Table 1c - Bowel Screening Wales€¦ · Web viewBowel Screening Uptake for those participants...


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Screening Division of Public Health Wales BSW Annual Statistical Report2015/16

Date: January 2017 Version: 1 Page: 1 of 28

Screening Division of Public Health Wales BSW Annual Statistical Report2015/16

Screening Division of Public Health Wales

Bowel Screening WalesAnnual Statistical Report

2013/14Author: Screening Division Informatics TeamDate: January 2015 Version: 2Publication/ Distribution:

BSW Programme Board Stakeholders via Screening for Life Internet site NHS Wales via links on Screening Professionals site Public Health Wales via web story and links to screening sites

Purpose and Summary of Document:This report is a detailed summary of information on work undertaken by Bowel Screening Wales for the financial year 2013/14

For more information about this report contact: Helen Beer, Senior Information Manager and Research Specialist,Screening Division of Public Health Wales,18 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9LJTel: 029 2078 7803 WHTN: 0896 7820 or 7803Fax: 029 2078 7900Email:

Date: January 2017 Version: 1 Page: 2 of 28

Screening Division of Public Health Wales BSW Annual Statistical Report2015/16

This report is a detailed summary of information on work undertaken by Bowel Screening Wales for the year from April 2015 to the end of March 2016.

Publication Details: Title: Bowel Screening Wales Annual Statistical Report 2015-16 Date: This report published 26 January 2017ISBN: 978-1-910768-40-2   

For more information about this report contact: Helen Clayton, Interim Head of Service, Information and Data Informatics Division, Floor 6, Public Health Wales, Number 2 Capital Quarter, Tyndall Street, Cardiff, CF10 4BZTel: 029 2010 4405


Quality Assurance Statement

Screening data records are constantly updated. The databases used by Public Health Wales Screening Division are updated on a daily basis when records are added, changed or removed (archived). This might relate to when a person has been identified as needing screening; has had screening results that need to be recorded, or  has a change of status and no longer needs screening respectively. Data is received from a large number of different sources with varying levels of accuracy and completeness. The Screening Division checks data for accuracy by comparing datasets – for example GP practice data – and corrects the coding data where possible. It should be noted that there are sometimes delays in data collection – for example a person might not immediately register with their GP if they move address. These delays will therefore affect the completeness of the data depending on individual circumstances. In addition, the reader should be aware that data is constantly updated and there might be slight readjustments in the numbers cited in this document year on year because of data refreshing.

© 2017 Public Health Wales NHS TrustMaterial contained in this document may be reproduced without prior

permission provided it is done so accurately and is not used in a misleading context.

Acknowledgement to Public Health Wales NHS Trust to be stated.

Copyright in the typographical arrangement, design and layout belongs to Public Health Wales NHS Trust

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Screening Division of Public Health Wales BSW Annual Statistical Report2015/16


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Screening Division of Public Health Wales BSW Annual Statistical Report2015/16

s1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................6

2 HEADLINE STATISTICS..........................................................7

3 DATA...................................................................................93.1 Coverage and Uptake.....................................................................93.2 Participants invited.......................................................................183.3 Validated kits................................................................................213.4 Waiting times for screening results..............................................233.5 Attendance at colonoscopy...........................................................243.6 Detection rates.............................................................................253.7 Waiting times for index colonoscopy/ flexible sigmoidoscopy

appointment within 4 weeks of Booking SSP Appointment..........253.8 Attendance at CT scans................................................................25

4 DEFINITIONS......................................................................26

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Screening Division of Public Health Wales BSW Annual Statistical Report2015/16

Table 1a - Bowel Screening Coverage (within 2.5 years) by Health Board of Residence, as at 1st October 2016.................................................. 9Graph 1a: Bowel Screening Coverage (within 2.5 years) by Health Board of residence, as at 1st October 2016..................................................10Table 1b - Bowel Screening Coverage (within 2.5 years) by Deprivation Quintile and Health Board of Residence, as at 1st October 2016.............11Graph 1b - Bowel Screening Coverage (within 2.5 years) by Deprivation Quintile and Health Board of Residence, as at 1st October 2016............ 12Table 1c - Bowel Screening Uptake by Health Board of residence........ 13Graph 1c - Bowel Screening Uptake by Health Board of residence ....... 14Table 1d - Bowel Screening Uptake by Deprivation Quintile and Health Board of Residence ........................................................................ 15Graph 1d - Bowel Screening Uptake by Deprivation Quintile and Health Board of Residence ........................................................................ 16Table 1e - All Wales Bowel Screening Uptake by Type of Recall………….. 17Table 1f - All Wales Bowel Screening Coverage and Uptake - Historical Comparison .................................................................................. 17Table 2a - Number of male participants invited for bowel screening – by age and Health Board of residence .................................................. 18Table 2b - Number of female participants invited for bowel screening – by age and Health Board of residence .................................................. 19Table 2c - Total participants invited for bowel screening – by age and Health Board of residence ..................................... ........ ........ ........ 20Table 3a - Bowel Screening Kits validated by test result and Health Board of residence – FOB kit .................................................................... 21Table 3b - Bowel Screening Kits validated by test result and Health Board of residence – FIT kit...................................................................... 21Table 3c - Bowel Screening Kits validated by test result and Health Board of residence – Total kits ................................................................. 22Table 4 - Waiting time for screening test results, (from receipt of test kit to validated result) ........................................................................ 23Table 5 - Attendance at index colonoscopy/ flexible sigmoidoscopy by Health Board of residence............................................................... 24Table 6 - All Wales Cancer / Polyp / Adenoma detection rates at index colonoscopy/ flexible sigmoidoscopy ................................................ 25

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Screening Division of Public Health Wales BSW Annual Statistical Report2015/16

1 IntroductionThis is the third annual statistical report published by Bowel Screening Wales (BSW). This report covers data for the financial year 2015/16, with the exception of coverage which was run on 1st October 2016 and displays the latest available figure. BSW was launched in October 2008 and aims to reduce the number of people dying from bowel cancer in Wales by 15% by 2020 in the group of people invited for screening. To achieve this aim the bowel screening programme must identify cancer early when treatment is more successful and also identify and remove polyps that may otherwise go on to become malignant. In the year 2015/16 Bowel Screening Wales diagnosed 205 people with cancers and detected and removed polyps in 1149 participants.

The proportion of colorectal cancers diagnosed by screening is greater in Wales than in England at 12% compared to an overall average for England and Wales of 10% (NBOCAP 2015). There are indications that the rate of emergency admissions for colorectal cancer has reduced in Wales since the bowel screening programme was implemented and this is currently being evaluated further.

Key messages about the programme

Bowel screening reduces your risk of dying from bowel cancer. Men and women aged 60 to 74 are invited to take part every two years. You may feel well even if you have early bowel cancer. Finding cancer

early gives you the best chance of survival. Bowel screening is a free NHS test that can be completed easily in your

own home. Screening will miss some cancers, and some cancers cannot be cured. Taking part in bowel screening is your choice. Read the information

pack carefully to help you make your decision.

Programme delivery The Screening Division of Public Health Wales is responsible for managing, delivering and quality assuring the programme. The programme employs a Head of Programme, administrative staff, nursing staff and Quality Assurance Advisors for Screening Colonoscopy, Pathology, Radiology and Surgery. The central screening laboratory is co-located with the administrative department and Cervical Screening Wales laboratory. Laboratory staff work across both laboratories.

Screening pathway

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Eligible participants are identified on the Welsh Demographic System and invited for screening. Men and women aged 60 to 74 years are invited every 2 years. Invitation is based on date of birth not geographical location and comprises a letter from the Director of Screening Division and an information pack which contains the test kit. The initial test kit is a Guaiac Faecal Occult Blood (FOBt) test kit which is sent to eligible people by post for completion at home and returned to the central screening laboratory by post in the prepaid envelope provided.

People with negative FOBt results are returned to routine recall and invited again for screening two years later, if they remain in the eligible age range. Those with equivocal results are sent a more sensitive FOBt called an immunochemical test (FIT) to complete.

Participants with positive results are invited for telephone assessment with Specialist Screening Practitioners (SSP) based in Local Assessment Centres who assess their fitness for colonoscopy. Most assessments are undertaken by telephone, but face to face appointments are available at request or if considered necessary by the SSP.

If considered fit, colonoscopy is offered to the participant and, if accepted, this is undertaken in the participants Local Assessment Centre. Depending on the findings after assessment, participants are returned to routine recall, put onto a surveillance programme according to the number and size of polyps identified and removed, or referred to the multi disciplinary team with a diagnosis of cancer.

If someone is not fit for colonoscopy, a CT scan is usually offered.

More information is available at

2 Headline statistics Bowel Screening Coverage on 1st October 2016 was 51.7%, compared

to 50.3% on 1st October 2015. Coverage on 1st October 2016 ranged from 50.1% in Cardiff and Vale University Health Board to 52.7% in Aneurin Bevan University Health Board.

Bowel Screening Uptake for those participants invited between April 2015 and March 2016 was 54.4%, an increase from the previous year when uptake was 50.8%. Uptake in 2016 ranged from 52.5% in Cardiff and Vale University Health Board to 55.6% in Powys Teaching Health Board.

Coverage and uptake figures were higher in females (coverage was 53.6% in females compared to 49.8% in males, uptake was 56.3% in females compared to 52.3% in males).

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Coverage and uptake figures were also higher in those living in the least deprived areas (58.4% and 61.4% respectively in the least deprived areas compared to 42.7% and 44.7% respectively in the most deprived areas).

For the period April 2015 and March 2016:

284,400 participants were invited for bowel screening.

164,400 test kits were validated of which 1.4% were spoilt and a further 2.5% rejected, which could not be tested.

4.1% of all Faecal Occult Blood (FOB) test kits were validated with an equivocal result, these participants were sent the Immunochemical test kit (FIT).

151,800 test kits were given a definitive result, 98.7% were negative and 1.3% were positive.

91.3% of all test kits were validated and a result letter issued to the participant, within a week of receipt by the laboratory.

Across Wales, 81.4% of participants were offered an index colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy within four weeks of phoning to make the appointment with a Specialist Screening Practitioner. This is a significant improvement from 59.0% in 2014/15. In 2015/16 98.7% of participants were offered a procedure within eight weeks.

Attendance at first (index) colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy was 97.3% with over 1,700 attended index procedures.

At first (index) colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy, cancer detection rate was 12.0%, polyp detection rate was 67.0% and the adenoma detection rate was 52.8%. A colorectal polyp is a growth found on the lining of the colon or rectum. A neoplastic polyp (a tissue whose cells have lost its normal differentiation) is called an adenoma, which is a benign growth but in some cases can develop into a cancer.

205 participants were diagnosed with cancer and 1149 participants had polyps detected and removed in the year.

Across Wales, the proportion of booked computer tomography (CT) scans which were attended was 97.0%.

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3 Data3.1 Coverage and UptakeTable 1a - Bowel Screening Coverage (within 2.5 years) by Health Board of Residence, as at 1st October 2016

Total Female Male

Health Board EligibleScreened

within 2.5 years

% Coverage Eligible

Screened within 2.5


% Coverage Eligible

Screened within

2.5 years

% Coverage

Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB 88465 46139 52.2 45299 24191 53.4 43166 21948 50.8

Aneurin Bevan UHB 98077 51723 52.7 50036 27131 54.2 48041 24592 51.2

Betsi Cadwaladr UHB 127860 65646 51.3 65408 34889 53.3 62451 30757 49.2

Cardiff and Vale UHB 67648 33910 50.1 34329 17985 52.4 33319 15925 47.8

Cwm Taf UHB 49092 25145 51.2 24874 12952 52.1 24218 12193 50.3

Hywel Dda UHB 75462 39399 52.2 38440 21033 54.7 37022 18366 49.6

Powys Teaching HB 28486 14942 52.5 14351 8013 55.8 14135 6929 49.0

Unknown 4932 2404 48.7 2424 1252 51.7 2508 1152 45.9

All Wales 540022 279308 51.7 275161 147446 53.6 264860 131862 49.8

For description of uptake and coverage calculations, please see definitions in section 4.

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Graph 1a: Bowel Screening Coverage (within 2.5 years) by Health Board of residence, as at 1st October 2016

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Table 1b - Bowel Screening Coverage (within 2.5 years) by Deprivation Quintile and Health Board of Residence, as at 1st October 2016

Health Board Q1 – least deprived Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 – most

deprived Unknown Total

Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB 58.5 55.3 52.8 49.9 43.8 0.0 52.2

Aneurin Bevan UHB 59.3 56.4 54.4 50.3 44.7 0.0 52.7

Betsi Cadwaladr UHB 57.5 53.7 50.7 45.9 40.3 0.0 51.3

Cardiff and Vale UHB 58.4 49.7 45.2 44.4 36.8 0.0 50.1

Cwm Taf UHB 60.7 56.3 52.4 50.1 45.9 0.0 51.2

Hywel Dda UHB 57.2 54.8 52.2 49.0 43.1 0.0 52.2

Powys Teaching HB 57.7 53.0 52.0 46.1 42.3 0.0 52.5

Unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 48.7 48.7

All Wales 58.4 54.1 51.9 48.6 42.7 48.7 51.7

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Graph 1b - Bowel Screening Coverage (within 2.5 years) by Deprivation Quintile and Health Board of Residence, as at 1st October 2016

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Table 1c - Bowel Screening Uptake by Health Board of residence, 2015/16

Total Female Male

Health Board Eligible Responded % Uptake Eligible Responded % Uptake Eligible Responded % Uptake

Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

46270 25448 55.0 23666 13259 56.0 22604 12189 53.9

Aneurin Bevan UHB 50945 27686 54.3 26059 14605 56.0 24886 13081 52.6

Betsi Cadwaladr UHB 66715 36230 54.3 34229 19310 56.4 32486 16920 52.1

Cardiff and Vale UHB 35210 18477 52.5 17901 9833 54.9 17309 8644 49.9

Cwm Taf UHB 25419 13779 54.2 12967 7162 55.2 12452 6617 53.1

Hywel Dda UHB 39114 21640 55.3 19930 11566 58.0 19184 10074 52.5

Powys Teaching HB 14850 8251 55.6 7458 4373 58.6 7392 3878 52.5

Unknown 2559 1283 50.1 1223 633 51.8 1336 650 48.7

All Wales 281082 152794 54.4 143433 80741 56.3 137649 72053 52.3

Uptake includes participants invited for bowel screening during April 2015 to March 2016.

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Graph 1c - Bowel Screening Uptake by Health Board of residence, 2015/16

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Table 1d - Bowel Screening Uptake by Deprivation Quintile and Health Board of Residence, 2015/16

Health Board Q1 – least deprived Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 – most

deprived Unknown Total

Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB 61.8 58.0 56.3 52.4 46.0 0.0 55.0

Aneurin Bevan UHB 61.5 58.2 56.0 51.9 45.9 0.0 54.3

Betsi Cadwaladr UHB 60.8 56.6 54.0 48.8 42.6 0.0 54.3

Cardiff and Vale UHB 61.0 52.7 47.9 46.6 37.9 0.0 52.5

Cwm Taf UHB 63.7 59.1 55.3 53.0 49.1 0.0 54.2

Hywel Dda UHB 61.7 57.6 55.5 51.9 45.9 0.0 55.3

Powys Teaching HB 62.5 56.0 55.4 47.2 44.6 0.0 55.6

Unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.1 50.1

All Wales 61.4 56.9 54.9 51.0 44.7 50.1 54.4

Bowel screening uptake has seen a significant increase during 2015/16 from 50.8% the previous year to 54.4% this year. Work to increase uptake is ongoing and includes work to increase uptake across the population as well as specifically in groups where uptake is low. The BSW team have implemented various interventions to improve uptake including an introductory letter which is sent to men in advance of their invitation for screening. Uptake has increased across all the deprivation quintiles, not just in the least deprived groups. Also, the absolute and relative difference between the most and least deprived groups is decreasing, meaning that inequity in uptake is reducing.

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Graph 1d - Bowel Screening Uptake by Deprivation Quintile and Health Board of Residence, 2015/16

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Table 1e - All Wales Bowel Screening Uptake by Type of Recall, 2015/16

Prevalent Round - 1st Invite Prevalent Round - Subsequent invite(s) Incident Round

Year Eligible Tested % Uptake Eligible Tested %

Uptake Eligible Tested % Uptake

2015-16 41472 19329 46.6 93696 10105 10.8 145914 123360 84.5

Table 1f - All Wales Bowel Screening Coverage and Uptake - Historical Comparison

Year Eligible Tested % Coverage Eligible Tested % Uptake

2009-10 201842 111537 55.3

2010-11 204291 108175 53.0

2011-12 268727 137366 51.1

2012-13 266693 128583 48.2

2013-14 528794 264446 50.0 280192 147378 52.6

2014-15 533294 268257 50.3 254139 129118 50.8

2015-16 540022 279308 51.7 281082 152794 54.4

Three years of coverage data is presented for comparison because of changes of definition over time.

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3.2 Participants invited

Table 2a - Number of male participants invited for bowel screening – by age and Health Board of residence, 2015/16


Health Board 60-64 years

65-69 years

70-74 years

Total Invited

Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB 9283 7150 6496 22929

Aneurin Bevan UHB 10220 7948 7049 25217

Betsi Cadwaladr UHB 12808 10811 9375 32994

Cardiff and Vale UHB 7685 5355 4512 17552

Cwm Taf UHB 5185 3993 3423 12601

Hywel Dda UHB 7713 6166 5555 19434

Powys Teaching HB 2859 2446 2188 7493

Unknown 610 404 348 1362

All Wales 56363 44273 38946 139582

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Table 2b - Number of female participants invited for bowel screening – by age and Health Board of residence, 2015/16


Health Board 60-64 years

65-69 years

70-74 years

Total Invited

Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB 9381 7547 6971 23899

Aneurin Bevan UHB 10390 8203 7710 26303

Betsi Cadwaladr UHB 13227 11133 10230 34590

Cardiff and Vale UHB 7542 5517 5000 18059

Cwm Taf UHB 5230 4152 3696 13078

Hywel Dda UHB 7846 6286 6010 20142

Powys Teaching HB 2936 2420 2182 7538

Unknown 576 370 292 1238

All Wales 57128 45628 42091 144847

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Table 2c – Total participants invited for bowel screening – by age and Health Board of residence, 2015/16


Health Board 60-64 years

65-69 years

70-74 years

Total Invited

Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB 18664 14697 13467 46828

Aneurin Bevan UHB 20610 16151 14759 51520

Betsi Cadwaladr UHB 26035 21944 19605 67584

Cardiff and Vale UHB 15227 10872 9512 35611

Cwm Taf UHB 10415 8145 7119 25679

Hywel Dda UHB 15559 12452 11565 39576

Powys Teaching HB 5795 4866 4370 15031

Unknown 1186 774 640 2600

All Wales 113491 89901 81037 284429

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3.3 Validated kitsTable 3a - Bowel Screening Kits validated by test result and Health Board of residence – FOB kit

Number of kits validated - FOB Percentage - FOBHealth Board Spoilt Rejected Equivocal Negative Positive Total Spoilt Rejected Equivocal Negative PositiveAbertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

406 674 1069 23896 54 26099 1.6% 2.6% 4.3% 99.8% 0.2%

Aneurin Bevan UHB 420 763 1169 27153 61 29566 1.4% 2.6% 4.1% 99.8% 0.2%Betsi Cadwaladr UHB 450 787 1414 34281 82 37014 1.2% 2.1% 4.0% 99.8% 0.2%Cardiff and Vale UHB 268 539 762 17502 33 19104 1.4% 2.8% 4.2% 99.8% 0.2%Cwm Taf UHB 261 409 575 12965 19 14229 1.8% 2.9% 4.2% 99.9% 0.1%Hywel Dda UHB 222 481 866 20494 65 22128 1.0% 2.2% 4.0% 99.7% 0.3%Powys Teaching HB 85 189 281 7863 19 8437 1.0% 2.2% 3.4% 99.8% 0.2%Unknown 33 31 51 1252 1 1368 2.4% 2.3% 3.9% 99.9% 0.1%All Wales 2145 3873 6187 145406 334 157945 1.4% 2.5% 4.1% 99.8% 0.2%

Table 3b - Bowel Screening Kits validated by test result and Health Board of residence – FIT kitNumber of kits validated - FIT Percentage - FIT

Health Board Spoilt Rejected Equivocal Negative Positive Total Spoilt Rejected Equivocal Negative PositiveAbertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

21 47 0 748 308 1124 1.9% 4.2 0.0% 70.8% 29.2%

Aneurin Bevan UHB 20 41 0 841 306 1208 1.7% 3.4 0.0% 73.3% 26.7%Betsi Cadwaladr UHB 18 37 0 1024 367 1446 1.2% 2.6 0.0% 73.6% 26.4%Cardiff and Vale UHB 12 43 0 541 200 796 1.5% 5.4 0.0% 73.0% 27.0%Cwm Taf UHB 4 30 0 416 148 598 0.7% 5.0 0.0% 73.8% 26.2%Hywel Dda UHB 11 31 0 623 229 894 1.2% 3.5 0.0% 73.1% 26.9%Powys Teaching HB 4 7 0 206 74 291 1.4% 2.4 0.0% 73.6% 26.4%Unknown 2 3 0 31 17 53 3.8% 5.7 0.0% 64.6% 35.4%All Wales 92 239 0 4430 1649 6410 1.4% 3.7 0.0% 72.9% 27.1%

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Table 3c – Total Bowel Screening Kits validated by test result and Health Board of residence – Total kitsNumber of kits validated – TOTAL Percentage – TOTAL

Health Board Spoilt Rejected Equivocal Negative Positive Total Spoilt Rejected Equivocal Negative PositiveAbertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

427 721 1069 24644 362 27223 1.6% 2.6 4.1% 98.6% 1.4%

Aneurin Bevan UHB 440 804 1169 27994 367 30774 1.4% 2.6 4.0% 98.7% 1.3%Betsi Cadwaladr UHB 468 824 1414 35305 449 38460 1.2% 2.1 3.8% 98.7% 1.3%Cardiff and Vale UHB 280 582 762 18043 233 19900 1.4% 2.9 4.0% 98.7% 1.3%Cwm Taf UHB 265 439 575 13381 167 14827 1.8% 3.0 4.1% 98.8% 1.2%Hywel Dda UHB 233 512 866 21117 294 23022 1.0% 2.2 3.9% 98.6% 1.4%Powys Teaching HB 89 196 281 8069 93 8728 1.0% 2.2 3.3% 98.9% 1.1%Unknown 35 34 51 1283 18 1421 2.5% 2.4 3.8% 98.6% 1.4%All Wales 2237 4112 6187 149836 1983 164355 1.4% 2.5 3.9% 98.7% 1.3%

Note: Spoilt and rejected rates are calculated as a percentage of the total results.

Equivocal rates are calculated as a percentage of the equivocal, negative and positive results.

Negative and positive rates are calculated as a percentage of negative and positive results only.

During 2015/16, we have introduced a new rejected category. This has allowed BSW to compare rates with other UK programmes that use these definitions.

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3.4 Waiting times for screening resultsTable 4 - Waiting time for screening test results, (from receipt of test kit to validated result), 2015/16

Days Number validated

Percentage of total validated

Same day 45924 27.9%

1 31146 19.0%

2 23619 14.4%

3 16343 9.9%

4 13132 8.0%

5 10423 6.3%

6 9535 5.8%

7-13 days 13898 8.5%

14 days + 335 0.2%

TOTAL 164355 100.0%

Across Wales in 2015/16 91.3% of all test kits were validated and a result letter issued to the participant within a week of receipt by the laboratory. This is a reduction from the 98.7% seen last year, and is a result of new technology being introduced into the cervical screening laboratory. Laboratory staff work across both the bowel and cervical screening programme and needed to be trained to use new equipment in the cervical laboratory. This

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had a temporary impact on staffing levels within the bowel screening laboratory. Staffing levels have since returned to normal and turnaround times have improved.

3.5 Attendance at colonoscopyTable 5 - Attendance at index colonoscopy/ flexible sigmoidoscopy by Health Board of residence, 2015/16

Health Board Booked index procedure

Attended index procedure % Attended

Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB 303 292 96.4%

Aneurin Bevan UHB 339 331 97.6%

Betsi Cadwaladr UHB 404 396 98.0%

Cardiff and Vale UHB 196 189 96.4%

Cwm Taf UHB 157 153 97.5%

Hywel Dda UHB 267 261 97.8%

Powys Teaching HB 77 74 96.1%

Unknown 20 19 95.0%

All Wales 1763 1715 97.3%

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3.6 Detection ratesTable 6 - All Wales Cancer / Polyp / Adenoma detection rates at index colonoscopy/ flexible sigmoidoscopy, 2015/16

Number Detected

Total Index Procedures

Percentage Detected

Cancer detection rate 205 1715 12.0%

Polyp detection rate 1149 1715 67.0%

Adenoma detection rate* 906 1715 52.8%

3.7 Waiting times for index colonoscopy/ flexible sigmoidoscopy appointment within 4 weeks of Booking SSP Appointment

During the April 2015 to March 2016 year, 1723 participants were offered an index procedure and 1402 (81.4%) were offered a procedure date within 4 weeks of booking their Specialist Screening Practitioner (SSP) assessment appointment. A total of 1701 (98.7%) were offered a procedure date within 8 weeks and 22 (1.3%) were offered a procedure date more than 8 weeks after booking their SSP assessment appointment. This is a large improvement on waiting times reported during 2014-15 where 59.0% of participants were offered an index procedure within four weeks.

3.8 Attendance at CT scansAcross Wales, 97.0% of booked CT scans were attended; this varies between 92.2% and 100% across Health Boards for the year April 2015 to March 2016.

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4 DefinitionsThis section provides further detail on the calculations used in this report.

Eligible For coverage calculations, eligible participants are those that are resident in Wales at the time of reporting, that are not currently ceased or suspended from bowel screening invitation following notification of a diagnosed bowel condition, movement or death and are between invite age range 60 to 74 years.

For uptake calculations, eligible participants are those that were resident in Wales (not deducted on NHAIS in the 6 months following invitation) and invited for bowel screening during the reporting period date range. Participants that were ceased or suspended from bowel screening invitation following notification of a diagnosed bowel condition, movement or death, within six months following invitation were excluded, unless they had returned a used test kit.

Uptake Participants were deemed to have responded to their invitation if the bowel screening programme received a used test kit within six months following their invitation.

CoverageThe calculation counts those eligible participants that have had a used test kit validated within two and a half years of the reporting date.

Deprivation Deprivation quintiles were assigned using the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) 2008, measured at lower super output area (LSOA) level. LSOAs are ranked into quintiles at an all-Wales level so they can be compared between health boards. This means that there will not be an equal proportion of people in each quintile when you look at each health board e.g. in Monmouthshire, 40% of the population live in the least deprived quintile of Wales, but no areas fall into the Welsh most deprived quintile.

Health Board This is health board of residence.

Spoilt test kit A spoilt kit is a FOB/FIT kit that is rendered unavailable for testing either by the participant or by the laboratory for reasons defined in the Bowel Screening Wales and Laboratory Quality Manuals, e.g. no date on the kit or the test not completed well by the participant.The rates are calculated as a proportion of the total bowel screening test kits validated in the reporting period.

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Screening Division of Public Health Wales BSW Annual Statistical Report2015/16

Rejected test kit A rejected kit is one that is rejected for testing by the laboratory because it fails to meet defined specific criteria for sample acceptance that are documented in the Laboratory Quality Manual e.g. a mismatch between the name and the barcode or a kit that is past the manufacturers expiry date. These rates are calculated as a proportion of the total bowel screening test kits validated in the reporting period.

Equivocal test kit These rates are calculated as a proportion of the un-spoilt bowel screening test kits validated in the reporting period.

Negative and positive test kit These rates are calculated as a proportion of the test kits validated in the reporting period as negative and positive results – i.e. those kits that have a definitive result.

Prevalent Round - first invite (table 1f)Prevalent round first invitation is the first time a person is invited to take part in screening. They have not been screened before as they have not been invited before.

Prevalent round - subsequent invite (table 1f)Prevalent round subsequent invitation is when a person has previously been invited, but has not actually taken part in screening before. They have not been screened before but they have been invited before.

Incident Round (table 1f)Incident round is when people are invited that have previously taken part in the screening programme.

ColonoscopyColonoscopy is the visual inspection of the interior of the colon with a flexible, lighted tube (colonoscope) inserted through the rectum. During colonoscopy, biopsies (tissue samples of abnormal areas) can be obtained to aid diagnosis.

Flexible SigmoidoscopyA flexible sigmoidoscopy is the visual inspection of the lower part of the large intestine with a flexible lighted tube inserted through the rectum. During flexible sigmoidoscopy, biopsies (tissue samples of abnormal areas) can be obtained to aid diagnosis. Attendance and detection rates (Tables 5 and 6) report procedures that are booked in the reporting period. Waiting times were calculated using those participants with an index procedure first offered within the reporting period. This might not be the procedure they attended, due to participant choice or other factors.

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