Taller fotografia muskoka


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Taller de Fotografía

Notas para el Instructor

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

A Note to the Instructor

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

How to Use This Document

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

In order to make things simpler later, please make sure:

1.All photos taken by the kids are specifically saved

with the child’s name who took the photo.

2.You send us a head-shot and 3-5 sentence bio for each child. These will be used to accompany their photos in galleries and in print. Key items to include in the bio’s are: • Name • Age • Where they are from • Challenge in their life they have had to overcome • Hope / Dream for the future

3.That we have a record of the serial numbers for each

of the cameras and printers that are being provided to the group.

A bit of Admin… (pg1)

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

In order to make things simpler later, please make sure:

4. All of the cameras are set to their highest

resolution possible, (10+ MegaPixels) so that we can make prints of the kids’ photos for magazines and galleries, etc.

5. That you introduce the local adult supervisor to the Muskoka Foundation representative who will be supporting them after you have completed the workshop.

6. Discuss with the local adult how any money generated from the sale of the kids’ photos should be split amongst the center/children. (refer to the FAQ for more details)

A bit of Admin… (pg2)

Student Presentation

Taller de Fotografía

DÍA 1 Introducción a la fotografía

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Tema del Día

• ¿Porque estas aquí?

• ¿Qué es la fotografía?

• ¿Cómo utilizar tu cámara nueva?

Hoy vamos a hablar de:

…luego vamos a tomar la cámara y comenzaremos a trabajar

• Tomaremos las primeras fotos

• Aprenderemos las diferentes funciones


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué estamos aquí?

Conozcámonos primero….

Hablános acerca de ti:

• ¿Cuál es tu nombre?

• ¿Alguna vez has usado una cámara?

• ¿Porqué quieres aprender fotografía?

• ¿Cuál es tu cosa favorita en el mundo?

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía es una buena herramienta para aprender.

Puede ser utilizada como:

• Lienzo para hacer arte

• Como herramienta de cambio

• Para documentar eventos

• Como carrera para hacer dinero

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Inspirar emoción



by: Jay Sh


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Inspirar emoción Photo by: Jay Shapiro

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Inspirar emoción Photo by: Odila – Eyes of Hope, Rwanda ‘08

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Inspirar emoción

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Compartir momentos con aquellos no presentes en ciertos eventos Photo by: Vince Caligiuri

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Grabar cambios en la cultura Photo by: Jay Shapiro

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Grabar cambios en la cultura Photo by: Jay Shapiro

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Grabar cambios en la cultura Photo by: Jay Shapiro

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Contar una historia Photo by: Jay Shapiro

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Documentar atrocidades Amateur Photo of the Rwanda Genocide - 1994

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Explicar los secretos del Universo Photo by: AceManoj

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Expresar una visión Photo by: Daniel Gordon

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Expresar una visión



by: W

alead B


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Inspirarte a comprar cosas Ad for Carl’s Jr.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Inspirarte a comprar cosas Nissan GTR Ad by:Tyler Smeltekop

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Inspirarte a comprar cosas Ad for Fanta

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Crear controversia e ira en las personas Ad for Sociedad Protectora de Animales

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Ser una gran carrera

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

La fotografía puede…

Ser una gran carrera

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía? Existen fotógrafos latinoamericanos famosos y exitosos, tales como:

Manuel Álvarez Bravo - México

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía? Existen fotógrafos latinoamericanos famosos y exitosos, tales como:

Antonio Turok - México



us q







This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía? Existen fotógrafos latinoamericanos famosos y exitosos, tales como:

Gaby Herbstein - Argentina

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Porqué aprender fotografía?

Se es un “fotógrafo” cuando paras de “tomar fotos”, y comienzas a “crear imágenes”


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Cómo utilizar tu cámara?


Presiona el botón (Power) para encender o apagar la cámara

Paso #1: Enciende la cámara

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Cómo utilizar tu cámara?


La luz entra en la cámara a través del lente

Paso #2: Enciende la cámara

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Cómo utilizar tu cámara?

Paso # 3: Revisa la imagen Revisa

Toma tu tiempo para revisar la

imagen que aparece en la pantalla; revisa la composición (diseño, color y


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Cómo utilizar tu cámara?

AUTO (Automático)

El día de hoy vamos a adaptarnos a tomar fotos,

entonces adjusta la cámara en la selección de AUTO

Paso #4: Fijar en AUTO

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…


La posición T/W corresponde a la función de acercar o alejar

(zoom) para hacer que el objeto se vea más cerca o más lejos.

Paso #5: Acercate o Alejate de la escena

¿Cómo utilizar tu cámara?

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Soltar el Opturador

Presiona el botón plateado completamente para tomar la


Paso 5: Cuando estés listo, Toma la foto.

¿Cómo utilizar tu cámara?

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Paso #7: Revisa tu imagén Revisa Presiona el botón de Play, para ver la

foto que acabas de tomar. Utiliza las flechas de dirección para

ver otras fotos.

¿Cómo utilizar tu cámara?


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Probemos con tu cámara:

Ahora iremos afuera… busca objetos o escenas y toma fotos de estos usando diferentes ángulos.

Bájate al nivel del piso, sube a un nivel más alto, y trata de ver las cosas desde una perspectiva diferente. Luego, trata la función de acercar/alejar. Observa la diferencia entre ver el objeto de lejos o de cerca, ya sea acercándote con la función de la cámara o parándote cerca del objeto con un ángulo amplio.

DÍA 2 Una buena composición

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Temas de Hoy

• Composición de tus imágenes

• Lo que hace de una foto “buena”

Hoy vamos a hablar acerca de:

…luego vamos a tomar las cámaras para practicar

• Nos moveremos de “tomar” fotos a “componer” imágenes


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…


Vamos a jugar un juego...

Sigue la X con tus ojos.


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición X

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…



This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…



This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…



This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…



This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…


Al mover la X a diferentes puntos de la página puedo

causar que tus ojos se muevan y se enfoquen en estos puntos.

A esto se le llama el “Punto de Enfoque” de una foto.

Aún sin decirles que se fijaran en la X sus ojos

automáticamente lo hubiesen hecho. Es la manera en la que tus ojos funcionan. Como fotógrafos, podemos usar esta técnica para llamar la atención de la audiencia al momento de ver nuestras imágenes. De esta forma se crean fotos mucho más interesantes.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…


¿En dónde enfocas tu mirada al ver esta foto?

En ningún punto Esta foto no tiene un punto de enfoque definido y por lo tanto es un poco confusa. De hecho - Esta es la razón por la que las zebras tienen líneas y caminan en manadas, para confundir a los leones.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…


¿Qué me dicen de esta?

Nuestros ojos se enfocan en las caras de los leones Existen una serie de técnicas para lograr este efecto en

nosotros sin que nos demos cuenta.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición ¿Qué estas mirando?

Truco #1: Nuestro ojos por naturaleza se fijan primero en la luz

Truco #2: Las personas nos causan curiosidad, por lo tanto nos interesa saber que hay en la sombras.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición La luz puede jugar un papel importante, pero a la vez nos puede distraer.

Por que nuestros ojos tienden a enfocarse en las partes mas claras de la foto tenemos que asegurarnos de que la luz no nos distrae del objetivo principal de la misma.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición La luz puede jugar un papel importante, pero a la vez nos puede distraer.

Por que nuestros ojos tienden a enfocarse en las partes mas claras de la foto tenemos que asegurarnos de que la luz no nos distrae del objetivo principal

de la misma.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…


Utiliza la luz y el “Punto de Enfoque” para captar la atención de la audiencia hacia tus fotos.

Nuestro objetivo es que la audiencia se sienta atraída hacia la imagen, y por un breve minuto, se olviden del lugar en el que están parados.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición También podemos usar líneas y otros detalles para ayudar

a captar la atención de la audiencia.

Por nuestra condición humana tendemos a enfocarnos en los ojos de las personas. Estas se convierten en un punto focal natural.

Photo by: Jay Shapiro

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…


Pero, si queremos que la mirada de las personas se metan en la imagen, ¿ donde debería estar

el Punto de Enfoque?

En el centro?


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición Se convertiría en una imagen muy aburrida…

Si ponemos nuestro sujeto en el mismo centro, se ve aceptable pero crea una imagen muy aburrida.

Photo courtesy of: www.tv-handbook.com

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición Corte raro…

El posicionar nuestro sujeto a un extremo de la imagen, en ciertas ocasiones puede verse bien, pero también puede crear

una imagen rara.

Photo courtesy of: www.tv-handbook.com

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición Mucho mejor…

Existe una magia “La regla de los Tercios” lo que hace las imágenes mucho mas interesante.

Photo courtesy of: www.tv-handbook.com

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición Como funciona?…

Posiciona el punto de enfoque en uno de los 1/3 de lineas, idealmente cerca de uno de los puntos verdes.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición Algunos ejemplos para demostrar:

Photo courtesy of: mytownshootout.blogspot.com

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición Algunos ejemplos para demostrar:

Photo by: Stephanie Deissner

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición Algunos ejemplos para demostrar:

Photo courtesy of: mytownshootout.blogspot.com

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición Compara esta foto:

Eva Mendes, en el centro y con un fondo que distrae.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición …con esta foto:

Eva Mendes, siguiendo la regla de los tercios y con un fondo neutral.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Tratemos con tu camara:

Cambia el Modo

Seleciona el modo P o M que te provee mas control.

Paso #1: Seleciona el modo correcto

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Tratemos con tu camara:

Paso #2: Enciende las cuadriculas Cambia el visualizador

Presiona la flecha hacia arriba y cambia el modo del visualizador.

Encuentra la cuadricula y la información de función.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…


Que tan grande mi sujeto debe verse en la foto?

Eso depende…

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición Aqui, probablemente el subjeto es muy pequeno, asi que es dificil que la

audiencia o el receptor se enfoque en el…

Photo by: Brian Croak

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición Mientras que aqui es muy grande y se sale del cuadro de las fotos, esta imagen te hace pensar que el objeto es gigante.

Photo by: Matt Hardigree

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición En una foto ideal de “Pasaporte” tienes que dejar espacio en 3

lugares alrededor del subjeto…

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición En una foto ideal de “Pasaporte” tienes que dejar espacio en 3

lugares alrededor del subjeto…

Photo by: Jay Shapiro

Podrias utilizar este estilo en tu fotografia tambien…si quisieras.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición …pero puede ser muy efectivo dejar el subjeto hacia las afueras

del cuadro si eliges hacer eso…

Photo by: Jay Shapiro

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición …pero no le cortes la cabeza accidentalmente!

Photo by: Jay Shapiro

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición Que se ve mal en esta imagen?

Sientes que te vas a deslizar de una lado a otro? Trata de mantener las “lineas del horizonte” en nivel

Photo by: Jay Shapiro

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Composición …al menos que quieras enseñar algo en particular.

Photo by: Jay Shapiro

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…





Todas estas reglas de fotografía están ahí para romperlas, si lo

haces intencionalmente y a consciencia.


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Probemos con tu cámara:

Hoy, vamos a hacer todo en tres… para cada foto que tomes, hazlo tres veces:

1 – Trata de buscar el punto de enfoque, y sigue la regla de los tercios. 2 – Toma la misma imagen, pero sin seguir la regla de los tercios. 3 – Toma la foto una vez mas, pero desde un ángulo diferente, juega con la función de acercar y alejar. Mira a ver si puedes engañar a alguien haciéndole creer que son imágenes diferentes.

Dia 3 Detalles espantosos

Eva Mendes for Revlon

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Temas del Día

• Como la cámara realmente funciona

• Control de Exposición

• Profundidad de Campo

Hoy hablaremos acerca de:

…y luego vamos a tomar nuestras cámaras para experimentar:

• Experimentar con la exposición

• Utilizar sombras para crear efectos

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Cómo funcionan nuestros ojos:

Antes de poderles explicar como una cámara captura las imágenes, primero les debo explicar como funcionan nuestros ojos…

Diagram courtesy www.educa.madrid.org

La imagen se

forma en la retina

Los rayos de luz entran al ojo,

a tráves del lente

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Cómo funciona la cámara: El funcionamiento de una cámara es muy similar

al de nuestros ojos. Ésta tiene un lente que cáptura la luz e interpreta la imagen utilizando

sensores y no nervios, como en el caso de nuestros ojos.

Diagram courtesy www.bobbarthen.com


r diagram


rtesy ww





This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Cómo funciona la cámara: La señal transmitida por el sensor, es luego

almacenada en una tarjeta de memoria, que utilizamos para transferir la información hacia una computadora. Una vez transferidas, puedes editar,

compartir e imprimir las imágenes.


r diagram


rtesy ww





Diagram courtesy www.bobbarthen.com

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Cómo funciona la cámara:

La cámara tiene una puerta pequeña, que controla el tiempo al que el sensor está

expuesto a la luz, esto se llama “Exposición”

Diagram courtesy www.koupoukis.gr

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Velocidad de Exposición Una velocidad de exposición “rápida” puede detener

la acción…

Algunas veces, la velocidad de exposición “rápida” crea emoción en imágenes de acción, especialmente en deportes.

1 / 250 sec

Velocidad de


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Velocidad de Exposición Una velocidad de exposición “lenta” en una escena de acción rápida no


Dado a que los jugadores se mueven de manera rápida, el utilizar una velocidad lenta hace que se vean borrosos en la imágen.

1 / 2 sec

Velocidad de


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Cómo funciona la cámara: Se puede selecionar una velocidad de exposición muy rápida (1/1500th segundos) o muy lenta (16


Cada uno de estos modos duplica la cantidad de luz que alcanza el sensor.

8 sec.

4 sec.

2 sec.

1 sec.

1/ 2

1/ 4

1/ 15

1/ 30

1/ 60

1/ 125

1/ 250

1/ 500

1/ 1000

1/ 1600

1/ 3200

Very Fast Very Slow

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Cómo funciona la cámara: El segundo componente importante de la

cámara es la “apertura”. Este componente controla la cantidad de luz que alcanza el

sensor, mientras el opturador esta abierto.

Diagram courtesy kaeframes.wordpress.com

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Cómo funciona la cámara: El opturador y la apertura se balancean uno al otro. Cuando se abre uno, se cierra el otro, y la

cantidad de luz que entra permanece igual.

Diagram courtesy www.alumbankweb.com

Cada una de estas funciones de exposición son exactamente las mismas.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Cómo funciona la cámara:

Si, cada una de las “funciones de exposición” permiten que entre la misma cantidad de luz,

porqué existen tantas opciones?

Jugar con la exposición nos permite cambiar tres cosas:

•Velocidad de Exposición •Profundidad de Campo •Luz

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Velocidad de Exposición Una velocidad de exposición “rápida” detiene el


Cuando logramos tomar imágenes de este tipo, podemos ver objetos paralizados en el tiempo, cosas que no podríamos observar a simple vista.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Una velocidad exposición rápida puede enseñarnos la emoción y turbulencia de una escena.

El torrente de agua ha sido congelado en el tiempo.

Velocidad de Exposición

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Velocidad de Exposición Pero una velocidad de exposición “lenta” puede crear un

hermoso efecto de suavidad y elegancia

Mientras el opturador permanece abierto el torrente de agua continua pasando, lo que causa que se vea borroso.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Velocidad de Exposición Una velocidad de exposición “rápida” puede crear una

apareciencia de que el tiempo se ha detenido.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Velocidad de Exposición Mientras que una velocidad de exposición “lenta” da

una apariencia de movimiento o paso del tiempo.

El árbol se encuentra estacionario, se encuentra paralizado en el tiempo, mientras las nubes siguen en movimiento.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Una velocidad de exposición “lenta” puede crear una impresión de velocidad.

Al graduar la cámara a la misma velocidad del carro, podemos hacer que este se vea claro mientras todo lo demás a su alrededor se ve borroso. Esto crea la impresión

de que el carro se está moviendo a una alta velocidad. TRUCO: Aún con un objeto que se mueve a 10mph podemos crear este efecto.

Velocidad de Exposición

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Velocidad de Exposición También puede hacer borrosa una escena

photo by: Christina Saull

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Tratemos con tu cámara:

Cambia el Modo

Selecciona el modo M que te permite tener control total sobre

las imágenes que vas a tomar.

Paso #1: Selecciona el modo correcto

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Paso #2: Cambia de apertura a control de opturador

Cambia el Modo

Presiona el botón de Fn para cambiar de apertura a opturador

1/125 f3.3

Tratemos con tu cámara:

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Paso #3: Selecciona el control de opturador Cambia el Modo

Presiona la flecha de la IZQUIERDA para cambiar el triángulo verde de

apertura a opturador

1/125 f3.3

Tratemos con tu cámara:

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Paso #4: Cambia la velocidad de exposición.

Cambia la velocidad de exposición

Presiona la barra de control hacia la izquierda o derecha para seleccionar la velocidad de exposición deseada.

1/500 f3.3

Tratemos con tu cámara:

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Experimento: Intenta tomar la misma foto utilizando diferentes velocidades de exposición

1/15 f3.3

Tratemos con tu cámara:


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…








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Profundidad de Campo

¿Qué es la Profundidad de Campo?

¿Cuán grande y/o profunda es el área en frente y detrás del sujeto que está enfocado?


1/3 2/3









This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Cuando ajustamos la Profundidad de Campo cambiamos la cantidad de enfoque que se ve en una imagén. Esto causa que pongamos más o menos atención al sujeto captado en la imagén.

Photos by PhotoshopSupport.Com




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Profundidad de Campo

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Cómo se ve una Profundidad de Campo “llana”?

Una Profundidad de Campo “llana” dirige tu visión hacia el sujeto en enfoque, y ayuda a que el fondo no sea una distración.

photo by Michael Zheng

Profundidad de Campo

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

photo by Michael Zheng

Profundidad de Campo

¿Cómo se ve una Profundidad de Campo “llana”?

Una Profundidad de Campo “llana” dirige tu visión hacia el sujeto en enfoque, y ayuda a que el fondo no sea una distración.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Una Profundidad de Campo “llana” también ayuda a que te metas en la foto, haciendo que el sujeto sea más íntimo para el espectador.

photo by Andrew Hefter

Profundidad de Campo

¿Cómo se ve una Profundidad de Campo “llana”?

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

photo by Jay Shapiro

Profundidad de Campo

¿Cómo se ve una Profundidad de Campo “llana”?

Una Profundidad de Campo “llana” también ayuda a que te metas en la foto, haciendo que el sujeto sea más íntimo para el espectador.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Una Profundidad de Campo “profunda” se utiliza cuando se quiere tomar fotos de paisajes “grandes” y cuando se quiere mostrar todos los detalles de una imagén en la foto.

photo by Jay Shapiro

Profundidad de Campo

¿Cómo se ve una Profundidad de Campo “profunda”?

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

photo by Jay Shapiro

Profundidad de Campo

¿Cómo se ve una Profundidad de Campo “profunda”?

Una Profundidad de Campo “profunda” se utiliza cuando se quiere tomar fotos de paisajes “grandes” y cuando se quiere mostrar todos los detalles de una imagén en la foto.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

photo by Ansel Adams

Profundidad de Campo ¿Cómo se ve una Profundidad de Campo “profunda”?

Una Profundidad de Campo “profunda” se utiliza cuando se quiere tomar fotos de paisajes “grandes” y cuando se quiere mostrar todos los detalles de una imagén en la foto.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Experimento: Intenta tomar la misma imagén en multiples ocasiones utilizando diferentes modos de apertura. Presta atención a los diferentes efectos que puedes crear utilizando diferentes campos de profundidad.

1/15 f3.3

Tratemos con tu cámara:

Día 4 Aprendiendo acerca de la Luz

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Temas del Día

• Luz y Sombras

• El impacto del color

• Líneas y Patrones

Hoy hablaremos acerca de:

…y luego tomaremos la cámara para:

• Experimentar con color

• Utilizar líneas naturales para enmarcar nuestras fotos


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Luz El otro día explicamos que la fotografía se trata de capturar la luz que rebota

de los diferentes objetos. Cuanod jugamos con las diferentes cualidades de la luz podemos cambiar la perspectiva de la foto totalmente.

“exposición normal” Lo que significa que la imagén, en algún lugar, tiene algo de blanco y negro “puro”. Los

colores de la imagén son una representación de lo que realmente se presenta.

Photo by: Jay Shapiro

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…









“exposición normal” Lo que significa que la imagén, en algún lugar, tiene algo de blanco y negro “puro”. Los

colores de la imagén son una representación de lo que realmente se presenta.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…


“baja exposición” Significa que la imagén está más oscura de lo normal. Crea una sensación de

misterio, oscuridad y miedo.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Image from: The Man Who Wasn’t There - 2001


“baja exposición” Significa que la imagén está más oscura de lo normal. Crea una sensación de

misterio, oscuridad y miedo.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Image from: The Man Who Wasn’t There - 2001


“baja exposición” Significa que la imagén está más oscura de lo normal. Crea una sensación de

misterio, oscuridad y miedo.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

“bajo expuesta” Hay veces que las fotos resultan bajo expuestas por accidente, porque la

cámara se enfoca en el fondo brillante y expone tomando en cuenta esto, y no lo sujetos que se encuentran en el primer plano. Esto se puede

arreglar utilizando un flash para iluminar a los objetos que están en el primer plano.









This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

“Sobre Expuesto” Significa que la imagén tiene luz de más.

Crea una sensación de inocencia, invierno, y hasta a veces parece fuerte.









This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

“Sobre Expuesta” Algunas veces podemos crear una imagén sobre expuesta intencionalmente para crear diferentes sensaciones con ésta.









This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…









“Sobre Expuesta” Algunas veces podemos crear una imagén sobre expuesta intencionalmente para crear diferentes sensaciones con ésta.


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Intenta la sobre/baja exposición:

+/- Exposición

Utiliza la línea de mando para seleccionar + o – exposición hasta dos paradas de apretura (f-stops) Esto hará que la cámara sobre/baje exponga las imágenes.

Cambia la exposición

Photo by: Jay Shapiro

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Utilizando Sombras Una vez domines como funciona la exposición alta/baja puedes utilizarlos a tu

favor para crear sombras estratégicas en tus imágenes.

photo by Andrew Hefter


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Usando Sombras Una vez entiendas como controlar sobre/bajo exposición entonces puedes

usarlas a tu favor creando sombras estratégicas en tus imágenes. P


to b

y: J

ay S




This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Utilizando Sombras Las sombras pueden crear una perspectiva de profundidad en una foto

bi-dimensional. Esto es una foto de un papel arrugado.










This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Experimenta con Sombras:

Intenta tomar fotos de tu propia sombra y observa que impacto tiene cuando pones la luz en diferentes posiciones: 1 – Toma un pedazo de papel y arrugalo, doblalo o cortalo de la forma en que prefieras y luego toma varias fotos con la luz en diferentes posiciones. 2 – Utiliza la luz para tomar fotos de uno de tus amigos. Posiciona la luz debajo, encima, o al lado para crear diferentes sombras.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Experimenta con Sombras: Forzando la Exposición

Método #1:Puedes mantener la exposición presionando suavemente el botón de opturador hasta la mitad. Esto hace que la exposición se mantengan en la misma posición mientras cambias la luz para crear las sombras. Metodo #2: Seleccional el modo “Spot Meter”: 1)Presiona el botón “Fn” 2)Utiliza la flecha que va hacia abajo para seleccionar el “modo del metro” 3)Utiliza la flecha derecha para seleccionar “Spot” La cámara seleccionara la exposición basado en la luz que se refleja en el centro. Puedes combinar ambos métodos para alistar la exposición en un objeto en especifico en la foto (ejemplo: el cielo) y luego puedes mover la cámara hacia tu imagen.

Photo by: Jay Shapiro

Existen dos maneras de “engañar” la cámara para que te permita crear imágenes con sombras…


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Jugando con Color

Si cambias el “tono” o el color de una imagén también puedes crear diferentes sensaciones…

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Luz de Color

“Tono Azul” Cambia la imagén y crea una sensación de frío.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Luz de Color

“Tono Azul” Cambia la imagén y crea una sensación de frío.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Luz de Color

“Tono Cálido” Cuando utilizamos rojos o naranjas creamos una sensación cálida

o caliente.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Luz de Color








“Tono Cálido” Cuando utilizamos rojos o naranjas creamos una sensación cálida

o caliente.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

“Tono Sepia” Cambia la imagén a un tono marrón claro que inspira una sensación de

viejo o antiguedad. P


to b

y: J

ay S



Luz de Color

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…








Luz de Color

“Tono Sepia” Cambia la imagén a un tono marrón claro que inspira una sensación de

viejo o antiguedad.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…















Luz de Color

“Tono Sepia” Cambia la imagén a un tono marrón claro que inspira una sensación de

viejo o antiguedad.


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Utiliza el Tono Sepia de la Cámara:

Tono Sepia

Presopna el botón “E” de efectos Utiliza las flechas de arriba/abajo para seleccionar el “Color” Luego utiliza las flechas que van de lado a lado para seleccionar “S” de tono Sepia.

Intenta tomar tus propias fotos estilo antiguo.

Photo by: Ann Lockley


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Líneas y Patrones Líneas trazadas para crear perspectiva

“Perspectiva” Podemos uilizar líneas en nuestra imagén para crear una sensación de

distancia y profundidad.

Photo by: Jay Shapiro

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Photo by: Alamy

Líneas y Patrones Líneas trazadas para crear perspectiva


Podemos uilizar líneas en nuestra imagén para crear una sensación de distancia y profundidad.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Líneas para enmarcar

“Enmarcando” Podemos utilizar líneas y objetos naturales para enmarcar nuestro sujeto y llevar la atención hacia éste.








Líneas y Patrones

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…





ta O


Los patrones de líneas naturales pueden crear imágenes sorprendentes

Líneas y Patrones

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…







Líneas y Patrones Los patrones de líneas naturales pueden crear imágenes sorprendentes


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Experimenta con Patrones:

Utiliza tus ojos para ver a tu vecino de una forma diferente. Intenta ver los patrones y líneas que están presentes en todos lados. Luego, toma tu cámara e intenta capturarlos. No te cohibas, toma fotos de diferentes ángulos y posiciones que nunca antes habias intentado.

DÍA 5 Más alla de la cámara

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Tema del Día

• Retratos

• Cómo mejorar tus fotos

• Lo que podemos hacer por ti

• Qué puedes hacer con esta nueva herramienta

Hoy hablaremos acerca de…

…y luego tomaremos las cámaras para:

• Tomar tus propios retratos

• Practicar las habilidades que han aprendido


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Retratos Retratos son usualmente fotos de una sola persona que se utiliza para contar una


Los Buenos Retratos son: honestos, fascinantes, emotivos, preciosos

Estos pueden ser de : personas famosas, tu familia, animales o personas en general








This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

El fondo puede describir a la persona a la que le estas tomando la foto…piensa acerca del ambiente que vas a crear.

Sean Connery por Annie Liebovitz










This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Angelina Jolie

Retratos “Algunas veces es mejor utilizar un lienzo para posicionar tu sujeto y contar su


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…








Retratos “Los ojos son la ventana al alma”


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Experimentando con Retratos:

Busca a un amig@ y habla con este por 10 minutos para aprender de ell@s. ¿Qué es lo que más le gusta? ¿Cómo se define? Una vez conozcas a esta persona, toma la cámara e intenta capturar la definición de esta persona.


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

“Mejorando” tus fotos:

Hasta ahora hemos hablado de como utilizar tu cámara para crear imágenes espectaculares. Pero también existen otras herramientas para mejorar las fotos que ya has tomado…


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Retoque de Fotos Heidi Klum una vez dijo:

" Asociame con un buen fotógrafo, un estilista ingenioso y un experto en retoques, y juntos crearemos una hermosa ilusión”

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Observa como las imagenes de la belleza que vemos todos los dias son creadas literalmente ante tus ojos….

Retoque de Foto

Comercial de Evolucion Dove

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Manipulación de Fotos

Lección: - Muchas de las grandes fotos que has visto han sido alteradas alguna vez.

• Programas como Photoshop pueden alterar las imágenes ya sea agrandando la foto, dándole nuevos colores, o borrando ciertos detalles. • Los sujetos también pueden verse diferentes cuando se usan diferentes lentes, filtros y luz que modifican el ambiente.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Foto Compuesta Si combinamos diferentes fotos, podemos crear imágenes totalmente nuevas que

quizás nunca hayan existido…

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Fotos Compuestas Lección: Cosiderando las técnicas modernas del “photshop” no debes creer en todas

las fotos que ves, porque actualmente toda foto puede ser manipulada.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…






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Yuxtaposición “Yuxtaposición” es una palabra grande que se refiere a cuando se unen dos cosas, una

al lado de la otra, que normalmente no irían juntas. Esto puede crear fotos interesantes y hasta algunas veces graciosas.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…






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Yuxtaposición “Yuxtaposición” es una palabra grande que se refiere a cuando se unen dos cosas, una

al lado de la otra, que normalmente no irían juntas. Esto puede crear fotos interesantes y hasta algunas veces graciosas.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Yuxtaposición “Yuxtaposición” es una palabra grande que se refiere a cuando se unen dos cosas, una

al lado de la otra, que normalmente no irían juntas. Esto puede crear fotos interesantes y hasta algunas veces graciosas.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Foto-Ensayo Algunas personas dicen: “Una imagén dice más que 1,000 palabras” – pero a veces una sola foto no es suficiente. Tu puedes utlizar múltiples imágenes para

crear un foto-ensayo, y visualmente contar una historia.


Winter’s Snowy Bite – Photo Essay (10 images) from Time.com


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

¿Hacia dónde nos dirigimos?

Ahora tienes una muy importante y valiosa cosa en el mundo: Destreza Ahora está en tus manos utilizarla a tu propia manera. Aquí les presento algunas ideas…

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Lo que puedes hacer…

Puedes crear y vender tarjetas de felicitación

Compartir tus fotos con amigos

Hacer internado con un fotógrafo

Estudiar fotografía

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Lo que podemos hacer por ti Si sigues practicando y tomando fotos espectaculares, nosotros podemos: • Mostrar tus fotos en

www.netimpactphotos.com , donde las personas pueden ver y comprar calendarios, tarjetas, tazas, etc. Esto te ayudara a que recibas dinero por tu trabajo y fotos.

• Imprimir y publicar tus fotos en revistas y periódicos locales.

• Imprimir tus fotos y exhibirlas en galerias de arte.

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Cómo funcionará…


Tarjeta de Memoria

Tus Fotos

Dinero generado



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This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…


Instructor Notes

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Now that you have completed the workshop, and the kids are starting to produce great photos (hopefully!), there are some follow-up steps that you / the-local-supervisor can do to make sure we keep the momentum going: 1. Help the kids to select the best photos and send them to

us to post on www.NetImpactPhotos.com – where they can be viewed and bought in various forms. Keep sending us new photos as the kids continue taking them and improving.

2. Contact local restaurants or galleries, tell them about the program, and ask if they would be willing to donate some time to display the kids works in their own “show”.

3. Use the included 4”x6” photo paper to show the kids how they can print out their photos and create their own custom cards or postcards, that they can give to their friends, or sell to the public in local cafes or markets.

After the Workshop… (pg1)

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

4. Use the sample press release in the “Resource Slides”

section, to let the local news media and lifestyle magazines know about the program. Be prepared to send them some of the kids’ photos as examples. They may agree to run a story and even pay for the images they print.

5. Think about where in the center you can create your own display place to celebrate the kids and their work. This will build their self-esteem, and will increase interest from other children for future rounds of the workshop.

6. Send us the “post-workshop form” so that we can help you to keep the program going and growing, either by yourselves or with other Muskoka Foundation photography instructors that can visit your community in the future.

After the Workshop… (pg2)

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

7. If any of the kids have shown a strong interest in

continuing with photography, help them to find: • Local photo contests

• Professional photographers in your community

that they could volunteer / intern with – to gain mentorship and experience.

• Photography or Art School programs that they can work towards applying for. Help them to build up and print their ‘portfolio’

• Local photo editors at newspapers / magazines that they can volunteer / intern with.

8. Suggest to the kids how they can start their own small businesses taking photos for friends special events, or local family portraits, etc.

After the Workshop… (pg3)

F.A.Q’s .

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Our goal is to make this workshop as easy for you to teach as it is for the kids to learn.

To try and accomplish this, we have assembled a list of the most Frequently Asked Questions,

and their answers.

If you have any questions for us, that are not addressed here, or that you’d like us to add for

future workshops, please let us know!

Frequently Asked Questions

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Q1: Who keeps the cameras and printer after the workshop? Answer: Although the cameras technically are the property of the Muskoka

Foundation, they are the local school/orphanage/community center’s to keep. Our expectation is that the center will continue to make them available for the kids to use and practice their photography after the workshop. In order to keep the cameras secure and in good working order, we suggest that the center create a sign-out process for the cameras, and that they always remain locked up in the center overnight.

Frequently Asked Questions

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Q2: Who owns the rights to the images taken? Answer: Our philosophy is that the children should remain the exclusive owners of

the rights to their own images. In order to maximize the benefit of the workshop, we will use their photos both for promotion and sales activities online, in print and potentially in physical galleries. The Muskoka Foundation will not retain any of the revenues generated from any of those activities though, and all money will be sent back to the local community. While we could document the above statements in a formal/legal rights release agreement, we believe that would likely be too complicated / scary for the kids and their parents. We are happy to answer any questions on this topic that anyone in the local community might have.

Frequently Asked Questions

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Q3: What happens to the money generated from the sales? Answer: The Muskoka Foundation does not keep any of the money generated from

the sales of the childrens’ photos. It is up to the local school / orphanage / community center to decide how any money generated should be split. Some possibilities include: - keep it in the center to buy more supplies and cameras - split it evenly amongst the children in the group - transfer it to the individual child whose photo sold (or any combination of the above) Please note, in the case of printed products (eg: mugs, calendars, etc.) our corporate partners may deduct some funds to cover the costs of actual production/printing and credit-card / wire transfer fees.

Frequently Asked Questions

Resource Slides

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…




This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Why Learn Photography? There are some amazing & famous African photographers such as:

Malick Sidibe – Mali (born: 1935)

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Why Learn Photography? There are some amazing & famous African photographers such as:

Peter Magubane – South Africa (born:1932)

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Why Learn Photography? There are some amazing & famous African photographers such as:

Angèle Etoundi – Cameroon (born 1962)

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Why Learn Photography? There are some amazing & famous African photographers such as:

Angèle Etoundi – Cameroon (born 1962)

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Why Learn Photography? There are some amazing & famous African photographers such as:

Lien Botha – South Africa – (born:1961)

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…




This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Why Learn Photography? There are some amazing & famous Native American photographers such as:

Lee Marmon – Pueblo - Born: 1925

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Why Learn Photography? There are some amazing & famous Native American photographers such as:

Hulleah Tsinhnahjinnie – Seminole-Muscogee-Diné - Born: 1954

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Why Learn Photography? There are some amazing & famous Native American photographers such as:

Sally Larsen – Apache / Aleut - Born: 1954

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…




This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Why Learn Photography? There are some amazing & famous Asian photographers such as:

Masato Seto – Thai/Japanese – Born: 1953

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Why Learn Photography? There are some amazing & famous Asian photographers such as:

Vandy Rattana – Cambodia – Born: 1980

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Why Learn Photography? There are some amazing & famous Asian photographers such as:

John Clang – Singapore – Born: 1973

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Why Learn Photography? There are some amazing & famous Asian photographers such as:

Chen Man – China – Born: 1980

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…


Middle East


This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Why Learn Photography? There are some amazing & famous Asian photographers such as:

Nadia Benchallal – Algeria (born: 1963)

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Why Learn Photography? There are some amazing & famous Asian photographers such as:

Shirin Neshat – Iran – (born:1957)

This workshop, and all of its content are provided free by The Muskoka Foundation. They may not be used, distributed or edited without written permission, though we’ve never said no yet…

Why Learn Photography? There are some amazing & famous Asian photographers such as:

David Rubinger – Israel (born: 1924)