TAREEKH SYLLABUS CLASS 1 (4 YEARS OLD) LESSON TOPIC … · lesson 4: prophet muhammad mustafa (s)...


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Before Allah made human beings, He made everything else:

- the sun and the moon - the sky - the earth - the animals - the trees - the angels - the jinn

The jinn were like people:

- some were good and listened to Allah, and - some were naughty and did not listen to Allah.

Shaitan was a very good jinn, so Allah let him come to the heavens to live with the angels.

Shaitan used to pray to Allah all the time. Now Allah decided to make a human being.

The 1st man Allah made was Prophet Adam.

Allah told everyone in the heavens to bow down to Prophet Adam. All the angels listened to Allah and bowed to Prophet Adam but Shaitan did not listen to Allah.

He said that he was made from fire and was better than Prophet Adam so he would not bow down to him.

Shaitan had been very bad because he did not listen to Allah. So Allah told Shaitan that he was not allowed to live in the heavens anymore and that he would go to hell and burn in the fire.

We must always listen to Allah and be good Muslim children, so that we can go to heaven.

Allah had made the jinn from fire.

He made man from clay.

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Put a big cross on the picture of hell where Shaitan will be. You are not going to go in there because you listen to Allah.


Because you listened to Allah you are going to heaven. Draw what you are going to ask for in heaven when you get there.


E.g.: a bicycle:

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A long time ago, Allah made angels, the heavens and the earth.

Allah then told the angels that he was going to make a man and put him on the earth to take care of it.

He then made the first man, who was Prophet Adam, from clay. Prophet Adam is also our first Prophet.

Allah then made Bibi Hawwa, so that Prophet Adam would have a friend.

Allah told everyone in heaven to do Sajdah to Prophet Adam.

Shaitan, who had been a very good jinn so far, was also in heaven.

All the angels listened to Allah and did Sajdah but Shaitan did not.

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He said that he was better than Prophet Adam because he was made of fire and Prophet Adam was made from clay, and fire melts clay.

Allah sent Shaitan away from heaven because he had not listened to Him.

Prophet Adam and Bibi Hawwa lived in heaven where they had everything.

They were only told not to eat the fruit of one tree.

Shaitan knew this and he was very jealous of Prophet Adam and Bibi Hawwa because Allah liked them very much.

So Shaitan tricked Prophet Adam and Bibi Hawwa into picking a fruit from that tree by lying to them.

Prophet Adam had never heard a lie before, so he believed Shaitan.

As soon as Prophet Adam and Bibi Hawwa ate the fruit they knew that they had done something wrong.

They were very sad and said sorry to Allah. Allah forgave them but did not forgive Shaitan.

Allah then sent Prophet Adam and Bibi Hawwa to live on the earth.


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Draw why Shaitan was taken out of heaven for not doing:

When Prophet Adam and Bibi Hawwa ate the fruit that Allah had told them not to eat, where did He send them?

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There are 5 Panjatans They are:

- Prophet Muhammad (S) - Imam Ali (A) - Bibi Fatimah (A) - Imam Hassan (A) - Imam Husain (A)

WORKSHEET 1.3: PANJATANS: In the hand below, colour: YELLOW = Prophet Muhammad (S) BLUE = Imam Ali (A) PINK = Bibi Fatimah (A) GREEN = Imam Hasan (A) RED = Imam Husain (A)

Prophet Muhammad (S)

Imam Ali (A)

Bibi Fatimah (A)

Imam Hasan (A)

Imam Husain (A)

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There was once an old woman who was very naughty.

She used to throw rubbish on the Holy Prophet (S) everyday when he passed her house.

But he was a very patient man, and never got angry with her.

One day, when the Holy Prophet (S) passed the old woman's house, she did not throw rubbish on him.

He stopped and asked a neighbour why the old woman was not there.

The neighbour told him the old woman was sick and in bed. So, the Prophet went to see her, because it is good to visit people who are ill.

When the old woman saw him, she thought he had come to tell her off when she was too ill to shout back at him.

Prophet Muhammad (S) told the old woman that he had come to see her because Allah tells us to look after people who are ill.

The old woman was very surprised that the Prophet (S) was so kind to her after she had been so mean to him. She decided right away to listen to him and she became a Muslim.

Prophet Muhammad (S) taught us:

- To be kind to people even if they are mean to us. - Go to see people who are ill and help them.

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Tell your parents the story of Prophet Muhammad (S) and the old woman.

Our Holy Prophet (S) taught us to be kind to people and visit them when they are ill: Draw how you can help other people: E.g.: looking after them when they are ill:

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Bibi Fatimah (A) used to work very hard in her house.

Her father, Prophet Muhammad (S), could see how hard she was working.

One day, he gave her a Tasbeeh, and told her that after every Salaat she should say:

- Allahu Akbar 34 times - Alhamdulillah 33 times - Subhanallah 33 times

This is called the Tasbeeh of Bibi Fatimah (A).

Salaat is like a beautiful flower and the Tasbeeh of Bibi Fatimah (A) gives that beautiful flower a beautiful smell.

Prophet Muhammad (S) has said that this Tasbeeh is better than a helper or anything else in the world.

So after every Salaat remember to recite the Tasbeeh of Bibi Fatimah (A).

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Colour the beads saying:

- Allahu Akbar 34 times, - Alhamdulillah 33 times, and - Subhanallah 33 times.

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We have 12 Imams.

Today we are going to learn about Imam Ali (A).

Bibi Fatimah binte Asad (the mother of Imam Ali) went to the Ka’aba to pray to Allah that her baby would be born safely.

She was standing by the Ka’aba praying, when suddenly there was a crack in the wall of the Ka’aba near her.

The crack became bigger and bigger until it was big enough for her to go through.

As soon as Bibi Fatimah binte Asad entered the Ka’aba, the crack began to get smaller and smaller.

This crack is still there today on the wall of the Ka’aba.

People around the Ka’aba saw what had happened, and they wanted to look inside the Ka’aba.

Prophet Muhammad (S) had been away when all this happened.

When he came back from his trip and went to the Ka’aba and the door of the Ka’aba opened on its own, and Bibi Fatimah binte Asad came out holding her new baby - Imam Ali (A).

When Prophet Muhammad (S) held Imam Ali (A), he opened his eyes for the first time. So the first thing Imam Ali (A) saw was the face of the Holy Prophet (S).

Imam Ali (A) is the only person ever to be born in the Ka’aba.

So they went and got the keys of the door of the Ka’aba. But the door would not open.

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Tell your parents the story of where Imam Ali (A) was born.

Now colour in the picture of the Ka'aba:

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Imam Ali (A) was a hardworking man with a pleasant personality. He worked hard while farming and cultivating orchards. He developed several plots and orchards and then gave them all away for the sake of Allah.

One day, Imam Ali (A) got a piece of barren land outside Madina which he wanted to farm. In order to do this, Imam Ali (A) decided to dig a well, so, he chose a place and he put his hopes in Allah, he began to dig.

Many days went by, but still there was no sign of any water coming out of the well.

One day, Imam Ali (A) picked up a pickaxe, entered the well and using all his strength and energy worked very hard for a while, but still there was no sign of water.

Tired, he came out of the well, wiped away the sweat of his brow, rested for a while, and then re-entered the well.

Imam Ali (A) was swinging the pickaxe with such strength when the ground suddenly

split open, and fresh, clear water bubbled up.

Imam Ali (A) climbed quickly out of what had now become a wonderful well in the dry desert which would soon turn the area into a lovely orchard. Soon the people gathered around to see it. All of them were saying different things.

"What a hard working man is Imam Ali (A)" one said.

"Since Imam Ali (A) is a good and generous man, Allah has been generous to him and given him goodness" said another.

"Imam Ali (A) and his family have become rich forever" said another.

Some congratulated Imam Ali (A), while some were jealous.

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"Bring me a paper and pen" said Imam Ali (A) and when they had done so; Imam Ali (A) sat down and wrote: I am giving this well and the land to charity so that the money it makes is used:

In helping the poor and needy

In helping the travellers far away from their homes.

In providing the means for the marriages of orphans.

In providing medical care for the poor.

In the doing of good work from which others can also benefit. E.g. building a Mosque or a library.

I have given this well in charity to please Allah and the rewards of the Hereafter, and in order to be saved from the of Hell

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LESSON 7: IMAM HASAN (A): Kindness to animals as they have also been made by Allah:

One day, our 2nd Imam, Imam Hassan (A), was eating when a dog came and stood in front of him, looking at him hungrily.

Imam Hassan (A) gave some of his food to the dog, who ate it up and again looked up at him. Imam (A) threw more food to the dog.

A man who was passing by came forward to “shoo” the dog away, so that Imam (A) could eat in peace.

Imam Hassan (A) told the man to leave the dog alone, as Allah had made the dog just as He has made all of us.

Awareness and Courtesy of Imam Hassan (A)

One day, Imam Hassan (A) saw an old man was performing Wudhu but his Wudhu was not right.

Imam Hassan (A) wanted to make him aware of his mistake but he didn’t want to break his heart or annoy him so that he didn’t accept it.

So he went along with Imam Husain (A) and between the 2 brothers, they decided to create a scene and ask the old man to make the judgment.

Imam Hassan (A) addressed Imam Husain (A) and said, "I perform a better ablution as compared to yours." Imam Husain (A) said "I perform it better than you do."

Both of them approached the old man and said, "You come and see our ablution and decide who performs a better ablution." Both of them got busy with performing ablution and ended it in a correct and nice way.

The old man understood the secret of their act and realised that they meant him to find out his fault, in this way. So he said to them "The ablution performed by both of you is correct, I am an old man, who did not know how to perform the ablution correctly. You made me aware about my fault. I am much thankful to you."

Moral: Be kind to animals as they too have been made by Allah

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Tell you Mummy and Daddy the story about Imam Hassan (A) and the hungry dog:

Colour in the picture below.

Draw below some animals that you usually see and can be kind to:

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When our 3rd Imam, Imam Husain (A) was born, Allah sent down the angel Jibrail to congratulate Prophet Muhammad (S) and his family.

On the way, Jibrail saw the angel Fitrus on an island. Because Fitrus had been naughty, Allah had taken his wings away and sent him to this island.

Fitrus asked Jibrail where he was going, and Jibrail told him about the birth of Imam Husain (A).

Fitrus wanted to go with Jibrail, and, with Allah’s permission, Jibrail carried Fitrus with him.

When they reached the Holy Prophet (S) and congratulated him and his family, the Prophet (S) told Fitrus to go to Imam Husain (A).

When Fitrus touched Imam Husain's (A) cradle, Allah forgave him and gave him back his wings.

Moral: If you want something it is better to ask through our Imam's (A) as they are closer to Allah

than we are.

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Tell your mummy and daddy the story of how the angel Fitrus got his wings back.

Now colour in the picture:

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Abu Abdil Rahman Salmi was a Qur’an teacher in Madina. Many children would come to him to learn how to recite the Holy Qur’an.

One day he taught a son of Imam Husain (A) to recite Surah Al-Fatihah (Al-Hamd). When the child recited the Surah Al-Fatihah before his father, Imam Husain (A) was so pleased that he rewarded the teacher with valuable gifts.

Some people criticized this action saying it was not necessary to give so much in return for teaching one Surah. In reply, Imam Husain (A) said, "What comparison can there be between the gift I have given to the teacher of my child, and his teaching the Holy Qur'an, the gift which he has given to my child?"

Imam Husain (A) gave a lot of importance to the Holy Qur'an during his life. During the night of Qadr, in the Holy month of Ramadhan, there is a specific Ziyaarah of Imam Husain (A) which we recite.

At one point, in that ziyaarah, we say: "I bear witness that you established prayers, and gave Zakaat (poor-rate), enjoined good and forbade evil, and you recited the Book (Holy Qur'an) the way it should be recited."

Similarly, on the nights of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, in another Ziyaarah of Imam Husain (A), we say: "I bear witness that indeed you recite the book of Allah, Peace be upon you O companion of Holy Qur'an".

Imam-e-Zaman (A) in his Ziyaarah addresses Imam Husain (A) saying: "You were for the Prophet, a son and for the Holy Qur'an, a support".

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Our 4th Imam, Imam Zainul Abideen (A), was a very kind and patient person. He usually had a smile on his face, and hardly ever got angry.

One day, when Imam (A) was walking with some friends, he saw an old man carrying something very heavy, while his son walked next to him.

All his friends were very surprised, and asked what had made him so angry.

Imam (A.S.) replied that he was angry to see a son walking next to his father without helping him.

E.g.: you can help look after your younger brothers or sisters, or tidy up your toys after you have finished playing with them.

Moral: You should always help your parents, even when they do not ask you to.

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Tell your mummy and daddy the story of what made our 4th Imam, Imam Ali Zainul Abideen (A) so angry.

Draw a picture of something you can do to help your mummy and daddy when you get home.

E.g.: help Mummy and Daddy put the grocery away: Other things you can do to help are: Clean you room Tidy your toys Put you dirty plate in the sink after eating Look after your little brother or sister Put away your clothes when you change

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Imam Zainul Abideen (A) always remembered the saying of the Holy Prophet (S): that if a Muslim did not think of the needs of his Muslim brothers then he was not a Muslim.

This is why when it was dark in the night and all the people were sleeping, Imam Zainul Abideen (A) would get up, put some food in a sack and carry it on his shoulders to the houses of the poor people.

When Imam Zainul Abideen (A) went out at night it was dark and everyone will be sleeping but Imam Zainul Abideen (A) would cover his face just in case anyone was up, so that no one could recognize him.

Imam (A) looked after about 100 families like this without them even knowing who it was that was helping them.

Imam Zainul Abideen (A) had a poor cousin. Imam (A) used to go to visit him every night and give him some money while he could not see Imam's face.

That man used to say, "Imam Zainul Abideen (A) does not consider his poor family members; may Allah punish him." Imam Zainul Abideen (A) heard these words many times and never said anything; he continued to be anonymous with his patience.

After Imam's martyrdom, his cousin did not receive any charity and then realized that the generous man who used to help him was Imam Zainul Abideen (A), so he went

to Imam's grave and cried there.

Muhammad Is'haq tells us: “Many of the poor citizens of Madina used to be helped by the generosity and kindness of Imam Zainul Abideen (A). Yet, they never found out it was the Imam (A) until he died because he would visit them during the nights, and that the who used to feed them never came to them anymore. It was then that they found out that that

anonymous helper was Imam Zainul Abideen (A).

Abu Hamzah al-Thimali also narrates: During the night, Imam Zainul Abideen (A) would carry food on his shoulders for the poor and needy people. He would say, "Giving charity in secret will lessen the anger of Allah"

It was from the examples mentioned above that when the Imam Zainul Abideen (A) was martyred, and some were helping in washing his body (giving him Ghusl), they noticed the wounds on his shoulder and back. They asked about it, and found out that the wounds were the result of carrying the food for the poor.

Moral: When you do something good you should not tell everyone because Allah can see and HE is the one who will give you reward (Thawab) for what you have done. In fact

Allah says that HE will give you more Thawab if you do good and do not tell anyone.

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LESSON 10: IMAM MUHAMMAD AL-MAHDI (A): Our 12th Imam is Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi (A). He is the Imam of our time. As he is still alive, when we say his name we should:

- stand up, - bow our heads, and - recite Salawat, to show our respect for him.

Allah has promised all Muslims that He would never leave them without a teacher and for us it is our 12th Imam, Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi (A).

Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi (A) is in Ghaybat.

When you want something you should ask Allah through the 12th Imam, Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (A) because he is closer to Allah than we are, and Inshallah Allah will make your wish come true.

Remember if your wish does not come true it is not because Allah is not listening but because Allah only does what is good for you and it may not have been good for you to have what you wished for.

There will come a time when our 12th Imam, Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi (A) will no longer be in Ghaybat. Only Allah knows when this time will be. He will come and fight all the bad people in this world and only the good people will be left on the earth.

Ghaybat = he is hidden from us and we cannot see him. But he can see us and he knows when we need his help and he comes to help us.


You should make sure that you are good so that you can fight on the side of the 12th Imam, Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (A) and not against him.

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Draw what you would like our 12th Imam, Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (A) to ask from Allah for you.

Dear Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi (AS) Salaamun Alaykum,

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There was once this place, it was very lonely and it seemed that there was none except Allah in that place. It was surrounded by mountains. It was called the 'City of Birds'. The city was the most beautiful place on earth. The birds over there led a very comfortable life. There were all kinds of birds - parrots, sparrows, pigeons, and etc.

At the break of dawn, the cock's cry used to wake up everyone and then everyone began working. There lived a family of pigeons in that city. In that family there were several baby pigeons. These baby pigeons were very beautiful. They

were milk white and there were brown lines along their necks, which added to their beauty. They used to wake up with the rising Sun and used to do salaam to the Sun with a lot of love and respect. The Sun replied to their salaam and used to converse with them. The Sun loved them more than the other birds.

The days passed in this manner, until it was winter. The birds, began to fly other warmer city. Slowly many birds left the city and the place became very lonely. One day, the cock crowed as usual. The

pigeons and other birds began rising slowly. But today they did not see the Sun. The Sun was hidden behind a very dark cloud. This made the birds feel very cold and uncomfortable. The baby pigeons asked their mother, 'Why did the Sun not come out today?'

The mother pigeon took her little ones under the shelter of her wings and said, 'Dear children, be patient, surely one day the Sun will come out.' Many days passed, however there were still no signs of the

Sun. Without the Sun, the whole place was very dull and gloomy. The birds used to sit alongside each other and consoled one another, 'Don't worry, surely one day the Sun will come out and drive the dark clouds away. It will fill our lives with light and happiness like before.'

But the dark clouds continued to surround the 'City of Birds'. The thunder of the clouds frightened everyone, and the lightening made the birds feel very uneasy.

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But there were some who were very afraid and even became hopeless of the Sun ever coming out again. They started telling the other birds, 'O those who await the rising of the Sun, don't be so hopeful of the Sun, because it will never come out again! You will never see it again. So don't have any hopes on seeing the Sun, otherwise you will be disappointed.' Such talks saddened the birds. They began thinking, 'Will the Sun ever come out again?' The pigeons were not afraid of the cloud's threat. They spoke to the other birds saying, “Surely the Sun is present behind the dark cloud. One day the Sun will definitely come out from behind the dark cloud.” But by now no one was listening to anyone but everyone had his own opinion. Some were saying. 'Surely the Sun has died', while some were saying, 'The Sun is unhappy with us and will never return', while some others were saying, 'The Sun has gone on a long journey and no one knows when it will return.' There was a lot of confusion among the birds. Finally the birds decided that they would ask the Hoopoe's advice about the Sun. So they all went to the Hoopoe's nest

and explained the matter to him. The Hoopoe listened to them very carefully. Then it said, 'The pigeons are absolutely right. The Sun has neither died, nor has it gone away on some journey. Right now, the Sun is present above our heads.'

Then all those birds, which did not believe the pigeon earlier, were very surprised at the Hoopoe's talks. They asked, 'Is the Sun really present over our heads. But we cannot see anything. If the Sun had been there...'

The Hoopoe interrupted them and said, 'Just think a little and you will understand that whatever life is there on this earth, it is only because of the Sun. If there was no Sun we would all have died. Very often we don't see the Sun with our eyes, but its effects are very clear to everyone. For example, at night we don't see the Sun, but the Sun is very much there. It provides us with enough heat so that we remain alive.

Even when the weather is very cold, we get our heat from the Sun.' 'Don't be so sad and disheartened. Be patient and pray so that the dark clouds go away and the Sun becomes visible once again.

All the birds, especially the baby pigeons, prayed that night for the Sun. In the morning the Hoopoe, the birds and the pigeons woke up. The baby pigeons were very happy, and why not, their prayers had been answered. They all looked towards the sky very happily and saw the sun shining!!

Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) said: "In Ghaibat, our Imam-e-Zamana (A) is like a sun hidden behind the clouds." So, even though we do not see Imam-e-Zamana (A), he is near us all the time and will help us whenever we ask him. Sometimes when we are lost or frightened somewhere, he helps us even if we don’t ask

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Prophet Ibrahim was one of our many Prophets.

He had a son called Ismail, who was also a Prophet.

Allah ordered both Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail to build the Ka’aba.

They picked up heavy stones one by one and built the Ka’aba.

They worked very hard.

Prophet Ibrahim used to stand on a stone to see how the work was getting along.

Allah made that stone soft and it made a print of Prophet Ibrahim’s feet.

Today this stone can be seen near the Ka’aba, it is called Makami Ibrahim.

When the Ka’aba was nearly finished, Angel Jibrail brought a special black stone from heaven and showed them where to put it.

This black stone is called Hajrul Aswad.

During our Salaat, we turn ourselves towards the direction of Ka’aba.

Each year during Haj, which is a pilgrimage to Makka, many Muslims walk around the Ka’aba and pray to Allah together.

This is the time to remember Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail who followed Allah’s order to build this very special place.
