Table of Contents - Case


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Case Western Reserve University 1

Table of Contents

Case School of Engineering ...................................................................... 2Degree Program in Engineering - Undesignated ................................................... 18

Department of Biomedical Engineering .................................................................. 20

Department of Chemical Engineering ..................................................................... 48

Department of Civil Engineering ............................................................................. 64

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science .............................. 77

Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering .................................. 116

Department of Materials Science and Engineering .............................................. 135

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ..................................... 156

Division of Education and Student Programs ...................................................... 177

Engineering Physics ............................................................................................... 179

Master of Engineering and Management .............................................................. 182

2 Case School of Engineering

Case School of Engineering

Engineering seeks to create new processes,products, methods, materials, or systems thatimpact and are beneficial to our society. Toenable its graduates to lead the advancement oftechnology, the Case School of Engineering offersthirteen degree programs at the undergraduatelevel (twelve engineering degrees, plus theB.S. in computer science). At the post-graduatelevel, the School of Engineering offers Master ofScience programs and the Doctor of Philosophy foradvanced, research-based study in engineering.Case School of Engineering offers two specializeddegrees at the master’s level: a Master ofEngineering specifically for practicing engineers,and an integrated Master of Engineering andManagement jointly administered with theWeatherhead School of Management. The CaseSchool of Engineering, also, offers two dual-degrees at the graduate level jointly administeredwith the School of Medicine: a Doctor of Medicine/Master of Science and a Doctor of Medicine/Doctorof Philosophy. The faculty and students participatein a variety of research activities offered throughthe departments and the interdisciplinary researchcenters of the University.

At the core of its vision, the Case School ofEngineering seeks to set the standards forexcellence, innovation, and distinction inengineering education and research prominence.

Statement of EducationalPhilosophy

The Case School of Engineering prepares andchallenges its students to take positions ofleadership in the professions of engineering andcomputer science. Recognizing the increasing roleof technology in virtually every facet of our society,it is vital that engineering students have access toprogressive and cutting-edge programs stressingfive areas of excellence

• Mastery of fundamentals

• Creativity

• Societal awareness

• Leadership skills

• Professionalism

Emphasizing these core values helps ensure thattomorrow’s graduates are valued and contributing

members of our global society and that they willcarry out the tradition of engineering leadershipestablished by our alumni.

The undergraduate program aims to create life-longlearners by emphasizing engineering fundamentalsbased on mathematics, physical and naturalsciences. Curricular programs are infused withengineering innovation, professionalism (includingengineering ethics and the role of engineering insociety), professional communications, and multi-disciplinary experiences to encourage and developleadership skills. To encourage societal awareness,students are exposed to and have the opportunityfor in-depth study in the humanities, socialsciences, and business aspects of engineering.Undergraduate students are encouraged todevelop as professionals. Opportunities includethe Cooperative Education Program, on-campusresearch activities, and participation in the studentchapters of professional societies. Graduates areprepared to enter the workforce and be strongcontributors as practicing engineers, or continue foradvanced study in engineering.

At the graduate level, the Case School ofEngineering combines advanced classroom studywith a rigorous independent research experienceleading to significant results appropriate forpublication in archival journals and/or presentationat leading technical conferences. Scientific integrity,engineering ethics, and communication skills areemphasized throughout the program.

Brief History

The Case School of Engineering was establishedon July 1, 1992, by an action of the Board ofTrustees of Case Western Reserve University asa professional school dedicated to serving societyand meeting the needs of industry, governmentand academia through programs of teaching andresearch.

The Case School of Engineering continuesthe tradition of rigorous programs based onfundamental principles of mathematics, science andengineering that have been the hallmark of its twopredecessors, the Case School of Applied Science(1880) and the Case Institute of Technology (1947).The formation of the Case School of Engineeringis a re-commitment to the obligations of the gift ofLeonard Case Jr., to serve the citizens of NorthernOhio. The School of Engineering has been aleader in many educational programs, being thefirst engineering school to offer undergraduateprograms in computer engineering, biomedical

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engineering, polymer engineering and systems andcontrol engineering.


The Case School of Engineering has the followingaccreditations:

Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,Inc. (engineering)

Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, Inc.(computer science)

Accreditation Council for Cooperative Education(cooperative education programs)

Bachelor of Science I Master of Science | Masterof Engineering | Master of Engineering andManagement | Doctorate

Engineering Degrees Granted

Bachelor of Science in Engineering with thefollowing major field designations:

• Aerospace Engineering

• Biomedical Engineering

• Chemical Engineering

• Civil Engineering

• Computer Engineering

• Electrical Engineering

• Engineering Physics

• Materials Science and Engineering

• Mechanical Engineering

• Polymer Science and Engineering

• Systems and Control Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Engineering(Undesignated) (for programs that emphasizeinterdisciplinary areas or for programs that include

some emphasis on non-technical fields. This is notan accredited degree)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science(accredited by the Computing AccreditationCommission of ABET, Inc.)

Bachelor of Science in Engineering/Master ofScience

• Aerospace Engineering

• Biomedical Engineering

• Chemical Engineering

• Civil Engineering

• Computer Engineering

• Computing and Information Science

• Electrical Engineering

• Engineering Physics

• Materials Science and Engineering

• Mechanical Engineering

• Polymer Science and Engineering

• Systems and Control Engineering

Master of Science with the following major fielddesignations:

• Aerospace Engineering

• Biomedical Engineering

• Chemical Engineering

• Civil Engineering

• Computer Engineering

• Computing and Information Science

• Electrical Engineering

• Macromolecular Science and Engineering

• Materials Science and Engineering

• Mechanical Engineering

• Systems and Control Engineering

Master of Science (Undesignated)

Doctor of Medicine/Master of Science

4 Case School of Engineering

• Biomedical Engineering

Master of Engineering (practice-orientedprogram)

Master of Engineering and Management

Doctor of Philosophy with the following major fielddesignations:

• Aerospace Engineering

• Biomedical Engineering

• Chemical Engineering

• Civil Engineering

• Computer Engineering

• Computing and Information Science

• Electrical Engineering

• Macromolecular Science

• Materials Science and Engineering

• Mechanical Engineering

• Systems and Control Engineering

Doctor of Medicine/Doctor of Philosophy

• Biomedical Engineering

• Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

In addition to the major department requirements,each engineering undergraduate degree programincludes the Engineering Core, which providesa foundation in mathematics and sciences aswell as aspects of engineering fundamentals forprograms in engineering. The Engineering Corealso is designed to develop communication skillsand to provide a body of work in the humanities andsocial sciences. Requirements of the EngineeringCore can be found in the Undergraduate Studiessection of this bulletin.

Details of the specific curricular requirements forthe undergraduate majors are described in therespective departmental descriptions. Details ofthe requirements of the undesignated engineeringundergraduate degree are described under theEngineering Undesignated description.

Undergraduate Core Courses(ENGR)

ENGR 131. Elementary Computer Programming.3 Units.

Students will learn the fundamentals of computerprogramming and algorithmic problem solving.Concepts are illustrated using a wide range ofexamples from engineering, science, and otherdisciplines. Students learn how to create, debug,and test computer programs, and how to developalgorithmic solution to problems and write programsthat implement those solutions. Matlab is theprimary programming language used in this course,but other languages may be introduced or usedthroughout.

ENGR 145. Chemistry of Materials. 4 Units.

Application of fundamental chemistry principles tomaterials. Emphasis is on bonding and how thisrelates to the structure and properties in metals,ceramics, polymers and electronic materials.Application of chemistry principles to develop anunderstanding of how to synthesize materials.Prereq: CHEM 111 or equivalent.

ENGR 200. Statics and Strength of Materials. 3Units.

An introduction to the analysis, behavior anddesign of mechanical/structural systems. Coursetopics include: concepts of equilibrium; geometricproperties and distributed forces; stress, strainand mechanical properties of materials; and, linearelastic behavior of elements. Prereq: PHYS 121.

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ENGR 210. Introduction to Circuits andInstrumentation. 4 Units.

Modeling and circuit analysis of analog anddigital circuits. Fundamental concepts in circuitanalysis: voltage and current sources; Kirchhoff’sLaws; Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits,inductors capacitors, and transformers; modelingsensors and amplifiers and measuring DC devicecharacteristics; characterization and measurementof time dependent waveforms; transient behavior ofcircuits; frequency dependent behavior of devicesand amplifiers; frequency measurements; AC powerand power measurements; noise in real electronicsystems; electronic devices as switches; digitallogic circuits; introduction to computer interfaces;and analog/digital systems for measurement andcontrol. Prereq: MATH 122. Prereq or Coreq: PHYS122.

ENGR 225. Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics,Heat and Mass Transfer. 4 Units.

Elementary thermodynamic concepts: first andsecond laws, and equilibrium. Basic fluid dynamics,heat transfer, and mass transfer: microscopic andmacroscopic perspectives. Prereq: CHEM 111,ENGR 145, and PHYS 121. Coreq: MATH 223.

ENGR 398. Professional Communication forEngineers. 1 Unit.

Students will attend lectures on global, economic,environmental, and societal issues in engineering,which will be the basis for class discussions, writtenassignments and oral presentations in ENGL 398.Recommended preparation: ENGL 150 or FSCC100 or equivalent and concurrent enrollment inENGL 398 (ENGL 398 and ENGR 398 togetherform an approved SAGES departmental seminar).

Master of Science

Recognizing the different needs and objectivesof resident and non-resident graduate studentspursuing the master’s degree, two differentplans are offered. In both plans, transfer of creditfrom another university is limited to six hoursof graduate-level courses, taken in excess ofthe requirements for an undergraduate degree,approved by the student’s advisor, the departmentchair, and the dean of graduate studies.

All Master of Science degree programs require thesubmission of a Planned Program of Study via theStudent Information System where it will be routedfor appropriate approvals. Students must submitan approved program of study by the end of the

second semester. A revised program of study mustbe submitted via the Student Information Systemwhen any change in the original plan occurs.

Master’s Thesis Plan

Minimum requirements for the degree of Master ofScience in a major field under this plan are:

1. Completion of 18 hours of graduate coursework. The courses must be approved by thedepartment offering the degree.

2. Completion of nine hours of thesis workculminating in a thesis examination given byat least three professors, plus approval by thechair of the department offering the degree. Astudent with research experience equivalent toa thesis may petition the Graduate Committeeof the Case School of Engineering forsubstitution of nine hours of course work forthe thesis requirement. In this case, the thesisexamination above is replaced by a similarexamination covering the submitted researchwork and publications.

At least 18 hours of total course work, in addition to9 hours of thesis research, must be at the 400 levelor higher.

Master’s Comprehensive Plan

Students may pursue either a project or non-projecttrack under this option. Minimum requirements forthe degree of Master of Science in a major fieldunder this plan are one of the following:

Project track

Completion of 27 hours of graduate course workincluding three to six hours of Special Problems.Special Problems course work must consist ofan engineering project approved by the chair ofthe department offering the degree, and may becarried out at the student’s place of employmentwith nominal supervision by a faculty advisor or inthe school’s laboratories under direct supervision.The project must culminate in a written reportand examination by at least three professors plusapproval by the chair of the department offeringthe degree. The Special Problems course maybe waived for students who have had industrialdesign or research experience and who submitsufficient evidence of this experience in the form ofa publication or internal report. For these students,a minimum of 27 hours of course work and thefinal oral examination covering the submitted

6 Case School of Engineering

publications or reports as well as related coursematerial will be required for the master’s degree.At least 18 hours of course work including up to 6hours of Special Problems must be at the 400 levelor higher.

Non-project track

Students who register for 27 hours, not includingSpecial Problems course work, must passsatisfactorily a comprehensive examination tobe administered by the department or curricularprogram committee. The examination may bewritten or oral or both. A student must be registeredduring the semester in which any part of thecomprehensive examination is taken. If notregistered for other courses, the student will berequired to register for one semester hour of EXAM600, Comprehensive Examination, before taking theexamination.

Doctor of Medicine/Master ofScience

Medicine is undergoing a transformation basedon the rapid advances in science and technologythat are combining to produce more accuratediagnoses, more effective treatments with fewerside effects, and improved ability to preventdisease. The goal of the MD/MS in Engineeringis to prepare medical graduates to be leaders inthe development and clinical deployment of thistechnology and to partner with others in technologybased translational research teams. For furtherinformation, see the MD/MS Program in theBiomedical Engineering graduate section of thisbulletin. Interested students should apply throughthe biomedical engineering department.

Master of Engineering

The Master of Engineering Program is a graduatedegree program that targets currently employedengineers. The objective of this program is toprovide engineers in industry with technical as wellas business, management, and teamwork skills.The program differs from a traditional Master ofScience degree in engineering by combining corecourses that focus on the engineering-businessenvironment and technical elective courses thatconcentrate on contemporary industrial practicerather than on research.

The Master of Engineering Program preparesstudents to enhance their role as corporate leadersand provides an environment in which practicingengineering professionals can address the

increasingly wide range of technical, management,financial and interpersonal skills demanded by anever-expanding and diverse global industry base.

The Master of Engineering Program requires30 credit hours of course work that include 18credit hours of core courses and 12 credit hoursof technical electives that are chosen from focusareas (see below). It is possible to complete theMaster of Engineering degree program within a two-year (six semester), part-time, program of study,although most students choose to complete theprogram over a seven-nine semester period. Thecore courses are aimed at equipping participantswith knowledge on how engineering is practiced incontemporary industry, and the technical electivecourses provide depth in a chosen specialty area.All courses are held in the late afternoon or eveninghours and many are provided in a distance–learningformat to minimize disruption at the workplace andhome. Because the program makes extensive useof computers, participants need to have access tocomputer facilities.


The program consists of a set of six core coursesand a four course technical elective sequence (atotal of 30 credit hours are required). The corecourses provide a common base of study andexperience with problems, issues, and challengesin the engineering business environment. Thetechnical course sequence provides an opportunityto update disciplinary engineering skills and tobroaden interdisciplinary skills. Up to six transfercredits may be approved for graduate-levelcourses taken at Case Western Reserve or anotheraccredited university.

Core Courses

EPOM 400A Engineering Professionalism: TeamLeadership in Effective Groups


EPOM 400B Engineering Professionalism: PresentationSkills for Effective Leaders


EPOM 400C Engineering Professionalism: ProfessionalDevelopment


EPOM 401 Introduction to Business for Engineers 3EPOM 403 Product and Process Design and


EPOM 405 Applied Engineering Statistics 3EPOM 407 Engineering Economics and Financial


EPOM 409 Master of Engineering Capstone Project 3Total Units 18

Case Western Reserve University 7

Technical Electives

Four courses are chosen from the technicalconcentration areas below. For detailed courseofferings in these areas, please refer to the Masterof Engineering program information at on the CaseSchool of Engineering website.

• Biomedical Engineering

• Chemical Engineering

• Computer Engineering

• Infrastructure Engineering

• Macromolecular Science and Engineering

• Materials Processing and Synthesis

• Mechanical Engineering

• Robotics and Control

• Software Engineering

• Signal Processing and Communications

Master of Engineering andManagement

The Master of Engineering and Managementprogram is designed to meet the needs of studentsseeking to excel in engineering careers in industry.The MEM degree requires only one calendar yearof additional study and may be entered followinga student’s Junior or Senior year. The programprepares engineers to work in different businessenvironments. A rigorous curriculum preparesgraduates to build synergy between the technicalpossibilities of engineering and the profit-lossresponsibilities of management. This programevolved after years of research and interviewswith over 110 professionals and twenty-eightcorporations in the U.S.

The Program

The program includes 42 credit hours of gradedcourse work. The ten-course core sequence makesup 30 of these hours. Students choose an area ofconcentration, either technology entrepreneurshipor biomedical entrepreneurship, for the remaining12 credits. The Program prepares participantsto function as technical leaders with a uniqueblend of broadened engineering and managementskills, which can have a strategic impact on theorganization’s bottom line. Graduates are uniquely

positioned for rapid advancement in technology-based organizations.

Ten Core Courses

IIME 400 Professional Development 3IIME 405 Project Management 3IIME 410 Accounting, Finance, and Engineering


IIME 415 Materials and Manufacturing Processes 3IIME 430A Product and Process Design, Development,

and Delivery I3

IIME 430B Product and Process Design, Development,and Delivery II


IIME 420 Information Technology and Systems 3IIME 425 People Issues and Change in Organizations 3IIME 450A Engineering Entrepreneurship I 3IIME 450B Engineering Entrepreneurship II 3Total Units 30

Technology EntrepreneurshipConcentration

OPMT 420 Six Sigma and Quality Management 3OPMT 477 Enterprise Resource Planning in the Supply


Two electives: graduate level management and/orengineering, may include:


IIME 470 Independent ProjectsTotal Units 12

Biomedical EntrepreneurshipConcentration

IIME 445 Engineering Statistics for Biosciences 3IIME 446 Models of Health Care Systems 1.5IIME 447 Regulatory Affairs for the Biosciences 1.5Two of the following courses: 6

EBME 403 Biomedical InstrumentationEBME 406 Polymers in MedicineEBME 407 Neural InterfacingEBME 408 Engineering Tissues/Materials - Learning

from Nature’s ParadigmsEBME 410 Medical Imaging FundamentalsEBME 416 Biomaterials for Drug DeliveryEBME 417 Excitable Cells: Molecular MechanismsEBME 418 Electronics for Biomedical EngineeringEBME 431 Physics of ImagingEBME 461 Biomedical Image Processing and AnalysisEBME 507 Motor System Neuroprostheses

Total Units 12

Graduate Cooperative Education(Co-op)

Graduate Cooperative Education (Co-op) is aformalized academic program that enables students

8 Case School of Engineering

to enhance their classroom studies with career-based experiences in industry. It is a learningexperience designed to integrate classroomtheory with practical experience and professionaldevelopment.


ENGR 400C. Graduate Cooperative Education. 0Units.

An academic opportunity designed for graduatestudents to enhance their classroom, laboratory,and research learning through participation andexperience in various organizational/industrialenvironments where theory is applied to practice.Graduate Cooperative Education experiencesmay be integrated with the student’s thesis orresearch project areas, or be solely for the purposeof gaining professional experience related to thestudent’s major field of study. Registration in thiscourse will serve to maintain full-time student statusfor the period of time that the student is on a co-opassignment.

Doctor of Philosophy

The student’s PhD program should be designedto prepare him or her for a lifetime of creativeactivity in research and in professional engineeringpractice. This may be coupled with a teachingcareer. The mastery of a significant field ofknowledge required to accomplish this purposeis demonstrated by an original contribution toknowledge embodied in a thesis and by satisfactorycompletion of a comprehensive course programwhich is intensive in a specific area of study andincludes work in other areas related to, but notidentical with, the major field. The necessity forbreadth as well as depth in the student’s educationcannot be overemphasized. To this end, anyengineering department may add additionalrequirements or constraints to ensure depth andbreadth appropriate to its field.

No student may be admitted to candidacy for thePhD degree before approval of his or her PlannedProgram of Study via the Student InformationSystem. After this approval has been obtained, itis the responsibility of the student’s departmentto notify the dean of graduate studies of his orher admission to candidacy after the student hasfulfilled any additional department requirements.Minimal requirements in addition to the universityrequirements are:

1. The minimum course requirement beyond theBS level is 36 credit hours of courses takenfor credit, at least 18 hours of which must be

taken at Case Western Reserve University.The following courses taken for credit will beacceptable for a PhD program of study:1. All 400-, 500-, and 600-level courses

2. Those 300-level courses approved by thestudent’s department up to a maximum ofthree beyond the BS or a maximum of onebeyond the MS

3. Approved graduate-level courses taken atother institutions

2. A minimum depth in basic science equivalentto six semester hours (for credit) is required.This requirement is to be satisfied by coursesthat have been previously approved by thefaculty of the department in which the studentis enrolled.

3. The requirement for breadth is normallysatisfied by a minimum of 12 semester hoursof courses (for credit) outside the student’smajor area of concentration as defined by thestudent’s department and does not includecourses taken to fulfill the basic sciencerequirement.

4. A minimum of three teaching experiencesas defined by the student’s department. Allprograms of study must include departmental400T, 500T, and 600T courses to reflect thisrequirement. All students fulfilling teachingduties must complete UNIV 400A or UNIV400B.

5. The minimum requirement for research issatisfied by at least eighteen hours of thesis(701) credits.

6. A cumulative quality-point average of 3.0or above in all courses taken for credit as agraduate student at Case Western ReserveUniversity (excluding grades in thesis researchand grades of R) is required for the award ofthe doctoral degree.

Qualifying Examination

The student must pass a qualifying examinationrelevant to his or her area of study as designatedby the curricular department with which he orshe is affiliated. For students who obtain the MSdegree from Case Western Reserve University, thequalifying examination should be taken preferablybefore the end of the student’s fourth semester ofgraduate study but no later than the end of the fifthsemester at the university. For students enteringwith the master’s degree the examination should be

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taken no later than the end of the third semester atthe university.

Planned Program of Study

Each student is required to submit a PlannedProgram of Study, detailing his or her coursework, thesis schedule, and qualifying examinationschedule and indicating that all the minimumrequirements of the university and the faculty ofthe Case School of Engineering are satisfied. ThisPlanned Program of Study must be submittedvia the Student Information System for approvalbefore registering for the last 18 credits hours of theprogram.

If the student is pursuing the PhD degree withoutacquiring the MS degree, a petition to waivethe requirement of the MS degree should beapproved by the departmental advisor, the chairand submitted to the dean of graduate studies. Allrequired courses taken at the university beyondthe BS degree should be shown on the PlannedProgram of Study with the grade if completed. Ifthe requirements are to be fulfilled in other than thestandard ways described above, a memorandumrequesting approval should be submitted to thedean of graduate studies.

The Planned Program of Study must be submittedwithin one semester after passing the qualifyingexamination.

Doctor of Medicine/Doctor ofPhilosophy

Students with outstanding qualifications may applyto the MD/PhD program. Students interested inobtaining a combined MD/PhD, with an emphasison basic research in biomedical engineering ormechanical engineering, are strongly encouragedto explore the Medical Scientist Training Program(MSTP), administered by the School of Medicine.For further information, please see the MedicalScientist Training Program (MSTP) in the Schoolof Medicine section of this bulletin. Interestedstudents should apply through the MSTP office inthe Medical School.

Advanced Platform Technology | Case MetalCasting Laboratories | Center for CardiovascularBiomaterials | Center for In Situ Cell andTissue Imaging | CLiPS | Center for MechanicalCharacterization of Materials | MIMS | ClevelandFunctional Electrical Simulation Center | EDC |GLEI | Institute for Advanced Materials | MFL |

NCSER | Neural Engineering Center | S-DLE |SCSAM | ThinkTank | WERC

Interdisciplinary ResearchCenters

Interdisciplinary research centers act as intensiveincubators for students and faculty doing researchand studying applications in specialized areas.Thirteen research centers and research programsat the Case School of Engineering have beenorganized to pursue cutting-edge research incollaboration with industrial and governmentpartners. The transfer of technology to industry isemphasized in all the centers.

The educational programs of these centersencompass the training of graduate students inadvanced methods and strategies, thus preparingthem to become important contributors to industryafter graduation; the involvement of undergraduatesin research; the presentation of seminars that areopen to interested members of the community; andoutreach to public schools to keep teachers abreastof scientific advances and to kindle the interest ofstudents in seeking careers in engineering.

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Advanced Platform Technology(APT) Center

Louis Stokes Cleveland Department of VeteransAffairs Medical Center10701 East Boulevard, Mail Stop 151 AW/APTCleveland, Ohio ( 216-707-6421 Fax: 216-707-6420

Ronald J. Triolo, Executive Directore-mail:

The Advanced Platform Technology (APT) Centerbrings together top faculty and researchersfrom Case Western Reserve University andthe Department of Veterans Affairs to capturethe most recent developments in the fields ofmicroelectronics and material science and focusthem on the practical medical needs of individualsdisabled by sensorimotor dysfunction or limbloss. The APT Center creates novel, cross-cuttingtechnologies for the diagnosis, treatment or studyof high priority clinical conditions within a structuredframework that facilitates regulatory compliance,outsourcing by contract manufacturers, anddissemination within the rehabilitation community.Center projects to date have concentrated primarily

10 Case School of Engineering

on developing new materials and microsystemsfor interfacing with the nervous system, repairingorthopaedic trauma and accelerating woundhealing, replacing or restoring natural limb,somatosensory and organ system function, andboth monitoring and promoting neurological, genito-urinary and vascular health.

The APT Center was established as a VA Centerof Excellence in 2005 and is based at the LouisStokes Cleveland Department of Veterans AffairsMedical Center (LSCDVAMC). The Center is ableto provide the following resources for developing,testing and implementing neural interfaces:

1. Manufacture and supply of nerve- and muscle-based stimulating and recording electrodes

2. Neural modeling and analysis of interfacedesigns

3. Polymer and bioactive material development

4. Microelectromechanical (MEMS) systemsdesign and fabrication

5. Rapid prototyping

6. Pre-clinical in vitro and in vivo verification ofelectrode and neural interface performance

7. Circuit and software design

8. System validation and design controldocumentation

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Case Metal Casting Laboratories(CMCL)

113 White Bldg.

David Schwam, Director


The CMCL houses state-of-the-art, melting andcasting capabilities for a wide range of ferrousand non-ferrous alloys. The facility is a uniquecombination of laboratory and industrial scaleequipment. Research projects with federal andindustrial support are carried out by teams offaculty, graduate and undergraduate students.Manufacturing of castings from ComputerAided Design, flow and solidification simulation,rapid prototyping, molding to melting andcasting. Provides hands-on experiential learning

opportunities for engineering students in laboratoryclasses and Summer Research programs.

· Industrial UBE 350 Ton Vertical Squeeze castingmachine for casting high integrity parts

· 350kW/1000MHz Inductotherm solid-state meltingpower supply with furnaces up to 1,500 lb. steel.

· 50 lb. vacuum melting and casting furnace drivenby a new 35kW/10kHz.

Inductotherm power supply.

· Sand molding and sand testing equipment.

· Permanent molds for casting test bars andevaluation of molten metal quality.

· Foseco rotary degasser for non-ferrous alloys.

· Lindberg 75 kW electrical melting furnace for 800lb. of aluminum.

· Denison four post, hydraulic 50 ton rapid actingsqueeze caster.

· Squeeze casting tooling with preheatable dies.

· Equipment for melting and casting magnesiumalloys.

· Computer modeling workstations with flow andheat transfer finite element software.

· Thermal Fatigue Testing Units for cyclicalimmersion in molten aluminum (Dunkers).

· 3-D Printer for Rapid Prototyping.

· 100W Nd:YAG laser.

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Center for CardiovascularBiomaterials (CCB)

202 Wickenden Building (7207) 216-368-3005 Fax: 216-368-4969

Roger E. Marchant, Directore-mail:

Anirban Sen Gupta, Associate DirectorPhone: 216-368-4564e-mail:

The Center for Cardiovascular Biomaterials(CCB) carries out research and developmentprojects to investigate new biomaterials, tissueengineered materials, and targeted drug deliverysystems, for use in cardiovascular applicationsand implants. CCB also provides researchers

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access to shared use facilities, which includes highresolution microscopy such as AFM, molecularspectroscopies, surface analysis, and polymer andpeptide synthesis capabilities. The chemical andmechanical interface between the biomaterial andthe host tissue are the focus of major study, withthe goals being to improve biologic function andbiocompatibility in the response of the human bodyto implants. Current projects include investigationof thrombosis (blood clotting) and infectionmechanisms due to cardiovascular prosthesis,biomimetic design of novel biomaterials forcardiovascular and neural implants; cardiovascularand neural tissue engineering based on biomimeticdesigns. Studies at the cell and molecular levelassist our understanding of the underlyingmechanisms, so that novel biomedical materialsmay be designed, prepared, and characterized.

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Center for In Situ Cell and TissueImaging

Wickenden 307 216-368-5884 Fax 216-368-4969

Melissa Knothe Tate, Directoremail:

The Center for In Situ Cell and Tissue Imaging(CISCTI) is designed to offer state of the art andcutting edge imaging capabilities to the biomedicalcommunity at Case Western Reserve University.The center showcases a custom-configuredinstrument based on the Leica TCS SP2 AOBSSpectral confocal microscope system (LeicaMicrosystems, Mannheim, Germany). The tunableacousto-optical beam splitter (AOBS) providesselection and examination of any portion of thevisible and near-IR emission wavelengths setfor a given dye or chosen for unique researchapplications; it allows for spectroscopy at lengthscales from tissue to cellular to subcellular.The microscope is configured with software forfluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP),which provide diffusion rates of fluorescence-marked macromolecules. The upright design of themicroscope allows not only examination of slidesand cell cultures, but also thicker, opaque objects.The removable stage allows use of large objects,with the confocal scanning feature still functional,because it is built into the motorized nosepieceand not into a motorized stage as in other confocalmicroscopes. For example, the system allowsfor live animal and/or cell imaging concomitantfluorescent spectroscopy, patch clamping,fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP),tracking of molecular transport (e.g. drug delivery),and digital video documentation. In order to assist

in preparation of specimens for imaging, a stateof the art histology core lab (part of CISCTI) is setup to carry out fixation, embedding, and sectioningof soft and hard tissues. Through a Ohio Board ofRegents BRTT grant (Clinical Tissue EngineeringCenter, CTEC), the CISCTI has recently acquireda stereolithography rapid prototyping system (3DSystems Viper si2).

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Center for Layered PolymericSystems (CLiPS)

NSF Science and Technology Center420 Kent Hale Smith Building2100 Adelbert RoadCleveland, Ohio 44106-7202 216-368-4203 Fax: 216-368-6329

Eric Baer, Directoremail:

Exploration of multilayered polymeric systems atthe micro- and nano-layer levels reveals uniqueproperties and capabilities that are different, andoften not predicted, from systems involving thesame materials on a larger scale. Technologyrefined within CLiPS allows the production offilms and membranes composed of hundreds orthousands of layers. These extremely thin layerspromote interactions approaching the molecularlevel between the materials used in the process.

CLiPS research activities are organized intofour platforms to exploit the microlayer andnanolayer structures: (1) Rheology and NewProcessing focuses on integrating rheology into themultilayering process, and will explore combinationsof rheologically dissimilar materials to createnew polymer-based structures; (2) advancedMembranes and Transport Phenomena that exploitthe layered hierarchy to achieve unique transportproperties; (3) novel Optic and Electronic Systemsbased on the advanced layered materials, and (4)new Science and Technology Initiatives that probea fundamental understanding and explore newopportunities for the layered structures.

CLiPS was established in 2006 with funding bythe National Science Foundation as a Scienceand Technology Center. It is the first NSF STCever to be established at Case Western ReserveUniversity. CLiPS is a national center involvingclose partnership with the University of Texas,Fisk University, the University of SouthernMississippi, and the Naval Research Laboratory,and an important educational partnership with theCleveland Metropolitan School District.

12 Case School of Engineering

CLiPS researchers and educators work together toaccomplish the Center’s mission of advancing thenation’s science and technology agenda throughdevelopment of new materials and materialssystems and for educating a diverse Americanworkforce through interdisciplinary educationprograms.

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Center for MechanicalCharacterization of Materials

Charles M White Metallurgy Building

Phone: 216-368-4234

John J. Lewandowski, Director


The Center for Mechanical Characterizationof Materials (CMCM) was established in 1987to provide mechanical characterization (e.g.mechanical testing, deformation processing,etc.) expertise to the CWRU campus, medical,industrial, legal, outside university, and governmentlaboratory communities. The Center, housed inthe Charles M. White Metallurgy building, currentlymaintains equipment valued in excess of $3.5Mand has been accessed by the local, national, andinternational communities. The CWRU campuscommunity can access the facility via the use ofa valid CWRU university account number that willbe charged at an internal rate for machine time,including set up and any technician time involved.Long term testing can be provided at pro-ratedcharges in consultation with the Center Director.Outside (i.e. non-CWRU) users can access thefacility via a number of different mechanisms bycontacting the Center Director. In general, theCenter is capable of mechanically evaluating anddeformation processing materials that range insize scale from the micrometer range up throughbulk quantities. This unique facility enablesmechanical characterization at loading rates aslow as one micrometer/hour (i.e. rate of fingernailgrowth!) up through impact (e.g. 3-4 meters/sec)at temperatures ranging from -196C (i.e. liquidnitrogen) up to 1400C. Monotonic as well as cyclicfatigue testing is possible in addition to evaluationsof mechanical behavior and processing withsuperimposed pressures up to 2 GPa. Materialssystems that have been investigated span therange of organic and inorganic materials, includingmetals, ceramics, polymers, composites, electronicmaterials, and biomedical materials systems.

Descriptions of specific equipment and capabilitiesare provided with the website link.

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Center for Modeling IntegratedMetabolic Systems (MIMS)

410 Wickenden (7207) 216-368-4066 Fax:216-368-4969

Gerald M. Saidel, Directore-mail:

The primary aim of the MIMS Center is to developmechanistic, mathematical models to simulatecellular metabolism in various tissues and organs(i.e., skeletal muscle, heart, brain, and adiposetissue) and to integrate these components in whole-body models. These biologically and physiologicallybased computational models incorporate cellularmetabolic reactions and transport processesof a large number of chemical species. Modelparameters quantitatively characterize metabolicpathways and regulatory mechanisms under normaland abnormal conditions including obesity andhypoxia as well as in disease states includingtype-2 diabetes, cystic fibrosis, and chronic kidneydisease. The large-scale, complex mathematicalmodels are solved numerically using sophisticatedcomputational algorithms to simulate and analyzeexperimental responses to physiological andmetabolic changes. Model parameters are optimallyestimated by minimizing differences between modelsimulated outputs and experimental data usinglarge-scale, nonlinear optimization algorithms.Experimentally validated models are used to predictthe effects of altering metabolic processes withdisease states, pharmacological agents, diet, andphysical training.

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Cleveland Functional ElectricalStimulation Center

11000 Cedar Avenue, Suite ( :216-231-3257 Fax: 216-231-3258

P. Hunter Peckham, Directore-mail:

Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is theapplication of electrical currents to either generateor suppress activity in the nervous system.FES can produce and control the movement ofotherwise paralyzed limbs, for standing and handgrasp; activate visceral bodily functions, such

Case Western Reserve University 13

as micturition; create perceptions such as skinsensibility; arrest undesired activity, such as painor spasm; and facilitate natural recovery andaccelerate motor relearning. FES is particularlypowerful and clinically relevant, since many peoplewith neurological disabilities retain the capacity forneural conduction, and are thus amenable to thisintervention.

The Center focuses its activities in four major areas;Fundamental studies to discover new knowledge;Enabling technologies for clinical application orthe discovery of knowledge; Clinical researchthat applies this knowledge and technology toindividuals with neurological dysfunction; Transferof knowledge and technology to the clinicalcommunity and to industry.

The FES Center was established as a VA RR&DCenter of Excellence in 1991 and is based at theLouis Stokes Cleveland VAMC (CVAMC). TheCenter is a consortium with three institutionalpartners: CVAMC, Case Western ReserveUniversity (CWRU), and the MetroHealth MedicalCenter (MHMC). The Center accomplishes itsmission by integrating and facilitating the effortsof scientists, engineers, and clinicians throughcommon goals and directions in the major clinicalareas, and by providing mechanisms to accomplishthese goals across the institutional partners.

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Electronics Design Center (EDC)

112 Bingham (7200) 216-368-2935 Fax: 216-368-8738

Chung-Chiun Liu, Directoremail:

The Electronics Design Center (EDC) is a multi-disciplinary educational and research Centerfocusing on the applications of microfabricationprocessing to the advancement of chemical andbiological micro-systems. The Center has completethick film and thin film processing facilities,including screen printing, ink jet printing andsputtering equipments. Other facilities supportingthe microfabrication processing are also readilyavailable.

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Great Lakes Energy Institute(GLEI)

305 Olin Building (7074) 216-368-0889

Dianne Anderson, Executive Directoremail:

Great Lakes Energy Institute (GLEI), funded byover $6 million in donations has a mission to enablethe transition to advanced sustainable energygeneration, storage, distribution and utilization,through coordinated research, development, andeducation. Nine different alternative energy sectorscomprise this research, much of which coalescesunder the umbrella of utility scale power. Keyresearch sectors include:

Grid and storage building on historical strengths incontrols and sensors, providing a core to smart gridinterfaces that deal with controls and electronics forrenewable and storage grid connectivity, as well asmicrogrid development. Storage research leverages80 years of expertise in electrochemistry at CWRU.

Wind energy research is founded on controls,power management, and grid interfaces. Otherwind power research involves wind measurementand characterization, as well as mechanical,aerodynamic, and structural computationalsimulations of individual turbine components andwind farm array performance. CWRU is enhancedby the proximity of the University to the shores of amajor freshwater wind resource.

Solar research in next generation photovoltaicfocuses on device development as well as thereliability of the system, stemming from a strongmaterials (both hard and soft), scientific, andresearch reputation.

Over 75 professors and researchers have engagedin energy research over the past 24 months andfunding has been earned in energy from each ofthe major federal (NSF, DOE, ARPA-E, DOD) andstate (Ohio Third Frontier) awarders, as well asmajor industry players and prominent foundations.And energy transcends the various schools ofCWRU with multidisciplinary proposals submittedby teams from the Case School of Engineering,School of Arts & Sciences, Weatherhead School ofManagement, and School of Law.

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14 Case School of Engineering

Institute for Advanced Materials

519 Kent Hale Smith Building

Phone 216-368-4242

Stuart Rowan, Director


The Institute for Advanced Materials is aclearinghouse for Case Western Reserve’smaterials research and provides access to theuniversity’s world-class expertise and state-of-the-art facilities. One of Ohio’s Centers of Excellencein Enabling Technologies: Advanced Materialsand Sensors, the institute matches industryand governmental partners with campus-basedcollaborators to explore solutions to real worldproblems.

Advanced materials—polymers, metals,ceramics, composites, and biomaterials— arecornerstones to many emerging technologieslike biocompatible medical implants, energystorage, and environmentally sustainable consumerproducts. Recognizing that, in Ohio, approximatelyten percent of the state’s high tech workforce isengaged in advanced materials and related areaindustries, the Institute for Advanced Materialsat Case Western Reserve aims to leverage andenhance Ohio’s industrial base and manufacturingcapabilities, impact the global materials community,educate future materials leaders, and serve as asingle, unified resource for advanced materialsresearch.

Approximately 100 faculty, including severalmembers of the National Academies, spanning fourschools—Engineering, Arts & Sciences, Medicineand Dental Medicine—work with industrial partnersand institutional collaborators to generate $38million of annual materials research income withsupport from the National Institute of Health, theNational Science Foundation, the US Departmentof Energy and the Department of Defense amongothers.

By harnessing the breadth of Case’s research baseand creating new collaborative teams, the Institutefor Advanced Materials drives the integration ofnew materials innovations from initial ideas tomarketable technologies in energy, sustainabilityand human health.

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Microfabrication Laboratory (MFL)

342 Bingham Building (7200) 216-368-6117 Fax: 216-368-6888

Christian Zorman, Directore-mail:

MFL houses a state-of-the-art facility that providesthe latest in microfabrication and micromachiningprocesses. The Institute focuses on the applicationsof microfabrication and micromachining technologyto a wide range of sensors, actuators and othermicroelectromechanical (MEMS) systems.Application thrusts include: (i) healthcare; (ii)industrial control, automation and fault detection;(iii) portable power generation; and (iv) functionalmaterials and structures. In addition to siliconbased technology, the Institute has a uniquestrength in silicon carbide micromachining thatis particularly valuable for applications in harshenvironments. Undergraduate students, graduatestudents, and post-doctoral assistants use theInstitute’s facilities to carry out their researchor special projects. Recent developments byresearchers in MFL include Schottky diode basedhydrogen sensor, high temperature oxygen sensor,nano-structure tin oxide sensor, inertial sensors,micro-size pressure sensors, wireless telemetricmicrosystems, miniature displays, micromechanicallight modulators, microvalves, and micropumps.

MFL facilities support a state-wide network, OhioMEMSNet, for MEMS research and development.

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National Center for SpaceExploration Research (NCSER)

21000 Brookpark Rd., MS 110-3Phone: 216-433-5031

Mohammad Kassemi, Chief Scientiste-mail:

The National Center for Space ExplorationResearch (NCSER) is a collaborative effortbetween the Universities Space ResearchAssociation (USRA), Case Western ReserveUniversity (CWRU), and NASA Glenn ResearchCenter (GRC) that provides GRC with specializedresearch and technology development capabilitiesessential to sustaining its leadership role in NASAmissions. Expertise resident at NCSER includesreduced gravity fluid mechanics, reduced gravitycombustion processes; heat transfer, two-phaseflow, micro-fluidics, and phase change processes;computational multiphase fluid dynamics, heat andmass transfer, computational simulation of physico-

Case Western Reserve University 15

chemical fluid processes and human physiologicalsystems. This expertise has been applied to:

• Cryogenic fluid management

• On orbit repair of electronics

• Spacecraft fire safety

• Exploration life support

• Energy storage

• Dust management

• Thermal management and control

• Environmental monitoring/control

• ISS experiment development Integrated systemhealth monitoring

• Astronaut health

• Planetary Surface Mobility

• In situ resource utilization

• Materials synthesis

• Bio-fluid mechanics

• Biosystems modeling

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Neural Engineering Center

112 Wickenden (7207) 216-368-3974 Fax: 216-368-4872

Dominique Durand, Directoremail:

The research mission of the center is to bring tobear combined tools in physics, mathematics,chemistry, engineering and neuroscience toanalyze the mechanisms underlying neuronalfunction and to solve the clinical problemsassociated with neuronal dysfunction. Researchareas include: Neuromodulation, Neuroprostheses,Quantitative Neurophysiology, Neural Dynamics,Neuro-Mechanical Systems, Neural Regeneration,Neural Interfacing, Neural Imaging and MolecularSensing, Neuro-Magnetism, and SystemsNeuroscience. The education mission of thecenter is to provide engineers and scientists withan integrated knowledge of engineering andneuroscience capable of solving problems inneuroscience ranging from the molecules to theclinic. The center is also an outlet for technology

transfer of new ideas to be commercializedby industrial partners. The center’s goals areaccomplished by fostering interdisciplinary researchbetween clinicians, scientists, students andlocal industry, educational experiences includingdidactic material, laboratory experience and clinicalexposure, and close ties to industrial partners.

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Solar-Durability and LifetimeExtension (S-DLE) Center

White Building/ S-DLE (Sun Farm) on CWRU’sWest Quad

Phone: 216 368 3655

Roger H. French, Director

Activities in the center focus on long lifetime,environmentally exposed materials technologiessuch as photovoltaics, energy efficient lightingand building envelope applications. It is a WrightProjects center, funded by the Ohio Third Frontiercommission. We develop real-time and acceleratedprotocols for exposure to solar radiation and relatedenvironmental stressors to enable evaluation of theenvironmental durability and lifetime of materials,components, and products. Post-exposureoptical and thermo-mechanical measurementsare used to develop quantitative mechanisticmodels of degradation processes in the bulk ofthe device materials and at the inherent interfacesbetween dissimilar materials. The S-DLE Center’scapabilities include:

· Solar exposures: 2-axis solar trackers withmulti-sun concentrators, and power degradationmonitoring.

· Solar simulators for 1 to 1000X sun exposures.

· Multi-factor environmental test chambers withtemperature, humidity, freeze/thaw and cycling.

· A full suite of optical, interfacial, thermo-mechanical and electrical evaluations of materials,components and systems.

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16 Case School of Engineering

Swagelok Center for SurfaceAnalysis of Materials (SCSAM)

110 Glennan Building

A. H. Heuer, Director


F. Ernst, Co-Director


G.M. Michal, Co-Director


The Swagelok Center for Surface Analysis ofMaterials (SCSAM) is a multi-user analyticalfacility providing instrumentation for microstructuralcharacterization and surface and near-surface chemical analysis. The Center’s 16major instruments encompass a wide rangeof characterization tools, which provide acomprehensive resource for academic researcherswho can tailor the analyses to their specific needs.

Current capabilities include four (4) ScanningElectron Microscopes (SEMs) which are equippedfor Focused Ion Beam (FIB) micromachiningand XEDS, WDS, and EBSP detectors, two (2)Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEMs)equipped with XEDS and EELS detectors, anAtomic Force Microscope (AFM), a UHV ScanningProbe system, a Laser Scanning Confocal OpticalMicroscope dedicated for materials studies,including Raman microscopy, an automatedNanoindenter, an Ion Beam Accelerator forRutherford Backscattering (RBS) and PIXE andPIGE, two (2) X-ray diffraction (XRD) systems,along with surface-specific tools for Time-of-Flight, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), Auger Electron Spectrometry, and X-RayPhotoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), also knownas Electron Spectrometry for Chemical Analysis(ESCA).

SCSAM is administratively housed in the CaseSchool of Engineering (CSE) and is central tomuch of the research carried out by the sevendepartments within CSE. However, the facility isextensively used by the Physics, Chemistry, Biologyand Geology Departments within the College ofArts and Science, and by many Departments withinthe Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine. Inaddition to CWRU clients, many external institutionsutilize SCSAM’s facilities, including NASA GlennResearch Center, the Cleveland Clinic, andnumerous Ohio universities. More than 300 usersutilize the facility in any give year.

SCSAM’s instruments are housed in a centralizedarea, allowing users convenient access to state-of-the-art solutions for their analytical needs.

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ThinkTank for MultiscaleComputational Modeling of Bio-medical and Bio-inspired Systems

Department of Mechanical & AerospaceEngineering10900 Euclid AvenueGlennan 418 216-368-5884 Fax: 216-368-4969

Melissa Knothe Tate, Directoremail:

Typically, computational modelers share commonapproaches to diverse research and developmentproblems. By providing a common space andinfrastructure (software licenses and hardware)for computational modelers to work, we hope topromote exchange of modeling experience andexpertise and to promote cross-departmentalas well as cross institutional collaborations. TheThinkTank provides a home for several internationalcomputational collaborations as well.

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Wind Energy Research andCommercialization (WERC) Center

307 Olin Building

Great Lakes Energy Institute

Phone: (216) 368-1366, Fax: (216) 368-3209

David H. Matthiesen, Director

The WERC Center is a multidisciplinary center foruse by students, faculty, and industry providinginstrumentation for wind resource characterizationand research platforms in operating wind turbines.The WERC Center was established in 2010 withfunding from the Ohio Department of DevelopmentThird Frontier Wright Project and the Departmentof Energy. Additional support was provided by thefollowing inaugural industrial partners: ClevelandElectric Laboratories, The Lubrizol Corporation,Parker Hannifin Corporation, Azure Energy LLC.,

Case Western Reserve University 17

Rockwell Automation, Inc., Swiger Coil SystemsLLC., and Wm. Sopko & Sons Co.

The instruments in the WERC Center include:

· A continuous scan ZephIR LiDAR, manufacturedby Natural Power. This instrument measureshorizontal and vertical wind velocity along with winddirection at 1 Hz frequency at five user set heightsup to 200 m.

· Five meteorological measurement systems: 3on campus; 1 with the off campus wind turbines;and one at the City of Cleveland’s water intake criblocated 3.5 miles offshore in Lake Erie.

· An ice thickness sensor that is deployed at thebottom of Lake Erie each fall and retrieved in thespring.

· A NorthWind 100 wind turbine manufacturedby Northern Power Systems in Barre, VT USA.This 100kW community scale wind turbine hasa direct drive generator with full power inverters,stall control blades with a 21 m rotor diameter, anda 37 m hub height. This wind turbine is locatedon campus just east of Van Horn field and beganoperation in November, 2010.

· A Vestas V-27 wind turbine originallymanufactured by Vestas in Denmark. This 225kWmedium scale wind turbine has a gearbox drivegenerator, pitch controlled blades with a 27 m rotordiameter, and a 30 m hub height. In addition it hasa 50kW generator for low wind generation. Thiswind turbine will be located at an industrial site inEuclid, OH about 15 minutes from campus and isscheduled to begin operation in August, 2011.

· A Nordex N-54 wind turbine originallymanufactured by Nordex in Germany. This 1.0MWutility scale wind turbine has a gearbox drivegenerator, stall control blades with a 54 m rotordiameter, and a 70 m hub height. In addition it hasa 200kW generator for low wind generation. Thiswind turbine will be located at an industrial site inEuclid, OH about 15 minutes from campus and isscheduled to begin operation in August, 2011.


Norman Tien, PhD(University of California, San Diego)Dean of the Case School of Engineering and NordProfessor of Engineering

John Blackwell, PhD(Leeds University)Facilities Faculty Advisor

Marc R. Buchner, PhD(Michigan State University)Faculty Director of Program Evaluation andAssessment

Laura Bulgarelli, MS(Georgia Institute of Technology)Associate Dean of Finance and Administration

Lisa Camp(Baldwin Wallace College)Assistant Dean of Strategic Initiatives

Patrick E. Crago, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Associate Dean of Engineering

Daniel Ducoff(University of California, Berkeley)Associate Dean of Development and ExternalAffairs

Deborah J. Fatica, MA(Bowling Green State University)Assistant Dean of the Division of Education andStudent Programs

Kenneth A. Loparo, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Faculty Director of Continuing Education and NordProfessor of Engineering

Ica Manas-Zloczower, DSc(Technion-Israel Institute of Technology)Associate Dean of Faculty Development

Clare M. Rimnac, PhD(Lehigh University)Associate Dean of Research and Wilbert J. AustinProfessor of Engineering

18 Case School of Engineering

Degree Program in Engineering, Undesignated

500 Nord Hall (7220)Patrick E. Crago, Associate Dean of

Engineering (Undesignated)

The Case School of Engineering offersundesignated degrees at the Undergraduate andGraduate level.

Bachelor of Science inEngineering (Undesignated)

The Engineering (Undesignated) program preparesstudents who seek a technological background butdo not wish to pursue pure engineering careers.For example, some needs in the public sector,such as pollution remediation, transportation, low-cost housing, elective medical care, and crimecontrol could benefit from engineering expertise.To prepare for careers in fields that address suchproblems, the Engineering (Undesignated) programallows students to acquire some engineeringbackground, and combine it with a minor in suchprograms as management, history of technologyand science, or economics. This is not an ABET,Inc. accredited program.

A student electing an undesignated degreemust submit a clear statement of career goalssupported by a proposed course schedule withwritten justification for the selections. Thesedocuments are to be submitted to the office of theassociate dean in the Case School of Engineering.The program must be approved by the dean inthe Case School of Engineering or designate inconsultation with representatives of the major andminor departments. A total of at least 129 semestercredits are required for graduation.

Since each student’s program is unique, no typicalcurriculum can be shown. Every program must fulfillthe requirements described below.

1. Engineering Core

2. A minimum of two engineering electivescourses selected from two of the following fourgroups:

Thermodynamics or Physical Chemistry

EMAC 351& EMAC 370

Physical Chemistry for Engineeringand Polymer Chemistry and Industry


CHEM 301& CHEM 302

Introductory Physical Chemistry Iand Introductory Physical Chemistry II


ECHE 363 Thermodynamics of Chemical Systems 3

Signals, systems or control

EECS 304 Control Engineering I with Laboratory 3ECHE 367 Process Control 4EECS 246 Signals and Systems 4or EBME 308 Biomedical Signals and Systems

Materials science

EMSE 201 Introduction to Materials Science andEngineering


EMAC 270 Introduction to Polymer Science andEngineering


EMSE 314 Electrical, Magnetic, and Optical Propertiesof Materials


EBME 306 Introduction to Biomedical Materials 3EECS 321 Semiconductor Electronic Devices 4

Economics, production systems or decisiontheory

EECS 350 Operations and Systems Design 3EECS 352 Engineering Economics and Decision


OPRE 345 Decision Theory 3


The major must contain a minimum of 24 semestercredit hours of work in one of the followingengineering fields

• Biomedical Engineering

• Chemical Engineering

• Civil Engineering

• Computer Engineering

• Electrical Engineering

• Engineering Physics

• Materials Science and Engineering

• Polymer Science and Engineering

• Systems and Control Engineering

Case Western Reserve University 19

This work includes a senior projects laboratory(3 credits) and usually a course with a physicalmeasurements laboratory.


The minor program requires a minimum of 15semester credit hours. Minors are available withapproval of the Office of Undergraduate Studies.Minors should be developed with the help of theassociate dean in the Case School of Engineering.Minors must be approved by the departmentoffering the minor. Final approval of the minorresides with the Office of Undergraduate Studies.

Bachelor of Science in Engineering(Undesignated)

First Year Units

Fall Spring

Open elective or Humanities/Social


Principles of Chemistry for Engineers(CHEM 111)


Elementary Computer Programming (ENGR131)or Introduction to Programming in Java(EECS 132)or General Physics I - Mechanics (PHYS121)


FSCC 100 SAGES First Seminar 4Calculus for Science and Engineering I(MATH 121)


PHED Physical Education ActivitiesHumanities/Social Science or open elective 3Chemistry of Materials (ENGR 145) 4Calculus for Science and Engineering II(MATH 122)


General Physics I - Mechanics (PHYS 121)or Elementary Computer Programming(ENGR 131)


PHED Physical Education ActivitiesYear Total: 18 15

Second Year Units

Fall Spring

USXX SAGES University Seminar 3Statics and Strength of Materials (ENGR200)


Calculus for Science and Engineering III(MATH 223)


Numerical Methods (EECS 251) 3General Physics II - Electricity andMagnetism (PHYS 122)


USXX SAGES University Seminar 3Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heatand Mass Transfer (ENGR 225)


Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation(ENGR 210)


Elementary Differential Equations (MATH224)


Introduction to Modern Physics (PHYS 221) 3Year Total: 16 17

Third Year Units

Fall Spring

Humanities or Social Science 3Major Concentration Course 3Major Concentration Course 3Minor Concentration Course 3Engineering elective 3Open elective 3Professional Communication for Engineers(ENGL 398N)


Major Concentration Course 3Major Concentration Course 3Minor Concentration Course 3Engineering elective 3Year Total: 18 15

Fourth Year Units

Fall Spring

Humanities or Social Science elective 3Exxx 398 Engineering Senior ProjectMajor Concentration Course 3Minor Concentration Course 3Minor Concentration Course 3Humanities or Social Science elective 3Major Concentration Course 3Major Concentration Course 3Minor Concentration Course 3Open elective 3Year Total: 12 15 Total Units in Sequence: 126

Hours required for graduation: 129

a One of these courses must be a humanities/social science course.

Master of Science in Engineering(Undesignated)

A student working toward an undesignated Masterof Science degree in engineering must selecta department. The student is responsible forsubmitting a Planned Program of Study via theStudent Information System where it will be routedfor appropriate approvals. The Planned Programof Study must contain a minimum of 9 semesterhours of course work in the department approvingthe program. A minimum of 18 semester hoursof course work for the degree must be at the 400level or higher. The student must meet all therequirements of the designated Master of Sciencedegree in engineering.

20 Case School of Engineering

Department of Biomedical Engineering

309 Wickenden Building (7207) L. Duerk, Allen H. and Constance T. FordProfessor and

The Department of Biomedical Engineering wasestablished in 1968 at Case Western ReserveUniversity. As one of the pioneer programs in theworld, it has become a strong and well-establishedprogram in research and education with manyunique features. It was founded on the premisethat engineering principles provide an importantbasis for innovative and unique solutions tobiomedical problems. This philosophy has beenthe guide for the successful development of theprogram, which has been emulated by many otherinstitutions. Quantitative engineering and analyticmethods for biomedical applications remains thecornerstone of the program and distinguishes itfrom biomedical science programs. In addition todealing with biomedical problems at the tissue andorgan-system level, the department’s educationalprograms have a growing emphasis on cellularand subcellular mechanisms for understandingof fundamental processes, as well as for systemsapproaches to solving clinical problems.

Current degree programs include the BS, MS, ME,combined BS/MS, PhD, MD/MS, and MD/PhD inbiomedical engineering. In all of the BME programsat Case, the goal is to educate engineers who canapply engineering methods to problems involvingliving systems. The Case School of Engineeringand the School of Medicine are in close proximityon the same campus. The Biomedical Engineeringfaculty members carry joint appointments in the twoschools and participate in the teaching, research,and decision-making committees of both. Thedepartment is close to several major medicalcenters (University Hospitals, Cleveland Clinic,VA Medical Center, and MetroHealth MedicalCenter). As a result, there is an unusually freeflow of academic exchange and collaboration inresearch and education among the schools andinstitutions. All of Case’s BME programs take fulladvantage of faculty cooperation among universitydepartments, which adds significant strength to theprograms.


To educate leaders who will integrate bothprinciples of engineering and medicine to createknowledge and discoveries that advance humanhealth and well-being. Our faculty and students

play leading roles ranging from basic sciencediscovery to the creation, clinical evolution, andcommercialization of new technologies, devices,and therapies. In short, we are “Engineering BetterHealth.”


Graduates in biomedical engineering areemployed in industry, hospitals, research centers,government, and universities. Biomedical engineersalso use their undergraduate training as a basisfor careers in business, medicine, law, and otherprofessions.


Several research thrusts are available toaccommodate various student backgrounds andinterests. Strong research collaborations withclinical and basic science departments of theuniversity and collaborating medical centers bringa broad range of opportunities, expertise, andperspective to student research projects.

Biomaterials/Tissue Engineering/Drug and Gene Delivery

Fabrication and analysis of materials forimplantation, including neural, orthopaedic, andcardiovascular tissue engineering, biomimeticmaterials, liposomal and other structuresfor controlled, targeted drug delivery, andbiocompatible polymer surface modifications.Analysis of synthetic and biologic polymers byAFM, nanoscale structure-function relationships ofbiomaterials. Applications in the nervous system,the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletalsystem, and cancer.

Biomedical Imaging

MRI, PET, SPECT, CT, ultrasound, acousticelastography, optical coherence tomography,cardiac electrical potential mapping, human visualperception, image-guided intervention, contrastagents. In vivo microscopic and molecular imaging,and small animal imaging.

Case Western Reserve University 21

Biomedical Sensing

Optical sensing, electrochemical and chemicalfiber-optic sensors, chemical measurements in cellsand tissues, endoscopy.

Neural Engineering and NeuralProstheses

Neuronal mechanisms; neural interfacingfor electric and magnetic stimulation andrecording; neural dynamics, ion channels, secondmessengers; neural prostheses for control of limbmovement, bladder, bowel, and respiratory function;computational modeling of neural structures

Transport and Metabolic SystemsEngineering

Modeling and analysis of tissue responses toheating (e.g., tumor ablation) and of cellularmetabolism related to organ and whole-bodyfunction in health (exercise) and disease (cardiac).

Biomechanical Systems

Computational musculoskeletal modeling, bonebiomechanics, soft tissue mechanics, control ofneuroprostheses for motor function, neuromuscularcontrol systems, human locomotion, cardiacmechanics.

Cardiovascular Systems

Normal cardiac physiology, pathogenesis ofcardiac diseases, therapeutic technologies;electrophysiological techniques, imagingtechnologies, mathematical modeling, generegulation, molecular biology techniques; cardiacbioelectricity and cardiac biomechanics.

Major I Specialty Electives I BS/MS I Minor

Undergraduate Programs

The Case undergraduate program leading tothe Bachelor of Science degree with a major inbiomedical engineering was established in 1972.The degree of Bachelor of Science in BiomedicalEngineering is accredited by the EngineeringAccreditation Commission of ABET, Inc.

Some BS graduates are employed in industryand medical centers. Others continue studiesin biomedical engineering and other fields.Students with engineering ability and an interestin medicine may consider the undergraduatebiomedical engineering program as an excitingalternative to conventional premedical programs.The undergraduate program has three majorcomponents (1) Engineering Core, (2) BME Core,and (3) BME Specialty Sequence. The EngineeringCore provides a fundamental background inmathematics, sciences, and engineering. TheBME Core integrates engineering with biomedicalscience to solve biomedical problems. Hands-on experience in BME is developed throughundergraduate laboratory and project courses. Inaddition, by choosing a BME specialty sequence,the student can study a specific area in depth. Thisintegrated program is designed to ensure that BMEgraduates are competent engineers. Students mayselect open electives for educational breadth ordepth or to meet entrance requirements of medicalschool or other professional career choices. BMEfaculty serve as student advisors to guide studentsin choosing the program of study most appropriatefor individual needs and interests.

At the undergraduate level, we direct our effortstoward two educational objectives that describe theperformance of alumni 3-6 years after graduation:

1. Our graduates will successfully enter andcomplete post baccalaureate advanced degreeprograms, including those in biomedicalengineering

2. Our graduates will obtain jobs in the biomedicalarena and advance to positions of greaterresponsibility.

To achieve these post-graduation objectives, wehave defined the following program outcomes.These are skills that graduates of our programare expected to be proficient in at the time ofgraduation:

• An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,science, and engineering appropriate to thebiomedical engineering

• An ability to design and conduct experiments, aswell as to analyze and interpret data

• An ability to design a system, component, orprocess to meet desired needs within realisticconstraints such as economic, environmental,social, political, ethical, health and safety,manufacturability, and sustainability

• An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams

22 Case School of Engineering

• An ability to identify, formulate, and solveengineering problems

• An understanding of professional and ethicalresponsibility

• An ability to communicate effectively

• The ability to communicate the impact ofengineering solutions in a global, economic,environmental, and societal context

• A recognition of the need for, and an ability toengage in life-long learning

• A knowledge of contemporary issues

• An ability to use the techniques, skills, andmodern engineering tools necessary forengineering practice

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

Major in Biomedical Engineering

Majors in Biomedical Engineering choose aspecialization sequence, with sequence-specificcourses. More information can be obtained fromthe Department of Biomedical Engineering (

Required Courses

Major CoursesEBME 201 Physiology-Biophysics I 3EBME 202 Physiology-Biophysics II 3EBME 306 Introduction to Biomedical Materials 3EBME 308 Biomedical Signals and Systems 4EBME 309 Modeling of Biomedical Systems 3EBME 310 Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation 3One of the following sequences: 2

EBME 318& EBME319

Biomedical Engineering Laboratory Iand Biomedical Engineering Laboratory II

EBME 328& EBME329

Biomedical Engineering R&D Training Iand Biomedical Engineering R&D Training II

EBME 359 Biomedical Computer Simulation Laboratory 1EBME 360 Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory 1EBME 370 Principles of Biomedical Engineering Design 2EBME 380 Biomedical Engineering Design Experience 3or EBME 398 Senior Project Laboratory ISequence specific statistics course: choose from: 3

STAT 312 Basic Statistics for Engineering and ScienceSTAT 313 Statistics for ExperimentersSTAT 332 Statistics for Signal Processing

STAT 333 Uncertainty in Engineering and ScienceSpecialty Sequence 7-8 courses 21-24Total Units 52-55

Biomedical Engineering SpecialtyElectives

Common BME specialties are biomaterials(orthopaedic, polymeric) and tissue engineering,biomechanics, bioelectric engineering, biomedicalinstrumentation (devices and sensors), biomedicalcomputing and imaging, and biomedical systemsand control. Courses for these specialties arepresented in the tables below; more informationcan be obtained from the Department of BiomedicalEngineering ( specialties provide the student with a solidbackground in a well-defined area of biomedicalengineering. To meet specific educational needs,students may choose alternatives from among thesuggested electives or design unique specialtiessubject to departmental guidelines and facultyapproval.

Bioelectric Engineering

EECS 245 Electronic Circuits 4EECS 309 Electromagnetic Fields I 3EBME 317 Excitable Cells: Molecular Mechanisms 3EBME 327 Bioelectric Engineering 3Three technical electives from:

EECS 281 Logic Design and Computer OrganizationEECS 311 Electromagnetic Fields IIEECS 321 Semiconductor Electronic DevicesEECS 322 Integrated Circuits and Electronic DevicesEECS 344 Electronic Analysis and DesignEECS 382 Microprocessor-Based DesignEBME 418 Electronics for Biomedical EngineeringEECS 233 Introduction to Data StructuresEECS 304 Control Engineering I with LaboratoryEECS 324 Simulation Techniques in EngineeringEECS 337 Compiler DesignEECS 338 Introduction to Operating SystemsEECS 340 Algorithms and Data StructuresEECS 351 Communications and Signal AnalysisEECS 354 Digital CommunicationsEECS 346 Engineering OptimizationEBME 401 Biomedical Instrumentation and Signal

AnalysisEBME 407 Neural InterfacingEBME 408 Engineering Tissues/Materials - Learning

from Nature’s ParadigmsEBME 320 Medical Imaging FundamentalsEBME 350 Quantitative Molecular Bioengineering

Case Western Reserve University 23

Biomaterials (orthopaedic)

ECIV 310 Strength of Materials 3EMAC 270 Introduction to Polymer Science and


EMSE 201 Introduction to Materials Science andEngineering


EMSE 303 Mechanical Behavior of Materials 3Three Technical electives from:

EBME 303 Structure of Biological MaterialsEBME 305 Materials for Prosthetics and OrthoticsEBME 307 Biomechanical Prosthetic SystemsEBME 398 Senior Project Laboratory IEBME 406 Polymers in MedicineEBME 416 Biomaterials for Drug DeliveryEMAC 276 Polymer Properties and DesignEMAE 172 Mechanical ManufacturingEMAE 250 Computers in Mechanical EngineeringEMAE 415 Introduction to Musculo-skeletal

BiomechanicsEMSE 202 Phase Diagrams and TransformationsEMSE 203 Applied ThermodynamicsEMSE 270 Materials Laboratory IEMSE 301 Fundamentals of Materials ProcessingEMSE 313 Engineering Applications of MaterialsEMSE 360 Transport Phenomena in Materials ScienceEMSE 411 Environmental Effects on Materials

Biomaterials (polymeric)

CHEM 223 Introductory Organic Chemistry I 3EBME 303 Structure of Biological Materials 3EMAC 270 Introduction to Polymer Science and


EMAC 351 Physical Chemistry for Engineering 3Three technical electives from:

EBME 315 Applied Tissue EngineeringEBME 316 Biomaterials for Drug DeliveryEBME 325 Introduction to Tissue EngineeringEBME 350 Quantitative Molecular BioengineeringEBME 406 Polymers in MedicineEBME 408 Engineering Tissues/Materials - Learning

from Nature’s ParadigmsEBME 425 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative

MedicineECHE 360 Transport Phenomena for Chemical

SystemsEMAC 276 Polymer Properties and DesignEMAC 370 Polymer Chemistry and IndustryEMAC 376 Polymer EngineeringEMAC 377 Polymer ProcessingEMSE 335 Strategic Metals and Materials for the 21st

CenturyEMAE 372 Relation of Materials to Design


EBME 307 Biomechanical Prosthetic Systems 3ECIV 310 Strength of Materials 3EMAE 181 Dynamics 3

Technical electives from:EMAE 172 Mechanical ManufacturingEMAE 250 Computers in Mechanical EngineeringEMAE 290 Computer-Aided ManufacturingEMAE 370 Design of Mechanical ElementsEMAE 372 Relation of Materials to DesignEMAE 350 Mechanical Engineering AnalysisEMAE 415 Introduction to Musculo-skeletal

BiomechanicsEBME 402 Organ/Tissue Physiology and Systems

ModelingECIV 420 Finite Element Analysis

Biomedical Computing and Imaging

EBME 320 Medical Imaging Fundamentals 3EECS 233 Introduction to Data Structures 4EECS 337 Compiler Design 4Four technical electives from:

EBME 322 Applications of Biomedical ImagingEBME 398 Senior Project Laboratory IEBME 431 Physics of ImagingEBME 461 Biomedical Image Processing and AnalysisEBME 462 Cellular and Molecular ImagingEECS 281 Logic Design and Computer OrganizationEECS 313 Signal ProcessingEECS 341 Introduction to Database SystemsEECS 340 Algorithms and Data StructuresEECS 338 Introduction to Operating SystemsEECS 391 Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceEECS 393 Software EngineeringMATH 304 Discrete Mathematics

Biomedical Instrumentation (devices)

EECS 245 Electronic Circuits 4EECS 281 Logic Design and Computer Organization 4EECS 344 Electronic Analysis and Design 3Three technical electives from:

EBME 320 Medical Imaging FundamentalsEBME 398 Senior Project Laboratory IEBME 403 Biomedical InstrumentationEBME 418 Electronics for Biomedical EngineeringECHE 380 Electrochemical TechnologyECHE 381 Electrochemical EngineeringEECS 309 Electromagnetic Fields IEECS 311 Electromagnetic Fields IIEECS 321 Semiconductor Electronic DevicesEECS 322 Integrated Circuits and Electronic DevicesEECS 344 Electronic Analysis and DesignEECS 382 Microprocessor-Based DesignPHYS 326 Physical Optics

Biomedical Systems and Control

EECS 233 Introduction to Data Structures 4EECS 304 Control Engineering I with Laboratory 3EECS 324 Simulation Techniques in Engineering 3

24 Case School of Engineering

EECS 346 Engineering Optimization 3Three technical electives from:

EBME 307 Biomechanical Prosthetic SystemsEBME 317 Excitable Cells: Molecular MechanismsEBME 350 Quantitative Molecular Bioengineeringor MATH449

Dynamical Models for Biology and Medicine

EBME 398 Senior Project Laboratory IEBME 409 Systems and Signals in Biomedical

Engineeringor EECS408

Introduction to Linear Systems

EECS 350 Operations and Systems DesignEECS 352 Engineering Economics and Decision

AnalysisEECS 359 Bioinformatics in PracticeEECS 391 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

The ENGR core natural science and math elective for this

sequence must be: *

MATH 201 Introduction to Linear Algebra

* This course cannot be double counted as atechnical elective or required course.

Notes: This gives 129 credits. Varies fromsequence to sequence.

Tissue Engineering

CHEM 223 Introductory Organic Chemistry I 3EBME 325 Introduction to Tissue Engineering 3EBME 350 Quantitative Molecular Bioengineering 3EMAC 270 Introduction to Polymer Science and


The BME science and math elective for this sequence mustbe:

BIOL 362 Principles of Developmental BiologyThis course cannot be double counted as a technicalelective.Three technical electives from:


Structure of Biological Materials

EBME 305 Materials for Prosthetics and OrthoticsEBME 315 Applied Tissue EngineeringEBME 316 Biomaterials for Drug DeliveryEBME 398 Senior Project Laboratory IEBME 406 Polymers in MedicineEBME 408 Engineering Tissues/Materials - Learning

from Nature’s ParadigmsEBME 425 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative

MedicineECHE 340 Biochemical EngineeringECHE 364 Chemical Reaction ProcessesECHE 360 Transport Phenomena for Chemical

SystemsECHE 474 Biotransport ProcessesEMAC 351 Physical Chemistry for Engineering

EMAC 376 Polymer EngineeringEMAC 377 Polymer Processing

The ENGR core natural science and math elective for thissequence must be: *

* This course cannot be double counted as atechnical elective or required course.

Co-op and Internship Programs

Opportunities are available for students to alternatestudies and work in industry as a co-op student,which is integrated in a five-year program.Alternatively, students may obtain employment assummer interns.

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

Suggested Progam of Study:Major in Biomedical Engineering

First Year Units

Fall Spring

Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

(EBME 105)b3

Principles of Chemistry for Engineers(CHEM 111)


Calculus for Science and Engineering I(MATH 121)


Elementary Computer Programming (ENGR131)


SAGES First Seminar (FSxx)PHED (2 half semester courses)Chemistry of Materials (ENGR 145) 4Calculus for Science and Engineering II(MATH 122)


General Physics I - Mechanics (PHYS 121) 4

USxx University Seminarc

PHED (2 half semester courses)Year Total: 14 12

Second Year Units

Fall Spring

Physiology-Biophysics I (EBME 201) 3Calculus for Science and Engineering III(MATH 223)


General Physics II - Electricity andMagnetism (PHYS 122)


One of the following: 3

BME Specialty Sequenced

Science electivee

USxx University Seminarc 3

Physiology-Biophysics II (EBME 202) 3Elementary Differential Equations (MATH224)


Case Western Reserve University 25

Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation(ENGR 210)


One of the of following: 3

BME Specialty Sequenced

Science electivee

SAGES Breadth Requirement (Arts andHumanities or Social Science Course)


Year Total: 16 16

Third Year Units

Fall Spring

Introduction to Biomedical Materials (EBME306)


Biomedical Engineering Laboratory I (EBME318)


Professional Communication for Engineers(ENGL 398)& Professional Communication forEngineers (ENGR 398)


Biomedical Signals and Systems (EBME308)


Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heatand Mass Transfer (ENGR 225)


Biomedical Engineering Laboratory II(EBME 319)


Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation(EBME 310)


Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory(EBME 360)


Statics and Strength of Materials (ENGR200)


H/SS 3

BME Specialty Sequenced 3

BME Specialty Sequenced 3

Year Total: 15 17

Fourth Year Units

Fall Spring

One of the following: 3

Senior Project Laboratory I (EBME 398)g 3

Open electivePrinciples of Biomedical EngineeringDesign (EBME 370)


BME Specialty Sequenced 3

BME Specialty Sequenced 3

Statisticsh 3

H/SS 3Modeling of Biomedical Systems (EBME309)


BME Specialty Sequenced 3

Biomedical Computer Simulation Laboratory(EBME 359)


Biomedical Engineering Design Experience(EBME 380)


BME Specialty Sequencec 3

H/SS 3

Year Total: 20 16 Total Units in Sequence: 126

a This is a typical program. Specialtysequences are designed with courses ina desired order that might vary from theone here. Programs must be planned witha faculty advisor in the Department ofBiomedical Engineering.

b This optional course is limited to freshmen.This can be replaced by an open elective.

c University Seminars (6 semester hours,minimum of 2 seminars selected fromdifferent thematic groups and differentthematic group from that of FSCC 100 FirstSeminar).

d Courses are chosen depending on the BMEspecialty sequence as listed below.

e Students take at least one math or sciencecourse approved by BME department.

f SAGES BME Departmental Seminar,ENGL 398 Professional Communicationfor Engineers and ENGR 398 ProfessionalCommunication for Engineers must be takentogether.

g STAT 312 Basic Statistics for Engineeringand Science, STAT 333 Uncertainty inEngineering and Science, or STAT 332Statistics for Signal Processing fulfill thestatistics requirement. Check with sequenceadvisor to determine the most appropriateclass.

BS/MS Program

Undergraduates with a strong academic recordmay apply in their junior year for admission to theintegrated BS/MS program. A senior researchproject that begins in the summer after the junioryear is designed to expand into an MS thesis. Also,the student begins to take graduate courses in thesenior year. With continuous progress in researchduring three summers and the academic years, thisprogram can lead to both the BS and MS in fiveyears.

Minor in BiomedicalEngineering

A minor in biomedical engineering is offered tostudents who have taken the Engineering Core

26 Case School of Engineering

requirements. The minor consists of an approvedset of five EBME courses.

Required CoursesEBME 201 Physiology-Biophysics I 3EBME 202 Physiology-Biophysics II 3Two courses from the following: 6

EBME 306 Introduction to Biomedical MaterialsEBME 309 Modeling of Biomedical SystemsEBME 310 Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation

One course from the following: 3EBME 303 Structure of Biological MaterialsEBME 307 Biomechanical Prosthetic SystemsEBME 320 Medical Imaging FundamentalsEBME 322 Applications of Biomedical ImagingEBME 350 Quantitative Molecular Bioengineering

Total Units 15

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Graduate Programs

The objective of the graduate program inbiomedical engineering is to educate biomedicalengineers for careers in industry, academia, healthcare, and government and to advance research inbiomedical engineering. The department provides alearning environment that encourages students toapply biomedical engineering methods to advancebasic scientific discovery; integrate knowledgeacross the spectrum from basic cellular andmolecular biology through tissue, organ, and whole-body physiology and pathophysiology; and toexploit this knowledge to design diagnostic andtherapeutic technologies that improve humanhealth. The unique and rich medical, science,and engineering environment at Case enablesresearch projects ranging from basic sciencethrough engineering design and clinical application.

Numerous fellowships and research assistantshipsare available to support graduate students in theirstudies.

Master of Engineering

The MS program in biomedical engineeringprovides breadth in biomedical engineering andbiomedical sciences with depth in an engineeringspecialty. In addition, students are expected todevelop the ability to work independently on abiomedical research or design project. The MSrequires a minimum of 30 credit hours. With anMS research thesis (Plan A), a minimum of 18credits hours is needed in regular course work and9 hours of thesis research (EBME 651). With anMS project (Plan B), a minimum of 24 credits hoursis needed in regular course work, and three hoursof project research (EBME 601); or this can be

accomplished in 27 credit hours of coursework witha comprehensive final exam for the degree.

Master of Engineering andManagement - BiomedicalEntrepreneurship

Biomedical engineering students may apply forthe Biomedical Entrepreneurship concentrationin the Master of Engineering (MEM) program.The MEM is a degree offered by The Institutefor Management and Engineering (TiME), a jointprogram between the Case School of Engineeringand the Weatherhead School of Management. Theobjective of this program is to provide biomedicalengineers with the business and managementcontext required to enable them to drive innovationwithin biomedical companies while serving in atechnical capacity.Students can enter the program as undergraduates.The program does not interfere with undergraduatedegree requirements. The curriculum includescourses integrating engineering and management,as well as industrial internships. By making useof summers for both course work and internships,the MEM degree is completed in one additionalyear beyond the BS, i.e., for a total of five years forthe BS and MEM degrees. Students should applythrough TiME.

MD/MS Program

Medicine is undergoing a transformation basedon the rapid advances in science and technologythat are combining to produce more accuratediagnoses, more effective treatments with fewerside effects, and improved ability to preventdisease. The goal of the MD/MS in Engineeringis to prepare medical graduates to be leaders inthe development and clinical deployment of thistechnology and to partner with others in technologybased translational research teams. Current Casemedical students in either the University Program(UP) or the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College ofMedicine (CCLCM) may apply to the MD/MS inEngineering program.Students must complete the normal requirements intheir particular MD program. Portions of the medicalschool curriculum earn graded credit toward theMD/MS degree. Specifically, six credit hours of themedical school curriculum can be applied to the MScomponent of the joint degree.

The balance of 12 credit hours (4 courses) must begraduate level engineering concentration coursesthat provide rigor and depth in a field of engineeringrelevant to the area of research.

Case Western Reserve University 27

A required thesis (9 credit hours of EBME 651)serves a key integration role for the joint degree,with both medical and engineering components.The thesis also fulfills the research requirement ofthe UP or CCLCM programs.

Students should apply through the BME departmentadmissions office.

PhD Program in BiomedicalEngineering

For those students with primary interest in research,the PhD in biomedical engineering providesadditional depth and breadth in engineeringand the biomedical sciences. Under facultyguidance, students are expected to undertakeoriginal research motivated by a biomedicalproblem. Research possibilities include thedevelopment of new theory, devices, or methodsfor diagnostic or therapeutic applications, as well asfor measurement and evaluation of basic biologicalmechanisms.

The PhD program requires a minimum of 36 credithours of courses beyond the BS degree. Thereare 12 credit hours of required core courses.The balance of the courses can be chosen withsignificant flexibility to meet the career goalsof the student, and to satisfy requirements ofdepth and breadth. Programs of study mustinclude one graduate level course in biomedicalsciences and one course whose content is primarilymathematical. Two semesters of departmentalseminar attendance (EBME 611, 612), twosemesters of topic seminar (EBME 612-620), aprofessional development class (EBME 570),and three semesters of teaching experience(EBME 400T, 500T, 600T) are also required.PhD programs of study are reviewed and must beaccepted by the Graduate Education Committeeand the department chair. Eighteen hours of EBME701 registration are required.

PhD candidacy requires passing certain milestones.A student is advanced to PhD candidacy after:(1) passing the graduate core classes with a "B"or better; (2) passing the Oral Qualifying Exam;and (3) writing and defending a research proposalexam. The PhD is completed when the dissertationhas been written and defended, and when atleast three peer-reviewed manuscripts have beensubmitted (only two require first authorship) forpublication and at least two are published oraccepted for publication.

MD/PhD Programs

Students with outstanding qualifications mayapply to either of two MD/PhD programs. Studentsinterested in obtaining a combined MD/PhD, withan emphasis on basic research in biomedicalengineering, are strongly encouraged to explorethe Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP),administered by the School of Medicine. The MD/PhD programs require approximately 7-8 years ofintensive study after the BS Interested studentsshould apply through the MSTP office in theMedical School.


The home of the Department of BiomedicalEngineering is primarily in located in WickendenBuilding, with offices for over 90 percent of allprimary faculty members and staff, as well asmost of the non-clinical research laboratories andcenters. Major interdisciplinary centers include: theCenter for Cardiovascular Biomaterials (CCB), theNeural Engineering Center (NEC), and the In-situImaging Center. The CCB includes laboratoriesfor biomaterials microscopy, biopolymer andbiomaterial interfaces, and molecular simulation.The NEC is a major facility for basic researchand animal experimentation, with a focus onrecording and controlling neural activity to increaseour understanding of the nervous system andto develop neural prostheses. The BiomedicalImaging Laboratories, housed in the Case Centerfor Imaging Research and the Departmentof Radiology at University Hospitals, imagestructure and function from the molecular levelto the tissue-organ level, using many modalities,including ultrasound, MRI, CT, PET, SPECT,bioluminescence, and light. Biomedical sensinglaboratories include facilities for electrochemicalsensing, chemical measurements in individual cells,and minimally invasive physiological monitoring.

Primary BME faculty members also havelaboratories and centers in other locations. TheEndoscopy Research Laboratory in UniversityHospitals is the center for work on opticalcoherence tomography and biophotonics. The FES(Functional Electrical Stimulation) Center, withlaboratories in three medical centers, developstechniques for restoration of movement in paralysis,control of the nervous system, and implantabletechnology. Also, it promotes technology transferand disseminates information about functionalelectrical stimulation, and evaluates clinicalfunctionality of neuroprostheses. The APT(Advanced Platform Technology) Center developsadvanced technologies that serve the clinical needsof veterans and others with motor and sensorydeficits and limb loss.

28 Case School of Engineering

The Coulter-Case Translation and InnovationPartnership (CCTRP) is a department-basedcollaboration with the Wallace H. CoulterFoundation. The program fosters collaborationsbetween clinicians and the Case Western ReserveUniversity biomedical engineering faculty ontranslational research projects with the potentialto impact patient care often through the creationof new biomedical products and new productconcepts.

The department faculty and students have accessto the facilities and major laboratories of the CaseSchool of Engineering and School of Medicine.Faculty have numerous collaborations at UniversityHospitals, MetroHealth Medical Center, LouisStokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, and theCleveland Clinic. These provide extensive researchresources in a clinical environment for bothundergraduate and graduate students.

Primary Appointments

Jeffrey L. Duerk, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Allen H. and Constance T. Ford Professor andChair; Director, Case Center for Imaging ResearchMagnetic resonance imaging; rapid magneticresonance imaging pulse sequence development;image reconstruction from non-rectilinearlysampled data; the development of image-guided interventional MRI procedures, includingpercutaneous cancer and cardiovascularprocedures

Eben Alsberg, PhD(University of Michigan)Assistant ProfessorBiomimetic tissue engineering; innovativebiomaterials and drug delivery vehicles forfunctional tissue regeneration and cancer therapy;control of stem cell fate decision; precise temporaland spatial presentation of signals to regulate cellbehavior; mechanotransduction and the influenceof mechanics on cell behavior and tissue formation;and cell-cell interactions

James P. Basilion, PhD(The University of Texas)Associate Professor (joint with Radiology)High resolution imaging of endogenous geneexpression; definition of "molecular signatures"for imaging and treatment of cancer and otherdiseases; generating and utilizing genomic data todefine informative targets; strategies for applyingnon-invasive imaging to drug development; andnovel molecular imaging probes and paradigms

Jeffrey Capadona, PhD(Georgia Institute of Technology)Assistant ProfessorAdvanced materials for neural interfacing;biomimetic and bio-inspired materials; host-implantintegration; anti-inflammatory materials; and novelbiomaterials for surface modification of corticalneuroprostheses

Patrick E. Crago, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Professor and Associate Dean of EngineeringControl of neuroprostheses for restoration ofmotor function; neuromechanics; and modeling ofneuromusculoskeletal systems

Dominique M. Durand, PhD(University of Toronto, Canada)Elmer Lincoln Lindseth Professor in BiomedicalEngineering; Director, Neural Engineering CenterNeural engineering; neural interfacing; neuralprostheses; computational neuroscience; neuraldynamics; neuromodulation; neurophysiology andcontrol of epilepsy

Steven J. Eppell, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Associate ProfessorBiomaterials; instrumentation; nanoscale structure-function analysis of orthopaedic biomaterials; andscanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy ofskeletal tissues

Miklos Gratzl, PhD(Technical University of Budapest, Hungary)Associate ProfessorBiomedical sensing and diagnostics in vitro andin vivo; electrochemical and optical techniques;BioMEMS for cellular transport; cancer multi-drugresistance at the single cell level; and sliver sensorfor multi-analyte patient monitoring

Kenneth Gustafson, PhD(Arizona State University)Associate ProfessorNeural engineering; neural prostheses;neurophysiology and neural control of genitourinaryfunction; devices to restore genitourinary function;and functional neuromuscular stimulation

Efstathios (Stathis) Karathanasis, PhD(University of Houston)Assistant ProfessorFabricating multifunctional agents that facilitatediagnosing; treating and monitoring of therapies in apatient-specific manner

J. Lawrence Katz, PhD(Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn)Professor EmeritusStructure-property; relationships in bone;osteophilic biomaterials; ultrasonic studies of tissueanisotropy; and scanning acoustic microscopy

Case Western Reserve University 29

Robert F. Kirsch, PhD(Northwestern University)ProfessorRestoration of movement using neuroprostheses;neuroprosthesis control system design; naturalcontrol of human movements; biomechanics ofmovement; computer-based modeling; and systemidentification

Melissa Knothe Tate, PhD(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH, Zurich,Switzerland)Professor (joint with Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering)Stem cell mechanics and mechanobiology;multi-scale computational and experimentalmechanobiology: applying computational andexperimental methods to uncover the biophysicalmechanisms underlying processes of development,growth, adaptation and repair of biological systemsat the cellular, tissue, and organ levels; cellular andbiofluid mechanics: study of cellular biomechanics,molecular transport and fluid flow through tissue;engineering and development of mechano-active,bio-inspired, and/or novel materials and implants;multi-scale orthopaedic mechanobiology in healing,health, and disease states

Erin Lavik, ScD(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Elmer Lincoln Lindseth Associate Professor inBiomedical EngineeringBiomaterials; synthesis of new degradablepolymers; tissue engineering; spinal cord repair;retinal regeneration; and drug delivery for opticnerve preservation and repair

Zheng-Rong Lu, PhD(Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, ChineseAcademy of Sciences)M. Frank and Margaret Domiter Rudy Professor ofBiomedical EngineeringDrug delivery and molecular imaging; noveltargeted imaging agents for molecular imaging;novel MRI contrast agents; image-guided therapyand drug delivery; polymeric drug delivery systems;multi-functional delivery systems for nucleic acids

Roger Marchant, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Professor; Director, Center for CardiovascularBiomaterialsSelf-assembling biomimetic materials; vasculartissue engineering; novel biomaterials for surfacemodification of cardiovascular devices andhydrogels for tissue engineering; targeted liposomedrug delivery; bacterial adhesion; and cell andprotein interactions with biomaterials using atomicforce microscopy

J. Thomas Mortimer, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Professor EmeritusNeural control and prostheses; electrical activationof neural tissue; and membrane properties andelectrodes

P. Hunter Peckham, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Donnell Institute Professor; DistinguishedUniversity Professor; Director, Functional ElectricalStimulation CenterRehabilitation engineering in spinal cord injury;neural prostheses; and functional electricalstimulation and technology transfer

Andrew M. Rollins, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Associate ProfessorBiomedical optics; real-time in-vivo microstructural,functional, and molecular imaging using opticalcoherence tomography; diagnosis and guidedtherapy for cancer, cardiovascular, and ophthalmicdisease

Gerald M. Saidel, PhD(The Johns Hopkins University)Professor; Director, Center for Modeling IntegratedMetabolic SystemsMass and heat transport and metabolism in cells,tissues, and organ systems; mathematical modelingand simulation of dynamic and spatially distributedsystems; optimal nonlinear parameter estimationand design of experiments

Anirban Sen Gupta, PhD(The University of Akron)Assistant ProfessorTargeted drug delivery; targeted molecular imaging;image-guided therapy; platelet substitutes; novelpolymeric biomaterials for tissue engineeringscaffolds

Nicole F. Steinmetz, PhD(John Innes Centre in Norwich, UK)Assistant ProfessorEngineering of viral nanoparticles as smart devicesfor applications in medicine: tissue-specific imaging,drug-delivery, and tissue engineering

Dustin J. Tyler, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Associate ProfessorNeuromimetic neuroprostheses; laryngealneuroprostheses; clinical implementation of nerveelectrodes; cortical neuroprostheses; minimallyinvasive implantation techniques; and modeling ofneural stimulation and neuroprostheses

30 Case School of Engineering

Horst A. von Recum, PhD(University of Utah)Assistant ProfessorAffinity-based delivery of small molecule drugs andbiomolecules for applications in device infection,HIV, orthopedics, cardiovascular, ophthalmologyand cancer; directed differentiation of stem cells fortissue engineering applications, such as endothelialcells, cardiomyocytes, motor neurons and T-cells

David L. Wilson, PhD(Rice University)Robert J. Herbold ProfessorBiomedical image processing; digital processingand quantitative image quality of X-ray fluoroscopyimages; interventional MRI

Xin Yu, ScD(Harvard-MIT)Associate ProfessorMagnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy;applications of MRI and MRS to cardiovascularresearch

Research Appointments

Niloy Bhadra, MD, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Research Assistant ProfessorExperimental and computational studies of highfrequency waveforms for reversible conductionblock of peripheral nerves; design, testing andimplementation of neuroprosthetic systems for theupper limb

Ann-Marie Broome, PhD(University of South Carolina,)MBA (Case Western Reserve University)Molecular imaging of complex signatures in cancer;in vivo/in vitro imaging of cellular mechanisms indifferentiation; inflammation, and carcinogenesis,signaling of chemotactic peptides in epithelia

Zhilin Hu, PhD(The Chinese Academy of Sciences)Research Assistant ProfessorApplied optics, including optical remote sensingbiomedical imaging and laser spectroscopy; opticalinstrumentation, including theoretical modeling tosystem; and components design for applicationsin clinical GI endoscopies, pulmonary studies, skinand cardiac diseases, and disease prevention

Michael Jenkins, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Research Assistant ProfessorBiomedical optics; development of optical pacingand optical imaging technologies for investigatingcardiac development and diseases

Nicola Lai, PhD(University of Pisa, Pisa/Cagliari, Italy)Research Assistant ProfessorSystems biology investigation of muscle exercisemetabolism in diabetes; systems integratedphysiology; mass transport and metabolism in cell,tissue and organ systems; mathematical modelingand analysis of dynamic and distributed systems

Junmin Zhu, PhD(Peking University)Research Assistant ProfessorBiomimetic engineering of nanomaterials; designand synthesis of extracellular matrix (ECM)-mimetic scaffolds for bioengineering vasculargrafts and networks; engineering of multifunctionalnanosystems for targeting tumor angiogenesis

Secondary Appointments

Jay Alberts, PhD(Arizona State University)Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering(Cleveland Clinic)Neural basis of upper extremity motor function anddeep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease

James M. Anderson, MD (Case Western ReserveUniversity), PhD (Oregon State University)Professor, Pathology, University Hospitals-CaseMedical CenterBlood and tissue/material interactions as they relateto implantable devices and biomaterials

Harihara Baskaran, PhD(Pennsylvania State University)Assistant Professor, Chemical EngineeringDesign and build microvascular flow analogs thatcan be used to overcome nutrient limitations intissue-engineered products

Jonathan Baskin, MD(New York University)Assistant Professor, Chief, Otolaryngology-Head &Neck Surgery, University Hospitals-Case MedicalCenter, VA Medical CenterBioengineering of bone substitutes usingnanotechnology

Arnold Caplan, PhD(Johns Hopkins University)Professor, BiologyDevelop and refine the technology necessaryto isolate one of these rare stem cells, themesenchymal stem cell (MSC)

Case Western Reserve University 31

Ronald L. Cechner, Clinical PhD (Anesthesiology)(Case Western Reserve University)Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology and AssociateProfessor, Biomedical Engineering and Pathology,Technical Director, Anesthesia SimulationLaboratory, University Hospitals-Case MedicalCenterSimulation in medical education

John Chae, MD(New Jersey Medical School)Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,MetroHealth Medical CenterStroke rehabilitation, neuromuscular electricalstimulation to restore upper and lower extremityfunction after stroke

Hillel J. Chiel, PhD(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Professor, BiologyBiomechanical and neural basis of feedingbehavior in the marine mollusk Aplysia californica;neuromechanical system modeling; analysis ofneural network dynamics

Guy Chisolm, PhD(University of Virginia)Professor, Cell Biology, Cleveland ClinicVascular biology; lipoprotein-cell interactions

Janis J. Daly, PhD(University of Akron)Associate Professor, Neurology, UniversityHospital-Case Medical Center, and DirectorCognitive and Motor Learning Research Program,LSDVA Medical CenterStructural and functional central nervous systemchanges associated with the neural control drivingmotor and cognitive recovery after CNS injury.Development of cognitive and motor recoveryinterventions after CNS injury

Margot Damaser, PhD(University of California)Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering,Cleveland ClinicBiomechanics and neural control of the femalepelvic floor and lower urinary tract in normal anddysfunctional cases

David Dean, PhD(City University of New York)Associate Professor, Neurological Surgery,Anatomy, Orthodontics, University Hospitals-CaseMedical CenterComputer-Assisted Surgery, skull (bone) tissueengineering, photodynamic therapy of glioma, andautomated radiosurgery treatment planning

James Dennis, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Assistant Professor, Orthopaedics, UniversityHospitals-Case Medical CenterEngineering cartilage for orthopaedic and tracheareconstruction applications; developing reagents,termed “cell paints,” that can be used to directrepair cells to specific organs and tissues

Kathleen Derwin, PhD(University of Michigan)Assistant Professor, Molecular Medicine(Biomedical Engineering, Cleveland Clinic)Tendon mechanobiology and tissue engineering

Isabelle Deschenes, PhD(Laval University)Assistant Professor, Cardiology, MetroHealthMedical CenterMolecular mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias, ionchannels structure-function

J. Kevin Donahue, MD(Washington University)Associate Professor, Cardiology, MetroHealthMedical CenterArrhythmia ablation; atrial fibrillation; cardiacarrhythmia; gene therapy; implantable cardioverterdefibrillator; myocardial infarction; ventriculartachycardia

Agata Exner, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Associate Professor, Radiology, UniversityHospitals-Case Medical CenterDevelopment and imaging characterization of drugdelivery for cancer chemotherapy; interventionalradiology

Elizabeth Fisher, PhD(Rutgers University)Associate Professor, Molecular Medicine(Biomedical Engineering, Cleveland Clinic)Quantitative image analysis for application tomultiple sclerosis and neurodegenerative diseases

Christopher Flask, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Assistant Professor, Radiology, UniversityHospitals-Case Medical CenterDevelopment of Quantitative and Molecular MRIImaging Methods, MRI Physics

Linda M. Graham, MD(University of Michigan)Professor, Surgery (Vascular Surgery andBiomedical Engineering), Cleveland ClinicCell movement and vascular healing, vasculartissue engineering

32 Case School of Engineering

Roy Greenberg, MD(University of Cincinnati)Associate Professor, Surgery (Thoracic andCardiovascular and Biomedical Engineering,Cleveland Clinic)Development and assessment of endovasculardevices for treating vascular diseases

Marc Griswold, PhD(University of Wuerzburg, Germany)Associate Professor, Radiology, UniversityHospitals-Case Medical CenterRapid magnetic resonance imaging, imagereconstruction and processing and MRI hardware/instrumentation

Vikas Gulani, MD, PhD(University of Illinois)Assistant Professor, Radiology, UniversityHospitals-Case Medical CenterDiffusion tensor imaging and diffusion anisotropy,MRI microscopy, body MRI, and functional MRI

Alex Y. Huang, MD, PhD(Johns Hopkins University)Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, Pathology,University Hospitals-Case Medical Center/RainbowBabies and Children’s HospitalStudy various aspects of anti-tumor immuneresponses, immune – host – pathogen interaction,T cell-mediated memory immunity, and chemokine -receptor biology

Michael W. Keith, MD(Ohio State University)Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery, MetroHealthMedical CenterRestoration of motor function in hands

Kandice Kottke-Marchant, MD, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Professor, Molecular Medicine (Pathology andLaboratory Medicine, Cleveland Clinic)Thrombosis, hemostasis and vascular disease,hypercoagulable states, bleeding disorders,endothelial cell function, atherosclerosis

Vinod Labhasetwar, PhD(Nagpur University, India)Associate Professor, Molecular Medicine(Biomedical Engineering, Cleveland Clinic)Cancer treatment and detection, delivery of anti-oxidant enzymes in stroke and development of anon-stent approach to inhibition of restenosis

Kenneth R. Laurita, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Associate Professor, Heart and Vascular ResearchCenter, MetroHealth Medical CenterCellular mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias usingfluorescent imaging of transmembrane potentialand intracellular calcium in the intact heart

Zhenghong Lee, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Associate Professor, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine,University Hospitals-Case Medical CenterQuantitative PET and SPECT imaging, multimodalimage registration, 3D visualization, molecularimaging and small animal imaging systems

R. John Leigh, MD(University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, U.K.)Professor, Neurology, VA Medical CenterNormal and abnormal motor control of the eye

Kenneth Loparo, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Nord Professor of Engineering, ElectricalEngineering & Computer ScienceStability and control of nonlinear and stochasticsystems; systems biology

Cameron McIntyre, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Assistant Professor, Molecular Medicine(Biomedical Engineering, Cleveland Clinic)Theoretical modeling of the interaction betweenelectric fields and the nervous system; deep brainstimulation

Mehran Mehregany, PhD(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Professor, Electrical Engineering & ComputerScienceMicro/Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems;silicon carbide semiconductor technology andmicrosystems; wireless health

Pedram Mohseni, PhD(University of Michigan)Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering &Computer ScienceBiomicrosystems; biomedical microtelemetry;biological-electronic interfaces; microelectronics forneurotechnology; and wireless integrated sensing/actuating systems

George F. Muschler, MD(Northwestern University )Professor, Molecular Medicine (OrthopaedicSurgery and Biomedical Engineering, ClevelandClinic)Bone biology, skeletal reconstruction, aging andosteoporosis

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Raymond F. Muzic Jr., PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Associate Professor, Radiology, BiomedicalEngineering, Oncology, Division of General MedicalSciences, University Hospitals-Case MedicalCenterQuantitative analysis of biomedical imaging data,physiologic modeling, optimal experiment design,assessment of new radiopharmaceuticals, imagingresponse to therapy, and in vivo quantification ofreceptor concentration

Marc Penn, MD, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Assistant Professor, Molecular Medicine(Cardiology and Cell Biology, Cleveland Clinic)Myocardial ischemia, vascular biology, cardiaccritical care

Clare Rimnac, PhD(Lehigh University)Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringOrthopaedic implant performance and design,mechanical behavior of hard tissues

David S. Rosenbaum, MD(University of Illinois, Chicago)Professor, Chief Cardiology and Director, Heart andVascular Center, MetroHealth Medical CenterMechanisms of arrhythmias, cardiac repolarization,and intercellular coupling

Stuart Rowan, PhD(University of Glasgow, UK)Kent Hale Smith Professor, MacromolecularScience & EngineeringInvestigation and utilization of SupramolecularChemistry (the chemistry of the non-covalent bond)in polymer chemistry

Mark S. Rzeszotarski, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Professor, Radiology, MetroHealth Medical CenterRadiological imaging; computed tomography,medical education

Dawn Taylor, PhD(Arizona State University)Assistant Professor, Molecular Medicine(Neurosciences, Cleveland Clinic)Restoration of movement and function to paralysisvictims through the application of electrical currentto the peripheral nerves

Ronald J. Triolo, PhD(Drexel University)Associate Professor, Orthopaedics, UniversityHospitals-Case Medical Center, VA Medical Center,MetroHealth Medical CenterNeural prostheses, rehabilitation engineeringand restoration of lower extremity function,biomechanics of human movement quantitativeanalysis and control of gait, standing balance andseated posture

Albert L. Waldo, MD(State University of New York, Downstate)Professor, Medicine/Cardiology, UniversityHospitals-Case Medical CenterCardiac electrophysiology and cardiac excitationmapping

Barry Wessels, PhD(University of Notre Dame)Professor, Biomedical Engineering and RadiationOncology; Director, Division of Medical Physicsand Dosimetry, University Hospitals-Case MedicalCenterRadiolabeled antibody therapy (Dosimetry andclinical trials), image-guided radiotherapy, intensitymodulated radiation therapy, image fusion of CT,MR, SPECT and PET for adaptive radiation therapytreatment planning

Guang Hui Yue, PhD(University of Iowa)Associate Professor, Molecular Medicine,(Biomedical Engineering, Cleveland Clinic)Neural control of movement

Maciej Zborowski, PhD(Polish Academy of Science)Associate Professor, Molecular Medicine(Biomedical Engineering, Cleveland Clinic)Membrane separation of blood proteins

Assem G. Ziady, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, UniversityHospitals-Case Medical CenterProteomics, DNA nanoparticles, massspectrometry, cystic fibrosis, inflammation, andredox signaling

Nicholas P. Ziats, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Associate Professor, Pathology, UniversityHospitals-Case Medical CenterVascular grafts; vascular cells; blood vessels

Christian Zorman, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering &Computer ScienceDevelopment of enabling materials for micro- andnanosystems

34 Case School of Engineering

Adjunct Appointments

A. Bolu Ajiboye, PhD(Northwestern University)Adjunct Assistant Professor, BiomedicalEngineering (VA Medical Center)Development and control of brain-computer-interface (BCI) technologies for restoring function toindividuals with nervous system injuries

Kath Bogie, D. Phil(University of Oxford)Adjunct Assistant Professor, BiomedicalEngineering (VA Medical Center)Wound prevention and treatment in individuals withparalysis and in the biomechanics of wheelchairsand seating for people with limited mobility

Richard C. Burgess, MD, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering(Neurological Computing, Cleveland Clinic)Magnetoencephalography; Electrophysiologicalmonitoring; EEG processing; medical informatics

Peter R. Cavanagh, PhD, DSc(University of London at Royal Free MedicalSchool, London, England)Adjunct Professor, Department of Orthopaedics andSports Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle,WAFoot complications of diabetes, bone biomechanics

Alan F. Dowling, PhD(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Adjunct Professor (Global Health Associates LLC)Models of health care systems

William J. Dupps, MD, PhD(The Ohio State University)Adjunct Professor (Cole Eye Institute andBiomedical Engineering, Cleveland Clinic)Application of engineering tools to the diagnosisand management of biomechanical disorders suchas keratoconus and glaucoma

Luis Gonzalez-Reyes, MD (University of LosAndes), PhD (London University)Adjunct Instructor, Biomedical EngineeringPhysiology; biophysics; molecular and cellularphysiology

Elizabeth C. Hardin, PhD(University of Massachusetts)Adjunct Assistant Professor of BiomedicalEngineering, (VA Medical Center)Neural prostheses and gait mechanics; improvinggait performance with neural prostheses usingstrategies developed in conjunction with forwarddynamics musculoskeletal models

Thomas Hering, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Associate Professor (Orthopaedic Surgery,Washington University)Cartilage; extracellular matrix biochemistry andmolecular biology; transcriptional regulation ofchondrogenesis

Vincent J. Hetherington, DPM(Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine)Adjunct Assistant Professor of BiomedicalEngineering (Surgery, Ohio College of PodiatricMedicine)Biomaterials and biomechanics of foot prostheses

Jill S. Kawalec-Carroll, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Assistant Professor, BiomedicalEngineering, Research Director, Ohio College ofPodiatric MedicineBiomaterials and biomechanics of foot prostheses

Kevin L. Kilgore, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Assistant Professor, BiomedicalEngineering, Orthopaedics, (MetroHealth MedicalCenter)Functional electrical stimulation; neuroprostheses

William Landis, PhD(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering(Microbiology, Immunology and Biochemistry,Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine)Mineralization of vertebrates, effect of mechanicalforce on mineralization, calcium transport inmineralization, tissue engineering

Aaron S. Nelson, MD(Medical College of Ohio)Adjunct Assistant Professor, Medical Director,MIMvista Corporation (Cleveland, OH)Multimodality and quantitative imaging forneurologic and cardiac disorders, oncology, andradiation oncology

Anand Ramamurthi, PhD(Oklahoma State University)Adjunct Associate Professor (BiomedicalEngineering, Cleveland Clinic)Artificial heart valves, tissue engineering,biomaterials, thrombosis

Michael Southworth(Webster University)Adjunct Instructor (Southworth and Associates LLC)Regulatory affairs for biosciences

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James Thomas, MD(Harvard)Adjunct Professor (Cardiovascular Medicine,Cleveland Clinic)Ultrasound, ultrasonography, and digitalechocardiography

Antonie Van den Bogert, PhD(University of Utrecht)Adjunct Associate Professor (Orchard Kinetics,LLC)Biomechanics, motion capture, computationalmodeling

Franciscus Van der Helm, PhD(Delft University)Adjunct Professor (Mechanical and BiomechanicalEngineering, Delft University)Development of a biomechanical model of theshoulder and elbow; fundamental research in thecontrol of human arm motions

Gabriela Voskerician, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Assistant Professor (Krikorjan, Inc.)Remote health management


EBME 105. Introduction to BiomedicalEngineering. 3 Units.

This course is intended to introduce Freshmento a wide variety of biomedical engineeringfields including: biomaterials, tissue engineering,drug delivery systems, biomedical imaging andprocessing, cardiac measurement and analysis,neural engineering, neuromuscular control,and systems biology. Topics span research,development, and design for diagnostic andtherapeutic applications. Prereq: Freshmanstanding.

EBME 201. Physiology-Biophysics I. 3 Units.

This course (1) teaches cell physiology from anengineering perspective - basics covered includecell structures and functions, genes and proteinsynthesis, diffusion fundamentals, electricalproperties of neural and muscle cells, sensorytransduction, and integration of function on themicro and macro scale; (2) teaches how to useengineering tools to model different cell functionsand predict, measure, and control cell behavior;(3) introduces mathematical and graphical analysisof specific physiological systems emphasizingapplied modeling and simulation. Prereq: Must havedeclared major or minor in Biomedical Engineering,or requisites not met permission.

EBME 202. Physiology-Biophysics II. 3 Units.

This course is an extension of EBME 201 that willextend the application of system modeling andsimulation to complex physiological systems in aclinical environment. The course will cover modelsof biochemical systems with pathology, muscle, thecardiovascular system, respiratory system, renaland hepatic systems with pathology and clinicalapplications. Prereq: EBME 201 or consent ofinstructor.

EBME 300. Dynamics of Biological Systems: AQuantitative Introduction to Biology. 3 Units.

This course will introduce students to dynamicbiological phenomena, from the molecularto the population level, and models of thesedynamical phenomena. It will describe a biologicalsystem, discuss how to model its dynamics, andexperimentally evaluate the resulting models.Topics will include molecular dynamics of biologicalmolecules, kinetics of cell metabolism and the cellcycle, biophysics of excitability, scaling laws forbiological systems, biomechanics, and populationdynamics. Mathematical tools for the analysisof dynamic biological processes will also bepresented. Students will manipulate and analyzesimulations of biological processes, and learnto formulate and analyze their own models. Thiscourse satisfies a laboratory requirement for thebiology major. Offered as BIOL 300 and EBME 300.

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EBME 303. Structure of Biological Materials. 3Units.

Structure of proteins, nucleic acids, connectivetissue and bone, from molecular to microscopiclevels. An introduction to bioengineering biologicalmaterials and biomimetic materials, and anunderstanding of how different instruments may beused for imaging, identification and characterizationof biological materials. Offered as: EBME 303 andEMAC 303. Recommended preparation: EBME201, EMBE 202, and EMAC 270.

EBME 305. Materials for Prosthetics andOrthotics. 3 Units.

A synthesis of skeletal tissue structure and biology,materials engineering, and strength of materialsconcepts. This course is centered on deepeningthe concept of biocompatibility and using it topose and solve biomaterials problems. We cover:fundamental concepts of materials used for loadbearing medical applications, wear, corrosion,and failure of implants. Structure and propertiesof hard tissues and joints are presented using asize hierarchy motif. Tools and analysis paradigmsuseful in the characterization of biomaterials arecovered in the context of orthopedic and dentalapplications. Prereq: EBME 306.

EBME 306. Introduction to Biomedical Materials.3 Units.

Biomaterials design and application in differenttissue and organ systems. The relationshipbetween the physical and chemical structure ofbiomaterials, functional properties, and biologicalresponse. Recommended preparation: EBME 201and EBME 202.

EBME 307. Biomechanical Prosthetic Systems.3 Units.

Introduction to the basic biomechanics of humanmovement and applications to the designand evaluation of artificial devices intendedto restore or improve movement lost due toinjury or disease. Measurement techniques inmovement biomechanics, including motion analysis,electromyography, and gait analysis. Design anduse of upper and lower limb prostheses. Principlesof neuroprostheses with applications to paralyzedupper and lower extremities. Recommendedpreparation: Consent of instructor and seniorstanding.

EBME 308. Biomedical Signals and Systems. 4Units.

Quantitative analysis of biomedical signals andphysiological systems. Time domain and frequencydomain analysis of linear systems. Fourier andLaplace transforms. A/D conversion and sampling.Filter design. Computational laboratory experienceswith biomedical applications. Recommendedpreparation: EBME 201, EBME 202, MATH 224,ENGR 210.

EBME 309. Modeling of Biomedical Systems. 3Units.

Mathematical modeling of biomedical systems.Lumped and distributed models of electrical,mechanical, and chemical processes appliedto cells, tissues, and organ systems. Numericalmethods for solving equations to simulate systemmodels. Recommended preparation: EBME 308.Coreq: EBME 359.

EBME 310. Principles of BiomedicalInstrumentation. 3 Units.

Physical, chemical and biological principles forbiomedical measurements. Modular blocks andsystem integration. Sensors for displacement,force, pressure, flow, temperature, biopotentials,chemical composition of body fluids and biomaterialcharacterization. Patient safety. Recommendedpreparation: EBME 308. Coreq: EBME 360.

EBME 315. Applied Tissue Engineering. 3 Units.

This course is designed to provide studentswith understanding and expertise of the basictools in tissue engineering research. Throughlectures the students will be introduced to thearray of methods and materials available to tissueengineering researchers, learn how to rationallydetermine suitable choices for their applications,and receive instruction on how to implementthose designs. Much of the course will be spentin the BME Tissue Engineering Laboratory gettinghands-on experience (1) on the materials end withmaterials selection, characterization, and scaffoldfabrication; (2) on the cell end with cell culture,tissue characterization and bioreactor design.The class will be assessed by a weekly gradingof the students’ lab notebooks, as well as a finalexam based on the content learned throughout thesemester.

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EBME 316. Biomaterials for Drug Delivery. 3Units.

This course is designed to provide studentswith a basic understanding of the principlesbehind controlled release drug delivery. Throughlectures, paper reviews, in class discussions andhomework assignments, students will developan in depth understanding of the various ways adrug can be administered to the body and howthese approaches have overcome the problemsassociated with typical oral and intravenousadministration. Various types of drug and genedelivery routes including transdermal, implantable,targeted and pulmonary will be discussed. Thecourse will highlight the rational design of drugdelivery devices based on the fundamentalunderstanding in pharmacology, chemistry,biomaterials science and engineering. Integrationof biomaterial structure and function will beemphasized throughout the course. Offered asEBME 316 and EBME 416. Prereq: EBME 306.

EBME 317. Excitable Cells: MolecularMechanisms. 3 Units.

Ion channels are the molecular basis of membraneexcitability in all cell types, including neural,heart, and muscle cells. This course presents thestructure and the mechanism of function of ionchannels at the molecular level. It introduces thebasic principles and methods in the ion channelstudy including the ionic basis of membraneexcitability, thermodynamic and kinetic analysis ofchannel function, voltage clamp and patch clamptechniques, and molecular and structural biologyapproaches. The course will cover structure ofvarious potassium, calcium, sodium, and chloridechannels and their physiological function in neural,cardiac, and muscle cells. Exemplary channelsthat have been best studied will be discussed toillustrate the current understanding of the molecularmechanisms of channel gating and permeation.Graduate students will present exemplary papers inthe journal club style. Recommended preparation:EBME 201 or equivalent. Offered as EBME 317 andEBME 417.

EBME 318. Biomedical Engineering LaboratoryI. 1 Unit.

Experiments for measurement, assisting,replacement, or control of various biomedicalsystems. Students choose a few lab experiencesfrom a large number of offerings relevant to all BMEsequences. Experiments are conducted primarilyin faculty labs with 3-8 students participating.Recommended preparation: EBME 201, EBME202, ENGR 210. Prereq: BME Major, EBME 201,EBME 202 and Pre or Coreq: EBME 308.

EBME 319. Biomedical Engineering LaboratoryII. 1 Unit.

Experiments for measurement, assisting,replacement, or control of various biomedicalsystems. Students choose a few lab experiencesfrom a large number of offerings relevant to all BMEsequences. Experiments are conducted primarilyin faculty labs with 3-8 students participating.Recommended preparation: EBME 201, EBME202, and ENGR 210. Prereq or Coreq: EBME 318.

EBME 320. Medical Imaging Fundamentals. 3Units.

General principles, instrumentation, and biomedicalapplications of medical imaging. Topics include:x-ray, ultrasound, MRI, nuclear imaging, imagereconstruction, and image quality. Recommendedpreparation: EBME 308, ENGR 210, and EBME202 or equivalent.

EBME 322. Applications of Biomedical Imaging.3 Units.

This course will provide an introduction tobiomedical imaging and its applications inmeasurements of physiological function, stemcell biology, and drug delivery. Students willlearn about imaging technologies including basicprinciples of imaging (resolution and contrast),optical microscopy and in vivo imaging, andmagnetic resonance imaging. Emerging techniquesin cellular and molecular imaging, includingtargeted imaging agents and reporter gene imagingwill be discussed. Biomedical applications willinclude such topics as tumor characterizationin drug assessment, functional brain mapping,targeted drug delivery, functional cardiovascularmeasurements, and stem cell research will bedemonstrated. Prereq: EBME 201, EBME 202,EBME 308, PHYS 121, PHYS 122.

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EBME 325. Introduction to Tissue Engineering.3 Units.

The goal of this course is to present students witha firm understanding of the primary components,design principles, and engineering concepts centralto the field of tissue engineering. First, the biologicalprinciples of tissue formation during morphogenesisand wound repair will be examined. The cellularprocesses underlying these events will bepresented with an emphasis on microenvironmentregulation of cell behavior. Biomimetic approachesto controlling cell function and tissue formationvia the development of biomaterial systems willthen be investigated. Case studies of regenerationstrategies for specific tissues will be presentedin order to examine the different tissue-specificengineering strategies that may be employed.Special current topics in tissue engineering will alsobe covered. Recommended preparation: EBME306, BIOL 362, and CHEM 223.

EBME 327. Bioelectric Engineering. 3 Units.

Quantitative bioelectricity: action potentialsand cable equations. Origins of biopotentials,biopotential recording, electrical stimulation ofexcitable tissue, electrodes/electrochemistry andcardiac electrophysiology. Overview of majorbiomedical devices. Recommended preparation:EBME 201, EBME 317 and ENGR 210.

EBME 328. Biomedical Engineering RD TrainingI. 1 Unit.

This course will provide research and developmentin the laboratory of a mentoring faculty member.Varied RD experiences will include activities inbiomedical instrumentation, tissue engineering,imaging, drug delivery, and neural engineering.Each Student must identify a faculty mentor, andtogether they will create description of the trainingexperience prior to the first class. Prereq: EBME201 and EBME 202.

EBME 329. Biomedical Engineering RD TrainingII. 1 Unit.

This course will provide research and developmenttraining in the laboratory of a mentoring facultymember. Varied RD experiences will includeactivities in biomedical instrumentation, tissueengineering, imaging, drug delivery, and neuralengineering. Each student must identify a facultymentor, and together will create a descriptionof the training experience prior to the first class.Recommended preparation EBME 328. Prereq:EBME 201 and EBME 202.

EBME 350. Quantitative MolecularBioengineering. 3 Units.

The objective of this course is to equip the studentswith a "molecular toolbox"--a set of quantitativeskills that permit rational designs for engineeringtissues starting at the molecular level. The coursewill build on the physical and chemical principles inequilibrium, kinetics, and mass transport. Specificexamples in bioengineering systems will be usedthroughout the course to illustrate the importanceof understanding and application of these principlesto tissue engineering. Recommended preparation:ENGR 225. Offered as EBME 350 and ECHE 355.

EBME 359. Biomedical Computer SimulationLaboratory. 1 Unit.

Computer simulation of mathematical modelsof biomedical systems. Numerical methods withMATLAB applications. Coreq: EBME 309.

EBME 360. Biomedical InstrumentationLaboratory. 1 Unit.

A laboratory which focuses on the basiccomponents of biomedical instrumentation andprovides hands-on experience for students inEBME 310, Biomedical Instrumentation. Thepurpose of the course is to develop designskills and laboratory skills in analysis and circuitdevelopment. Coreq: EBME 310.

EBME 370. Principles of BiomedicalEngineering Design. 2 Units.

The design process required to produce biomedicaldevices, research equipment, and clinical tools isdeveloped. Topics include identification of need;requirements specification; project management;working in teams; solutions conceptualization,refinement, and selection; hazard and risk analysisand mitigation; verification; validation; regulatoryrequirements; and medical device pathwaysto the market. Through critical examination ofcontemporary medical research and clinicalproblems, students, working in teams, will identifya need to develop a specific problem statement,project plan, input requirements, solution conceptand risk analysis. Students will provide periodic oralprogress reports and a final oral presentation with awritten design report. Recommended preparation:EBME 310.

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EBME 380. Biomedical Engineering DesignExperience. 3 Units.

This course is the culmination of the BMEeducational experience in which the student willapply acquired skills and knowledge to createa working device or product to meet a medicalneed. Students will learn how to apply engineeringskills to solve problems and physically realizea project design. The course structure includesregular meetings with a faculty project advisor,regular reports of accomplished activity, hands onfabrication of devices, and several lectures fromleading engineers from industry and academia thathave first hand experience in applying the principlesof design to Biomedical Engineering. Students willalso provide periodic oral progress reports and afinal oral presentation with a written design report.Prereq: EBME 370.

EBME 396. Special Topics in UndergraduateBiomedical Engineering I. 1 - 18 Unit.

(Credit as arranged.)

EBME 398. Senior Project Laboratory I. 3 Units.

Students learn and implement the design processto produce working prototypes of medical deviceswith potential commercial value to meet significantclinical needs. Critical examination of contemporarymedical problems is used to develop a specificproblem statement. The class is divided intoteams of 3 to 4 students. Each team integratestheir knowledge and skills to design a device tomeet their clinical need. Project planning andmanagement, including resource allocation,milestones, and documentation, are required toensure successful completion of projects within theallotted time and budget. Formal design reviewsby a panel of advisors and outside medical deviceexperts are required every four weeks. Everystudent is required to give oral presentations ateach formal review and is responsible for formaldocumentation of the design process, resultingin an executive summary and complete designhistory file of the project. The course culminateswith a public presentation of the team’s device to apanel of experts. This course is expected to providethe student with a real-world, capstone designexperience. Recommended preparation: EBME310.

EBME 399. Senior Project Laboratory II. 3 Units.

Continuation of EBME 398. Recommendedpreparation: EBME 398 and consent of department.

EBME 400T. Graduate Teaching I. 0 Units.

This will provide the Ph.D. candidate withexperience in teaching undergraduate or graduatestudents. The experience is expected to consistof direct student contact, but will be based uponthe specific departmental needs and teachingobligations. This teaching experience will beconducted under the supervision of the facultymember who is responsible for the course, but theacademic advisor will assess the educational planto ensure that it provides an educational opportunityfor the student. Recommended preparation: UNIV400, BME Ph.D. student.

EBME 401. Biomedical Instrumentation andSignal Analysis. 4 Units.

Graduate students with various undergraduatebackgrounds will learn the fundamental principlesof biomedical measurements that integrateinstrumentation and signal processing withproblem-based hands-on experience. Prereq orCoreq: May not have taken EBME 401 prior to Fall2011 or EBME 421 after Summer 2011.

EBME 402. Organ/Tissue Physiology andSystems Modeling. 4 Units.

Graduate students with various undergraduatebackgrounds will learn the fundamental principlesof organ and tissue physiology as well as systemsmodeling. Prereq or Coreq: May not have takenEBME 402 prior to Fall 2011 or EBME 422 afterSummer 2011.

EBME 403. Biomedical Instrumentation. 3 Units.

Analysis and design of biomedical instruments withspecial emphasis on transducers. Body, system,organ, tissue, cellular, molecular, and nano-levelmeasurements. Applications to clinical problemsand biomedical research. Prereq: Graduatestanding.

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EBME 406. Polymers in Medicine. 3 Units.

This course covers the important fundamentalsand applications of polymers in medicine, andconsists of three major components: (i) the bloodand soft-tissue reactions to polymer implants; (ii)the structure, characterization and modificationof biomedical polymers; and (iii) the applicationof polymers in a broad range of cardiovascularand extravascular devices. The chemical andphysical characteristics of biomedical polymersand the properties required to meet the needs ofthe intended biological function will be presented.Clinical evaluation, including recent advances andcurrent problems associated with different polymerimplants. Recommended preparation: EBME 306or equivalent. Offered as EBME 406 or EMAC 471.Prereq: Graduate standing or Undergraduate withJunior or Senior standing and a cumulative GPA of3.2 or above.

EBME 407. Neural Interfacing. 3 Units.

Neural interfacing refers to the principles, methods,and devices that bridge the boundary betweenengineered devices and the nervous system. Itincludes the methods and mechanisms to getinformation efficiently and effectively into andout of the nervous system to analyze and controlits function. This course examines advancedengineering, neurobiology, neurophysiology, andthe interaction between all of them to developmethods of connecting to the nervous system. Thecourse builds on a sound background in BioelectricPhenomenon to explore fundamental principlesof recording and simulation, electrochemistry ofelectrodes in biological tissue, tissue damagegenerated by electrical stimulation, materials andmaterial properties, and molecular functionalizationof devices for interfacing with the nervoussystem. Several examples of the state-of-artneural interfaces will be analyzed and discussed.Recommended preparation: EBME 401. Prereq:Graduate standing or Undergraduate with Junioror Senior standing and a cumulative GPA of 3.2 orabove.

EBME 408. Engineering Tissues/Materials -Learning from Nature’s Paradigms. 3 Units.

This course aims to provide students with afoundation based on "nature’s" design andoptimization" criteria for engineering tissuesand biomaterials. This will be achieved throughfocused review of the principles of development,wound healing, regeneration, and repair throughremodeling, using nature as a paradigm. Principlesof transport will be explored quantitatively andin relation to multi-organismal evolution. Cellularengineering principles will be explored, includingcurrent state of the art in stem cell physiology andtherapeutic applications. Endogenous engineeringapproaches to surgical tissue reconstructionwill be analyzed. An overview of contemporaryapproaches to tissue and cell engineering willbe given, including tissue scaffold design, use ofbioreactors in tissue engineering, and molecularsurface modifications for integration of engineeredtissues in situ. Fundamental engineering principleswill be augmented through case studies involvingspecific applications. Ethical considerations relatedto clinical non-clinical application of tissue andcell engineering technology will be integratedinto each lecture. Prereq: Graduate standing orUndergraduate with Junior or Senior standing and acumulative GPA of 3.2 or above.

EBME 409. Systems and Signals in BiomedicalEngineering. 3 Units.

Modeling and analysis of dynamic systems.Processing and analysis of signals and images intime and frequency domains. Spatially lumped anddistributed linear and nonlinear models. Feedbacksystems. Optimal parameter estimation. Matrixmethods. Initial-and boundary-value problems.Laplace and Fourier transforms. Spectral analysis.Sampling. Filtering. Biomedical applicationsinclude enzyme kinetics, hemodialysis, respiratorycontrol, drug delivery, and cell migration. Numericalmethods using MATLAB. Prereq: EBME 308 andEBME 309 or equivalent.

EBME 410. Medical Imaging Fundamentals. 3Units.

Physical principles of medical imaging. Imagingdevices for x-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance,etc. Image quality descriptions. Patient risk.Recommended preparation: EBME 308 and EBME310 or equivalent. Prereq: Graduate standing orUndergraduate with Junior or Senior standing and acumulative GPA of 3.2 or above.

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EBME 416. Biomaterials for Drug Delivery. 3Units.

This course is designed to provide studentswith a basic understanding of the principlesbehind controlled release drug delivery. Throughlectures, paper reviews, in class discussions andhomework assignments, students will developan in depth understanding of the various ways adrug can be administered to the body and howthese approaches have overcome the problemsassociated with typical oral and intravenousadministration. Various types of drug and genedelivery routes including transdermal, implantable,targeted and pulmonary will be discussed. Thecourse will highlight the rational design of drugdelivery devices based on the fundamentalunderstanding in pharmacology, chemistry,biomaterials science and engineering. Integrationof biomaterial structure and function will beemphasized throughout the course. Offered asEBME 316 and EBME 416. Prereq: EBME 306 orgraduate standing.

EBME 417. Excitable Cells: MolecularMechanisms. 3 Units.

Ion channels are the molecular basis of membraneexcitability in all cell types, including neural,heart, and muscle cells. This course presents thestructure and the mechanism of function of ionchannels at the molecular level. It introduces thebasic principles and methods in the ion channelstudy including the ionic basis of membraneexcitability, thermodynamic and kinetic analysis ofchannel function, voltage clamp and patch clamptechniques, and molecular and structural biologyapproaches. The course will cover structure ofvarious potassium, calcium, sodium, and chloridechannels and their physiological function in neural,cardiac, and muscle cells. Exemplary channelsthat have been best studied will be discussed toillustrate the current understanding of the molecularmechanisms of channel gating and permeation.Graduate students will present exemplary papers inthe journal club style. Recommended preparation:EBME 201 or equivalent. Offered as EBME 317and EBME 417. Prereq: Graduate standing orUndergraduate with Junior or Senior standing and acumulative GPA of 3.2 or above.

EBME 418. Electronics for BiomedicalEngineering. 3 Units.

Fundamental concepts of analog design withspecial emphasis on circuits for biomedicalapplications. Analysis and design of discrete andintegrated circuit amplifiers; application circuitsof operational amplifiers; noise measurement;communication circuits; specialized biomedicalapplications such as circuits for low noiseamplification, high CMRR biomedical amplifiers,implantable circuits, circuits for electrochemistryand circuits for optical recordings, circuits forrecording neural activity, electrical safety andtelemetry. A team project will be required for allstudents. Recommended preparation: EECS 344 orconsent of instructor. Prereq: Graduate standing orUndergraduate with Junior or Senior standing and acumulative GPA of 3.2 or above.

EBME 419. Applied Probability and StochasticProcesses for Biology. 3 Units.

Applications of probability and stochastic processesto biological systems. Mathematical topics willinclude: introduction to discrete and continuousprobability spaces (including numerical generationof pseudo random samples from specifiedprobability distributions), Markov processes indiscrete and continuous time with discrete andcontinuous sample spaces, point processesincluding homogeneous and inhomogeneousPoisson processes and Markov chains on graphs,and diffusion processes including Brownianmotion and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.Biological topics will be determined by the interestsof the students and the instructor. Likely topicsinclude: stochastic ion channels, molecularmotors and stochastic ratchets, actin and tubulinpolymerization, random walk models for neuralspike trains, bacterial chemotaxis, signalingand genetic regulatory networks, and stochasticpredator-prey dynamics. The emphasis will beon practical simulation and analysis of stochasticphenomena in biological systems. Numericalmethods will be developed using both MATLABand the R statistical package. Student projects willcomprise a major part of the course. Offered asBIOL 319, EECS 319, MATH 319, BIOL 419, EBME419, and PHOL 419.

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EBME 420. Biomedical UltrasoundTechnologies. 3 Units.

Biomedical ultrasound technologies includingboth ultrasound for imaging and as a therapeutictool. Fundamentals of ultrasound physics,instrumentation, and imaging. Novel imagingtechniques with high resolution ultrasound.Ultrasound contrast agents for in vivo targetedimaging. Biomedical effects on cells and tissues.High intensity focused ultrasound for tumorablation. Ultrasound mediated targeted intracellulardrug/gene delivery.

EBME 421. Bioelectric Phenomena. 3 Units.

The goal of this course is to provide workingknowledge of the theoretical methods that areused in the fields of electrophysiology andbioelectricity for both neural and cardiac systems.These methods will be applied to describe,from a theoretical and quantitative perspective,the electrical behavior of excitable cells, themethods for recording their activity and theeffect of applied electrical and magnetic fields onexcitable issues. A team modeling project will berequired. Recommended preparation: differentialequations, circuits. Prereq: Graduate standing orUndergraduate with Junior or Senior standing and acumulative GPA of 3.2 or above.

EBME 422. Muscles, Biomechanics, and Controlof Movement. 4 Units.

Quantitative and qualitative descriptions of theaction of muscles in relation to human movement.Introduction to rigid body dynamics and dynamics ofmulti-link systems using Newtonian and Lagrangianapproaches. Muscle models with application tocontrol of multi-joint movement. Forward andinverse dynamics of multi-joint, muscle drivensystems. Dissection, observation and recitationin the anatomy laboratory with supplementallectures concentrating on kinesiology and musclefunction. Recommended preparation: EMAE 181 orequivalent. Offered as EBME 422 and EMAE 402.Prereq: Graduate standing or Undergraduate withJunior or Senior standing and a cumulative GPA of3.2 or above.

EBME 425. Tissue Engineering andRegenerative Medicine. 3 Units.

This course will provide advanced coverage oftissue engineering with a focus on stem cell-based research and therapies. Course topicsof note include stem cell biology and its role indevelopment, modeling of stem cell function,controlling stem cell behavior by engineeringmaterials and their microenvironment, stem cells’trophic character, and state-of-the-art stem cellimplementation in tissue engineering and othertherapeutic strategies. Offered as EBME 425 andPATH 435. Prereq: EBME 325 or equivalent orgraduate standing.

EBME 426. Nanomedicine. 3 Units.

Principles of the design and application ofnanomedicine, including nanosized drug deliverysystems, protein delivery systems, gene deliverysystems and imaging probes. Methods forbioconjugation and surface modifications.Structure property relationships of nanosizedbiomaterials. In vivo and intracellular transport,pharmacokinetics, biodistribution, drug releasekinetics, and biocompatibility of various nanosizedtherapeutics and diagnostics. Theranostics, image-guided drug delivery and therapy. Prereq: EBME316 or EBME 416 or requisites not met permission

EBME 427. Movement Biomechanics andRehabilitation. 3 Units.

Introduction to the basic biomechanics of humanmovement and applications to the designand evaluation of artificial devices intendedto restore or improve movement lost due toinjury or disease. Measurement techniques inmovement biomechanics, including motion analysis,electromyography, and gait analysis. Design anduse of upper and lower limb prostheses. Principlesof neuroprostheses with applications to paralyzedupper and lower extremities. Term paper required.Recommended preparation: Consent of instructorand graduate standing. Prereq: Graduate standingor Undergraduate with Junior or Senior standingand a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or above.

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EBME 431. Physics of Imaging. 3 Units.

Description of physical principles underlying thespin behavior in MR and Fourier imaging in multi-dimensions. Introduction of conventional, fast,and chemical-shift imaging techniques. Spin echo,gradient echo, and variable flip-angle methods.Projection reconstruction and sampling theorems.Bloch equations, T1 and T2 relaxation times, rfpenetration, diffusion and perfusion. Flow imaging,MR angiography, and functional brain imaging.Sequence and coil design. Prerequisite may bewaived with consent of instructor. Recommendedpreparation: PHYS 122 or PHYS 124 or EBME 410.Offered as EBME 431 and PHYS 431.

EBME 440. Translational Research forBiomedical Engineers. 3 Units.

Translation of laboratory developments to improvebiomedical and clinical research and patientcare. Interdisciplinary and team communication.Evaluation of technology and research planningwith clinical and engineering perspectives.Discussing clinical situations, shadowing clinicians,attending Grand Rounds and Morbidity-Mortalityconferences. Validation study design. Regulatory/oversight organization. Protocol design andinformed consent for Institutional Review Board(IRB) approval. NIH requirements for humansubject research. Special project reports to produceIRB protocol or NIH-style proposal. Prereq:Graduate standing or Undergraduate with Junioror Senior standing and a cumulative GPA of 3.2 orabove.

EBME 447A. Rehabilitation for Scientists andEngineers. 0 Units.

Medical, psychological, and social issuesinfluencing the rehabilitation of people withspinal cord injury, stroke, traumatic brain injury,and limb amputation. Epidemiology, anatomy,pathophysiology and natural history of thesedisorders, and the consequences of theseconditions with respect to impairment, disability,handicap and quality of life. Students will directlyobserve the care of patients in each of thesediagnostic groups throughout the full continuum ofcare starting from the acute medical and surgicalinterventions to acute and subacute rehabilitation,outpatient medical and rehabilitation managementand finally to community re-entry.

EBME 447B. Rehabilitation for Scientists andEngineers. 3 Units.

Medical, psychological, and social issuesinfluencing the rehabilitation of people withspinal cord injury, stroke, traumatic brain injury,and limb amputation. Epidemiology, anatomy,pathophysiology and natural history of thesedisorders, and the consequences of theseconditions with respect to impairment, disability,handicap and quality of life. Students will directlyobserve the care of patients in each of thesediagnostic groups throughout the full continuum ofcare starting from the acute medical and surgicalinterventions to acute and subacute rehabilitation,outpatient medical and rehabilitation managementand finally to community re-entry. Coreq: EBME447A

EBME 451. Molecular and Cellular Physiology. 4Units.

This course covers cellular and molecular basicsfor graduate students with little or no prior biologybackground. The emphasis of EBME 451 is onthe molecular and cellular mechanisms underlyingphysiological processes. Structure-functionrelationship will be addressed throughout thecourse. The primary goal of the course is to developunderstanding of the principles of the physiologicalprocesses at molecular and cellular level and topromote independent thinking and ability to solveunfamiliar problems. Prereq: Graduate Standing.

EBME 452. Tissue and Organ SystemsPhysiology. 3 Units.

Mechanisms of membrane and capillary-tissuetransport, tissue mechanics, electrical propagation,signaling, control and regulation processes. Cardiacvascular, renal, respiratory, gastro-intestinal, neural,sensory, motor, musculoskeletal, and skeletalsystems. Basic engineering analysis for quantitativeunderstanding of physiological concepts. Prereq:Graduate standing or Undergraduate with Junioror Senior standing and a cumulative GPA of 3.2 orabove.

44 Case School of Engineering

EBME 460. Advanced Topics in NMR Imaging. 3Units.

Frontier issues in understanding the practicalaspects of NMR imaging. Theoretical descriptionsare accompanied by specific examples of pulsesequences, and basic engineering considerationsin MRI system design. Emphasis is placedon implications and trade-offs in MRI pulsesequence design from real-world versus theoreticalperspectives. Recommended preparation: EBME431 or PHYS 431. Offered as EBME 460 and PHYS460. Prereq: Graduate standing or Undergraduatewith Junior or Senior standing and a cumulativeGPA of 3.2 or above.

EBME 461. Biomedical Image Processing andAnalysis. 3 Units.

Principles of image processing and analysiswith applications to biomedical images from thenano-scale to 3D whole organ imaging. Topicsinclude image filtering, enhancement, restoration,registration, morphological processing, andsegmentation. Recommended preparation: EBME409 or equivalent. Prereq: Graduate standing orUndergraduate with Junior or Senior standing and acumulative GPA of 3.2 or above.

EBME 462. Cellular and Molecular Imaging. 3Units.

Frontier issues in biomedical imaging that addressproblems at the cellular and molecular levels.Topics include endogenous methods to assessmolecular compositions, imaging agents, reportergenes and proteins, and drug delivery, which will bediscussed in the context of applications in cancer,cardiology, central nervous system, ophthalmology,musculoskeletal diseases, pulmonary diseases,and metabolic diseases. Emphasis is placed onan interdisciplinary problem-based approach toinvestigate the application of biomedical imagingto biological and disease areas. Recommendedpreparation: EBME 410 and EBME 451 or consentof instructor. Prereq: Graduate standing orUndergraduate with Junior or Senior standing and acumulative GPA of 3.2 or above.

EBME 474. Biotransport Processes. 3 Units.

Biomedical mass transport and chemical reactionprocesses. Basic mechanisms and mathematicalmodels based on thermodynamics, mass andmomentum conservation. Analytical and numericalmethods to simulate in vivo processes aswell as to develop diagnostic and therapeuticmethods. Applications include transport acrossmembranes, transport in blood, tumor processes,bioreactors, cell differentiation, chemotaxis, drugdelivery systems, tissue engineering processes.Recommended preparation: EBME 350 and EBME409 or equivalent. Offered as EBME474 and ECHE474. Prereq: EBME 409 and Graduate Standing orEBME 309 and Senior Standing.

EBME 478. Computational Neuroscience. 3Units.

Computer simulations and mathematical analysis ofneurons and neural circuits, and the computationalproperties of nervous systems. Students aretaught a range of models for neurons and neuralcircuits, and are asked to implement and explorethe computational and dynamic properties ofthese models. The course introduces studentsto dynamical systems theory for the analysis ofneurons and neural learning, models of brainsystems, and their relationship to artificial andneural networks. Term project required. Studentsenrolled in MATH 478 will make arrangementswith the instructor to attend additional lecturesand complete additional assignments addressingmathematical topics related to the course.Recommended preparation: MATH 223 and MATH224 or BIOL 300 and BIOL 306. Offered as BIOL378, COGS 378, MATH 378, BIOL 478, EBME 478,EECS 478, MATH 478 and NEUR 478.

EBME 479. Seminar in ComputationalNeuroscience. 3 Units.

Readings and discussion in the recent literature oncomputational neuroscience, adaptive behavior,and other current topics. Offered as BIOL 479,EBME 479, EECS 479, and NEUR 479.

Case Western Reserve University 45

EBME 500T. Graduate Teaching II. 0 Units.

This course will provide the Ph.D. candidate withexperience in teaching undergraduate or graduatestudents. The experience is expected to consistof direct student contact, but will be based uponthe specific departmental needs and teachingobligations. This teaching experience will beconducted under the supervision of the facultymember who is responsible for the course, but theacademic advisor will the assess the educationalplan to ensure that it provides an educationalopportunity for the students. Recommendedpreparation: EBME 400T, BME Ph.D. student.

EBME 504. Transport Processes of BiomedicalSystems. 3 Units.

Mass and heat transport processes in dispersive,convective, and reactive systems. Applicationsinclude cell metabolism, drug delivery, tumorgrowth and ablation, cell migration and adhesion,ventilation inhomogeneity, tissue responsesto heating. Critical analysis of journal articles.Simulation projects related to student research.Recommended preparation: EBME 409. Offeredas EBME 504 and ECHE 504. Prereq: Graduatestanding.

EBME 507. Motor System Neuroprostheses. 3Units.

Fundamentals of neural stimulation and sensing,neurophysiology and pathophysiology of commonneurological disorders, general implantation andclinical deployment issues. Specialist discussions inmany application areas such as motor prosthesesfor spinal cord injury and stroke, cochlear implants,bladder control, stimulation for pain management,deep brain stimulation, and brain computerinterfacing. Prereq: Graduate standing.

EBME 513. Biomedical Optical Diagnostics. 3Units.

Engineering design principles of opticalinstrumentation for medical diagnostics. Elasticand inelastic light scattering theory and biomedicalapplications. Confocal and multiphoton microscopy.Light propagation and optical tomographic imagingin biological tissues. Design of minimally invasivespectroscopic diagnostics. Recommendedpreparation: EBME 403 or PHYS 326 or consent.Prereq: Graduate standing.

EBME 519. Parameter Estimation for BiomedicalSystems. 3 Units.

Linear and nonlinear parameter estimationof static and dynamic models. Identifiabilityand parameter sensitivity analysis. Statisticaland optimization methods. Design of optimalexperiments. Applications include control ofbreathing, iron kinetics, ligand-receptor models,drug delivery, tumor ablation, tissue responsesto heating. Critical analysis of journal articles.Simulation projects related to student research.Recommended preparation: EBME 409. Prereq:Graduate standing.

EBME 523. Biomedical Sensing. 3 Units.

Analysis and design of biosensors are discussedin the context of biomedical measurements.Base sensors using electrochemical, optical,piezoelectric, and other principles are introduced.Binding equilibria, enzyme kinetics, and masstransport modalities are then analyzed. Adding the"bio" element to base sensors results includingmathematical aspects of data evaluation. Prereq:Graduate standing.

EBME 570. Professional Development. 1 Unit.

Students will be trained in topics including publicspeaking, grant writing, notebook management,professionalism, etc. Prereq: Graduate Standing

EBME 600T. Graduate Teaching III. 0 Units.

This course will provide the Ph.D. candidate withexperience in teaching undergraduate or graduatestudents. The experience is expected to consistof direct student contact, but will be based uponthe specific departmental needs and teachingobligations. This teaching experience will beconducted under the supervision of the facultymember who is responsible for the course, but theacademic advisor will the assess the educationalplan to ensure that it provides an educationalopportunity for the students. Recommendedpreparation: EBME 500T, BME Ph.D. student.

EBME 601. Research Projects. 1 - 18 Unit.

EBME 602. Special Topics. 1 - 18 Unit.

46 Case School of Engineering

EBME 607. Neural Engineering Topics. 1 Unit.

The goal of this class is to explore topics in NeuralEngineering not covered in the curriculum. A singletopic will be chosen per semester. Four speakerswith expertise in the chosen area will be invited tothe campus. Each speaker will give a seminar andparticipate in a 2-hour workshop/journal club on thespecific topic. The students will be assigned one ortwo seminal papers written by the speaker prior tothe visit. Students will take turns presenting thesepapers to the rest of the class. The paper and thetopic will then be open for discussion. At the end ofthe semester, the students will collaborate to writea single review article in a publishable format on thetopic of the semester.

EBME 611. BME Departmental Seminar I. 0.5Units.

Lectures by invited speakers on subjects of currentinterest in biomedical engineering. Students will beevaluated on reading and preparation of questionsfor select speakers, as well as weekly participation.Between this course and EBME 612 studentsmust earn a minimum of 1 credit (two semesters)and can take up to 4 credits over eight differentsemesters.

EBME 612. BME Departmental Seminar II. 0.5Units.

Lectures by invited speakers on subjects of currentinterest in biomedical engineering. Students will beevaluated on reading and preparation of questionsfor select speakers, as well as weekly participation.Between this course and EBME 611 studentsmust earn a minimum of 1 credit (two semesters)and can take up to 4 credits over eight differentsemesters.

EBME 613. Topic Seminars forNeuroEngineering Students. 0.5 Units.

Lectures by students in the seminar serieson subjects of current interest to biomedicalengineering students in NeuroEngineering.Students will be evaluated on presentationpreparation and performance, as well as weeklyparticipation. Between this course and EBME 614students must earn a minimum of 1 credit (twosemesters) and can take up to 4 credits over eightdifferent semesters. Prereq: Graduate Standing

EBME 614. Topic Seminars forNeuroEngineering Students. 0.5 Units.

Lectures by students in the seminar serieson subjects of current interest to biomedicalengineering students in NeuroEngineering.Students will be evaluated on presentationpreparation and performance, as well as weeklyparticipation. Between this course and EBME 613students must earn a minimum of 1 credit (twosemesters) and can take up to 4 credits over eightdifferent semesters. Prereq: Graduate Standing

EBME 615. Topic Seminars for ImagingStudents. 0.5 Units.

Lectures by students in the seminar serieson subjects of current interest to biomedicalengineering students in Imaging. Students willbe evaluated on presentation preparation andperformance, as well as weekly participation.Between this course and EBME 616 studentsmust earn a minimum of 1 credit (two semesters)and can take up to 4 credits over eight differentsemesters. Prereq: Graduate Standing

EBME 616. Topic Seminars for ImagingStudents. 0.5 Units.

Lectures by students in the seminar serieson subjects of current interest to biomedicalengineering students in Imaging. Students willbe evaluated on presentation preparation andperformance, as well as weekly participation.Between this course and EBME 615 students mustearn a minimum of 1 credit (2 semesters) and cantake up to 4 credits over eight different semesters.Prereq: Graduate Standing

EBME 617. Topic Seminars for BiomaterialsStudents. 0.5 Units.

Lectures by students in the seminar serieson subjects of current interest to biomedicalengineering students in Biomaterials. Studentswill be evaluated on presentation preparationand performance, as well as weekly participation.Between this course and EBME 618 studentsmust earn a minimum of 1 credit (two semesters)and can take up to 4 credits over eight differentsemesters. Prereq: Graduate Standing

Case Western Reserve University 47

EBME 618. Topic Seminars for BiomaterialsStudents. 0.5 Units.

Lectures by students in the seminar serieson subjects of current interest to biomedicalengineering students in Biomaterials. Studentswill be evaluated on presentation preparationand performance, as well as weekly participation.Between this course and EBME 617 studentsmust earn a minimum of 1 credit (two semesters)and can take up to 4 credits over eight differentsemesters. Prereq: Graduate Standing

EBME 619. Topic Seminars for MiscellaneousBiomedical Engineering Students. 0.5 Units.

Lectures by students in the seminarseries on subjects of current interest tobiomedical engineering students in outside ofNeuroEngineering, Imaging, and Biomaterials.Students will be evaluated on presentationpreparation and performance, as well as weeklyparticipation. Between this course and EBME 6120students must earn a minimum of 1 credit (twosemesters) and can take up to 4 credits over eightdifferent semesters. Prereq: Graduate Standing

EBME 620. Topic Seminars for MiscellaneousBiomedical Engineering Students. 0.5 Units.

Lectures by students in the seminar serieson subjects of current interest to biomedicalengineering students on topics outside ofNeuroEngineering, Imaging, and Biomaterials.Students will be evaluated on presentationpreparation and performance, as well as weeklyparticipation. Between this course and EBME619 students must earn a minimum of 1 credit (2semesters) and can take up to 4 credits over eightdifferent semesters. Prereq: Graduate Standing

EBME 621. BME Research Rotation I. 0 Units.

Opportunity for trainees to participate in BMEresearch under supervision of faculty.

EBME 651. Thesis M.S.. 1 - 18 Unit.

EBME 701. Dissertation Ph.D.. 1 - 18 Unit.

Ph.D. candidates only. Prereq: Predoctoralresearch consent or advanced to Ph.D. candidacymilestone.

48 Case School of Engineering

Department of Chemical Engineering

116 A.W. Smith Building (7217) Landau, Professor and

The Departmet of Chemical Engineering offersBachelor of Science in Engineering, Masterof Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degreeprograms that provide preparation for workin all areas of chemical engineering. Breadthelective sequences in biochemical engineering,biomedical engineering, computing, electrochemicalengineering, electronic materials, environmentalengineering, management/entrepreneurship,polymer science, systems and control, or advancedstudies provide depth and specialization forundergraduates majoring in chemical engineering.A special biochemical engineering track isavailable, where students integrate biochemistry,biology, and bioengineering courses into thestandard chemical engineering curriculum.Chemical engineering undergraduates aremembers of the student chapter of the AmericanInstitute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). TheAIChE chapter sponsors social events, field trips tolocal industry, technical presentations by outsidespeakers, and employment counseling. Informationabout the AIChE can be obtained through thedepartment, the chapter president or the chapteradvisor. There are eleven full-time faculty members,all of whom are pursuing active research programs.The research of the faculty is aimed at advancedand emerging areas of chemical engineering.


The chemical engineering department seeks toprovide the expertise, environment, facilities,and administrative structure that inspire learningand the pursuit of scholarly activities in chemicalengineering and related science and engineeringdisciplines. The Department will provide aneducational program and research environmentthat will permit our graduates to compete in theevolving workplace, to permit students and facultyto advance knowledge at the highest levels of theprofession, and to address the technological andpersonnel needs of industry, governments, andsociety.


The profession of chemical engineering involvesthe analysis, design, operation and control of

processes that convert matter and energy tomore useful forms, encompassing processes atall scales from the molecular to the megascale.Traditionally, chemical engineers are responsiblefor the production of basic chemicals, plastics,and fibers. However, today’s chemical engineersare also involved in food and fertilizer production,synthesis of electronic materials, waste recycling,and power generation. Chemical engineers alsodevelop new materials (ceramic compositesand electronic chips, for example) as well asbiochemicals and pharmaceuticals. The breadthof training in engineering and the sciences giveschemical engineers a particularly wide spectrumof career opportunities. Chemical engineers workin the chemical and materials related industries, ingovernment, and are readily accepted by graduateschools in engineering, chemistry, medicine, or law(mainly for patent law).


Research in the department is sponsored by avariety of state and federal agencies, by privateindustry, and by foundations. Current activeresearch topics include:

Energy Conversion and Storage

• Fuel cells

• Batteries

• Supercapacitors

• Transport/structure properties of polymerelectrolytes for fuel cell applications

• Electrocatalysis

• Photovoltaics

Electrochemical Devices

• Electrochemical sensors

• Implantable electrochemical devices

• Electrochemical reactor design

• Electrode processes

• Metallization of semiconductor devices by plating

Case Western Reserve University 49

Biomedical Applications of ChemicalEngineering

• Cell/cellular transport processes in inflammation

• Tissue engineering

• Wound healing

• Neurosensing and neural stimulation

• Engineering of surfaces for sensing applications

• Implantable electrochemical devices

• BioMEMS and biosensors

• Dental implants

• Drug delivery

Diamond and Diamond-like Materials

• Chemical vapor deposition of diamond

• Electrochemistry on diamond

• Conductive diamond films

Design and Synthesis of AdvancedMaterials

• Growth of single-crystal Group III nitrides

• Plasma and plasma processing

• Nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanowires

• Molecular electronics Electrochemical synthesisof alloys and compounds

• Microvascular constructs

• Functional polymers and composites

Processing and Characterization ofNovel Materials

• Nanomaterials and polymer nanocomposites

• Development of responsive additives for particleclusters

• Electronic materials

• Surface and colloidal phenomena

• Surfactant and polymer solutions

• NMR spectroscopy and imaging

• Light scattering/spectroscopy

Advanced Separation Methods

• Enhanced oil recovery

• Ultrasonically assisted sorting and collection ofsmall particles

• Haemodialysis

• Electrochemical and membrane separations

• Nanoporous materials

Simulation and Modeling

• Mathematical modeling of engineering processes

• Molecular simulation, statistical mechanics

• Triboelectric charging

• Light scattering and laser anemometry

• Data acquisition, statistical analyses

• Current distributions/electrochemical systems

• Redox equilibria

• Biomimetics

• Monolayer dynamics

• Stochastic processes

• Electrode structures

Major | Concentrations and Elective Sequences IBS/MS I Minor

Undergraduate Programs

The Bachelor of Science in Engineering degreeis accredited by the Engineering AccreditationCommission of ABET.

Program Objectives

The undergraduate program in chemicalengineering seeks to produce graduates who will:

50 Case School of Engineering

1. apply the knowledge and skills acquiredthrough the chemical engineering curriculum totheir professional careers

2. assume positions of responsibility and/orleadership in industry, government, andbusiness

3. pursue professional careers across a broadrange of industries

4. succeed in post-graduate and professionaldegree programs

Program Outcomes

As preparation for meeting the above programobjectives, the Department of ChemicalEngineering provides an undergraduate programdesigned so that students attain:

1. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,science, and engineering

2. an ability to design and conduct experiments,as well as to analyze and interpret data

3. an ability to design a system, component, orprocess to meet desired needs within realisticconstraints such as economic, environmental,social, political, ethical, health and safety,manufacturability, and sustainability

4. an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams

5. an ability to identify, formulate, and solveengineering problems

6. an understanding of professional and ethicalresponsibility

7. an ability to communicate effectively

8. the broad education necessary to understandthe impact of engineering solutions in a global,economic, environmental, and societal context

9. a recognition of the need for, and an ability toengage in life-long learning

10. a knowledge of contemporary issues

11. an ability to use the techniques, skills, andmodern engineering tools necessary forengineering practice

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

Required Courses: Major inChemical Engineering

Major Required CoursesECHE 151 Introduction to Chemical Engineering at


ECHE 260 Introduction to Chemical Systems 3ECHE 360 Transport Phenomena for Chemical


ECHE 361 Separation Processes 3ECHE 362 Chemical Engineering Laboratory 4ECHE 363 Thermodynamics of Chemical Systems 3ECHE 364 Chemical Reaction Processes 3ECHE 365 Measurements Laboratory 3ECHE 367 Process Control 4ECHE 398 Process Analysis and Design 3ECHE 399 Chemical Engineering Design Project 3Related Required CoursesCHEM 223 Introductory Organic Chemistry I 3or CHEM 323 Organic Chemistry ICHEM 290 Chemical Laboratory Methods for Engineers 3CHEM 336 Physical Chemistry II 3STAT 313 Statistics for Experimenters 3Materials Elective: one of the following courses: 3

EMAC 270 Introduction to Polymer Science andEngineering

EMAC 276 Polymer Properties and DesignEMSE 201 Introduction to Materials Science and

EngineeringEMSE 314 Electrical, Magnetic, and Optical Properties

of MaterialsApproved Breadth Elective Sequence 9-11Total Units 57-59

Concentrations and BreadthElective Sequences

A distinctive feature of the chemical engineeringprogram is the three-course breadth electivesequence taken during the junior and senioryears that permits a student to major in chemicalengineering and, at the same time, pursue aninterest in a related field. Eleven elective sequenceshave standing departmental approval: biochemicalengineering, biomedical engineering, computing,electrochemical engineering, electronic materials,energy, environmental engineering, management/entrepreneurship, polymer science, undergraduateresearch and systems and control. There is alsoan advanced study sequence for students in thecombined BS/MS program. Subject to departmentalapproval, students may alternatively choose todesign their own breadth elective sequence.

In addition, two concentrations, one in biochemicalengineering and the second in pre-medical studiesare available for students interested in these paths.

Case Western Reserve University 51

Biochemical Engineering Concentration

Biochemical engineering can be defined asthe field of application of chemical engineeringprinciples to systems that utilize biomolecules orbio-organisms to bring forth biotransformation.Biochemical engineering applications are versatile,ranging from waste-water treatment to productionof therapeutic proteins. For the biochemicalengineering concentration, students should takethe following six courses and two electives selectedfrom the subsequent lists:

BIOL 300 Dynamics of Biological Systems: AQuantitative Introduction to Biology


BIOL 301 Biotechnology Laboratory: Genes andGenetic Engineering


BIOC 307 General Biochemistry 4BIOC 308 Molecular Biology: Genes and Genetic


BIOL 343 Microbiology 3ECHE 340 Biochemical Engineering 3Plus any two courses selected from the following: 6

BIOL 334 Structural BiologyBIOL 382 Drugs, Brain, and BehaviorPHRM 309 Principles of Pharmacology

Total Units 26

Pre-Medical Concentration

The Pre-Medical Concentration provides a focusedapproach to medical school preparation forchemical engineering majors. By using the flexibilityprovided by science and technical electives in thecurriculum, students are able to pursue courses thatprovide the background needed for medical school.Students take the following courses to meet thecourse requirements of most medical schools.

CHEM 113 Principles of Chemistry Laboratory(Freshman, Fall)


BIOL 214 Genes, Evolution and Ecology (Freshman,Spring)


CHEM 223 Introductory Organic Chemistry I(Sophomore, Fall)


or CHEM 323 Organic Chemistry ICHEM 224 Introductory Organic Chemistry II

(Sophomore, Spring)3

or CHEM 324 Organic Chemistry IICHEM 233 Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory I

(Junior, Fall)2

BIOC 307 General Biochemistry (Junior, Fall) 4BIOL 215 Cells and Proteins (Junior, Fall) 3CHEM 234 Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory

II (Junior, Spring)2

Total Units 22

A student enrolled in this concentration satisfies thematerial and science electives requirements as well

as the breadth elective sequence requirements ofthe program. Further, the student does not haveto take CHEM 290 Chemical Laboratory Methodsfor Engineers Chemical Laboratory Methods forEngineers.

Approved Breadth ElectiveSequences

Biochemical Engineering (Advisor: Dr.Qutubuddin)

BIOC 307 General Biochemistry (Fall) 4BIOL 343 Microbiology (Spring) 3ECHE 340 Biochemical Engineering (Spring) 3Total Units 10

Biomedical Engineering (Advisor: Dr.Baskaran)

EBME 201 Physiology-Biophysics I (Fall) 3EBME 202 Physiology-Biophysics II (Spring) 3One additional course selected from: 3

EBME 309 Modeling of Biomedical Systems (Spring)ECHE 355 Quantitative Molecular Bioengineering

(Spring)Total Units 9

Computing (Advisor: Dr. Lacks)

EECS 281 Logic Design and Computer Organization 4EECS 346 Engineering Optimization (Spring) 3One additional EECS course at 200 level or above 3-4Total Units 10-11

Electrochemical Engineering (Advisor:Dr. Landau) h

ECHE 381 Electrochemical Engineering (Spring) 3ECHE 383 Chemical Engineering Applied to

Microfabrication and Devices (Fall)3

One additional course selected from: 3EMSE 314 Electrical, Magnetic, and Optical Properties

of Materials (Fall)EECS 309 Electromagnetic Fields I (Fall)EECS 321 Semiconductor Electronic Devices (Spring)

Total Units 9

Electronic Materials (Advisor: Dr. Liu) h

ECHE 383 Chemical Engineering Applied toMicrofabrication and Devices (Fall)


EECS 309 Electromagnetic Fields I (Fall) 3

52 Case School of Engineering

One additional course selected from: 3EMSE 314 Electrical, Magnetic, and Optical Properties

of Materials (Fall)EECS 321 Semiconductor Electronic Devices (Spring)

Total Units 9

Energy (Advisor: Dr. Savinell)

ECHE 381 Electrochemical Engineering (Fall) 3Plus two courses selected from the following: 6-7

EECS 310 Electromechanical Energy Conversion(Spring)

EECS 312 Introduction to Electric Power SystemsEECS 374 Advanced Control and Energy SystemsApproved energy course in Engineering, Physics,Chemistry, Management, or Law

Total Units 9-10

Environmental Engineering (Advisor:Dr. Feke)

ECIV 368 Environmental Engineering (Spring) 3Two additional courses selected from the following: 6

ECIV 351 Engineering Hydraulics and HydrologyECIV 361 Water Resources Engineering (Fall)ECIV 362 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management

(Spring)ESTD 398 Seminar in Environmental Studies (Fall)GEOL 303 Environmental Law (Fall)GEOL 321 Hydrogeology (Fall)EECS 342 Introduction to Global Issues (Fall)

Total Units 9

Management/Entrepreneurship(Advisor: Dr. Savinell)

BAFI 355 Corporate Finance (Fall) 3ACCT 303 Survey of Accounting (Fall) 3One additional course selected from the following: 3

ENTP 311 Entrepreneurship and Wealth Creation(Spring)

ENTP 310 Entrepreneurial Finance - Undergraduate(Fall)

Total Units 9

Polymer Science (Advisor: Dr. Mann) h

EMAC 270 Introduction to Polymer Science andEngineering (Fall)


Plus any two courses selected from: 6EMAC 276 Polymer Properties and Design (Fall)EMAC 376 Polymer Engineering (Spring)EMAC 377 Polymer Processing (Spring)EMAC 378 Polymer Engineer Design Product (Spring)EMAC 303 Structure of Biological Materials

Total Units 9

Research (Advisor: Dr. Martin)

ECHE 396 Research and Innovation (Fall) 3ECHE 350 Undergraduate Research Project I (Fall) 3One additional course selected from the following: 3

ECHE 351 Undergraduate Research Project II

Research elective i

Total Units 9

Systems and Control (Advisor: Dr.Lacks)

EECS 346 Engineering Optimization (Spring) 3EECS 281 Logic Design and Computer Organization


EECS 304 Control Engineering I with Laboratory(Spring)


Total Units 10

BS/MS Advanced Study Sequence(Advisor: Dr. Qutubuddin)

Three courses selected from the following: 9ECHE 460 Thermodynamics of Chemical Systems

(Fall)ECHE 461 Transport Phenomena (Spring)ECHE 462 Chemical Reaction Engineering (Spring)ECHE 475 Chemical Engineering Analysis (Fall)

Total Units 9

h Courses in these sequences may satisfy thematerials elective requirement but do notreduce the total credit hours requirement forthe degree.

i Students should take a 300-levelundergraduate or introductory graduatecourse that would be relevant to theirresearch project and is approved by thedepartment.

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

Suggested Program of Study:Major in Chemical Engineering

First Year Units

Fall Spring

General Physics I - Mechanics (PHYS 121)a 4

Principles of Chemistry for Engineers(CHEM 111)


Calculus for Science and Engineering I(MATH 121)


Case Western Reserve University 53

FSxx SAGES First Seminarb 4

Introduction to Chemical Engineering atCase (ECHE 151)


PHED (2 half semester courses)General Physics II - Electricity and

Magnetism (PHYS 122)a4

Chemistry of Materials (ENGR 145) 4Calculus for Science and Engineering II

(MATH 122)a

or Calculus II (MATH 124)


Elementary Computer Programming (ENGR131)


USxx SAGES University Seminar I b 3

PHED (2 half semester courses)Year Total: 16 18

Second Year Units

Fall Spring

Introductory Organic Chemistry I (CHEM


or Organic Chemistry I (CHEM 323)


Calculus for Science and Engineering III

(MATH 223)a

or Calculus III (MATH 227)


Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heatand Mass Transfer (ENGR 225)


Introduction to Chemical Systems (ECHE260)


USxx 2xx SAGES University Seminar IIb 3

Elementary Differential Equations (MATH


or Differential Equations (MATH 228)


Statistics for Experimenters (STAT 313) 3Thermodynamics of Chemical Systems(ECHE 363)


Science elective e 3

Humanities/Social Science elective I 3Year Total: 16 15

Third Year Units

Fall Spring

Transport Phenomena for ChemicalSystems (ECHE 360)


Process Control (ECHE 367) 4Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation(ENGR 210)


Chemical Laboratory Methods for Engineers(CHEM 290)


Breadth elective sequence I c 3

Separation Processes (ECHE 361) 3Measurements Laboratory (ECHE 365) 3Professional Communication for Engineers

(ENGR 398)d1

Professional Communication for Engineers

(ENGL 398)d2

Chemical Reaction Processes (ECHE 364) 3Humanities/Social Science elective II 3Year Total: 18 15

Fourth Year Units

Fall Spring

Process Analysis and Design (ECHE 398) 3Chemical Engineering Laboratory (ECHE362)


Materials electivef 3

Breadth Elective Sequence IIc 3

Humanities/Social Science elective III 3Chemical Engineering Design Project

(ECHE 399)g3

Statics and Strength of Materials (ENGR200)


Physical Chemistry II (CHEM 336) 3

Breadth elective sequence III c 3

Humanities/Social Science elective IV 3

54 Case School of Engineering

Year Total: 16 15 Total Units in Sequence: 129

Hours required for graduation: 129-131 (dependingon breadth elective sequence)

* Higher number (advanced or honors) coursesare available to students by invitation only.

b Must take one course from each thematicgroup: FSSY or USSY— Thinking about thesymbolic world, FSNA or USNA—Thinkingabout the natural world and FSSO or USSO—Thinking about the social world. Specificseminar topics will change periodically.

c A three-course (9 credit hours minimum)breadth sequence (approved by theChemical Engineering faculty). Pre-approvedsequences include: biochemical engineering,biomedical engineering, computing,electrochemical engineering, electronicmaterials processing, energy, environmentalengineering, management, polymer science,systems and control, and advanced study(BS/MS).

d SAGES Departmental Seminar.

e Science elective, chosen from:

• PHYS 221 Introduction to Modern Physics

• CHEM 224 Introductory Organic ChemistryII/CHEM 324 Organic Chemistry II

• CHEM 311 Inorganic Chemistry I

• BIOL 300 Dynamics of Biological Systems:A Quantitative Introduction to Biology

f One Materials elective is required. Suggestedcourses include:

• EMSE 201 Introduction to MaterialsScience and Engineering

• EMAC 270 Introduction to Polymer Scienceand Engineering

• EMAC 276 Polymer Properties and Design

• EMSE 314 Electrical, Magnetic, andOptical Properties of Materials

g SAGES Capstone Course

Five-Year Combined BS/MSProgram

This program offers outstanding undergraduatestudents the opportunity to obtain an MS degree,with a thesis, in one additional year of studybeyond the BS degree. (Normally, it takes twoyears beyond the BS to earn an MS degree.)In this program, an undergraduate student cantake up to nine hours of graduate credit thatsimultaneously satisfies undergraduate degreerequirements. Typically, students in this programstart their research leading to the MS thesis in thefall semester of the senior year. The BS degreeis awarded at the completion of the senior year.Application for admission to the five-year BS/MSprogram is made after completion of five semestersof coursework. Minimum requirements are a 3.2grade point average and the recommendation of thedepartment.

Five-and-a Half Year Cooperative BS/MSProgram

The cooperative bachelor’s/master’s programenables outstanding students who are enrolledin the cooperative education program to earnan MS in one semester beyond the BS degree.Students complete six credits of a graduate project(ECHE 660) during the second co-op period andfollow an Advanced Study elective sequence. Thecourses ECHE 460, ECHE 461, and an agreed-upon mathematics course are used to satisfy bothgraduate and undergraduate requirements. Atthe end of the fifth year, the student receives theBS degree. Upon completion of an additional 12credits of graduate work the following semester,the student receives the MS degree (non-thesis).Application for admission to the five-and a-half-year co-op BS/MS program is made during thesecond semester of the junior year (this semesteris taken in the fall of the fourth year). Minimumrequirements are a 3.2 grade point average,satisfactory performance in the previous co-opassignment, and the recommendation of thedepartment.

Minor in Chemical Engineering

The minor in chemical engineering is for studentsmajoring in other disciplines. A minimum of 17hours in chemical engineering courses are requiredfor the minor. The required courses are:

ENGR 225 Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heatand Mass Transfer


ECHE 260 Introduction to Chemical Systems 3ECHE 360 Transport Phenomena for Chemical


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Plus two courses selected from the following: 6-7ECHE 361 Separation ProcessesECHE 363 Thermodynamics of Chemical SystemsECHE 364 Chemical Reaction ProcessesECHE 365 Measurements LaboratoryECHE 367 Process Control

Total Units 17-18

Graduate Programs

Master of Science Program

Each MS candidate must complete a minimum of27 hours of graduate-level credits. These creditscan be distributed in one of two ways.

Plan A

ECHE 401 Chemical Engineering Communications 1Six graduate-level courses 18MS thesis research 9Total Units 28

Plan B

Part-time students, and those in the 5-1/2-yearBS/MS cooperative program, may opt for Plan B,which requires completion of 24 credit hours (eightcourses) of approved graduate course work anda 3 credit hour project replacing the MS thesis.In special cases, a student may be permitted tocomplete a 6 credit project. In this case only sevencourses will be required.

All MS students are required to include thefollowing courses in their program:

ECHE 460 Thermodynamics of Chemical Systems 3ECHE 461 Transport Phenomena 3ECHE 462 Chemical Reaction Engineering 3ECHE 475 Chemical Engineering Analysis * 3

* or an equivalent graduate-level math course

The other courses should be technical graduate-level courses selected after consultation with theadvisor. In special circumstances, e.g., studentshave taken a similar or complementary course atanother university, one of the required coursesmay be waived from the program of study. Full-timeMS students are expected to do some teachingor mentoring as part of their education. Also, atvarious points during their thesis research, studentswill be required to present seminars and reports ontheir progress.

Master of Engineering Program

The Department of Chemical Engineering alsoparticipates in the practice-oriented Master ofEngineering program offered by the Case Schoolof Engineering. The Department of ChemicalEngineering participates in the Chemical andMaterials Processing and Synthesis sequence.

Doctor of Philosophy Program

The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is awardedin recognition of deep and detailed knowledgeof chemical engineering and a comprehensiveunderstanding of related subjects together with ademonstration of the ability to perform independentresearch, to suggest new areas for research, andto communicate results in an acceptable manner.For students entering the PhD program with a BSdegree, a total of 12 courses (36 credit hours) isrequired. Course requirements for students enteringwith MS degrees are adjusted to account for workdone at other universities, but a minimum of 6courses (18 credit hours) must be taken at CWRU.The course requirements for students entering witha BS degree are as follows:

Core CoursesAll programs of study must include:

ECHE 460 Thermodynamics of Chemical Systems 3ECHE 461 Transport Phenomena 3ECHE 462 Chemical Reaction Engineering 3ECHE 475 Chemical Engineering Analysis 3Total Units 12

A minimum of six additional graduate courses (inchemical engineering or other departments) mustbe taken. At least one of these electives must be ina Basic Science (i.e., Chemistry, Physics, Biology,Biochemistry, Mathematics, or Statistics). All PhDprograms of study must include two mathematics orstatistics courses, one of which must be ECHE 475(listed above as a "core" course). With departmentapproval, a 300-level lecture course can be used toreplace an elective course.

Professional Development Courses

The balance of the PhD course work (two coursesin addition to the TA assignment) is met throughthe professional development courses. All PhDstudents are required to assist in three teachingexperiences as part of their degree requirements.

56 Case School of Engineering

Students enroll in the following courses for theseteaching experiences.

ECHE 401 Chemical Engineering Communications 1ECHE 402 Chemical Engineering Communications II 2ECHE 470 Graduate Research Colloquium * 3

ECHE 400T Graduate Teaching I 0ECHE 500T Graduate Teaching II 0ECHE 600T Graduate Teaching III 0Total Units 6

* Six semesters of ECHE 470 GraduateResearch Colloquium are required.

Comments on PhD Guidelines

The department anticipates that from time to time,special cases will arise which are exceptions to theabove guidelines, e.g., a student may have takena graduate-level course at another school. In thesecases, the student must submit a statement with thePlanned Program of Study justifying the departurefrom the guidelines. It should be noted that theabove guidelines are a minimum requirement.All programs are chosen with the approval of thestudent’s faculty advisor.

Other Requirements for the PhD Degree

Students who wish to enter the PhD program mustpass a First Proposition oral examination (with anaccompanying written report) that tests a student’sability to think creatively, grasp new researchconcepts, and discuss such concepts critically andcomprehensively. The First Proposition serves asthe qualifying examination for the PhD degree.A Second Proposition focusing on the studentsown research topic is required by the end of thesecond year in the program. All PhD studentsmust satisfy the residency requirements of theuniversity and the Case School of Engineering.In addition, at various points in the course of thedissertation research, students will be requiredto prepare reports and seminars on their work,and defend their dissertation. The ChemicalEngineering Graduate Student Handbook containsa more detailed description of the department’sPhD requirements and a time schedule for theircompletion.


The department is housed in the Albert W. SmithBuilding and portions of the Bingham Building onthe Case Quadrangle. Professor Smith was chairof industrial chemistry at Case from 1911 to 1927.

Under his leadership a separate course of studyin chemical engineering was introduced at Case in1913. Professor Smith was also a close associateof Herbert Dow, the Case alumnus who foundedDow Chemical in 1890 with the help and supportof Professor Smith. The Albert W. Smith ChemicalEngineering Building contains one technologyenhanced classroom; the undergraduate UnitOperations Laboratory; an undergraduate readingroom, named after Prof. Robert V. Edwards; andthe normal complement of offices and researchlaboratories. The lobby of the A.W. Smith Building,renovated by contributions from the James family,often serves as a formal and informal gatheringplace for students and faculty. The department hasexceptionally strong facilities for electrochemicaland energy research, for microfabrication, and forchemical vapor deposition and thin film synthesis.In addition, a full range of biochemical, analyticaland materials characterization instrumentationis available in the Case School of Engineering.Analytical instrumentation is available withinthe Department of Chemical Engineering, theDepartment of Chemistry, and the MaterialsResearch Laboratory.


Uziel Landau, PhD(University of California, Berkeley)Professor and ChairElectrochemical engineering, modeling ofelectrochemical systems, electrodeposition,batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzers, corrosion

John C. Angus, PhD(University of Michigan)Professor EmeritusChemical vapor deposition of diamond,electrochemistry of diamond, gallium nitridesynthesis

Harihara Baskaran, PhD(The Pennsylvania State University)Associate ProfessorTransport phenomena in biology and medicine

Donald L. Feke, PhD(Princeton University)Professor and Vice Provost for UndergraduateEducationColloidal and transport phenomena, dispersivemixing, particle science and processing

Daniel Lacks, PhD(Harvard University)C. Benson Branch Professor of ChemicalEngineeringMolecular simulation, statistical mechanics

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Chung-Chiun Liu, PhD(Case Institute of Technology)Wallace R. Persons Professor of SensorTechnology and ControlElectrochemical sensors, electrochemicalsynthesis, electrochemistry related to electronicmaterials

J. Adin Mann Jr., PhD(Iowa State University)ProfessorSurface phenomena, interfacial dynamics, colloidscience, light scattering, biomemetics, molecularelectronics, Casimir force (effects)

Heidi B. Martin, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Associate ProfessorConductive diamond films; electrochemicalsensors; chemical modification of surfaces forelectrochemical and biomedical applications;biomaterials; microfabrication of sensors anddevices

Syed Qutubuddin, PhD(Carnegie Mellon University)ProfessorSurfactant and polymer solutions, separations,nanoparticles, novel polymeric materials,nanocomposites

R. Mohan Sankaran, PhD(California Institute of Technology)Associate ProfessorMicroplasmas, nanoparticle synthesis

Robert F. Savinell, PhD(University of Pittsburgh)George S. Dively ProfessorElectrochemical engineering, electrochemicalreactor design and simulation, electrode processes,batteries and fuel cells

Jesse S. Wainright, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Associate Research ProfessorElectrochemical power sources - - fuel cells,batteries, supercapacitors. Biomedical applications


ECHE 151. Introduction to ChemicalEngineering at Case. 0 Units.

Introduction to the Chemical EngineeringDepartment and its activities: faculty and facultyresearch areas, breadth elective sequences,cooperative education, Summer Lab in Denmark,Junior Year in Edinburgh, industrial employmentopportunities, non-traditional employmentopportunities. Required of Chemical Engineeringstudents before their junior year.

ECHE 250. Honors Research I. 1 - 3 Unit.

A special program which affords a limited numberof students the opportunity to conduct researchunder the guidance of one of the faculty. At theend of the first semester of the sophomore year,students who have a strong interest in researchare encouraged to discuss research possibilitieswith the faculty. Assignments are made based onmutual interest. Subject to the availability of funds,the faculty employs students through the summersof their sophomore and junior years, as members oftheir research teams.

ECHE 251. Honors Research II. 1 - 3 Unit.

(See ECHE 250.) Recommended preparation:ECHE 250.

ECHE 260. Introduction to Chemical Systems. 3Units.

Material and energy balances. Conservationprinciples and the elementary laws of physicalchemistry applied to chemical processes.Developing skills in quantitative formulation andsolution of word problems. Prereq: CHEM 111 andENGR 145 and MATH 122.

ECHE 340. Biochemical Engineering. 3 Units.

Chemical engineering principles applied tobiological and biochemical systems and relatedprocesses. Microbiology and biochemistry linkedwith transport phenomena, kinetics, reactor designand analysis, and separations. Specific examplesof microbial and enzyme processes of industrialsignificance. Recommended preparation: BIOC307, BIOL 343 and ECHE 364, or permission ofinstructor.

58 Case School of Engineering

ECHE 350. Undergraduate Research Project I. 3Units.

This course affords a student the opportunity toconduct research under the guidance of one ofthe faculty, as part of the Chemical EngineeringResearch breadth elective sequence. Students whohave a strong interest in research are encouragedto discuss research possibilities with the faculty.Assignments are made based on mutual interest.

ECHE 351. Undergraduate Research Project II. 3Units.

This course affords a student the opportunity toconduct research under the guidance of one ofthe faculty, as part of the Chemical EngineeringResearch breadth elective sequence. Students whohave a strong interest in research are encouragedto discuss research possibilities with the faculty.Assignments are made based on mutual interest.Prereq: ECHE 350.

ECHE 355. Quantitative MolecularBioengineering. 3 Units.

The objective of this course is to equip the studentswith a "molecular toolbox"--a set of quantitativeskills that permit rational designs for engineeringtissues starting at the molecular level. The coursewill build on the physical and chemical principles inequilibrium, kinetics, and mass transport. Specificexamples in bioengineering systems will be usedthroughout the course to illustrate the importanceof understanding and application of these principlesto tissue engineering. Recommended preparation:ENGR 225. Offered as EBME 350 and ECHE 355.

ECHE 360. Transport Phenomena for ChemicalSystems. 4 Units.

Fundamentals of fluid flow, heat and masstransport from the microscopic and macroscopicperspectives. Applications to chemical systems,including steady and transient operations,convective and molecular (conduction and diffusion)effects, and interfacial transport. Design of unitoperations (e.g., heat exchangers). Heat and masstransfer analogies. Vector/tensor analysis anddimensional analysis used throughout. Prereq:ENGR 225 and MATH 223.

ECHE 361. Separation Processes. 3 Units.

Analysis and design of separation processesinvolving distillation, extraction, absorption,adsorption, and membrane processes. Designproblems and the physical and chemical processesinvolved in separation. Equilibrium stage, degreesof freedom in design, graphical and analyticaldesign techniques, efficiency and capacity ofseparation processes. Prereq: ECHE 260 andECHE 363.

ECHE 362. Chemical Engineering Laboratory. 4Units.

Experiments in the operation of separationand reaction equipment, including design ofexperiments, technical analysis, and economicanalysis. Experiments cover distillation, liquid-liquid extraction, heat transfer, fluidized beds,control, membrane separations, and chemical andelectrochemical reactors. Prereq: ECHE 260 andECHE 360 and ECHE 361 and ECHE 363 andECHE 364.

ECHE 362D. Chemical Engineering Laboratoryin Denmark. 4 Units.

Chemical Engineering Laboratory in Denmark. Aversion of ECHE 362 taught during the summer atDTU in Lyngby. Prereq: ECHE 260 and ECHE 360and ECHE 361 and ECHE 363 and ECHE 364.

ECHE 363. Thermodynamics of ChemicalSystems. 3 Units.

First law, second law, phase equilibria, phase rule,chemical reaction equilibria, and applications toengineering problems. Thermodynamic propertiesof real substances, with emphasis on solutions.Thermodynamic analysis of processes includingchemical reactions. Prereq: ECHE 260 and ENGR225. Coreq: ENGR 225.

ECHE 364. Chemical Reaction Processes. 3Units.

Design of homogeneous and heterogeneouschemical reactor systems. Relationships betweentype of reaction and choice of reactor. Methods ofobtaining and analyzing kinetic data. Relationshipbetween mechanism and reaction rate andbrief introduction to catalysis. Recommendedpreparation: ECHE 360. Prereq: ECHE 260 andMATH 224.

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ECHE 365. Measurements Laboratory. 3 Units.

Laboratory introduction to the measurementprocess in engineering. Matching measurementsto approximate and exact physical models isstressed. Extraction of physical parameters andestimation of the errors in the parameter estimatesis an important part of the course. Exampleprojects cover steady and unsteady state heattransfer, momentum transfer, and the first law ofthermodynamics. Recommended preparation:ECHE 360. Prereq: ECHE 260 and ECHE 363 andENGR 225.

ECHE 367. Process Control. 4 Units.

Theoretical and practical aspects of feedbackcontrol of chemical processes. The courseinvolves extensive use of computer software withsome exams taken using the computer. Shortlaboratories and Labview training are integratedinto the course. Topics include: analysis of lineardynamical systems using Laplace transforms,derivation of unsteady state mathematical modelsof simple chemical processes, dynamic simulationof linear and nonlinear models, design of PIDcontrollers by model inverse methods, tuningof controller to accommodate process modeluncertainty, two degrees of freedom controllers,feed-forward and cascade control. The Labviewtraining covers programming basics, interfacing toa data acquisition system, and incorporating controlalgorithms.. Prereq: ECHE 260 and MATH 224.

ECHE 370. Fluid Mechanics for ChemicalSystems. 3 Units.

This course introduces the physical andmathematical concepts associated with themotion of material and the transfer of momentum.These concepts will be applied to the analysis ofengineering systems to obtain both exact solutionsand practical estimates. Both analytical andnumerical solutions will be utilized.

ECHE 371. Heat and Mass Transfer for ChemicalSystems. 3 Units.

This course introduces the physical andmathematical concepts associated with the transferof heat and mass. These will be applied to theanalysis of engineering situations to obtain bothexact solutions and practical estimates. Analyticaland numerical solutions will be utilized.

ECHE 380. Electrochemical Technology. 3 Units.

Fundamentals of modern electrochemicaltechnology and the engineering principlesinvolved. Basics of classical electrochemistry;thermodynamics and kinetics. Engineering aspectsof transport phenomena, scaling, and design asapplied to electrochemical industries. Practicalexamples from metal finishing, batteries and fuelcells, and the electrolytic industries. Recommendedpreparation: ECHE 260.

ECHE 381. Electrochemical Engineering. 3Units.

Engineering aspects of electrochemical processesincluding current and potential distribution, masstransport and fluid mechanical effects. Examplesfrom industrial processes including electroplating,industrial electrolysis, corrosion, and batteries.Recommended preparation: ECHE 260 orpermission of instructor. Offered as ECHE 381 andECHE 480.

ECHE 383. Chemical Engineering Applied toMicrofabrication and Devices. 3 Units.

Silicon based microfabrication and micromachiningrequire many chemical engineering technologies.Microfabricated devices such as sensors arealso directly related to chemical engineering. Theapplications of chemical engineering principlesto microfabrication and micromachining areintroduced. Oxidation processing, chemical vapordeposition, etching and patterning techniques,electroplating and other technologies arediscussed. Graduate students will submit anadditional final project on some technical aspectof microfabrication technology or devices.Recommended preparation: ECHE 363 and ECHE371. Offered as ECHE 383 and ECHE 483.

60 Case School of Engineering

ECHE 396. Research and Innovation. 3 Units.

This course is an opportunity for undergraduatestudents to experience research--how to approacha research problem, design experiments andanalyze data. This will be accomplished through(a) hands-on laboratory experiences with importantresearch techniques, (b) assignment of open-endedprojects on research topics, and (c) discussion ofspecific interdisciplinary research being pursued atCase. It is meant to be a mechanism for studentsto become involved in a research project; the finalassignment is to submit a proposal for this project.Example interdisciplinary research areas to beincluded are Fuel Cells and Batteries, Sensors,Biomaterials, and Micro and Nano-fabricatedDevices.

ECHE 397. Special Topics in ChemicalEngineering. 3 Units.

Special topics within an area of chemicalengineering.

ECHE 398. Process Analysis and Design. 3Units.

Economic analysis and cost estimation of chemicalprocesses. Equipment and materials selection inthe chemical process industry. Scale consideration,plant layout and plant site selection. Processanalysis, heuristics and optimization. Environmentaland plant safety issues. Prereq: ECHE 260 andECHE 360 and ECHE 361 and ECHE 363 andECHE 364.

ECHE 399. Chemical Engineering DesignProject. 3 Units.

This is a course that uses the small teamsapproach to solve chemical process designproblems. Numerous exercises involving processdesign are used to integrate material taught inprevious and concurrent courses. This includesapplication of computer based design tools,economics, scheduling, decision making withuncertainty, and proposal and report preparation.This work leads to one comprehensive processdesign project done by the class, which includes awritten and oral report. Prereq: ECHE 365, ECHE367, ECHE 398.

ECHE 400T. Graduate Teaching I. 0 Units.

All Ph.D. students are required to take thiscourse. The experience includes elements fromthe following tasks: development of teachingor lecture materials, teaching recitation groups,providing laboratory assistance, tutoring, exam/quiz/homework preparation and grading, mentoringstudents. Recommended preparation: EnteringPh.D. student in Chemical Engineering.

ECHE 401. Chemical EngineeringCommunications. 1 Unit.

Introductory course in communication for ChemicalEngineering graduate students: preparation offirst proposal for thesis, preparation of technicalreports and scientific papers, literature sources,reviewing proposals, and manuscripts forprofessional journals, and making effectivetechnical presentations.

ECHE 402. Chemical EngineeringCommunications II. 2 Units.

This course is a continuation of ECHE 401 and isdesigned to develop skills in writing proposals forfunding research projects. The federal requirementsare reviewed for submitting proposals to themajor granting agents including NSF, NIH andDoD. We will study strategies for developingfundable projects. Each student will submit aresearch proposal for a thesis project and do anoral presentation of the project.

ECHE 460. Thermodynamics of ChemicalSystems. 3 Units.

Phase equilibria, phase rule, chemical reactionequilibria in homogeneous and heterogeneoussystems, ideal and non-ideal behavior of fluidsand solutions, thermodynamic analysis of closedand open chemical systems with applications.Recommended preparation: ECHE 363.

ECHE 461. Transport Phenomena. 3 Units.

Mechanisms of heat, mass, and momentumtransport on both molecular and continuum basis.Generalized equations of transport. Techniques ofsolution for boundary value problems in systems ofconduction, diffusion, and laminar flow. Boundarylayer and turbulent systems. Recommendedpreparation: ECHE 360.

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ECHE 462. Chemical Reaction Engineering. 3Units.

Steady and unsteady state mathematical modelingof chemical reactors from conservation principles.Interrelation of reaction kinetics, mass and heattransfer, flow phenomena. Catalytic and chemicalvapor deposition reactors. Determination of kineticparameters. Includes catalytic and chemical vapordeposition reactors. Recommended preparation:ECHE 364.

ECHE 464. Surfaces and Adsorption. 3 Units.

Thermodynamics of interfaces, nature ofinteractions across phase boundaries, capillarywetting properties of adsorbed films, friction andlubrication, flotation, detergency, the surfaceof solids, relation of bulk to surface propertiesof materials, non-catalytic surface reactions.Recommended preparation: CHEM 335 orequivalent.

ECHE 466. Colloid Science. 3 Units.

Stochastic processes and interparticle forcesin colloidal dispersions. DLVO theory, stabilitycriteria, and coagulation kinetics. Electrokineticphenomena. Applications to electrophoresis,filtration, floatation, sedimentation, and suspensionrheology. Investigation of suspensions, emulsions,gels, and association colloids. Recommendedpreparation: CHEM 335.

ECHE 469. Chemical Engineering Seminar. 0Units.

Distinguished outside speakers present currentresearch in various topics of chemical engineeringscience. Graduate students also present technicalpapers based on thesis research.

ECHE 470. Graduate Research Colloquium. 0.5Units.

Outside speakers present lectures on their currentresearch. Various topics in the areas of chemicalengineering science , basic and applied chemistry,bioengineering, material science, and appliedmathematics are covered in the lectures. Graduatestudents also present technical papers based ontheir own research. Students are graded on thesubmission of one- page summary reports on anytwo lectures.

ECHE 474. Biotransport Processes. 3 Units.

Biomedical mass transport and chemical reactionprocesses. Basic mechanisms and mathematicalmodels based on thermodynamics, mass andmomentum conservation. Analytical and numericalmethods to simulate in vivo processes aswell as to develop diagnostic and therapeuticmethods. Applications include transport acrossmembranes, transport in blood, tumor processes,bioreactors, cell differentiation, chemotaxis, drugdelivery systems, tissue engineering processes.Recommended preparation: EBME 350 and EBME409 or equivalent. Offered as EBME474 and ECHE474.

ECHE 475. Chemical Engineering Analysis. 3Units.

Mathematical analysis of problems in transportprocesses, chemical kinetics, and control systems.Examines vector spaces and matrices and theirrelation to differential transforms, series techniques(Fourier, Bessel functions, Legendre polynomials).Recommended preparation: MATH 224.

ECHE 477. Data Acquisition and LabVIEWBootcamp. 1 Unit.

This course will introduce and implement basicdata acquisition concepts and LabVIEW virtualinstrumentation programming, providing hands-on experience with hardware and software. Itis intended to help those with little or no dataacquisition experience to get started on settingup data acquisition for their application. No priorexperience with LabVIEW is required. Consult withthe instructor for additional details.

ECHE 480. Electrochemical Engineering. 3Units.

Engineering aspects of electrochemical processesincluding current and potential distribution, masstransport and fluid mechanical effects. Examplesfrom industrial processes including electroplating,industrial electrolysis, corrosion, and batteries.Recommended preparation: ECHE 260 orpermission of instructor. Offered as ECHE 381 andECHE 480.

62 Case School of Engineering

ECHE 483. Chemical Engineering Applied toMicrofabrication and Devices. 3 Units.

Silicon based microfabrication and micromachiningrequire many chemical engineering technologies.Microfabricated devices such as sensors arealso directly related to chemical engineering. Theapplications of chemical engineering principlesto microfabrication and micromachining areintroduced. Oxidation processing, chemical vapordeposition, etching and patterning techniques,electroplating and other technologies arediscussed. Graduate students will submit anadditional final project on some technical aspectof microfabrication technology or devices.Recommended preparation: ECHE 363 and ECHE371. Offered as ECHE 383 and ECHE 483.

ECHE 500T. Graduate Teaching II. 0 Units.

All Ph.D. students are required to take this course.The experience will include elements from thefollowing tasks: development of teaching orlecture materials, teaching recitation groups,providing laboratory assistance, tutoring, exam/quiz/homework preparation and grading, mentoringstudents. Recommended preparation: Ph.D.student in Chemical Engineering.

ECHE 504. Transport Processes of BiomedicalSystems. 3 Units.

Mass and heat transport processes in dispersive,convective, and reactive systems. Applicationsinclude cell metabolism, drug delivery, tumorgrowth and ablation, cell migration and adhesion,ventilation inhomogeneity, tissue responsesto heating. Critical analysis of journal articles.Simulation projects related to student research.Recommended preparation: EBME 409. Offeredas EBME 504 and ECHE 504. Prereq: Graduatestanding.

ECHE 561. Advanced Transport Phenomena. 3Units.

(Extension of ECHE 461.) In-depth examination ofmethods of solving transport problems. Emphasison coupled systems where two or more transportprocesses interact. Recommended preparation:ECHE 461.

ECHE 575. Advanced Chemical EngineeringAnalysis. 3 Units.

Advanced analytical techniques for exact andapproximate engineering analysis. Scale analysisand recursion techniques; asymptotic analysisof ordinary differential equations (regular andsingular perturbations, WKB theory); approximationof integrals; method of characteristics, shocks;application to heat, mass and momentum transfer.Recommended preparation: ECHE 475.

ECHE 580. Special Topics. 3 Units.

Special topics in chemical engineering. Prereq:Consent of instructor.

ECHE 590. Topics in Materials Engineering. 3Units.

Seminar course focusing on topics related tomaterials engineering. Typical subjects includeprocessing and properties of electronic and nanomaterials, composites and dispersions; mixingof particles and agglomerates; electrodepositionof alloys; molecular level simulations. Studentswill be assigned readings from book chapters,classical articles and state of the art publications. Adiscussion leader (pre-assigned) will be responsiblefor introducing the papers and leading a criticaldiscussion. Active student participation in thediscussions is expected.

ECHE 591. Carbon, Nanoscience andNanotechnology. 3 Units.

This course presents the fundamental aspects ofnanoscience and nanotechnology with an emphasison carbon nanomaterials and nanodevices. Thisproposed course intents to provide students withthe fundamental aspects of nanoscience andnanotechnology. Nanotechnology draws on thestrengths of all the basic sciences and is theengineering at the molecular level, which has thepotential to lead to novel scientific discoveries aswell as new industrial technologies. This coursewill give students insights into a new exciting andrapidly developing field. The course has a goodbalance between basic knowledge and depth witha focus on some key application areas, which willenable students to work in a variety of scientificprofessions.

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ECHE 600T. Graduate Teaching III. 0 Units.

All Ph.D. students are required to take this course.The experience will include elements from thefollowing tasks: development of teaching orlecture materials, teaching recitation groups,providing laboratory assistance, tutoring, exam/quiz/homework preparation and grading, mentoringstudents. Recommended preparation: Ph.D.student in Chemical Engineering.

ECHE 601. Independent Study. 1 - 18 Unit.

ECHE 651. Thesis M.S.. 1 - 18 Unit.

ECHE 660. Special Problems. 1 - 18 Unit.

Research course taken by Plan B M.S. students.

ECHE 701. Dissertation Ph.D.. 1 - 18 Unit.

Prereq: Predoctoral research consent or advancedto Ph.D. candidacy milestone.

64 Case School of Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Bingham Building (7201) Zeng, Frank H. Neff Professor and

The Department of Civil Engineering offersprograms of study in environmental, geotechnical,and structural engineering, construction engineeringand management, and engineering mechanics.

Civil engineers plan, design, and construct facilitiesfor meeting the needs of modern society. Civilengineers also help to reduce the environmentalimpact of these designs to help make modernsociety more sustainable. Examples of suchfacilities are transportation systems, schools andoffice buildings, bridges, dams, land reclamationprojects, water treatment and distribution systems,commercial buildings, and industrial plants. Civilengineers can choose from a broad spectrum ofopportunities in industry and consulting practiceas well as research and development in firms inwhich civil engineers often participate as owners orpartners. Employment can be found among a widevariety of industrial, governmental, construction,and private consulting organizations. There is alarge demand for civil engineers nationally. Theprogram at Case Western Reserve University isbuilt around small classes, good faculty-studentrelationships and advising, and a program flexibleenough to meet students’ personal career aims.

The Department of Civil Engineering of theCase School of Engineering offers an accreditedBachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineeringwith courses in almost all the traditional civilengineering subjects. The graduate program offersthe Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophydegrees in structures, engineering mechanics,geotechnical and environmental engineering.A cooperative education program involvingparticipating engineering firms is available for bothundergraduate and graduate students.

An active research program gives the studentsopportunities to participate in projects related todesign, analysis, and testing. Projects are in areassuch as computational mechanics, probabilisticdesign, bridges, dynamics and wind engineering,response of concrete and steel structures, fracturemechanics, static and dynamic behavior of soils,earthquake engineering, subsurface and ex situremediation, contaminated sediments, infrastructurematerials and infrastructure systems optimization.

Mission Statement andObjectives

The Civil Engineering Department developed itsown mission statement and educational objectivesthat are consistent with those of the EngineeringSchool. This process involved the entire CivilEngineering faculty and the Civil EngineeringDevelopment Committee. It was conducted duringregular faculty meetings and special meetingscalled for this purpose. It is an ongoing process.Mission Statement:

Our mission is to prepare students for leadershiproles in civil and environmental engineering. Thedepartment will provide facilities and researchexpertise to advance the state of the civilengineering profession within the mission of theCase School of Engineering. Students will be taughtto address problems building on solid technicalfoundations while taking advantage of advancedtechnologies. Our graduates will adhere to hightechnical and ethical standards, in service to thepublic. Graduates will be prepared for the pursuitof advanced learning in civil engineering andrelated fields, as well as for the practice of civiland environmental engineering at the highestprofessional levels.

Program Objectives

The ECIV program committed itself to theestablishment of a new set of Program EducationalObjectives. In consultation with our stakeholders,the following reconstituted set of ProgramEducational Objectives has been established:

• Graduates of the ECIV Program will enter theprofession of Civil Engineering and advanceto positions of greater responsibility andleadership, in line with ASCE Professional GradeDescriptions.

• Graduates of the ECIV Program will enter andsuccessfully progress in, or complete, advanceddegree programs within their fields of choice.

• Graduates of the ECIV Program will progresstoward or complete professional registration andlicensure.

Case Western Reserve University 65


Research under way in civil engineering includeswork in analytical, design and experimental areasand is sponsored by industry, state, and federalgovernment sources. Major areas of researchinterest are:

• Random vibration

• Engineering materials

• Behavior of reinforced and prestressed concrete

• Wind engineering

• Earthquake analysis and design of structures

• Finite element methods

• Nondestructive Testing of Structures

• Passive and active control of the vibration ofstructures

• Transient response of nonlinear structures

• Blast loading of structures

• Modeling of micro electromechanical systems

• Fracture mechanics

• Modeling of concrete, of geomaterials and ofasphalt concrete

• High and low-cycle fatigue

• Geotechnical/Pavement Materials

• Static behavior of anisotropic clays and sands

• Soil liquefaction

• Bifurcation and shear banding in soils

• Centrifuge modeling of static and dynamic soilbehavior

• Dynamic soil structure interaction

• Non-destructive testing evaluation of soils andpavement materials

• Measurement of dynamic soil properties

• Design of Structures for High-Speed Vehicles

• Stability of tailings dams

• Environmental Engineering

• Environmentally conscious manufacturing

• Remediation of “old” metal-contaminated soils

• Brownfields/structural remediation

• Environmental modeling/software development

• Environmental decision analysis

• Geoenvironmental engineering

• Environmental fluid mechanics

• Sediment remediation

• In-situ remediation of non-aqueous phase liquids

• Environmental chemistry

• Bioremediation

• Sustainable engineering

• Structural health monitoring

• Transportation safety

• Infrastructure engineering

• Non-destructive Testing

• Sensor technology

• Smart materials

• Energy structures and geotechnology

• Urban hydraulics

• Soil contamination standards

Undergraduate Programs

The faculty of the civil engineering departmentbelieve very strongly that undergraduate educationshould prepare students to be productive engineersupon receiving the degree. For this reason,particular emphasis in undergraduate teachingis placed on the application of engineeringprinciples to the solution of problems. Aftercompleting a broad civil engineering core programundergraduate students must choose an electivesequence in one of the areas of civil engineering ofparticular interest, such as structural, geotechnicalor environmental engineering; constructionmanagement or engineering mechanics.

In order to provide undergraduates with experiencein industry, the department attempts to arrangesummer jobs for the three summers between theirsemesters at Case Western Reserve University.By working for organizations in all areas of design

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and construction, students can gain an invaluableknowledge of the way the industry functions.This experience lets them gain more from theireducation and makes them more attractive toprospective employers upon graduation.

A cooperative education program is also available,which allows the student to spend time working full-time in an engineering capacity with a contractor,consulting engineer, architect, or materials supplierduring the course of his or her education. Thislearning experience is designed to intergrateclassroom theory with practical experience andprofessional development.

The undergraduate program in civil engineeringat Case Western Reserve University is accreditedby the Engineering Accreditation Commission ofABET, Inc.

The curriculum has been designed so that thestudent chooses a sequence of four (4) or moreapproved elective courses. The sequence isintended to give students the chance to pursue insome depth a particular area related to their careersas civil engineers. Samples of courses from whichelective sequences could be chosen follow the civilengineering curriculum in this bulletin. In addition,the students are required to do a senior project intheir area of interest.

Students enrolled in other majors may electto pursue a minor in civil engineering or inenvironmental engineering. Department approvaland a minimum of 15 credit hours are required.

Most classes at Case Western Reserve Universityare small, and the student has close contact withthe faculty. Students have an opportunity to gainpractical experience as well as earn a supplementalincome by assisting faculty members on consultingwork during vacation periods.

Educational Objectives

• Graduates of the ECIV Program will enter theprofession of Civil Engineering and advanceto positions of greater responsibility andleadership, in line with ASCE Professional GradeDescriptions.

• Graduates of the ECIV Program will enter andsuccessfully progress in, or complete, advanceddegree programs within their fields of choice.

• Graduates of the ECIV Program will progresstoward or complete professional registration andlicensure.

Program Outcomes

As preparation for meeting the above programobjectives, the Department of Civil Engineeringprovides an undergraduate program designed suchthat students attain:

1. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics(including differential equations) and science(including calculus-based physics and generalchemistry) and one additional area of science,

2. an ability to design and conduct experiments,as well as to analyze and interpret data in morethan one area of civil engineering,

3. an ability to design a system, component, orprocess to meet desired needs within realisticconstraints such as economic, environmental,social, political, ethical, health and safety,manufacturability, and sustainability,

4. an ability to function on multi-disciplinaryteams,

5. an ability to identify, formulate, and solveengineering problems,

6. an understanding of professional and ethicalresponsibility and the role of civil engineers inproviding for the safety and well-being of thegeneral public,

7. an ability to communicate effectively in writtenand oral form,

8. the broad education necessary to understandthe impact of engineering solutions in a global,economic, environmental, and societal context,

9. a recognition of the need for, and an ability toengage in life-long learning,

10. a knowledge of contemporary issues,

11. an ability to use the techniques, skills, andmodern engineering tools necessary forengineering practice and the design offunctional civil engineering facilities,

12. proficiency in probability and statistics, asapplied to civil engineering design and planningissues,

13. an understanding of professional practiceissues, including the role of civil engineeringdesign and management professionals inthe construction process, public policy andleadership,

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14. and understanding of the importance ofprofessional licensure and the ethical use of aprofessional license.

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

Required Courses: Major in CivilEngineering

ECIV 160 Surveying and Computer Graphics 3ECIV 211 Civil Engineering Materials 3ECIV 310 Strength of Materials 3ECIV 320 Structural Analysis I 3ECIV 322 Structural Design I 3ECIV 330 Soil Mechanics 4ECIV 340 Construction Management 3ECIV 351 Engineering Hydraulics and Hydrology 3ECIV 360 Civil Engineering Systems 3ECIV 368 Environmental Engineering 3ECIV 398 Civil Engineering Senior Project 3Related Required Courses 6

EMAE 181 DynamicsEMAE 250 Computers in Mechanical Engineering

Twelve to fifteen hours of technical electives from one of thefollowing elective sequences:


Structural EngineeringECIV 321 Structural Analysis IIECIV 323 Structural Design IIECIV 411 Elasticity, Theory and ApplicationsECIV 420 Finite Element AnalysisECIV 421 Advanced Reinforced Concrete DesignECIV 422 Advanced Structural Steel DesignECIV 423 Prestressed Concrete DesignECIV 424 Structural DynamicsECIV 430 Foundation Engineering

ECIV 452 Infrastructure Aging and AssessmentTechnologies


Geotechnical EngineeringECIV 323 Structural Design IIECIV 411 Elasticity, Theory and ApplicationsECIV 420 Finite Element AnalysisECIV 430 Foundation EngineeringECIV 431 Special Topics in Geotechnical Engineering

ECIV 432 Mechanical Behavior of Soils 3ECIV 437 Pavement Analysis and Design 3

ECIV 433 Soil DynamicsGEOL 330 Geophysical Field Methods and Laboratory

Engineering MechanicsECIV 411 Elasticity, Theory and ApplicationsECIV 420 Finite Element AnalysisECIV 433 Soil Dynamics

ECIV 424 Structural Dynamics 3ECIV 432 Mechanical Behavior of Soils 3Environmental Engineering

ECIV 361 Water Resources EngineeringECIV 362 Solid and Hazardous Waste ManagementECIV 450 Environmental Engineering ChemistryECIV 460 Environmental RemediationGEOL 220 Environmental Geology

ECIV 500T Graduate Teaching IIConstruction Engineering & ManagementTwo of the four electives must be from within civilengineering

BAFI 355 Corporate FinanceECIV 341 Construction Scheduling and EstimatingECIV 430 Foundation EngineeringECON 361 Managerial EconomicsLHRP 311 Labor Problems

Total Units 68-71

Computer use is an integral part of the civilengineering curriculum. From required courses incomputer programming and numerical analysisto subsequent use and development of civilengineering programs, the student fully utilizesthe computer as a planning, analysis, design, andmanagerial tool.

All sequences are constructed to provide a balanceof marketable skills and theoretical bases forfurther growth. With departmental approval othersequences can be developed to meet students’needs.

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

Suggested Program of Study:Major in Civil Engineering

First Year Units

Fall Spring

Open elective 3Principles of Chemistry for Engineers(CHEM 111)


Elementary Computer Programming (ENGR131)


FSXX SAGES First Seminar 4Calculus for Science and Engineering I(MATH 121)


PHED (two half semester classes)SAGES University Seminar I 3Chemistry of Materials (ENGR 145) 4Calculus for Science and Engineering II(MATH 122)


General Physics I - Mechanics (PHYS 121) 4PHED (two half semester classes)Year Total: 18 15

Second Year Units

Fall Spring

SAGES University Seminar II 3Surveying and Computer Graphics (ECIV160)


Computers in Mechanical Engineering(EMAE 250)


Statics and Strength of Materials (ENGR200)


68 Case School of Engineering

Calculus for Science and Engineering III(MATH 223)


General Physics II - Electricity andMagnetism (PHYS 122)


Humanities or Social Science 3Strength of Materials (ECIV 310) 3Dynamics (EMAE 181) 3Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation(ENGR 210)


Elementary Differential Equations (MATH224)


Year Total: 19 16

Third Year Units

Fall Spring

Humanities or Social Science 3Civil Engineering Materials (ECIV 211) 3Structural Analysis I (ECIV 320) 3Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heatand Mass Transfer (ENGR 225)


Professional Communication for Engineers(ENGR/ENGL 398)


Structural Design I (ECIV 322) 3Soil Mechanics (ECIV 330) 4Engineering Hydraulics and Hydrology(ECIV 351)


Environmental Engineering (ECIV 368) 3

Approved electiveb 3

Year Total: 14 16

Fourth Year Units

Fall Spring

Humanities or Social Science 3Construction Management (ECIV 340) 3Civil Engineering Senior Project (ECIV 398) 3

Approved electiveb 3

Approved electiveb 3

Humanities or Social Science 3Civil Engineering Systems (ECIV 360) 3Approved Natural Science Elective 3

Approved electiveb 3

Open elective 3Year Total: 15 15 Total Units in Sequence: 128

b Must be part of an approved sequence

Minor in Civil Engineering

Students enrolled in other majors may elect topursue a minor in Civil Engineering. A minimum of15 credit hours is required, as follows:

ENGR 200 Statics and Strength of Materials 3

12 credit hours from one of the following areas: * 12

Solid MechanicsECIV 310 Strength of MaterialsECIV 405 Solid Mechanics IECIV 411 Elasticity, Theory and ApplicationsECIV 420 Finite Element Analysis

Structural & Geotechnical EngineeringECIV 211 Civil Engineering MaterialsECIV 320 Structural Analysis IECIV 321 Structural Analysis IIECIV 322 Structural Design IECIV 323 Structural Design IIECIV 330 Soil MechanicsECIV 430 Foundation EngineeringECIV 433 Soil Dynamics

Construction Engineering and ManagementTwo of the following must be design courses from anapproved listECIV 340 Construction ManagementECIV 341 Construction Scheduling and EstimatingACCT 303 Survey of AccountingBAFI 355 Corporate FinanceECON 361 Managerial EconomicsLHRP 311 Labor Problems

Total Units 15

* approval of the department is required

Minor in EnvironmentalEngineering

Select a minimum of 15 credit hours from thefollowing list of courses (approval of the departmentis required):

ENGR 225 Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heatand Mass Transfer


GEOL 321 Hydrogeology 3ECIV 351 Engineering Hydraulics and Hydrology 3ECIV 361 Water Resources Engineering 3ECIV 362 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management 3ECIV 368 Environmental Engineering 3ECIV 460 Environmental Remediation 3

Graduate Programs

The graduate programs in structural engineering,geotechnical engineering, engineering mechanicsand environmental engineering prepare studentsfor careers in industry, professional practice,research and teaching. Experience has shownthat job opportunities are excellent for studentswho receive advanced degrees in civil engineeringfrom Case Western Reserve University. Recentadvanced degree recipients have found positions

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in universities, consulting firms, state and federalagencies, aerospace firms, and the energy industry.

Each student’s program of course work andresearch is tailored to his or her interests, in closeconsultation with the faculty advisor. For studentsworking toward the Master of Science degreethere are two possible plans, A and B. In plan A,a research thesis is required. In plan B, a projectand additional course work are substituted for thethesis. For students working toward the Doctor ofPhilosophy degree a research thesis is required.


Vanderhoof-Schuette StructuralLaboratory

The Vanderhoof-Schuette Structural Laboratoryand Educational facility features a 2400 ft2 cellularstrong floor and a 28 ft. high, L-shaped cellularstrong wall. The strong wall includes a verticalcell for testing tall specimens with loads up to1000kips. A 15-ton crane, a scissors lift, and aforklift truck are available for positioning specimens.A 95 gpm hydraulic pump powers servo-hydraulicactuators for applying static or dynamic forces.The laboratory has a variety of instrumentationand data acquisition equipment. A 6 ft x 6 ft uni-axial shaking table is available for seismic testing ofsmall physical models.

Strength of Materials Laboratory

This laboratory is equipped with two MTS servo-hydraulic test systems. One of the MTS systemsis capable of applying simultaneous axial andtorsional loads. Capabilities include fracturetoughness evaluation of various materials, crackgrowth kinetics under different loading histories andother micromechanics studies. An environmentalchamber is available.

Bingham Concrete Laboratory

A concrete laboratory is available for undergraduateinstruction. It includes screening equipment, aconcrete mixer, air-entrainment equipment, ahumidity-controlled room for curing concrete, andfacilities for prestressing concrete. A 300k MTSservo-hydraulic machine is available for testingconcrete and masonry specimens.

Environmental EngineeringLaboratory

This laboratory is one in a suite of laboratoriesthat support environmental engineering teachingand research. The facilities include a teachinglaboratory, an advanced instrumentation laboratory,a remediation research laboratory and an electronicclassroom/software laboratory. The EnvironmentalEngineering laboratory is equipped for conventionalStandard Methods analysis of water, wastewater,soil, solid waste and air samples (pH meters,furnaces, ovens, incubators, hoods, etc.) and foraerobic microbiology work. The lab also offersgenerous bench top space for student teamsto explore laboratory procedures and providesdirect access to research, instrumentation, andcomputational facilities.

Environmental InstrumentationLaboratory

This laboratory is equipped for state-of-the-artanalysis of environmental contaminants. The roomsupports a computer controlled Dionex DX-500IC/HPLC system, a computer controlled VarianSPECTRAA 200/SIPS 10 (flame & furnace) AAsystem, and a computer controlled Hewlett Packard6890 GC/MS analysis system for organic andinorganic pollutant analysis. Where appropriate,machines have been equipped with autosamplersto improve productivity.

Remediation Research Laboratory

This laboratory is designed to support physicalresearch on the applied science and design ofremediation engineering . The laboratory provides amodeling floor for the assembly of laboratory scaleremediation schemes, and provides immediateaccess to instrumentation and computationalfacilities for data analysis.

Soil Mechanics Laboratory

This laboratory has a full array of both instructionaland research units; notable are automated triaxialunits for generalized extension and compressiontests, units permitting simultaneous applicationof hydrostatic, axial, and torsional static anddynamic stresses, a cubical device for truetriaxial testing, units by means of which one-dimensional consolidation in the triaxial cell can beautomatically achieved, and various pore pressureforce and deformation measuring devices. Testsare monitored and evaluated by data acquisition-

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computer systems. Also available is a longitudinaland torsional resonant column device and a largesize oedometer equipped with bender elements.The laboratory has a SP2000 high speed camerato study dynamic phenomena. A 20 g-tons fullyautomated centrifuge with a servo-hydraulicearthquake shaker is in operation. The laboratoryhas a full set of equipment for TDR tests.

Neff Civil EngineeringUndergraduate ComputerLaboratory

This laboratory provides Civil Engineering studentswith access to all the computer resources neededfor both course work and research. The laboratoryis supplemented by other facilities provided by theuniversity. All of the computers in the Neff lab canact as independent workstations or provide accessvia a fiber optic link to other campus computers.

Haptic Research Laboratory

The haptic interface laboratory hosts two state ofthe art driving simulators. It provides holistic drivingsimulations for advanced research, education andtraining in the area of transportation safety, humanperception and human-machine interface.


Xiangwu (David) Zeng, PhD(Cambridge University)Professor and ChairGeotechnical earthquake engineering; centrifugemodeling; foundation vibration

Dario A. Gasparini, PhD(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)ProfessorStructures; wind and earthquake engineering;applied random processes; history of engineering

Arthur A. Huckelbridge, DEng(University of California, Berkeley, P.E.)ProfessorStructures; design and dynamics; earthquakeengineering; bridge engineering

Aaron A. Jennings, PhD(University of Massachusetts, P.E.)ProfessorEnvironmental and geoenvironmental engineering;groundwater contamination; hazardouswaste management; uncertainty analysis forenvironmental models

Brian Metrovich, PhD(Lehigh University)Associate ProfessorStructural Engineering, Fatigue and FractureMechanics, Steel Structures, Atomistic Modeling ofFailure Phenomena, Structural Health Monitoring,and Nondestructive Evaluation

Michael Pollino, PhD(University at Buffalo)Assistant ProfessorSeismic Analysis and Design, Rehabilitation ofStructures and Civil Infrastructure, Large ScaleExperimental Testing of Structural Systems andSub-assemblages, Structural Dynamics, SteelStructures

Adel S. Saada, PhD(Princeton University, P.E,)ProfessorMechanics of materials; static and dynamicmechanical behavior of soils; foundationengineering

Xiong (Bill) Yu, PhD(Purdue University, P.E)Associate ProfessorGeotechnical engineering; infrastructure;construction material testing; informationtechnology

Banu Sizirici Yildiz, PhD(Florida International University)Assistant ProfessorSustainable Engineering Systems, WasteManagement and Concentrate Management


J. Ludwig Figueroa, PhD(University of Illinois)Professor Emeritus

Adjunct Faculty

Philip DeSantis, Adjunct Professor

Dan Ghiocel, Adjunct Professor

Kenneth L. Klika, Adjunct Professor

Mark D. Rokoff, Adjunct Assistant Professor

John Stevenson, Adjunct Professor

Lance Wanamaker, Adjunct Lecturer

Katie Wheaton, Adjunct Lecturer

Bart Zalewski, Adjunct Lecturer

Erwin V. Zaretsky, Adjunct Professor

Case Western Reserve University 71


Nancy A. Longo, Department Assistant


ECIV 160. Surveying and Computer Graphics. 3Units.

Principles and practice of surveying; erroranalysis, topographic mapping, introduction tophotogrammetry and GIS; principles of graphics;computer-aided-drafting. Laboratory.

ECIV 211. Civil Engineering Materials. 3 Units.

Steel, concrete, wood, masonry, and fiber-reinforced plastic. Experiments, advanced reading,and field trips. Strength, stiffness, ductility, andother properties of materials. Experiments onthe flexural, compressive, and shear behavior ofstructural elements. Laboratory. Recommendedpreparation: Concurrent enrollment in ECIV 310.

ECIV 300. Undergraduate Research. 3 Units.

Research conducted under the supervision ofa sponsoring Civil Engineering faculty member.Research can be done on an independent topicor as part of an established on-going researchactivity. The student will prepare a written report onthe results of the research. Course may fulfill onetechnical elective requirement.

ECIV 310. Strength of Materials. 3 Units.

Mechanical properties of materials, deformations,stresses, strains and their transformation. Torsionof structural and machine elements, pressurevessels and beams under combined loading.Deflection and statically indeterminate beams.Energy methods and column stability. Prereq:ENGR 200.

ECIV 320. Structural Analysis I. 3 Units.

Static, linear, structural analysis of trusses andframes for member forces and displacements;stiffness and flexibility formulations. Behavior ofstatically determinate and indeterminate systems.Mechanism limit state analysis of trusses andframes. Recommended preparation: ECIV 310.Prereq: ENGR 200.

ECIV 321. Structural Analysis II. 3 Units.

Stiffness and flexibility formulations for framesand grids, and matrix methods. Mechanism limitstate analysis of frames. Introduction to nonlinearanalysis and stability. Structural behavior of arches,cable networks, and other structural systems.Prereq: ECIV 320.

ECIV 322. Structural Design I. 3 Units.

Professional role of a structural engineer.Professional and legal responsibilities. Design ofstructures, beams, columns, beam-columns, andconnections. Structures of steel and reinforcedconcrete. Recommended preparation: ECIV 320.

ECIV 323. Structural Design II. 3 Units.

Continuation of ECIV 322. Collapse limit stateanalysis/design, torsion of concrete members,reinforcing steel details, compression reinforcedflexural members, two-way slabs, slender columns,torsion of steel members, lateral and local bucklingof steel members, plate girders, intro to prestressedconcrete design and timber design. Recommendedpreparation: ECIV 320 and ECIV 322.

ECIV 330. Soil Mechanics. 4 Units.

The physical, chemical, and mechanical propertiesof soils. Soil classification, capillarity, permeability,and flow nets. One dimensional consolidation,stress and settlement analysis. Shear strength,stability of cuts, and design of embankments,retaining walls and footings. Standard laboratorytests performed for the determination of thephysical and mechanical properties of soils.Laboratory. Recommended preparation: ECIV 310.

ECIV 340. Construction Management. 3 Units.

Selected topics in construction managementincluding specifications writing, contract documents,estimating, materials and labor, bidding proceduresand scheduling techniques. The course isaugmented by guest lecturers from local industries.

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ECIV 341. Construction Scheduling andEstimating. 3 Units.

The focus is on scheduling, and estimating andbidding for public and private projects. Thisincludes highways as well as industrial and buildingconstruction. The use of computers with the latestsoftware in estimating materials, labor, equipment,overhead and profit is emphasized. Recommendedpreparation: ECIV 340 and consent of instructor.

ECIV 351. Engineering Hydraulics andHydrology. 3 Units.

Application of fluid statics and dynamics to CivilEngineering Design. Hydraulic machinery, pipenetwork analysis, thrust, hammer, open channelflow, sewer system design, culverts, flow gauging,retention/detention basin design. Applied hydrology,hydrograph analysis and hydraulic routing willalso be introduced. Recommended preparation:Concurrent enrollment in ENGR 225.

ECIV 360. Civil Engineering Systems. 3 Units.

Introduction to probability, random variables, andnon-deterministic modeling. Decision-making in civilengineering. Engineering economics. Introductionto optimization and linear programming. Reliabilityanalysis.

ECIV 361. Water Resources Engineering. 3Units.

Water doctrine, probabilistic analysis of hydrologicdata, common and rare event analysis, floodforecasting and control, reservoir design,hydrologic routing, synthetic streamflow generation,hydroelectric power, water resource quality, waterresources planning. Recommended preparation:ECIV 351.

ECIV 362. Solid and Hazardous WasteManagement. 3 Units.

Origin, characterization and magnitude of solidand hazardous waste. Solid and hazardous wasteregulation. Methods of waste disposal. Techniquesfor waste reclamation and recycling. Wastemanagement planning.

ECIV 368. Environmental Engineering. 3 Units.

Principle and practice of environmental engineering.Water and waste water engineering unit operationsand processes including related topics fromindustrial waste disposal, air pollution andenvironmental health.

ECIV 370. Unit Operations and Processes inEnvironmental Engineering. 3 Units.

Physical, chemical, and biological operations andprocesses for the treatment of water supplies andmunicipal, industrial, and hazardous waste streams.Emphasis will be given to theoretical understandingand analysis of the involved processes and thedesign of treatment operations. Laboratory.Recommended preparation: ECIV 368.

ECIV 396. Civil Engineering Special Topics I. 1 -3 Unit.

Special topics in civil engineering in which a regularcourse is not available. Conferences and report.

ECIV 397. Civil Engineering Topics II. 3 Units.

Special topics in civil engineering in which a regularcourse is not available. Conferences and report.

ECIV 398. Civil Engineering Senior Project. 3Units.

A project emphasizing research and/or design mustbe completed by all civil engineers. Requirementsinclude periodic reporting of progress, plus a finaloral presentation and written report.

ECIV 400T. Graduate Teaching I. 0 Units.

This series of three courses will provide Ph.D.students with practical experience in teachingat the University level and will expose themto effective teaching methods. Each courseassignment will be organized in coordinationwith the student’s dissertation advisor andthe department chairperson. Assignments willsuccessively require more contact with students,with duties approaching the teaching requirementsof a faculty member in the Ph.D. student’s area ofstudy. Prereq: Ph.D. students in Civil Engineering.

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ECIV 405. Solid Mechanics I. 3 Units.

Kinematics of deformation. Balance principles.The concept of stress. Consistent linearization.The concept of invariance in mechanics of solids.Variational principles. The principle of virtual work.Hyperelasticity. Application to Boundary ValueProblems. Recommended preparation: ECIV 310 orequivalent or consent of instructor.

ECIV 411. Elasticity, Theory and Applications. 3Units.

General analysis of deformation, strain, and stress.Elastic stress-strain relations and formulation ofelasticity problems. Solution of elasticity problemsby potentials. Simple beams. The torsion problem.Thick cylinders, disks, and spheres. Energyprinciple and introduction to variational methods.Elastic stability. Matrix and tensor notationsgradually introduced, then used throughout thecourse. Recommended preparation: ECIV 310 orequivalent.

ECIV 420. Finite Element Analysis. 3 Units.

Computational methods for treating material andgeometric nonlinearities. Finite Element, FiniteDifference and Boundary element methods.Transient analysis methods, alternative meshdescriptions: Lagrangian, Eulerian, and arbitraryLagrangian Eulerian. Generalized finite elementmethods and particle methods. Applications toadvanced problems in mechanics. Recommendedpreparation: ECIV 310 or consent of instructor.

ECIV 421. Advanced Reinforced ConcreteDesign. 3 Units.

Properties of plain and reinforced concrete, ultimatestrength of reinforced concrete structural elements,flexural and shear design of beams, bond andcracking, torsion, moment redistribution, limitanalysis, yield line analysis of slabs, direct designand equivalent frame method, columns, fracturemechanics concepts. Recommended preparation:ECIV 322 and consent of instructor.

ECIV 422. Advanced Structural Steel Design. 3Units.

Selected topics in structural steel design includingplastic design, torsion, lateral buckling, torsional-flexural buckling, frame stability, plate girders, andconnections, including critical review of currentdesign specifications relating to these topics.Recommended preparation: ECIV 322.

ECIV 423. Prestressed Concrete Design. 3 Units.

Design of prestressed concrete structures,mechanical behavior of concrete suitable forprestressing and prestressing steels, loadbalancing, partial prestressing, prestressing losses,continuous beams, prestressed slab design,columns. Recommended preparation: ECIV 323 orECIV 421 and consent of instructor.

ECIV 424. Structural Dynamics. 3 Units.

Modeling of structures as single and multidegreeof freedom dynamic systems. The eigenvalueproblem, damping, and the behavior of dynamicsystems. Deterministic models of dynamic loadssuch as wind and earthquakes. Analytical methods,including modal, response spectrum, time history,and frequency domain analyses. Recommendedpreparation: ECIV 321 and consent of instructor.

ECIV 425. Structural Design for Dynamic Loads.3 Units.

Structural design problems in which dynamicexcitations are of importance. Earthquake, wind,blast, traffic, and machinery excitations. Humansensitivity to vibration, mechanical behavior ofstructural elements under dynamic excitation,earthquake response and earthquake-resistantdesign, wind loading, damping in structures,hysteretic energy dissipation, and ductilityrequirements. Recommended preparation: ECIV424.

ECIV 426. Structural Reliability. 3 Units.

Introduction to probability and random variables.Probability models for structural loads and strength.Estimation of the reliability of structures. Simulationmethods. Reliability-based structural design.

ECIV 430. Foundation Engineering. 3 Units.

Subsoil exploration. Various types of foundationsfor structures, their design and settlementperformance, including spread and combinedfootings, mats, piers, and piles. Design ofsand-drain installations and earth-retainingstructures including retaining walls, sheet piles,and cofferdams. Case studies. Recommendedpreparation: ECIV 330.

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ECIV 431. Special Topics in GeotechnicalEngineering. 3 Units.

In situ test methods. Standard PenetrationTest (SPT), Cone Penetration Test (CPT),pressuremeter, vane shear test, dilatometer,seismic methods, electromagnetic methods,and electrical methods. Geotechnical fieldinstrumentation. Measurement of load, stress, porepressure, and deformation in the field. Stress wavetheory, pile driving analysis, pavement conditionsurvey. Recommended preparation: ECIV 330

ECIV 432. Mechanical Behavior of Soils. 3 Units.

Soil statics and stresses in a half space-tridimensional consolidation and sand drain theory;stress-strain relations and representations withrheological models. Critical state and variousfailure theories and their experimental justificationfor cohesive and noncohesive soils. Laboratorymeasurement of rheological properties, pore waterpressures, and strength under combined stresses.Laboratory. Recommended preparation: ECIV 330.

ECIV 433. Soil Dynamics. 3 Units.

I-DOF and M-DOF dynamics; wave propagationtheory; dynamic soil properties. Foundationvibrations, design of machine foundations.Seismology; elastic and elastoplastic responsespectra, philosophy of earthquake-resistant design.One and two-dimensional soil amplification,liquefaction, dynamic settlement. Soil-structureinteraction during earthquakes. Recommendedpreparation: ECIV 330 and consent of instructor.

ECIV 435. Rock Mechanics and Design. 3 Units.

Physical properties and classification of intactrock and rock masses, rock exploration,engineering properties of rock, stresses in rocknear underground openings. Rock tunneling, rockslope stability, bolting, blasting, grouting and rockfoundation design. Recommended preparation:ECIV 330.

ECIV 437. Pavement Analysis and Design. 3Units.

Analysis and design of rigid and flexible airfieldand highway pavements. Pavement evaluationand rehabilitations, overlay design. Recommendedpreparation: ECIV 330.

ECIV 450. Environmental EngineeringChemistry. 3 Units.

Fundamentals of inorganic, organic, and physicalchemistry with emphasis on the types of problemsencountered in the environmental engineeringfield. Equilibria among liquid, gaseous, and solidphases; kinetics to the extent that time permits. Astrong mathematical approach is taken in solvingthe equilibrium and kinetic problems presented.Equilibrium speciation software for solution of morecomplex problems. Topics that will be coveredin the course include chemical equilibrium, acid/base reactions, mathematical problem solvingapproach, graphical approaches, titration curves,solubility of gases and solids, buffering systems,numerical solution of equilibrium problems,thermodynamics, oxidation-reduction reactions,principles of quantitative chemistry and analyticaltechniques, introduction to the use of analyticalinstrumentation, and chemical kinetics. Prereq:ECIV 368 or requisites not met permission.

ECIV 451. Infrastructure Engineering Practice. 3Units.

Case studies presenting significantaccomplishments in infrastructure engineeringpresented by distinguished practicing engineers.Case studies will examine the historicaldevelopment of our infrastructure, assessingcultural value of our built environment, alternateinfrastructure models, public empowerment,sustainability, stewardship, financing, legalissues, and concepts for future developmentof infrastructure systems. Students will writeenvironmental and cultural assessments of specificinfrastructure projects.

ECIV 452. Infrastructure Aging and AssessmentTechnologies. 4 Units.

Mechanical, thermal, and electrochemicalprocesses that cause degradation of our builtinfrastructure. Reinforced concrete carbonationand freezing and thawing; fatigue, brittle fracture,and corrosion of steel; weathering of masonry;degradation of asphalt pavements; deteriorationof underground systems; aging of polymer-basedconstruction products such as sealants andcoatings. Assessment technologies, including non-destructive testing and mathematical modeling.Laboratory and field experiences.

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ECIV 453. Infrastructure Rehabilitation Design. 4Units.

Rehabilitation materials and systems; mechanical,electrochemical, thermal, environmental, andaesthetic criteria for decision-making; designprinciples; specifications and control of constructionprocesses; rehabilitation case studies. Applicationto structures, pipelines, pavements, and drainagesystems.

ECIV 454. Modeling Infrastructure Systems. 4Units.

Examination of the properties that distinguishinfrastructure performance models from moretraditional engineering analysis models.Infrastructure software implementation strategies.Application of existing models to problemssuch as water distribution systems, masstransport, pavement management, and brownfieldredevelopment. Development of new modelsto address infrastructure performance andsustainability.

ECIV 455. Infrastructure Engineering DecisionMaking. 3 Units.

Aspects of decision theory applied to infrastructuresystems. Review of probability and statistics,engineering economics, cost-benefit analysis,impact of social, historical, environmental andgovernment policies on decisions. Emergencymanagement and security considerations. Methodsof project financing; asset management and assetoptimization.

ECIV 456. Intelligent Infrastructure Systems. 3Units.

Topics on smart infrastructure systems; smartmaterials fabrication, embedded sensingtechnology for infrastructure condition monitoring,the system models for infrastructural conditiondiagnosing and adaptive controlling, and spatial-temporal integrated infrastructure managementsystem.

ECIV 460. Environmental Remediation. 3 Units.

Evolution of proactive environmental engineeringto recover contaminated air, water, and soilenvironments. Lake and river remediation,contaminated sediments, indoor air quality,chemical spills, underground storage tanks,contaminated soils, solid and hazardous wastesites, superfund remediation. Recommendedpreparation: ECIV 368 or consent of instructor.

ECIV 500T. Graduate Teaching II. 0 Units.

This series of three courses will provide Ph.D.students with practical experience in teachingat the University level and will expose themto effective teaching methods. Each courseassignment will be organized in coordinationwith the student’s dissertation advisor andthe department chairperson. Assignments willsuccessively require more contact with students,with duties approaching the teaching requirementsof a faculty member in the Ph.D. student’s area ofstudy. Prereq: Ph.D. student in Civil Engineering.

ECIV 520. Random Processes in Engineering. 3Units.

Random vectors and second moment theory.Time and frequency domain characterization ofrandom processes and fields. Poisson and Markovprocesses. Random vibration. Digital simulationof random processes and analysis of time series.Applications focus on stochastic models forphenomena such as earthquakes, wind turbulence,ocean waves, traffic flow, and others related to civilengineering.

ECIV 521. Stochastic Material Behavior. 3 Units.

Applications of random processes tocharacterization of material structure; elements ofquantitative stereology; micromechanical stochasticmodeling of stress-strain behavior and staticstrength; modeling of fatigue strength and crackgrowth; stochastic simulation of material structureand deformation processes. Recommendedpreparation: ECIV 405 or ECIV 411, ECIV 520 orconsent of instructor.

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ECIV 560. Environmental Engineering Modeling.3 Units.

Translation of the biology, chemistry and physics ofenvironmental problems into mathematical models.Equilibrium and kinetic reaction systems, domainanalysis. Lake, river and treatment process models.Convective, dispersive, reactive, sorptive, diffusivemass transport. Transport model calibration.Applications to bio-films, air pollution, spills,groundwater contamination.

ECIV 561. Groundwater Analysis. 3 Units.

Principles of mass transport through porousmedia, formulation of saturated and unsaturatedflow equations in alternative coordinate systems,analytical and numerical solutions of flow equations,application of existing groundwater software,analysis of solute transport problems.

ECIV 585. Fracture Mechanics. 3 Units.

Crack tip fields, stress intensity factors, singularsolutions, energy changes with crack growth,cohesive zone models, fracture toughness, smallscale yielding, experimental techniques, fracturecriteria, J-integral, R-curve, fatigue cracks, fractureof composites, dynamic fracture. Recommendedpreparation: ECIV 405, ECIV 411 and consent ofinstructor.

ECIV 587. Advanced Mechanics Seminar. 3Units.

Advanced topics in mechanics of solids.Thermodynamics with internal variables;thermoelasticity; plasticity; gradient theories;finite theories of plasticity; damage mechanics;endochronic plasticity; non-linear fracturemechanics; probabilistic mechanics. Recommendedpreparation: ECIV 406, ECIV 420, ECIV 505 orconsent of instructor.

ECIV 600T. Graduate Teaching III. 0 Units.

This series of three courses will provide Ph.D.students with practical experience in teachingat the University level and will expose themto effective teaching methods. Each courseassignment will be organized in coordination withstudent’s dissertation advisor and the departmentchairperson. Assignments will successively requiremore contact with students, with duties approachingthe teaching requirements of a faculty member inthe Ph.D. student’s area of study. Prereq: Ph.D.students in Civil Engineering.

ECIV 601. Independent Study. 1 - 18 Unit.

Plan B.

ECIV 611. Civil Engineering Graduate Seminar. 0Units.

Distinguished outside speakers present currentresearch in various topics of Civil Engineering.Graduate students also present technical papersbased on thesis research.

ECIV 650. Infrastructure Project. 1 - 6 Unit.

Project based experience in the application ofinfrastructure engineering principles to a complexinfrastructure system.

ECIV 651. Thesis M.S.. 1 - 18 Unit.

Plan A.

ECIV 660. Special Topics. 1 - 18 Unit.

Topics of special interest to students and faculty.Topics can be those covered in a regular coursewhen the student cannot wait for the course to beoffered.

ECIV 701. Dissertation Ph.D.. 1 - 18 Unit.

Prereq: Predoctoral research consent or advancedto Ph.D. candidacy milestone.

Case Western Reserve University 77

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Glennan Building (7071) S. Branicky, Sc.D., P.E., Professor

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(EECS) spans a spectrum of topics from (i)materials, devices, circuits, and processorsthrough (ii) control, signal processing, and systemsanalysis to (iii) software, computation, computersystems, and networking. The EECS Departmentat Case supports four synergistic degree programs:Electrical Engineering, Computer Science,Computer Engineering, and Systems & ControlEngineering. Each degree program leads to theBachelor of Science degree at the undergraduatelevel. The department also offers a Bachelorof Arts in Computer Science for those studentswho wish to combine a technical degree with abroad education in the liberal arts. At the graduatelevel, the department offers the Master of Scienceand Doctor of Philosophy degrees in ElectricalEngineering, Computer Engineering, Systems &Control Engineering, and Computing & InformationSciences (i.e., computer science). We offer minorsin Electrical Engineering, Computer Science(BS and BA), Computer Engineering, Systems& Control Engineering, and also in ComputerGaming, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Electronics.For supplemental information to this bulletin aswell as the latest updates, please visit the EECSDepartment web site at

EECS is at the heart of modern technology.EECS disciplines are responsible for the devicesand microprocessors powering our computersand embedded into everyday devices, from cellphones and tablets to automobiles and airplanes.Healthcare is increasingly building on EECStechnologies: micro/nano systems, electronics/instrumentation, implantable systems, wirelessmedical devices, surgical robots, imaging, medicalinformatics, bioinformatics, system biology, anddata mining and visualization. The future of energywill be profoundly impacted by EECS technologies,from smart appliances connected to the Internet,smart buildings that incorporate distributed sensingand control, to the envisioned smart grid that mustbe controlled, stabilized, and kept secure over animmense network. EECS drives job creation andstarting salaries in our fields are consistently rankedin the top of all college majors. Our graduates workin cutting-edge companies--from giants to start-ups, in a variety of technology sectors, includingcomputer and internet, healthcare and medicaldevices, manufacturing and automation, automotive

and aerospace, defense, finance, energy, andconsulting.

Department Structure

EECS at Case is organized internally into twoinformal divisions: (i) Computer Science (CS); and(ii) Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering(ECSE). The chair of EECS is Professor MichaelBranicky.

Educational Philosophy

The EECS department is dedicated to developinghigh-quality graduates who will take positions ofleadership as their careers advance. We recognizethat the increasing role of technology in virtuallyevery facet of our society, life, and culture makes itvital that our students have access to progressiveand cutting-edge higher education programs. Theprogram values for all of the degree programs in thedepartment are:

• mastery of fundamentals

• creativity

• social awareness

• leadership skills

• professionalism

Stressing excellence in these core values helpsto ensure that our graduates are valued andcontributing members of our global society andthat they will carry on the tradition of engineeringleadership established by our alumni.

Our goal is to graduate students who havefundamental technical knowledge of theirprofession and the requisite technical breadthand communications skills to become leaders increating the new techniques and technologieswhich will advance their fields. To achieve this goal,the department offers a wide range of technicalspecialties consistent with the breadth of electricalengineering and computer science, including recentdevelopments in the field. Because of the rapidpace of advancement in these fields, our degreeprograms emphasize a broad and foundationalscience and technology background that equipsstudents for future developments. Our programsinclude a wide range of electives and our students

78 Case School of Engineering

are encouraged to develop individualized programswhich can combine many aspects of electricalengineering and computer science.


The research thrusts of the Electrical Engineeringand Computer Science department include:

1. Micro/Nano Systems

2. Electronics and Instrumentation

3. Robotics and Haptics

4. Embedded Systems, including VLSI, FPGA

5. Hardware Algorithms, Hardware Security,Testing/Verification

6. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology

7. Machine Learning and Data Mining

8. Computer Networks and Distributed Systems

9. Secure and Reliable Software

10. Energy Systems, including Wind and PowerGrid Management/Control

11. Gaming, Simulation, Optimization

12. Medical Informatics and Wireless Health

EECS participates in a number of groundbreakingcollaborative research and educational programs,including the Microelectromechanical SystemsResearch Program, the Center for ComputationalGenomics, graduate program in Systems Biologyand Bioinformatics, the Clinical & TranslationalScience Collaborative, the Great Lakes EnergyInstitute, and the VA Center for Advanced PlatformTechnology.

Electrical Engineering | Systems and ControlEngineering | Computer Engineering | ComputerScience |

Suggested Programs of Study

Undergraduate Programs

The EECS department engineering offersaccredited programs leading to BS degrees in

1. Electrical Engineering

2. Systems and Control Engineering

3. Computer Engineering

4. Computer Science

These programs provide students with a strongbackground in the fundamentals of mathematics,science, and engineering. Students can usetheir technical and open electives to pursueconcentrations in bioelectrical engineering, complexsystems, automation and control, digital systemsdesign, embedded systems, micro/nano systems,robotics and intelligent systems, signal processingand communications, and software engineering.In addition to an excellent technical education,all students in the department are exposed tosocietal issues, ethics, professionalism, and havethe opportunity to develop leadership and creativityskills.

The Bachelor of Science in Engineering degreesin Electrical Engineering, Systems and ControlEngineering, and Computer Engineering areaccredited by the Engineering AccreditationCommission of ABET.

The Bachelor of Science degree in ComputerScience is accredited by the ComputingAccreditation Commission of ABET.

Electrical Engineering

The Bachelor of Science program in electricalengineering provides our students with a broadfoundation in electrical engineering throughcombined classroom and laboratory work, andprepares our students for entering the profession ofelectrical engineering, as well as for further study atthe graduate level.

The educational mission of the electricalengineering program is to graduate students whohave fundamental technical knowledge of theirprofession and the requisite technical breadthand communications skills to become leaders increating the new techniques and technologiesthat will advance the general field of electricalengineering.

Core courses provide our students with astrong background in signals and systems,computers, electronics (both analog and digital),and semiconductor devices. Students are requiredto develop depth in at least one of the followingtechnical areas: electromagnetics, signals andsystems, solid state, computer hardware, computersoftware, control, and circuits. Each electricalengineering student must complete the followingrequirements.

Case Western Reserve University 79

Major in Electrical Engineering

Major Requirements

EECS 245 Electronic Circuits 4EECS 246 Signals and Systems 4EECS 281 Logic Design and Computer Organization 4EECS 309 Electromagnetic Fields I 3EECS 321 Semiconductor Electronic Devices 4EECS 398 Engineering Projects I 4EECS 399 Engineering Projects II 3Applied statistics elective chose one of the following:

EECS 313 Signal ProcessingEECS 351 Communications and Signal AnalysisEECS 354 Digital Communications

Eighteen hours of approved technical electives includingapproved courses to constitute a depth of study (9 hours)

Breadth Requirement

ENGR 131 Elementary Computer Programming 3ENGR 210 Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation 4EECS 281 Logic Design and Computer Organization 4EECS 245 Electronic Circuits 4EECS 246 Signals and Systems 4EECS 309 Electromagnetic Fields I 3STAT 332 Statistics for Signal Processing 3EECS 321 Semiconductor Electronic Devices 4EECS 398 Engineering Projects I 4EECS 399 Engineering Projects II 3Total Units 36

Depth Requirement

Each student must show a depth of competence inone technical area by taking at least three coursesfrom one of the following seven areas. This depthrequirement may be met using a combination of theabove core courses and a selection of open andtechnical electives.

Area I: Signals & Systems

EECS 246 Signals and Systems 4EECS 313 Signal Processing 3EECS 351 Communications and Signal Analysis 3EECS 354 Digital Communications 3EECS 381 Hybrid Systems 3

Area II: Computer Software

EECS 233 Introduction to Data Structures 4EECS 337 Compiler Design 4EECS 338 Introduction to Operating Systems 4EECS 393 Software Engineering 3

Area III: Solid State

EECS 321 Semiconductor Electronic Devices 4EMSE 314 Electrical, Magnetic, and Optical Properties

of Materials3

EECS 322 Integrated Circuits and Electronic Devices 3EECS 415 Integrated Circuit Technology I 3

Area IV: Control

EECS 304 Control Engineering I with Laboratory 3EECS 346 Engineering Optimization 3EECS 381 Hybrid Systems 3EECS 483 Data Acquisition and Control 3

Area V: Circuits

EECS 245 Electronic Circuits 4EBME 310 Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation 3EECS 344 Electronic Analysis and Design 3EBME 418 Electronics for Biomedical Engineering 3EECS 426 MOS Integrated Circuit Design 3

Area VI: Computer Hardware

EECS 281 Logic Design and Computer Organization 4EECS 301 Digital Logic Laboratory 2EECS 314 Computer Architecture 3EECS 315 Digital Systems Design 4EECS 316 Computer Design 3EECS 318 VLSI/CAD 4

Statistics Requirement

STAT 332 Statistics for Signal Processing * 3

One of the following: 3EECS 313 Signal ProcessingEECS 351 Communications and Signal AnalysisEECS 354 Digital CommunicationsAnother class approved by advisor

* STAT 333 Uncertainty in Engineering andScience may be substituted with approval ofadvisor

80 Case School of Engineering

Design Requirement

EECS 398 Engineering Projects I 4EECS 399 Engineering Projects II 3

In consultation with a faculty advisor, a studentcompletes the program by selecting technicaland open elective courses that provide in-depthtraining in one or more of a spectrum of specialtiessuch as digital and microprocessor-based control,communications and electronics, solid stateelectronics, and integrated circuit design andfabrication. With the approval of the advisor astudents may emphasize other specialties byselecting elective courses from other programs ordepartments.

Many courses have integral or associatedlaboratories in which students gain “hands-on”experience with electrical engineering principlesand instrumentation. Students have ready accessto the teaching laboratory facilities and areencouraged to use them during nonscheduledhours in addition to the regularly scheduledlaboratory sessions. Opportunities also exist forundergraduate student participation in the widespectrum of research projects being conducted inthe department.

Cooperative Education Program inElectrical Engineering

There are many excellent Cooperative Education(CO-OP) opportunities for electrical engineeringmajors. A CO-OP student does two CO-OPassignments in industry or government. The lengthof each assignment is a semester plus a summerwhich is enough time for a student to completea significant engineering project. The CO-OPprogram takes five years to complete becausethe student is typically gone from campus for twosemesters.

BS/MS Program in ElectricalEngineering

The department encourages highly motivated andqualified students to apply for admission to thefive-year BS/MS Program in the junior year. Thisintegrated program, which permits substitutionof MS thesis work for the senior design project,provides a high level of fundamental training and in-depth advanced training in the student’s selectedspecialty. It also offers the opportunity to completeboth the Bachelor of Science in Engineering andMaster of Science degrees within five years.

Minor in Electrical Engineering

Students enrolled in degree programs in otherengineering departments can have a minorspecialization by completing the following courses:

EECS 245 Electronic Circuits 4EECS 246 Signals and Systems 4EECS 281 Logic Design and Computer Organization 4EECS 309 Electromagnetic Fields I 3Approved technical elective 3Total Units 18

Minor in Electronics

The department also offers a minor in electronicsfor students in the College of Arts and Science. Thisprogram requires the completion of 31 credit hours,of which 10 credit hours may be used to satisfyportions of the students’ skills and distributionrequirements. The following courses are requiredfor the electronics minor:

MATH 125 Math and Calculus Applications for Life,Managerial, and Social Sci I


MATH 126 Math and Calculus Applications for Life,Managerial, and Social Sci II


PHYS 115 Introductory Physics I 4PHYS 116 Introductory Physics II 4ENGR 131 Elementary Computer Programming 3ENGR 210 Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation 4EECS 246 Signals and Systems 4EECS 281 Logic Design and Computer Organization 4Total Units 31

Systems and ControlEngineering

The Bachelor of Science program in systemsand control engineering provides our studentswith the basic concepts, analytical tools, andengineering methods which are needed inanalyzing and designing complex technologicaland non-technological systems. Problemsrelating to modeling, decision-making, control,and optimization are studied. Some examplesof systems problems which are studied include:modeling and analysis of complex energy,environmental, and biological systems; computercontrol of industrial plants; developing worldmodels for studying environmental policies; andoptimal planning and management in large-scale systems. In each case, the relationship andinteraction among the various components of agiven system must be modeled. This information isused to determine the best way of coordinating and

Case Western Reserve University 81

regulating these individual contributions to achievethe overall goal of the system.

Major in Systems and ControlEngineering

The mission of the Systems and ControlEngineering program is to provide internationallyrecognized excellence for graduate andundergraduate education and research in systemsanalysis, design, and control. These theoretical andapplied areas require cross-disciplinary tools andmethods for their solution. There are four electivesequences available within the BS program insystems and control engineering curriculum thatrepresent the breadth of the discipline:

Area: 1 Dynamic Systems, Control andSignal Processing

MATH 201 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3EECS 351 Communications and Signal Analysis 3EECS 381 Hybrid Systems 3EECS 401 Digital Signal Processing 3EECS 408 Introduction to Linear Systems 3EECS 416 Convex Optimization for Engineering 3EECS 452 Random Signals 3EECS 483 Data Acquisition and Control 3EECS 489 Robotics I 3

Area 2: Systems Biology and ComplexSystems Analysis

MATH 201 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3EECS 381 Hybrid Systems 3EECS 391 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3EECS 396 Independent Projects 1-6EECS 408 Introduction to Linear Systems 3EECS 416 Convex Optimization for Engineering 3BIOL 325 Cell Biology 3BIOL 250 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology


Area 3: Manufacturing, Robotics andOperational Systems

EECS 350/450 Operations and Systems Design 3EECS 360/460 Manufacturing and Automated Systems 3EECS 489 Robotics I 3OPMT 450 Project Management 3OPMT 420 Six Sigma and Quality Management 3OPMT 476 Supply Management in the Supply Chain 3OPMT 477 Enterprise Resource Planning in the Supply


Area 4: Information Systems

EECS 233 Introduction to Data Structures 4EECS 325 Computer Networks I 3EECS 370/470 Intelligent Networks and Systems 3EECS 381 Hybrid Systems 3EECS 391 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3EECS 484 Computational Intelligence I: Basic


EECS 491 Artificial Intelligence 3

Cooperative Education Program in Systems andControl EngineeringThere are many excellent Cooperative Education(CO-OP) opportunities for systems and controlengineering majors. A CO-OP student does twoCO-OP assignments in industry or government.The length of each assignment is a semester plusa summer which is enough time for the student tocomplete a significant engineering project. The CO-OP program takes five years to complete becausethe student is typically gone from campus for twosemesters.

BS/MS Program in Systems andControl Engineering

The department encourages highly motivated andqualified students to apply for admission to thefive-year BS/MS Program in the junior year. Thisintegrated program, which permits substitutionof MS thesis work for the senior design project,provides a high level of fundamental training and in-depth advanced training in the student’s selectedspecialty. It also offers the opportunity to completeboth the Bachelor of Science in Engineering andMaster of Science degrees within five years.

Minor in Systems and ControlEngineering

A total of five courses (15 credit hours) arerequired to obtain a minor in systems and controlengineering. At least 9 credit hours must beselected from:

EECS 246 Signals and Systems 4EECS 304 Control Engineering I with Laboratory 3EECS 346 Engineering Optimization 3EECS 352 Engineering Economics and Decision


The remaining credit hours can be chosen fromEECS courses with the written approval of thefaculty member (see the EECS Web page for thecurrent responsible faculty member) in charge ofthe minor program in the Systems and Control

82 Case School of Engineering

Program. A list of suggested EECS courses tocomplete the minor is:

EECS 324 Simulation Techniques in Engineering 3EECS 313 Signal Processing 3EECS 350 Operations and Systems Design 3EECS 360 Manufacturing and Automated Systems 3

Computer Engineering

The Bachelor of Science program in ComputerEngineering is designed to give a student a strongbackground in the fundamentals of computerengineering through combined classroom andlaboratory work. A graduate of this program willbe able to use these fundamentals to analyzeand evaluate computer systems, both hardwareand software. A computer engineering graduatewould also be able to design and implement acomputer system for general purpose or embeddedcomputing incorporating state-of-the-art solutionsto a variety of computing problems. This includessystems which have both hardware and softwarecomponent, whose design requires a well-definedinterface between the two, and the evaluation of theassociated trade-offs.

The educational mission of the computerengineering program is to graduate students whohave fundamental technical knowledge of theirprofession along with requisite technical breadthand communications skills to become leaders increating the new techniques and technologieswhich will advance the general field of computerengineering. Core courses provide our studentswith a strong background in digital systems design,computer organization, hardware architecture, anddigital electronics.

Major in Computer Engineering

Major Requirements

EECS 132 Introduction to Programming in Java 3ENGR 210 Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation 4EECS 233 Introduction to Data Structures 4EECS 281 Logic Design and Computer Organization 4EECS 301 Digital Logic Laboratory 2EECS 302 Discrete Mathematics 3EECS 314 Computer Architecture 3EECS 315 Digital Systems Design 4EECS 337 Compiler Design 4One of the following: 4

EECS 318 VLSI/CADEECS 338 Introduction to Operating Systems

Statistics Requirement

One Statistics elective may be chosen from:MATH 380 Introduction to Probability 3STAT 312 Basic Statistics for Engineering and Science 3STAT 313 Statistics for Experimenters 3STAT 332 Statistics for Signal Processing 3STAT 333 Uncertainty in Engineering and Science 3

Design Requirement

EECS 398 Engineering Projects I 4

In consultation with a faculty advisor, a studentcompletes the program by selecting technicaland open elective courses that provide in-depthtraining in principles and practice of computerengineering. With the approval of the advisor astudent may emphasize a specialty of his/herchoice by selecting elective courses from otherprograms or departments.

Many courses have integral or associatedlaboratories in which students gain “hands-on”experience with computer engineering principlesand instrumentation. Students have ready accessto the teaching laboratory facilities and areencouraged to use them during nonscheduledhours in addition to the regularly scheduledlaboratory sessions. Opportunities also exist forundergraduate student participation in the widespectrum of research projects being conducted inthe department.

Cooperative Education Program in ComputerEngineeringThere are many excellent Cooperative Education(CO-OP) opportunities for computer engineeringmajors. A CO-OP student does two CO-OPassignments in industry or government. The lengthof each assignment is a semester plus a summerwhich is enough time for the student to complete asignificant computing project. The CO-OP programtakes five years to complete because the student istypically gone from campus for two semesters.

BS/MS Program in ComputerEngineering

Highly motivated and qualified students areencouraged to apply to the BS/MS Program whichwill allow them to get both degrees in five years.The BS can be in Computer Engineering or arelated discipline, such as mathematics or electricalengineering. Integrating graduate study in computerengineering with the undergraduate programallows a student to satisfy all requirements for bothdegrees in five years.

Case Western Reserve University 83

Minor in Computer Engineering

The department also offers a minor in computerengineering. The minor has a required two coursesequence followed by a two course sequence ineither hardware or software aspects of computerengineering. The following two courses are requiredfor any minor in computer engineering:

EECS 281 Logic Design and Computer Organization 4EECS 233 Introduction to Data Structures 4

Students should note that EECS 132 Introductionto Programming in Java is a prerequisite for EECS233 Introduction to Data Structures.

The two-course hardware sequence is:

EECS 314 Computer Architecture 3EECS 315 Digital Systems Design 4

The corresponding two-course software sequenceis:

EECS 337 Compiler Design 4EECS 338 Introduction to Operating Systems 4

In addition to these two standard sequences, astudent may design his/her own depth area withthe approval of the minor advisor. A student cannothave a major and a minor, or two minors, in bothComputer Engineering and Computer Sciencebecause of the significant overlap between thesesubjects.

Computer Science

Bachelor of Science in ComputerScience

The Bachelor of Science program in ComputerScience is designed to give a student a strongbackground in the fundamentals of mathematics,and computer science. A graduate of this programshould be able to use these fundamentals toanalyze and evaluate software systems and theunderlying abstractions upon which they are based.A graduate should also be able to design andimplement software systems which are state-of-the-art solutions to a variety of computing problems;this includes problems which are sufficientlycomplex to require the evaluation of designalternatives and engineering trade-offs. In additionto these program specific objectives, all studentsin the Case School of Engineering are exposed tosocietal issues, professionalism, and are providedopportunities to develop leadership skills.

Our mission is to graduate students who havefundamental technical knowledge of theirprofession and the requisite technical breadthand communications skills to become leaders increating the new techniques and technologieswhich will advance the field of computer science.

Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science

The Bachelor of Arts program in Computer Scienceis a combination of a liberal arts program and acomputing major. It is a professional program inthe sense that graduates can be employed ascomputer professionals, but it is less technicalthan the Bachelor of Science program in ComputerScience. This degree is particularly suitablefor students with a wide range of interests. Forexample, students can major in another disciplinein addition to computer science and routinelycomplete all of the requirements for the doublemajor in a 4 year period. This is possible becauseover a third of the courses in the program are openelectives. Furthermore, if a student is majoring incomputer science and a second technical field suchas mathematics or physics many of the technicalelectives will be accepted for both majors. Anotherexample of the utility of this program is that itroutinely allows students to major in computerscience and take all of the pre-med courses in afour-year period.

Cooperative Education Program inComputer Science

There are many excellent Cooperative Education(CO-OP) opportunities for computer sciencemajors. A CO-OP student does two CO-OPassignments in industry or government. The lengthof each assignment is a semester plus a summerwhich is enough time for the student to complete asignificant computing project. The CO-OP programtakes five years to complete because the student istypically gone from campus for two semesters.

BS/MS Program in ComputerScience

Students with a grade point average of 3.2 or higherare encouraged to apply to the BS/MS Programwhich will allow them to get both degrees in fiveyears. The BS can be in Computer Science or arelated discipline, such as mathematics or electricalengineering. Integrating graduate study in computerscience with the undergraduate program allows astudent to satisfy all requirements for both degreesin five years.

84 Case School of Engineering

Minor in Computer Science (BS orBSE)

For students pursuing a BS or BSE. degree, thefollowing three courses are required for a minor incomputer science:

EECS 233 Introduction to Data Structures 4EECS 338 Introduction to Operating Systems 4EECS 340 Algorithms and Data Structures 3

A student must take an additional 4 credit hours ofcomputing courses with the exclusion of EECS 132Introduction to Programming in Java and ENGR131 Elementary Computer Programming. EECS302 Discrete Mathematics may be used in place ofthree of these credit hours since it is a prerequisitefor EECS 340 Algorithms and Data Structures.Students should note that EECS 132 Introductionto Programming in Java is a prerequisite for EECS233 Introduction to Data Structures.

Minor in Computer Science (BA)

For students pursuing BA degrees, the followingcourses are required for a minor in computerscience:

EECS 132 Introduction to Programming in Java 3EECS 233 Introduction to Data Structures 4MATH 125 Math and Calculus Applications for Life,

Managerial, and Social Sci I4

Two additional computing courses are also requiredfor this minor.

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

Suggested Program of Study:Major in Electrical Engineering

First Year Units

Fall Spring

SAGES First Year Seminar 4Principles of Chemistry for Engineers(CHEM 111)


Calculus for Science and Engineering I(MATH 121)


Elementary Computer Programming (ENGR131)


Open elective 2PHED (2 half semester courses) 0SAGES University Seminar 3Chemistry of Materials (ENGR 145) 4

General Physics I - Mechanics (PHYS 121)b 4

Calculus for Science and Engineering II(MATH 122)


PHED (2 half semester courses) 0Year Total: 17 15

Second Year Units

Fall Spring

General Physics II - Electricity and

Magnetism (PHYS 122)b4

Calculus for Science and Engineering III(MATH 223)


Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation(ENGR 210)


Logic Design and Computer Organization(EECS 281)


SAGES University Seminar 3Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heatand Mass Transfer (ENGR 225)


Elementary Differential Equations (MATH224)


Electronic Circuits (EECS 245) 4Electromagnetic Fields I (EECS 309) 3Year Total: 15 17

Third Year Units

Fall Spring

HM/SS elective 3

Statistics for Signal Processing (STAT 332)c 3

Statics and Strength of Materials (ENGR200)


Signals and Systems (EECS 246) 4

Approved technical electived 3

HM/SS elective 3Semiconductor Electronic Devices (EECS321)


Applied Statistics Req.e 3

Approved technical electived 3

Approved technical electived 3

Year Total: 16 16

Fourth Year Units

Fall Spring

HM/SS elective 3

Engineering Projects I (EECS 398)f 4

Open elective 3Professional Communication for Engineers(ENGL 398)


Professional Communication for Engineers(ENGR 398)


Approved technical electived 3

HM/SS elective 3Engineering Projects II (EECS 399) 3

Approved technical electived 3

Approved technical electived 3

Open elective 3

Case Western Reserve University 85

Year Total: 16 15 Total Units in Sequence: 127

Hours Required for Graduation: 127

b Selected students may be invited totake PHYS 123 Physics and Frontiers I -Mechanics and PHYS 124 Physics andFrontiers II - Electricity and Magnetism inplace of PHYS 121 General Physics I -Mechanics and PHYS 122 General Physics II- Electricity and Magnetism.

c Students may replace STAT 332 Statistics forSignal Processing with STAT 333 Uncertaintyin Engineering and Science if approved bytheir advisor.

d Technical electives will be chosen to fulfill thedepth requirement and otherwise increasethe student’s understanding of electricalengineering. Courses used to satisfy thedepth requirement must come from thedepartment’s list of depth areas and relatedcourses. Technical electives not used tosatisfy the depth requirement are moregenerally defined as any course relatedto the principles and practice of electricalengineering. This includes all EECS coursesat the 200 level and above, and can includecourses from other programs. All non-EECStechnical electives must be approved by thestudent’s advisor.

e This applied statistics requirement mustutilize statistics in electrical engineeringapplications and is typically selected fromEECS 351 Communications and SignalAnalysis or EECS 313 Signal Processing.Other courses are possible with approval ofadvisor.

f CO-OP students may obtain design creditfor one semester of Engineering Projects iftheir co-op assignment included significantdesign responsibility; however, the student isstill responsible for such course obligationsas reports, presentations, and ethicsassignments. Design credit and fulfillmentof remaining course responsibilities arearranged through the course instructor.

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

Suggested Program of Study:Major in Systems and ControlEngineering

First Year Units

Fall Spring

SAGES First Year Seminar 4Principles of Chemistry for Engineers(CHEM 111)


Calculus for Science and Engineering I(MATH 121)


Elementary Computer Programming (ENGR131)


Open elective 3PHED (2 half semester courses) 0SAGES University Seminar 3

General Physics I - Mechanics (PHYS 121)b 4

Calculus for Science and Engineering II(MATH 122)


Chemistry of Materials (ENGR 145) 4PHED (2 half semester courses) 0Year Total: 18 15

Second Year Units

Fall Spring

General Physics II - Electricity and

Magnetism (PHYS 122)b4

Calculus for Science and Engineering III(MATH 223)


Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation(ENGR 210)


Logic Design and Computer Organization(EECS 281)


SAGES University Seminar 3Elementary Differential Equations (MATH224)


STAT xxx Statistical Methods Coursec 3

Statics and Strength of Materials (ENGR200)


Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heatand Mass Transfer (ENGR 225)


Year Total: 15 16

Third Year Units

Fall Spring

HM/SS elective 3Signals and Systems (EECS 246) 4Simulation Techniques in Engineering(EECS 324)


Introduction to Global Issues (EECS 342) 3Approved technical elective 3HM/SS elective 3Control Engineering I with Laboratory(EECS 304)


Control Engineering I Laboratory (EECS305)


86 Case School of Engineering

Engineering Optimization (EECS 346) 3

Approved technical elective e 3

Open elective 3Year Total: 16 16

Fourth Year Units

Fall Spring

HM/SS elective 3Professional Communication for Engineers(ENGL 398)


Professional Communication for Engineers(ENGR 398)


Engineering Economics and DecisionAnalysis (EECS 352)


Engineering Projects I (EECS 398)d 4

Approved technical electivef 3

HM/SS elective 3Engineering Projects II (EECS 399) 3

Approved technical electivef 3

Approved technical electivef 3

Approved technical electivef 3

Year Total: 16 15 Total Units in Sequence: 127

Hours Required for Graduation: 127

b Selected students may be invited totake PHYS 123 Physics and Frontiers I -Mechanics and PHYS 124 Physics andFrontiers II - Electricity and Magnetism inplace of PHYS 121 General Physics I -Mechanics and PHYS 122 General Physics II- Electricity and Magnetism.

c Choose from STAT 312 Basic Statisticsfor Engineering and Science, STAT 332Statistics for Signal Processing, or STAT 333Uncertainty in Engineering and Science

d CO-OP students may obtain design creditfor one semester of Engineering Projects iftheir co-op assignment included significantdesign responsibility; however, the student isstill responsible for such course obligationsas reports, presentations, and ethicsassignments. Design credit and fulfillmentof remaining course responsibilities arearranged through the course instructor.

e Signal Processing or CommunicationSystems technical elective to be taken inany semester after EECS 246 Signals andSystems. This elective should be chosenfrom EECS 313 Signal Processing, EECS351 Communications and Signal Analysis, orEECS 354 Digital Communications.

f Technical electives from an approved list.

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

Suggested Program of Study:Major in Computer Engineering

First Year Units

Fall Spring

SAGES First Year Seminar 4Principles of Chemistry for Engineers(CHEM 111)


Calculus for Science and Engineering I(MATH 121)


Introduction to Programming in Java (EECS132)


Open elective 3PHED (2 half semester courses) 0SAGES University Seminar 3General Physics I - Mechanics (PHYS 121) 4Calculus for Science and Engineering II(MATH 122)


Chemistry of Materials (ENGR 145) 4PHED (2 half semester courses) 0Year Total: 18 15

Second Year Units

Fall Spring

SAGES University Seminar 3General Physics II - Electricity andMagnetism (PHYS 122)


Calculus for Science and Engineering III(MATH 223)


Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation(ENGR 210)


Introduction to Data Structures (EECS 233) 4HM/SS elective 3Elementary Differential Equations (MATH224)


Statics and Strength of Materials (ENGR200)


Logic Design and Computer Organization(EECS 281)


Technical electivea 3

Year Total: 18 16

Third Year Units

Fall Spring

HM/SS elective 3Discrete Mathematics (EECS 302) 3Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heatand Mass Transfer (ENGR 225)


Compiler Design (EECS 337) 4

Technical electivea 3

Professional Communication for Engineers(ENGL 398)


Professional Communication for Engineers(ENGR 398)


Digital Logic Laboratory (EECS 301) 2

Case Western Reserve University 87

Computer Architecture (EECS 314) 3Digital Systems Design (EECS 315) 4Introduction to Operating Systems (EECS

338) (or Technical elective,3)b,a4

Year Total: 17 16

Fourth Year Units

Fall Spring

HM/SS elective 3

Statistics electivec 3

VLSI/CAD (EECS 318) (or Technical

elective, 3)b,a4

Technical electivea 3

Open elective 3HM/SS elective 3HM/SS elective 3

Engineering Projects I (EECS 398)d 4

Technical electivea 3

Open elective 2Year Total: 16 15 Total Units in Sequence: 131

Hours Required for Graduation: 129

a Technical electives are more generallydefined as any course related to theprinciples and practice of computerengineering. This includes all EECS coursesat the 200 level and above, and can includecourses from other programs. All non-EECStechnical electives must be approved by thestudent’s advisor.

b The student must take either EECS 318VLSI/CAD (Fall Semester) or EECS 338Introduction to Operating Systems (SpringSemester), and a three credit hour technicalelective.

c Chosen from: MATH 380 Introduction toProbability, STAT 312 Basic Statisticsfor Engineering and Science, STAT 313Statistics for Experimenters, STAT 332Statistics for Signal Processing, STAT 333Uncertainty in Engineering and Science

d May be taken in the Fall semester if thestudent would like to take EECS 399Engineering Projects II in the Springsemester.

Bachelor of Science

Suggested Program of Study:Major in Computer Science

First Year Units

Fall Spring

SAGES First Year Seminar 4Principles of Chemistry for Engineers(CHEM 111)


Calculus for Science and Engineering I(MATH 121)


Introduction to Programming in Java (EECS132)


PHED (2 half semester courses) 0Open elective 3SAGES University Seminar 3General Physics I - Mechanics (PHYS 121) 4Calculus for Science and Engineering II(MATH 122)


Chemistry of Materials (ENGR 145) 4PHED (2 half semester courses) 0Year Total: 18 15

Second Year Units

Fall Spring

SAGES University Seminar 3General Physics II - Electricity andMagnetism (PHYS 122)


Calculus for Science and Engineering III(MATH 223)


Logic Design and Computer Organization(EECS 281)


Technical electivea,b 3

Elementary Differential Equations (MATH224)


Discrete Mathematics (EECS 302) 3Introduction to Data Structures (EECS 233) 4HM/SS elective 3

Technical electivea 3

Year Total: 17 16

Third Year Units

Fall Spring

Compiler Design (EECS 337) 4Algorithms and Data Structures (EECS 340) 3HM/SS elective 3

Statistics electivec 3

Open elective 3Professional Communication for Engineers(ENGL 398)


Professional Communication for Engineers(ENGR 398)


Computer Architecture (EECS 314) 3Introduction to Operating Systems (EECS338)


Introduction to Database Systems (EECS341)


Theoretical Computer Science (EECS 343) 3

88 Case School of Engineering

Year Total: 16 16

Fourth Year Units

Fall Spring

Software Engineering (EECS 393) 3Computer Networks I (EECS 325) 3

Technical electivea 3

Technical electivea 3

Open elective 3HM/SS elective 3Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (EECS391)


Senior Project in Computer Science (EECS395)


Technical electivea 3

Open elective 3Year Total: 15 16 Total Units in Sequence: 129

Hours Required for Graduation: 129

a Chosen from the list of approved CStechnical electives. All other technicalelectives must be approved by the student’sadvisor.

b ENGR 210 Introduction to Circuits andInstrumentation is recommended becauseit provides flexibility in choice of major andadvanced EECS courses.

c Chosen from: MATH 380 Introduction toProbability, STAT 312 Basic Statisticsfor Engineering and Science, STAT 313Statistics for Experimenters, STAT 332Statistics for Signal Processing, STAT 333Uncertainty in Engineering and Science

Bachelor of Arts

Suggested Program of Study:Computer Science

First Year Units

Fall Spring

SAGES First Year Seminar 4Math and Calculus Applications for Life,Managerial, and Social Sci I (MATH 125)


Introduction to Programming in Java (EECS132)


HM/SS elective 3Open elective 3PHED (2 half semester courses) 0SAGES University Seminar 3Math and Calculus Applications for Life,Managerial, and Social Sci II (MATH 126)


HM/SS elective 3Open elective 3Open elective 3PHED (2 half semester courses) 0Year Total: 17 16

Second Year Units

Fall Spring

SAGES University Seminar 3Logic Design and Computer Organization(EECS 281)


HM/SS elective 3Open elective 3Open elective 3Discrete Mathematics (EECS 302) 3Introduction to Data Structures (EECS 233) 4HM/SS elective 3Open elective 3Open elective 3Year Total: 16 16

Third Year Units

Fall Spring

Professional Communication for Engineers

(ENGL 398)c2

Professional Communication for Engineers

(ENGR 398)c1

Compiler Design (EECS 337) 4

Technical electivea 3

Open elective 3Computer Architecture (EECS 314) 3Introduction to Operating Systems (EECS338)


Introduction to Database Systems (EECS341)


Open elective 3Year Total: 13 13

Fourth Year Units

Fall Spring

Algorithms and Data Structures (EECS 340) 3

Technical electivea 3

Open elective 3Open elective 3Open elective 3Senior Project in Computer Science (EECS


Technical electivea 3

Open elective 3Open elective 3Open elective 3

Case Western Reserve University 89

Year Total: 15 16 Total Units in Sequence: 122

Hours Required for Graduation: 121

a One technical elective must be a computerscience course. The other two technicalelectives may be computer science, MATH orSTAT courses.

b SAGES capstone course

c SAGES Departmental Seminar

Graduate Programs

The EECS department offers graduate studyleading to the Master of Science and Doctor ofPhilosophy degrees in (a) Electrical Engineering;(b) Computer Engineering; (c) Systems & ControlEngineering; (d) Computing & Information Sciences(i.e., computer science). These graduate programsprovide a balance of breadth and depth appropriatefor each degree and support the department’sresearch thrust areas by emphasizing:

Electrical Engineering

Research in microelectromechanical systems(MEMS), micro/nano sensors, solid-state andphotonic devices, wireless implantable biosensors,CMOS and mixed-signal integrated circuit design,robotics, surgical robotics and simulation, andhaptics.

Systems and Control Engineering

Research in non-linear control, optimization,simulation, signal processing, systems biology,smart grid, and wind energy.

Computer Engineering

Research in VLSI design, programmable logic,computer architectures, embedded systems, designfor testability, reconfigurable processors, andhardware security.

Computer Science

Research in bioinformatics, databases, softwareengineering, data mining, machine learning,

pervasive networks, distributed systems,computational biology, and medical Informatics.

Incoming students are encouraged to applyfor departmental teaching assistantships. Inaddition, training and research funds are used toprovide assistantships that support the academicpreparation and thesis research of graduatestudents. A limited number of fellowships providingpartial support may also be available for studentsenrolled in the B.S./M.S. program.

The department believes that the success of itsgraduates at all levels is due to emphasis on projectand problem-oriented course material coupled withthe broad-based curricular requirements.

MS Students may select either Plan A whichrequires a research thesis or Plan B which doesnot require a thesis. Doctoral dissertations in allprograms must be original contributions to theexisting body of knowledge in engineering andscience.

Academic requirements for graduate degrees inengineering are as specified by the Case Schoolof Engineering in this bulletin. A more detailed setof rules and regulations for each degree programcontained here is available from the department,and may also be found on the department Webpage.


Computer Facilities

The department computer facilities incorporate bothUnix (primarily Solaris) and Microsoft Windows-based operating systems on high end computingworkstations for education and research. A numberof file, printing, database, and authenticationservers support these workstations, as well as theadministrative functions of the department. Labs areprimarily located in the Olin and Glennan buildings,but include Nord hall, and are networked via theCase network.

The Case network is a state-of-the-art, high-speedfiber optic campus-wide computer network thatinterconnects laboratories, faculty and studentoffices, classrooms, and student residence halls.It is one of the largest fiber-to-desktop networksanywhere in the world. Every desktop has a 1 Gbps(gigabit per second) connection to a fault-tolerant10 Gbps backbone. To complement the wirednetwork, over 1,200 wireless access points (WAPs)are also deployed allowing anyone with a laptopor wireless enabled PDA to access resources frompractically anywhere on campus.

Off campus users, through the use of virtual privatenetwork (VPN) servers, can use their broadband

90 Case School of Engineering

connections to access many on campus resources,as well as software, as if they were physicallyconnected to the Case network. The departmentand the university participate in the Internet2 andNational Lambda Rail projects, which provideshigh-speed, inter-university network infrastructureallowing for enhanced collaboration betweeninstitutions. The Internet2 infrastructure allowsstudents, faculty and staff alike the ability to enjoyextremely high performance connections to otherInternet2 member institutions.

Aside from services provided through a commodityInternet connection, Case network users can takeadvantage of numerous online databases such asEUCLIDplus, the University Libraries’ circulationand public access catalog, as well as Lexus-Nexus™ and various CD-ROM based dictionaries,thesauri, encyclopedias, and research databases.Many regional and national institutional librarycatalogs are accessible over the network, as well.

EECS faculty are active users of theMicrofabrication Laboratory and participants in theAdvanced Platform Technology Center describedunder Interdisciplinary Research Centers.

Additional DepartmentFacilities

Sally & Larry SearsUndergraduate Design Laboratory

This laboratory supports all departmental coursesin circuits and includes a state-of-the-art lecturehall, a modernistic glass-walled lab, an electronics"store", and a student lounge and meeting area.Specialized lab space is available for seniorprojects and sponsored undergraduate programs.The lab is open to all undergraduates, andcomponents are provided free of charge, sostudents can “play and tinker” with electronics andfoster innovation and creativity. The laboratoryprovides access to PCs, oscilloscopes, signalgenerators, logic analyzers, and specializedequipment such as RF analyzers and generators.In addition, the lab includes full-time staff dedicatedto the education, guidance and mentoring ofundergraduates in the “art and practice” of hands-on engineering.

This is the central educational resource for studentstaking analog, digital, and mixed-signal coursesin electronics, and has been supported by variouscorporations in addition to alumnus Larry Sears,a successful engineer and entrepreneur. Basicworkstations consist of Windows-based computersequipped with LabView software, as well as Agilent546xx oscilloscopes,

33120A Waveform Generators, 34401A DigitalMultimeters, and E3631A power supplies.Advanced workstations are similarly configured,but with a wider variety of high-performance testequipment.

Jennings Computer Center Lab

Supported by an endowment from the JenningsFoundation, this lab provides our students with theeducational resources necessary for their classworkand exploration of the art of computing. This lab hasboth PCs and Sun Unix workstations, and includestwo high-speed laser printers.

EECS Undergraduate ComputerLab

This laboratory (recently renovated with majorfunding provided by Rockwell Automation) onthe 8th floor of the Olin building is accompaniedby a suite of instructor/TA offices, and supportsthe freshman computing classes: ENGR 131Elementary Computer Programming and EECS132 Introduction to Programming in Java. Thirtystudent Macintosh workstations with underlyingUNIX operating systems are available for hands-on instruction, and support the study of introductoryprogramming at the university.

Nord Computer Laboratory

This is a general-purpose computer facility thatis open 24 hours a day, to all students. The labcontains 50 PCs running Windows and four AppleMacintosh computers. Facilities for color printing,faxing, copying and scanning are provided. Specialsoftware includes PRO/Engineer, ChemCADand Visual Studio. Blank CDs, floppy disks,transparencies and other supplies are available forpurchase. Visit for moreinformation.

Virtual Worlds (Gaming andSimulation) Laboratory

The Virtual Worlds Gaming and Simulation Labforms the basis for experiential work in existinggame related courses such as Artificial Intelligence,Graphics, and Simulation and for new gaming/simulation courses. Multi-disciplinary seniorprojects also use the lab facilities. In addition,a large number of significant cross-disciplinaryimmersive learning opportunities are available

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with the Cleveland Institute of Art, the Case Musicdepartment, and the Case School of Medicine.

The Virtual Worlds laboratory includes a PC room,a Console room, an Immersion room, an Audioroom, a Medical Simulation room, and a VirtualReality room containing:

• 24 networked high-performance Alienwaregaming quality PCs

• Virtual reality components including three headmounted displays, three data gloves, a foursensor magnetic tracker, two inertial trackers,and three haptic interfaces

• Game consoles, e.g. PS2, Xbox, Gamecube,Nintendo DS, PSP

• Large screen 2-D and 3-D projection displays

• Audio and music synthesis and productionequipment

Database and BioinformaticsResearch Laboratory

Primarily funded by equipment grants from theNational Science Foundation and MicrosoftResearch, this laboratory provides PC’s runningWindows and Linux supporting research indatabase systems and bioinformatics.

Networks Laboratory

Supported through donations from both CiscoSystems and Microsoft Research, the networkslab has 15 stations complete with a PC, a Ciscoswitch and router, IP telephony equipment, aswell as network patches back to a central rackwhere devices at one workstation may be routedto other equipment in the lab. A “library” of relatedequipment is also available.

Intelligent Networks & SystemsArchitecting (INSA) ResearchLaboratory

The Intelligent Networks & Systems Architecting(INSA) Research Laboratory is a state-of-the-artresearch facility dedicated to intelligent computernetworks, systems engineering, design, andarchitecting. It includes optimization, simulation,artificial intelligent, visualization, and emulation.This lab has been partially supported by NASA’sSpace Exploration programs for Human andRobotic Technology (H&RT). The INSA Lab isequipped with 10 high-performance workstations

and 2 servers in a mixed Windows and Linuxenvironment, with over 40 installed networkinterface cards providing connectivity to its wiredand wireless research networks. It includessoftware packages such as GINO and LINDO,Arena simulation, ns2 and OPNET, as well asthe STK satellite toolkit, artificial neural network,systems architecting and modeling, and statisticalanalysis and data management packages such asSPSS. The INSA Lab is also used for research inheterogeneous, sensor web, and mobile ad-hocnetworks with space and battlefield applications.

VLSI Design Laboratory

This lab has been supported by the SemiconductorResearch Corporation, NSF, NASA, Synopsys andSun Microsystems. This laboratory has a number ofadvanced UNIX workstations that run commercialCAD software tools for VLSI design and is currentlyused to develop design and testing techniques forembedded system-on-chip.

Embedded Systems Laboratory

The Embedded Systems Laboratory is equippedwith several Sun Blade Workstations runningSolaris and Intel PCs running Linux. This lab hasbeen recently equipped with advanced FPGA VirtexII prototype boards from Xilinx, including about100 Xilinx Virtex II FPGAs and Xilinx CAD tools fordevelopment work. A grant-in-aid from Synopsyshas provided the Synopsys commercial CAD toolsfor software development and simulation. This Labis also equipped with NIOS FPGA boards fromAltera, including software tools.

Mixed-Signal Integrated CircuitLaboratory

This research laboratory includes a cluster ofWindows workstations and a UNIX server withintegrated circuit design software (Cadence CustomIC Bundle), as well as a variety of equipment usedin the characterization of mixed-signal (analogand digital) integrated circuits, which are typicallyfabricated using the MOSIS foundry service. Testequipment includes an IC probe station, surface-mount soldering equipment, logic and network/spectrum analyzers, an assortment of digitaloscilloscopes with sample rates up to 1 GHz, anda variety of function generators, multi-meters, andpower supplies.

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Microelectromechanical Systems(MEMS) Research Laboratory

The MEMS Research Laboratory is equipped formicrofabrication processes that do not requirea clean room environment. These includechemical-mechanical polishing (two systems),bulk silicon etching, aqueous chemical releaseof free standing micromechanical components,and supercritical point drying. In addition to thefabrication capabilities, the lab is also well equippedfor testing and evaluation of MEMS componentsas it houses wafer-scale probe stations, a vacuumprobe station, a multipurpose vacuum chamber,and an interferometric load-deflection station. Twolarge (8 x 2 ft2) vibration isolated air tables areavailable for custom testing setups. The laboratoryhas a wide variety of electronic testing instruments,including a complete IV-CV testing setup.

BioMicroSystems Laboratory

This research laboratory focuses on developingwireless integrated circuits and microsystemsfor a variety of applications in biomedical andneural engineering. The laboratory containsseveral PC computers, software packages fordesign, simulation, and layout of high-performance,low-noise, analog/mixed-signal/RF circuits andsystems, and testing/measurement equipmentsuch as dc power supply, arbitrary functiongenerator, multichannel mixed-signal oscilloscope,data acquisition hardware, spectrum analyzer,potentiostat, and current source meter. Visit for more information.

Emerging Materials Developmentand Evaluation Laboratory

The EMDE Laboratory is equipped with toolinguseful in characterizing materials for MEMSapplications. The laboratory contains a PC-basedapparatus for load-deflection and burst testing ofmicromachined membranes, a custom-built testchamber for evaluation and reliability testing ofMEMS-based pressure transducers and othermembrane-based devices, a probe station forelectrical characterization of micro-devices, a fumehood configured for wet chemical etching of Si,polymers, and a wide variety of metals, toolingfor electroplating, an optical reflectometer, anda supercritical-point dryer for release of surfacemicromachined devices. The lab also has a PCwith layout and finite element modeling softwarefor device design, fabrication process design andanalysis of testing data.

Laboratory for Nanoscale Devicesand Integrated Systems

This research lab explores new engineeringand physics at the nanoscale, and by applyingsuch knowledge, develops new devices andtools for emerging technological applicationsin the new frontiers of information, biomedical,and life sciences. A primary current themeof the research is on developing nanoscaleelectromechanical systems (NEMS), based onexploration and understandings of mesoscopicdevices fundamentals and new characteristicsof various nanoscale structures and functionalsystems. The lab has been developing NEMSwith new functions and high performance, incombination with some of the latest advancesin advanced materials, integrated circuits, andothers, through crossdisciplinary explorationsand collaboration. The lab is dedicated to thedevelopment of various NEMS transducers,biosensors, high-frequency nanodevices, andhigh-precision instruments. For more information,contact Dr. Philip Feng,

Some of the recent research highlights include:the first very-high-frequency silicon nanowireresonators and sensors, the first ultra-high-frequency self-sustaining oscillators (aka NEMSclocks), the first low-voltage (~1V), high-speednanowire NEMS switches, and the first NEMS masssensors for weighing single-biomolecules and forprobing the noise arising from adsorbed atomswalking on the surface of a vibrating NEMS.

Process Control Laboratory

This laboratory contains process control pilot plantsand computerized hardware for data acquisitionand process control that is used for demonstrations,teaching, and research. This laboratory also hasaccess to steam and compressed air for use in thepilot processes that include systems for flow andtemperature control, level and temperature control,pH control, and pressure control plants.

Dynamics and Control Laboratory

This laboratory contains data acquisition andcontrol devices, PLCs, electromechanical systems,and mechanical, pneumatic, and electricallaboratory experiments for demonstrations,teaching, and research. Particular systems include:AC/DC servo systems, multi-degree-of-freedomrobotic systems, rectilinear and torsional multi-degree-of-freedom vibration systems, invertedpendulum, magnetic levitation system, anda PLC-controlled low-voltage AC smart grid

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demonstration system that includes conventionaland renewable (wind and solar) generation, batteryand compressed air energy storage, residential,commercial and industry loads, a capacitor bankfor real-time power factor correction, and advancedsensing and controls implemented through aninterconnected system of intelligent softwareagents.

Electrical, Computer, and SystemsEngineering Division

Michael S. Branicky, ScD, PE(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Professor and Chair of EECSSystems and control, hybrid systems, distributedcontrol over networks, learning; applications torobotics, manufacturing, and biology

Swarup Bhunia, PhD(Purdue University)Associate ProfessorLow power and robust nanoelectronics, adaptivenanocomputing, hardware security and protection,implantable electronics

Marc Buchner, PhD(Michigan State University)Associate ProfessorComputer gaming and simulation, virtual reality,software-defined radio, wavelets, joint time-frequency analysis

M. Cenk Cavusoglu, PhD(University of California, Berkeley)Associate ProfessorMedical robotics, human-machine interfaces,haptics, teleoperation; computer graphics/virtualenvironments: surgical simulation, physicalmodeling; systems and control theory: intelligentcontrol, modeling and simulation of biologicalsystems

Vira Chankong, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Associate ProfessorLarge-scale optimization; logic-based optimization;multi-objective optimization; optimizationapplications in radiation therapy treatment planning,medical imaging, manufacturing and productionsystems, and engineering design problems

Philip Feng, PhD(California Institute of Technology)Assistant ProfessorNanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), energy-efficient devices, advanced materials & devicesengineering, bio/chemical sensors & biomedicalmicrosystems, RF/microwave devices & circuits,low-noise measurement & precision instruments

Mario Garcia-Sanz, DrEng(University of Navarra, Spain)Milton and Tamar Maltz Professor in EnergyInnovationRobust and nonlinear control, quantitativefeedback theory, multivariable control, dynamicsystems, systems modeling and identification;energy innovation, wind energy, spacecraft,electrical, mechanical, environmental and industrialapplications

Steven L. Garverick, PhD(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)ProfessorMixed-signal integrated circuit design,microelectromechanical system integration, sensor/actuator interfacing, data conversion, wirelesscommunication, analog neural network circuits,medical instrumentation

Wei Lin, PhD(Washington University)ProfessorNonlinear control, dynamic systems andhomogeneous systems theory, H-infinity androbust control, adaptive control, system parameterestimation and fault detection, nonlinear controlapplications to under-actuated mechanical systems,biologically-inspired systems and systems biology

Kenneth A. Loparo, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Nord Professor of EngineeringStability and control of nonlinear and stochasticsystems; fault detection, diagnosis, and prognosis;recent applications work in advanced controland failure detection of rotating machines, signalprocessing for the monitoring and diagnostics ofphysiological systems, and modeling, analysis,and control of power and energy storage systemsincluding the smart grid and micro-grids

Behnam Malakooti, PhD, PE(Purdue University)ProfessorDesign and multi-objective optimization,manufacturing/production/operations systems,intelligent systems and networks, artificial neuralnetworks, biological systems, intelligent decisionmaking

Mehran Mehregany, PhD(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Goodrich Professor of Engineering InnovationResearch and development at the intersectionsof micro/nano-electro-mechanical systems,semiconductor silicon carbide and integratedcircuits

94 Case School of Engineering

Francis "Frank" L. Merat, PhD, PE(Case Western Reserve University)Associate ProfessorComputer and robot vision, digital imageprocessing, sensors, artificial intelligence, Rfcommunications, optical sensors and optical MEMS

Pedram Mohseni, PhD(University of Michigan)Associate ProfessorBiomedical microsystems, bioelectronics, wirelessneural interfaces, CMOS interface circuits forMEMS, low-power wireless sensing/actuatingmicrosystems

Wyatt S. Newman, PhD, PE(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)ProfessorMechatronics, high-speed robot design, force- andvision-based machine control, artificial reflexes forautonomous machines, rapid prototyping, agilemanufacturing, mobile robotic platforms

C. A. Papachristou, PhD(Johns Hopkins University)ProfessorVLSI design and CAD, computer architecture andparallel processing, design automation, embeddedsystem design

Daniel Saab, PhD(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)Associate ProfessorComputer architecture, VLSI system design andtest, CAD design automation

Sree N. Sreenath, PhD(University of Maryland)ProfessorSystems biology complexity research (modeling,structural issues, and simulation); cell signaling,population behavior, and large-scale behavior;global issues and sustainable development

Norman Tien, PhD(University of California, San Diego)Dean and Nord Professor of Engineering; OhioEminent Scholar, Department of PhysicsMEMS for micro-optical applications incommunications and biomedical systems, wirelessintegrated circuits, and environmental monitoring

Xinmiao Zhang, PhD(University of Minnesota)Timothy E. and Allison L. Schroeder AssociateProfessorVLSI architecture design for communications, digitalsignal processing, cryptosystems and medicalinstruments

Hongping Zhao, PhD(Lehigh University)Assistant ProfessorApplied physics of semiconductor optoelectronicsmaterials and devices, physics of semiconductornanostructures, and semiconductors for lightemitting diodes, lasers, and energy applications;emphasis on III-Nitride semiconductors

Christian A. Zorman, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Associate ProfessorMaterials and processing techniques for MEMSand NEMS, wide bandgap semiconductors,development of materials and fabricationtechniques for polymer-based MEMS and bioMEMS

Computer Science Division

Michael S. Branicky, ScD, PE(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Professor and Chair of EECSSystems and control, hybrid systems, distributedcontrol over networks, learning; applications torobotics, manufacturing, and biology

Harold S. Connamacher, Ph.D.(University of Toronto)Assistant ProfessorConstraint satisfaction problems, discretemathematics, graph theory, random algorithms,computational complexity, artificial intelligence,software engineering

Chris Fietkiewicz, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)Assistant ProfessorApplied and theoretical neuroscience, neuronalmodeling, signal processing and signal analysis,electrophysiology, applications to epilepsy andrespiratory control

Mehmet Koyuturk, PhD(Purdue University)T. & D. Schroeder Assistant Professor of ComputerScience and EngineeringBioinformatics and computational biology,computational modeling and algorithm developmentfor systems biology, integration, mining andanalysis of biological data, algorithms for distributedsystems

Michael Lewicki, PhD(California Institute of Technology)Associate ProfessorComputational perception and scene analysis,visual representation and processing, auditoryrepresentation and analysis

Case Western Reserve University 95

Jing Li, PhD(University of California, Riverside)Associate ProfessorComputational biology and bioinformatics, statisticalgenomics and functional genomics, systemsbiology, algorithms

Vincenzo Liberatore, PhD(Rutgers University)Associate ProfessorDistributed systems, Internet computing,randomized algorithms

Gultekin Ozsoyoglu, PhD(University of Alberta, Canada)ProfessorGraph databases and data mining problems inmetabolic networks, metabolomics, and systemsbiology, bioinformatics, web data mining

Z. Meral Ozsoyoglu, PhD(University of Alberta, Canada)Andrew R. Jennings Professor of ComputingDatabase systems, database query languagesand optimization, data models, index structures,bioinformatics, medical informatics

H. Andy Podgurski, PhD(University of Massachusetts, Amherst)ProfessorSoftware engineering methodology and tools,especially use of data mining, machine learning,and program analysis techniques in softwaretesting, fault detection and localization, reliableengineering and software security, electronicmediacal records, privacy

Michael Rabinovich, PhD(University of Washington)ProfessorComputer networks, Internet performanceevaluation, databases, utility computing

Soumya Ray, PhD(University of Wisconsin, Madison)Assistant ProfessorArtificial intelligence, machine learning,reinforcement learning, automated planning,applications to interdisciplinary problems includingmedicine and bioinformatics

GQ (Guo-Qiang) Zhang, PhD(Cambridge University, England)ProfessorProgramming languages, theory of computation,logic and topology in computer science, knowledgerepresentation, information technology, clinical andmedical informatics, semantic web

Research Faculty

Evren Gurkan-Cavusoglu, PhD(Middle East Technical University)Research Assistant ProfessorSystems and control theory, systems biology,computational biology, biological system modeling,signal processing applied to biological systems,signal processing

Gregory S. Lee, PhD(University of Washington)Research Assistant ProfessorHaptic devices, including low-power design andeffects on perception; applications to roboticsurgery and telesurgery; secure teleoperation

Joseph A. Potkay, PhD(University of Michigan)Research Assistant ProfessorMedical microsystems, MEMS, microfluidics;microfabricated artificial organs, biocompatiblesensor/actuator systems; energy harvesting andimplantable power generators

Active Emeritus Faculty

George W. Ernst, PhD(Carnegie Institute of Technology)Emeritus ProfessorLearning problem solving strategies, artificialintelligence, expert systems, program verification

Dov Hazony, PhD(University of California, Los Angeles)Emeritus ProfessorNetwork synthesis, ultrasonics, communications

Wen H. Ko, PhD(Case Institute of Technology)Emeritus ProfessorSolid state electronics, micro and nano sensors,biomedical instrumentation, implant telemetry

Mihajlo D. Mesarovic, PhD(University of Belgrade)Emeritus ProfessorComplex systems theory, global issues andsustainable development, systems biology

Lee J. White, PhD(University of Michigan)Emeritus ProfessorSoftware testing: regression testing, GUI testing,specification-based testing, testing of object-oriented software

96 Case School of Engineering

Adjunct Faculty Appointments

Mark A. Allman(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Instructor

Randall D. Beer, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Professor

Mark Dohring, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Assistant Professor

Aaron Fleischman, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Assistant Professor

Suparerk Janjarasjitt, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Assistant Professor

Richard M. Kolacinski, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Assistant Professor

Stephen M. Phillips, PhD, PE(Arizona State University)Adjunct Professor

Shuvo Roy, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Associate Professor

Gideon Samid, PhD(Israel Institute of Technology)Adjunct Assistant Professor

Shivakumar Sastry(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Associate Professor

William L. Schultz, PhD, PE(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Associate Professor

Marvin S. Schwartz, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Professor

Larry Sears(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Instructor

Amit Sinha, PhD(Case Sestern Reserve University)Adjunct Assistant Professor

Peter J. Tsivitse, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Professor

Stephen D. Umans, PhD(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Adjunct Professor

Frank Wolff, PhD(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Assistant Professor

Olaf Wolkenhauer, PhD(UMIST, Manchester)Adjunct Professor

Qing-rong Jackie Wu, PhD(Mayo Graduate School)Adjunct Associate Professor

Darrin J. Young, PhD(University of California, Berkeley)Adjunct Associate Professor

Secondary Faculty Appointments

Alexis R. Abramson, PhD(University of California, Berkeley)Assistant Professor, Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering

Zhaoyang (John) Feng, PhD(SUNY Upstate Medical University)Assistant Professor, Pharmacology

Mark Griswold, PhD(University of Würzburg, Germany)Associate Professor, Radiology

Joseph F. Koonce, PhD(University of Wisconsin, Madison)Professor, Biology

Thomas LaFramboise, PhD(University of Illinois)Assistant Professor, Genetics

Roger D. Quinn, PhD(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Satya S. Sahoo, PhD(Wright State University)Assistant Professor, Center for ClinicalInvestigations

Matthew J. Sobel, PhD(Stanford University)Professor, Operations

Xiong (Bill) Yu, PhD, PE(Purdue University)Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering

Case Western Reserve University 97


EECS 132. Introduction to Programming in Java.3 Units.

Introduction to computer programming and problemsolving with the Java language. Computers,operating systems, and Java applications; softwaredevelopment; conditional statements; loops;methods; arrays; classes and objects; object-oriented design; unit testing; strings and text I/O;inheritance and polymorphism; GUI components;application testing; abstract classes and interfaces;exception handling; files and streams; GUI eventhandling; generics; collections; threads; comparisonof Java to C, C++, and C#.

EECS 216. Fundamental System Concepts. 3Units.

Develops framework for addressing problemsin science and engineering that require anintegrated, interdisciplinary approach, includingthe effective management of complexity anduncertainty. Introduces fundamental systemconcepts in an integrated framework. Propertiesand behavior of phenomena regardless of thephysical implementation through a focus on thestructure and logic of information flow. Systematicproblem solving methodology using systemsconcepts. Recommended preparation: MATH 224.

EECS 233. Introduction to Data Structures. 4Units.

The programming language Java; pointers, files,and recursion. Representation and manipulationof data: one way and circular linked lists,doubly linked lists; the available space list.Different representations of stacks and queues.Representation of binary trees, trees and graphs.Hashing; searching and sorting. Prereq: EECS 132.

EECS 245. Electronic Circuits. 4 Units.

Analysis of time-dependent electrical circuits.Dynamic waveforms and elements: inductors,capacitors, and transformers. First- and second-order circuits, passive and active. Analysis ofsinusoidal steady state response using phasors.Laplace transforms and pole-zero diagrams. S-domain circuit analysis. Two-port networks, impulseresponse, and transfer functions. Introductionto nonlinear semiconductor devices: diodes,BJTs, and FETs. Gain-bandwidth product, slew-rate and other limitations of real devices. SPICEsimulation and laboratory exercises reinforcecourse materials. Recommended preparation:ENGR 210 or concurrent enrollment in MATH 224.

EECS 246. Signals and Systems. 4 Units.

The sinusoidal steady state and phasor analysis.Bode plots and their relationship to the frequencydomain representation of signals. Gain-bandwidthproduct, slew-rate and other limitations ofreal devices. Filter design. Frequency domainconsiderations including Fourier series and Fouriertransforms. Sampling theorem. The DiscreteFourier Transform. The z-transform and digitalsignal processing. Accompanying laboratoryexercises which reinforce classroom lectures.Recommended preparation: ENGR 210 and MATH224.

EECS 251. Numerical Methods. 3 Units.

Introduction to basic concepts and algorithms usedin the numerical solution of common problemsincluding solving non-linear equations, solvingsystems of linear equations, interpolation, fittingcurves to data, integration and solving ordinarydifferential equations. Computational error andthe efficiency of various numerical methods arediscussed in some detail. Most homework requiresthe implementation of numerical methods on acomputer. Prereq: MATH 122 and ENGR 131 orEECS 132.

EECS 281. Logic Design and ComputerOrganization. 4 Units.

Fundamentals of digital systems in terms of bothcomputer organization and logic level design.Organization of digital computers; informationrepresentation; boolean algebra; analysis andsynthesis of combinational and sequential circuits;datapaths and register transfers; instructionsets and assembly language; input/output andcommunication; memory. Prereq: ENGR 131 orEECS 132.

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EECS 290. Introduction to Computer GameDesign and Implementation. 3 Units.

This class begins with an examination of the historyof video games and of game design. Games willbe examined in a systems context to understandgaming and game design fundamentals. Varioustopics relating directly to the implementation ofcomputer games will be introduced includinggraphics, animation, artificial intelligence, userinterfaces, the simulation of motion, soundgeneration, and networking. Extensive study ofpast and current computer games will be used toillustrate course concepts. Individual and groupprojects will be used throughout the semester tomotivate, illustrate and demonstrate the courseconcepts and ideas. Group game development andimplementation projects will culminate in classroompresentation and evaluation. Prereq: EECS 132.

EECS 293. Software Craftsmanship. 4 Units.

A course to improve programming skills, softwarequality, and the software development process.Software design; Version control; Control issuesand routines; Pseuodo-code programming processand developer testing; Defensive programming;Classes; Debugging; Self-documenting code;Refactoring. Prereq: EECS 233.

EECS 296. Independent Projects. 1 - 3 Unit.

Independent projects in Computer Engineering,Computer Science, Electrical Engineering andSystems and Control Engineering. RecommendedPreparation: ENGR 131 or EECS 132. Prereq:Limited to freshmen and sophomore students.

EECS 297. Special Topics. 1 - 3 Unit.

Special topics in Computer Engineering, ComputerScience, Electrical Engineering, and Systems andControl Engineering. Limited to freshmen andsophomore students. Prereq: Limited to freshmenand sophomores.

EECS 301. Digital Logic Laboratory. 2 Units.

This course is an introductory experimentallaboratory for digital networks. The courseintroduces students to the process of design,analysis, synthesis and implementation of digitalnetworks. The course covers the design ofcombinational circuits, sequential networks,registers, counters, synchronous/asynchronousFinite State Machines, register based design, andarithmetic computational blocks. Recommendedpreparation: EECS 281.

EECS 302. Discrete Mathematics. 3 Units.

A general introduction to basic mathematicalterminology and the techniques of abstractmathematics in the context of discrete mathematics.Topics introduced are mathematical reasoning,Boolean connectives, deduction, mathematicalinduction, sets, functions and relations, algorithms,graphs, combinatorial reasoning. Offered as EECS302 and MATH 304. Prereq: MATH 122 or MATH124 or MATH 126.

EECS 304. Control Engineering I withLaboratory. 3 Units.

Analysis and design techniques for controlapplications. Linearization of nonlinear systems.Design specifications. Classical design methods:root locus, bode, nyquist. PID, lead, lag, lead-lagcontroller design. State space modeling, solution,controllability, observability and stability. Modelingand control demonstrations and experiments single-input/single-output and multivariable systems.Control system analysis/design/implementationsoftware. Recommended preparation: EECS 246.

EECS 305. Control Engineering I Laboratory. 1Unit.

A laboratory course based on the material in EECS304. Modeling, simulation, and analysis usingMATLAB. Physical experiments involving controlof mechanical systems, process control systems,and design of PID controllers. Recommendedpreparation: EECS 212 or equivalent and EECS304.

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EECS 306. Control Engineering II withLaboratory. 3 Units.

Advanced techniques for control of dynamicsystems. State-space modeling, analysis, andcontroller synthesis; introduction to nonlinearcontrol systems: phase plane methods, bang-bang control, time-optimal control; describingfunctions analysis and design techniques; discretetime systems and controllers. Advanced controldesign methods implementation. Recommendedpreparation: EECS 304.

EECS 309. Electromagnetic Fields I. 3 Units.

Maxwell’s integral and differential equations,boundary conditions, constitutive relations,energy conservation and Pointing vector, waveequation, plane waves, propagating waves andtransmission lines, characteristic impedance,reflection coefficient and standing wave ratio, in-depth analysis of coaxial and strip lines, electro-and magneto-quasistatics, simple boundary valueproblems, correspondence between fields andcircuit concepts, energy and forces. Recommendedpreparation: MATH 223 and PHYS 122 andconcurrent enrollment in MATH 224.

EECS 310. Electromechanical EnergyConversion. 4 Units.

Electromechanical dynamics, modelingand control. Forces in quasistatic magneticsystems. Energy conversion properties ofrotating machines. Analysis and control ofDC servomotors, AC servomotors, reluctancemachines, inductance machines, and magneticbearing. Analysis of electromagnetic sensors.Electronic communication, torque linearizationthrough computer controls and flux-vector control.Electromechanical properties are measured in thelab and high-performance controls are constructedand tested. Recommended preparation: EECS 309.

EECS 311. Electromagnetic Fields II. 3 Units.

Boundary value problems, guided electromagneticwaves, rectangular and circular waveguides,strip lines, losses in waveguiding structures,scattering, wave optics and wave propagation inanisotropic media, ferrites and plasmas, resonantsystems, cavities, microwave networks, multiportnetworks, scattering matrix formulation, radiationand antennas, radiation from dipoles, apertures andsimple arrays. Recommended preparation: EECS309.

EECS 312. Introduction to Electric PowerSystems. 3 Units.

This course is intended to be an introduction tothree-phase electric power systems. Modelingof system components including generators,transformers, loads, transmission lines. The per-unitsystem. One-line diagrams and equivalent circuits.Real and reactive power. Phasor diagrams. Voltageand frequency regulation. Load-flow analysis.Short-circuit calculations. Fault analysis using thetechniques of symmetrical component analysis.

EECS 313. Signal Processing. 3 Units.

Fourier series and transforms. Analog and digitalfilters. Fast-Fourier transforms, sampling, andmodulation for discrete time signals and systems.Consideration of stochastic signals and linearprocessing of stochastic signals using correlationfunctions and spectral analysis. Prereq: EECS 246.

EECS 314. Computer Architecture. 3 Units.

This course provides students the opportunity tostudy and evaluate a modern computer architecturedesign. The course covers topics in fundamentalsof computer design, performance, cost, instructionset design, processor implementation, control unit,pipelining, communication and network, memoryhierarchy, computer arithmetic, input-output, and anintroduction to RISC and super-scalar processors.Recommended preparation: EECS 281.

EECS 315. Digital Systems Design. 4 Units.

This course gives students the ability to designmodern digital circuits. The course covers topicsin logic level analysis and synthesis, digitalelectronics: transistors, CMOS logic gates, CMOSlay-out, design metrics space, power, delay.Programmable logic (partitioning, routing), statemachine analysis and synthesis, register transferlevel block design, datapath, controllers, ASMcharts, microsequencers, emulation and rapidprotyping, and switch/logic-level simulation.Recommended preparation: EECS 281.

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EECS 316. Computer Design. 3 Units.

Methodologies for systematic design of digitalsystems with emphasis on programmable logicimplementations and prototyping. Laboratory whichuses modern design techniques based on hardwaredescription languages such as VHDL, CAD tools,and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs).Recommended preparation: EECS 281; EECS 315or consent of instructor.

EECS 318. VLSI/CAD. 4 Units.

With Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)technology there is an increased need forComputer-Aided Design (CAD) techniques andtools to help in the design of large digital systemsthat deliver both performance and functionality.Such high performance tools are of greatimportance in the VLSI design process, both toperform functional, logical, and behavioral modelingand verification to aid the testing process. Thiscourse discusses the fundamentals in behaviorallanguages, both VHDL and Verilog, with hands-on experience. Recommended preparation: EECS281, EECS 315.

EECS 319. Applied Probability and StochasticProcesses for Biology. 3 Units.

Applications of probability and stochastic processesto biological systems. Mathematical topics willinclude: introduction to discrete and continuousprobability spaces (including numerical generationof pseudo random samples from specifiedprobability distributions), Markov processes indiscrete and continuous time with discrete andcontinuous sample spaces, point processesincluding homogeneous and inhomogeneousPoisson processes and Markov chains on graphs,and diffusion processes including Brownianmotion and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.Biological topics will be determined by the interestsof the students and the instructor. Likely topicsinclude: stochastic ion channels, molecularmotors and stochastic ratchets, actin and tubulinpolymerization, random walk models for neuralspike trains, bacterial chemotaxis, signalingand genetic regulatory networks, and stochasticpredator-prey dynamics. The emphasis will beon practical simulation and analysis of stochasticphenomena in biological systems. Numericalmethods will be developed using both MATLABand the R statistical package. Student projects willcomprise a major part of the course. Offered asBIOL 319, EECS 319, MATH 319, BIOL 419, EBME419, and PHOL 419. Prereq: MATH 224 or MATH223 and BIOL 300 or BIOL 306 and MATH 201 orMATH 307 or consent of instructor.

EECS 321. Semiconductor Electronic Devices. 4Units.

Energy bands and charge carriers insemiconductors and their experimental verifications.Excess carriers in semiconductors. Principles ofoperation of semiconductor devices that rely onthe electrical properties of semiconductor surfacesand junctions. Development of equivalent circuitmodels and performance limitations of thesedevices. Devices covered include: junctions, bipolartransistors, Schottky junctions, MOS capacitors,junction gate and MOS field effect transistors,optical devices such as photodetectors, light-emitting diodes, solar cells and lasers. Laboratoryexperiments to characterize some of the abovedevices. Recommended preparation: EECS 309.

EECS 322. Integrated Circuits and ElectronicDevices. 3 Units.

Technology of monolithic integrated circuits anddevices, including crystal growth and doping,photolithography, vacuum technology, metalization,wet etching, thin film basics, oxidation, diffusion, ionimplantation, epitaxy, chemical vapor deposition,plasma processing, and micromachining. Basicsof semiconductor devices including junctiondiodes, bipolar junction transistors, and field effecttransistors. Recommended preparation: EECS 321.

EECS 324. Simulation Techniques inEngineering. 3 Units.

Discrete event systems and simulation concepts.Discrete event simulation with batch and interactivelanguages. Recommended preparation: Concurrentenrollment in ENGL 398.

EECS 325. Computer Networks I. 3 Units.

An introduction to computer networks and theInternet. Applications: http, ftp, e-mail, DNS, socketprogramming. Transport: UDP, TCP, reliable datatransfer, and congestion control. Network layer: IP,routing, and NAT. Link layer: taxonomy, Ethernet,802.11. Recommended preparation: EECS 337 orconsent of department.

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EECS 326. Instrumentation Electronics. 3 Units.

A second course in instrumentation with emphasison sensor interface electronics. General conceptsin measurement systems, including accuracy,precision, sensitivity, linearity, and resolution.The physics and modeling of resistive, reactive,self-generating, and direct-digital sensors. Signalconditioning for same, including bridge circuits,coherent detectors, and a variety of amplifiertopologies: differential, instrumentation, charge, andtransimpedance. Noise and drift in amplifiers andresistors. Practical issues of interference, includinggrounding, shielding, supply/return, and isolationamplifiers. Prereq: ENGR 210 and EECS 246 orEBME 308 or EMAE 350.

EECS 337. Compiler Design. 4 Units.

Design and implementation of compilers andother language processors. Scanners andlexical analysis; regular expressions and finiteautomata; scanner generators; parsers andsyntax analysis; context free grammars; parsergenerators; semantic analysis; intermediatecode generation; runtime environments; codegeneration; machine independent optimizations;data flow and dependence analysis. There will be asignificant programming project involving the use ofcompiler tools and software development tools andtechniques. Recommended preparation: EECS 233and EECS 281.

EECS 338. Introduction to Operating Systems. 4Units.

CPU scheduling, memory management, concurrentprocesses, semaphores, monitors, deadlocks,secondary storage management, file systems,protection, UNIX operating system, fork, exec,wait, UNIX System V IPCs, sockets, remoteprocedure calls, threads. Must be proficient in"C" programming language. Recommendedpreparation: EECS 337.

EECS 339. Web Data Mining. 3 Units.

Web crawling technology, web search andinformation extraction, unsupervised and semi-supervised learning techniques and their applicationto web data extraction, social network analysis,various pagerank algorithms, link analysis, webresource discovery, web, resource descriptionframework (RDF), XML, Web Ontology Language(OWL). Recommended preparation: EECS 338,EECS 341. Prereq: EECS 302.

EECS 340. Algorithms and Data Structures. 3Units.

Efficient sorting algorithms, external sortingmethods, internal and external searching, efficientstring processing algorithms, geometric and graphalgorithms. Recommended preparation: EECS 233and MATH 304.

EECS 341. Introduction to Database Systems. 3Units.

Relational model, ER model, relational algebraand calculus, SQL, OBE, security, views, files andphysical database structures, query processingand query optimization, normalization theory,concurrency control, object relational systems,multimedia databases, Oracle SQL server,Microsoft SQL server. Recommended preparation:EECS 233. Prereq: EECS 302.

EECS 342. Introduction to Global Issues. 3Units.

This systems course is based on the paradigm ofthe world as a complex system. Global issues suchas population, world trade and financial markets,resources (energy, water, land), global climatechange, and others are considered with particularemphasis put on their mutual interdependence. Areasoning support computer system which containsextensive data and a family of models is usedfor future assessment. Students are engaged inindividual, custom-tailored, projects of creatingconditions for a desirable or sustainable futurebased on data and scientific knowledge available.Students at CWRU will interact with students fromfifteen universities that have been strategicallyselected in order to give global coverage toUNESCO’S Global-problematique EducationNetwork Initiative (GENIe) in joint, participatoryscenario analysis via the internet.

EECS 343. Theoretical Computer Science. 3Units.

Introduction to mathematical logic, different classesof automata and their correspondence to differentclasses of formal languages, recursive functionsand computability, assertions and programverification, denotational semantics. MATH/EECS343 and MATH 410 cannot both be taken for credit.Offered as EECS 343 and MATH 343.

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EECS 344. Electronic Analysis and Design. 3Units.

The design and analysis of real-world circuits.Topics include: junction diodes, non-ideal op-amp models, characteristics and models for largeand small signal operation of bipolar junctiontransistors (BJTs) and field effect transistors(FETs), selection of operating point and biasingfor BJT and FET amplifiers. Hybrid-pi modeland other advanced circuit models, cascadedamplifiers, negative feedback, differential amplifiers,oscillators, tuned circuits, and phase-locked loops.Computers will be extensively used to modelcircuits. Selected experiments and/or laboratoryprojects. Recommended preparation: EECS 245.

EECS 345. Programming Language Concepts. 3Units.

This course studies important concepts underlyingthe design, definition, implementation and use ofmodern programming languages including syntax,semantics, names/scopes, types, expression,assignment, subprograms, data abstraction, andinheritance. Imperative, object-oriented, concurrent,functional, and logic programming paradigms arediscussed. Illustrative examples are drawn from avariety of popular languages, such as C++, Java,Ada, Lisp, and Prolog. Recommended preparation:EECS 233, EECS 337.

EECS 346. Engineering Optimization. 3 Units.

Optimization techniques including linearprogramming and extensions; transportationand assignment problems; network flowoptimization; quadratic, integer, and separableprogramming; geometric programming; anddynamic programming. Nonlinear optimizationtopics: optimality criteria, gradient and otherpractical unconstrained and constrained methods.Computer applications using engineering andbusiness case studies. Recommended preparation:MATH 201.

EECS 350. Operations and Systems Design. 3Units.

Introduction to design, modeling, and optimizationof operations and scheduling systems withapplications to computer science and engineeringproblems. Topics include, forecasting andtime series, strategic, tactical, and operationalplanning, life cycle analysis, learning curves,resources allocation, materials requirementand capacity planning, sequencing, scheduling,inventory control, project management andplanning. Tools for analysis include: multi-objectiveoptimization, queuing models, simulation, andartificial intelligence.

EECS 351. Communications and SignalAnalysis. 3 Units.

Fourier transform analysis and sampling of signals.AM, FM and SSB modulation and other modulationmethods such as pulse code, delta, pulse position,PSK and FSK. Detection, multiplexing, performanceevaluation in terms of signal-to-noise ratioand bandwidth requirements. Recommendedpreparation: EECS 246 or equivalent.

EECS 352. Engineering Economics andDecision Analysis. 3 Units.

Economic analysis of engineering projects,focusing on financial decisions concerning capitalinvestments. Present worth, annual worth, internalrate of return, benefit/cost ratio. Replacementand abandonment policies, effects of taxes,and inflation. Decision making under risk anduncertainty. Decision trees. Value of information.

EECS 354. Digital Communications. 3 Units.

Fundamental bounds on transmission ofinformation. Signal representation in vectorspace. Optimum reception. Probability andrandom processes with application to noiseproblems, speech encoding using linear prediction.Shaping of base-band signal spectra, correlativecoding and equalization. Comparative analysisof digital modulation schemes. Concepts ofinformation theory and coding. Applications to datacommunication. Recommended preparation: EECS351.

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EECS 359. Bioinformatics in Practice. 3 Units.

This course covers basic computational methodsof organizing and analyzing biological data,targeting senior and junior level students fromboth mathematical/computational sciences and lifesciences. The aim of the course is to provide thestudents with basic skills to be able to understandmolecular biology data and associated abstractions(sequences, structure, gene expression, molecularnetwork data), access to available resources(public databases, computational tools on theweb). Implement basic computational methods forbiological data analysis, and use understandingof these methods to solve other problems thatarise in biological data analysis. Topics coveredinclude DNA and protein sequence databases,pairwise sequence alignment and sequence search(dynamic programming, BLAST), multiple sequencealignment (HMMs, CLUSTAL-W), sequenceclustering, motif finding, pattern matching,phylogenetic analysis (tree reconstruction, neighborjoining, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood),gene finding, functional annotation, biologicalontologies, analysis of gene expression data,and network biology (protein protein interactions,topology, modularity).

EECS 360. Manufacturing and AutomatedSystems. 3 Units.

Formulation, modeling, planning, and controlof manufacturing and automated systems withapplications to computer science and engineeringproblems. Topics include, design of products andprocesses, location/spatial problems, transportationand assignment, product and process layout,group technology and clustering, cellular andnetwork flow layouts, computer control systems,reliability and maintenance, and statistical qualitycontrol. Tools and analysis include: multi-objectiveoptimization, artificial intelligence, and heuristics forcombinatorial problems. Offered as EECS 360 andEECS 460.

EECS 365. Complex Systems Biology. 3 Units.

Complex Systems Biology is an interdisciplinarycourse based on systems science, engineering,biology, and medicine. The objective is to providestudents with an understanding of the current stateof systems biology and major challenges ahead.The biological phenomena across the level ofcomplexity will be considered from molecular toorganisms and ecology to provide universality of thesystems concepts for understanding the functionsand behavior of biological systems. Case studiesare used and a course project is required to becompleted. Prereq: Junior Standing.

EECS 366. Computer Graphics. 3 Units.

Theory and practice of computer graphics: Basicelements of a computer graphics rendering pipeline.Fundamentals of input and display devices.Geometrical transformations and their matrixrepresentations. Homogeneous coordinates,projective and perspective transformations.Algorithms for clipping, hidden surface removal, andanti-aliasing. Rendering algorithms: introduction tolocal and global shading models, color, and lightingmodels for reflection, refraction, transparency.Real-time rendering methods and animation.Recommended preparation: EECS 233.

EECS 370. Intelligent Networks and Systems. 3Units.

This course covers the development of the next-generation intelligent networks. It involves an in-depth study of design, planning, optimization,and analysis for communications informationnetworks. It will include design and optimizationof telecommunication networks and protocols.The course provides applications of ArtificialIntelligence methodologies including mathematicallearning, neural networks, clustering, modelingand automating human decision making process,and mobile agents to the design of intelligentnetworks. There will be weekly homework/readingassignments, some presentations by students, anda large project. Offered as EECS 370 and EECS470.

EECS 371. Applied Circuit Design. 4 Units.

This course will consist of lectures and lab projectsdesigned to provide students with an opportunityto consolidate their theoretical knowledge ofelectronics and to acquaint them with the art andpractice of circuit and product design. The lectureswill cover electrical and electronic circuits and manyelectronic and electrical devices and applications.Examples include mixed-signal circuits, powerelectronics, magnetic and piezo components, gasdischarge devices, sensors, motors and generators,and power systems. In addition, there will bediscussion of professional topics such as regulatoryagencies, manufacturing, testing, reliability, andproduct cost. Weekly labs will be true "design"opportunities representing real-world applications.A specification or functional description will beprovided, and the students will design the circuit,select all components, construct a breadboard, andtest. The objective will be functional, pragmatic,cost-effective designs. Prereq: EECS 245.

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EECS 374. Advanced Control and EnergySystems. 3 Units.

This course introduces applied quantitative robustand nonlinear control engineering techniquesto regulate automatically renewable energysystems in general and wind turbines in particular.The course also studies the fundamentals fordynamic multidisciplinary modeling and analysisof large multi-megawatt wind turbines (mechanics,aerodynamics, electrical systems, control concepts,etc.). The course combines lecture sessions andlab hours. The 400-level includes an experimentallab competition, where the object is to design,implement, and experimentally validate a controlstrategy to regulate a real system in the laboratory(helicopter control competition or similar); it will alsoinclude additional project design reports. Offered asEECS 374 and EECS 474. Prereq: EECS 304.

EECS 376. Mobile Robotics. 4 Units.

Design of software systems for mobile robot control,including: motion control; sensory processing;localization and mapping; mobile-robot planningand navigation; and implementation of goal-directedbehaviors. The course has a heavy lab componentinvolving a sequence of design challenges andcompetitions performed in teams. Prereq: ENGR131 or EECS 233

EECS 381. Hybrid Systems. 3 Units.

Today, the most interesting computer code andmicroprocessor designs are "embedded" and henceinteract with the physical world, producing a mixtureof digital and analog domains. The class studiesan array of tools for understanding and designingthese "hybrid systems." Topics include: basics oflanguage and finite state automata theory, discrete-event dynamic systems, Petri nets, timed andhybrid automata, and hybrid dynamical systems.Simulation, verification, and control conceptsand languages for these models. Recommendedpreparation: MATH 224 and either EECS 246 orMATH 304.

EECS 382. Microprocessor-Based Design. 3Units.

Microprocessor architectures, memorydesign, timing, polled and interrupt driven I/O,microprocessor support devices, microcontrollers,integrated hardware/software designconsiderations. Recommended preparation: ENGR210 and EECS 281.

EECS 390. Advanced Game DevelopmentProject. 3 Units.

This game development project course will bringtogether an interdisciplinary group of advancedundergraduate students in the fields of ElectricalEngineering and Computer Science, Art, Music, andEnglish to focus on the design and developmentof a complete, fully-functioning computer game(as an interdisciplinary team). The student teamsare given complete liberty to design their own fullyfunctional games from their original concept to aplayable finished product, i.e., from the initial ideathrough to the wrapped box. The student teams willexperience the entire game development cycle asthey execute their projects. Responsibilities includecreating a game idea, writing a story, developingthe artwork, designing characters, implementingmusic and sound effects, programming and testingthe game, and documenting the entire project.Recommended preparation: Junior or Seniorstanding and consent of instructor.

EECS 391. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.3 Units.

This course is an introduction to artificialintelligence. We will study the concepts thatunderlie intelligent systems. Topics coveredinclude problem solving with search, constraintsatisfaction, adversarial games, knowledgerepresentation and reasoning using propositionaland first order logic, reasoning under uncertainty,introduction to machine learning, automatedplanning, reinforcement learning and naturallanguage processing. Recommended: basicknowledge of probability and statistics. Prereq:ENGR 131 or EECS 132.

EECS 393. Software Engineering. 3 Units.

Topics: Introduction to software engineering;software lifecycle models; developmentteam organization and project management;requirements analysis and specification techniques;software design techniques; programmingpractices; software validation techniques; softwaremaintenance practices; software engineering ethics.Undergraduates work in teams to complete asignificant software development project. Graduatestudents are required to complete a researchproject. Recommended preparation for EECS 493:EECS 337. Offered as EECS 393 and EECS 493.Prereq: EECS 337.

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EECS 395. Senior Project in Computer Science.4 Units.

Capstone course for computer science seniors.Material from previous and concurrent coursesused to solve computer programming problemsand to develop software systems. Professionalengineering topics such as project management,engineering design, communications, andprofessional ethics. Requirements include periodicreporting of progress, plus a final oral presentationand written report. Scheduled formal projectpresentations during last week of classes. Prereq:Senior Standing.

EECS 396. Independent Projects. 1 - 6 Unit.

Independent projects in Computer Engineering,Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, andSystems and Control Engineering. Limited to juniorsand seniors. Prereq: Limited to juniors and seniors.

EECS 397. Special Topics. 1 - 6 Unit.

Special topics in Computer Engineering, ComputerScience, Electrical Engineering, and Systems andControl Engineering. Limited to juniors and seniors.Prereq: Limited to juniors and seniors.

EECS 398. Engineering Projects I. 4 Units.

Capstone course for electrical, computer andsystems and control engineering seniors.Material from previous and concurrent coursesused to solve engineering design problems.Professional engineering topics such as projectmanagement, engineering design, communications,and professional ethics. Requirements includeperiodic reporting of progress, plus a final oralpresentation and written report. Scheduled formalproject presentations during last week of classes.Recommended preparation: Senior standing.

EECS 399. Engineering Projects II. 3 Units.

Continuation of EECS 398. Material from previousand concurrent courses applied to engineeringdesign and research. Requirements includeperiodic reporting of progress, plus a final oralpresentation and written report. Recommendedpreparation: EECS 398 or concurrent enrollment.

EECS 400T. Graduate Teaching I. 0 Units.

This course will provide the Ph.D. candidate withexperience in teaching undergraduate or graduatestudents. The experience is expected to involvedirect student contact but will be based uponthe specific departmental needs and teachingobligations. This teaching experience will beconducted under the supervision of the facultymember who is responsible for the course, but theacademic advisor will assess the educational planto ensure that it provides an educational experiencefor the student. Students in this course may beexpected to perform one or more of the followingteaching related activities: grading homeworks,quizzes, and exams, having office hours forstudents, tutoring students. Recommendedpreparation: Ph.D. student in EECS department.

EECS 401. Digital Signal Processing. 3 Units.

Characterization of discrete-time signals andsystems. Fourier analysis: the Discrete-time FourierTransform, the Discrete-time Fourier series, theDiscrete Fourier Transform and the Fast FourierTransform. Continuous-time signal sampling andsignal reconstruction. Digital filter design: infiniteimpulse response filters, finite impulse responsefilters, filter realization and quantization effects.Random signals: discrete correlation sequencesand power density spectra, response of linearsystems. Recommended preparation: EECS 313.

EECS 405. Data Structures and FileManagement. 3 Units.

Fundamental concepts: sequential allocation, linkedallocation, lists, trees, graphs, internal sorting,external sorting, sequential, binary, interpolationsearch, hashing file, indexed files, multiple levelindex structures, btrees, hashed files. Multipleattribute retrieval; inverted files, multi lists, multiple-key hashing, hd trees. Introduction to data bases.Data models. Recommended preparation: EECS233 and MATH 304.

EECS 408. Introduction to Linear Systems. 3Units.

Analysis and design of linear feedback systemsusing state-space techniques. Review of matrixtheory, linearization, transition maps and variationsof constants formula, structural propertiesof state-space models, controllability andobservability, realization theory, pole assignmentand stabilization, linear quadratic regulatorproblems, observers, and the separation theorem.Recommended preparation: EECS 304.

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EECS 409. Discrete Event Systems. 3 Units.

A broad range of system behavior can be describedusing a discrete event framework. These systemsare playing an increasingly important role inmodeling, analyzing, and designing manufacturingsystems. Simulation, automata, and queuingtheory have been the primary tools for studyingthe behavior of these logically complex systems;however, new methods and techniques as well asnew modeling frameworks have been developedto represent and to explore discrete eventsystem behavior. The class will begin by studyingsimulation, the theory of languages, and finite stateautomata, and queuing theory approaches andthen progress to examining selected additionalframeworks for modeling and analyzing thesesystems including Petrinets, perturbation analysis,and Min-Max algebras.

EECS 412. Electromagnetic Fields III. 3 Units.

Maxwell’s equations, macroscopic versusmicroscopic fields, field interaction with materialsin terms of polarization vectors P and M. Laplace’sand Poisson’s equations and solutions, scalar andvector potentials. Wave propagation in varioustypes of media such as anisotropic and gyrotropicmedia. Phase and group velocities, signalvelocity and dispersion. Boundary value problemsassociated with wave-guide and cavities. Wavesolutions in cylindrical and spherical coordinates.Radiation and antennas.

EECS 413. Nonlinear Systems I. 3 Units.

This course will provide an introduction totechniques used for the analysis of nonlineardynamic systems. Topics will include existenceand uniqueness of solutions, phase plane analysisof two dimensional systems including Poincare-Bendixson, describing functions for single-inputsingle-output systems, averaging methods,bifurcation theory, stability, and an introductionto the study of complicated dynamics and chaos.Recommended preparation: Concurrent enrollmentin EECS 408.

EECS 415. Integrated Circuit Technology I. 3Units.

Review of semiconductor technology. Devicefabrication processing, material evaluation, oxidepassivation, pattern transfer technique, diffusion,ion implantation, metallization, probing, packaging,and testing. Design and fabrication of passive andactive semi-conductor devices. Recommendedpreparation: EECS 322.

EECS 416. Convex Optimization forEngineering. 3 Units.

This course will focus on the development ofa working knowledge and skills to recognize,formulate, and solve convex optimization problemsthat are so prevalent in engineering. Applicationsin control systems; parameter and state estimation;signal processing; communications and networks;circuit design; data modeling and analysis; datamining including clustering and classification;and combinatorial and global optimization will behighlighted. New reliable and efficient methods,particular those based on interior-point methodsand other special methods to solve convexoptimization problems will be emphasized.Implementation issues will also be underscored.Recommended preparation: MATH 201 orequivalent.

EECS 417. Introduction to Stochastic Control. 3Units.

Analysis and design of controllers for discrete-timestochastic systems. Review of probability theoryand stochastic properties, input-output analysis oflinear stochastic systems, spectral factorization andWeiner filtering, minimum variance control, state-space models of stochastic systems, optimal controland dynamic programming, statistical estimationand filtering, the Kalman-Bucy theory, the linearquadratic Gaussian problem, and the separationtheorem. Recommended preparation: EECS 408.

EECS 418. System Identification and AdaptiveControl. 3 Units.

Parameter identification methods for linear discretetime systems: maximum likelihood and leastsquares estimation techniques. Adaptive control forlinear discrete time systems including self-tuningregulators and model reference adaptive control.Consideration of both theoretical and practicalissues relating to the use of identification andadaptive control.

EECS 419. Computer System Architecture. 3Units.

Interaction between computer systems hardwareand software. Pipeline techniques - instructionpipelines - arithmetic pipelines. Instruction levelparallelism. Cache mechanism. I/O structures.Examples taken from existing computer systems.

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EECS 420. Solid State Electronics I. 3 Units.

Quantum mechanics and solid state physics.Crystal structures, electrons in periodic structures,band structures, transport phenomenon,nonequilibrium process, lattice dynamics, scatteringmechanisms, surface and interface physics;physics of semiconductor electronic devices.Recommended preparation: EECS 321.

EECS 421. Optimization of Dynamic Systems. 3Units.

Fundamentals of dynamic optimization withapplications to control. Variational treatment ofcontrol problems and the Maximum Principle.Structures of optimal systems; regulators, terminalcontrollers, time-optimal controllers. Sufficientconditions for optimality. Singular controls.Computational aspects. Selected applications.Recommended preparation: EECS 408. Offered asEECS 421 and MATH 434.

EECS 422. Solid State Electronics II. 3 Units.

Advanced physics of semiconductor devices.Review of current transport and semiconductorelectronics. Surface and interface properties. P-N junction. Bipolar junction transistors, field effecttransistors, solar cells and photonic devices.

EECS 423. Distributed Systems. 3 Units.

Introduction to distributed systems; system models;network architecture and protocols; interprocesscommunication; client-server model; groupcommunication; TCP sockets; remote procedurecalls; distributed objects and remote invocation;distributed file systems; file service architecture;name services; directory and discovery services;distributed synchronization and coordination;transactions and concurrency control; security;cryptography; replication; distributed multimediasystems. Recommended preparation: EECS 338.

EECS 424. Introduction to Nanotechnology. 3Units.

An exploration of emerging nanotechnologyresearch. Lectures and class discussion on1) nanostructures: superlattices, nanowires,nanotubes, quantum dots, nanoparticles,nanocomposites, proteins, bacteria, DNA; 2)nanoscale physical phenomena: mechanical,electrical, chemical, thermal, biological, optical,magnetic; 3) nanofabrication: bottom up and topdown methods; 4) characterization: microscopy,property measurement techniques; 5) devices/applications: electronics, sensors, actuators,biomedical, energy conversion. Topics will coverinterdisciplinary aspects of the field. Offered asEECS 424 and EMAE 424.

EECS 425. Computer Networks I. 3 Units.

An introduction to computer networks and theInternet. Applications: http, ftp, e-mail, DNS, socketprogramming. Transport: UDP, TCP, reliable datatransfer, and congestion control. Network layer: IP,routing and NAT. Link layer: taxonomy, Ethernet,802.11. Recommended preparation: EECS 338 orconsent of instructor.

EECS 426. MOS Integrated Circuit Design. 3Units.

Design of digital and analog MOS integratedcircuits. IC fabrication and device models. Logic,memory, and clock generation. Amplifiers,comparators, references, and switched-capacitorcircuits. Characterization of circuit performancewith/without parasitics using hand analysisand SPICE circuit simulation. Recommendedpreparation: EECS 344 and EECS 321.

EECS 428. Computer CommunicationsNetworks II. 3 Units.

Introduction to topics and methodology in computernetworks and middleware research. Trafficcharacterization, stochastic models, and self-similarity. Congestion control (Tahoe, Reno,Sack). Active Queue Management (RED, FQ) andexplicit QoS. The Web: overview and components,HTTP, its interaction with TCP, caching. Overlaynetworks and CDN. Expected work includes acourse-long project on network simulation, a finalproject, a paper presentation, midterm, and finaltest. Recommended preparation: EECS 425 orpermission of instructor.

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EECS 433. Database Systems. 3 Units.

Basic issues in file processing and databasemanagement systems. Physical data organization.Relational databases. Database design. RelationalQuery Languages, SQL. Query languages. Queryoptimization. Database integrity and security.Object-oriented databases. Object-oriented QueryLanguages, OQL. Recommended preparation:EECS 341 and MATH 304.

EECS 434. Microfabricated SiliconElectromechanical Systems. 3 Units.

Topics related to current research inmicroelectromechanical systems based uponsilicon integrated circuit fabrication technology:fabrication, physics, devices, design, modeling,testing, and packaging. Bulk micromachining,surface micromachining, silicon to glass andsilicon-silicon bonding. Principles of operation formicroactuators and microcomponents. Testing andpackaging issues. Recommended preparation:EECS 322 or EECS 415.

EECS 435. Data Mining. 3 Units.

Data Mining is the process of discoveringinteresting knowledge from large amounts of datastored either in databases, data warehouses, orother information repositories. Topics to be coveredincludes: Data Warehouse and OLAP technologyfor data mining, Data Preprocessing, Data MiningPrimitives, Languages, and System Architectures,Mining Association Rules from Large Databases,Classification and Prediction, Cluster Analysis,Mining Complex Types of Data, and Applicationsand Trends in Data Mining. Recommendedpreparation: EECS 341 or equivalent.

EECS 436. Advances in Databases. 3 Units.

Advanced topics in databases will be coveredin this course. Query optimization in object-oriented databases, temporal databases, issuesin multimedia databases, databases and Web,graphical query interfaces. Basic knowledge indatabases is required. Recommended preparation:EECS 433.

EECS 437. Advanced Topics in Data Mining andBioinformatics. 3 Units.

This course will cover a large number of active datamining and bioinformatics research areas, whichinclude but not limited to: text mining, sequenceanalysis, network/graph mining, microarrayanalysis, and mining mobile objects. Studentsare expected to understand various methods andapproaches employed in these research areasand have critical thinking on the advantages anddisadvantages of these approaches. In addition,students need to complete a course-long projectwhich exhibits the independent research capabilityin these data mining and bioinformatics areas.Recommended preparation: EECS 340, EECS 435.

EECS 438. Biomedical Microdevices. 3 Units.

Recent advances in large scale molecularbiology have created the technological need forminiaturized instrumentation that can interactwith macromolecules, cells, and tissue with highthroughput and in many cases massively parallelformats. This course covers several applicationsof microfabricated devices to current problems inbiology and medicine. The course material includesapplications of miniaturization technologies formedical diagnostics and macromolecule assays,drug discovery, cellular activity monitoring andgrowth, and tissue engineering.

EECS 439. Web Data Mining. 3 Units.

Web crawling technology, web search andinformation extraction, unsupervised and semi-supervised learning techniques and their applicationto web data extraction, social network analysis,various pagerank algorithms, link analysis, webresource discovery, web, resource descriptionframework (RDF), XML, Web Ontology Language(OWL). Recommended preparation: EECS 338,EECS 341.

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EECS 440. Machine Learning. 3 Units.

Machine learning is a subfield of ArtificialIntelligence that is concerned with the design andanalysis of algorithms that "learn" and improve withexperience, While the broad aim behind researchin this area is to build systems that can simulateor even improve on certain aspects of humanintelligence, algorithms developed in this area havebecome very useful in analyzing and predicting thebehavior of complex systems. Machine learningalgorithms have been used to guide diagnosticsystems in medicine, recommend interestingproducts to customers in e-commerce, play gamesat human championship levels, and solve manyother very complex problems. This course isfocused on algorithms for machine learning: theirdesign, analysis and implementation. We will studydifferent learning settings, including supervised,semi-supervised and unsupervised learning. Wewill study different ways of representing the learningproblem, using propositional, multiple-instanceand relational representations. We will study thedifferent algorithms that have been developedfor these settings, such as decision trees, neuralnetworks, support vector machines, k-means,harmonic functions and Bayesian methods. Wewill learn about the theoretical tradeoffs in thedesign of these algorithms, and how to evaluatetheir behavior in practice. At the end of the course,you should be able to: *Recognize situationswhere machine learning algorithms are applicable*Understand, represent and formulate the learningproblem *Apply the appropriate algorithm(s), or ifnecessary, design your own, with an understandingof the tradeoffs involved *Correctly evaluate thebehavior of the algorithm when solving the problem.Prereq: EECS 391 or EECS 491 or consent ofinstructor.

EECS 441. Internet Applications. 3 Units.

This course exposes students to research inbuilding and scaling internet applications. Coveredtopics include Web services, scalable contentdelivery, applications of peer-to-peer networks,and performance analysis and measurements ofinternet application platforms. The course is basedon a collection of research papers and protocolspecifications. Students are required to read thematerials, present a paper in class, prepare shortsummaries of discussed papers, and do a courseproject (team projects are encouraged). Prereq:EECS 325 or EECS 425.

EECS 444. Computer Security. 3 Units.

General types of security attacks; approaches toprevention; secret key and public key cryptography;message authentication and hash functions;digital signatures and authentication protocols;information gathering; password cracking; spoofing;session hijacking; denial of service attacks; bufferoverruns; viruses, worms, etc., principles of securesoftware design, threat modeling; access control;least privilege; storing secrets; socket security;RPC security; security testing; secure softwareinstallation; operating system security; databasesecurity; web security; email security; firewalls;intrusions. Recommended preparation: EECS 337.

EECS 450. Operations and Systems Design. 3Units.

Introduction to design, modeling, and optimizationof operations and scheduling systems withapplications to computer science and engineeringproblems. Topics include, forecasting andtimes series, strategic, tactical, and operationalplanning, life cycle analysis, learning curves,resources allocation, materials requirementand capacity planning, sequencing, scheduling,inventory control, project management andplanning. Tools for analysis include: multi-objectiveoptimization, queuing models, simulation, andartificial intelligence.

EECS 451. Introduction to DigitalCommunications. 3 Units.

Analysis and design of modern digitalcommunications systems: introduction to digitalcommunication systems, review of basic analogand digital signal processing for both deterministicand stochastic signals, signal space representation,basis functions, projections and matched filters,pulse shaping, pulse amplitude modulation,quadrature amplitude modulation, deterministicperformance and performance in noise, carrierfrequency and phase tracking, symbol timingsynchronization, source coding and channel coding.Extensive computer-based design exercises usingMatlab and Simulink to design and test digitalmodems and communication systems. Prereq:STAT 322 or equivalent.

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EECS 452. Random Signals. 3 Units.

Fundamental concepts in probability. Probabilitydistribution and density functions. Randomvariables, functions of random variables, mean,variance, higher moments, Gaussian randomvariables, random processes, stationary randomprocesses, and ergodicity. Correlation functionsand power spectral density. Orthogonal seriesrepresentation of colored noise. Representation ofbandpass noise and application to communicationsystems. Application to signals and noise in linearsystems. Introduction to estimation, sampling, andprediction. Discussion of Poisson, Gaussian, andMarkov processes.

EECS 454. Analysis of Algorithms. 3 Units.

This course presents and analyzes a number ofefficient algorithms. Problems are selected fromsuch problem domains as sorting, searching,set manipulation, graph algorithms, matrixoperations, polynomial manipulation, and fastFourier transforms. Through specific examplesand general techniques, the course covers thedesign of efficient algorithms as well as the analysisof the efficiency of particular algorithms. Certainimportant problems for which no efficient algorithmsare known (NP-complete problems) are discussedin order to illustrate the intrinsic difficulty which cansometimes preclude efficient algorithmic solutions.Recommended preparation for EECS 454: MATH304 and (EECS 340 or EECS 405). Offered asEECS 454 and OPRE 454.

EECS 458. Introduction to Bioinformatics. 3Units.

Fundamental algorithmic methods in computationalmolecular biology and bioinformatics discussed.Sequence analysis, pairwise and multiplealignment, probabilistic models, phylogeneticanalysis, folding and structure predictionemphasized. Recommended preparation: EECS340, EECS 233.

EECS 459. Bioinformatics for Systems Biology.3 Units.

Description of omic data (biological sequences,gene expression, protein-protein interactions,protein-DNA interactions, protein expression,metabolomics, biological ontologies), regulatorynetwork inference, topology of regulatory networks,computational inference of protein-proteininteractions, protein interaction databases, topologyof protein interaction networks, module and proteincomplex discovery, network alignment and mining,computational models for network evolution,network-based functional inference, metabolicpathway databases, topology of metabolicpathways, flux models for analysis of metabolicnetworks, network integration, inference of domain-domain interactions, signaling pathway inferencefrom protein interaction networks, network modelsand algorithms for disease gene identification ofdysregulated subnetworks network-based diseaseclassification. Offered as EECS 459 and SYBB 459.Prereq: EECS 359 or EECS 458 or BIOL 250.

EECS 460. Manufacturing and AutomatedSystems. 3 Units.

Formulation, modeling, planning, and controlof manufacturing and automated systems withapplications to computer science and engineeringproblems. Topics include, design of products andprocesses, location/spatial problems, transportationand assignment, product and process layout,group technology and clustering, cellular andnetwork flow layouts, computer control systems,reliability and maintenance, and statistical qualitycontrol. Tools and analysis include: multi-objectiveoptimization, artificial intelligence, and heuristics forcombinatorial problems. Offered as EECS 360 andEECS 460.

EECS 466. Computer Graphics. 3 Units.

Theory and practice of computer graphics:object and environment representation includingcoordinate transformations image extractionincluding perspective, hidden surface, and shadingalgorithms; and interaction. Covers a wide range ofgraphic display devices and systems with emphasisin interactive shaded graphics. Laboratory.Recommended preparation: EECS 233.

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EECS 470. Intelligent Networks and Systems. 3Units.

This course covers the development of the next-generation intelligent networks. It involves an in-depth study of design, planning, optimization,and analysis for communications informationnetworks. It will include design and optimizationof telecommunication networks and protocols.The course provides applications of ArtificialIntelligence methodologies including mathematicallearning, neural networks, clustering, modelingand automating human decision making process,and mobile agents to the design of intelligentnetworks. There will be weekly homework/readingassignments, some presentations by students, anda large project. Offered as EECS 370 and EECS470.

EECS 474. Advanced Control and EnergySystems. 3 Units.

This course introduces applied quantitative robustand nonlinear control engineering techniquesto regulate automatically renewable energysystems in general and wind turbines in particular.The course also studies the fundamentals fordynamic multidisciplinary modeling and analysisof large multi-megawatt wind turbines (mechanics,aerodynamics, electrical systems, control concepts,etc.). The course combines lecture sessions andlab hours. The 400-level includes an experimentallab competition, where the object is to design,implement, and experimentally validate a controlstrategy to regulate a real system in the laboratory(helicopter control competition or similar); it will alsoinclude additional project design reports. Offered asEECS 374 and EECS 474. Prereq: EECS 304.

EECS 476. Mobile Robotics. 3 Units.

Design of software systems for mobile robot control,including: motion control; sensory processing;localization and mapping; mobile-robot planningand navigation; and implementation of goal-directedbehaviors. The course has a heavy lab componentinvolving a sequence of design challenges andcompetitions performed in teams.

EECS 478. Computational Neuroscience. 3Units.

Computer simulations and mathematical analysis ofneurons and neural circuits, and the computationalproperties of nervous systems. Students aretaught a range of models for neurons and neuralcircuits, and are asked to implement and explorethe computational and dynamic properties ofthese models. The course introduces studentsto dynamical systems theory for the analysis ofneurons and neural learning, models of brainsystems, and their relationship to artificial andneural networks. Term project required. Studentsenrolled in MATH 478 will make arrangementswith the instructor to attend additional lecturesand complete additional assignments addressingmathematical topics related to the course.Recommended preparation: MATH 223 and MATH224 or BIOL 300 and BIOL 306. Offered as BIOL378, COGS 378, MATH 378, BIOL 478, EBME 478,EECS 478, MATH 478 and NEUR 478.

EECS 479. Seminar in ComputationalNeuroscience. 3 Units.

Readings and discussion in the recent literature oncomputational neuroscience, adaptive behavior,and other current topics. Offered as BIOL 479,EBME 479, EECS 479, and NEUR 479.

EECS 483. Data Acquisition and Control. 3Units.

Data acquisition (theory and practice), digitalcontrol of sampled data systems, stability tests,system simulation digital filter structure, finite wordlength effects, limit cycles, state-variable feedbackand state estimation. Laboratory includes controlalgorithm programming done in assembly language.

EECS 484. Computational Intelligence I: BasicPrinciples. 3 Units.

This course is concerned with learning thefundamentals of a number of computationalmethodologies which are used in adaptiveparallel distributed information processing. Suchmethodologies include neural net computing,evolutionary programming, genetic algorithms,fuzzy set theory, and "artificial life." Thesecomputational paradigms complement andsupplement the traditional practices of patternrecognition and artificial intelligence. Functionalitiescovered include self-organization, learning amodel or supervised learning, optimization, andmemorization.

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EECS 485. VLSI Systems. 3 Units.

Basic MOSFET models, inverters, steering logic,the silicon gate, nMOS process, design rules, basicdesign structures (e.g., NAND and NOR gates,PLA, ROM, RAM), design methodology and tools(spice, N.mpc, Caesar, mkpla), VLSI technologyand system architecture. Requires project andstudent presentation, laboratory.

EECS 486. Research in VLSI DesignAutomation. 3 Units.

Research topics related to VLSI design automationsuch as hardware description languages, computer-aided design tools, algorithms and methodologiesfor VLSI design for a wide range of levels of designabstraction, design validation and test. Requiresterm project and class presentation.

EECS 488. Embedded Systems Design. 3 Units.

Objective: to introduce and expose the student tomethodologies for systematic design of embeddedsystem. The topics include, but are not limitedto, system specification, architecture modeling,component partitioning, estimation metrics,hardware software codesign, diagnostics.

EECS 489. Robotics I. 3 Units.

Orientation and configuration coordinatetransformations, forward and inverse kinematicsand Newton-Euler and Lagrange-Euler dynamicanalysis. Planning of manipulator trajectories.Force, position, and hybrid control of robotmanipulators. Analytical techniques applied toselect industrial robots. Recommended preparation:EMAE 181. Offered as EECS 489 and EMAE 489.

EECS 490. Digital Image Processing. 3 Units.

Digital images are introduced as two-dimensionalsampled arrays of data. The course begins withone-to-one operations such as image additionand subtraction and image descriptors such asthe histogram. Basic filters such as the gradientand Laplacian in the spatial domain are used toenhance images. The 2-D Fourier transform isintroduced and frequency domain operations suchas high and low-pass filtering are developed. Itis shown how filtering techniques can be usedto remove noise and other image degradation.The different methods of representing colorimages are described and fundamental conceptsof color image transformations and color imageprocessing are developed. One or more advancedtopics such as wavelets, image compression,and pattern recognition will be covered as timepermits. Programming assignments using softwaresuch as MATLAB will illustrate the application andimplementation of digital image processing.

EECS 491. Artificial Intelligence. 3 Units.

This course covers advanced topics in ArtificialIntelligence. Topics include representing knowledgeusing directed and undirected probabilistic graphicalmodels, associated exact and approximateinference algorithms, statistical relational learning,advanced topics in reinforcement learning andautomated planning. Prereq: EECS 391 or consent.

EECS 492. VLSI Digital Signal ProcessingSystems. 3 Units.

Digital signal processing (DSP) can be foundin numerous applications, such as wirelesscommunications, audio/video compression,cable modems, multimedia, global positioningsystems and biomedical signal processing. Thiscourse fills the gap between DSP algorithmsand their efficient VLSI implementations. Thedesign of a digital system is restricted by therequirements of applications, such as speed, areaand power consumption. This course introducesmethodologies and tools which can be used todesign VLSI architectures with different speed-area tradeoffs for DSP algorithms. In addition,the design of efficient VLSI architectures forcommonly used DSP blocks is presented in thisclass. Recommended preparation: EECS 485.

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EECS 493. Software Engineering. 3 Units.

Topics: Introduction to software engineering;software lifecycle models; developmentteam organization and project management;requirements analysis and specification techniques;software design techniques; programmingpractices; software validation techniques; softwaremaintenance practices; software engineering ethics.Undergraduates work in teams to complete asignificant software development project. Graduatestudents are required to complete a researchproject. Recommended preparation for EECS 493:EECS 337. Offered as EECS 393 and EECS 493.

EECS 495. Nanometer VLSI Design. 3 Units.

Semiconductor industry has evolved rapidly overthe past four decades to meet the increasingdemand on computing power by continuousminiaturization of devices. Now we are in thenanometer technology regime with the devicedimensions scaled below 100nm. VLSI designusing nanometer technologies involves some majorchallenges. This course will explain all the majorchallenges associated with nanoscale VLSI designsuch as dynamic and leakage power, parametervariations, reliability and robustness. The coursewill present modeling and analysis techniques fortiming, power and noise in nanometer era. Finally,the course will cover the circuit/architecture leveldesign solutions for low power, high-performance,testable and robust VLSI system. The techniqueswill be applicable to design of microprocessor,digital signal processor (DSP) as well as applicationspecific integrated circuits (ASIC). The courseincludes a project which requires the student towork on a nanometer design issue. Recommendedpreparation: EECS 426 or EECS 485.

EECS 500. EECS Colloquium. 0 Units.

Seminars on current topics in Electrical Engineeringand Computer Science.

EECS 500T. Graduate Teaching II. 0 Units.

This course will provide the Ph.D. candidate withexperience in teaching undergraduate or graduatestudents. The experience is expected to involvedirect student contact but will be based uponthe specific departmental needs and teachingobligations. This teaching experience will beconducted under the supervision of the facultymember who is responsible for the course, but theacademic advisor will assess the educational planto ensure that it provides an educational experiencefor the student. Students in this course may beexpected to perform one or more of the followingteaching related activities: grading homeworks,quizzes, and exams, having office hours forstudents, running recitation sessions, providinglaboratory assistance. Recommended preparation:Ph.D. student in EECS department.

EECS 516. Large Scale Optimization. 3 Units.

Concepts and techniques for dealing withlarge optimization problems encountered indesigning large engineering structure, control ofinterconnected systems, pattern recognition, andplanning and operations of complex systems;partitioning, relaxation, restriction, decomposition,approximation, and other problem simplificationdevices; specific algorithms; potential use of paralleland symbolic computation; student seminars andprojects. Recommended preparation: EECS 416.

EECS 518. Nonlinear Systems: Analysis andControl. 3 Units.

Mathematical preliminaries: differential equationsand dynamical systems, differential geometryand manifolds. Dynamical systems and feedbacksystems, existence and uniqueness of solutions.Complicated dynamics and chaotic systems.Stability of nonlinear systems: input-output methodsand Lyapunov stability. Control of nonlinearsystems: gain scheduling, nonlinear regulatortheory and feedback linearization. Recommendedpreparation: EECS 408.

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EECS 519. Differential Geometric NonlinearControl. 3 Units.

This advanced course focuses on the analysisand design of nonlinear control systems, withspecial emphasis on the differential geometricapproach. Differential geometry has proved to bean extremely powerful tool for the analysis anddesign of nonlinear systems, similar to the rolesof the Laplace transformation and linear algebrain linear systems. The objective of the courseis to present the major methods and results ofnonlinear systems and provide a mathematicalfoundation, which will enable students to follow therecent developments in the constantly expandingliterature. This course will also benefit thosestudents from Electrical, Mechanical, Chemicaland Biomedical Engineering, who are doingresearch in the fields that involve nonlinear controlproblems. Recommended preparation: EECS 408or equivalent.

EECS 520. Robust Control. 3 Units.

One of the most important problems in moderncontrol theory is that of controlling the output ofa system so as to achieve asymptotic trackingof prescribed signals and/or asymptotic rejectionof undesired disturbances. The problem can besolved by the so-called regulator theory and H-infinity control theory. This course presents a self-contained introduction to these two importantdesign methods. The intention of this course is topresent ideas and methods on such a level that thebeginning graduate student will be able to followcurrent research. Both linear and nonlinear resultswill be covered. Recommended preparation: EECS408.

EECS 523. Advanced Neural Microsystems. 3Units.

This course will cover the latest advances inneuroengineering with specific attention tointegrated microsystems targeting wired/wirelessmultichannel interfacing with the nervous systemat the cellular level in biological hosts. The aim isto provide students familiar with microfabricationand integrated circuit design with an application-driven, system-level overview of sensors andmicroelectronics in microsystems format for neuralengineering. Recommended preparation: EECS426.

EECS 526. Integrated Mixed-Signal Systems. 3Units.

Mixed-signal (analog/digital) integrated circuitdesign. D-to-A and A-to-D conversion, applicationsin mixed-signal VLSI, low-noise and low-powertechniques, and communication sub-circuits.System simulation at the transistor and behaviorallevels using SPICE. Class will design a mixed-signal CMOS IC for fabrication by MOSIS.Recommended preparation: EECS 426.

EECS 527. Advanced Sensors: Theory andTechniques. 3 Units.

Sensor technology with a primary focus onsemiconductor-based devices. Physical principlesof energy conversion devices (sensors) witha review of relevant fundamentals: elasticitytheory, fluid mechanics, silicon fabrication andmicromachining technology, semiconductor devicephysics. Classification and terminology of sensors,defining and measuring sensor characteristics andperformance, effect of the environment on sensors,predicting and controlling sensor error. Mechanical,acoustic, magnetic, thermal, radiation, chemicaland biological sensors will be examined. Sensorpackaging and sensor interface circuitry.

EECS 531. Computer Vision. 3 Units.

Geometric optics, ray matrics, calibration ofmonocular and stereo imaging systems. Adaptivecamera thresholding and image segmentation,morphological and convolutional image processing.Selected topics including edge estimation andindustrial inspection, optimal filtering, modelmatching, CAD-based vision and range imageprocessing. Neural-net image processing. Model-based computer vision for scene interpretation andautonomous systems. Recommended preparation:EECS 490 or equivalent.

EECS 589. Robotics II. 3 Units.

Survey of research issues in robotics. Force control,visual servoing, robot autonomy, on-line planning,high-speed control, man/machine interfaces, robotlearning, sensory processing for real-time control.Primarily a project-based lab course in whichstudents design real-time software executing onmulti-processors to control an industrial robot.Recommended preparation: EECS 489.

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EECS 591. Advanced Artificial Intelligence. 3Units.

An advanced course surveying topics in artificialintelligence, machine learning, and intelligentcontrol. Topics will move toward state-of-researchin areas including fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms,stochastic search, task-level learning, reinforcementlearning, and approximate dynamic programming.Reading of primary literature. Project required.

EECS 600. Special Topics. 1 - 18 Unit.

EECS 600T. Graduate Teaching III. 0 Units.

This course will provide Ph.D. candidate withexperience in teaching undergraduate or graduatestudents. The experience is expected to involvedirect student contact but will be based uponthe specific departmental needs and teachingobligations. This teaching experience will beconducted under the supervision of the facultymember who is responsible for the course, butthe academic advisor will assess the educationalplan to ensure that it provides an educationalexperience for the student. Students in this coursemay be expected to perform one or more ofthe following teaching related activities runningrecitation sessions, providing laboratory assistance,developing teaching or lecture materials presentinglectures. Recommended preparation: Ph.D. studentin EECS department.

EECS 601. Independent Study. 1 - 18 Unit.

EECS 602. Advanced Projects Laboratory. 1 - 18Unit.

EECS 620. Special Topics. 1 - 18 Unit.

EECS 621. Special Projects. 1 - 18 Unit.

EECS 649. Project M.S.. 1 - 9 Unit.

EECS 651. Thesis M.S.. 1 - 18 Unit.

EECS 701. Dissertation Ph.D.. 1 - 18 Unit.

Prereq: Predoctoral research consent or advancedto Ph.D. candidacy milestone.

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Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering

314 Kent Smith Building (7202) Schiraldi, Professor and

Macromolecular science and engineering is thestudy of the synthesis, structure, processing, andproperties of polymers. These giant moleculesare the basis of synthetic materials includingplastics, fibers, rubber, films, paints, membranes,and adhesives. Research is constantly expandingthese applications through the development of newhigh performance polymers, e.g. for engineeringcomposites, electronic, optical, and biomedicaluses. In addition, most biological systems arecomposed of macromolecules—proteins (e.g. silk,wool, tendon), carbohydrates (e.g. cellulose) andnucleic acids (RNA and DNA) are polymers and arestudied by the same methods that are applied tosynthetic polymers.

Production of polymers and their components iscentral to the chemical industry, and statistics showthat over 75 percent of all chemists and chemicalengineers in industry are involved with some aspectof polymers. Despite this, formal education in thisarea is offered by only a few universities in thiscountry, resulting in a continued strong demand forour graduates upon completion of their BS, MS, orPhD degrees.


The research activities of the department spanthe entire scope of macromolecular science andpolymer technology.


New types of macromolecules are being madein the department’s synthesis laboratories. Theemphasis is on creating polymers with novelfunctional properties such as photoconductivity,selective permeation, and biocompatibility, andin producing new materials which behave likeclassical polymers without being linked together bycovalent bonds.

Physical Characterization

This is the broad area of polymer analysis, whichseeks to relate the structure of the polymer atthe molecular level to the bulk properties that

determine its actual or potential applications.This includes characterization of polymers byinfrared, Raman, and NMR and mass spectroscopy,thermal and rheological analysis, determinationof structure and morphology by x-ray diffraction,electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy,permeability and free volume, and investigationof molecular weights and conformation by lightscattering.

Mechanical Behavior and Analysis

Polymeric materials are known for their unusualmechanical capabilities, usually exploited ascomponents of structural systems. Analysisincludes the study of viscoelastic behavior, yieldingand fracture phenomena and a variety of novelirreversible deformation processes.


A major concern of industry is the efficient andlarge scale production of polymer materials forcommercial applications. Research in this areais focusing on reactive processing, multi-layerprocessing and polymer mixing, i.e., compoundingand blends. The integration of sensors andprocessing equipment, and methods for examiningchanges in structure and composition duringprocessing steps are growing areas of inquiry. Bothlaboratory and simulation research are brought tobear on these critical issues.

Materials Development andDesign

Often, newly conceived products require thedevelopment of polymeric materials with certainspecific properties or design characteristics.Materials can be tailor-made by designingsynthesis and processing conditions to yield thebest performance under specified conditions.Examples might be the design of photoluminescentand semi-conducting polymers for use inoptoelectronic devices, polymers that arestable at high temperatures for fire-retardantconstruction materials, high temperature polymerelectrolytes for use in advanced fuel cells, lowdensity thermal insulating polymer compositematerials, advanced polymeric optical devices,and biocompatible polymers for use in prostheticimplants, reconstructive medicine and drug-deliveryvehicles.

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Living systems are composed primarily ofmacromolecules, and research is in progresson several projects of medical relevance. Thedepartment has a long-standing interest in thehierarchical structure and properties of thecomponents of connective tissues (e.g., skin,cartilage, and bone). The department is alsoengaged in the development of new biocompatiblepolymers for applications in human health.

Undergraduate Programs

In 1970, the department introduced a programleading to the Bachelor of Science in Engineeringdegree with a major in polymer science, whichis designed to prepare the student both foremployment in polymer-based industry and forgraduate education in polymer science. TheBachelor of Science program is accredited by theEngineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,Inc.

The Case School of Engineering is proud thatthis was the first such undergraduate programin the country to receive accreditation from theEngineering Council for Professional Development.The curriculum combines courses dealing with allaspects of polymer science and engineering withbasic courses in chemistry, physics, mathematics,and biology, depending on the needs and interestsof the student. The student chooses a sequenceof technical electives, in consultation with a facultyadvisor, allowing a degree of specialization inone particular area of interest, e.g., biomaterials,chemical engineering, biochemistry, or physics.In addition to required formal laboratory courses,students are encouraged to participate in theresearch activities of the department, both throughpart-time employment as student laboratorytechnicians and through the senior projectrequirement-a one-or two-semester project thatinvolves the planning and performance of aresearch project.

Polymer science undergraduates are also stronglyencouraged to seek summer employment inindustrial laboratories during at least one of theirthree years with the department. In additionto the general undergraduate curriculum inmacromolecular science, the department offersthree specialized programs which lead to theBS with a macromolecular science major. Thecooperative program contains all the coursework required for full-time resident students plusone or two six-month cooperative sessions inpolymer-based industry. The company is selected

by the student in consultation with his or heradvisor, depending on the available opportunities.The dual-degree program allows students towork simultaneously on two baccalaureate leveldegrees within the university. It generally takesfive years to complete the course requirementsfor each department for the degree. The BS/MSprogram leads to the simultaneous completion ofrequirements for both the master’s and bachelor’sdegrees. Students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 mayapply for admission to this program in their junioryear.

Mission Statement

To educate students who will excel and lead inthe development of polymeric materials and theapplication of structure-property relationships. Thedepartment seeks to prepare students for eitherprofessional employment or advanced education,primarily in this or related science or engineeringdisciplines, but also in professional schools ofbusiness, law or medicine. Undergraduate studentsare offered opportunities for significant researchexperience, capitalizing on the strength of ourgraduate program.

Program Educational Objectives

Our program will produce graduates who:

1. Are competent, creative, and highly valuedprofessionals in industry, academia, orgovernment.

2. Are flexible and adaptable in the workplace,possess the capacity to embrace newopportunities of emerging technologies,and embrace leadership and teamworkopportunities, all affording sustainableengineering careers.

3. Continue their professional developmentby obtaining advanced degrees in PolymerScience and Engineering or other professionalfields, as well as medicine, law, management,finance or public policy.

4. Act with global, ethical, societal, ecological,and commercial awareness expected ofpracticing engineering professionals.

Program Outcomes

Graduates receiving the Bachelor of Sciencedegree in Engineering (major field: PolymerScience and Engineering) at Case WesternReserve University are expected to have attained:

118 Case School of Engineering

• an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,science, and engineering

• an ability to design and conduct experiments, aswell as to analyze and interpret data

• an ability to design a system, component, orprocess to meet desired needs

• an ability to function in multi-disciplinary teams

• an ability to identify, formulate, and solveengineering problems

• an understanding of professional and ethicalresponsibility

• an ability to communicate effectively

• the broad education necessary to understand theimpact of engineering solutions in a global andsocietal context

• a recognition of the need for, and an ability toengage in life-long learning

• a knowledge of contemporary issues

• an ability to use the techniques, skills, andmodern engineering tools necessary forengineering practice

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

Suggested Program of Study:Major in Polymer Science andEngineering

(standard track)

First Year Units

Fall Spring

Humanities/Social Science 3Principles of Chemistry for Engineers

(CHEM 111)a4

Elementary Computer Programming (ENGR


Calculus for Science and Engineering I

(MATH 121)a4

FSCC 100 Sages First Seminara 4

PHED Physical Education Activities

SAGES University Seminar Ib 3

Chemistry of Materials (ENGR 145)a 4

Calculus for Science and Engineering II

(MATH 122)a4

General Physics I - Mechanics (PHYS 121)a 4

Freshman Research on Polymers (EMAC125)


PHED Physical Education ActivitiesYear Total: 18 16

Second Year Units

Fall Spring

SAGES University Seminar IIb 3

Introductory Organic Chemistry I (CHEM223)


Introduction to Polymer Science and

Engineering (EMAC 270)a3

Calculus for Science and Engineering III

(MATH 223)a3

General Physics II - Electricity and

Magnetism (PHYS 122)a4

Humanities or Social Science 3Introductory Organic Chemistry II (CHEM224)


Polymer Properties and Design (EMAC276) ((SAGES Departmental Seminar))


Elementary Differential Equations (MATH224)


Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heatand Mass Transfer (ENGR 225)


Year Total: 16 16

Third Year Units

Fall Spring

Humanities or Social Sciences 3

Natural Science electivec 3

Chemical Laboratory Methods for Engineers(CHEM 290)


Physical Chemistry for Engineering (EMAC351)


Statics and Strength of Materials (ENGR200)


Technical electived,e

Humanities or Social Sciences 3Polymer Analysis Laboratory (EMAC 355) 3Polymer Engineering (EMAC 376) 3Professional Communication for Engineers(ENGL 398N)


Technical elective IIe 3

Year Total: 15 15

Fourth Year Units

Fall Spring

Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation

(ENGR 210)a4

Polymer Chemistry and Industry (EMAC370)


Polymer Processing (EMAC 377) 3Polymer Science and Engineering Project I

(EMAC 398) ((SAGES Capstone Course))a,f1 - 3

Technical elective IIIe 3

Open elective 3Polymer Processing and Testing Laboratory(EMAC 372)


Case Western Reserve University 119

Polymer Engineer Design Product (EMAC378)


Technical elective IIIe 3

Technical elective IVe 3

Year Total: 14-16 15 Total Units in Sequence: 125-127

Hours required for graduation: 129

a Engineering Core Courses.

b Choice of USNA, USSO, or USSY coursefocused on thinking about the natural, social,or symbolic “world.”

c Approved Natural Science electives:

• PHYS 221 Introduction to Modern Physics

• STAT 312 Basic Statistics for Engineeringand Science

• PHYS 349 Methods of MathematicalPhysics I

• BIOC 307 General Biochemistry

d EMAC 325 may be taken as a technicalelective.

e Technical sequence must be approved bydepartment advisor.

f Preparation for the polymer science projectshould commence in the previous semester.

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

Suggested Program of Study:Major in Polymer Science andEngineering

(biomaterials track)

First Year Units

Fall Spring

Humanities or Social Sciencesa 3

Principles of Chemistry for Engineers

(CHEM 111)a4

Elementary Computer Programming (ENGR


Calculus for Science and Engineering I

(MATH 121)a4

FSCC 100 Sages First Seminara 4

PHED Physical Education Activities

SAGES University Seminar Ib 3

Chemistry of Materials (ENGR 145)a 4

Calculus for Science and Engineering II

(MATH 122)a4

General Physics I - Mechanics (PHYS 121)a 4

PHED Physical Education ActivitiesYear Total: 18 15

Second Year Units

Fall Spring

SAGES University Seminar IIb 3

Physiology-Biophysics I (EBME 201) 3Introduction to Polymer Science and

Engineering (EMAC 270)a3

Calculus for Science and Engineering III

(MATH 223)a3

General Physics II - Electricity and

Magnetism (PHYS 122)a4

Humanities or Social Sciences IIa 3

Physiology-Biophysics II (EBME 202)d 3

Polymer Properties and Design (EMAC276) ((SAGES Departmental Seminar))


Elementary Differential Equations (MATH


Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heat

and Mass Transfer (ENGR 225)a4

Year Total: 16 16

Third Year Units

Fall Spring

Humanities or Social Sciencesa 3

Introductory Organic Chemistry I (CHEM


Chemical Laboratory Methods for Engineers(CHEM 290)


Introduction to Biomedical Materials (EBME306)


Physical Chemistry for Engineering (EMAC351)


Statics and Strength of Materials (ENGR


Natural Science electivec 3

Introductory Organic Chemistry II (CHEM


Polymer Engineering (EMAC 376) 3Structure of Biological Materials (EMAC303)


Physical Chemistry for Engineering (EMAC

351) (or technical elective)e,f3

Year Total: 18 15

Fourth Year Units

Fall Spring

Humanities or Social Sciencesa 3

Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation

(ENGR 210)a4

120 Case School of Engineering

Polymer Chemistry and Industry (EMAC370)


Polymer Processing (EMAC 377) 3Technical elective IORPolymer Processing and Testing Laboratory

(EMAC 372)e,f3

Polymer Engineer Design Product (EMAC378)


Polymer Science and EngineeringProject I (EMAC 398) ((SAGES Capstone


1 - 3

Professional Communication for Engineers

(ENGL 398N)a3

Technical elective IIf 3

Technical elective IIIf 3

Year Total: 16 13-15 Total Units in Sequence: 127-129

Hours required for graduation: 129

a Engineering Core Courses.

b Choice of USNA, USSO, or USSY coursefocused on thinking about the natural, social,or symbolic “world.”

c Approved Natural Science electives:

• BIOL 214 Genes, Evolution and Ecology(d);

• BIOL 215 Cells and Proteins (d);

• BIOC 307 General Biochemistry (d);

• BIOL 362 Principles of DevelopmentalBiology

d Suggested for pre-med students.

e Students are required to take either EMAC355 Polymer Analysis Laboratoryor EMAC 372 Polymer Processing andTesting Laboratory.

f The three technical electives have to betaken from:

• EBME 315 Applied Tissue Engineering;

• EBME 316 Biomaterials for Drug Delivery;

• EBME 325 Introduction to TissueEngineering;

• EBME 350 Quantitative MolecularBioengineering;

• EBME 408 Engineering Tissues/Materials -Learning from Nature’s Paradigms;

• EBME 426 Nanomedicine;

• EMAC 471 Polymers in Medicine / EBME406 Polymers in Medicine;

• a three-credit research sequence of EMAC125 Freshman Research on Polymers and/or EMAC 325 Undergraduate Research inPolymer Science.

g Preparation for the polymer science projectshould commence in the previous semester.

Case Western Reserve University 121

Minor in Polymer Science andEngineering

The minor in Polymer Science and Engineeringconsists of five courses from the list below (specialarrangements can be made to include appropriateEMAC graduate courses as well).

Choose any five of the following: 15EMAC 270 Introduction to Polymer Science and

EngineeringEMAC 276 Polymer Properties and DesignEMAC 351 Physical Chemistry for EngineeringEMAC 355 Polymer Analysis LaboratoryEMAC 370 Polymer Chemistry and IndustryEMAC 375 Fundamentals of Non-Newtonian Fluid

Mechanics and Polymer RheologyEMAC 376 Polymer EngineeringEMAC 377 Polymer ProcessingEMAC 378 Polymer Engineer Design Product

Total Units 15

Graduate Programs

Courses leading to the Master of Science (MS)and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees inmacromolecular science are offered withinthe Case School of Engineering. They aredesigned to increase the student’s knowledge ofmacromolecular science and of his own basic areaof scientific interest, with application to specificpolymer research problems. Research programsderive particular benefit from close cooperation withgraduate programs in chemistry, physics, materialsscience, chemical engineering, biological sciences,and other engineering areas. The interdisciplinaryacademic structure allows the faculty to fit theindividual program to the student’s backgroundand career plans. Basic and advanced courses areoffered in polymer synthesis, physical chemistry,physics, biopolymers, and applied polymer scienceand engineering. A laboratory course in polymercharacterization instructs students in the use ofmodern experimental techniques and equipment.Graduate students are also encouraged to takeadvanced course work in polymer solid statephysics, physical chemistry, synthesis, rheology,and polymer processing. The department alsooffers, in conjunction with the School of Medicine,a six- to seven-year MD/PhD program for studentsinterested in the application of polymers andplastics to medicine, as well as for studentsinterested in a molecular structural basis ofmedicine, particularly related to connective tissues,biomechanics, aging, pharmaceuticals, and bloodbehavior. Initiated in 1977, it is the only program ofits kind in the nation.

Master of Science

Master’s Thesis (Plan A)

The minimum requirement to complete a master’sdegree under Plan A is 27 hours. Of the 27 hours,at least 18 hours must be coursework, and 9 hoursmust be EMAC 651 (thesis research). At least 18semester hours of coursework, including thesis,must be at the 400 level or higher.

All Plan A MS students must take 6 credits ofdepartmental fundamentals courses including thelab component. Please note: Once a student beginsregistration of EMAC 651, the student must registerfor at least one credit hour of this course everysemester until graduation. The normal residencyperiod for an MS degree is 2 years.

For completion of master’s degree Plan A, anoral examination (defense) of the master’s thesisis required. The examination is conducted by acommittee of three University faculty members.The candidate’s thesis advisor usually servesas the chair of the examining committee. Thechair of the department or the curricular programfaculty appoints members of the committee. Theexamining committee must agree unanimously thatthe candidate has passed the thesis examination.

Master’s Comprehensive (Plan B)

The master’s Plan B program is available forindividuals who live out-of-state or are working full-time. A research report and oral examination isrequired before graduation. This option requires 27total credit hours; categorized by the following:

1. 3-6 cr. hrs. need to be project credit(independent study) which needs to beapproved by advisor

2. 21-24 course credits (of which 9 must be basedin Macromolecular Science); and

3. 6 core course credits; EMAC 678 (lab course)is not required.

Each candidate for the master’s degree underPlan B must satisfactorily pass a comprehensiveexamination, which is administered by thedepartment or curricular program committee. Theexamination may be written or oral or both. Astudent must be registered during the semester inwhich any part of the comprehensive examinationis taken. If not registered for other courses, thestudent will be required to register for one semesterhour of EXAM 600, Comprehensive Examination,before taking the examination.

122 Case School of Engineering

Elective and core courses can be taken viaDistance Learning (ITN) or by transfer (transfersneed to be approved by chair of department anddean of graduate studies; core courses also needsinstructors’ approval).

PhD Programs

The PhD program consists of 36 hours ofcoursework including the departmental corecourses and 18 credit hours of PhD thesis (EMAC701/702) are required for the PhD degree, inaddition to passing the research qualifying exam(oral proposal) and the written qualifying exam.

Of the coursework credit requirements, the corecourses are designated as “depth” courses(12 credits). In addition, all students will takea minimum of two breadth courses in basicscience and/or other departments in the Schoolof Engineering (for a total of six credits). Theremaining breadth requirements (up to 18credits) are satisfied by course modules taken inMacromolecular Science and Engineering.

Each doctoral student is responsible for becomingsufficiently familiar with the research interestsof the department or program faculty to choosein a timely manner a faculty member who willserve as the student’s research advisor. Theresearch adviser is expected to provide mentorshipin research conception, methods, performanceand ethics, as well as focus on development ofthe student’s professional communication skills,building professional contacts in the field, andfostering the professional behavior standard of thefield and research in general.

The research adviser also assists with the selectionof three other faculty to serve as the requiredadditional members of the dissertation advisorycommittee. This committee must be formedwithin the second semester following admission.Throughout the development and completion ofthe dissertation, these members are expected toprovide constructive criticism and helpful ideasgenerated by the research problem from theviewpoint of their particular expertise. Each memberwill make an assessment of the originality of thedissertation, its value, the contribution it makes andthe clarity with which concepts are communicated,especially to a person outside the field.

The doctoral student is expected to arrangemeetings and maintain periodic contact witheach committee member. A meeting of the fullcommittee for the purpose of assessing thestudent’s progress should occur at least once ayear until the completion of the dissertation.

For students entering the PhD program with aMS degree, 18, instead of 36 credit hours of

coursework is required. Other requirements fora PhD remain the same as described above.Normally students should orient their trainingaround their main area of interest/expertise andin relation to their research program. For thoseenrolled in the MD/PhD degree program, all 18course credits for breadth and depth courses mustbe taken within the Medical School Program.

The core courses designated as depth courses are:

EMAC 401 Polymer SynthesisEMAC 402 Polymer Physical ChemistryEMAC 403 Polymer PhysicsEMAC 404 Polymer Engineering

Students are required to take all four depth courses(12 credits), but on the approval of the instructor,can be excused from one or more of the coursesif the relevant course content is not satisfied by acourse taken in prior undergraduate or graduatedegrees. However, the excused credits must befulfilled by taking additional breadth courses. NOTE:While EMAC 401 and 402, and EMAC 403 and 404are offered at the same time in the Fall and Springsemesters, respectively, students can still sign upfor both courses, since one is offered in the first halfand the other in the second half of the semester.

Two courses in basic science and/or engineeringare required. These courses can be taken inother Departments of the School of Engineering,or in the Departments of Mathematics, Biology,Biochemistry, Chemistry, or Physics as approvedby the advisor.

As part of the course requirements, all studentsare required to register for EMAC 677 (the Fridaydepartmental seminars) which will be graded witheither “Pass” or “No Pass.”

Students who have taken EMAC 370 and 376as undergraduates can use these courses tofulfill one or more of the depth requirements inthe Department of Macromolecular Science andEngineering for the MS and PhD degree. However,the credits for this course cannot be appliedtowards the course credit requirements for thegraduate degree. Exceptions are possible for thecombined BS/MS program.

Engineering School Requirements

Depths: The foundation courses are deemed tosatisfy the depth requirements (12 credits).

Breadth: Two courses in basic science and/orother departments in the School of Engineering(for a total of six credits). The remaining breadthrequirements (18 credits) are satisfied by coursemodules taken in Macromolecular Science andEngineering.

Case Western Reserve University 123

Graduate Rules

Graduates entering the Department ofMacromolecular Science and Engineeringare subject to the academic rules of theUniversity, of the School of Engineering, andof the Department. Consult the GraduateStudent Handbook (

A short abstract of important points include:

1. GPA requirements are described below in theDepartmental Rules.

2. A student receiving a “U” in a course isautomatically placed on probation and must removehim/herself from probation within one year (usuallyby repeating the course). If a course is repeated,both original and revised grades will count in thegrade point average.

3. Some students are admitted on a probationarybasis and must achieve a 3.0 GPA after twosemesters to remain in good standing (this is a ruleof the Engineering School).

4. Students entering the graduate program for aPhD will need to fill out the “Planned Program ofStudy"by the end of their second semester.

5. All students are required to serve as teachingassistants. Responsibilities as a TA include servingas an instructor, lab assistant, recitation leader,grader, or tutor in an undergraduate course. Afterfulfilling the required teaching assistant program,UNIV 400, students will make sure that threeteaching courses (400T, 500T, and 600T) are listedon their Planned Program of Study. Completionof this teaching requirement will be monitoredby Graduate Studies and is required in order tograduate.

Engineering School Rules

Most of these rules are incorporated in the numberand type of courses required by the Department.However, Case School of Engineering PhDstudents are required to 1) maintain full-time statusas a PhD bound student; 2) maintain a grade pointaverage of 3.2 or above; and 3) continue makingsatisfactory academic progress as certified by theiradvisor.

Departmental Rules

1. Students in the PhD program receiving a GPAbelow 2.50 in any two consecutive semesters willbe asked to terminate their graduate study program.

2. The GPA requirement established by theuniversity at various stages of the graduateprogram shall exclude MS or PhD thesis creditswhich will be graded “S” or “U” until a final grade isgiven at the end of the program. Hence a studentmust maintain a minimum GPA of 2.75 (for an MS)OR a 3.0 (for a PhD) in coursework. (As mentionedabove, Case School of Engineering PhD studentsmust maintain a GPA of 3.2 or above.)

3. Plan A MS students must give a departmentalseminar (as part of the student lecture series).

4. Plan B MS degrees are limited to non-fellowshipstudents.

5. Coursework may be transferred from anotheruniversity, subject to Graduate Committee approvalif:

• the courses duplicate requirements of thedepartment;

• the courses were in excess of the undergraduatedegree requirements; or

• the courses were taken in a graduate programelsewhere;

• a grade of B or better was achieved in thosecourses;

• a petition is made to and approved by theGraduate Committee of the Department

• the transferred grades will not count in the GPAat CASE.

6. The Department reserves the right to withholdfinancial support to a student if that student takesan undue amount of time in completing his/her MSor PhD requirements (normally no longer than 3years for MS and 5 years after initial registration ofEMAC 701).

7. A PhD student must pass the written QualifyingExam within 18 months after enrollment with a MSdegree into the PhD program. A PhD student mustpass the written Qualifying Exam within 24 monthsafter enrollment with a BS degree into the PhDprogram. A student only has two chances to passthe Qualifying Exam.

Students will be asked to answer 4 mandatoryquestions – one from each of the following fiveareas:

124 Case School of Engineering

• Polymer Synthesis

• Polymer Physical Chemistry

• Polymer Physics

• Applied Polymer Science

• Seminars (from the previous year)

Two elective questions will be chosen from anumber of questions from all elective coursesoffered in the Department. NOTE: The QualifyingExam is given twice per year respectively on thefirst Friday in the beginning and the first Fridayafter the end of the Spring semester. For PhDstudents enrolled in a Spring semester, those withMS must pass the Qualifying Exam at the end ofhis/her second Spring semester, and those with BSmust pass it at the beginning of his/her third Springsemester.

8. The Research Qualifying Exam (RQE) isdesigned to test the student’s knowledge of thechosen field as well as his/her originality and abilityto perform high quality, independent research. Itconsists of a written research proposal and an oraldefense. All PhD students who hold an MS degreemust pass the RQE within 2 years of enrolling inthe PhD program, while students with a BS degreemust do so within 2.5 years. Successful passing ofthe Written Qualifying Exam (not to be confusedwith the written portion of this RQE) is prerequisiteto taking the RQE. Students have two chancesto pass the RQE and no student will be allowedto continue on to a PhD degree if he/she has notsuccessfully taken it. A conditional pass with majorrevision (see below) requires modification to thewritten or oral portion, at the examination committeediscretion, within ten business days and followingguidelines by the examination committee. A secondexam, if required due to failure of the first exam,must be taken within six months of the first examwith at least one examination committee memberremaining the same. Passing the exam constitutesadvancement to candidacy and is required forenrolling in EMAC 701, “Dissertation PhD”

9. At least three (3) weeks prior to the RQE oraldefense, the student will submit to the graduatechairperson a research proposal title with a one-paragraph synopsis of the research problemand approach, along with suggestions for twomembers ((i) and (ii), below) of the three memberexamining committee. The examining committeewill consist of three faculty members: (i) a member(or intended member) of the student’s ThesisAdvisory Committee, (ii) an expert in the researchproposal area and (iii) a faculty member selectedsystematically and in a neutral manner by theGraduate Committee. The student’s primary thesisadvisor or co-advisors is/are excluded from the

examining committee. Upon establishing theexamining committee, the student will arrange withthe committee for the date, time, and location ofthe RQE. The student will then distribute the writtenresearch proposal to the examining committee fivefull business days before the defense. It shouldbe no less than 15 and no more than 20 pages ofdouble-spaced text with 1” margins on all sides.No more than 5 pages can be devoted to theproposal introduction or background. Figures,tables, and schemes should not exceed fivepages in total. Literature citations are in additionto this page count. The oral presentation willbe chaired by a designated chairperson fromthe examining committee. It should contain onlylimited background material, focusing primarilyon execution of the proposed research. Theoral presentation should last 20-30 minutes,with questions from faculty being for clarificationonly. Following the presentation, the examiningcommittee will ask questions for the student toanswer concerning the proposal. On the basis ofthe written proposal and oral defense (presentationand question responses) the faculty will then conferand tender a decision of pass, conditional pass withmajor revision, or fail, immediately. The decisionwill be communicated to the student and graduatechairperson in writing within one business day.

10. All PhD students are required to fulfill theirteaching requirement by registering for the threeteaching courses, 400T, 500T, and 600T that will beposted to the departmental roster each semester.Completion of the teaching requirement will bemonitored by Graduate Studies, and these threeteaching courses must appear both on the Programof Study form and the student’s transcript.

11. It is expected that all students will present theresults of their research in a Departmental Seminar.This is mandatory for students enrolled in the PhDprogram. Attendance and registration for theseseminars (EMAC 677: Colloquia Seminars) is alsomandatory.

12. The department requires the equivalent ofsix credit hours of departmental assistance. Thisrequirement takes the form of grading, laboratoryassistance and/or general departmental duties andis designed to utilize no more than three hours/week of a student’s time. The departmental servicerequirement must be completed within the first twosemesters of study. However, the departmentalservice requirement form must be turned in at theend of the each semester until the obligation is met.

13. Vacation Policy. Graduate students in thedepartment who receive fellowship support for 12months are normally entitled to two weeks vacationplus national holidays. Alternative arrangementsmay be made with the student’s advisor, givingample advance notice. In certain situations it is

Case Western Reserve University 125

possible to take a leave of absence without financialsupport.

14. Prior to graduation a student is required to cleanout his/her laboratory space including a removal ofwaste solvents and hazardous material.

15. Failure to comply with all of the above courserequirements may result in termination or delaygraduation.


The Kent Hale Smith Science and EngineeringBuilding houses the Department of MacromolecularScience. The building was built in 1993, andspecifically designed to meet the specific needs ofpolymer research. The facility consists of five floors,plus a basement. The laboratories for chemicalsynthesis are located principally on the top floor,the molecular and materials characterizationlaboratories on the middle floors, and the majorengineering equipment on the ground floor, whilethe NMR, MALDI-TOF, and TA-InstrumentsThermalCharacterization instrumentation are locatedin the basement. Modern, computer-interfacedclassrooms are installed on the ground floor.Additional instrumentation available includes Smalland Wide-Angle X-ray diffractometers; scanningelectron microscopy; a complete range of molecularspectroscopic equipment including FTIR, laserRaman, and high resolution solution and solid-stateNMR (including imaging), as well as Raman andFTIR microscopes; and dynamic light scatteringspectroscopy. There are also facilities for polymercharacterization (molecular weight distribution),optical microscopy, solution and bulk rheology,scanning calorimetry, and for testing and evaluatingthe mechanical properties of materials. A newlybuilt-out processing lab provides the completesuite of Thermo-Fisher batch, single- and twin-screw mixing and extrusion equipment, as well asthat manufacturer’s state of the art rheometers.The C. Richard Newpher polymer processinglaboratory includes a high temperature RheometricsRMS-800 dynamic mechanical spectrometer, aBomem DA-3 FTIR with FT-Raman capabilities,a compression molding machine, a Brabenderplasticorder, a high speed Instron testing machine,and a vibrating sample magnetometer. The CharlesE. Reed ’34 Laboratory is concerned with themechanical analysis of polymeric materials. Themajor testing is done by Instron Universal testinginstruments including an Instron model 1123 withnumerous accessories such as an environmentalchamber for high or low temperature experiments.Additional mechanical testing of fibers, films andinjection-molded (Boy model 22-S) are providedby MTS universal testers which are used for both

research and undergraduate teaching laboratoryclasses. The NSF Center for Layered PolymericSystems (CLiPS) has its central facility within thedepartment, with three cutting-edge multilayerextrusion systems as its centerpiece. CLiPS alsooperates a Bruckner KARO IV biaxial stretchingunit, which allows controlled biaxial stretching ofpolymer films, and an Atomic Force Microscopewhich probes the morphological and mechanicalproperties of materials at the nanoscale. TheMolecular Modeling Center provides access tovarious software packages for the rheological andmolecular modeling of polymers.


David Schiraldi, Ph.D.(University of Oregon)Professor and ChairAdvanced composites based on aerogels andnanofillers, monomer and polymer synthesis,structure-property relationships, polymerdegradation, polymerization catalysis, syntheticfibers, barrier packaging materials.

Eric Baer, D. Eng.(Johns Hopkins University)Director, Centered for Layered Polymeric Systems(CLiPS) and Herbert Henry Dow Professor ofScience and EngineeringMultilayered and ultrathin polymer filmsand devices. Irreversible microdeformationmechanisms; pressure effects on morphologyand mechanical properties; relationships betweenhierarchical structure and mechanical function;mechanical properties of soft connective tissue;polymer composites and blends; polymerization andcrystallization on crystalline surfaces; viscoelasticproperties of polymer melts; damage and fractureanalysis of polymers and their composites.Structure-property relationships in biologicalsystems

John Blackwell, Ph.D.(University of Leeds, England)Leonard Case Jr. ProfessorDetermination of the solid state structure andmorphology of polymers. X-ray analysis ofthe structure of thermotropic copolyesters,copolyimides, polyurethanes, polysaccharides;supramolecular assemblies, fluoropolymers;molecular modeling of semi-crystalline and liquidcrystalline polymers; rheological properties ofpolysaccharides and glycoproteins

Liming Dai, Ph.D.(Australian National University)Kent Hale Smith ProfessorMultifunctional Nanomaterials; OptoelectronicMacromolecules; and Biomaterials andBioinspiration.

126 Case School of Engineering

Hatsuo Ishida, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)ProfessorProcessing of polymers and composite materials;structural analysis of surfaces and interfaces;molecular spectroscopy of synthetic polymers

Alexander M. Jamieson, D. Phil(Oxford University, England)PrfofessorQuasielastic laser light scattering; relaxationand transport of macromolecules in solution andbulk; structure-function relationships of biologicalmacromolecules

LaShanda T. Korley, Ph.D.(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Assistant ProfessorStructure-function relationships; tougheningmechanisms in segmented copolymers; spatialconfinement of self-assembled materials, includingbiomaterials; hierarchical microstructures

João Maia, Ph.D.(University of Wales Aberystwyth, U.K.)Associate ProfessorPolymer Rheology: Extensional Rheology andRheometry; Micro- and nano-Rheology; Bio-Rheology: Food Rheology and Processing.Rheology for Macromolecular Technology:Development and optimization of polymer blendsand composites; Viscoelasticity of micro- and nano-layered polymer films; On- and in-line monitoringof extrusion-based processes; Micro-Processing.Environmental Rheology and Processing

Ica Manas-Zloczower, D.Sc.(Israel Institute of Technology)Professor and Associate Dean of FacultyDevelopmentStructure and micromechanics of fine particleclusters; interfacial engineering strategies foradvanced materials processing; dispersive mixingmechanisms and modeling; design and mixingoptimization studies for polymer processingequipment through flow simulations

Stuart Rowan, Ph.D.(University of Glasgow, UK)Kent Hale Smith ProfessorOrganic chemistry, synthesis, supramolecularchemistry, conducting polymers, interlockedmacromolecules (polyrotaxanes andpolycatenanes), peptide nucleic acids,supramolecular polymerization, reversible ‘dynamic’chemistry and combinatorial libraries

Gary Wnek, Ph.D.(University of Massachusetts, Amherst)The Joseph F. Toot, Jr., Professor of Engineeringand Faculty Director, The Institute for Managementand Engineering (TiME)Polymers with unusual electrical or opticalproperties; biomaterials for tissue engineeringand regenerative medicine; electric field-mediatedprocessing (electrospinning of nano- and microfibers and morphology modulation in polymerblends); polymer-based microfluidic platforms;polymer product design

Lei Zhu, Ph.D.(University of Akron)Associate ProfessorNanoscale structure and morphology of crystalline/liquid crystalline polymers and block copolymers;ferroelectric and dielectric polymers for electricenergy storage; polymer/inorganic hybridnanocomposites; biodegradable polymers fordiagnostic and drug delivery

Emeriti Faculty

Jack L. Koenig, Ph.D.(University of Nebraska, Lincoln)The Donnell Institute Professor EmeritusPolymer structure-property relationships usinginfrared, Raman, NMR spectroscopy andspectroscopic imaging techniques

Jerome B. Lando, Ph.D.(Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn)Professor EmeritusSolid state polymerization; X-ray crystallography ofpolymers; electrical properties of polymers; ultra-thin polymer films

Morton H. Litt, Ph.D.(Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn)Professor EmeritusKinetics and mechanisms of free radical andionic polymerization; mechanical properties ofpolymers; fluorocarbon chemistry; synthesis ofnovel monomers and polymers; polymer electricalproperties; cross-linked liquid crystal polymers

Charles E. Rogers, Ph.D.(Syracuse University and State University of NewYork)Professor EmeritusTransport and mechanical properties of polymers;synthesis and properties of multicomponentsystems; environmental effect on polymers;adhesion, adhesives, and coatings

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Secondary Faculty

James M. Anderson, Ph.D.(Oregon State University, M.D.)Professor of Macromolecular Science, Pathology,and Biomedical EngineeringBiocompatability, inflammation, foriegn bodyreaction to medical devices, prostheses, andbiomaterials

Donald Feke, Ph.D., Ph.D.(Princeton University)Professor of Chemical Engineering andMacromolecular ScienceFine-particle processing, colloidal phenomena,dispersive mixing, and acoustic separation methods

Roger French, Ph.D.(F. Alex NasoMassachusetts Institute ofTechnology)F. Alex Nason Professor of Materials ScienceOptical materials and elements, optical propertiesand electronic structure of materials, andelectrodynamic van der Waals-London dispersioninteractions

Erin Lavik, Ph.D.(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Elmer Lincoln Lindseth Associate Professor inBiomedical EngineeringDevelopment of new approaches to understandand treat injuries and to diseases of the spinal cord,optic nerve, and retina

J. Adin Mann Jr., Ph.D.(Iowa State University)Professor of Chemical EngineeringSurface phenomena, interfacial dynamics, lightscattering, and stochastic processes of adsorptionand molecular rearrangement at interfaces

Roger Marchant, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)Professor of Biomedical EngineeringBiopolymers, polymer surface coatings, andproperties and characterization of polymer surfaceson implants and sensors

John Protasiewicz, Ph.D.(Cornell University)Professor of ChemistryInorganic, Organic, Main Group, Materials,Polymer, Catalysis, Organometallic Chemistry, andX-ray Crystallography

Syed Qutubuddin, Ph.D.(Carnegie-Mellon University)Professor of Chemical EngineeringSurfactant and Interfacial Phenomena inNanomaterials including Microemulsions,Nanoparticles and Polymer Nanocomposites

Charles Rosenblatt, Ph.D.(Harvard University)Professor of PhysicsExperimental condensed matter physics and liquidcrystal physics

Kenneth Singer, Ph.D.(University of Pennsylvania)Professor of PhysicsModern optics and condensed matter experimentand nonlinear optics

Philip Taylor, Ph.D.(Cambridge University, England)Perkins Professor of PhysicsPhase transitions and equations of state forcrystalline polymers; piezoelectricity andpyroelectricity

Horst von Recum, Ph.D.(University of Utah, Salt Lake City)Assistant Professor of Biomedical EngineeringNovel platforms for the delivery of moleculesand cells and the use of novel stimuli-responsivepolymers for use in gene and drug delivery

Adjunct Faculty

Elena Dormidontova, Ph.D.(Moscow State University)Adjunct Associate ProfessorStatistical physics of macromolecules, phasebehavior (phase stability and thermodynamicordering) and properties of complex polymerand biopolymer systems: biocompatible andwater-soluble polymers (their properties andapplications for biomimetics and drug delivery),hydrogen bonded and associating polymers(reversibly associated living polymers), polymer/surfactant systems, polymer micelles (atthermodynamic equilibrium and micellizationkinetics), polyelectrolytes and block copolymers

Scott E. Rickert, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct ProfessorConducting polymers; microdevices; polymerelectrodes; polymer adsorption

Alan Riga, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Full ProfessorExtensive industrial and forensic scienceexperience in laboratory testing andcharacterization of materials, pharmaceuticals,excipients, proteins, metals, alloys, polymers,biopolymers, elastomers, organic chemicals,monomers, resins, thermosets, and thermoplastics

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Christoph Weder, Dr. sc. nat.(ETH Zurich Switzerland)Adjunct Full ProfessorDesign, synthesis and investigation of structure-property relationships of novel functional polymers:polymers with unusual optic and/or electronicproperties; (semi)conducting conjugated polymers;stimuli-responsive polymers; biomimetic materials,polymer nanocomposites, supramolecularchemistry.


EMAC 125. Freshman Research on Polymers. 1Unit.

Freshman research in polymer chemistry,engineering, and physics. Students will be placedin active research groups and will participate in realresearch projects under the supervision of graduatestudents and faculty mentors.

EMAC 270. Introduction to Polymer Science andEngineering. 3 Units.

Science and engineering of large molecules.Correlation of molecular structure and propertiesof polymers in solution and in bulk. Control ofsignificant structural variables in polymer synthesis.Analysis of physical methods for characterizationof molecular weight, morphology, rheology, andmechanical behavior. Recommended preparation:ENGR 145.

EMAC 276. Polymer Properties and Design. 3Units.

The course reviews chemical and physicalstructures of a wide range of applications forsynthetic and natural polymers, and addresses"Which polymer do we choose for a specificapplication and why?" We examine the polymerproperties, the way that these depend on thechemical and physical structures, and reviewshow they are processed. We aim to understandthe advantages and disadvantages of the differentchemical options and why the actual polymers thatare used commercially are the best available interms of properties, processibility and cost. Therequirements include two written assignments andone oral presentation. Recommended preparation:ENGR 145.

EMAC 303. Structure of Biological Materials. 3Units.

Structure of proteins, nucleic acids, connectivetissue and bone, from molecular to microscopiclevels. An introduction to bioengineering biologicalmaterials and biomimetic materials, and anunderstanding of how different instruments may beused for imaging, identification and characterizationof biological materials. Offered as: EBME 303 andEMAC 303. Recommended preparation: EBME201, EMBE 202, and EMAC 270.

EMAC 325. Undergraduate Research in PolymerScience. 1 - 3 Unit.

Undergraduate laboratory research in polymerchemistry/physics/engineering. Students willundertake an independent research project,working under the mentoring of both a graduatestudent and a faculty member. A mid-term writtenprogress report is required. A written report andoral presentation will be made at the end ofthe semester. Can be taken for 1-3 credits persemester, up to a total of 6 credit hours. Studentsare expected to spend approximately 5 hours/week in the laboratory per credit registered eachsemester. Recommended preparation: Sophomore/Junior standing and consent of instructor.

EMAC 351. Physical Chemistry for Engineering.3 Units.

Principles of physical chemistry and theirapplication to systems involving physical andchemical transformations. The nature of physicalchemistry, properties of gases, overview ofthe laws of thermodynamics, thermochemistry,solutions, phases and chemical equilibrium, kineticsof chemical reaction, solutions of electrolytesand introduction to quantum mechanics, atomicstructure and molecular statistics. Recommendedpreparation: ENGR 225, PHYS 122.

EMAC 355. Polymer Analysis Laboratory. 3Units.

Experimental techniques in polymer synthesisand characterization. Synthesis by a varietyof polymerization mechanisms. Quantitativeinvestigation of polymer structure by spectroscopy,diffraction and microscopy. Molecular weightdetermination. Physical properties. Recommendedpreparation: EMAC 270 or MATH 224 or MATH234.

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EMAC 370. Polymer Chemistry and Industry. 3Units.

The nature of polymer chemistry ranging fromthe fundamentals of organic chemistry of polymersynthesis to the industrial chemistry of polymerproduction. Physical chemistry as it pertains to thecharacterization of polymers will also be discussed.Recommended preparation: EMAC 270, CHEM223, CHEM 224.

EMAC 372. Polymer Processing and TestingLaboratory. 3 Units.

Basic techniques for the rheologicalcharacterization of thermoplastic and thermosetresins; "hands-on" experience with the equipmentused in polymer processing methods such asextrusion, injection molding, compression molding;techniques for mechanical characterization andbasic principles of statistical quality control.Recommended preparation: EMAC 377.

EMAC 375. Fundamentals of Non-NewtonianFluid Mechanics and Polymer Rheology. 3Units.

This course will involve the study of Rheologyfrom the perspectives of rheological propertymeasurement, phenomenological and molecularmodels, and applicability to polymer processing.In particular, students will be introduced to:1)General concepts of Rheology and NewtonianFluid Mechanics, 2) Standard flows and materialfunctions; 3) The role of Rheology as a structuralcharacterization tool, with an emphasis onpolymeric systems; 4) Experimental methodsin Rheology with quantitative descriptionsof associated flows and data analyses; 5)Viscoelasticity and Non-Newtonian FluidMechanics, including the application of models,both phenomenological and molecular, to theprediction of rheological behavior and extractionof model parameters from real data sets; and6) The relevance of rheological behavior ofdifferent systems to practical processing schemes,particularly with respect to plastics manufacturing..Offered as EMAC 375 and EMAC 475. Prereq:ENGR 225 or EMAC 404.

EMAC 376. Polymer Engineering. 3 Units.

Mechanical properties of polymer materials asrelated to polymer structure and composition.Visco-elastic behavior, yielding and fracturebehavior including irreversible deformationprocesses. Recommended preparation: EMAC 276and ENGR 200. Offered as EMAC 376 and EMAC476.

EMAC 377. Polymer Processing. 3 Units.

Application of the principles of fluid mechanics,heat transfer and mass transfer to problems inpolymer processing; elementary steps in polymerprocessing (handling of particulate solids, melting,pressurization and pumping, mixing); principlesand procedures for extrusion, injection molding,reaction injection molding, secondary shaping.Recommended preparation: ENGR 225.

EMAC 378. Polymer Engineer Design Product. 3Units.

Uses material taught in previous and concurrentcourses in an integrated fashion to solve polymerproduct design problems. Practicality, externalrequirements, economics, thermal/mechanicalproperties, processing and fabrication issues,decision making with uncertainty, and proposaland report preparation are all stressed. Severalsmall exercises and one comprehensive processdesign project will be carried out by class members.Offered as EMAC 378 and EMAC 478.

EMAC 396. Special Topics. 1 - 18 Unit.

(Credit as arranged.)

EMAC 398. Polymer Science and EngineeringProject I. 1 - 3 Unit.

(Senior project). Research under the guidance offaculty. Requirements include periodic reporting ofprogress, plus a final oral presentation and writtenreport. Repeatable up to 3 credit hours. When takenfor 3 credits it may be spread over two successivesemesters. Recommended preparation: Seniorstanding.

EMAC 399. Polymer Science and EngineeringProject II. 1 - 9 Unit.

(Senior project.) Research under the guidanceof staff, culminating in thesis. Recommendedpreparation: Majors only and senior standing.

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EMAC 400T. Graduate Teaching I. 0 Units.

This course will engage the Ph.D. students inteaching experiences that will include non-contact(such as preparation and grading of homeworksand tests) and direct contact (leading recitationsand monitoring laboratory works, lectures and officehours) activities. The teaching experience will beconducted under the supervision of the faculty. AllPh.D. students will be expected to perform directcontact teaching during the course sequence. Theproposed teaching experiences for EMAC Ph.D.students are outlined below in association withundergraduate classes. The individual assignmentswill depend on the specialization of the students.The activities include grading, recitation, labsupervision and guest lecturing. Recommendedpreparation: Ph.D. student in MacromolecularScience.

EMAC 401. Polymer Foundation Course I:Organic Chemistry. 3 Units.

The class is an introduction to the synthesis andorganic chemistry of macromolecules. The courseintroduces the most important polymerizationreactions, focusing on their reaction mechanismsand kinetic aspects. Topics include free radical andionic chain polymerization, condensation (step-growth) polymerization, ring-opening, insertionand controlled addition polymerization. The lectureportion of this course (2 credit hours) is integratedwith a laboratory or term paper component (1 credithour). There is no limit on the number of studentsfor the class as a whole. However, there is a limitof 12 students on the laboratory component (otherstudents will do term papers).

EMAC 402. Polymer Foundation Course II:Physical Chemistry. 3 Units.

This class is an introduction to the physicalchemistry of polymers in solution. Topicsinclude: polymer statistics: (microstructure,chain configuration, and chain dimensions),thermodynamics and transport properties ofpolymers in solution, methods for molecularweight determination, physical chemistry of water-soluble polymers, and characterization of polymermicrostructure (IR and NMR). The lecture portionof this course (2 credit hours) is integrated witha laboratory or term paper component (1 credithour). There is no limit on the number of studentsfor the class as a whole. However, there is a limitof 12 students on the laboratory component (otherstudents will do term papers).

EMAC 403. Polymer Foundation Course III:Physics. 3 Units.

This class is an introduction to the physics ofpolymers in the bulk amorphous and crystallinestates. Topics include: structural and morphologicalanalysis using X-ray diffraction, electron microscopyand atomic force microscopy, characterizationof thermal transitions, viscoelastic behavior andrubber elasticity, and dynamic mechanical analysis.The lecture portion of this course (2 credit hours)is integrated with a laboratory or term papercomponent (1 credit hour). There is no limit onthe number of students for the class as a whole.However, there is a limit of 12 students on thelaboratory component (other students will do termpapers).

EMAC 404. Polymer Foundation Course IV:Engineering. 3 Units.

This class is an introduction to the engineeringand technology of polymeric materials. Topicsinclude: additives, blends and composites, naturalpolymers and fivers, thermoplastics, elastomers,and thermosets, polymer degradation and stability,polymers in the environment, polymer rheology andpolymer processing, and polymers for advancedtechnologies (membrane science, biomedicalengineering, applications in electronics, photonicpolymers). The lecture portion of this course (2credit hours) is integrated with a laboratory or termpaper component (1 credit hour). There is no limiton the number of students for the class as a whole.However, there is a limit of 12 students on thelaboratory component (other students will do termpapers).

EMAC 410. Polymers Plus Self - Assembly andNanomaterials. 2 Units.

The course focuses on the concepts ofsupramolecular chemistry and self-assemblyspecifically as it applies to nano-polymeric systems.After dealing with many of the fundamental aspectsof supramolecular chemistry the focus of the classdeals with how to access/utilize nano-scale featuresusing such processes, namely the ’bottom-up’approach to nanomaterials/systems. Areas whichwill be addressed include block copolymers, DNAassemblies, nanotubes and dendrimers. Prereq:EMAC 401 or EMAC 370.

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EMAC 412. Polymers Plus Inorganic/Coordination Chemistry. 2 Units.

The course focuses on the concepts of inorganicand coordination chemistry specifically as theyapply to polymeric systems. The fundamentalaspects of coordination chemistry, includingcoordinative saturation, kinetics and mechanismwill be presented and used as a vehicle to descriptcoordination polymerizations and supramolecularcoordination phenomena. The chemistry andphysics of nanoscale inorganic modification ofpolymers by clays, silsesquioxianes, metal oxidesand metal particles will also be discussed. Prereq:EMAC 401 or EMAC 370.

EMAC 413. Polymers Plus Green Chemistry andEngineering. 2 Units.

This course focuses on green chemistry andengineering, particularly as it relates to polymers.Specific topics to be covered in this course willinclude green chemistry, catalysis, alternativesolvents, green processing, renewable materials,and life cycle analysis. Case studies will be utilizedto connect lecture topics to real-world examples.Prereq: EMAC 401 and EMAC 404.

EMAC 414. Polymers Plus Advanced Compositeand Nanocomposite Materials and Interfaces. 2Units.

"Advanced Composite and NanocompositeMaterials and Interfaces" will aim at providingadvanced concept in composite materialstructures, importance of interface on the propertydevelopment, rheological background to be able tomanufacture optimized materials, and appropriateprocessing techniques to choose for a specificproduct to be manufactured. Specifically, thiscourse will discuss the following items: 1. Basicconcept of heterogeneous materials includingadvantages and problems associated withmaking multiphase materials. 2. It will reviewbroadly the materials used to make compositesand nanocomposites. 3. Unique properties ofcomposites/nanocomposites in rheological,mechanical, and physical properties will bediscussed. 4. Various composite processingtechniques will be discussed in detail. 5. Surfacetreatment of the reinforcing materials andinterface/interphase structures of composites/nanocomposites will be discussed.

EMAC 415. Polymers Plus Structure andMorphology. 2 Units.

This special topic focuses on polymer structureand morphology and their applications. Topicsinclude solid-state physics of various polymericmaterials, ranging from crystalline polymers toliquid crystalline polymers, and block copolymers.First, symmetry operation, space groups, reciprocalspaces are introduced. Examples of the crystallinestructures of industrially important polymers andtypical polymer crystalline morphology such aslamellar and spherulitic crystals are discussed.Defects in crystalline polymer is also an importantissue that determines their physical properties.Second, typical phase structure and transitionsof liquid crystals and liquid crystalline polymersare introduced, including both thermotropic andlyotropic liquid crystals. Finally, nanostructure andmorphology of block copolymers are discussed.Prereq: EMAC 402 and EMAC 403.

EMAC 416. Polymers Plus Applied Rheologyand Processing. 2 Units.

This course focuses on the applications ofRheology to Polymer Engineering in general andprocessing technologies in particular. It starts witha general review of rheological concepts, includingviscoelasticity and continues with the influenceof shear rate, temperature, and pressure on therheological properties. Next, the role of Rheologyin support of polymer processing, including effectsand defects of rheological origin will be analyzed;here the focus will be on the most commonprocessing techniques - extrusion, injectionmolding, blow-molding, and thermoforming. Finally,there will be a brief introduction of the role ofRheology in the structural characterization ofpolymeric materials. Prereq: EMAC 376 or graduatestanding.

EMAC 420. Polymers Plus Advanced PhysicalChemistry. 2 Units.

The course focuses on the principles of physicalchemistry that are most relevant to macromolecularscience. Prereq: EMAC 402, EMAC 403.

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EMAC 421. Polymer Plus HierarchicalStructures and Properties. 2 Units.

Discuss the hierarchical solid state structure ofsynthetic and naturally occurring polymeric systemsand relate these structures to their properties.Particular emphasis will be on natural systemscontaining collagen(s) and carbohydrate(s), andon synthetic crystalline, liquid crystalline, andreinforced composite polymeric materials. Inorder to prepare students for application of theseconcepts we will determine how mechanical,transport and optical (photonic) behavior can becontrolled by structure manipulation. Prereq: EMAC403 and EMAC 404 or EMAC 474 or EMAC 476.

EMAC 422. Polymers Plus X-ray andMicroscopy. 2 Units.

This course focuses on the theory and applicationof X-ray and microscopy techniques to the analysisof the microstructure of polymeric materials. TheX-ray section covers theoretical and experimentalaspects for semicrystalline and amorphouspolymers and includes small-angle scatteringand neutron electron diffraction. Techniques,such as atomic force microscopy, transmissionand scanning electron microscopy, and opticalmicroscopy, will also be discussed. Practicalaspects of these techniques will be applied to avariety of systems, including block copolymers,nanocomposites, LC polymers, and multi-layeredfilms. Prereq: EMAC 403 or EMAC 474.

EMAC 423. Polymers Plus Adhesives, Sealantsand Coatings. 2 Units.

An introduction to the technology of adhesives,sealants and coatings. Relevant adhesion theoriesand practices. Resin Structure and Reactivity.Principles of film formation and rheology control.Pigment Dispersion and Color Measurement. Testmethods for mechanical properties and durability.Materials technology to comply with environmentalregulations. Prereq: EMAC 402 or EMAC 370.

EMAC 425. Polymer Plus Energy. 2 Units.

Energy research has become the focus of thetwenty-first century. This course is a specialtopic on polymers in the energy field and relatedapplications. We primarily focus on polymersfor solar cells, fuel cells, batteries, double layerelectrochemical capacitors, dielectric capacitors,and wind energy. For solar cells, we will introduceconducting polymers and basic types of polymersolar cells. For fuel cells, we will introduce bothproton-and hydroxide-exchange fuel cells.Fundamental issues of ion transport, watermanagement, and fuel cell longevity will beintroduced. For supercapacitors, we will introduceporous carbon structures and charge storagemechanism. For dielectric capacitors, we willintroduce fundamental concepts in electrostatics,different types of polarization, and loss mechanism.For wind energy, we will introduce polymercomposites for wind blades and polymer coatings.This course will combine lectures and contemporaryliterature reviews/essays.

EMAC 444. Polymers Plus Optoelectronics. 2Units.

The course focuses on the design, synthesisand structure-property relationship of polymerswith unusual optic and electronic properties andthe application of these advanced materialsin emerging technologies. Topics include (1)introduction to the interaction of polymers withelectromagnetic radiation, (2) ConjugatedPolymers: Chemistry Physics, (3) IntrinsicallyConducting Polymers, (4) Ionically ConductingPolymers, (5) Light Emitting Polymers, (6) PolymerField Effect Transistors and other SemiconductorDevices, (7) Optoelectronic Polymers in Sensors,(8) Nonlinear Optical Polymers, and (9) LatestDevelopments. Prereq: EMAC 401 or EMAC 370.

EMAC 450. The Business of Polymers. 2 Units.

This course will link polymer technology to businessand management issues that need to be consideredfor successful technology commercialization.Topics include project management, finance,opportunity assessment, the voice of the customer,and protection of intellectual property. Case studiesfrom both large and small companies will be used toillustrate key concepts. Recommended preparation:EMAC 270, EMAC 276.

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EMAC 451. Polymer Product Design. 2 Units.

This course introduces the fundamentals ofsuccessful product design and development withspecific attention to products based on polymericmaterials. Topics covered include the voice of thecustomer, idea generation and screening, conceptselection, prototyping, manufacturing, marketing,and launch. The importance of good design beyondsimple form and function will be stressed. Eachstudent will complete a product design portfoliothat considers all of these issues. Recommendedpreparation: EMAC 270, EMAC 276, EMAC 450.

EMAC 471. Polymers in Medicine. 3 Units.

This course covers the important fundamentalsand applications of polymers in medicine, andconsists of three major components: (i) the bloodand soft-tissue reactions to polymer implants; (ii)the structure, characterization and modificationof biomedical polymers; and (iii) the applicationof polymers in a broad range of cardiovascularand extravascular devices. The chemical andphysical characteristics of biomedical polymersand the properties required to meet the needs ofthe intended biological function will be presented.Clinical evaluation, including recent advances andcurrent problems associated with different polymerimplants. Recommended preparation: EBME 306 orequivalent. Offered as EBME 406 or EMAC 471.

EMAC 475. Fundamentals of Non-NewtonianFluid Mechanics and Polymer Rheology. 3Units.

This course will involve the study of Rheologyfrom the perspectives of rheological propertymeasurement, phenomenological and molecularmodels, and applicability to polymer processing.In particular, students will be introduced to:1)General concepts of Rheology and NewtonianFluid Mechanics, 2) Standard flows and materialfunctions; 3) The role of Rheology as a structuralcharacterization tool, with an emphasis onpolymeric systems; 4) Experimental methodsin Rheology with quantitative descriptionsof associated flows and data analyses; 5)Viscoelasticity and Non-Newtonian FluidMechanics, including the application of models,both phenomenological and molecular, to theprediction of rheological behavior and extractionof model parameters from real data sets; and6) The relevance of rheological behavior ofdifferent systems to practical processing schemes,particularly with respect to plastics manufacturing..Offered as EMAC 375 and EMAC 475. Prereq:ENGR 225 or EMAC 404.

EMAC 477. Elementary Steps in PolymerProcessing. 3 Units.

This course is an application of principles of fluidmechanics and heat transfer to problems in polymerprocessing. In the first part of the course, basicprinciples of transport phenomena will be reviewed.In the second part, the elementary steps in polymerprocessing will be described and analyzed withapplication to a single screw extruder.

EMAC 478. Polymer Engineer Design Product. 3Units.

Uses material taught in previous and concurrentcourses in an integrated fashion to solve polymerproduct design problems. Practicality, externalrequirements, economics, thermal/mechanicalproperties, processing and fabrication issues,decision making with uncertainty, and proposaland report preparation are all stressed. Severalsmall exercises and one comprehensive processdesign project will be carried out by class members.Offered as EMAC 378 and EMAC 478.

EMAC 490. Polymers Plus ProfessionalDevelopment. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on graduate studentprofessional development. The course involvesweekly meetings and oral presentationswith attention on the content and style of thepresentation materials (PowerPoint, posters, etc.),oral presentation style and project managementskills. This course can be taken for the total of 3credits over three different semesters.

EMAC 491. Polymers Plus Literature Review. 1Unit.

This course involves weekly presentations ofthe current polymer literature. It involves at leastone presentation by the enrolled student andparticipation in all literature reviews (at least 10/semester). The course will focus on presentationskills (both oral and written), scientific interpretation,and development of peer-review skills. This coursecan be taken for a total of 3 credits over threedifferent semesters.

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EMAC 500T. Graduate Teaching II. 0 Units.

This course will engage the Ph.D. students inteaching experiences that will include non-contact(such as preparation and grading of homework andtests) and direct contact (leading recitations andmonitoring laboratory works, lectures and officehours) activities. The teaching experience will beconducted under the supervision of the faculty. AllPh.D. students will be expected to perform directcontact teaching during the course sequence. Theproposed teaching experiences for EMAC Ph.D.students are outlined below in association withgraduate classes. The individual assignments willdepend on the specialization of the students. Theactivities include grading, recitation, lab supervisionand guest lecturing. Recommended preparation:Ph.D. student in Macromolecular Science.

EMAC 600T. Graduate Teaching III. 0 Units.

This course will engage the Ph.D. studentsin teaching experiences that will include non-contact and direct contact activities. The teachingexperience will be conducted under the supervisionof the faculty. The proposed teaching experiencesfor EMAC Ph.D. student in this course involveinstruction in the operation of major instrumentationand equipment used in the daily research activities.The individual assignments will depend on thespecialization of the students. Recommendedpreparation: Ph.D. student in MacromolecularScience.

EMAC 601. Independent Study. 1 - 18 Unit.

(Credit as arranged.)

EMAC 651. Thesis M.S.. 1 - 18 Unit.

(Credit as arranged.)

EMAC 673. Selected Topics in PolymerEngineering. 2 - 3 Units.

Timely issues in polymer engineering are presentedat the advanced graduate level. Content varies,but may include: mechanisms of irreversibledeformation: failure, fatigue and fracture ofpolymers and their composites; processingstructure-property relationships; and hierarchicaldesign of polymeric systems. Recommendedpreparation: EMAC 376 or EMAC 476.

EMAC 677. Colloquium in MacromolecularScience and Engineering. 0 - 1 Units.

Lectures by invited speakers on subjects of currentinterest in polymer science and engineering.This course can be taken for 3 credits over threedifferent semesters.

EMAC 690. Special Topics in MacromolecularScience. 1 - 18 Unit.

EMAC 701. Dissertation Ph.D.. 1 - 18 Unit.

(Credit as arranged.) Prereq: Predoctoral researchconsent or advanced to Ph.D. candidacy milestone.

EMAC C200. Co-op Seminar II forMacromolecular Science and Engineering. 2Units.

Professional development activities for studentsreturning from cooperative education assignments.Recommended preparation: COOP 002 and EMACC100.

Case Western Reserve University 135

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

312 White Building (7204) McGuffin-Cawley, Arthur S. HoldenProfessor of Engineering and

Materials science and engineering is a disciplinethat extends from the basic science of materialsstructure and properties to the design andevaluation of materials in engineering systems.Most engineers—mechanical, civil, chemical, andelectrical—work with materials on the job, andmany become well acquainted with the propertiesof the materials they use most often. The role of amaterials engineer is to understand why materialsbehave as they do under various conditions; torecognize the limits of performance that particularmaterials can attain; and to know what can be doneduring the manufacture of materials to meet thedemands of a given application.

The Department of Materials Science andEngineering of the Case School of Engineeringoffers programs leading to the Bachelor ofScience in Engineering, Master of Science, andDoctor of Philosophy degrees. The departmentconducts academic and research activities withmetals, ceramics, composites, and electronicmaterials. Increasingly, the demands for newmaterials, and for improved materials in existingapplications, transcend the traditional categories.The technological challenges that materialsengineers face will continue to demand a breadthof knowledge across the spectrum of engineeringmaterials.

While an engineering discipline, the field bringsbasic science tools to bear on the technologicalchallenges related to materials products andtheir manufacture. Materials science draws onchemistry in its concern for bonding, synthesis,and composition of engineering materials andtheir chemical interactions with the environment.Physics provides a basis for understandingthe mechanical, thermal, optical, magnetic andelectrical properties of materials, as well asthe tools needed to ascertain the structure andproperties of materials. Mathematics is usedthroughout materials manufacture and analysis.

Undergraduate Programs

The undergraduate curriculum leading to thedegree of Bachelor of Science in materials scienceand engineering consists of the “EngineeringCore”—basic courses in mathematics, physics,chemistry, and engineering, with electives in social

sciences and humanities—plus materials courses,technical electives, and open electives. A total of129 credit hours is required. Please see the tablefor the recommended semester-by-semester listingof courses.

The Bachelor of Science program is accreditedby the Engineering Accreditation Commission ofABET, Inc.

The broad objectives of the undergraduate programat the Department of Materials Science andEngineering are to provide the students a strongbackground in mathematics, physics and chemistry,a link between the sciences and the practice ofmaterials engineering through the departmentalcourses during the sophomore, junior, and senioryears, and a comprehensive design experiencein materials engineering through a combinationof graded course work distributed throughout thecurriculum in addition to the Senior Project.

The primary means of accomplishing this missionis our undergraduate curriculum and associatedactivities, through their emphasis on

• The interrelationships among the processing,structure, properties, and performance ofengineering materials

• The mutual reinforcement of education andprofessional development throughout one’scareer.

To meet these broad objectives, the specificprogram objectives are as follows:

The undergraduate experience in MaterialsScience and Engineering at Case WesternReserve is marked by a high degree of hands-onexperience and many opportunities for professionaldevelopment before graduation. Lab courses,senior projects, and plant tours ensure that everystudent sees the field first-hand in current researchand industrial settings.

The educational objectives of the undergraduateprogram are as follows:

1. Graduates will understand theinterrelationships among processing, structure,and properties of a wide range of engineeringmaterials, and how these factors togethercontrol the materials performance.

2. Graduates will be able to carry out laboratoryexperiments, analyze data, and interpret thesignificance of their results, especially with

136 Case School of Engineering

respect to the processing of engineeringmaterials and characterization of theirengineering properties.

3. Graduates will be proficient in the oral, written,and electronic communication of their ideas.

4. Graduates will be proficient in the use ofcomputer technology and computer-basedinformation systems.

5. Graduates will be able to function effectively ingroups of peers and independently.

6. Graduates will be informed of the impactof engineering on society and of theprofessional, ethical, safety, and environmentalresponsibilities that that entails.

7. Graduates will regard professionaldevelopment and education as processes thatshould continue hand-in-hand throughout theiracademic and professional careers.

In addition, many of our undergraduate studentsparticipate in co-operative education, summer jobs,and professional societies that expose them tothe larger world of materials science beyond theclassroom.

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

Major in Materials Science andEngineering

Major CoursesEMSE 102 Materials Seminar 1EMSE 201 Introduction to Materials Science and


EMSE 202 Phase Diagrams and Transformations 3EMSE 203 Applied Thermodynamics 3EMSE 270 Materials Laboratory I 2EMSE 280 Materials Laboratory II 2EMSE 290 Materials Laboratory III 2EMSE 301 Fundamentals of Materials Processing 3EMSE 302 Fundamentals of Materials Processing


EMSE 303 Mechanical Behavior of Materials 3EMSE 310 Applications of Diffraction Principles 1EMSE 312 Diffraction Principles 3EMSE 313 Engineering Applications of Materials 3EMSE 314 Electrical, Magnetic, and Optical Properties

of Materials3

EMSE 398 Senior Project in Materials I 1EMSE 399 Senior Project in Materials II 2Related Required CoursesPHYS 250 Computational Methods in Physics 3or EMAE 250 Computers in Mechanical EngineeringTechnical Electives (9 hours) 9

NOTE: For ENGR Core natural science and math electiveselect from:CHEM 301 Introductory Physical Chemistry I 3or CHEM 335 Physical Chemistry ITotal Units 51

Approved Technical Electives

The following courses are approved technicalelectives in Materials Science and Engineering. Astudent is encouraged to discuss with their classadvisor a sequence of technical elective courses,which takes into account the biannual nature ofsome offerings. Students may request approvalof other elective courses by submitting a writtenpetition justifying their choices to the department’sUndergraduate Studies Committee

ECIV 310 Strength of Materials 3ECIV 420 Finite Element Analysis 3EECS 245 Electronic Circuits 4EECS 246 Signals and Systems 4EECS 309 Electromagnetic Fields I 3EECS 321 Semiconductor Electronic Devices 4EMAC 270 Introduction to Polymer Science and


EMSE 307 Foundry Metallurgy 3EMSE 360 Transport Phenomena in Materials Science 3EMSE 401 Transformations in Materials 3EMSE 403 Modern Ceramic Processing 3EMSE 404 Diffusion Processes in Solids and Melts 3EMSE 405 Dielectric, Optical and Magnetic Properties

of Materials3

EMSE 409 Deformation Processing 3EMSE 411 Environmental Effects on Materials 3EMSE 417 Properties of Materials at High


EMSE 419 Phase Equilibria and Microstructures ofMaterials


EMSE 421 Fracture of Materials 3EMSE 426 Semiconductor Thin Film Science and


EMSE 427 Dislocations in Solids 3EMSE 429 Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry 3PHYS 331 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics I 3PHYS 315 Introduction to Solid State Physics 3STAT 312 Basic Statistics for Engineering and Science 3STAT 313 Statistics for Experimenters 3

Case Western Reserve University 137

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

Suggested Program of Study:Major in Materials Science andEngineering

First Year Units

Fall Spring

Principles of Chemistry for Engineers(CHEM 111)


Elementary Computer Programming (ENGR131)


SAGES First year Seminar 4Calculus for Science and Engineering I(MATH 121)


PHED 1xx Physical Education ActivitiesOpen elective or Humanities/Social Science


Chemistry of Materials (ENGR 145) 4Calculus for Science and Engineering II(MATH 122)


General Physics I - Mechanics (PHYS 121) 4PHED 1xx Physical Education Activities

SAGES University Seminar2 3

Year Total: 18 15

Second Year Units

Fall Spring

Introductory Physical Chemistry I (CHEM


Materials Seminar (EMSE 102) 1Introduction to Materials Science andEngineering (EMSE 201)


Calculus for Science and Engineering III(MATH 223)


General Physics II - Electricity andMagnetism (PHYS 122)


SAGES University Seminar2 3

Computers in Mechanical Engineering

(EMAE 250)53

Phase Diagrams and Transformations(EMSE 202)


Materials Laboratory I (EMSE 270) 2Elementary Differential Equations (MATH224)


Statics and Strength of Materials (ENGR200)


Humanities/Social Science elective 3Year Total: 17 17

Third Year Units

Fall Spring

Materials Laboratory II (EMSE 280) 2Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation(ENGR 210)


Applied Thermodynamics (EMSE 203) 3Electrical, Magnetic, and Optical Propertiesof Materials (EMSE 314)


Humanities/Social Science elective 3Materials Laboratory III (EMSE 290) 2Professional Communication for Engineers

(ENGR 398)61

ENGL 3986

Mechanical Behavior of Materials (EMSE303)


Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heatand Mass Transfer (ENGR 225)


Open elective or Humanities/Social Scienceelective


Technical elective 3Year Total: 15 16

Fourth Year Units

Fall Spring

Fundamentals of Materials Processing(EMSE 301)


Fundamentals of Materials ProcessingLaboratory (EMSE 302)


Applications of Diffraction Principles (EMSE310)


Diffraction Principles (EMSE 312) 3Senior Project in Materials I (EMSE 398) 1Humanities/Social Science elective 3Technical elective 3Engineering Applications of Materials(EMSE 313)


Senior Project in Materials II (EMSE 399) 2Technical elective 3Open elective 3Open elective 3

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Year Total: 15 14 Total Units in Sequence: 127

Hours required for graduation: 129

1 Selected students may be invited to take

• PHYS 123 Physics and Frontiers I -Mechanics-PHYS 124 Physics andFrontiers II - Electricity and Magnetism;General Physics I-II Honors,

in place of

• PHYS 121 General Physics I -Mechanics-PHYS 122 General Physics II -Electricity and Magnetism.

2 The two SAGES University Seminars mustbe chosen from a different thematic group ofUSNA (Natural World), USSO (Social World)or USSY (Symbolic World).

3 One of these must be in the humanities orsocial sciences.

4 Satisfies the Math, Natural Sciences, orStatistics requirement of the EngineeringCore.

5 Or PHYS 250 Computational Methods inPhysics.

6 Designated as SAGES DepartmentalSeminar.

Cooperative Education

The Cooperative Education program at CaseWestern Reserve began in the MaterialsScience and Engineering Department and thedepartment’s faculty continues to strongly supportstudent participation. Over the past ten yearsapproximately three-quarters of the department’sundergraduates have participated in completed atleast one cooperative education. A wide range ofopportunities exist for materials majors includingheavy industry, mid-size and small firms, andgovernment and corporate research centers. Manyopportunities are local to Northern Ohio, but awide range of possibilities around the country, and,occasionally, international opportunities arise.

The cooperative education experience ismonitored to ensure that students progress in jobresponsibilities during the course of an assignment.It is common for students to assume positions of

responsibility, including employee supervision ordecision-making on behalf of the company.

Five-Year Combined BS/MSProgram

This program offers outstanding undergraduatestudents the opportunity to obtain an MS degree,with a thesis, in one additional year of study beyondthe BS degree. (Normally, it takes 2 years beyondthe BS to earn an MS degree.) In this program,an undergraduate student can take up to 9 credithours that simultaneously satisfy undergraduateand graduate requirements. Typically, students inthis program start their research leading to the MSthesis in the fall semester of the senior year. Thedepartment endeavors to support such studentsthrough the following summer and academic year atthe normal stipend for entering graduate students.The BS degree is awarded at the completion of thesenior year.

Application for admission to the five year BS /MSprogram is made after completion of five semestersof course work. Minimum requirements are a 3.2grade point average and the recommendation ofa faculty member of the department. Interestedstudents should contact Professor Peter Lagerlof.

Minor in Materials Science andEngineering

In addition to the Bachelor of Science degreeprogram in materials science and engineering,the department also offers a minor in materialsscience and engineering. This sequence is intendedprimarily for a student majoring in science orengineering; but it is open to any student witha sound background in introductory calculus,chemistry, and physics. This program requiresthe completion of 5 courses with a minimum of 15credit hours, of which a maximum of 6 hours can becounted toward the student’s major. All students willbe required to take

EMSE 201 Introduction to Materials Science andEngineering


Four of the following: 12EMSE 202 Phase Diagrams and TransformationsEMSE 203 Applied ThermodynamicsEMSE 360 Transport Phenomena in Materials ScienceEMSE 301 Fundamentals of Materials ProcessingEMSE 303 Mechanical Behavior of Materials

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EMSE 307 Foundry MetallurgyEMSE 313 Engineering Applications of MaterialsEMSE 314 Electrical, Magnetic, and Optical Properties

of MaterialsEMSE 312 Diffraction Principles

Total Units 15

Prof. Mark DeGuire (506 White; x-4221) is theacademic advisor for this program and will assiststudents with their course selection.

Graduate Programs

The department offers programs leading to theMaster of Science and Doctor of Philosophydegrees. The theory, properties, and engineeringbehavior of metals, ceramics, electronic materials,and composite materials is encompassed inthe academic courses and research within thedepartment. The primary areas of specializationare in materials processing, mechanical properties,surface and microstructural characterization,environmental effects, and electronic materials.

MS Degree Requirements

The MS degree in materials science andengineering is awarded through either PlanA (master’s thesis) or Plan B (master’scomprehensive). Plan A involves a thesis based onindividual research and a final oral thesis defense;this plan is appropriate for full-time graduatestudents. Plan B involves a major project and acomprehensive oral exam; it is typically pursued bypart-time graduate students.

Plan A requires successful completion of 6 courses(18 credit hours) and at least 9 credit hours ofEMSE 651 Thesis M.S.). Plan B requires thesuccessful completion of eight courses (24 credithours) as well as 3 credit hours of EMSE 649Special Projects). The six courses for Plan A andthe 8 courses for Plan B may include a maximumof 2 courses from an engineering or sciencecurriculum outside the department. No more than 2courses at the 3xx level can be included; all othercourses must be at a higher level. Transfer of creditfrom another university is limited to 6 credit hoursof graduate level courses (with grade B or better)taken in excess of B.S. degree requirements atthe other university. A Planned Program of Studymust be submitted by the end of the first semesterfor Plan A students, and by the end of 2 coursesfor Plan B students. A cumulative GPA of 2.75 orhigher is required.

Plan A students must prepare a written thesisand successfully defend the thesis in a final oralexam. Plan B students must prepare a writtenreport on his/her special project and satisfactorily

pass a comprehensive oral exam. The thesis examfor Plan A and the oral exam for Plan B must beconducted by an examining committee consisting of3 faculty members of the department.

PhD Degree Requirements

Students entering the graduate program for a PhDwill need to submit the Planned Program of Studywithin the first semester.

Candidates for a PhD degree in materialsscience and engineering must meet the followingrequirements to prove their competency for doctoralstudy and to be accepted into the doctoral program:

1. Submit an approved Planned Program of Studyform and a Supplementary Information formspecifying the Breadth and Basic Sciencerequirements.

2. Pass a comprehensive written General Examwithin 6 months following their being awardedan MS degree (12 months for students withan MS degree from a different science orengineering discipline).

3. Pass a Thesis Proposal Exam (written andoral) during the semester immediately followingthe successful completion of the writtenGeneral Exam. These requirements areexplained in detail below. At the completion ofthese requirements, the student must fill outthe second part of the PhD Student PermanentRecord” form.

Upon successful completion of all requirementsand research, the PhD candidate must submita written dissertation as evidence for his/herability to conduct independent research at anadvanced level. The PhD candidate must pass afinal oral exam in defense of the dissertation. TheDissertation Committee must consist of at leastthree faculty members of the department and onenon-departmental member. The candidate mustprovide each committee member with a copy of thecompleted dissertation at least 10 days before theexam, so that the committee members may have anopportunity to read and discuss it in advance.

The student must provide two (2) unbound copiesof the final approved version of the thesis for theuniversity, and two (2) bound copies of the thesis,one for the department and one for the student’sfaculty advisor.

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PhD Program of Study (CourseRequirements)

A PhD student must take a minimum of 18 credithours of EMSE 701 and must continue registrationeach succeeding regular semester (fall and spring)until the dissertation is complete, unless granteda leave of absence. The time limit for the PhDprogram is 5 years, starting with the first semesterof EMSE 701 Dissertation Ph.D. registration.

The minimum course requirement for a PhD degreeis 12 courses (36 credit hours) beyond the BSlevel, out of which at least six courses (18 credithours), must be taken at Case Western ReserveUniversity. Of these 12 courses, six courses mustsatisfy the Breadth Requirement and 2 coursesmust satisfy the Basic Science Requirement forthe department as outlined below. In the case of astudent entering with an MS degree from anotherdiscipline, additional courses may be required asdecided by the Graduate Studies Committee of thedepartment. A GPA of 3.0 is required for graduateassistants.

Breadth Requirements

A broad knowledge of the field of materials scienceand engineering includes a minimum level ofunderstanding of the following six areas:

• Mechanical Behavior

• Structure

• Physical Properties

• Processing

• Thermodynamics and Kinetics

• Phase Transformations

The Breadth Requirement for the PhD can befulfilled by taking a total of 6 courses (18 credithours); these 6 courses must include at least onecourse from each area a, b, c, and d and 2 coursesfrom areas e and f combined. The departmentmaintains a list of approved courses for each ofthese areas.

Basic Science Requirements

A minimum depth in basic science of two courses(6 credit hours) is required for a PhD degree. Thisrequirement can be fulfilled by taking 2 coursesselected from physics, chemistry, mathematics and/or statistics, and/or certain engineering curricula.

The department maintains a current list of approvedcourses for the Basic Science Requirements.

The Planned Program of Study, a list of the coursesthe student will take to fulfill the PhD requirements,will be discussed and approved at the time ofthe Thesis Proposal Exam. This form and theassociated Supplementary Information formmust be approved by the student’s DissertationCommittee (excluding the non-departmentalmember) and the chair of the department andsubmitted to the dean of graduate studies withinone semester of passing the General Exam.

PhD General Exam

The written General Exam is offered twice a year,typically in January and in June, provided at leastthree students are registered to take the exam. TheExam is comprehensive and consists of two parts:

1. Thermodynamics and Kinetics; MaterialsProcessing: covering such topics asphase equilibria, phase transformations,diffusion, defect chemistry, synthesis,fabrication, microstructural development, andthermomechanical processing.

2. Structure; Properties, Performance, andReliability: covering crystallography andsymmetry, analytical techniques (diffraction,imaging, and spectroscopy), line defects,surfaces and interfaces, microstructuralanalysis, mechanical, thermal, chemical(environmental), and electrical, optical, andmagnetic properties, individually and incombination.

The emphasis in both parts of this General Examwill be on inorganic materials: metals, ceramics,semiconductors, and composites.

Each part of the exam will last for three hours;the morning session is devoted to part 1 and theafternoon session covers part 2. Each part of theExam is divided into two sections

• Part 1 (morning)

• Section 1 Thermodynamics and Kinetics

• Section 2 Processing

• Part 2 (afternoon)

• Section 3 Structure

• Section 4 Properties, Performance, andReliability

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The exam is closed book. Each section of theexam will contain a minimum of 4 questions.Students must answer 5 questions from part 1 and5 questions from part 2, with at least 2 questionsbeing answered from each section.

In order to pass the written General Exam, thecriteria are as follows—6 out of ten questions inthe exam require a 70% passing grade as well as a75% average for the whole exam. Students who failthe exam (or the Thesis Proposal Exam describedbelow) may elect to take the exam a second time.

Thesis Proposal Exam

The Thesis Proposal Exam tests the more specificknowledge of the PhD candidate concerning thescience underlying the proposed research andto his or her intellectual maturity. It is composedof a written and an oral part, both dealing withthe candidate’s proposed research project. Thewritten document should be given to each memberof the student’s Dissertation Advisory Committee(excluding the non-departmental member) duringthe semester immediately following the successfulcompletion of the General Exam. It should include aliterature search, analysis of the research problem,suggested research procedures, and the generalresults to be expected. The document shouldbe written by the student and not his/her thesisadvisor, and will be examined by the student’sDissertation Advisory Committee for this purpose.

The oral part of the Thesis Proposal Examshould last approximately two hours and must begiven before the student’s Dissertation AdvisoryCommittee within one week of submitting the abovewritten document to the Committee. Both parts ofthe Thesis Proposal Exam will be graded Pass/Fail.

At the time of this exam, the student will also havehis/her Planned Program of Study examined andapproved by the Dissertation Advisory Committee.

Research Areas

Deformation and Fracture

Determination of the relationships betweenstructure and mechanical behavior of traditionaland advanced materials—metals, ceramics,intermetallics, composites, and biological materials.State-of-the art facilities are available for testingover a range of strain rates, test temperatures,stress states, and size scales for both monotonicand cyclic conditions.

Materials Processing

Ceramic and metal powder synthesis andprocessing, manufacturing of laminated materials,metals casting, crystal growth, thin film deposition,deformation processing of metals.

Environmental Effects

Corrosion, oxidation, adhesion and wear. Electro-deposited coatings on steel, epoxy/metal adhesion,dis-bonding of coatings, reliability of electronics,corrosion sensors.

Surfaces and Interfaces

Free surfaces, grain boundaries, metal/ceramic,polymer/metal composite interfaces. Major facilitiesfor transmission electron microscopy, scanningelectron microcopy, and surface spectroscopies.

Electronic, Magnetic

and Optical Materials

Electronic materials—silicon, germanium, galliumarsenide, silicon carbide; gallium nitride; thinfilm dielectric, optical, and magnetic ceramics;synthesis and characterization of multi-componentelectromagnetic filters, transparent semiconductors,ceramics, such as materials for sensors, catalysts,and fuel cells.


Materials Processing

The department’s processing laboratories includefacilities which permit materials processing fromthe liquid state (casting) as well as in the solidstate (powder processing). The department has itsown foundry that houses mold making capabilities(green and bonded sand, permanent mold, andinvestment casting), induction melting furnaces ofvarious capabilities for air melting of up to 1500pounds of steel, electrical resistance furnaces formelting and casting up to 800 pounds of aluminum,and 500 pounds of magnesium under protectiveatmosphere, a dual chamber vacuum inductionmelting unit with a capacity of up to 30 poundsof superalloys, a 350 ton squeeze casting press,and state-of-the-art thermal fatigue testing andcharacterization equipment. The Crystal GrowthLaboratory has facilities for production of highpurity electronic single crystals using a variety of

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furnaces with the additional capability of solidifyingunder large magnetic fields. In addition, a CVD andMOCVD reactor has been set up to do researchon the growth of SiC and GaN on Si, sapphire,and other substrates. Secondary processingand working can be accomplished using a high-speed hot and cold rolling mill, swaging units,and a state-of-the art hydrostatic extrusion press.The department has heat treatment capabilitiesincluding numerous box, tube, and vacuumfurnaces. For the processing of powder metals orceramics the department possesses a 300,000pound press, a vacuum hot press (with capabilitiesof up to 7 ksi and 2300 C), a hot isostatic press(2000 C and 30 ksi), a 60 ksi wet base isostaticpress, and glove boxes. Sintering can be performedin a variety of controlled atmospheres while amicrocomputer-controlled precision dilatometer isavailable for sintering studies. Several ball mills,shaker mills, and a laboratory model attritor arealso available for powder processing. In addition,facilities are available for sol-gel processing, glassmelting, diamond machining; a spray dryer isavailable for powder granulation.

A Deformation Processing Laboratory has recentlybeen commissioned that contains two dualhydraulic MTS presses. The first press is designedto evaluate the stretching and drawing propertiesof materials in sheet form. Its maximum punch andhold down forces are 150,000 each. Its maximumpunch velocity is 11.8 inch/sec. The second pressis designed to evaluate the plastic flow behavior ofmaterials in an environment that simulates modernmanufacturing processing. The press can deliverup to five consecutive impacts to a material in lessthan five seconds with a punch velocity as high as110 inch/sec. The maximum punch force is 110,000pounds.

Mechanical Testing Facility

The Center for Mechanical Characterization ofMaterials Mechanical Testing Facility permitsthe determination of mechanical behavior ofmaterials over loading rates ranging from staticto impact, with the capability of testing under avariety of stress states under either monotonicor cyclic conditions. A variety of furnaces andenvironmental chambers are available to enabletesting at temperatures ranging from -196 C to1800 C. The facility is operated under the directionof a faculty member and under the guidance ofa full-time engineer. The facility contains oneof the few laboratories in the world for high-pressure deformation and processing, enablingexperimentation under a variety of stress states andtemperatures. The equipment in this state-of-the-artfacility includes:

High Pressure Deformation Apparatus: Theseunits enable tension or compression testing to beconducted under conditions of high hydrostaticpressure. Each apparatus consists of a pressurevessel and diagnostics for measurement of loadand strain on deforming specimens, as well asinstantaneous pressure in the vessel. Pressures upto 1.0 GPa loads up to 10kN, and displacements ofup to 25 mm are possible. The oil based apparatusis operated at temperatures up to 300°C roomtemperature while a gas (i.e. Ar) based apparatus isused at room temperature.

Hydrostatic Extrusion Apparatus: Hydrostaticextrusion (e.g. pressure-to-air, pressure-to-pressure) can be conducted at temperaturesup to 300 C on manually operated equipmentinterfaced with a computer data acquisitionpackage. Pressures up to 2.0 GPa are possible,with reduction ratios up to 6 to 1, while variousdiagnostics provide real time monitoring ofextrusion pressure and ram displacement.

Advanced Forging Simulation Rig: A multi-actuator:MTS machine based on a 330 kip, four postframe, enables sub-scale forging simulations overindustrially relevant strain rates. A 110 kip forgingactuator is powered by five nitrogen accumulatorsenabling loading rates up to 120 inches/sec onlarge specimens. A 220 kip indexing actuatorprovides precise deformation sequences foreither single, or multiple, deformation sequences.Date acquisition at rates sufficient for analysis isavailable. Testing with heated dies is possible.

Advanced Metal Forming Rig: A four post framewith separate control of punch actuator speed andblank hold down pressure enables determinationof forming limit diagrams. Dynamic control of blankhold down pressure is possible, with maximumpunch actuator speeds of 11.8 inches/sec. A varietyof die sets are available

The remainder of the equipment in the MechanicalTesting Facility is summarized below:

Servo-hydraulic Machines: Four MTS Model 810computer-controlled machines with load capacitiesof 3 kip, 20 kip, 50 kip, and 50 kip, permit tension,compression, and fatigue studies to be conductedunder load-, strain-, or stroke control. Fatigue crackgrowth may be monitored via a dc potential droptechnique as well as via KRAK gages applied tothe specimen surfaces. Fatigue studies may beconducted at frequencies up to 30 Hz. In addition,an Instron Model 1331 20 kip Servo-hydraulicmachine are available for both quasi-state andcyclic testing.

Universal Testing Machines: Three INSTRONscrew-driven machines, including two INSTRONModel 1125 units permit tension, compression andtorsion testing.

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Electromechanical Testing Machine: A computer-controlled INSTRON Model 1361 can be operatedunder load-, strain-, or stroke control. Stroke ratesas slow as 1 micrometer/hour are possible.

Fatigue Testing Machines: Three Sonntag fatiguemachines and two R. R. Moore rotating-bendingfatigue machines are available for producingfatigue-life (S-N) data. The Sonntag machines maybe operated at frequencies up to 60 Hz.

Creep Testing Machines: Three constant loadframes with temperature capabilities up to 800 Cpermit creep testing, while recently modified creepframes permit thermal cycling experiments as wellas slow cyclic creep experiments.

Impact Testing Machines: Two Charpy impactmachines with capacities ranging from 20 ft-lbsto 240 ft-lbs are available. Accessories include aDynatup instrumentation package interfaced with anIBM PC, which enables recording of load vs. timetraces on bend specimens as well as on tensionspecimens tested under impact conditions.

Instrumented Microhardness Tester: A Nikon ModelQM High-Temperature Microhardness Testerpermits indentation studies on specimens testedat temperatures ranging from -196 C to 1600 Cunder vacuum and inert gas atmospheres. Thisunit is complemented by a Zwick Model 3212Microhardness Tester as well as a variety ofRockwell Hardness and Brinell Hardness TestingMachines.

Environmental StressLaboratories

These facilities include equipment for corrosion,oxidation, and adhesion and wear studies. A widerange of environments can be simulated andcontrolled a) Aqueous corrosion: atmospheric,immersion and high pressure/high temperaturein autoclaves and b) Oxidation: single andmixed gases over a range of temperatures andpressures. Special items include: electrochemicaltest equipment, environmental cracking testequipment, vacuum equipment for permeationstudies, high sensitivity Cahn electro balancesfor thermogravimetric studies and polymer/metaladhesion test fixtures.

The Swagelok Center for SurfaceAnalysis of Materials (SCSAM)

The Swagelok Center for Surface Analysis ofMaterials (SCSAM) is a multi-user analyticalfacility providing instrumentation for microstructuralcharacterization and surface and near-

surface chemical analysis. The Center’s 16major instruments encompass a wide rangeof characterization tools, which provide acomprehensive resource for academic researcherswho can tailor the analyses to their specific needs.

Current capabilities include four (4) ScanningElectron Microscopes (SEMs) which are equippedfor Focused Ion Beam (FIB) micromachingand XEDS, WDS, and EBSP detectors, two (2)Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEMs)equipped with XEDS and EELS detectors, anAtomic Force Microscope (AFM), a UHV ScanningProbe system, a Laser Scanning Confocal OpticalMicroscope dedicated for materials studies,including Raman microscopy, an automatedNanoindenter, an Ion Beam Accelerator forRutherford Backscattering (RBS) and PIXE andPIGE, two (2) X-ray diffraction (XRD) systems,along with surface-specific tools for Time-of-Flight, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), Auger Electron Spectrometry, and X-RayPhotoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), also knownas Electron Spectrometry for Chemical Analysis(ESCA).

SCSAM is administratively housed in the CaseSchool of Engineering (CSE) and is central tomuch of the research carried out by the sevendepartments within CSE. However, the facility isextensively used by the Physics, Chemistry, Biologyand Geology Departments within the College ofArts and Science, and by many Departments withinthe Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine. Inaddition to CWRU clients, many external institutionsutilize SCSAM’s facilities, including NASA GlennResearch Center, the Cleveland Clinic, andnumerous Ohio universities. More than 300 usersutilize the facility in any give year.

SCSAM’s instruments are housed in a centralizedarea, allowing users convenient access to state-of-the-art solutions for their analytical needs.

Transmission ElectronMicroscope Laboratory

Two transmission electron microscopes areavailable that provide virtually all conventionaland advanced microscopy techniques requiredfor state-of-the-art materials research and involvean installed capacity worth $3,000,000. Themicroscopes available are (i) an FEI Tecnai F30300kV field-emission gun energy-filtering high-resolution analytical scanning transmission electronmicroscope with an information resolution limitbetter than 0.14nm, equipped with an EDAX systemwith a high-energy resolution Si-Li detector forX-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS),a Gatan GIF2002 imaging energy filter includinga 2k by 2k slow-scan CCD camera, and a high-

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angle annular dark-field detector for scanningtransmission electron microscopy (STEM), and(ii) a Philips CM20 200kV analytical transmissionelectron microscope equipped with a TracorNorthern high-purity Ge X-ray energy-dispersivespectroscopy detector, a Gatan parallel electronenergy-loss spectrometer (PEELS), and a STEMunit.

Conventional TEM techniques, such as bright-field and dark-field imaging, electron diffraction, orweak-beam dark-field imaging (WBDF) are usedroutinely to analyze line defects (dislocations)and planar defects (interfaces, grain boundaries,stacking faults) in crystalline materials. AdvancedTEM techniques include (i) high-resolution TEM,which enables assessing the atomistic structureof crystal defects such as heterophase interfaces,grain boundaries, or dislocations, (ii) convergent-beam electron diffraction, which can be used, forexample, to obtain crystallographic information(space group) and to determine orientationrelationships between small (even nanoscopic)crystallites, and (iii) energy-filtering TEM, whichincludes zero-loss filtering for improved imagecontrast and resolution in conventional imaging anddiffraction as well as electron spectroscopic imaging(ESI), a technique that enables rapid elementalmapping with high spatial resolution based onelement-characteristic energy losses of the primaryelectrons in the specimen. Specimen preparationfacilities for transmission electron microscopyconsist of two dimple-grinders, two electropolishingunits, three ultra-microtomes, and two conventionalion-beam mills, and two state-of-the-art precisionion polishing systems (PIPS, by Gatan).

Scanning Electron MicroscopyLaboratory

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) andspectrochemical analysis provide valuablespecimen investigation with great depth offield and realistic three-dimensional imaging atresolutions up to 500,000X. Determination of thetopography of nearly any solid surface is possible.Spectrochemical studies are possible with the useof energy dispersive systems capable of detectingelements from boron to uranium. The laboratoryhouses two instruments. The first is an HitachiS-4500, a field emission electron microscope withtwo secondary electron detectors, a backscatteredelectron detector, and an infrared chamber scope.In addition, it has a Noran energy dispersive x-ray detection system. The microscope is capableof operating at a spatial resolution of less than1.5 nm at 15 kV. It also performs well at reducedbeam energies (1 kV), facilitating the observation ofhighly insulating materials. The second instrumentis a Philips XL-30 ESEM with a large chamber

that can be used as a conventional SEM, or in theenvironmental mode, can be used to examine wet,oily, gassy or non-conducting samples. It has acamera for crystallographic orientation imaging,a deformation stage capable of 1000 lbs force,hot stages capable of temperatures up to 1500 C,and a cooling stage that goes down to -20 C. Anattached Noran X-ray system permits qualitativeand quantitative EDX spectroscopy, X-ray mappingand line scans.

Surface Science Laboratories

The Center for Surface Analysis of Materials(CSAM) enjoys state-of-the-art characterization ofmetal, alloy, ceramic, and polymer surfaces. Thesetools include a PHI 680 Scanning Auger Microprobe(SAM) for elemental analysis of surfaces andmapping, and PHI 3600 Secondary Ion MassSpectrometry (SIMS), which provides surfacesensitivities for species in the part per billionrange. A PHI model 5600 instrument provides X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS or ESCA)capability, which produces information concerningchemical states. The latter two instrumentsare particularly useful for ceramic and polymersurfaces. With specimen heating, cooling, anddepth profiling capabilities directly incorporated inthese devices, subsurface regions and interfacesin composite structures, as well as at thin filmsubstrate interfacial regions, can be examined andfully characterized. The ion beam facility for theanalysis of materials consists of a NEC 5SDH 1.7MV tandem pelletron accelerator for the productionof 3.4 MeV protons, 5.1 MeV alpha particles, andN ions with energies in excess of 7.0 MeV. Sampleanalysis takes place in a turbo-molecular pumpedhigh vacuum chamber. The chamber is equippedwith a computer-controlled 5 axis manipulator andhas provisions for maintaining sample temperaturesfrom 77 K to 1000 K. A Si surface barrier detector,NaI(Tl) scintillator, and a liquid nitrogen-cooledSi(Li) detector are used to detect scattered ions,characteristic gamma rays and characteristic X-rays, respectively. This instrumentation can non-destructively provide composition and structureinformation in the near-surface region of materialsusing techniques such as Rutherford backscatteringspectrometry (RBS), ion channeling, particle-induced X-ray analysis (PIXE), and nuclear reactionanalysis (NRA). As with other analytic techniques,sensitivity, sampling depth, and depth resolutionare sample dependent. However, sensitivities of1 atomic percent, accuracies of 5%, and a depthresolution of 20 nm are usually easily achieved.

The typical specimen is a solid, vacuum-compatiblematerial with lateral dimensions between 0.5 cm x0.5 cm and 5 cm x 5 cm. However, PIXE and NRAcan also be performed on non-vacuum compatible

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specimens such as liquids and irreplaceableartifacts of interest to museum curators andarcheologists.

A recently acquired FEI Nova Focused IonBeam (FIB) system used to machine thin foilssuitable for TEM directly out of the surface of aspecimen is available. The Nova FIB includesan SEM, a computer interface enabling entirelyautomated milling and an internal “lift out” systemfor transferring thin films onto support grids.To investigate the character of surfaces at thenanometer scale the laboratory has a DigitalInstruments Dimension 3000 Scanning ProbeMicroscope which operates as an AFM andcontains a Hysitron Nanoindenter.

Electronic Properties Laboratory

Crystal Growth and Analysis Laboratory

The Crystal Growth and Analysis Laboratory isequipped for research studies and characterizationof bulk semiconductor and photonic materials. Thegrowth facilities include a high pressure Czochralskisystem, low pressure Czochralski system, anda Vertical Bridgman system with magnetic fieldstabilization. The characterization facilities includecapabilities for sample preparation, a Hall effectsystem, Infra-red microscope, and an InductivelyCoupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS).

X-Ray Laboratory

The X-ray laboratory contains diffraction equipmentfor study of the structures of ceramics, metals,polymers, minerals, and single crystals of organicand inorganic compounds. A new Scintagdiffractometer system includes a theta/thetawide angle goniometer, a 4.0 kW x-ray generatorwith copper tube, a third axis stress attachment,a thermoelectrically cooled Peltier germaniumdetector, a thin film analysis system, a dedicatedPC for data acquisition, and a turbomolecular-pumped furnace attachment permitting sampletemperatures up to 2000 degrees C.

Fuel Cell Testing Laboratory

The department houses a lab for testing of solidoxide fuel cells (SOFC). Facilities include:

• 2 test stands for 4” cells and small stacks (FuelCell Technologies); test temperatures to 1000°C;professional turnkey LabView interface forsystem control and data acquisition

• 2 test stands for 1” cells; test temperatures to1000°C; LabView interface for complete systemcontrol and data acquisition; Omega mass flowcontrollers; Keithley and Amrel electronics;AutoLab Electrochemical Analyzer for I-V,galvanostatic or amperometric testing and ACimpedence spectroscopy

• All test stands contained in dedicated 20’ x 8’enclosure rated for use with hydrogen, hydrogensulfide, and carbon monoxide with ventilationsystem, leak detection, tank pressure monitors,alarm system

• Dedicated furnaces and ovens for preparing cellsfor testing

The Solar-Durability and LifetimeExtension (S-DLE) Center

The Solar-Durability and Lifetime Extension (S-DLE) Center located in CWRU’s White Hall, alongwith its S-DLE (Sun Farm) on CWRU’s WestQuad is focused on long lifetime, environmentallyexposed materials technologies such asphotovoltaics, energy efficient lighting and buildingenvelope applications. It is a Wright Projects center,funded by the Ohio Third Frontier commission.The center was founded to develop real-time andaccelerated protocols for exposure to solar radiationand related environmental stressors to enableevaluation of the environmental durability andlifetime of materials, components, and products.Post-exposure optical and thermo-mechanicalmeasurements are used to develop quantitativemechanistic models of degradation processes inthe bulk of the device materials and at the inherentinterfaces between dissimilar materials. The S-DLECenter’s capabilities include:

· Solar exposures: 2-axis solar trackers withmulti-sun concentrators, and power degradationmonitoring.

· Solar simulators for 1 to 1000X exposures.

· Multi-factor environmental test chambers withtemperature, humidity, freeze/thaw and cycling.

· A full suite of optical, interfacial, thermo-mechanical and electrical evaluations of materials,components and systems.

The Wind Energy Research andCommercialization (WERC) Center

The WERC Center is a multidisciplinary center foruse by students, faculty, and industry providinginstrumentation for wind resource characterizationand research platforms in operating wind turbines.

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The WERC Center was established in 2010 withfunding from the Ohio Department of DevelopmentThird Frontier Wright Project and the Departmentof Energy. Additional support was provided by thefollowing inaugural industrial partners: ClevelandElectric Laboratories, The Lubrizol Corporation,Parker Hannifin Corporation, Azure Energy LLC.,Rockwell Automation, Inc., Swiger Coil SystemsLLC., and Wm. Sopko & Sons Co.

The instruments in the WERC Center include:

· A continuous scan ZephIR LiDAR, manufacturedby Natural Power. This instrument measureshorizontal and vertical wind velocity along with winddirection at 1 Hz frequency at five user set heightsup to 200 m.

· Five meteorological measurement systems: 3on campus; 1 with the off campus wind turbines;and one at the City of Cleveland’s water intake criblocated 3.5 miles offshore in Lake Erie.

· An ice thickness sensor that is deployed at thebottom of Lake Erie each fall and retrieved in thespring.

· A NorthWind 100 wind turbine manufacturedby Northern Power Systems in Barre, VT USA.This 100kW community scale wind turbine hasa direct drive generator with full power inverters,stall control blades with a 21 m rotor diameter, anda 37 m hub height. This wind turbine is locatedon campus just east of Van Horn field and beganoperation in November, 2010.

· A Vestas V-27 wind turbine originallymanufactured by Vestas in Denmark. This 225kWmedium scale wind turbine has a gearbox drivegenerator, pitch controlled blades with a 27 m rotordiameter, and a 30 m hub height. In addition it hasa 50kW generator for low wind generation. Thiswind turbine will be located at an industrial site inEuclid, OH about 15 minutes from campus and isscheduled to begin operation in August, 2011.

· A Nordex N-54 wind turbine originallymanufactured by Nordex in Germany. This 1.0MWutility scale wind turbine has a gearbox drivegenerator, stall control blades with a 54 m rotordiameter, and a 70 m hub height. In addition it hasa 200kW generator for low wind generation. Thiswind turbine will be located at an industrial site inEuclid, OH about 15 minutes from campus and isscheduled to begin operation in August, 2011.


James D. McGuffin-Cawley, Ph.D. Chair(Case Western Reserve University)Arthur S. Holden Professor of Engineering GreatLakes Professor of Ceramic ProcessingPowder processing of ceramics; aggregationphenomena; oxidation, diffusion, and solid statereactions; silicate and active metal brazing ofceramics; joining of materials; ceramic matrixcomposites

William A. “Bud” Baeslack III, Ph.D.(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)Provost and Executive Vice PresidentWelding, joining of materials, and titanium andaluminum metallurgy

Mark R. DeGuire, Ph.D.(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Associate ProfessorSynthesis and properties of ceramics in bulk andthin-film form, including fuel cell materials, gassensors, coatings for biomedical applications,photovoltaics, and ferrites. Testing andmicrostructural characterization of materials foralternative energy applications. High-temperaturephase equilibria. Defect chemistry

Frank Ernst, Ph.D.(University of Göttingen)Leonard Case, Jr. Professor of EngineeringMicrostructure and microcharacterization ofmaterials; defects in crystalline materials; interfaceand stress-related phenomena; semiconductorheterostructures, plated metallization layers;photovoltaic materials; surface hardening of alloys,quantitative methods of transmission electronmicroscopy

Roger H. French, Ph.D.(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)F. Alex Nason Professor of Materials ScienceOptical materials science, including opticalproperties, electronic structure, and radiationdurability of optical materials, polymers, ceramicsand liquids using vacuum ultraviolet and opticalspectroscopies and spectroscopic ellipsometry.Lifetime and degradation science of photovoltaicmaterials, components and systems including solarradiation durability and degradation mechanismsand rates. Quantum electrodynamics and vander Waals – London dispersion interactionsapplied to wetting, and long range interactions formanipulation of nanoscale objects such as carbonnanotubes and biomolecular materials.

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Arthur H. Heuer, Ph.D., D.Sc.(University of Leeds, England)Distinguished University Professor, KyoceraProfessor of Materials, and Director-SwagelokCenter for Surface Analysis of MaterialsInterstitial hardening and improved corrosionresistance of stainless steels and nickel-basealloys; oxidation and hot corrosion of nickel-baseand iron-base alloys; improved corrosion resistanceof aluminum base alloys; solid oxide fuel cells;high resolution and analytical electron microscopy;3D reconstruction of soft tissue for life scienceapplications; oxygen and aluminum lattice and grainboundary diffusion in aluminum oxide; dislocationsand plastic deformation of aluminum oxide;quantum mechanics of point defects, dislocations,and grain boundaries of aluminum oxide; andelectronic structure of aluminum oxide.

Harold Kahn, Ph.D.(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Research Associate ProfessorMaterials reliability in microsystems technologyand microelectromechanical systems; surfaceengineering of steels and alloys; mechanical testingof biological nanofibrils; microfluidic and micropticaldevices.

Peter Lagerlof, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)Associate ProfessorMechanical properties of ceramics and metals.Of particular interest is to understand how lowtemperature deformation twinning is related toplastic deformation by dislocation slip at elevatedtemperatures. Deformation twinning models for bothbasal and rhombohedral twinning in sapphire, whichare properly related to dislocation slip at elevatedtemperatures, have been established. The basaltwinning model has been confirmed experimentallyusing TEM techniques. Current research involvesstudies on how to generalize this twinning model toother materials systems; i.e., metals, intermetalliccompounds and other ceramics.

John J. Lewandowski, Ph.D.(Carnegie-Mellon University)Leonard Case Jr. Professor of Engineering andDirector - Center for Mechanical Characterization ofMaterialsMechanical behavior of materials; fracture andfatigue; micromechanisms of deformation andfracture; composite materials; bulk metallic glassesand composites; refractory metals; toughening ofbrittle materials; high-pressure deformation andfracture studies; hydrostatic extrusion; deformationprocessing

David H. Matthiesen, Ph.D.(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Associate Professor and Director - Wind EnergyResearch and Commercialization (WERC) CenterMaterials for use in wind turbines; wind resourcemeasurements onshore and offshore; materialsinteractions with ice; bulk crystal growth processing;process engineering in manufacturing; heat, mass,and momentum transport.

Gary M. Michal, Ph.D.(Stanford University)LTV Steel Professor of Metallurgy and Co-Director -Swagelok Center for Surface Analysis of MaterialsPhysical metallurgy; rapid solidification technology;application of rapid annealing to nonequilibriumprecipitation reactions; transmission electronmicroscopy; surface science; composite materials;interfacial phenomena

P. Pirouz, Ph.D.(Imperial College of Science and Technology,England)ProfessorDefects in semiconductors; heteroepitaxialgrowth of electronic materials; diffraction theory;transmission electron microscopy and itsapplications in materials science; fiber-reinforcedcomposites; synthetic growth of diamond

Ali Sayir, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)Research Associate ProfessorStructure/property relationships in ferroelectric andpiezoelectric ceramics, in actuators and sensorsfor engine and energy harvesting applications,thermoelectric energy conversion, high temperatureceramics for hydrogen separation

David Schwam, Ph.D.(The Technion University)Research Associate ProfessorGating of advanced aluminum and magnesiumalloys, development of die and permanent moldmaterials, thermal fatigue testing, recycling

Gerhard E. Welsch, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)ProfessorMetals and oxides; high temperature properties,mechanical and electrical properties. Materials forcapacitive energy storage; metal sponges; hightemperature materials, metal-cell composites.Synthesis of materials

Secondary Faculty

Clemens Burda, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Chemistry

148 Case School of Engineering

Walter Lambrecht, Ph.D.Professor of Physics

Russell Wang, D.D.S.Associate Professor of Dentistry

Xiong (Bill) Yu, Ph.D., P.E.Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering

Adjunct Faculty

Arnon Chait, Adjunct ProfessorNASA Glenn Research Center, Brookpark, OH

N.J. Henry Holroyd, Adjunct ProfessorLuxfer Gas Cylinders, Riverside, CA

Warren H. Hunt, Jr., Adjunct ProfessorTMS, Warrendale, PA

Jennie S. Hwang, Adjunct ProfessorH-Technologies Group, Cleveland, OH

Terence Mitchell, Adjunct ProfessorLos Alomos National Laboratory, Los Alomos, NM

Gary Ruff, Adjunct ProfessorRuff Associates, Rochester Hills, MI

Research Assistant Professor

Alp Sehirlioglu, PhD(University of Ill at Urbana-Champaign)Research Assistant ProfessorFunctional Materials for Energy Conversion andGeneration


EMSE 102. Materials Seminar. 1 Unit.

Topical lectures by faculty on current areas ofmaterials research serving to complement theconcepts introduced in EMSE 201. Generaldiscussion of overall curriculum and educationalobjectives. Recommended preparation: EMSE 201or concurrent enrollment.

EMSE 103. Materials in Sports. 3 Units.

The relationships between optimizing sportsactivities and the performance requirements ofsports equipment are developed. The inherentproperties of materials are shown to be thecontrolling factors in the design of almost all typesof sports equipment. Properties of the majorclasses of materials used to manufacture sportsequipment are examined. Materials discussedinclude advanced composites, foams, metals,ceramics, and natural composites, e.g., woodand leather. The absorption, storage, and releaseof energy by equipment during sports activitiesare shown to relate to the basic structure of thematerials from which it is made. Demonstrationexperiments are conducted periodically throughoutthe course.

EMSE 125. Freshman Research in MaterialsScience and Engineering. 1 Unit.

Freshman students conduct independent researchin the area of material science and engineering,working closely with graduate student(s) and/or postdoctoral fellow(s), and supervised by anEMSE faculty member. An average of 5-6 hr/wkin the laboratory, periodic updates, and an endof semester report is required. Prereq: Limited tofreshman, with permission of instructor.

EMSE 201. Introduction to Materials Scienceand Engineering. 3 Units.

Introductory treatment of crystallography, phaseequilibria, and materials kinetics. Application ofthese principles to examples in metals, ceramics,semiconductors, and polymers, illustratingthe control of structure through processingto obtain desired mechanical and physicalproperties. Design content includes examples andproblems in materials selection and of design ofmaterials for particular performance requirements.Recommended preparation: ENGR 145 and PHYS121 and MATH 121.

EMSE 202. Phase Diagrams andTransformations. 3 Units.

Diffusion processes, equilibrium diagrams ofalloys: solid solutions, phase mixtures, ordering,intermediate phases, binary and ternary diagrams.Thermodynamic, kinetic, and structural aspectsof transformation and reactions in condensedsystems. Transformations in alloys: phasetransformations near equilibrium, precipitationhardening, martensite reactions. Recommendedpreparation: EMSE 201.

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EMSE 203. Applied Thermodynamics. 3 Units.

Basic thermodynamics principles as appliedto materials. Application of thermodynamics tomaterial processing and performance includingcondensed phase and gaseous equilibria, stabilitydiagrams, corrosion and oxidation, electrochemicaland vapor phase reactions. Recommendedpreparation: CHEM 301.

EMSE 270. Materials Laboratory I. 2 Units.

Introduction to processing, microstructure andproperty relationships of metal alloys, ceramicsand glass. Solidification of a binary alloy andmetallography by optical and scanning electronmicroscopy. Synthesis of ceramics powders,thermal analysis using TGA and DTA, powderconsolidation, sintering and grain growth kinetics.Processing and coloring of glass and glass-ceramics.

EMSE 280. Materials Laboratory II. 2 Units.

Synthesis and processing. Experiments designed todemonstrate and evaluate different ways to processdifferent types of materials. Solidification of melts.Crystallization kinetics, processing using oxidationand oxidized microstructures. Laboratory teams areselected for all experiments.

EMSE 290. Materials Laboratory III. 2 Units.

Experiments designed to characterize andevaluate different microstructural designs producedby variations in processing. Fracture of brittlematerials, fractography, thermal shock resistance,hardenability of steels, TTT and CT diagrams,composites, solidification of metals, solutionannealing of alloys. Recommended preparation:EMSE 201.

EMSE 301. Fundamentals of MaterialsProcessing. 3 Units.

Introduction to materials processing technology withan emphasis on the relation of basic concepts tothe processes by which materials are made intoengineering components. Includes casting, welding,forging, cold-forming, powder processing ofmetals and ceramics, and polymer and compositeprocessing. Recommended preparation: EMSE 201and EMSE 202 and EMSE 203.

EMSE 302. Fundamentals of MaterialsProcessing Laboratory. 1 Unit.

Demonstration of basic processes of materialsfabrication. Includes visits to commercial materialsprocessing plants for tours and demonstrations.Graded pass/fail.

EMSE 303. Mechanical Behavior of Materials. 3Units.

Review of elasticity and plasticity. Basic stressstrain relationships of single crystal and poly-crystalline materials. Yield criteria. Microstructuralfactors controlling deformation and fractureof polycrystalline materials. Strengtheningmechanisms. Fracture toughness and fatiguebehavior of engineering materials. Recommendedpreparation: EMSE 201 and ENGR 200.

EMSE 307. Foundry Metallurgy. 3 Units.

Introduction to solid-liquid phase transformationsand their application to foundry and metal castingprocesses. Includes application of nucleation andgrowth to microstructural development, applicationof thermodynamics to molten metal reactions,application of the principles of fluid flow and heattransfer to gating and risering techniques, andintroduction to basic foundry and metal castingtechnology. Recommended preparation: EMSE 202and EMSE 203 and ENGR 225.

EMSE 310. Applications of DiffractionPrinciples. 1 Unit.

A lab sequence in conjunction with EMSE 312,Diffraction Principles, involving experimentson crystallography, optical diffraction, Lauebackscattering on single crystals, powder diffractionof unknown compounds, electron diffraction andimaging, and chemical analysis using energydispersive x-ray spectroscopy. Recommendedpreparation: EMSE 312 or consent of instructor.

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EMSE 312. Diffraction Principles. 3 Units.

Use of X-rays, lasers, and electrons for diffractionstudies and chemical analysis of materials. Fouriertransforms and optical diffraction. Fundamentals ofcrystallography. Crystal structures of simple metals,semiconductors and ceramics. Reciprocal latticeand diffraction. Stereographic projections. Powderdiffraction patterns and analysis of unknownstructures. Laue backscattering and orientation ofsingle crystals. Electron microscopy and electrondiffraction. Chemical analysis using energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Recommendedpreparation: EMSE 201 and MATH 224.

EMSE 313. Engineering Applications ofMaterials. 3 Units.

Optimum use of materials taking into account notonly the basic engineering characteristics andproperties of the materials, but also necessaryconstraints of component design, manufacture(including machining), abuse allowance (safetyfactors), and cost. Interrelations among parametersbased on total system design concepts. Casehistory studies. Systems of failure analysis.Recommended preparation: EMSE 202 and ENGR200.

EMSE 314. Electrical, Magnetic, and OpticalProperties of Materials. 3 Units.

Materials science of electronic materials and theirapplications. Topics include: Crystallographyof semiconductor materials. Classical andmodern theories of electrons in metals. Quantum-mechanical behavior of electrons in solids. Bandtheory of solids. Boltzmann and Fermi-Diracstatistics. Electronic transport in intrinsic andextrinsic semiconductors. Ohmic and rectifyingjunctions; diodes, solar cells, and thermoelectricdevices. Types of magnetism; magnetic Curietemperature, domains, and hysteresis. Hardand soft magnetic materials and applications.Dielectric polarization of materials and its frequencydependence. Optical absorption. Optical fibers.Luminescence; phosphors. Recommendedpreparation: PHYS 122 or PHYS 124.

EMSE 325. Undergraduate Research in MaterialsScience and Engineering. 1 - 3 Unit.

Undergraduate laboratory research in materialsscience and engineering. Students will undertakean independent research project along sidegraduate student(s) and/or postdoctoral fellow(s),and will be supervised by an EMSE facultymember. Written and oral reports will be given ona regular basis, and an end of semester report isrequired. The course can be repeated up to four(4) times for a total of six (6) credit hours. Prereq:Sophomore or Junior standing and consent ofinstructor.

EMSE 335. Strategic Metals and Materials forthe 21st Century. 3 Units.

This course seeks to create an understanding ofthe role of mineral-based materials in the moderneconomy focusing on how such knowledge canand should be used in making strategic choicesin an engineering context. The history of the roleof materials in emerging technologies from ahistorical perspective will be briefly explored. Thecurrent literature will be used to demonstrate theconnectedness of materials availability and thedevelopment and sustainability of engineeringadvances with examples of applications exploitingstructural, electronic, optical, magnetic, andenergy conversion properties. Processing willbe comprehensively reviewed from sourcethrough refinement through processing includingproperty development through application of:titanium, beryiium, molybdenum, cobalt, vanadium,manganese, tantalum, rhenium, and rare earthgroup metals. The concept of strategic recycling,including design for recycling and waste streammanagement will be considered. Offered as EMSE335 and EMSE 435. Prereq: Senior standing orgraduate student.

EMSE 360. Transport Phenomena in MaterialsScience. 3 Units.

Review of momentum, mass, and heat transportfrom a unified point of view. Application of theseprinciples to various phenomena in materialsscience and engineering with an emphasis onmaterials processing. Both analytical and numericalmethodologies applied in the solution of problems.Recommended preparation: ENGR 225 and MATH224 or equivalent.

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EMSE 372. Relation of Materials to Design. 4Units.

The design of mechanical and structural elementsconsidering static failure, elastic stability, residualstresses, stress concentration, impact, fatigue,creep and environmental conditions on themechanical behavior of engineering materials.Rational approaches to materials selection fornew and existing designs of structures. Laboratoryexperiments coordinated with the classroomlectures. Offered as EMAE 372 and EMSE 372.

EMSE 396. Special Project or Thesis. 1 - 18 Unit.

Special research projects or undergraduate thesisin selected material areas.

EMSE 398. Senior Project in Materials I. 1 Unit.

Independent Research project. Projects selectedfrom those suggested by faculty; usually entailoriginal research. The EMSE 398 and 399sequence form an approved SAGES capstone.

EMSE 399. Senior Project in Materials II. 2 Units.

Independent Research project. Projects selectedfrom those suggested by faculty; usually entailoriginal research. Requirements include periodicreporting of progress, plus a final oral presentationand written report. Recommended preparation:EMSE 398 or concurrent enrollment..

EMSE 400T. Graduate Teaching I. 0 Units.

To provide teaching experience for all Ph.D.-boundgraduate students. This will include preparingexams/quizzes, homework, leading recitationsessions, tutoring, providing laboratory assistance,and developing teaching aids that include bothweb-based and classroom materials. Graduatestudents will meet with supervising faculty memberthroughout the semester. Grading is pass/fail.Students must receive three passing grades andup to two assignments may be taken concurrently.Recommended preparation: Ph.D. student inMaterials Science and Engineering.

EMSE 401. Transformations in Materials. 3Units.

Review of solution thermodynamics, surfacesand interfaces, recrystallization, austenitedecomposition, the martensite transformationand heat treatment of metals. Recommendedpreparation: EMSE 202.

EMSE 403. Modern Ceramic Processing. 3 Units.

Fundamental science and technology of modernceramic powder processing and fabricationtechniques. Powder synthesis techniques.Physical chemistry of aqueous and nonaqueouscolloidal suspensions of solids. Shape formingtechniques: extrusion; injection molding; slipand tape casting; dry, isostatic, and hot isostaticpressing. Recommended preparation: EMSE 316 orconcurrent enrollment.

EMSE 404. Diffusion Processes in Solids andMelts. 3 Units.

Development of the laws of diffusion and theirapplications. Carburization and decarburization,oxidation processes. Computer modeling ofdiffusion processing.

EMSE 405. Dielectric, Optical and MagneticProperties of Materials. 3 Units.

Electrical properties of nonmetals: ionic conductors,dielectrics, ferroelectrics, and piezo-electrics.Magnetic phenomena and properties of metals andoxides, including superconductors. Mechanisms ofoptical absorption in dielectrics. Optoelectronics.Applications in devices such as oxygen sensors,multilayer capacitors, soft and hard magnets,optical fibers, and lasers.

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EMSE 406. Optical Materials, Elements andTechnologies. 3 Units.

Optical materials, elements and technologiesare the focus of this course. Inorganic ororganic optical materials are defined by theiroptical properties, radiation durability underultraviolet and solar irradiation, and ancillaryproperties required for robust application. Opticalelements of , for example, photolithography (asused in the semiconductor industry) includephotomasks, pellicles, and imaging fluids.Photovoltaics (PV) have reflective, refractive,antireflective, or encapsulating elements. Toproduce the desired optical function, bothphotolithography and photovoltaics rely on thestructure-property relationships of materialsand precise manufacturing methods. Ancillaryproperties of interest are latent image formationand development for photoresists and adhesionand environmental isolation for PV encapsulants.We will see how photolithography has been thedominant contributor to the continuous shrinkageof semiconductors, ands, with photovoltaics,we will examine how PVs compete with currentenergy sources by potentially reducing the costper kWh through technological advancement.Optimization of the optical, physical and economicperformance of these materials and elements,including sufficient durability over their requiredlifetime, is a critical challenge for technologicalsuccess. Higher performance materials and noveloptical elements and system designs, coupledwith increased PV module lifetimes and lowerdegradation rates, are important paths to cost-competitive PV electricity. We will also study themanner in which the evolution of technology hasdefined and driven the roadmaps of these opticaltechnologies (Moore’s Law). The course will includetwo computational optics labs to design state-of-the-art optical technologies for photolithographicImaging of sub-wavelength semiconductor devicefeature sizes, and of non-imaging concentratingphotovoltaic systems with high optical efficiencies.

EMSE 409. Deformation Processing. 3 Units.

Flow stress as a function of material and processingparameters; yielding criteria; stress states inelastic-plastic deformation; forming methods:forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing, stretch forming,composite forming. Recommended preparation:EMSE 303.

EMSE 411. Environmental Effects on Materials.3 Units.

Oxidation, corrosion and modification of structure ofproperties of metallic, ceramic and carbonaceousmaterials in environments of air, gases andaqueous electrolytes at low and high temperatures;Coatings and other protection methods; Materialselection for self-passivation. Conversion-reactionsand anodizing for beneficial applications.

EMSE 412. Materials Science and EngineeringSeminar. 0 Units.

EMSE 413. Fundamentals of MaterialsEngineering and Science. 3 Units.

Provides a background in materials for graduatestudents with undergraduate majors in otherbranches of engineering and science: reviewsbasic bonding relations, structure, and defects incrystals. Lattice dynamics; thermodynamic relationsin multi-component systems; microstructural controlin metals and ceramics; mechanical and chemicalproperties of materials as affected by structure;control of properties by techniques involvingstructure property relations; basic electrical,magnetic and optical properties.

EMSE 417. Properties of Materials at HighTemperatures. 3 Units.

Thermo physical properties: specific heat,thermal expansion, electrical and thermalconductivity. Temperature dependence of elasticconstants. Thermodynamic principles for thestability of microstructures at high temperatures.Strengthening mechanisms. Stress relaxation anddamping. Creep deformation. Thermal fatigue andthermal shock. Fracture mechanisms. Refractorymetals, superalloys, intermetallic compounds,carbon, ceramic materials. Protective coatings.

EMSE 419. Phase Equilibria and Microstructuresof Materials. 3 Units.

The multi-component nature of most materialsystems require understanding of phase equilibriaand descriptions of microstructure. Attention willbe given to phase equilibria in multi-component(ternary and higher) systems, and the stereologicaldescription of the microstructure of multiphasesystems.

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EMSE 421. Fracture of Materials. 3 Units.

Micromechanisms of deformation and fracture ofengineering materials. Brittle fracture and ductilefracture mechanisms in relation to microstructure.Strength, toughness, and test techniques. Reviewof predictive models. Recommended preparation:ENGR 200 and EMSE 303 or EMSE 427; orconsent.

EMSE 426. Semiconductor Thin Film Scienceand Technology. 3 Units.

Fundamental science and technology of modernsemiconductors. Thin film technologies forelectronic materials. Crystal growth techniques.Introduction to device technology. Defectcharacterization and generation during processingproperties of important electronic materials fordevice applications. Recommended preparation:EMSE 314.

EMSE 427. Dislocations in Solids. 3 Units.

Elasticity and dislocation theory; dislocation slipsystems; kinks and dislocation motion; jogs anddislocation interactions, dislocation dissociationand stacking faults; dislocation multiplication,applications to yield phenomena, work hardeningand other mechanical properties.

EMSE 429. Crystallography and CrystalChemistry. 3 Units.

Crystal symmetries, point groups, translationsymmetries, space lattices, crystal classes, spacegroups, crystal chemistry, crystal structures andphysical properties.

EMSE 435. Strategic Metals and Materials forthe 21st Century. 3 Units.

This course seeks to create an understanding ofthe role of mineral-based materials in the moderneconomy focusing on how such knowledge canand should be used in making strategic choicesin an engineering context. The history of the roleof materials in emerging technologies from ahistorical perspective will be briefly explored. Thecurrent literature will be used to demonstrate theconnectedness of materials availability and thedevelopment and sustainability of engineeringadvances with examples of applications exploitingstructural, electronic, optical, magnetic, andenergy conversion properties. Processing willbe comprehensively reviewed from sourcethrough refinement through processing includingproperty development through application of:titanium, beryiium, molybdenum, cobalt, vanadium,manganese, tantalum, rhenium, and rare earthgroup metals. The concept of strategic recycling,including design for recycling and waste streammanagement will be considered. Offered as EMSE335 and EMSE 435. Prereq: Senior standing orgraduate student.

EMSE 500T. Graduate Teaching II. 0 Units.

To provide teaching experience for all Ph.D.-boundgraduate students. This will include preparingexams/quizzes/homework, leading recitationsessions, tutoring, providing laboratory assistance,and developing teaching aids that include bothweb-based and classroom materials. Graduatestudents will meet with supervising faculty memberthroughout the semester. Grading is pass/fail.Students must receive three passing grades andup to two assignments may be taken concurrently.Recommended preparation: Ph.D. student inMaterials Science and Engineering.

EMSE 502. Mechanical Properties of Metals andComposites. 3 Units.

Microstructural effects on strength and toughnessof advanced metals and composites. Review ofdispersion hardening and composite strengtheningmechanisms. Toughening of brittle materials viacomposite approaches such as fiber reinforcement,ductile phases, and combinations of approaches.Recommended preparation: ENGR 200 and EMSE303 or EMSE 421; or consent.

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EMSE 504. Thermodynamics of Solids. 3 Units.

Review of the first, second, and third laws ofthermodynamics and their consequences. Stabilitycriteria, simultaneous chemical reactions, binaryand multi-component solutions, phase diagrams,surfaces, adsorption phenomena.

EMSE 509. Conventional Transmission ElectronMicroscopy. 3 Units.

Introduction to transmission electron microscopy-theoretical background and practical work. Lecturesand laboratory experiments cover the technicalconstruction and operation of transmissionelectron microscopes, specimen preparation,electron diffraction by crystals, electron diffractiontechniques of TEM, conventional TEM imaging,and scanning TEM. Examples from various fieldsof materials research illustrate the application andsignificance of these techniques. Recommendedpreparation: Consent of instructor.

EMSE 511. Failure Analysis. 3 Units.

Methods and procedures for determining thebasic causes of failures in structures andcomponents. Recognition of fractures andexcessive deformations in terms of their nature andorigin. Development and full characterization offractures. Legal, ethical, and professional aspectsof failures from service. Recommended preparation:EMSE 201 and EMSE 303 and ENGR 200; orconsent.

EMSE 512. Advanced Techniques ofTransmission Electron Microscopy. 3 Units.

Theory and laboratory experiments to learnadvanced techniques of transmission electronmicroscopy, including high-resolution transmissionelectron microscopy (HRTEM), convergent-beamelectron diffraction (CBED), microanalysis using X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS) andelectron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), andelectron-spectroscopic imaging (ESI) for elementalmapping. Recommended preparation: EMSE 509.

EMSE 514. Defects in Semiconductors. 3 Units.

Presentation of the main crystallographic defectsin semiconductors; point defects (e.g., vacancies,interstitials, substitutional and interstitial impurities),line defects (e.g., dislocations), planar defects (e.g.,grain boundaries). Structural, electrical and opticalproperties of various defects. Interpretation of theproperties from the perspective of semiconductorphysics and materials science and correlation ofthese defects to physical properties of the material.Experimental techniques including TEM, EBIC, CL,DLTS, etc. Recommended preparation: EMSE 426.

EMSE 515. Analytical Methods in MaterialsScience. 3 Units.

Microcharacterization techniques of materialsscience and engineering: SPM (scanningprobe microscopy), SEM (scanning electronmicroscopy), FIB (focused ion beam) techniques,SIMS (secondary ion mass spectrometry),EPMA (electron probe microanalysis), XPS(X-ray photoelectron spectrometry), and AES(Auger electron spectrometry), ESCA (electronspectrometry for chemical analysis). The courseincludes theory, application examples, andlaboratory demonstrations.

EMSE 600T. Graduate Teaching III. 0 Units.

To provide teaching experience for all Ph.D.-boundgraduate students. This will include preparingexam/quizzes/homework, leading recitationsessions, tutoring, providing laboratory assistance,and developing teaching aids that include bothweb-based and classroom materials. Graduatestudents will meet with supervising faculty memberthroughout the semester. Grading is pass/fail.Students must receive three passing grades andup to two assignments may be taken concurrently.Recommended preparation: Ph.D. student inMaterials Science and Engineering.

EMSE 601. Independent Study. 1 - 18 Unit.

EMSE 633. Special Topics. 1 - 18 Unit.

EMSE 649. Special Projects. 1 - 18 Unit.

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EMSE 651. Thesis M.S.. 1 - 18 Unit.

Required for Master’s degree. A research problemin metallurgy, ceramics, electronic materials,biomaterials or archeological and art historicalmaterials, culminating in the writing of a thesis.

EMSE 701. Dissertation Ph.D.. 1 - 18 Unit.

Required for Ph.D. degree. A research problemin metallurgy, ceramics, electronic materials,biomaterials or archeological and art historicalmaterials, culminating in the writing of a thesis.Prereq: Predoctoral research consent or advancedto Ph.D. candidacy milestone.

156 Case School of Engineering

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

418 Glennan Building (7222) Iwan D. Alexander, Cady Staley Professor ofEngineering and Chair, Faculty Director, GreatLakes Energy

The Department of Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering of the Case School of Engineeringoffers programs leading to bachelors, masters,and doctoral degrees. It administers the programsleading to the degrees of Bachelor of Science inEngineering with a major in aerospace engineeringand Bachelor of Science in Engineering with amajor in mechanical engineering. Both curriculaare based on four-year programs of preparation forproductive engineering careers or further academictraining. The degree of Bachelor of Science inMechanical Engineering and the degree of Bachelorof Science in Aerospace Engineering at CaseWestern Reserve University are accredited by theEngineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,Inc.

Departmental Mission

The mission of the Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering Department is to educate andprepare students at both the undergraduateand graduate levels for leadership roles in thefields of Mechanical Engineering and AerospaceEngineering and to conduct research for the benefitof society.

Program EducationalObjectives

Consistent with the mission of the Department andthe mission of Case Western Reserve University,the stated objectives of the Case School ofEngineering are summarized in terms of graduateswith five attributes: (a) mastery of fundamentals, (b)creativity, (c) social awareness, (d) leadership skills,and (e) professionalism as described below.

The program objectives for the program inMechanical Engineering reflect the missions of theCase School of Engineering and the Departmentof Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Thefollowing statements also reflect the emphases ofthe Department on successful professional practicein their field, the assumption of leadership roles,

and a commitment to life-long learning by ourgraduates.

Objective 1 - Graduates of the MechanicalEngineering Program will enter and successfullyengage in careers in mechanical engineering, andother professions enabled by their knowledge andskills in mechanical engineering.

Objective 2 - Graduates of the MechanicalEngineering Program will advance in responsibilityand leadership in their chosen professions.

Objective 3 - Graduates of the MechanicalEngineering Program will engage in continuedlearning through post-baccalaureate education and/or professional development in engineering or otherprofessional fields.

The program objectives for the program inAerospace Engineering reflect the missions of theCase School of Engineering and the Departmentof Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Thefollowing statements also reflect the emphasesof the Department on preparing our graduates forsuccessful professional practice in their field, theassumption of leadership roles, and a commitmentto life-long learning.

Objective 1 - Graduates of the AerospaceEngineering Program will enter and successfullyengage in careers in aerospace engineering, andother professions enabled by their knowledge andskills in aerospace engineering.

Objective 2 - Graduates of the AerospaceEngineering Program will advance in responsibilityand leadership in their chosen professions.

Objective 3 - Graduates of the AerospaceEngineering Program will engage in continuedlearning through post-baccalaureate education and/or professional development in engineering or otherprofessional fields.

The undergraduate program emphasizesfundamental engineering science, analysis andexperiments to insure that graduates will bestrong contributors in their work environment,be prepared for advanced study at top graduateschools and be proficient lifelong learners. Thegraduate programs emphasize advanced methodsof analysis, mathematical modeling, computationaland experimental techniques applied to a variety ofmechanical and aerospace engineering specialtiesincluding, applied mechanics, dynamic systems,robotics, biomechanics, fluid mechanics, heattransfer, propulsion and combustion. Leadershipskills are developed by infusing the programwith current engineering practice, design, and

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professionalism (including engineering ethicsand the role of engineering in society) lead byconcerned educators and researchers.

The academic and research activities of thedepartment center on the roles of mechanics,thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, andengineering design in a wide variety of applicationssuch as aeronautics, astronautics, biomechanicsand orthopedic engineering, biomimetics andbiological inspired robotics, energy, environment,machinery dynamics, mechanics of advancedmaterials, nanotechnology and tribology. Many ofthese activities involve strong collaborations withthe Departments of Biology, Electrical Engineeringand Computer Science, Materials Science andEngineering and Orthopaedics of the School ofMedicine.

The significant constituencies of the Mechanicaland Aerospace Engineering Department arethe faculty, the students, the alumni and theexternal advisory boards. The educational programobjectives are established and reviewed onan ongoing basis based on the feedback fromthe various constituencies as well as archivalinformation about the program graduates. Thefaculty engages in continuing discussions of theacademic programs in the regularly scheduledfaculty meetings throughout the academic year.Periodic surveys of alumni provide data regardingthe preparedness and success of the graduatesas well as guidance in program development.Archival data include the placement informationfor graduating seniors, which provides directinformation regarding the success of the graduatesin finding employment or being admitted tograduate programs.

Mastery of Fundamentals

• A strong background in the fundamentals ofchemistry, physics and mathematics.

• Methods of mechanical engineering analysis,both numerical and mathematical, appliedto mechanics, dynamic systems and control,thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heattransfer.

• Methods of modern experimental engineeringanalysis and data acquisition.


• Ability to identify, model, and solve mechanicaland aerospace engineering design problems.

• Ability to design experiments to resolvemechanical and aerospace engineering issues.

• Ability to perform an individual senior project thatdemonstrates original research and/or designcontent.

Societal Awareness

• Issues of environmental impact, efficient use ofenergy and resources, benefits of recycling.

• An awareness of the multi-disciplinary nature ofmechanical and aerospace engineering.

• Impact of economic, product liability and otherlegal issues on mechanical and aerospaceengineering manufacturing and design.

Leadership Skills

• An ability to work in teams.

• Ethical considerations in engineering decisions.

• Proficiency in oral and written communication.

• Professionalism

• Students are encouraged to develop asprofessionals through participation in the studentchapters of the American Society of MechanicalEngineers (ASME) and the American Institute ofAeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).

• Students are encouraged to augment theirclassroom experiences with the cooperativeeducation program and the strong graduateresearch program of the department.

• Students are encouraged to take theFundamentals of Engineering Examination as thefirst step in the process of becoming a registeredprofessional engineer.

• The bachelor’s candidate must complete anindependent design project with an oral andwritten final report.

• The master’s candidate must demonstrateindependent research resulting in a thesisor project suitable for publication and/orpresentation in peer reviewed journals and/orconferences.

• The doctoral candidate must complete a rigorousindependent thesis containing original researchresults appropriate for publication in archivaljournals and presentation at leading technicalconferences.

158 Case School of Engineering

Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineering has grown dramaticallywith the rapid development of the computer inexperiments, design and numerical analysis. Thewealth of scientific information developed as aresult of aerospace activity forms the foundation forthe aerospace engineering major.

Scientific knowledge is being developed each dayfor programs to develop reusable launch vehicles(RLV), the International Space Station (ISS),High Speed Transport (HST), Human Explorationand Development of Space (HEDS) and micro-electro-mechanical sensors and control systemsfor advanced flight. New methods of analysis anddesign for structural, fluid, and thermodynamicapplications are required to meet these challenges.

The aerospace engineering major has beendeveloped to address the needs of those studentsseeking career opportunities in the highlyspecialized and advancing aerospace industries.

Mechanical Engineering

Civilization, as we know it today, depends on theintelligent and humane use of our energy resourcesand machines. The mechanical engineer’s functionis to apply science and technology to the design,analysis, development, manufacture, and use ofmachines that convert and transmit energy, and toapply energy to the completion of useful operations.The top ten choices of the millennium committeeof the National Academy of Engineering, asked toselect the 20 top engineering accomplishments ofthe 20th century, was abundant with mechanicalengineering accomplishments, electrification(large scale power generation and distribution),automobiles, air travel (development of aircraftand propulsion), mechanized agriculture, andrefrigeration and air conditioning.


Aerospace Technology and Space Exploration

Flow in turbomachinery, molecular dynamicssimulation of rarefied gas flow, two phaseflow, supersonic combustion and propulsion,thermoacoustic refrigeration, in-situ resourceutilization from space. Gravitational effects ontransport phenomena, fluids and thermal processesin advance life support systems for long durationspace travel, interfacial processes, g-jitter effects

on microgravity flows, two phase flow in zero andreduced gravity.

Combustion and Energy

Hydrogen ignition and safety, catalytic combustion,flame spread, fire research and protection,combustion in micro- and partial gravity.

Dynamics of Rotating Machinery

Forced and instability vibration of rotor/bearing/sealsystems, nonlinear rotor dynamics, torsional rotorvibration, rotor dynamic characteristics of bearingsand seals (computational and experimentalapproach), control of rotor system dynamics, rub-impact studies on bearings and compressor/turbineblading systems. Advanced rotating machinerymonitoring and diagnostics.

Heat Transfer

Analysis of heat transfer in complex systems suchas biological organisms, multi-functional materialsand building enclosures.

Engineering Design

Optimization and computer-aided design, feasibilitystudies of kinematic mechanisms, kinematics ofrolling element-bearing geometries, mechanicalcontrol systems, experimental stress analysis,failure analysis, development of biologically inspiredmethodologies.


Agile manufacturing work cells developed tofacilitate quick change over from assembly ofone object to assembly of other objects containsmultiple robots, a conveyor system and flexibleparts feeders.


Development of novel experimental techniquesto investigate material response at elevatedtemperatures and high rates of deformation.Constitutive modeling of damage evolution, shearlocalization and failure of advanced engineeringmaterials. Fabrication of mechanical properties ofcomposite materials; creep, rupture, and fatigueproperties of engineering materials at elevatedtemperatures.

Multiphase Flow Research

Application of non-intrusive laser based diagnostictechniques and ultrasound techniques includingpulsed ultrasound Doppler velocimetry to studysolid-liquid, solid-gas, liquid-gas and solid-liquid-gas, multiphase flows encountered in slurrytransport and bio-fluid mechanics.


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Research related to various nanotechnologyapplications with particular emphasis onenergy conversion, generation and storage innanostructured materials including the synthesis ofpolymer-based nanocomposites. Current researchprojects include investigation of nanocompositesfor thermoelectric devices, molecular simulation ofthermal transport across interfacial regions, andbiomimetic research on protein-based shark gel.

Musculoskeletal Mechanics and MaterialsResearch

Design, modeling, and failure analysis oforthopaedic prostheses and material selection;mechanical properties of, and transport processesin, bone and soft tissue; tribology of native andtissue engineered cartilage; nondestructivemechanical evaluation of tissue engineeredcartilage.


Biologically inspired and biologically based designand control of legged robots. Dynamics, control andsimulation of animals and robots.

Tribology and Seals

Time-resolved friction on nano- and microsecondtime scale with applications to high speedmachining and mechanics of armor penetration.Study of gas lubricated foil bearing systems withapplication to oil-free turbomachinery. Evaluation ofadvanced seal concepts and configurations for hightemperature applications in gas turbine engines.


Vibration characteristics of seals and bearingsand measurement of chaotic motion. Rub impactstudies of blade tip/casing interactions, particle-blade/casing interactions in centrifugal pumps.

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

Major in Aerospace Engineering

Major CoursesEMAE 172 Mechanical Manufacturing 4EMAE 181 Dynamics 3EMAE 250 Computers in Mechanical Engineering 3EMAE 285 Mechanical Engineering Measurements


EMAE 325 Fluid and Thermal Engineering II 4EMAE 350 Mechanical Engineering Analysis 3EMAE 355 Design of Fluid and Thermal Elements 3EMAE 356 Aerospace Design 3EMAE 359 Aero/Gas Dynamics 3EMAE 360 Engineering Design 3EMAE 376 Aerostructures 3EMAE 381 Flight and Orbital Mechanics 3

EMAE 382 Propulsion 3EMAE 398 Senior Project 3One technical electiveFor the Engineering Core natural science and mathrequirement

PHYS 221 Introduction to Modern PhysicsTotal Units 45

First Year Units

Fall Spring

Principles of Chemistry for Engineers(CHEM 111)


Calculus for Science and Engineering I

(MATH 121)e4

General Physics I - Mechanics (PHYS


Elementary Computer Programming (ENGR


PHED 102 0FSCC 100 SAGES First Seminar 3Calculus for Science and Engineering II

(MATH 122)e4

General Physics II - Electricity and

Magnetism (PHYS 122)b,e4

Chemistry of Materials (ENGR 145)b,e 4

University Seminare 3

PHED (two half semester courses) 0Year Total: 18 15

Second Year Units

Fall Spring

Mechanical Manufacturing (EMAE 172)e 4

Dynamics (EMAE 181)e 3

Statics and Strength of Materials (ENGR


Calculus for Science and Engineering III

(MATH 223)e3

Computers in Mechanical Engineering

(EMAE 250)e3

University Seminar 3Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation

(ENGR 210)b,e4

Introduction to Modern Physics (PHYS


Elementary Differential Equations (MATH


Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heat

and Mass Transfer (ENGR 225)a4

Year Total: 16 17

Third Year Units

Fall Spring

Humanities or Social Science elective 3Fluid and Thermal Engineering II (EMAE325)


Mechanical Engineering Measurements

Laboratory (EMAE 285)e4

Strength of Materials (ECIV 310)e 3

160 Case School of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Analysis (EMAE350)


Humanities or Social Science elective 3Aero/Gas Dynamics (EMAE 359) 3Aerostructures (EMAE 376) 3

Open electivee 3

Technical electivee 3

Year Total: 17 15

Fourth Year Units

Fall Spring

Humanities or Social Science elective 3Signals and Systems (EECS 246) 4Flight and Orbital Mechanics (EMAE 381) 3Design of Fluid and Thermal Elements(EMAE 355)


Engineering Design (EMAE 360) 3Humanities or Social Science elective 3Aerospace Design (EMAE 356) 3Propulsion (EMAE 382) 3

Senior Project (EMAE 398)b,e 3

Professional Communication for Engineers

(ENGL 398N/ENGR 398)e3

Year Total: 16 15 Total Units in Sequence: 129

Hours required for graduation: 129

b Engineering Core Course

d Selected students may be invited to take

• PHYS 123 Physics and Frontiers I -Mechanics-PHYS 124 Physics andFrontiers II - Electricity and Magnetism,General Physics I, II-Honors (3)

in place of

• PHYS 121 General Physics I -Mechanics-PHYS 122 General Physics II -Electricity and Magnetism, General PhysicsI, II (4).

e May be taken fall or spring semester.

Bachelor of Science inEngineering Degree

Major in Mechanical Engineering

Major CoursesEMAE 172 Mechanical Manufacturing 4EMAE 181 Dynamics 3

EMAE 250 Computers in Mechanical Engineering 3EMAE 285 Mechanical Engineering Measurements


EMAE 325 Fluid and Thermal Engineering II 4EMAE 350 Mechanical Engineering Analysis 3EMAE 355 Design of Fluid and Thermal Elements 3EMAE 360 Engineering Design 3EMAE 370 Design of Mechanical Elements 3EMAE 398 Senior Project 3Total Units 33

First Year Units

Fall Spring

Principles of Chemistry for Engineers(CHEM 111)


Calculus for Science and Engineering I

(MATH 121)e4

General Physics I - Mechanics (PHYS


Elementary Computer Programming (ENGR


FSCC 100 First Seminar 3PHED - Physical Education ActivitiesCalculus for Science and Engineering II

(MATH 122)e4

General Physics II - Electricity and

Magnetism (PHYS 122)d,e4

University Seminare 3

Chemistry of Materials (ENGR 145)b,e 4

PHED - Physical Education ActivitiesYear Total: 18 15

Second Year Units

Fall Spring

University Seminar 3Statics and Strength of Materials (ENGR


Mechanical Manufacturing (EMAE 172)e 4

Calculus for Science and Engineering III(MATH 223)


Computers in Mechanical Engineering

(EMAE 250)e3

Open elective 3

Dynamics (EMAE 181)e 3

Elementary Differential Equations (MATH


Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heat

and Mass Transfer (ENGR 225)b,e4

Science electivee 3

Year Total: 16 16

Third Year Units

Fall Spring

Humanities or Social Science elective 3Fluid and Thermal Engineering II (EMAE325)


Mechanical Engineering Measurements

Laboratory (EMAE 285)e4

Case Western Reserve University 161

Strength of Materials (ECIV 310)e 3

Mechanical Engineering Analysis (EMAE350)


Humanities or Social Science elective 3Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation

(ENGR 210)b,e4

Technical electivee 3

Design of Mechanical Elements (EMAE370)


Technical electivee 3

Year Total: 17 16

Fourth Year Units

Fall Spring

Humanities or Social Science elective 3Signals and Systems (EECS 246) 4Design of Fluid and Thermal Elements

(EMAE 355)e3

Engineering Design (EMAE 360) 3

Decision Theory (OPRE 345)e 3

Humanities or Social Science elective 3

Technical electivee 3

Senior Project (EMAE 398)b,e 3

Professional Communication for Engineers

(ENGL 398N)e3

Technical electivee 3

Year Total: 16 15 Total Units in Sequence: 129

Hours required for graduation: 129

b Engineering Core Course

d Selected students may be invited to take

• PHYS 123 Physics and Frontiers I -Mechanics-PHYS 124 Physics andFrontiers II - Electricity and Magnetism,General Physics I, II-Honors (3)

in place of

• PHYS 121 General Physics I -Mechanics-PHYS 122 General Physics II -Electricity and Magnetism, General PhysicsI, II (4).

e May be taken fall or spring semester.

Technical Electives By Program

Aerospace engineering

EMAE 290 Computer-Aided Manufacturing 3EMAE 352 Thermodynamics in Energy Processes 3EMAE 370 Design of Mechanical Elements 3

EMAE 372 Relation of Materials to Design 4EMAE 377 Biorobotics Team Research 3EMAE 378 Mechanics of Machinery I 3EMAE 387 Vibration Problems in Engineering 4

EMAE 402 Muscles, Biomechanics, and Control ofMovement


EMAE 415 Introduction to Musculo-skeletalBiomechanics


EMAE 453 Advanced Fluid Dynamics I 3EMAE 454 Advanced Fluid Dynamics II 3EMAE 457 Combustion 3EMAE 460 Theory and Design of Fluid Power


EMAE 478 Mechanics of Machinery I 3EMAE 479 Mechanics of Machinery II 3EMAE 480 Fatigue of Materials 3EMAE 481 Advanced Dynamics I 3

EMAE 487 Vibration Problems in Engineering 3

Total Units 57

Mechanical Engineering


Courses in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering(EMAE)Cross listed courses in Mechanical and AerospaceEngineeringCourses in Biomechanical Engineering (EBME)Cross listed courses in Biomechanical EngineeringCourses in Civil Engineering (ECIV)Courses in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(EECS)Cross listed courses in Electrical Engineering andComputer ScienceCourses in Macromolecular and Polymer ScienceEngineering (EMAC)

All 300 and 400 level courses in Chemical Engineering(ECHE) and Material Science and Engineering (EMSE)All 300 level MATH and STAT courses with the concurrenceof the advisorWE ARE NOT ACCEPTING EMSE 201 AS A TECHNICALELECTIVE

Science Electives for MechanicalEngineering Majors

SIS is currently setup to accept PHYS 221, PHYS 223, orSTAT 312 as a science elective. Other courses for individualstudents can be selected with the approval of the student’sadvisor and the chair using an Academic AdvisementRequirement Form (available from the UndergraduateStudies web site).

162 Case School of Engineering

Humanities and Social ScienceRequirements

Please Consult your student handbook for the selection ofthese courses

Minor in Mechanical Design andManufacturing

EMAE 172 Mechanical Manufacturing 4EMAE 370 Design of Mechanical Elements 3And any three of the following courses 8-11

EMAE 290 Computer-Aided ManufacturingEMAE 372 Relation of Materials to Design

(Computer-Integrated Manufacturing *Fall2011*)

EMAE 397 Independent Laboratory Research

** to satisfy the requirement for this minor, the student’swork must be on a design or manufacturing related topic,and approved by minor advisor**Total Units 15-18

Double Major Mechanical andAerospace Engineering

The department also offers a double major inMechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Thecourse selection details are provided in the courselisting section. The number of additional coursesrequired can vary from six to 2 courses dependingupon the students program of study.

Five Year Program of Study

The department curriculum offers a five-yearcooperative (co-op) education program and acombined bachelors-masters programs whichmay be completed in five years. Co-op weavestwo 7-month industrial internships into the normalfour-year program by combining a summer witheither a fall or spring semester to form the 7-monthindustrial experiences. Students apply in the middleof the sophomore year and nominally begin theinternship in the spring semester of the junior year.After completing the second internship, studentsreturn to campus in the spring or fall to completetheir final year of study.

The combined bachelors/masters program allows astudent to double count 9 credit hours of graduatecourse work towards the Bachelor of Sciencedegree in any one of the department’s two degreeprograms. By completing the remaining graduatecredit hours and a thesis a student may earna Master of Science degree in mechanical oraerospace engineering .This may take 5 years or alittle longer. Application to this program is initiatedin the spring of the junior year with the department’s

graduate student programs office. A minimumgrade point of 3.2 is required for consideration forthis accelerated program.

Another option is the 5 year TiME Program taughtin conjunction with the Weatherhead School ofManagement in which a student completes a BS inAerospace or Mechanical Engineering and earns aMaster of Engineering Management.


Master of Science Program

(Research or Project oriented)

For a research-oriented MS, each candidate mustcomplete a minimum of 27 hours of graduate-levelcredits, including at least 18 hours of graduate-levelcourses and 9 credit hours of MS thesis research.

For the project-oriented option, students mustcomplete 27 credit hours distributed in either ofthree ways: 21, 24, or 27 credit hours (7, 8 or 9courses) of approved graduate course work and 6,or 3 credit hours of project replacing the MS thesis.

(Course Oriented)

Each MS candidate must complete 27 hours ofgraduate-level credits. The candidate has to pass acomprehensive examination upon completion of thecourse work.

In addition, a BS/ MS program and a 5-year TiMEprogram (BS/ Master of Engineering Management)are also offered for our undergraduate students asindicated in the preceding section.

Master of Engineering Program

The Department of Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering participates in the practice-orientedMaster of Engineering Program offered by the CaseSchool of Engineering. In this program, studentscomplete a core program consisting of five courses,and select a four-course sequence in an area ofinterest.

Doctor of Philosophy Program

Students wishing to pursue the doctoral degreein mechanical and aerospace engineeringmust successfully pass the doctoral qualifyingexamination consisting of both written and oralcomponents. Qualifying exams are offered on

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applied mechanics, dynamics and design or fluidand thermal engineering sciences. Students canchoose to take it in the fall or spring semesters. Theminimum course requirements for the Ph.D. degreeare as follows:

Depth Courses

All programs of study must include 6 graduate levelmechanical courses in mechanical engineeringor aerospace engineering. Usually these coursesfollow a logical development of a branch ofmechanics, dynamics and design or fluid andthermal engineering science determined inconjunction with the student’s dissertation advisorto meet the objectives of the dissertation researchtopic.

Breadth and Basic Science Courses

A minimum of six graduate courses are required tofulfill the breadth and basic science courses. Thebasic science requirement is satisfied by taking twocourses in the area of science and mathematics.Four additional courses are needed to provide thebreadth outside the student’s area of research.

Dissertation Research

All doctoral programs must include a minimum of 18credit hours of thesis research, EMAE 701.

Residence and Teaching Requirements

All doctoral programs must meet the residencyrequirements of the School of Graduate Studiesand the teaching requirements of the Case Schoolof Engineering.


The education and research philosophy of theDepartment of Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering for both the undergraduate andgraduate programs is based on a balancedoperation of analytical, experimental, andcomputational activities. All three of these tools areused in a fundamental approach to the professionalactivities of research, development, and design.Among the major assets of the department are theexperimental facilities maintained and available forthe faculty, students, and staff.

The introductory undergraduate courses are taughtthrough the Robert M. Ward ‘41 Laboratory, theBingham Student Workshop, the ReinbergerProduct and Process Development Laboratory,and the Reinberger Design Studio. The WardLaboratory is modular in concept and available tothe student at regularly scheduled class periodsto conduct a variety of prepared experimentalassignments. The lab is equipped with a variety ofinstruments ranging from classic analog devices tomodern digital computer devices for the collectionof data and the control of processes. Advancedfacilities are available for more specializedexperimental tasks in the various laboratoriesdedicated to each specific discipline. Most of theselaboratories also house the research activities ofthe department, so students are exposed to thelatest technology in their prospective professionalpractice. Finally, every undergraduate and graduatedegree program involves a requirement, i.e.,Project, Thesis or Dissertation, in which thestudent is exposed to a variety of facilities of thedepartment.

The following is a listing of the major laboratoryfacilities used for the advanced courses andresearch of the department.

Biorobotics Laboratory Facilities

The Biorobotics Laboratory (http// consists of approximately1080 square feet of laboratory and 460 squarefeet of office space. The lab includes twoCNC machines for fabrication of smaller robotcomponents. The lab’s relationship with CAISR(Center for Automation and Intelligent SystemsResearch) provides access to a fully equippedmachine shop where larger components arefabricated. The laboratory hardware featuresseveral biologically inspired hexapod robotsincluding two cockroach-like robots, Robot IIIand Robot IV. Both are based on the Blaberuscockroach and have 24 actuated revolute joints.They are 17 times larger than the insect (30 incheslong). Robot IV is actuated with pneumatic artificialmuscles. A compressed air facility has beeninstalled to operate the robots. In addition, thelab contains structural dynamic testing equipment(sensors, DAQ boards, shakers) and an automatedtreadmill (5 feet by 6 feet) for developing walkingrobots. The Biorobotics Laboratory contains 20PCs, and a dedicated LAN connected to thecampus. Algor Finite Element Analysis software,Mechanical Desktop, and Pro/Engineer are installedfor mechanical design and structural analysis. Also,the lab has developed dynamic simulation softwarefor analyzing walking animals and designingwalking robots.

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Case Low Speed Research WindTunnel

The Case Low Speed Research Wind Tunnelprovides very low free stream turbulence levels.The tunnel is completely modular, allowing a varietyof different experimental configurations to berealized, greatly extending the tunnel’s functionality.

The tunnel, originally constructed in the late1940’s, has undergone a rebuilding effort with theconstruction of a new test section, the replacementof the entire upstream half of the wind tunnel,the rebuild of the drive section, and installationof a new drive motor and motor controller. Thenew upstream portion provides the incoming flowtreatment necessary to produce a low free streamturbulence level. The improved drive section andmotor increase the tunnel’s maximum speed whilereducing noise and vibration levels. With theseimprovements, the tunnel now supports researchof the highest quality as well as graduate andundergraduate student experiments.

Distributed Intelligence andRobotics Laboratory

The Distributed Intelligence and RoboticsLaboratory (DIRL) is a new laboratory in theDepartment of Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering that facilitates research activities onrobotics and mechatronics. The primary researchfocuses on distributed intelligence, multi-agentsystems, biologically-inspired robotics and medicalapplications. The laboratory is currently beingconstructed to house self-sufficient facilities andequipment for designing, testing and preliminarymanufacturing. The DIRL also conduct theoreticalresearch related to design methodology and controlalgorithms based on information theory, complexityanalysis and group theory.

Laser Flow DiagnosticsLaboratory

A laser diagnostics laboratory is directed towardinvestigation of complex two-phase flow fieldsinvolved in energy-related areas, bio-fluidmechanics of cardiovascular systems, slurry flow inpumps and thermoacoustic power and refrigerationsystems. The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) equipment,Pulsed Ultrasound Doppler Velocimeter, Ultrasoundconcentration measurement instrumentation andmodern data acquisition and analysis equipmentincluding PCs. The laboratory houses a clear

centrifugal slurry flow pump loop and heart pumploop. Current research projects include investigationof flow through micro-chip devices, CSF flowin ventricles, investigation of solid-slurry flow incentrifugal pumps using ultrasound techniqueand PIV, thermo-acoustic refrigeration for spaceapplication.

Mechanics of MaterialsExperimental Facility

The major instructional as well as research facilityfor experimental methods in mechanics of materialsis the Daniel K. Wright Jr. Laboratory. Presently,the facility houses a single-stage gas-gun alongwith tension/compression split Hopkinson bar andtorsional Kolsky bar apparatus for carrying outfundamental studies in dynamic deformation andfailure of advanced material systems. HewlettPackard and Tektronix high speed, wide bandwidthdigitizing oscilloscopes along with strain-gageconditioners and amplifiers are available for datarecording and processing. The facility houses state-of-the-art laser interferometry equipment for makingspatial and temporal measurements of deformation.High speed Hg-Cd-Te detector arrays are availablefor making time resolved multi-point non-contacttemperature measurements.

A Schenck Pegasus digital servo-controlledhydraulic testing system with a 20Kip Universaltesting load frame equipped with hydraulic gripsand instrumentation is available for quasi-staticmechanical testing under load or displacementcontrol. A newly developed moiré microscopeis available for studying large-scale inelasticdeformation processes on micron size scales.CCD camera along with the appropriate hardware/software for image-acquisition, processing andanalyzing of full field experimental data fromoptical interferometers such as moiré microscope,photo-elasticity, and other laser based spatialinterferometers are available.

Rotating Machinery Dynamics andTribology Laboratory

This laboratory focuses on rotating machinerymonitoring and diagnostic methods relating chaoscontent of dynamic non-linearity and model-based observers’ statistical measures to wear andimpending failure modes. A double-spool-shaft rotordynamics test rig provides independent controlover spin speed and frequency of an adjustablemagnitude circular rotor vibration orbit for bearingand seal rotor-dynamic characterizations.

Simultaneous radial and axial time-varying loadson any type of bearing can be applied on a second

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test rig. Real time control of rotor-mass unbalanceat two locations on the rotor while it is spinning upto 10,000 rpm, simultaneous with rotor rubbing andshaft crack propagation, can be tested on a thirdrig. Self-excited instability rotor vibrations can beinvestigated on a fourth test rig.

Musculoskeletal Mechanics andMaterials Laboratories

These laboratories are a collaborative effortbetween the Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering Department of the Case School ofEngineering and the Department of Orthopaedicsof the School of Medicine that has been ongoingfor more than 40 years. Research activitieshave ranged from basic studies of mechanicsof skeletal tissues and skeletal structures,experimental investigation of prosthetic jointsand implants, measurement of musculoskeletalmotion and forces, and theoretical modeling ofmechanics of musculoskeletal systems. Manystudies are collaborative, combining the forces ofengineering, biology, biochemistry, and surgery.The Biomechanics Test labs include Instronmechanical test machines with simultaneousaxial and torsional loading capabilities, a non-contacting video extensometer for evaluation ofbiological materials and engineering polymersused in joint replacements, acoustic emissionhardware and software, and specialized testapparatus for analysis of joint kinematics. TheBio-imaging Laboratory includes microscopesand three-dimensional imaging equipment forevaluating tissue microstructure and workstationsfor three-dimensional visualization, measurementand finite element modeling. An OrthopaedicImplant Retrieval Analysis lab has resources forcharacterization and analysis of hard tissues andengineering polymers, as well as resources tomaintain a growing collection of retrieved total hipand total knee replacements that are availablefor the study of implant design. The Soft TissueBiomechanics lab includes several standard andspecial test machines. Instrumentation and aHistology facilities support the activities withinthe Musculoskeletal Mechanics and MaterialsLaboratories

National Center for SpaceExploration Research

The National Center for Space ExplorationResearch (NCSER) is a collaborative effortbetween the Universities Space ResearchAssociation (USRA), Case Western ReserveUniversity (CWRU), and NASA Glenn ResearchCenter (GRC) that provides GRC with specialized

research and technology development capabilitiesessential to sustaining its leadership role in NASAmissions. Expertise resident at NCSER includesreduced gravity fluid mechanics, reduced gravitycombustion processes; heat transfer, two-phaseflow, micro-fluidics, and phase change processes;computational multiphase fluid dynamics, heat andmass transfer, computational simulation of physico-chemical fluid processes and human physiologicalsystems. This expertise has been applied to:

· Cryogenic fluidmanagement,

· On orbit repair ofelectronics

· Spacecraft fire safety · Exploration life support· Energy storage · Dust management· Thermal managementand control

· Environmentalmonitoring/control

· ISS experimentdevelopment

· Integrated systemhealth monitoring

· Astronaut health · Planetary SurfaceMobility

· In situ resourceutilization· Materials synthesis

· Bio- fluid mechanics· Biosystems modeling

nanoEngineering Laboratory

The nanoEngineering Laboratory focuses onresearch related to various nanotechnologyapplications with particular emphasis onenergy conversion, generation and storagein nanostructured and bio-inspired materials.Synthesis of polymer-based nanocomposites,nanofluids and individual nanostructures isaccomplished with tools available in the laboratory.Furthermore, the laboratory houses variouspieces of equipment for thermal and electricalcharacterization of these materials. Researchprojects include investigation of nanocompositesfor thermoelectric devices, molecular simulationof thermal transport across interfacial regions,characterization of nanomaterials for thermalmanagement (of electronics and buildings) as wellas thermal insulation applications, and biomimeticresearch on a protein-based shark gel.

Other Experimental Facilities

The department facilities also include severalspecialized laboratories.

The GM Engines Laboratory is a modern facilityfor measuring the dynamic performance of internalcombustion engines while monitoring behavioralparameters such as pressures, temperatures andexhaust emissions. The test cells can be operated

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completely by remote control with all data collectedby digital computers.

Engineering Services Fabrication Centeroffers complete support to assist projects fromdesign inception to completion of fabrication.Knowledgeable staff is available to assist Faculty,Staff, Students, Researchers, and personnelassociated with Case Western Reserve University.

The Harry A. Metcalf Computational Laboratoryoffers 28 Dell Pentium IV computers ranging from2.5 to 3.4GHz, running Windows XP Professionalattached to 3 Dell dual processor servers, runningWindows NT 4.0 Server or Windows Server 2003,via local area network running at 1Gb/s. Thecomputer lab also offers 29 UTP connections forLaptops running at 10/100 Mb/s.

The Harry A. Metcalf Computational Laboratoryprovides access to a number of software packages.Some of these include SolidWorks 2008 SP4.0;Abaqus CAE 6.8 for FEA; Microsoft Visual C++;MatLab 2008A; Microsoft Office 2007 Professional;Mathematica 6.0.1; MathType 6.0; and LabView8.5. All of the laboratory’s computers are directlylinked to the campus network giving studentsaccess to a large variety of software on differentlibraries across campus. The lab is open for studentuse 24 hours a day 7 days a week via card access.

The Bingham Student Workshop is a 2380 sq.ft.facility complete with machining, welding, metalfabrication, and woodworking equipment. Thisfacility is available for the Case undergrads inMechanical Engineering. Before gaining accessto the shop all ME students are required to takethe EMAE 172, Mechanical Manufacturing course.This course gives the student a foundation in basicmachining, welding, sheet metal fabrication, andsafety. Manual drafting, design, and computer-aided drafting is also included in the course.After completion the student can use the shop forother Mechanical Engineering courses requiringprototypes. The BSW, is also, used for seniorprojects and student organizations, such as, theSAE Baja and Formula and the Design Build andFly.

The Reinberger Design Studio includes a total of33 computers consisting of 18 Dell 1GHz PentiumIII, 10 Dell 3.4 GHz Pentium IV, and 5 Dell 2.6GHzPentium IV workstations for Undergraduate Studentdesign use. These machines are connected via aGigabit local area network to a Dell Dual 500MHzPentium III server running Windows NT 4.0 anda Dell Dual 800MHz Pentium III server runningWindows NT 4.0. The Studio is tied directly to thecampus network allowing information to be sharedwith the HAMCL and other network resources. TheStudio is used for the instruction of the SolidWorks2005 CAD software, MasterCam 9.0 CAM software,Solidworks CAD/CAM/FEA software, and Algor

16.1 FEA software. The RDS also offers a 3DSystems SLA 250 and a Dimension machine forgenerating SLA models from CAD models.

The Reinberger Product and ProcessDevelopment Laboratory is 1600 square feet oflaboratory and office space dedicated to computer-aided engineering activities. The computernumerical control (CNC) laboratory includes bothtwo industrial sized machine tools with additionalspace for lecture and group project activities. TheCNC machine tools located in the laboratory are;a HAAS VF3 4 axis-machining center, a HAAS2 axis lathe. A Mitutoyo coordinate measuringmachine (CMM) located in its own laboratoryspace completes the facilities. The CMM enablesstudents to inspect their manufactured componentsto a very degree of precision. The laboratory isused to support both undergraduate and graduatemanufacturing courses (EMAE 390, EMAE 490).

High Performance Computing

For high performance computing the departmentuses the CWRU high performance computingcluster (HPCC). The HPCC consists of 112compute nodes with Intel Pentium 4 Xeon EM64Tprocessors. All nodes are interconnected withGigabit Ethernet for MPI message passing and allnodes are interconnected by a separate Ethernetfor the purpose of out-of-band cluster management.The MAE Department also has a direct access toall the Ohio Supercomputing Center and all NSFsupercomputing centers, primarily to the PittsburghSupercomputing Center. Computing-intensiveresearch projects can obtain an account on thosesupercomputers through their advisers. Researchprojects carried on in cooperation with the NASAGlenn Research Center can have access to NASAcomputing facilities. Sophisticated, extensive,and updated general and graphics software areavailable for applications in research and classroomassignments.


J. Iwan D. Alexander, Ph.D(Washington State University)Cady Staley Professor of Engineering and Chair,Faculty Director, Great Lakes Energy InstituteFluid dynamics; heat and mass transfer, low gravityfluid dynamics, interfacial transport capillary surfaceequilibria and dynamics, two-phase flow in porousmedia, vibrational convection

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Jaikrishnan R. Kadambi, Ph.D.(University of Pittsburgh)Professor and Associate ChairExperimental fluid mechanics; multiphaseflows; laser diagnostics; bio- fluid mechanics;turbomachinery

Alexis R. Abramson, Ph.D.(UC Berkeley)Associate ProfessorMacro/micro/nanoscale heat transfer and energytransport

Maurice L. Adams, Ph.D.(University of Pittsburgh)ProfessorDynamics of rotating machinery; nonlineardynamics; vibration; tribology; turbomachinery

Ozan Akkus, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)Associate ProfessorNano biomechanics; biomedical devices;biomaterials; fracture mechanics

Paul Barnhart, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)Associate ProfessorAerospace Engineering, Aerospace Design

Malcolm N. Cooke, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)Associate ProfessorAdvanced manufacturing systems; computerintegrated manufacturing

Yasuhiro Kamotani, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)ProfessorExperimental fluid dynamics; heat transfer;microgravity fluid mechanics

Kiju Lee, Ph.D.(John Hopkins University)Assistant ProfessorRobotics; distributed system design and control;modular robotics; multi-body dynamical systems

Joseph M. Mansour, Ph.D.(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)ProfessorBiomechanics; applied mechanics

Joseph M. Prahl, Ph.D., P.E.(Harvard University)ProfessorFluid dynamics; heat transfer; tribology

Vikas Prakash, Ph.D.(Brown University)ProfessorExperimental and computational solid mechanics;dynamic deformation and failure; time resolvedhigh-speed friction; ultra-high speed manufacturingprocesses; ballistic penetration of super alloys;engine fan-blade containment, nanomechanics

Roger D. Quinn, Ph.D.(Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University)Arthur P. Armington Professor of EngineeringBiologically inspired robotics; agile manufacturingsystems; structural dynamics, vibration and control

Clare M. Rimnac, Ph.D.(Lehigh University)Wilbert J. Austin Professor of EngineeringBiomechanics; fatigue and fracture mechanics

Melissa L. Knothe Tate, Ph.D.(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, CH)Associate ProfessorEtiology and innovative treatment modalities forosteoporosis, fracture healing, osteolysis andosteonecrosis

James S. Tien, Ph.D.(Princeton University)Leonard Case Jr. Professor of EngineeringCombustion; propulsion, and fire research

Emeritus Faculty

Dwight T. Davy, Ph.D., P.E.(University of Iowa)Professor EmeritusMusculo-skeletal biomechanics; applied mechanics

Isaac Greber, Ph.D.(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Professor EmeritusFluid dynamics; molecular dynamics and kinetictheory; biological fluid mechanics; acoustics

Thomas P. Kicher, Ph.D.(Case Institute of Technology)Arthur P. Armington Professor Emeritus ofEngineeringElastic stability; plates and shells; compositematerials; dynamics; design; failure analysis

Simon Ostrach, Ph.D., P.E.(Brown University)Wilbert J. Austin Distinguished Professor Emeritusof EngineeringFluid mechanics; heat transfer; micro-gravityphenomena; materials processing; physicochemicalhydrodynamics

168 Case School of Engineering

Eli Reshotko, Ph.D.(California Institute of Technology)Kent H. Smith Emeritus Professor of EngineeringFluid Dynamics; heat transfer, propulsion; powergeneration

S. Stanford Manson, M.S.(University of Michigan)Emeritus ProfessorMetal Fatigue, Creep Rupture, Thermal Stress,Plasticity, Fracture Mechanics

Research Faculty

Richard J. Bachmann, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)Assistant Research ProfessorBiologically inspired Robotics

R. Balasubramaniam, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)Research Associate Professor, National Center forSpace Exploration ResearchMicrogravity Fluid Mechanics

Uday Hegde, Ph.D.(Georgia Institute of Technology)Research Associate Professor, National Center forSpace Exploration ResearchCombustion, turbulence and acoustics

Mohammad Kassemi, Ph.D.(University of Akron)Research Associate Professor, National Center forSpace Exploration ResearchComputational Fluid Mechanics

Vedha Nayagam, Ph.D.(University of Kentucky)Research Associate Professor, National Center forSpace Exploration ResearchLow gravity combustion and fluid physics

Fumiaki Takahashi, Ph.D.(Keio University)Research Associate Professor, National Center forSpace Exploration ResearchCombustion, fire research, laser diagnostics

Associated Faculty

John Adamczyk, Ph.D.(University of Connecticut)Adjunct ProfessorNASA Glenn Research Center

Michael Adams, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct InstructorMachinery Vibrations Institute

Ali Ameri, Ph.D.(The Ohio State University)Adjunct Assistant ProfessorComputational Fluid Dynamics

Christos C. Chamis, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Professor, NASA Glenn Research CenterStructural analysis; composite materials;probabilistic structural analysis; testing methods

James Drake, B.S.E(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct InstructorMechanical and Aerospace EngineeringDepartment

Christopher Hernandez, Ph.D.(Stanford University)Adjunct Assistant ProfessorMusculoskeletal biomechanics, solid mechanicsand medical device design

Meng-Seng Liou, Ph.D.(University of Michigan)Adjunct Professor, NASA Glenn Research CenterComputational fluid mechanics; Aerodynamics;multi-objective optimization

Kenneth Loparo, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)Professor of Electrical Engineering and ComputerScienceControl; robotics; stability of dynamical systems;vibrations

David Matthiesen, Ph.D.(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Associate Professor of Materials ScienceEngineeringMicrogravity crystal growth

Wyatt S. Newman, Ph.D.(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Professor of Electrical Engineering and ComputerScienceMechatronics; high-speed robot design; force andvision-bases machine control; artificial reflexes forautonomous machines; rapid prototyping; agilemanufacturing

Mario Garcia Sanz, Ph.D.(University of Navarra)Professor of Electrical Engineering and ComputerScience, CWRUSystems and control, spacecraft controls,automated manufacturing

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Chih-Jen Sung, Ph.D.(Princeton University)Adjunct Professor, University of ConnecticutCombustion, propulsion, laser diagnostics

Ravi Vaidyanathan, Ph.D.(Case Western Reserve University)Adjunct Assistant ProfessorRobotics and control

Xiong Yu, Ph.D., P.E.(Purdue University)Assistant ProfessorGeotechnical engineering, Non-Destructive Testing,Intelligent infrastructures


EMAE 172. Mechanical Manufacturing. 4 Units.

The course is taught in two sections (Graphicsand Manufacturing Processes) through a seriesof lectures, laboratory sessions and weeklyengineering workshop classes. The course aimis to provide a solid manufacturing engineeringfoundation. The course includes: manual andcomputer-aided drafting and design (CAD),primary and secondary engineering processes,engineering materials and a field trip to a localcompany. Laboratory sessions will provide hands-on experience using Pro/ENGINEER CAD software.

EMAE 181. Dynamics. 3 Units.

Elements of classical dynamics: particle kinematicsand dynamics, including concepts of force, mass,acceleration, work, energy, impulse, momentum.Kinetics of systems of particles and of rigid bodies,including concepts of mass center, momentum,mass moment of inertia, dynamic equilibrium.Elementary vibrations. Recommended preparation:MATH 122 and PHYS 121 and ENGR. 200

EMAE 250. Computers in MechanicalEngineering. 3 Units.

Numerical methods including analysis and controlof error and its propagation, solutions of systemsof linear algebraic equations, solutions of nonlinearalgebraic equations, curve fitting, interpolation,and numerical integration and differentiation.Recommended preparation: ENGR 131 and MATH122.

EMAE 282. Mechanical Engineering LaboratoryI. 2 Units.

Techniques and devices used for experimentalwork in mechanical and aerospace engineering.Lecture topics include elementary statistics,linear regression, propagation of uncertainty,digital data acquisition, characteristics ofcommon measurement systems, backgroundfor measurement laboratories, and elements ofreport writing. Hands-on laboratory experiencesmay include measurements in solid mechanics,dynamics, and fluid and thermal sciences, whichare summarized in group reports. At least onereport will focus on design of a measurement.Specific lecture and measurement topics will bechosen for each student on a case-by-case basis.Only students who have taken EMAE 283 but notEMAE 282 may take EMAE 282.

EMAE 283. Mechanical Engineering LaboratoryII. 2 Units.

Techniques and devices used for experimentalwork in mechanical and aerospace engineering.Lecture topics include elementary statistics,linear regression, propagation of uncertainty,digital data acquisition, characteristics ofcommon measurement systems, backgroundfor measurement laboratories, and elements ofreport writing. Hands-on laboratory experiencesmay include measurements in solid mechanics,dynamics, and fluid and thermal sciences, whichare summarized in group reports. At least onereport will focus on design of a measurement.Specific lecture and measurement topics will bechosen for each student on a case-by-case basis.Only students who have taken EMAE 282 but notEMAE 283 may take EMAE 283.

EMAE 285. Mechanical EngineeringMeasurements Laboratory. 4 Units.

Techniques and devices used for experimentalwork in mechanical and aerospace engineering.Lecture topics include elementary statistics,linear regression, propagation of uncertainty,digital data acquisition, characteristics ofcommon measurement systems, backgroundfor measurement laboratories, and elements ofreport writing. Hands-on laboratory experiencesmay include measurements in solid mechanics,dynamics, and fluid and thermal sciences, whichare summarized in group reports. At least onereport will focus on design of a measurement.Recommended preparation: EMAE 181, ENGR 225and ECIV 310.

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EMAE 290. Computer-Aided Manufacturing. 3Units.

A manufacturing engineering course coveringa wide range of topics associated with theapplication of computers to the product design andmanufacturing process. Topics include: Computer-aided design (CAD) using Pro/ENGINEERsoftware, design methodology, the design/manufacturing interface, introduction to computernumerical control (CNC), manual part-programmingfor CNC milling and CNC turning machine tools.Significant time will be spent in both CAD and CNClaboratories. Prereq: EMAE 172.

EMAE 325. Fluid and Thermal Engineering II. 4Units.

The continuation of the development of thefundamental fluid and thermal engineeringprinciples introduced in ENGR 225, Introductionto Fluid and Thermal Engineering. Applicationsto heat engines and refrigeration, chemicalequilibrium, mass transport across semi-permeablemembranes, mixtures and air conditioning,developing external and internal flows, boundarylayer theory, hydrodynamic lubrication, the role ofdiffusion and convection in heat and mass transfer,radiative heat transfer and heat exchangers.Recommended preparation: ENGR 225.

EMAE 350. Mechanical Engineering Analysis. 3Units.

Methods of problem formulation and applicationof frequently used mathematical methods inmechanical engineering. Modeling of discreteand continuous systems, solutions of single andmulti-degree of freedom problems, boundary valueproblems, transform techniques, approximationtechniques. Recommended preparation: MATH224.

EMAE 352. Thermodynamics in EnergyProcesses. 3 Units.

Thermodynamic properties of liquids, vaporsand real gases, thermodynamic relations, non-reactive mixtures, psychometrics, combustion,thermodynamic cycles, compressible flow. Prereq:ENGR 225.

EMAE 355. Design of Fluid and ThermalElements. 3 Units.

Synthesis of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, andheat transfer. Practical design problems originatingfrom industrial experience. Recommendedpreparation: ENGR 225 and EMAE 325.

EMAE 356. Aerospace Design. 3 Units.

Interactive and interdisciplinary activities in areasof fluid mechanics, heat transfer, solid mechanics,thermodynamics, and systems analysis approachin design of aerospace vehicles. Projects involvedeveloping (or improving) design of aerospacevehicles of current interest (e.g., hypersonic aircraft)starting from mission requirements to researchingdevelopments in relevant areas and using them toobtain conceptual design. Senior standing required.

EMAE 359. Aero/Gas Dynamics. 3 Units.

Review of conservation equations. Potentialflow. Subsonic airfoil. Finite wing. Isentropic one-dimensional flow. Normal and oblique shock waves.Prandtl-Meyer expansion wave. Supersonic airfoiltheory. Recommended preparation: ENGR 225 andEMAE 325.

EMAE 360. Engineering Design. 3 Units.

This is a capstone senior course focused onmechanical engineering design, comprised of thefollowing two major components, (a) advancedmechanical design analysis methods and tools,(b) a design-and-build semester team project.The advanced design analysis portion covers anintroduction to elasticity theory with application tofinite-element analyses, friction and wear designanalysis methods, bearing and seal undertakenby teams of five persons, each team building anddemonstrating its design. Prereq: ECIV 310 andSenior standing required.

EMAE 370. Design of Mechanical Elements. 3Units.

Application of mechanics and mechanics of solidsin machine design situations. Design of productionmachinery and consumer products consideringfatigue and mechanical behavior. Selection andsizing of basic mechanical components: fasteners,springs, bearings, gears, fluid power elements.Recommended preparation: ECIV 310 and EMAE271.

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EMAE 372. Relation of Materials to Design. 4Units.

The design of mechanical and structural elementsconsidering static failure, elastic stability, residualstresses, stress concentration, impact, fatigue,creep and environmental conditions on themechanical behavior of engineering materials.Rational approaches to materials selection fornew and existing designs of structures. Laboratoryexperiments coordinated with the classroomlectures. Offered as EMAE 372 and EMSE 372.Prereq: ECIV 310.

EMAE 376. Aerostructures. 3 Units.

Mechanics of thin-walled aerospace structures.Load analysis. Shear flow due to shear and twistingloads in open and closed cross-sections. Thin-walled pressure vessels. Virtual work and energyprinciples. Introduction to structural vibrations andfinite element methods. Recommended preparation:ECIV 310.

EMAE 377. Biorobotics Team Research. 3 Units.

Many exciting research opportunities crossdisciplinary lines. To participate in such projects,researchers must operate in multi-disciplinaryteams. The Biorobotics Team Researchcourse offers a unique capstone opportunityfor undergraduate students to utilize skills theydeveloped during their undergraduate experiencewhile acquiring new teaming skills. A group ofeight students form a research team under thedirection of two faculty leaders. Team members arechosen from appropriate majors through interviewswith the faculty. They will research a biologicalmechanism or principle and develop a roboticdevice that captures the actions of that mechanism.Although each student will cooperate on the team,they each have a specific role, and must develop afinal paper that describes the research generatedon their aspect of the project. Students meet for oneclass period per week and two 2-hour lab periods.Initially students brainstorm ideas and identify theproject to be pursued. They then acquire biologicaldata and generate robotic designs. Both are furtherdeveloped during team meetings and reports. Finaloral reports and a demonstration of the roboticdevice occur in week 15. Offered as BIOL 377,EMAE 377, BIOL 477, and EMAE 477.

EMAE 378. Mechanics of Machinery I. 3 Units.

Comprehensive treatment of design analysismethods and computational tools for machinecomponents. Emphasis is on bearings, seals,gears, hydraulic drives and actuators, withapplications to machine tools. Recommendedpreparation: EMAE 370. Offered as EMAE 378 andEMAE 478.

EMAE 379. Mechanics of Machinery II. 3 Units.

The focus of this course is Rotating MachineryVibration, and it is comprised of four majorcomponents: 1) modeling, 2) analyses, 3)measurement techniques, and 4) physical insightsinto rotor vibration phenomena. Recommendedpreparation: EMAE 181. Offered as EMAE 379 andEMAE 479.

EMAE 381. Flight and Orbital Mechanics. 3Units.

Aircraft performance: take-off and landing,unaccelerated flight, range and endurance, flighttrajectories, static stability and control, simplemaneuvers. Orbital mechanics: the solar system,elements of celestial mechanics, orbit transferunder impulsive thrust, continuous thrust, orbittransfer, decay of orbits due to drag, elements oflift-off and re-entry. Recommended preparation:ENGR 225. EMAE 359

EMAE 382. Propulsion. 3 Units.

Energy sources of propulsion. Performancecriteria. Review of one-dimensional gas dynamics.Introduction of thermochemistry and combustion.Rocket flight performance and rocket staging.Chemical, liquid, and hybrid rockets. Airbreathingengine cycle analysis. Recommended preparation:ENGR 225.

EMAE 387. Vibration Problems in Engineering. 4Units.

Free and forced vibration problems in singleand multi-degree of freedom damped andundamped linear systems. Vibration isolationand absorbers. Modal analysis and approximatesolutions. Introduction to vibration of continuousmedia. Noise problems. Laboratory projects toillustrate theoretical concepts and applications.Recommended preparation: MATH 224 and EMAE181.

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EMAE 396. Special Topics in Mechanical andAerospace Engineering. 1 - 18 Unit.

(Credit as arranged.)

EMAE 397. Independent Laboratory Research. 1- 3 Unit.

Independent research in a laboratory.

EMAE 398. Senior Project. 3 Units.

Individual or team design or experimental projectunder faculty supervisor. Requirements includeperiodic reporting of progress, plus a final oralpresentation and written report. Recommendedpreparation: Senior standing, EMAE 360, andconsent of instructor.

EMAE 399. Advanced Independent LaboratoryResearch/Design. 1 - 3 Unit.

Students perform advanced independent researchor an extended design project under the directmentorship of the instructor. Typically performed asan extension to EMAE 397 or EMAE 398. Prereq:EMAE 397.

EMAE 400T. Graduate Teaching I. 0 Units.

This course will engage the Ph.D. candidate in avariety of teaching experiences that will includedirect contact (for example, teaching recitationsand laboratories, guest lectures, office hours) aswell non-contact preparation (exams, quizzes,demonstrations) and grading activities. Theteaching experiences will be conducted under thesupervision of the faculty member(s) responsible forcoordinating student teaching activities. All Ph.D.candidates enrolled in this course sequence will beexpected to perform direct contact teaching at somepoint in the sequence. Recommended preparation:Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering.

EMAE 401. Mechanics of Continuous Media. 3Units.

Vector and tensor calculus. Stress and traction,finite strain and deformation tensors. Kinematicsof continuous media, general conservation andbalance laws. Material symmetry groups andobserver transformation. Constitutive relations withapplications to solid and fluid mechanics problems.

EMAE 402. Muscles, Biomechanics, and Controlof Movement. 4 Units.

Quantitative and qualitative descriptions of theaction of muscles in relation to human movement.Introduction to rigid body dynamics and dynamics ofmulti-link systems using Newtonian and Lagrangianapproaches. Muscle models with application tocontrol of multi-joint movement. Forward andinverse dynamics of multi-joint, muscle drivensystems. Dissection, observation and recitationin the anatomy laboratory with supplementallectures concentrating on kinesiology and musclefunction. Recommended preparation: EMAE 181 orequivalent. Offered as EBME 422 and EMAE 402.

EMAE 403. Aerophysics. 3 Units.

The course introduces the physical and chemicaltopics of basic importance in modern fluidmechanics, plasma dynamics, and combustionsciences: statistical calculations of thermodynamicproperties of gases; quantum mechanical analysisof atomic and molecular structure; transportphenomena; propagation, emission, and absorptionof radiation; chemical and physical equilibria;adiabatic flame temperatures of complex reactingsystems; and reaction kinetics.

EMAE 415. Introduction to Musculo-skeletalBiomechanics. 3 Units.

Structural behavior of the musculo-skeletal system.Function of joints, joint loading, and lubrication.Stress-strain properties of bone and connectivetissue. Analysis of fracture and repair mechanisms.Viscoplastic modeling of skeletal membranes.Recommended preparation: EMAE 181 and ECIV310.

EMAE 424. Introduction to Nanotechnology. 3Units.

An exploration of emerging nanotechnologyresearch. Lectures and class discussion on1) nanostructures: superlattices, nanowires,nanotubes, quantum dots, nanoparticles,nanocomposites, proteins, bacteria, DNA; 2)nanoscale physical phenomena: mechanical,electrical, chemical, thermal, biological, optical,magnetic; 3) nanofabrication: bottom up and topdown methods; 4) characterization: microscopy,property measurement techniques; 5) devices/applications: electronics, sensors, actuators,biomedical, energy conversion. Topics will coverinterdisciplinary aspects of the field. Offered asEECS 424 and EMAE 424.

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EMAE 453. Advanced Fluid Dynamics I. 3 Units.

Derivation and discussion of the general equationsfor conservation of mass, momentum, andenergy using tensors. Several exact solutionsof the incompressible Newtonian viscousequations. Kinematics and dynamics of inviscid,incompressible flow including free streamline theorydeveloped using vector, complex variable, andnumerical techniques.

EMAE 454. Advanced Fluid Dynamics II. 3 Units.

Continuation of EMAE 453. Low Reynolds numberapproximations. Matching techniques: innerand outer expressions. High Reynolds numberapproximations: boundary layer theory. Elementsof gas dynamics: quasi one-dimensional flow,shock waves, supersonic expansion, potentialequation, linearized theory, and similarity rules.Recommended preparation: EMAE 453.

EMAE 457. Combustion. 3 Units.

Chemical kinetics and thermodynamics; governingconservation equations for chemically reactingflows; laminar premixed and diffusion flames;turbulent flames; ignition; extinction and flamestabilization; detonation; liquid droplet and solidparticle combustion; flame spread, combustion-generated air pollution; applications of combustionprocesses to engines, rockets, and fire research.

EMAE 458. Propulsion. 3 Units.

Energy sources of propulsion. Momentum theoremsand performance criteria. Air breathing systemsand their components; chemical rockets--liquid andsolid propellant; nuclear rockets--solid core, liquidcore and gaseous core; rocket heat transfer andheat protection; electric propulsion--electrothermal,electrostatic and plasma thrustors; thermonuclearpropulsion. Recommended preparation: Consent ofinstructor.

EMAE 459. Advanced Heat Transfer. 3 Units.

Analysis of engineering heat transfer from firstprinciples including conduction, convection,radiation, and combined heat and mass transfer.Examples of significance and role of analyticsolutions, approximate methods (including integralmethods) and numerical methods in the solution ofheat transfer problems. Recommended preparation:EMAE 453.

EMAE 460. Theory and Design of Fluid PowerMachinery. 3 Units.

Fluid mechanic and thermodynamic aspects of thedesign of fluid power machinery such as axial andradial flow turbomachinery, positive displacementdevices and their component characterizations.Recommended preparation: Consent of instructor.

EMAE 471. Design Methods. 3 Units.

An advanced course on design methodologies.Conceptualization, preliminary design, detaildesign, and manufacturing. Failure analysis,materials selection, methods of design optimization,and current approaches in computer-aided design.Recommended preparation: EMAE 360.

EMAE 477. Biorobotics Team Research. 3 Units.

Many exciting research opportunities crossdisciplinary lines. To participate in such projects,researchers must operate in multi-disciplinaryteams. The Biorobotics Team Researchcourse offers a unique capstone opportunityfor undergraduate students to utilize skills theydeveloped during their undergraduate experiencewhile acquiring new teaming skills. A group ofeight students form a research team under thedirection of two faculty leaders. Team members arechosen from appropriate majors through interviewswith the faculty. They will research a biologicalmechanism or principle and develop a roboticdevice that captures the actions of that mechanism.Although each student will cooperate on the team,they each have a specific role, and must develop afinal paper that describes the research generatedon their aspect of the project. Students meet for oneclass period per week and two 2-hour lab periods.Initially students brainstorm ideas and identify theproject to be pursued. They then acquire biologicaldata and generate robotic designs. Both are furtherdeveloped during team meetings and reports. Finaloral reports and a demonstration of the roboticdevice occur in week 15. Offered as BIOL 377,EMAE 377, BIOL 477, and EMAE 477.

EMAE 478. Mechanics of Machinery I. 3 Units.

Comprehensive treatment of design analysismethods and computational tools for machinecomponents. Emphasis is on bearings, seals,gears, hydraulic drives and actuators, withapplications to machine tools. Recommendedpreparation: EMAE 370. Offered as EMAE 378 andEMAE 478.

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EMAE 479. Mechanics of Machinery II. 3 Units.

The focus of this course is Rotating MachineryVibration, and it is comprised of four majorcomponents: 1) modeling, 2) analyses, 3)measurement techniques, and 4) physical insightsinto rotor vibration phenomena. Recommendedpreparation: EMAE 181. Offered as EMAE 379 andEMAE 479.

EMAE 480. Fatigue of Materials. 3 Units.

Fundamental and applied aspects of metals,polymers and ceramics. Behavior of materials instress and strain cycling, methods of computingcyclic stress and strain, cumulative fatiguedamage under complex loading. Application oflinear elastic fracture mechanics to fatigue crackpropagation. Mechanisms of fatigue crack initiationand propagation. Case histories and practicalapproaches to mitigate fatigue and prolong life.

EMAE 481. Advanced Dynamics I. 3 Units.

Particle and rigid-body kinematics and dynamics.Inertia tensor, coordinate transformations androtating reference frames. Application to rotorsand gyroscopes. Theory of orbital motion withapplication to earth satellites. Impact dynamics.Lagrange equations with applications to multi-degree of freedom systems. Theory of smallvibrations. Recommended preparation: EMAE 181.

EMAE 487. Vibration Problems in Engineering. 3Units.

Free and forced-vibration problems in singleand multi-degree of freedom damped andundamped linear systems. Vibration isolationand absorbers. Modal analysis and approximatesolutions. Introduction to vibration of continuousmedia. Noise problems. Laboratory projects toillustrate theoretical concepts and applications.Recommended preparation: EMAE 181 and MATH224.

EMAE 488. Advanced Robotics. 3 Units.

This course will focus on up-to-date knowledgeand theories related to robotics and multi-agentsystems. Related mathematics and theoriesincluding group theory (Lie groups), rigid-bodymotions (SO(3) and SE(3)), kinematics, dynamics,and control will be studied. In addition, the classwill also discuss structural, computational andtask complexity in robotic systems based oncombinatorial analysis, information theory, andgraph theory. Lecture and discussion topics:Kinematics; Introduction to Group Theory and LieGroups; Rigid-body Motions (SO(3), SE(3)); Multi-body Dynamical Systems: Order-N computationalmethods; Complexity Analysis for Robotic Systems;Structural complexity, information-theoreticcomplexity, and task complexity; Special DiscussionTopics; Special discussion topics may varyeach year. Students enrolled in this class will berequired to conduct a final project. Two or threestudents will work as a team. The topics for studentteams may include: computer simulation of multi-body dynamical systems, art robot design, andcomplexity analysis for coupled complex systems.The detailed information will be provided in thefirst week of the class. The final presentations anddemonstrations will be held during the last weekof class and will be open to the public audience.Students are also required to submit a final reportfollowing a IEEE conference paper template.Prereq: EMAE 181, EECS 246.

EMAE 489. Robotics I. 3 Units.

Orientation and configuration coordinatetransformations, forward and inverse kinematicsand Newton-Euler and Lagrange-Euler dynamicanalysis. Planning of manipulator trajectories.Force, position, and hybrid control of robotmanipulators. Analytical techniques applied toselect industrial robots. Recommended preparation:EMAE 181. Offered as EECS 489 and EMAE 489.

EMAE 500T. Graduate Teaching II. 0 Units.

This course will engage the Ph.D. candidatein a variety of teaching experiences that willinclude direct contact (for example, teaching,recitations and laboratories, guest lectures, officehours) as well non-contact preparation (exams,quizzes, demonstration) and grading activities. Theteaching experience will be conducted under thesupervision of the faculty member(s) responsible forcoordinating student teaching activities. All Ph.D.candidates enrolled in this course sequence will beexpected to perform direct contact teaching at somepoint in the sequence. Recommended preparation:Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering.

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EMAE 540. Advanced Dynamics II. 3 Units.

Using variational approach, comprehensivedevelopment of principle of virtual work, Hamilton’sprinciple and Lagrange equations for holonomic andnon-holonomic systems. Hamilton’s equations ofmotion, canonical transformations, Hamilton-Jacobitheory and special theory of relativity in classicalmechanics. Modern dynamic system formulations.

EMAE 541. Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems. 3Units.

Nonlinear oscillations; including equations ofDuffings, van der Pol, Hill, and Mathieu; andperturbation solution approaches. Bifurcationand jump phenomena, strange attractors,chaos. Poincare maps and related engineeringapplications.

EMAE 554. Turbulent Fluid Motion. 3 Units.

Mathematics and physics of turbulence. Statistical(isotropic, homogeneous turbulence) theories;success and limitations. Experimental andobservational (films) evidence. Macrostructuresand microturbulence. Other theoretical approaches.Recommended preparation: EMAE 454.

EMAE 557. Convection Heat Transfer. 3 Units.

Energy equation of viscous fluids. Dimensionalanalysis. Forced convection; heat transferfrom non-isothermal and unsteady boundaries,free convection and combined free and forcedconvection; stability of free convection flow; thermalinstabilities. Real gas effects, combined heat andmass transfer; ablation, condensation, boiling.Recommended preparation: EMAE 453 and EMAE454.

EMAE 558. Conduction and Radiation. 3 Units.

Fundamental law, initial and boundary conditions,basic equations for isotropic and anisotropic media,related physical problems, steady and transienttemperature distributions in solid structures.Analytical, graphical, numerical, and experimentalmethods for constant and variable materialproperties. Recommended preparation: Consent ofinstructor.

EMAE 570. Computational Fluid Dynamics. 3Units.

Finite difference, finite element, and spectraltechniques for numerical solutions of partialdifferential equations. Explicit and implicitmethods for elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic, andmixed equations. Unsteady incompressible flowequations in primitive and vorticity/stream functionformulations. Steady and unsteady transport(passive scalar) equations.

EMAE 600T. Graduate Teaching III. 0 Units.

This course will engage the Ph.D. candidate in avariety of teaching experiences that will includedirect (for example, teaching recitations andlaboratories, guest lectures, office hours) aswell non-contact preparation (exams, quizzes,demonstrations) and grading activities. Theteaching experience will be conducted under thesupervision of the faculty member(s) responsible forcoordinating student teaching activities. All Ph.D.candidates enrolled in this course sequence will beexpected to perform direct contact teaching at somepoint in the sequence. Recommended preparation:Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering.

EMAE 601. Independent Study. 1 - 18 Unit.

EMAE 651. Thesis M.S.. 1 - 18 Unit.

EMAE 657. Experimental Techniques in Fluidand Thermal Engineering Sciences. 3 Units.

Exposure to experimental problems and techniquesprovided by the planning, design, execution, andevaluation of an original project. Lectures: reviewof the measuring techniques for flow, pressure,temperature, etc.; statistical analysis of data:information theory concepts of instrumentation;electrical measurements and sensing devices;and the use of digital computer for data acquisitionand reduction. Graduate standing or consent ofinstructor required.

EMAE 689. Special Topics. 1 - 18 Unit.

EMAE 701. Dissertation Ph.D.. 1 - 18 Unit.

Prereq: Predoctoral research consent or advancedto Ph.D. candidacy milestone.

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EMAE C100. Co-Op Seminar I for MechanicalEngineering. 1 Unit.

Professional development activities for studentsreturning from cooperative education assignments.Recommended preparation: COOP 001.

EMAE C200. Co-Op Seminar II for MechanicalEngineering. 2 Units.

Professional development activities for studentsreturning from cooperative education assignments.Recommended preparation: COOP 002 and EMAEC100.

Case Western Reserve University 177

Division of Education and Student Programs

304 Nord (7240)Division of Education and Student Programs

The Division of Education and Student Programs( (DESP)designs, develops and administers programs andopportunities which complement and enhancethe curricular offerings in the Case School ofEngineering.

The DESP staff is dedicated and committed toserving all engineering undergraduate and graduatestudents. We work closely with students, faculty,staff, and off-campus organizational representativesto deliver experiences designed to promoteexcellence in engineering education.

We look forward to working with you. Pleasecontact a DESP staff representative to becomeinvolved with our programs.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Division of Education andStudent Programs is to support - through teachingand educational research - the Case Schoolof Engineering educational programs, studentprograms, and outreach activities at all academiclevels: K-12, undergraduate, graduate, andcontinuing education.

The activities supported by DESP include optionalacademic programs that enhance the engineeringcurriculum, such as co-op and the dual-degreeundergraduate programs, as well as globalexchange programs and support of engineeringstudent organizations.

Co-operative Education

Cooperative Education (Co-op) ( is an academicprogram that enables students to alternateclassroom studies with career based experiencesin industry. It is a learning experience designed tointegrate classroom theory with practical experienceand professional develop. Co-op is a paid fulltime work experience designed to maximize thestudent’seducation. Case co-op assignmentsare typically for two seven-month periods, eachperiod consisting of a summer and a contiguousspring or fall semester. This program is availableto students pursuing degrees in engineering,accounting, management and all science majors

except astronomy. For additional information,contact Ms. Mary Rose Tichar, 304 Nord Hall,216-368-4447, or

Dual Degree (3-2) EngineeringProgram

The Dual Degree (3-2) ( Engineering Program enablessuperior students, enrolled at 40 participatingliberal arts colleges in the continental United Statesand Puerto Rico, to combine a strong liberal artsfoundation with the study of engineering. Whileenrolled at a cooperating liberal arts college,students complete courses in mathematics,chemistry, physics, and computer science inaddition to studies in the humanities and socialsciences. Students complete these courses duringtheir first three years and must obtain the approvalof the designated faculty liaison at the liberal artscollege prior to admission to the Case School ofEngineering.

Qualified candidates continue at CSE for anadditional two years of concentrated coursework inan engineering field. At the conclusion of five years,two baccalaureate degrees are awarded: one fromthe liberal arts college and the other a Bachelorof Science degree from Case Western ReserveUniversity.

Engineering StudentOrganizations

The Case School of Engineering has beenknown for having many dynamic studentorganizations. There are many engineering clubsand organizations that enable you to meet morestudents while working towards a meaningfulcause. For additional information, contact Ms.Maria Campbell, 304 Nord Hall, 216-368-5024

External Assesment

Global Programs

Engineering Global Programs ( offersinternational opportunities for students ranging fromstudy abroad to short-term exchange programs,

178 Case School of Engineering

internships and cooperative education experiences,and research.

Participation in global activities optimizes thestudent’s educational experience as well ascontributes to their societal awareness. Exposureto global activities is a very valuable assetfor leadership positions within multinationalcorporations.

The Division of Education and Student Programsdesigns and implements programs tailored tostudents’ interests. Currently, short term culturaland language immersion programs are offeredat Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan; TianjinUniversity in Tianjin, China; and University ofStuttgart in Stuttgart, Germany with more beingestablished.

In addition, the Case School of Engineering hostsmany students from various countries which enablestudents to learn about and interact with variouscultures.

Students may also be interested in the studentchapter of Engineers Without Borders, a nationalnon-profit organization devoted to deliveringengineering assistance to developing areas aroundthe world.

Approximately 80% of the Case School ofEngineering faculty collaborate with over onehundred universities and organizations in over thirtycountries spanning six continents.

For additional information contact Ms. DebbieFatica, 304 Nord Hall, 216-368-4449,

Case Western Reserve University 179

Engineering Physics

Rockefeller Building (7079)Kenneth Singer, Ambrose Swasey Professor ofPhysics and Program

The Engineering Physics major allows students withstrong interests in both physics and engineeringto concentrate their studies in the common areasof these disciplines. The Engineering Physicsmajor prepares students to pursue careers inindustry, either directly after undergraduate studies,or following graduate study in engineering orphysics. Many employers value the unique problemsolving approach of physics, especially in industrialresearch and development.

Students majoring in engineering physics completethe Engineering Core as well as a rigorous courseof study in physics. Students select a concentrationarea from an engineering discipline, and mustcomplete a sequence of at least four coursesin this discipline. In addition, a senior researchproject under the guidance of a faculty member isrequired. The project includes a written report andparticipation in the senior seminar and symposium.

Mission and Program Objectives

The mission of the Engineering Physics programis to prepare students for careers in engineeringwhere physics principles can be applied to theadvancement of technology. This education at theintersection of engineering and physics will enablestudents to seek employment in engineering upongraduation while providing a firm foundation for thepursuit of graduate studies in either engineeringor physics. The Engineering Physics programwill develop sufficient depth in both engineeringand physics skills to produce engineers who canrelate fundamental physics to practical engineeringproblems, and will possess the versatility to addressnew problems in our rapidly changing technologicalbase. The program will provide a curriculumand environment to develop interdisciplinarycollaboration, ethical and professional outlooks,communication skills, and the tools and desire forlife-long learning. In order to realize this mission,the Engineering Physics Program will pursue thefollowing objectives:

1. Graduates of the Engineering Physics programwill apply their strong problem solving skillsas physicists along with an understanding ofthe approach, methods, and requirementsof engineering and engineering design for asuccessful career in advancing technology.

2. Graduates of the Engineering Physics programwill use their strong skills in problem solving,research experience and knowledge in physicsand engineering as successful graduatestudents and researchers in highly rankedgraduate programs.

The Bachelor of Science degree program isaccredited by the Engineering AccreditationCommission of ABET, Inc.,

Bachelor of Science inEngineering

Sample Program of Study: Majorin Engineering Physics

First Year Units

Fall Spring

Principles of Chemistry for Engineers(CHEM 111)


Calculus for Science and Engineering I

(MATH 121)a4

General Physics I - Mechanics (PHYS 121)b 4

SAGES First Seminar 4PHED Physical Education ActivitiesCalculus for Science and Engineering II

(MATH 122)a4

General Physics II - Electricity and

Magnetism (PHYS 122)b4

Elementary Computer Programming (ENGR131)


Chemistry of Materials (ENGR 145) 4SAGES University Seminar 3PHED Physical Education ActivitiesYear Total: 16 18

Second Year Units

Fall Spring

Calculus for Science and Engineering III(MATH 223)


Introduction to Modern Physics (PHYS 221) 3Statics and Strength of Materials (ENGR200)


Introduction to Circuits and Instrumentation(ENGR 210)


SAGES University Seminar 3Elementary Differential Equations (MATH224)


Instrumentation and Signal AnalysisLaboratory (PHYS 208)


Computational Methods in Physics (PHYS250)


Classical Mechanics (PHYS 310) 3

180 Case School of Engineering

Thermodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Heatand Mass Transfer (ENGR 225)


Year Total: 16 17

Third Year Units

Fall Spring

Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics(PHYS 313)


Engineering Physics Laboratory I (PHYS317)


Advanced Laboratory Physics Seminar(PHYS 303)


Introduction to Quantum Mechanics I(PHYS 331)


Engineering Concentrationc 3

Humanities/Social Science elective 3Engineering Physics Laboratory II (PHYS318)


Electricity and Magnetism I (PHYS 324) 3Professional Communication for Engineers(ENGL 398N)


Humanities/Social Science elective 3

Engineering Concentrationc 3

Year Total: 16 16

Fourth Year Units

Fall Spring

Introduction to Solid State Physics (PHYS315)


Electricity and Magnetism II (PHYS 325) 3Senior Physics Project Seminar (PHYS352)


Senior Engineering Physics Project (PHYS353)


Engineering Concentrationc 3

Humanities/Social Science elective 3PHYS 352Senior Engineering Physics Project (PHYS353)


Applied Quantum Mechanicsd 3

Engineering Concentrationc 3

Humanities/Social Science elective 3Elective 3

Case Western Reserve University 181

Year Total: 15 14 Total Units in Sequence: 128

Hours required for graduation 129

a Selected students may be invited to take

• MATH 124 Calculus II,

• MATH 227 Calculus III

• MATH 228 Differential Equations

in place of

• MATH 121 Calculus for Science andEngineering I

• MATH 122 Calculus for Science andEngineering II

• MATH 223 Calculus for Science andEngineering III

• MATH 224 Elementary DifferentialEquations.

b Selected students may be invited to take

• PHYS 123 Physics and Frontiers I -Mechanics

• PHYS 124 Physics and Frontiers II -Electricity and Magnetism

in place of

• PHYS 121 General Physics I - Mechanics

• PHYS 122 General Physics II - Electricityand Magnetism.

c Engineering Physics Concentration coursesare flexible, but must be in a specificengineering discipline or study area andbe approved by an advisor. Possibleconcentration areas include: AerospaceEngineering, Biomedical Engineering“hardware,” Biomedical Engineering“software,” Chemical Engineering, CivilEngineering (solid mechanics, structural andgeotechnical, environmental), Computerscience, Computer systems hardware,Computer systems software, Control systemsand automation, Electrical Engineering,Macromolecular Science, Materials Scienceand Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,

Signal Processing, Systems Analysis anddecision making.

d Students may choose to fulfill thisrequirementin their third year.

• PHYS 332 Introduction to QuantumMechanics II

• PHYS 327 Quantum Electronics/PHYS 427Quantum Electronics

• EECS 321 Semiconductor ElectronicDevices

• EECS 420 Solid State Electronics I

• EMSE 314 Electrical, Magnetic, andOptical Properties of Materials

• EMSE 405 Dielectric, Optical and MagneticProperties of Materials

182 Case School of Engineering

Master of Engineering and Management

Master of Engineering andManagement Program

The Master of Engineering and Managementprogram is designed to meet the needs of studentsseeking to excel in engineering careers in industry.The M.E.M. degree requires only one calendar yearof additional study and may be entered followinga student’s Junior or Senior year. The programprepares engineers to work in different businessenvironments. A rigorous curriculum preparesgraduates to build synergy between the technicalpossibilities of engineering and the profit-lossresponsibilities of management. This programevolved after years of research and interviewswith over 110 professionals and twenty-eightcorporations in the U.S.

The Program

The program includes 42 credit hours of gradedcourse work. The ten-course core sequence makesup 30 of these hours. Students choose an area ofconcentration, either technology entrepreneurshipor biomedical entrepreneurship, for the remaining12 credits. The Program prepares participantsto function as technical leaders with a uniqueblend of broadened engineering and managementskills, which can have a strategic impact on theorganization’s bottom line. Graduates are uniquelypositioned for rapid advancement in technology-based organizations.

Ten Core Courses

IIME 400 Professional Development 3IIME 405 Project Management 3IIME 410 Accounting, Finance, and Engineering


IIME 415 Materials and Manufacturing Processes 3IIME 430A Product and Process Design, Development,

and Delivery I3

IIME 430B Product and Process Design, Development,and Delivery II


IIME 420 Information Technology and Systems 3IIME 425 People Issues and Change in Organizations 3IIME 450A Engineering Entrepreneurship I 3IIME 450B Engineering Entrepreneurship II 3Total Units 30

Technology EntrepreneurshipConcentration

Design for Manufacturing and ManufacturingManagement I & II Engineering Statistics andQuality I & II Biomedical EntrepreneurshipConcentration Engineering Statistics for BiomedicalApplications Models for Health Care and RegulatoryAffairs

Two of the following:EBME 410 Medical Imaging FundamentalsEBME 431 Physics of Imaging

EBME 461 Biomedical Image Processing and AnalysisEBME 403 Biomedical InstrumentationEBME 406 Polymers in MedicineEBME 408 Engineering Tissues/Materials - Learning

from Nature’s ParadigmsEBME 416 Biomaterials for Drug DeliveryEBME 407 Neural InterfacingEBME 507 Motor System NeuroprosthesesEBME 417 Excitable Cells: Molecular MechanismsEBME 417 Excitable Cells: Molecular Mechanisms

EBME 403 Biomedical Instrumentation

EBME 418 Electronics for Biomedical Engineering

Case Western Reserve University 183


CCase School of Engineering .......................................................2

DDegree Program in Engineering - Undesignated ......................18

Department of Biomedical Engineering ....................................20

Department of Chemical Engineering ...................................... 48

Department of Civil Engineering .............................................. 64

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ...77

Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering ......116

Department of Materials Science and Engineering ................ 135

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering .........156

Division of Education and Student Programs .........................177

EEngineering Physics ...............................................................179

MMaster of Engineering and Management ............................... 182
