Swedish Lace - marcypetrini.com Lace.pdf · Pictionary by Marcy Petrini ©2018, photos by Terry...


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Pictionary by Marcy Petrini ©2018, photos by Terry Dwyer, for personal use only marcypetrini@gmail.com 10/1/18

Swedish Lace

Swedish lace is a unit or grouped weave with two blocks on 4 shafts. The width and length of the

block is not fixed, but limited by the floats. While one block weaves weft floats, the other block

can weave plain weave or warp floats; the other side of the fabric shows the alternate floats.

Blocks are often repeated

with plain weave in

between. Plain weave can

be woven across and down

the length of the fabric.The

drawdown below shows the

possible options. The fabic

is a sampler showing

various arrangements of the

