Taare Zameen Par


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Heard it…same old statement..


Do we practice…. DO we feel..

DO we realize this..

• Let us Make every one feel Special with whom ever interact !

Every child has his own way of learning and understanding things.

"There is a cost of action and there is a cost of inaction. There is a cost of standing on your feet and there is a cost of living on your knees.

Guess what's more expensive?"

Plan out your Work, Work out your Plan!

While portraying the life of a dyslexic mentions some world famous dyslexics- Leonardo da vinci, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein etc. There are other equally famous cases who suffered from dyslexia throughout their lives but were still tremendously successful.

Be Creative….Innovative….in


If Teachers/trainers cannot create Interest for the subject…then may be

There is a lot wrong with us and not with our students/trainees.

Remember, our trainees/students should wait for our class..

Making mistakes is not the end of the world

but realising and repeating them is....

• Spending some quality time and being there to gently guide him at times of confusion should help the child to discover himself/herself and succeed eventually.

• Everyone has different ways of doing the same things.

•It is about accepting a person as he is.•Putting forward his Positivity &•Utilising his strengths to the fullest.

God, grant me the Serenity To accept the things I cannot

change, Courage to change the things I

can, &Wisdom to know the difference.

• Though everyone may not find a Mentor in one single individual nor with the caliber and patience as shown in the Movie by Aamir khan. We must educate children to find Mentors in every walk of life , even an ant or an elephant has something to offer. They have to Learn what " LIFE" is .

• U & I shud be 1, so that GOD says, “Well Done!, I’m proud of U”.

• We have many thing to pay attention to and learn out of it. Whenever we meet anybody we can grasp the best quality of him or her but unfortunately we see faults and shortcomings.


do busines


with us, not

because how SMART we are

but how much

we care!

People don't

want to know"how much

we know"

but "how much

we care!"

“Ability to see the

Invisible= VISION

if V can see the Invisible

V can achieve the Impossible!”

“Happiness depends not on what we can GET

but on what we can GIVE.”

Parting Shot
