Synthesis, Structure, Magnetic and Fluorescent Properties


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Cu-Ln Compounds Based on Nitronyl Nitroxide Radicals:

Synthesis, Structure, Magnetic and Fluorescent Properties

Meng Yang, Juan Sun, Jianni Guo, Guifang Sun, Licun Li*

Department of Chemistry, Key Laboratory of Advanced Energy Materials Chemistry and Tianjin Key Laboratory of Metal and Molecule-based Material Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China

Figure S1 Crystal structure of complex 2 with hydrogen and fluorine atoms omitted

for clarity (left) and local coordination geometry of Pr(III) ions (right).

Figure S2 Crystal packing of complex 2 (All hydrogen and fluorine atoms are omitted for clarity).

Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for CrystEngComm.This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016

Figure S3 Crystal structure of complex 4(fluorine atomsand partial hydrogen omitted

for clarity; left) and local coordination geometry of Tb(III) ions (right).

Figure S4 Crystal structure of complex 5(fluorine atoms and partial hydrogen omitted

for clarity; left) and local coordination geometry of Dy(III) ions (right).

Figure S5 Crystal packing of complex 4 (All hydrogen and fluorine atoms are omitted

for clarity).

Figure S6 Crystal packing of complex 5 (All hydrogen and fluorine atoms are omitted

for clarity).

Figure S7 Crystal structure of complex 7(hydrogen and fluorine atoms omitted for

clarity; left) and local coordination geometry of Tb(III) ions (right).

Figure S8 Crystal structure of complex 8 (hydrogen and fluorine atoms omitted for

clarity; left) and local coordination geometry of Dy(III) ions (right).

Figure S9 Crystal packing of complex 7 (All hydrogen and fluorine atoms are omitted

for clarity).

Figure S10 Crystal packing of complex 8 (All hydrogen and fluorine atoms are

omitted for clarity).

Figure S11 XRD patterns of complexes 28.

Chart S1. Spin polarization mechanism for the magnetic coupling mediated by NIT-5Br-3Pyligand.

Figure S12 M versus H curves for complex 2 at 2.0K.

Figure S13 M vs H plot for complex 4 at 2.0K.

Figure S14 M vs H plot for complex 5 at 2.0K.

Figure S15M vs H plot for complex 7 at 2.0K.

Figure S16 M vs H plot for complex 8 at 2.0K.

Figure S17 Temperature dependence of the in-phase () ac magnetic susceptibility of

complex 4 in zero dc field.

Figure S18 Temperature dependence of the in-of-phase () and the out-of-phase ()

ac magnetic susceptibility of complex 5 without an applied dc field.

Figure S19 Temperature dependence of the out-of-phase () ac susceptibility of

complex 7 without an applied dc field.

Figure S20 Temperature dependence of the in-of-phase () and the out-of-phase ()

ac susceptibility of complex 8 without an applied dc field.
