TAFLEN WYBODAETH I DADAU INFORMATION LEAFLET FOR … · esgor). Mae tua 86% o dadau bellach yn...


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Hywel Dda Health Board is the operational name of Hywel Dda Local Health Board Bwrdd Iechyd Hywel Dda yw enw gweithredol Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol Hywel Dda

SHOULD FATHERS BE PRESENT IN THE DELIVERY ROOM? The majority of women choose to have at least one birthing partner with them when they go into labour. (a birthing partner is a person who helps and supports a woman through her labour). These days about 86% of fathers are now present when their babies are born. There are advantages and disadvantages to fathers being present at the birth. Advantages You will be part of the birthing

experience. When partners are present it helps

the women feel safer and reassures them, enhancing the experience for both of you. It often makes birth easier and reduces the amount of painkillers needed.

If you know what is in your

partner’s birth plan you can help express her wishes to the midwives, if she is unable to do so.

Disadvantages You may not want to be there. In

some cultures it is not acceptable for men to be present.

If you are anxious and stressed

about being present then this can make the labour harder for your partner.

A DDYLAI TADAU FOD YN BRESENNOL YN YR YSTAFELL ENI? Mae mwyafrif y menywod yn dewis cael o leiaf un partner geni gyda nhw pan fyddant yn mynd ati i esgor (labour) (partner geni yw rhywun sy’n helpu ac yn cefnogi menyw wrth iddi esgor). Mae tua 86% o dadau bellach yn bresennol pan fydd eu babanod yn cael eu geni.Mae manteision ac anfanteision i gael tadau’n bresennol yn yr enedigaeth. Manteision Byddwch yn rhan o’r profiad geni.

Pan fydd y partner yn bresennol,

mae’n helpu’r fenyw i deimlo’n fwy diogel ac yn ei chalonogi, gan wella’r profiad i’r ddau ohonoch. Yn aml, mae’n gwneud y geni’n haws ac yn lleihau swm y poenladdwyr y mae eu hangen.

Os ydych chi’n gwybod beth sydd

yng nghynllun geni eich partner, gallwch helpu mynegi ei dymuniadau i’r bydwragedd, os bydd hi’n methu gwneud hynny ei hun.

Anfanteision Efallai na fyddwch chi eisiau bod

yno. Nid yw’n dderbyniol i ddynion fod yn bresennol mewn rhai diwylliannau.

Os ydych chi’n teimlo’n bryderus a

dan straen ynglŷn â bod yn bresennol, gall hyn wneud yr esgor yn galetach i’ch partner.

HOW WILL YOU KNOW IF YOUR PARTNER’S LABOUR HAS BEGAN? It is a good idea to attend the local antenatal sessions with your partner. Your community midwife can inform you where and when they are being held. At these sessions everything about labour and birth is discussed. You also have the opportunity to ask questions. There are three signs of labour. Your partner may have all three or just one of them. She may have a show. This is a

plug of mucus that is found in the neck of the womb( cervix). A woman can have more than one show and sometimes it can happen a week before they go into labour.

She will start having contractions.

At the beginning they will be irregular in frequency, strength and duration.

Her waters may break with her

experiencing a gush of water which may be clear, bloodstained or green in colour. You will need to contact the maternity unit when this happens.

Your partner will let you know if she is experiencing any of these signs.

SUT BYDDWCH CHI’N GWYBOD OS BYDD ESGOR EICH PARTNER WEDI DECHRAU? Mae’n syniad da i fynychu’r sesiynau cyn-geni lleol gyda’ch partner. Gall eich bydwraig gymunedol roi gwybod i chi ble a phryd byddant yn cael eu cynnal. Trafodir popeth am yr esgor a’r enedigaeth yn y sesiynau hyn. Bydd gennych hefyd gyfle i ofyn cwestiynau. Mae tri arwydd o esgor. Gallai’ch partner gael y tri neu dim ond un ohonynt. Gallai fod ganddi arwydd (show).

Plwg o fwcws a welir wrth wddf y groth yw hwn. Gall menyw gael mwy nag un arwydd ac weithiau gall hyn ddigwydd wythnos cyn iddi esgor.

Bydd hi’n dechrau cael cyfangiadau. Byddant yn afreolaidd o ran eu hamlder, cryfder a’u parhad i ddechrau.

Gallai ei dŵr dorri lle bydd hi’n cael profiad o ddŵr yn llifo allan a allai fod yn glir, wedi’i staenio â gwaed neu’n lliw gwyrdd. Bydd angen i chi gysylltu â’r uned famolaeth pan fydd hyn yn digwydd.

Bydd eich partner yn rhoi gwybod i chi os bydd hi’n cael unrhyw un o’r arwyddion hyn.

THERE ARE THREE STAGES OF LABOUR FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR This stage of labour can be divided into three. Latent stage or early labour

Active labour

Transitional stage

Latent stage or early labour This stage can last a few days. In this phase your partner is better staying at home where she will be more relaxed. The contractions are irregular and not very strong. It is best if your partner continues her normal routine and also continues to eat and drink. Active labour This phase can last 6-20 hours with first baby and 2-10 hours with subsequent babies. The contractions are now coming every 5 minutes or closer, feeling stronger and lasting longer. It is during this phase that your partner might consider having some pain relief. This is the time to phone the hospital or community midwife if you are having a home birth. Transitional stage This phase of labour is at the end of the first stage, just before the start of the second stage. It doesn’t last very long and it is when a lot of women lose confidence in themselves and want to see the end of their labour often asking for a caesarean section. You will notice a change in her mood perhaps becoming irritable.

MAE TRI CHAM I ESGOR CAM CYNTAF YR ESGOR Gellir rhannu cam hwn yr esgor yn dri. Y cyfnod diddigwydd (latent stage)

neu ddechrau’r esgor Esgor gweithgar

Y cyfnod trosiannol (transitional)

Y cyfnod diddigwydd neu ddechrau’r esgor Gall y cyfnod hwn bara rhai diwrnodau. Mae’n well i’ch partner aros adref yn ystod y cam hwn gan y bydd hi’n ymlacio’n fwy. Mae’r cyfangiadau’n afreolaidd ac nid ydynt yn gryf iawn. Y peth gorau i’ch partner yw parhau â’i harfer arferol a pharhau i fwyta ac yfed. Esgor gweithgar Gall y cyfnod hwn bara 6-20 awr gyda’r babi cyntaf a 2-10 awr gyda babanod sy’n dilyn. Mae’r cyfangiadau bellach yn dod bob 5 munud neu’n agosach, byddant yn teimlo’n gryfach ac yn para’n hwy. Gallai’ch partner ystyried gael rhywfaint o ryddhad o’i phoen yn ystod y cam hwn. Dyma’r adeg i ffonio’r ysbyty neu’r fydwraig gymunedol os byddwch chi’n geni gartref. Y cyfnod trosiannol Mae’r cyfnod hwn o’r esgor ar ddiwedd y cam cyntaf, ychydig cyn dechrau’r ail gam. Nid yw’n para’n hir iawn a dyma pryd y bydd llawer o fenywod yn colli hyder yn eu hunain ac eisiau gweld diwedd ar eu hesgor gan ofyn am doriad Cesaraidd yn aml iawn. Byddwch yn sylwi ar newid yn ei thymer ac efallai bydd hi’n mynd yn bigog.

SECOND STAGE OF LABOUR This stage can last 1-2 hours with the first baby and 10 minutes - 1 hour with subsequent babies. The contractions are now very strong and close together. The women feel a lot of pressure and have the urge to push. This stage ends with the birth of your baby. THE THIRD STAGE OF LABOUR This stage can last from 20 - 60 minutes if your partner has chosen the physiological (natural) method or 5-15 minutes if she has chosen to have an injection to deliver the placenta. You can take the placenta home with you if you wish. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP YOUR PARTNER Go to the antenatal sessions

together. Be with your partner when she

completes her birthplan. If this is not possible, discuss it, so that you can help express her wishes if she is unable to do so herself.

You may want to visit the maternity

unit to look around. Ensure that you have enough fuel in

the car in case you have to go to the hospital in the middle of the night. Remember to drive carefully.

If you have no transport and the

midwife in the hospital has advised you to go into hospital, then you can phone for an ambulance - 999

Go into hospital when your partner

is ready.

AIL GAM YR ESGOR Gall y cyfnod hwn bara 1-2 awr gyda’r babi cyntaf a 10 munud – 1 awr gyda babanod sy’n dilyn. Mae’r cyfangiadau bellach yn gryf iawn ac yn agos at ei gilydd. Mae menywod yn teimlo llawer o bwysau ac yn cael yr awydd i wthio. Mae’r cam hwn yn dod i ben gyda genedigaeth eich babi. TRYDYDD CAM YR ESGOR Gall y cyfnod hwn bara o 20-60 munud os bydd eich partner wedi dewis y dull ffisiolegol (naturiol) neu 5-15 munud os bydd hi wedi dewis cael pigiad i esgor ar y brych. Gallwch fynd â’r brych adref gyda chi os dymunwch. YR HYN Y GALLWCH EI WNEUD I HELPU’CH PARTNER Mynd i’r sesiynau cyn geni gyda’ch

gilydd. Bod gyda’ch partner wrth iddi lenwi

ei chynllun geni. Os na fydd hyn yn bosibl, trafodwch ef, er mwyn i chi allu helpu mynegi ei theimladau os na all hi wneud hynny ei hun.

Efallai yr hoffech ymweld â’r uned

famolaeth i edrych o gwmpas. Sicrhewch fod gennych ddigon o

danwydd yn y car rhag ofn y bydd rhaid i chi fynd i’r ysbyty yng nghanol nos. Cofiwch yrru’n ofalus.

Os nad oes gennych gludiant a bod

y fydwraig yn yr ysbyty wedi’ch cynghori chi i fynd i’r ysbyty, gallwch ffonio am ambiwlans - 999

Ewch i’r ysbyty pan fydd eich

partner yn barod.

Remember you can contact your maternity unit at any time to ask a midwife for advice.

Ensure your partner eats and

drinks, especially in early labour. Support your partner and

encourage her through the labour. Remember she may not want to talk all the time.

Help create a quiet relaxed

atmosphere, i.e. dim lights, music your partner likes etc.

Help your partner find a comfortable

position. Rearrange the cushions or pillows.

Help her to time the contractions,

and encourage her with her breathing.

Help her to be mobile but make

sure your partner doesn’t tire herself.

If your partner is experiencing

backache you can massage her back or suggest a change in position.

If your partner is hot and perspiring

wipe her face and neck with a cold wet face cloth.

Be prepared for a change in her

mood when she is in the transitional stage.

Some women choose to have more

than one birthing partner, in this case you will have some support as well.

Ensure that you eat and drink

through the labour. Take some snacks with you in case you cannot leave your partner.

Cofiwch, gallwch gysylltu â’ch uned famolaeth unrhyw bryd i ofyn am gyngor bydwraig.

Sicrhewch fod eich partner yn

bwyta ac yfed, yn enwedig ar ddechrau’r esgor

Rhowch gefnogaeth ac anogaeth

i’ch partner trwy’r esgor. Cofiwch, efallai na fydd hi eisiau siarad drwy’r amser.

Helpwch greu awyrgylch tawel,

hamddenol, h.y. tywyllwch y golau, chwaraewch gerddoriaeth y mae’ch partner yn ei hoffi etc.

Helpwch eich partner i ddod o hyd i

safle cyfforddus. Aildrefnwchy clustogau neu’r gobenyddion.

Helpwch hi i amseru’r cyfangiadau,

a rhowch anogaeth iddi gyda’i hanadlu.

Helpwch hi i symud ond gwnewch

yn siŵr nad yw’ch partner yn blino ei hun.

Os bydd eich partner yn cael cefn

tost, gallwch dylino ei chefn neu awgrymu ei bod hi’n newid safle.

Os bydd eich partner yn boeth ac yn

chwysu, sychwch ei hwyneb a’i gwddf gyda chlwtyn wyneb gwlyb ac oer.

Byddwch yn barod am newid yn ei

thymer pan fydd hi yn y cyfnod trosiannol.

Mae rhai menywod yn dewis cael

mwy nag un partner geni, yn yr achos hwn, bydd gennych chi rywfaint o gefnogaeth hefyd.

Sicrhewch eich bod yn bwyta ac yn

yfed trwy’r esgor. Ewch â byrbrydau gyda chi rhag ofn na allwch adael eich partner.

Remember just being there can help your partner be more relaxed and have an easier labour. You do not have to do anything.

Don’t forget the camera.

When phoning / texting relatives

and friends with the good news try and wait until you know the baby’s weight.

REFERENCES All Wales Clinical Pathway for Normal Labour (2003). Kiernan K and Smith K (2003). Unmarried parenthood: New insights from the Millennium Cohort Study’. Popular Trends, 114: 26-33, London: Office of Population Censuses and Surveys. www.fathersdirect.com Useful websites www.dad.info www.midwivesonline.com www.nct.org.uk This leaflet was compiled with help from some of the fathers who have attended the antenatal classes in Cardigan.

Cofiwch, bydd bod yno’n gallu helpu’ch partner i ymlacio’n fwy ac esgor yn haws. Nid oes rhaid i chi wneud unrhyw beth.

Peidiwch ag anghofio’r camera.

Pan fyddwch yn ffonio/anfon testun

at berthnasau a ffrindiau gyda’r newyddion da, ceisiwch aros hyd nes eich bod yn gwybod pwysau’r babi.

CYFEIRIADAU Llwybr Clinigol Cymru Gyfan ar gyfer Esgor Naturiol (2003). Kiernan K a Smith K (2003). Unmarried parenthood: New insights from the Millennium Cohort Study’. Popular Trends, 114: 26-33, London: Office of Population Censuses and Surveys. www.fathersdirect.com Gwefannau defnyddiol www.dad.info www.midwivesonline.com www.nct.org.uk Rhoddwyd y daflen hon at ei gilydd gan rai o’r tadau a fynychodd y dosbarthiadau cyn geni yn Aberteifi.
