Symicia's Home Work



St.Lucia We LOve

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The Christmas Eve Trough

After the Christmas eve trough my grandma and papa took me to canaries to witness the destruction that was done to the community as a result of the trough. When we arrived at canaries , I was horrified by what I saw .

As a result of many bridges being demolished by water so were the some schools on the island, example Canaries Primary School amongst all this, the children and teachers supplies were ruined, peoples plantation and crops were washed away by heavy rains, many people were left homeless and were on the street because the emergency shelters that were assigned to different communities were overcrowded. After viewing all this desolation that had occurred I had to leave for home because the day was coming to an end. Immediately, when I got home I rushed into the television room and placed the television on .Upon viewing the news, the entire report was about the trough . Six bodies were found in different communities and much damage was done to peoples properties. I was shocked to see what had happened in Vaana , peoples houses were flooded with dirty water . Vehicles were swept away by the strong currents from rivers, furniture was scattered everywhere on the streets . The channels roads in various communities were damaged as a result of water underground. Many people came together in this type wreckage and members of the community lend a helping hand to those that had suffered majorly from the trough. In the month of December on the 24th day was a sad Christmas for everyone.