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The Language of The Language of MathematicsMathematics

The Language of The Language of MathematicsMathematics


A symbol is something that someone intends to stand for something other than itself.

This statue, , stands for the idea of liberty

The word “liberty” also stands for the idea of liberty.Both the statue and the word stand for something other than themselves.


• We use symbols to quickly communicate concepts and complex information.

• In natural languages, words, not letters of the alphabet, convey information.

• Mathematics uses letters of alphabets along with some special symbols as shorthand for natural language words.


The 5 types of math symbols you begin with are:•Numbers – the things we talk about•Variables - more things we talk about•Operations – used to make new things•Grouping Symbols – used for punctuation•Comparisons – used to make sentences

Math Symbols



Math Englisha, b, c, …*x, y, z, …α, β, γ, …

number, a number, the number, etc.

* Any symbol: , , , …, etc., can be used as shorthand for the word “number”, but letters are easy to type and write.




+ plus, increased by– negative, the negation of

(unary operation)– minus, decreased by, less

(binary operation)×,• times, multiplied by÷, / divided by

Grouping Symbols

Math English( ) parentheses[ ] brackets{ } braces

division bar




=equals, is equal to, is the same number as

>  is greater than<  is less than

• What type of symbol is “)”?

• What type of symbol is “+”?

• What type of symbol is “>”?• What type of symbol is “y”?• Are “=“ and “2” the same type of


Do you know your types?

Look these up on the Internet or in a library.

•What is the name of “+” in French?•What is the name of “3” in Chinese?•What is the name of “<“ in Arabic?•What is the name of “=“ in Turkish

Look it up

• What is the name of “7” in Spanish?• What is the name of “=“ in Russian?

• What is the name of “×” in Hindi?• What is the name of “1” in Swahili?• What is the name of “÷” in

Vietnamese?• What is the name of “0” in Martian?

Look it up

Discuss the use of symbols in some other area of human endeavor, such as

• Sports• Music• Science• Language• Art• History

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