Team High Five Com 353 Group Exam 1



Lucy C Alex C Taylor M Bree S Deja W

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Tips to spice up your self-

awareness inside!

Great Leader

s of the 80s,

90s & 2000s

March 2014

Are you on your way to becoming a

Transformational leader? Find out


Exclusive interview with the one & only Adam Barragato






Puzzle fan? Try

our leadershipcrossword


Celebs that have led change, built teams and had a knack for


10 ways to become

more self-motivated

Ever been called a

“Sensitive Sally”…?

Maybe it’s not such a bad


Indications of self-


Table of ContentsAre you on the road to becoming a transformational leader?.....PAGE 3Q & A: Servant Leaders……………………………………………………PAGE 4Ten Things You Can Do to Become More Self-Motivated…………..PAGE 5,6The Leaders of Our Time……………………………………………………PAGE 8How To Spice up your Self-Awareness………………………………… PAGE 9Adam Barragato: Coffee drinker, CMU professor, passion for learning and a transformational leader…………………………………………………….PAGE 10,11When Being Too Much Of A Sensitive Sally is a Bad Thing…………..PAGE 12Inspiring Social Skill……………………………………………………………PAGE 13Indicating Self-Regulation…………………………………………………..PAGE 14Leadership Wordsearch………………………………………………………PAGE 15Meet Your Editors……………………………………………………………….PAGE16

Where’s what?

Are you on the road to becoming a transformational leader?

Are you creating a inspiring vision?

You find yourself taking into consideration the overall purpose and

shared goal of you and your team members.

You’re understanding of values, capabilities & resources among your


Are you motivating

people to buy into & deliver the


Are you managing to deliver the


Are you building ever-strong, trust-

based relationships?

You’re encouraging team members to contribute their best work. Staying positive and focused. It’s no surprise

that some of your team members are inspired by

your energy.

You’re using your management skills to work hard towards the

vision you & your teammates have created.

You’re taking feedback and working effectively to

reach your goals.

Your attention is going to focusing on your team

members & how you interact with them; you are

understanding of their individual developmental goals. You ‘coach’ others.



4 YES’s= Congratulations! You are indeed on the road

to becoming a transformational leader.

Keep on practicing these key tips & you’ll

be set!

1-3 YES’s=Congratulations!

You’ve definitely got an idea of what you need to do in order to be a

transformational leader. Keep working toward

your goal.

1-4 NO’s=Congratulations! Yes,

even you are on the road to becoming a

transformational leader. You know what it takes now, so go turn those

no’s into yes’s!




Servant LeadersQ & A

…you ask, we tell.

How are servant leaders different from

transformational leaders?

What is a servant leader’s job?

How do I become a servant leader?

I don’t understand the three “intrinsic” motivations.

One of the major differences between servant and transformational leaders is how exactly they execute their purpose. While a transformational leader finds him/herself leading through an inspiring vision and overall hope for success for the team, the servant leader steps back and recognizes the individual motivations for success among each of the team members.

Like any, a servant leader is responsible for inspiring his or her team members, sharing an overall vision and forming relationships that revolve around trust and understanding with others. Rather than focusing on the bigger picture throughout the entire process, a servant leader will take the time to find out what drives everyone to succeed. Whether it be empowerment, purpose, or perfectibility- a servant leader aims to understand what is motivating individual team members.

In order to ‘become’ a servant leader you must practice stepping back and allowing your team members to be driven by whatever intrinsic motivation is personal to them. You can create a positive and hard working environment for your group and practice focusing on the personal mission of your followers. This is often times considered a “quiet” leadership style, so don’t be afraid to trust the people your working with and be supportive of their vision just as much as your own.

Empowerment, perfectibility and purpose are three factors that can motivate individuals within a team. A servant leader respects a person who is driven through empowerment by giving them the freedom and stepping back, leading from behind rather than in front. Perfectibility refers to the concept of an individual mastering the task at hand. A servant leader understands that their main drive is to do their personal best. Lastly, in dealing with someone who is driven by purpose, a servant leader must be supportive in a team member making the connection between the task at hand and their greater purpose.


1. Get in the Mindset2.Get confident


4. develop momentum5. track progress


6. don’t be afraid to make mistakes

7. stay on track8. ONLY COMPARE YOU TO YOU

9. keep motivators around you

10. use rewards


The Leaders of Time

Princess Diana was a very influential person in which people looked up to her because of many of achievements but always remained humble throughout her royalty.

Michael Jordan was an outstanding basketball player of the Chicago bulls. Setting the bar for many athletes today. With his accomplishments of being a 12 time all-star, 10 time scoring champ with many more accomplishments following.

Barack Obama whose our president of today has been leading us in the right direction. He has changed interest rates, health care, taxes and debt along with federal spending.

‘80s ‘90s


picing Up Your elf-awarenessThe beautiful and talented Emma Stone played the role of Skeeter in the four Oscar nominated movie “The Help”. She was a very self aware character. She understood how the creation of her book would affect society as a whole but she also understood that it was all for a good cause. It would explode the harsh realties of it all and what most maids went through and Emma was more than aware of all of this.

Ways to Spice Up Your Self-Awareness

Understand those fiery emotionsUnderstand how you can make others feel on every levelKnow your needs and desires before trying to fulfill others Taking time to get to know yourself can help you form an attraction to others because you will know how to turn on the qualities that are most highlighting within yourself

Adam BarragatoInterview with the one and only Mr. Barragato, who is a perfect example of a transformational leader

“coffee lover, CMU Professor, Passion for Teaching, TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER!!!” Q. why do you think its so important to have high expectations from your students?

A: Having high expectations for my students is a key factor here in my classroom. I know that my students are capable of doing amazing things that they are not even aware of yet. I find that many students just do what is asked for in order to get the A or 4.0 on their project. I hate when students are restricted to certain requirements assigned for the task when they can do so much more! my students not only surprise me when I have higher expectations but they also surprise themselves.

Q. After the past couple of years teaching here at CMU you're known for providing amazing support and recognition to each student. How do you go about making sure each student feels you recognize their hard work and also support them?

A: I always try my best to make each student feel that their input and ideas are very important by recognizing their effort everyday in class and also offer support outside of the classroom. I always want my students to feel free at anytime to visit me in my office hours to discuss anything! It can range from talking about school issues or if you just want to talk about everyday life! I love to learn more about my students and where they come from, my students don't realize that I learn more from them everyday than I could read in any book. I recognize each student as a individual not as a number, because when a student feels like you truly care to get to know them and not treat them as a number it will make them feel more comfortable in the room and also gain the feeling of support and recognition.

Continued…Q: majority of students who have had you as a professor say you give them so much courage to try new things and to always step outside the box. why is encouragement's such an important factor in your classroom?

A: encouragement is a huge factor here in my classroom because i want my students to participate in class and also encourage other classmates. When you gain more courage it will make you try new things that you usually are scared of or never thought it was something you would be good at. And usually the things that take more courage to do are the things that are the most worthwhile and also change your life! you learn so much from new experiences and it sheds light on parts of yourself that were in the shadow before. a quote that i find extremely powerful and relates to having courage is "shoot for the moon, even if you miss you will land among the stars"

Q: how do you stir the emotions of your students in the classroom?A: I take note of when my classroom is not engaged on certain days and i will do my best to get them back on track and engaged. there will be certain days where the emotion in the classroom is high! Majority of the students will be sharing their emotions with the class and it will be reciprocated by the others students and they will start feeding off each others ideas and emotions. But there are always going to be the days when the students are just dead and exhausted from school, work, and trying to maintain a social life. So I will do anything to get emotion out of them for example the other day i did an impressive 5 minute free standing hand stand, I even did it with one hand at one point! NOW THAT IS POWERFUL

When being a sensitive sally isn't always a bad thing!(according to what makes a good leader by Daniel Goodman being empathetic or having empathy can be

to your advantage!)

1. When your friends get very upset about a

certain situation you know how to ease the

situation and make them feel better

2. You are able to understand why your friends feel strongly

for certain things and while others not so


3. You do not disregard your friends emotions when you may

not understand them at first. You always take the time to listen and fully understand

where they are coming from.

4. You take the time to get to know your group of friends on a more personal level because understanding where they are coming from and their background is important to you.

5. You're able to put yourself in their shoes

and gain a fuller understanding of where they are coming from.

Have you ever had any of your friends/past boyfriends always tell you that you’re too sensitive? Maybe you find yourself getting to emotionally involved with other people’s problems or emotions? If you do this is called having empathy. Empathy is when you are able to understand the

emotional makeup of other people and fully understand where they are coming from. Now we are going to list some real life examples of what empathy looks like.

These are all very important key traits to have in order to be a successful leader. Empathy

plays a huge role so if you can relate to any of these scenarios take advantage of it next time you have to be a leader! So

remember it’s not always bad to be a SENSITIVE SALLY!!!!

Social SkillCelebs that have lead change, built

teams & had a knack for persuasion

Ellen DeGeneres


Nelson Mandela

Christina Applegate

spent 27 years in jail before becoming South Africa's the

first democratically elected president. He won the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize with F.W. de Klerk for work in

peacefully ending the apartheid regime of

their country.

raises thousands of dollars each year

and builds awareness for breast cancer. She leads the

Right Action for Women campaign and shows people the importance of


has been building and maintaining teams of

good efforts within her show for years. She supports numerous

organizations and uses television as a great

way to persuade millions of people at


I n d i c a t i o n o f Sel f R e g u l a t i o n


Our editors will be accepting letters and emails from readers who think they have the best example of a person who shows self regulation! This can be a family member, friend, or even a celebrity. In the upcoming issue of TABLOID, a winner will be chosen and offered an all expense paid vacation to Bora Bora!

We are looking for someone who demonstrates:

• Openness to change• Comfort with ambiguity• Trustworthiness and integrity

Leadership Wordsearch!

Your Editors: Team High Five

Alex Bree Taylor Lucy Deja
