Task One: Fill in the details on your exercise book. Your Name Your form Group History, Miss Hoyle....


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Task One: Fill in the details on your exercise book.

Your NameYour form GroupHistory, Miss Hoyle. U2

Class Rules...1. You line up quietly outside the classroom before

the lesson, use this time to check you uniform. 2. When you get into the classroom, find you seat (in

silence) get a pen, a ruler and your book out of your bag and place them on your desk. Stand in silence behind your chair.

3. Do NOT forget your book, it is YOUR responsibility to put it in your bag, not anyone else’s!

4. If you are set homework, it must be completed to the best of your ability and handed in on time.

5. If you wish to ASK or ANSWER a question, please put up your hand and wait.


Learning Objective: I will understand what is meant by chronology and how to use it correctly.

History needs dates...


Task: In pairs match the word to the definition.

You have 3 minutes...

Correct answers...Century One hundred years Periods Separate division of timeDecade Every ten years Millennium One thousand yearsA.D anno Domini . These Latin

words mean after Christ.B.C. Before Christ

You may also see BCE - Before the Common Era

Or CE – Common Era

Which Century?Finding out which year is in which century can be

tricky business. The easiest was to decide is to cover the last two numbers up and add one. For example;

1459 is in the Fifteenth

Century1459cover up last two

14 add one = 15

Task: Which Century?Write the above title in your book,

In your books answer the following

The year 1584 is in the ______________ CenturyDo the same for the years

1275, 2001, 1899 and 654

Copy and complete this timeline to show the terms decade and century

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 200o

For homework add 10 important historical or family events... here’s mine!

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 200o

Battle of the

Somme 1916

D-Day Landing


My daughte

r Born1998

Moon Landing

s 1969

Queen Victori

aDies 1901
