Tabata Training




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Pushups(interval) Body weight Squats Medicine ball slams Sprinting or jumping rope

- single handed swings left(kettlebell + interval)- unilateral squat and press left- single handed swings right- unilateral squat and press right

- alternating jackknife crunch(series)- push up knee tuck - prisoner squat- dumbbell back row

Barbell Squats(interval) Pushups Chin ups Sprinting in place

- push up(interval)- prisoner squat- lunge- leg raise

- jumping jack (series)- push up knee tuck - high knees in place- modified push ups (2 grips and knees on floor raised 45 degrees)

* Jump Rope(series)* Pushups* Squats* Chin-ups or Pull-ups

1. Reverse Lunges (Alternating legs) (rack position) (interval)2. Shoulder Press or Thruster3. Romanian Deadlifts4. Hang Cleans

1. Reverse Lunges (Barbell on shoulders; back squat style)(circuit)2. Good Mornings (Bar still on shoulders)3. Shoulder Press or Thruster4. Hang Cleans5. Front Squats6. Bent Over Row7. Romanian Deadlifts8. Push Ups

1. Squat and Row(circuit)2. Swimmers (back straight, arms straight, touch band to shoulders)3. Tight Rotations (right side)4. Tight Rotations (left side)5. Punches (right leg forward)6. Punches (left leg forward)7. Swimmers (back straight, arms straight, touch band to shoulders)8. Squat and Row.

- One Legged Mountain Climbers(series)- Baby Push Ups- Slide Lunges & Lateral Arm Extensions- Bike Crunches

- sumo squats(interval)- reverse lunge knee drives- reverse lunge knee drives (opposite leg)- squat thrusts

- toe touch crunches(interval)- jumping side lunges- mountain climber twist- squat w/ knee taps

- squat thrust(interval)- mountain climbers- high knees in place- jumping jacks

- box jump(interval)- push up- v-sit twist- squat thrust

- single leg jump side to side(interval)- one arm dumbbell row in push up position- butt kick in place- dumbbell v-sit twist

- jumping jack (interval)- squat thrust- high knees in place- baby push ups

- burpee(interval)- mountain climbers- tuck jumps - split squats

- mountain climbers (sliders)(interval)- toe touch crunches (static position)- squat jumps- squat thrust

- jumping jacks(interval)- fast pace mountain climbers- shoulder press squats- bicycle crunch

- high knees (without jumping)(interval)- squat uppercuts- jumping jacks- frog squats

- shoulder press squats(interval)- leg lift plank- alternating lunges- fast pace mountain climbers

- squat(series)- push up- sit-up- pull up

- v-sit crunch(series) - full plank with arm rise- front press (90 degrees boxing punches)- modified squat jumps

- dumbbell press(dumbbell + interval)- alternate dumbbell curl- lyng dumbbell extension- standing dumbbell press

- jump rope (interval)- squat thrust- jump squats- mountain climber


- dumbbell burpee snatch - Pull-ups- Dips- dumbbell thruster- barbell front squat- Side Slide Lunge & Bicep Curl- jump rope- jump bungees - bulgarian split squat- romanian deadlift- lunge & twist
