TCC GH Digital Photography Week One



The exposure triangle- ISO, aperture, shutter speed

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Beginning Digital Photography

Dorothy Dean

Exposure Triangle

● Aperture+Shutter Speed+ISO= Exposure triangle

Shutter Speed

● The speed the shutter opens and closes● Expressed in fractions of a second

● 1/250th, 1/60th, etc

● Slow shutter speeds allow for more blur ● Fast shutter speeds freeze motion


● Size of the opening in the lens● Expressed in numbers

● f2.2, f5.6, etc

● Smaller number means larger opening, larger number means smaller opening

● Large apertures make bokeh, shallow depth of field

● Small apertures give deeper depth of field

Depth of field

● The amount of the image that is sharp in your image

● Always parallel to the film plane● Controlled by size of aperture and amount of



● Term hold over from film days● Describes the sensitivity of the sensor● Expressed in 100's

● 100, 200, 400, 800, etc

● High ISO's create “noise” in the image, so keep your ISO as low as possible

Exposure Triangle

● Aperture+Shutter Speed+ISO= Exposure triangle

Choosing Metering

● Center weighted- takes the average value of the center of the image

● Spot- takes the value of a small spot

● Matrix- averages the value of the entire frame

Camera Settings

Camera Operations

Pull out your cameras!

This one's hands on.

Flickr Pool

And we move to the internet.....
