will remove your name from our database. This communication is not intended tocause or induce breach of an existing agency agreement. All sales data is from the Whistler Listing System. E&O. E)

Have a great summer  – see you in Whistler!

Sutton West Coast Realty – Whistler 36-4314 Main Street, Whistler BC Canada V0N 1B4Office: 604.935.3380 / Fax: 604.935.3390Toll Free Canada & USA: 1.866.978.8866Web: Blog: