TAKS Objectives 3 and 4: Amendments 11 th Grade TAKS Practice Conroe High School Social Studies...


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TAKS Objectives 3 and 4: Amendments

11th Grade TAKS Practice

Conroe High SchoolConroe High School

Social Studies DepartmentSocial Studies Department

Instructions:In the slides that follow, a Constitutional

Amendment will be described or explained at the top of the slide. Answer

choices are at the bottom of each slide.Click the correct answer and receive writtenand sound feedback. Use the blue buttons to

move between slides.

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Guarantees a speedy and public trial by a jury of a speedy and public trial by a jury of one’s peersone’s peers and the right to a lawyerright to a lawyer. You must be

informed of chargesinformed of charges against you. You have the right to compel (subpoena) witnesses on your behalf.

Third Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Fifth Amendment

Ninth Amendment

10th Amendment

13th Amendment

15th Amendment

Second Amendment Eighth Amendment

Sixth Amendment 14th Amendment

First Amendment Seventh Amendment

Reserves powers for the states and the peopleReserves powers for the states and the people.

This amendment ensures state powersensures state powers in our federal federal system by stating that all powers not given to the national government or denied to the

states are reserved for the states and the people.

Third Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Fifth Amendment

Ninth Amendment

10th Amendment

13th Amendment

15th Amendment

Second Amendment Eighth Amendment

Sixth Amendment 14th Amendment

First Amendment Seventh Amendment

Protects accused persons against excessive bail or excessive bail or finesfines and cruel and unusual punishmentcruel and unusual punishment.

Third Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Fifth Amendment

Ninth Amendment

10th Amendment

13th Amendment

15th Amendment

Second Amendment Eighth Amendment

Sixth Amendment 14th Amendment

First Amendment Seventh Amendment

Because of the need for a state militia, this Amendment guarantees a right to bear armsa right to bear arms.

Third Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Fifth Amendment

Ninth Amendment

10th Amendment

13th Amendment

15th Amendment

Second Amendment Eighth Amendment

Sixth Amendment 14th Amendment

First Amendment Seventh Amendment

Guarantees that citizens do NOT have to quarter NOT have to quarter (house) troops(house) troops in their own homes.

Third Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Fifth Amendment

Ninth Amendment

10th Amendment

13th Amendment

15th Amendment

Second Amendment Eighth Amendment

Sixth Amendment 14th Amendment

First Amendment Seventh Amendment

A Reconstruction (Post-Civil War) AmendmentReconstruction (Post-Civil War) Amendment:Defined citizenshipcitizenship (born or naturalized) and established the equal protection of the lawequal protection of the law.

(intended to rights of African Americans after Civil War)

Third Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Fifth Amendment

Ninth Amendment

10th Amendment

13th Amendment

15th Amendment

Second Amendment Eighth Amendment

Sixth Amendment 14th Amendment

First Amendment Seventh Amendment

You have a right to a grand jury hearing; you cannot be tried twice for the same crime; you cannot be forced to you cannot be forced to testify against yourselftestify against yourself; life, liberty and property cannot

be taken away without due process of lawdue process of law.

Third Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Fifth Amendment

Ninth Amendment

10th Amendment

13th Amendment

15th Amendment

Second Amendment Eighth Amendment

Sixth Amendment 14th Amendment

First Amendment Seventh Amendment

A Reconstruction (Post-Civil War) AmendmentReconstruction (Post-Civil War) Amendment:states that the right to vote cannot be deniedright to vote cannot be denied on the

basis of race, color, or previous condition of servituderace, color, or previous condition of servitude.(intended to rights of African Americans after Civil War)

Third Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Fifth Amendment

Ninth Amendment

10th Amendment

13th Amendment

15th Amendment

Second Amendment Eighth Amendment

Sixth Amendment 14th Amendment

First Amendment Seventh Amendment

Guarantees the right to a jury trialright to a jury trial in a CIVIL CIVIL CASECASE that involves substantial (large) sums of


Third Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Fifth Amendment

Ninth Amendment

10th Amendment

13th Amendment

15th Amendment

Second Amendment Eighth Amendment

Sixth Amendment 14th Amendment

First Amendment Seventh Amendment

Guarantees a right against unreasonable searches against unreasonable searches and seizuresand seizures; search and arrest warrants must be

based on probable cause.

Third Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Fifth Amendment

Ninth Amendment

10th Amendment

13th Amendment

15th Amendment

Second Amendment Eighth Amendment

Sixth Amendment 14th Amendment

First Amendment Seventh Amendment

Rights not specifically listed/statednot specifically listed/stated in the Constitution/Bill of Rights are also guaranteed (right

to privacy; right to marry or travel freely)

Third Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Fifth Amendment

Ninth Amendment

10th Amendment

13th Amendment

15th Amendment

Second Amendment Eighth Amendment

Sixth Amendment 14th Amendment

First Amendment Seventh Amendment

This Amendment protects freedom of religion, religion, speech, press, assembly and petitionspeech, press, assembly and petition. It also states

that Congress cannot make laws establishing a cannot make laws establishing a religionreligion.

Third Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Fifth Amendment

Ninth Amendment

10th Amendment

13th Amendment

15th Amendment

Second Amendment Eighth Amendment

Sixth Amendment 14th Amendment

First Amendment Seventh Amendment

A Reconstruction (Post-Civil War) AmendmentReconstruction (Post-Civil War) Amendment:

Abolished slaveryAbolished slavery and involuntary servitude.(intended to rights of African Americans after Civil War)

Third Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Fifth Amendment

Ninth Amendment

10th Amendment

13th Amendment

15th Amendment

Second Amendment Eighth Amendment

Sixth Amendment 14th Amendment

First Amendment Seventh Amendment

Additional Constitutional Amendments and Other Actions that Impacted the Rights of the People

Guaranteed the right to vote to 18 year oldsright to vote to 18 year olds

(the Vietnam War prompted this Amendment --- if you could be drafted and fight for your country, you

should be able to vote)

16th Amendment

17th Amendment

19th Amendment

Fair Housing Act of 1968

24th Amendment

26th Amendment

Birmingham Protest Voting Rights Act of 1965

Montgomery Bus Boycott Civil Rights Act of 1964

Brown v. Board of Education I Have a Dream Speech

Followed Rosa Parks arrest for refusing to give up her seat; a major event in the Civil Rights Movement – it inspired African Americans around the country

to oppose segregation.

16th Amendment

17th Amendment

19th Amendment

Fair Housing Act of 1968

24th Amendment

26th Amendment

Birmingham Protest Voting Rights Act of 1965

Montgomery Bus Boycott Civil Rights Act of 1964

Brown v. Board of Education I Have a Dream Speech

A Progressive Era Amendment: provided for the direct election of U.S. Senatorsdirect election of U.S. Senators by the citizens of

each state.

16th Amendment

17th Amendment

19th Amendment

Fair Housing Act of 1968

24th Amendment

26th Amendment

Birmingham Protest Voting Rights Act of 1965

Montgomery Bus Boycott Civil Rights Act of 1964

Brown v. Board of Education I Have a Dream Speech

A major landmark in the Civil Rights movement – this court ruling based on a Topeka, Kansas school called for the desegregation of public schools –

stating that “separate but equal” was unconstitutional (“inherently unequal”).

16th Amendment

17th Amendment

19th Amendment

Fair Housing Act of 1968

24th Amendment

26th Amendment

Birmingham Protest Voting Rights Act of 1965

Montgomery Bus Boycott Civil Rights Act of 1964

Brown v. Board of Education I Have a Dream Speech

An Amendment prompted by the reform movements of the Progressive era ---- stated that voting could voting could

not be denied on the basis of sexnot be denied on the basis of sex.Provided women’s suffragewomen’s suffrage (right to vote) in 1920.

16th Amendment

17th Amendment

19th Amendment

Fair Housing Act of 1968

24th Amendment

26th Amendment

Birmingham Protest Voting Rights Act of 1965

Montgomery Bus Boycott Civil Rights Act of 1964

Brown v. Board of Education I Have a Dream Speech

Progressive Era Amendment: gave Congress the power to tax incomes.power to tax incomes.

16th Amendment

17th Amendment

19th Amendment

Fair Housing Act of 1968

24th Amendment

26th Amendment

Birmingham Protest Voting Rights Act of 1965

Montgomery Bus Boycott Civil Rights Act of 1964

Brown v. Board of Education I Have a Dream Speech

Major Civil Rights legislationMajor Civil Rights legislation --- this law prohibited prohibited discrimination in education and employmentdiscrimination in education and employment and

outlawed segregation in public facilitiesoutlawed segregation in public facilities.Promoted by Kennedy, but achieved by his successor

Johnson (LBJ).

16th Amendment

17th Amendment

19th Amendment

Fair Housing Act of 1968

24th Amendment

26th Amendment

Birmingham Protest Voting Rights Act of 1965

Montgomery Bus Boycott Civil Rights Act of 1964

Brown v. Board of Education I Have a Dream Speech

This Amendment outlawed the use of poll taxesoutlawed the use of poll taxes (tax on voter registration) in federal elections.

16th Amendment

17th Amendment

19th Amendment

Fair Housing Act of 1968

24th Amendment

26th Amendment

Birmingham Protest Voting Rights Act of 1965

Montgomery Bus Boycott Civil Rights Act of 1964

Brown v. Board of Education I Have a Dream Speech

Spoken by Martin Luther King, JrMartin Luther King, Jr., at the March March on Washington in 1963on Washington in 1963 --- described a future

America in which children of all races could live in children of all races could live in harmonyharmony.

16th Amendment

17th Amendment

19th Amendment

Fair Housing Act of 1968

24th Amendment

26th Amendment

Birmingham Protest Voting Rights Act of 1965

Montgomery Bus Boycott Civil Rights Act of 1964

Brown v. Board of Education I Have a Dream Speech

This key event in the Civil Rights Movement occurred in 1963. Television cameras showed the police using fire hoses and attack dogspolice using fire hoses and attack dogs against the

participants who were opposed to segregationopposed to segregation.

16th Amendment

17th Amendment

19th Amendment

Fair Housing Act of 1968

24th Amendment

26th Amendment

Birmingham Protest Voting Rights Act of 1965

Montgomery Bus Boycott Civil Rights Act of 1964

Brown v. Board of Education I Have a Dream Speech

Major legislation resulting from the Civil Rights Movement that prohibited the use of literacy tests at polling places and brought federal voting examiners

to the South to monitor voting practices.

16th Amendment

17th Amendment

19th Amendment

Fair Housing Act of 1968

24th Amendment

26th Amendment

Birmingham Protest Voting Rights Act of 1965

Montgomery Bus Boycott Civil Rights Act of 1964

Brown v. Board of Education I Have a Dream Speech

Civil Rights legislation which outlawed discrimination by the real estate industry and

housing lenders.Intended to stop discrimination against African Americans

and other minorities in the purchase of homes.

16th Amendment

17th Amendment

19th Amendment

Fair Housing Act of 1968

24th Amendment

26th Amendment

Birmingham Protest Voting Rights Act of 1965

Montgomery Bus Boycott Civil Rights Act of 1964

Brown v. Board of Education I Have a Dream Speech
