TasNat_1928_Vol2_No4_pp9-10_Lord_Value of the Plover


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  • 7/28/2019 TasNat_1928_Vol2_No4_pp9-10_Lord_Value of the Plover


    ,. , ..THE TASMANIAN NATURALIST. 9. . .ONCHORNYNCHUS'QUINNAT.Quirinat Salm.on (quin.natt, shining).

    Colour above dusky, sometimes bluish or greenish tinge.Sides and under silvery. Head dark, with metallic lustre.Above lateral line, .dorsal and caudal fins with numerous 'roundblack spots. Scales long, 1 3 5 1 5 5 ~ Gillrakers short, 23 (9 ontop) . Rays in anal 16 (average).

    SALVERLlNUS FONTINALIS. The Char or AmericanBrook Trout.A smaller species than the foregoing. The spots on thesides, both above and below lateral line, are red. The name"Char" may be traced to the Gaelic "Ceara," meaning red. TheChars are widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere,andS. F ontinalis is one species of the Salmonidae which has beenintroduced into Tasmania.



    The Value of PloverPlovers are typical representatives of the order Chara

    d r i f o r ~ e s , or Wading Birds. The two resident species ofPlover in Tasmania are' the Spur.winged (Lobibyx nOValhollandial) and the Blackbreasted (Zonifer tricolor). Thelatter is slightly smaller than the former, and can be distinguished immediately by the black band on the breast. Withinrecent years Plovers have increased in a marked manner inTasmania. This is due to two causes. First, they have beentotally protected by law, and i t is an offence under the Animalsand Birds Protection Act to destroy Plovers or take their eggs.Secondly, the agriculturalist has become more aware of thebirds' economic worth, and affords the birds protection.. Oneof the main characteristics of the plover is its habit of feeding

  • 7/28/2019 TasNat_1928_Vol2_No4_pp9-10_Lord_Value of the Plover

