Teaching Reading A Story. Level of Students : Junior high school students with advanced level...


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Teaching ReadingTeaching ReadingA StoryA Story

Level of StudentsLevel of Students:: Junior highJunior high school school students with students with

advanced advanced level proficiency level proficiency


ObjectivesObjectives::1. To be able to understand the w1. To be able to understand the w

hole meaning of the storyhole meaning of the story2. To be able to find the major poi2. To be able to find the major poi

nts of the story nts of the story 3. To be able to find the settings 3. To be able to find the settings

of the storyof the story4.To be able to understand and u4.To be able to understand and u

se the idioms se the idioms

Teaching aids and materialsTeaching aids and materials::1. Lap-top1. Lap-top

2. Projector2. Projector3. Power point files3. Power point files

4.CDs4.CDs5. Learning sheets5. Learning sheets6.Vocabulary cards6.Vocabulary cards

ProcedureProcedure 11.Warm up activities .Warm up activities (5 mins)(5 mins) 22.Liste.Listen and read the storyn and read the story (5 mins)(5 mins)

33.Understand and memorize the i.Understand and memorize the idioms dioms (5 mins)(5 mins)

44.Students read quietly by thems.Students read quietly by themselves and answer questions in theielves and answer questions in their leaning sheets r leaning sheets (5 mins) (5 mins)

55.The teacher instructs students t.The teacher instructs students to share their answers and explain o share their answers and explain (3 mins)(3 mins)

66.Students take tasks within groups .Students take tasks within groups and share their resolutions to class and share their resolutions to class

(8 mins) (8 mins)

77.Vote for the best topic except the .Vote for the best topic except the one from your own group one from your own group (2 mins)(2 mins)

88.Share their created questions to .Share their created questions to other groups other groups (8 mins)(8 mins)

99. Homework assignments . Homework assignments (4 mins)(4 mins)

Let’s start our classLet’s start our class
