Sweden’s innovation€¦ · A Challenge-Driven Strategy . 2012-04-05 . Sustainable cities ....


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VINNOVA develops Sweden’s innovation capacity for sustainable growth



Swedish research and innovation in figures

Innovation Union Scoreboard 20104

Global Competitiveness Index 2010/20114

1. Switzerland 1. Switzerland

2. Sweden 2. Sweden

3. Denmark 3. Singapore

4. Finland 4. USA

5. Germany 5. Germany

6. United Kingdom 6. Japan

7. Belgium 7. Finland

8. Austria 8. Netherlands

9. Netherlands 9. Danmark

10. Ireland 10. Canada

3.6% of GDP equivalent to annual R&D investment in Sweden

Sources: 1SCB (forecast for 2009) 2VINNOVA 2010 3SCB (forecast for 2009) 4Innovation Union Scoreboard 2010, The Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011

Equivalent to 3.6% of Sweden’s GDP for 2009 invested in R&D.3


(billion SEK)


Total Swedish R&D1


Total government



grants to R&I


99% of the worlds research takes place outside Sweden



No innovation, no long-term competitiveness


Innovation capacity

Infrastructure for innovation

Policy development

Outside analysis

Catalytic meeting places

Strategic processes

Global links

Bilateral R&I partnerships

Swedish participation in

EU R&D programme


R&I projects

Test and demo sites


R&I projects for increased


Participation in international partnerships

Investing in R&I Innovation capacity in

SMEs Utilisation

Strong R&I milieus


Knowledge triangle


Grand challenges as drivers for growth

Environment Health

Ageing population Globalization


A Challenge-Driven Strategy


Sustainable cities

Competitive production

The sustainable information society

Future Health and Health care

Sustainable Attractive Cities

Competitive Sustainable Production

The Sustainable Information Society

Future Health and Health Care

VINNOVA’s role Connect & Catalyse


Complementing each other through partnership


Innovation needs effective innovation systems and entrepreneurship



VINNVÄXT Regional Growth through Dynamic Innovation Systems

Strategy Support the development of strong

research and innovation environments

Stimulate Triple Helix based regional partnerships to enhance the innovation system in Swedish functional regions to an international level within specific areas of strength

Be a catalyst for coordination of resources

National initiative levering regional innovation processes

Lars-Gunnar Larsson 2012-04-05

FoU- aktiviteter - bygga upp en tydlig gemensam TH strategi/agenda - genomföra forskningsprogram/bygga upp f-centra - mobilisera hela den potentiella forskar/studentbasen - omprioritera forskningsresurserna mot profilområdet - öka professionaliseringen av ansökningskapaciteten - rekrytera ”speciella” forskare - öka attraktiviteten i forskningsmiljön - inför affärsdriven metodik för forskningen - skapa arenor, både sociala och fysiska

Aktiviteter för utveckling, förnyelse effekivisering av företag - finansiering: såddkapital, VC mm - scouting, såväl på högskola som i företag - nyföretagarstöd, inkubering mm -mäklari; teknik o affärer - ordna utbildningar inom entreprenörskap, affärsutveckl Aktiviteter för paketering av resultat för förnyelse - erbjud IPR-kompetens - omvärldsanalys/business intelligence - etablera fysiska arenor; teknikparker mm - uppgradering av produktionsprocessor - testbäddar -främja internationalisering (export??) -

Aktiviteter som stärker FoI-miljön/infrastrukturen/innovasys: Utveckling av styrelsens arbete Utveckling av processledningens roll Utveckling av politikernas roll Utveckling av kommunikationsaktiviteter

Resultat FoU: Tillgång på FoU-baserad kunskap Tillgång till FoU-nätverk

Effektindikatorer: - ökad f-finansiering i HS till profilomr. - ökad mottagarkapacitet i företagen (ökat antal civ ing + disputerade) - ökat deltagande i (inter)nationella FoU-samarbeten - ökat antal FoU-projekt mellan HS o ftg - attraktionsmått på FoU (inflyttning av företag o forskare - sampubliceringsmönster -Mångfaldsmått

Effektmål FoU: Ökad tillgång till FoU-kunskap inom tillväxtom-rådet på två sätt: - förstärkning/profilering av regionens egen FoU-kapacitet - internationell och/eller nationell FoU-kapacitet görs tillgänglig och nyttjad

Resultat kommersialisering: Framtagna produktidéer från Högskola/Näringsliv/Uppfinnare Professionell inkubering, IPR, VC, etc.

Effektindikatorer kommersialisering: -antal nystartade - företag - antal nya arbetstillfällen (bevarande), alternativt endast vissa grupper - nya produkter o processer - licensiering, in och ut - exportökning - förädlingsvärde - nya marknader - nya affärsmodeller/logik

Effektmål kommersialisering Förnyat/uppgraderat näringsliv med ökat förädlingsvärde i FoUbaserade produkter

Resultat FoI-miljön: Beslut om prioriteringar med tillhörande resurser hos aktörerna Förlängd/utökad medverkan isatsningen. Förändrade mönster för samarbeten mellan aktörer (Er)känd (inter)nationell nod inom sitt område

Effektindikatorer FoI-miljön: Attraktivitet för: Människor Företag Pengar

Effektmål FoI-miljön: Stark/Internationellt konkurrenskraftig F&I-miljö

Målet för VINNVÄXT är hållbar tillväxt genom att utveckla internationellt konkurrenskraftiga forsknings- och innovationsmiljöer inom specifika profilområden.

Impact indicator for the R&I milieu Attraction of: •People •Firms •Money

Activities Impact

indicators Expected

impact Results

Impact analysis



Planning, initiation

& Pilotes

Call for

Planning grants

Call 2003

Call 2004

Call 2005

phase 1

Call phase 2

Phase 3 Decision 080630

2001 2008 Sustainable growth is the main objective. Strong Research & Innovation environments and renewal are in focus. International competetiveness.

Region leadership where industry, research and society/politics have a shared common vision. Region strength and talent (smart specialization).

10 years of support and regulary asessments and reconsiderations of work plans.

Mutual learning based on a trustful dialogue, system perspective, process development and follow-ups.

Growth effects also among other initiatives than the awarded.

Program budget 2011 is appr. EUR 8,5 million, plus regional funding of at least the same size. (plus SF)



VINNVÄXT Characteristics Innovation, renewal, sustainable growth – “earn money rather than save money” 10 years investment VINNOVA 0,5 – 1 million Euro per year and cluster (cash) Regional actors approximately x 3 (cash and in kind) Overall investments in the cluster area x 10 (cash and in kind) 1800 partners enrolled whereof 1700 companies whereof 630 active companies Regional leadership is backbone Regional – National – European – International dimension


Innovation capacity

Infrastructure for innovation

Policy development

Outside analysis

Catalytic meeting places

Strategic processes

Global links

Bilateral R&I partnerships

Swedish participation in

EU R&D programme


R&I projects

Test and demo sites


R&I projects for increased


Participation in international partnerships

Investing in R&I Innovation capacity in

SMEs Utilisation

Strong R&I milieus


Knowledge triangle


VINNVÄXT initiatives

VINNVÄXT Results Qualitative results and effects Innovation engine Speed up the innovation process Build trustful relations and networks (internal and external) Regional self-confidence Syndicating resources for strategic challenges

Quantitative results (12 cluster initiatives) 2010 Total # new products 55 281 # new services 40 151 # new prototypes 122 302 # new processes 47 150 # scientific publications 222 1250 # start up firms 54 197 # new patents 33 152 # new establishments/ 24 90 expansion investments


Activities in the learning strategy • Triple helix management course • 2 meetings/year with process managers - thematic focus • Yearly assessments

– annual reports with interviews and dialogue – result & effect indicators

• Evaluation every third year – by International teams – looking at “the system” AND “the content”

• Communication programme • Learning projects in all initiatives & national level • Initiating studies of common interest • Gender issues • Stimulation of internationalisation • Connecting to other VINNOVA programmes Approximately 10% of programme budget used for process support



Robotdalen – We enable commercial success!

Growth Targets by 2013: ”.. 35 new products, 35 new companies, 50 M€ investments ..”

Robotdalen’s asset base

… 200+ companies!

Japan USA Robotdalen

Robotdalen’s asset base




Robotics for SME’s – Multiple growth opportunities!

Today! 1-2 years 3-5 years

Industrial projects • SME’s over robot threshold • Feasibility studies (students)

• 170+ SMEs: > 50% for robots

New concepts • 5 new concepts • Rapid commercialisation

Strategic research • Robotics for SMEs (= Demo Q3/2009)

200 MSEK investments! Increased productivity and competitiveness in Swedish industry!

To market 2011 through pilot installation at local lead customer!



Development trends VINNVÄXT


Strategy VINNVÄXT 2012 and forward

Existing investment in 11 VINNVÄXT initiatives Beyond 2013 – 10 years as a VINNVÄXT initiatives New call



What could be learned ?


Learning - in short

Change takes time - Step by step Current situation (strength areas) Shared vision and strategic idea for growth Business driven Individuals – champions – story tellers Mobilisation – trust building Monitoring and assessment

Sustainable growth: Long-term economic growth which is also socially and ecologically sustainable Innovation systems: Actors in business, research and politics who generate and use new technology and new knowledge in collaboration, for sustainable growth Triple Helix: Collaboration and coordination between business, research and politicians/society

Three concepts:



Specialisation and concentration of companies and competencies

Supporting companies Customers

Formal rules Social capital


Public funding

Risk capital

Physical infra- structure

Technical infrastructure

Knowledge infrastructure


Innovation System


The Concepts

Adapted from Eriksson 2012-04-05

The most important lessons to learn from the


• The existence of a strong regional leadership promoting renewal

• A shared vision (strategic concept) within a specific area of growth

• A functional definition of the region

• The development of robust research and innovation environments

• The development of strategies and resources for learning

• Knowledge and insight into business and development logic within

the specific area of growth

• Strong commitment on the part of the companies

• The importance of a long term approach 2012-04-05

© Lars Christensen AB

Social capital

Social entrepreneurs

Local suppliers

Development organization

Specialized infrastructure

Specialized work force and

technology competence

Local competition

The growth potential


Critical success factors – sustainable growth in regional innovation systems and clusters

Demanding customers in the region





Competence diversity


Thank you !


www.VINNOVA.se/vinnvaxt 2012-04-05


Reserve slides


International evaluation VINNVÄXT


Communication VINNVÄXT


Monitoring VINNVÄXT




Additional studies VINNVÄXT


Some external studies VINNVÄXT

VINNVÄXT page 97-100

Mobile Vikings

Clean Water


Active for life

Comfort in Living 2012-04-05
