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Yesterday's school …

The history of a school is written by each generation that passes through its gates.

Our school was founded in the year 1948 under the name of Textile Vocational School. Through the years it has prepared qualified workforce for the light industry, making a name for itself through the rigurous and serious professional training as well as responsibility and respect for each individual´s personality.

In the year 1969 the school had over 2000 pupils , covering the whole range of specializations from the light industry :

spinning, weaving, knitted readymade products, weaved readymade products, clockmakers and shoemakers.

Over the years The Vocational Textile School from Arad under the patronaje of M.I.U. Has prepared qualified workers for different factories from Arad and the whole counry : F.C.

Arad, Tricoul Roşu Arad,U.T.A., F.C. Odorheiul Secuiesc, F.C. Baia Mare, F. C. Botoşani.

Together with the Vocational School strating the year 1974 it functions the Industrial Highschool "30 Decembrie" with two classes : a class with the profle spinning-weaving and a class with the profile readymade roducts , a day time class as

well as an evening class.

Also in the years 70-'80 it had also functioned post secondary education classes (spinning) and foremen classes.

Names in Time

1948-1955 – Textile Vocational School

1956-1957 –Vocational Appentices School „30 Decembrie”

1958-1962 – Vocational Mechanics School of the Textile Factory„30 Decembrie”

1963-1966 – Textile Vocational School „30 Decembrie”

1967-1977 – Textile Vocational School

1978-1984 – Vocational Technical School M.I.U.

1985-1992 – Industrial Highschool„30 Decembrie”

1993-1995 – Vocational Technical Highschool n0. 13

1996-2001 - Vocational Technical Light indusry Highschool

2002 – 2012- Vocational Technical Highschool “Francisc Neuman”

2012-Technological Highschool “Francisc Neuman”

The destiny of Neuman family was tightly linked with the destiny of our school.

Francisc Neuman was born in 1910, eing the third chil of Neuman family , a jewish family that was ennobled in byFranz Iosif for remarkable merits in the economy of teh Auastro-Hungarian Empire. In1928 he started his studies in England to become a textile engineer. He came back to finish his studies in the country to help with the family´s bisiness.

He proved to be a real talent in management of the textile factory(ITA) and in the management of the yeast and denaturated alcohol factory (Indagrara) and he brings wealth for the family.

The remarkable personality of the , his involvment in the economic, cultoral , sporting life of the town as well as the developent of the textile industry from Arad, justifies the option for the name of the school.

Today´s School

Being situated in an historical part of Arad, the historical centre

„Francisc Neuman” Highschool is a school

with tradition in the vocational and

technological eduacation from Arad , the

uniqueness of the profile, gave our school a

special place in the eduactional system .

Educational fields

1. Textile and leather indusry

• Designer

• Textile indusry designer

2. Commerce

• Technicain in aquisitions and contracts

3. Estetics an human body higene

• Stylist

• barber-hair dresser-manicurist -pedicurist

Classes: 21

Pupils: 448

Teachers : 42

AUXILIARy Pesonnel : 7

Staff : 15

Being in a countinuous

process of modernization ,

with a flexible eduacational

offer, adapted to the

requirements of the

community and in the intress

of the pupils „Francisc

Neuman” highschool remains

a viable school in the

competition from the

educational market .


The school has 21 classrooms and laboratories that have the

appropriate material base for a quality and modern learnig process , two

informatics labs with a network of computers connected to the inernet , a ym

a library , a councelling space and a consulting room. To all these we can add

our own practical base formed of 5 workshops( confections and estetics) with

121 machines , a shop where we present our products that is situaton Lucian

Blaga Street.

The school has its own boarding school - 160 places and a canteen

with the capacity of serving 160 people.

Speciality Labs

Biology Lab

Math Lab

Chemistry Lab

IT lab


School Shop

Aesthetics Lab

Aesthetics Lab

From school´s activities...Balul Bobocilor

We pomote the traditions of the school through our

extracurrricular activities

The Firms Fair

We Promote the antreprenorial spirit

The Education Fair We promote the educational offer of the


Open Gates Day we promote the activities of our school

Proiecte educative şi activităţi de voluntariat derulate în colaborare cu partenerii noştri:

Stop abuzului, Împreună pentru nonviolenţă, Noi în Europa, Crăciunul pe glob, Îţi stă în putere

să alegi, Săptămâna familiei, Unitate în diversitate, Întoarcere la rădăcini, Prezent şi activ, Fii

corect, trăieşte în siguranţă, Proiectul antidrog ,,Împreună”, Olimpiada verde, Fii ecologic, Şcoli

pentru un viitor verde, Dăruind vei dobândi, Jocurile inocenţei, Primăvara speranței, Let’s do itRomânia etc.

Promovarea valorilor

europeneCreşterea interesului

reprezentanţilor mediului de

afaceri pentru formarea

profesională iniţială şi continuă,

dezvoltarea de noi parteneriate şi

schimbul de bune practici

Paper collection, Willow Ranches Collection …

National Symposium Expectative

Expanding the inerest of the business market in forming and expanding the

continuous professional training as well as developing new partnerships

Europe´s Day

Promoting European Values

Festivalul Naţional al Şanselor Tale

Promoting, recognising and implementing life-long learning


School´s Day Promoting school´s activities and

meeting former teachers





The magazine “ Atitudini “ is

published in a new series and since

2010 has ISSN number. ItS pages

bring to light the students ´ activities ,

educational and european , school´s

life , olympiads , results obtained in

educational contests, cultural themes,

sporting events and of course projects (

in textile, services and aesthetics ,

presented in an attractive format

having the purpose to present the

community the image of a school the

combines in a marvellous way

tradition and modernity

Atitudini “Magazine ...



The priorities of today and tomorrow´s school can be synthesized in key questions of the type ; How do provide the students with the key competences , which are the xx-th century competences , how do we motivate life-long learning , how does the school answer the cultural diversity, how does the school help to form active European citizens , how do we relate with the labour market and how do we develop specific competences and attitudes ?

The European Projects contribute at the promotion of European dimension in education through cooperation and targets the multicultural aspect and conserving the national identity , good practicies exchanges and innovative teaching elements .

European Projects at “Francisc Neuman


Europen Projects at “Francisc Neuman “ Highschool

Proiect Leonardo da Vinci: “Furnizarea de Învăţare pe Tot Parcursul Vieţii pentru

Viitorii Antreprenori“-Providing life-long learning for future entrepreneurs

Proiect Leonardo da Vinci:”Experienţe de învăţare pentru abilităţi îmbunătăţite„-

Lerning experiences for improved abilities

„Politici de implementare a egalităţii de şanse în educaţie”- Equaltiy of chances

implementation policies

Proiect Leonardo da Vinci: “Îmbunătăţirea competenţelor cadrelor didactice din

domeniul textil pentru o dimensiune europeană în educaţie"

Proiect Leonardo da Vinci:“Îmbunătăţirea calităţii în domeniul estetica şi igiena

corpului omenesc”-The improvement of the quality in the aesthetics and human higene field

Proiect Comenius: “Modă şi artă”-Fashion and Art

Proiect Consiliul Europei: „Momente Cheie din Istoria Europei”-Key moments in

European History

„Primăvara Europeană”-European Spring

Asistenţă germană nerambursabilă - German non-reimbursed assistance

Parteneriat Leonardo da Vinci: “Co-Building a Good Guidance”


„Tinerii împotriva violenţei”-Youth against violence

“ Paşaport pentru catedră “- Passport for the lecturing desk

“ Îmbunătăţirea calităţii şi formării profesionale prin reţele

parteneriale “ – The improvement of the quality and professional

formation through partnership networks

„Şcoala românească mediu incluziv” –The Romanian school in

the inclusivity environment

„Şcoala vine la tine acasă” - The school comes to your house

„Studiu privind inserţia socio-profesională a absolvenţilor de

învăţământ profesional şi tehnic„ - Study on the socio-professional

insertion of the graduates from the vocational and technological


„Corelarea ofertei educaţionale a învăţământului profesional şi

tehnic cu cerinţele pieţei muncii „ -The correlation of the educational

offer of the vocational and technological education with the labour


„Formarea continuă a profesorilor de matematică în societatea

cunoaşterii” –The continuous formation of the math teachers in the

knowledge society

”Formarea cadrelor didactice în domeniul evaluării competențelor profesionale- The teachers´formation in professional competences


The improvement of the initial

educational formation , through the

implementation of (EQARF)

In a space and with an

adequate material base , guided by a

teaching staff with the abilty to

adapt to new realities , the students

of this school , future citizens in the

European space , ensure this

institution with tradition the

certainty of the future.



Str. Sava Tekelia, nr. 1

Tel. 0257-281.942, Fax. 0257-280.887
