T-MOBILE SIP TG PROVISIONING MOPtjohnsonportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/4/9/13491222/sip_tg... ·...


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Table of Contents

Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... iii

Introduction to SIP TG Provisioning MOP ..................................................................................................... v

Customer Integration Questionnaire (CIQ) ................................................................................................... 1

Customer Integration Questionnaire (CIQ) ................................................................................................... 3

CIQ Information ......................................................................................................................................... 3

CIQ Sections ............................................................................................................................................. 3

CIQ Locations ........................................................................................................................................... 3

Alcatel-Lucent (ALU) SIP TG Provisioning ................................................................................................... 5

Alcatel-Lucent (ALU) SIP TG Provisioning ................................................................................................... 7

Required Tools .......................................................................................................................................... 7

ALU Core – SIP Trunk Group Provisioning ............................................................................................... 7

Provision a SIP Trunk Group ................................................................................................................. 7

Provision SIP to VoIP Trunk Group Associations ................................................................................ 10

Provision Incoming SIP Trunk Group Selection .................................................................................. 11

Trunk Build Validation .......................................................................................................................... 12

Ericsson (E///) TG Provisioning ................................................................................................................... 13

Ericsson (E///) TG Provisioning ................................................................................................................... 15

Required Tools ........................................................................................................................................ 15

Ericsson Core – SIP Traffic Route Provisioning ..................................................................................... 15

Provision Remote Hosts ...................................................................................................................... 15

Provision Route Sets ........................................................................................................................... 16

Provision a SIP Traffic Route ............................................................................................................... 17

Trunk Build Validation .......................................................................................................................... 19

Conclusion to SIP TG Provisioning MOP .................................................................................................... 21


Introduction to SIP TG Provisioning MOP T-Mobile upgraded its Core Network to the Next Generation Internet Protocol (IP) Technology in order to reduce Operating Expense (OPEX) across the nation. T-Mobile deployed Core Network Switches (MGCFs) using two vendors Alcatel-Lucent (ALU) and Ericsson (E///). Both vendors have completed software upgrades, and are ready for IP traffic migration. T-Mobile has chosen to deploy Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) signaling for Internet conferencing, telephony, event notification, and instant messaging. SIP Trunk Group (TG) Provisioning is new to T-Mobile Switch Operations. This Method of Procedures (MOP) will guide T-Mobile Switch Operations to successfully provision a SIP TG in each type of MGCF.

Customer Integration Questionnaire (CIQ)

SIP TG Provisioning MOP 3

Customer Integration Questionnaire (CIQ)

CIQ Information The CIQ is a formal document created by the Engineering Department. The CIQ provides Switch Operations the specifications to provision (build) a TG in a MGCF. The CIQ details each required parameter, and the correct option to build each TG.

CIQ Sections Alcatel-Lucent and Ericsson MGCFs have unique parameters and sections that are familiar to the Switch Operations Team. However, the CIQs contain the same basic information:

1. Media Gateway (MGW) IP Addresses and cabling information 2. Voice Over IP (VOIP) transmission group IP Addresses and parameter selections 3. SIP TG IP Addresses, and parameter selections 4. Codec information used to encode and decode messages 5. Performance settings used to evaluate and troubleshoot problems

CIQ Locations CIQs are stored on the T-Mobile InfoRouter accessible while connected to the T-Mobile network:

1. Alcatel-Lucent= http://docs.eng.t-mobile.com/InfoRouter/docs/~F259763 2. Ericsson= http://docs.eng.t-mobile.com/InfoRouter/docs/~F274076

Alcatel-Lucent (ALU) SIP TG Provisioning

SIP TG Provisioning MOP 7

Alcatel-Lucent (ALU) SIP TG Provisioning

Required Tools • PC Computer • T-Mobile Network Access • Alcatel-Lucent WEM Client, with write Access

ALU Core – SIP Trunk Group Provisioning Provision a SIP Trunk Group

The 16 steps provided below create a SIP TG in the Alcatel-Lucent MGCF.

1. Open the Alcatel-Lucent CIQ for the selected Switch, navigate to the “SIP Prov MOP Section 4.4” worksheet (Table 1)

Table 1: SIP ProvMOP Section 4.4 worksheet, Alcatel-Lucent CIQ

2. Open the WEM Client (Figure 1) 3. Select the Switch that requires a SIP TG

Figure 1: WEM Client, Specify Switch

4. Click the ‘Ok’ button to open the Graphic User Interface (GUI) menu for the selected

switch (Figure 2)

5. Expand the menu tree on the left side of the window: 5060 WCS/Groups/SIP, and click on “Groups” menu item. The ‘Query SIP Group from 5060 WCS 1’ window opens.

6. Click the ‘Add’ button at lower left of the screen, to open the ‘Wizard–Add SIP Group to 5060 WCS1” section to the ‘General’ tab (Figure 3)

Figure 2: Query SIP Group from 5060 WCS 1

7. Copy the “User Group Number” for the SIP TG, from the CIQ into the ‘User Group

Number’ field 8. Type the Trunk Group Name for the SIP TG, obtained from the CIQ, into the ‘Name’ field 9. Click the ‘>’ button to move to the ‘Properties’ tab

Figure 3: General tab, Wizard-Add SIP Group to 5060 WCS 1

SIP TG Provisioning MOP 9

10. Update the applicable Call Handling parameters according to the values provided in the CIQ (Figure 4)

11. Click the ‘>’ button to move to the ‘SIP Properties’ tab

Figure 4: Properties tab, Wizard-Add SIP Group to 5060 WCS 1

12. Update the applicable SIP Parameters according to the values provided in the CIQ

(Figure-5) 13. Click the ‘Apply’ button to create the SIP TG

Figure 5: SIP Properties tab, Wizard-Add SIP Group to 5060 WCS 1

14. View the new SIP TG in the ‘Query SIP Group from 5060 WCS 1’ window 15. Unlock the new SIP TG after querying the group. Select the SIP TG, right-click, then

choose “Admin State > Unlocked”

Provision SIP to VoIP Trunk Group Associations The 12 steps provided below associate the SIP TG to the VOIP Group. The VOIP group is the transport layer that physically moves traffic to the destination IP Address.

1. Navigate to the “SIP Prov MOP Section 4.6” worksheet in the CIQ (Table 2)

Table 2: SIP Prov MOP Section 4.6

2. Locate the new SIP TG in the 5060 WCS/Groups/SIP, and click on “Groups” menu item

(Figure 2) 3. Select the new SIP TG, right-click, then choose “Modify Row”. The WEM Client

automatically opens a new window for the selected SIP TG (Figure 6) 4. Click the ‘Add Row’ button, in the ‘MSF VOIP TKG association’ tab, to start the process.

The WEM Client automatically opens a new window for the selected SIP TG (Figure 7)

Figure 6: MSF VOIP TKG association tab

5. Update the ‘Msf Node Num’ drop down. Select the MSF Node provided in the CIQ 6. Update the ‘VoIP Group Id’ drop down. Select the VOIP Group ID provided in the CIQ

“VoIP Group ID” field 7. Click the “Apply” button to create the VOIP Group association 8. Repeat Steps 5-9 for each VOIP Group ID (this example has VOIP Group ID 200 & 201)

Figure 7: General tab, WIZARD-Add MSF VOIP TKG association to SIP

9. Repeat Steps 5-10 for the each association required in the CIQ “SIP Prov MOP Section

4.6” (this example has Association 1 – Association 5) 10. Click the “Apply” button on the ‘MSF VOIP TKG association’ tab after all associations


SIP TG Provisioning MOP 11

Provision Incoming SIP Trunk Group Selection Incoming SIP Trunk Group Selection directs traffic from the SIP TG Destination IP Address, to the correct SIP TG. Without this feature, incoming traffic will enter through the “Default SIP TG”, and call statistics will not be applied to the correct SIP TG.

1. Expand the menu tree on the left side of the WEM Client GUI: 5060 WCS/Signaling

Gateway/Incoming SIP trunk Group Map (Figure 8)

Figure 8: Incoming SIP Trunk Group Map

2. Click the “Add” button to automatically open a new window, “Add Incoming SIP Trunk

Group Map” (Figure 9)

3. Enter the ‘Host IP Address” from the CIQ “SIP Prov MOP Section 4.4” worksheet. Click the ‘Apply’ button to map the Incoming SIP TG.

Figure 9: General tab, WIZARD-Add Incoming SIP Trunk Group Map

Trunk Build Validation

Complete all sections for each required SIP TG. Before exiting the WEM Client, validate all SIP TG settings are identical to the settings provided in the CIQ. Notify the OSD Traffic Engineer that SIP TG Provisioning is complete, and close work order tasks assigned for the SIP TGs.

Ericsson (E///) TG Provisioning

SIP TG Provisioning MOP 15

Ericsson (E///) TG Provisioning

Required Tools • PC Computer • T-Mobile Network Access • Ericsson OSS client, with write Access

Ericsson Core – SIP Traffic Route Provisioning Provision Remote Hosts

The 6 steps below define Remote Hosts in the Ericsson MGCF.

1. Open the Ericsson CIQ for the selected Switch, navigate to the “MGCF for Interworking” worksheet, Remote Hosts section (Table 1)

Table 1: Remote Hosts, MGCF for Interworking worksheet, Ericsson CIQ

2. Open the Ericsson OSS Client. Ericsson OSS Client is a Command-Line Interface (CLI)

system. CLI is a means of interaction with a computer program where the user issues commands to a program in the form of successive lines of text. The OSS will respond with a confirmation message when commands are successfully entered.

3. Login to the Switch that requires a SIP TG with write access credentials 4. Type “CLS”, then press [Enter] 5. Add Remote Host (Figure 1) Type the following into the Ericsson OSS, press [Enter] after each command line:


The “NAME1” and “X.X.X.X” entries are copied from the CIQ MGCF for Interworking worksheet Remote Hosts section of the CIQ.

Figure 1: Ericsson OSS, Add Remote Hosts

6. Repeat Steps 4 & 5 for each required SIP TG

Provision Route Sets The 4 steps below define Route Set Information (RSI) in the Ericsson MGCF.

1. Navigate to the “MGCF for Interworking” worksheet, Route Set Information section of the Ericsson CIQ (Table 2)

Table 2: Route Set Information, MGCF for Interworking worksheet, Ericsson CIQ

2. Type “CLS”, in the Ericsson OSS, then press[Enter] 3. Add Route Set Information (Figure 2)

Type the following into the Ericsson OSS, press [Enter] after each command line: IBROI:RSI=RSIXX, DEST=NAME1, RSINUM=XX; TRN=1;\

The “RSIXX”, “NAME1”, “XX”, and “1” entries are copied from the CIQ MGCF for Interworking worksheet Route Set Information section of the CIQ.

Figure 2: Ericsson OSS, Add Route Set Information

4. Repeat Steps 2 & 3 for each required SIP TG

SIP TG Provisioning MOP 17

Provision a SIP Traffic Route The 4 steps below define SIP Traffic Routes in the Ericsson MGCF.

1. Navigate to the “MGCF for Interworking” worksheet, SIP Traffic Routes section of the Ericsson CIQ (Table 3)

Table 3: SIP Traffic Routes, MGCF for Interworking worksheet, Ericsson CIQ

2. Type “CLS”, in the Ericsson OSS, then press[Enter] 3. Define the Traffic routes (Figure 3) Type the following into the Ericsson OSS, press [Enter] after each command line: ! TRAFFIC ROUTES SIP, STATIC! EXROI: R=ABBCDDO&ABBCDDI, DETY=SIPCO, FNC=3; EXROI: R=ABBCDDO&ABBCDDI, DETY=SIPCO, FNC=3;

The “ABBCDD0”, “ABBCDDI”, “SIPCO”, and “3” entries are copied from the CIQ MGCF for Interworking worksheet SIP Traffic Routes section of the CIQ.

Figure 3: Ericsson OSS, Define Traffic routes

4. Tie the traffic route to the main route (Figure 4) Type the following into the Ericsson OSS, press [Enter] after each command line: EXRBC: R=ABBCDDO, R2=2<BB>SXXO; ! OUTGOING ! EXRBC: R=ABBCDDI, R2=2<BB>SXXI; ! INCOMING !

The “ABBCDD0”, “ABBCDDI”, “2<BB>SXXO”, and “2<BB>SXXI” entries are copied from the CIQ MGCF for Interworking worksheet SIP Traffic Routes section of the CIQ.

Figure 4: Ericsson OSS, Tie traffic route to main route

5. Assign other parameters to the traffic route (Figure 5) Type the following into the Ericsson OSS, press [Enter] after each command line:


The “ABBCDDO”, “ABBCDDI”, “SCI-1”, “RSIID-X”, “MIS3”, “MIS5”, “RGPAR”, and “BO”, entries are copied from the CIQ MGCF for Interworking worksheet SIP Traffic Routes section of the CIQ.

Figure 5: Ericsson OSS, Other parameters

SIP TG Provisioning MOP 19

6. Display SIP route settings to validate the settings match the CIQ parameters (Figure 6) Type the following into the Ericsson OSS, press [Enter] after each command line: EXROP:R= ABBCDDO&ABBCDDI;

The “ABBCDDO” and “ABBCDDI” entries are copied from the CIQ MGCF for Interworking worksheet SIP Traffic Routes section of the CIQ.

Figure 6: Ericsson OSS, Display settings

7. De-block outgoing route, this opens the route to send traffic Type the following into the Ericsson OSS: BLORE:R= ABBCDDO;

The “ABBCDDO” entry is copied from the CIQ MGCF for Interworking worksheet SIP Traffic Routes section of the CIQ.

Figure 6: Ericsson OSS, De-block route

Trunk Build Validation

Complete all sections for each required SIP TG. Before exiting the OSS, validate all SIP TG settings are identical to the settings provided in the CIQ. Notify the OSD Traffic Engineer that SIP TG Provisioning is complete, and close work order tasks assigned for the SIP TGs.

Conclusion to SIP TG Provisioning MOP T-Mobile deployed Alcatel-Lucent and Ericsson MGCFs, to facilitate its next generation IP network. The T-Mobile IP network uses SIP signaling, requiring Switch Operations to build SIP Trunk Groups in each MGCF. SIP Trunk Group (TG) Provisioning is new to T-Mobile Switch Operations. This Method of Procedures (MOP) provides T-Mobile Switch Operations a set of instructions to successfully provision a SIP TG in each type of MGCF.
