TCU GBU 5 Truths


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“Bean Counters”now run companies

Universal Truth #1

The days of visionaries and long-term growth plans leading the way are over.

Counter the “Bean Counter ”

1. Make the Chief Financial Officer your friend

2. Speak his/her language

3. Tie marketing efforts into measurable results

4. Never stop telling your bosses and C-level executives how important you are and how marketing directly impacts top line revenue growth

Recommended Reading: Profitable Marketing Communications by Antony Young & Lucy Aitken

Universal Truth #1

Universal Truth #2

EVERYONE in your company is a marketing EXPERT

Or so they think.

Out expert the “experts.”

1. Marketing is research and facts. Eat it, breathe it, live it.

2. Demonstrate industry knowledge and use real world case studies.

3. Marketing is a profession – not a trade – carry yourself that way - every day.

4. Tie everything you do to the stated business objectives.

Universal Truth #2

In the eyes of those hiring, you’re either a generalist or specialist.

Universal Truth #3

Universal Truth #3

Pick a lane.

1. Don’t worry about not knowing what you want to do at first. Give yourself at least 3-5 years.

1. Spend time networking, reading, and asking your colleagues and those who have more experience every question you can think of.

2. Eventually, pick a lane and grind it out. Focus, improve, network and advance.

Universal Truth #4

Marketing is moving at breakneck speed

You better be ready to jump.

Take Calculated Risks. And Grind It Out. 1. Talk to people.

2. Join industry associations (AMA, AdFed, PRSA, etc.)

3. Always read: books, blogs, e-newsletters

4. Try new marketing techniques. Learn by hands on. Do it quickly and don’t get lazy.

Universal Truth #4

Getting your first job is really hard. Really.

Getting Your First Job Is Really Hard.

Universal Truth #5

Five Tips to Getting a Job. 1. Network like a maniac and learn

how to do it right.

1. Get an internship.

1. Create yourself a job newsletter. Share it with everyone.

1. Use the “interview the leader” technique.

1. Take the first job you get offered. It’ll be the hardest one you’ll ever get.

Universal Truth #5


Darren Drewitz - MindEcology
